Adobe: Introduction To Scripting
Adobe: Introduction To Scripting
Adobe: Introduction To Scripting
© Copyright 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Scripting for Windows® and Macintosh®.
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1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5
Isn’t scripting difficult to learn?................................................................................................................................................. 5
Why use scripting? ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
How do I know when to use scripting? .................................................................................................................................. 5
What about actions or macros?................................................................................................................................................. 5
Okay, so—what exactly is scripting? ....................................................................................................................................... 6
AppleScript................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
JavaScript .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
VBScript ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
How do I begin? .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2 Scripting basics ............................................................................................................................ 9
The building blocks of scripting................................................................................................................................................ 9
Understanding objects, properties, methods, and commands..................................................................................... 9
Using Objects................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
DOM Concepts.......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Variables ....................................................................................................................................................................................10
Object references make life better............................................................................................................................11
Variables provide a nice shortcut ..............................................................................................................................12
Naming variables .............................................................................................................................................................13
Object collections or elements as object references ................................................................................................13
How elements and collections number subsequent items..............................................................................14
Referring to the current or active object .......................................................................................................................15
Using properties ...........................................................................................................................................................................16
Understanding read-only and read-write properties ...............................................................................................19
Using alert boxes to show a property’s value .......................................................................................................19
Constant values and enumerations ................................................................................................................................20
Using variables for property values.................................................................................................................................22
Using methods or commands .................................................................................................................................................23
Command or method parameters...................................................................................................................................23
Required parameters......................................................................................................................................................23
Multiple parameters .......................................................................................................................................................24
Tell statements (AS only) ...........................................................................................................................................................25
Notes about variables.................................................................................................................................................................26
Changing a variable’s value ...............................................................................................................................................26
Using variables to refer to existing objects ..................................................................................................................27
Making script files readable......................................................................................................................................................27
Commenting the script........................................................................................................................................................27
Continuing long lines in AppleScript and VBScript...................................................................................................29
Using Arrays ...................................................................................................................................................................................29
Creating objects............................................................................................................................................................................30
More information about scripting..........................................................................................................................................30
3 Finding an object’s properties and methods .......................................................................... 31
Using scripting environment browsers................................................................................................................................31
AppleScript data dictionaries ............................................................................................................................................31
Displaying the AppleScript dictionaries..................................................................................................................31
Using the AppleScript dictionaries............................................................................................................................31
JavaScript object model viewer........................................................................................................................................33
VBScript type libraries ..........................................................................................................................................................33
Displaying the VBScript type libraries ......................................................................................................................34
Using the VBScript type libraries................................................................................................................................34
Using Adobe scripting reference documents....................................................................................................................39
Working with an object’s elements table (AS only)...................................................................................................39
Working with an object’s properties table ...................................................................................................................40
Working with an object’s methods table ......................................................................................................................41
4 Advanced scripting techniques................................................................................................ 43
Conditional statements..............................................................................................................................................................43
if statements ............................................................................................................................................................................43
if else statements .............................................................................................................................................................44
Loops ..........................................................................................................................................................................................45
More information about scripting..........................................................................................................................................46
5 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ 47
Reserved words.............................................................................................................................................................................47
AppleScript Script Editor error messages............................................................................................................................47
ESTK error messages ...................................................................................................................................................................48
VBScript error messages ............................................................................................................................................................49
6 Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 50
Index ........................................................................................................................................... 51
1 Introduction
Scripting is a powerful tool that can be used to control and automate many features of many Adobe ®
applications—saving you so much time and effort that it can completely change the way you approach
your work.
Introduction to Scripting Introduction 6
If you like using Actions, keep in mind that your script can execute Actions within the application.
AppleScript is a "plain language" scripting language developed by Apple. It is considered one of the
simplest scripting languages to use.
To write AppleScript scripts, you can use Apple’s Script Editor application, which, in a default Mac OS
installation, is located at:
system drive:Applications:AppleScript:Script Editor
For information about using Script Editor, please refer to Script Editor Help.
JavaScript is a very common scripting language developed originally to make Web pages interactive. Like
AppleScript, JavaScript is easy to learn.
Note: Adobe has developed an extended version of JavaScript, called ExtendScript, that allows you to
take advantage of certain Adobe tools and scripting features. As a beginner, the difference between
these two languages will not affect you. However, you should get in the habit of giving your
JavaScript scripts a .jsx extension, rather than the usual .js extension.
JavaScript has a few small advantages over AppleScript and Visual Basic:
● Your scripts can be used in either Windows or Mac OS. If there’s a chance you’ll want to share or use
your scripts on both platforms, you should learn to use JavaScript.
● In Illustrator and InDesign, you can access scripts in any of the supported languages from within the
application. However, in Photoshop, you can access only .jsx files from within the application. You must
run AppleScript or Visual Basic scripts from outside the application. This is not a major drawback, but it
does require a few extra mouse clicks to run your scripts.
● You can set up .jsx scripts to run automatically when you open the application by placing the scripts in
the application’s Startup Scripts folder. For information on startup script folders, refer to the scripting
guide for your application.
To write scripts in JavaScript, you can use any text editor, or you can use the ESTK (ExtendScript Tool Kit)
provided with your Adobe applications. The ESTK has many features that make it easier to use than a text
editor, including a built-in syntax checker that identifies where the problems are in your script and tries to
Introduction to Scripting Introduction 7
explain how to fix them, and the ability to run your scripts right from the ESTK without saving the file. This
second feature can save you a lot of time, especially in the beginning when you may have to test and edit a
script more than a few times to get it to work.
In a default Adobe installation, the ESTK is in the following location:
● In Mac OS:
system drive:Applications:Utilities:Adobe Utilities:ExtendScript Toolkit 2
● In Windows:
system drive:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Utilities/ExtendScript Toolkit 2
For details, see the JavaScript Tools Guide.
