Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the 1-year safety and effectiveness outcomes associated with the
PQ Bypass DETOUR System (PQ Bypass, Milpitas, Calif) for the percutaneous bypass of long-segment femoropopliteal
occlusive disease.
Methods: This prospective, single-arm, multicenter trial enrolled patients with long-segment femoropopliteal arterial
disease. The DETOUR System percutaneously deploys modular stent grafts to bypass femoropopliteal lesions through
a transvenous route. Eligible patients included those with TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus C and D lesions
>100 mm in length. The primary safety end point was the major adverse event (MAE) rate through 1 month, defined as
the composite of death, clinically driven target vessel revascularization (CD-TVR), or major amputation. The primary
effectiveness end point was stent graft patency through 6 months, defined as freedom from stenosis $50%, occlusion,
or CD-TVR.
Results: During a 24-month period, 78 patients (82 limbs) were enrolled. The average core laboratory-measured lesion length
was 371 6 55 mm; 79 of 82 lesions (96%) were chronic total occlusions, and 55 of 82 lesions (67%) had severe calcification. The
rates of technical and procedural success measured during the index procedure were both 96%, with satisfactory delivery and
deployment of the device without MAEs in 79 of 82 limbs. Through 1 month, there were no deaths or amputations; CD-TVRs
occurred in 2 of 81 limbs (3%), and freedom from MAEs was 98% (79/81). The 1-year Kaplan-Meier primary, assisted primary, and
secondary patency rates were 81% 6 4%, 82% 6 4%, and 90% 6 3%, respectively. The ankle-brachial index increased an average
of 0.25 6 0.27 between baseline and 1 year (P < .001). Through 1 year, the Kaplan-Meier estimates of freedom from stent graft
thrombosis, CD-TVR, and MAE were 84% 6 4%, 85% 6 4%, and 84% 6 4%, respectively. At 1 year, the Rutherford class improved
in 77 of 80 limbs (96%), and 65 of 80 (81%) were asymptomatic. Deep venous thrombosis developed in 2 of 79 target limbs (3%)
through 1 year, both at the femoropopliteal vein level. There were no instances of pulmonary embolism.
Conclusions: The 1-year results from the DETOUR I trial show that the PQ Bypass DETOUR System is a safe and effective
percutaneous treatment option for patients with longer, severely calcified, above-knee femoropopliteal lesions. (J Vasc
Surg 2020;-:1-11.)
Keywords: Femoropopliteal artery disease; Bypass; Endovascular; Claudication
Symptomatic lower extremity peripheral artery disease are not limited to open surgical autogenous or prosthetic
(PAD) most commonly occurs in the femoropopliteal bypass and endovascular interventions, such as atherec-
arterial segment.1,2 PAD treatment options include but tomy, balloon angioplasty, and stenting. Whereas
From the Department of Vascular Surgery,a and Department of Radiology,d P. investigator for Cook, BD Bard, Cagent, Endologix, PQ Bypass, Merit, and Sur-
Stradins Clinical University Hospital, University of Latvia, Riga; the Division of modics. K.O. and K.N. are employees of Syntactx, a clinical research organiza-
Vascular Surgery, Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Medical Uni- tion that received research funding from PQ Bypass and other manufacturers
versity of Gdansk, Gdanskb; the Department of Angiology, University Hospital of lower extremity interventional devices. K.O. has equity in Syntactx. A.S. is a
Leipzig, Leipzigc; the Department of Vascular Surgery, Institute of Hematolo- consultant for Abbott, Bard/BD, Cook, Cordis/Cardinal Health, Reflow Medi-
gy and Transfusion Medicine, Warsawe; the Department of Vascular and cal, and Upstream Peripheral.
Endovascular Surgery, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiagof; Presented in part at the 2018 Vascular Annual Meeting of the Society for
Syntactx, New Yorkg; and the Director of Interventional Radiology, Auckland Vascular Surgery, Boston, Mass, June 20-23, 2018.
City Hospital, Auckland,h Additional material for this article may be found online at
The DETOUR I trial and the preparation of this manuscript were funded by PQ Correspondence: Dainis K. Krievins, MD, PhD, Professor of Vascular Surgery, P.
Bypass. Stradins University Hospital, 13 Pilsonu St, Riga, Latvia LV-1002 (e-mail: identifier: NCT02471638.
