G-660 Service Manual PDF
G-660 Service Manual PDF
G-660 Service Manual PDF
July 2002
Lot 1 thru Lot 56
406 Mill Avenue S.W.
New Philadelphia, OH, 44663, USA
Telephone: (330) 339-2211
Fax: (330) 339-3579
July 2002
406 Mill Avenue S.W.
New Philadelphia, OH, 44663, USA
Telephone: (330) 339-2211
Fax: (330) 339-3579
Safe operation depends on reliable equipment and the use of proper operating pro-
cedures. Performing the checks and services described in this manual will help to
keep your Gradall in reliable condition and use of the recommended operating pro-
cedures can help you avoid unsafe practices. Because some procedures may be
new to even the experienced operator we recommend that this manual be read,
understood and followed by all who operate the Gradall.
Warning and caution notes have been included throughout this manual to help you
avoid injury and prevent damage to the equipment. These notes are not intended to
cover all eventualities; it would be practically impossible to anticipate and evalu-
ate all possible applications and methods of operation for this equipment.
This manual provides important information to familiarize you with safe operating
and maintenance procedures for the Gradall. Even though you may be familiar
with similar equipment you MUST read and understand this manual before oper-
ating the unit.
Separate publications are furnished with the Gradall to provide information con-
cerning safety, replacement parts, detailed maintenance procedures and operation
of the carrier.
If you have any questions regarding the Gradall, contact your Gradall distributor;
he is thoroughly familiar with the entire unit and will be happy to help you.
Inspect your machine daily before operating and before engine startup. Do not
operate the machine until all faulty conditions have been corrected.
Be sure you have enough clearance for upper-
structure tail swing, especially if there are cars or
people in the area. Always have a flagman to
direct traffic.
When parking or traveling with boom in cra-
dle, allow sufficient clearance to prevent dam-
age to cab or windows in case bucket were
to close.
(Common to all units)
1. Heater Switch
2. Defroster Switch
3. Hourmeter
4. Water Temperature Gage
5. Oil Pressure Gage
6. Voltmeter
7. Ignition & Start Switch
8. “KEY ON” Indicator
9. Clutch Engagement Stud
(Upperstructure only)
(To be performed at beginning of each work shift)
Use extreme caution when checking items beyond your normal reach.
Any defects or deficiencies noted must be
corrected before the Gradall is placed in
Check entire unit for any evidence of damage or
tampering. Check for contamination of fuel or
hydraulic fluid.
Check all air reservoir drain cocks and close any
found open. There are three reservors on the carrier.
Remote control units have a fourth reservoir on the
Check for adequate fuel supply and refill as neces-
sary using specified fuel. Tank should be kept filled
to minimize condensation.
Check unit and area beneath unit for fuel, lubricant,
coolant or hydraulic oil leaks. Repair any leaks
noted and replenish fluid as necessary.
3 Check hydraulic fluid level in reservoir with
Check condition and cleaniness of all reflectors boom level and extended half way. Refill reservoir
and lights. as necessary.
7 Check lubricant level in swing transmission and
Check filter indicators at top of filter elements fill to level as necessary.
to determine condition of filters. Replace filters as
Check fluid level in battery and fill as necessary
Check hydraulic reservoir breather and clean or using distilled water. Keep battery terminals and
replace as required. connectors clean.
Keep open flame away from battery; use
a flashlight when necessary. Batteries
produce explosive gas under certain con-
Check air cleaner condition indicator. Replace 12
element when orange band rises to top of indi- Check engine coolant for proper protection against
cator window. Reset band position by pushing freezing in cold weather and add anti-freeze as
button up. necessary.
Checks and Services Before Starting Upper Engine
Check all cab windows and clean as necessary.
13 Cracked or broken windows must be replaced.
Check coolant level in radiator and fill as
If it becomes necessary to check coolant
level in hot radiator, turn off engine and
relieve pressure before removing cap.
Relieve pressure by turning cap appro-
ximately 90 degrees counterclockwise 17
and waiting a few minutes till sound of Check for presence of fully charged fire extin-
escaping pressure stops. Remove cap guisher on wall behind seat in cab. Replace as nec-
cautiously. essary. Read and understand instructions regarding
use and application (on fire extinguisher).
Check condition and tension of all engine drive
belts and adjust or replace as necessary.
Be sure BRAKES toggle in upperstructure is in ON
WARNING position. (Furnished on units equipped for remote
control and self-propelled units only).
Do not check belts with engine running.
15 19
Check oil level in engine crankcase and fill as nec- Check condition and mounting of bucket teeth,
essary using specified grade of oil. Replace teeth showing excessive wear.
Make daily inspections of your crawler. Check for 23
loose bolts, leaky seals and abnormal wear. Report If a spark arrester is required by law or jobsite con-
all items needing attention to maintenance person- ditions, make sure that one is attached and that it is
nel for adjustment or repair. in good working condition.
21 24
Check to be sure bucket mounting nuts are tight Remove boom hold down device and store in safe
and that they remain tight. place for future use.
Be sure engine clutch is engaged.
NOTE: If engine is being started at beginning of work shift be sure to perform all
through 13).
Normal Upper Engine Operation
Observe voltmeter, water temperature and oil carbon deposits and dilution of lubricating oil by
pressure gages frequently to be sure all engine incompletely burned fuel. If the engine is not being
systems are functioning properly. used, turn it off.
Be alert for unusual noises or vibration. When an Once engine has reached operating temperature run
unusual condition is noticed, stop machine in a safe at full throttle for efficient Gradall operation.
position and shut off engine. Determine cause and
correct problem before continuing.
(To be performed at beginning of each work shift)
Any defects or deficiencies noted must be
corrected by qualified personnel before the
unit is placed in service.
1. Check operation of heater and defroster. 4. Observe water temperature gage indication of
engine coolant temperature. Proper operating
2. Observe oil pressure gage with engine running at temperature is approximately 160 to 185°F. for
operating temperature. Proper oil pressure at Detroit Diesel engines and 175 to 210°F. for
governed RPM is approximately 30 to 60 psi for Caterpillar engines.
Detroit Diesel engines and 58 to 72 for Caterpil-
lar engines. 5. Observe air pressure gage indication of brake
system pressure (furnished only on units
3. Observe voltmeter indication of alternator out- equipped for remote control and self-propelled
put. Proper output is approximately 13.5 with units.) Pressure range for remote braking is 90 to
engine running at governed speed. 125 psi.
(To be performed at beginning of each work shift)
Keep boom in fully extended position while installing bucket. Stay clear of bucket
boom until bucket adapter has been fitted to bucket as shown in step 3.
1 2
Position adapter above bucket tube with adapter in Lower boom until bucket tube seats firmly within
“Bucket Open” position. adapter.
3 4
Move adapter to “Bucket Close” position and install Raise boom slightly till bucket just clears the
adapter bolts, washers and nuts. ground and tighten adapter bolt nuts. Be certain
nuts remain tight.
Check Bucket Gap Clearance
Check gap between bucket adapter and bucket as shown above. If there is no gap,
report condition to maintenance personnel for repair. Digging with an improperly
fitted bucket can shear adapter bolts and cause excessive wear.
Self-Propelled Units
Self-propelled Gradalls are mounted on a 4x4 or sure for the brake system is also developed by the
6x4 chassis which includes a transmission, and upperstructure engine. Instructions for driving self-
when necessary, a transfer case. Hydraulic pressure propelled units are provided on pages 26 and 27 of
from the upperstructure drives an hydraulic motor this manual.
which delivers torque to the transmission. Air pres-
(after conventional carrier operation)
Be sure to read and understand all instruc-
tions regarding remote control before ope-
rating the unit in this mode (pages 19
through 23).
(after conventional carrier operation)
3. Start upperstructure engine and develop full If step b. caused engine to reduce speed,
brake system pressure (125 psi). power take-off is fully engaged.
Be sure of unobstructed visibility in direction of Be sure of clear path for carrier, boom and coun-
travel; use a signalman to compensate for blind terweight before starting to move. Be especially
spots. watchful for overhead wires and traffic.
Never permit bucket to drag while moving unit. Never tow load using remote control drive.
(after remote control operation)
(after remote control operation)
3. Set REMOTE DRIVE toggle to OUT position. 6. Set CAB CONTROLLED BRAKES toggle in
UNLOCKED position.
1. Travel in forward direction whenever possible 5. Rough operation and operation on uneven
(with track drive motors at rear). Traveling in ground can cause unnecessary wear and dam-
reverse increases wear on sprockets. age to track components. Reasonable operation
and regular maintenance will extend track life
2. Plan your work to equalize left and right turns. significantly.
Constantly turning in one direction will cause
track components to wear unevenly. 6. Mud and debris can prevent rollers from turning
3. Apply power to both tracks when turning. When and cause flat spots. Clean track components as
power is applied to only one track it becomes often as necessary.
necessary for the driving track to overcome the
drag of the other track. 7. Never park crawler units on a steep incline or
on the side of a hill. This can distort roller seals
4. Hard digging in one spot can cause as much track and cause a loss of lubricant which could ruin
wear as frequent moves. Do not neglect service the rollers.
because of infrequent moves.
Crawler Controls
TRACK DRIVE LEVERS: The left and right track CRAWLER BRAKE: Keep crawler brake in
drive levers permit independent control of each locked position except when traveling. Always
track. Use of the track controls is illustrated on the move brake lever to travel position before engaging
opposite page. track drive levers.
Crawler Controls
Be sure of unobstructed visibility in direction of especially watchful for overhead wires and
travel; use a signalman to compensate for blind traffic.
Never permit bucket to drag while moving unit.
Be sure upperstructure swing brake functions
properly before moving unit. Always give audible signal before moving unit.
Be sure of clear path for carrier, boom and Never tow load with self-propelled Gradall.
counterweight before starting to move. Be
1. Be sure that brake system is fully pressurized 4. Travel lever controls forward and reverse carrier
(125 psi). travel. Pushing lever forward (away from opera-
tor) causes forward carrier travel and pulling
2. Be sure engine is running fast enough to prevent lever back causes reverse travel. Lever is self-
stalling when travel lever is engaged. centering when released. Speed is controlled by
amount of lever travel and engine speed.
NOTE: Instructions for shifting transmission and
transfer case are provided on opposite page.
Transmission Control
Your Gradall has sufficient power to permit a fast efficient digging cycle. The
procedure on the following pages describes a typical cycle in separate steps;
as you gain experience, combine control functions for a smooth cycle with no
lost time.
A Raise Boom
B Lower Boom
E Retract Boom In
F Extend Boom Out
G Open Bucket
H Close Bucket
. . . make sure that the engine is always running at
full throttle for Gradall operation.
Always keep hands on levers in case of need Pull back on left lever to lift boom (A) from
to react quickly in emergency. boom rest. Be sure to raise boom far enough to clear
3. 4.
Press outer right pedal to swing the boom right (J), Push right lever forward to extend boom (F) and at
or inner right pedal to swing left (I), out over the pro- the same time push left lever forward to lower boom
posed digging site. (B), to position it for start of cut.
5. 6.
Position bucket open (G) or closed (H) for correct Pull center lever back to tilt boom clockwise (C) or
penetration while boom is being lowered. Push for- push center lever forward to tilt boom counterclock-
ward on left lever to force boom down for penetra- wise (D) if necessary.
tion (B). Adjust bucket open (G) or closed (H) for
desired grade.
7. 8.
Pull right lever back to retract boom (E), and at the The bucket cutting edge raises as the boom retracts.
same time push left lever forward to apply down Slight adjustment of bucket open pedal (G) is advis-
pressure to maintain grade (B). able to maintain grade.
NOTE: Depth of cut should depend on hardness of Continue with steps 7 and 8 until bucket is full.
material. Bucket will have a tendency to open (hose
relief valves protect this circuit) if digging angle is
too great.
To Make A Typical Gradall Cut
9. 10.
Pull left lever back (A) and as the boom rises, press When bucket is raised high enough to clear obstruc-
inner left pedal (H) to close the bucket and prevent tions, swing boom left (I) or right (J) to dump loca-
excess spillage. Do not raise the boom higher than is tion, and if required, extend boom by pushing right
necessary. lever forward (F).
11. 12.
Press outer left pedal (G) to open bucket and release Swing boom left (I) or right (J) to align boom for
dirt. next cut and repeat steps 4 through 11.
When You’re Excavating
1. “Shave” thin cuts of dirt with the bucket instead of taking deep bites. You will maintain a more
even grade, leave a smoother finish, and the bucket will not drift.
2. When digging basements, begin your first cut in one of the corners, straddling the line. You will
be able to reach toward the center and place the spoil out of your way, all in one operation.
3. Speed up your digging cycle by using as many controls at one time as possible. For example,
extend the boom and open the bucket while swinging to dump.
4. When digging in rock, pavement, or frozen ground, use the faster and more powerful boom
action for “booming out” prying action, extending the boom and keeping your foot on the inside
left pedal (to develop more break-out power), instead of trying to pry with the bucket action.
2. Do not remove more dirt than is necessary — use the smallest bucket that is possible for the
width of the trench.
3. The harder the material, the smaller the bucket should be that you are using.
4. When the bucket is full, raise boom and swing to dump immediately.
2. When ditch cleaning from the road on a rubber tired carrier truck-mounted Gradall, travel with
traffic toward the unclean end of the ditch, for a clear view of the cleaned ditch, the road shoul-
der, and the truck hauling the spoil.
3. Overlap cuts about one foot. This allows you to watch the right-hand corner of the cutting edge
and keep each new cut on the same level as the previous cut.
4. When water is in the ditch, work downstream to use the water as an aid in maintaining the effec-
tive grade.
2. Use the pavement removal bucket, hold the pieces of pavement against the boom when swing-
ing to dump.
Operating Tips
When You’re Mine Scaling
. . . you will be using one of two basic techniques:
1. For soft material, such as salt, the scaling hook is placed against the ceiling and the boom is
extended to shave loose the material.
2. For harder materials, such as limestone, the boom tilt action is used to bore into the ceiling and
walls to grip the material. The wrist action of the scaling hook is then used to pull it down.
1. Position the carrier or crawler so that minimum swing is required. More digging cycles per
minute will result from a well-positioned spot.
NOTE: If you have any special application problems, contact your Gradall Distributor.
Standard tools that are common in tool boxes are not furnished with your Gradall. Tools especially
designed for use with your machine are shipped with the unit. You should be familiar with these
tools, and know where they are kept.
Serial Number
Know the serial number and the lot number of your Gradall. If there are any questions about the
machine or its operation, contact your Gradall distributor. The serial number and the lot number of
your machine must be given when requesting any information or ordering parts. The serial number
plate is located on the right side of the cradle.
Parking Precautions
Park on level ground and block wheels. Never park on soft ground or mud in cold weather.
Position unit on heavy boards if necessary to
Avoid parking on banks or near an excavation. prevent wheels or tracks from being frozen in
If parking on a slope cannot be avoided, position
unit at right angle to slope and block wheels. Position boom in rest or place bucket on ground.
Never leave machine with boom in the air.
Avoid parking on roads or highways. If it cannot be
avoided be sure to display warning flags during day
and flares or flashing lights at night.
Parking Procedures
NOTE: Parking procedure for conventional 6x4 3. Fill fuel tank to minimize condensation.
and 6x6 carriers is fully explained in the “G-660
GRADALL 6x4 and 6x6 CARRIERS OPERA- 4. Lock cab and install protective window covers if
TOR’S MANUAL”. The following procedure is available.
intended for self-propelled and crawler mounted
units only. 5. Disconnect batteries if unit is in an area where
tampering seems possible.
1. Allow engine to cool at idle speed for a few min-
utes and then turn off.
1. Park unit in a safe area and display warning flags, flares or flashing lights as
Should it become necessary to tow a self-propelled unit or a conventional 6x4 or
6x6 carrier mounted unit, have maintenance personnel remove propeller shafts
between drive axles and auxiliary transmission or transfer case (if so equipped).
Store propeller shafts in a safe location.
* Viscosity ASTM: (SSU at 100 F.) Rust Test (ASTM D 665): Pass (Procedure A)
Viscosity #215: (ASTM D 88) 194–235 (Centistokes at 100 F.) Oxidation Test (ASTM D 943): 1000 hr. min. to a Neut No. of 2
(ASTM D 445) 41.9-51.0 (See Notes 4 and 5 ASTM D943)
(Capacities are approximate — check level)
Engine Crankcase: Tilt Gear Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon
Detroit Diesel, 4-53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 quarts
Detroit Diesel, 4-71N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 quarts Hydraulic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120 gallons
Caterpillar 3145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 quarts
Crawler Side Frame (each) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 gallons
Cooling System:
Detroit Diesel 4-53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 quarts Transfer Case (4x4 units) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 pints
Detroit Diesel 4-71N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 quarts
Caterpillar 3145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 quarts Transmission (self propelled units) . . . . . . . . . 3 quarts
What is Scheduled Maintenance for GRADALL? It is the day-by-day care of small details on your
machine - all according to a regular plan.
Scheduled Maintenance keeps your GRADALL in steady production. It extends the life of your machine
over more productive years, and helps keep your machine in efficient condition. The designers of
GRADALL have combined ruggedness and dependability with versatility and ease of handling.
The first and foremost requirement of good scheduled maintenance of
hydraulic equipment is cleanliness.
Start with the outside of the Gradall and wipe all areas that are within
easy reach, especially all grease fittings, valving, cylinders, hose connec-
tions, filter area. Keep the inside of the hydraulic system clean too by,
replacing filters, (always use clean oil), clean funnels and pails. Dirt can
cause inefficient operation and serious damage.
Maintain an amply supply of parts that wear during normal operation. Hydraulic cylinder repacking kits
are inexpensive, and when they are ready-at-hand, they can save you time and money.
Refer to charts and initiate a planned, definite Scheduled Maintenance procedure to insure against
unnecessary down-time.
Sample copy of a typical Preventive Maintenance record sheet is in this section. Learn to use these
sheets, and maintain the habit of keeping these records. The Preventive Maintenance sheet is a complete
record of the routine inspections and lubrications, as well as a record of actual repairs.
Check These P
Check oints Bef
Points ore Operating
the Gradall Upperstructure!
1. Fill engine radiator with water 2. Inspect air cleaner indicator. 3. Check oil level. If oil level, add to
or anti-freeze as applicable. Replace if filter is dirty. full mark.
4. Check hydraulic oil level with 5. Check hydraulic oil dirt indi- 6. If hydraulic filters are dirty,
cylinder rods retracted. Proper cator while oil is warm. replace them. Clean magnets.
Ievels: Top window when oil is
hot. Middle window when oil is
Hydraulic Oil DAILY - Check oil level and filter dirt indicator.
and Reservoir WEEKLY - Clean magnet.
YEARLY - Replace gasket and clean tank. Drain off sample
and check for water in oil. The hydraulic to
reduce contamination. Seasonal changes maybe
MONTHLY - Look at pumps (and motors) for external leakage.
- Check Boom In-and-Out pump pressure.
- Check Boom Hoist pump pressure.
- Check Swing pump pressure.
YEARLY - Check pump volume with flow meter.
- Check internal wear and replace all seals.
Control Valves
MONTHLY - Adjust linkage. Remove dirt under control levers
and around plungers.
YEARLY - Replace all seals and springs.
NOTE: Do not interchange valve plungers. Each
is fitted to its valve body to a close,
matched fit.
Swing Transmission
DAILY - Lubricate Swing Bearing every 10 hours.
WEEKLY - Check level of transmission oil.
YEARLY - Inspect for .005" Bearing pre-load. Shim as
Swing Parking WEEKLY - Check that brakes hold the upperstructure in place
Brakes when entire unit is on a angle. Check that brakes
fully release while swinging. Adjust orifice valve so
that the swing brakes engaging action is slow
enough to allow the machine to come to a com-
plete stop before brakes are engaged.
The wrong hydraulic oil will cause serious trouble. Hydraulic oil quality and cleanliness directly
influence the overall efficiency of the Gradall. The oil flowing through the highly sensitive
elements of the hydraulic system must be absolutely clean.
Here are some instances where action is required to prevent serious trouble:
1. Oil level low. This will cause excessive heating. ai~ in system etc.
2. Wrong grade of oil. This causes slow and weak machine actions.
3. Oil is contaminated. This causes excessive wear to all internal parts.
a. Cloudy or milky fluid - This indicates water in system.
b. Metal flakes - Check pumps, motors, valving etc.
c. Rubber - Check deterioration of hosing, o-rings etc.
d. Carbon - Check if oil is oxidizing.
The remedy for the above problems:
1. Add fresh oil of the proper grade.
2. Change the oil. (It is important when changing oil that the whole system be completely
drained and cleaned, not just the reservoir.)
Brackets, Control Valves, Pumps and Motors, b. Size of Bolt
Swing Bearing, Turntables and Cylinder Heads. c. Whether it is lubed of dry.
d. Remember that painting, lubrication,
and even the use of lockwasher
does affect torque values.
Preventive Maintenance
Four hydraulic cylinders and two hydraulic motors operate the five actions of the Gradall
G-660. Each circuit operates as follows:
The G-660 is powered by one 115 HP engine running at The Gradall G-660 hydraulic system contains approxi-
2400 RPM. A GM 453 Diesel Engine, or equivalent, is used. mately 120 U.S. gallons of hydraulic oil. Filtration capacity
A 50 gallon fuel tank is located in the lefthand deck. 300 gallons a minute.
The GM engine, and all others, rotates in a counter- Filtered oil flows out the bottom of the reservoir directly
clockwise direction, when viewed from the pump end. into the pumps. Oil is returned from the manifold to the
reservoir through a dump tube.
A heat exchanger valve is located inside the reservoir. The
function of this valve is to direct thin “hot” oil to the heat
exchanger radiator for cooling, or to the front reservoir legs.
Each leg has two 40 micron disposable paper filters with
built-in 15 psi relief valves. After leaving the filters the oil
passes thru a strainer before entering the main portion of the
Filter caps have a dirt indicator gage in them. The gage is
divided into three sections, and filters should be replaced
when the arrow points to “Needs Cleaning” Position. Filters
should be inspected every month regardless of arrow position.
The reservoir also has an oil level dip stick with magnet,
and an air filter, which should be cleaned weekly.
Oil Flow through the Reservoir.
Oil from the 52 GPM Section goes to the No. 1 Boom IN- GPM is diverted into dump, and 13 GPM joins the 39
OUT Control Valve. GPM of neutral dump oil from No. 5 Hoist Control
the 39 GPM Section goes to the No. 5 Hoist Control Valve.
Valve The total of 52 GPM is directed to the opposite crawler
control valve, assuring a balance oil supply to each
the 26 GPM Section goes to the No. 2 Swing Con-
trol Valve
A. If No. 2 Swing is not used, the oil goes to No. 4 Tool Remote Control
Control Valve A. 26 GPM oil is diverted from the No. 3 Tilt Control Valve
B. If No. 4 Tool is not used, the oil goes to No. 3 Tilt Con- and joins with 39 GPM diverted from the No. 5 Hoist
trol Valve Control Valve to supply 65 GPM for hydraulic drive
C. If No. 3 Tilt Circuit is not used, the oil is directed into motor in carrier.
dump. B. An auxiliary pump furnishes 8 GPM of oil required for
remote steering cylinder in carrier.
A. 52 GPM boom In-Out oil is first directed to the Crawler
Control Valve for one track drive motor, then to the Neutral dump oil is routed to another circuit by use of carry
No. 1 Boom In-Out Control Valve. over plugs. This plug is screwed into the manifold diverting
B. From the No. 3 Tilt Control Valve, all 26 GPM of neutral normal dump oil to be hosed into another circuit. This is
oil is diverted into a flow divider valve. From here 13 employed for Crawler and Remote Control operations.
Exploded View
of Control Valve With the control lever plunger RETRACTED, pump oil
will travel thru the manifold and control valve, opening the
The five control valve castings are identical. check plunger enroute to circuit use. At the same time low
Oil from the control valves is routed to and from each of pressure oil is allowed to return to dump. With control valve
the five circuits depending upon which control valve plunger plunger EXTENDED, the flow will be reversed.
The control valves are mounted underneath a common DIFFERENTIAL CIRCUIT
manifold. Pump and Hose Relief Valves are located in the
manifold. In the Boom IN-OUT circuit no oil dumps during the
Boom-OUT operation. In the hoist circuit no oil dumps dur-
ing the Boom down operation. Instead, the exhausting oil
from the rod end of these cylinders joins pump oil inside the
manifold and control valve. Together they pressurize the full
piston area in the cylinder and a faster Boom-OUT (also
hoist down) action results.
If maximum operating pressures are exceeded the pump
relief valves will open and allow oil to return to the manifold
and reservoir.
Top view
Your Gradall is operated by three hand levers and four vated, the oil is directed through hoses to one side of either
foot pedals. The hand levers are used for Boom IN-OUT, a hydraulic cylinder or a hydraulic motor, where work is
Tilt and Hoist. The foot pedals are used for swinging and performed. Oil is discharged out the other side of the cylin-
bucket action. der or motor, returns to the control valve, and then goes
When these levers or pedals are released, a spring in the back to the reservoir.
control valve automatically returns the lever or pedal to its A small check plunger in the valve body maintains pres-
neutral position and all movement of the machine stops. sure in the circuit until it is unseated by oil under higher
When the control valves are in neutral, oil passes pressure from the pump.
through them and is dumped into the manifold and routed The control valve plunger is designed to operate with a
back to the reservoir. However, if a control valve is acti- 1/2 inch stroke in each direction from neutral.
After the hydraulic oil leaves the pumps and enters the con- Since it is possible to utilize more than one machine action
trol valve body, it is exposed to pump relief valves which are at a time, hose relief valves are provided to prevent exces-
mounted on the front side of each control valve. These pump sive pressures from building up in the hoses between the
relief valves act as safety valves and open at the maximum cylinders and the control valves. The action of these hose
working pressure. relief valves reduces the possibility of broken hoses or struc-
tural damage to the machine.
The hydraulic motors are similar in design to the A hydraulic motor furnishes power to tilt the boom.
hydraulic pumps, but have just the opposite function. One Power is transmitted from the motor through a worm shaft to
motor is used to swing the upperstructure and one is used to the worm gear. A pinion engages the boom tilt gear segment.
tilt the boom. Hydraulic motors are used for travel on If the swing circuit or tool circuit is being used, no oil is
crawlers and hydraulic remote control machines. available for the tilt action.
The sketch illustrates the swing circuit. Oil is supplied to The upperstructure rotates on a sealed double ball bearing
this circuit from the 26 GPM pump section. It’s operating assembly. The bull gear is cut into the outer race. The inner
pressure is governed by a 2000 psi Pump Relief Valve and race has an external top lip which protects the upper seam
the Swing Cushion Valve adjustment. from foreign material and moisture. A central panel of four
Oil goes from the No. 2 Swing Control Valve through the grease fittings provide lubrication access.
Swing Flow Valve to the Swing Motor. As the Swing Flow
Valve is pressurized, oil is routed through a small hose to
release the Swing Parking Brakes. Conventional clamshell
spring set and hydraulic release brakes are used to hold the
upperstructure while the machine is parked or working on an
angle. Oil is metered from the release cylinder as the normal
swing motion stops so that the brake will not set until the
upperstructure stops swinging naturally.
The Swing Transmission houses the Hydraulic Motor and
gearing to provide continuous swing in either direction. It is The Swing Flow Valve contains two relief valves. They
located inside the left hand deck. Cover is easily removed function to regulate swing power, and to cushion the swing
for service. The power ratio from the motor is 20.5 to 1 but stopping action. These valves are constructed so that the
with motor, gear box and bull gear, it has a 143.7 to 1 ratio. relief valve springs are internally assisted by operating oil
pressure while swinging. The adjustment is made only to
cushion the swing stopping action as desired.
The Hoist and Tool Cylinders are simple double-acting The Boom IN-OUT Cylinder is also a double-acting
cylinders with oil applied to each side of the piston. cylinder, but of a more complex design. Oil for both sides of
the piston is fed into the cylinder through the boom cylinder
gland at the rear end of the piston rod.
The Cylinder has a stroke of 12 feet. The barrel and rod
ball joints are adjustable. A ball joint at the barrel is adjusted
with bolts, while the rod ball joint is adjusted with shims.
Piston and rod is one piece welded construction. The inner
rod fits in from the front of the piston and is bolted in place.
Tool Cylinder It carries oil through the piston to its front side.
Oil for the Tool Cylinder is routed from the No. 4 Tool of the boom permit the booms to rotate 90° to either side.
Control Valve, up through the cradle, through two hose The Tool Cylinder stroke combined with the linkage give a
loops and down to the front of the booms through a hose bucket arc of 165°.
trough and tube arrangement. The two hose loops at the top
Hoist Circuit
Tilt Circuit
A heat exchanger circuit is used on the Gradall G-660 to If pressure builds in excess of 50 psi at the heat exchanger
help control the temperature of the hydraulic oil. valve, a plunger opens and allows the excess oil to pass
All dump oil enters the bottom of the reservoir through a directly through the filter units into the reservoir. This pro-
heat exchanger relief valve. This valve is located inside the tects the radiators, especially in cold weather. As oil
reservoir, and routes oil into the heat exchanger hose and on becomes warmer during operation, viscosity drops and the
into the cooler mounted in front of the standard radiator on flow through the cooler increases.
the engine. Oil is then returned to the reservoir.
Starting Lot 16
Top view
Fig. 4 Another view which shows that there is oil under the
plungers in both Relief Valves. There is no hydraulic pres-
sure on the top side of the Relief Valves, and plungers are
held down by spring tension only.
Fig. 5 The operator steps on one of the swing pedals (in the cab)
and the oil is routed from the control valve to the Swing
Flow Valve. Pressure is built-up and moves the lock-out
plunger to one side. This permits oil to pass thru the valve
body to the Swing Motor. At the same time oil from the
Swing Motor is exhausted back to the control valve thru
the opposite side of the lock-out plunger.
Fig. 6A Oil flow upseats the check plunger and continues back-
ward to the horizontal flow chamber. Two test ports are
provided to measure pressures while swing action is
Before testing Hydraulic System, make these checks: HOW TO TEST PUMPS
Engine R.P.M. Check Power Unit with Tachometer with
the clutch engaged. The engine should turn at 2550 R.P.M.
Clutch. Engage and disengage the clutch to make sure
that no slippage is occurring. You should feel a definite
resistance as the clutch linkage slips over center and
Reservoir. Remove reservoir covers and clean filters.
Feel bottom of the reservoir for dirt. Also drain some oil into
glass bottle, and allow to settle. If dirt, or water is present,
drain reservoir, clean it, and refill with new hydraulic oil to Testing pumps with Flow Meter.
the proper level. Start engine and bring oil to operating tem-
Insert a flow meter into the output (pressure port) of the
pump, and observe actual pump production. Tests should be
made for volume with no resistance; then retested when
resistance is placed in the meter to equal the pump relief
valve setting. An inefficient or worn pump may pump full
volume of oil under no load, but almost nothing under full
PUMP RELIEF VALVES The 52 G.P.M. Boom IN-OUT pump section Relief Valve
should open at 1350 psi. The 26 G.P.M. Swing, Tool and
Gradall’s power is determined by the ability of the pumps Tilt should open at 2000 psi, and the 39 G.P.M. Hoist Pump
to put forth required pressure. Pump Relief Valves are section relief valve should open at 2100 psi.
installed so that this pressure does not exceed the engineered
Oil from the three section pump flows directly through the
manifold to #1 Boom (52 G.P.M.), #2 Swing (26 G.P.M.),
and #5 Hoist Control Valves (39 G.P.M.). Gage ports are
provided in the tangent hose adapters leading to all circuits.
There are no gage ports in the Manifold.
The 26 G.P.M. Swing circuit oil is hosed from the neutral
dump carry over plug to the tool circuit. The Tool Control
Valve neutral dump oil is carried through a cored passage in
the manifold to the Tilt Control Valve. This series hook-up
allows the lead valve to use all or any portion of the 26
G.P.M. available. The 52 G.P.M. Boom circuit and the 39
G.P.M. Hoist circuit neutral oil dumps directly into the
There are three Pump Relief Valves, one for each of the IMPORTANT
three pump sections. They are located in the manifold and
separate the pump supply oil from the dump oil area in the Do not use the Swing action to test the #2 Pump Relief
manifold. Excessive pump pressure build up will cause the Valve. The Swing Flow Valve relief pressure settings are
valve to open up, connecting the two areas. This immedi- lower than the #2 Pump Relief Valve setting, so if you use
ately relieves the pressure and the risk of damage to the the Swing action, you will get a low reading.
pump. Test this Pump Relief Valve by using the Tilt or Tool
Hose Adapter
3. Pull back on control lever and hold it until the cylinder No movement can occur because the oil pumped for that
or hydraulic motor reaches the end of its stroke and stalls. circuit is relieved.
Always hold the control valve open and take a gage read-
ing for at least 10 seconds, to make sure that the initial read-
ing is not a shock-load reading.
Use Tilt or Tool to test the Pump Relief Valve on the Swing circuit.
For protection of the hoses, and as a safety device, Hose For convenience, all Hose Relief Valves should be tested
Relief Valves are installed between the control valve and the in the tool circuit location above the #4 Control Valve. Use
cylinders in the Boom In-Out, Tilt, Hoist, and Tool circuits. the following procedure for each valve and then switch
valves from other locations and test them using the tool
1. You need two gages. Insert one each into the Hose
Relief test ports.
2. Start engine, engage clutch, and run at 2550 R.P.M.
Let oil warm up.
3. Place cutting edge of bucket into ground, or against a
solid object.
4. Pull in on Boom IN-OUT lever, and apply down pres-
sure until bucket drifts open.
5. Take gage reading as bucket is moving.
6. Push out on Boom IN-OUT lever to force bucket in
Hose Relief Valve
There are two Hose Relief Valves for each control valve, 8. Exchange relief valves and repeat test.
with the exception of the Swing Control Valve, where none 9. Pilot operated Hose Relief Valve (Hoist down and
are needed. Boom out). The pressure reading on this valve (control in
neutral) should read 750 psi. Test procedure:
a. Plug the 1/4" oil line from the manifold to the top of
the valve.
b. Switch valve to be tested with the Hose Relief Valve
in the bucket close circuit.
c. Insert gage into bucket-close circuit test port.
d. Dig bucket into the ground and using hoist down and
boom in, force the bucket open slowly.
e. Adjust to 750 psi.
f. Switch the valve back to its original position.
g. Re-install 1/4" oil line to top of Relief Valve.
1. Test the 26 G.P.M. Pump Relief Valve using the Boom Tilt action (see page 3).
2. Set it at 2000 psi (see section on Hydraulic Adjustments, look under “How to Adjust the Pump Relief
3. Be sure the boom is placed solidly on ground.
4. On the Swing Flow Valve, turn the Orifice Adjusting Screw clockwise until it bottoms.
5. Put test gage in both swing hose adapter gage ports.
6. Attempt to swing in each direction.
7. The gage reading will reflect effective swing operating pressure and should be approximately 1800 psi
for both directions.
8. The Swing cushion valve should be adjusted so that the swing stop in either direction is smooth and
9. Turn the Orifice Adjusting Screw counter-clockwise, and observe the setting of Swing Parking brake.
Open the screw until the brake action is delayed, as required.
One of the easiest tests is measuring the amount of oil cylinder. However, even new cylinders will show some
being forced past the piston rings inside the cylinder. The slight seepage.
amount of oil which flows indicates the condition of the
To test for cylinder by-pass in either of the two
Hoist Cylinders:
The hydraulic cylinders on the Gradall are all WORKING
cylinders. They are not classed as strictly positioning cylin-
ders. As such, they must be kept in top notch condition at
all times in order to have the machine working efficiently.
Remove the cylinder from the machine and take it to your Remove the packing gland bolts and the bolts bolding the
work area. head to the cylinder barrel.
Using a pry bar, force the held casting out of the cylinder bar- Pull the head, rod and piston assembly from the barrel. On a
rel. Be careful so that you do not damage the inner surface of the bar- well worn cylinder this can be done by hand. On a tight cylinder you
rel or the seal surface of head. may need some mist such as power from an overhead crane.
Remove the piston from the rod Pistons are secured to the rod Completely disassemble the cylinder, removing all the parts.
using either the large hex castle nut and cotter pin or by use of one or CLEAN all parts thoroughly using kerosene or fuel type of solvent.
more stake screws. Dry them and inspect them for unusual wear. Special attention
should be given to the surface of the cylinder rod and the inside sur-
face of the gland.
Fit the new wiper into the gland*. Install new O Rings in the Fit the gland* and the head over the piston rod at this time.
head. Many heads use a combination of O Ring and back-up ring. If We have included this step because of the many times we have
so make sure that the back-up ring is positioned to the outside of the seen the piston attached to the rod first, then it is impossible to get
O Ring. NOTE: As you fit new parts, keep them clean and well lubri- the head and gland on.
cated to make assembly easier and to prevent damage.
*See detail Cylinder in parts section.
Make sure that a new O Ring is placed in position under the Fit the individual places of rod packing into the head. The
piston as it is fitted to the rod. Secure the box castle nut or stake gland* can be used as a ram to help position each place. Stagger the
screws. If cotter key is used, trim it short. Always bend the ends side- seams to minimize the internal leakage.
ways and never allow the ends to hang over the end of the rod.
After the rod packing is installed, secure the gland* with its Fit the two outer hard piston rings to the piston and start fit-
bolts. Secure it with a loose fit. ting the pistons assembly into the barrel. Lubricate all parts and
contact surfaces. Do not force the assembly in past the first hard
Install the inner soft piston rings, staggering the seams. Hold Install the head and secure with its bolts. Torque them as
in place as you force the piston into the barrel. When all of the rings recommended in the torque charts. Apply lock wire to the gland
are within the barrel, you can slide the head into position and com- bolts. Plug the hose ports to prevent dirt from getting in.
plete the assembly using the head bolts to assist you in forcing the
piston into the barrel. *See detail Cylinder in parts section.
Install new barrel and rod bushings. The repacked cylinder is now ready for installation on the
machine. If time cylinder is to be stored for any period before being
used, it it good to remove the plugs and fill the barrel with clean
hydraulic oil. Like a new cylinder, the repacked cylinder will be stiff
and tight and may make a screetching noise when first used. This will
stop as the parts become lubricated with hydraulic oil. You are ready
for another working season.
To reassemble, reverse the disassembly procedure making Lubricate threads before installing head and packing cap
certain that the male adapter ring is placed in the bottom of the bolts. No special torque necessary.
V-packing recess. The female adapter ring compresses the com-
position packing against it.
Be sure that all the parts are clean. Replace all seals, rings,
packing, “O” and quad rings. Use a high temperature grease to
lubricate these seals and the surfaces they contact.
Close-up of button
Depress button and turn adjusting plate clockwise.
Excessive clearance
Poor Alignment
Within the Tilt Gear Box there are six bearings on For ease of adjustment of the final pinion shaft, weld
three shafts. These bearings can be adjusted by use of an eye to a small plate. Then, weld the plate to the top of
shims. Read instructions of bearing adjustment. When the adjusting nut. Then lift the shaft so that the lower
adjusting bearings always replace the gasket. bearing is at zero tolerance. Then adjust the top bearing.
Read bearing adjustment on page 3.
In the swing transmission there are six tapered roller
bearings on three shafts. These bearings should be
adjusted every year.
Two shafts use shims, placed under the bearing caps,
Raise shaft to zero tolerance.
for adjustment. A bearing locknut is used for end-play
adjustment on the final swing pinion shaft.
Tilt Bearings
The main boom assembly tilts within the boom cradle Use the following steps to make the tilt roller adjust-
90° in either direction from level. The boom is centered ment:
on four rollers. Power to tilt the boom comes from the tilt 1. Apply a slight down pressure to the boom.
gear box which is located in front of and below the tilt
2. Back off completely on the two lower rollers. To do
roller area of the cradle.
this, the serrated washers must be removed first.
The four rollers are mounted on eccentric shafts so that Using a wrench, turn the eccentric shaft until you
adjustment can be made for keeping the boom centered observe the roller in a position as far as possible from
and also maintain the proper contact between the tilt bull the tilt circle.
gear and the drive pinion gear.
3. Lift up on the boom and back off on the two top tilt
5. After adjusting gears, bring the two bottom rollers in 9. With the boom level, adjust the two top tilt rollers in
until they make contact with the tilt circle. Lock the towards the tilt ring until a light contact is made.
eccentric shafts in place with the serrated lock washers. Lock the eccentric shafts in place with their serrated
6. Raise the boom and recheck the gear clearance. washers.
10. Rotate the boom through its complete cycle and
observe the roller contact on top. The two top rollers
should skip roll slightly.
7. Now rotate the boom fully to the right and check the 11. After adjusting any of the eccentric shafts, always
gear clearance. Adjust if necessary. Then rotate the secure the shaft with the serrated washer and the two
boom to the left and check the gear clearance, and hex head cap screws. This will prevent the shaft from
adjust if necessary. turning.
8. With the boom properly adjusted, you will have even 12. Visual check the rollers once each week. Once
adjustment at the three locations. each month use a feeler gage to check for proper
The Gradall telescopic boom rides on eight rollers (16 on G-1000 Gradalls).
Five rollers are attached to the front of the main boom consisting of four flat
(two each on the bottom and side) and one concave at the top. Three concave
rollers are attached to the rear of the telescope boom.
The telescope boom moves in and out of the main boom, riding on these
rollers. The ideal adjustment is to have the two triangular shaped booms
concentric with each other, with the center of the rollers making contact with
the apex of the boom tubes. The proper means to accomplish this is described
in detail in this pamphlet.
4. Center the front of the telescope boom by 5. Square booms up (bottoms parallel) by
adjusting the side flat rollers of the main boom adjusting the bottom flat rollers of the main
leaving 1/16" clearance to a side. boom.
6. Center the rear inside of the telescope boom by 9. Adjust outside top concave roller to the
adjusting either the inside right or left concave telescope boom leaving approximately 1/32"
roller. clearance. This roller should skip lightly while
the boom is running in and out.
7. Adjust inside bottom concave rollers for
maximum contact with the center of the roller 10. Lower boom and remove chains.
against the apex of the boom tube on the
theoretical center line
NOTE: The concave rollers on new booms may not make
8. Adjust the inside top concave roller for contact with the entire length of the boom tube. If this
condition exists it will be necessary to make roller adjust-
maximum contact with the center of the roller ments more frequently until full contact is achieved. This
against the apex of the boom tube on the condition should not be considered abnormal and is not
theoretical center line. cause for alarm. The boom will run in after a few hours of
1 2
Back off both locking bolts (A) Tighten and/or loosen adjusting bolt (B) to move
the roller bracket assembly to the correct center
line location. Refer to page 3.
3 B
3 A B
44 C
Install shims as required to secure the roller bracket First back off adjusting bolt “B”. Torque locking
in its proper location. Refer to page 3. Shims may bolts (A) to 200 ft. lbs. making sure flat washers are
be added until the bracket no longer can be secured not deformed. Replace washers (C) if they are not
or roller wears out. Important Note: The shims perfectly flat. Note: if bolts (A) are not torqued to
hold the bracket in position, not the adjusting bolt 200 ft. lbs. the asjusting shims will fall out of the
(B.) assembly and could cause structural damage to the
boom and/or roller assemblies.
Roller bracket loose . . . Move eccentric pin either Proper adjustment . . . Both rollers making contact
way until roller bracket is raised to make contact with the boom tube.
with the boom tube.
After you adjust the boom rollers, take a few extra minutes to double check the
alignment and adjustment of the components around the boom in-out cylinder. The
act of adjusting the rollers will alter other tolerances because you may have changed
the relative positions or spacing between the two booms and the cylinder.
