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Ehb 2020 PDF

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For regular updates please visit website

Phones 022 – 26544200/ 26541154
Online Examination Schedule for the year 2020

Exam Month & Year

Steps & Details March - June - September December
2020 2020 - 2020 - 2020
Registration (New
Candidates) *
Subject Enrollment
6th to 13th 7th to 14th 5th to 12th
(Payment of fees) 6th to 13th
1 January April October
Change of Centre ** July 2020
2020 2020 2020
Change of Subject **
(subject having similar
credit points)
Slot Booking - Book date
1st to 7th 2nd to 8th 1st to 7th 2nd to 9th
& time of the
2 February May August November
examination for enrolled
2020 2020 2020 2020
5th 5th
7th March, 6th June,
Saturday September, December,
2020 2020
2020 2020
6th 6th
8th March, 7th June,
Sunday September, December,
Examination 2020 2020
2020 2020
3 Day &
14th 13th 12th 12th
Saturday March, June, September, December,
2020 2020 2020 2020
15th 14th 13th 13th
Sunday March, June, September, December,
2020 2020 2020 2020
Last date to receive
28th 30th 31st 30th
Scribe request for
4 February, May, August, November,
2020 2020 2020 2020
Challenged candidates
30th 29th 30th 30th
Result to be declared on
5 March, June, September, December,
or before
2020 2020 2020 2020
*New candidates have to first register as a member with III and then pay the
paper enrollment fees. Please refer "Help Manual for New Candidates" available
under Help Desk menu for help.

**Candidates can change centre & subject using own login id on or before last
date of enrollment.
For any queries regarding Online Examination, please mail at mrm@iii.org.in
or call on below mentioned numbers.90

For Professional Examination related queries:- 022- 26544 230 / 238 / 239 / 244
/ 248 / 250.

For Surveyor Examination related queries:- 022- 26544 232 / 274 / 215.

The examinations for the following certificate courses shall be conducted only
in June & December every year.
(1) Advanced Diploma in Life Insurance Underwriting
(2) Certificate Course on Compliance, Governance and Risk Management in
Insurance (IRCC).

Important Note:-
The dates given above are tentative and may be changed if required.
(For Overseas & SAARC Centres only)

Sr. Description May-2020 November-

No. 2020
Dates Dates
1 Registration & Enrollment starts from 01/02/2020 01/08/2020
2 Last Date for enrollment of papers and
application for claiming exemption 28/02/2020 31/08/2020

3 Last date for change of Subject/Centre

without fees 28/02/2020 31/08/2020

4 Last date for Withdrawal from

Examinations under Regulation 2.12 (c) 10/03/2020 10/09/2020

5 Last Date for enrollment by all

candidates with Late Fees Rs.800/- for 20/03/2020 20/09/2020
every request.

6 Last date for ONLINE change of centre

with Tatkal Late fees Rs.1200/- for 05/04/2020 05/10/2020
every request.
7 09/05/2020 07/11/2020
(Saturday) (Saturday)

10/05/2020 08/11/2020
Examination Dates (Sunday) (Sunday)

16/05/2020 14/11/2020
(Saturday) (Saturday)

Declaration of Offline Examinations Result – Within 45 days from last

Examination Date.
For attention of the Candidates
All Candidates are advised to CREATE AN INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT (Login
Id) on the website www.insuranceinstituteofindia.com to register and enroll for
examinations, if not created earlier.
1. Please preserve the Login Id and password for accessing the website in
2. Registered candidates are not required to create their profile, as it is
already available with the Institute. Registered candidates should (a
onetime exercise) map their profile with the login id by providing the
Registration Id and Date of Birth after login.
3. For any reason if the candidate is unable to process the mapping, he/ she
may contact the Institute with the following details through email to
1. Registration Id
2. Name of the candidate
3. Date of Birth
4. Last Examination enrolled / appeared
4. Fresh Candidates have to create their profile after login and before
Help Manual for fresh candidates and candidates already registered is
available on website www.insuranceinstituteofindia.com Homepage
under Helpdesk menu.
Candidate’s photo in profile
All registered candidates have to upload their photograph [Size: Height
152 pixels X Width 133 pixels, Size up to 25KB, Extension - (.jpg)] on their
profile, as photograph is essential to print on attendance sheet, hall ticket
& certificates etc. The candidates are advised to upload their photograph
using their own login only.
Candidates having multiple Registration Ids. are requested to write to
mrm@iii.org.in for consolidation of Credit Points (CP’s) accumulated under
various Registration Ids. into one Registration Id. The proof of CP’s
accumulated should be sent to III alongwith request, for verification.

FORGOT Login id: In case login id is forgotten after creating the same, click
on Sign in and on next screen click on Forgot Username (Registered
Candidates). Provide Registration Id and Date of Birth. Login id will be sent
to registered email id /mobile number.

RESET Password: In case password for login is forgotten click on Sign in and
on next screen click on Reset Password. Provide Login id. Password will be
sent to registered email id.

Sr. Particulars Page.

No. Nos.
1 About Insurance Institute of India 1
2 Regulations 8
3 Professional Examinations 18
4 Important Information About Examinations 22
5 Pre-Licensing Test for Insurance Surveyors & Loss 23
6 On-Line Registration / Enrollment 25
7 Credit Point System of Examinations 28
8 Structure for Qualifying Examinations 32
9 Credits for Prior Learning in Professional Examinations 33
10 Diploma – Associateship & Fellowship 42
11 Specialized Diploma 43
12 Purchase of Study Material, E-Learning Material & 49
Web Coaching Facility
13 Table of Fees 53
14 Offline Examination Time Table (For Overseas Centres 56
15 List of Subjects/Papers & Question Paper Pattern 62
16 Prize Scheme 65
17 Cross Recognition of Institute Qualifications 71
18 Essay Writing Competitions 72
19 Continuing Professional Development Programme (III- 75
20 List of Centre Code & Exam Centres - Offline & 80
Online Examination
21 List of Associated Institutes / Affiliated Institutes / 86
Accredited Learning Centres (ALCs)

The Insurance Institute of India was established in 1955 for the purpose of
imparting insurance education to persons engaged or interested in insurance.
1. The main objectives of Insurance Institute of India are:
i. To run the College of Insurance and conduct Examinations in
insurance theory and practice and related subjects for awarding
certificates, diplomas and degrees to those interested in insurance.
ii. To prepare and supply reading materials and similar other educative
methods for encouraging and assisting the study of any subject bearing
on any branch of insurance.
iii. To form and maintain a Library.
iv. To offer scholarships, grants and prizes for research or any other
educational work bearing on insurance.
2. Membership: There are at present 91 Associated Insurance Institutes
spread all over the country. The Sri Lanka Insurance Institute and Financial
Institutions Training Institute Ltd., Bhutan are affiliated to I.I.I. The
members of the Associated Institutes and the Affiliated Institutes
automatically become the members of I.I.I.
3. Governing Body: The Governing Body of I.I.I is its Council, which
functions through its Committees, the Administration Committee and the
Board of Education. The Board of Education is the supreme body in all
matters relating to education and examinations.
4. College of Insurance is an institution of higher learning in Insurance.
Training on Life Insurance subjects, General Insurance subjects and various
Management subjects is provided to insurance personnel at different levels.
5. Accredited Learning Centres are formed to fulfill the Institute objectives
in providing study materials, training and tuition facilities and other
learning aids to the candidates who prepare for the Institute’s examination.
6. Examinations: The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
India (IRDAI) and the insurers in India and abroad recognize certificates
and diplomas issued by III to candidates.
These qualifications are also recognized by similar Institutes e.g. Chartered
Insurance Institute (CII) in U.K., Life Office Management Association
(LOMA), American Institute of Chartered Property and Casualty
Underwriters (CPCU) now called as The Institutes in U.S.A. and Insurance
Institute of Canada. (For more details please refer Chapter 17 to “Cross
Recognition of III Qualifications”).
7. a. The IRDAI has recognized the Institute as the examining body to conduct
pre-recruitment examinations for Insurance Agents, Corporate Agents,
Web Aggregators, Insurance Marketing Firm (IMF) & Renewal of
Insurance Broker exams as well as Pre-licensing test for Insurance
Examination Handbook |1
Surveyors and Loss Assessors.
b. The Directorate of Postal Life Insurance, New Delhi has authorised
Insurance Institute of India to develop the course material for Postal Life
Insurance Agents and also recognized the Institute as the examination body
to conduct licensing examination of Postal Life Insurance Agents.
8. Online Examinations: Online examinations are conducted for all the
Papers from Licentiate to Fellowship examination in India. Candidate
interested in taking up ONLINE examinations should indicate their option
while enrolling for papers on III website. However, the offline exam will
continue in overseas centres.
Examination for Specialised Diploma on - Marine Insurance, Fire
Insurance, Health Insurance, Certificate Programme in Advanced Insurance
Marketing (CPAIM), Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Life Insurance
Underwriting, Certificate Course on Compliance, Governance and Risk
Management in Insurance, Certificate Course on Foundation of Casualty
Actuarial Science and Specialized Diploma Course on Casualty Actuarial
Science available/conducted through online only.
9. Study Materials: The Study Material for the subjects prescribed for
examinations are available in the form of Books / eBooks (Licentiate level)
/ e-Learning / web coaching (for some subjects). The registered members
of III can purchase the Study Material online at
www.insuranceinstituteofindia.com or from Associated Institutes.
10. Research: The III encourages research and advanced studies in the area of
insurance and related subjects.
• The S.K. Desai Memorial Medal and Prize is awarded to the best
essay or work of research on any area of insurance or related subjects.
• The D. Subrahmaniam Award is given to the best essay or work of
research submitted by members who are not more than 45 years of age.
• The III invites original technical papers on specified insurance related
topics. The author / authors of papers of high quality are invited to
attend the annual conference of the Institute.
• III encourages Associated Institutes to organize research / advanced
studies in Insurance on a project basis. The reports of approved projects
are published and released at the annual conference.
11. Research Grant: In order to promote academic excellence and research in
the area of insurance and allied areas, III has established a system to provide
Research Grants/Award for candidates pursuing Doctoral Studies in
Insurance Domain. The grants are provided under the following categories:
1. Research grant for pursuing doctoral studies - Full time
2. Research grant for pursuing doctoral studies - Part time
3. One time Research grant for JRF candidates – General
All the grants and awards are specifically designated for encouraging
Examination Handbook |2
research in the domain of Insurance and allied areas, detailed guidelines
and application format is available on the website
www.insuranceinstituteofindia.com, coi.org.in, queries related to grants
can be addressed to research@iii.org.in.
12. Prizes: Different prizes are awarded for outstanding performance in
different Examinations. Please refer Chapter 16 for more details.
13. Knowledge Management Center: Institute has formed Knowledge
Management Centre to arrange seminars on insurance and related subjects,
to conduct research work on various technical subjects of Insurance, to
maintain library and to publish journal and e-newsletters.
 Library – The Library has a special collection of books (more than
8000) in the subject of insurance, management, Economics, Banking
and finance. The library also has a collection of Case Studies in
insurance and related subjects and CDs. A premium collection of books
includes the publications of the Witherby Publishers, Lloyds, London
and publications of eminent international institutes such as the
Chartered Insurance Institute (CII London), American Institute for
Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (AICPCU), Life Office
Management Association (LOMA), Life Insurance and Market
Research Association (LIMRA) and Institute of Actuaries of India
The library has subscribed to magazines/periodicals on insurance,
finance, management, banking, pensions, economics, risk management
and other subjects.
Library facility is available for III members, participants of various
programs of the College of Insurance, Insurance Professionals, and
Researchers, College students, Educational Institutes/Colleges,
Corporates, Faculty members and III Staff.
Library has introduced 2 types of memberships.
 An Online Lending Library (OLL) under which books are delivered
and picked up from the members within 48 hours from the date of order
of issue and return respectively. The library members are provided with
a login id and password to access the OLL. This facility is available to
members residing in Mumbai and also outside Mumbai. It gives the
flexibility to order, renew and return books online. Books on Insurance,
Management, Banking, Finance and Economics are available for the
members and more books being added from time to time. OLL offers
free home delivery and book pick up service to its members anywhere
in India.
 Group Corporate Membership (GCM) This facility is for corporates
having multiple branches across India. Under the GCM, the companies
are given multiple logins to use the library facility. III ensures free
delivery and pickup of books within 48 hours from the date of order.

Examination Handbook |3
Companies can also order back issues of the last 6 months of National
/ International journals on insurance / finance / management. A
maximum of 20 books are issued to companies at any point of time.
For details, please contact at 022-26544290 and email –

 Journal - The Journal of the Insurance Institute of India is published

every quarter. Two issues i.e. January-March and July-September are
theme based, April – June is non-thematic and the October-December
issue contains award winning articles of essay writing competition
conducted every year. The themes of two issues are decided well in
advance by the Publication committee and published on III’s website.

 e-Newsletter
InsuNews Weekly eNewsletter– The library collects the news from
ISource, Asia Insurance Review, the IRDAI website, newspapers, etc.
Newsletter contains categories like Insurance Industry in general, the
IRDAI Regulations, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, General
Insurance, Motor Insurance, Crop Insurance, Reinsurance, Survey,
Insurance Cases, Opinion, Interview, IRDAI Circulars and Global
News. It endeavors to give the complete news with the URL of the
newspaper source.

 Happenings at the Institute –This newsletter contains monthly

happenings in the Institute and associated institutes like seminars,
insurance awareness camps, trainings, workshops, visit to other
institutes etc. This can be viewed by login to III’s portal.

14. Research Centre for Insurance Studies: I.I.I’s College of Insurance has
established a research centre for carrying out research studies in insurance
and allied areas.
The primary objective of this centre is to promote and conduct research in
Insurance and allied areas and to undertake projects or studies that would
be useful for specific policy making and decision making for the insurance
industry. The centre also aims to promote excellence in research in
Insurance studies and related areas across the country and support the cause
of disseminating knowledge in this specialized field. Some of the broad
areas of Insurance research that are identified for research are life, pension,
health, property, other non-life insurance, rural & social sector, reinsurance
& best practices in customer service.
Some of the activities that come under purview of the research centre are
publications of books/monograph on various aspects of insurance, conduct
primary & secondary research & publish research project report,

Examination Handbook |4
development of case studies and publishing proceedings of seminars and
conference organized by College of Insurance.

15. Ph.D. in Business Management: Insurance Institute of India (III) is a

recognized Research Center of the University of Mumbai for Ph.D. in
Business Management. The Ph.D. Degree will be awarded by the
University of Mumbai in the subject “Business Management” under the
Commerce Department. The Ph.D. Program is offered on a part-time basis.
As per University norms, candidates who not completed their M. Phil need
to do an initial 6-month course work. III has Faculty members approved as
Research Guide by the University of Mumbai.

16. Post Graduate Diploma in Health Insurance (PGDHI)

Introduction: Post Graduate Diploma in Health Insurance (PGDHI) is an

intensive one year (2 semesters) part time post graduate program that
prepares students for a specialized career in Health Insurance.

The Insurance Institute of India, together with the University of Mumbai’s

Mumbai School of Economics and Public Policy (Autonomous) had jointly
launched the “PGDHI” program in 2013-14. The course has been designed
to create a cache of professionals who can work in multiple areas in the
sunrise sector of Health Insurance.

Eligibility: Graduates in any faculty are eligible. Students appearing in their

final year degree examination are also allowed to apply*. Fresher’s can join
the course for making a career in the Health Insurance sector. Working
professionals (including medical doctors) in the health insurance sector are
welcome to join this course to upgrade their professional qualifications,
knowledge and for career advancement [*subject to their passing the

Class Room Delivery and Research Project: The program is a blend of

Class Room sessions and a Research Project. Attending class room sessions
is mandatory. The course essentially includes forty-eight hours of classroom
delivery which is mandatory for each of the seven theory papers, a research
project and assignments. The classroom sessions are delivered in the III
campus at Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai on the weekends, i.e. Saturdays
and Sundays (full day).

PGDHI Diploma: On successful completion of the course the Diploma

would be awarded jointly by the Mumbai School of Economics and Public
Policy (Autonomous), University of Mumbai and the Insurance Institute of
India. 6 batches of PGDHI have already passed out and placed. The 7th batch

Examination Handbook |5
is underway and registration for admission to the 8th batch (academic year
2020-21) is open. Classes are scheduled to commence with effect from the
month of August, 2020. For queries, please mail pgdhi@iii.org.in

Course Fee & Cash Award Prize Scheme

The course fee is Rs. 45,375/-

The 1979 batch of GIC Direct Recruit Officers (GIC DRO) has instituted a
cash prize of Rs.15,000/- for the best performing candidate of III-PGDHI.

17. Post Graduate Diploma in Insurance Marketing (PGDIM)

Introduction: Insurance Institute of India (College of Insurance), Mumbai

and Mumbai School of Economics and Public Policy (Autonomous) of
University of Mumbai jointly offering this programme.

The course is designed to give students a firm grounding in the fundamentals

of marketing and insurance specific applications of marketing. This will be
done by providing a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of insurance
and familiarizing them with different types of insurance business and their
characteristics. The students will be acquainted with the specific
applications of insurance principles in life, health and general insurance
which will give them an in depth understanding of the characteristics of the
Indian market.

The PGDIM course will enable students to understand the challenges and
operational realities of Marketing insurance in the Indian social / economic
/ regulatory scenario.

Eligibility: Graduates in any discipline are eligible. Students appearing in

their final year degree examination are also allowed to apply*. Fresher can
join the course for making a career in the Insurance sector. Working
professionals in life/general insurance sector are welcome to join this course
to upgrade their professional qualifications, knowledge and for career
advancement [* subject to their passing the examination].

Class Room Delivery and Research Project: The program is a blend of

classroom sessions (2 semesters) and a Research Project work under the
guidance of senior practitioners. The course essentially includes forty-eight
hours of classroom delivery which is mandatory for each of the eight theory
papers, a research project and assignments. The classroom sessions are
delivered in III campus at Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai on the
weekends, i.e. Saturdays and Sundays (full day).

Examination Handbook |6
PGDIM Diploma: On successful completion of the course the Diploma
would be awarded jointly by the Insurance Institute of India and the Mumbai
School of Economics and Public Policy (Autonomous), University of

Course Fee & Cash Award Prize Scheme

The fees for the programme is Rs.45,375/-

A Cash prize of Rs.15,000/- to the best overall performing candidate has

been sponsored by the 1979 Batch GIC Direct Recruit Officers (GIC DRO).

The course has been launched from the academic year 2018-19. Admissions
are open for academic year 2020-21 and applications are invited from
interested candidates. Classes are scheduled to commence with effect from
the month of August, 2020. For queries, please mail pgdim@iii.org.in

Scholarships are offered by the Institute to deserving students under defined

economic criteria.

Examination Handbook |7
1. These regulations are applicable for the following Examinations conducted
by III.
 Licentiate, Associateship & Fellowship.
 Certificate in Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science (Non-Life)
 Specialized Diploma in Marine Insurance
 Specialized Diploma in Fire Insurance
 Specialized Diploma in Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science
 Certificate Programme in Advanced Insurance Marketing Course
 Specialized Diploma in Health Insurance
 Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Life Insurance Underwriting
 Certificate Course on Compliance, Governance and Risk Management
in Insurance.
 Certified Insurance Anti-Fraud Professional (CIAFP)
2. Life Membership: Only Life Members of the Associated Institutes and
Affiliated Institutes can appear for the examinations of the III. Persons
residing or working at a place where there is an Associated Institute (For
more details please refer Chapter 21 and also available on III website under
Affiliates menu) have to be Life Member of that Institute only. Persons who
reside or work at a place where there is no Institute can become Life
Member of an Institute near to their place of residence or work.
For online application, candidates are requested to select their Associated
Institute nearer to their place of work or place of residence. Foreign
candidates can select any of the Associated Institutes in India,
Financial Institutions Training Institute Ltd. (Thimpu, Bhutan) or Sri
Lanka Insurance Institute (Colombo Sri Lanka).
Life Membership Fees of Associated Institute is included in first
registration fees.
3. (a) Enrollment for examination:
(i) Candidate can register and enroll for the examination by availing
on-line registration facility through III website. The details of on-
line registration are given under a separate topic of On-Line
Registration in this Handbook (Chapter 6)
(ii) Candidate can also submit their examination entry form to the
local Associated Institute nearest to their residence or work place
along with the fees as given in Table of Fees. Entry form is
available on website for download.
(b) Registration Fee: Candidates registering for the Institute’s
Examination Handbook |8
examinations for the first time are required to pay registration fees as
given in the Table of Fees. Please note Life Membership fee is
included in Registration fee.
With effect from the October/ November, 2010 examination, it has
been decided to charge one time Registration fee in lieu of Diploma
fees for Associateship and similarly for Fellowship examination while
enrolling for any one of the compulsory papers. Candidates who have
paid Registration fee at Associate / Fellow level will not be required to
pay any separate fees towards Diploma subsequently.
The Registration Id will remain valid for all future examinations.
CPAIM: i) One time Life Membership Fee and ii) One time
Registration fee till the registration is valid. (Registration of CPAIM is
valid for 5 years).
4. Enrollment for Examination: When the results of an examination are
announced, candidates appeared for the examination will be intimated
through email / SMS at the email id / mobile no. registered with the
Institute. Certificates and Diplomas for the successful candidate at
Licentiate, Associateship and Fellowship examinations shall be sent by
ordinary post, at the correspondence address updated in the profile of
the candidate.
Candidates can enroll for the next examination using any of the
following options:
i. ONLINE at III’s website:www.insuranceinstituteofindia.com (Refer
to Help Desk Menu for more details on website) or
ii. Through Associated Institutes / Affiliated Institutes/ ALCs.
Foreign candidates are advised to register / enroll for Professional
Examinations through ONLINE/Associated Institutes/Affiliated
Institutes/ ALCs.
Pre-licensing test for Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors on behalf
Candidates enrolled with IRDAI can apply for Surveyor Examination
through online. Candidates can register/enroll and make payment for
Surveyor Examination / Papers through online option available on III
Website. For more details please refer to Help Desk menu on website.
For enrollment & slot/subject booking please refer Calendar of Important
Dates - Online Examination Schedule for the year 2020 or visit III
website for more details.
5. Requirement for passing the examination: Passing Marks for all the
subjects/papers of objective type Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)
(On-line/ Off-line) is 60% & above. The duration of examination is 2 hours.
If a candidate obtains at least 75% of the maximum marks in any subject,
he/ she will be deemed to have passed with Distinction in that subject.
Examination Handbook |9
Certificates / Diplomas will be issued to candidates only on their obtaining
minimum required Credit Points and passing compulsory subjects. AIII and
FIII Diploma will be awarded within a month after declaration of result.
6. Time Limit: There is no time limit for passing the professional
examinations of the III. However, credit points will be valid only for five
years from the date of passing the subject. After passing Associateship
Examination, validity of the credit points of the subject passed earlier (till
accumulation of 250 credit points) shall remain permanent, however
thereafter to qualify for Fellowship Examination, candidate must acquire
additional 240 credit points (including compulsory papers) within a time
limit of seven years.
For Certificate Program in Advanced Insurance Marketing (CPAIM)
Examination candidates have to pass Basic Level within 18 months from
the registration date and Intermediate Level within 36 months from
registration and Advanced level within 5 years from 1st registration.
Registration is valid for 5 years.
7. Time Table: The Examination time table for the year 2020 shall also be
available on I.I.I. website: www.insuranceinstituteofindia.com
“In the off-line exam time-table, more than one paper may be slated for the
same time. While enrolling and selecting the subjects, the candidates must
satisfy themselves that there is no clash in the time table for the subjects
chosen by them. In the event of a clash of timing & date, candidates should
select a different subject. No refund or carry forward of examination fee is
permitted due to wrong or unsuitable selection.
The Board of Education reserves the right to alter and / or amend the
dates, venue of the examinations. Such changes or alteration will be
intimated to Associated Institutes and also posted on the website of III.
Candidates will not be advised individually. No application for refund of
the fees will be accepted on the ground of postponement or changes in the
examination schedules.
8. Admission Cards: Admission cards (Hall Tickets) for offline examination
will be available:
On website www.insuranceinstituteofindia.com two weeks prior to the
examination. Candidate can download the Examination Admission Cards
(Hall Ticket) from website after login.
No hardcopy of hall ticket will be sent to candidate by post.
On-Line exam candidates can download their hall ticket at the time of
slot booking.
The candidates are requested to update their mobile number and
email-id in the profile created by them to receive information
regarding their Admission Cards / result etc.