Author conflict of interest: D.S. is on the advisory board of and a consultant for The editors and reviewers of this article have no relevant financial relationships to
Abbott, Bayer, Boston Scientific, Cook Medical, Cardionovum, CR Bard, Gardia disclose per the JVS policy that requires reviewers to decline review of any
Medical/Allium, Medtronic, Philips, and Upstream Peripheral Technologies. manuscript for which they may have a conflict of interest.
A.K.‘s hospital received payments from PQ Bypass for expenses incurred dur- 0741-5214
ing admission and procedure, and the professional staff also received hono- Copyright Ó 2020 by the Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc.
raria; however, A.K. does not have an employment arrangement or royalty/
stock agreement with PQ Bypass. A.H. is a clinical investigator and advisory
board member for Gore, Medtronic, and Boston Scientific as well as a clinical
2 Krievins et al Journal of Vascular Surgery
--- 2020
employs a nitinol needle for arteriovenous crossing and A series of TORUS stent grafts, typically two or three, are
delivery of a 0.014-inch guidewire. The TORUS Stent deployed from the popliteal artery, through the distal
Graft system is a self-expanding nitinol wire frame anastomosis and the femoral vein, and re-enter the ar-
encapsulated in expanded polytetrafluoroethylene. The tery through the proximal anastomosis. This results in a
delivery catheter is an over-the-wire 8F system with a functional end-to-end anastomosis as opposed to an
1350-mm working length compatible with a 0.035-inch end-to-side anastomosis, thereby limiting retrograde
guidewire. flow. The last stent graft is deployed with its end just
The procedure, depicted in Fig 2, begins with contralat- above the ostium of the SFA. The stents are oversized
eral common femoral artery access using a 0.35-inch to 0% to 10% of the arterial diameter and must have a
platform and 8F crossover sheath, which is later 6-cm overlap with the adjacent stent. The stent grafts
exchanged for a 0.014-inch guidewire that is threaded are postdilated as necessary, completion angiography is
into the vasculature. Ipsilateral posterior tibial vein access performed (Fig 3), and the sheaths and guidewires are
is gained using ultrasound guidance, and a second removed.
0.014-inch guidewire is placed into the femoral vein. Heparin and dual antiplatelet therapy were adminis-
The snare is advanced over the venous guidewire, and tered during the procedure and during the course of
the distal snare cage is positioned just above the prox- the study, respectively.
imal aspect of the SFA occlusion. The two snare cages
Study administration. An independent core labora-
are then expanded in the femoral vein.
tory (Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio) assessed
The crossing device is advanced over the arterial guide-
computed tomography angiography, duplex ultra-
wire and positioned proximal to the SFA occlusion. To
sound, and plain film radiography images. The imaging
create the proximal anastomosis, fluoroscopy guidance
data presented are core laboratory reported unless
is used to rotate the crossing device’s flag, so it points to-
otherwise specified. An independent Medical Monitor
ward the femoral vein. Next, the crossing device needle is
(Syntactx, New York, NY), a licensed physician, and a
deployed through the wall of the artery, into the venous
certified MedDRA coder reviewed each adverse event
lumen, and through the interstices of the distal snare
to determine whether adjudication was necessary. An
cage. After a 0.014-inch guidewire is advanced through
independent Clinical Events Committee (Syntactx)
the needle and into the distal snare cage, the needle is
adjudicated the safety end points, including compo-
retracted. The guidewire is snared and the sheath is
nents of the composite outcomes of major adverse
advanced over both cages, then the snare and guidewire
events (MAEs) and major adverse vascular events
are withdrawn from the body, leaving the 0.014-inch
(MAVEs). An independent Medical Monitor (Syntactx)
guidewire with through-and-through access from the
determined whether revascularization procedures
contralateral femoral artery access site to the posterior
met the definition of clinically driven target vessel
tibial vein access sites. The proximal anastomosis is
revascularization (CD-TVR).
dilated using a 4 20-mm angioplasty balloon (Cordis,
Hialeah, Fla). Outcome measures. The primary safety outcome was
The distal anastomosis is created in a similar fashion, the 1-month MAE rate, defined as a composite end
advancing the PQ Snare over the 0.014-inch guidewire point of death, CD-TVR, or major target limb amputation.