2. Check the torque on the horizontal bolts holding the front and
rear retainers to the ball joint. Use enough torque to prevent
movement and then lubricate the ball joint thoroughly.
4. .(G-660 & G-880): The large hex castle nut holds the telescopic boom
in the machine. It should be pulled up tight, then advanced to the
next access area for the locking cotter pin. This normally takes
1000 to 2000 ft. lbs. Install a 3/4 round bar through the gland holes,
and let it come to rest against the bracket to keep the cylinder rod
from turning. The G-1000 cylinder is locked by eight capscrews
pulling the inserts at the rear ball joint tight against the insert
Form No. 0034
If your Gradall is not working right, attempt to isolate the trouble.
If a problem is in one circuit only, stay within that circuit and test
individual components.
A problem that is common to all circuits is likely to be caused by the
engine, clutch, reservoir, oil, or pump.
Remember! SPEED is determined by the volume of oil being used.
POWER is determined by the pressure built up to perform work.
CONTROL VALVE Dirty hydraulic oil . . . . . . . . . . Clean strainer, filters, flush system, repair valves and
PLUNGERS fill with clean oil.
STICKING Wrong type hydraulic oil . . . . Drain and refill using correct type.
Mounting bolts too tight . . . . . Loosen and re-torque as recommended.
Return spring broken. . . . . . . . Disassemble and replace.
Linkage binding . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjust and lubricate.
External friction on plunger
end. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replace seals and realign seal retainers.
CYLINDER Rod packing not sealing. . . . . . Tighten rod packing adjusting gland.
LEAKING Rod packing worn or burned Replace packing.
Rough cylinder rod . . . . . . . . . Repair or replace rod, replace packing.
SWING DRIFT Defective swing flow valving. Examine components of valve. Repair if necessary.
(While stopping the Re-set pressure adjustment.
swing action or if Faulty parking brakes . . . . . . . Adjust and repair, if needed.
parked on an angle.) Excessive wear to hydraulic
motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test for by-pass, repair or replace.
1. Elbows loosen up after short service.
2. “O” ring leakage after short service.
3. “O” ring leakage after long service.
4. instant leakage upon start up.
Most of the leaks on this connection are due to the lack of
tightening or human error. You can’t tell if the nut has been
tightened by just looking at the connection. It it is more CURES:
than tinger tight, you can’t tell from observation how much. Replace “O” ring seals and start over.
1. Jam nut and washer must be to the back side
Torque wrenches are good only when they are used. of the smooth portion of the elbow adapter.
You must rely on the user to be sure they get used on all
2. Lubricate the “O” ring-Very important
joints. The user must depend on tris memory to know
it he has tightened all of the joints. 3. Thread into port until washer bottoms onto
spot face.
Note: Is the spot face large enough for
CURES: the washer? Does hex of the straight
Here is a foolproof method of tightening. Anyone can adapter fit into spot face?
tell if the joint was tightened and how much: 4. Position elbows by backing up the adapter.
Tighten nut finger tight until it bottoms the seats. 5. Tighten jam nut.
This connection is very sensitive to human error and bolt torquing.
Because of the shoulder protrusion and the flange
tightened on one end, in a seesaw fashion. This pulls
the opposite end of the flange away from the shoulder
and when hydraulic pressure is applied to the line, it Because of the tolerance build
pushes the shoulder back into a cooking position. up in all component parts plus
the bolt bending, the flange
halves can move sideways in
direction “A” and “B”. This can
lessen the shoulder contact with
the flange to zero in the center
area between the long
bolt spacing.
All bolts must be installed
and torqued evenly. Finger
tightening with the use of
feeler gauges will belp to
get the flanges and PIPE THREAD LEAKS:
shoulder started squarely. Pipe threads tend to leak more at high pressures than
any other style of connection.
a second cause: National standard pipe threads leak much more than the
dry seal pipe thread.
When the full torque is applied to the
bolts, the flanges often bend down Symbol . . . National Pipe Thread-NPT
until they bottom on the accessory. Dry Seal Pipe Thread-NPTF
This also causes the bolts to
bend outward. Either kind of pipe thread will leak if under-torqued or
over-torqued. Use a good pipe dope on the NPT threads.
When applying pipe dope do not put any on the first
two threads from the end. Always put dope on the
male thread - never on the female thread.
Bending of the flanges and bolts tends
to lift flange off the shoulder in
the center area between the long causes: cure:
spacing of the bolts. 1. Connector not tight. . . . . . . . . . . .Tighten
2. Cracked port or connector . . . . . .Check for cracks and replace
defective parts
3. Oversized threads in port . . . . . . .Inspect for proper thread size
When pipes and/or hose are joined 4. Undersize threads on connector . .Inspect for proper thread size
together with this connection, the 5. Galled threads (torn threads) . . . .Inspect and replace if necessary
conditions become more severe 6. Damaged threads, nicks,
because the spacing between mating cutts, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Replace if damaged
flanges now is doubled and becomes 7. Threads not dry-seal
.020 to .06O gap. All conditios are standard for hydraulics . . . . . . . . .Use “NPTF DRYSEAL” standard
now multiplied 100%.
8. Straight pipe threads
instead of tapered . . . . . . . . . . . .Use “NPTF DRYSEAL” standard
High torque is required on all bolts 9. Contaminated threads,
which must be Grade 5 or better dirt, chips, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Clean and inspect
because much of the torque is lost 10. High vibration loosening . . . . . . .Retighten connector-Check
In overcoming the bending of the connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with engineering
flanges and bolts 11. Heat expansion of
12. female threads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Retighten while hot
Too tight, causing
thread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .distortion Check, replace
The Aeroquip Hose and Reusable Fitting idea had its beginning in
1941. With the outbreak of WWII the merit of the idea was soon
recognized as vital to the war effort. We had to get our aircraft with
failed hydraulic lines back in action fast.
The detachable reusable fitting was the answer and became the
aircraft standard for hose assemblies before the end of the war.
For the same reasons that the reusable idea was accepted for air-
craft hose lines during the war . . . it was soon adopted for many
industrial applications after the war.
Just as a grounded airplane hurt the war effort, “downtimed”
equipment stops production.
Copyright 1973 by Aeroquip Corporation
How does the screw together reusable fitting work? From
Aeroquip’s inception, the detachable reusable concept has not
changed. It is still the easiest and most foolproof method of attach-
ing a fitting to a hose. To attach this type of fitting you simply screw
the socket over the hose then screw the nipple into the socket.
A second benefit of reusable fittings is easy assembly.
With the Lifesaser Fitting for the “Oddballs” you can even duplicate
unique tube end configurations.
With the Lifesaver, it’s a simple matter of “cut”, “braze” and “go”.
First you cut off the odd tube configuration from the old hose
Then, you braze it to the Lifesaver Fitting. Finally, assemble the fit-
ting to the hose and install the assembly.
Let’s get to the basic facts about hose and fittings.
The dash numbering system is used by all hose and fitting manu-
facturers to identify sizes of piping components. To determine a
dash number, convert the tube or hose size to 16ths of an inch. The
numerator of the fraction is always the dash size. An example
would be to convert a 1/2-inch hose size to 8/16ths of an inch which
equals a -8 hose.
Tubing has a thin wall compared to pipe and is measured by the
outside diameter in most cases.
Aeroquip SAE 100R5 style single wire braid hose dash numbers
correspond to tubing dash numbers, therefore SAE 100R5 hose
has the same I.D. as tubing. The other basic hose styles are also
assigned a dash number, however, they are measured by the
actual I.D. (inside diameter), similar to the measuring system used
in pipe.
All fittings are stamped with a dash number. Remember the dash
number of the socket must be the same as the hose dash number.
An S.A.E. 45 swivel fitting has a 45 cone seat which is the mating
surface where sealing takes place. This fitting is marked with a sin-
gle notch on the swivel hex.
An S.A.E. 37° (JIC) swivel fitting has a 37° cone seat and has no
markings on the swivel hex.
Standard Aeroquip Reusable Fittings for single wire braid hose are
identified with an M.P. stamped on the socket and the nipple hex.
While textile, single wire and double wire are the basic classifica-
tions of hose to be discussed in this session, Aeroquip also manu-
factures 4 and 6 spiral wire hose.
Next let’s review the textile, single wire and double wire classifica-
tions of hose.
Single braid textile reinforced hose is used for non-hydraulic appli-
cations where working pressures are low. It has three major com-
ponents; a rubber or cotton cover, textile braid reinforcement and a
synthetic rubber tube.
The “D” dimension is the difference between overall length of the
fitting and the distance the fitting end extends beyond the end of
the hose. It is used to manufacture a hose assembly to an exact
length. To determine the finished overall length of the assembly,
subtract the “D” dimension of both fittings from the overall length
desired and cut the hose to the length indicated. For SOCKET-
LESS assemblies, add 1/2-inch to this indicated cut off length to
compensate for contraction of the hose under pressure.
First cut the hose to the required length with a sharp knife.
Next, oil the inside of the hose and outside of the nipple LIBER-
ALLY with Aeroquip Lube Oil or heavy oil.
Then push the hose on to the fitting until the hose end bottoms
underneath the protective cap.
Single wire braid hose is easily identified by looking at the cut end.
Note the wire reinforcement. But, the best method for identifying
hose lines is always by reviewing the layline brand. The quarter
and year of manufacture information can be most valuable in eval-
uating hose performance and scheduling maintenance. Aeroquip is
the only manufacturer that provides this dating information on all
hydraulic hose.
The screw together reusable fitting is the basic type of fitting man-
ufactured by Aeroquip for single wire braid hose. Use your catalog
to choose the best fitting for your particular application. Determine
the cut off length of your hose by checking the “D” dimension of the
Single wire braid screw together reusable fittings require only four
steps to assemble.
First you cut the hose square to the length required with a fine-tooth
hacksaw or a cut-off wheel.
Then you screw the socket counterclockwise until the hose bot-
toms and then back it off 1/4 turn.
Aeroquip 4400 Series Fittings do not require an assembly tool
because their design includes a drive hex and a larger nipple with
a blunt leading edge which will not cut the hose tube. The 400
Series Fitting always requires an assembly tool because it does not
have a drive hex and the nipple has a sharp leading edge.
After attaching the socket, liberally oil the nipple threads and the
assembly tool mandrel, if used, as well as the inside of the hose
with Aeroquip Lube Oil or another high quality heavy oil.
For 400 Series Male Ends, -12 and below: Push the assembly tool
into the nipple. Oil; then screw the nipple clockwise into the socket
and the hose. Tighten the nipple leaving 1/32 to 1/16 of an inch
clearance between the nut and the socket.
For Swivel Ends: Tighten the nipple and nut on the assembly tool,
if used. Oil. Then screw the nipple clockwise into the socket and the
hose. Leave 1/32 to 1/16 of an inch clearance between the nut and
the socket.
Note the two layers of steel reinforcing wire on the end view of this
double wire braid hose. Remember the layline is the best means of
Use your catalog to choose the best double wire braid hose fitting
for your particular application. Determine the cut off length of your
hose by referring to your catalog and checking the “D” dimension.
To Assemble: First you cut the hose to the length required. Next the
hose is stripped of its rubber cover to permit the socket teeth to bite
into the wire braid.
Locate the hose stripping point by putting the end of the hose next
to the fitting socket. Measure from the hose end of the socket to the
notch on the socket.
Cut the rubber cover of the hose down to the wire reinforcement.
Use a screwdriver to raise a flap of rubber and pull it off with a pair
of pliers.
The F2282 hose cover stripping tool makes cover removal easy.
This tool is available with mandrels to fit all sizes of Aeroquip dou-
ble wire braid hose.
Next you put the hose in a vise and screw the socket onto the hose
counterclockwise until it bottoms. Then back it off 1⁄4 turn.
After attaching the socket, oil the nipple threads and the inside of
the hose liberally. No assembly mandrel is needed for double wire
braid hose. Use a heavy oil or Aeroquip Lube Oil.
Next screw the nipple clockwise into the socket and hose. Make
sure you leave 1/32 to 1/16 of an inch clearance between the nip-
ple nut and socket. Your double wire braid hose assembly is now
Thank you for the time you have spent with us today.
BULLETIN 5041 How to Measure and Relate Pipe, Tubing and Hose Sizes
FluidConnectors Assembly
Bulletin 4433-B1
March, 1977
88 Series
Place sockets in vise. Thread hose Oil nipple threads and inside of hose Thread nipple clockwise into socket
counterclockwise into socket until wth Hoze-Oil or heavy oil. Caution: until nipple hex shoulders against
hose bottoms. Back off ½ turn. Do not oil hose cover. socket.
Place socket in vise shown. When assembling male pipe ends. When assembling swivel ends. screw Oil nipple threads and inside of hose
hose counterclockwise into socket slide nipple onto mandrel. threaded mandrel all the way into with Hoze-Oil or heavy oil. Caution:
until hose bottoms. Backoff ½ turn. interior threads of swivel, wrench Do not oil hose cover. Push nipple into
tight. socket. Male Ends: screw nipple
bottoms against socket. Swivel Ends:
apply wrench to hex of assembly
mandrel. Screw nipple clockwise
until clearance between nut and
Special Instruction for 204 Hose – Do not allow tube to contact any petroleumbase fluids. socket is approximately 1/32" to allow
Use liquid soap as hose lubricant. nut to swivel. Remove mandrel.
Special instruction for 231, 235, 241 Hoses – Use only refrigerant grade oil for lubricant.
30, 34, 42, 38 Series
Dip hose into Hoze-Oil or heavy oil. Place socket in vise as shown. Lubricate nipple threads and inside Thread nipple clockwise into socket
hose counterclockwise into socket of hose thoroughly with HOZE-Oil or until nipple hex shoulders against
until hose bottoms. Back off ½ turn. heavy oil. socket.
Special insAtruction for 304 & 344 hose. Do not allow tube to contact any petroleum base fluids. Use liquid soap as hose lubricant.
51 Series
Chamfer end of hose with a sharp Place socket in vise. Thread hose Lubricate nipple threads throughly Thread nipple clockwise into socket
knife. and lubricate hose with Parker counterclockwise into socket until with Hoze-Oil or Heavy oil. until nipple hex shoulders against
Hoze-Oil. hose bottoms. Back off ¼ turn. socket.
74 Series
To measure hose entry. lay socket Place socket in vise as shown. Lubricate nipple threads and inside Thread nipple clockwise into socket
alongside hose end. Line up first Lubricate hose and fitting liberally. of hose thoroughly with Hoze-Oil or until nipple hex shoulders against
notch on tha socket with the end of Screw hose counterclockwise into heavy oil. socket.
the hose. Mark hose at end of socket. socket until you reach mark on hose.
This will be hose entry length.
90 Series Reusable Fittings
75 Series
1. Wrap hose with masking tape at cutoff point. Cut squarely to length through taped area
with sharp cutoff wheel or fine-toothed hacksaw. Remove tape. Trim any loose wires flush
with tube stock. Remove any burrs on the bore of the tube stock with a knife. To start
assembly, slip two sockets over the end of the hose, back to back. (If one end of hose “necks
down” use this end to start the sockets). Position the two sockets about three inches from
each end of the hose. 2. Mount nipple hex in a vise. Work the hose bore over the nipple to
size the tube and to aid in separating the braid, before fitting the sleeve. Remove hose from
nipple. 3. Push sleeve over end of the inner Teflon tube and under the wire braid by hand.
To complete positioning of the sleeve, push hose end against a flat surface. Check visually
Lubricate hose. I.D. and nipple. Insert Place clamp halves over hose with to make sure tube stock butts against the inside shoulder of the sleeves. Set the sleeve barbs
nipple into hose until bottomed on clamp front collar in nipple channel. into the Teflon tube by pushing a tapered punch into the end of the sleeve and tube. 4.
nipple collar. Lubricate nipple an socket threads. For stainless steel fittings use a molybdenum disulfide
base lubricant. For other materials. Use Parker Hoze-Oil. Hold nipple hex in vise. Push hose
over nipple with twisting motion till seated against nipple chamfer. Push socket forward, and
hand-start threading of socket to nipple. Wrench tighten nipple hex until clearance with
socket hex is 1/32" or less. Tighten further to align corners of nipple and socket hexes.
Permanent Fittings
While holding clamp halves in place. Tighten nuts until clamp halves are
drop 4 bolts through holes in clamp flush (in contact with each other wiht 1. Measure hose to desired length and tape area to be cut (masking tape may be used). This
halves Install nuts. Turn nuts finger is to prevent wire braid from flaring. 2. Mark taped area of hose with crayon pencil. Cut
no space between the halves). As-
tight hose at mark (through the tape 43. IMPORTANT - Start hose into fitting before removing
sembly is complete. tape. REMOVE TAPE 4. BRASS - Push and turn hose clockwise into fitting recess until
Tighten nuts down evenly with box or Consult factory for high production hose bottoms. STAINLESS STEEL Push and turn hose counterclockwise, then screw
open-end wrench. An impact tool assembly instructions and tooling. nipple clockwise into socket: 5. Select proper pusher. Place into ram and adjust
with thin wall wrench sockets may setscrew. 6. Select proper die. Place die half into die holder. 7. Place hose in position
also be used. against first die half and insert second half. Lubricate fitting and die. 8. Locate hose fitting
in pusher bore and operate handle to swage fitting. Ram will bottom on face of die to
complete swaging stroke.
Hydraulic Excavators and Cranes
The Master Kit contains individual repack kits for each hydraulic cylinder on your Gradall. Each individ-
ual kit is identified and provides all of the parts needed for the complete repack of the specified cylinder
as recommended on factory maintenance schedules or as required.
Your dealer stocks a selection of kits and Gradall Replacement Parts – let him help you save time
and money.
Kit No. 309 Complete G-660 Cylinder Repack Kit for TOOL, BOOM, and Two Hoist Cylinders
1 – Kit No. 307 For exploded views of hydraulic cylinders see page 26,
Repack kit for 8662-5001 Tool Cylinder (refer page 28) 27 and 28 of your Gradall Parts Manual.
Be sure to include the serial number of your Gradall when ordering kits or parts.
Hydraulic Excavators and Cranes
The Kits shown on this page contains the parts normally required for rebuilding pump
and hose relief valves. Replacement of all parts included in these Kits assures effi-
cient operation and can eliminate costly downtime.
The cost of each Kit is less than if replacement parts were purchased separately.
A 1 - 25C-327 Plunger
B 1 - 25C-331 “O” Ring
C 1 - 25C-810 “O” Ring
D 1 - 25F-243 “O” Ring
E 1 - 25G-493 “O” Ring
F 1 - 50P-204 Spring (Inner)
G 1 - 50R-50 Spring (Outer)
The kits shown on this page contains the parts normally required for rebuilding com-
ponents in the control valve area including the control valves, pump and hose relief
valves and swing flow valve. Replacement of all parts included in these kits assures
efficient operation and can eliminate costly downtime.
The cost of each kit is less than if replacement parts were purchased separately.
1 - 25C-310 Spring
6 - 25C-375 “0” Rings
4 - 25E-126 Lockwashers
3 - 25F-383 Lockwashers
1 - 25G-493 “0” Ring
1 - 25H-202 Capscrew
1 - 25U-297 Rod End
1 - 50P-78 “0” Ring
2 - 50P-92 “0” Rings
3 - 50X-162 Screws
1 - 1238-1025 Washer
1 - 8604-1043 Spring
2 - 8604-1044 Back Up Rings
1 - 8666-1001 Check Plunger
4 - 8821-1039 Capscrews
1 - 25C-327 Plunger
1 - 25C-331 “0” Ring
1 - 25C-810 “0” Ring
1 - 25F-243 “0” Ring
1 - 25G-493 “0” Ring
1 - 50P-203 Spring (Outer)
1 - 50P-204 Spring (Inner)
The Kits shown on this page contains the parts normally required for rebuilding and
maintenance of the tandem pump, tilt motor, swing motor and swing flow valve.
Replacement of all parts included in these Kits assures efficient operation and can
eliminate costly downtime.
The cost of each Kit is less than if replacement parts were purchased separately.
The parts contained in the Kit No. 550 have been selected on the basis of field usage and factory suggestions. They are those
parts most frequently needed for emergency repairs, plus those needed to keep your machine operating at top performance.
Included are parts for repacking all Cylinders, Control Valves, Relief Valves, and items needed for yearly overhauls.
Complete list of parts in Kit No. 550 is shown on reverse side of this page.
(This list is subject to change and will be updated with current improvements.)
Hydraulic Excavators and Cranes
The parts contained in Kit No. 551 have been selected on the basis of field usage of the G-660 machine. These are parts
that will enable you to take care of the emergency repairs and to obtain top performance of your Gradall the year around.
You save by buying at Kit price and reduced down time. Included are parts for repacking all Cylinders; Springs and Seals for
all Control Valves, Pumps and Hose Relief Valves; Filter Elements and Gaskets for Hydraulic Reservoirs; all Bushings for
Tool Cylinder and Front End Linkage; most vulnerable Pins, Shafts, Bolts, etc.
2 25A-309 Lockwasher
2 25C-243 “0” Ring
5 25C-310 Spring
10 25C-331 “0” Ring
8 25C-375 “0” Ring
2 25C-458 Spring
6 25C-810 “0” Ring
10 25F-243 “0” Ring
10 25G-493 “0” Ring
1 25H-53 Bushing
3 25U-276 “0” Ring
2 50P-43 “0” Ring
10 50P-92 “0” Ring
6 50P-203 Spring
6 50P-204 Spring
2 50P-392 “0” Ring
2 50P-653 “0” Ring
2 50R-50 Spring
8 50T-476 Spring
8 50T-476 Spring
July 2002
Thru G65042
406 Mill Avenue S.W.
New Philadelphia, OH, 44663, USA
Telephone: (330) 339-2211
Fax: (330) 339-3579
Form #7345
July 2002
406 Mill Avenue S.W.
New Philadelphia, OH, 44663, USA
Telephone: (330) 339-2211
Fax: (330) 339-3579
Safe operation depends of reliable equiptment and the use of proper operating proce-
dures. Performing the checks and services described in this manual will help to keep
your Gradall Carrier in reliable condition and use of the recommended operating
procedures can help you avoid unsafe practices. Because some procedures may be
new to even the experienced operator we recommend that this manual be read,
understood and followed by all who operate the carrier.
Warning and caution notes have been included throughout this manual to help you
avoid injury and prevent damage to the equipment. These notes are not intended to
cover all eventualities; it would be practically impossible to anticipate and evaluate
all possible applications and methods of operation for this equipment.
This manual provides important information to familiarize you with safe operating
and maintenance procedures for the Gradall carrier. Even though you may be
familiar with similar equipment you MUST read and understand this manual
before operating the unit.
If you have any questions regarding the Gradall, contact your Gradall distributor;
he is thoroughly familiar with the entire unit and will be happy to help you.
Always use two hands when climbing up on the Keep swing area free of tools, buckets and blocking.
machine. Be sure your shoes are clean and dry. To prevent slipping, keep deck and cab area free of
Develop safe and clean working habits. oil and trash.
Always fasten your seat belt when driving the carrier;
it could save your life. Do not coast with clutch disengaged or transmission in
Always drive at a safe, legal speed suited to road, Know your work area. Watch for holes, obstructions,
weather and load conditions. Do not exceed 60 MPH. mud or ice and rough terrain.
Truck mounted G-660 Gradalls are available with three basic carrier variations to
suit job application and contractor preference. Your unit may include:
2. Driving axles at rear only (6x4) or driving axles at both front and rear (6x6)
1. Brake Warning Light — glows to indicate parking 7. High Beam Indicator Light
brake is applied.
8. Flasher and Turn Signal Indicator Light
2. Oil Pressure Gage
9. Tachometer — indicates engine speed Hourmeter
3. Voltmeter — indicates alternator output. — indicates hours of engine operation
4. Fuel Gage 10. Air Pressure Gage — indicates brake system air
5. Water Temperature Gage
11. Low Air Indicator Light — indicates brake system
6. Speedometer/Odometer pressure is too low for safe operation.
Front Singles Rear Duals
Max. Load Max. Max. Load Max.
Pounds p.s.i. Pounds(ea.) p.s.i.
9.00-20 x 10 ply 4610 80 4040 70
10.00-20 x 12 ply 5430 85 4760 75
NOTE: If engine is being started at beginning of work shift be sure to perform
through 11).
3. Set choke control to fully choked (raised) position 6. As engine warms up (at a speed slightly above idle)
(it is usually unnecessary to use choke when start- push choke control in gradually to keep engine run-
ing a warm engine). ning evenly. Choke control should be fully
depressed as water temperature reaches operating
4. Turn ignition switch to full clockwise position to range (approximately 160°F.).
engage starting motor. Release key immediately
when engine starts. If engine fails to start within fif- 7. Before moving machine, push throttle control all
teen seconds, release key and allow starting motor the way in (closed). Do not drive unit with throttle
to cool for a few minutes before trying again. control in opened position.
1. Be sure main transmission is in neutral. 3. Turn ignition switch to full clockwise position to
engage starting motor. Release key immediately
2. Depress accelerator pedal to fast idle for Detroit when engine starts. If engine fails to start within
Diesel or to half throttle for Caterpillar engine and thirty seconds, release key and allow starting motor
hold in this position. to cool for a few minutes before trying again.
4. After engine starts, observe oil pressure gage. If 5. Warm up diesel engines at approximately one third
gage remains on zero for more than ten seconds, of governed speed until water temperature reaches
stop engine and determine cause. Correct cause of operating range (approximately 160°F.).
malfunction before restarting engine.
(To be performed at beginning of each work shift)
1. Check operation of windshield washer and wiper. Proper output is approximately 14 V. with engine
running at 2000 RPM.
2. Check all lights and turn signals for proper opera-
tion. 6. Observe water temperature gage. Proper operat-
ing temperature is approximately 160/180°F.
3. Check operation of heater and defroster.
7. Observe tachometer response to changes in engine
4. Observe oil pressure gage with engine running at speed.
operating temperature. Proper oil pressure is:
8. Observe low air warning light. Light should con-
tinue to glow until brake system pressure reaches
approximately 100 psi. Do not release parking
brake or move carrier while low air warning light is
still glowing.
3. Check on load and clearance limits along your planned route. Dimen-
sions for your unit are listed below.
Width. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8'
Any defects or deficiencies noted must Unblock carrier wheels before moving
be corrected by qualified personnel carrier. Be sure air pressure is at
before carrier is placed in service. required operating level and parking
brake is set before leaving cab.
Do not use treadle latch for parking. If air
pressure were lost carrier would be free
to roll.
Do not use cab controlled brakes toggle
for parking. If air pressure were lost, car-
rier would be free to roll.
Service brake
Foot pressure on the dual brake valve treadle activates the
service brake. Just as in an auto, the greater the foot pres-
sure, the harder the brakes are applied.
Emergency brake
In the absence of adequate air pressure in the service
brake circuit, normal foot pressure on dual brake valve
treadle will cause the emergency brake to be applied. In
this case, air pressure to brake valve is supplied from a
separate reservoir. Remember, the emergency brake
requires a greater stopping distance than the service
Parking brake
Parking brakes are applied when control of dash mounted
parking brake valve is pulled upward. This, in addition to
applying the parking brake, engages a mechanical lock
which will hold brake in applied position even if all air
pressure is lost after parking.
The power train furnished on 6x4 carriers (units having The major variations found on 6x6 carrier (units hav-
two driving axles at rear) includes the engine, clutch, ing two driving axles at rear and a third driving axle in
transmission, auxiliary transmission, rear tandem axles front) are the substitution of a front driving axle in
and the necessary propeller shafts to transfer torque place of a non-driving front axle and the substitution of
(power) between these units. a transfer case for the auxiliary transmission.
The clutch is located within a housing between the
engine and transmission and functions to control the
transfer of torque from engine to transmission.
The transfer case is a gearbox located between the vide increased traction. Because traction requirements
transmission and rear tandem axles. This unit functions vary with driving conditions, the transfer case includes
in conjunction with the transmission to regulate torque a clutch which permits engagement and disengagement
being delivered to front and rear driving axles. of front wheel drive as needed.
Two power/speed ranges are included in the transfer
case, HI and LO. HI transfers the same power/speed
range being delivered from the transmission and LO is CAUTION
a reduction to provide greater power (at reduced speed)
for off-the-road conditions. Do not attempt to shift transfer case
Unlike an auxiliary transmission, the transfer case speed ranges or engage front wheel drive
serves to transfer torque to a front driving axle to pro- while carrier is in motion. Recommended
use of the transfer case is described in
the following procedure.
The transmission is a gearbox which regulates the and transmission shift lever. It is also important that
manner in which torque from the engine is delivered to gear shifting be accomplished at the proper time with
move the carrier. Transmissions in Gradall carriers respect to carrier power requirements and engine
provide five forward speeds and one reverse speed. speed.
The lowest transmission gear range (first gear) pro- For those unfamiliar with the use of a manual trans-
vides the greatest carrier power and the lowest carrier mission it may seem that gear shifting is a complicated
speed. The highest transmission gear range (fifth gear) procedure. A practice period with the carrier parked
provides the greatest carrier speed with the least carrier and the engine turned off will help develop the neces-
power. Second, third and fourth gear ranges provide sary coordination and confidence. There should be lit-
power/speed combinations between these extremes. tle difficulty if shifting procedures are followed step by
Reverse gear provides approximately the same step. When practicing with engine turned off there will
power/speed ratio as first gear. be areas in the shift pattern where you will be unable to
make a complete engagement. Don’t use excessive
Smooth, efficient gear shifting depends on simultane- force; just learn the pattern. Shift patterns are illus-
ous, coordinated use of accelerator pedal, clutch pedal trated on plates mounted in carrier cab.
Shifting gears
As indicated above, efficient gear shifting involves physical coordination and a good sense of tim-
ing. The following procedure will tell you how and when. Practice on level ground till you gain
Stop carrier and select appropriate gear Never downshift when carrier speed will
range before driving down steep grade cause engine to overspeed in next lower
under “off highway” conditions. Attempt- gear or serious damage to engine may
ing to downshift under these conditions result. Use service brake to slow carrier to
can be dangerous. proper speed for downshift if necessary.
(after conventional carrier operation)
Be sure of clear path for carrier, boom and Never tow load using remote control drive.
(after remote control operation)
(after remote control operation)
PRECAUTIONS: Position boom in boom rest; never leave
machine with boom in air.
Avoid parking on banks or near an excavation.
Park on level ground and block wheels.
Avoid parking on roads or highways. If it can-
not be avoided be sure to display warning If parking on a slope cannot be avoided, posi-
flags during day and flares or flashing lights at tion unit at right angle to slope if possible and
night. block wheels.
Parking procedure
1. Using service brake, stop unit in appropriate park- 7. Close reservoir drain cocks.
ing area.
8. Start engine and develop full brake system pres-
2. Shift transmission to neutral. sure.
3. Set PARKING BRAKE to ON. 9. With parking brake still in set position, stop
4. Allow engine to cool at idle speed for a few minutes
and then turn off. 10. Fill fuel tank to minimize condensation.
5. Block carrier wheels as extra precaution against 11. Lock carrier and upperstructure cab and install
rolling. protective window covers if available.
6. Open drain cocks on all three reservoirs on carrier 12. Disconnect batteries if unit is in an area where
to drain moisture. tampering seems possible.
1. Park unit in a safe area, apply parking brake and block wheels. Display warn-
ing flags, flares or flashing lights as necessary.
Nature of problem
Location of unit
Where you can be reached by phone
Should it become necessary to tow carrier, have maintenance personnel remove
propeller shafts between drive axles and auxiliary transmission or transfer case (if
so equipped). Store propeller shafts in a safe location.
(Capacities are approximate — check level)
LUBRICATION See separate diagram for engine lubrication and service Lubricate points indicated by dotted leaders on able elements using cleaning solvent or diesel
NOTES Clean lubrication fittings before lubricating. bot sides of unit. fuel. Dry components thoroughly using a lint
Intervals shown are for normal (8 hour day) Drain engine and gear cases only after operation free cloth.
usage and conditions. Adjust intervals for ab- when lubricant is hot. Apply a light coating of engine oil to all linkage
normal usage and conditions Check lubricant levels when lubricant is cool. pivot points
Clean filter and air cleaner housings and reus- See recommended lubricants, Page 35.
LUBRICATION See separate diagram for engine lubrication and service Lubricate points indicated by dotted leaders on able elements using cleaning solvent or diesel
NOTES Clean lubrication fittings before lubricating. bot sides of unit. fuel. Dry components thoroughly using a lint
Intervals shown are for normal (8 hour day) Drain engine and gear cases only after operation free cloth.
usage and conditions. Adjust intervals for ab- when lubricant is hot. Apply a light coating of engine oil to all linkage
normal usage and conditions Check lubricant levels when lubricant is cool. pivot points
Clean filter and air cleaner housings and reus- See recommended lubricants, Page 35.
1. Crankcase Dipstick (checl level) OE Daily
2. Crankcase Fill (fill to level on dipstick as required) OE As Req’d
3. Crankcase Drain (drain and refill) (initial change for new or rebuilt
engines shoul be made at 25 hours of operation) OE 50 Hours
4. Oil Filter (discard old element, clean housing and install new
element at each oil change) — 50 Hours
5. Steering Pump Reservoir (check with wheels straight — fill to
level as required) HF Daily
6. Fuel Filter (discard old element, clean housing and install
new element) — 500 Hours
7. Water Pump WP 25 Hours
Hydrapower TM
Price $2.00
For over one half a century, Ross has anticipated and met the changing and
increasing needs for better steering in the automotive, industrial and agriculture
fields. This HYDRAPOWER ® steering gear, incorporating the latest Ross Gear
design, is further evidence of this fact.
The HPS type HYDRAPOWER ® steering gear incorporates the latest Ross Cam and
Lever Gear design with a control valve to provide fingertip control.
This series offers effortless and fatigueless steering. It has the added factor of
greater safety because it provides the same quality of road-sense steering obtain-
ed with the conventional manually operated steering gear.
HYDRAPOWER ® steering enables the driver to maintain better control in the event
of tire blowouts, soft ground, sand or snow, or road obstructions. The hydraulic
response is used either for power assistance or resisting shocks - - - consequently,
no tendency to over control.
NOTE: The type HP70 valve is available with flow 3/4-16 NF3 for 1/2" O.D. tube size. Inlet and outlet
rate higher than 12 GPM. ports are tapped 7/8-14 NF3 for 5/8" O.D. tube size.
(Note: Special HP70 valves have 1/2 size, 4-bolt split flange
A flow control valve should be provided in the pump connections on all ports.)
or pressure line to limit the flow to this volume. Ex-
cessive oil flow may cause an oil heating problem and LUBRICATION
produce other undesirable effects.
A pressure relief valve must be provided in the system. Refer to page 14.
Maximum pressure of 1000 p.s.i. is permissible for V14
valves and 1500 p.s.i. for HP70 valves. RATIO DATA
RESERVOIR: The oil reservoir should be of sufficient The HPS type HYDRAPOWER gear is produced in two
capacity to avoid heating and provide some air space models: HPS52 and HPS70.
for oil rise and expansion. A breather and/or air filter
may be necessary as well as an oil filter element. Ratio - Model HPS52 - 16:19:16
Model HPS70 - 17:19:24:19:17
PLUMBING: Valve port bosses are machined as
follows: Type V14 valve - All port bosses are tapped Angular Arm Travel - 80 degree (either model)
to receive SAE-JIC.”O” ring type fittings in 9/16-18
UNF2b size for 3/8" O.D. tube. Wheel turns - Model HPS52 - 3.65
Model HPS70 - 4.33
Type HP70 - Port bosses are machined to conform to
AN010050 and can be used with AN fittings or SAE- Ross will be pleased to recommend which gear is re-
JIC “0” ring type fittings. Cylinder ports are tapped quired for specific installations.
ADJUSTMENTS vehicle, but if the gear is readily accessible on the
vehicle it may only be necessary to disassemble those
(Reference numbers in parenthesis can be identified parts which will permit the removal of the upper cover
from exploded views, pages 15 and 16). (37) so that the adjusting nut (35) on the cam shaft
(22) is accessible. If the valve is mounted on the
On the Manual section, there are two principal adjust-
bottom end of gear, the upper cover need not be re-
ments on this HPS type gear and a supplemental ad-
moved because this adjustment is made on the lower
justment on the scud-roller bearing unit in the lever-
end after removal of lower end cap.)
shaft. Neither of the adjustments is indexed, but can
be set at the most desirable point. The principal ad- NOTE: If gear is stub-shaft type or gear has control
justments are: valve mounted on bottom end, DISREGARD paragraphs
B, C, F and K and references to jacket tube.
1. Adjustment of needle thrust bearings on the cam
shaft on each side of the valve actuator. A. Before adjusting thrust bearings turn gear off its
center position to free the stud (6) in the cam groove
2. Adjustment of tapered scud in cam groove for back- (22).
B. Remove steering wheel (per paragraph A and B,
When making adjustments, free the steering gear of all page 10, under “Removal of Gear from Chassis.”)
load, preferably by disconnecting the drag link from
the steering gear arm and, loosen the instrument board C. Remove contact brush (39).
bracket clamp on steering gear column to make sure
the steering column is not binding, which prevents the D. Remove cap screws holding upper cover (37) and
valve from centering. Loosen any clamp on column remove cover and jacket tube assembly.
that is located over the bearing in upper end of column E. Reassemble screws in actuator housing (27) with
tube. 3/8" thick spacers under heads of screws. This is to
On gears with type HP70 valve there is an adjustment hold the actuator and cam assembly in the gear when
on the valve. (Refer page 9.) making the adjustment.
H. Insure that the threads of the nut and cam shaft shims between two washers (7, 9). When compressed
are free of interference by running the nut onto the solid, the shim pack should be of sufficient thicknes
cam shaft using only the fingers to drive the nut. If to hold the taper stud out of the cam groove but no
the nut cannot be driven all the way with finger torque, so thick as to prevent adjusting to the high spot.
the threads are fouled and must be cleared with a
thread file or other means until the nut goes on freely. To Adjust:
I. Reassemble thrust washers and thrust bearings (23, A. Turn adjusting screw (1) clockwise in side cover
24), tongued washer (33, with internal lug), and pronged (3) until a very slight drag (high spot) is felt when
washer (34, with thirteen external prongs), and ad- turning the gear through mid-position. If the high spot
justing nut (35). cannot be felt, remove shims from shim pack until it
Adjust as Follows: (Note: Remove only enough shims to permit feel of
high spot.) When adjusted to positive high spot, back
J. Drive on nut (35) and tighten to 10 foot pounds off adjusting screw 1/16 turn and lock adjustment with
torque. Back off nut 10° - 20° which can be done by lock nut. Hold adjusting screw with screw driver while
moving the nut relative to the pronged washer approx- tightening nut.
imately 1 1/2 width of a lug. Observe lug nearest in
alignment with a notch in the adjusting nut and bead B. If the high spot can be felt without removal of
the lug tight against the notch root. shims, additional shims may be needed in the shim
pack. The only positive way of knowing is to add
(If torque wrench is not available, adjustment may be shims until high spot cannot be felt then remove shims
made with 10" Multi-Slip joint pliers. Avoid use of and adjust as directed in paragraph A.
long handled wrench as too much torque can be easily
applied. This adjustment is similar to a wheel bearing Push-Pull Type Adjustment
adjustment and should provide a light preload of the
needle thrust bearings without lash or heavy drag.) The adjusting screw is assembled into adjusting screw
retainer (1A) which is threaded into levershaft (5A)
K. Reassemble contact ring (36) and connect horn and double staked. (Retainer must be screwed in far
cable. enough to eliminate play between adjusting screw and
levershaft but screw must be free to rotate.) The ex-
L. Reassemble upper cover (37) and jacket tube ternal threads on the adjusting screw retainer are
assembly and other parts to the gear. threaded into side cover (3) and lock nut (2A) is
assembled into position on outside of cover.
STUD IN CAM GROOVE A. Turn adjusting screw clockwise in side cover (3)
until a very slight drag (high spot) is felt when turn-
NOTE: Backlash of the stud in the cam groove shows ing the gear through mid-position.
up as backlash at steering wheel and at ball on steer-
ing arm. After making this adjustment by either method and ad-
justing screw locked with lock nut (2, 2A), turn gear
The groove of the cam is purposely cut shallower, through full travel (extreme left turn to extreme right
therefore, narrower in the mid-position range of stud turn, or vice versa) to check adjustment.
travel to provide close adjustment where usually the After this adjustment, reconnect the gear at all points
straight ahead driving action takes place. loosened prior to making the adjustment. Before re-
clamping the upper column bracket, refer to “Column
Adjust through mid-position to the high spot. Do not Alignment” instructions, page 9. Also check tightness
adjust in an end position. Backlash in the end posi- of mounting flange bolts and nurs, steering arm on
is normal and not objectionable. levershaft, and nut on the levershaft.
NOTE: In some installations, external forces on the
levershaft (5) pulls the taper stud into the cam groove
and creates a bind. In order to prevent this, in some
gears a shim pack (items 7. 8, 9) is used between the The foregoing adjustments will suffice in nearly every
lever and housing (11) and some gears have a push- instance, but in some cases it may be necessary to
pull adjuster shown as item 1A in illustration on page adjust the stud-roller bearing unit in the levershaft.
15. Follow adjustment instructions for the type used. In order to make this adjustment the shaft must be re-
moved from the gear.
Shim Pack Type Adjustment
The roller bearing should be preloaded at all times.
The shim pack consists of .003", .010", .020" (8) Adjust to a noticeable drag.
Factory adjustments on new units are set to 1 to 4 inch Type HP70 Valve -- Adjustment of Valve Spool.
pounds of torque to revolve stud. Used or replacement
units should be set to same inch pounds torque. The purpose of this adjustment is to center the valve
spool in the valve (80). This adjustment should be
NOTE: Operation of a correctly adjusted unit may made each time the valve is removed from its position
feel rough to the hands but under steering load it will on the gear and at any other time the valve seems to
be smooth, which will assure normal service life. The be maladjusted. The adjustment must be made when
stud should be rotated several full turns and reversed the valve is mounted on the gear.
before checking rolling torque.
To Adjust:
A. Wash bearings in clean solvent and lubricate with
A. Remove cover (86) and seal (85) from lever end of
oil recommended for lubrication of gear.
Should any roller be damaged or lost, replace with a
B. Remove, from other end of valve, water seal cover
complete new set or bearing unit. Do not make a par-
(72), rubber water seal (73), cover (74), and seal (75).
tial replacement.
C. Remove cotter pin (83), then loosen slotted nut
B. Use new locking washer. (If old washer must be
(82) on clevis rod (84).
used, break off beat prong to prevent using again.)
Center spool in valve as follows:
C. Tighten nut as required. (Hold stud from turning by
using spanner wrench on washer.) D. Using screw driver in slot on valve spool, thread
spool in or out until the slotted end of spool is flush
D. Revolve stud several complete turns and reverse with end of valve body (70). See following picture.
and test adjustment. Also, see note on next page.
F. Be sure spool actuates (moves axially in both F. Release column from upper support bracket.
directions) before assembling end covers. This can be
done as follows: (a) Place steering gear arm on lever G. Remove mounting flange bolts and remove gear
shaft; (b) Place steering wheel on wheel tube; (c) Turn from chassis.
steering wheel to move steering arm against a stop;
(d) Apply sufficient effort to actuate spool; (e) Re- DISASSEMBLY OF GEAR
verse arm against an opposite stop to actuate spool
in other direction. The following procedure applies to complete disas-
sembly of gear after removal from chassis. For partial
G. Replace seal (75), cover (74), water seal (73) and disassembly the procedure may differ depending upon
cover (72). the parts involved.