Examination Handbook |10

9. In case candidates are unable to get Admission Card (Hall Ticket), they
are requested to send the scanned receipt of payment of fees along with
copy of print out of enrolled papers as mentioned in 4 (b)-(Note) above
to mrm@iii.org.in for issuance of Admission Card. The Admission
Card will be sent to the email through which the request has come to
10. Certificate of Attendance: A Certificate of Attendance will be issued only
to the candidates by the Presiding Officers or by the authorized Invigilators,
who have opted for offline mode of examination.
However for the candidates who are enrolled to appear for online mode of
examination, Center Incharge or the Invigilator at the center shall affix
rubber stamp and will also sign the hall ticket carried by the candidate to
the examination venue. This shall be treated as one of the proof of candidate
taking the examination.
No request for separate certificate will be entertained either by the I.I.I or
by the Associated Institute.
11. Examination Centres:
(a) Examination will be held only at such places where satisfactory
arrangements can be conveniently made for conducting the
examinations and where there are sufficient numbers of candidates.
Further, the Board of Education reserves the right to reduce the number
of examination centres at its discretion.
(b) The list of proposed examination centres (Indian & Overseas) is
available on our website www.insuranceinstituteofindia.com.
There is however, no assurance that the examination will
necessarily be held in those centres.
(c) While enrolling / submitting entry forms at Associated Institutes/
Affiliated Institutes/ ALCs, candidates are requested to mention the
centre where they wish to be examined.
(d) If the examination is not held or slots are not available at the centre or
centres selected by the candidate, he will be allotted and allowed to
book the slot a centre nearest to the centre selected by him and
candidate will have to appear from that centre only.
12. General:
(a) Change of Centre: The candidate can change the centre for offline
examination through ONLINE MODE by using login without any
charges during the period of enrollment for that examination is open.
However after enrollment date is closed, the candidates will have to
pay prescribed charges ONLINE by using login, for change of centre
up to prescribed date. After due date no changes will be allowed. For
on-line examination change of centre is allowed during the period of
enrollment period.

Examination Handbook |11

(b) Change of address: Through login candidates can update their address
for correspondence, mobile number, email id etc.
(c) Withdrawal from Examination (For Offline Exam): 50% of the
offline exam enrollment fees will be refunded if application for
withdrawal from examination reaches the III’s office, Mumbai, on or
before the prescribed date given in the “Calendar of Important Dates”.
All such requests should be addressed and sent directly to the Insurance
Institute of India, Mumbai and not through the Associated Institutes /
Affiliated Institutes / ALCs. The requests can be sent through email to
(d) Change of Subject: Candidates are allowed to change the subject
enrolled of same credit point only through online using their login, upto
a prescribed date only.
One time Registration fee paid for enrolling for compulsory subject is
not refundable in case that subject is changed to optional subject.
However candidate will not be required to pay the fee again at the time
of enrollment for compulsory subject in future.
After the prescribed date, no change of subject with or without late
fee is permitted. For on-line exam, no change of subject is
permitted after the last date of enrollment.
(e) Candidates have to ensure that they satisfy the conditions of eligibility
at the time of application. If found not eligible or not fulfilling criteria
specified for appearing examination, he/ she may not be allowed to
write the examination or his/ her paper may not be evaluated or the
result may not be declared.
13. Publication of Results:
i. The examination results can be downloaded from the website,
normally for off-line exam in December for the October / November
examination and in June for May examination and on-line exam after
20 days or within one month of last date of the examination schedule.
ii. Declaration of result will be communicated to the candidates through
SMS/email on registered mobile no./email id.
iii. Candidates can approach nearest associated institute to get printout of
their result after providing registration id.

Candidates can download the result printout by using their login

For online examination result, candidates can see their score of marks
immediately after the examination is over. However formal result will be
declared and communicated to the candidates after the completion of
process and approval from Board of Education. (i.e. approximately
within a month.)
Examination Handbook |12
14. Retotaling: The Institute has retotaling system for its professional
examinations (offline mode exam) for failed candidates only. However,
retotaling is not available for online examination.
Candidates who wish to take advantage of the facility of retotaling of marks
should apply through online before the prescribed date for offline exam
Retotaling fees will not be refunded to the candidates even if he/she is
declared pass in the subject. Request for Retotaling of passed papers will
not be accepted under any circumstances. Marks of retotalling will be
informed to the candidates only if result changes from fail to pass. In case
result remains as fail, the original marks will be retained.
The candidates who have applied for retotalling can enroll / change the
subject online within 10 days from the date of declaration of Re-totaling
15. Tuition Facilities: Effective Tuition Service is considered essential to
prepare candidates for the III’s examination at all levels. In view of this
objective, many Associated Institutes and Accredited Learning Centres are
arranging Oral tuition service as per their convenience normally after office
hours or on holidays with the active involvement of experienced tutors.
Candidates have to contact these institutes for the tuition facilities.
Membership of Local Institute: Candidates are required to become
members of Associated Institutes as a pre-condition to opt for Oral Tuition
E-Learning: In accordance with the needs of the changing times, the
Institute has brought out an e-Learning module (English) for some of the
subjects; efforts are being made to develop e-learning for more subjects.
The module provides in addition to course material web-links, self-learning
questions etc. to know more about E-learning facility, please visit our
Web Coaching: III has also started facility of Web-Coaching. Recordings
of the same are available on YouTube Channel of III.
E-books: Looking at the latest trends in the education and training field, III
has taken initiative to convert its study courses into electronic books. E-
book is a simple and easy form of learning which candidates can avail
anywhere and anytime. At present, e-books both in English and Hindi at
Licentiate level i.e. subject nos. IC-01, IC-02, IC-11 and IC-14 are
Audio Versions: As an additional learning aid, especially for visually
challenged candidates of our country who want to appear for our
examinations, III has prepared audio versions for some of the Licentiate
and Associateship study material.
Examination Handbook |13
At present audio version for the following subjects are available in English
IC-01 IC-24 IC-47 IC-60 IC-74 IC-82 IC-88
IC-02 IC-26 IC-56 IC-66 IC-76 IC-83 IC-89
IC-11 IC-27 IC-57 IC-67 IC-77 IC-84 IC-90
IC-14 IC-45 IC-58 IC-70 IC-78 IC-85 IC-92
IC-23 IC-46 IC-59 IC-72 IC-81 IC-86 IC-99
And audio version for the following subjects are available in Hindi.
IC-01 IC-57 IC-74
IC-02 IC-70 IC-77
IC-11 IC-72 IC-78
This facility is available to the visually challenged candidates without any
16. Examination conditions: Candidates are not permitted to keep books,
notes, periodicals, mobile phones etc. with them in the examination hall
at the time of the examination and / or use of mathematical tables (except
those supplied by the Institute for use in the examination hall by the
candidates) etc. during the examination. Possession of the above mentioned
or like items would be construed as adoption of unfair means. The use of
simple & scientific calculator are permitted during the course of answering
the paper. However, the Institute does not take any responsibility for
providing such calculators. Further, the candidates are forbidden to write
their names in the answer script or supplements. Candidates may carry
drinking water bottle for self-use.
17. Errors detected in Question Papers:
Multiple Choice Questions (100% questions to be attempted)
If 10% or more questions in a paper are declared to be erroneous, the paper
would be considered as void and re-examination would be conducted for
those candidates who have appeared for that paper. No additional fee for
such re-examination will be charged from the candidates.
If the questions declared erroneous are less than 10% of the total number of
questions, then the erroneous questions irrespective of the fact whether any
candidate attempted those questions or not, will be removed from the total
number of questions to be evaluated and the marks scored by the candidate
would be proportionately calculated taking the remaining correct questions
as 100.
The candidates would be given 8 days’ time from the date of examination
(Appearing for particular paper) to place their grievances, queries and other
comments on the question paper through email / letter. All relevant
comments / suggestions / grievances shall be consolidated and placed
before subject experts for consideration and guidance to the evaluators. The

Examination Handbook |14

evaluation will be based on the guidance provided by the experts.
The comments may be forwarded to mail id ctd@iii.org.in.
18. Issuance of Certificates / Diploma: With the introduction of Credit Points
System and start of online examinations for certain subjects, the system of
declaring results and issuance of Certificate / Diploma is changed as
detailed below.
a. Certificate will be issued to the eligible candidates within a month
on declaration of result.
b. Diploma will be issued to the eligible candidates within a month
on declaration of result.
19. Candidates with disabilities:
Insurance Institute of India will try to accommodate the needs of students
with disabilities of 40% or more if so desired by the candidates. The
disability certificate issued by the competent medical authority need to be
uploaded on Insurance Institute of India website through candidate login id.
Please note that such candidate will get 20 minutes (for every 1 hour of
examination) grace time to complete the examination.
a. I.I.I will allow visually challenged candidates the assistance of a
scribe who is not connected with Insurance Industry and has
no previous knowledge of Insurance. However candidates should
arrange for a scribe meeting the above-mentioned criteria and inform
b. Physically Challenged (Differently able) Candidates:
Candidate should furnish following details of scribe to
1. Details of scribe (Name, qualification, contact details mobile
number, email id etc.)
2. Scan copy of Disability certificate issued by the competent medical
authority need to be uploaded on III website.
3. Declaration from Candidate –Scribe is not connected with Insurance
Industry and has no previous knowledge of Insurance.
Only receipt of above details candidate are allowed to appear for the
exam with scribe. While appearing for the exam, candidate need to
carry copy of the approval mail received from III office with all his/her
original certificates of self-attested xerox copy, hall ticket and valid id
To avoid any inconvenience at the venue of examination such
candidates are advised to inform the details of scribe at least 10
working days in advance before the date of the examination, so that the
Presiding Officer of the centre may be advised to allow them to appear
for the examination.

Examination Handbook |15

20. Miscellaneous:
a. The Board of Education is of the view that serious punishment should
be awarded to candidates who resort to unfair means in the
examination. Accordingly candidates who do so run the risk of being
temporarily or permanently debarred from examinations of the
Institute by the Board of Education or the Authority empowered to do
b. Where the Competent Authority has reason to believe that unfair
means have been adopted by a number of candidates individually or in
concert at any examination centre or there has been mass copying or
there has been leakage of question papers, the Competent Authority
may cancel the result of all the candidates who appeared at any centre
or centres. This may not be specific to the location/ paper/ date/ session
directly connected to the malpractice. The decision of the Competent
Authority in this respect shall be final and binding on the candidates.
c. The Competent Authority shall have the right:
(i) To disqualify a candidate who, they have reason to believe has
received or given unfair assistance at the examination;
(ii) To cancel the result of such candidate in all or any of the paper
of the examination at which candidate appeared;
(iii) To report candidate’s name to his employers/ Institutions/
Associated Institute.
(iv) To take such other action against candidate as the Board / the
Authority in its absolute discretion, deems fit. The decision of the
Competent Authority shall be final and binding on the candidates
d. The Competent Authority empowered to debar a candidate temporarily
or permanently from examinations of the Institute or to take any action
as provided in clauses (a,b,c) above .
e. Any appeal against the decision of the Competent Authority, can be
made to the Board of Education, within three months from date of
receipt by the candidate concerned of the communication conveying
the decision.
The Chairman, and / or the Deputy Chairman, Board of Education, may
from time to time, issue such instructions or directions as may be necessary
to give effect to and carry out the provisions of these Regulations and in
order to secure effective control over the candidates appearing and/opting
to appear for the examination at any centre or centres as the circumstances
and nature of the case may require.
21. Liability of Insurance Institute of India: Under any circumstances the
Examination Handbook |16
liability of the Insurance Institute of India shall be limited to a refund of
examination fee paid for the concerned examination.
Please refer Chapter 20 for List of Offline & Online centres.
23. Alterations to Syllabus and Regulations: The Board of Education
reserves the right to alter, amend or revoke from time to time, the time-
table, syllabus and rules providing for all matters relating to the
examinations and the fees payable by candidates.
24. All communications about these Regulations should be addressed to
The Secretary General,
Insurance Institute of India,
G-Block, Plot No.C-46,
Bandra- Kurla Complex,
Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051.

Examination Handbook |17

1. Scheme of Study: The structure of courses for various levels of
examination is shown under the heading Structure of Qualifying
Examinations in this Handbook.
(a) Licentiate Examination: This is essentially an introductory course
dealing with the two compulsory papers i.e. Principles of Insurance and
Practice of Insurance (Life / Non-Life) and one more paper as optional
from professional exam curriculum.
(b) Associateship Examination: At this level, there are two compulsory
papers i.e. i) Underwriting & ii) Accounts and students may have
option to choose subjects either Life or Non-Life. The scheme of study
provides knowledge of chosen subject. However, candidates will have
to get familiar with the practical aspects related to the Associateship
Level subjects.
(c) Fellowship Examination: This is the highest level and there is one
compulsory Actuarial subject to be taken by the candidate. Fellowship
level involves advanced studies of specified areas.
(d) Specialized Diploma in Marine Insurance: This diploma course
deals with Principles & Underwriting of Marine Cargo Insurance,
Marine Insurance Claims & Marine Hull Insurance Underwriting and
Claims. Candidate passed Licentiate, with Practice of General
Insurance is eligible for this diploma course.
(e) Specialized Diploma in Fire Insurance: This diploma course deals
with Fire Insurance Coverage’s, Fire Insurance rating & underwriting
and Fire Insurance Claims. Candidate passed Licentiate, with Practice
of General Insurance is eligible for this diploma course.
(f) Certificate Course in Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science:
This certificate course deals with the basic fundamentals of General
Insurance Actuarial techniques for scientific determination of premium
rates. Candidate passed Licentiate, with Practice of General Insurance
is eligible for this diploma course.
(g) Specialized Diploma in Casualty Actuarial Science: This diploma
deals Basic Ratemaking and Estimating Unpaid Claims Using Basic
Techniques in addition to subjects of above certificate course.
Candidate passed Licentiate, with Practice of General Insurance is
eligible for this diploma course.
(h) Certificate Programme in Advanced Insurance Marketing
(CPAIM): This is an advanced comprehensive course to provide
knowledge and understanding of insurance domain and the marketing
functions applicable to insurance. Details of CPAIM are given under
specialized diploma heading. Minimum qualification is Graduates in
any stream with Licentiate (Life or Non-Life) or Associate (AIII) or
Examination Handbook |18
Fellow (FIII).
(i) Specialized Diploma in Health Insurance: This diploma deals with
Basics of Health Insurance, Health Insurance Claims and Health
Insurance Operations. Candidate passed Licentiate, with Practice of
General Insurance is eligible for this diploma course.
(j) Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Life Insurance Underwriting:
This is a diploma and advanced diploma course introduced to provide
knowledge and understanding of Life Insurance Underwriting.
Candidate passed Licentiate, with Practice of Life Insurance is eligible
for Diploma Course there are two technical papers and one
regulatory/legal paper in Life Insurance Underwriting & candidates
passed Diploma Course in Life Insurance Underwriting are eligible for
Advanced Diploma Course which includes 3 technical papers in Life
Insurance Underwriting.
(k) Certificate Course on Compliance, Governance and Risk
Management In Insurance: This certificate course is jointly offered
with Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). This course is
divided in 2 parts i.e. 1) Online Examination & 2) Classroom training
of 3 days. This course deals with Fundamentals of Insurance, Insurance
Regulations, Governance and Compliance and Risk Management in
For Certificate course on Compliance, Governance and Risk
Management in Insurance minimum qualification is Associate/Fellows
of Institute of Company Secretaries of India or Associate (AIII) or
Fellow (FIII).
The Study material provides only the basic knowledge relating to the
subject. Students will have to understand how the concepts in study
courses will apply in practical situation. They are also expected to be
well aware of current developments in industry.
(l) Certified Insurance Anti-Fraud Professional (CIAFP): This course
is jointly offered by Insurance Institute of India and North American
Training Group (NATG). Members of III who have qualified in their
Licentiate examination can enroll for the CIAFP course. Enrollment
facility is available online, at III’s website under the tab ‘Exam
Registration’ as “Online Course – Certified Insurance Anti-Fraud
Professional (CIAFP)”.
2. Eligibility:
(a) A candidate will be eligible to appear for the Professional
examination if he has,
i. Successfully completed Matriculation, S.S.L.C., S.S.C. or any
equivalent examination;

Examination Handbook |19

ii. Has worked with an insurer either in the field or in the office, for a
period of at least three years prior to the date of registration.
Pattern of Questions-
Papers will be objective in nature and will consist of Multiple Choice
questions. The examination will be of two hours duration and will be
conducted as per the revised syllabus. Candidate can select the date, time
& centre of examination of their convenience. Examinations conducted at
all centres in India at major cities and at present majority papers are being
conducted in English, however efforts are being made to conduct in Hindi
The questions will not necessarily be asked from the study material
After successful enrollment for the examination, the candidates have to
book the slot through their login ID (ONLINE MODE).
The dates for slot booking will be announced on website. Slot will be
booked on first come first serve basis.
The date of examination, time & centre selected and booked once can’t be
changed under any circumstances. Therefore while booking slots
candidates are advised to book their slots/centre, date and timing of
examination carefully.
Similarly no refund or adjustment of Registration fees, Examination fees or
any other fees is permitted under any circumstances except as mentioned
under 12 (c).
If candidate is failed to book the slot / slots (i.e. date / time and centre), in
no circumstances his online exam Enrollment fees, neither be refunded nor
be adjusted for future examination.

Hall Ticket for ONLINE Examination: The candidates have to download

the Hall Ticket (along with instructions) at the time of slot booking and
present the same at examination venue in the prescribed manner.

The candidates can see their marks on computer screen immediately after
the examination is over. However formal result will be declared and
communicated to the candidates after the examination process is over.
All queries related to online examination may be sent to mrm@iii.org.in

Examination Handbook |20

1. The syllabus in the study courses is indicative and not exhaustive.
Candidates are expected to know up-to-date developments in the Insurance
2. Some of III course materials and question papers are available in Hindi &
English Languages. Efforts are being made to translate more papers in
Hindi along with English.
3. Registration numbers shall be written in Numerical only (e.g.0123456789).
4. Printing of photograph of candidate on Examination Hall Ticket has been
made compulsory from October / November 2013 examination. The
photograph available in the profile of candidate will be printed on hall
ticket. Before enrolling for any subject candidates should ensure that
their recent photograph is available in the profile.
5. Since it is a continuous process to update and to revise the study courses
from time to time, candidates are advised to refer the contents given on the
The candidates should produce a valid physical identity card issued by a
Government Authority having the photograph and signature of the
candidate for getting entry to the Examination Hall.
Acceptable Identity proofs include:
(a) Passport
(b) Driving License
(c) Pan Card (for Indian Candidates only)
(d) Voter ID Card (for Indian Candidates only)
(e) Aadhaar Card (for Indian Candidates only)
(f) Identity card issued by Employer
(g) In case of students, identity card issued by college / university.
In case of (f) and (g), the Identity card should have photograph, signature
of candidate and stamped by concern College / University.