to a level in the vein just below the arterial occlusion The primary effectiveness end point was 6-month
but above the tibial plateau, followed by expansion of patency based on duplex ultrasound with a systolic ve-
the cages. The crossing device is advanced through the locity exceeding 2.5 and defined as freedom from oc-
proximal anastomosis and into the femoral vein, docking clusion, $50% diameter stent graft stenosis, or CD-TVR.
the crossing device with the PQ Snare. Under fluoroscopy CD-TVR was defined by revascularization in a target
guidance, the needle is extended through the venous vessel with core laboratory-reported occlusion or reste-
wall into the adjacent artery below the occlusion. A sec- nosis $50% and ipsilateral symptoms referable to the
ond 0.014-inch guidewire is advanced through the lesion.8
crossing device and into the popliteal artery distal to Secondary safety end points included the overall MAE
the occlusion. The crossing device is removed, leaving rate, the rate of MAVEs, stent fractures, symptomatic
the 0.014-inch guidewire in place, with the guidewire target DVT, major target limb amputation, and changes
bridging from the artery, through the proximal anasto- in VCSS and Villalta score. MAVEs included stent graft
mosis and the femoral vein, and into the artery below thrombosis, target limb amputation, clinically apparent
the occlusion. After the distal anastomosis is dilated distal embolization with tissue loss, procedure-related
with a 4 20-mm balloon, the 0.014-inch guidewire is arterial rupture, acute limb ischemia, and bleeding
exchanged over a catheter for a stiffer 0.035-inch events requiring any transfusion. Major bleeding required
guidewire. blood transfusion >2 units.
4 Krievins et al Journal of Vascular Surgery
--- 2020
Fig 1. Components of the PQ Bypass DETOUR I System. The system is composed of the (A) PQ Crossing Device, (B)
PQ Snare, and (C) TORUS Stent Graft. D, The completed procedure redirects arterial blood flow around a long
femoropopliteal blockage.
Fig 2. The PQ Bypass DETOUR procedure. Step by step illustration depicting the endovascular femoral artery
bypass starting with the venous and arterial access and ending with the deployment of the TORUS grafts.
Journal of Vascular Surgery Krievins et al 5
Volume -, Number -
Fig 3. Angiography images before and after the DETOUR procedure. A, Superficial femoral artery (SFA) occlusion
with a small stump. B, Popliteal artery reconstitution. C, Completion angiography of the proximal part of the graft.
The “proximal anastomosis” (transition) between the artery and the vein is visible as a slight kink. D, Completion
angiography of the distal part of the bypass with the “distal anastomosis” visible.
Secondary effectiveness end points included technical, through 1 month and 6 months after the index proced-
procedural, and clinical success. Technical success was ure, respectively. Continuous variables are expressed as
the successful delivery of the device and removal of the mean 6 standard deviation. Categorical variables are
delivery system. Procedural success was defined as tech- expressed as the number of events divided by the num-
nical success without MAEs through the conclusion of ber of observations. Primary safety and effectiveness end
the procedure. Clinical success was defined at each points are specified with 95% one-sided exact (Clopper-
follow-up time point as improvement in the Rutherford Pearson) confidence intervals (CIs). Kaplan-Meier meth-
class compared with baseline. Other secondary effective- odology (estimate 6 standard error) was used for
ness measures included protocol-defined primary, pri- patency (primary, primary assisted, and secondary) and
mary assisted, and secondary patency; ABI; CD-TVR; freedom from CD-TVR, MAE, MAVE, and stent throm-
and freedom from major amputation. The protocol bosis. SAS version 9.4 software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC)
defines primary assisted and secondary patency as a was used for statistical analyses.
revascularization of a nonocclusive or occlusive stenosis,
respectively, within the stent graft or immediately above
Demographic and baseline characteristics. The intent-
or below the treated segment with <50% residual
to-treat cohort comprised 78 patients with 82 treated
limbs (Table I). The procedure was not completed in
Statistical analysis. The DETOUR I trial was designed as 1 patient, leaving 77 patients and 81 lesions in the per
a descriptive study with no formal hypothesis testing; protocol cohort; however, the per protocol cohort will not
however, a sample size calculation was performed using be considered further. The mean age of the 78 patients
a 70% protocol-specified performance goal for the pri- was 65 6 7 years, and 65 (83%) were men. Comorbidities
mary effectiveness end point of 6-month stent graft generally paralleled other lower extremity interventional
patency. The performance goal was based on literature- trials, with a history of smoking in 68 of 78 patients (87%),
derived rate of 80% and a 10% margin.9-14 Using an hypertension in 65 (83%), coronary artery disease in
anticipated 85% rate for the primary effectiveness end 34 (44%), and diabetes in 20 (26%).
