Ehb 2020 PDF
Ehb 2020 PDF
Ehb 2020 PDF
**Candidates can change centre & subject using own login id on or before last
date of enrollment.
For any queries regarding Online Examination, please mail at
or call on below mentioned numbers.90
For Professional Examination related queries:- 022- 26544 230 / 238 / 239 / 244
/ 248 / 250.
For Surveyor Examination related queries:- 022- 26544 232 / 274 / 215.
The examinations for the following certificate courses shall be conducted only
in June & December every year.
(1) Advanced Diploma in Life Insurance Underwriting
(2) Certificate Course on Compliance, Governance and Risk Management in
Insurance (IRCC).
Important Note:-
The dates given above are tentative and may be changed if required.
(For Overseas & SAARC Centres only)
10/05/2020 08/11/2020
Examination Dates (Sunday) (Sunday)
16/05/2020 14/11/2020
(Saturday) (Saturday)
FORGOT Login id: In case login id is forgotten after creating the same, click
on Sign in and on next screen click on Forgot Username (Registered
Candidates). Provide Registration Id and Date of Birth. Login id will be sent
to registered email id /mobile number.
RESET Password: In case password for login is forgotten click on Sign in and
on next screen click on Reset Password. Provide Login id. Password will be
sent to registered email id.
The Insurance Institute of India was established in 1955 for the purpose of
imparting insurance education to persons engaged or interested in insurance.
1. The main objectives of Insurance Institute of India are:
i. To run the College of Insurance and conduct Examinations in
insurance theory and practice and related subjects for awarding
certificates, diplomas and degrees to those interested in insurance.
ii. To prepare and supply reading materials and similar other educative
methods for encouraging and assisting the study of any subject bearing
on any branch of insurance.
iii. To form and maintain a Library.
iv. To offer scholarships, grants and prizes for research or any other
educational work bearing on insurance.
2. Membership: There are at present 91 Associated Insurance Institutes
spread all over the country. The Sri Lanka Insurance Institute and Financial
Institutions Training Institute Ltd., Bhutan are affiliated to I.I.I. The
members of the Associated Institutes and the Affiliated Institutes
automatically become the members of I.I.I.
3. Governing Body: The Governing Body of I.I.I is its Council, which
functions through its Committees, the Administration Committee and the
Board of Education. The Board of Education is the supreme body in all
matters relating to education and examinations.
4. College of Insurance is an institution of higher learning in Insurance.
Training on Life Insurance subjects, General Insurance subjects and various
Management subjects is provided to insurance personnel at different levels.
5. Accredited Learning Centres are formed to fulfill the Institute objectives
in providing study materials, training and tuition facilities and other
learning aids to the candidates who prepare for the Institute’s examination.
6. Examinations: The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
India (IRDAI) and the insurers in India and abroad recognize certificates
and diplomas issued by III to candidates.
These qualifications are also recognized by similar Institutes e.g. Chartered
Insurance Institute (CII) in U.K., Life Office Management Association
(LOMA), American Institute of Chartered Property and Casualty
Underwriters (CPCU) now called as The Institutes in U.S.A. and Insurance
Institute of Canada. (For more details please refer Chapter 17 to “Cross
Recognition of III Qualifications”).
7. a. The IRDAI has recognized the Institute as the examining body to conduct
pre-recruitment examinations for Insurance Agents, Corporate Agents,
Web Aggregators, Insurance Marketing Firm (IMF) & Renewal of
Insurance Broker exams as well as Pre-licensing test for Insurance
Examination Handbook |1
Surveyors and Loss Assessors.
b. The Directorate of Postal Life Insurance, New Delhi has authorised
Insurance Institute of India to develop the course material for Postal Life
Insurance Agents and also recognized the Institute as the examination body
to conduct licensing examination of Postal Life Insurance Agents.
8. Online Examinations: Online examinations are conducted for all the
Papers from Licentiate to Fellowship examination in India. Candidate
interested in taking up ONLINE examinations should indicate their option
while enrolling for papers on III website. However, the offline exam will
continue in overseas centres.