NOTE: In the event of steering drift (self steering to A. Loosen lock nut (2, 2A) and unscrew adjusting
left or right) adjust valve off center slightly to over- screw (1, 1A) a few turns.
come it.
B. Remove housing side cover (3).
C. Slide levershaft (5) from housing (10) having first
Alignment of the column is of paramount importance. made sure there are no burrs on the outer end of shaft
THE STEERING COLUMN MUST NOT BE SPRUNG to damage the bushing (12) and seal (13) in the hous-
IN ANY DIRECTION FROM ITS FREE POSITION. ing. If shim pack (7, 8, 9) is used, keep intact.
A bind in the wheel tube, due to column misalignment,
will prevent centering the control valve in neutral Removal of Control Valve — Type V14:
position. It can cause wheel tube failure due to bend-
ing stresses. (This does not apply to stub-shaft type A. Remove four screws holding valve (59) to actuator
gears, however, the stub-shaft must not be sprung housing (27) and remove valve.
NOTE: For disassembly of valve see inspection in-
RECONDITIONING PROCEDURE structions, page 12, paragraphs A to E.
The variations in methods used by the different ve- Removal of Control Valve — Type HP70:
hicle manufacturers to install a gear will require vari-
ations in procedure to remove the gear. A. Remove four screws holding valve (80) to bracket
(70) and remove valve.
Before removing a gear, note the hookup of hydraulic
lines. Identify by tagging lines and noting the ports NOTE: For disassembly of valve see inspection in-
each connect to. structions, page 11, paragraphs A to E.
The following is a general procedure outline. (Note: B. Remove rubber seal (71) from actuator lever (29)
Paragraphs A, B, and F do not apply to stub-shaft and pull out lever.
type gears.)
C. Remove two remaining mounting screws and remove
A. Remove horn button from steering wheel by grip- bracket (70).
ping with downward pressure of fingers and twisting
either right or left. Unscrew the three screws to re- Removal of jacket Tube Assembly:
move base plate. Remove wheel nut (22A).
NOTE: Disregard if gear is stub-shaft type and refer
B. Remove steering wheel, using wheel puller. to next heading.
C. Remove steering gear arm (14) from levershaft (5).
A. Remove screws holding contact brush (39) to
Use arm puller if possible. Do not hammer off arm
jacket tube (38) and remove brush.
without using support against the end of the shaft and
use light blows as they are more effective. Heavy
B. Remove screws holding upper cover (37) and actu-
blows may cause brinelling of the cam lead.
ator housing (27) to gear housing (10).
D. Disconnect the hydraulic lines at control valve.
Tag to identify ports each connects to. C. Slide jacket tube and upper cover off wheel tube
(22) taking care not to damage contact ring (36) on
E. Plug all ports to keep out dirt. wheeltube.
A. Remove screws holding upper cover (37) and ac- Check condition of needle bearing (19) in each end of
tuator housing (27) to gear housing (10). housing.
B. Slide cover (37) off cam shaft (22), taking care Check fit of cam in needle bearings.
not to damage oil seal in counterbore of upper cover.
Check bushings (12) in housing for wear or out-of-
Removal of Cam and Tube Assembly: round.
A. Unlock actuator retainer screw (25) and remove Check levershaft oil seal(13).
actuator housing (27).
Control Valve (59 or 80).
B. Remove whole assembly of cam and wheel tube
and valve actuator assembly as a unit from housing NOTE: The valve is the control center of the hydraulic
(10) or remove after further disassembly. system. The major parts, which are the body and spool,
are machined to very close limits and with precision
Further disassembly of actuator and bearings can be machined edges. The spool and valve body are selec-
made as follows: tively fitted at the factory according to size of O.D.
of spool and I.D. of body, therefore, these two parts
C. Remove adjusting nut (35) after straightening bent are not separately replaceable. If either needs replac-
prong of lock washer (34). Remove tongued spacer ing, the whole valve assembly must be replaced. Good
washer (33) and upper thrust washers and needle bear- performance of power steering is not assured if “mis-
ing (23, 24). matched” spool and body are used.
D. Remove upper centering washer (30) from end of Care should be exercised in the handling of the parts
actuator (31) and remove actuator taking care not to to prevent damage. Sealing edges of the valve sleeve
lose springs (32) that are in the actuator. and the spool should not be broken. The result would
be excessive leakage and reduced hydraulic power.
E. Remove lower centering washer (30), thrust washer
(24) and needle bearing (23)
Careful visual inspection of the steering gear parts is B. Remove end cover (48) and O-ring seals (58) from
very important. These visual checks may uncover con- valve body.
ditions not evident during operation.
C. Remove elastic stop nut (49) and washer (50) from
Cam and Shaft (22) end of flexure rod (61) and pull flexure rod out of spool.
Check the cam groove for chipping, scoring or brinel- D. Push spool out in same direction to permit removal
ling. of centering washers (51), O-ring (52), and centering
spring (53).
Check condition of bearing surface on O.D. at each
end of cam. E. Remove O-ring (57) from spool. (Use pointed in-
strument but be careful not to damage seal.)
Check condition of splines and threads on tube.
F. By-pass valve parts, plug assembly (54), spring
Levershaft (5)
(55), and ball (56), may be removed, if desired.
Check for burrs on splines, twisted splines, wear on
bearing surfaces. G. Inspect spool. Inspect body internally. Check for
scoring by dirt in system. It is impractical for a field
Check levershaft stud for nicks, flat spots or spalling. service station to measure wear. Wear should be neg-
ligible because the spool operates in circulating oil.
Check adjustment of stud roller bearing. Performance determines useability.
For Internal Inspection of Type HP70 Valve, C. Pre-assemble actuator assembly on cam and wheel
Disassemble as Follows: tube assembly and adjust.
(a) First insure that the threads of the nut and
A. Remove water seal cover (72), rubber water seal cam shaft are free of interference by running
(73), spool cover (74), and seal (75) from valve. the nut on to the cam shaft using only the
fingers to drive the nut. If the out cannot be
B. Remove clevis-rod (84) from end of valve spool as
driven all the way with finger-torque, the
threads are fouled and must be cleared with a
(a) Take out cot-ter pin (83), (b) Loosen nut (82), thread file or other means until the nut goes
(c) Unscrew clevis-rod from spool. on freely.
C. Push spool out clevis-rod end (about 1/2 inch) (b) Assemble needle bearing (23) over wheel tube
until O-ring (76) is exposed and removable. Remove and seat against upper end of cam.
O-ring. (Use pointed instrument but be careful not to
damage seal). (c) Assemble other parts in this order:
1. Thrust washer (24).
D. Push spool in opposite direction to expose O-ring 2. Centering washer (30).
for removal from that end of spool. 3. Actuator (31).
4. Springs (32) in actuator.
E. Remove spool and inspect. Inspect body internally.
5. Centering washer (30).
Check for scoring by dirt in system. It is impractical
6. Thrust washer (24).
for a field service station to try to measure wear.
7. Needle bearing (23).
Wear should be negligible because the spool operates
8. Thrust washer (24).
circulating oil. Performance determines useability.
9. Tongued washer (33).
Other Parts: 10. New lock washer (34, with thirteen extern-
al lugs).
Check steering arm ball and splines in arm. 11. Adjusting nut (35).
Make general inspection of all external parts. 12. Contact ring(36) on wheel tube. (Disregard
if gear is stub-shaft type.)
(d) Adjust per Adjustment No. 1 - Thrust Bear-
Cleanliness is of paramount importance. ings, page 7, paragraph J, page 8.
Use dry-cleaning solvent or volatile mineral spirits to D. Assemble cam (22) in housing (10). Be certain
clean or wash grease, oil, or dirt from all metal parts cam rotates and oscillates freely in housing.
of the steering gear.
E. Assemble gasket (21) to top of housing (10).
TREMELY CAREFUL WHEN USING ANY SOLVENT. F. Assemble actuator housing (27) over actuator.
INJURY OR DEATH. G. Position actuator housing for location of valve
mounting. Assemble retainer screw and washer (25,
WARNING: WEAR EYE PROTECTION AND BE SURE 26). Be sure screw engages horizontal slot in actu-
H. Assemble gasket (21) to upper face of actuator
CAUTION: Never steam or high pressure wash hydraulic housing.
components. Do not force or abuse closely fitted parts.
I. Assemble upper cover (37) and jacket tube (38)
After parts are cleaned, dry the parts, except bearings,
with dry compressed air. J. Fasten upper cover (37) and actuator housing (27)
to gear housing (10) with long mounting screws.
NOTE: Some cleaning solvents or volatile mineral
spirits will deteriorate rubber parts. K. Assemble contact brush (36) to jacket tube (38).
(Disregard if gear is stub-shaft type.)
L. Assemble shim pack (7,8,9), if used, to levershaft
A. Replace all gaskets and seals. (5) and install shaft in housing (10). Use care not to
damage oil seal (13) in end of housing trunnion (10).
B. If needle bearings (19) in ends of housing (10)
have been removed, replace them. Take care not to M. Assemble gasket (4) and side cover (3) to housing
press bearing too hard against retaining ring. (10).
N. Assemble adjusting screw (1, 1A) and lock nut (2). Control Valve Reassembling - Type HP70:
O. Adjust per Adjustment No. 2-Stud in Cam Groove, NOTE: Refer to caution note under CONTROL VALVE,
on page 8. page 11.
Control Valve Reassembly - Type V14:
A. Assemble spool in valve body, being sure spool
end for clevis-rod is in right end of valve. When as-
NOTE: refer to caution note under Control Valve,
sembling spool in body a twisting motion applied to
Page 11.
all parts have been thoroughly cleaned. Light lubri-
A. Assemble O-ring (57) on spool. cating oil should be applied to valve spool and O-ring
B. Assemble spool in valve body, being sure end with
O-ring is toward clevis end of valve. When assembling B. Place “O” ring seal (76) in groove on end of
spool in body a twisting motion applied to the spool valve spool that is slotted (not the clevis-rod end).
will be helpful. Before assembling, be sure all parts
have been thoroughly cleaned. Light lubricating oil C. Assemble spool in valve body by pushing the
should be applied to spool and O-rings. clevis-rod end through. Push spool through far enough
to uncover O-ring groove in clevis-rod end of spool.
C. Assemble into the body: centering washer (51),
spring (53), centering washer (51), O-ring (52), center- D. Assemble “O” ring seal (76) in this groove and
ing washer (51). push spool back into body until “O” ring seal just
enters the body.
D. Assemble flexure rod (61) in spool.
E. Screw nut (82) onto clevis-rod (84) and assemble
E. Assemble washer (50) and nut (49) to flexure rod
lock washer (81) next to nut, then screw clevis-rod
and tighten nut to 125-150 inch pounds torque.
into threaded end of spool.
F. If by pass valve parts were removed, replace O-
ring on plug (54) before reassembling in body. Assem- F. Assemble valve mounting bracket (70) to top of
ble ball (56), spring (55) and plug (54) in body. actuator housing (27).
G. Assemble actuator lever (29) in actuator housing G. Assemble actuating lever (29) in bushing in brack-
(27) making sure stud end of lever seats in groove of et (70) making sure that stud end of lever seats in
actuator (31) and positions slot in other end of lever so circular groove of actuator (31).
that pin in clevis of flexure rod will fit freely into it
when mounting the valve. H. Assemble rubber seal (71) on top end actuating
lever, anchoring seal around shoulder of bushing in
H. Mount valve on actuator housing making sure bracket (70).
clevis pin fits freely into slot of actuator lever. Start
all four mounting screws and tighten lightly in rotation I. Assemble valve to mounting bracket (70) making
before applying the final tightening torque of 10-15 certain slot of actuator lever engages pin in clevis.
foot pounds. Careless tightening may cause valve
spool to be pulled off center by actuator lever inter- J. Make adjustment of valve spool per Adjustment of
ference with clevis pin. Valve Spool, page 9.
I. Be sure spool actuates (Move axially in both di- K. Assemble seal (75) in spool cover (74), water seal
rections) before assembling end covers. This can be (73), cupped end towards spool, and against cover(74),
done as follows: (a) Place steering gear arm on lever then end cover (72) and attach to valve with two
shaft; (b) Place steering wheel on the wheel tube; (c) Turn screws.
steering wheel to move steering arm against a stop;
(d) Apply sufficient effort to actuate spool; (e) Re- L. Assemble cover and seal (86, 85).
verse arm against an opposite stop to actuate spool
in other direction. INSTALLATION IN CHASSIS
NOTE: Valve spool travel, each direction, should be A. Place gear in chassis and clamp securely.
minimum of .065 for full flow. NOTE: Disregard next paragraph if gear is stub-shaft
type, however, stub-shaft must not be sprung either.
J. Assemble O-rings (58) on end of body and assemble
end cover (48) and tighten to valve body. Do not spring column to upper bracket. FREE ALIGN-
K. Assemble O-ring (62), cover plate (63), and retain- TANCE. Column must be mounted in the instrument
ing ring (64) to clevis end of valve. panel bracket in free position. Do not force the column
into a position of misalignment. This will cause bind- A. Lubricant (Fluid Type) per Ross Specification
ing of the wheel tube and prevent centering of the No. 045070.
control valve. (Cam and actuator assembly must be 1. SAE90 Multi-Purpose Type gear lubricants
free to oscillate axially.) Column alignment also can (API Service GL4)
cause wheel tube failure due to bending stresses. 2. SAE90 gear lubricants meeting Mil-L-2105-B/
B. Install steering wheel. Draw nut tight. Suggested 3. SAE90 gear lubricants (Mild EP) parafin base
torque setting: Model HPS52 33-37 foot pounds oil.
Model HPS70 55-65 foot pounds
B. For sub-zero operation (0° - Minus 65° F.) use
C. Install horn button parts, if used. lubricant per Mil-L-10324/ORD. (Reference-Ross
specification 045105).
D. Center steering gear. Count number of turns of
steering wheel from extreme left turn to extreme right C. Capacity - HPS52 Gear Housing 1.0 pints.
turn, or vice versa. Turn the wheel back half this HPS70 Gear Housing 2.5 pints.
number of turns to the mid-position.
E. Set front wheels straight ahead, parallel with the Recommended Oils:
frame rails. Measure from each rail to a corresponding Automatic Transmission Fluid TypeA-Suffix A
point on each tire and make sure this dimension is the (Armour Research Qualified)
same on both sides. SAE 10W Motor Oil (Sequence tested)
F. Connect drag link to ball on steering arm. A. Fill reservoir to recommended level as indicated
on reservoir. If level is higher, over flow will occur
G. Install steering arm on levershaft of gear. If arm during operation. If level gets too low, air will be
does not line up with splines of shaft, turn steering sucked into the system.
wheel left or right, no more than approximately 1/4
turn, until it does. With lockwasher under nut, draw B. In most installations the system will bleed itself
nut to specified torque. in 15 to 20 minutes of operation provided sufficient
Model HPS52 - 120 foot pounds oil is in the system so that the air may be replaced by
Model HPS70 - 250 foot pounds oil without further air entering the circuit. If not, more
information is available on bleeding procedures.
H. Install hydraulic lines.
1 Adjusting Screw
2 Lock Nut
3 Side Cover
4 Side Cover Gasket
5 Levershaft
26 Washer, Seal
27 Actuator Housing
28 Gasket, Actuator Housing
29 Actuating Lever
30 Centering Washer
31 Actuator
32 Springs, Centering
33 Tongued Washer
34 Lock Washer
35 Adjusting Nut
36 Contact Ring
36A Mounting Screw
37 Upper Cover
38 Jacket Tube
39 Contact Brush
40 Insulator
36 Contact Ring
36A Mounting Screw
37 Upper Cover
1 Adjusting Screw 38 Jacket Tube
1A Adjusting Screw Retainer Screw 39 Contact Brush
2 Lack Nut 40 Insulator
2A Lock Nut
3 Side Cover 41 Jacket Tube Bearing
4 Side Cover Gasket 42 Spring Seat
5 Levershaft 43 Spring
5A Levershaft 44 Horn Cable
44A Upper Terminal
6 Stud Roller Bearing Unit 44B Lower Terminal
7 Thrust Washer
8 Shims
9 Retaining Washer
10 Housing
11 Pipe Plug
12 Levershaft Bushing
13 Oil Soul
14 Steering Arm
15 Lock Washer
16 Levershaft Nut
17 End Cover
18 End Cover Gasket
19 Cam Bearing
20 Bearing Retaining Ring 45 Contact Washer
46 Contact Spring
21 Gasket, Actuating Housing - Upper Cover 47 Insulating Ferrule
22 Cam and Wheel Tube Assembly 70 Valve Mounting Bracket Ass’y.
22A Wheel Nut 71 Actuating Lever Seal
23 Thrust Bearing
24 Thrust Washer 72 Retainer for Rubber Seal
25 Actuator Retainer Screw 73 Rubber Seal, Water
74 Valve Spool Cover
26 Washer, Seal 75 “O” Ring
27 Actuator Housing 76 “O” Ring, Each End of Spool
28 Gasket, Actuator Housing
29 Actuating Lever 77 Plug Assembly
30 Centering Washer 78 Spring
79 Steel Ball
31 Actuator 80 Valve Body & Spool
32 Springs, Centering 81 Lock Washer
33 Tongued Washer
34 Lock Washer 82 Slotted Nut
35 Adjusting Nut 83 Cotter Pin
84 Clevis Rod
85 Actuating Lever Cover Seal
86 Actuating Lever Cover
3. Sticky relief valve in pump or flow Replace relief valve - May require
control. (Prevents pressure build up.) total replacement.
12. Taper stud adjusted too tight in Adjust per Adjustment No. 2,
cam groove. page 8.
Hard Steering 17. Jacket tube ends interfering with Relocate jacket tube in upper
(Cont.) axial movement of wheel tube. cover to provide necessary clear-
ance between jacket tube and
adjusting nut at lower end and
between it and steering wheel
at upper end.
Shimmy 1. Loose ball socket connections or Tighten ball sockets until parts
other linkage connections. are compressed solid, then back
off to nearest lockpoint.
Lost Motion 1. Loose ball socket connections or Tighten ball sockets until parts
Steerinn Wheel other linkage connections. are compressed solid then back
off to nearest lockpoint.
DON’T - - - hold valve open against stop except momentarily to get
pressure readings. Holding valve open more than this will shorten
belt and pump life, in fact, pump can be “burned out” quickly.
1. Always check for wear in steering linkage and other system components first, before making
adjustments to steering gear assembly.
3. Make periodic checks of tube level for steering gear and components to prevent malfunction
due to inadequate lubrication.
4. Make routine and/or periodic checks for proper front end alignment.
6. Always use a “puller,” never use a torch or hammer to remove steering arms.
7. Always carefully examine all steering parts which have been subject to “impact” and
replace any that are questionable.
8. Investigate immediately, and correct cause of any play, rattle, or shimmy in any part of the
linkage or steering mechanism.
9. Remove cause of steering column misalignment, and if necessary elongate support bracket
holes at dash.
10. Encourage all drivers to report any malfunction or accident that could have damaged the
steering mechanism.
11. Do not attempt to weld any broken steering component. (Replace only with original equip-
12. It is not recommended to severely cold straighten any steering system part.
13. It is not recommended to hot straighten or bend any steering system part.
14. Always use new seals and “O”rings during repairs and overhauls.
15. Replacement of single bearing assemblies, or balls, if one or more make a “set” is not
16. Excessive heat will develop if any power steering gear is held in an extreme right or left
turn longer than a few seconds. (Heat developed can damage seals and/or pump.)
17. Prevent dirt or foreign particles from entering hydraulic steering systems. (Always clean
off around filter caps, before removing, to check oil supply.)
HPS Series Service Manual
1M 8-84 CPC
Borg & Beck Clutch
FIG. 3
Facing wear decreases toe board clearance of the clutch pedal and
this must be restored by adjusting the pedal to prevent slipping. It is
advisable to follow the car manufacturer’s instructions in adjusting
the pedal, but if these are not available proceed as follows:
Shift the pedal down away from toe board until clearance or free
movement is ONE to ONE and ONE HALF inches. The pedal pad
should come in contact with toe board when pedal is pressed down. If
it does not move that far, making it necessary to spring pedal to make
pad touch toe board, shift pedal down a little more.
Press pedal down and note distance release bearing travels after it
comes in contact with release levers. To obtain a clean release the
levers should be pushed toward the flywheel 7/16". If it does not
travel that distance shift pedal up, bearing in mind that pedal pad must
touch toe board as above. No other adjustment is necessary. Do NOT
ENGAGED RELEASED turn the adjusting nuts “5C”, as that will throw pressure plate out of
position and cause clutch to chatter.
FIG. 7
Lift off cover and all parts will be available for inspection. Note
carefully the location of all parts including arrangement of the springs.
To remove levers grasp lever and eyebolt between thumb and fingers
as shown in Fig. 5 so that the inner end of lever and upper end of eye-
bolt are close together, keeping eyebolt pin seated in its socket in
FIG. 4 COMPRESSING CLUTCH lever. Lift strut over ridge on end of lever. (Fig. 6). Lift lever and eye-
bolt off pressure plate. It is important to replace all parts which show
Using a socket wrench on the strap screws (C) remove these and Assemble anti-rattle springs,
the lock washers. Still holding the cover compressed use a socket 5B, in cover as shown in Fig. 8.
wrench to break the staking and remove the adjusting nuts, then The spring to the left is in operat-
slowly release the pressure of the spindle to prevent springs flying out. ing position. Then lower the cover
on top of the assembled parts,
being sure that the anti-rattle
springs are in the correct
FIG. 8
FIG. 5 FIG. 6
For 13E #1210 Cover Assembly ONLY substitute 3 pieces of 3/8" key-
stock for the gauge plate, spacing them equally under the pressure plate. Bolt the
cover tightly to the flywheel and depress levers as shown in Fig. 11 to settle
parts into working position. Using a depth gauge adjust levers to 2 1/8" from the
flywheel face (or 15/16" below a straight edge laid across the top of the spring
pockets and over the lever tips.)
Stake the nuts with a dull punch as shown in Fig. 14, driving metal into the
grooves of the eyebolt to provide a secure lock.
Loosen the holding screws a turn or two at a time, in rotation until the
spring pressure is relieved, which will allow clutch and gauge plate to be
Line up the driven plate assembly and the pilot bearing with a dummy shaft
before tightening cover holding screws. Tighten holding screws before remov-
ing dummy shaft.
After transmission and floor boards have been assembled adjust pedal as
directed previously.
Do NOT drive with foot on clutch pedal and do not slip clutch excessively
to avoid shifting gears as this causes rapid wear of clutch facings. Do NOT put
oil or kerosene in the clutch. Keep facings dry and free from oil.
GEAR RATIOS 5-AW-65 5-AW-650
5-CW-65 5-CW-650
Fifth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 .79
Fourth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.38 1.00
Third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.62 1.74
Second . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.43 3.40
First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.08 6.37
Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.12 6.40
Shifting diagram for models 5-AW-65 and 5-CW-65. Shifting diagram for models 5-AW-650 and 5-CW-650.
Copyright Eaton Corporation
Transmission Division — 1971
RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS (In Order of Preference) Straight mineral gear oil inhibited
against corrosion, oxidation and foam
is the preference for use in Fuller trans-
Heavy-duty engine oil as recom-
mended is listed as an alternative lube
as it is sometimes more readily avail-
able than straight mineral oil. Make
sure to specify heavy-duty type, meet-
ing MIL-L-2104B specifications.
Extreme pressure oils under some
conditions might form carbon deposits
on gears, shafts, bearings, and synchro-
nizer disc, and may also glaze friction
surfaces of synchronizer discs—condi-
tions which will result in transmission
malfunction and premature failure. (If
used, specify MIL-L-2105B.)
It is suggested that if these conditions
exist, and E.P. oil is being used, a
change should be made to straight min-
eral gear oil or heavy-duty engine oil as
It is obvious that gear oil costs less than replace-
ment bearings, bushings and sleeves. Thus, to protect
the transmission, it is important that the maintenance
procedures below are closely followed:
1. Use the grade and type of oil recommended.
2. Change gear oil at the recommended intervals.
3. Keep oil at the proper level.
To keep the gear oil clean between oil changes use
the Fuller Transmission Gear Oil Filter which can be
attached to either or both power take-off openings.
This assembly includes a replaceable filter element
that removes the accumulation of metallic particles,
road dirt and grit deposited in the lubricant. See
Illustration A.
It is assumed in the detailed disassembly instruc- as reduce the possibility of losing the small inter-
tions that the transmission has been taken from the lock parts.
chassis, the lubricant has been drained, and the brake
3. CLEANLINESS—Provide a clean place to work. It
lever and parking brake removed.
is important that no dirt or foreign material enters
Follow each procedure closely in each section,
the unit during repairs. The outside of the unit
making use of both the text and pictures. Use cer-
should be carefully cleaned before starting the
tain precautions, as listed below, during disas-
disassembly. Dirt is abrasive and can damage
highly polished parts such as bearings, sleeves
1. CLUTCH HOUSING—Unless absolutely necessary and bushings.
the clutch housing should not be removed. If dis-
4. BEARINGS—Carefully wash and relubricate all
asssembly is necessary to replace either the hous-
bearings as removed and protectively wrap until
ing or case, extreme care should be taken during
ready for use. Remove all bearings with pullers
reassembly to maintain the 90° angularity between
designed for this purpose—do not remove bear-
the machined face on the engine side of the hous-
ings with hammer and punch.
ing and the centerline of the mainshaft bores in the
case. Concentricity between the pilot diameter of 5. SNAP RINGS—Remove snap rings with pliers
the clutch housing and mainshaft bearing bores designed for this purpose. Rings removed in this
should also be carefully maintained within SAE manner may be reused.
6. WHEN DRIVING—Apply force to shafts, housings,
2. SHIFTING BAR HOUSING—As the shifting bar etc., with restraint. Movement of some parts is
housing is disassembled, all parts should be laid restricted. Do not apply force after the part being
on a clean bench in the same order as removed. driven stops solidly. Use soft bars and hammers
This procedure will simplify reassembly as well for all disassembly work.
5-AW-65 and 5-AW-650 model transmissions have forward 5-CW-65 and 5-CW-650 model transmissions have center
mounted gear shift lever. mounted gear shift lever.
6. Remove washer and lever from housing. 9. To remove Welch plugs from shifting bar
Illustration No. 3. bores in housing. Work from inside and force
7. Remove nut and lockwasher from outer end of plugs outward.
gear shift lever pivot pin. a. On AW models remove plugs from front
8. Remove gear shift lever pivot pin by forcing it bores, including thimble from center bore.
inward and through wall of housing. b. On CW models remove plugs from top two
bores in rear of housing, lower plug is
C. To Remove Shifting Bar removed with shifting bar during removal
Housing Assembly of bar.
1. Make sure the assembly is in the neutral 10. Starting with the upper bar, remove shifting
position. bars in order out through bores in housing,
removing lockscrews from yokes and blocks
2. Remove attaching capscrews and lift the shift-
just prior to removal of each bar. Illustration
ing bar housing from the case. Illustration
No. 8.
No. 4.
10. Shifting bar housing parts and their relative posi- 11. Shifting bar housing parts and their relative posi-
tions, center mounted control housing, models 5-CW-65, tions, forward mounted control housing, models 5-AW-65,
5-CW-650. 5-AW-650.
13. Forcing drive gear assembly forward from inside of case 16. Driving through soft bar to move mainshaft assembly to
to remove assembly and bearing cover as a single unit. the rear and to unseat rear bearing from case bore.
Travel of the washer and gear is
restricted by a Woodruff key located
under sleeve. If washer is moved
upward more than 1/2" the key will be
sheared and the washer damaged.
8. Move gear and washer to original positions on
9. Pry or press the 4th speed gear sleeve upward
until Woodruff key is completely exposed.
Illustration No. 23.
10. Remove Woodruff key from mainshaft.
11. Jar or press 3rd speed gear, washer and sleeve 23. Prying 4th speed gear sleeve upward on shaft to expose
upward and off shaft. Woodruff key.
25. Removing the reverse gear shaft with impact puller. 28. Removing countershaft assembly from case.
L. To Dismantle Countershaft
1. Remove front bearing washer from counter-
2. Remove gear retaining snap ring from front of
countershaft. Illustration No. 29.
3. Press gears from countershaft—ONE AT A
TIME. Illustration No. 30.
30. Pressing countershaft through PTO gear. Drive
4. Remove the four Woodruff keys from key- gear was previously pressed from shaft. Remove gears
ways in countershaft. one at a time.
Before reassembling the transmission, the individ- D. Thrust Washers
ual parts should be carefully checked to eliminate
1. Check surfaces of all thrust washers. Washers
those damaged from previous service. This inspection
scored or reduced in thickness should be
procedure should be carefully followed to insure the
maximum of wear life from the rebuilt unit.
The cost of a new part is generally a small frac-
tion of the total cost of down time and labor, E. Reverse Gear and Shaft
should the use of a questionable part make additional
1. Check bore of gear and diameter of shaft for
repairs necessary before the next regularly scheduled
wear from action of roller bearings. Replace
these parts if worn.
Recommended inspection procedures are set forth
in the check list which follows:
F. Gray Iron Parts
A. Bearings 1. Check all gray iron parts for cracks and
1. Wash all bearings in clean solvent. Check breaks. Replace or repair parts found to be
balls, rolls and races for pits and spalled areas. damaged. Heavy castings may be welded or
Replace bearings which are pitted or spalled. brazed providing the cracks do not extend into
bearing bores or bolting surfaces.
2. Lubricate bearings which are not spalled or
pitted and check for axial and radial clear-
ances. Replace bearings with excessive clear- G. Clutch Release Parts
1. Check clutch release parts. Replace yokes
3. Check fits of bearings in the case bores. If worn at cam surfaces and bearing carrier worn
outer races turn freely in the bores, the case at contact pads.
should be replaced.
2. Check pedal shafts. Replace those worn at
bearing surfaces.
B. Gears
1. Check operating gear teeth for pitting on the H. Shifting Bar Housing Assembly
tooth faces. Gears with pitted teeth should be
1. Check yokes and blocks for wear at pads and
lever slot. Replace those which are worn.
2. Check all engaging gear teeth both internal
2. Check yokes for alignment. Straighten those
and external. Gears with teeth worn, tapered
which are sprung.
or reduced in length from clashing in shifting
should be replaced. 3. Check lockscrews in yokes and blocks.
Tighten and rewire those found loose.
3. Check radial clearances of bushed gears.
Where excessive radial clearance is found, 4. If housing has been dismantled, check neutral
replace the bushing. notches of shifting bars for wear from inter-
lock balls. Bars indented at points adjacent to
the neutral notch should be replaced.
C. Splines
1. Check splines on all shafts and drive gears for
wear. If sliding gears, companion flange or I. Gear Shift Lever Housing Assembly
clutch hub have worn into the sides of the 1. Check spring tension on shift lever. Replace
splines, the shafts or gears in this condition tension spring and washer if lever moves
should be replaced. too freely.
2. If housing is dismantled, check pivot pin and 1. Press bushing from bore of gear.
corresponding slot in lever for wear. Replace 2. Clean bore of gear carefully and remove all
both parts if worn. burrs.
3. Lubricate outside diameter of bushing and
J. Bearing Covers inside diameter of gear.
1. Check covers for wear from thrust of adjacent
4. If bushing is of the type in which oil holes are
bearing. Replace covers worn and grooved
drilled, line up holes in bushing with holes in
from thrust of bearing outer race.
2. Check bores of covers for wear. Replace those
5. Carefully press bushing fully into the bore of
worn oversize.
the gear.
1. Check oil return threads in bearing covers. If 7. If the replacement bushing is without oil
sealing action of the oil return threads has holes, drill holes working through corre-
been destroyed by contact with input shaft or sponding holes in gear. Make sure all oil holes
companion flange, replace the cover. in bushing are open.
8. Remove all burrs resulting from drilling
L. Bushings, Mainshaft Gears operation and break sharp corners on ends of
Check bushed gears on sleeves to determine bushing.
radial clearance. Replace bushings in mainshaft 9. Check rebushed gears on lubricated sleeves
gears if there is excessive radial clearance. The and shaft seats to determine that they move
following instructions apply to the installation of freely. If additional radial clearance is
replacement bushings: required, polish I.D. of bushing.
For purposes of illustration, the 5-A-650 transmission is used in the above chart; however, check
points are the same for the 5-AW and 5-CW series transmissions.
Recommended torque ratings for capscrews and Correct torque application is extremely important
nuts used on 5-AW-65, 650, and 5-CW-65, 650, to assure long transmission life and dependable per-
transmissions are given below, listing the locations of formance. Over-tightening or under-tightening can
capscrews and nuts, thread sizes, and recommended result in a loose installation and, in many instances,
torque ratings in foot-pounds. eventually cause damage to transmission gears, shafts
or bearings.
IMPORTANT: Read this section before starting
detailed reassembly procedures.
Make sure that interior of case and other housings 4. AXIAL CLEARANCES, BUSHED GEARS— Main-
are clean. It is important that dirt be kept out of trans- tain original axial clearance of .006" minimum and
mission during reassembly. Dirt is abrasive and can .012" maximum.
damage polished surfaces of sleeves, bushings, bear- 5. BEARINGS — During assembly of ball type bear-
ings and washers. Use certain precautions, as listed ings, apply force only to inner races. Drive through
below, during reassembly. tubing of correct diameter.
1. GASKETS — Use new gaskets throughout the 6. UNIVERSAL JOINT COMPANION FLANGE —
transmission as it is being rebuilt. Make sure all Make sure the companion flange is pulled tightly
gaskets are installed (see heading “Location of into place with the mainshaft nut. At the same time
Gaskets”). Omission of gasket can result in oil make sure that all parts between mainshaft rear
leakage or misalignment of bearing covers. bearing and inside end of companion flange are
included. Omission of parts between the compan-
2. CAPSCREWS — To prevent oil leakage, use shel- ion flange and rear bearing or failure to pull the
lac on all capscrews. See torque rating chart for flange tightly into place will permit the shaft to
recommended torque applications. move axially with resultant damage to pilot bear-
3. BUSHED GEARS, MAINSHAFT, THRUST ing, mainshaft and drive gear.
WASHERS — Coat all bushings, gear seats, thrust 7. OIL FILLING—Remember to fill the transmission
washers and splines of shafts with Lubriplate dur- with the correct amount of straight mineral gear
ing installation to provide initial lubrication and to oil of the grade recommended for the prevailing
prevent scoring and galling. season.
Gear Shift Lever Housing Front Bearing Cover
1. Between gear shift lever housing and shifting 1. Between front bearing cover and transmission
bar housing. case.
33. Lowering countershaft assembly into case. 37. Installing the reverse gear shaft.
5. Install the 2nd-3rd speed clutch collar on 11. Install the 4th speed gear sleeve on shaft, lin-
splined sleeve. Illustration No. 39. ing up key in shaft with keyway in sleeve.
Illustration No. 43.
6. Install Woodruff key for 3rd speed gear sleeve
in keyway in mainshaft. 12. Install the 4th speed gear on mainshaft.
7. Install the 3rd speed gear sleeve on mainShaft, 13. Install the 4th speed gear retaining (splined)
lining up key in shaft with keyway in sleeve. washer on mainshaft, chamfered teeth down.
Illustration No. 40. Illustration No. 44.
8. Install the 3rd speed gear, clutching teeth fac- 14. Turn the splined washer in its groove until
ing rear of shaft. Illustration No. 41. lugs on its inside diameter line up with raised
splines of mainshaft. Illustration No. 45.
9. Install the 4th speed gear rear washer on shaft,
chamfered edge toward rear of shaft. (This is
the 5th speed gear rear washer on overdrive
models.) Illustration No. 42.
48. Lowering mainshaft assembly into position in case. 52. Installing drive gear bearing nut, left-hand thread.
15. Install washer retaining key in keyway G. To Install Clutch Shaft and
between raised splines of mainshaft. Illustra- Drive Gear
tion No. 46.
1. Install the clutch shaft and drive gear, with
16. Install the 4th-5th speed sliding clutch gear assembled nut and bearing, into case bore,
over pilot end of shaft, recessed end to the making sure pilot bearing on mainshaft enters
rear. the bore in drive gear. If it is necessary to
17. Install pilot bearing on front of mainshaft. force bearing into bore, use tubular sleeve
Illustration No. 47. driver.
18. Remove assembly from vise and install 1st- 2. Install drive gear bearing cover, making sure
reverse speed sliding gear over rear of main- oil return channel in cover lines up with oil
shaft, yoke slot towards front of shaft. return hole in case. Tighten capscrews evenly
and securely with the two capscrews with
E. To Install Mainshaft Assembly drilled heads in the top two holes. Illustration
1. Tilt mainshaft assembly and install in case, No. 54.
inserting rear of mainshaft through rear bore 3. Install the clutch release mechanism.
in case. Engage mainshaft gears with corre-
sponding gears on countershaft. Illustration
No. 48.
2. Install the rear bearing on mainshaft and into
case bore, seating bearing tightly against
shoulder of shaft. Illustration No. 49.
3. Install the speedometer drive gear or replace-
ment over rear of shaft. Illustration No. 50.
4. Install the mainshaft rear bearing cover, tighten
capscrews securely. Illustration No. 51.
Bearing cover must be perfectly
aligned. Use companion flange as a
gauge to see if cover binds or rubs
against companion flange when shaft
is turned. If bind or rub does occur,
loosen capscrews in cover, re-position
cover and re-tighten capscrews. Re- 53. Locking drive gear bearing nut by peening it into milled
slots in drive gear.
check after drive year assembly has
been installed.
See paragraph 6 of the “General In-
structions for Reassembly.”
61. Installing 1st-reverse speed shifting bar through top, front bore in AW model housing.
62. Installing 1st-reverse speed shifting bar through top, rear bore in CW model housing.
63. In AW model housing only, thimble is installed in center, 64. Installing thimble in interlock ball opening. CW model
front bore of housing. illustrated.
65. Installing tension springs in bores in top of housing. 68. Installing shifting bar housing assembly. Make sure
Tension balls are installed under springs. yokes enter yoke slots of corresponding gears.
Some illustrations in this manual show the use of Listed below are illustrations which show these
specialized tools. These tools are recommended for specialized tools, the tool name and how it can be
transmission repair as they make repair easier, faster obtained. Prints are available for tools which have a
and prevent costly damage to such critical parts as Fuller tool number. Send request for tool prints to the
bearings and sleeves. Service Department, Transmission Division, Eaton
Some of these tools can be obtained from a regular Corporation, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
tool supplier, while others can be made either from
prints of the tools obtained from the Fuller Service
Department or from dimensions as required by the
individual user.
38, 40, 43 & 47 Tubular Sleeve Driver Make from 1/4" tubular steel accord-
ing to length and diameter required.
The 5-W-43 and 5-W-430 series transmissions Reverse, first and second ratios are spur-type
have five forward speeds and one reverse, and are gears; third, fourth and fifth are helical-type
designed primarily for medium-duty on-highway gears. Earlier models contain a helical-type sec-
equipment. ond speed gear.
The construction for all models is the same; the Except for the first and reverse ratios, all gears
difference in models is due to the size of the gears are constant mesh. Second and third gears are
which determine the gear ratios. Gear ratios are engaged by a sliding clutch collar on the main-
designated by letters, A, B, C and D, which follow shaft, and fourth and fifth gears are internally
the model number. The zero in models 5-W-430A engaged by a sliding clutch gear, also mounted on
and 5-W-430B signifies that an overdrive ratio the mainshaft. A sliding gear on the mainshaft
is used. meshes with the countershaft low speed gear or
The letter “T” is used as a second letter desig- reverse speed gear for gear engagement for these
nation to denote conical clutching teeth. Earlier two speeds.
models will not have the “T” designation.
GEAR RATIOS 5-W-43A 5-W-43C 5-W-43D 5-W-430A 5-W-430B
B. Shifting diagram for 5-W-43 series transmissions. C. Shifting diagram for 5-W-430 series transmissions.
Four 5/8" mounting studs with nuts and lock- Provision is made in the mainshaft rear bearing
washers can be furnished in rear of case for the cover for the installation of speedometer gears and
attachment of brake bracket. the attachment of cable.
Clutch release bearing carrier, release bearing, Approximately 18 pints, depending upon the
extended front bearing cover, release yoke, pedal inclination of engine and transmission.
shafts and pedal adjusting arm are furnished with Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355 pounds
transmissions for use with single and two-plate, Clutch Housing Size . . . . . .SAE No. 1, 2 or 3
push type clutches. Installation Dimensions . . . . .22—5/16 inches
RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS (In Order of Preference) Heavy-duty engine oil. Make sure
to specify heavy-duty type meeting
MIL-L-2104B specifications.
Transmissions in the 5-W-43 and 5-W-430 the maintenance procedures below are closely
series are designed and built so that all internal followed:
parts operate in a bath of oil circulated by the 1. Use the grade and type of oil recom-
motion of the gears and shafts. All gears, bearings, mended.
sleeves and bushings will be amply lubricated if 2. Change the gear oil at the recommended
proper lubrication procedures are followed. intervals.
3. Keep the oil at the proper level. Inspect
To keep the gear oil clean between oil changes
It is obvious that gear oil costs less than use the Fuller Transmission Gear Oil Filter which
replacement bearings, bushings and sleeves. Thus, can be attached to either or both power take-off
to protect the transmission, it is important that openings. This assembly includes a replaceable
filter element that removes the accumulation of mission. In every instance, fill to the level of
metallic particles, road dirt and grit deposited in the filler opening.
the lubricant. See Illustration D. Do not overfill. Overfilling will cause oil to be
forced out of the case through the mainshaft open-
ings. Oil lost in this manner may impair the effi-
ciency of clutch and parking brake.
DRAINING AND REFILLING Replace oil filter element at each oil change;
clean filter element housing.
To drain the transmission remove the drain plug
at bottom of case. Drain oil when transmission is
warm. After the transmission has been drained,
and before it is refilled, the case should be thor-
oughly flushed with a clean flushing oil or The above oil inspection and change periods are
kerosene. based on the average use and operating conditions
Before removing the filler plug on right side for the applications listed. It is recommended that
of case, all dirt should be removed from the the individual owner make a periodic lab analysis
area of the case adjacent to the filler opening. of the lubricant to determine contamination based
Fill the transmission to the level of the filler on the individual’s own operating conditions.
opening, metering approximately 18 pints of After this has been determined, the individual
gear oil into the transmission. The exact amount owner can then set his own inspection and oil
will depend upon the inclination of the trans- change periods based on his operation.
It is assumed in the detailed disassembly housing is disassembled, all parts should be laid
instructions that the transmission has been taken on a clean bench in the same order as removed.
from the chassis, the lubricant has been drained, This procedure will simplify reassembly as well
and the brake lever and parking brake removed. as reduce the possibility of losing the small
The gear shift lever housing assembly is interlock parts.
included in the detailed instructions; however,
this assembly also must be removed from trans- 3. CLEANLINESS—Provide a clean place to work.
mission before transmission can be removed It is important that no dirt or foreign material
from vehicle. enters the unit during repairs. The outside of the
Follow each procedure closely in each sec- unit should be carefully cleaned before starting
tion, making use of both the text and pictures. the disassembly. Dirt is abrasive and can dam-
Use certain precautions, as listed below, during age highly polished parts such as bearings,
disassembly. sleeves and bushings.