VBScript is a scaled-down version of the Visual Basic programming language developed by Microsoft.
VBScript talks to host applications using ActiveX Scripting. While VBScript is the Visual Basic language
version officially supported by CS3, you can also write scripts in VBA and Visual Basic itself.
You can find several good VBScript editors on the Internet. If you have any Microsoft Office applications,
you can also use the built in Visual Basic editor by selecting Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor.
How do I begin?
It’s time to write your first script.
Note: If you have problems running your script, see Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting” on page 47.
1. Open the Script Editor and type the following (substituting any Adobe application name in the quotes):
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
make document
end tell
2. Press Run.
1. Open the ESTK and select an application from the drop-down list in the upper left corner of a
document window.
1. In a text editor, type the following (substituting any Adobe application in the quotes in the second
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
2. Save the file as a text file with a .vbs extension (for example, create_doc.vbs).
This chapter covers the basic concepts of scripting in both Windows and Mac OS. For product-specific
directions, see the scripting guide for your Adobe application.
Using Objects
The main concept to understand when using objects in scripts is how to refer to an object. How do you let
the application know which object you want your script to change? In the application’s user interface, you
can simply select the object by clicking it. In a script, there’s a little bit more to it.
DOM Concepts
Scripting languages use something called a Document Object Model (DOM) to organize objects in a way
that makes the objects easy to identify. The principle behind a DOM is the containment hierarchy. In other
words, top level objects contain next level objects, which contain the subsequent level of objects, and so
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 10
For example, the top level object in any Adobe application DOM is the application object. Next is the
document object, which contains all other objects, such as layers, channels, pages, text frames, and so on.
These objects can contain objects that the document cannot contain directly. For example, in InDesign or
Illustrator, a text frame can contain words. A document cannot contain words unless it has a text frame.
Similarly, in Photoshop, a document can contain a layer, and a layer can contain a text frame, but a
document cannot contain a text frame unless the document contains a layer.
Note: To view a chart of the DOM for a specific application, please refer to the application’s scripting
So, using your DOM principle, how would you add a layer in a document? (To modify this script for
Photoshop, please note that a layer is called art layer in AS; and layers are called artLayers in JS or
ArtLayers in VBS).
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
make document
make layer in document
end tell
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
If you try to run these scripts, you get an error because the application does not know which document
you mean. Sure, you have only one document open, but that won’t always be the case. Therefore, scripting
languages have strict requirements that all objects be explicitly identified in every script statement.
This guide introduces three ways to refer to objects:
● Variables
● Collection or element numbers
● The "current" object or "active" object property
A variable is a thing that you create to hold data in your script. The data, called the variable’s value, can be
an object in your script, or it can be a property that describes an object. You could almost think of a
variable as a nickname that you give to an object or other data.
Using a variable to contain an object makes an object easy to refer to. Most scripters create a variable for
each object in their script.
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 11
The following scripts create a document, just as you did in your first script. However, this version of the
script creates a variable named myDoc to contain the document. Take a look at these scripts, and then
compare them to your first script. (See “How do I begin?” on page 7.)
To create a variable in AS, you use the command set, followed by the variable name. To assign a data
value to the variable, you use to followed by the value.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set myDoc to make document
end tell
To create a variable in JS, you use var, followed by the variable name. To assign a data value, you use an
equal sign (=) followed by the value. Spaces do not matter on either side of the equal sign.
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
To create a variable in VBS, you use the command Set, followed by the variable name. To assign a data
value, you use an equal sign (=) followed by the value. Spaces do not matter on either side of the equal
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set myDoc to make document
make layer in myDoc
end tell
Even better, we could create another variable to hold the layer. That would allow us to easily refer to the
layer if we wanted to define its properties or add an object to the layer.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myLayer to make layer in myDoc
end tell
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 12
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
The same script again, this time creating a variable to hold the layer.
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
var myLayer = myDoc.layers.add()
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add
The same script again, this time creating a variable to hold the layer.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add
Set layerRef = docRef.Layers.Add
Note: The following script uses the contents property to add text to the frame. For now, don’t worry
about the mechanics of using properties.
The following script uses objects and properties defined in the Illustrator CS3 object model, so it does not
work, for example, in InDesign or Photoshop.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myLayer to make layer in myDoc
set myTextFrame to make text frame in myLayer
set contents of myTextFrame to “Hello world!”
end tell
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
var myLayer = myDoc.layers.add()
var myTextFrame = myLayer.textFrames.add()
myTextFrame.contents = “Hello world!”
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add
Set layerRef = docRef.Layers.Add
Set frameRef = layerRef.TextFrames.Add
myTextFrame.Contents = “Hello world!”
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 13
Naming variables
Your scripts will be easier to read if you create descriptive names for your variables. Variable names such as
x or c aren’t helpful when you revisit a script. Better names are those that indicate the data the variable
contains, such as theDocument or myLayer.
Giving your variable names a standard prefix helps your variables stand out from the objects, commands,
and keywords of your scripting system. For example:
● You could use the prefix “doc” at the beginning of any variables that contain Document objects, such
as docRef, or “layer” to identify variables that contain Art Layer objects, such as layerRef and
● You could use the prefix "my" to add a personal element that separates your variables from script
objects. For example, myDoc or myLayer or myTextFrame.
All variable names must conform to the following rules:
● Variable names must be a single word (no spaces). Many people use internal capitalization (such as
myFirstPage) or underscore characters (my_first_page) to create more readable names. The
variable name cannot begin with an underscore character.
● Variable names can contain numbers but cannot begin with a number.
● Variable names cannot contain quotation marks or punctuation other than the underscore character.
● Variable names in JavaScript and VBScript are case sensitive. thisString is not the same as
thisstring or ThisString. Variable names in AppleScript are not case sensitive.