Examination for Specialised Diploma on - Marine Insurance, Fire
Insurance, Health Insurance, Certificate Programme in Advanced Insurance
Marketing (CPAIM), Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Life Insurance
Underwriting, Certificate Course on Compliance, Governance and Risk
Management in Insurance, Certificate Course on Foundation of Casualty
Actuarial Science and Specialized Diploma Course on Casualty Actuarial
Science available/conducted through online only.
9. Study Materials: The Study Material for the subjects prescribed for
examinations are available in the form of Books / eBooks (Licentiate level)
/ e-Learning / web coaching (for some subjects). The registered members
of III can purchase the Study Material online at or from Associated Institutes.
10. Research: The III encourages research and advanced studies in the area of
insurance and related subjects.
• The S.K. Desai Memorial Medal and Prize is awarded to the best
essay or work of research on any area of insurance or related subjects.
• The D. Subrahmaniam Award is given to the best essay or work of
research submitted by members who are not more than 45 years of age.
• The III invites original technical papers on specified insurance related
topics. The author / authors of papers of high quality are invited to
attend the annual conference of the Institute.
• III encourages Associated Institutes to organize research / advanced
studies in Insurance on a project basis. The reports of approved projects
are published and released at the annual conference.
11. Research Grant: In order to promote academic excellence and research in
the area of insurance and allied areas, III has established a system to provide
Research Grants/Award for candidates pursuing Doctoral Studies in
Insurance Domain. The grants are provided under the following categories:
1. Research grant for pursuing doctoral studies - Full time
2. Research grant for pursuing doctoral studies - Part time
3. One time Research grant for JRF candidates – General
All the grants and awards are specifically designated for encouraging
Examination Handbook |2
research in the domain of Insurance and allied areas, detailed guidelines
and application format is available on the website,, queries related to grants
can be addressed to
12. Prizes: Different prizes are awarded for outstanding performance in
different Examinations. Please refer Chapter 16 for more details.
13. Knowledge Management Center: Institute has formed Knowledge
Management Centre to arrange seminars on insurance and related subjects,
to conduct research work on various technical subjects of Insurance, to
maintain library and to publish journal and e-newsletters.
Library – The Library has a special collection of books (more than
8000) in the subject of insurance, management, Economics, Banking
and finance. The library also has a collection of Case Studies in
insurance and related subjects and CDs. A premium collection of books
includes the publications of the Witherby Publishers, Lloyds, London
and publications of eminent international institutes such as the
Chartered Insurance Institute (CII London), American Institute for
Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (AICPCU), Life Office
Management Association (LOMA), Life Insurance and Market
Research Association (LIMRA) and Institute of Actuaries of India
The library has subscribed to magazines/periodicals on insurance,
finance, management, banking, pensions, economics, risk management
and other subjects.
Library facility is available for III members, participants of various
programs of the College of Insurance, Insurance Professionals, and
Researchers, College students, Educational Institutes/Colleges,
Corporates, Faculty members and III Staff.
Library has introduced 2 types of memberships.
An Online Lending Library (OLL) under which books are delivered
and picked up from the members within 48 hours from the date of order
of issue and return respectively. The library members are provided with
a login id and password to access the OLL. This facility is available to
members residing in Mumbai and also outside Mumbai. It gives the
flexibility to order, renew and return books online. Books on Insurance,
Management, Banking, Finance and Economics are available for the
members and more books being added from time to time. OLL offers
free home delivery and book pick up service to its members anywhere
in India.
Group Corporate Membership (GCM) This facility is for corporates
having multiple branches across India. Under the GCM, the companies
are given multiple logins to use the library facility. III ensures free
delivery and pickup of books within 48 hours from the date of order.
Examination Handbook |3
Companies can also order back issues of the last 6 months of National
/ International journals on insurance / finance / management. A
maximum of 20 books are issued to companies at any point of time.
For details, please contact at 022-26544290 and email –
InsuNews Weekly eNewsletter– The library collects the news from
ISource, Asia Insurance Review, the IRDAI website, newspapers, etc.