1. CLUTCH HOUSING —Unless absolutely nec- 4. BEARINGS—Carefully wash and relubricate all
essary the clutch housing should not be bearings as removed and protectively wrap until
removed. If disassembly is necessary to ready for use. Remove all bearings with pullers
replace either the housing or case, extreme designed for this purpose — do not remove
care should be taken during reassembly to bearings with hammer and punch.
maintain the 90° angularity between the
5. SNAP RINGS—Remove snap rings with pliers
machined face on the engine side of the hous-
designed for this purpose. Rings removed in
ing and the centerline of the mainshaft bores
this manner may be reused.
in the case. Concentricity between the pilot
diameter of the clutch housing and mainshaft 6. WHEN DRIVING— Apply force to shafts, hous-
bearing bores should also be carefully main- ings, etc., with restraint. Movement of some
tained within SAE tolerances. parts is restricted. Do not apply force after the
part being driven stops solidly. Use soft ham-
2. SHIFTING BAR HOUSING—As the shifting bar mers and bars for all disassembly work.
Lay shifting bars with corresponding
yokes and blocks on a clean bench in
the same order as removed. This will
keep parts in their relative positions
and facilitate reassembly. Illustration 4. Removing the shifting bar housing assembly. Jar to break gas-
No. 5. ket seal and lift.
5. Shifting bar housing parts in relative positions. Organization of parts in this manner during removal will simplify reassembly.
10. Removing the tension ball and spring from bore. There are
7. Starting the upper bar out front bore of case, unseating front three tension balls and three springs in housing, one ball and one
thimble. spring under each bar.
11. Pulling the center shifting bar forward and removing the inter-
8. Pulling upper bar forward and removing shifting yoke. lock pin from the bore in neutral notch.
1. Remove the interlock ball thimble at front, 14. Remove the lockscrew from the shifting
left-side of housing. Illustration No. 6. block on the bottom (1st-reverse speed)
2. Mount the assembly in a vise with the shifting bar. Do not remove lockscrew
brake lever shaft (right-side) upwards. from yoke.
3. Cut lockwire from all yoke and block 15. Using soft bar against yoke hub, start the
lockscrews. bar forward out front bore of case, unseat-
ing front thimble as bar is moved forward.
4. Turn out the yoke lockscrew from the Illustration No.
upper (2nd-3rd speed) shifting bar.
16. Remove the yoke lockscrew.
CAUTION: A tension ball and spring is
17. Pull the bottom bar out through front bore,
located under each of the shifting bars in
removing the shifting yoke and block as
the small bores toward front of housing.
bar is withdrawn. Hold finger over tension
These will be forcibly ejected from hous-
spring bore to catch tension ball.
ing as each bar is removed; thus, hold
finger protected with padded cloth over 18. Remove tension ball and spring from bore.
bores when removing bars.
5. Use a curved soft bar against rear of shift- Two interlock balls will fall from the
ing bar and start the upper bar forward and interlock bore in left-side of housing as
out the front bore of housing, unseating the last bar is removed. If balls do not
front thimble as bar is moved forward. drop from housing, use a screwdriver to
Keep other bars in housing in a neutral push balls down and out of housing.
position or interlock parts will lock bars. Illustration No. 13.
Illustration No. 7.
6. Pull the upper bar partially out the front
bore, removing the yoke as bar is being
withdrawn. Illustration No. 8.
7. As bar is withdrawn past tension spring
bore, hold finger over bore to catch tension
ball. Illustration No. 9.
8. Remove the tension ball and spring from
bore. Illustration No. 10.
9. Remove the yoke lockscrew from center
(4th-5th speed) shifting bar.
10. Use a curved soft bar against rear of shift- 12. Starting the lower shifting bar forward. Lockscrew is not
removed from shifting yoke.
ing bar and start the center bar forward out
front bore of case, unseating front thimble
as bar is moved forward. Keep lower bar in
neutral position.
11. Pull the center shifting bar partially out
front bore, removing the small interlock
pin from the bore in neutral notch of bar as
the neutral notch clears housing.
Illustration No. 11.
12. As center bar is withdrawn, remove yoke
from bar and hold finger over tension
spring bore to catch ball.
13. Remove the tension ball and spring from 13. Two interlock balls will drop from bore in housing as last bar
bore. is removed.
18. Relieving the drive gear bearing nut where peened into shaft.
16. Moving drive gear assembly forward from inside of case. 19. Removing the drive gear nut, left-hand thread.
19. Remove the rear thimble from shifting 3. Turn the drive gear nut from shaft, LEFT-
bar bore at rear of housing. Use shifting HAND THREAD. Illustration No. 19.
bar to force thimble outward from the 4. Press the drive gear bearing from shaft.
H. To Remove the Mainshaft Assembly
E. To Remove the Universal Joint 1. Turn out the attaching capscrews and
Companion Flange remove the mainshaft rear bearing cover.
Illustration No. 20.
1. Lock the mainshaft by engaging two speeds
with the sliding gears. 2. Remove the speedometer gear or the
replacement spacer from rear of mainshaft.
2. Turn the companion flange nut from rear of
mainshaft. Illustration No. 14. 3. Remove the speedometer gear washer from
rear of mainshaft.
3. Pull the companion flange to the rear and
off splines of mainshaft. 4. Use soft bar and mall against front of main-
shaft to move the assembly to the rear and
to unseat rear bearing from the case bore.
Illustration No. 21.
The countershaft rear bearing nut can
also be removed at this time while the
mainshaft is still locked in position, thus
making removal of nut easier and with-
out the aid of blocking. To remove the
countershaft bearing nut: remove rear
bearing cover from countershaft, relieve
nut where peened and turn nut from
shaft; see paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of sec-
tion K.
27. Removing the fourth speed gear and splined washer from
24. Removing pilot bearing from mainshaft. shaft.
32. Relieving the countershaft bearing nut where peened into shaft.
33. Turning countershaft bearing nut from shaft. 36. Removing snap ring from front of countershaft.
Model 5-W-43A
1. Hand brake lever assembly 9. Shift lever tension spring and washer
a. Rivets or screws in hand grip for looseness Remove gear shift lever housing and check
and wear. tension spring and washer for set and wear
b. Spring in hand grip for fracture and set. respectively.
c. Mounting shaft for lubrication and wear.
10. Gear shift lever housing
d. Axial clearance of lever assembly on Remove tension spring and washer and check
mounting shaft. Increase or decrease by gear shift lever pivot pin for wear.
tightening or loosening nut.
e. Wear on latch rod at joint with latch. 11. Gear shift lever
f. Wear on latch from contact with segment Check bottom end of gear shift lever for wear
and at latch rod hole. from contact with shifting yokes and blocks,
and check slot in pivot ball for wear from
g. Wear on segment from drag of latch.
pivot pin.
2. Capscrews in bolt circle of clutch
housing. 12. Shifting yokes and blocks
Check for looseness. With gear shift lever housing removed, check
lever slots, yokes and blocks, as well as
3. Clutch release bearing carrier oil pipe latchout plungers for wear from contact with
or flexible tube shift lever.
Check for wear from drag in slot of housing.
4. Clutch release bearing C H E C K S W ITH D R IV E LIN E
Remove hand hole cover and check radial and D R OP P E D
axial clearance in release bearing. Also check
relative position of thrust surface of release 13. Universal joint companion flange
bearing with thrust sleeve on push type retaining nut
clutches. (See maintenance manual—single Check for tightness. Tighten to recommended
plate type clutches.) torque.
5. Clutch pedal shaft
Pry upward to check wear at bearing surface in C H E C K S W ITH D R IV E LIN E
clutch housing. D R OP P E D A N D W ITH U N IV E R S A L
6. Gear lubricant
Change at specified service intervals; use only
gear oils as recommended. See Lubrication
section, page 5. 14. Splines on output shaft
Check for wear from movement and chucking
7. Filler and drain plugs action of universal joint companion flange.
Remove filler plug and check level of lubri-
cant. Tighten filler and drain plug securely. 15. Mainshaft rear bearing cover
Check oil return threads or oil seal for wear.
8. Gear shift lever
Check for looseness and free play in housing. 16. Output shaft
If lever is loose and sloppy in housing, proceed Pry upward against output shaft to check
with Check No. 9. radial clearance in mainshaft rear bearing.
Before reassembling the transmission, the indi- D. Thrust Washers
vidual parts should be carefully checked to elimi- 1. Check surfaces of all thrust washers.
nate those damaged from previous service. This Washers scored or reduced in thickness
inspection procedure should be carefully followed should be replaced.
to insure the maximum of wear life from the
rebuilt unit.
The cost of a new part is generally a small frac- E. Reverse Gear and Shaft
tion of the total cost of down time and labor, 1. Check bore of gear and diameter of shaft
should the use of a questionable part make addi- for wear from action of roller bearings.
tional repairs necessary before the next regularly Replace these parts if worn.
scheduled overhaul.
Recommended inspection procedures are set
forth in the check list which follows:
F. Gray Iron Parts
1. Check all gray iron parts for cracks and
breaks. Replace or repair parts found to be
A. Bearings damaged. Heavy castings may be welded or
1. Wash all bearings in clean solvent. Check brazed providing the cracks do not extend
balls, rolls and races for pits and spalled into bearing bores or bolting surfaces.
areas. Replace bearings which are pitted or
G. Clutch Release Parts
2. Lubricate bearings which are not spalled or
1. Check clutch release parts. Replace yokes
pitted and check for axial and radial clear-
worn at cam surfaces and bearing carrier
ances. Replace bearings with excessive
worn at contact pads.
2. Check pedal shafts. Replace those worn at
3. Check fits of bearings in the case bores. If
bearing surfaces.
outer races turn freely in the bores, the case
should be replaced.
H. Shifting Bar Housing Assembly
B. Gears 1. Check yokes and blocks for wear at pads
and lever slot. Replace those which are
1. Check operating gear teeth for pitting on
the tooth faces. Gears with pitted teeth
should be replaced. 2. Check yokes for alignment. Straighten
those which are sprung.
2. Check all engaging gear teeth both internal
and external. Gears with teeth worn, 3. Check lockscrews in yokes and blocks.
tapered or reduced in length from clashing Tighten and rewire those found loose.
in shifting should be replaced. 4. If housing has been dismantled, check neu-
3. Check radial clearances of bushed gears. tral notches of shifting bars for wear from
Where excessive radial clearance is found, interlock balls. Bars indented at points
replace the bushing. adjacent to the neutral notch should be
C. Splines
1. Check splines on all shafts and drive gears
I. Gear Shift Lever Housing
for wear. If sliding gears, companion flange Assembly
or clutch hub have worn into the sides of the 1. Check spring tension on shift lever.
splines, the shafts or gears in this condition Replace tension spring and washer if lever
should be replaced. moves too freely.
Recommended torque ratings, location and Correct torque application is extremely
thread sizes of capscrews and nuts used on important to assure long transmission life and
5-W-43 and 5-W-430 series transmissions are dependable performance. Over-tightening or
listed below. Capscrew lengths are given for ref- under-tightening can result in a loose installation
erence purposes as a guide for installation at and, in many instances, eventually cause damage
proper locations. to transmission gears, shafts or bearings.
1. Between gear shift lever housing and shift- 5. Between countershaft rear bearing cover
ing bar housing. and case.
2. Between shifting bar housing and case. 6. Between right-side power take-off cover
3. Between drive gear bearing cover and case. and case.
4. Between mainshaft rear bearing cover and 7. Between left-side power take-off cover and
case. case.
IMPORTANT: Read this section before starting
the detailed reassembly procedures.
Make sure that interiors of case and other outer races of bearing, preventing damage to balls
housings are clean. It is important that dirt be and helping to maintain correct bearing alignment
kept out of transmission during reassembly. Dirt with shaft and bore. If tubular or sleeve type driver
is abrasive and can damage polished surfaces of is used, apply force only to inner race and drive
sleeves, bushings, bearings and washers. Use through tubing of correct diameter. Never apply
certain precautions, as listed below, during force to outer race only.
1. GASKETS—Use new gaskets throughout the Make sure the companion flange is pulled
transmission as it is being rebuilt. Make sure tightly into place with the mainshaft nut. At the
all gaskets are installed, see heading “Location same time make sure that all parts between aux-
of Gaskets.” Omission of gaskets can result in iliary mainshaft rear bearing and inside end of
oil leakage or misalignment of bearing covers. companion flange are in place. Omission of
parts between companion flange and rear bear-
2. CAPSCREWS—To prevent oil leakage, use ing or failure to pull the flange tightly into
shellac on all capscrews. See torque rating place will permit the shaft to move axially with
chart for recommended torque applications. resultant damage to pilot bearing, mainshaft
and drive gear.
Coat all bushings, gear seats, thrust washers When installing companion flange, use
and splines of shafts with Lubriplate during 350–400 foot-pounds of torque. Make sure
installation to provide initial lubrication, thus the speedometer gear washer and the
preventing scoring and galling. speedometer gear have been installed
between flange and bearing. If speedome-
4. AXIAL CLEARANCES, BUSHED GEARS— ter gear is not used, a replacement spacer
Maintain original axial clearance of .006" min- of the same width must be used.
imum and .012" maximum.
7. OIL FILLING—Remember to fill the transmis-
5. BEARINGS—Use of flanged-end bearing dri- sion with the correct amount of straight min-
vers is recommended for installation of bearings. eral gear oil of the grade recommended for the
These drivers apply equal force to both inner and prevailing season.
40. Pressing power take-off gear on countershaft. 43. Installing rear bearing on countershaft and into case bore.
A. To Reassemble the Countershaft 5. Place blocking between gears and case, and
install the countershaft bearing nut on rear
1. Install the four Woodruff keys in keyways
of shaft, using 225–275 foot-pounds of
in countershaft. Press gears on countershaft
torque. Illustration No. 44.
2. Line up keyway in gear with keys in shaft NOTE:
and press the third speed gear on counter-
The countershaft bearing nut can be
shaft, long hub of gear to the rear. Seat
tightened after the mainshaft and drive
tightly against integral gear of counter-
gear assemblies have been installed in
case so that countershaft can be locked
3. Line up keyway in gear with keys in shaft by engaging two speeds with the main-
and press the fourth speed gear on coun- shaft sliding gears.
tershaft, long hub towards the front. Seat
tightly against third speed gear. Illustra- 6. Peen the nut into the milled slot in counter-
tion No. 39. shaft. Illustration No. 45.
4. Line up keyway in gear with keys in shaft
and press the power take-off gear on coun-
tershaft, long hub towards the rear. Seat
tightly against fourth speed gear.
Illustration No. 40.
5. Line up keyway in gear with key in shaft
and press the drive gear on countershaft,
long hub to the rear. Seat tightly against
power take-off gear.
6. Install the snap ring in groove at front of
countershaft. Illustration No. 41.
48. Placing front thrust washer in recess of reverse gearing. 51. Installing the second speed gear on mainshaft.
55. Installing the third speed gear on sleeve. 57. Installing the fourth speed gear on sleeve.
13. Install the 4th-5th speed sliding clutch wrench with a two-foot handle, multiply
gear on mainshaft with side marked 150 × 2 which will equal 300 ft. lbs. of
“front” to the front. Illustration No. 61. torque. Ordinary pull scales can be
14. Install the pilot bearing on mainshaft, used to measure pounds of pull.
chamfered inner diameter to the rear.
Illustration No. 62.
74. Installing the 2nd-3rd speed yoke as bar is being pushed into
71. Installing the drive gear bearing cover. housing.
80. Installing thimble in interlock ball opening. 82. Installing thimbles in front shifting bar bores.
86. Installing gear shift lever in housing, inserting pivot pin in slot
in pivot ball of lever.
83. Shifting bar housing with yokes and shifting block in the neu-
tral position.
84. Installing shifting bar housing assembly, fitting yokes into yoke
slots of corresponding gears.
88. Seating the tension spring under lugs cast in housing. Insert
85. Installing lockwasher and nut on gear shift lever pivot pin. shows spring correctly seated.
J. To Install the Shifting Bar Housing 8. Install the ball grip at upper end of lever.
1. Make sure the transmission and the shifting
bar housing assembly are in the neutral L. To Install the Gear Shift Lever
position. Illustration No. 83. Housing Assembly
2. Install the shifting bar housing on the trans- 1. Make sure the shifting bar housing assem-
mission case, inserting yokes of shifting bar bly is in the neutral position.
housing into the yoke slots of correspond-
2. Install the gear shift lever housing on shift-
ing gears. Illustration No. 84.
ing bar housing, entering lower end of lever
3. Install the attaching capscrew and tighten in notches in shifting yokes and blocks.
securely. Illustration No. 89.
3. Install capscrews and tighten securely.
K. To Reassemble the Gear Shift
Lever Housing Assembly
1. Install the gear shift lever pivot pin in housing.
2. Install the lockwasher and nut on outer end
of pivot pin, tighten nut securely. Illustra-
tion No. 85.
3. Mount the housing in a vise with the large
bottom opening upwards.
4. Install the gear shift lever in housing, fit-
ting key way in pivot ball over end of pivot
pin. Illustration No. 86.
5. Install the tension spring washer in hous-
ing. Illustration No. 87.
6. Install the tension spring in housing.
Depress spring until upper coil is secured
under lugs cast inside the housing.
Illustration No. 88.
7. Remove the assembly from vise and install 89. Installing the gear shift lever housing assembly on shifting
the rubber dust cover on lever and against bar housing. Make sure shift lever fits into notches of yokes and
top of housing. block.
Some illustrations in this manual show the use Listed below are illustrations which show these
of specialized tools. These tools are recommended specialized tools, the tool name and now it can be
for transmission repair as they make repair easier, obtained. Prints are available for tools which have
faster and prevent costly damage to such critical a Fuller tool number: send requests to the Service
parts as bearings and sleeves. Department, Eaton Corporation, Transmission
Some of these tools can ben obtained from a Division, Kalamanzo, Michigan.
regular tool supplier, while others can be made Also available upon request is a tool booklet
either from prints of the tools obtained from the which gives in detail the use and description of
Transmission Division or from dimensions as suggested specialized tools for rebuilding Fuller
required by the individual user. transmissions.
Models in the 3-speed-65 auxiliary transmission series are designed for use with medium to heavy duty
four or five speed transmissions, including Fuller models in the 5-W-43 series, 5-AW-65 series and
5-CW-65 series.
Front ------------------------------------Trunnion with cross member including insert for trunnion.
Rear ------------------------------------Cross member with vertical mounting holes.
Control ------------------------------------Two shift bars, on right side, designed for use with Model AC Control.
Power Take-Off
RIGHT SIDE ONLY --------------A 39 tooth 6/8 pitch gear revolving at .941 input shaft speed can be furnished
on specification at additional cost.
TOP MOUNTED ----------------------All models may be equipped with model 3PT65 power take-off which provides
one forward and one reverse speed. With the output shaft turning
in the same direction as the auxiliary drive gear, the reduction is 1.03:1.
With the output shaft turning in the opposite direction, the reduction is
Speedometer Drive ----------------------Provision is made in the output shaft bearing cover for installation of
speedometer drive and driven gears and attachment of cable.
The following instructions are based on the assump- 2. BEARINGS—Carefully wash and relubricate as
tion that the transmission has been taken from the removed. Protectively wrap until ready for use.
chassis, the lubricant has been drained, and the uni-
versal joint companion flanges have been removed Remove all bearings with pullers designed for
from both the input and output shafts. this purpose. DO NOT REMOVE BEARINGS
6. Removing washer key from keyway in shaft. Start key by
3. Driving mainshaft assembly to the rear from inside case,
forcing mainshaft rear bearing out of its seat in case. prying with small screw driver.
B. To Remove Mainshaft D. To Remove Main Drive Gear
1. Force countershaft assembly to rear until the
1. Take out capscrews and remove rear bearing cup of the countershaft rear bearing has been
cover. Remove speedometer drive gear and forced from its bore in case. Remove
washer from mainshaft. cup.Illustration No. 10.
2. Drive the mainshaft assembly to the rear from 2. Move countershaft back through rear bore as
inside the case, forcing mainshaft rear bear- far as it will go.
ing out of its seat in case bore. Illustration
3. Remove retaining nuts and lock washers from
No. 3.
drive-gear bearing cover.
3. Pull the mainshaft rear bearing. Illustration
No. 4.
C. To Dismantle Mainshaft
1. Mount assembly in a vise equipped with soft
jaws, pilot end of shaft in upright position.
11. Forcing drive gear backward through bearings and
cover. Use soft bar to drive shaft. 14. Removing gear retaining snap ring from front of coun-
4. Force drive gear backward through bearings Take care that shims are not lost or dam-
and cover into interior of case. Illustration aged.
No. 11.
2. Tilt the countershaft and remove through top
5. Remove drive gear freed in operation 4 from of case.
16. Pressing drive gear on countershaft. Press gears on one
at a time.
18. Mounting Timken bearing cone on end of counter shaft.
Note: rollers taper toward end of shaft.
17. Installing gear retaining snap ring on front of counter- 19. Setting countershaft into case with rear of shaft protrud-
shaft. ing through countershaft bore in case.
20. Removing snap ring from main drive-gear bearing.
2. Remove snap ring from main drive-gear bear-
ing. Illustration No. 20.
C. To Install Countershaft
1. Install countershaft front bearing cup in case
bore. Illustration No. 24.
6. Remove rear beating cover that was tem- 26. Installing countershaft front bearing cover. Add or sub-
porarily installed. tract shim to give .003 to .005 clearance.
29. Turning overdrive spline thrust washer in groove. Lugs
on inside diameter of washer must line up with projecting
splines on shaft. Engage both the internal teeth of gear and
notch on outside diameter of washer with small screw driver.
Turn washer by turning gear.
D. To Reassemble Mainshaft
1. Grip mainshaft in soft jaw vise with pilot
end up.
36. Driving outboard bearing into position. Make sure
spacer is installed on drive shaft before driving bearing. Do
not tighten nuts on drive-gear bearing cover until outboard
bearing is firmly seated. 38. Inserting the interlocking ball in popper spring hole.
This is the ball that rides between the two shifting bars.
37. Inserting the direct and overdrive speed shifting bar, 39. Installing yoke bar thimbles in rear of case. Unless leak-
showing the position of spacer and yoke. Note the position of age is suspected, it is not necessary to remove thimbles when
notches on shifting bar. disassembling transmission.
9. Install drive-gear spacer and outer bearing, 3. Insert 1/2" steel ball in popper spring hole —
making sure bearing is firmly seated. Illus- this is the inter-locking ball that rides
tration No. 36. between the two bars. Illustration No. 38.
10. Tighten nuts securely on drive-gear bearing 4. Insert the low-speed bar, spacer and yoke.
cover. Spacer is located in front of yoke when in
proper position.
11. Install oil seal in drive-gear bearing cover.
NOTE: Make sure direct and overdrive
shifting bar is in neutral position before
F. To Install Shifting Bars installing low-speed bar. This allows poppet
and Cover ball to rest in notch in bar, preventing it
from jamming between bars.
1. Insert the direct and overdrive speed shift- 5. Install yoke locking screw and wire securely.
ing bar into the lower of the two bar-holes in
case and through the direct and over-drive 6. Shift bars into neutral position. Install pop-
speed yoke and spacer. Spacer is located to pet balls, springs and plugs—one each in
the rear of yoke when in proper position—it both upper and lower poppet holes.
is the shorter of the two spacers. Illustration 7. Install yoke-bar thimbles in rear of case if
No. 37. previously removed. Illustration No. 39.
2. Install yoke locking screw and wire 8. Install top cover, tighten capscrews evenly
securely. and securely.
Revised 05-01
Front Non-Drive
Steering Axles
Maintenance Manual 2
Part 1
Part 1
Section 1: Exploded Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Section 2: Introduction
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Section 3: Disassembly
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Wheel Ends
Drag Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Steering Arm
Tie Rod Arms, Tie Rod Ends and Cross Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Draw Keys, King Pins and Steering Knuckle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
King Pin Bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Section 4: Prepare Parts for Assembly
Repair Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Clean Ground or Polished Parts
Clean Rough Parts
Dry Cleaned Parts
Corrosion Prevention on Cleaned Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Install New Fasteners With Pre-applied Adhesive Patches
Install Original or Used Fasteners Using Meritor Liquid Adhesive 2297-C-7049
or Loctite 680 or Equivalent
Check the Torque Values of Dri-Loc Fasteners Not Requiring Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Inspect the Parts
Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Inspect the Wheel Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends
Tie Rod Grease Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Section 5: Assembly
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
King Pin Bushings
Reaming the King Pin Bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Inner Knuckle Bore King Pin Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Install the Knuckle to Axle Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Check the Steer Knuckle Vertical End Play for Shim Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Draw Key Lock Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Steering Arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends
Tie Rod Ends Into the Cross Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Tie Rod Arms, Tie Rod Ends and Cross Tube Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Cross Tube/Tie Rod Ends Onto the Integral Tie Rod Arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Truck Hub Unit with O-Ring Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Hubcap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Drag Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Install the Brake Components and Wheel Ends
Section 1
Exploded Views
Section 1
Exploded Views
R 24
L 25
26 3
31 4
34 3
16 23
36 2
22 1
R 13
L 14
12 1003369e
Section 1
Exploded Views
Section 2
Description r Tie Rod Ends: The tie rod ends include a ball
joint and boot which thread into the cross tube.
The descriptions and procedures contained in this Depending on manufacturer design, tie rod ends
maintenance manual are applicable to all Meritor can be greaseable or non-greaseable. Tie rod
front non-drive axles. ends are either right-hand or left-hand threaded
and correspond to the inside threads at each
r Tie Rod Arm, Knuckle and King Pin: The right tie end of the cross tube. Figure 2.1.
rod arm is a mirror image of the left and both
are linked by the cross tube assembly. An
integral tie rod design is used on Easy Steer Figure 2.1
Plus™ and MFS axles with unitized hubs. The
right knuckle and king pin assembly is similar to
the left, except that it does not have a steering
arm attached to it in a manual steering system.
A power steering system uses an auxiliary assist
cylinder attached to the right knuckle that
requires a steering arm in various applications.
r Steering Knuckle: Steering knuckles are rated
according to the capacity of the front axle. All
models use straight king pins. Three types of
king pin bushings are used: nylon, bronze and
Easy Steer™. The brake spider has been
combined into the knuckle of the Easy Steer
Plus™ axle.
r Steering Arms: The steering arm (usually a
forged component) converts the drag link force
into a turning movement through the left king
pin through the knuckle. Bolt-on steering arms 1 TIE ROD END
are used on Easy Steer Plus™ and MFS modular 2 CLAMP
axles. 3 CROSS TUBE
r Pitman Arm: The Pitman arm converts the
output torque from the steering gear into the
control force applied to the drag link. This Meritor front non-drive steering axles in this
linkage component connects the steering gear manual feature the following components.
to the linkage at the center link end. Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3.
r Unitized Hub: Unitized hubs are enclosed units
with bearings lubricated for the life of the entire
component. This alternative to conventional
wheel ends is used on Easy Steer Plus™,
MFS 10-1015, MFS 10-1016, MFS 12-1015 and
MFS 12-1016 models. A unitized hub unit has
no user-serviceable parts. Figure 2.3.
r Tie Rod Assembly: Forged or cast tie rod
assemblies are used on Meritor front
non-drive steering axles. The tie rod assembly
links both steering knuckles for uniform
movement and maintains steering control.
Section 2
Section 2
All the necessary axle build information, including
assembly date, for any Meritor front non-drive
axle is indicated on the axle identification tag.
Figure 2.4.
The identification tag is fastened to the center of
the beam at the front surface. The axle assembly
date is located in either the lower right-hand or
left-hand corner of the tag.
The Julian dating method is currently used to
indicate the axle assembly date as shown in
Figure 2.4. The first two digits indicate the year,
and the last three digits indicate the day of
the year.
In the example 95327 shown below, 95 is the
year 1995 and the 327th day equates to
November 22nd.
Figure 2.4
Section 2
Figure 2.5
Figure 2.6
M F S - XX - 0 0 0 X - N X XXX
Meritor Axle Spec. Number
Section 2
Section 2
Section 2
Section 3
Section 3Disassembly
Wheel Ends
Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends
Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the wheels
to prevent the vehicle from moving. Support the 1 WHEEL BEARING NUT
vehicle with safety stands. Do not work under a 2 PIERCED LOCK RING
vehicle supported only by jacks. Jacks can slip and 3 ADJUSTING NUT
fall over. Serious personal injury can result. 4 WHEEL BEARING NUT LOCK WASHER
Section 3
The truck hub unit may require removal when
servicing the king pin, brake cam shaft or when
replacing the studs on the truck hub unit.
NOTE: When the threaded protective cap is Hub bearings are not serviceable. Do not attempt
removed or tightened, always use the correct size to remove bearings from truck hub unit. Bearings
socket to avoid damaging the unit. are press fit during manufacturing and cannot be
reinstalled once removed from hub unit.
2. Remove the threaded protective hubcap
from the hub by turning it counterclockwise. 6. Remove truck hub unit carefully. Draw hub
Figure 3.3. assembly straight away from spindle.
3. Bend back and flatten the “D” lock washer tab
folded against the flat edge of the outer wheel
bearing nut.
4. Remove the outer wheel bearing nut and the
outer washer from spindle.
Section 3
Figure 3.4
Steering Arm
Section 3
2. Remove the cotter pin and the nut that fastens Tie Rod Arms, Tie Rod Ends and
the steering arm to the knuckle.
Cross Tube
3. Remove the steering arm from the knuckle.
If necessary, tap on the end of the arm with a Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends
leather or plastic mallet to separate the arm
1. Remove the cotter pins and the nuts that fasten
from the knuckle.
each tie rod end to the tie rod arms. Figure 3.8.
4. Remove the key from the steering arm.
2. Disconnect the cross tube assembly from the
5. Inspect the steering arm. Refer to Section 4. tie rod arms. If available, use a tie rod end
puller to separate the tie rod end from the tie
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends rod arm. Figure 3.8.
Refer to Figure 3.7 3. Remove the cotter pin and the nut that fasten
the tie rod arms in the knuckle. Figure 3.8.
1. Remove two steering-arm-to-knuckle
capscrews from the knuckle assembly. 4. Remove the tie rod arms from the knuckle.
If necessary, tap on the end of the rod with a
2. Remove the steering arm from the knuckle. leather or plastic mallet. Remove the key.
If necessary, tap the outside of the arm with a
leather or plastic mallet to separate the arm
from the knuckle. Figure 3.8
3. Remove the steering arm.
4. Inspect the steering arm. Refer to Section 4.
Figure 3.7
Section 3
5. If necessary, remove the tie rod ends. Refer to Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends
the following procedure. Figure 3.9.
1. Remove the cotter pins and the nuts that fasten
A. Mark the position each tie rod end is each tie rod end to the tie rod arms.
installed in the cross tube.
2. Disconnect the cross tube assembly from the tie
B. Remove the bolts and the nuts from the rod arms. If available, use a tie rod end puller to
clamp on the cross tube. separate the tie rod end from the tie rod arm.
C. Remove the tie rod ends from the cross Figure 3.11.
tube. r If necessary, tap on the tie rod end with a
6. The rotating style clamp on cross tubes can be leather or plastic mallet to loosen and remove.
rotated for easier accessibility when removing
the clamp bolt and nut. Figure 3.10.
Figure 3.11
7. Inspect the parts. Refer to Section 4.
Figure 3.10
Section 3
3. Remove the tie rod ends from the cross tube 4. The rotating style clamp on cross tubes can be
using the following procedure: rotated for easier accessibility when removing
the clamp bolt and nut. Figure 3.13.
A. Mark the position that each tie rod end is
installed into the cross tube. Count and 5. Inspect the parts. Refer to Section 4.
record the number of threads that appear
outside of the cross tube. Figure 3.12.
The rotating style clamp on cross tubes
Draw Keys, King Pins and
can be rotated for easier accessibility Steering Knuckle
when removing the clamp bolt and nut.
Figure 3.13. Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends
B. Remove the bolts and the nuts from the 1. Remove the wheel ends as described in this
clamp on the cross tube. Figure 3.13. section.
C. Remove the tie rod ends from the cross tube. 2. Vent the air from the brake system. Disconnect
the air lines from the brakes.
Figure 3.13
Section 3
Use a brass or leather mallet for assembly and
disassembly procedures. Do not hit steel parts
with a steel hammer. Pieces of a part can break off
and cause serious personal injury.
Use a brass hammer and a steel drift to remove the
draw key. Place the drift on the small (“D”-shaped)
end of the key. Figure 3.15.
Use a brass or leather mallet for assembly and
disassembly procedures. Do not hit steel parts
with a steel hammer. Pieces of a part can break off
and cause serious personal injury.
Force must be directly applied to the bottom of the
nut and the end of the key. If force is not directly
applied, the draw key will be damaged.
NOTE: If the bushings are not being replaced,
perform the following to prevent damaging the
bushings during king pin removal.
Figure 3.17
r Remove any flaring on the drift that may touch
the bushings.
r Wrap tape to a thickness of 1/16-inch (1.5 mm)
on the end of the drift.
Section 3
Figure 3.19
Wear gloves when you remove or install shims.
Shims have sharp edges that can cause injury.
Figure 3.18
Use a brass or leather mallet for assembly and
disassembly procedures. Do not hit steel parts
with a steel hammer. Pieces of a part can break off
and cause serious personal injury.
2 SHIMS (BETWEEN KNUCKLE AND BEAM) Force must be directly applied to the bottom of the
nut and the end of the key. If force is not directly
applied, the draw key will be damaged.
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends 6. Remove upper and lower draw keys from
knuckle as follows:
1. Remove the truck hub unit as described in this
section. r Loosen draw key nut.
2. Vent the air from the brake system. Disconnect r Use a brass drift and a hammer to hit the
the air lines from the brakes. end of the draw key. Figure 3.20.
3. Remove the brake components. Refer to r Remove the nut from the draw key.
procedures from the brake manufacturer. Figure 3.21.
4. Remove the steering arm from the knuckle (if r Remove the draw key from the knuckle.
5. Remove top and bottom king pin caps.
Figure 3.19.
Section 3
Figure 3.22
Figure 3.21
Section 3
Figure 3.24
Wear gloves when you remove or install shims.
Shims have sharp edges that can cause injury.
Figure 3.23
4 Use gloves.
Section 3
3. Remove the old bushings as follows: D. Turn knuckle upside down and install the tool
in the lower king pin bushing. Press the lower
Nylon Bushings bushing from the knuckle bore. Figure 3.27.
Remove the top and the bottom bushing from the
knuckle bore. Figure 3.26. Figure 3.27 POSITION OF BUSHINGS
Figure 3.26
Observe all warnings and cautions provided by
the press manufacturer to avoid damage to
components and serious personal injury.
Section 3
1 2.5-INCHES (63 MM)
Section 3
Figure 3.29
Figure 3.31
Observe all warnings and cautions provided by
the press manufacturer to avoid damage to
components and serious personal injury.
Section 3
Section 4
Prepare Parts for Assembly
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe eye
protection when you perform vehicle maintenance WARNING
or service. Solvent cleaners can be flammable, poisonous and
cause burns. Examples of solvent cleaners are
Repair Parts carbon tetrachloride, emulsion-type cleaners and
petroleum-based cleaners. To avoid serious
The repair or reconditioning of front axle personal injury when you use solvent cleaners,
components is not allowed. Meritor recommends you must carefully follow the manufacturer’s
replacing damaged or out-of-specification product instructions and these procedures:
components. All major components are heat r Wear safe eye protection.
treated and tempered.
r Wear clothing that protects your skin.
CAUTION r Work in a well-ventilated area.
Do not bend, weld or heat any front axle r Do not use gasoline, or solvents that contain
component. If the axle is bent, welded or heated, gasoline. Gasoline can explode.
the strength of the axle is reduced and the
warranty is voided. An axle damaged by bending, r You must use hot solution tanks or alkaline
welding or heating may cause a vehicle accident solutions correctly. Follow the manufacturer’s
and serious personal injury. instructions carefully.
The following operations are prohibited on front Use a cleaning solvent to clean ground or polished
axle components. parts and surfaces. Kerosene or diesel fuel can be
used for this purpose. DO NOT USE GASOLINE.
1. Welding of or to the steering arms, tie rod
arms, the knuckles, the king pins, the axle Do NOT clean ground or polished parts in a hot
beams, the tie rod assemblies, the hubs, the solution tank or with water, steam or alkaline
drums or the brakes. solutions. These solutions will cause corrosion of
the parts.
2. Hot or cold bending of the knuckles, the
steering arms, the tie rod arms, the ball studs,
the axle beams or the tie rod assemblies. Clean Rough Parts
3. Drilling out of the holes in the axle beam for Rough parts can be cleaned with the ground or
the king pins. polished parts. Rough parts also can be cleaned in
hot solution tanks with a weak alkaline solution.
4. Drilling out of the draw key holes in the Parts must remain in the hot solution tanks until
knuckle. they are completely cleaned and heated.
5. Spray welding of bearing diameters on the
knuckles or in the machined bores. Dry Cleaned Parts
6. Disassembly of unitized truck hub unit.
Parts must be dried immediately after cleaning.
7. Milling or machining of any component. Dry parts with clean paper or rags, or compressed
air. Do not dry bearings by spinning with
compressed air.
Section 4
Prepare Parts for Assembly
Section 4
Prepare Parts for Assembly
Section 4
Prepare Parts for Assembly
Repeat this procedure for measuring the lower 4. Measure the inner bore diameter of the axle
knuckle bore. Figure 4.4. Refer to the Knuckle beam. Rounding at the top and bottom of the
Bore Maximum Diameter indicated in Table B. beam is acceptable.
Verify the average inside bore dimension does
not exceed the Knuckle Bore Maximum Measure the axle beam bore at four positions,
Diameter specifications. Figure 4.3, and at two specific locations:
1/2-inch (12.7 mm) below the top of the bore
Measurements taken at either the upper or and 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) above the bottom of the
lower knuckle bores which exceed the Knuckle bore. Figure 4.5.
Bore Maximum Diameter in Table B, indicate
the knuckle requires removal and replacement. If the average measurement is greater than the
Axle Beam Bore Maximum Diameter given in
Table B, the entire axle beam requires
Figure 4.4 KING PIN BUSHING replacement.
Section 4
Prepare Parts for Assembly
Table B: Axle Wear Limits Specifications
Knuckle Bore Beam Bore King Pin Bushing Maximum
Model Number Maximum Diameter Maximum Diameter Inner Diameter
FC-901 a 1.3610 in. (34.569 mm) 1.2380 in. (31.4450 mm) 1.2400 in. (31.4960 mm)
FC-901 b 1.3610 in. (34.569 mm) 1.2380 in. (34.4450 mm) 1.2380 in. (31.4420 mm)
FC-903 a 1.3610 in. (34.569 mm) 1.2380 in. (31.4450 mm) 1.2400 in. (31.4960 mm)
FC-903 b 1.3610 in. (34.569 mm) 1.2380 in. (34.4450 mm) 1.2380 in. (31.4420 mm)
FC-921 1.3615 in. (34.582 mm) 1.2380 in. (31.4450 mm) 1.2365 in. (31.4070 mm)
FC-941 1.6295 in. (41.389 mm) 1.5040 in. (38.2020 mm) 1.5020 in. (38.1510 mm)
FD-901 1.5630 in. (39.700 mm) 1.4375 in. (36.5125 mm) 1.4380 in. (36.5250 mm)
FD-931 1.7360 in. (44.094 mm) 1.6110 in. (40.9194 mm) 1.6105 in. (40.9067 mm)
FD-933 1.7360 in. (44.094 mm) 1.6110 in. (40.9194 mm) 1.6105 in. (40.9067 mm)
FD-961 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
FE-970 1.7360 in. (44.094 mm) 1.6110 in. (40.9194 mm) 1.6105 in. (40.9067 mm)
FF-921 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7975 in. (45.6565 mm)
FF-931 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7975 in. (45.6565 mm)
FF-932 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7975 in. (45.6565 mm)
FF-933 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7975 in. (45.6565 mm)
FF-934 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7975 in. (45.6565 mm)
FF-941 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
FF-942 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
FF-943 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
FF-944 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
FF-961 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
FF-966 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
FF-967 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
FF-971 1.7360 in. (44.094 mm) 1.6105 in. (40.9067 mm) 1.6105 in. (40.9067 mm)
FF-981 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm)
FF-982 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm)
FF-983 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm)
FF-984 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm)
FG-931 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7975 in. (45.6565 mm)
FG-933 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7975 in. (45.6565 mm)
FG-941 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
FG-943 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
FL-931 2.1270 in. (54.025 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8762 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8767 mm)
FL-933 2.1270 in. (54.025 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8762 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8767 mm)
FL-941 2.1270 in. (54.025 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8762 mm) 2.0010 in. (50.8250 mm)
FL-943 2.1270 in. (54.025 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8767 mm) 2.0010 in. (50.8250 mm)
FL-951 2.1270 in. (54.025 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8767 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8767 mm)
FU-910 2.1900 in. (55.626 mm) 2.0655 in. (52.4637 mm) 2.0645 in. (52.4383 mm)
FU-935 2.1900 in. (55.626 mm) 2.0655 in. (52.4637 mm) 2.0645 in. (52.4383 mm)
MFS 6 1.3615 in. (34.582 mm) 1.2380 in. (31.4450 mm) 1.2365 in. (31.4070 mm)
MFS 7 1.6295 in. (41.389 mm) 1.5040 in. (38.2020 mm) 1.5020 in. (38.1510 mm)
MFS 8 1.6295 in. (41.389 mm) 1.5040 in. (38.2020 mm) 1.5020 in. (38.1510 mm)
MFS 10 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm)
MFS 12 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
MFS 13 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
MFS 14 1.9220 in. (48.818 mm) 1.7980 in. (45.6692 mm) 1.7960 in. (45.6180 mm)
MFS 16 2.1270 in. (54.025 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8762 mm) 2.0010 in. (50.8250 mm)
MFS 18 2.1270 in. (54.025 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8762 mm) 2.0010 in. (50.8250 mm)
MFS 20 2.1270 in. (54.025 mm) 2.0030 in. (50.8762 mm) 2.0010 in. (50.8250 mm)
a Knuckles with nylon bushings. b Knuckles with bronze bushings.
Section 4
Prepare Parts for Assembly
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends Repeat this procedure for measuring the lower
knuckle bore. Figure 4.7. Refer to the Knuckle
Carefully inspect all disassembled parts before Bore Maximum Diameter indicated in Table C.
assembly. Refer to the following guidelines: Verify the average inside bore dimension does
not exceed the Knuckle Bore Maximum
1. Inspect and replace any parts that are worn,
Diameter specifications.
cracked or damaged.
Measurements taken at either the upper or
lower knuckle bores which exceed the Knuckle
WARNING Bore Maximum Diameter in Table C indicate
Fluid immersion-based crack inspection the knuckle requires removal and replacement.
techniques should not be used on unitized wheel
end hub units. The fluids may enter the joint
between the inner bearing cones through the bore Figure 4.7
of the hub unit and cause damage to the lubricant
inside. This will shorten the life of the hub unit and
void the manufacturer’s warranty. Use only dye
penetrant inspection techniques, being careful not
to get penetrant fluids in the bore of the hub unit.
2 Measure here then rotate tool 90°°.
3 And repeat here.
4 Do same down here.
Section 4
Prepare Parts for Assembly
Section 4
Prepare Parts for Assembly
Figure 4.9
Section 4
Prepare Parts for Assembly
Figure 4.14
Figure 4.13
Figure 4.15
Section 5
Figure 5.3
Section 5
With a Press 6. Turn the knuckle over so that the bottom of the
1. Install the top king pin bushing first. knuckle is up. Make sure the bore is parallel to
the top of the press.
Observe all warnings and cautions provided by
the press manufacturer to avoid damage to
components and serious personal injury.