● Each variable in your script must have a unique name.
Note: Because the following script does not use variables, entire containment hierarchy is required in each
object reference. For example, in the statement that adds a layer, the script must identify the
document to which the layer will be added. To add a text frame to the layer, the script must provide
the index not only of the layer that will contain the frame, but it must also identify the document
that contains the layer.
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 14
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
make document
make layer in document 1
make text frame in layer 1 of document 1
end tell
Note: Beginning scripters using AppleScript are not encouraged to use element numbers as object
references when the element contains more than one object. For details as to why, see “How
elements and collections number subsequent items” on page 14.
In JavaScript, you indicate an item’s index by using the collection name followed by the index in square
brackets ([]).
In VBScript, you indicate an item’s index by using the collection name followed by the index in
Tip: In JS and VBS scripts, you’ll find index numbers very useful as object references. For example, you may
have several files in which you want to make the background layer white. You can write a script that
says “Open all files in this folder and change the first layer’s color to white.“ If you didn’t have the
capability of referring to the layers by index, you’d need to include in your script the names of all of
the background layers in all of the files.
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 15
Note: Scripts are compulsive organizers. They place objects in elements or collections even when there is
only one object of that type in the entire collection.
Note: Objects can belong to more than one collection or element. For example, in Photoshop, art
layer objects belong to the art layers element or collection, and layer set objects belong
to the layer sets element or collection, but both art layer objects and layer set objects
belong to the layers element or collection. Similarly, in InDesign, rectangle objects belong to
the rectangles element or collection and text frame objects belong to the text frames
element or collection. However, both rectangle objects and text frame objects also belong to
the page items element or collection, which contains all sorts of items on a page such as ellipses,
graphic lines, polygons, buttons, and other items.
The following scripts create a document and then use this principle to create a layer in the new document.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
make document
make layer in current document
end tell
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Using properties
To define or modify a property of an object, you do three things:
Note: These differences may not seem important now, but keep them in mind for later.
● A variable. When you use a variable as a property value, you do not enclose the variable in quotes as
you would a string.
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 17
To use properties in AS, you use the set command followed by the property name, and then type of
followed by the object reference. The following script defines the name property of the layer object
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myLayer to make layer in myDoc
set name of myLayer to "My New Layer"
end tell
You can set several properties in a single statement using the properties property. You format the
multiple properties as an array, enclosed in curly braces. Within the array, separate each property
name/property value pair with a colon (:). The following script uses properties to define the layer’s
name and visibility state.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myLayer to make layer in myDoc
set properties of myLayer to {name:"My New Layer", visible:false}
end tell
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 18
Note: Notice in the preceding script that only the string value "My New Layer" is enclosed in quotes.
The value for the visible property, false, may look like a string, but it is a Boolean value. To
review value types, see “Using properties” on page 16.
You can define an object’s properties in the statement that creates the object, as in the following scripts.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myLayer to make layer in myDoc with properties {name:"My New Layer"}
end tell
To use a property in JS, you name the object that you want the property to define or modify, insert a
period (.), and then name the property. To specify the value, place an equal sign (=) after the property
name, and then type the value.
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
var myLayer = myDoc.layers.add() = "My New Layer"
To define multiple properties, you can write multiple statements:
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
var myLayer = myDoc.layers.add() = "My New Layer"
myLayer.visible = false
Note: Notice in the preceding script that only the string value "My New Layer" is enclosed in quotes.
The value for the visible property, false, may look like a string, but it is a Boolean value. To
review value types, see “Using properties” on page 16.
JS provides a shorthand for defining multiple properties, called a with statement. To use a with
statement, you use the word with followed by the object whose properties you want to define, enclosing
the object reference in parentheses (()). Do not type a space between with and the first parenthesis.
Next, you type an opening curly brace ({), and then press Enter and type a property name and value on
the following line. To close the with statement, you type a closing curly brace (}).
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
var myLayer = myDoc.layers.add()
name = "My New Layer"
visible = false
Using a with statement saves you the trouble of typing the object reference followed by a period (in this
case, myLayer.) for each property. When using a with statement, always remember the closing curly
JS also provides a properties property, which allows you to define several values in one statement. You
enclose the entire group of values in curly braces ({}). Within the braces, you use a colon (:) to separate a
property name from its value, and separate property name/property value pairs using a comma (,).
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
var myLayer = myDoc.layers.add() = {name:"My New Layer", visible:false}
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 19
To use properties in VBS, you name the object, insert a period (.), and then name the property. To specify
the value, place an equal sign (=) after the property name, and then type the value.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Documents.Add
Set myLayer = myDoc.Layers.Add
myLayer.Name = "My First Layer"
You can define only one property per statement. To define multiple properties, you must write multiple
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Documents.Add
Set myLayer = myDoc.Layers.Add
myLayer.Name = "My First Layer"
myLayer.Opacity = 65
myLayer.Visible = false
Note: Notice in the preceding script that only the string value "My New Layer" is enclosed in quotes.
The value for the Visible property, false, may look like a string, but it is a Boolean value. To
review value types, see “Using properties” on page 16.
To display an alert box in AS, you type display dialog, and then type the dialog content in
parentheses (()). To find out how many objects are in an element, use the count command with any
element name.
Note: The element name is the plural form of the object. For example, the document object’s element is
the documents object.
The following script displays an alert box that tells you how many documents are in the documents
element, then adds a document and displays a new alert with the updated number.
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
display dialog (count documents)
set myDoc to make document
display dialog (count documents)
end tell
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 20
To get a string value to display in an alert box, you must store the string value in a variable. The following
script converts the document name to a variable named myName, and then displays the value of myName.
