Midterm Exam: University of Washington CSE 331 Software Design & Implementation Winter 2011
Midterm Exam: University of Washington CSE 331 Software Design & Implementation Winter 2011
Midterm Exam: University of Washington CSE 331 Software Design & Implementation Winter 2011
Name: Solutions
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This exam is closed book, closed notes. You have 50 minutes to complete it. It contains 27 questions and 8
pages (including this one), totaling 100 points. Before you start, please check your copy to make sure it is
complete. Turn in all pages, together, when you are finished. Write your initials on the top of ALL pages.
Please write neatly; we cannot give credit for what we cannot read.
Good luck!
1 True/False
(2 points each) Circle the correct answer. T is true, F is false.
1. T / F When a client calls a method without meeting the preconditions, the method must throw the
exception that is stated in the specification.
2. T / F If S1 is a stronger specification than S2, then any implementation that satisfies S1 must also
satisfy S2.
4. T / F The rep invariant may be satisfied by a concrete state (values of the fields) that cannot oc-
cur at run time. (By “cannot occur”, we mean that there is no sequence of method calls and field
assignments that will produce that concrete state.)
Initials: Solutions 2 MULTIPLE CHOICE
2 Multiple choice
Mark each of the following that can be true:
Circle one of “may”, “must”, or “must not”. The comparison is to the method that is being overloaded/overridden.
Use Java’s definitions. For simplicity, assume the method has one formal parameter. (2 points each)
10. An overloading method may / must / must not change the declared formal parameter types.
11. An overloading method may / must / must not change the declared return type.
12. An overloading method may / must / must not return an object of a different class.
13. An overriding method may / must / must not change the declared formal parameter types.
14. An overriding method may / must / must not change the declared return type.
The change must be covariant — the return type must be a subtype of the overridden method’s
return type.
15. An overriding method may / must / must not return an object of a different class.
Initials: Solutions 3 SHORT ANSWER
3 Short answer
16. (4 points) Explain in one sentence why “unit testing” was given that name.
It doesn’t test your whole system, but only one unit of it: a single method, class, or interface. Errors
in other parts of the system are not supposed to make the unit test fail.
17. (4 points) What is the relationship between the hashCode and equals methods? (Answer in one
sentence or equation.)
If a.equals(b), then a.hashCode() == b.hashCode().
Initials: Solutions 3 SHORT ANSWER
For each of the following four calls to equals, state whether it causes a compile-time error, a run-time error,
returns true, or returns false. (2 points each)
Initials: Solutions 3 SHORT ANSWER
23. (6 points) A developer should write black box tests before clear box tests. In no more than two
sentences, explain why. Give only one reason. If there are multiple reasons, give the most important
If you write the black box after the clear box tests (and the implementation), then you may subcon-
sciously make the same errors while testing that you did during implementation. These correlated
errors are less likely if you write the black box tests before you have an implementation in mind.
Saying “write the tests before the implementation” or “without knowledge of the code” is a restatement of the answer, not
an explanation.
The fact that black box tests can be written before the implementation and then can give immediate to the developer as
soon as the code is written is a reason, but not the most important reason.
Any answer that conflates clear box tests and implementation tests is incorrect.
Saying that black box tests serve to test the specification, whereas clear box tests serve to test the implementation, is
incorrect. Both varieties of test serve test the implementation against the specification, and both produce test cases that
are valid for any implementation of the specification. They just use different criteria for choosing test inputs.
24. (8 points) Give a buggy program of no more than 5 lines and a set of invocations that covers every
statement but does not reveal the bug.
// returns the lesser of a and b
Two answers are: static int min(int a, int b) {
int r = a;
// returns the absolute value of arg if (a <= b) {
static int abs(int arg) { r = a;
return 1; }
} return r;
invocations = abs(-1)
invocations = min(1,2)
25. (10 points) Suppose that you have a Map, m, and a value being used as a key, k. You know that
m.get(k) returns a non-null value, and you wish to make an argument to that effect. You may
assume that m is non-null. What are the two necessary facts that your argument will rely upon?
(a) m’s values (the range of the mapping) are all non-null
(b) k is a key for m; that is, k is in the domain of the map. This is necessary because Map.get
returns null otherwise.
It is fine for k to be null, assuming that the map supports null keys.
How do you express each of these facts to the Nullness Checker? For each, give one sentence of
explanation, and a code snippet as an example.
Initials: Solutions 4 SPECIFICATIONS
4 Specifications
26. (12 points) Suppose that you want to change an ADT. In one sentence, under what circumstances is it
possible to convert a specification field into a derived specification field (without otherwise changing
its meaning)?
If the derived specification is redundant: that is, it contains no information that is not already
available in one or more other specification fields.
In one sentence each, give a benefit and a drawback of making this change.
Benefit: Each procedure specification becomes shorter, because it does not need to state, in its
modifies and effects clause, how the method affects the derived specification field. The abstraction
function becomes shorter, for the same reason.
Drawback: Information about the effect of a method is distributed among different parts of your
program — in its own specification and in the class’s documentation where the derived specification
field is documented — which may make it easier to overlook some of the effects.
An incorrect answer is anything about the implementation or the representation invariant, which
are unrelated to specification fields. Another incorrect answer is anything having to do with client
use of the abstraction. A specification field (whether derived or not) is not necessarily available to
the client via a method call nor supplied by the client as an argument to the constructor.
Initials: Solutions 4 SPECIFICATIONS
27. (12 points) Suppose that you have the following code.
class A {
* @requires Req1
* @modifies M1
* @throws T1
* @effects E1
* @returns Ret1
int m(int arg1, int arg2) { ... }
class B extends A {
* @requires Req2
* @modifies M2
* @throws T2
* @effects E2
* @returns Ret2
int m(int arg1, int arg2) { ... }
For each clause, write the property that must hold in order for B to be a true subtype of A. Your solution
should not use the terms “stronger” or “weaker”.
requires: Req1 logically implies Req2, or Req1 ⇒ Req2
modifies: M2 is a subset of M1
The modifies clause lists the references that might be modified. There is no guarantee that they
will be modified, nor — in the absence of an effects clause — how they are modified.
throws: T1 and T2 are the same, for method arguments that satisfy Req1
effects: E2 logically implies E1, for method arguments that satisfy Req1, or Req1 ⇒ Req2
returns: Ret2 logically implies Ret1, for method arguments that satisfy Req1
Your answer needed to use correct types. For example, the modifies clause is a set, so logical
implication such as M1 ⇒ M2 does not make sense.
Similarly, the effects clause is a logical formula, so using set inclusion such as E2 ⊆ M1 does not
make sense. You could imagine the effects clause as a list of formulas, in which case you could
apply subset to them, but that would be a wrong answer since E2 can change existing formulas, not
just add new ones.