This document lists various collective nouns used to describe groups of animals. Some examples include:
- A clowder of cats
- A colony of ants, bacteria, badgers, and other animals that live in colonies
- An army of ants, caterpillars, and frogs
- A band of birds and gorillas
- A drove of goats, hares, oxen, pigs, and sheep
- A flock of birds, camels, chickens, ducks, geese, and sheep
This document lists various collective nouns used to describe groups of animals. Some examples include:
- A clowder of cats
- A colony of ants, bacteria, badgers, and other animals that live in colonies
- An army of ants, caterpillars, and frogs
- A band of birds and gorillas
- A drove of goats, hares, oxen, pigs, and sheep
- A flock of birds, camels, chickens, ducks, geese, and sheep
This document lists various collective nouns used to describe groups of animals. Some examples include:
- A clowder of cats
- A colony of ants, bacteria, badgers, and other animals that live in colonies
- An army of ants, caterpillars, and frogs
- A band of birds and gorillas
- A drove of goats, hares, oxen, pigs, and sheep
- A flock of birds, camels, chickens, ducks, geese, and sheep
This document lists various collective nouns used to describe groups of animals. Some examples include:
- A clowder of cats
- A colony of ants, bacteria, badgers, and other animals that live in colonies
- An army of ants, caterpillars, and frogs
- A band of birds and gorillas
- A drove of goats, hares, oxen, pigs, and sheep
- A flock of birds, camels, chickens, ducks, geese, and sheep
CLASSIFICAÇÃO colony - of ants (de formigas), of bacteria (de bacté- rias), of badgers (de texugos), of beavers (de casto- Collective Nouns res), of gulls (de gaivotas), of penguins (de pinguins), of rabbits (de coelhos), of rats (de ratos) 2. Animals (animais) aerie - of hawks (de falcões) company - of moles (de toupeiras), of parrots (de papagaios) ambush - of tigers (de tigres) crash - of hippopotami (de hipopótamos), of rhino- army - of ants (de formigas), of caterpillars (de lagar- ceri (de rinocerontes) tas), of frogs (de sapos) culture - of bacteria (de bactérias) array - of hedgehogs (de ouriços) den - of snakes (de cobras) bale - of turtles (de tartarugas) descent - of woodpeckers (de pica-paus) band - of birds (de aves), of gorillas (de gorilas) down - of hares (de lebres), of sheep (de ovelhas) barren - of mules (de mulas) dray - of squirrels (de esquilos) bed - of clams (de moluscos), of oysters (de ostras), of snakes (de cobras) drove - of goats (de cabras, de bodes), of hares (de le- bres), of oxen (de bois), of pigs (de porcos), of sheep bevy - of doves (de pombos), of otters (de lontras), of (de ovelhas) swans (de cisnes) family - of otters (de lontras) bloat - of hippopotami (de hipopótamos) flight - of bees (de abelhas) brood - of chicks (de pintos), of chickens (de gali- nhas), of hens (de galinhas) float - of crocodiles (de crocodilos) bury - of conies (de coelhos), of rabbits (de coelhos) flock - of birds (de pássaros), of camels (de camelos), of chickens (de galinhas), of ducks (de patos), of gee- cete - of badgers (de texugos) se (de gansos), of sheep (de ovelhas) charm - of hummingbirds (de beija-flores) flush - of ducks (de patos) clan - of hyenas (de hienas) gaggle - of geese (de gansos) cloud - of gnats (de mosquitos) gam - of whales (de baleias)