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myName to name of myDoc
display dialog myName
end tell
To display an alert box in JS, you use the alert() method by typing alert, and then typing the dialog
content in parentheses (()). Do not type a space between alert and the first parenthesis. To find out
how many objects are in a collection, use the (read-only) length property of any collection object. The
following script displays an alert box that tells you how many documents are in the documents collection,
then adds a document and displays a new alert with the updated number.
Note: The collection object name is the plural form of the object. For example, the document object’s
collection object is the documents object.
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
The following script displays the document’s name in an alert box.
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
To display an alert box in VBS, you use the MsgBox method by typing MsgBox, and then typing the dialog
content in parentheses (()). Do not type a space between MsgBox and the first parenthesis. To find out
how many objects are in a collection, use the (read-only) Count property of any collection object. The
following script displays an alert box that tells you how many documents are in the Documents collection,
then adds a document and displays a new alert with the updated number.
Note: The collection object is the plural form of the object. For example, the Document object’s collection
object is the Documents object.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Documents.Add
The following script displays the document’s name in an alert box.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Documents.Add
Note: To find whether you must use an enumeration for a property’s value, look up the property in one of
the scripting references provided by Adobe. For information, see Chapter 3, “Finding an object’s
properties and methods” on page 31.
In AS, you use constants as you would any other property definition. Do not enclose the constant in
quotes. The following script uses the constant value dark green to set the layer color of a new layer.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myLayer to make layer in myDoc
set layer color of myLayer to dark green
end tell
Note: If dark green were a string value rather than an constant, the value would be enclosed in quotes:
set layer color of myLayer to "dark green"
In JS, you type the enumeration name, a period (.), and then the enumeration value. You must use the
exact spelling and capitalization as defined in the scripting references provided by Adobe. Formatting is
different in different Adobe applications. For example:
● In InDesign:
● Each enumeration begins with an upper case letter, and all words within the combined term also
begin with an upper case letter.
● The enumeration value begins with a lower case letter.
The following example uses the UIColor enumeration to set the layer color to dark green.
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
var myLayer = mydoc.layers.add()
myLayer.layerColor = UIColor.darkGreen
● In Illustrator:
● Each enumeration begins with an upper case letter, and all words within the combined term also
begin with an upper case letter.
● Some enumeration values begin with an upper case letter and then use lower case letters. Others
use all upper case. You must be sure to use the value exactly as it appears in the scripting reference.
The following example uses the RulerUnits enumeration to set the default unit to centimeters.
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
myDoc.rulerUnits = RulerUnits.Centimeters
The next script uses the BlendModes enumeration, whose values are expressed in all upper case
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
var myLayer = myDoc.layers.add()
myLayer.blendingMode = BlendModes.COLORBURN
● In Photoshop:
● Each enumeration begins with an upper case letter, and all words within the combined term also
begin with an upper case letter.
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 22
In VBS, you use numeric values for constants.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add
Set layerRef = docRef.ArtLayers.Add
layerRef.Kind = 2
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set myDoc to make document with properties {height:10, width:7}
set docHeight to height of myDoc
set docWidth to width of myDoc
set myDoc with properties {height:docHeight - 2, width:docWidth - 2}
end tell
var myDoc = app.documents.add(7, 10)
var docHeight = myDoc.height
var docWidth = myDoc.width
myDoc.resizeCanvas((docHeight - 2), (docWidth - 2))
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Documents.Add(7, 10)
docHeight = myDoc.Height
docWidth = myDoc.Width
myDoc.ResizeCanvas docWidth - 2, docHeight - 2
Note: The MsgBox method does not work when you open a script from the Scripts menu in some
Adobe applications. To properly display the message box, double-click the script file in Windows
Explorer® .
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 23
AS commands appear at the beginning of a script statement as an imperative verb. The command is
followed by a reference to the object upon which you want the command to act.
The following script prints the active document:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
print current document
end tell
You insert methods at the end of JS statements. You must place a period before the method name, and
then follow the method name with parentheses (()).
You insert methods at the end of VBS statements. You must place a period before the method name.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Required parameters
The following scripts use the merge command, which requires some indication of the layers you want to
merge into the selected layer. Just like properties, command parameters are enclosed in curly braces ({}).
However, you include only the parameter value, and not the parameter name, within the braces.
Note: This script is for InDesign. There is no merge operation in Illustrator. To modify this script for
Photoshop, please note that a layer is called art layer in AS; and layers are called artLayers in
JS or ArtLayers in VBS.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set myDoc to make document
The method parameter is enclosed in the parentheses that follow the method name.
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
Notice that the method parameter is enclosed in parentheses after the method name. Do not type a space
before the first parenthesis.
Set appRef = CreateObject("InDesign.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Documents.Add
Multiple parameters
When you define more than one parameter for a command or method, you must follow specific rules.
There are two types of parameters for AS commands:
● A direct parameter, which defines the direct object of the action performed by the command
● Labeled parameters, which are any parameters other than direct parameters
The direct parameter must follow the command directly. In the following statement, the command is
make and the direct parameter is document.
make document
You can insert labeled parameters in any order. The following script creates two layers, and defines the
location and name of each layer. Notice that, in the statements that create the layers, the location and
name parameters appear in different orders.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set myDoc to make document
tell myDoc
set myLayer to make layer at beginning of myDoc with properties {name:"Lay1"}
set myLayer2 to make layer with properties {name:"Lay2"} at end of myDoc
end tell
end tell
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 25
In JS, you must enter parameter values in the order they are listed in the scripting reference resources so
that the script compiler knows which value defines which parameter.
Note: For information on scripting reference resources, see Chapter 3, “Finding an object’s properties and
methods” on page 31.