Examination Handbook |21

1. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority has authorized the
Institute to conduct Pre-licensing test for Insurance Surveyors & Loss
Assessors, as required by the IRDAI regulations.
2. Detailed information regarding syllabus, enrolment, examination fees,
dates etc., is posted on the Institute’s website as well as on the IRDAI’s
website www.irdai.gov.in
3. To check eligibility/qualification criteria, kindly visit IRDAI’s website.
4. This examination will be conducted through online mode with MCQ pattern
i.e. four times in a year in the month of March/June /September/December
and passing percentage is 60% (i.e. 60 marks out of 100 marks).
5. Persons enrolled with the IRDAI as trainee surveyors, who have undergone
the prescribed practical training and have submitted their quarterly training
reports as per the norms to the IRDAI, are eligible to appear in the pre-
licensing test for insurance surveyors and loss assessors.
Candidates can register, enroll & book the slot/subject and make the
payment for Surveyor Examination/ Papers through online option available
on I.I.I. website. For more details please refer to Calendar of Important
Dates - Online Examination Schedule for the year 2020 and for registration
process please refer Help Desk-Help Manual-Surveyors on website. The
registration fees for fresh candidates (one time) is Rs. 500/- and the
exam fees is Rs.500/- per subject plus applicable tax.
6. Pre-licensing test for Insurance Surveyors will be conducted for the
following subjects:

Section Sub. No. Title and Branch Suggested Reading

Section S–01 Principles and Practice of S-01
I Insurance and Survey and
Loss Assessment
Section S–02 Fire Insurance IC-56
II S–03 Marine Cargo IC-60, IC-66
S–04 Marine Hull IC-70
S–05 Engineering Insurance IC-77
S–06 Motor Insurance IC-72
S–07 Miscellaneous Insurance IC-78
S–08 Loss of Profits IC-57
S–09 Crop Insurance S-09

Examination Handbook |22

 The Study Material (Hard copy) can be purchased from Associated
Institutes or from III, Mumbai by sending a demand draft drawn in favour
of “Insurance Institute of India” payable at Mumbai with covering letter to:

Study Courses Department
Insurance Institute of India
Plot No. C-46, ‘G; Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (E)
Mumbai – 400 051

 The Study Material price list is available under “Study Material” menu and
the list of Associated Institutes is available under “Affiliates” menu at

Examination Handbook |23

Candidates seeking admission to any of our professional examination can
register/enroll through our website.
Already Registered candidates need not create their profile. They need to
create account and map their existing profile available on website. For detailed
procedure please refer to “Help Manual for Already Registered Candidates”
available under Help Desk menu on website. They should check their profile
online and keep it updated particularly for any changes in address for
correspondence, mobile no. and email id.
New Candidates should CREATE THEIR PROFILE and pay Registration
fee (non refundable) to get Registration Id for enrollment of papers to appear
for the examinations. For detailed procedure please refer to “Help Manual for
New Candidates” available under Help Desk menu on website.
Candidate can access to following links using Login id & Password;

New registration
Enrollment for Papers
Change of correspondence address
Change of email id , Land Line Phone / Mobile Phone number
View and Change of Enrolled Papers
Change of Centre for Examination
View and Change Language selected for examination
View and Print Hall Ticket
View and Print Result
View Diploma Details
Apply for Retotaling / Revaluation of papers.
View Passed Papers Details
View Accumulated Credit Points
View Payment Transactions
Photo Upload
Download Hall ticket
Slot Booking - Online Examination
CPAIM paper enrollment
Change Associated (Local) Institute

At present candidates can make payments to Insurance Institute of India online,

real-time using the Online Payment Gateway. Candidates can use Visa, Master
Examination Handbook |24
Card, Online Net Banking options with over 40 Banks. Online enrollment shall
remain active till the last date mentioned in examination schedule.
Steps to be followed while registering for the first time for the examination
(New Candidates):
I. Create a new account (Login Id) on our website.
(a) Note down login details.
(b) Sign in (Login) with login id and password.
(c) Click on profile and fill up details.
(d) Note down Candidate id, generated by the system.
(e) Click on Registration and pay fee online.
Navigation assistance is available on Home Page under Help Desk Menu.
II. Candidate will receive Auto mail on email id & SMS on mobile number
given in the profile. In case, candidate does not receive mail / SMS, he may
please check the details of Transactions / Registration / Paper Enrollment
using options available under Exam Registration Menu. For other queries,
please mail at mrm@iii.org.in mentioning your Candidate ID, Registration
ID, and Transaction Details.
III. Registration shall be deemed valid only in case of successful receipt of
payment by I.I.I. Due to technical reason, there are chances of not receiving
payment at I.I.I even though payment is deducted from candidates Debit
Card, Credit Card, Bank Account. In such cases, the amount will be
refunded automatically. Candidates are requested to register / enroll again
and confirm the same using options available under Exam Registration
Menu. For other queries, please mail at mrm@iii.org.in mentioning
Candidate ID, Registration ID and Transaction ID.
IV. Candidate has to mention Candidate ID/Registration ID/Transaction ID as a
reference while entering into any kind of pre-examination correspondence
with the Institute.
V. Candidates should update their name & recent photograph properly as
it will be printed on all the Marksheets and Certificates. In case of any
changes in Name, Date of Birth candidate should submit the requisite
documents to the Institute/email scanned documents to mrm@iii.org.in.
Above changes will not be effected without a valid proof.
Candidates are advised to check their details thoroughly before making any
ONLINE PAYMENT through the web portal.
In Case of Double Payment of Fees, you are requested to follow the below given
procedure for refund:
I. Candidate will have to contact Members Relationship Management (MRM)
department of Insurance Institute of India at mrm@iii.org.in and provide
Candidate ID, Registration ID and Transaction ID.
II. Insurance Institute of India will confirm the transaction details of candidate

Examination Handbook |25

and duplicate payment received.
III. In case of duplicate payment, refund advice will be forwarded to Payment
Gateway. The full amount will be refunded. However the bank charges
debited by Payment Gateway shall not be refunded.
IV. Amount will be credited to the Candidate’s bank account from which the
payment is made.

Examination Handbook |26

Revised credit point system has been introduced
From January, 2016 onwards
1. Each subject of study is assigned credit points as given in Annexure. The
credit points are assigned, keeping in view, the level of examination and the
difficulty level of the subject.
2. The above system will allow flexibility to the candidates to choose subjects
of his/her choice from the available subjects and accumulate credit points.
Candidates are allowed to appear only for a maximum 6 papers in one

3. However, certain subjects will be compulsory i.e. if the candidate does not
pass the compulsory subjects, in spite of accumulating credit points, he/she
will not be granted Licentiate Certificate, Associateship and/or Fellowship

4. It is necessary to pass the Licentiate examination before registration for the

compulsory subjects of the Associateship. Similarly, candidates who
passed Associateship examination only will be allowed to register for the
compulsory subjects at the Fellowship examination.

5. Following are the minimum credit points to be accumulated by a candidate

for passing the Examinations.
Licentiate Certificate - 60 credit points.
Associateship Diploma - 250 credit points (including the credit points
at Licentiate level).
Fellowship Diploma - 490 credit points (including the credit points
at Licentiate and Associateship levels).
The subjects and combined credit points for passing Licentiate,
Associateship & Fellowship examinations are as under.

A. At Licentiate Examination –
1. Principles of Insurance (IC-01) (20 Credit Points)
2. (a) Practice of Life Insurance (IC-02) (20 Credit Points) OR
(b) Practice of General Insurance (IC-11) (20 Credit Points)
Plus any one subject of 20/30/40 from the Table 1 of Optional Subjects in
order to acquire 60 Credit Points

Examination Handbook |27

B. At Associateship Examination (Eligible for registration only after
qualifying the Licentiate examination.)
1. (a) Life Insurance Underwriting (IC-22 for Life) (30 Credit Points) OR
(b) General Insurance Underwriting (IC-45 for Non-Life) (30 Credit
2. (a) Life Assurance Finance (IC-26 for Life) (30 Credit Points) OR
(b) General Insurance Accounts preparation & Regulation of
Investment (IC-46 for Non-Life) (30 Credit Points)
Plus other subjects from the Table 1 of Optional Subjects in order to
acquire 250 Credit Points (including 60 Credit Points at the Licentiate
C. At Fellowship Examination (Eligible for registration only after
qualifying the Associateship examination.)
One Compulsory Actuarial subject (i.e. any one Subject from the following)
i) Foundation of Actuarial Science (Life) (IC-28) (40 Credit Points) OR
ii) Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part –I (IC-47) (Non-Life)
(40 Credit Points) OR
iii) Mathematical Basis of Life Assurance (IC-81) (Life) (40 Credit
Points) OR
iv) Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part –II (Non-Life) (IC-84)
(40 Credit Points) OR
v) Actuarial Aspects of Product Development (IC-92) (Life) (40 Credit
(Candidates are allowed to appear for more than one compulsory subjects
(within the overall 6 papers in an examination) to acquire more credit
points at the Fellowship examination.)
Plus other subjects from the Table 1 of Optional Subjects to acquire 490
credit points (including 250 credit points at the Associateship level) to
pass the Fellowship Qualification.
Candidates Passed subjects A-1 and A-2 at Certificate course on
Foundations of Actuarial Science qualification level will get credit
points updated while appearing Fellowship examination in Subject No.
47 and 84 respectively only after passing Associate Examination.
Similarly, candidates passed Subjects 47 and 84 at Fellowship level will get
credit in subjects A-1 and A-2 while appearing for Actuarial diploma

Validity of Credit points:

i. The credit point validity for passed paper will remain for a period of 5 years

Examination Handbook |28

from date of passing the paper upto Associateship Level.
ii. Candidate who have completed Associateship qualification will have
permanent 250 credits point (Including exempted candidates).
iii. Candidates appearing for fellowship examination have to complete within
a period of 7 years from passing first paper after completing Associateship
qualification. i.e. the credit point of Fellowship Subject will remain valid
for a period of 7 years from passing the subject.
iv. Credit Points will be granted to the candidates on the basis of their
qualification from other Educational Institutions only if, they apply &
register for I.I.I. examination within 5 years from passing their qualifying
Other subjects and its credits for qualifying Licentiate, Associateship &
Fellowship examination are:

Table 1 (Optional Subjects)

Sr. Subject Code & Title Credit

No. Points
1 (14) Regulations of Insurance Business 20
2 (23) Application of Life Assurance 30
3 (24) Legal Aspects of Life Assurance 30
4 (27) Health Insurance 30
5 (57) Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance 30
6 (67) Marine Insurance 30
7 (71) Agriculture Insurance 30
8 (72) Motor Insurance 30
9 (74) Liability Insurance 30
10 (76) Aviation Insurance 30
11 (77) Engineering Insurance 30
12 (78) Miscellaneous Insurance 30
13 (82) Statistics 40
14 (83) Group Insurance & Retirement Benefit Scheme 30
15 (85) Reinsurance Management 40
16 (86) Risk Management 40
17 (88) Marketing and Public Relations 30
18 (89) Management Accounting 40
19 (90) Human Resources Management 30
20 (99) Asset Management 30

Examination Handbook |29


However the credit points validity of passed following 9 subjects will

remain for a period of 5 year from the date of passing.

Sr. Subject Code & Title Credit Points

No. Withdrawn
1 (35) Basics of Health Insurance 30
2 (36) Health Insurance Claims 30
3 (37) Health Insurance Operations 30
4 (56) Fire Insurance Claims 30
5 (58) Fire Insurance Coverage’s 30
6 (59) Fire Insurance Rating and Underwriting 30
7 (60) Marine Cargo Insurance Principles and 30
Underwriting (Introduced in lieu of IC 68)
8 (66) Marine Insurance Claims 30
9 (70) Marine Hull Underwriting and Claims 30
(Introduced in lieu of IC 69)

Examination Handbook |30


Licentiate: 60 Credit Points

Compulsory subject for Licentiate

1 IC-01 Principles of Insurance
2 IC-02 Practice of Life Insurance
IC-11 Practice of General Insurance

Associateship: 190 Credits + Licentiate 60 Credits = Total 250 Credit points.

Compulsory subject for Associateship

1 IC-22 Life Insurance Underwriting
IC-45 General Insurance Underwriting
2 IC-26 Life Assurance Finance
IC-46 General Insurance Accounts and Regulation of Investment

Fellowship: 240 Credits + Associate 190 Credits + Licentiate 60 Credits = Total

490 Credit Points.

Compulsory one subject for Fellowship (any one from following

IC-28 Foundation of Actuarial Science
IC-47 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part – I
IC-81 Mathematical Basis of Life Assurance
IC-84 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part –II
IC-92 Actuarial Aspects of Product Development

Examination Handbook |31


Credits for prior learning are available to the candidates up to Associateship

Level in the professional examinations subject to fulfilment of certain
conditions. The details are as under:
a) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) - 100
Credit Points
i) Associates and Fellows of The Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India (ICAI) will get 100 credit points and will have to PASS
following compulsory subjects 01- Principles of Insurance, 02 -
Practice of Life Insurance or 11 - Practice of General Insurance,
22 - Life Insurance Underwriting or 45 - General Insurance
Underwriting. They can select other subjects to accumulate the
required 250 credit points to get the Associateship Diploma of
ii) Associates and Fellows of ICAI will be deemed to have passed
a) 26 - Life Insurance Finance or b) 46 - General Insurance
Accounts and Regulation of Investment for the purpose of
satisfying compulsory subject condition.
iii) They will not be given credit for a) 26 - Life Insurance Finance or
b) 46 - General Insurance Accounts and Regulation of Investment,
c) 89 - Management Accounts and d) 99- Assets Management
even if they pass in the I.I.I. Examination.
b) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) with
DIRM - 180 Credit Points
i) Associates and Fellows of The Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India (ICAI) possessing Diploma in Insurance Risk
Management (DIRM) qualification conducted by The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India will get 180 Credit Points for
prior learning and will have to PASS Subject No. 22 Life
Insurance Underwriting or Subject No.45 General Insurance
Underwriting along with other subjects to get Associateship
ii) Diploma holders of DIRM of ICAI will be deemed to have passed
a) 01- Principles of Insurance, b) 02- Practice of Life Insurance or
c) 11- Practice of General Insurance, d) 26- Life Assurance
Finance or e) 46- General Insurance Accounts and Regulation of
Investment for the purpose of satisfying the condition of
compulsory subjects.
iii) They will not get credits for the Papers a) 01- Principles of

Examination Handbook |32

Insurance, b) 02- Practice of Life Insurance or c) 11- Practice of
General Insurance, d) 26- Life Assurance Finance or e) 46-
General Insurance Accounts and Regulation of Investment, f) 82-
Statistics, g) 89- Management Accounting and h) 99- Asset
Management even if they appear in the I.I.I Examination.
Terms and Conditions for Claiming Credit Points: (Both (a) and
(b) above).
i) Subject wise Credit Points will be granted to the candidates on
basis of DIRM qualifications from above Educational Institution
only if, they apply and register for I.I.I. examination within 5 years
from passing their qualifying examination. However, the
condition of applying for I.I.I. examination within 5 years
from passing their qualifying examination has been relaxed
for Associates and Fellows of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India subject to submission of proof of
fulfilling ICAI CPE conditions.
2. Subject wise Credit Points for prior learning for Professional
Insurance Institute of India has considered to grant Subject wise credits
for prior learning to the candidates who have acquired MBA and Post
Graduate diploma and degree qualifications from following Educational
a) National Insurance Academy, Pune
Candidates who have completed PGDM programme in Management,
(two years duration) conducted by National Insurance Academy, Pune
will get 190 Credit Points and will have to PASS two compulsory
subject (from Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46) at Associateship level to
get Associateship Qualification and such candidates will not be
allowed to appear for Papers 01, 02, 27, 57, 67, 74, 77 and 78 of
Institute curriculum to accumulate further credit points.
b) Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM), Hyderabad
i) Candidates who have passed International Post Graduate Diploma
in Life/General Insurance and Risk Management Insurance
programme of Institute of Insurance and Risk Management,
Hyderabad upto the academic year 2017-18 will get 190 credit
points and will have to PASS two compulsory subjects (from
Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46) at Associateship level to get
Associateship Qualification and such candidates will not be
allowed to appear for Papers 01, 02, 14, 24, 27, 72, 74 and 90 of
Institute curriculum to accumulate further credit points.
ii) Candidates who have passed International Post Graduate Diploma
in Life Insurance Branch of Institute of Insurance and Risk

Examination Handbook |33

Management (IIRM), Hyderabad will get Subject-wise exemption
and Credit Points of III qualification. Further, candidates have to
PASS two compulsory subjects (from Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or
46) at Associateship level and other optional subjects to get
Associateship Qualification. The candidates shall not be allowed to
appear for the following subjects of Institute curriculum to
accumulate further credit points.
Batch onwards Credit
Will not be allowed to appear
(Academic Points
for following subjects
2018-19 150 01, 02, 14, 24, 27 and 90
2019-20 110 01, 02, 24, 27 and 85
iii) Candidates who have passed International Post Graduate Diploma
in General Insurance Branch of Institute of Insurance and Risk
Management (IIRM), Hyderabad will get Subject-wise exemption
and Credit Points of III qualification. Further, candidates have to
PASS two compulsory subjects (from Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or
46) at Associateship level and other optional subjects to get
Associateship Qualification. The candidates shall not be allowed to
appear for the following subjects of Institute curriculum to
accumulate further credit points.
Batch onwards Credit
Will not be allowed to appear for
(Academic Point
following subjects
2018-19 160 01, 14, 24, 72, 74 and 90
2019-20 100 24, 27, 72 and 85

iv) Candidates who have passed International Post Graduate Diploma in

Risk Management Branch of Institute of Insurance and Risk
Management (IIRM), Hyderabad will get Subject-wise exemption
and Credit Points of III qualification. Further, candidates have to
PASS two compulsory subjects (from Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46)
at Associateship level and other optional subjects to get
Associateship Qualification. The candidates shall not be allowed to
appear for the following subjects of Institute curriculum to
accumulate further credit points.

Batch onwards Credit Will not be allowed to appear for

(Academic Year) Point following subjects
2018-19 120 01, 02, 14, 24 and 90
2019-20 110 24, 27, 85 and 86

Examination Handbook |34

v) Candidates who have passed Post Graduate Diploma in Management
(two years duration) from Institute of Insurance and Risk
Management (IIRM), Hyderabad will get 190 Credit Points and
will have to PASS two compulsory subjects (from Sub. No.22 or
45 & 26 or 46) at Associateship level to get Associateship
Qualification and such candidates will not be allowed to appear for
Papers 01, 02, 11, 24, 27, 67, 72, and 74 of Institute curriculum to
accumulate further credit points.
c) Amity School of Insurance and Actuarial Science, Noida (U.P.)
i) MBA in Insurance and Banking programme of Two Years Course
conducted by Amity School of Insurance and Actuarial Science,
Noida (U.P.) will get 190 Credit Points and will have to PASS
two compulsory subject (from Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46) at
Associateship level to get Associateship Qualification and such
candidates will not be allowed to appear for the following subjects
of Institute curriculum to accumulate further credit points.

Will not be allowed to appear for
following subjects
Upto 2018 -
01, 02, 11, 14, 23, 57, 77 and 78
2020-22, 01, 02, 11, 27, 57, 67, 72 and 78

ii) Candidate who have passed MBA in Insurance & Financial

Planning of two year course conducted by Amity School of
Insurance and Actuarial Science, Noida (U.P.) will get 190 Credit
Points and will have to PASS two compulsory subjects (from
Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46) at Associateship level to get
Associateship Qualification and such candidates will not be
allowed to appear for the following subjects of Institute
curriculum to accumulate further credit points.

Batch Will not be allowed to appear for

(Academic Year) following subjects
Upto 2017- 2019 01, 02, 11, 14, 27, 57, 67, 72, 74, 77 & 78
2019-21, 01, 02, 11, 27, 57, 67, 72 and 78

Examination Handbook |35

iii) Candidates who have passed BA in Insurance & Banking
programme of three years course conducted by Amity School of
Insurance and Actuarial Science, Noida (U.P.) will get 190 Credit
Points and will have to PASS two compulsory subjects (from
Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46) at Associateship level to get
Associateship Qualification and such candidates will not be
allowed to appear for the following subjects of Institute
curriculum to accumulate further credit points.

Will not be allowed to appear for
following subjects
2020-23, 01, 02, 11, 27, 57, 72, 77 and 86

iv) Candidates who have passed BSC in Actuarial Science

programme of three years course conducted by Amity School of
Insurance and Actuarial Science, Noida (U.P.) will get 160 Credit
Points and will have to PASS two compulsory subjects (from
Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46) and other optional subjects to
accumulate total 250 credit points to get Associateship
Qualification and such candidates will not be allowed to appear
for the following subjects of Institute curriculum to accumulate
further credit points.

Batch Will not be allowed to appear for

(Academic Year) following subjects
2020-23, 01, 02, 11, 27, 83 & 85

d) National Law University, Jodhpur

i) Candidates who have passed MBA (Insurance) of two years
course conducted by National Law University, Jodhpur will get
190 Credit Points and will get Subject-wise exemption and Credit
Points of III qualification. Further, candidates have to PASS two
compulsory subjects (from Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46) at
Associateship level and other optional subjects to get
Associateship Qualification. The candidates shall not be allowed
to appear for the following subjects of Institute curriculum to
accumulate further credit points.