Newsletter contains categories like Insurance Industry in general, the
IRDAI Regulations, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, General
Insurance, Motor Insurance, Crop Insurance, Reinsurance, Survey,
Insurance Cases, Opinion, Interview, IRDAI Circulars and Global
News. It endeavors to give the complete news with the URL of the
newspaper source.
14. Research Centre for Insurance Studies: I.I.I’s College of Insurance has
established a research centre for carrying out research studies in insurance
and allied areas.
The primary objective of this centre is to promote and conduct research in
Insurance and allied areas and to undertake projects or studies that would
be useful for specific policy making and decision making for the insurance
industry. The centre also aims to promote excellence in research in
Insurance studies and related areas across the country and support the cause
of disseminating knowledge in this specialized field. Some of the broad
areas of Insurance research that are identified for research are life, pension,
health, property, other non-life insurance, rural & social sector, reinsurance
& best practices in customer service.
Some of the activities that come under purview of the research centre are
publications of books/monograph on various aspects of insurance, conduct
primary & secondary research & publish research project report,
Examination Handbook |4
development of case studies and publishing proceedings of seminars and
conference organized by College of Insurance.
Examination Handbook |5
is underway and registration for admission to the 8th batch (academic year
2020-21) is open. Classes are scheduled to commence with effect from the
month of August, 2020. For queries, please mail
The 1979 batch of GIC Direct Recruit Officers (GIC DRO) has instituted a
cash prize of Rs.15,000/- for the best performing candidate of III-PGDHI.
The PGDIM course will enable students to understand the challenges and
operational realities of Marketing insurance in the Indian social / economic
/ regulatory scenario.
Examination Handbook |6
PGDIM Diploma: On successful completion of the course the Diploma
would be awarded jointly by the Insurance Institute of India and the Mumbai
School of Economics and Public Policy (Autonomous), University of
The course has been launched from the academic year 2018-19. Admissions
are open for academic year 2020-21 and applications are invited from
interested candidates. Classes are scheduled to commence with effect from
the month of August, 2020. For queries, please mail
Examination Handbook |7
1. These regulations are applicable for the following Examinations conducted
by III.
Licentiate, Associateship & Fellowship.
Certificate in Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science (Non-Life)
Specialized Diploma in Marine Insurance
Specialized Diploma in Fire Insurance
Specialized Diploma in Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science
Certificate Programme in Advanced Insurance Marketing Course
Specialized Diploma in Health Insurance
Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Life Insurance Underwriting
Certificate Course on Compliance, Governance and Risk Management
in Insurance.
Certified Insurance Anti-Fraud Professional (CIAFP)
2. Life Membership: Only Life Members of the Associated Institutes and
Affiliated Institutes can appear for the examinations of the III. Persons
residing or working at a place where there is an Associated Institute (For
more details please refer Chapter 21 and also available on III website under
Affiliates menu) have to be Life Member of that Institute only. Persons who
reside or work at a place where there is no Institute can become Life
Member of an Institute near to their place of residence or work.
For online application, candidates are requested to select their Associated
Institute nearer to their place of work or place of residence. Foreign
candidates can select any of the Associated Institutes in India,
Financial Institutions Training Institute Ltd. (Thimpu, Bhutan) or Sri
Lanka Insurance Institute (Colombo Sri Lanka).
Life Membership Fees of Associated Institute is included in first
registration fees.
3. (a) Enrollment for examination:
(i) Candidate can register and enroll for the examination by availing
on-line registration facility through III website. The details of on-
line registration are given under a separate topic of On-Line
Registration in this Handbook (Chapter 6)
(ii) Candidate can also submit their examination entry form to the
local Associated Institute nearest to their residence or work place
along with the fees as given in Table of Fees. Entry form is
available on website for download.
(b) Registration Fee: Candidates registering for the Institute’s
Examination Handbook |8
examinations for the first time are required to pay registration fees as
given in the Table of Fees. Please note Life Membership fee is
included in Registration fee.
With effect from the October/ November, 2010 examination, it has
been decided to charge one time Registration fee in lieu of Diploma
fees for Associateship and similarly for Fellowship examination while
enrolling for any one of the compulsory papers. Candidates who have
paid Registration fee at Associate / Fellow level will not be required to
pay any separate fees towards Diploma subsequently.