Figure 5.4
Section 5
7. Place new bushing in lower knuckle bore. NOTE: On the Easy Steer™ axles, the bushings
can be installed without a press. Use the Bushing
8. Using installation tool, press start the bushing Service Kit from Kent-Moore tools to install and
1/8-inch (3 mm) into the lower bore. Release ream the bushings. Refer to Table K in Section 10.
the pressure. Make sure the bushing is straight
into the lower bore. Figure 5.4.
Use the tool shown in Figure 5.2 to install the
9. A. On Easy Steer™ bushings, press the bushings.
bushing farther to a depth of 0.352- to
0.382-inch (8.94-9.70 mm) below the top of Ream the Easy Steer™ bushings after installation
the lower knuckle bore (as viewed with the into the knuckle.
knuckle upside down). Figure 5.5.
With a Press
B. On bronze bushings, press the bushing 1. Install the top king pin bushing first.
farther to a depth of 0.135- to 0.165-inch
(3.5-4.0 mm) above the bottom of the lower
bore (as viewed with the knuckle upside WARNING
down). Figure 5.6. Observe all warnings and cautions provided by
10. Ream the bushings. Refer to the procedures in the press manufacturer to avoid damage to
this section. components and serious personal injury.
Easy Steer™ King Pin Bushings — Axles 2. Put the knuckle in a press, if used, so that the
With Unitized Wheel Ends top of the knuckle is toward the top of the
press. Make sure tops of the bores are parallel
Without a Press to the top of the press. Figure 5.8 and
Figure 5.9.
Put the king pin bushings in the knuckle bores.
Make sure the bushing is against the bore in the 3. Place new bushing in the upper knuckle bore.
knuckle. Install the king pin to make sure the
4. Using installation tool, press the bushing
bushing is installed correctly. Figure 5.7.
1/8-inch (3 mm) into the upper bore. Release
the pressure. Make sure the bushing is straight
Figure 5.7 inside the upper bore.
5. Press the bushing to a depth of 0.352- to
0.382-inch (8.94-9.70 mm) below the top of the
knuckle bore. Figure 5.8 and Figure 5.9.
6. Turn the knuckle over so that the bottom of the
knuckle is up. Make sure the bore is parallel to
the top of the press.
7. Place new bushing in lower knuckle bore.
8. Using installation tool, press the bushing
1/8-inch (3 mm) into the lower bore. Release
the pressure. Make sure the bushing is straight
inside the lower bore.
9. Press the bushing to a depth of 0.352- to
0.382-inch (8.94-9.70 mm) below the top of the
knuckle bore. Figure 5.8 and Figure 5.9.
10. Ream the bushings. Refer to the procedures in
this section.
Section 5
Do not hone or burnish the bushings. The
bushings will be damaged by honing or
Figure 5.10
Figure 5.9
Section 5
Section 5
Section 5
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends — 6. After cutting the top bushing, guide the reamer
Easy Steer™ Bushings into the bottom bushing. Repeat Steps 3-5.
Figure 5.14.
Figure 5.13
Section 5
Figure 5.15
Lower Pilot
Diameter Blade Diameter Upper Pilot
Dimension “A” Dimension “B” Diameter “C” Upper Pilot Length
± 0.001-inch or
(± ± 0.0005-inch or ±
(± ± 0.001-inch or
(± Lower Pilot Length Minimum
± 0.0245 mm) 0.0127 mm) ± 0.0245 mm) Dimension “D” Dimension “E”
Model inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm
1.780 45.2120 1.7955 45.6057 1.7900 45.4660 10.25 260.35 12.25 311.15
Section 5
Figure 5.16
Figure 5.18
Section 5
Figure 5.19
Figure 5.21
Section 5
Section 5
4. Inspect the shims for damage before B. Before placing the king pin into the top of
reinstallation, noting the following: the knuckle, be sure the word “TOP” (which
is stamped on the king pin) can be seen.
r Replace damaged shims with same size Figure 5.26.
shims (or in combination) that allow the
least amount of knuckle end play. C. Rotate king pin so that two draw key slots
of pin properly align with draw key slots in
r If a new shim pack must be determined, the knuckle.
select the amount of shims that will give
the least amount of end play.
Figure 5.26
5. After inspection, place shims on top of axle
beam bore machined surface. Align shims for
king pin installation.
6. Place the knuckle on the axle beam.
7. Place a pry bar between the steering arm boss
and the axle beam. Lift the knuckle and slide
the shim pack between the top of the beam and
the knuckle. Figure 5.25.
r Make sure all the bores are aligned. If the
bores are not aligned, the parts will be
damaged when the king pin is installed.
r Remove the pry bar.
Figure 5.25
1 “TOP”
Section 5
Figure 5.27
Section 5
Figure 5.31
Figure 5.30
1 “TOP”
Section 5
8. Install the king pin into the top of the knuckle 3. Attach a dial indicator. Place the base on the
and through the area where shims are located. knuckle. Place the tip on the center of the king
pin. Set the dial indicator on “zero” (0).
Figure 5.33.
Use a brass or leather mallet for assembly and
disassembly procedures. Do not hit steel parts with Figure 5.33
a steel hammer. Pieces of a part can break off and
cause serious personal injury.
Figure 5.34
Section 5
Figure 5.35
Section 5
6. Raise the jack until the axle beam is slightly Draw Key Lock Nuts
raised from safety stands. Measure and record
the dial indicator reading. Figure 5.37. Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends
The reading must be 0.001- to 0.025-inch
(0.025-0.635 mm) for new axles and
0.001- to 0.065-inch (0.025-1.650 mm) for axles WARNING
in service. Figure 5.37. Use a brass or leather mallet for assembly and
disassembly procedures. Do not hit steel parts
with a steel hammer. Pieces of a part can break off
Figure 5.37 DRIVER SIDE and cause serious personal injury.
Make sure the draw key is installed completely or
the lock nut is tightened to the specified torque.
If not installed correctly, the king pin and the axle
beam will be damaged.
Section 5
Figure 5.39
Section 5
Figure 5.41
Figure 5.43
Section 5
Figure 5.45
Section 5
Tie Rod Ends Into the Cross Tube 1. If you are only replacing the cross tube: When
replacing the cross tube, be certain that the
Refer to Figure 5.46 replacement cross tube is properly specified
from OE manufacturing standards. The
replacement tube should have the same length
Figure 5.46 and diameter as the original (removed) tube
that couples with the tie rod ends. Use the
thread count as a guide and install the tie rod
ends into the threaded cross tube ends to the
approximate depth marked during the tie rod
assembly removal.
Both tie rod ends must be installed into the
cross tube deeper than the end of the cross
tube slot. Figure 5.48.
2. If you are installing new tie rod ends: Thread
the tie rod ends to the approximate original
depth inside the cross tube. Figure 5.48.
Both tie rod ends must be installed into the
cross tube deeper than the end of the cross
tube slot. Figure 5.48.
3. Install the nuts and the bolts in the clamps.
Tighten to the specified torque. Figure 5.47.
3 CROSS TUBE Refer to Section 9.
4. Check that the tab on the clamp is firmly seated
against the end of the cross tube. Figure 5.51.
NOTE: The cross tube has right-hand threads on
the right side of vehicle and left-hand threads on
the left side of vehicle. Make sure the tie rod end
threads are correctly installed into the tube deeper
than the end of the cross tube slot. Figure 5.47.
Section 5
Figure 5.48 A = B
1 When assembling the tie rods into the cross tube, equalize the thread depth at both ends.
Figure 5.49
Section 5
8. Clean and dry tie rod taper and connect the tie
rod ends into the tie rod arms. The threaded
portion of the tie rod end must be installed into
the cross tube beyond the end of the slot.
Make certain the clamp tab is firmly seated
against the cross tube.
9. Install the nuts on the tie rod ends. Tighten to
the specified torque. Refer to Table I in
Section 9. T
10. Install the cotter pins. If necessary, tighten the
nut until the holes are aligned. Do not loosen
the nut to install the cotter pin.
11. Check and, if necessary, adjust the toe-in. Refer
to Section 6.
Section 5
Cross Tube/Tie Rod Ends Onto the 3. The rotating style clamp on cross tubes can be
rotated for easier accessibility when installing
Integral Tie Rod Arm the clamp bolt and nut. Tighten nut sufficiently
to engage the locking element of the nut with
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends the bolt. Clamp and tie rod end must be free to
rotate. Make certain clamp tab is firmly
NOTE: The cross tube has right-hand threads on positioned against cross tube. Figure 5.53.
one end and left-hand threads on the other end.
The threaded portion of the tie rod end must be
installed into the cross tube past the end of the Figure 5.53
cross tube slot. Figure 5.52.
Figure 5.52
Section 5
4. Clean and dry tie rod end taper. Figure 5.54. Replace the Truck Hub Unit Stud
5. Connect the tie rod ends into the tie rod arm. Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends
The threaded portion of the tie rod end must
be installed into cross tube beyond the end of NOTE: This procedure applies to axles with barrel
the cross tube slot. Figure 5.52. spindle, integral tie rod arms and sealed hub units.
6. Install the nuts on the tie rod ends. Tighten to If a stud is stripped and needs replacement:
the minimum specified torque. Refer to Table J
in Section 9. 1. Remove the truck hub unit from spindle as
described in “Wheel Ends — Axles With
7. Install the cotter pins. If necessary, tighten the Unitized Wheel Ends” in Section 3.
nut until the holes are aligned. Do not loosen
the nut to install the cotter pin. Do not exceed 2. Support the inboard side of the flange adjacent
the maximum torque. to the stud head and perpendicular to the
press cylinder.
8. Check and, if necessary, adjust the toe-in. Refer
to Section 6.
Observe all warnings and cautions provided by
Figure 5.54 the press manufacturer to avoid damage to
components and serious personal injury.
Section 5
Figure 5.55 5. Install the thick inner washer and wheel bearing
nut onto the spindle stud. Tighten the inner
wheel bearing nut from 500 to 700 lb-ft
(678-949 N•m) torque while rotating the truck
hub unit (a minimum of five rotations). T
6. Install the flattened “D” washer or tabbed
washer if provided, and the outer wheel bearing
nut onto the spindle stud. Tighten the outer
wheel bearing nut from 200 to 300 lb-ft
(271-406 N•m) torque. T
Section 5
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends Use only Meritor 2297-Z-7098, ThreeBond or
Loctite® Ultra Grey Adhesive/Sealant #18581 RTV
NOTE: Refer to these instructions when you sealants. Do not use other types of RTV brands.
remove or replace a hubcap. Corrosion and truck hub unit component
incompatibility can result.
1. Locate the axle specification plate mounted on
the rear center of the axle beam. 2. Apply RTV (Meritor part number 2297-Z-7098)
to the outside first thread of the hubcap. Apply
2. Check the axle model number and manufacture a continuous 1/8-inch to 3/16-inch (3-5 mm)
date printed on the axle specification plate. bead of RTV around the entire circumference
Figure 5.56. Refer to the instructions below for of the hubcap. Figure 5.57.
the axle type you are servicing.
Figure 5.56
Section 5
Take care when you use Loctite to avoid serious
personal injury. Follow the manufacturer’s
instructions to prevent irritation to the eyes
and skin.
3. Use the correct size socket to tighten the Install the Brake Components and
hubcap to the specified torque: Wheel Ends
r Plastic hubcaps: Tighten the hubcap to
50 lb-ft (67 N•m). T Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends
r Metal hubcaps: Tighten the hubcap to 1. Install the brake assembly on the knuckle.
325-375 lb-ft (442-510 N•m). T Refer to the procedure from the manufacturer
of the vehicle.
Drag Link 2. Lubricate the wheel bearings. Refer to
1. Connect the drag link to the steering arm. Section 8.
Figure 5.58. 3. Install the outer wheel bearing cone in the hub.
2. Connect the drag link to the Pitman arm. Install the adjusting nut.
4. Adjust the wheel bearings. Refer to “Check and
Adjust the Wheel Bearings” in Section 6. Refer
CAUTION to the wheel end hardware manufacturer’s
Tighten the nuts to the specified torque. If the nuts procedures if necessary.
are not tightened to the specified torque, the parts
will be damaged. 5. Install the cap and the gasket on the hub.
Install the capscrews and tighten to 20-30 lb-ft
3. Install the nuts. Tighten to the specified torque. (27-41 N•m). T
Refer to Section 9. 6. Install the wheel and tire assembly.
4. Install the cotter pins. If necessary, tighten the 7. Lower the vehicle to the ground. Check for
nut until the holes are aligned. Do not loosen correct operation.
the nut to install the cotter pin.
8. Check and adjust the toe-in. Refer to Section 6.
5. Lubricate the drag link. Refer to Section 8.
6. Check for correct operation.
Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC Information contained in this publication was in effect at the time the publication was approved for printing and is
2135 West Maple Road subject to change without notice or liability. ArvinMeritor Commercial Vehicle Systems reserves the right to revise
Troy, MI 48084 USA the information presented or discontinue the production of parts described at any time.
Copyright 2001 Maintenance Manual 2
ArvinMeritor, Inc. Revised 05-01
All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA 16579/ArvinMeritor
Revised 05-01
Front Non-Drive
Steering Axles
Maintenance Manual 2
Part 2
Part 2
Section 6: Adjustments
Inspection Before Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Wheels and Tires
Front Suspension
Rear Axle and Rear Suspension
Front Wheel Alignment
Minor Front Wheel Alignment
Major Front Wheel Alignment
Check and Adjust the Wheel Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends
Adjust the Maximum Turn Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Adjust the Pressure Relief in the Power Steering System
(Setting the Maximum Turn Angle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends
Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Turning Radius Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
King Pin Inclination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Camber Angle
Caster Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Adjust the Toe-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Section 7: Diagnostics
Front Non-Drive Steering Axle Diagnostic Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Section 8: Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Lubricant Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Inspection and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Section 9: Torque Specifications
Front Non-Drive Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
Front Non-Drive Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
Section 10: Special Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
Section 6
Section 6
5. Check and adjust the turning radius angle Adjust the dial indicator so that the pointer is
(toe-out on turns or Ackerman angle). Refer to against the center of the knuckle. Set the dial
“Turning Radius Angle” in this section. indicator on “zero” (0). Figure 6.1.
6. Check the king pin (or steering axis) inclination.
NOTE: Do not push/pull at the top and the bottom
Refer to “King Pin Inclination” in this section.
of the hub or drum. Pushing or pulling at the top
7. Check the camber angle. Refer to “Camber and the bottom will not give a true reading of the
Angle” in this section. end play.
Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the
wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving.
Support the vehicle with safety stands. Do not With indicator mounted at bottom, push/pull at
work under a vehicle supported only by jacks. sides of tire.
Jacks can slip and fall over. Serious personal injury
can result.
Section 6
Figure 6.4
Section 6
10. Axles With Single Nut Fasteners: 12. Install the gasket and the cap on the hub.
Install the capscrews and tighten to 20-30 lb-ft
A. Back off the adjusting nut 1/8 turn. (27-41 N•m). T
Figure 6.5.
13. Lower the vehicle to the ground. Check the
B. Rotate the nut in either direction to line up correct vehicle operation.
a slot with the closest cotter pin hole in
the spindle.
C. Install a new cotter pin in the nut. Adjust the Maximum
D. Measure the end play. The end play must Turn Angle
be 0.001-0.005-inch (0.025-0.127 mm). The stop bolt on the back of the knuckle controls
Refer to Steps 4-5. Readjust if necessary. the maximum turn angle.
Single Nut Fasteners: Back off nut 1/8 turn. Figure 6.6 REFERENCES TO KNUCKLE
Double Nut and Lock Fasteners: Back off nut 1/3 turn. FOR STOP BOLT ADJUSTMENT
Section 6
If the stop bolt is missing, bent or broken, the
system requires adjustment. Refer to “Mechanical
Stop” in this section.
In power steering systems, the hydraulic pressure 1 MAXIMUM TURN ANGLE
should relieve or “drop off” at the end of the 3 1/8-INCH SPACER
steering stroke (with 1/8-inch or 3 mm minimum 4 3/4-INCH STOP BOLT
clearance at the stop bolt). If the pressure does not 5 JAM NUT
relieve, the components of the front axle will be 6 2-PIECE STOP BOLT ASSEMBLY
Section 6
Do not exceed the maximum turn angle specified
by the vehicle manufacturer. If the angle is
exceeded, the steering arms, the cross tube and
the tie rod ends will be damaged.
Section 6
If the stop bolt is missing, bent or broken, the In power steering systems, the hydraulic pressure
system requires adjustment. Refer to “Mechanical should relieve or “drop off” at the end of the
Stop” in this section. steering stroke (with 1/8-inch or 3 mm minimum
clearance at the stop bolt). If the pressure does
For power steering systems, the stop bolt should not relieve, the components of the front axle will
NOT touch the beam. The stop bolt should always be damaged.
have a minimum clearance of 1/8-inch (3 mm) as
shown in Figure 6.9. 1. Put a 1/8-inch (3 mm) spacer between the stop
bolt and the boss on the axle beam.
Figure 6.9 KNUCKLE POSITIONS FOR 2. Turn the steering wheel until the boss on the
POPPET VALVE SETTINGS axle beam touches the spacer in front of the
stop bolt. Measure the turn angle.
3. If the maximum turn angle does not meet
vehicle manufacturer’s specifications, adjust
the maximum angle. In a power steering
system, adjust the pressure relief. In a manual
steering system, follow guidelines and
specifications from the vehicle manufacturer.
4. When the maximum turn angle is correct:
r Loosen stop bolt wheel bearing nut.
Figure 6.10.
r Insert 1/8-inch spacer and adjust the stop
r Tighten the wheel bearing nut from
50 to 75 lb-ft (68-101 N•m). T
Section 6
Meritor does not recommend a power steering
system that does not have mechanical stops or
pressure relief before the maximum turn angle is 1 STOP BOLT
obtained. The stops or the pressure relief are used 3 1/8-INCH (3 MM) CLEARANCE BETWEEN STOP BOLT
to prevent damage to the axle. AND BOSS
Axles With Conventional
Wheel Ends
Mechanical Stop
Use the mechanical stop in the steering system to
adjust the pressure relief. Do not use the stop bolt
on the knuckle alone to adjust the poppet valve
pressure relief.
Use a pressure gauge to make sure that the
pressure drops from the maximum system
delivery pressure to a maximum of 700-1000 psi
(4825-6890 kPa) BEFORE the full turning angle
is achieved.
Section 6
Hydraulic steering gears with poppet valves are NOTE: Refer to the specified procedures from the
adjusted with a spacer between the stop bolt in the manufacturer of the vehicle.
knuckle and the boss on the axle beam. The
poppet valves are adjusted to stop or reduce
steering forces from the 1/8-inch (3 mm) specified CAUTION
distance between the beam boss and the spacer. Use a pressure gauge to make sure that the
Figure 6.12. pressure drops from the maximum system
delivery pressure to a maximum of 700-1000 psi
(4825-6890 kPa) BEFORE the full turning angle
Figure 6.12 KNUCKLE POSITION is achieved.
Steering systems with mechanical stops are
adjusted when the wheels are turned to the full
right and full left turn positions. The stop travel is
set at 1/8-inch (3 mm) before the stop bolt contacts
the axle beam boss. Figure 6.13.
Section 6
Section 6
Section 6
Caster Angle
Caster is the forward or rearward tilt of the king pin
center line when viewed from the side of the
vehicle. The caster angle is the angle from the
vertical position to the center line of the king pin.
If the top of the king pin axis is toward the rear of 1 NEGATIVE CASTER
the vehicle, the caster is positive. A slight positive 2 POSITIVE CASTER
caster creates a self-aligning action that helps to 3 FORWARD
stabilize the vehicle after turning and stabilizes it
for driving straight ahead. Figure 6.18.
The caster angle is controlled by tapered shims
Always use an alignment machine to check the installed under the leaf springs. Adjust caster
caster angle. When checking caster, refer to the according to the specifications and procedures of
instructional procedures from the alignment the vehicle manufacturer.
equipment manufacturer.
If caster is too much, steering effort will increase or
may amplify a shimmy condition.
Section 6
Caster specifications are set by the vehicle 3. Use paint or chalk to mark the center area of
manufacturer. Refer to the specifications of the both front tires around the complete outer
vehicle manufacturer for the caster setting. surface of the tire.
If caster specifications are not available from the
4. Place the pointers of a trammel bar on the
vehicle manufacturer, Meritor recommends
marks of each tire. Rotate the tires. Make sure a
a caster setting of +1 degrees to +2-1/2 degrees for
straight line is marked on the outer surface of
vehicles with manual steering and +2 degrees to
the tire.
+4-1/2 degrees for vehicles with power steering.
FE-970 and FE-971 axles have a recommended NOTE: Do not measure toe-in with the front axle in
caster setting of −1/2 degrees to −2 degrees. the raised position. The weight of the vehicle must
be on the front axle when toe-in is measured.
Adjust the Toe-In 5. Lower the vehicle to the floor. Move the vehicle
Toe is the relationship of the distance between forward and backward 10 feet (3 meters).
the front of the front tires and the rear of the 6. Place the trammel bar at the back of the tires.
front tires. Raise the pointers so that the pointers are level
When the front distance is less than the rear with the spindles. Align the pointers with the
distance, the wheels are “toed in.” Toe-in is designed marks on the tires. Measure and record the
into the vehicle to counteract the tendency of the distance between the pointers.
tires to toe-out when the vehicle is driven.
7. Place the trammel bar at the front of the tires.
Incorrect toe-in will result in rapid tire wear. Raise the pointers so that the pointers are level
with the spindles. Align the pointers with the
Toe-In Specifications: marks on the tires. Measure and record the
r Unloaded Vehicles: 1/16-inch (1.587 mm) distance between the pointers. Figure 6.19.
± 1/32-inch (0.794 mm).
r Loaded Vehicles: 1/32-inch (0.794 mm) Figure 6.19
± 1/32-inch (0.794 mm).
Most tire wear is caused by incorrect toe settings.
Do not change camber or caster settings to correct
tire wear problems. If the axle assembly is bent to
change caster or camber, the strength of the axle is
reduced and the warranty is voided. An axle
damaged by bending may cause a vehicle accident
and result in serious personal injury.
Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the
wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving.
Support the vehicle with safety stands. Do not
work under a vehicle supported only by jacks.
Jacks can slip and fall over. Serious personal injury
can result.
Section 6
Figure 6.20
Section 7
Section 7Diagnostics
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe eye
protection when you perform vehicle maintenance
or service.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Section 8Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe eye
protection when you perform vehicle maintenance
or service.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
I = Inspect
L = Lubricate
T = Tighten to specified torque
* If power washers are used during vehicle cleaning operations, lubrication intervals need to be adjusted. Frequent power washed
vehicles will require more frequent lubrication.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Lubricant Specifications
Table F: Linehaul and City Delivery (Applicable FF and FD Including FD-931, FD-933 and FD-961 Applications)
a Applies to ball studs on Easy Steer Plus™ axles. Sealed axles require inspection of the boot on the ball stud every 100,000 miles
(160 000 km) for wear and damage. Service as necessary.
a Current designations are acceptable. Multi-weight engine oils are acceptable if the SAE rating ends in a 40 or 50.
b Current designations are acceptable. Multi-weight engine oils are acceptable if the SAE rating ends in a 30.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Figure 8.3
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Figure 8.4
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
King Pins Sealed and Easy Steer™ King Pins — Axles With
Unitized Wheel Ends
Straight King Pins — Axles With Conventional
Wheel Ends NOTE: This procedure applies to 921, 931, 932,
933, 934, 941, 942, 943, 951, 961, 966, 967, 963, 971,
NOTE: This procedure applies to 901, 903, 910, and 975 Series, Easy Steer™ sealed front axles.
935, 952 and 970 front conventional axles. Refer to Refer to the identification tag on the front of the
the identification tag on the front of the axle beam. axle beam.
On conventional front axles, the grease fittings are
on the side of the knuckle. On sealed and Easy Steer Plus™ front axles, the
grease fittings are on the top and bottom king pin
caps of the knuckle.
WARNING 1. Make sure the tires touch the ground. DO NOT
Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the RAISE THE VEHICLE.
wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving.
Support the vehicle with safety stands. Do not 2. Clean off all grease fittings prior to lubrication.
work under a vehicle supported only by jacks. 3. Lubricate the king pins through the grease
Jacks can slip and fall over. Serious personal injury fittings on the top and bottom of the knuckle.
can result. Figure 8.6.
1. Lift the vehicle so that the tires are off the 4. Apply lubricant until new lubricant comes from
ground. The front tires should be off the ground the thrust bearing seal and the upper shim
when the king pins are lubricated. Support the pack.
vehicle with safety stands. Place blocks in front
and behind the rear wheels to keep the vehicle
from moving. Set the parking brake. Figure 8.6 SEALED, EASY STEER™
Figure 8.5
2 Lube must come from here.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Easy Steer™ King Pins — Axles With Unitized Ball Studs on the Steering Arm, the Tie
Wheel Ends Rod Arm Ends and the Drag Link
NOTE: This procedure applies to Easy Steer Axles With Conventional Wheel Ends
Plus™, MFS 10-2015-N, and MFS 12-2015-N sealed 1. Make sure the tires touch the ground. DO NOT
front axles. Refer to the identification tag on the RAISE THE VEHICLE.
front of the axle beam.
2. Clean off all grease fittings prior to lubrication.
On Easy Steer Plus™, MFS 10-2015-N, and 3. Apply lubricant until new lubricant comes from
MFS 12-2015-N front axles, the grease fittings are the boot. Figure 8.8.
on the top and bottom king pin caps of the knuckle.
1. Make sure the tires touch the ground. DO NOT Figure 8.8
2. Clean off all grease fittings prior to lubrication.
3. Lubricate the king pins through the grease
fittings on the top and bottom of the knuckle.
Figure 8.7.
2 Lube must come from here.
Figure 8.9
2 Lube must come from here.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
NOTE: This procedure applies to hubs with NOTE: This procedure applies to hubs with
grease-lubricated wheel bearings. oil-lubricated wheel bearings.
1. Remove the tire and wheel assembly. Remove Check the level on the cap. If the oil level is not at
and disassemble the hub. Refer to “Wheel the specified level on the cap, remove the fill plug.
Ends” in Section 3. Add the specified oil until the oil is at the specified
level. Figure 8.11.
2. Remove the old lubricant from all parts.
Discard the seals. Inspect the wheel bearings
for wear or damage. Replace worn or damaged Figure 8.11
bearings. Refer to Section 4.
3. Force the specified lubricant from the large end
of the cones into the cavities between the
rollers and cage. Pack the hub between the
bearing cups with lubricant to the level of the
smallest diameter of the cups. Figure 8.10.
Figure 8.10
Inspection Tools
Before performing an inspection of axle
components, make sure the proper tools are
4. Install the inner and outer bearing cones into available. Using the proper tools will ensure safety
the cups in the hubs. The bearing cups must be and provide the most accurate results. Check for
pressed tight against the shoulder in the hubs. the following tools:
5. Install new wheel seals in the hubs. r Dial Indicator
6. Install the hub and the wheel and tire r Tire Blocks
assembly. Install the outer wheel bearing cone
in the hub. Install the adjusting nut. r Jack
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
The repair or reconditioning of front axle
components is not allowed. Meritor recommends
replacing damaged or out-of-specification
components. All major components are heat
treated and tempered. The components cannot be
bent, welded, heated or repaired in any way
without reducing the strength or life of the
component and voiding the warranty and may
cause a vehicle accident which can result in
serious personal injury.
r Every 36,000 miles (58 000 km) of operation. 2. Use a jack to raise the vehicle until the front
wheels are off the ground. Support the front
axle with safety stands.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the wheels
to prevent the vehicle from moving. Support the
vehicle with safety stands. Do not work under a
vehicle supported only by jacks. Jacks can slip and
fall over. Serious personal injury can result.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
3. Install a dial indicator for each side of the axle B. For checking driver side knuckle end play:
beam as follows:
r Turn wheels straight ahead.
A. For checking curb side knuckle end play:
r Remove king pin cap.
r Turn wheels straight ahead.
r Install a dial indicator with the base on the
r Install dial base on axle beam. steering arm.
r Place dial indicator tip to upper king pin r Place dial indicator tip onto exposed king
cap. pin top.
r Place a jack and a wood block (with hole r Set the dial indicator on “zero” (0).
that allows clearance for lower king pin
grease fitting) under the lower king pin r Move jack up. Measure and record dial
cap area. Figure 8.15. indicator reading.
r Raise the jack until you start to lift the axle 4. Alternative method:
beam off the safety stands. Measure and r Turn the wheels to the right for curb side
record dial indicator reading. knuckle or left for driver side knuckle
r Lower the jack. measurement.
r Place a pry bar between the tie rod arm and
the axle beam. Figure 8.16.
Figure 8.15 CURB SIDE
r Set the dial indicator on “zero” (0).
r Lift knuckle upward using a pry bar. Record
the reading on the dial indicator.
2 Lift here.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the
wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving.
Support the vehicle with safety stands. Do not
work under a vehicle supported only by jacks.
Jacks can slip and fall over. Serious personal injury
can result.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Figure 8.19
Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the
wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving.
Support the vehicle with safety stands. Do not
work under a vehicle supported only by jacks.
Jacks can slip and fall over. Serious personal injury
can result. A DRIVER SIDE
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
6. Check the lower king pin bushing. Install a dial Inspection of Sealed Hub Units
indicator so that the base is on the I-beam and
that the tip is against the side of the bottom of Axles With Unitized Wheel Ends
the knuckle. Figure 8.20. Inspect the truck hub unit end play every
7. Set the dial indicator on “zero” (0). 200,000 miles (320 000 km) or 24 months.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
8. Repeat Step 5. Record measurements greater 5. Place the indicator tip near the ball stud center
than 0.003-inch (0.076 mm) and less than (grease fitting) of the tie rod end. Figure 8.22.
0.009-inch (0.229 mm) in a maintenance log.
9. Check that the truck hub unit rotates smoothly. Figure 8.22
The truck hub unit is sealed and greased for life
and requires no maintenance. Any disassembly,
relubrication or repair of the truck hub unit will
void the manufacturer’s warranty.
1 UP
Figure 8.21 2 TIE ROD END
Check the tie rod end play by hand. Do not use a
pry bar. If a pry bar is used, readings from the dial
indicator will not be accurate.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Do not grease the tie rod assembly before A cotter pin must be installed through the tie rod
performing the inspection. Doing so may provide end with the tie rod end nut tightened to torque
inaccurate results. specification to securely attach the tie rod. Loss of
the cotter pin will allow the tie rod end nut to
Replace the entire tie rod end if the boot is torn or become loose and affect vehicle steering and
missing. Do not replace the boot only. possibly result in loss of steering control.
1. Place blocks in front of and behind the vehicle’s 5. Check that the tie rod nut is installed and
rear wheels. Using the bottom of the I-beam or secured with a cotter pin. If the cotter pin is
frame rails, raise the front end off the ground, missing, check the nut torque specification and
and support with stands. then install a new cotter pin. Always tighten tie
rod nut to specified torque when setting the
2. With the engine off, turn wheels from full left to cotter pin. Figure 8.24.
full right, and then return to the straight-ahead
position. (This step will require more force for
vehicles with the power steering turned off.) Figure 8.24
3. Check that the boot is in place and completely
installed over the tie rod end.
Figure 8.23
2 Missing cotter pin indicates unsafe condition and
requires immediate replacement.
The tie rod ends must be at the end of the cross
tube slot to ensure adequate thread engagement.
1 Cracked or torn boot requires entire tie rod end
6. Check that the tie rod end is threaded correctly
into the cross tube and engaged deeper than
the end of the cross tube slot. The tie rod end
must be visible the entire length of the cross
tube slot. Figure 8.25.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Figure 8.26
1 Tie rod end engaged deeper than the end of the cross
tube slot.
3 Tie rod threads must be visible the entire length of the
cross tube slot.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
3. Position yourself directly below the ball stud 6. Check for proper installation of the tie rod end
socket. Using both hands, grab the end as clamp to the cross tube. Be certain that tie rod
close to the socket as possible (no more ends are threaded in the cross tube past the
than 6-inches or 152.4 mm from the end). clamps and the slots at the cross tube ends.
Firmly apply hand pressure (approximately
7. Check that zerk fittings are installed. Replace
100 pounds) in a vertical push-and-pull motion
damaged zerk fittings. Replace damaged zerk
several times. When moving the assembly,
check for any movement at both tie rod ends. fittings. Figure 8.28. Refer to Table E in this
Figure 8.26. section.
Some tie rod ends have no zerk fittings
because they are not greaseable. Do not install
WARNING a zerk fitting on a non-greaseable design tie
If any movement is detected by hand, replace the rod end.
worn components with new components before
releasing the vehicle back into service. 8. Check that the cotter pin is in place. Replace if
missing. Tighten the tie rod end nut to the
4. If any movement is detected at one tie rod end, specified torque and then insert the cotter pin
replace it and also the other tie rod end. through the castellated nut and the hole in the
Always replace tie rod ends in pairs, even if tie rod end.
only one tie rod is found damaged.
Figure 8.28
Do not attempt to straighten a bent cross tube.
Damage to the axle can result. Be certain to
replace any cross tube with an original equipment
cross tube (with the same length, diameter and
1 CROSS TUBE CLAMP D. Inspect and lubricate the tie rod ends
2 CRACK DAMAGE according to Table E in this section.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Tie Rods
Effect of Tie Rod End Wear on Steering Linkage
Unless tie rod end wear becomes excessive, a safe
steering linkage is maintained. However, tie rod
end wear can affect uniform steering control and,
ultimately, wear to the front tires.
Detecting Tie Rod End Wear During
Vehicle Operation
A driver may not always detect a loose tie rod end
condition during vehicle travel conditions. This is
why it is important to inspect tie rod ends for wear
and allowable movement at regular intervals. Refer
to Table E in this section for inspection intervals.
Tie Rod End Wear
It is imperative that inspection and maintenance
is performed at the recommended intervals to
minimize the impact of tie rod end wear. Tie rod
end wear occurs over time, under normal
operating conditions. As wear occurs, the preload
bearings inside each tie rod end provide less
resistance. Excessive tie rod end wear will affect
steering and contribute to premature wear of the
tires and other axle components. Figure 8.29.
Section 8
Lubrication, Inspection and Maintenance
Figure 8.30
Take care when you use Loctite to avoid serious
personal injury. Follow the manufacturer’s
instructions to prevent irritation to the eyes
and skin.
Section 9
Torque Specifications
Section 9Torque Specifications
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe eye
protection when you perform vehicle maintenance
or service.
Section 9
Torque Specifications
Torque Range T
Item Description Size lb-ft N•m
1 Steering Arm to Drag Link Nut 5/8"-16 60-115 82-155
5/8"-18 60-115 92-155
3/4"-16 90-170 123-230
7/8"-14 160-300 217-407
2 Knuckle Cap Capscrew 5/16"-18 20-30 28-40
3 Steering Arm to Knuckle Nut 7/8"-14 250-450 339-610
1"-14 390-725 529-982
1-1/8"-12 550-1025 746-1389
1-1/4"-12 775-1450 1051-1965
1-1/2"-12 1350-2525 1831-3423
4 Draw Key Nut 30-45 41-61
5 3/4" Stop Screw Adapter 65-115 88-155
6 1/2" Stop Screw Lock/Jam Nut 50-75 68-101
7 3/4" Stop Screw Lock/Jam Nut 65-85 88-115
8 Tie Rod Arm to Tie Rod 7/8"-14 160-300 217-406
End Nut
1"-14 250-450 339-610
1-1/8"-12 350-650 475-881
1-1/4"-12 500-675 678-915
9 Cross Tube Clamp Nut 5/8"-11 40-60 55-81
3/4"-10 155-175 211-237
10 Tie Rod Arm to Knuckle Nut 7/8"-14 250-450 339-610
1"-14 390-725 529-982
1-1/8"-12 550-1025 746-1389
1-1/4"-12 775-1450 1051-1965
1-1/2"-12 1350-2525 1831-3423
Section 9
Torque Specifications
Section 9
Torque Specifications
Torque Range T
Item Description Size lb-ft N•m
1 Zerk Fitting 1/8"-27 P.T.F. 10 minimum 13.558 minimum
2 Threaded King Pin Cap 2-1/4"-20 60-80 81-108
3 Steering Arm Knuckle Bolt 7/8"-14 300-450 406-610
4 Stop Screw Wheel Bearing Nut 1/2"-13 50-75 68-101
Tie Rod Arm to Tie Rod 7/8"-14 160-300 217-406
End Nut
1"-14 250-450 339-610
1-1/8"-12 350-650 475-881
1-1/4"-12 500-675 678-915
6 Draw Key Nut 7/16"-20 30-45 41-61
Cross Tube Clamp Nut 5/8"-11 40-60 55-81
3/4"-10 155-175 211-237
Hubcap 3-1/2" Plastic 50-100 67-135
3-1/2" Aluminum 325-375 440-508
9 Outer Wheel Bearing Nut — 200-300 271-406
10 Inner Wheel Bearing Nut — 500-700 677-949
Note on Fasteners
r All torques given apply to parts lightly coated with rust preventive type oil.
r For dry parts — increase torques 10%.
r For parts heavily coated with oil — decrease torques 10%.
Section 10
Special Tools
Section 10Special Tools
a Order Kent-Moore tools from: Kent-Moore, 28635 Mound Road, Warren, MI 48092.
b Order Owatonna tools from OTC Tool and Equipment Division, 655 Eisenhower Drive, Owatonna, MN 55060.
c See your local Snap-On dealer.
d Use Basic Service Kit along with the correct axle series kit.
Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC Information contained in this publication was in effect at the time the publication was approved for printing and is
2135 West Maple Road subject to change without notice or liability. ArvinMeritor Commercial Vehicle Systems reserves the right to revise
Troy, MI 48084 USA the information presented or discontinue the production of parts described at any time.
Copyright 2001 Maintenance Manual 2
ArvinMeritor, Inc. Revised 05-01
All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA 16579/ArvinMeritor
Revised 11-01
Update to Maintenance
Manual 2, Front Non-Drive
Steering Axles/Part 1
(Revised 05-01)
Maintenance Do Not Apply Anti-Seize/Anti-Fretting
Compound to Spindle Threads
Manual Update (Section 5, Assembly; Page 59, Step 2)
Revised Procedure
This Maintenance Manual Update revises Step 2
on page 59 of Section 5, Assembly, in
Maintenance Manual 2, Front Non-Drive Steering
Axles/Part 1 (Revised 05-01). Refer to the revised
procedure, below.
2. Coat the new O-ring with a thin coat of
anti-seize/anti-fretting compound (Meritor part
number 1199R486 or Dowd Molykote D). Coat
the inside of the truck hub unit with anti-seize
compound. Make certain to cover inner and
outer bearing races. Do not apply anti-seize/
anti-fretting compound to spindle threads.
Wipe away any anti-seize/anti-fretting
compound that may have dripped onto the
spindle threads.
Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC Information contained in this publication was in effect at the time the publication was approved for printing and is
2135 West Maple Road subject to change without notice or liability. ArvinMeritor Commercial Vehicle Systems reserves the right to revise
Troy, MI 48084 USA the information presented or discontinue the production of parts described at any time.
arvinmeritor.com Copyright 2001 TP-01119
ArvinMeritor, Inc. Revised 11-01
All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA 16579/Meritor
Revised 02-01
Maintenance Manual 1
• Q PlusTM Cam Brake • Tandem Axle with • Automatic Slack • ZF Meritor Ten-Speed
Pump, Filter System Adjuster Transmission
and Driver-Controlled
Differential Lock
Service Notes
Service Notes
You Begin How to Obtain Additional
This manual provides maintenance intervals and Maintenance and Service
procedures, lubricant specifications, and product Information for Components
capacities for Meritor and ZF Meritor components. Included in This Manual
1. Understand all procedures and instructions.
2. Follow your company’s maintenance and Contact Our Customer Service Center
service, installation, and diagnostics Call ArvinMeritor’s Customer Service Center at
guidelines. 800-535-5560 to order maintenance and service
3. Use special tools when required to avoid information for components included in this
serious personal injury and damage to manual, as well as the following items.
components. O Drivetrain PlusTM by ArvinMeritor Technical
Electronic Library CD features product and
Safety Alerts, Torque Symbol service information on most Meritor, ZF Meritor
and Meritor WABCO components. $20. Order
and Notes TP-9853.
O Lubrication video. $20. Order T-9398V.
A Warning alerts you to an
WARNING instruction or procedure
that you must follow Access Product and Service Information
exactly to avoid serious from the Technical Library on
personal injury and ArvinMeritor’s Web Site
damage to components.
Visit the Technical Library section of our web site
A Caution alerts you to an at www.arvinmeritor.com, which contains product
CAUTION instruction or procedure and service information for ArvinMeritor’s
that you must follow commercial vehicle systems lineup.
exactly to avoid damage to
components and possible To access information on the site, click Products
serious injury. & Services/Tech Library Icon/HVS Publications.
The screen will display an index of publications
A torque symbol alerts you by type.
to tighten fasteners to a
specified torque value.
NOTE A Note provides
information or suggestions
that help you correctly
service a component.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
How to Obtain Additional Maintenance and Service Information for Components Included in This Manual . . . . 1
Regularly-Scheduled Maintenance is Important
Oil Lubricants
Oil Change Schedules
Recommended Oil Drain Conditions Based on Used-Oil Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Differential Oils (Hypoid Gear Oils)
Manual Transmission Oils
Grease Lubricants
National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Extreme Pressure (EP) Lubricants
Section 2: Clutches
Release Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Bell Housing
Clutch Linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Section 3: Drivelines
Driveline Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
RPL Series PermalubeTM Driveline Universal Joint, Slip Yoke and Splines
Standard/Conventional Driveline Universal Joint
Standard/Conventional Driveline Slip Yoke and Splines
92N Permalube Driveline Universal Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
92N Greaseable Driveline Universal Joint
92N Permalube and Greaseable Driveline Slip Yoke and Splines
Section 4: Front Driving Axles
Front Driving Axles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Magnets and Magnetic Drain Plugs
Temperature Indicators
Oil Level
Drain and Replace Oil
Wheel Bearings and Wheel-Ends
Knuckle King Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Camshaft Retainer Bushing and Cam Bushing
Drive Axle Shaft Universal Joint
Axle Shaft Spline and Thrust Washer
Cross Tube End Assembly
Knuckle Bushing
Section 5: Front Non-Driving Axles
King Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Conventional Front Axles
Sealed and Easy SteerTM Front Axles
Easy Steer PlusTM Front Axles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Ball Studs on the Steering Arm, Tie Rod Arm Ends and Drag Link
Conventional Front Axles, Easy Steer Front Axles, Easy Steer Plus Front Axles
Wheel Bearings and Wheel-Ends
Conventional Front Axles, Easy Steer Front Axles, Easy Steer Plus Front Axles
Section 6: On-Highway Brakes
Q PlusTM LX500 Cam Brake Package with the Extended Lube Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Available for On-Highway Linehaul and All Other Applications
Q PlusTM MX500 Extended Maintenance Package Option
Available for On-Highway Linehaul Applications Only
Identifying Q PlusTM LX500 and MX500 Cam Brakes
Lubricating the Q PlusTM LX500 and MX500 Cam Brakes and Automatic Slack Adjusters
After Specified Mileage or Time Intervals
Camshaft Bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Q PlusTM, Cast PlusTM, Q Series, P Series and T Series Cam Brakes
Table of Contents
O Always follow recommended lubrication O Use multigrade oils when vehicles operate in
intervals and procedures. both cold and warm weather between oil
Section 1
Section 1
Do not use multi-viscosity or Extreme Pressure
(EP) GL-5 gear oils in a manual transmission.
Damage to the transmission will result.