Examination Handbook |36

Batch Will not be allowed to appear for
(Academic Year) following subjects
Upto 2017-2019 01, 02, 11, 14, 72, 74, 77, 78 and 88
From 2018-20
01, 02, 11, 24, 27, 67,72 and 78
to 2022-2024

ii) Candidates who have passed MS Insurance of one year course

conducted by National Law University, Jodhpur will get 190
Credit Points and will have to PASS two compulsory subjects
(from Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46) at Associateship level to get
Associateship Qualification and such candidates will not be
allowed to appear for the following subjects of Institute
curriculum to accumulate further credit points.
Batch Will not be allowed to appear for
(Academic Year) following subjects
01, 02, 11, 14, 72, 74, 77, 78 and 88

iii) Candidates who have passed MBA (Insurance Risk Management)

of one year course conducted by National Law University,
Jodhpur will get 190 Credit Points and will have to PASS two
compulsory subjects (from Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46) at
Associateship level to get Associateship Qualification and such
candidates will not be allowed to appear for the following subjects
of Institute curriculum to accumulate further credit points.

Batch Will not be allowed to appear for

(Academic Year) following subjects
01,11,57,67,72,74,77 and 78

e) Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), Greater

Noida (U.P.)
Candidates who have passed Post Graduate Diploma in
Management (Insurance Business) Programme of two years
duration in insurance conducted by Birla Institute of Management
Technology (BIMTECH), Greater Noida (U.P.) will get 190 Credit
Points and will have to PASS two subject (from Sub. No.22 or 45 &
26 or 46) at Associateship level to get Associateship Qualification and
will not be allowed to appear for Subjects 01, 02, 11, 27, 57, 67, 72, 74
and 77 of Institute curriculum to accumulate further credit points.

Examination Handbook |37

f) Banaras Hindu University
Candidates who have passed Master of Business Administration
(Risk & Insurance) two years degree course from Banaras Hindu
University will get 190 Credit Points and will have to PASS any two
subject (from Sub. No.22 or 45 & 26 or 46) at Associateship level to
get Associateship Qualification and will not be allowed to appear for
Subjects 01, 14, 57, 67, 71, 72, 78 and 90 of Institute curriculum to
accumulate further credit points.
g) Pondicherry University
Candidates who have passed MBA- Insurance Management (Two
Years Full time Degree Course) from Pondicherry University will get
190 Credit Points. Candidates have to PASS Compulsory subject/s of
Associateship and accumulate total 250 Credit Points to get
Associateship Diploma. Candidates passed MBA (Insurance
Management) from Pondicherry University will not be allowed to
appear for the following subjects of Institute curriculum to accumulate
further credit points.

Will not be allowed Compulsory

to appear for Subjects
(Academic Year)
following subjects Associateship
01, 02, 11, 24, 46, 45
Upto 2015-2017
57, 67, 78 and 90

02, 11, 24, 27, 57, 22 or 45 & 26 or 46

Upto 2022-2024
67, and 72

h) Bangladesh Insurance Academy

Candidates who have passed Associateship Diploma in Insurance
from Bangladesh Insurance Academy will get 190 Credit Points and
will have to PASS one Compulsory subject (from Sub. No.22 & 45) at
Associateship level and accumulate 250 credits to get Associateship
Qualification of Insurance Institute of India. Candidates passed from
Bangladesh Insurance Academy will not be allowed to appear for
Subjects 01, 02, 14, 26, 28, 57, 67, 74 and 77 of Insurance Institute of
India curriculum to accumulate further credit points.
i) Siva Sivani Institute of Management, Secunderabad
Candidates who have passed Post Graduate Diploma in
Management - Banking, Insurance, Finance and Allied Services
(BIFAAS) of 2 years duration conducted by Siva Sivani Institute of
Management, Secunderabad will get 60 Credit Points. Such
Examination Handbook |38
candidates will not be allowed to appear for Subjects 01, 02 and 11 of
Insurance Institute of India curriculum.
j) The Institute of Cost Accountants of India possessing Cost
Associates and Fellows of The Institute of Cost Accountants of
India possessing Cost Accountants ACMA/FCMA qualification
(erstwhile AICWA/FICWA) conducted by The Institute of Cost
Accountants of India will get 100 Credit Points for prior learning and
will have to PASS following compulsory Subject No. 01, 02 or 11,
22 or 45 to get Associateship Qualification and such candidates will
not be allowed to appear for papers 26, 46 and 89 of Institute
curriculum to accumulate further credit points. However, the
condition of applying for I.I.I. examination within 5 years from
passing their qualifying examination has been relaxed for
Associates and Fellows of the Institute of Cost Accountants of
k) Christ University, Bangalore
i) Candidates who have passed B.Com/B.Com (Honours) at
Banking & Insurance conducted by Christ University,
Bangalore will get 60 Credit Points for prior learning. Such
candidates will not be allowed to appear for subjects 01, 02, 11
and 14 of Insurance Institute of India curriculum.
ii) Candidates who have passed M.Com at Banking & Insurance
conducted by Christ University, Bangalore will get 150 Credit
Points for prior learning and will have to pass following two
compulsory Subjects (45 and 46) at Associateship level to get
Associateship Qualification.
Such candidates will not be allowed to appear for subjects 27, 57,
67, 72, 74, 77 and 78 of Insurance Institute of India curriculum.
The candidates with B.Com qualification from outside university
or from Christ University without Insurance Subjects have to pass
Licentiate qualification separately from III before applying for
prior learning credits.
l) Centre for Continuing Education Kerala (CCEK),
Candidates who have passed the insurance subjects at Under
Graduate B.Com Level from Centre for Continuing Education Kerala
(CCEK), Thiruvananthapuram will get 60 Credit Points for prior
learning. Such candidates will not be allowed to appear for subjects 01,
02, 11, 14 of Insurance Institute of India curriculum.
m) University College for Women, Hyderabad
Candidates who have passed the insurance subjects at Under

Examination Handbook |39

Graduate B.Com Level from University College for Women,
Hyderabad will get 60 Credit Points for prior learning. Such
candidates will not be allowed to appear for subjects 01, 02 and 11 of
Insurance Institute of India curriculum.
n) Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai
Candidates who have passed the insurance subjects at Executive
Diploma in Insurance Management (1 year) from Loyola Institute
of Business Administration, Chennai will get 190 Credit Points for
prior learning. Such candidates will not be allowed to appear for
subjects 01, 02, 11, 14, 23, 24, 57, 78, 27, 72 and 88 of Insurance
Institute of India curriculum.
o) Muthayammal College of Arts & Science, Rasipuram
Candidates who have passed the insurance subjects at Under
Graduate B.Com Level from Muthayammal College of Arts &
Science, Rasipuram will get 60 Credit Points for prior learning. Such
candidates will not be allowed to appear for subjects 01, 02, 11 and 14
of Insurance Institute of India curriculum.
p) Karpagam University, Coimbatore
Candidates who have passed the insurance subjects at Under
Graduate B.Com level from Karpagam University, Coimbatore will
get 60 Credit Points for prior learning. Such candidates will not be
allowed to appear for subjects 01, 02, 11 and14 of Insurance Institute
of India curriculum.
q) Osmania University, Hyderabad
Candidates who have passed the insurance subjects at Under
Graduate B.Com Level from Osmania University, Hyderabad will get
60 Credit Points for prior learning. Such candidates will not be
allowed to appear for subjects 01, 02, 11 and14 of Insurance Institute
of India curriculum.
r) R.L. Institute of Management Studies, Madurai
Candidates who have passed Post Graduate full time MBA Degree in
Insurance and Finance from R.L. Institute of Management Studies,
Madurai will get 60 Credit Points for prior learning. Such candidates
will not be allowed to appear for subjects 01, 02, and 11 of Insurance
Institute of India curriculum.
s) Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore
i) Candidates who have passed the insurance subjects at Under
Graduate B.Com (Banking and Insurance) Level from
Rathinam College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Coimbatore
will get 60 Credit Points for prior learning. Such candidates will
not be allowed to appear for subjects 01, 02, 11 and14 of Insurance

Examination Handbook |40

Institute of India curriculum.
ii) If a student has obtained prior learning credit for the above
Licentiate subjects, and also passed any Elective Paper i.e.
P.No.27, 57, 67 he will get additional prior learning credit of 30
credit per subject for the corresponding subjects and he will not be
allowed to appear for the corresponding subject.
t) The Madura College, Madurai
Candidates who have passed the insurance subjects at Under
Graduate B.Com (Banking and Insurance) Level from The Madura
College (Autonomous), Madurai will get 60 Credit Points for prior
learning. Such candidates will not be allowed to appear for subjects 01,
02, 11 and 14 of Insurance Institute of India curriculum.
u) Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai
Candidates who have passed the insurance subjects at Under
Graduate B.Com (Banking and Insurance) Level from
Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai will get 60
Credit Points for prior learning. Such candidates will not be allowed
to appear for subjects 01, 02 and 11 of Insurance Institute of India
v) Lady Doak College, Madurai
Candidates who have passed the insurance subjects at Under
Graduate B.Com (Banking and Insurance) Level from Lady Doak
College, Madurai will get 60 Credit Points for prior learning. Such
candidates will not be allowed to appear for subjects 01, 02, 11 and14
of Insurance Institute of India curriculum.
Terms and Conditions for Claiming above Credit Points:

i. Subject wise Credit Points will be granted to the candidates on basis of

their qualifications from above Educational Institution only if, they
apply and register for I.I.I. examination within 5 years from passing
their qualifying examination.
ii. Candidate should have passed the above examinations with a minimum
of 50% marks in each subject in their first attempt.
Subject wise Credit Points will be granted to the candidates on the basis of their
qualifications from above Educational Institutions only and will be valid if, they
apply and register and passed the Associateship examination within 5 years
from passing their qualifying examination.
In no circumstances the credit points for prior learning will be granted more
than 190 points. i.e. there will be cap of maximum 190 credit points only.
Taxes to be added to the fees wherever applicable.

Examination Handbook |41

The candidate have to register as a member of I.I.I. by paying the
Registration Fees of Rs. 700 plus applicable taxes through online mode.
The exemption fee is to be paid through online mode along with applicable
taxes. The help manual for how to apply for exemption through online
mode is available under Help Desk menu.

Sr. Institute/University
Qualification CPs ption
No. Name
Institute of a) Associates and Fellows 100 2200
Chartered b) Associates and Fellows
Accountants of with Diploma in Insurance 180 4500
India Risk Management (DIRM)
National Insurance
PGDM in Management
2.a) Academy, Pune 190 4500
2 Years
i) International Post Graduate
Diploma (IPGD) in Life /
General Insurance & Risk 190 5000
(Upto academic Yr. 2017-18)
ii) International Post Graduate
Diploma (IPGD) in Life
150 3600
Branch (From academic Yr.

Institute of (From academic year 2019-20) 110 2500

Insurance & Risk iii) International Post Graduate
Management Diploma (IPGD) in General
160 3800
(IIRM) Branch (From academic Yr.
(From academic year 2019-20) 100 2200
iv) International Post Graduate
Diploma (IPGD) in Risk
120 2900
Management Branch (From
academic Yr. 2018-19)
(From academic year 2019-20) 110 2200
v) Post Graduate Diploma in
190 5000
Management (PGDM) 2 Yrs.
Amity School of i) MBA in Insurance and
2.c) 190 4800
Insurance, Banking Banking - 2 years

Examination Handbook |42

& Actuarial (from academic year 2016-18
Science, Noida to 2018-20)
(U.P.) (from academic year 2019-21
190 4500
to 2021-23)
ii) MBA in Insurance and
Financial Planning – 2 years
190 5000
(from academic year 2014-16
to 2017-19)
(from academic year 2018-20
190 4500
to 2020-22)
iii) BA in Insurance &
190 4600
(from academic year 2019-22
to 2021-24)
iv) BSC in Actuarial Science
(from academic year 2019-22 160 3700
to 2021-24)
i) MBA in Insurance
190 5000
(Upto Batch 2017-2019)
(from Batch 2018-2020) 190 4500
ii) MS Insurance
National Law (from academic year 2015- 190 5000
University, Jodhpur 2016 TO 2016-2017)
iii) MBA in Insurance Risk
190 4500
(from academic Year 2017-
2018 to 2018-2019)
Birla Institute of
Post Graduate Diploma in
2.e) Management (Insurance 190 5000
Greater Noida
Master of Business
Banaras Hindu
2.f) Administration (Risk & 190 4500
University (BHU)
MBA - Insurance
Management 190 5000
2.g) (Upto Batch 2015-17)
(From Batch 2016-18 to 2022-
190 4500
Bangladesh Associateship Diploma in
2.h) 190 5000
Insurance Academy Insurance
Examination Handbook |43
Post Graduate Diploma in
Siva Sivani
Management - Banking,
2.i) Institute of 60 1500
Insurance, Finance & Allied
The Institute of
Cost Accountants
2.j) ACMA / FCMA 100 2200
of India ACMA /
i) B.Com / B.Com (Honors) at
60 1500
Banking & Insurance
2.k) Christ University
ii) M.Com at Banking &
150 3500
Centre for
2.l) Under graduate B.Com level 60 1500
Education Kerala
University College
2.m) for Women Under graduate B.Com level 60 1500
Executive Diploma in
Insurance Management -
60 1500
Loyola Institute of On successful completion of
Business First Trimester
Administration Executive Diploma in
(LIBA) Chennai Insurance Management -
130 3500
On successful completion of
Second & Third Trimester
2.o) College of Arts & Under graduate B.Com level 60 1500
Science, Rasipuram
2.p) University, Under graduate B.Com level 60 1500
2.q) University, Under graduate B.Com level 60 1500
R.L.Institute of
MBA Degree in Insurance and
2.r) Management 60 1500
Studies, Madurai
Rathinam College i) Under Graduate B.Com
2.s) 60 1500
of Arts and Science (Banking and Insurance)

Examination Handbook |44

(Autonomous ii) Elective Paper i.e. 27, 57
Coimbatore) and 67, 30 credit points for 90 2100
each paper
The Madura
College Under Graduate B.Com
2.t) 60 1500
(Autonomous), (Banking and Insurance)
Under Graduate B.Com in
2.u) Lakshmipathy 60 1500
Banking and Insurance
College of Science
Under Graduate B.Com in
2.v) Lady Doak College 60 1500
Banking and Insurance

Fees to be paid in Indian Rupees, taxes as applicable shall be added by the

candidates applying within India

Important information for candidates granted full exemption upto

Associate level:
Candidates who have been granted full exemption as well as credit points upto
Associate level on the basis of their prior learning, will have to essentially pass
one actuarial* subject & accumulate 240 credits with following subjects to
qualify the Fellowship examination. These subjects are 81*, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86,
87, 88, 89, 90, 92*, 97, 98, 99 & 28/47*
. However, for enhancing their knowledge, candidates can also appear for other
papers as per their choice, which will have no bearing on credit accumulation
for qualifying Fellowship Examination.

Examination Handbook |45


1. After successfully passing Associateship Examination (250 credits) &

Fellowship Examination (490 credits) diploma will be issued to the eligible
candidate within a month on declaration of result. However, certificate of
other courses will be issued to the eligible candidate within a month on
declaration of result.
2. Duplicate Diploma: For duplicate diploma candidate will have to pay fees
as given in the Table of Fees, through Online Payment option available on
website under Examination - Diploma Menu.
3. The candidates who have passed the Associateship and Fellowship
examination prior to October / November, 2010 examination and who have
not commuted the diploma so far will have to fill the necessary election
form available on our website and pay the requisite fees as given in the
Table of Fees For Associateship / Fellowship Diploma (Old).
4. Admission of Fellows and Associates of Chartered Insurance Institute,
London and Faculty of Actuaries and Institute of Actuaries of India:
The Insurance Institute of India admits Fellows and Associates of the
Chartered Insurance Institute - London and Faculty of Actuaries - U.K. and
Institute of Actuaries of India as its Fellows / Associates.
Such Fellows and Associates should have at least 10 years and 7 years
standing in the profession respectively and their membership in their
respective professional bodies should be in force at the time of applying for
election. Further queries may be addressed at the
email id- diploma@iii.org.in.
Intending members should apply to the Institute in the prescribed election
form available on website under Examination - Diploma Menu, together
with the requisite fee.
a. The requisite fee.
b. Particulars of membership of the C.I.I.-London, Institute and Faculty
of Actuaries-U.K., Institute of Actuaries of India as the case may be.
c. Necessary proof to the effect that applicant is a member of respective
d. A declaration to the effect that the applicant possesses the required
number of years standing in the profession.
e. Copies of Diploma / Mark sheet submitted must be duly attested by
the certifying Institute.

Examination Handbook |46

A) Specialized Diploma course in Marine Insurance
P. No. Title
IC-60 Marine Cargo Insurance Principles and Underwriting
(Introduced in lieu of IC-68)
IC-66 Marine Insurance Claim
IC-70 Marine Hull Underwriting and Claims (Introduced in
lieu of IC-69)
Candidate passed Licentiate in Non-life branch i.e. Subject No. 01, 11 and
any other optional subject of 20/30/40 Credit Points is eligible for Specialized
Diploma course on Marine Insurance.

B) Specialized Diploma course in Fire Insurance

P. No. Title
IC-56 Fire Insurance Claims
IC-58 Fire Insurance Coverage’s
IC-59 Fire Insurance Rating & Underwriting
Candidate passed Licentiate in Non-life branch i.e. Subject No. 01, 11 and
any other optional subject of 20/30/40 Credit Points is eligible for
Specialized Diploma course on Fire Insurance.

C) Certificate course in Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science: This

course and examination is available in India only.
The certificate course titled “Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science” is
for the benefit of persons interested in the field of General Insurance
Actuarial Science.
The course comprises following subjects:

P. No. Title
IC-A-1 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part – I
IC-A-2 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part – II

This course is an attempt to create sufficient technical knowledge of General

Insurance Actuarial Techniques for scientific determination of premium rates.
Candidate passed Licentiate in Non-life branch i.e. Subject No. 01, 11 and
any other optional subject of 20/30/40 Credit Points is eligible for Certificate

Examination Handbook |47

course in Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science.
A strong Mathematical background and rigorous study of the subject matter
is necessary for passing the Actuarial examinations successfully.
Candidates passed subjects A-1 and A-2 at Certificate course on
Foundations of Actuarial Science qualification level will get credit points
updated while appearing Fellowship Examination in Subject No. 47 and 84
respectively only after passing Associate Examination. Similarly, candidates
passed Subjects 47 and 84 at Fellowship level will get credit in subjects A-1
and A-2 while appearing for Actuarial diploma course.

D) Specialized Diploma course in Casualty Actuarial Science: This course

and Examination is available in India only.
P. No. Title
IC-A-1 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part – I
IC-A-2 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part – II
IC-A-3 Basic Ratemaking
IC-A-4 Estimating Unpaid Claims Using Basic Techniques

Candidate passed Licentiate in Non-life branch i.e. Subject No. 01, 11 and
any other optional subject of 20/30/40 Credit Points is eligible for
Specialized Diploma course on Casualty Actuarial Science.
Candidates Passed subjects A-1 and A-2 at Certificate & Specialized
Diploma course on Actuarial Science qualification level will get credit
points updated while appearing Fellow examination in Subject No. 47 and
84 respectively only after passing Associate Examination. Similarly,
candidates passed Subjects 47 and 84 at Fellowship level will get credit in
subjects A-1 and A-2 while appearing for Actuarial diploma course.
E) Certificate Programme in Advanced Insurance Marketing
This course is meant for those engaged as sales and marketing personnel of
Insurance Companies, Brokers firms, Corporate Agents, Bancassurance
and thus this programme will provide perfectives, marketing tools, skills
and values that are required for excellence in Insurance Marketing.
The course is at three level, i.e Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. The level
comprises 16 subjects. i.e. 4+6+6. Subjects are as under:
Candidates passed Licentiate (Life or Non-Life) with the Graduation in
any stream or Associate (AIII) or Fellow (FIII) are eligible for Certificate
Programme in Advanced Insurance Marketing.

Examination Handbook |48

BASIC 1. Fundamentals of Insurance (BL-01)
LEVEL 2. Personal Financial Planning (BL-02)
3. Professional Selling (BL-03)
4. Life Insurance Practice (IC-02) or
General Insurance Practice (IC-11)
INTERMEDIA 1. Insurance and the Environment (IL-01)
TE LEVEL 2. Understanding Buyer Behavior (IL-02)
3. Agency Management (IL-03)
4. Indian Insurance Industry (IL-04)
5. Life Insurance Underwriting (IC-22) or
General Insurance Underwriting(IC-45)
6. Life Insurance Products (IL-06(i)) or
(Optional Pensions and Annuity (IL-06 (ii)) or
Stream) Health Insurance (IC-27) or
(LIFE) Asset management (IC-99)
6. Miscellaneous Insurance (IC-78) or
(Optional Property Insurance (IC-57) or
Stream) Marine Insurance (IC-67) or
(General) Motor Insurance (IC-72) or
Health Insurance (IC-27)
ADVANCED 1. Insurance Marketing - Principles and
LEVEL Practices (AL-01)
2. Leadership and Personal Mastery
3. Branding and Marketing
Communication (AL-03)
4. Marketing Channels in Insurance
5. Marketing research and Insurance
6. Research Project
The examination will be conducted only through online mode. Membership
Fee is Rs. 700/-, Separate Registration fee of Rs. 700/- and Examination
Fees per subject for fresh & repeater candidate is Rs.700/- .
Registration is valid for a period of 5 years. i.e. candidates have to clear all
four papers of Basic level within 18 months from registration.
Intermediate level all six papers within 36 months from registration and
Examination Handbook |49
Advanced level all six papers within 5 years from 1st registration.
If candidate could not pass the specified papers within the scheduled period,
the Registration for CPAIM will be lapsed and no credits will be available
for passing the subjects of that level, candidates have to appear all the
papers of the specific level exam with fresh registration, however the
membership will be continued. Admission in higher level is permitted only
after passing lower level exam.