The Registration Id will remain valid for all future examinations.
CPAIM: i) One time Life Membership Fee and ii) One time
Registration fee till the registration is valid. (Registration of CPAIM is
valid for 5 years).
4. Enrollment for Examination: When the results of an examination are
announced, candidates appeared for the examination will be intimated
through email / SMS at the email id / mobile no. registered with the
Institute. Certificates and Diplomas for the successful candidate at
Licentiate, Associateship and Fellowship examinations shall be sent by
ordinary post, at the correspondence address updated in the profile of
the candidate.
Candidates can enroll for the next examination using any of the
following options:
i. ONLINE at III’s (Refer
to Help Desk Menu for more details on website) or
ii. Through Associated Institutes / Affiliated Institutes/ ALCs.
Foreign candidates are advised to register / enroll for Professional
Examinations through ONLINE/Associated Institutes/Affiliated
Institutes/ ALCs.
Pre-licensing test for Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors on behalf
Candidates enrolled with IRDAI can apply for Surveyor Examination
through online. Candidates can register/enroll and make payment for
Surveyor Examination / Papers through online option available on III
Website. For more details please refer to Help Desk menu on website.
For enrollment & slot/subject booking please refer Calendar of Important
Dates - Online Examination Schedule for the year 2020 or visit III
website for more details.
5. Requirement for passing the examination: Passing Marks for all the
subjects/papers of objective type Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)
(On-line/ Off-line) is 60% & above. The duration of examination is 2 hours.
If a candidate obtains at least 75% of the maximum marks in any subject,
he/ she will be deemed to have passed with Distinction in that subject.
Examination Handbook |9
Certificates / Diplomas will be issued to candidates only on their obtaining
minimum required Credit Points and passing compulsory subjects. AIII and
FIII Diploma will be awarded within a month after declaration of result.
6. Time Limit: There is no time limit for passing the professional
examinations of the III. However, credit points will be valid only for five
years from the date of passing the subject. After passing Associateship
Examination, validity of the credit points of the subject passed earlier (till
accumulation of 250 credit points) shall remain permanent, however
thereafter to qualify for Fellowship Examination, candidate must acquire
additional 240 credit points (including compulsory papers) within a time
limit of seven years.
For Certificate Program in Advanced Insurance Marketing (CPAIM)
Examination candidates have to pass Basic Level within 18 months from
the registration date and Intermediate Level within 36 months from
registration and Advanced level within 5 years from 1st registration.
Registration is valid for 5 years.
7. Time Table: The Examination time table for the year 2020 shall also be
available on I.I.I. website:
“In the off-line exam time-table, more than one paper may be slated for the
same time. While enrolling and selecting the subjects, the candidates must
satisfy themselves that there is no clash in the time table for the subjects
chosen by them. In the event of a clash of timing & date, candidates should
select a different subject. No refund or carry forward of examination fee is
permitted due to wrong or unsuitable selection.
The Board of Education reserves the right to alter and / or amend the
dates, venue of the examinations. Such changes or alteration will be
intimated to Associated Institutes and also posted on the website of III.
Candidates will not be advised individually. No application for refund of
the fees will be accepted on the ground of postponement or changes in the
examination schedules.
8. Admission Cards: Admission cards (Hall Tickets) for offline examination
will be available:
On website two weeks prior to the
examination. Candidate can download the Examination Admission Cards
(Hall Ticket) from website after login.
No hardcopy of hall ticket will be sent to candidate by post.
On-Line exam candidates can download their hall ticket at the time of
slot booking.
The candidates are requested to update their mobile number and
email-id in the profile created by them to receive information
regarding their Admission Cards / result etc.
The candidates can see their marks on computer screen immediately after
the examination is over. However formal result will be declared and
communicated to the candidates after the examination process is over.
All queries related to online examination may be sent to
Study Courses Department
Insurance Institute of India
Plot No. C-46, ‘G; Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (E)
Mumbai – 400 051
The Study Material price list is available under “Study Material” menu and
the list of Associated Institutes is available under “Affiliates” menu at
New registration
Enrollment for Papers
Change of correspondence address
Change of email id , Land Line Phone / Mobile Phone number
View and Change of Enrolled Papers
Change of Centre for Examination
View and Change Language selected for examination
View and Print Hall Ticket
View and Print Result
View Diploma Details
Apply for Retotaling / Revaluation of papers.