Section 2
Section 2
Figure 2.1
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe
eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service.
Release Bearing
Make sure the inspection cover on the clutch GREASE
housing is used. If an inspection cover is not used, FITTING
dirt and contaminants enter the clutch housing
and damage the clutch.
Bell Housing
1. Remove the inspection cover on the clutch 1. Clean all grease fittings prior to lubrication.
2. Grease the release fork cross shaft by applying
2. Clean all grease fittings prior to lubrication. grease to each fitting on the bell housing until
3. Correctly lubricate the release bearing. Apply a small amount of grease purges out. Use the
grease to the grease fitting on the release specified lubricant at the recommended
bearing until you can see a small amount of interval. Refer to the lubricant specifications
grease coming out of the bearing housing. and maintenance intervals of the vehicle
Do not overgrease. manufacturer. Figure 2.2.
4. Apply grease to the release yoke tips where
they contact the bearing housing. Also apply Figure 2.2
grease to the exposed transmission input shaft
between the bearing housing and the
transmission input bearing retainer to BELL HOUSING GREASE
lubricate the release sleeve bushing. FITTINGS — BOTH SIDES
Section 2
Clutch Linkage
NOTE: Some vehicle manufacturers may use
“lubed-for-life” ball joints in the clutch linkage.
Refer to the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions.
Figure 2.3
Lubricate every pivot point
in the clutch linkage.
Bell Housing a b — — — —
Clutch Linkage a b — — — —
a Use the interval specified by the vehicle manufacturer or the fleet, but make sure the release bearing is greased once per month.
b Use the grease specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
Approved Lubricants
Lubricant Recommendation
Clutch Bearing Grease Exxon Unirex N Grade 3
(NLGI Grade No. 3, Lithium
Section 3
Section 3
Standard/Conventional Driveline Slip
WARNING Yoke and Splines (Figure 3.2)
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe 1. Check the driveline for looseness. If loose,
eye protection when you perform vehicle service the driveline as necessary.
maintenance or service.
2. Cover the vent hole in the welch plug with
a finger.
Driveline Styles
3. Apply the specified grease at the grease fitting
Industry Name/ Lubrication on the slip yoke until the grease purges from
Description Series Type Requirements the dust seal.
Standard or 16N Full Round Splines and
Conventional 17N Universal Joints
Driveline 176N Figure 3.1
16T Easy Service
Wing Style 92N Wing Style
Wing Style 92N Wing Style Splines Only CAPSCREWS
Permalube WELD
RPL Series RPL 25 Combination None YOKE SLIP YOKE
(Meritor RPL 20 Wing and Full
Permalube) Round U-JOINT
RPL Series Permalube Driveline
Universal Joint, Slip Yoke and Splines
The universal joint, slip yoke and splines are
permanently lubricated and sealed and do not Figure 3.2
require regular lubrication. Figure 3.1.
Standard/Conventional Driveline
Universal Joint (Figure 3.2) BEARING CUPS
1. Check the driveline for looseness. If loose, YOKE
service the driveline as necessary.
2. Clean all grease fittings prior to lubrication.
3. Apply the specified grease at the grease fitting YOKE SADDLE
on the universal joint. Apply grease until new
grease purges from all four seals. BEARING
O If new grease does not purge at all the BEARING CROSS CAPSCREWS
seals: Loosen the problem bearing cap bolts CUPS
and regrease until all four cups purge.
O If new grease still does not purge: Replace
the universal joint.
Section 3
Figure 3.3
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe
eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service.
Section 3
a The greasing interval depends on the individual operating conditions, speed and loads. To determine the interval, inspect for
the presence of grease at all positions until an interval can be determined. Grease the assembly as necessary.
b Refer to the grease manufacturer’s specifications for the temperature service limits.
Approved Lubricants
Lubricant Recommendation
Universal Joint Must meet Meritor Specification O-634-B
Grease (NLGI Grade No. 2, Lithium 12-Hydroxy Stearate
with Molybdenum Disulfide)
Amalie All Purpose Grease with Moly-L1-2M
Exxon 5160
Shell Super Duty Special FF
Marathon Maralube Molycode 529
Phillips Petroleum Philube MW-EP2 Grease
Shell Moly Poly Grease
Kendall L424 Grease
Amoco Super Chassis Grease
Ford Specification M1C-75B or part number
PN-C1AZ 19590
Section 4
Front Driving Axles
Front Driving
4 Axles
Temperature Indicators
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe CAUTION
eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service. Meritor axles can operate above 190°F (88°C)
without damage. However, if the oil temperature
reaches 250°F (121°C), stop the vehicle
Front Driving Axles immediately and check for the cause of
overheating. Damage to components can result.
Magnets and Magnetic Drain Plugs
Many Meritor axles have a tapped hole in the
Meritor front driving axles are equipped with housing for the installation of a lubricant
magnetic drain plugs that have a minimum temperature indicator that will help reduce the
pick-up capacity of 1.5 pounds (0.7 kilograms) failure of axle parts from overheated oil.
of low carbon steel.
The magnetic drain plug can be reused if, after Oil Level
cleaning, the plug has a minimum pick-up capacity
of 1.5 pounds (0.7 kilograms) of low carbon steel. Check and Adjust Oil
Meritor recommends replacing the magnetic drain 1. Make sure the vehicle is parked on a level
plug each time the oil is changed. Use the correct surface.
part. Pipe plugs will leak if used as a drain plug. 2. Remove the fill plug from the axle.
3. The oil level must be even with the bottom of
Breather the fill plug hole.
O If oil flows from the hole when the plug is
CAUTION loosened, the oil level is high. Let the oil
Cover the breather when steam cleaning the drain to the correct level.
housing to prevent water from entering the O If the oil level is below the bottom of the fill
housing and contaminating the oil. Damage to plug hole, add the specified oil.
components can result.
4. Install and tighten the fill plug to 35-50 lb-ft
Baffle-type breathers help keep Meritor axles free (48-67 N•m). T
from external moisture and dirt, which can cause
premature oil and component failure. Drain and Replace Oil
1. Make sure the vehicle is parked on a level
Seals surface. Put a large container under the axle.
2. Remove the drain plug from the bottom of the
CAUTION axle. Drain and discard the oil properly.
Always use the correct tools and procedures 3. Clean, install and tighten the drain plug to
when replacing seals to ensure correct 35-50 lb-ft (48-67 N•m). T
installation and help prevent seals from leaking.
4. Remove the fill plug from the axle.
Seals keep lubricant in and dirt out of a 5. Fill the axle to the bottom of the fill plug hole
component. When they are worn or damaged, with the specified oil. Allow enough time for
seals leak and produce low lubricant levels which oil to circulate through the axle assembly.
may damage components.
6. Install and tighten the fill plug to 35-50 lb-ft
Durable triple lip seals, standard in Meritor axles, (48-67 N•m). T
protect the quality and levels of the lubricant and
provide superior performance.
Wheel Bearings and Wheel-Ends
Refer to Section 12 for lubrication information on
oil- and grease-lubricated wheel bearings and
Section 4
Front Driving Axles
Section 4
Front Driving Axles
Outside Temperature
F° C°
Meritor Specification
Specifications Approval Oil Description Min. Max. Min. Max.
O-76A Gear Oil MIL-PRF-2105-E GL-5, SAE 85W/140 –10 None –12 None
O-76D Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 80W/90 –15 None –26 None
SAE J2360
O-76E Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 75W/90 –40 None –40 None
O-76J Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 75W –40 35 –40 2
O-76L Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 75W/140 –40 None –40 None
* If the front drive axle is the only axle on the vehicle, change the oil every 15,000 miles (24 000 km) or 1,000 hours
of operation, whichever comes first.
Section 4
Front Driving Axles
* Oil capacities are for standard track axles that have been
measured at various common drive pinion angles. The
quantities listed include enough oil for both wheel-ends.
These oil capacities will change if the track or the drive
pinion angle is different.
Section 5
Front Non-Driving Axles
Front Non-Driving
5 Axles
Figure 5.1
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe
eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service.
King Pins
Conventional Front Axles
Lube must purge
NOTE: This procedure applies to 901, 903, 910, from here. GREASE FITTING
935 and 970 front conventional axles. Refer to the
identification tag on the front of the axle beam.
On conventional front axles, the grease fittings Sealed and Easy SteerTM Front Axles
are on the side of the knuckle.
NOTE: This procedure applies to 911, 921, 931,
932, 933, 934, 941, 942, 943, 944, 951, 952, 961,
WARNING 963, 971 and 975 Series sealed front axles. Refer
Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the to the identification tag on the front of the axle
wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving. beam.
Support the vehicle with safety stands. Do not
work under a vehicle supported only by jacks. On sealed and Easy Steer front axles, the grease
Jacks can slip or fall over and cause serious fittings are on the top and bottom king pin caps of
personal injury. the knuckle.
1. Make sure the tires touch the ground. Do not
1. Lift the vehicle so that the tires are off the elevate the vehicle.
ground. The tires should always be off the
ground when the king pins are lubricated. 2. Clean all grease fittings prior to lubrication.
Support the vehicle with safety stands. Put 3. Lubricate the king pins through the grease
blocks in front and in back of the rear wheels fittings on the top and bottom of the knuckle.
to keep the vehicle from moving. Figure 5.2.
2. Clean all grease fittings prior to lubrication. 4. Apply lubricant until new lubricant purges
3. Lubricate the king pins through the top and from the thrust bearing seal and the upper
the bottom grease fittings on the side of the shim pack.
knuckle. Figure 5.1.
4. Apply lubricant to the top fitting until new Figure 5.2
lubricant purges from between the upper shim
pack and thrust bearing seal.
purge from
5. Lower the vehicle so that the wheels touch here.
the ground.
6. Apply lubricant to the bottom fitting until new
lubricant purges and fills the thrust bearing.
Section 5
Front Non-Driving Axles
Easy Steer PlusTM Front Axles Ball Studs on the Steering Arm,
Tie Rod Arm Ends and Drag Link
NOTE: Removal of the long-life bearings, seals
and lubricant from the hub assembly will void Conventional Front Axles, Easy Steer
the warranty.
Front Axles, Easy Steer Plus Front Axles
Meritor’s Easy Steer Plus front axle features a 1. The tires must touch the ground. Do not raise
permanently-sealed and lubricated truck hub unit the vehicle.
designed to help reduce wheel-end maintenance.
Refer to Maintenance Manual MM-99120 for 2. Clean and remove oil grease fittings prior to
service procedures. lubrication.
3. Apply lubricant at each grease fitting until
CAUTION new lubricant flows from the boot. Figures 5.4
and 5.5.
A unitized hub is permanently sealed and
lubricated as an assembly. Do not attempt to
remove the hub bearings, seals and lubricant. You Figure 5.4
cannot service or reinstall these components into
a unitized hub assembly. Damage to components
can result.
Figure 5.3
Lube must purge
from here.
Wheel Bearings and Wheel-Ends
Conventional Front Axles, Easy Steer
Front Axles, Easy Steer Plus Front Axles
Refer to Section 12 for oil and grease lubrication
Section 5
Front Non-Driving Axles
* Applies to ball studs on conventional and Easy Steer front axles. For sealed axles, inspect the boot on the ball stud every
96,000 miles (154 000 km) for wear and damage. Service as necessary.
* Applies to ball studs on conventional and Easy Steer axles. For sealed axles, inspect the boot on the ball stud every
96,000 miles (154 000 km) for wear and damage. Service as necessary.
Easy Steer Plus Front Non-Driving Axle Greasing Intervals and Specifications
Applies to FF 981, FF 982, FF 983, FF 984 and FF 985 front non-driving steering axles
in all vocations.
* Applies to ball studs on conventional and Easy Steer axles. For sealed axles, inspect the boot on the
ball stud every 96,000 miles (154 000 km) for wear and damage. Service as necessary.
Section 6
On-Highway Brakes
Q Plus LX500 Cam Brake Package
Section 6
On-Highway Brakes
Identifying Q PlusTM LX500 and
with the Extended Lube Feature MX500 Cam Brakes
Available for On-Highway Linehaul and NOTE: Do not remove the identification tag from
All Other Applications the camshaft bracket during the extended
maintenance period.
NOTE: You must continue to observe all other
brake preventive maintenance schedules and You can identify Q Plus LX500 and MX500 cam
procedures for Q Plus LX500 and MX500 cam brakes by checking the identification tags affixed
brakes with factory-installed Meritor automatic to the brake.
slack adjusters. Refer to Maintenance Manual 1. A brake shoe tag identifies the brakes as
MM-96173, Q Plus LX500 Cam Brakes, and Q Plus brakes.
Maintenance Manual 4B, Automatic Slack
Adjuster. 2. An additional identification tag imprinted with
Meritor’s new Q Plus LX500 cam brake package MM-96173 FOR LUBE INFO,” which is affixed
with the Extended Lube feature is available for to the brake chamber bracket over the top of
on-highway linehaul and all other applications the plugged grease hole, identifies the brake
and includes: as a Q Plus LX500 or MX500 brake.
O Q Plus LX500 cam brakes. 3. Q Plus LX500 and MX500 brakes and
automatic slack adjusters do not have
O Meritor factory-installed automatic slack grease fittings.
O Extended Lube Feature: For on-highway Lubricating the Q PlusTM LX500 and
linehaul applications, the Q Plus LX500 MX500 Cam Brakes and Automatic
camshaft and slack adjusters do not require
lubrication and reline for 3 years or Slack Adjusters After Specified
500,000 miles (800 000 km), whichever comes Mileage or Time Intervals
first. For all other applications, the lubrication
interval is one year, regardless of mileage. 1. Remove the identification tag from the
chamber bracket housing.
Q PlusTM MX500 Extended 2. Remove grease plugs from both the chamber
bracket and the automatic slack adjuster.
Maintenance Package Option
3. Install grease fittings and lubricate the brake
Available for On-Highway Linehaul assembly through the grease fitting in the
bracket with Meritor-approved synthetic
Applications Only grease O-695 until new grease flows from
Meritor’s new Q Plus MX500 cam brake is the inboard seal.
available for on-highway linehaul applications 4. Lubricate the automatic slack adjuster through
only and includes: the grease fitting until new grease flows out of
O Extended Maintenance Package: Proprietary the pull pawl or camshaft seal.
friction material on 5-inch wider shoes for 5. Replace the fittings with new grease plugs
front axles and 8-inch wider shoes for rear and cover the bracket plug with a new
axles for more wearable volume than Q Plus identification tag.
LX500 brakes.
O Extended Lube Feature: The Q Plus MX500
camshaft and slack adjusters do not require
lubrication and reline for 3 years or
500,000 miles (800 000 km), whichever
comes first.
O Meritor factory-installed automatic slack
Section 6
On-Highway Brakes
Camshaft Bushings
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe
eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service.
When grease flows from the seal near the cam
head, replace the seal. Remove any grease from
the cam head, rollers and linings. Grease on the
linings can increase stopping distances.
Section 6
On-Highway Brakes
Powershaft Splines Any of Above Refer to Above Refer to Above Refer to Above
a The grease used inside the caliper must be non-melting and also allow proper brake function at the cold temperatures listed.
b Do not mix O-637 calcium-base, corrosion-control grease with other greases.
Section 6
On-Highway Brakes
On-Highway Linehaul Applications 3 years or 50,000 miles (80 000 km), whichever comes first
All Other Applications One year, regardless of mileage
Component Specification NLGI Grade Grease Description Outside Temperature
Camshaft Splines and Clevis Pins O-695 2 Synthetic Polyurea –40°F (–40°C)
Anchor Pins O-617-A 1 Lithium 12-Hydroxy Refer to the grease
Stearate or Lithium manufacturer’s
When the brake is disassembled, or Complex specifications for the
or when necessary, lubricate the
O-617-B 2 temperature service
anchor pins where they touch the limits.
brake shoes.
O-645 2 Synthetic Oil, Clay Base Down to –65°F (–54°C)
O-692 1 and 2 Lithium Base Down to –40°F (–40°C)
Shoe Rollers O-617-A 1 Lithium 12-Hydroxy Refer to the grease
Stearate or Lithium manufacturer’s
When the brake is disassembled, or Complex specifications for the
or when necessary, lubricate the
O-617-B 2 temperature service
rollers where they touch the limits.
brake shoes. DO NOT get grease
on the part of the roller that
touches the cam head.
Automatic Slack Adjusters O-695 2 Synthetic Polyurea –40°F (–40°C)
Approved Greases
Lubricant Recommendation
O-616-A Shell Darina Grease No. 1
Texaco Thermatex EP-1
Texaco Hytherm EP-1
Aralub 3837
O-617-A Multi-Purpose Lithium Chassis Grease
O-637* Witco Chemical Corp. SA-824946
O-641 Never-Seez Anti-Seize
O-645 Mobilgrease 28 (Military)
Mobiltemp SHC 32 (Industrial)
Aerospace Lubricants Inc. Tribolube 12-Grade 1
O-692 Amoco Super Permalube #2
Citgo Premium Lithium EP-2 #2
Exxon Ronex MP-2 #2
Kendall L-427 Super Blu #2
Mobilith AW-1 #1
Sohio Factran EP-2 #2
O-695 EVO-LUBE TEK-615
Section 7
Planetary Drive Axles
Section 7
Planetary Drive Axles
5. Install and tighten the fill/level plugs to the 7. Clean the area around the fill/level plug.
correct torque specification. Remove the fill/level plug from the wheel ends
and the axle housing bowl.
Figure 7.1 8. Add the specified oil until the oil level is even
with the bottom of the fill/level hole.
O For axles with separate oil levels in the
wheel ends and the axle housing bowl:
Fill each area with specified oil to the
bottom of the fill plug holes.
O For axles with a common oil level: Fill the
axle with specified oil at each wheel end
FILL/LEVEL and axle housing bowl to the bottom of the
PLUG fill plug holes. Wait and allow the oil to flow
through the axle. Check the oil level again
and fill to the correct level, if necessary.
9. Install and tighten the fill/level plugs to the
Drain and Replace the Oil correct torque specification.
Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the
wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving.
Support the vehicle with safety stands. Do not
work under a vehicle supported only by jacks.
Jacks can slip and fall over. Serious personal
injury can result.
Section 7
Planetary Drive Axles
Outside Temperature
°F °C
Meritor Specification
Specifications Approval Oil Description Min. Max. Min. Max.
O-76A Gear Oil MIL-PRF-2105-E GL-5, SAE 85W/140 –10 None –12 None
O-76D Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 80W/90 –15 None –26 None
SAE J2360
O-76E Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 75W/90 –40 None –40 None
O-76L Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 75W/140 –40 None –40 None
O-76M Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 75W/140 –40 None –40 None
O-76N Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 75W/140 –40 None –40 None
* The interval depends on the individual operating conditions, speeds and loads. Severe operating conditions may
require more frequent intervals.
* Due to varied planetary drive axle specifications, these fill quantities are for reference only.
Section 7
Planetary Drive Axles
* Due to varied planetary drive axle specifications, these fill quantities are for reference only.
Section 8
Rear Drive Axles
Rear Drive
8 Axles Check the drain plug for metal particles every
WARNING 100,000 miles (160 000 kilometers). You can reuse
a magnetic drain plug if the plug has a minimum
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe
pick-up capacity of 1.5 pounds (0.7 kilograms) of
eye protection when you perform vehicle
low carbon steel after cleaning.
maintenance or service.
You must fill Meritor axles with Meritor-specified CAUTION
lubricants only. Do not fill an axle with
non-approved lubricants, which will void Meritor’s Cover the breather when steam cleaning the
warranty. Damage to axle components also housing. If the breather is not covered, water
can result. enters the housing and contaminates the oil.
Damage to components can result.
To avoid axle component damage, fill Meritor
axles with approved lubricants only. Using Baffle-type breathers release pressure and
non-approved lubricants also will void Meritor’s vacuum condensation to minimize premature
warranty. oil and component failure.
Section 8
Rear Drive Axles
Section 8
Rear Drive Axles
Check and Adjust the Oil 3. Install the drain plug. Tighten the plug to
35-50 lb-ft (48-67 N•m). T
WARNING O If an oil pump is used: Remove and replace
the oil filters.
Check the oil level when the axle is at room
temperature. When hot, the oil temperature may O For Advanced Lube axles: Replace the oil
be 190°F (88°C) or more and can cause burns. filter every 100,000 miles (160 000 km).
Also, a correct level is not obtained when the axle
is warm or hot. Serious personal injury and 4. Clean the area around the fill plug. Remove
damage to components can result. the fill plug from the differential carrier of the
axle-housing bowl (depending on the axle).
Do not remove the temperature indicator plug.
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface. The axle
must be cold or near room temperature. 5. Add the specified oil until the oil is even with
the bottom of the fill plug hole. Wait to allow
2. Clean the area around the fill plug. Remove
the oil to flow through the axle.
the fill plug from the differential carrier or the
axle-housing bowl (depending on the axle). O If the inter-axle differential has a top fill
Do not remove the temperature indicator plug. plug hole: Add an additional two pints
Figures 8.2 through 8.8. (0.946 liters) of the same oil into the
inter-axle differential housing.
3. Check the oil level. The level must be even
with the bottom of the fill plug hole. 6. Check oil level again. If necessary, continue to
Figure 8.1. add oil until it is even with the bottom of the
fill plug hole.
4. Install the fill plug. Tighten the plug to
35-50 lb-ft (48-67 N•m). T 7. Install the fill plug. Tighten the plug to
35-50 lb-ft (48-67 N•m). T
Figure 8.1
Oil level must be
Inter-Axle Assemblies With
even with bottom Separate Housings
of fill plug hole.
Meritor’s SLHD, SQHD, STDD and SFDD
forward-rear tandem axle carrier models include
separate housings for inter-axle differential
The baffles and dams used in these housings hold
FILL PLUG a reservoir of oil that can also trap wear particles
TEMPERATURE INDICATOR and debris. Always purge the oil from these
PLUG — DO NOT REMOVE reservoirs when you change axle oil.
These carriers have separate drain and fill holes in
either the inter-axle differential cover or housing.
Drain and Replace the Oil
NOTE: Drain the oil when it is warm. Remove and Figure 8.2
replace the oil filters each time you drain the oil. FILL PLUG LOCATION IN BACK OF
1. Refer to Fill Plug Locations in this section. FILL PLUG
2. Park the vehicle on a level surface. Put a large
container under the axle.
Section 8
Rear Drive Axles
Section 8
Rear Drive Axles
Oil Change Intervals and Specifications for All Rear Drive Axlesa
a If a No-Spin differential is installed, change the oil (petroleum or synthetic) at minimum interval or 40,000 miles (64 000 km) or a
maximum interval or 50,000 miles (80 000 km).
b For continuous heavy-duty operation, check the oil level every 1,000 miles (1600 km). Add the correct type and amount of oil
as required.
c This interval applies to approved semi-synthetic and fully synthetic oils only. For list of approved extended-drain axle oils, refer
to TP-9539, Approved Rear Drive Axle Lubricants. To order this publication, call ArvinMeritor’s Customer Service Center
at 800-535-5560.
SAE J2360
Petroleum with 80W/90 O-76D Above –15°F (–26°C)
EP Additives
Petroleum with 75W/90 O-76E Above –40°F (–40°C)
EP Additives
Petroleum with 75W O-76J From –40°F (–40°C)
EP Additives to 35°F (2°C)
Petroleum with 75W/140 O-76L Above –40°F (–40°C)
EP Additives
Extended Drain
Section 8
Rear Drive Axles
* Oil capacities are for standard track axles that have been measured at various common drive pinion angles. The quantities listed include
enough oil for both wheel ends. These oil capacities will change if the track or the drive pinion angle is different.
Section 8
Rear Drive Axles
Axle Model Carrier Pints Liters Axle Model Carrier Pints Liters
RT-34-140 Forward 26.0 12.3 RT-58-180 b Forward 56.1 26.5
Rear 35.0 16.6 Rear 36.1 17.1
RT-34-145 Forward 29.6 14.0 RT-58-185 Forward 56.1 26.5
Rear 25.4 12.0 Rear 36.1 17.1
RT-34-145P Forward 25.7 12.1 RT-58-380 b Forward 56.1 26.5
Rear 23.4 11.1 Rear 58.2 27.5
RT-40-140 Forward 30.2 14.3 RT-70-380 b Forward 54.4 25.7
Rear 22.8 10.8 Rear 53.1 25.1
RT-40-145 Forward 30.2 14.3 SFHD Forward 17.0 8.0
Rear 25.8 12.2 Rear 16.5 7.8
RT-40-160 Forward 39.1 18.5 SL-100 Forward 39.6 18.7
Rear 39.4 16.3 Rear 37.7 17.8
RT-44-145 Forward 29.3 13.9 SLHD Forward 32.5 15.3
Rear 25.1 11.9 Rear 32.0 15.1
RT-44-145P Forward 25.2 12.0 SQ-100 Forward 39.6 18.7
Rear 22.9 11.0 Rear 37.7 17.8
RT-46-160 Forward 39.1 18.5 SQ-100A Forward 39.3 18.6
Rear 34.4 16.3 Rear 37.6 17.8
RT-46-160P Forward 39.3 18.6 SQHD Forward 34.0 16.0
Rear 34.7 16.4 Rear 31.0 14.7
RT-46-164 Forward 39.1 18.5 SR-170 Forward 55.0 26.0
Rear 39.4 16.3 Rear 43.0 20.3
RT-48-180 b Forward 61.1 28.9 SRHD Forward 39.0 18.5
Rear 36.8 17.4 Rear 36.0 17.0
RT-48-380 b Forward 61.1 28.9 SSHD Forward 34.0 16.0
Rear 63.6 30.1 Rear 28.0 13.2
RT-52-160 Forward 44.1 20.9 ST-170 Forward 55.0 26.0
Rear 41.2 19.5 Rear 43.0 20.3
RT-52-160P Forward 44.1 20.9 STHD Forward 34.0 16.0
Rear 41.2 19.5 Rear 28.0 13.2
RT-52-180 b Forward 56.1 26.5 SU-170 Forward 55.0 26.0
Rear 36.1 17.1 Rear 43.0 20.3
RT-52-185 Forward 56.1 26.5 SUHD Forward 34.0 16.0
Rear 36.1 17.1 Rear 28.0 13.2
RT-52-380 b Forward 56.1 26.5 SW-170 Forward 55.0 26.0
Rear 58.2 27.5 Rear 43.0 20.3
a Oil capacities are for standard track axles that have been measured at various common drive pinion angles. The quantities listed include
enough oil for both wheel ends. These oil capacities will change if the track or the drive pinion angle is different.
b Forward carrier with oil pump system.
Section 9
Trailer Axles
Trailer 9
Figure 9.1
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe
eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service.
Section 9
Trailer Axles
Removal of long-life bearings, seals or
lubricant from the Meritor TB series
trailer axle hub will void the warranty.
Refer to Technical Bulletin TP-96175 or
call 800-535-5560 for information.
Camshaft Bushings
Conventional and TB Series
Apply the specified grease at the grease fitting on
the spider. Apply grease until new grease purges
from all the seals. Figure 9.3.
Section 9
Trailer Axles
* Applies to standard-duty on-highway service. Lubricate more frequently for heavy-duty applications. Determine intervals by
inspecting lubricant every two weeks for a four month period. Look for hard, contaminated or missing grease. Choose an interval
based on the inspection.
Outside Temperature
°F °C
Check Meritor Specification Oil
Oil Level Oil Change * Specification Approval Description Min. Max. Min. Max.
1,000 miles General Service: Change O-76A Gear Oil MIL-PRF-2105-E GL-5 –10 None –12 None
(1600 km) oil if the wheel-end is and SAE 85W/140
disturbed during wheel SAE J2360
or hub removal or if the O-76D Gear Oil GL-5 –15 None –26 None
oil is contaminated. SAE 80W/90
Standard-Duty Service:
For 100,000 miles O-76E Gear Oil GL-5 –40 None –40 None
(160 000 km) or more a SAE 75W/90
year, change the oil
every 100,000 miles O-76J Gear Oil GL-5 –40 35 –40 2
(160 000 km). For less SAE 75W
than 100,000 miles
(160 000 km) a year, O-76L Gear Oil GL-5 –40 None –40 None
change the oil once a SAE 75W/140
Heavy-Duty Service: For O-76M GL-5 –40 None –40 None
60,000 miles (96 000 km) Full Synthetic SAE 75W/140
or more a year, change Gear Oil
oil every 30,000 miles O-76N GL-5 –40 None –40 None
(48 000 km). For less Full Synthetic SAE 75W/90
than 60,000 miles Gear Oil
(96 000 km) a year,
change the oil every O-81 Full SAE 50 –40 None –40 None
6 months. Synthetic Oil
* The recommended oil change interval is based on operating conditions, speeds and loads. Limited service applications may allow the
recommended interval to be increased. Severe service applications may require the recommended interval to be reduced. For more
information, contact ArvinMeritor’s Customer Service Center at 800-535-5560.
Section 9
Trailer Axles
* The recommended greasing interval is based on operating conditions, speeds and loads. Limited service applications may allow the
recommended interval to be increased. Severe service applications may require the recommended interval to be reduced. For more
information, contact an ArvinMeritor service representative.
Section 10
Transfer Cases
Section 10
Transfer Cases
Temperature Indicator
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe CAUTION
eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service. Meritor transfer cases may operate above
190°F (88°C) without damage. However, if the oil
temperature reaches 250°F (121°C), stop the
Operating Information vehicle immediately and check for the cause of
overheating. Maximum continuous running oil
Magnets and Magnetic Drain Plugs temperature should not exceed 225°F (107°C).
Damage to components can result.
Most Meritor transfer cases are equipped with
magnetic plugs having a minimum pick-up Check and Adjust Oil Level
capacity of 20 ounces (0.57 kilograms) of low
carbon steel.
NOTE: Meritor recommends replacing the Use only SAE Grade 50W full synthetic oil,
magnetic drain plug each time the oil is changed. Meritor specification O-81, in the transfer case.
Use the correct part. Pipe plugs will leak if used as Petroleum base oils and synthetic base oils can
a drain plug. react against sealing materials. Damage to
components can result.
The magnetic drain plug can be reused if, after
cleaning, the plug has a minimum pick-up capacity Only use new lubricant when you change or adjust
of 20 ounces (0.57 kilograms) of low carbon steel. the oil in the transfer case. Do not reuse lubricant,
which can contain metallic particles and other
contaminants. Damage to components can result.
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.
CAUTION 2. Clean the area around the fill plug/fill cap.
Cover the breather when steam cleaning the Remove the fill plug/fill cap from the transfer
housing. If the breather is not covered, water case. Figure 10.1. The oil level must be even
enters the housing and contaminates the oil. with the bottom of the fill plug hole or the top
of the stand pipe.
Breathers release pressure that builds up inside O If oil flows from the hole when you loosen
the transfer case during vehicle operation. the plug: The oil level is high. Drain the oil
to the bottom of the fill hole.
Seals O If the oil level is below the bottom of
fill/level plug hole or stand pipe: Add the
CAUTION specified oil until oil is even with the bottom
of the fill hole.
Always use the correct tools and procedures
when you replace a seal to ensure that you 3. Install and tighten the fill plug to 35-50 lb-ft
correctly install the seal. A seal that is not (47-68 N•m). T
correctly installed can leak. Damage to
components can result. Figure 10.1
Seals keep lubricant in and dirt out of a (TYPICAL)
component. When they are worn or damaged,
seals leak and produce low lubricant levels which
may damage components.
Section 10
Transfer Cases
a Do Not use multi-viscosity (I.E. 80/90W) GL-5 Gear Oil (axle lube).
b 90W GL-1 or 50W motor oil is same viscosity and commonly used above 10°F (–12°C).
c Meritor approved full synthetic oil for manual ZF Meritor transmissions is also approved for Meritor transfer cases. Use
synthetic oil only if the transfer case was initially filled with synthetic oil.
d Do not mix or switch oil types. Use the same oil that initially filled the transfer case.
e Do not use multi-viscosity oils.
f Current designations are acceptable.
Section 10
Transfer Cases
Oil Capacity
Transfer Case
Model Pints* Liters*
T-32 2.0 0.95
T-136 14.0 6.62
T-215 3.0 1.42
T-221 4.0 1.89
T-223 5.0 2.37
T-226 6.5 3.07
T-228 21.0 9.93
T-232 6.2 2.93
T-1138 13.5 6.38
T-2111 3.0 1.42
T-2111-HD 5.0 2.37
T-2111-HT 5.0 2.37
T-2111-PD 10.0 4.73
T-2111-SD 5.0 2.37
T-2120 4.0 1.89
T-2120-RS 6.5 3.10
T-600 6.2 2.93
Section 11
Section 11
Transmission Oil Coolers
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe Required
eye protection when you perform vehicle O An engine has a rating of 399 HP or above.
maintenance or service.
O The transmission operating temperature is
NOTE: For a list of synthetic oil suppliers, always above 225°F (107°C) at continuous
call ArvinMeritor’s Customer Service Center at operation or reaches 275°F (135°C) during
800-535-5560 and order TP-2053. This bulletin is intermittent operation.
also available from the Technical Library section
on ArvinMeritor’s web site at arvinmeritor.com. Recommended
Click Products & Services/Tech Library Icon/HVS O An engine has a rating of 350 to 398 HP.
Publications/Technical Bulletins/Transmissions.
O Some aerodynamic vehicles that have engine
ratings below 399 HP because of the amount
Recommended Oil Drain Conditions of air that flows over the transmission to
Based on Used-Oil Analysis dissipate heat.
Section 11
Check and Adjust the Oil Level Drain and Replace the Oil
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.
NOTE: Drain the oil when the transmission is hot.
NOTE: If foam appears when you remove the fill
plug, the oil is too hot to check. Install the oil plug 1. Park the vehicle on a level surface. Place a
and allow the oil to cool. If oil flows from the fill large container under the transmission. Place
plug hole when you remove the plug, the oil level a screen on top of the container.
is too high. Drain the oil to the correct level. 2. Remove the drain plugs from the bottom of
the transmission. Drain the oil. Follow United
2. Clean the area by the fill plug. Remove the fill States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
plug from the side of the transmission. guidelines to recycle used oil.
3. Check for oil leaks. If a transmission oil leak 3. Inspect the screen on top of the container for
is evident, refer to the Troubleshooting section metal particles and damaged parts.
of Maintenance Manual 26A, 9-, 10- and
13-Speed Transmissions, for procedures. Service the Transmission if Necessary
To order a copy of this manual, call
ArvinMeritor’s Customer Service Center at 1. If the transmission is disassembled or
800-535-5560. replaced and a transmission oil cooler is used,
remove the cooler.
4. Check the transmission oil level. Verify that it
is EVEN WITH the bottom of the fill plug. If the 2. Remove the oil from the oil cooler and the oil
oil level is BELOW the bottom of the oil fill lines. Follow United States Environmental
plug, add the specified oil. Figure 11.1. Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines to recycle
used oil.
3. Install the oil cooler and the oil lines. Tighten
Figure 11.1 the fittings to the vehicle manufacturer’s
Oil level must be specifications.
EVEN WITH bottom
of fill plug hole. 4. Install the drain plug and tighten it to
35-50 lb-ft (48-67 N•m). T
5. Clean the air by the fill plug. Remove the fill
plug from the side of the transmission.
FILL PLUG Only use the specified oil. Do not use
DRAIN PLUG multi-viscosity engine oils or Extreme Pressure
(EP) GL-5 gear oils. Damage to components can
result. The use of multi-viscosity or EP oils will
5. Install the oil fill plug and tighten it to void ZF Meritor’s warranty.
35-50 lb-ft (48-67 N•m). T
6. Operate the vehicle for 5 minutes. Check for 6. Add the specified transmission oil through the
transmission oil leaks and correct operation. fill plug hole. Add the oil until the oil level is
EVEN WITH the bottom of the fill plug hole.
7. Install and tighten the fill plug to 35-50 lb-ft
(48-67 N•m). T
8. Operate the vehicle for 5 minutes. Check for
correct operation.
Section 11
Petroleum Approved
Check Lubricant Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Level Change Change
10,000 miles 50,000 miles 500,000 miles
(16 000 km) (80 000 km) (800 000 km) a
Meritor A.P.I. Specification SAE Outside
Oil Description Specification Specification Approval Grade Temperature
Heavy-Duty Engine Oil — A.P.I. -CD, -CE, MIL-L-2104 E 50 Above 10°F (–12°C)
-SG, -SH or SJ or F c
40 Above 10°F (–12°C)
30 Above –15°F (–26°C)
Petroleum GL-1 Oil with — A.P.I. - GL-1 — 90 Above 10°F (–12°C)
Rust and Oxidation
80 Above –15°F (–26°C)
Full-Synthetic Oil O-81 — — 50 Above –40°F (–40°C)
Section 11
Manual Transmissions
9-Speed Manual
Transmission Model Rating Overall Rev. Rev.
Description Number lb-ft Ratio L H Ratio and Percent Step
FWD. REV. L % 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8
9-Speed Direct Drive, M-11G9A-M11 1,150
A Ratio M-12G9A-M12 1,250
M-13G9A-M13 1,350 13.41 13.17 13.17 3.73 13.41 48 9.05 39 6.51 37 4.74 34 3.53 38 2.56 39 1.84 37 1.34 34 1.00
M-14G9A-M14 1,450
M-15G9A-M15 1,550
9-Speed Overdrive, MO-12G9A-M12 1,250
A Ratio MO-13G9A-M13 1,350 13.41 13.17 9.81 2.78 9.99 48 6.74 39 4.85 37 3.53 34 2.63 38 1.91 39 1.37 37 1.00 34 0.74
MO-14G9A-M14 1,450
9-Speed Overdrive, MO-11G9B-M11 1,150
B Ratio MO-12G9B-M12 1,250
MO-13G9B-M13 1,350 17.74 17.42 12.60 3.24 12.83 67 7.69 40 5.48 41 3.89 38 2.81 42 1.98 40 1.41 41 1.00 38 0.72
MO-14G9B-M14 1,450
MO-15G9B-M15 1,550
13-Speed Manual
Transmission Model Rating Overall Rev. Rev.
Description Number lb-ft Ratio L H Ratio and Percent Step
FWD. REV. L % 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8 % 9 % 10 % 11 % 12
13-Speed Overdrive, RM013-145A 1,450 15.43 15.15 13.15 3.73 13.39 48 9.03 39 6.50 37 4.74 34 3.53 38 2.56 15 2.22 21 1.84 15 1.60 19 1.34 15 1.17 17 1.00 15 0.87
A Ratio
Section 11
10-Speed Manual
Transmission Model Rating Overall Rev. Rev.
Description Number lb-ft Ratio L H Ratio and Percent Step
FWD. REV. 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8 % 9 % 10
Other Torq-2 combinations are available, call your OEM representative for details.
Section 11
9-Speed ESS
Transmission Model Rating Overall Rev. Rev.
Description Number lb-ft Ratio L H Ratio and Percent Step
FWD. REV. L % 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8
9-Speed Direct Drive, M-11G9A-X11 1,150
A Ratio M-12G9A-X12 1,250
M-13G9A-X13 1,350 13.41 13.17 13.17 3.73 13.41 48 9.05 39 6.51 37 4.74 34 3.53 38 2.56 39 1.84 37 1.34 34 1.00
M-14G9A-X14 1,450
M-15G9A-X15 1,550
9-Speed Overdrive, MO-12G9A-X12 1,250
A Ratio MO-13G9A-X13 1,350 13.41 13.17 9.81 2.78 9.99 48 6.74 39 4.85 37 3.53 34 2.63 38 1.91 39 1.37 37 1.00 34 0.74
MO-14G9A-X14 1,450
9-Speed Overdrive, MO-11G9B-X11 1,150
B Ratio MO-12G9B-X12 1,250
MO-13G9B-X13 1,350 17.74 17.42 12.60 3.24 12.83 67 7.69 40 5.48 41 3.89 38 2.81 42 1.98 40 1.41 41 1.00 38 0.72
MO-14G9B-X14 1,450
MO-15G9B-X15 1,550
Section 11
10-Speed ESS
Transmission Model Rating Overall Rev. Rev.
Description Number lb-ft Ratio L H Ratio and Percent Step
FWD. REV. 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8 % 9 % 10
Section 11
Section 11
10-Speed SureShift
Transmission Model Rating Overall Rev. Rev.
Description Number lb-ft Ratio L H Ratio and Percent Step
FWD. REV. 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8 % 9 % 10
Other Torq-2 combinations are available, call your OEM representative for details.
Section 11
16-Speed FreedomLine
Transmission Model Rating Overall Rev. Rev.
Description Number lb-ft Ratio L H Ratio and Percent Step
FWD. REV. 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8 % 9 % 10 % 11 % 12 % 13 % 14 % 15 % 16
16-Speed Direct Drive M-13Z16A-A13 1,350
M-14Z16A-A14 1,450 17.03 15.77 15.77 13.07 17.03 21 14.12 23 11.50 21 9.54 21 7.86 21 6.52 18 5.51 21 4.57 23 3.73 21 3.09 23 2.52 21 2.09 22 1.72 21 1.43 18 1.21 21 1.00
M-14Z16A-A15 1,550
M-16Z16A-A16 1,650
Section 11
RMO9-125B 20.0 28.9 588 87.1 RMX10-155A c 20.5 29.5 608 101.7
RMO9-135B 20.5 29.5 605 87.1 RMX10-165A c 20.5 29.5 608 101.7
RMO9-145B 20.5 29.5 605 87.1 RMX10-115C c 20.5 29.5 605 98.2
RMX9-115B c 20.0 28.9 588 87.1 RMX10-125C c 20.5 29.5 605 98.2
RMX9-125B c 20.0 28.9 588 87.1 RMX10-135C c 20.5 29.5 605 98.2
RMX9-135B c 20.5 29.5 605 87.1 RMX10-145C c 20.5 29.5 605 98.2
RMX9-145B c 20.5 29.5 605 87.1 MO-14F10C-M16 20.5 29.5 605 98.2
RMX9-155B c 20.5 29.5 608 87.1
RMX10-155C c 20.5 29.5 608 98.2
RMX9-115R c 20.0 28.9 588 101.7
RMX10-165C c 20.5 29.5 608 98.2
RMX9-125R c 20.0 28.9 588 101.7
MO-16F10C-M18 20.5 29.5 608 98.2
RMX9-135R c 20.5 29.5 605 101.7 c
RMX9-145R c 20.5 29.5 605 75.8 RMO13-145A c 22.0 32.4 666 75.8
RM10-115A c 20.0 28.9 588 75.8
a Oil capacities are approximate. Fill the transmission to the bottom of the fill plug hole. On transmissions equipped with an oil pump
and/or oil cooler, operate the engine for five minutes after the initial fill and check the oil level again.
b Weights are approximate, less clutch housing, shift controls, output yoke and lubricant.
c Available with Meritor’s Engine Synchro ShiftTM (ESSTM) System. For ESS transmission models, replace the “M” in the above model
numbers with an “S”.
Section 12
Wheel Bearings and Wheel-Ends
Wheel 12 and Wheel-Ends
Figure 12.1
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe LUBE
eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service.
Wheel Bearings
Grease the Bearings
Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the
wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving.
Support the vehicle with safety stands. Do not Check the Oil Level
work under a vehicle only supported by jacks.
Jacks can slip or fall over and cause serious NOTE: If you cannot observe the oil level because
personal injury. the sightglass is stained, remove the fill plug,
check the oil level with your finger and follow the
1. Raise the vehicle so that the wheels are off the procedures for Step 2, below. Replace the stained
ground. Support the vehicle with safety sightglass as soon as possible.
