CP 82 Sessions
CP 82 Sessions
CP 82 Sessions
Sessions for
Groups and
Complied by
Chaplain Shawn Kafader
Friendship Village of Schaumburg
Schaumburg, Illinois
Verse for the Day sessions twenty two through eighty two is taken from Psalms for
Praying, an invitation to wholeness, Nan C. Merrill, Continuum, New York, NY,
Reading to Prepare for Silence sessions one through twenty is taken from Where
Only Love Can Go, John Kirvan, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN, 1996.
Reading for Reflection sessions one through twenty is taken from Open Mind
Open Heart, Thomas Keating, Continuum, New York, NY, 2006.
Reading to Prepare for Silence sessions twenty one through fifty two is taken from
The Loving Search for God, William A. Meninger, Continuum, New York, NY,
Reading for Reflection sessions twenty one through fifty two is taken from
Transformation in Prayer, M. Basil Pennington, New City Press, Hyde Park, NY,
Reading to Prepare for Silence sessions fifty three through eighty two is taken from
Intimacy with God, Thomas Keating, Crossroad, New York, NY, 1994.
Reading for Reflection sessions fifty three through eighty two is taken from The
Better Part, Thomas Keating, Continuum, New York, NY, 2000.
This resource was compiled to be used in the weekly centering prayer group at
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL. The contents are not intended
to be reproduced for sale, but strictly for the encouragement of those who practice
centering prayer.
If this resource is reproduced please offer credit to the Rev. Dr. Shawn Kafader.
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Two
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
Verse of the Day
(Read verse twice)
“Be Still and Know that I am God.”
(Psalm 46:10)
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Three
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
Verse of the Day
(Read verse twice)
“Wait for the Lord; be strong,
and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord.”
(Psalm 27:14)
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Four
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Five
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Six
Session Seven
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Eight
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Nine
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Ten
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Eleven
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Twelve
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Thirteen
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Fourteen
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Fifteen
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Sixteen
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Seventeen
Session Eighteen
Time of Silence
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Nineteen
Session Twenty
Time of Silence
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
(20 Minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
Reading for Reflection
During centering prayer, on some days there
will be consolations that will make us feel very
much at home during the prayer. But most days,
that will probably not be the case. There will
be little to satisfy the feelings and emotions.
Time of Silence
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
Reading for Reflection
It is through centering prayer that we open the space for
the Holy Spirit to begin to act in us through his gifts.
We gain a new perception, one that enables us to see
what is beneath the surface. We begin to perceive in
each person that which is of God in them, his beautiful image.
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
Reading for Reflection
It is a journey. At any point we can sit by the side of the
road and take our rest. We can say: it is enough for me,
or: it is enough for now. The only one who limits the joy,
the peace and the light we enjoy is ourselves. Not God.
God is all gift.
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Thirty
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Fifty
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
Reading for Reflection
Every time there is a significant growth in our spiritual
development all our relationships change – to God, to ourselves,
to other people, and to all creation. We become a new person.
From this arises a new kind of activity which might be called
“contemplative service.” Contemplative service is service that
comes from the experience of the divine indwelling – from the
Spirit living and at work within us. It is God in us serving God in
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Session Sixty
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
Reading for Reflection
Contemplation is not only prayer but action as well. And not only
prayer and action, but the gift of one’s inmost being and all that
one is. We are to allow God to be God in us. Each of us is
inherently capable of giving God that glory. Hence, the incredible
dignity of a human person.
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Compiled by Chaplain Shawn Kafader - 2011
Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL
Reading for Reflection
The method of Lectio Divina has been described as methodless.
A relationship with God cannot be structured or controlled. It is
spontaneous. It follows the same pattern we use in getting
acquainted with another human being. We have to hang out
together. At first our exchanges are awkward. We make sure that
our hair is parted right and our tie is on straight. We walk on
eggshells lest we behave improperly or say the wrong thing.
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)
Time of Silence
(20 minutes followed by Lord’s Prayer)