View Passed Papers Details
View Accumulated Credit Points
View Payment Transactions
Photo Upload
Download Hall ticket
Slot Booking - Online Examination
CPAIM paper enrollment
Change Associated (Local) Institute
3. However, certain subjects will be compulsory i.e. if the candidate does not
pass the compulsory subjects, in spite of accumulating credit points, he/she
will not be granted Licentiate Certificate, Associateship and/or Fellowship
A. At Licentiate Examination –
1. Principles of Insurance (IC-01) (20 Credit Points)
2. (a) Practice of Life Insurance (IC-02) (20 Credit Points) OR
(b) Practice of General Insurance (IC-11) (20 Credit Points)
Plus any one subject of 20/30/40 from the Table 1 of Optional Subjects in
order to acquire 60 Credit Points
Will not be allowed to appear for
following subjects
Upto 2018 -
01, 02, 11, 14, 23, 57, 77 and 78
2020-22, 01, 02, 11, 27, 57, 67, 72 and 78
Will not be allowed to appear for
following subjects
2020-23, 01, 02, 11, 27, 57, 72, 77 and 86
Sr. Institute/University
Qualification CPs ption
No. Name
Institute of a) Associates and Fellows 100 2200
Chartered b) Associates and Fellows
Accountants of with Diploma in Insurance 180 4500
India Risk Management (DIRM)
National Insurance
PGDM in Management
2.a) Academy, Pune 190 4500
2 Years
i) International Post Graduate
Diploma (IPGD) in Life /
General Insurance & Risk 190 5000
(Upto academic Yr. 2017-18)
ii) International Post Graduate
Diploma (IPGD) in Life
150 3600
Branch (From academic Yr.
P. No. Title
IC-A-1 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part – I
IC-A-2 Foundation of Casualty Actuarial Science Part – II
Candidate passed Licentiate in Non-life branch i.e. Subject No. 01, 11 and
any other optional subject of 20/30/40 Credit Points is eligible for
Specialized Diploma course on Casualty Actuarial Science.
Candidates Passed subjects A-1 and A-2 at Certificate & Specialized
Diploma course on Actuarial Science qualification level will get credit
points updated while appearing Fellow examination in Subject No. 47 and
84 respectively only after passing Associate Examination. Similarly,
candidates passed Subjects 47 and 84 at Fellowship level will get credit in
subjects A-1 and A-2 while appearing for Actuarial diploma course.
E) Certificate Programme in Advanced Insurance Marketing
This course is meant for those engaged as sales and marketing personnel of
Insurance Companies, Brokers firms, Corporate Agents, Bancassurance
and thus this programme will provide perfectives, marketing tools, skills
and values that are required for excellence in Insurance Marketing.
The course is at three level, i.e Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. The level
comprises 16 subjects. i.e. 4+6+6. Subjects are as under:
Candidates passed Licentiate (Life or Non-Life) with the Graduation in
any stream or Associate (AIII) or Fellow (FIII) are eligible for Certificate
Programme in Advanced Insurance Marketing.
Candidate passed Licentiate in Life branch i.e. Subject No. 01, 02 and any
other optional subject of 20/30/40 Credit Points is eligible for Diploma in
Life Insurance Underwriting.
Candidates having passed Paper No.22 at Associateship examination will
get credit for Diploma in Life Insurance Underwriting.
Examination Fee per subject is Rs.700/- (without learning material).
The examination will be conducted in online mode only along with other
professional examination and passing marks will be 60%.
Online Course enrollment fees: INR Rs.4900/-*.
Classroom training fee: Residential Rs.15,000/-*(Rs.5,000 X 3 days),
Non Residential Rs.10,800/-* (Rs.3600 X 3 days)
Annual Refresher – INR 200/-* per year.
*plus applicable taxes (Fees are linked to exchange rates and may be
revised in April every year).