To skip an optional parameter, type the placeholder undefined. The following statement creates a
Photoshop CS3 document whose width is 4000 pixels, height is 5000 pixels, resolution is 72, name is "My
Document", and document mode is bitmap.
app.documents.add(4000, 5000, 72, “My Document“, NewDocumentMode.BITMAP)
The next statement creates an identical document except that the resolution is left undefined.
app.documents.add(4000, 5000, undefined, “My Document“, NewDocumentMode.BITMAP)
Note: Use the undefined placeholder only to "reach" the parameters you want to define. The following
statement defines only the document’s height and width; placeholders are not needed for
subsequent optional parameters.
app.documents.add(4000, 5000)
In VBS, you must enter parameter values in the order they are listed so that the script compiler knows
which value defines which parameter.
To skip an optional parameter, type the placeholder undefined. The following statement creates a
Photoshop CS3 document whose width is 4000 pixels, height is 5000 pixels, resolution is 72, name is "My
Document", and document mode is bitmap.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Documents.Add(4000, 5000, 72, "My Document", 5)
The next statement creates an identical document except the resolution is left undefined.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Documents.Add(400, 500, undefined, "My Document", 5)
Note: Use the undefined placeholder only to "reach" the parameters you want to define. The following
statement defines only the document’s height and width; placeholders are not needed for
subsequent optional parameters.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Documents.Add(4000, 5000)
The undefined placeholder is not case-sensitive.
The following script carefully outlines the full containment hierarchy of each object to indicate which
object the command must work upon:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myLayer to make layer in myDoc
set myLayer2 to make layer in myDoc
end tell
You can create a shortcut by changing the command target. To do so, you add a nested tell statement.
The following script performs the exact same operation as the previous script. Because the nested tell
statement targets the document object, it is not necessary to refer to the document object in the
statements that create the layers.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set myDoc to make document
tell myDoc
set myLayer to make layer
set myLayer2 to make layer
end tell
end tell
Notice that each tell statement must be closed with its own end tell statement.
You can nest as many tell statements as you wish.
To change a variable’s value in AS, you use the set command.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set docRef to make document
set layerRef to make layer in myDoc with properties {name:"First Layer"}
set layerRef to make layer in myDoc with properties {name:"Second Layer"}
end tell
To change a variable’s value in JS, you use the variable name followed an equal sign (=) and the new value.
Do not begin the reassignment statement with var; you use var only when creating a new variable.
var docRef = app.documents.add()
var layerRef = myDoc.layers.add() = "First Layer"
layerRef = myDoc.layers.add() = "Second Layer"
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 27
To change a variable’s value in VBS, you use the Set command.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add
Set layerRef = docRef.Layers.Add
layerRef.Name = "First Layer"
layerRef = docRef.Layers.Add
layerRef.Name = "Second Layer"
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
set myDoc to current document
end tell
var myDoc = app.activeDocument
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set docRef = appRef.ActiveDocument
To comment all or part of a single line in an AS, type two hyphens (--) at the beginning of the comment.
To comment multiple lines, surround the comment with (* and *).
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
--This is a single-line comment
print current document --this is a partial-line comment
--the hyphens hide everything to their right from the scripting engine
(* This is a multi-line
comment, which is completely
ignored by the scripting engine, no matter how
many lines it contains.
The trick is to remember to close the comment.
If you don’t the rest of your script is
hidden from the scripting engine!*)
end tell
Note: The only thing this script does is print the current document.
To comment all or part of a single line in JS, type two forward slashes (//) at the beginning of the
comment. To comment multiple lines, surround the comment with /* and */.
//This is a single-line comment
app.activeDocument.print() //this part of the line is also a comment
/* This is a multi-line
comment, which is completely
ignored by the scripting engine, no matter how
many lines it contains.
Don’t forget the closing asterisk and slash
or the rest of your script will be commented out...*/
Note: The only thing this script does is print the active document.
In VBS, type Rem (for “remark”) or ' (a single straight quote) at the beginning of the comment. VBS does
not support comments that span more than one line. To comment several lines in a row, start each line
with either comment format.
'This is a comment.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Rem This is also a comment.
appRef.ActiveDocument.PrintOut 'This part of the line is a comment.
' This is a multi-line
' comment that requires
' a comment marker at the beginning
' of each line.
Rem This is also a multi-line comment. Generally, multi-line
Rem comments in VBS are easier for you to identify (and read) in your scripts
Rem if they begin with a single straight quote (') rather than if they begin
Rem with Rem, because Rem can look like any other text in the script
' The choice is yours but isn’t this more easily
' identifiable as a comment than the preceding
' four lines were?
Note: The only thing this script does is print the active document.
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 29
Note: You can also expand the scripting editor window to continue the statement on a single line.
Type the character ¬ (Option+Return) to break a long line but continue the statement.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myLayer to make layer in myDoc with properties {name:"My First Layer"} at the¬
beginning of myDoc (* without the line break character, AS would consider this
line an incomplete statement*)
(* note that line continuation characters are not required in a multi-line comment
such as this one*)
set myLayer2 to make layer in myDoc with properties {name:"My Other Layer"} ¬
before myLayer
end tell
Type an underscore (_) followed by a carriage return to break a long line but continue the statement.
Note: In both languages, the continuation character loses its functionality if it is placed inside a string
(that is, within the quotes). If the line break occurs within a string value, place the break character
before the string and insert the line break early.
Note: In JavaScript, statements can contain carriage returns, so there is no need for a continuation
character. However, the ExtendScript interpreter interprets each line as a complete statement. In
general, therefore, it’s best to insert returns only at the ends of statements.
Using Arrays
In VBScript and JavaScript, arrays are similar to collections; however, unlike collections, arrays are not
created automatically.