F) Specialized Diploma course in Health Insurance

P. No. Title
IC-35 Basics of Health Insurance
IC-36 Health Insurance Claims
IC-37 Health Insurance Operations
Candidate passed Licentiate in Non-life branch i.e. Subject No. 01, 11 and
any other optional subject of 20/30/40 Credit Points is eligible for
Specialized Diploma course in Health Insurance.

G) 1. Diploma in Life Insurance Underwriting:

P. No. Title
IC-22 Life Insurance Underwriting
IC-AIU 01 Legal and Regulatory aspects for life underwriters
IC-AIU 02 Fundamental of Medical Underwriting

Candidate passed Licentiate in Life branch i.e. Subject No. 01, 02 and any
other optional subject of 20/30/40 Credit Points is eligible for Diploma in
Life Insurance Underwriting.
Candidates having passed Paper No.22 at Associateship examination will
get credit for Diploma in Life Insurance Underwriting.
Examination Fee per subject is Rs.700/- (without learning material).
The examination will be conducted in online mode only along with other
professional examination and passing marks will be 60%.

2. Advanced Diploma in Life Insurance Underwriting:

Candidate having passed Diploma in Life Insurance Underwriting are only
eligible to register / appear for Advanced Diploma in Life Insurance

Examination Handbook |50

P. No. Title
IC-AIU 03 Intermediate Medical Life Insurance Underwriting
IC-AIU 04 Intermediate Non-Medical Life Insurance Underwriting
IC-AIU 05 Advanced Life Insurance Underwriting
Examination Fee per subject for is Rs.700/- (without learning material).
The examination will be conducted in online mode only (twice a year
i.e. June & December) and passing marks will be 60%.

H) Certificate Course in Compliance, Governance and Risk Management

in Insurance
Any candidate who is Associate/ Fellow Members of Institute of
Companies Secretaries of India or Associate/Fellow Members of Insurance
Institute of India is eligible to enroll for the course.
The course consists of 2 parts.
PART 1 (Online exam of 3 papers)
P. No. Title
IRCC-01 Fundamentals of Insurance
IRCC-02 Insurance Regulations, Governance and Compliance
IRCC-03 Risk Management in Insurance
PART 2 (Training)
3 days class room training
Registration fees is Rs. 700/- and Examination Fee per subject is Rs.1,000/-
(without learning material). Classroom training fees is Rs.15,000/- for
residential candidate & 10,800/- for non-residential candidate.
Registration is essential for fresher. If a candidate is already registered for
professional examination registration fees is not required.
The examination will be conducted in online mode only (twice a year
i.e. June & December) and passing marks will be 60%.

I) Certified Insurance Anti-Fraud Professional (CIAFP)

This course is jointly offered by Insurance institute of India and North

American Training Group (NATG). Members of III who have qualified in
their Licentiate examination can enroll for the CIAFP course. Enrollment
facility is available online, at III’s website under the tab ‘Exam
Registration’ as “Online Course – Certified Insurance Anti-Fraud
Professional (CIAFP)”.

Examination Handbook |51

Course Structure: Duration of the course is 1 Year from the date of
enrollment (Part 1 & Part 2).

Part 1: Course Content: The course is delivered on the e-learning /

Training mode through 15 online modules (out of 15 modules 8 modules
are under revision) with assessment after every module. The access for
online modules will be available for 6 months from the date of enrollment.
The candidate must score minimum 70% marks to go ahead from one
module to the next module of e-learning / Training.
Part 2: Training: Three days of Classroom training is mandatory for
course completion.
Part 3: Annual Refresher – Continuing education of 3 hours every year is
required after completing CIAFP to maintain certification.

 Online Course enrollment fees: INR Rs.4900/-*.
 Classroom training fee: Residential Rs.15,000/-*(Rs.5,000 X 3 days),
Non Residential Rs.10,800/-* (Rs.3600 X 3 days)
 Annual Refresher – INR 200/-* per year.
*plus applicable taxes (Fees are linked to exchange rates and may be
revised in April every year).
Award of Certificate/Administration:
 The course will be administered by Insurance Institute of India
 Certificate will be issued jointly by III & NATG after successful
completion of both parts, viz. (i) Online e-learning and (ii) Training
and Classroom Training.
J) Certified Private Insurance Investigator (CPII)

This is a certification cum professional designation course for private

investigators who serve the insurance industry. This course is designed to
equip private investigators in matters specifically related to insurance fraud.

The CPII course will provide in-depth knowledge on insurance and

insurance investigations. The course material is designed to suit the
professional requirements of every investigator; so that all practitioners,
from the novice to the most seasoned professional, would benefit. For more
details please visit www.cpii.in

Examination Handbook |52


Insurance Institute of India publishes study material for all subjects prescribed
for its examinations. The study material only forms the basic knowledge relating
to the subject. The syllabus incorporated in it is indicative and not exhaustive.
Moreover, candidates have to refer other books and magazines recommended
for reading. Candidates appearing for Associateship and Fellowship papers will
have to understand how the concepts given in the study material will be able to
apply in practical situations. They should be well aware of the current updates
and developments in the insurance industry.

A) Availability of Study Materials in English / Hindi Languages. The details

are given as under:

No. Available in

1 IC-01, IC-02, IC-11, IC-14, IC-22, IC-23, IC- English & Hindi.
45, IC-57, IC-67, IC-71, IC-72, IC-74, IC-76,
IC-77, IC-78
2 IC-26, IC-27, IC-28, IC-46, IC-47, IC-81, IC- Presently
82, IC-83, IC-84, IC-85, IC-86, IC-88, IC-89, available only in
IC-90, IC-92, IC-99 English
3 Certificate Course in Foundation of Casualty
Actuarial Science English
IC-47/IC-A1, IC-84/IC A2
4 Specialized Diploma in Foundation of Casualty
Actuarial Science English
IC-47/IC-A-1, IC-84/IC-A-2,IC-A-3,IC-A-4
5 Specialized Diploma in Marine Insurance IC-
English & Hindi
60, IC-66, IC-70
6 Specialized Diploma in Fire Insurance
English & Hindi
IC-56, IC-58, IC-59,
7 Certificate Course in Foundation of Casualty
Actuarial Science IC-47/IC-A1, IC-84/IC A2
8 Specialized Diploma in Health Insurance IC-
35, IC-36, IC-37,
9 Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Life
Insurance Underwriting AIU-01, AIU-02, English
AIU-03, AIU-04, AIU-05

Examination Handbook |53

10 Certificate Programme in Advance Insurance
Marketing - CPAIM - BL-01, BL-02, BL-03,
IL-01, IL-02, IL-03, IL-04, IL-06(i), IL-06(ii),
AL-01, AL-02, AL-03, AL-04, AL-05
11 Certificate Course on Compliance Governance
and Risk Management in Insurance - IRCC-01, English
IRCC-02, IRCC-03

 The Price List and year of edition of Study Material is available at web site
www.insuranceinstituteofindia.com under the menu Study Material – Price
 The Study Material (Hard copy) can be purchased online at the time of
enrolling for examination by ticking check box available for Study
 The Registered members of III can purchase their required Study Material
(Hard copy) / e-Book / e-Learning from their login under Study Material –
Purchase Online.
 Change of Subject will not be applicable for Study Material.
 It is necessary to update correspondence address before purchasing Study
Material. The address updated after purchasing Study Material will not be
 Delivery time of Study Material is 8-10 working days after receipt of
 Delivery status of the Study Material will be updated on web site under the
menu Study Material – Study Material Dispatch Status.
 Study Material dispatched will not be returned/exchanged.
 Due to any reason if the delivered Study Material is returned to the Institute
then the postage charges will be charged for re-dispatching the Study
 The Study Material (Hard copy) can be purchased from Associated
Institutes or from III – Mumbai by sending a demand draft drawn in favour
of “Insurance Institute of India” payable at Mumbai with covering letter to:
Study Courses Department
Insurance Institute of India
Plot No. C-46, ‘G’ Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East),

Covering letter should contain following details.

Examination Handbook |54
(a) Full Name and Complete delivery address with pin code.
(b) Contact details/email address.
(c) Study Material requirement. Subject Code/Title/ Language/ Quantity.
(d) Details of Demand Draft (Demand Draft should be according to the
price of Study Material.)

The Study Material price list is available under “Study Material” menu and the
list of Associated Institutes is available under “Affiliates” menu at
B) E-Learning:
E-Learning stands for electronic learning which essentially allows candidates to
learn a particular subject directly from the computer. In accordance with the
needs of the changing times, Insurance Institute of India have brought out an e-
Learning program as an additional tool of learning for candidates for some
papers. Efforts are being made to develop e-learning for more subjects.
Subscription for E-Learning is valid for a period of 6 months from the date of
creation of login credentials. The module provides much beyond the course
material in terms of web-links, self-learning questions to communicate within
the circle of candidates etc. At present e-learning is available for following
IC-23 IC-71 IC-78
IC-14 IC-74 IC-85
IC-67 IC-77 IC-86
E-Learning programme fee details are available on website. (Please refer to
Study Material Menu on Website).
Candidates can also purchase e-Learning while enrolling for the respective
For queries related to e-learning, candidates can mail to: elp@iii.org.in
C) Web-Coaching
We have introduced web-coaching facility as an additional teaching activity for
the subjects 01, 02, 11, 14, 23, 24, 28, 72, 77, 81, 86.
This facility was made available only for registered candidates.
We are in the process of starting Web-Coaching facility for more subjects.
D) E-books: Looking at the latest trends in the education and training field, III
has taken an initiative to convert its study courses into electronic books, at
present following e-Books are available
Sr. No. Material Title Available in
1 IC-01 Principles of Insurance English/Hindi
2 IC-02 Practice of Life Insurance English/Hindi

Examination Handbook |55

3 IC-11 Practice of General Insurance English/Hindi
4 IC-14 Regulations of Insurance Business English/Hindi

E) Audio Versions: As an additional learning aid, especially for visually

challenged candidates of our country who want to appear for our examinations,
III has prepared audio versions for some of the Licentiate and Associateship
study material. At present audio version for the subjects 01, 02, 11, 14, 23, 24,
26, 27, 45, 46, 47, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 66, 67, 70, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83,
84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 99 is available in English & 01, 02, 11, 57 ,70, 72, 74,
77, 78 is available in Hindi. This facility is available to the visually challenged
candidates without any cost.

Examination Handbook |56


Fee Structure for Fresh Candidates

Fees In Indian Rupees (INR)

Particulars India #, Bhutan*, Overseas
Nepal*, Bangladesh*,
Srilanka*, Myanmar*,
Pakistan*, Maldives*
Registration Fee (inclusive of life 700.00 3000.00
membership fee)
Paper Enrollment Fee for 20 Credit 500.00 2500.00
Points (per subject)
Paper Enrollment Fee for 30 Credit 700.00 3000.00
Points (per subject)
Paper Enrollment Fee for 40 Credit 800.00 3500.00
Points (per subject)
Paper Enrollment Fee for 700.00 3000.00
Specialized Diploma (per subject of
Health Diploma, Fire Diploma,
Marine Diploma, CPAIM, Diploma
& Advanced Diploma in Life
Insurance Underwriting)
Paper Enrollment Fee for 800.00 NA
Specialized Diploma (Casualty
Actuarial Science Diploma)
Paper Enrollment Fee for Certificate 1000.00 NA
Course on Compliance, Governance
& Risk Management in Insurance
One time Registration fee with 1000.00 4000.00
compulsory subjects of
Associateship Diploma (In lieu of
diploma fee)

One time Registration fee with 1000.00 4000.00

compulsory subjects of Fellowship
(In lieu of diploma fee)

Examination Handbook |57

Fee Structure for Pre-licensing test for Insurance Surveyors
Particulars Fees In Indian Rupees#
Registration Fee 500.00
Paper Enrollment Fee (per subject) 500.00

Diploma Fees
Fees In Indian Rupees
Particulars India # Bhutan*, Nepal*, Srilanka* Overseas
Duplicate 50.00 150.00 150.00 1000.00
Associateship 1000.00 1000.00 1500.00 7500.00
Fellowship 600.00 600.00 900.00 3500.00
Duplicate 500.00 500.00 500.00 1000.00

** Only for candidates who have passed Associateship / Fellowship exam

before October / November 2010 examination and have not procured the
respective diploma so far.

Institutes and Insurance companies in other countries who send applications/

payments on behalf of their members/employees should send the application
forms and payment immediately on the next working day of the closing date.

Examination Handbook |58

Miscellaneous Fees
Particulars Fees In Indian Rupees (INR)
India #, Bhutan*, Nepal*, Overseas
Bangladesh*, Srilanka*,
Myanmar*, Afghanistan*,
Pakistan*, Maldives*
Late fees (per entry for all 800.00 800.00
exams)(Offline Examination)*
Change of Centre Fee (Offline 500.00 500.00
Exemption Fee for 20 Credit 500.00 2500.00
Point subjects (Per Subject)
Exemption Fee for 30 Credit 700.00 3000.00
Point Subjects (Per Subject)
Exemption Fee for 40 Credit 800.00 3500.00
Point Subjects (Per Subject)
Retotalling Fee per subject 500.00 500.00
Applicable only for MCQ
Papers (Offline Examination)*
Retotalling fee for Surveyor 500.00 NA
Revaluation fee other than 800.00 800.00
MCQ Papers (i.e. Descriptive
Duplicate Mark Sheet / 300.00 300.00
Transcript 800.00 2500.00

* Candidates from Sri Lanka enrolling through SLII will pay the prescribed fees
in SLR (equivalent to INR). Fees Related to Offline Examination is applicable
only to the Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Myanmar, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Maldives countries.
Retotaling is available only for Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Examination
(Offline mode).
# In addition to the above fees, taxes as applicable shall be added to the fees for
the candidates applying within India.
The price of Study Material is payable according to the Price list available on
our website under the menu Study Material.

Examination Handbook |59

Time Table for Off-line (twice a year) also is available on Website


MORNING SESSION 9.30 A.M. TO 11.30 A.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)

/ AFTERNOON SESSION 1.00 P.M. TO 3.00 P.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)

9th May, 2020 – Saturday (Morning)

Sub. Subject Title

IC-26 Life Insurance Finance
IC-46 General Insurance Accounts Preparation and Regulation of Investment

IC-59 Fire Insurance Rating & Underwriting

IC-66 Marine Insurance Claims
IC-71 Agriculture Insurance
IC-85 Reinsurance Management

9thMay, 2020 -Saturday (Afternoon)

Sub. Subject Title

IC-27 Health Insurance
IC-28 Foundation of Actuarial Science
IC-47 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science-Part-I
IC-56 Fire Insurance Claims
IC-72 Motor Insurance
IC-99 Asset Management

Examination Handbook |60

MORNING SESSION 9.30 A.M. TO 11.30 A.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)
/ AFTERNOON SESSION 1.00 P.M. TO 3.00 P.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)

10thMay, 2020 Sunday (Morning)

Sub. Subject Title

IC-02 Practice of Life Insurance
IC-22 Life Insurance Underwriting
IC-45 General Insurance Underwriting
IC-58 Fire Insurance Coverage’s
IC-60 Marine Cargo Insurance Principles and Underwriting
IC-82 Statistics
IC-88 Marketing & Public Relations

10th May, 2020 Sunday (Afternoon)

Sub. No. Subject Title

IC-11 Practice of General Insurance

IC-24 Legal Aspects of Life Assurance
IC-57 Fire & Consequential Loss Insurance
IC-78 Miscellaneous Insurance
IC-89 Management Accounting
IC 92 Actuarial Aspects of Product Development

Examination Handbook |61

MORNING SESSION 9.30 A.M. TO 11.30 A.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)
/ AFTERNOON SESSION 1.00 P.M. TO 3.00 P.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)

16th May, 2020 Saturday (Morning )

Sub. Subject Title

IC-01 Principles of Insurance
IC-23 Applications of Life Insurance
IC-70 Marine Hull Insurance Underwriting and Claims
IC-74 Liability Insurance
IC-83 Group Insurance & Retirement Benefit Schemes
IC-86 Risk Management

16th May, 2020 Saturday (Afternoon)

Sub. Subject Title

IC-14 Regulations of Insurance Business
IC-67 Marine Insurance
IC-76 Aviation Insurance
IC-77 Engineering Insurance
IC-81 Mathematical Basis of Life Assurance
IC-84 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part II
IC-90 Human Resources Management


Examination Handbook |62

MORNING SESSION 9.30 A.M. TO 11.30 A.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)
/ AFTERNOON SESSION 1.00 P.M. TO 3.00 P.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)

7th November, 2020 – Saturday (Morning)

Sub. Subject Title

IC-26 Life Insurance Finance
IC-46 General Insurance Accounts Preparation and Regulation of Investment
IC-59 Fire Insurance Rating & Underwriting
IC-66 Marine Insurance Claims
IC-71 Agriculture Insurance
IC-85 Reinsurance Management

7th November, 2020 -Saturday (Afternoon)

Sub. Subject Title

IC-27 Health Insurance
IC-28 Foundation of Actuarial Science
IC-47 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science-Part-I
IC-56 Fire Insurance Claims
IC-72 Motor Insurance
IC-99 Asset Management

Examination Handbook |63

MORNING SESSION 9.30 A.M. TO 11.30 A.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)
/ AFTERNOON SESSION 1.00 P.M. TO 3.00 P.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)

8thNovember, 2020 Sunday (Morning)

Sub. Subject Title

IC-02 Practice of Life Insurance
IC-22 Life Insurance Underwriting
IC-45 General Insurance Underwriting
IC-58 Fire Insurance Coverage’s
IC-60 Marine Cargo Insurance Principles and Underwriting
IC-82 Statistics
IC-88 Marketing & Public Relations

8thNovember, 2020 Sunday (Afternoon)

Sub. No. Subject Title

IC-11 Practice of General Insurance

IC-24 Legal Aspects of Life Assurance
IC-57 Fire & Consequential Loss Insurance
IC-78 Miscellaneous Insurance
IC-89 Management Accounting
IC-92 Actuarial Aspects of Product Development

Examination Handbook |64

MORNING SESSION 9.30 A.M. TO 11.30 A.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)
/ AFTERNOON SESSION 1.00 P.M. TO 3.00 P.M. (GCC, SAARC Centres)

14thNovember, 2020 Saturday (Morning )

Sub. Subject Title

IC-01 Principles of Insurance
IC-23 Applications of Life Insurance
IC-70 Marine Hull Insurance Underwriting and Claims
IC-74 Liability Insurance
IC-83 Group Insurance & Retirement Benefit Schemes
IC-86 Risk Management

14thNovember, 2020 Saturday (Afternoon)

Sub. Subject Title

IC-14 Regulations of Insurance Business
IC-67 Marine Insurance
IC-76 Aviation Insurance
IC-77 Engineering Insurance
IC-81 Mathematical Basis of Life Assurance
IC-84 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part II
IC-90 Human Resources Management


According to the time-table, more than one paper may be scheduled for the same
time. While submitting the entry form and selecting the subjects, the candidates must
satisfy themselves that there is no clash in the time-table for the subjects chosen by
them. In the event of a clash, candidates should select a different subject. A
candidate is allowed to appear for examination in only one subject per session.
Please note in no circumstances, refund or carry forward of examination fees are
permitted due to wrong or unsuitable selection.