Award of Certificate/Administration:
The course will be administered by Insurance Institute of India
Certificate will be issued jointly by III & NATG after successful
completion of both parts, viz. (i) Online e-learning and (ii) Training
and Classroom Training.
J) Certified Private Insurance Investigator (CPII)
Insurance Institute of India publishes study material for all subjects prescribed
for its examinations. The study material only forms the basic knowledge relating
to the subject. The syllabus incorporated in it is indicative and not exhaustive.
Moreover, candidates have to refer other books and magazines recommended
for reading. Candidates appearing for Associateship and Fellowship papers will
have to understand how the concepts given in the study material will be able to
apply in practical situations. They should be well aware of the current updates
and developments in the insurance industry.
No. Available in
1 IC-01, IC-02, IC-11, IC-14, IC-22, IC-23, IC- English & Hindi.
45, IC-57, IC-67, IC-71, IC-72, IC-74, IC-76,
IC-77, IC-78
2 IC-26, IC-27, IC-28, IC-46, IC-47, IC-81, IC- Presently
82, IC-83, IC-84, IC-85, IC-86, IC-88, IC-89, available only in
IC-90, IC-92, IC-99 English
3 Certificate Course in Foundation of Casualty
Actuarial Science English
IC-47/IC-A1, IC-84/IC A2
4 Specialized Diploma in Foundation of Casualty
Actuarial Science English
IC-47/IC-A-1, IC-84/IC-A-2,IC-A-3,IC-A-4
5 Specialized Diploma in Marine Insurance IC-
English & Hindi
60, IC-66, IC-70
6 Specialized Diploma in Fire Insurance
English & Hindi
IC-56, IC-58, IC-59,
7 Certificate Course in Foundation of Casualty
Actuarial Science IC-47/IC-A1, IC-84/IC A2
8 Specialized Diploma in Health Insurance IC-
35, IC-36, IC-37,
9 Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Life
Insurance Underwriting AIU-01, AIU-02, English
AIU-03, AIU-04, AIU-05
The Price List and year of edition of Study Material is available at web site under the menu Study Material – Price
The Study Material (Hard copy) can be purchased online at the time of
enrolling for examination by ticking check box available for Study
The Registered members of III can purchase their required Study Material
(Hard copy) / e-Book / e-Learning from their login under Study Material –
Purchase Online.
Change of Subject will not be applicable for Study Material.
It is necessary to update correspondence address before purchasing Study
Material. The address updated after purchasing Study Material will not be
Delivery time of Study Material is 8-10 working days after receipt of
Delivery status of the Study Material will be updated on web site under the
menu Study Material – Study Material Dispatch Status.
Study Material dispatched will not be returned/exchanged.
Due to any reason if the delivered Study Material is returned to the Institute
then the postage charges will be charged for re-dispatching the Study
The Study Material (Hard copy) can be purchased from Associated
Institutes or from III – Mumbai by sending a demand draft drawn in favour
of “Insurance Institute of India” payable at Mumbai with covering letter to:
Study Courses Department
Insurance Institute of India
Plot No. C-46, ‘G’ Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East),
The Study Material price list is available under “Study Material” menu and the
list of Associated Institutes is available under “Affiliates” menu at
B) E-Learning:
E-Learning stands for electronic learning which essentially allows candidates to
learn a particular subject directly from the computer. In accordance with the
needs of the changing times, Insurance Institute of India have brought out an e-
Learning program as an additional tool of learning for candidates for some
papers. Efforts are being made to develop e-learning for more subjects.
Subscription for E-Learning is valid for a period of 6 months from the date of
creation of login credentials. The module provides much beyond the course
material in terms of web-links, self-learning questions to communicate within
the circle of candidates etc. At present e-learning is available for following
IC-23 IC-71 IC-78
IC-14 IC-74 IC-85
IC-67 IC-77 IC-86
E-Learning programme fee details are available on website. (Please refer to
Study Material Menu on Website).
Candidates can also purchase e-Learning while enrolling for the respective
For queries related to e-learning, candidates can mail to:
C) Web-Coaching
We have introduced web-coaching facility as an additional teaching activity for
the subjects 01, 02, 11, 14, 23, 24, 28, 72, 77, 81, 86.