point based on early investigations, a 60-patient sample The mean ABI was 0.64 6 0.17 at baseline (Table I). The
size provided 80% power with a one-sided a level of .05 average pretreatment target lesion length was
to detect a difference compared with the performance 371 6 55 mm (normal to normal length, core laboratory
goal, allowing attrition of 10 patients during 6 months. preprocedure computed tomography imaging), and all
For the purposes of the current evaluation, all analyses but three of the lesions (79/82 [96%]) were chronic total
were performed on an intent-to-treat basis. The primary occlusions with an average occlusion length of
safety and effectiveness end points were defined 159 6 88 mm. Of the 82 limbs, 76 (93%) were assigned
6 Krievins et al Journal of Vascular Surgery
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Table I. Demographic and baseline characteristics appropriate. The final procedural result was satisfactory
Patient characteristics in the two limbs. The procedure was unable to be
Age, years (n ¼ 78) 65 6 7 completed in the third limb for which two needle sys-
Men 65/78 (83) tems were not effective and additional devices were
not available. The average length of stay from procedure
to discharge was 2.0 6 1.4 days. Clinical success was
Hypertension 65/78 (83)
achieved in 76 of 81 limbs (94%) at 1 month after the pro-
Diabetes mellitus 20/78 (26)
cedure (Table II).
Hypercholesterolemia 31/78 (40)
The 1-month rate of freedom from MAE was 98% (79/81
History of CAD 34/78 (44) limbs; 95% CI, 92%-99.6%). There were two CD-TVRs (2/81
History of smoking 68/78 (87) [2%]) performed on postoperative days 6 and 29 for stent
Previous peripheral vascular 19/78 (24) graft thrombosis (Table III). Freedom from MAVE was 95%
intervention (77/81 limbs), with three stent graft thromboses (two
Lesion characteristics treated) and one bleeding episode with a 2-unit transfu-
SFA lesion length, mm (n ¼ 82) 371 6 55 sion for bleeding at the posterior tibial vein access site.
ABI (n ¼ 82) 0.64 6 0.17 Through the 1-month follow-up, an ipsilateral DVT
TASC lesion type developed in one patient (1%). By 1 month, 60 of 81 limbs
C 46/82 (56) (74%) were symptom free (Rutherford class 0), and 14 of
D 36/82 (44) 81 (17%) had symptoms limited to mild claudication
Chronic total occlusion 79/82 (96) (Rutherford class 1; Table II). The mean 1-month ABI
Rutherford class
was 0.94 6 0.20, an increase of 0.29 6 0.24 compared
with the baseline ABI (P < .001).
3 76/82 (93)
4 5/82 (6) Midterm outcomes. MAEs occurred in 7 of 81 limbs
5 1/82 (1) (9%) through 6 months and in 13 of 80 limbs (16%)
Calcification through 1 year (Table III). The Kaplan-Meier estimates of
Mild 15/82 (18) freedom from MAE were 91% 6 3% at 6 months and
Moderate 11/82 (13) 84% 6 4% at 1 year (Fig 4). Freedom from MAVEs was
Severe 55/82 (67)
estimated to be 89% 6 4% at 6 months and 83% 6 4% at
1 year (Fig 4). There was one death through 1 year (1%),
Runoff vesselsa
occurring on postprocedure day 113 after an ischemic
1 6/78 (8)
stroke treated with thrombolysis and complicated by
2 23/78 (30)
fatal hemorrhagic transformation. No patient had a
3 49/78 (63) major index limb amputation and no stent fractures
ABI, Ankle-brachial index; CAD, coronary artery disease; SFA, superficial through 1 year.
femoral artery; TASC, TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus (version II).