Examination Handbook |65

Sr. Subject Code & Title Credit Exam Q.P.
No. Points Mode Type *
1 (01) Principles of Insurance 20 Online MCQ
2 (02) Practice of Life Insurance 20 Online MCQ
3 (11) Practice of General Insurance 20 Online MCQ
4 (14) Regulations of Insurance Business 20 Online MCQ
5 (22) Life Insurance Underwriting 30 Online MCQ
6 (23) Applications of Life Insurance 30 Online MCQ
7 (24) Legal Aspects of Life Assurance 30 Online MCQ
8 (26) Life Insurance Finance 30 Online MCQ
9 (27) Health Insurance 30 Online MCQ
10 (28) Foundation of Actuarial Science 40 Online MCQ
11 (35) Basics of Health Insurance Nil Online MCQ
12 (36) Health Insurance Claims Nil Online MCQ
13 (37) Health Insurance Operations Nil Online MCQ
14 (45) General Insurance Underwriting 30 Online MCQ
15 (46) General Insurance Accounts 30 Online MCQ
Preparation and Regulation of
16 (47 / A-1) Foundation of Casualty 40 Online MCQ
Actuarial Science Part – I
17 (56) Fire Insurance Claims (June, 17) Nil Online MCQ
18 (57) Fire and Consequential Loss 30 Online MCQ
19 (58) Fire Insurance Coverage’s Nil Online MCQ
(June, 17)
20 (59) Fire Insurance Rating and Nil Online MCQ
(June, 17)
21 (60) Marine Cargo Insurance Principles Nil Online MCQ
and Underwriting (Introduced in lieu of
IC 68)
22 (66) Marine Insurance Claims Nil Online MCQ

Examination Handbook |66

23 (67) Marine Insurance 30 Online MCQ
24 (70) Marine Hull Underwriting and Nil Online MCQ
Claims (Introduced in lieu of IC 69)
25 (71) Agriculture Insurance 30 Online MCQ
26 (72) Motor Insurance 30 Online MCQ
27 (74) Liability Insurance 30 Online MCQ
28 (76) Aviation Insurance 30 Online MCQ
29 (77) Engineering Insurance 30 Online MCQ
30 (78) Miscellaneous Insurance 30 Online MCQ
31 (81) Mathematical Basis Life 40 Online MCQ
Assurance (June, 17)
32 (82) Statistics (June, 17) 40 Online MCQ
33 (83) Group Insurance & Retirement 30 Online MCQ
Benefit Scheme
34 (84 / A-2) Foundation of Casualty 40 Online MCQ
Actuarial Science Part –II (June, 17)
35 (85) Reinsurance Management 40 Online MCQ
36 (86) Risk Management 40 Online MCQ
37 (88) Marketing and Public Relations 30 Online MCQ
38 (89) Management Accounting 40 Online MCQ
39 (90) Human Resources Management 30 Online MCQ
40 (92) Actuarial Aspects of Product 40 Online MCQ
41 (99) Asset Management 30 Online MCQ
42 (A-3) Basic Rate Making (June, 17) Nil Online MCQ
43 (A-4) Estimating Unpaid Claims Using Nil Online MCQ
Basic Techniques (June, 17)
44 (BL-01) Fundamentals of Insurance Nil Online MCQ
45 (BL-02) Personal Financial Planning Nil Online MCQ
46 (BL-03) Professional Selling Nil Online MCQ
47 (IL-01) Insurance and the Environment Nil Online MCQ
48 (IL-02) Understanding Buyer Behavior Nil Online MCQ
49 (IL-03) Agency Management Nil Online MCQ

Examination Handbook |67

50 (IL-04) Indian Insurance Industry Nil Online MCQ
51 (IL-06(i)) Life Insurance Products Nil Online MCQ
52 (IL-06 (ii)) Pensions and Annuity Nil Online MCQ
53 (AL-01) Insurance Marketing - Nil Online MCQ
Principles and Practices
54 (AL-02) Leadership and Personal Nil Online MCQ
55 (AL-03) Branding and Marketing Nil Online MCQ
56 (AL-04) Marketing Channels in Nil Online MCQ
57 (AL-05)Marketing research and Nil Online MCQ
58 (IC-AIU 01) Legal and Regulatory Nil Online MCQ
aspects for Life Underwriters
59 (IC-AIU 02) Fundamental of Medical Nil Online MCQ
60 (IC-AIU 03) Intermediate Medical Life Nil Online MCQ
Insurance Underwriting
61 (IC-AIU 04) Intermediate Non-Medical Nil Online MCQ
Life Insurance Underwriting
62 (IC-AIU 05) Advanced Life Insurance Nil Online MCQ
63 (IRCC 01) Fundamentals of Insurance Nil Online MCQ
64 (IRCC 02) Insurance Regulations, Nil Online MCQ
Governance and Compliance
65 (IRCC 03) Risk Management in Nil Online MCQ

*MCQ – Multiple Choice Questions

Examination Handbook |68

Examination Handbook |69

The Insurance Institute of India awards PRIZES to the Toppers of Professional

Examinations in recognition of their outstanding performance, subject to
certain minimum conditions mentioned below being fulfilled by the candidates.
There will be two sessions of examinations:
1. From 1st January to 30th June.
2. From 1st July to 31st December.
For both sessions separate merit lists will be prepared after merging the data of
online and offline examinations conducted during the period of session.
The following prizes will be awarded to the candidates standing first in the
examination and to the candidates standing first in individual subjects.
1. Toppers of Licentiate / Associate / Fellow Examinations.

a. Fellowship 2 Prizes Rs.7,500/- each.

b. Associateship 2 Prizes Rs.5,000/- each.
c. Licentiate 2 Prizes Rs.3,000/- each.

Prizes will be declared on the basis of following criteria:

I. Candidates accumulating minimum required CPs and qualifying for
certificate / diploma in a session will be considered for that session only.
II. Topper in Licentiate Examination:
Only those candidates who have accumulated minimum 60 credit points and
have passed all the subjects in first attempt with the passing of two compulsory
subjects and must have secured minimum 70% marks in each of the subjects (in
either session January to June – Session-1, July-December-Session-2).

III. Topper in Associateship Examination:

Only those candidates who have accumulated minimum 190 credit points (i.e
Licentiate – 60 credit points + Associate – 190 credit points = with total of 250
credit points) should have passed all the subjects with the passing of 2
compulsory subjects prescribed for Associateship Examination (in either first
session January to June – Session-1, July-December-Session-2).

IV. Topper in Fellowship Examination:

Only those candidates who have accumulated minimum 240 credit points (i.e
Licentiate – 60 credit points + Associate – 190 credit points + Fellow – 240
credit points with total of 490 credit points) with the passing of 1 compulsory

Examination Handbook |70

subject prescribed for Fellowship Examination (in either first session January to
June – Session-1, July-December-Session-2).

2.a. Toppers of each subject: - Rs.2,500/- each.

Sr. Subject code and title
1 01 Principles of Insurance
2 02 Practice of Life Insurance
3 11 Practice of General Insurance
4 14 Regulations of Insurance Business
5 22 Life Insurance Underwriting
6 23 Applications of Life Assurance
7 24 Legal Aspects of Life Insurance
8 26 Life Insurance Finance
9 27 Health Insurance
10 28 Foundation of Actuarial Science
11 35 Basics of Health Insurance
12 36 Health Insurance Claims Management
13 37 Health Insurance Operations
14 45 General Insurance Underwriting
15 46 General Insurance Accounts and Regulation of Investment
16 47 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part – I
17 56 Fire Insurance Claims
18 57 Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance
19 58 Fire Insurance Coverage’s
20 59 Fire Insurance Rating and Underwriting
21 60 Marine Cargo Insurance Principles and Underwriting
22 66 Marine Insurance Claims
23 67 Marine Insurance
24 70 Marine Hull Underwriting and Claims
25 71 Agriculture Insurance
26 72 Motor Insurance

Examination Handbook |71

27 74 Liability Insurance
28 76 Aviation Insurance
29 77 Engineering Insurance
30 78 Miscellaneous Insurance
31 81 Mathematical Basis of Life Assurance
32 82 Statistics
33 83 Group Insurance & Retirement Benefit Scheme
34 84 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part –II
35 85 Reinsurance
36 86 Risk Management
37 88 Marketing and Public Relations
38 89 Management Accounting
39 90 Human Resources Management
40 92 Actuarial Aspects of Product Development
41 99 Asset Management
42 A-1 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part – I
43 A-2 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part – II
44 A-3 Basic Rate making
45 A-4 Estimating Unpaid Claims Using Basic Techniques

Prizes will be declared on the basis of following criteria:

I. The Candidate must have passed the subject in first attempt and
II. Must have secured minimum 75% marks in the subject and
III. The candidate getting highest marks in the subject will be declared
“Topper”. In case more than one candidate get marks equal to highest
marks, all such candidates will be declared “Topper”.
Note: Any candidate who has ever been penalized for malpractice will be
removed from the merit list.
b. Toppers of Surveyors subject – Rs.1,100/-
S-01: Principles and Practice of General Insurance and Survey and Loss
Subject wise prizes will be declared on the basis of following criteria:
I. The Candidate must have passed the subject in first attempt and
II. The candidate getting highest marks in the subject will be declared
“Topper”. In case more than one candidate get marks equal to highest

Examination Handbook |72

marks, all such candidates will be declared “Topper”.
Note: Any candidate who has ever been penalized for malpractice will be
removed from the merit list.

1. Fellowship

1. : Indian Insurance Companies Association, Kolkata

2. : i) Surender Lall ii) Braj Raj

2. Associateship

1. Life : i) Jayant Dalal ii) Suresh K. Desai

2. General : Mumbai Insurance Institute
3. Marine : Bhagwandas Peraj
4. Miscellaneous : Bhaichand Amoluk Consultancy Services Pvt.
3. Licentiate

1. : Ghanshamdas Khilnani
2. : V.N.C. Narichania
4. Subject wise Prizes
1. 27-Health Insurance : Balwant Singh.
2. 45- General Insurance : Indian Insurance Society,
Underwriting Kolkata
3. 65-Marine Underwriting : Madras Insurance Institute.
4. 66-Marine Insurance Claims : M. Subrahmaniam.
5. 81- Mathematical Basis of : Prof. K.Gopal.
Life Assurance
6. 82- Statistics : All India Technically qualified
L.I.C. Employees Association
7. 83- Group Insurance & : B.S. Sahae.
Retirement Benefit

Examination Handbook |73

8. 85- Reinsurance : i) J.B. Boda & Co.
ii) Mugatlal Bhagwandas Boda
9. 86- Risk Management : The Institute of Insurance
Surveyors & Adjusters.
10. 88- Marketing & Public : Indian Insurance Institute,
Relations Kolkata
11. 89-Management Accounting : Lucknow Insurance Institute
12. 90- Human Resource : H.L. Mathrawala
13. S-1-Principles and Practice : M.L.Gupta
of General Insurance and
Survey and Loss
(Surveyors Examination)

The Board reserves the right to alter, amend or revoke, from time to time, the
rules framed for the purpose. The Board’s decision shall be final in the matter.

C. The following Organizations are sponsoring Cash Awards to the toppers

of the Professional examination of the Insurance Institute of India.
Sr. Sponsored by Award Details Cash Prize
1. Marsh India i) Associateship (Full Rs. 50,000/- for
Insurance Brokers Exam) each session.*
Pvt. Ltd
Individual Subjects Rs. 25,000/-
i) Sub. IC67 - Marine each for each
Insurance session.*
ii) Sub. IC74 - Liability
iii) Sub. IC85 -
iv) Sub. IC86 - Risk
2. Insurance Brokers i) Associateship (Full Rs. 15,000/-
Association of Exam) each in a
India (2 Prizes - 1 for Male & calendar year.
1 for Female) **

Examination Handbook |74

ii) Fellowship (Full Rs.25,000/-
Exam) each in a
(2 Prizes - 1 for Male & calendar year.**
1 for Female)
3 Shri Surveyors & Individual Subjects Rs.1,100/- for
Adjusters Pvt. i) Sub S-02 - Fire each session.*
Ltd. Insurance
ii) Sub. S-06 - Motor
4. 1979 Batch of Specialized Diploma Rs. 10,000/-
GIC Direct in each in a each
Recruit Officers i) Fire Insurance calendar year.**
(GICDRO) ii) Marine Insurance
iii) Health Insurance
Toppers in : Rs. 15,000/-
i) Post Graduate each in a each
Diploma in Health calendar year.**
Insurance (PGDHI)
ii) Post Graduate
Diploma in Insurance
Marketing (PGDIM)

* 1st Session - January to June & 2nd Session - July to December.

** January - December.
For more details & criteria please refer to I.I.I. website.

Examination Handbook |75


The Insurance Institute of India and Chartered Insurance Institute, London have
entered into a special scheme of arrangement for the promotion of the Advanced
Diploma in Insurance (ACII) qualification of the CII to the Associates and
Fellows of Insurance Institute of India at concessional rates.
The CII’s qualification framework, gives the candidates flexibility in study
options. Accordingly a candidate has to accumulate 290 credit points to be
eligible for getting ACII Qualification from the CII. Credit points can be
accumulated by passing the CII subjects which are assigned different credit
points depending on their level of difficulty. The CII grants subject wise credit
points to the Associates and Fellows of Insurance Institute of India.
More details are available on CII website at www.cii.co.uk
The American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters, (The
Institute) U.S.A. grants Exemption in their prestigious CPCU designations to
the Fellows (Non-Life) of Insurance Institute of India. For more details about
the AICPCU (The Institutes) courses you can visit their website
Life Office Management Association (LOMA), U.S.A. grants 2 exemptions in
their FMLI designation to the Fellows (Life) of Insurance Institute of India. For
more details about the LOMA courses, you can visit their website
Insurance Institute of Canada grants 3 exemptions to Associates and 4
exemptions to Fellows of Insurance Institute of India in their CIP Programme
consisting of 10 Subjects. For more details about the courses offered by
Insurance Institute of Canada, you can visit their website

Examination Handbook |76


The Institute encourages research and advanced studies in the area of insurance
and related subjects by floating different Essay Writing Competitions every
year. The details of the Essay Writing Competitions for the year 2020 are as

The S.K. Desai Memorial Essay Writing Competition was introduced by the
Institute in the memory of Late Shri. S. K. Desai, one of the Founder Members
of Insurance Institute of India. The S. K. Desai Memorial Essay Writing
Competition invites original contribution in the form of either an essay or work
of research, on current or historic importance, whether life or non-life or related
topics from the members of the Institutes in India and in the Afro-Asian
Regions. The S. K. Desai Memorial is the highest award of the Institute among
the essay competitions which the Institute conducts.

The D. Subrahmaniam Award Essay Writing Competition was introduced

by the Institute in the memory of Late Shri. D. Subrahmaniam, the Founder
Principal of the College of Insurance. The D. Subrahmaniam Award Essay
Writing Competition is intended to motivate the members of the Institute aged
below 45 years and to involve them in the educational and research activities.

Technical Paper Essay Writing Competition is another essay writing

competition, which the Institute conducts every year on pre-decided topics in
the areas of Life Insurance, General Insurance, Health Insurance, Micro
Insurance and Pension.

Cash Prize for the above Essay Writing competition are as follows:

Sr. Category Prize

1 S.K. Desai Memorial Essay Writing Cash Prize of Rs.30,000/- &
Competition Merit Certificate
2 D. Subrahmaniam Award Essay Cash Prize of Rs.20,000/- &
Writing Competition Merit Certificate
3 Technical Paper Essay Writing Cash Prize of Rs.10,000/- &
Competition (Life, General, Health, Merit Certificate
Micro & Pension)

Rules governing the Essay Writing Competitions

1. The Competition is open to the members of the Insurance Institute of India

within India or abroad. Since this competition is open only for the members,
Examination Handbook |77
anyone who wish to participate in the Competition, he/she should enroll
themselves as a Member of Insurance Institute of India.

2. Age Restrictions:
D. Subrahmaniam Award Competition - Members below 45 years of age
Other Competitions - No age restrictions.

3. The contribution should be original.

4. The contribution for category (1) and (2) should relate to any topic of the
insurance either life, non-life or allied subjects.

5. Papers submitted for consideration should not be previously published or

presented elsewhere. Participants should ensure that their Essay must be
free from plagiarism. Essays which are found plagiarized will be
disqualified from the competition.

6. Essays will be accepted from individual members only. Joint contributions

will not be accepted.

7. The Essays should not exceed :

For S.K. Desai Memorial Essay Writing Competition & D. Subrahmaniam
Award Essay Writing Competition – Maximum - 15,000 words &
Minimum – 4,000 words (excluding Abstract)

For Technical Paper Essay Writing Competition (Life, General, Health,

Micro & Pension) – Maximum - 10,000 words & Minimum – 3,000 words
(excluding Abstract)

The Essay must be accompanied with an abstract (Max. 500 words)

The Essay must be submitted in word format (.doc file) with the following
a) Font Name – “Times New Roman”
b) Font Size -12
c) Space between lines – Double

8. The Essays and abstract must be sent through e-mail on

competition@iii.org.in on or before the due date which will be announced
on website.

9. The name of the category of Essay Competition should be clearly

mentioned. However, the details of the participant should not appear
anywhere in the paper. The details such as name, address, membership
Examination Handbook |78
number of the Institute, age, qualifications etc. should appear only in the
covering letter. However, the said details should be submitted separately in
excel format (.xl). The format will be given on the website while
announcing the competition. In case the participant name or any
identifiable details appear in the body of essay, such entries will be

10. The essay should be original, well researched and all sources have to be
duly acknowledged. A bibliography is to be attached at the end of each
essay. The participants should avoid using overbearing words and
sentences. Participants should ensure that the essay ideas are well expressed
and in neatly manner.

11. While submitting the Essay, a list of references and footnotes may be added
at the end of the Essay. This will not add to the final word count for the

12. Essay will be evaluated by a panel of distinguished Evaluators and assessed

on following points:
 Content - Clarity and Research/ Essay Contents.
 Originality and Relevance of Research / Essay
 Structure & Flow of Research/ Essay
 Relevance and Effectiveness to the Industry
 Presentation and Writing Effectiveness

13. Award winners resident in India may be invited to receive the award and
make a presentation at the Annual Conference of the Insurance Institute of
India which is likely to be held in August/September 2020.

14. The Institute shall have the copyright of the essays selected for award which
shall become the property of the Institute and hence the details of such
essays will not be disclosed. The Prize winning essays shall be published
in the Journal of the Institute at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Publications elsewhere would need III approval in writing.

15. If any Essay entry found to be incompatible with the above Rules and
Conditions then, such entry will not be considered. The Institute reserves
its right to accept or reject the contributions received for the Competition
and the decision of the Insurance Institute of India shall be final and binding
in this respect.

16. The result of the Essay Writing Competition will be announced by July
2020 on our website www.insuranceinstituteofindia.com.

Examination Handbook |79


Aims & Objectives of CPD Program: CPD Program is a holistic program

designed to benefit III’s Certificants, the insurance industry and the Indian
society, which has very low level of insurance awareness.
Benefits for Certificants of III: CPD Program is designed to help and motivate
III Certificants –
 To update their technical knowledge and skills to become multi-skilled
professionals to meet the challenges of today’s dynamic industry,
 To keep abreast with changes in economic, regulatory and legal
environment in India and international community,
 To make qualitative changes in the industry by integrating their knowledge
and operational experience with their areas of interest and expertise,
 To develop their analytical skills and conduct research on topics of their
 To make them better prepared for periodical appraisals in their
organizations for career development.
Benefits for Insurers: CPD Program with its inbuilt recognition and reward
system would help Insurers to make a qualitative change in the work force. CPD
can help
 To ensure availability of academically sound, technically qualified
professionals suitable for each operations of the company,
 To enable company to design management development programs dove-
tailed with III-CPD Program to train staff,
 To undertake research for various operations of the company and identify
critical areas requiring short term and long term changes in policies and
 To develop a sound objective appraisal system for recognition and reward,
 To motivate employees to learn micro and macro changes in compliance
environment globally,
Benefits for Society: “Regaining the trust” of people in need for financial
solutions to their problems has been primary concern of Indian insurance
industry, which has very low of levels of financial literacy.
CPD Program will create a vibrant environment and enthusiasm amongst
all stakeholders to help them regain the trust of the Indian market spanning
across the vast geography, multiple languages and cultures.
CPD would help in providing sufficient number of professionals to improve
the reach of financial literacy programs launched by financial institutions
and insurance companies, ensuring thereby due respect for the insurance
Examination Handbook |80
Eligibility: III-CPD has been designed keeping in mind members who are less
than 60 years of age. However, members above 60 are also welcome to
Accumulation of Credits: CPD Awards will be of annual validity and
candidates have to accumulate a minimum of 100 credits per year for 3
consecutive years. Thereafter, renewals will be on accumulation of 300 credits
in every three-year period, subject to the candidate acquiring a minimum of 50
credits per year.
Publication of CPD Credits/ Awards: A list of CPD Awardees and the credits
claimed/ earned will be maintained by III and made available on III’s website
so that the same is available for verification by both members and/or all
Governance: CPD Programme is under the overall directions and guidance of
CPD Steering Committee (CPDSC). CPD is implemented by III’s CPD
Department under the guidance and supervision of CPD Evaluation Committee
Working of CPD Programme: Implementation level details of III-CPD are
given below:
• All CPD activity is web-based.
• CPD period is from 1st April to 31st March. The present CPD period ends
on 31st March 2020.
• Members have to register at III website giving their Name/ Diploma
Number/ other credentials.
• On the CPD Activity Page provided, members have to state CPD activity
completed during the CPD period with relevant details.
• Members have to state CPD activity proposed during the CPD period with
relevant details.
• Based on the statement made by Members, ‘CPD Credits Claimed’ will be
displayed on the website.
• On approval/ validation by CPDEC, the activity/ points will be shown as
‘CPD Credits Earned’.
• For Pre-approved CPD activity (e.g. Training programmes of College of
Insurance, Institute of Actuaries of India/ National Insurance Academy/
Indian Institute of Risk Management), applicable credits will be notified on
III website.
• Requests for pre-approval of CPD Activity may be sent by email to
cpd@iii.org.in. Credits for CPD activity will be added to Credits Earned if
approved by CPDEC.
• Approval of CPD Activity will be generally guided by 4 watchwords -
relevance, quality, credibility & popularity.