You can think of an array as a list of values for a single variable. For example, the following JavaScript array
lists 4 values for the variable myFiles:
var myFiles = new Array ()
myFiles[0] = "clouds.bmp"
myFiles[1] = “clouds.gif”
myFiles[2] = “clouds.jpg”
myFiles[3] = “clouds.pdf”
Notice that each value is numbered. To use a value in a statement, you must include the number. The
following statement opens the file clouds.gif :
Introduction to Scripting Scripting basics 30
Note: While indexes in VBS collections always begin numbering at (1), you can stipulate in your VBS scripts
whether arrays that you create begin numbering at (1) or (0). To find out how to set the array index
starting number, refer to any VBScript text book. For information on collections and index numbers,
see “Object collections or elements as object references” on page 13.
Creating objects
Your first script demonstrated how to create an object using the make command (AS), add() method (JS),
or Add method (VBS) of the object’s collection object. For example:
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
make document
end tell
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
However, some objects do not have a make command (AS), add() method (JS), or Add method (VBS). To
create objects of these types, refer to the section “Creating new objects” in the chapter for your scripting
language in the Adobe scripting guide for your application.
Adobe provides the following resources to help you find and use the objects, methods or commands,
properties, enumerations, and parameters you need to create effective scripts.
● Object dictionaries or type libraries. Each scriptable Adobe application provides a reference library or
dictionary within your script editor environment.
● The Adobe scripting reference documents (in PDF format), which are located on your installation CD.
(Scripting reference documents are not provided for all Adobe applications.)
1. In Script Editor, choose File > Open Dictionary. Script Editor displays an Open Dictionary dialog.
2. Choose your Adobe application, and then choose Open. Script Editor opens the Adobe application and
then displays the application’s dictionary.
Note: Objects are indicated by a square icon: ; commands are indicated by a round icon: .
The object description appears in the lower viewing pane. The object’s elements and properties are
listed below the description. Each element name is a hyperlink to the element’s object type.
Introduction to Scripting Finding an object’s properties and methods 32
object description
properties list
data types and access values are parenthesized following the enumerated values are
property name Note: The access value appears only when the preceded by "Can
property is read-only return:"
Note: Commands are indicated by a round icon: ; objects are indicated by a square icon: .
The command description appears in the lower viewing pane.
● Below the description, the objects with which you can use the command are listed.
● Below the list of supported objects, the parameters are listed.
● If the parameter is optional, it is enclosed in square brackets ([ ]).
● If no brackets appear around the parameter name, the parameter is required.
● Each parameter name is followed by the data type.
● If the data type is an object, the data type is a hyperlink to the object.
● If the data type is an enumeration, the valid values are preceded by the notation "Can accept:"
and then listed, separated by forward slashes (/).
3. View the
information in the
lower pane:
command description
optional parameters are enclosed in Note: When the parameter value is an enumeration, the
square brackets ([ ]) enumerated values are preceded by "Can accept:"
Note: If you use a different editor, refer to the editor’s help system to find out how to display type libraries.
Introduction to Scripting Finding an object’s properties and methods 34
3. In the References dialog’s Available References list, select your Creative Suite application, and then click
4. In the Visual Basic editor window, choose View > Object Browser.
5. Select your Adobe application in the drop-down list in the upper left corner of the Object Browser
To display an object’s properties and method, you select the object type in the Classes pane. The
properties and methods are listed in the Members of pane to the right of the Classes pane.
● Properties are indicated by the following icon:
● Methods are indicated by the following icon:
1. Select the
property in
Members of
The data type pane
appears next to the
property name
The access value is
listed only when
access is read-only
The property
description appears
at the bottom of the
information pane
Introduction to Scripting Finding an object’s properties and methods 36
2. Click the enumeration value to display the numeric value in the bottom pane.
Note: The default value is used if you do not define a value for the parameter. Only optional
parameters have default values.
Introduction to Scripting Finding an object’s properties and methods 38
The information you can get from this table is that, in document objects that you create for this
application, you can create character style, layer, and story objects.
For example:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myCharStyle to make character style in myDoc with properties {name:"Bold"}
set myLayer to make layer in myDoc
set myStory to make story in myDoc
end tell
The following script statement would produce an error, because stroke style is not an element of this
application’s document object.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myStrokeStyle to make stroke style in myDoc with properties {name:"Erratic"}
end tell
Introduction to Scripting Finding an object’s properties and methods 40
bounds Array of 4 numbers Read-only. An array of coordinates that describes the bounding
rectangle of the layer in the format [y1, x1, y2, x2].
kind LayerKind Read-only. The type of layer.
name string Read-write. The name of the layer.
opacity number (double) Read-write. The opacity as a percentage. (Range: 0.0 to 100.0)
textItem TextItem object Read-only. The text item that is associated with the layer.
For example:
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
set myDoc to make document
set myLayer to make art layer in myDoc
set properties of myLayer to {kind:text layer, name:"Captions", opacity:45.5, ¬
set contents of text object in myLayer to "Photo Captions"
end tell
Note: You cannot define the bounds of the layer because the bounds property is read-only.
Introduction to Scripting Finding an object’s properties and methods 41
var myDoc = app.documents.add()
var myLayer = myDoc.artLayers.add()
alert(myLayer.bounds) // can’t set the property because it is read-only
myLayer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT = "Captions"
myLayer.opacity = 45.5 // can use a decimal point because the type is not integer
myLayer.textItem.contents = "Day 1: John goes to school"
//see the properties table for the textItem object to find the contents property
myLayer.visible = true
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add
Set layerRef = docRef.Layers.Add
msgBox(layerRef.Bounds) ' can’t set the property because it is read-only
layerRef.Kind = 2
layerRef.Name = "Captions"
layerRef.Opacity = 45.5 // can use a decimal point because the type is not integer
layerRef.TextItem.Contents = "Day 1: John goes to school"
//see the Properties table for the TextItem object to find the Contents property
layerRef.Visible = true
Note: In JS and VBS, collection objects are kept in properties of the containing object. To determine an
object’s containment hierarchy, you must locate the object or objects that use the object’s
collection object (that is, the object’s plural form) as a property. For example, documents.layers,
or layers.textFrames.