Categorical variables are presented as n/N (%). Continuous variables The primary effectiveness end point of 6-month pri-
are presented as mean 6 standard deviation. mary patency was 72 of 81 (89%; 95% CI, 81%-94%);
There were four limbs without core laboratory assessment of runoff
status. thus, the primary effectiveness end point was met with
the lower limit of the 95% CI >70% performance goal.
Among the nine primary effectiveness end point failures
through 6 months, there were five stent graft stenoses
to Rutherford class 3 at baseline. There were no TASC A
>50% diameter reduction (three with CD-TVRs) and
or B lesions; 46 of 82 lesions (56%) were TASC C, and 36
four stent graft thromboses (three with CD-TVRs). In all,
of 82 (44%) were TASC D. The core laboratory graded
there were six CD-TVRs through 6 months.
arterial calcification as severe in 55 of 82 limbs (67%).
The Kaplan-Meier estimate of primary patency was
There were three runoff vessels in 49 of 78 limbs (63%)
89% 6 4% at 6 months and 81% 6 4% at 1 year (Fig 5).
with core laboratory assessment of outflow.
The corresponding 6-month and 1-year estimates were
Periprocedural outcomes. Technical success and pro- 89% 6 4% and 82% 6 4% for assisted primary patency
cedural success were both achieved in 79 of 82 limbs and 94% 6 3% and 90% 6 3% for secondary patency,
(96%). The investigators reported three limbs with unsat- respectively. Freedom from CD-TVR was 93% 6 3% at
isfactory delivery and deployment of the device. In one 6 months and 85% 6 4% at 1 year (Kaplan-Meier esti-
case, there was inadequate overlapping between stent mates, Fig 6), with 12 CD-TVRs (12/79 [15%]) through the
grafts and an inadequate distal landing zone during first year after the index procedure. Among the
the procedure. Another patient had a bilateral DETOUR CD-TVRs, 7 of 12 (58%) were open surgical procedures
procedure in which the proximal edge of the proximal (bypass in 5, thrombectomy in 1) and 5 of 12 (42%) were
stent graft was placed more distally than deemed endovascular interventions (4 limbs with DCB
Journal of Vascular Surgery Krievins et al 7
Volume -, Number -
angioplasty in 5, stent placement in 2, mechanical asymptomatic, and 8 of 80 (10%) had mild claudication
thrombectomy in 1). There were 8 stent graft thromboses (P < .001 vs baseline).
through 6 months (10%) and 13 through 1 year (13/79 Venous status. DVT occurred in 2 of 79 target limbs
[17%]), accounting for a 90% 6 3% Kaplan-Meier esti- (3%) through 1 year (Table III), and both involved the
mate of freedom from stent graft thrombosis at 6 months femoral and popliteal veins, one presenting at 27 days
and 84% 6 4% through 1 year (Fig 6). and the other at 178 days after the procedure. The veins
The ABI was 0.93 6 0.24 at 6 months (P < .001 vs base- were patent immediately after the index procedure in
line) and 0.90 6 0.20 at 1 year (P < .001 vs baseline; both patients. Thrombotic occlusion of the popliteal vein
Table II). At 6 months, the Rutherford class improved and of the middle and distal thirds of the femoral vein
from baseline in 77 of 81 limbs, 67 of 81 (83%) were was identified in one patient at 1 month. Occlusive
asymptomatic, and 8 of 81 (10%) had mild claudication thrombus of the distal femoral and popliteal vein was
(P < .001 vs baseline). At 1 year, the Rutherford class identified at the 6-month follow-up. By the 1-year
improved in 77 of 80 limbs (96%), 65 of 80 (81%) were follow-up, the patient had nonocclusive thrombus at
8 Krievins et al Journal of Vascular Surgery
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Conception and design: DK, GH, DS, JS, PS, AK, AH, AS
Analysis and interpretation: KO, KN
Data collection: DK, GH, DS, JS, PS, AK, AH, AS
Writing the article: KO, KN
Critical revision of the article: DK, GH, DS, JS, PS, AK, KO,
Final approval of the article: DK, GH, DS, JS, PS, AK, KO,
Statistical analysis: KO, KN
Obtained funding: Not applicable
Overall responsibility: DK
DK and GH participated equally and share first
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CD011319. at
11.e1 Krievins et al Journal of Vascular Surgery
--- 2020