Examination Handbook |81

Grievance Redressal: III’s CPD Programme is a matter of evaluating the
quality of professional activity done during a particular period as per the
evaluation/ judgment of fellow/ senior professionals based on such standards
they deem appropriate using their professional wisdom and will not be the
subject matter of litigation.
Powers to make rules: III retains its rights to change/ modify/ cancel the CPD
Programme at its discretion.
Fees: III-CPD is at present a free service to the industry. However, III retains
its right to charge fees for registering the credits accumulated/ renewals/ carry
forward of credits etc. at its discretion in future after notifying the same.
Disclaimer: “III CPD Programme’/ ‘Award of CPD Credits’ is an activity
instituted by Insurance Institute of India (III) for furtherance of professional
standards of the insurance industry. Insurers/ other stakeholders are at liberty to
consider CPD Credits for recognizing professional activities of their employees/
job applicants and III has no role whatsoever in such matters.”
III-CPD Credit Accrual Plan: Accrual Plan for Post-Associateship/ Post-
Fellowship activity is as follows:
CPD Credit Target: 100 credits per year in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Accrual Plan years.
Subsequent Target: 300 credits during blocks of 3
years subject to a minimum of 50 credits per year
CPD CPD Activity 1. Academic Work (Max: 100 credits)
Activity CPD Activity 2. Organizational Support (Max: 40
Groups: credits)
CPD Activity 3. Underwriting / Claims Handling / Other
Experience (Max: 60 credits)

Credits under the 5 CPD Activities have to be acquired as follows:

Approved Activity Credits
1. Academic Work (Max: 100 credits admissible)
a. Presenting papers at CPDEC Upto 50 credits per
recognized national/ international seminar/ workshop
seminars/ workshops (Max.credits 100)
b. Attending CPDEC recognized Upto 10 credits per
national/ international seminars/ seminar/ workshop (Max.
workshops as a registered participant. credits 40)

Examination Handbook |82

c. Attending academic training Upto 20 credits for 3 day
programmes conducted by CPDEC sessions, Upto 10 credits
recognized institutions (e.g. College of for less than 3 day sessions.
Insurance, National Insurance (Max. credits 100)
Academy & Institute of Insurance and
Risk Management.)
d. Lecturing at academic training Upto 20 credits per 90
programmes conducted by CPDEC minute lecture session.
recognized institutions (e.g. College of (Max. credits 100)
Insurance, National Insurance
Academy & Institute of Insurance and
Risk Management.)
e. Insurance related articles/ research Upto 100 credits per article/
papers subject to evaluation/ approval research paper (Max.
by CPDEC. (Number of Credits to be credits 100)
decided by CPDEC)
f. Writing III text books/ insurance Upto 100 credits (Max.
related books (with ISBN number) credits 100)
published in India/ abroad, subject to
approval by CPDEC. (Number of
Credits to be decided by CPDEC)
g. Passing examinations of III other than Upto 50 credits per paper
regulatory tests/ examinations (i.e. (Max. credits 100)
Pre-recruitment test for Agents,
Surveyors Examination etc. do not
qualify as CPD Activity).
h. Passing Approved examinations of Upto 50 credits per paper
other institutes (List available on III (Max. credits 100)
i. Presenting/ Publishing Case Studies on Upto 50 credits per paper
insurance and related matters (Number (Max. credits 100)
of Credits to be decided by CPDEC)
j. Other miscellaneous approved Upto 20 credits (Max.
academic activity credits 40)
Note: CPDEC will decide upon approval of Seminars and Training
2. Organizational Support (Max: 40 credits)
a. Organization of seminars/ workshops Upto 10 credits per item of
(To be certified by Chairman of work. (Max. credits 40)
Associated Institute)
b. Other miscellaneous approved Upto 10 credits per
organizational activity activity.(Max. credits 40)

Examination Handbook |83

3. Underwriting/ Claims Handling/ Other Experience (Max: 60
a. Underwriting/ Claims experience in Upto 10 credits per month
respective company, certified by of professional experience
CEO/ GM/ Region-in-Charge/ CFO/ (Max. credits 60)
Chief Underwriting Officer of
Insurance Company. Self-
Certification allowed only for CEOs.
b. Broking experience certified by CEO Upto 5 credits per month of
of the Broking Company. Self- professional experience
Certification allowed only for CEOs. (Max. credits 60)
c. Corporate Agency/ Third Party Upto 5 credits per month of
Administrator professional professional experience
experience certified by CEO of the (Max. credits 60)
Company. Self-Certification allowed
only for CEOs.
d. Individual Agents’ professional Upto 5 credits per month of
experience certified by CEO/ GM/ professional experience
Region-in-Charge/ CFO/ Chief (Max. credits 60)
Underwriting Officer/ Region-in-
Charge/ Authorized person of
e. Underwriting experience in respective Upto 5 credits per month of
company/ organization certified by professional experience
CEO/ GM/ Region-in-Charge/ Chief (Max. credits 60)
Operating Officer/ Chief
Underwriting Officer/ Region-in-
Charge/ Authorized person of
f. Work experience in regulatory Upto 5 credits per month of
organizations, LI Council/ GI professional experience
Council, academic institutions, (Max. credits 60)
ancillary departments of insurance
companies based on certification by
CEO/ In-Charge of the organization/
Authorized person of organization.
g. In case of freelance professionals, Credits to be decided by the
credits for other experience will be CPDEC within the
considered on a case-to-case basis by maximum prescribed limits.
CPD Evaluation Committee.

Examination Handbook |84

(A) List of Centre Code & Exam Centres in Overseas - Offline Examination
Overseas Examination Centres
Centre Centre Name Centre Centre Name
Code Code
178 Alkhobar 193 Kuwait
169 Baharain 186 Mauritius
180 Colombo 183 Muscat
231 Dar-E-Salaam 179 Riyadh
172 Jeddah 242 Yangon
184 Kathmandu

Note: There is no assurance that the examination will necessarily be held at the
above centres.

(B) List of Centre Code & Exam Centres in India & Overseas - Online
Sr.no. Center Name State Country
1 Abu Dhabi- 797 UAE
2 Agartala-693 Tripura India
3 Agra-601 Uttar Pradesh India
4 Ahmedabad-602 Gujarat India
5 Ahmednagar-762 Maharashtra India
6 Aizwal-694 Mizoram India
7 Ajmer-678 Rajasthan India
8 Akola-695 Maharashtra India
9 Aligarh-696 Uttar Pradesh India
10 Allahabad-642 Uttar Pradesh India
11 Alwar-679 Rajasthan India
12 Amravati-643 Maharashtra India
13 Amritsar-644 Punjab India
14 Aurangabad-641 Maharashtra India
15 Bangalore-603 Karnataka India
16 Barddhaman-769 West Bengal India
Examination Handbook |85
17 Bareilly-604 Uttar Pradesh India
18 Baroda-647 Gujarat India
19 Bathinda-766 Punjab India
20 Begusarai-783 Bihar India
21 Behrampur-698 Odisha India
22 Belgaum-699 Karnataka India
23 Berhampore-770 West Bengal India
24 Bhadrak-743 Odisha India
25 Bhagalpur-689 Bihar India
26 Bhavnagar-700 Gujarat India
27 Bhopal-645 Madhya Pradesh India
28 Bhubaneshwar-634 Odisha India
29 Bhutan-741 Bhutan Bhutan
30 Bikaner-646 Rajasthan India
31 Bilaspur-605 Chhattisgarh India
32 Bokaro-778 Jharkhand India
33 Bongaigaon-702 Assam India
34 Chandigarh-606 Punjab India
35 Chandrapur-763 Maharashtra India
36 Chennai-607 Tamilnadu India
37 Chhapra-744 Bihar India
38 Chittorgarh-790 Rajasthan India
39 Cochin-661 Kerala India
40 Coimbatore-648 Tamilnadu India
41 Cuddapah-703 Andhra Pradesh India
42 Cuttack-649 Odisha India
43 Daltonganj-779 Jharkhand India
44 Davangere-787 Karnataka India
45 Dehradun-608 Uttrakhand India
46 Dehri-784 Bihar India
47 Delhi-609 Delhi India
48 Deoghar-780 Jharkhand India

Examination Handbook |86

49 Dhaka Bangladesh-738 Bangladesh
50 Dhanbad-704 Jharkhand India
51 Dharamsala-745 India
52 Dibrugarh-650 Assam India
53 Dimapur-706 Nagaland India
54 Dubai-796 UAE
55 Durgapur-682 West Bengal India
56 Faizabad-760 Uttar Pradesh India
57 Ferozepur-747 Punjab India
58 Gandhidham-636 Gujarat India
59 Gaya-749 Bihar India
60 Goa-610 Goa India
61 Gorakhpur-680 Uttar Pradesh India
62 Guntur-708 Andhra Pradesh India
63 Gurgaon-637 Haryana India
64 Guwahati-611 Assam India
65 Gwalior-651 Madhya Pradesh India
66 Haldwani-690 Uttrakhand India
67 Hazaribaug-709 Jharkhand India
68 Hissar-653 Haryana India
69 Hoshangabad-789 Madhya Pradesh India
70 Hoshiarpur-750 Punjab India
71 Howrah-691 West Bengal India
72 Hubli-654 Karnataka India
73 Hyderabad-612 Telangana India
74 Imphal-710 Manipur India
75 Indore-613 Madhya Pradesh India
76 Itanagar-711 India
77 Jabalpur-655 Madhya Pradesh India
78 Jaipur-614 Rajasthan India
79 Jalandhar-615 Punjab India

Examination Handbook |87

80 Jalgaon-656 Maharashtra India
Jammu &
81 Jammu-616 India
82 Jamnagar-657 Gujarat India
83 Jamshedpur-617 Jharkhand India
84 Jhansi-751 Uttar Pradesh India
85 Jind-785 Haryana India
86 Jodhpur-658 Rajasthan India
87 Jorhat-713 Assam India
88 Junagadh-777 Gujarat India
89 Kannur-659 Kerala India
90 Kanpur-618 Uttar Pradesh India
91 Karimnagar-714 Telangana India
92 Karnal-715 Haryana India
93 Khammam-793 Telangana India
94 Kharagpur-752 West Bengal India
95 Kolhapur-619 Maharashtra India
96 Kolkata-620 West Bengal India
97 Kollam-662 Kerala India
98 Kota-660 Rajasthan India
99 Kottayam-692 Kerala India
100 Kozhikode-663 Kerala India
101 Krishnanagar-795 West Bengal India
102 Kurnool-753 Andhra Pradesh India
103 Latur-764 Maharashtra India
104 Lucknow-621 Uttar Pradesh India
105 Ludhiana-622 Punjab India
106 Madurai-664 Tamilnadu India
107 Malda-771 West Bengal India
108 Mandsaur-781 Madhya Pradesh India
109 Mangalore-681 Karnataka India
110 Meerut-685 Uttar Pradesh India
111 Moradabad-767 Uttar Pradesh India

Examination Handbook |88

112 Motihari-774 Bihar India
113 Mumbai Beyond Thane-761 Maharashtra India
114 Mumbai Centre-624 Maharashtra India
115 Mumbai Mulund Thane-631 Maharashtra India
116 Mumbai Navi Mumbai-740 Maharashtra India
117 Mumbai Western Line-739 Maharashtra India
118 Muzaffarpur-754 Bihar India
119 Mysore-665 Karnataka India
120 Nagercoil-717 Tamilnadu India
121 Nagpur-625 Maharashtra India
122 Nanded-718 Maharashtra India
123 Nasik-626 Maharashtra India
124 Nellore-719 Andhra Pradesh India
125 Orai-794 Uttar Pradesh India
126 Pathankot-756 Punjab India
127 Patiala-684 Punjab India
128 Patna-627 Bihar India
129 Pondicherry-720 Pondicherry India
Andaman &
130 Port Blair-721 India
131 Pune-628 Maharashtra India
132 Purnea-775 Bihar India
133 Raichur-722 Karnataka India
134 Raipur-639 Chhattisgarh India
135 Rajahmundry-667 Andhra Pradesh India
136 Rajkot-668 Gujarat India
137 Ranchi-640 Jharkhand India
138 Ratnagiri-724 Maharashtra India
139 Rohtak-683 Haryana India
140 Rourkela-765 Odisha India
141 Sagar-782 Madhya Pradesh India
142 Saharsa-776 Bihar India
143 Salem-725 Tamilnadu India

Examination Handbook |89

144 Sambalpur-726 Odisha India
145 Satara-669 Maharashtra India
146 Seoni-757 Madhya Pradesh India
147 Shahdol-728 Madhya Pradesh India
148 Sharjah- 798 UAE
149 Shilong-686 Meghalaya India
150 Shimla-670 India
151 Shimoga-687 Karnataka India
152 Sikar-791 Rajasthan India
153 Silchar-729 Assam India
154 Siliguri-671 West Bengal India
155 Sitapur-768 Uttar Pradesh India
156 Siuri-772 West Bengal India
157 Solapur-672 Maharashtra India
158 Sriganganagar-730 Rajasthan India
159 Surat-630 Gujarat India
160 Tezpur-773 Assam India
161 Thanjavur-731 Tamilnadu India
162 Thrissur-758 Kerala India
163 Tirunelveli-733 Tamilnadu India
164 Tirupathi-759 Andhra Pradesh India
165 Trichy-732 Tamilnadu India
166 Trivandrum-674 Kerala India
167 Udaipur-632 Rajasthan India
168 Varanasi-675 Uttar Pradesh India
169 Vellore-736 Tamilnadu India
170 Vijayawada-676 Andhra Pradesh India
171 Visakhapatnam-633 Andhra Pradesh India
172 Warangal-737 Telangana India
173 Yamunanagar-786 Haryana India

Examination Handbook |90

Sr. Associated Institute Name and Honorary Contact Nos. & Email Id
No. Address Secretary
1 Agra Insurance Institute Mob.: - 09927069699,
C/o. Sh Ashwani Tomar kumar_rajesh10@licindia.com;
LIC of India, IT Dept., 3 rd Floor, Sanjay Rajesh Sharma agra@iii.org.in
Place, M.G. Road,
Agra - 282002, Uttar Pradesh
2 Ahmedabad Insurance Institute Office – 079-27540386
Union Co. Op. Insurance Building, Mob.: - 09825129790
Ground Floor, Income Tax Circle, G. U. Thaker gopalthaker578@gmail.com;
Ashram Road, ahmedabad@iii.org.in
Ahmedabad - 380014, Gujarat
3 Ajmer Insurance Institute Office – 0145-2660275
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob:- 09460177819
Rakesh Kumar
Ranade Marg, Alwar Gate, rakeshkumar.sethi@licindi
Ajmer - 305029, Rajasthan a.com;
4 Aligarh Insurance Institute Office - 0571-2420071
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob: - 09837440099
Sachin Jain
Masoodabad, G.T. Road, sachin.jain@licindia.com;
Aligarh – 202001, Uttar Pradesh aligarh@iii.org.in
5 Allahabad Insurance Institute Office - 0532-2402346
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09415288701
Santosh K
172/A/40, M. G. Road, Civil Lines, santosh.vishwkarma@licin
Allahabad - 211001, Uttar Pradesh dia.com ;
6 Amravati Insurance Institute Office - 0721-2552214
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mobile - 09423124898
Jeevan Prakash, Shrikrishna Peth, A. A. Kothiwan Fax - 0721-2552237
Amravati - 444601, Maharashtra a.kothiwan@licindia.com;
7 Amritsar Insurance Institute Office - 0183-5010801
C/o. National Insurance Co. Ltd., Mob.:- 08558835158
Branch Office – IV, Fax - 0183-2227891
Paramjit Singh
Above Allahabad Bank, Paramjit.Singh@nic.co.in;
Opp. S.S.P. Kothi, Mall Road, amritsar@iii.org.in
Amritsar 143001 Punjab
8 Andaman Insurance Institute Mob.: - 09474468611
C/o. LIC of India, Port Blair, Manoj Kumar andaman@iii.org.in ;
Branch Office, Port Blair Union Bannerji portblair@iii.org.in
Territory ,Andaman 744101
9 Asansol Insurance Institute Mob:- 09476488890
LIC of India, Divisional Office, ranadeep.choudhary@
Jeevan Prakash, Ground Floor, Ranadeep licindia.com;
G.T. Road, West End, Choudhury asansol@iii.org.in
Asansol Barddhaman - 713304
West Bengal

Examination Handbook |91

Sr. Associated Institute Name and Honorary Contact Nos. &
No. Address Secretary Email Id
10 Aurangabad Insurance Institute Office - 0240-2333342
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09405180095
Shripad V. Pisu
Jeevan Prakash, Adalat Road, sv.pisu@licindia.com;
Aurangabad - 431005 Maharashtra aurangabad@iii.org.in
11 Bangalore Insurance Institute Mob.: - 09448954922
United India Building, bc.srinath@licindia.com;
B. C. Srinath
Ground Floor, J. G. C. Road, bangalore@iii.org.in
Bangalore -560002 Karnataka
12 Bareilly Insurance Institute Office - 0581-2301952
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09897236718
Ram Kishore kishor.ram@licindia.com;
Deen Dayal Puram, Jeevan Prakash,
Bareilly- 243001 Uttar Pradesh bareilly@iii.org.in
13 Belgaum Insurance Institute Mob:- 09916039013
C/o. LIC of India, cs.bolgundi@licindia.
Chandrashekhar S.
Goa Ves Divisional Office, com ;
Basaveshwara Circle, belgaum@iii.org.in
Belgaum – 590011, Karnataka
14 Bhavnagar Insurance Institute Office - 0278-2522025
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, , Mob.: - 09428182836
Manish N. Dave
Jeevan Prakash, Nilambag Circle, mn_dave@licindia.com
Bhavnagar 364001 Gujarat bhavnagar@iii.org.in
15 Bhilai Insurance Institute Office - 0788-4035006
C/o. The Oriental Insurance Company, Mob.: - 09826268844
Divisional Office, Fax - 0788-2286642
G. Raja Siva
1st Floor, Shivnath Complex, grs.kumar@orientalinsur
G E Road, Near Mourya Chandra Talkies, ance.co.in;
Bhilai - 490011 Chhattisgarh grsk_oic@yahoo.com;
16 Bhopal Insurance Institute Office - 0755-2776420
Pearl-306, Siddhi Safron, Mob.: - 09229201190
Near Kemfort School, lic_dhanesh@rediffmail.
Sunkhedi-Kolar Road, com;
Bhopal - 462042 Madhya Pradesh bhopal@iii.org.in
17 Bikaner Insurance Institute Office - 0151-2225911
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09414146614
Rakesh Kumar
Sagar Road, rakeshkumar.joshi@licin
Bikaner 334003 Rajasthan dia.com;
18 Bramhapur Insurance Institute Office - 0680-2296390
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09438114158
Jeevan Prakash, PO- Khodasingi, M. K. Chakraborty chakraborty.Mk@
Behrampur, licindia.com;
Ganjam 760010 Orissa behrampur@iii.org.in
19 Calicut Insurance Institute Office - 0495-2728749
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09446189498
Jeevan Prakash, Huzur Road, Fax - 0495-2721929
K. Vijayachandran
Kozhikode 673001 Kerala k.vijayachandran@licind

Examination Handbook |92

Sr. Associated Institute Name and Honorary Contact Nos. &
No. Address Secretary Email Id
20 Chandigarh Insurance Institute Office - 0172-2354089
Anand Theatre Complex, Mob.:- - 09872070863
Chamber No.7-9, Opp. Taj Hotel, K. N. S. Sodhi sodhikanwal@yahoo.co.i
Sector 17- A, n;
Chandigarh 160017 Haryana chandigarh@iii.org.in
21 Coimbatore Insurance Institute Mob.: - 09443370724
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, v.vetrival@licindia.com
V. Vetrivel
Trichy Road, coimbatore@iii.org.in
Coimbatore 641018 Tamil Nadu
22 Cuddapah Insurance Institute Office - 08562-254348
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 08562244540
Ms. N.
College Road, P.O.Box No.10, Fax - 562244281
Cuddapah- 516004, Andhra Pradesh cuddapah@iii.org.in
23 Dehradun Insurance Institute Office - 0135-2668624
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mobile - 9411362290
Legal Dept., Nehru Colony, Ramesh Rawat ramesh_rawat10@licindi
Dehradun-248001 UttaraKhand a.com;
24 Delhi Insurance Institute Office - 011-23320434
C/o. LIC Training Centre, Mob.: - 9810355249
1st Floor, 76, Janpath, Fax - 0120-4172430
Rajeev Sharma
Delhi 110001 sharmarajeev0604@yah
25 Dharwad Insurance Institute Office - 0836-2440952
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09448860741
College Road, P.B.No.16, Dinesh S. Bangera dinesh.bangera@licindia
Dharwad 580001 Karnataka .com;
26 Dhubri Insurance Institute Office - 03662-230354
C/o. LIC of India, Dhubri Branch Office, Mob.: - 09435512001
L. Chakravorty
T. R. Phukan Road, Porva Villa, dhubri@iii.org.in
Dhubri 783301
27 Dibrugarh Insurance Institute Office - 0373-2322616
C/o. The New India Assurance Co. Ltd., Mob.: - 09435355329
Mukti Prasad Dey
Rotary Road, Dibrugarh D.O., Fax - 373232442
Dibrugarh 786001 Assam dibrugarh@iii.org.in
28 Ernakulam Insurance Institute Office - 0484-2350301
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09388643004
Jeevan Prakash, M.G.Road, John Mathew john.mathew13@licindia
Ernakulam – 682011, Kerala .com;
29 Goa Insurance Institute Office - 0832-2438425
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09423061543
Jeevan Vishwas Building, Fax - 8322438427
Rajendra Golatkar
EDC Complex, Patto, rajendra.golatkar@licind
Panaji – 403001, Goa ia.com;

Examination Handbook |93

Sr. Associated Institute Name Honorary Contact Nos. & Email
No. and Address Secretary Id
30 Gorakhpur Insurance Institute Office - 5122302060
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Akash Mob.: - 08896318366
Taramandal, Tripathi gorakhpur@iii.org.in
Gorakhapur – 273017, Uttar Pradesh
31 Guntur Insurance Institute Office - 8632220197
C/o. LIC of India, Mob.:- 09440905941
Branch Office 699, Ms. CH. chmadhubala@licindia.com;
Main Road, Lakshmipuram, Madhubala guntur@iii.org.in
Guntur – 522001, Andhra Pradesh
32 Guwahati Insurance Institute Office - 0361-2514410
LIC of India, P&GS Unit, Mob.:- 09435043259
Guwahati Divisional Office, Babul Kumar nag.bk@licindia.com
5th Floor, S. S. Road, Fancy Bazar, Nag gauhati@iii.org.in
Guwahati – 781001, Assam
33 Gwalior Insurance Institute Office - 0751-2448607
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mobile - 09755193330
Jeevan Prakash, City Center, Lalit Pradhan lalit.pradhan@licindia.com;
Gwalior – 474011, Madhya Pradesh gwalior@iii.org.in