2. Remove the tire and wheel assembly. Remove 1. Check the oil level on the cap.
and dissemble the hub. 2. If the oil level is more than 1/4-inch (6 mm)
3. Use the correct cleaning solvent to remove the below the specified level on the cap, remove
old grease from all parts. Discard the seals. the fill plug.
Inspect the wheel bearings for wear or 3. Add the specified oil to the specified level.
damage. Replace worn or damaged bearings. Figure 12.2.
4. Before installing the wheel bearings, lubricate 4. Install the fill plug.
the bearing journals on the spindle with the
grease that is used for the bearings.
Figure 12.1. Figure 12.2
5. Use a pressure packer to force the specified
grease from the large end of the cones into the
cavities between the rollers and cage. Pack the
hub between the bearing cups with grease to
the level of the smallest diameter of the cups.
O If a pressure packer is not available: Grease
the bearings by hand.
6. Install the inner and outer bearing cones into
the cups in the hubs. The bearing cups must
be pressed tight against the shoulder in the
7. Install new wheel seals in the hubs.
8. Install the hub and the wheel and tire
assembly. Install the outer wheel bearing cone
in the hub. Install the adjusting nut.
9. Adjust the wheel bearings.
Section 12
Wheel Bearings and Wheel-Ends
Outside Temperature
°F °C
Meritor Military/SAE
Specifications Specifications Oil Description Min. Max. Min. Max.
O-76A Gear Oil MIL-PRF-2105-E GL-5, SAE 85W/140 –10 None –12 None
O-76D Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 80W/90 –15 None –26 None
SAE J2360
O-76E Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 75W/90 –40 None –40 None
O-76J Gear Oil GL-5, SAE 75 –40 35 –40 2
Heavy-Duty MIL-L-2104 E A.P.I. -CD, -CE, -SG, –10 None –12 None
Engine Oil or F -SH or -SJ
SAE 40 or 50 a
Heavy-Duty MIL-L-210 E A.P.I. -CD, -CE, -SG, –15 None –26 None
Engine Oil or F -SH or -SJ
SAE 30 b
a Current designations are acceptable. Multi-grade engine oils are acceptable if the SAE rating ends in 40 or 50.
b Current designations are acceptable. Multi-grade engine oils are acceptable if the SAE rating ends in 30.
Section 13
List of Lubricants
Grease Lubricants a
List of Lubricants
a Grease recommendations are based on commercial products that have given satisfactory results in normal operation. However, there are
many proprietary grease products on the market which will perform satisfactorily and may be preferable because of supply problems,
common usage for other truck components, etc. When such products are recommended by reputable suppliers for the specific lubrication
of our components, Meritor has no objections, provided that these substitute products are equal to or better than Meritor
recommendations in lubrication properties, water resistance, corrosion protection, high and low temperature characteristics, oxidation
stability, shear stability, etc. All substitute products are subject to Meritor approval. For more information, contact an ArvinMeritor service
b Refer to the manufacturer’s specifications for the temperature service limits.
c Do not mix O-637 calcium-base, corrosion-control grease with other greases.
Section 13
List of Lubricants
Oil Lubricants
Outside Temperature
Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC Information contained in this publication was in effect at the time the publication was approved for printing and is
2135 West Maple Road subject to change without notice or liability. ArvinMeritor Commercial Vehicle Systems reserves the right to revise
Troy, MI 48084 USA the information presented or discontinue the production of parts described at any time.
www.arvinmeritor.com Copyright 2001 Maintenance Manual 1
ArvinMeritor, Inc. Revised 02-01
All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA 16579/24240
Issued 10-68
Drive Unit
Maintenance Manual No. 6A
Tractech has been a leading manufacturer of premium quality traction-adding differentials for over 50 years.
Each step in our manufacturing process, from design to final assembly and inspection, reflects the highest
industry standards.
This manual is intended to help provide safe and trouble free operation of NoSPIN/Detroit Locker
differentials for the life of the product. We strongly recommend that all who come in contact with the
products read this manual thoroughly.
Limited Warranty The complete Tractech Limited Warranty appears on pages 26-27. Owners
of NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differentials are encouraged to read this warranty
carefully before putting the vehicle into service.
Technical Bulletins Tractech has published several Technical Bulletins which are helpful sup-
plements to the information presented throughout this manual. Copies are
available by writing to the Marketing Dept.
Model Lists Refer only to approved Tractech model lists when ordering or specifying
the products. Copies are available by writing to the Marketing Dept.
Maintenance Refer to pages 13-17 for important information regarding proper mainte-
nance of your NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differential. Carefully follow the rec-
ommended lubrication, service and inspection procedures.
Trouble Shooting Information on pages 18-20 will help owners and operators of NoSPIN
equipped vehicles diagnose and correct problems related to vehicle
Over the past 50 years, the optimum NoSPIN differential has been successfully utilized by a variety of on/
off road vehicle/axle manufacturers. Traditional applications are Medium/Heavy Truck, Construction,
Mining, Forestry, Agricultural, Military and Specialty Vehicles.
To ensure successful application of our product, Tractech Engineering requires approval for each
new vehicle/axle application. The following guidelines are examples of successful NoSPIN differential
• 6 x 4 (tandem-drive axle) Trucks Primary location - forward rear. Both rear axles for maximum mobility
if used 75% off-road.
• 4 x 4 Off Road Vehicles Farm tractors (articulated & rigid) front axle. Also rear axle for maximum trac-
tion (Consult Tractech Engineering.)
• Farm Tractors (straight frame with front-wheel-drive) - front axle only (cannot be used in rear axle with
individual wheel brakes).
• Front drive axles of Light Trucks. While successful in specialty vehicles, this application must be re-
viewed and approved by Tractech Engineering.
It is important when considering the use of a traction device to review key vehicle parameters i.e., loading,
geometry, power requirements, duty cycles (miles/hours) etc.
The following marginal applications must be reviewed with Tractech Engineering and our Differential
Application Approval Form No. 7003 is required. Successful field testing must be performed by the cus-
tomer prior to production approval by Tractech.
Examples are:
• Transit Busses - NoSPIN should not be used when operated in cities where sharp turns are required con-
tinually changing lanes, as in leaving bus stops to avoid parked vehicles.
Transit busses utilized in non city operations are an acceptable application. School busses have also
proven to be another successful application for NoSPIN.
Light-duty Pickup Trucks-Equipped with fifth wheels to pull “gooseneck” trailers in pickup and delivery
operations unless equipped with automatic transmission.
• Small Fork Lift Trucks - with short wheelbase and high turn angle capability utilized inside buildings on
smooth surfaces.
• Highway Tractors - with less than 120" wheelbase (see page 4 for details).
• Model Lists
Refer only to approved Tractech model lists when ordering or specifying NoSPIN/Detroit Locker dif-
ferentials. Copies are available by writing to the Marketing Dept.
• The performance of a vehicle equipped with a NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differential is somewhat different
from that of a vehicle equipped with a conventional differential. For example:
When turning a corner, the sound of component disengagement and re-engagement may be audible, and
the transfer of driving torque from both wheels to one wheel may be noticeable.
When going from drive (acceleration) to coast (deceleration) in a turn, a “metallic” sound may be heard
as torque flow is reversed (inside wheel engaged during acceleration; outside wheel engaged during
These characteristics are normal because of backlash designed into the NoSPIN differential, which
is of a fixed amount (1 to 2 inches of rotation at the tire tread).
Backlash or slack between the driving and driven clutch teeth is an inherent part of the NoSPIN and
necessary to permit automatic operation when driving in forward and reverse. The total backlash in the
driveline is increased by the amount of the reduction between the ring gear and pinion. If the ring gear-
pinion ratio is 5 to 1, the total backlash in the driveline with the NoSPIN would be about 30ø. This in turn
is increased by clearances between planetary gear, sliding splines and the ring and pinion gear. We feel
that the total driveline slack can amount to as much as 1/4th turn of the driveline without being abnormal,
but if it exceeds 1/4 turn, other parts in the drivetrain could be checked. Further clarification of operational
and performance characteristics is available through Technical Bulletin No. 81-1044. A copy is available
by writing to our Marketing Dept.
• Anything that improperly causes a difference in individual wheel speeds such as mismatched tire
diameters due to differences in tire wear or tire pressure, or unbalanced loading of the vehicle
(especially cargo vehicles, or vehicles operated on a side slope) can cause the NoSPIN differential to
deliver power to only one side of the vehicle and thus cause steering problems.
When negotiating a turn (outside wheel disengaged), the inside wheel under conditions of poor traction,
may receive excessive torque, which could cause it to break traction momentarily until its speed is equal
to the outside wheel. This will result in re-engagement of the outside wheel thus allowing both wheels
to be driven. This condition is most noticeable with lightly loaded axles.
Certain vehicles equipped with NoSPIN differentials, such as short wheelbase trucks (e.g., under 120"
wheelbase) and four wheel drive trucks with a NoSPIN diflerential in the front steering axle, can
experience “understeer” when negotiating a turn underpower. Releasing the accelerator will reduce the
torque and improve steering.
Use extreme caution when accelerating or decelerating on slippery or unstable surfaces. Vehicles/axles
equipped with traction differentials are inherently more sensitive to side-slip than vehicles equipped with
conventional differentials. Stability can be retained if side-slip occurs by decelerating (letting off the ac-
Braking capacity is reduced when a NoSPIN differential equipped vehicle makes a turn while coasting
downhill in that the inside wheel is then disconnected from the driveline. Operating in low gear will allow
the engine to act as a retarder and will improve braking capacity.
If the vehicle is stationary on a dry surface, easier steering can beachieved by moving thevehicle slightly
in either forward or reverse. (Assure that proper steering pressure is maintained.)
If replacing limited-slip differentials in Rockwell, Eaton or Dana axles with NoSPIN differentials, also replace
the differential case halves with the axle manufacturer’s standard differetial case halves. NoSPIN
differentials are designed to fit standard differential case halves. NoSPIN differentials will not fit properly
into limited-slip differential case halves.
The following exploded views of NoSPIN differentials (there are five “styles”)* illustrate the various com-
ponents that make up the complete assembly. Certain components differ slightly in appearance between
style, but their function - and the function of each of the five style NoSPIN differentials - is the same.
NoSPIN differential with spider assembly and internal springs and retainers; fits support case in vehicle.
NoSPIN differential with spider assembly and external springs and retainers; supplied with support case.
NoSPIN differential with spider assembly and external springs and retainers; fits support case in vehicle.
NoSPIN differential with central driver assembly and external springs and retainers; supplied with support
The NoSPIN differential powers both wheels yet allows the vehicle to perform as if the axle half-
freely permits wheel speed differentiation when shafts had been welded - the axle is completely
required. locked. This means both wheels turn at the same
speed if one wheel loses traction or leaves the
Prime functions ground the opposite wheel which still has trac-
1. Assures 100% of the available torque and in- tion, continues to drive the vehicle until traction is
creases drawbar pull. regained by both wheels. There can be no one-
wheel spinout. (Fig. 2)
2. Prevents wheel spin and power loss when one
wheel loses traction. When the vehicle turns a corner or when one
wheel passes over an obstruction the outside
3. Compensates for differences in wheel travel wheel, or the wheel passing over the obstruction,
when turning or operating on uneven must travel a greater distance and therefore faster
surfaces. than the other wheel. When this occurs, the NoSPIN
differential automatically allows for the necessary
The drive axle illustrated below (Fig. 1) is equipped difference in wheel speed.
with a NoSPIN differential. Note that there are no
spider gears, but rather two drive members, called During a turn (Fig. 1), the inside driven clutch
driven clutch assemblies. They mate with a spider remains completely engaged with the spider and
assembly which is driven by the ring gear through continues to drive the vehicle. The outside driven
the differential support case. clutch automatically disengages from the spider,
allowing the outer wheel to turn freely in the turn.
As long as the vehicle is operated in a straight When the vehicle completes the turn, the outside
forward or reverse direction over a smooth sur- driven clutch automatically reengages the spider,
face the driven clutch assemblies remain locked as both wheels again travel at the same speed.
to the spider assembly. The NoSPIN differential
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Refer only to an approved Tractech model list when ordering or specifying the product. Copies are avail-
able by writing to the Marketing Department.
It is essential that NoSPiN/Detroit Locker differentials be used only in applications approved by Tractech
Engineering. Read pages 2-3 carefully and follow the approved guidelines.
The installation procedure presented on pages 8-11 applies to all NoSPIN differentials (except ‘R’ Model
NoSPIN Differentials). However, the procedure will differ slightly depending upon the specific vehicle.
Therefore it is essential to consult the vehicle/axle manufacturer’s instructions for installing a
Most NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differentials are designed to fit directly into the standard differential support
case in the vehicle. Where it is not possible to fit the standard support case manufactured by the vehicle/
axle maker, the NoSPIN differential is supplied with a case manufactured by Tractech. Therefore, two sets
of installation instructions are provided.
NoSPIN differentials are easily installed in the field. However, it is recommended that a competent driveline
mechanic do the work in that tools of the trade are required.
The NoSPIN differential is designed to fit the components in the axle. No machining is required. The
procedure is the same as it is for installing the original differential. A competent mechanic can install the
NoSPIN in the same time required to replace the original differential. Caution: It is recommended every
safety precaution be practiced while performing the work when disassembling and reassembling axle
components and when making all final adjustments.
Installation Instnuctions for NoSPIN/Detroit Locker Diffentials
Supplied Without a Support Case
Installation: (Steps 6-14)
Step 10 Insert axle shafts into splined side
Step 6 Position the NoSPIN differential as- gears of the NoSPIN differential. The shafts
sembly in the case half which is attached to should slide in freely but fit correctly.
the ring gear.
TIME. To do so will release the compressed
springs, which can cause injury.
Installation Instructions for NoSPIN/Detroit Locker Differentials
Supplied With a Support Case
Step 10 Using an arbor press with an arbor
of the correct size, press the bearing cone
and roller assemblies onto the hubs of the
Step 7 Clean and examine the splined ends of NoSPIN differential support case until they
the axle shafts. Remove any roughness or are properly and squarely seated.
burrs with a file or stone. Examine the shafts
for straightness, cracks or other damage.
Replace if necessary. Make sure splines on
axle match splines on NoSPIN differential
side gear.
Step 8 If shims are used behind the bearing Step 12 Refill the axle housing with lubricant
cone assemblies, measure the NoSPIN dif- recommended for differentials by the ve-
ferential support case from the ring gear hicle/axle manufacturer.
flange face to the nearest bearing shoulder
and from one bearing shoulder to the other.
Adjust the shim pack at each bearing journal
to the dimension recorded previously from
the original differential case.
Step 1
With the engine turned off, raise NoSPIN equipped driving
axle(s) until all wheels are out of contact with any surface.
Place the transmission in gear or park so that the drive-
shaft is locked and does not rotate.
Step 2
With two people, rotate both wheels rearward, as far as
possible to lock both wheels.
Step 3
With the left wheel securely held in the rearward direction,
rotate the right wheel slowly forward. A taint indexing or
clicking sound should be heard as the NoSPIN disengages
on the right side.
Step 4
With the right wheel slowly rotating forward, the left wheel
should be rotated slightly forward. This will lock both
Step 5
Again, rotate both wheels rearward, as far as possible to
lock both wheels.
Step 6
With the right wheel securely held in the rearward direc-
tion, rotate the left wheel slowly forward. A faint indexing
or clicking sound should be heard as the NoSPIN is dis-
engaged on the left side.
Step 7
With the left wheel slowly rotating forward, the right wheel
should be rotated slightly forward. This will lock both
Check to see that both wheels of each NoSPIN differential
equipped axle are driving. Make this test under load, so
that engine torque is applied through the NoSPIN differen-
tial with the wheels on the ground. One way to achieve this
load is to drive up against a solid obstruction (on loose
dirt or gravel, if possible) and attempt to spin both wheels
together. Perform this test in forward and reverse.
(Exercise caution when performing this test to avoid dam-
age to vehicle or obstruction.) CAUTION: DO NOT
Caution: When servicing any driveline components of a NoSPIN differential equipped axle, ensure
that the engine is switched off and all wheels are free of the ground to prevent the vehicle from moving.
Axles equipped with NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differentials deliver power to both wheels - even when only
one wheel is on the ground. Failure to observe these cautionary measures may cause the vehicle to
move which can result in a mishap which can cause property damage, personal injury, even death.
Caution Label
Vehicles equipped with NoSPIN differentials should be identified by a Caution label mounted on the
instrument panel.
All NoSPIN differentials are designed to operate in those lubricants recommended by the vehicle/axle manu-
facturer. No special lubricant is needed. For very cold weather applications, use the lightest oil the axle
manufacturer will allow to overcome possible sluggish re-engagement of the driven clutch assemblies.
Routine Inspection
Carefully follow the recommended lubrication, preventative maintenance and inspection procedures of the
vehicle/axle manufacturer as part of all NoSPIN differential preventative maintenance. Except for testing for
proper operation, and a possible change in the way brake adjustments are made (as explained below),
maintenance, inspection and lubrication requirements of NoSPIN differential equipped vehicles are the
same as for vehicles with standard differentials.
No adjustments or alterations should be made to the NoSPIN differential. Refer to the vehicle/axle manu-
facturer’s instructions for adjustments to other components in the axle.
When making brake adjustments, the wheels on both sides of the vehicle must be raised and the
transmission placed in neutral so that the ring gear and opposite wheels are free to rotate with the wheels
on the side being adjusted.
Retaining Bolt
A retaining bolt, washers and wing nut are useful to keep the NoSPIN differential assembly intact when
removing it from the differential case and when reinstalling it in the axle housing. CAUTION: FAILURE
The bolt, washers and wing nut used to retain the NoSPIN differential assembly when it was shipped from
the factory, as illustrated on page 13, are best for this purpose. You will note that the retaining washers must
be small enough to pass through the case ends (dimension “A”), yet large enough to restrain the two side
gears (dimension “B”) and the balance of the NoSPIN differential assembly when all parts are assembled
and the springs are compressed.
2. Insert the NoSPIN differential retaining bolt and washer assembly. Thread the nut fingertight against
the washer. (Fig. 3) If a retaining bolt and washer assembly are not available, hold the differential case
firmly as the last bolts are being removed from the case halves to absorb spring pressure and
prevent possible iniury.
Fig. 3
3. Separate the case halves and remove the NoSPIN differential assembly.
4. Release the retaining bolt and washer assembly while firmly holding the NoSPIN differential to absorb
the spring pressure.
5. Remove side gears, springs, spring retainers, driven clutch assemblies and spider assembly.
Inspection of Components
1. Wash all components thoroughly with a non-flammable solvent that will not etch, scratch or oxidize
the parts. Rinse in clean solvent and dry.
2. Inspect the splines on the driven clutches. Remove any burrs or small chips with an abrasive stone or
electric burr grinder. If sections of the spline are broken away, replace the components.
Inspect the teeth on the driven clutches. If wear or chipping is present, replace the component.
Check holdout rings for fractures and chipping or excessive wear of the lugs. Replace as required.
NOTE: The holdout ring and driven clutch are serviced as an assembly.
3. Inspect the teeth on the spider and center cam. If wear or chipping is present, replace the component.
4. Inspect the splines on the side gears. Remove any burrs or small chips. If splines are broken or badly
chipped, or if hub walls are fractured, replace the component.
Inspect the side gear spline fit on its mating axle shaft. Be sure the splines do not bind.
5. Check the spring load at the operating height. (See chart on page 17)
6. Carefully examine the differential case. If worn or scored, the case should be replaced.
7. Examine the bearings, ring gear, ring gear bolts and nuts. Replace if necessary with new components
that meet the vehicle/axle manufacturer’s specifications.
If major components (e.g. spider assembly or driven clutch assemblies) show excessive wear, the com-
plete NoSPIN differential should be replaced. If a component is replaced, mating components should
also be replaced in that it is likely that they too are damaged. Use of worn or damaged components can
lead to a recurrence of the original problem. NOTE: Use only Tractech approved components when
repairing NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differentials.
Assemble a spring retainer over the side gear splines with the retaining lip pointed up. It should seat
against the side gear shoulder.
Place a spring over the side gear spline and against the retainer lip with the smaller diameter of the
spring against the retainer (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4
NOTE: Verify that the spring is functioning freely. Be sure the spring is not binding, that the coils
do not overlap and that there is good contact between the coil and the spring retainer
Be sure the ‘slot’ in each holdout ring is properly aligned over the long tooth of the spider assembly.
Position the spider assembly and clutch assembly on top of the spring.
Assemble the other retainer and spring on the other side gear as previously indicated, and position on
top of the spider and clutch assembly.
Using a mechanical press (or other safe means) compress the springs and fasten the NoSPIN together
with a retaining bolt, washers and wing nut (Fig. 5). Be sure the side gear splines are completely meshed
with the clutch spline.
Fig. 5
Failure to use a retaining bolt or some other restraining means when assembling the NoSPIN can cause
injury in that all NoSPIN differentials have compressed springs.
6. Lay the ring gear and flanged half of the differential case on a bench with the bearing end of the case
hub down and the inner case facing up. ENSURE NO THRUST WASHERS ARE INSIDE THE CASE.
7. Install the NoSPIN differential in the flanged differential case half.
8. Mount the plain case half over the side gear. ENSURE NO THRUST WASHERS ARE INSIDE THE CASE.
9. Position the case halves firmly together with the punch marks aligned and install the case bolts.
10. Tighten case bolts to the torque specified by the vehicle/axle manufacturer. Check to be certain of a tight
fit between the two case halves at all points and between the trunnion mounts in the case and the spider
trunnions (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6
11. Remove the wing nut, washers and retainer bolt.
12. Follow the vehicle/axle manufacturer’s instructions for reinstallation of the ring gear and differential
case assembly into the axle carrier.
SPRING LOAD (in lbs. minimum)
Spring load should be checked at the operating height specified in the above table for an approximate
reading. A dial indicator type spring tester is the best tool for this procedure. However, if one is not available,
a weight equal to the load specified in the table can be placed on the spring and the height can be measured
with the weight in place on the spring. Tech Data Report #80-1038 can be used to assist in making a decision
as to whether the spring should be replaced.
An important function of an owner/operator in the field is that, one of the many hats he is required to wear
is the one labeled “trouble shooter.”
Trouble shooting can be a very frustrating, elusive job. However, if some basic rules are followed in a
systematic order, solutions can be easily obtained.
The following guidelines can be utilized for trouble shooting both on and off highway vehicle applications.
However, some techniques used for on/highway vehicles are not as important for off/highway vehicles:
1. Before tearing down an axle and differential make sure you get the correct “story” from a reliable source.
Then actually try the vehicle yourself inspect any previously removed components question asso-
ciated failures ask if it has occurred before. In other words, get the facts and don’t over-react.
4. Check tire rolling radii. Assure that all tires are within specifications. (This applies primarily to on/
highway vehicles.)
5. If all the previous checks do not reveal the problem or offer a solution, then the NoSPIN must be
removed. Upon removal, look for the following:
C. Mis-assembly i.e., retainers installed backwards, thrust washers left in, spring jumpea over
retainer, etc.
D. Heavy wear on spider and clutch drive teeth i.e., Tooth rounding, 5 degree negative angle gone,
corner chipping of teeth. (These components are usually the main areas of wear.)
E. Telltale signs of eccentric wear, patterns on components, indicating possible cause of shaft
F. Check NoSPIN assembly for pair-up, hand cam, H.O.R. tension, backlash, etc.
6. After inspection of the NoSPIN and associated axle components, a new unit should be installed and a
complete functional check and vehicle performance check should be made.
7. If during the visual inspection a solution to the problem is not obtained, the unit should be returned to
Tractech, attention of the Customer Services Manager. Call first for a return authorization number.
The following chart will assist owners and operators of NoSPIN differential equipped vehicles diagnose and
correct problems related to vehicle performance. Potential problems are stated on the left; possible causes
for those problems are listed, by number, on the right. The explanation of these “possible causes” follows
on page 20.
1. Improper installation; defective NoSPIN differential. Follow test procedures outlined on page 12.
Correct installation or repair or replace the NoSPIN differential if the vehicle fails any step of the test
2. Overloading and/or improper weight distribution. Remove excess weight and redistribute the load
from side to side, according to the vehicle/axle manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Unequal rolling radii of the drive wheel. A smaller rolling radius tire will cause the tire to overrun
constantly when power is applied. The other tire (with the larger rolling radii) will do all the driving.
Replace tires or adjust tire pressures until rolling radii are equal.
4. Broken axle shaft. Replace. NOTE: It is possible to operate a NoSPIN equipped vehicle on one axle
shaft. However, this practice is not recommended in that serious damage can occur to other axle
5. Bent axle shaft or housing; axle shafts on different center lines. Replace bent axle shafts or housing,
or realign hub faces and bolt circles in both the differential carrier and axle housing.
6. Larger than normal steering angle; short turning radius. Vehicles designed with high turning angles
may surge, have steering difficulty and cause tire wear during sharp turns. Reduce maximum turning
angle and have the driver decelerate when engine surge begins.
7. Incorrect wheel alignment. Correct as required.
8. Worn or defective axle components. Check the condition of the ring gear, pinion gear, bearings,
seals, etc. Replace as required.
9. Foreign matter in axle housing or improper assembly of axle components. Inspect for contamina-
tion. Check assembly of axle components.
10. Incorrect ring and pinion adjustments, worn driveline components (transmission gears, U-joints,
etc.). Replace or adjust components as required.
11. High crown in road, poor traction surface under all drive wheels. The tendency to side-slip or
“fishtail” on icy roads sloping toward the curb is more pronounced when using a traction differential
than when using a conventional differential. Stability can be retained when side-slip occurs by
decelerating (letting off the accelerator). CAUTION: Do not apply the brake. To do so may result
in loss of vehicle control.
12. High Viscosity Lubricant. In very low temperatures, gear lubricant can thicken and impede the normal
function of the NoSPIN differential. Tractech recommends that the axle oil be changed for very cold
weather operation to the lightest acceptable lubricant allowable by the axle/vehicle manufacturer. Heat
control devices, garaging and a warm up period may also provide relief from this problem in extreme
low temperatures.
13. Low steering cylinder pressure, undersized steering cylinder, excessive angle of articulation,
excessive vehicle weight. Correct as required.
15. Insufficient front axle overrun ratio (lead) for farm tractors (straight frame with front wheel assist
power). Take physical measurement, increase to minimum of plus three (+3) percent by increasing
tire pressure in front tires and/or reducing tire pressure in rear tires, within the tire manufacturer’s
New IMPROVED Detroit Locker differential models in the 187S and 225S series’ have an “L” added to the model num-
ber, such as 187SL-16A. They replace the previous model.
These units are designed for light trucks including 2 wheel drive and 4 wheel drive vehicles, and high
performance passenger cars.
Performance is similar to that of NoSPIN/Detroit Locker - equipped light trucks, pages 3-4. The new IMPROVED
Detroit Locker operates in the drive - coast mode without the familiar harsh feel and sound. Everyday driving is qui-
eter and smoother, yet maximum traction is immediately available.
Note the additional parts compared to NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differentials, page 5. New IMPROVED Detroit Locker
models are supplied with either a spider or central driver and a support case.
Installation of a new IMPROVED Detroit Locker is similar to that of a NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differential, pages 7, 10
and 11. Important: Thrust washers are supplied installed inside the support case. The instructions on pages 8,
12 and 16 to “Be sure all thrust washers have been removed” DOES NOT APPLY to the two thrust washers
supplied with the new IMPROVED Detroit Locker models.
Caution: If for any reason the thrust washers supplied have been removed from the support case
halves supplied, reinstall only the two thrust washers supplied by Tractech by locating the tabs in slots,
with the oil groove facing you.
Caution: If for any reason the new IMPROVED Detroit Locker unit is disassembled, reinstall the disc
(Belleville) springs - there will be one, three or four on each side - with the large diameter against the
side gear.
Be sure to install the Caution label and this Manual in the vehicle.
Follow the instructions and cautions as described on pages 13-16 except that the Instruction on page 16 to “Be
sure all thrust washers have been removed” DOES NOT APPLY to the thrust washers supplied with the new
IMPROVED Detroit Locker models.
The help provided on pages 18-20 apply to the new IMPROVED Detroit Locker differential.
for C-Clip Retained Axles
Detroit Lockers for C-Clip retained axles in the 187 and 225 series have a “C” instead of an”S~ in their model
number, such as 187C-145A.
These units are designed for light trucks including 2-wheel-drive and four-wheel-drive vehicles, and high
performance passenger cars.
Installation of a Detroit C-Locker for differential is similar to that of a Detroit Locker differential, pages 10 and
11 up to Step 11. The following steps must be carried-out before proceeding to Step 12.
Step 11a Install the differential and ring gear assembly in the axle, setting pre-loaded and backlash per the
vehicle manufacturer’s instruction’s. Note: Contamination, such as metal particles in the differen-
tial case, can cause the differential to malfunction. Be sure tha axle housing is clean before
Step 11c If the plain side (the side opposite the ring-gear side) bearing cap has already been installed, it
will be necessary to remove it before proceeding.
Step 11f Install the plain-side bearing cap and torque per the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions. Bearing
cap bolts must have a thread locking compound applied to them.
Step 11g Complete the reassembly of the associated components as recommended by the vehicle manu-
facturer’s instructions.
Complete Steps 12, 13, and 14 on page 9. Be sure to install Caution Label and this Manual
in the vehicle.
The help provided on pages 18-20 apply to the Detroit C-Locker for C-Clip retained axles.
ARTICULATED - Refers to vehicles that are joined DOUBLE REDUCTION - Dual gear reduction used
in the middle and turn around this joint, as in in rear axles.
“articulated farm tractor”
FISHTAILING - Side slipping of the vehicle caused
AXLE CARRIER - The differential and ring and by traction instability.
pinion gears are mounted on the axle carrier; the
“center section” of the axle housing. G.C.W. - Gross Combination Weight. G.V.W. plus
vehicle weight and payload of towed vehicle.
AXLE GEAR RATIO - The ratio between the num-
ber of teeth on the ring gear and the number of G.V.W. - Gross Vehicle Weight. Total weight of
teeth on the pinion gear (e.g., 3.92:1.00). vehicle and payload.
AXLE HOUSING - The support member of the axle GEAR SUPPORT CASE - Case used to support the
which sustains the weight of the vehicle and houses differential. Same as case assembly.
the axle carrier assembly.
GROUND COEFFICIENT - The horizontal force re-
BACKLASH - The designed clearance between quired to move a body, divided by the weight of the
mating components in the driveline (e.g., gear body. The amount of friction at the ground the
sets, spline couplings, etc.). “quality” of the ground surface (e.g., ice, snow,
dirt, etc.).
CASE ASSEMBLY - The differential housing
(usually consisting of two case halves; contains HELICAL - “Angled” gear tooth form.
the differential assembly).
HOLDOUT RING - Ring which assembles to
CASE BEARING (CARRIER BEARING) - The bear- NoSPIN differential clutch; maintains clutch dis-
ings that mount to the hubs on the differential engagement in a turning mode.
support case.
INDEXING - A passing of one member over
CASE PILOT BORE - The locating diameter in the another causing a slight audible sound from
differential case from which the differential side their contact (usually associated with NoSPIN
gear is installed. differential).
CENTER CAM - The control element of the NoSPIN INPUT TORQUE - Measurement of available power.
differential. The center cam is used to lift the drive
members from engagement by means of cam LEAD RATIO - On unequal wheeled four wheel
ramps. drive tractors the transmission is so geared that
any difference in road speed of the two axles
CENTRAL DRIVER - An outer splined member results in a faster speed for the front wheels (lead
(similar to the spider) having torque carrying teeth or overrun), this prevents the front wheels from
on both sides; the “center piece” of the NoSPIN being pushed.
CLUTCH PACK DIFFERENTIAL - A limited-slip dif- which utilizes some means of partially reducing,
ferential which uses friction clutch plates and/or but not totally eliminating individual wheel spin
springs to partially reduce wheel spin. (e.g., clutches, springs, biasing pinion gears, etc.).
DlFFERENTIAL - Axle gear assembly which allows MACHINED SPLINES - Splines that have been
one axle shaft and wheel to turn slower or faster manufactured by shaping, hobbing, broaching, or
than the other when negotiating a turn. slotting.
DRIVELINE - Components used to propel the OVERRUN RATIO - On unequal wheeled four
vehicle driveshaft and universal joints transmit- wheel drive tractors the transmission is so geared
ting torque from transmission to drive axle (same that any difference in road speed of the two axles
as drivetrain). results in a faster speed for the front wheels
(overrun or lead), this prevents the front wheels
DRIVEN CLUTCH - Member that is used to provide from being pushed.
torque to another member, such as to the side
gear. Each NoSPIN differential has two driven PARALLEL SPLINES - Series of parallel keys cut
clutches. along the axle shaft which mate with correspond-
ing slots in the differential side gear.
DRIVETRAIN - A series of components which
transmit power from the engine to the wheels/tires PAYLOAD - Actual weight of useful cargo carried
(i.e., transmission, propeller shafts, transfer case, by vehicle.
axle, differential, shafts, etc.).
GLOSSARY - Cont’d.
PINION (INPUT) GEAR - The gear that is directly SPLINES - “Teeth” on axles that mate with “teeth”
connected to the driveshaft which propels the (splines) on differential side gear.
differential and ring gear and provides power to
the axle. SNAP RING - A circular expandable rinq that is
used to retain two members together, as the snap
PLANETARY AXLE - Axle having a gearset ar- ring in a NoSPIN differential that retains the spider
rangement in a concentric pattern; consisting of a and center cam.
sun gear surrounded by pinion gears which mesh
with an annulus ring gear. This gearset provides STANDARD DIFFERENTIAL - Open or con-
torque multiplication in a reduced area on the ventional differential with no means of traction
same center line as the axle shaff usually located control.
on the hub ends of axle.
TAG AXLE (TANDEM) - Non-powered rear axle
PRE-LOAD - Differential bearing adjustment which follows drive axle. Provides additional load-
achieved by adding or subtracting shims. carrying capacity and distribution.
R.P.M. - Revolutions Per Minute. Term used to
define rotation. TAPERED SPLINES - Cone shaped spline configu-
RING GEAR - The gear that is attached to the dif-
ferential case and driven by the pinion gear. THRUST BLOCKS - Support mechanism used to
prevent ring and pinion gear deflection.
ROLLED SPLINES - Splines that are manufac-
tured by use of rolling dies to form the spline THRUST WASHER - Used in conventional differ-
configuration. ential to reduce wear to the support case.
SHIM - “Spacer” used to achieve differential TORQUE - Force having a twisting or turning
bearing adjustment. effect. Also used in conjuction with the term
SIDE GEAR - The gear that is mounted in the
differential case; has the axle shaft splined to it; TRUNNION - Journals allowing pivoting or turn-
driven by the pinion gear. ing, such as on a spider cross. On a NoSPIN
differential, the arm (there are four) which sup-
SINGLE SPEED - Axle or transfer case having a ports the differential in the case assembly.
single gear ratio.
TWO-SPEED - Axle or transfer case having two se-
SHOCKLOAD - A force caused by sudden impact. lective gear ratios.
SPIDER - The “center piece” of a standard, clutch- UNDERSTEER - The condition of steering when
pack or NoSPIN differential; having a spider-like making a turn that causes the vehicle to go straight
shape. rather than turn freely.
SPIDER CROSS - Two or four armed member WHEELBASE - Distance between center lines of
used to mount the standard differential pinion front and rear axles or to the center line of tandem
gears. axles.
SPIDER GEAR(S) - Bevel pinion gears that are
mounted on spider cross that drive the side gears
of standard or clutch type differentials.
Tractech (TRACTECH) expressly warrants each TRACTECH product or part to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship under NORMAL USE AND SERVICE.
A. Differentials
1. In new vehicles
a. For licensed vehicles, when not used in competition of any type for the lesser of: 1) the same
period (of time, mileage or hours of use) as the other drive axle parts are warranted by the
axle manufacturer in that vehicle or 2) one year from date of delivery or 100,000 miles of
differential use by the first user; or
b. For non-licensed vehicles, for the same period (of time, mileage or hours of use) as the other
drive axle parts are warranted by the axle manufacturer in that vehicle.
2. In used vehicles
a. For licensed vehicles, when not used in competition of any type, for the earlier of 100,000
miles of differential use or one year from the date of delivery to the first user; or
b. For non-licensed vehicles, for the same period (of time, mileage, or hours of use) remaining,
if any, as the other drive axle parts are warranted by the axle manufacturer in the vehicle.
3. For vehicles used in competition of any type, for 30 days from the date of delivery to the first
There exist specific MANUALS for each TRACTECH differential indicating the appropriate application,
operation, inspection and maintenance criteria. IT IS MOST IMPORTANT THAT ANY SELECTOR, PUR-
application is selected or any operation or maintenance is attempted.
Also TRACTECH strongly encourages each designer, prospective customer or user to submit an application
approval request using TRACTECH Differential Application form 7003, Clutch Application form 3003, or
Brake Application form 8003 as applicable.
A. The product or part will be applied, installed, operated, inspected and maintained in accordance with
the TRACTECH Operation and Maintenance Manual, and Owner’s Manuals for the specific product;
B. The maintenance of the product must meet or exceed the level specified by the vehicle or equipment
manufacturer for the TRACTECH product or similar product; and
C . The product will be applied and operated within the boundaries of any written TRACTECH
APPLICATION APPROVAL by the TRACTECH Engineering Department.
or representative of TRACTECH, except the President of TRACTECH, is authorized to make any represen-
tation or warranty concerning TRACTECH products on behalf of TRACTECH or to assume for TRACTECH
any obligation not contained in this warranty, including a warranty of fitness for any particular purpose. This
warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
In no event does any warranty, express or implied, apply to loss, harm or damage to the extent caused by
any or all of the following, wear to or failure of other drive train parts; freight damage; use of components,
parts and/or accessories not obtained from or approved by TRACTECH or which do not meet TRACTECH
quality and performance specifications; improper installation, maintenance, repair, misuse, or abuse,
normal wear of moving parts or components affected by moving parts; and/or unauthorized alterations or
At TRACTECH’S option, TRACTECH will credit the buyer’s account for the purchase price of, or repair or
replace without charge for materials, any TRACTECH product that failed within the warranty period that is
finally determined by TRACTECH to have been defective in material or workmanship.
Any suit or action arising out of or relating to this Warranty or the breach thereof, must be commenced
within one (1) year after the cause of action has accrued. The foregoing shall not limit the time within which
any suit or action must be brought to collect an amount agreed to be paid by the buyer or to enforce a
judgement for or to collect any such amount.
It is expressly agreed that the liability of TRACTECH is limited, and TRACTECH does not function as an
insurer. All buyers of TRACTECH products waive subrogation on all claims covered under their own or any
other insurance.
If TRACTECH should be found liable to anyone on any theory (except breach of any express warranty, where
the exclusive remedy is as set forth above), the liability of TRACTECH shall not exceed the purchase price
of the involved TRACTECH product (or service) when sold (or when service is performed) by TRACTECH
REMEDIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, regardless of theory, cause or origin of any loss, harm or damage
resulting directly or indirectly to any person, organization, entity or property, including without limitation:
the performance or non-performance of any obligation set forth in this Warranty; breach of any agreement
(oral or written including specifications) between TRACTECH and its customer or the buyer; negligence,
active, passive or otherwise, of TRACTECH or any of its distributors, agents or employees; breach of any
warranty or covenant implied or imposed by law misrepresentation; and/or strict liability.
The sole purpose of the stipulated exclusive remedies shall be to provide the buyer with a credit or
replacement for, or the repair of, defective products or services in the manner provided herein. The exclusive
remedies shall not be deemed to have failed of their essential purpose so long as TRACTECH is willing to
credit the buyer’s account for the purchase price of, provided replacement for, or repair, the defective
products or services in the manner prescribed herein.
When adjustment is sought under this Warranty, a claim should be made within six (6) months of the date
of failure, as follows:
2. If the product or part was purchased through a distributor of TRACTECH products, have the
distributor write or phone TRACTECH Customer Service Department and ask for an Authoriza-
tion to Return Materiai number. Supply the distributor with all requested information. Have the
distributor ship the entire product (freight prepaid) to our Warren, Michigan factory. Evaluation
of claims take 4-6 weeks from the time the unit is received.
Contact TRACTECH to receive a written Authorization to Return Material with number. Then return
material to TRACTECH (freight prepaid) and include a copy of Authorization to Return Material and
reason for return. NOTE: At the option of TRACTECH, material may not need to be returned, but
written confirmation must be obtained prior to TRACTECH’S approval of a credit memo.
Follow the procedure in Paragraph A or B immediately above but do not return product or part. You
will be contacted regarding your claim.
nosPIn / ® detroit ®
automatic positive locking
traction differential
Mechanic: Operator:
Any increase in the size of the vehicle’s engine, All NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differential equipped
tires, weight etc., may prohibit use of a NoSPIN/ vehicles must be identified by a Caution Label,
Detroit Locker differential in a heretofore ap- mounted on the instrument panel. Contact
proved application. Any such modifications Tractech if this label was not received.
should be reviewed by Tractech Engineering
before continuing to use the product. Do not operate the vehicle if both wheels of a
NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differential equipped axle
Do not use heat to disassemble drive axles. To are not driving. Power to only one wheel can
do so can destroy heat treat properties and cause serious steering problems. Perform the
weaken or distort axle components. installation and operation tests illustrated on
page 12 betore putting the vehicle into service.
Turn the engine off and raise all driving wheels
of a NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differential equipped Use extreme caution when accelerating or de-
axle when servicing wheels brakes axles or celerating on slippery or unstable surfaces.
tires to prevent the vehicle from moving. Axles Vehicles/axles equipped with traction differen-
equipped with NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differen- tials are inherently more sensitive to side-slip.
tials deliver power to both wheels - even when
only one wheel is on the ground. Distribute the load evenly side-to-side; do not
exceed the vehicle’s rated payload capacity;
NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differentials have com- keep the diameter of the tires equal. Failure to
pressed springs. Use a retaining bolt or some observe these measures can create a difference
other restraining means when separating the in individual wheel speeds which can cause the
differential case halves. (See pages 13-14) Do NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differential to deliver
not lift the heavier (75 lbs. or over) units by the power to only one side of the vehicle and thus
retaining bolt, as the washers may collapse or cause steering problems.
the threads may strip.
Turn the engine off and raise all driving wheels
When repairing NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differen- of a NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differential equipped
tials, if major components show excessive wear, axle when changing tires to prevent the vehicle
the complete differential should be replaced. If from moving. Axles equipped with NoSPIN/De-
a component is replaced, mating components troit Locker differentials deliver power to both
should also be replaced in that it is likely that wheels - even when only one wheel is on the
they too are damaged. Use of worn or damaged ground.
components can lead to a recurrence of the
original problem. (See page 15) Note: Use only Operate in low gear when coasting downhill into
Tractech approved components when repairing a turn. Braking capacity is reduced when a
NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differentials. NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differential equipped
vehicle makes a turn while coasting downhill.
Attach this envelope to axle assemblies equipped with NoSPIN/Detroit Locker differentials
A Titan Wheel Company
11445 Stephens Dr. - P0. Box 882
Warren, Michigan 48090 U.S.A.
(810) 759-3850
Telex 211864 TRAC UR
Printed in U.S.A Fax (810) 759-1645 1021 (0895)
A Division of Dyneer Corporation NO. 72-1009 (1272)
11445 Stephens Dr. - P.O. Box 882
Warren, Michigan 48090 U.S.A.
(313) 759-3850
Telex 211864 TRAC UR
Tractech recommends that the oil in the axle be changed for cold weather
operation, to the lightest acceptable “EP” type oil that the axle manufacturer
will allow. (It is important that the axle manufacturer be consulted regarding
the type of oil because of possible warranty considerations.) If an oil is not
available that is specified to operate in severe cold temperatures, then other
means of controlling axle temperature should be employed; such as, heat control
devices or garaging. If these means are not available, than a warm-up period
must be allowed during initial operation each day.