The following sample Methods table lists the parameters for the add method for a Photoshop CS3
Method Parameter Type Returns What it does
make documement with properties {width:5, height:7, resolution:72,¬
name:"Diary", mode:bitmap, initial fill:transparent, pixel aspect ratio: 4.7}
app.documents.add(5, 7, 72, "Diary", NewDocumentMode.BITMAP,
DocumentFill.TRANSPARENT, 4.7)
appRef.Documents.Add(5, 7, 72, "Diary", 5, 3, 4.7 )
4 Advanced scripting techniques
Most scripts do not proceed sequentially from beginning to end. Often, scripts take different paths
depending on data gleaned from the current document, or they repeat commands multiple times. Control
structures are the script language features that enable your scripts to do such things.
Conditional statements
if statements
If you could talk to your Adobe application, you might say, “If the document has only a single layer, then
create another layer.” This is an example of a conditional statement. Conditional statements make
decisions—they give your scripts a way to evaluate something, such as the number of layers, and then act
according to the result. If the condition is met, then the script performs the action included in the if
statement. If the condition is not met, then the script skips the action included in the if statement.
Each of the following scripts opens a document and then checks whether the document contains a single
layer. If only one layer exists, the script adds a layer and sets the new layer’s fill opacity to 65%.
An if statement in AS begins with the word if, followed by the comparison phrase in parentheses,
followed by the word then. You must close the if statement with end if.
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
--insert the name of your hard drive at the beginning of the filepath
set myFilepath to alias "Hard Drive Name:Applications:Adobe Photoshop CS3:¬
open myFilepath
set myDoc to current document
tell myDoc
if (art layer count = 1) then
set myLayer to make art layer with properties {fill opacity:65}
end if
end tell
end tell
Introduction to Scripting Advanced scripting techniques 44
An if statement in JS begins with the word if, followed by the comparison phrase in parentheses.
Enclose the action in the if statement in curly braces ({}).
var myDoc ="/c/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop
if(myDoc.artLayers.length == 1){
var myLayer = myDoc.artLayers.add()
myLayer.fillOpacity = 65
Note: JavaScript uses a double equal sign (==) for comparing values, as opposed to the single equal sign
(=) used for assigning values to properties or variables.
Now close Ducky.tif and try the script again, but change the if statement to the following:
if(myDoc.artLayers.length < 1){
An if statement in VBS begins with the word If, followed by the comparison phrase, followed by the
word Then. You must close the if statement with End If.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Open("/c/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop_
If myDoc.ArtLayers.Count = 1 Then
Set myLayer = myDoc.ArtLayers.Add
myLayer.FillOpacity = 65
End If
Note: VBS uses a single equal sign for both comparing and assigning values.
Now close Ducky.tif and try the script again, but change the if statement to the following:
If myDoc.ArtLayers.Count < 1 Then
if else statements
Sometimes, you might have a slightly more complicated request, such as, “If the document has one layer,
set the layer’s fill opacity to 50%—but if the document has two or more layers, set the fill opacity of the
active layer to 65%.” This kind of situation calls for an if else statement.
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
--insert the name of your hard drive at the beginning of the filepath
set myFilepath to alias "Hard Drive Name:Applications:Adobe Photoshop CS2:¬
open myFilepath
set myDoc to current document
tell myDoc
if (count of art layers < 2) then
set fill opacity of current layer to 50
set fill opacity of current layer to 65
end if
end tell
end tell
Introduction to Scripting Advanced scripting techniques 45
var myDoc ="/c/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop
if(myDoc.artLayers.length < 2){
myDoc.activeLayer.fillOpacity = 50
myDoc.activeLayer.fillOpacity = 65
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.Open("/c/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS3/_
If myDoc.ArtLayers.Count < 2 Then
myDoc.ActiveLayer.FillOpacity = 50
myDoc.ActiveLayer.FillOpacity = 65
End If
You may want your script to find and change all objects of a certain type. For example, your document may
have some visible layers and some invisible layers, and you want to make all of the layers visible. You would
like this script to work for several documents, but your documents have varying numbers of layers.
This is a situation in which a repeat statement (AS) or a loop (JS and VBS) comes in handy. A loop "walks"
through a collection of objects and performs an action on each object.
To use the scripts in this section, open your Adobe application and create a document that has at least
nine layers. Make some of the layers visible, and hide other layers. Save the document, and then run the
script, substituting the name of your application and the layer object name in your application’s DOM.
The basic principle behind each of these loops is that the script identifies the first layer in the element or
collection and sets the layer’s visibility to true, then identifies the next layer and repeats the action, and
then identifies the following layer until each layer has been acted upon.
This script uses two variables, myLayerCount and myCounter, to identify a layer and then increment the
layer number until all layers in the document have been identified.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator CS3"
set myDoc to current document
tell myDoc
set myLayerCount to (count layers)
set myCounter to 1
repeat while myCounter <= (myLayerCount + 1)
set myLayer to layer myCounter
set myLayer with properties {visible:true}
--the next statement increments the counter to get the next layer
set myCounter to myCounter + 1
end repeat
end tell
end tell
Introduction to Scripting Advanced scripting techniques 46
This script uses a for loop, which is one of the most common techniques in JavaScript. Like the
AppleScript above, the script uses two variables, myLayerCount and myCounter, to identify a layer and
then increment the layer number until all layers in the document have been identified. The increment
takes place in the third statement within the for statement: myCounter++. The ++ syntax adds 1 to the
current value, but does not add 1 until the loop’s action has been done.
The for loop in this script would say the following in plain English:
2. If the value of myCounter is less than the value of myLayerCount, then use the value of myCounter
as the index for the layer assigned to myLayer, and set the visibility of myLayer to true.