34 Haldwani Insurance Institute Office - 05946-267903

C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09458355286
Jeevan Prakash, Nainital Road, Prakash Fax - 05946-267871
Kathgodam, Haldwani, Chandra Bhat pc_bhatt10@licindia. com;
Nainital – 263126, UttaraKhand haldwani@iii.org.in
35 Hazaribagh Insurance Institute Office - 06546-222817
C/o. LIC of India Julu Park, Holy Mob.:- 09431141049
Cross Road Divisional Office Jeevan Jagdish Chand mittal1972@gmail.com;
Prakash (Annexe), Mittal hazaribaug@iii.org.in
Hazaribagh 825301 Jharkhand
36 Hyderabad Insurance Institute Office - 040-23230322
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, V. Raghu Mob.:- 09247794065
Jeevan Bhagya, Venkata v.raghuvenkataprasad@licin
Opp. Secretariat Road, SCZO, Prasad dia.com;
Hyderabad - 500063 hyderabad@iii.org.in
37 Indian Insurance Institute Mob.: - 09433062205
C/o. Hindusthan Building (Annexe), sudiptosmailer@gmail.com;
5th Floor, 4, C. R. Avenue, Sudipto calcuttainst@iii.org.in
Kolkata – 700072, West Bengal Sarkar

38 Indore Insurance Institute Mob.:- 09826041362

C/o. LIC of India Building, Ratnakar indoreinsuranceinstitute@gm
M. G. Marg, 19, Gaadhe ail.com;
Indore – 452001, Madhya Pradesh indore@iii.org.in
39 Jabalpur Insurance Institute Office - 0761-2671216
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09826177105
Madan Mahal, Nagpur Road, Umesh Jaiswal Fax - 0761-2671340
Jabalpur - 482001, Madhya Pradesh umesh.jaiswal@licindia.com

Examination Handbook |94

Sr. Associated Institute Name Honorary Contact Nos. & Email
No. and Address Secretary Id
40 Jaipur Insurance Institute Office - 1412293179
C/o. LIC of India, Mob.: - 9829826278
Divisional Office No.1, P. C. Sharma sharma.Pc625@gmail.com;
Bhawani Singh Road, P.B.No.65, jaipur@iii.org.in
Jaipur – 302005, Rajasthan
41 Jalandhar Insurance Institute Office - 0181-2459686
LIC Of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09876025254
Model Town Road, Inder Jeet kumar.inderjeet350@gmail.com;
Jalandhar – 144001, Punjab Kumar jullundur@iii.org.in

42 Jalpaiguri Insurance Institute Office - 03561-255449

LIC of India, Divisional Office, Shri Joydip Mob.: - 09434367737
Jeevan Prakash, Santipara, Raha jdpraha@gmail.com;
Jalpaiguri – 735101, West Bengal jailpaiguri@iii.org.in
43 Jamshedpur Insurance Institute Office - 0657-2288549
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mobile - 09431757804
Jeevan Prakash Building, Biplab Sarkar jamshedpur@iii.org.in
Main Road,
Jamshedpur – 831001, Jharkhand
44 Jodhpur Bima Sansthan Mob.: - 09414590170
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, mk.mewara@licindia. com;
Jeevan Prakash, mmewara@yahoo.in
1, West Patel Nagar jodhpur@iii.org.in
Circuit House Road,
Jodhpur – 342001, Rajasthan
45 Jorhat Insurance Institute Mob.: - 09435248062
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, jorhat@iii.org.in
Jeevan Prakash,
Jorhat – 785001, Assam
46 Kanpur Insurance Institute Office - 0512-2219897
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Anil Kumar Mob: - 09839991705
Legal & HPF Dept., Bajpai anilbajpai@licindia. com;
Kanpur – 208001, Uttar Pradesh kanpur@iii.org.in

47 Karnal Insurance Institute Office - 0184-2268002

C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09416203422
Parveen parveen.kumar@licindia.com;
Jeevan Prakash,
Kumar karnal@iii.org.in
489, Model Town,
Karnal – 132001, Haryana
48 Kolhapur Insurance Institute Office - 0231-2532108
C/o. The New India Assurance Co. Mob.: - 09881897359
Ltd., Employees Co-Op. Cr. Soc. Mr S. V. svsonalikar@gmail.com;
Ltd. ,F-11, Royal Courts, 3rd Floor, Sonalikar kolhapur@iii.org.in
Near Panch Bunglow, Shahupuri,
Kolhapur – 416001, Maharashtra

Examination Handbook |95

Sr. Associated Institute Name Honorary Contact Nos. & Email
No. and Address Secretary Id
49 Kolkata Insurance Institute Mob.: - 09831184905
C/o. Royal Insurance Building, Fax - 033-22428772
Samir Kumar
Ground Floor, samirkumarchatterjee_
5, Netaji Subhash Road, nic@rediffmail.com ;
Kolkata -700001 , West Bengal calcuttasoc@iii.org.in
50 Kottayam Insurance Institute Office - 0481-2567608
C/o. LIC of India, Mob.:-09349505238
Divisional Office, K. Suresh ksuresh1@licindia.com
Kurian Uthup Road, Nagampadom, kottayam@iii.org.in
Kottayam – 686001, Kerala
51 Lucknow Insurance Institute Mob.: - 09415114850
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Fax - 0522-2624855
30, Hazratganj, A. P. Saraf ap.saraf54@gmail.com
Lucknow -226001, Uttar Pradesh lucknow@iii.org.in
52 Machilipatnam Insurance Institute Office - 08672-223174
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09298507657
Jeevan Prakash Building, srinivasarao@licindia. com;
A. Srinivasa
2nd Floor, Kennedy Road, machilipatnam@iii.org.in
Machilipatnam - 521001
Andhra Pradesh
53 Madras Insurance Institute
Bharat Insurance Building,
Anna Salai, 1st Floor, NA NA
Chennai - 600002 , Tamil Nadu
54 Madurai Insurance Institute Office - 0452-2525961
C/o. LIC of India, CA Branch, Mob.:- 09942350396
Divisional Office, G. Seenivasan Fax - 0452-2525961
16, Palam Station Road, Sellur, g.seenivasan@licindia.com;
Madurai – 625002, Tamil Nadu madurai@iii.org.in
55 Meerut Insurance Institute Office - 0121-2761088
C/o. LIC of India, CBO-III, Pramod Mob.: - 09837043970
Saket Prabhat Nagar, Kumar Gera pramod.gera@licindia.com;
Meerut – 250001, Uttar Pradesh meerut@iii.org.in
56 Mumbai Insurance Institute Office - 022-22823690
Universal Insurance Building, Vidyadhar G. Mob.: - 09820342781
Sir P. M. Road, 6th Floor, Fort, Salvi vg.salvi@newindia.co.in;
Mumbai – 400001, Maharashtra mumbai@iii.org.in
57 Muzaffarpur Insurance Institute Office - 0621-2246505
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09835041125
Jeevan Prakash, Fax - 0621-2243319
Umashankar Pd. Marg, muzaffarpur@iii.org.in
Muzaffarpur - 842002, Bihar

Examination Handbook |96

Sr. Associated Institute Name Honorary Contact Nos. &
No. and Address Secretary Email Id
58 Mysore Insurance Institute Office - 0821-2495001
C/o. LIC of India, Mob.:- 09482378989
Divisional Office, sridhara.s@licindia.com;
Mysore-Bangalore Road, S. Sridhara sridharas2006@yahoo.
Bannimantap Extension, co.in;
Mysore – 570015, Karnataka mysore@iii.org.in
59 Nagercoil Insurance Institute Office - 04652-272593
C/o. LIC of India, Mob.: - 09442522753
Branch Office No.1, a.josephjerin@licindia.c
A. Joseph Jerin
Trivandrum Road, om;
Krishnancoil, nagercoil@iii.org.in
Nagercoil – 629001, Tamil Nadu
60 Nagpur Insurance Institute Office - 0712-2548217
C/o. LIC of India, Mob.: - 09423101236
Divisional Office, Sales Dept., gh.sarma@licindia.com
G. Hariharan
National Insurance Bldg., sudha_hari1@rediffmail.
1st Floor, S.V. Patel Marg, com;
Kingsway, nagpur@iii.org.in
Nagpur – 440001, Maharashtra
61 Nanded Insurance Institute Office - 02462-223828
C/o. LIC of India, Jeevan Prakash, Mobile - 09423437382
Hingoli Road, Gandhinagar, Ravi Muley rt_muley@licindia.com
Nanded – 431605, Maharashtra nanded@iii.org.in
62 Nashik Insurance Institute Office - 0253-2316992
C/o. LIC of India, Mob.:- 09823769545
Divisional Office, Mahesh More nasik@iii.org.in
Golf Club Ground,
Nasik – 422009, Maharashtra
63 Nellore Insurance Institute Office - 0861-2326441
C/o. LIC of India, V. Mobile - 09440706012
Divisional Office, Dargamitta, , Chandrasekhara vcs.sarma@licindia.com;
P.B. No.15, Sarma nellore@iii.org.in
Nellore – 524003, Andhra Pradesh
64 Patna Insurance Institute, Office - 0612-2202204
C/o. LIC of India, Mob.: - 09546682900
Patna Divisional Office No.1, piipatna@gmail.com
Jeevan Prakash Building, Mukesh Prasad patna@iii.org.in
1st Floor, Fraser Road,
Opp. to Patna Central Mall,
Patna 800001 Bihar
65 Pondicherry Insurance Institute Office - 0413-2332744
C/o. The New India Assu. Co. Ltd., Mob.: - 09442153351
Divisional Office, 3 rd Floor, ulaganathan.n@newindia
N. Ulaganathan
179, J. N. Street, .co.in;
Pondicherry- 605001, pondicherry@iii.org.in
Union Territory

Examination Handbook |97

Sr. Associated Institute Name Honorary Contact Nos. &
No. and Address Secretary Email Id
66 Pune insurance Institute Office - 02025-420115
C/o. The New India Assu. Co. Ltd., Mob.: - 09422009859
Regional Office, 2 nd Floor, N. R. hari.akila10@gmail.com;
Karve Road, Sharda Centre, Hariharan hari.n@newindia.com;
Near Nal Stop, poona@iii.org.in
Pune – 411004, Maharashtra
67 Raichur Insurance Institute Office - 0853-496841
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09448973680
M. Ravi
Station Road, Basweshwara Circle, mravircr@gmail.com;
Raichur – 584101, Karnataka raichur@iii.org.in
68 Raipur Insurance Institute Office - 0771-2583002
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09424223731
Pandri, N. Jagannath Fax - 0771-2583169
Raipur – 492004, Chhattisgarh Rao nj.rao@licindia.com;
69 Rajahmundry Insurance Institute Office - 08832-469661
C/o. LIC of India, Mob.:- 09866821725
Divisional Office, Jeevan Godavari, M. Kodanda m.kodandaram@licindia.c
Near Morampudi Junction, Ram om;
Rajahmundry – 533103, rajahmundry@iii.org.in
Andhra Pradesh
70 Rajkot Insurance Institute Office - 02812-482806
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09825117300
Jeevan Prakash Building, Haresh hn_dudhrejiya@licindia.co
Tagore Marg, Dudhrejiya m;
Rajkot – 360001, Gujarat rajkot@iii.org.in
71 Salem Insurance Institute Office - 04272-411489
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mobile - 09443887172
Jeevan Prakash, Johnsonpet, R. Narayanan rnarayanan@licindia. com;
Salem – 636007,Tamil Nadu salem@iii.org.in
72 Sambalpur Insurance Institute Mob.:- 09437218823
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, tdey06@gmail.com ;
Tuhin Dey
Jeevan Prakash, Ainthapali, sambalpur@iii.org.in
Sambalpur – 768004, Orissa
73 Satara Insurance Institute Office - 2162224720
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09421119415
Manisha Apte
Sadar Bazar, Sadar Nagar, satara@iii.org.in
Satara – 415001, Maharashtra
74 Satna Insurance Institute Mob.:- 09039877500
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Ramanuj ramanuj.sinha@licindia.co
Krishna Complex, Krishna Nagar, Sinha m;
Satna – 485001, Madhya Pradesh satna@iii.org.in
75 Shahdol Insurance Institute Office - 07652-240039/
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, 240846
Ahuja Market, 2nd Floor, Rana Mallick Mob.:- 09424954449
Burhar Road, rana.mallik@gmail.com;
Shahdol – 484001, Madhya Pradesh shahdol@iii.org.in

Examination Handbook |98

Sr. Associated Institute Name Honorary Contact Nos. &
No. and Address Secretary Email Id
76 Shimla Insurance Institute Office - 01772-629209
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09418588934
14 15 SDA Complex, Harsh Gupta gupta.harsh@licindia.com;
Kasumpti, shimla@iii.org.in
Shimla – 171009, Himachal Pradesh
77 Silchar Insurance Institute Office - 03842-242668
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09435074156
Jeevan Prakash, Meherpur, Sandip Fax - 3842241461
Cacher (Assam), Chakraborty sandip.chakraborty@licind
Silchar – 788015, Assam ia.com;
78 Srinagar Insurance Institute Office - 0194-2500496
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09419013239
G. S. Datta
Sonwar, P.B.No.459, srinagar@iii.org.in
Srinagar – 190001, Jammu Kashmir
79 Surat Insurance Institute Office - 0261-2801503
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09825333667
Jeevan Prakash, Muglisara, Kishor P. Patel kp_patel@licindia.com;
Opp. Municipal Corporation, surat@iii.org.in
Surat – 395001, Gujarat
80 Thanjavur Insurance Institute Office - 04362-230384
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09442282207
Jeevan Chola, Gandhiji Road, P. V. Rajan pv.rajan@licindia.com;
Thanjavur – 613001, Tamil Nadu thanjavur@iii.org.in

81 Trivendrum Insurance Institute Mob.:- 09995969581

C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, anpmkl@gmail.com;
Jeevan Prakash, HGA(P), I.T. Dept., trivandrum@iii.org.in
Anoop R. S.
P.O. Thiruvananthapuram 695004
82 Udaipur Bima Sansthan Mobile - 09413371042
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, dilipsachdev.lic@gmail.co
Sub City Centre, Dilip Sachdev m;
Udaipur 313001 Rajasthan udaipur@iii.org.in
83 Udupi Insurance Institute Mob.:- 09964428041
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Prahallada a.prahalladabhat@licindia.
Jeevan Krishna, Ajjarkad, Bhat com;
Udupi – 576101, Karnataka udipi@iii.org.in
84 Utkal Insurance Institute Mob.:-09861431308
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Ashok Kumar cuttack@iii.org.in
Nuapatna, Kar
Cuttack -753001, Orissa
85 Vadodara Insurance Institute Office - 0265-330705
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09898012454
Jeevan Prakash, Shubhanpura, himanshucshah@gmail.co
H. C. Shah
Near Samta Police Station, m;
Vadodara – 390023, Gujarat baroda@iii.org.in

Examination Handbook |99

Sr. Associated Institute Name Honorary Contact Nos. &
No. and Address Secretary Email Id
86 Varanasi Insurance Institute Office - 0542-2454375
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob.: - 09450012074
B-12/120, Gauriganj, Bhelupur, Rakesh Gujrati rakesh.gujrati@licindia.co
Varanasi -221001, Uttar Pradesh m;
87 Vellore Insurance Institute Office - 04162-220252
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, Mob:- 09442549936
Jeevan Prakash, Ida Scudder Road, C. somasundaram.c@licindia.
Vellore – 632004, Tamil Nadu Somasundaram com;
88 Vijaywada Insurance Institute Office - 0866-2571568
C/o. LIC of India, City Branch 2, Mob.:- 09440183375
Vasu Estates, M. G. Road, D. V. V. S. Vara varaprasaddvvs@yahoo.in;
Beside Manorama Hotel, Prasad vijayawada@iii.org.in
Vijayawada - 520002
Andhra Pradesh
89 Vikramshila Insurance Institute Office - 0641-2322025
C/o. LIC of India, Jeevan Prakash Mob:- 09470760957
Shiv Narayan
Divisional Office, Zero Mile, shivnarayan1968@gmail.c
Bhagalpur – 813210, Bihar om;
90 Visakhapatnam Insurance Mob.:- - 09490265197
Institute k.paidisetty@licindia.com
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office, rama.krishna71@rediffmai
Jeevan Prakash, K. Pydisetty l.com;
Jeevan Prakash Road, visakhapatnam@iii.org.in
Vishakapatnam - 530004
Andhra Pradesh
91 Warangal Insurance Institute Office - 0870-2579108
C/o. LIC of Indi, Divisional Office, Mob.:- 09490109099
Balasamudram, Fax - 870257790
T. Haragopal
Hanamkonda, t.haragopal@licindia.com;
Warangal – 506001, warangal@iii.org.in
Andhra Pradesh.

B. Affiliated Institutes
Sr. institute Name Contact Details
1 The Sri Lanka Insurance 1st Floor, YMCA Building,
Institute 143, St. Michael’s Road,
Colombo 3
Tel.No. : 0094 11 2314405
Email : slii@sltnet.lk

Examination Handbook |100

2 R.I.C.B. Insurance Royal Insurance Corporation of
Institute Bhutan Ltd.
Post Box No.315, Thimphu, Bhutan.
Tel.No. : +975-2-321037, 322426
Email : ricbho@druknet.bt

C. Accredited Learning Centers

Sr. Accreditation Name of Institute/Organization

No. No.
HRD Foundation- India,
5/7, Kalkaji Extension,
New Delhi- 110 019.
1 IIIALC_001
Tel No.: 011-43536308,(M)-09810500469
Email: hrdfi@vsnl.com,hrdfi@airtelmail.in
Website: www.hrdfi.com
Insurance Academy – North East
Bardoichila Bhawan, Block-A (ASC-C),
G.S. Road, Bhangagarh,
Guwahati – 781 005.
2 IIIALC_002
Tel No: +91 9864027566
Fax No: 0361-2460362/2134287
Email: insac_ne@rediffmail.com
Website: www.insuranceacademynortheast.com
Insurance Academy
622, Pulchiwadi,
Deccan Gymkhana,
Pune-411 004.
3 IIIALC_005 Tel No.: 020-25534601/25539050, (M)- +91
Fax No. 020-25534601
Email: insurance2012@gmail.com
Website: www.insuranceacademy.org

Examination Handbook |101

Sr. Accreditation Name of Institute/Organization
No. No.

Usha Deep Insurance & Management Services

Pvt. Ltd.

A-42, Indira Nagar,

Near Nilgiri Complex,

4 IIIALC_006 Lucknow – 226 016.

Mobile No. 9335233798
Tel No: 0522-4000806
Email: academy@ushadeep.com;
Website: www.ushadeep.com
Udaipur Insurance Institute
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office,
Sub City Centre,
5 IIIALC_008 Udaipur – 313 001.
Tel No.: 0294-2487103
Fax No: 0294-2583558
Email: parakhlalit.kishore@licindia.com

Indian Insurance Institute

Hindustan Building (Annexe), 5th Floor,
4, C.R. Avenue,

6 IIIALC_009 Kolkata- 700 072.

Tel No: 033-22126433
Fax No: 033-22129373.
Email: iiikolkata@vsnl.net
Website: www.indianinsuranceinstitute.net.in

Examination Handbook |102

Sr. Accreditation Name of Institute/Organization
No. No.
Delhi Insurance Institute
C/o. LIC Training Centre,
76, Janpath,
7 IIIALC_010 New Delhi – 110 001.
Tel No: 011-23320434/23739662
Fax No: 011-523281650
Email: rohtash.sharma@nic.co.in
Bhopal Insurance Institute
T-09, Jain Tower,
Nehru Nagar Square,
8 IIIALC_011 Bhopal – 462 003.
Fax No:0755 –2776420/4038420
Email: lic_dhanesh@rediffmail.com
Website: www.educationvarsity.com
Kolkata Insurance Institute
Royal Insurance Building (Ground Floor), 5,
Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata- 700 001.
9 IIIALC_012
Tel: 033-2231 9225/2231 4096
Email: iiskolkata@rediffmail.com;
Website: www.indianinsurancesociety.org
Coimbatore Insurance Institute
C/o LIC of India, Divisional Office, Trichy Road,
10 IIIALC_013 Coimbatore – 641 018.
Tel: 0422-2200024;
Email: coimbatoreii@yahoo.co.in

Examination Handbook |103

Sr. Accreditation Name of Institute/Organization
No. No.
Hyderabad Insurance Institute
C/o LIC of India, S.C. Zonal Office, “Jeevan
Bhagya”, Secretariat Road,
11 IIIALC_014
Hyderabad – 500 063.
Email: hyderabadinsuranceinstitute@yahoo.co.in;
Website: www.hyderabadinsuranceinstitute.com

Trivendrum Insurance Institute

C/o LIC of India, Divisional Office, Pattom,
12 IIIALC_015
Kerala – 695 004.
Tel: 0471-6576886;
Email: insinsttvm@gmail.com
Insurance Training Centre
25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Near Girish Park,
Kolkata – 700 007.
Tel:033-22184184/22696035; Mobile:
13 IIIALC_016 09830171022;
Fax: 033-22736612;
Email: insurance@bimabazaar.com;
Website: www.bimabazaar.com

Examination Handbook |104

Sr. Accreditation Name of Institute/Organization
No. No.
Chandigarh Insurance Institute
Anand Complex Building, Opposite Taj Hotel,
Building Bo.1, Chamber No.7-9, Basement,
14 IIIALC_018 Sector 17-A, Chandigarh - 160 017.
Tel:0172-2543089;Fax: 0172-2543089
Email: chdinsurancecentre@yahoo.in
Aurangabad Insurance Institute
C/o. LIC of India, Divisional Office,
Adalat Road,
Aurangabad-431 005.
15 IIIALC_020
Tel: 0240-2333470
(M): 9922463023
Institute of Continuing Education - Basant

472, Pepee Compound,

Near Guru Nanak H.S. School,
16 IIIALC_021 Ranchi - 834 001.
Jharkhand, India.
Tel :0651-2331945; Fax:0651 – 2203162
Email : Basant2singh@yahoo.co.in

Updated on 29.06.2020

Examination Handbook |105

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