This facility was made available only for registered candidates.
We are in the process of starting Web-Coaching facility for more subjects.
D) E-books: Looking at the latest trends in the education and training field, III
has taken an initiative to convert its study courses into electronic books, at
present following e-Books are available
Sr. No. Material Title Available in
1 IC-01 Principles of Insurance English/Hindi
2 IC-02 Practice of Life Insurance English/Hindi
Diploma Fees
Fees In Indian Rupees
Particulars India # Bhutan*, Nepal*, Srilanka* Overseas
Duplicate 50.00 150.00 150.00 1000.00
Associateship 1000.00 1000.00 1500.00 7500.00
Fellowship 600.00 600.00 900.00 3500.00
Duplicate 500.00 500.00 500.00 1000.00
* Candidates from Sri Lanka enrolling through SLII will pay the prescribed fees
in SLR (equivalent to INR). Fees Related to Offline Examination is applicable
only to the Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Myanmar, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Maldives countries.
Retotaling is available only for Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Examination
(Offline mode).
# In addition to the above fees, taxes as applicable shall be added to the fees for
the candidates applying within India.
The price of Study Material is payable according to the Price list available on
our website under the menu Study Material.
1. Fellowship
2. Associateship
1. : Ghanshamdas Khilnani
2. : V.N.C. Narichania
4. Subject wise Prizes
1. 27-Health Insurance : Balwant Singh.
2. 45- General Insurance : Indian Insurance Society,
Underwriting Kolkata
3. 65-Marine Underwriting : Madras Insurance Institute.
4. 66-Marine Insurance Claims : M. Subrahmaniam.
5. 81- Mathematical Basis of : Prof. K.Gopal.
Life Assurance
6. 82- Statistics : All India Technically qualified
L.I.C. Employees Association
7. 83- Group Insurance & : B.S. Sahae.
Retirement Benefit
The Board reserves the right to alter, amend or revoke, from time to time, the
rules framed for the purpose. The Board’s decision shall be final in the matter.
The Insurance Institute of India and Chartered Insurance Institute, London have
entered into a special scheme of arrangement for the promotion of the Advanced
Diploma in Insurance (ACII) qualification of the CII to the Associates and
Fellows of Insurance Institute of India at concessional rates.
The CII’s qualification framework, gives the candidates flexibility in study
options. Accordingly a candidate has to accumulate 290 credit points to be
eligible for getting ACII Qualification from the CII. Credit points can be
accumulated by passing the CII subjects which are assigned different credit
points depending on their level of difficulty. The CII grants subject wise credit
points to the Associates and Fellows of Insurance Institute of India.
More details are available on CII website at
The American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters, (The
Institute) U.S.A. grants Exemption in their prestigious CPCU designations to
the Fellows (Non-Life) of Insurance Institute of India. For more details about
the AICPCU (The Institutes) courses you can visit their website
Life Office Management Association (LOMA), U.S.A. grants 2 exemptions in
their FMLI designation to the Fellows (Life) of Insurance Institute of India. For
more details about the LOMA courses, you can visit their website
Insurance Institute of Canada grants 3 exemptions to Associates and 4
exemptions to Fellows of Insurance Institute of India in their CIP Programme
consisting of 10 Subjects. For more details about the courses offered by
Insurance Institute of Canada, you can visit their website
The Institute encourages research and advanced studies in the area of insurance
and related subjects by floating different Essay Writing Competitions every
year. The details of the Essay Writing Competitions for the year 2020 are as
The S.K. Desai Memorial Essay Writing Competition was introduced by the
Institute in the memory of Late Shri. S. K. Desai, one of the Founder Members
of Insurance Institute of India. The S. K. Desai Memorial Essay Writing
Competition invites original contribution in the form of either an essay or work
of research, on current or historic importance, whether life or non-life or related
topics from the members of the Institutes in India and in the Afro-Asian
Regions. The S. K. Desai Memorial is the highest award of the Institute among
the essay competitions which the Institute conducts.