3. Add 1 to the value of myCounter, and then compare myCounter ’s new value to the value of
4. If myCounter is still less than myLayerCount, use the new value of myCounter as the index of
myLayer and set the visibility of myLayer to true, then add 1 to the value of myCounter.
The For Each Next loop in VBScript simply tells the application to set the Visible property of each
object in the Layers collection in the active document to True. Notice that the collection is identified by
the containment hierarchy of parent objects (in this case by the variable myDoc) followed by the collection
name, which is the plural form of the object name (in this case Layers).
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.ActiveDocument
Note: The object named in the loop can be anything. The script works the same if you substitute x for
object as in the following script.
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set myDoc = appRef.ActiveDocument
This chapter explains how to interpret some basic error messages that you may receive when you run a
Reserved words
Script Editor and the ESTK, as well as many other scripting editors, highlight certain words when you type
For example, the Boolean values true and false are always highlighted. Other examples are listed
These highlighted words are reserved by the scripting language for special purposes and cannot be used
as variable names. You can use reserved words as part of a string, because they are enclosed in quotes. You
can also use them in comments, because comments are ignored by the scripting engine.
If your script indicates a syntax error, check to make sure you have not improperly used a reserved word.
For a full list of reserved words in your scripting language, refer to one of the resources listed in Chapter 6,
“Bibliography” on page 50.
Introduction to Scripting Troubleshooting 48
Tip: Choose Result Log at the bottom of the Script Editor window to view your script’s progress line by
Note: Some syntax errors, such as curly quotes or smart quotes, are highlighted in red. The status bar
message says simply “Syntax error”. Make sure you use straight quotes.
● If your script contains a runtime error, such as an object that is not correctly identified or a property
that does not exist for the object that is trying to use it, the offending statement is highlighted but the
script keeps running, as indicated by the swirling icon in the lower right corner. Additionally, the error is
described both in the JavaScript Console pane and in the status bar.
When a runtime error occurs:
● Choose Debug > Stop, or press Shift+F5 to stop the script.
● Look in the JavaScript Console to find the nature of the error. The following brief descriptions of
some common error messages can help you know where to start.
● element is undefined If the undefined element is a variable, make sure the variable name is
spelled correctly and uses the correct case. Also, make sure the variable has been either defined
with a var statement or assigned a value.
If the undefined element is a string value, make sure the value is in quotes.
● undefined is not an object Make sure the object in the highlighted statement is identified
correctly in the containment hierarchy. For example, if the object is a layer, make sure you have
Introduction to Scripting Troubleshooting 49
defined which document contains the layer. For document objects, it may be necessary to
include the parent object app.
This chapter contains a list of scripting books for beginners. This is only a partial list. You can also search
the Internet for online tutorials in your scripting language.
For further information and instruction in using the AppleScript scripting language, see these documents
and resources:
● “AppleScript for the Internet: Visual QuickStart Guide,” 1st ed., Ethan Wilde, Peachpit Press, 1998. ISBN
● “AppleScript Language Guide: English Dialect,” 1st ed., Apple Computer, Inc., Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co., 1993. ISBN 0-201-40735-3.
● “Danny Goodman’s AppleScript Handbook,” 2nd ed., Danny Goodman, iUniverse, 1998. ISBN
● Apple Computer, Inc. AppleScript website:
For further information and instruction in using the JavaScript scripting language, see these documents
and resources:
● “JavaScript: The Definitive Guide," David Flanagan, O’Reily Media Inc, 2002. ISBN 0-596-00048-0.
● “JavaScript Bible," Danny Goodman, Hungry Minds Inc, 2001. ISBN 0-7645-4718-6.
● “Adobe Scripting,” Chandler McWilliams, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2003. ISBN 0-7645-2455-0.
For further information and instruction in using VBScript and the VBSA scripting language, see these
documents and resources:
● “Learn to Program with VBScript 6,” 1st ed., John Smiley, Active Path, 1998. ISBN 1-902-74500-0.
● “Microsoft VBScript 6.0 Professional,” 1st ed., Michael Halvorson, Microsoft Press, 1998. ISBN
● “VBS & VBSA in a Nutshell,” 1st ed., Paul Lomax, O’Reilly, 1998. ISBN 1-56592-358-8.
● Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN) scripting website:
actions 5 if else statements 44
alert boxes 19 if statements 43
AppleScript Illustrator, See Adobe Illustrator
definition 6 index
dictionaries 31 definition 13
first script 7 numbering schemes 14
web site 50 J
arguments JavaScript
definition 9 advantages of 6
using 23 case usage 15
arrays 29 definition 6
creating 29 first script 7
defined 17 JavaScript Tools Guide 7
bibliography 50 long lines 29
Boolean 17 loops 45
commands macros 5
properties 23 methods
using 23 arguments 23
viewing in AS dictionaries 31, 32, 33 definition 9
comments 27 using 23
conditional statements 43 viewing in scripting references 41
constants viewing in VBS type libraries 37
defined 17 O
using 20 objects
containment hierarchy 9, 12 active 15
in scripting references 39 collections 13
D current 15
datatypes 16 definition 9
dialogs 19 elements 13
dictionaries 31 parent 10
DOM references 10
definition 9 using 9
viewing 10 viewing in AS dictionaries 31, 33
E viewing in scripting references 39
elements viewing in VBS type libraries 34
viewing in scripting references 39 P
enumerations parameters
defined 17 definition 9
using 20 direct (AS) 24
ESTK labeled (AS) 24
default location 7 optional 23
troubleshooting in 48 required 23
viewing JS object model 33 using 23
ExtendScript using multiple 24
definition 6 viewing in scripting references 41
parent object 10
Introduction to Scripting Index 52