Cash Prize for the above Essay Writing competition are as follows:
2. Age Restrictions:
D. Subrahmaniam Award Competition - Members below 45 years of age
Other Competitions - No age restrictions.
4. The contribution for category (1) and (2) should relate to any topic of the
insurance either life, non-life or allied subjects.
The Essay must be submitted in word format (.doc file) with the following
a) Font Name – “Times New Roman”
b) Font Size -12
c) Space between lines – Double
10. The essay should be original, well researched and all sources have to be
duly acknowledged. A bibliography is to be attached at the end of each
essay. The participants should avoid using overbearing words and
sentences. Participants should ensure that the essay ideas are well expressed
and in neatly manner.
11. While submitting the Essay, a list of references and footnotes may be added
at the end of the Essay. This will not add to the final word count for the
13. Award winners resident in India may be invited to receive the award and
make a presentation at the Annual Conference of the Insurance Institute of
India which is likely to be held in August/September 2020.
14. The Institute shall have the copyright of the essays selected for award which
shall become the property of the Institute and hence the details of such
essays will not be disclosed. The Prize winning essays shall be published
in the Journal of the Institute at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Publications elsewhere would need III approval in writing.
15. If any Essay entry found to be incompatible with the above Rules and
Conditions then, such entry will not be considered. The Institute reserves
its right to accept or reject the contributions received for the Competition
and the decision of the Insurance Institute of India shall be final and binding
in this respect.
16. The result of the Essay Writing Competition will be announced by July
2020 on our website
Note: There is no assurance that the examination will necessarily be held at the
above centres.
(B) List of Centre Code & Exam Centres in India & Overseas - Online
Examination Center Name State Country
1 Abu Dhabi- 797 UAE
2 Agartala-693 Tripura India
3 Agra-601 Uttar Pradesh India
4 Ahmedabad-602 Gujarat India
5 Ahmednagar-762 Maharashtra India
6 Aizwal-694 Mizoram India
7 Ajmer-678 Rajasthan India
8 Akola-695 Maharashtra India
9 Aligarh-696 Uttar Pradesh India
10 Allahabad-642 Uttar Pradesh India
11 Alwar-679 Rajasthan India
12 Amravati-643 Maharashtra India
13 Amritsar-644 Punjab India
14 Aurangabad-641 Maharashtra India
15 Bangalore-603 Karnataka India
16 Barddhaman-769 West Bengal India
Examination Handbook |85
17 Bareilly-604 Uttar Pradesh India
18 Baroda-647 Gujarat India
19 Bathinda-766 Punjab India
20 Begusarai-783 Bihar India
21 Behrampur-698 Odisha India
22 Belgaum-699 Karnataka India
23 Berhampore-770 West Bengal India
24 Bhadrak-743 Odisha India
25 Bhagalpur-689 Bihar India
26 Bhavnagar-700 Gujarat India
27 Bhopal-645 Madhya Pradesh India
28 Bhubaneshwar-634 Odisha India
29 Bhutan-741 Bhutan Bhutan
30 Bikaner-646 Rajasthan India
31 Bilaspur-605 Chhattisgarh India
32 Bokaro-778 Jharkhand India
33 Bongaigaon-702 Assam India
34 Chandigarh-606 Punjab India
35 Chandrapur-763 Maharashtra India
36 Chennai-607 Tamilnadu India
37 Chhapra-744 Bihar India
38 Chittorgarh-790 Rajasthan India
39 Cochin-661 Kerala India
40 Coimbatore-648 Tamilnadu India
41 Cuddapah-703 Andhra Pradesh India
42 Cuttack-649 Odisha India
43 Daltonganj-779 Jharkhand India
44 Davangere-787 Karnataka India
45 Dehradun-608 Uttrakhand India
46 Dehri-784 Bihar India
47 Delhi-609 Delhi India
48 Deoghar-780 Jharkhand India
B. Affiliated Institutes
Sr. institute Name Contact Details
1 The Sri Lanka Insurance 1st Floor, YMCA Building,
Institute 143, St. Michael’s Road,
Colombo 3
Tel.No. : 0094 11 2314405
Email :
Updated on 29.06.2020