Please distribute this information to the personnel in your organization who
require such data.
The use of the correct axle lubricant for all Rockwell hypoid, spiral bevel, or planetary gearing in low temperature
operations is necessary for good preventive maintenance and longer service life. For maximum performance
in Rockwell drive axles, use the lubricants listed below, in accordance with the specified temperature range.
Viscosity grades SAE 80W and SAE 75W are new gear lubricants with limited availability.
The Conoco Polar Start DN-600 Gear Oil is also premium priced, but is a petroleum based lubricant produced
by Continental Oil Company in Houston, Texas and can be purchased at their local dealers. For a list of
dealers write directly to Continental.
Viscosity grade Hatcol 2601 is a premium priced, synthetic (non-petroleum) lubricant that can only be obtained
from the Hatco Chemical Division ot W.R. Grace and Company (King George Post Road, Fords, New Jersey 08863).
In all cases, however, the lubricant used must meet the requirements of SAE-J-308 designation API-GL-5.
WARNING: The use of thinning agents, such as kerosene, gasoline or any other dilutants that lower the viscosity
of the drive unit lubricant is not permissible.
CAUTION: For drive units utilizing the above list of low temperature lubricants, oil seals and gaskets must
be in excellent condition to insure against the loss of these lighter viscosity oils.
Rockwell International
...where science gets down to business
Spicer Low Effort U-Joint Kit
2. If the end yokes are tight, 4. Check the slip spline for 6. If runout readings are
check for excessive radial excessive radial move- required, they should be
looseness of the transmis- ment. Radial looseness taken with the driveshaft
sion output shaft and axle between the slip yoke and mounted in the vehicle
input and output shafts in the tube shaft should not with the transmission in
their respective bearings. exceed .077 inches. neutral and the axle shafts
Consult transmission and pulled, or by jacking rear
axle manufacturer’s wheels off the ground and
specifications for accept- placing axles on jack
able radial looseness stands. This will allow
limits and method of rotating the driveshaft by
checking. hand to check indicator
readings. The runout
readings taken at the
various locations should
not exceed an additional
0.010 T.I.R. over the
manufacturer’s specified
runout. (See page 24)
5. Check the shaft for dam-
aged, bent tubing or
missing balance weights.
Make certain there is no
build up of foreign material
on the shaft, such as
3. Check for excessive undercoat or concrete.
looseness across the ends If found, they should be
of the bearing assemblies removed carefully to avoid
and trunnions. This damage to the driveshaft.
looseness should not
exceed .006 inches maxi-
7. For an inboard and out-
board slip yoke assembly
design, check to be sure
the plug is not loose or
missing ... if it is, repair or
replace it. Loose or
missing plugs are com-
monly caused by not
enough driveshaft slip
Special Tools: CAUTION: Never heat components
Torque wrench (125 Ib./ft.) or use sledge hammers and floor
Journal locator jacks to disassemble driveshaft.
U-joint press This can result in damaged, weak-
V-block ened or bent components.
* Alignment bar/No Go
wear gauge
Common hand tools
3. Remove the end yoke from If, after proper cleaning, the
the driveshaft and place in alignment gauge still does
3. After removing the cross
a soft jawed vise to inspect not pass through both
and bearings, both ends, the crosshole surfaces.
inspect the cross hole crossholes, the yoke lugs
Raised metal can be are distorted and the yoke
surfaces for damage or
removed with a rat tail or
raised metal. Raised metal should be replaced.
half round file. Emery cloth
can be removed with a rat
should be used to remove
tail or half round file and REASSEMBLY
emery cloth. Check the all rust and corrosion from
yoke lug crossholes with a crosshole bores.
No-Go Wear Gauge and
then use a Spicer Align- 4. Check the yoke for
ment Bar to inspect for crosshole alignment using
damage by sliding through the Spicer Alignment
both cross holes simulta- gauge. Place the correct
neously. The alignment bushing in each lug ear
bar will identify yoke lugs allowing a .03 to .06
that have taken a set clearance between the
because of excessive tang and the bushing.
torque. The raised metal
or distorted lugs can be a
cause of premature cross
and bearing problems. 1. Place each end of the
driveshaft, less cross and
At this time, clean the bearing kits, on v-blocks.
cross holes of the yokes Check the paint making
on the transmission and placed on the tube and slip
axle and inspect with an yoke assembly prior to
alignment bar gauge as removing from the vehicle
to be sure they are lined up
described above.
or “in phase.”
2. Remove the cross and yoke lug. Place a bearing the lock strap and bearing
bearings from the box and assembly over the trunnion assembly. Thread with
remove all four bearing diameter and align it to the hand or wrench into
assemblies. cross hole. tapped hole in yoke.
Rotate the cross to inspect Do not torque down bolts.
for presence of the positive Holding the trunnion in
purging valve in each lube alignment with the cross
hole of all four trunnions. hole, using the journal
Then position the cross into locator press bearing
the end yoke with its lube assembly flush to face of
fitting in fine as near as end yoke by hand.
possible with the sip spline
fitting on the inboard side. A journal locator should
be used to prevent damage
to the u-joint trunnions and
slingers. If the u-joint
bearing cap is pressed into
place, the bearings and NOTE: The self-locking bolt design
bearings surfaces could be for full-round yokes uses serrated
damaged. bolts with lock patch and DOES
NOT require a lock strap. DO NOT
If bearing assembly binds in reuse ANY retaining bolt. If
cross hole, tap with soft loosening or removal of a bolts is
hammer directly in center of necessary, replace with a new one.
bearing assembly plate. Do
3. The lips of the seal on the
not tap outer edges of 6. Move the cross laterally
u-joint must be lubricated bearing plate. to the opposite side and
with a light weight oil to
through the cross hole
prevent the seal from Exact fit of all driveline beyond the machined
turning inside out upon components is extremely surface of the yoke lug.
installation. Also, each important. The correct parts Place a bearing assembly
cross reservoir must be and clean mating surfaces over the cross trunnion
packed with grease and essential for safe and slide it into the cross
each cap bearing wiped operation and good repair. hole, seating the plate to
with grease prior to
the face of the lug. Put
assembly. 5. When the bearing assem- the lock plate tab in place
bly is completely seated. and thread the bolts with
4. Move one end of the cross put the lock plate tab in hand or wrench into
to cause a trunnion to place and use the “Grade tapped holes in yoke.
project through the cross Eight” cap screws that are
hole beyond the outer furnished with the kit and
machined face of the insert them through the
cap screw holes in both
NOTE: Projecting the trunnion result in an unbalanced 7. If a boot must be discon-
through a cross hole beyond the driveshaft. nected, remove the clamp
machined surface of the lug will at the sleeve end and
provide a surface to help align the ü Mounting flanges and pilots leave the other end attach-
should be free from burrs, paint ed. Do not reuse clamp.
bearing assembly with the cross
hole. This method should also be and foreign substances which 8.
IMPORTANT: If any major
followed when assembling would not allow proper seating component is replaced on
driveshaft to yokes of vehicle at at assembly. any of the assemblies (any
transmission and axle or axles. component other than
When servicing system bal- boots, dust caps, or u-joints),
Repeat process of anced assemblies it is imperative the entire system balanced
installation of cross and
7. that the following rules be strictly assembly must be rebal-
bearing kit at opposite adhered to: anced by a competent
end of the driveshaft. driveshaft repair facility
Make sure to position the
1. Sleeve yokes to midship capable of system balancing.
shafts, end yokes,
cross in the yoke so that
companion flange, etc. Failure to adhere to these
the tube fitting is in line must not be rotated from recommendations can cause
with the tube fitting at the their original position excessive driveline vibration and/or
other end. during reassembly. premature component failure.
For flange yoke applica- 2. It is strongly recom- NOTE: The unitized one piece seal
tions, install the flange mended that an indexing now used on Spicer driveshafts is not
yoke, bearing assemblies
8. mark or fine be painted intended to be removed in service.
and bolts at this time. down the entire length of When servicing drivestafts with the
all assemblies prior to pop on seal, DO NOT remove the seal
CAUTION: Worn bearing assem- removal from the vehicle. from the slip yoke. Pull the tube shaft
blies used with a new cross or out of the slip yoke and carefully
3. Upon reassembly, all realign the splines of the tube shaft
new bearing assemblies used
components must be with the slip yoke upon reassembly.
with a worn cross will wear rapidly Reinstalled exactly as To separate the tube shaft from the
making another replacement removed. Do not turn slip yoke, pull the tube out of the slip
necessary in a short time. yokes or sleeves from yoke, leaving the seal in place. A
their original position. significant amount of force will be
Always Replace the Cross, required to remove as well as reinstall
Four Bearing Assemblies and For Spicer slip yoke the tube shaft through the seal.
Bolts as a Unit. interaxle applications, the Removal of the unitized seal causes
slip yoke should be damage to the seal lip where it
INSTALLATION IN VEHICLE installed with the yoke ears contacts the slip yoke. If removal of
“up hill” from the seal. the seal is absolutely necessary, it
The installation of a driveshaft In main driveshaft should be replaced with a new unit.
does not present any unusual applications, the slip yoke
mechanical difficulties. Before seal should be up hill or To remove the old seal, hold
actual installation the driveshaft with the slip yoke at the the yoke assembly firmly in a vise.
should be checked for the following transmission in transmis- Using a large chisel, drive the seal
items: sion-to-axle applications. off of the yoke. To install a new
seal, generously lubricate the seal
ü Damage or dents on the 4. If at all possible, do not lip and press the new seal into
driveshaft tubing. remove boots or dust caps place using a small arbor press or
from sleeve assemblies. equivalent.
ü Splines should slide freely with 5. Inspect boots for any
slight drag from slip shaft seal.
damage (rips or holes).
ü Cross should flex and be free If boot is damaged, it must
from excessive bind. A slight be discarded. Do not
drag is the most desirable reuse clamps. WARNING: Rotating shafts can be
condition on a new cross and dangerous. You can snag clothes,
bearing kit. Excessive loose- 6. Push on dust caps are not skin, hair, hands, etc. This can cause
ness is not desirable and will serviceable. If dust cap serious injury or death.
must be removed, replace
it with a new one.
Do not go under the vehicle when the between the lugs of either
engine is running.
5. Slide the shaft to project
the axle or the transmis- an opposite trunnion
Do not work on a shaft (with or without a sion end yoke and through through the cross hole
guard) when the engine is running. a cross hole. Repeat at beyond the face of the
opposite end. The drive- end yoke. Again, place a
Do not engage or disengage driven
equipment by hand from under the vehicle shaft is being supported at bearing assembly over
when the engine is running. each end by one trunnion the trunnion, align and
surface in a cross hole and place hands on opposite
In order to avoid becoming entangled, the nylon support strap. bearing assembly, and
install the power take-off and/or shaft be-
hind the frame rail, tanks, battery box, etc. press both inward flush to
Tilt a cross trunnion until the yoke faces. If assembly
If power take-off and/or shaft are still opposite side can be binds, tap with soft ham-
exposed after installation, install a guard.
inserted through a cross mer as outlined above. Put
Install a support strap when servicing a hole. Repeat at opposite the lock plate tab in place
driveshaft to prevent personal injury. end. The driveshaft is now and insert the “Grade
being supported at each Eight” cap screws through
FULL ROUND END end by two trunnion sur- the holes in the lock plates
YOKE STYLE faces in the cross holes and and bearing assemblies.
the nylon support strap. Thread cap screws into
1. Rotate the transmission
end yokes. Tighten with
end yoke by putting
4. Move one end of the shaft wrench until plates are flush
transmission in neutral
to cause a trunnion to against end yoke faces.
and the axle end yoke by
Jacking up one rear wheel, project through the cross
hole beyond the outer 6. Lubricate the cross and
so the cross holes are in a
machined face of the yoke bearing assembly until tube
horizontal position.
lug. Place a bearing appears at all four seals.
assembly over the trun- If any seal fails to purge,
nion diameter and align it see “Lubrica”ion Procedure
to the cross hole. for U-Joints.” Also check
slip yoke lubrication.
Holding the trunnion in
7. Torque all eight bolts to
alignment with the cross
specification (see chart
hole, press bearing assem-
below). Bend lock
bly flush to face of end
plate tabs to fiat of cap
yoke by hand.
screwheads to lock in
If bearing assembly binds
2. Tilt the cross trunnions of in cross hole, tap with soft
the driveshaft, both ends, NOTE: The self-locking bolt design
hammer directly in center for full-round yokes uses serrated
with trunnions pointing of bearing assembly plate. bolts with lock patch and DOES
toward each other from Do not tap outer edges of NOT require a lock strap. DO NOT
end to end, one side. bearing plate. reuse ANY retaining bolts.
Install with the slip joint
nearest the source of FULL ROUND END YOKE 8. Repeat at opposite end.
power. Use a nylon Remove nylon support strap.
support strap to aid in
handling the driveshaft.
FLANGE YOKE STYLE TOOLS (1000 - 1500 SERIES): For double flange applications,
With nylon support strap in disassemble as a complete assem-
Common Hand Tools bly by removing the companion
place and holding the driveshaft
Soft Hammer flange bolts.
firmly, align the (permanent end)
flange pilots of the driveshaft For flange yoke and end yoke
flange yoke and axle companion combination-type driveshafts,
flange with each other. Align bolt remove as described above for
holes and install bolts, lock whatever design applies.
washers and nuts to temporarily
secure driveshaft to axle. Com- OUTSIDE SNAP RING DESIGN
press the slip assembly to posi- (RELUBABLE)
tion the opposite end of the
driveshaft to the transmission Disassembly
companion flange. Align bolt
holes and install bolts, lock With the shaft removed, the
washers, and nuts. Torque to I following procedure should be
specifications, both ends. REMOVAL followed:
2. Remove snap ring from 5. To remove the opposite 2. Position the cross in the
yoke. Turn joint over, tap bearing assembly, turn the yoke with its lube fitting on
bearing away from snap yoke over and straighten the inboard side (toward
ring, then remove opposite the cross in the open cross driveshaft).
snap ring. hole. Then carefully press
on the end of the cross so
the remaining bearing
assembly moves straight
out of the bearing cross
hole. If the cross or
bearing assembly are
cocked, the bearing
assembly will score the
walls of the cross hole and
ruin the yoke.
3. Set the yoke in the arbor 3. Move one end of the cross
6. Repeat this procedure on to cause a trunnion to
press with a piece of tube
the remaining bearing project through the cross
stock beneath it. Position
assembles to remove the hole beyond the outer
the yoke with the lube
cross from the yoke. machined face of the yoke
fitting pointing up to
prevent interference during lug. Place a bearing
disassembly. Place a solid Reassembly assembly over the trun-
plug on the upper bearing nion diameter and align it
assembly and press it to the cross hole. Using
through to release the an arbor press, hold the
lower bearing assembly. trunnion in alignment with
the cross hole and place a
4. if the bearing assembly will solid plug on the upper
not pull out by hand after bearing assembly. Press
pressing, tap the base of the bearing assembly into
the lug near the bearing the cross hole enough to
assembly to dislodge it. install a snap ring.
11. Reinstall in the vehicle.
SERVICING THE DRIVESHAFT signs of deterioration. If replaced with a kit de-
there are any cracks that signed specifically for use
Assembly and disassembly exceed 0.008 inches in with aluminum. The use
procedures for Spicer LiteTM depth, the assembly must of non-endurion coated
aluminum and Spicer Graph-LiteTM be replaced. kits will result in damage
driveshafts are similar to those of to the driveshaft through
other driveshafts. However, some 4) Check to be sure there are galvanic corrosion.
no missing balance
weights. If balance CAUTION: When replacing
unique instructions must be
weights are missing and a universal joint kits in aluminum
followed to service advanced
void has occurred in the driveshafts, use kits designed
technology materials.
aluminum tubing greater specifically for aluminum to avoid
than 0.008 inches, the galvanic corrosion.
assembly must be re- Straightening and Balancing
placed. 1) Our Spicer LiteTMalumi-
Inspecting and Lubricating num driveshaft can be
SERVICING straightened following the
same procedure for steel
1) Service Spicer-LiteTM
driveshafts as outlined on
aluminum driveshafts
page 24.
following the same
procedure for steel GRAPH-LITETM DRIVESHAFTS
driveshafts as outlined on Inspecting and Lubricating
pages 13 - 15.
STRAIGHTENING AND BALANCING Ovality occurs when the tube is of the outboard u-joint kit (heavy
THE DRIVESHAFT not circular but oval in shape. duty) or on selected flange yokes
During dynamic balancing, a dial or yokes.
(Excluding Aluminum) indicator will display ovality TWICE All flange yokes or yokes
per revolution. Even though a tube should be selected for dynamic
The rebuilding of a driveshaft may be straight, ovality will make it balance to eliminate as much
assembly usually consists of seem bent. A tube with ovality unbalance as possible. During
replacing worn cross and bearing may be used up to a 0.010 T.I.R. balancing, the driveshaft again
assemblies with a new kit. These runout reading. Beyond this limit should be mounted on the same
kits replace the part of a driveshaft the tube must be discarded for master tooling or selected flange
most subject to wear in operation. driveshaft purposes. or yokes.
The potential off-center condition After welding, the entire After straightening, balance
present in the cross and bearing driveshaft should be straightened the entire assembly to Original
assemblies makes it desirable to to the following limits: Equipment Manufacturer specifica-
balance every assembly after tions.
installing new cross and bearing
When the tubing is bent or (All Types)
twisted or the tube fittings are
distorted, it will be necessary to Heavy Duty Driveshaft Runout Limits Proper driveshaft angles and
replace the damaged parts. correct phasing of the yokes are
Properly assemble the new very important in maintaining long
components into the tube and life and quiet running shafts.
straighten the shaft assembly When in phase, the slip yoke
before tack welding, to be sure the lugs (ears) and tube yoke lugs
parts are on center. This can be Light and Medium Duty Driveshaft (ears) are in fine. Normally, this is
done by mounting the complete Runout Limits for Unbalanced the ideal condition and gives the
assembly in the appropriate tooling Driveshaft smoothest running shaft. There
and straightening until the ends of may be an alignment arrow
the tube run concentric within 0.005 Heavy Duty stamped on the slip yoke and on
T.I.R. Recheck for runout. the tube shaft to assure proper
0.005 T.I.R. on the neck of the slip phasing when assembling these
RUNOUT VERSUS OVALITY tube shaft components. If there are no
0.010 T.I.R. on ends of tubing 3" alignment marks, they should
from welds
0.015 T.I.R at linear center of the
The u-joint operating angle is High angles combined with In this case, the maximum u-joint
the angle formed by two yokes high R.P.M. is the worst combina- operating angle is determined by
connected by a cross and bearing tion, resulting in reduced u-joint dividing length of driveshaft by ten.
kit. There are two kinds of u-joint life. Too large and unequal u-joint Example: A 30" driveshaft with
angles. angles can cause vibrations and intersecting angles would have a 3
The simple one plane angle contribute to u-joint, transmission degree permissible operating
found in most installations has all and differential problems. The angle.
driveline slope confined to one improper u-joint angles must be
plane, usually the vertical plane. corrected. CHECKING DRIVESHAFT ANGLES
The other type of driveline angle Ideally, the operating angles on IN THE VERTICAL OR
is the compound angle in two each end of the driveshaft should HORIZONTAL PLANE
planes. This is found in driveline be equal to or within 1 degree of
designs where offset exists in each other, have a 3 degree
both the vertical and horizontal maximum operating angle and
planes. For detailed information have at least 1/2 of a degree
on troubleshooting compound continuous operating angle. WARNING: Rotating shafts can
angles, contact your Spicer be dangerous. You can snag
R.P.M. is the main factor
clothes, skin, hair, hands, etc. This can
Service Representative. though in determining maximum cause serious injury or death. Do not work
allowable operating angles. As a on a shaft (with or without a guard) when
guide to maximum normal operat- the engine is running.
ing angles, refer to the chart listed.
Use the following procedure to
check driveshaft angles for proper
u-joint operating angles.
Correcting U-Joint
7. If applicable, measure the Operating Angles
output yoke angle of the
forward axle, the angle of
the tandem driveshaft
between the forward axle
and the rear axle, and the
rear axle input yoke angle.
Now, it’s easy to check cross- Many times a u-joint kit mission and the axle bearings.
hole alignment and wear on premature failure is not the fault of Order Spicer alignment
conventional full round and half the kit itself, but was caused by gauges today for your shop in-
round end yokes. misalignment or worn crossholes can house maintenance or for resale
Spicer has developed two also be a contributing factor to to your customers.
simple gauges to assist you in driveshaft vibration, which can
identifying out-of-spec u-joint cause damage to both the trans-
componentry and increase parts
1. Replace with new Spicer Yoke
Full Round End Yoke Gauges
Gauge Set
1710 Alignment Gauge Only
1610 Alignment Gauge Only
Wear Gauge Only
Quick DisconnectTM
Half Round End Yoke Gauges
Gauge and Bushings Set (1610 -1810)
result could be death or serious injury. Rotating shafts In the standard installation the output and input shafts must
can be dangerous. You can snag clothes, skin, hair, be parallel.
hands, etc.
TOL-006-95 1
shafts must be parallel. 60 1.0 2.1 3.1 4.2 5.2 6.3 7.3 8.3 9.4
72 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.0 6.3 7.5 8.8 10.0 11.3
5. In the alternate installation (Figure 2) the centerlines of the
output and input shafts must intersect at the center of the 84 1.5 2.9 4.4 5.9 7.3 8.8 10.2 11.7 13.1
driveshaft. 96 1.7 3.4 5.0 6.7 8.4 10.0 11.7 13.4 15.0
108 1.9 3.8 5.6 7.5 9.4 11.3 13.2 15.0 16.9
6. Slight working angles (approx 1/2 to 1 degree) are
120 2.1 4.2 6.3 8.4 10.5 12.5 14.6 16.7 18.8
preferred to provide needle bearing rolling action.
Working angle should be 2° if prime mover is an internal OFFSET IN INCHES
combustion engine. Use this table to determine joint angle or offset
Never run a u-joint at 0 angle for long periods of 9. To determine driveshaft angles, a spirit level protractor or
time. Premature failure will occur. Spicer Anglemaster® Electronic Driveline Inclinometer is
required (See Photo). On a protractor, when angles are read
7. Maximum joint angle and RPM combination from the o degree mark (horizontally—on the driveshaft)
cannot be exceeded. record and use the angle shown. When angles are read from
A shaft, between two joints working at an angle, will either of the 90 degree marks (vertically—on the flange) do
accelerate and decelerate as the shaft rotates. The higher not record the angle shown on the protractor since the 90
the RPM and the greater the angle, the higher the rate of degree marks must be understood to be the same as 0
acceleration and deceleration. As the rate increases it will degrees on the horizontal plane. Thus, if a vertical reading is
cause a vibration. (See Graph 1) 85 degrees, the angle being measured is 5 degrees
(90-85=5 degrees).
Graph 1
Length in. If using a protractor, all angles should be read within 1/4
degree and they should be measured with the protractor
held plumb on a clean flat surface. The Spicer Anglemaster
Electronic Driveline Inclinometer is automatically accurate to
within 1/10 of 1 degree.
The shafts should be transported in horizontal position. Stock bored flanges are bored with a plus .001 “ minus .000”
(Figure 4) For vertical installations additional protection must tolerance and should be a slip fit over mating shaft. Align
be provided in order to eliminate the possibility of driveshaft keyways in both the flange and shaft and gently tap flange
from coming apart at the Spline connection (Slip Joint Figure on.
5). Hemp or nylon rope should be used (for small shafts
only). The shaft should not extend beyond flange face. The
recommended amount of shaft engagement with flange hub
CAUTION: The dust cap and spline seal could be is 1.5 times the bore diameter. Less than this could lead to
damaged by incorrectly hanging the driveshaft in a premature failure. After flange is correctly positioned on
vertical position. shaft, tighten all set-screws to proper torque specification.
(Table 2)
Table 2
Figure 4
Shocks and bumps should be
avoided during transport and VERTICAL Flange
storage, because the end cap
could be pressed out. Shaft
There are two types of standard Spicer industrial companion To properly install tapered bore flanges a great deal of care
flanges. (Figure 7) is necessary to insure a proper interference fit exists
between shaft and flange. All Spicer tapered bores are S.A.E
FRICTIONAL FACE DRIVE DESIGN tapers (1 1/2" per ft.) and require an interference fit of .001"
to .002" for shafting series 1710 and smaller.... and .002" to
.004" for shafting 1810 and larger. (Graph 2) shows the
Type (1) Standard Type (2) Large Bore amount the flange has to be advanced to maintain a given
interference. Use a dial indicator as shown in (Figure 8) to
Bolt measure advancement.
Figure 7
Do not paint or lubricate the face of companion
flanges or driveshaft flanges. Remove any paint or
oil before final assembly. This type of driveshaft connection
transmits torque through friction not the bolts. Failure to
properly clean flange faces and torque flange bolts to proper
specifications (Table 3) will lead to premature failure of
flange connection.
Table 3
Note: To facilitate installation and removal, it is recom-
Interference or shrink fits require heating the flange uniformly mended that a light oil be used on shaft and threads.
(preferably submerged in oil not exceeding 350°F)
to expand the bore. Align the keyways in both the shaft and 1. Install tapered flange onto shaft.
flange onto shaft and allow to cool. Tighten set screws to
recommended torque (Table 2) Check run-out of flange pilot. 2. Attach dial indicator (Figure 8) to shaft and begin tighten-
(Figure 6) ing nut until proper advancement is obtained.
In vertical applications, most of the shaft weight is supported HORIZONTAL APPLICATION (Single Section)
from the upper companion flange. We recommend that when
a driveshaft or multiple section driveshaft installation weighs
over 150 lbs., it be supported in one of the following ways:
1. Use flanges with an extra set screw 90°F from the keyway HORIZONTAL APPLICATION SINGLE SECTION
(Do not use with driveshafts weighing over 300 lbs.).
2. Check that all u-bolts and bearing straps are properly 4. Lubricate all joints, splines and steady bearings before
torqued (Table 4) or that all snap-rings are fully seated in start up. Pressure lube cross until lube appears at all four
yokes. needle bearing seals. (See lubrication section)
TYPE BOLT SIZE TORQUE(LB./FT.) 6. Before start-up, replace shaft guard. If no guard
! exists, install one!
(5/16) .312-24 14-17
U-Bolts (3/8) .375-24 20-24 7. With shaft guard installed and all bolts torqued to specifi-
(7/16) .438-20 32-37 cation, the shaft may now begin rotating. If possible, run at
low speed for few minutes. Observe driver and driven
(1/4) .250-28 13-18 equipment for any unusual vibration. Your Spicer industrial
Bearing Strap (5/16) .312-24 25-30 driveshaft is pre-balanced at the factory. Should shaft
(3/8) .375-24 45-60 vibration become excessive, stop prime mover and contact
Spicer Application Engineering.
Table 4
Support Pump
Joint angles “A” must be equal to within one degree and yokes are in phase.
Multiple shaft applications require great care in design and b. Steady bearing supports must have enough rigidity to
installation. Most importantly, the supporting structures need avoid vibrations. It is recommended that the following
special attention. suggestions be observed:
5. If runout readings are required, they should be taken with 6. For inboard and outboard slip yoke assembly designs,
the driveshaft mounted such that it will rotate by hand. check to be sure the plug is not loose or missing...if it is,
repair or replace it. Loose or missing plugs are commonly
The runout readings taken at the various locations should caused by not enough driveshaft slip movement.
not exceed an additional 0.010 T.I.R. over the
manufacturer’s specified runout.
Among the most common causes of joint and slip spline
problems is lack of proper lubrication. Properly sized Spicer
U-joints that are adequately relubricated at recommended
intervals will meet or exceed Spicer’s performance specifica-
tions. Relubrication flushes the joints thus removing abrasive
contaminants from the bearings.
Recommended Greases:
LUBRICATION PROCEDURE 2. On center twin zerk design or single zerk kits, if any seals
fail to purge, move the driveshaft from side to side and then
apply gun pressure. This allows greater clearance on the
Relubrication cycles vary depending on the application and thrust end of the bearing assembly that is not purging. On
operating conditions. In general, to obtain maximum life of two-zerk kits, try greasing from the opposite lube fitting. For
Spicer industrial driveshaft components, lubricate points A light-duty kits, check for a fully seated snap ring or burrs on
and B (Figure X). Every 500 hours of normal service or every the snap ring or snap ring groove.
200 hours of continuous service.
3. Because of the superior sealing capability of the Spicer
seal design on the 1610, 1710, 1760, 1810, and 1880
Series, there will occasionally be one or more bearing
assembly seals that will not purge.
1. Vibration
2. U-joint looseness
3. U-joint discoloration due to excessive heat build-up
4. Inability to purge all four trunnion seals
5. An audible noise or squeal from the driveline
Lubrication-Related Problems
1. Apply grease gun pressure to the lube fitting until lubricant
The most common reasons for u-joint wear are lack of
appears at the pressure relief hole in the plug at the slip yoke
lubrication, inadequate lube quality, inadequate initial
end of the spline.
lubrication or failure to lubricate properly and often enough.
To avoid lubrication-related problems:
4. Use correct lube technique. New Lube Must Flow From FIELD PROBLEM ANALYSIS (All Types)
All Four Bearing Seals.
Vibration Related Problems
5. Use correct lubricant. It should be a recommended type,
such as N.L.G.I. Grade 1 or 2 with E.P. additives and high Vibration is a driveshaft problem that can be either trans-
temperature resistance. verse or torsional.
! Repair
A Heritage of Rockwell Technology
Cam Brakes
Maintenance Manual No. 4
Revised 10-98
l Q Plus TM
l Cast Plus
l Q Series
l P Series
l T Series
Ser vice Notes
This maintenance manual describes the correct service and repair procedures for Meritor Cam-Master ®
cam brakes. The information contained in this manual was current at time of printing and is subject
to change without notice or liability.
You must follow your company procedures when you service or repair equipment or components.
You must understand all procedures and instructions before you begin to work on a unit. Some
procedures require the use of special tools for safe and correct service. Failure to use special tools when
required can cause serious personal injury to service personnel, as well as damage to equipment
and components.
Meritor uses the following notations to warn the user of possible safety problems and to provide
information that will prevent damage to equipment and components.
A CAUTION indicates a procedure that This symbol indicates that fasteners must
you must follow exactly to avoid damaging be tightened to a specific torque.
equipment or components. Serious personal
injury can also occur.
Meritor’s Drivetrain Plus How to Order
Technical Electronic Library (TEL)
Order items from Meritor Literature Distribution
on CD Center, c/o Vispac, Inc., 35000 Industrial Road,
This CD includes product and service information Livonia, Ml 48150. For videos, include a purchase
for Meritor’s brake and automatic slack adjusters. order or check for $20 payable to Meritor
$20. Order TP-9853. Automotive, Inc., for each video.
Phone orders are also accepted by calling
Additional Publications Meritor’s Customer Service Center at
l Paymaster® Automatic Slack Adjuster
Maintenance Manual No. 413
l Q PlusTM LX500 and MX500 Cam Brakes
Maintenance Manual No. MM-96173
l Meritor Cam Brake Maintenance
(Video 90233)
l Automatic Slack Adjuster Installation and
Maintenance (Video 90234)
l New Generation Automatic Slack Adjuster
(Video T-9443V)
MERITOR TM Table of Contents
! Asbestos and Non-Asbestos Fibers Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Section 2: Introduction
Meritor’s Cam-Master® Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Q Plus
Q Plus LX500 and Q Plus MX500
Cast Plus
Q Series Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
P Series
T Series
Differences Between Q Plus and Q Series Cam Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Section 3: Disassembly
Remove the Wheel Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Automatic Slack Adjuster
Brake Shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Remove the Camshaft and Automatic Slack Adjuster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Section 5: Assembly
Install the Camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Q Series 16.5-Inch Cam Brake
Replacing a Q Series Camshafts with Q Plus Camshaft in all Front and Drive Axle
16.5-Inch Q Series Brakes
Replacing a Hammerclaw Camshaft with a Standard Q Plus Camshaft on Front Axles Only
Shoe Return Spring Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Automatic Slack Adjuster
Handed and Unhanded Automatic Slack Adjusters
Pull Pawls
Replace Conventional Pawls with Pull Pawls
Installing the Slack Adjuster Onto the Camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Install the Clevis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Brake Slack Adjuster Position (BSAP) Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Install the Brake Shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
All Q Plus and Q Series 16.5-Inch Brakes
Q Series 15-Inch Cam Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
P Series and Cast Plus Cam Brakes
T Series Cam Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Drum and Wheel
Table of Contents MERITOR TM
Section 9: Inspection
Before You Return the Vehicle to Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
b) As an alternative procedure, use a catch basin with water and a biodegradable, As an alternative procedure, use a catch basin with water and a biodegradable,
non-phosphate, water-based detergent to wash the brake drum or rotor and other b) non-phosphate, water-based detergent to wash the brake drum or rotor and other
brake parts. The solution should be applied with low pressure to prevent dust from brake parts. The solution should be applied with low pressure to prevent dust from
becoming airborne. Allow the solution to flow between the brake drum and the becoming airborne. Allow the solution to flow between the brake drum and the
brake support or the brake rotor and caliper. The wheel hub and brake assembly brake support or the brake rotor and caliper. The wheel hub and brake assembly
components should be thoroughly wetted to suppress dust before the brake shoes components should be thoroughly wetted to suppress dust before the brake shoes
or brake pads are removed. Wipe the brake parts clean with a cloth. or brake pads are removed. Wipe the brake parts clean with a cloth.
c) If an enclosed vacuum system or brake washing equipment is not available c) If an enclosed vacuum system or brake washing equipment is not available, carefully
employers may adopt their own written procedures for servicing brakes, provided clean the brake parts in the open air. Wet the parts with a solution applied with a
that the exposure levels associated with the employer’s procedures do not exceed pump-spray bottle that creates a fine mist. Use a solution containing water, and, if
the levels associated with the enclosed vacuum system or brake washing available, a biodegradable, non-phosphate, water-based detergent. The wheel hub
equipment. Consult OSHA regulations for more details. and brake assembly components should be thoroughly wetted to suppress dust before
the brake shoes or brake pads are removed. Wipe the brake parts clean with a cloth.
d) Wear a respirator equipped with a HEPA filter approved by NIOSH or MSHA for use
with asbestos when grinding or machining brake linings. In addition, do such work in d) Wear a respirator equipped with a HEPA filter approved by NIOSH or MSHA when
an area with a local exhaust ventilation system equipped with a HEPA filter. grinding or machining brake linings. In addition, do such work in an area with a local
exhaust ventilation system equipped with a HEPA filter.
e) NEVER use compressed air by itself, dry brushing, or a vacuum not equipped with a
HEPA filter when cleaning brake parts or assemblies. NEVER use carcinogenic e) NEVER use compressed air by itself, dry brushing, or a vacuum not equipped with a
solvents, flammable solvents, or solvents that can damage brake components as HEPA filter when cleaning brake parts or assemblies. NEVER use carcinogenic
wetting agents. solvents,
flammable solvents, or solvents that can damage brake components as wetting agents.
4. Cleaning Work Areas. Clean work areas with a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter
or by wet wiping. NEVER use compressed air or dry sweeping to clean work areas. 4. Cleaning Work Areas. Clean work areas with a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter
When you empty vacuum cleaners and handle used rags, wear a respirator equipped or by wet wiping. NEVER use compressed air or dry sweeping to clean work areas.
with a HEPA filter approved by NIOSH or MSHA for use with asbestos. When you replace When you empty vacuum cleaners and handle used rags, wear a respirator equipped
a HEPA filter, wet the filter with a fine mist of water and dispose of the used filter with with a HEPA filter approved by NIOSH or MSHA, if the exposure levels may exceed
care. OSHA or manufacturers’ recommended maximum levels. When you replace a HEPA
filter, wet the filter with a fine mist of water and dispose of the used filter with care.
5. Worker Clean-Up. After servicing brakes, wash your hands before you eat, drink or
smoke. Shower after work. Do not wear work clothes home. Use a vacuum equipped 5. Worker Clean-Up. After servicing brakes, wash your hands before you eat, drink or
with a HEPA filter to vacuum work clothes after they are worn. Launder them separately. smoke. Shower after work. Do not wear work clothes home. Use a vacuum equipped
Do not shake or use compressed air to remove dust from work clothes. with a HEPA fifter to vacuum work clothes after they are worn. Launder them separately.
Do not shake or use compressed air to remove dust from work clothes.
6. Waste Disposal. Dispose of discarded linings, used rags, cloths and HEPA filters
with care, such as in sealed plastic bags. Consult applicable EPA, state and local 6. Waste Disposal. Dispose of discarded linings, used rags, cloths and HEPA filters
-egulations on waste disposal. with care, such as in sealed plastic bags. Consult applicable EPA, state and local
regulations on waste disposal.
Regulatory Guidance
Regulatory Guidance
References to OSHA, NIOSH, MSHA, and EPA, which are regulatory agencies in the
United States, are made to provide further guidance to employers and workers employed References to OSHA, NIOSH, MSHA, and EPA, which are regulatory agencies in the
within the United States. Employers and workers employed outside of the United States United States, are made to provide further guidance to employers and workers employed
should consult the regulations that apply to them for further guidance. within the United States. Employers and workers employed outside of the United States
should consult the regulations that apply to them for further guidance.
Section 1
Exploded Views
15-Inch Q Plus
16.5-inch Q Plus and Q Series Brakes with Cast Spiders
Item Description Item Description
Section 1
MERITOR TM Exploded Vie w
Section 1
Exploded Views
Section 1
MERITOR TM Exploded Vie w
Section 1
Exploded Views
Section 2
MERITOR TM Intr oduction
Q Plus
Figure 2.1
l More lining thickness increases service life and
mileage between relines.
l A redesigned S-cam and heavy-duty shoe return
spring allow additional shoe travel.
l An improved camshaft bushing contributes to
longer service life.
l The trailer axle version of the 16.5 x 7.0-inch
Q Plus brake uses a heavy-duty, bolt-on
camshaft bushing.
Q Plus MX500
LX500 and Q Plus Figure2.2
Figure 2.2
For Complete maintenance and service
information on Meritor’s Q Plus LX500 and
MX500 cam brakes, refer to Maintenance Manual
No. MM-96173, Q Plus LX500 and MX500 Cam
Brakes. To order a copy of this publication call
Meritor’s Customer Service Center at
l The Q Plus LX500 cam brake and the
Q Plus MX500 cam brake both include
an Extended Lube Feature and Meritor
factory-installed automatic slack adjusters.
l The Q Plus MX500 cam brake also includes all
features found in the LX500 plus special long life Figure2.3
brake shoes and linings.
Cast Plus
Figure 2.3
l Spec’d for heavy-duty, off-highway and
people-mover applications.
l Uses Meritor’s Q Plus cam brake linings.
Providing increased service life and mileage
between relines.
l A redesigned S-cam and heavy-duty shoe return
spring allow additional shoe travel.
l An improved camshaft bushing contributes to
longer service life.
l Uses Meritor’s Cast P Series brake shoe design.
Section 2
Intr oduction
Introduction MERITOR TM
P Series
Figure 2.5 Figure2.5
l 16.5-inch and 18-inch diameters with 7-inch
wide cast shoes.
l 0.75-inch tapered brake lining.
T Series
Figure 2.6
l 15-inch diameter with 3.5-inch and 4-inch widths
for smaller capacity axles.
l 0.438-inch thick lining.
Section 2
MERITOR TM Intr oduction
16.5" X 7"QPLUS SHOE 16.5" X 7" Q SHOE
15" X 4" Q PLUS 15" X 4" Q SHOE
0.988 DIA.
15" Q PLUS
Q Q Series Standard
Section 3
Disassemblly MERITOR TM
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe If the slack adjuster is equipped with a pull
eye protection when you perform vehicle pawl assembly: Use a screwdriver or an
maintenance and service. equivalent tool to lift the pawl button at least
1/32-inch from the actuator to disengage the
! WARNING pawl. Figure 3.1.
Block the wheels to prevent the vehicle from
moving. Support the vehicle with safety stands. Figure 3.1
Do not work under a vehicle supported only by
jacks. Jacks can slip or fall over. Serious personal
injury can result.
1. The vehicle must be on a level surface.
2. Put blocks under the wheels that will not be CONVENTIONAL PRY UP
raised to keep the vehicle from moving. PAWL PULL PAWL
3. Raise the vehicle, so that the area you will
service is off of the ground. Support the
vehicle with safety stands.
Section 3
MERITOR TM Disassemb
Disassembll y
Figure 3.4
Brake Shoes
and Q Series 15-Inch and
All Q Plus
16.5-Inch Brakes
Figure 3.5
1. Push DOWN on the BOTTOM brake shoe. Pull
on the cam roller retainer clip to remove the
BOTTOM cam roller. Figure 3.3.
2. Lift the TOP brake shoe and pull on the cam
roller retainer clip to remove the TOP cam
3. Lift the BOTTOM shoe to release the tension
on the brake shoe return spring. Figure 3.4.
4. Rotate the BOTTOM shoe to release the
tension on the brake shoe retainer springs.
Figure 3.5.
5. Remove the shoe retainer springs and the
brake shoes.
Figure 3.3
Section 3
Disassemblly MERITOR TM
Figure 3.6 1259-N-1132
LOCK (0.060")
Figure 3.8
Use a brass or leather mallet for assembly and
disassembly procedures. Do not hit steel parts
with a steel hammer. Pieces of a part can break off
and cause serious personal injury. Figure 3.9
2. Remove the TOP anchor pin with a brass drift.
Figure 3.8.
3. Rotate the TOP shoe to release the tension on
the brake shoe return spring. Remove the
shoe. Figure 3.9.
4. Remove the BOTTOM anchor pin. Refer to
Step 2, above. Remove the BOTTOM shoe.
Section 3
MERITOR TM Disassemb
Disassembll y
5. If necessary, remove the cam rollers.
Figure 3.10. Figure 3.4
Figure 3.4
Section 4
paree Par
Par ts ffor
arts or Assemb
Assemblly MERITOR TM
! Inspect Parts
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe It is important to carefully inspect all parts before
eye protection when you perform vehicle assembly. Check all parts for wear or damage.
maintenance or service. Repair or replace them as required.
1. Check the spider for expanded anchor pin
! WARNING holes and for cracks. Replace damaged spiders
Solvent cleaners can be flammable, poisonous and and anchor pin bushings.
cause burns. Examples of solvent cleaners are 2. Check the camshaft bracket for broken welds,
carbon tetrachloride, emulsion-type cleaners and cracks and correct alignment. Replace
petroleum-based cleaners. To avoid serious damaged brackets.
personal injury when you use solvent cleaners,
3. Check anchor pins for corrosion and wear.
you must carefully follow the manufacturer’s
Replace damaged anchor pins.
product instructions and these procedures:
4. Check brake shoes for rust, expanded rivet
l Wear safe eye protection.
holes, broken welds and correct alignment.
l Wear clothing that protects your skin. Replace a shoe with any of the above
l Work in a well-ventilated area. conditions.
l Do not use gasoline, or solvents that contain On 16.5-inch brake shoes only: Anchor pin
gasoline. Gasoline can explode. holes must not exceed 1.009-inches
(25.63 mm) in diameter. The distance from the
l You must use hot solution tanks or alkaline center of the anchor pin hole to the center of
solutions correctly. Follow the manufacturer’s the roller hole must not exceed 12.779-inches
instructions carefully. (32.46 cm). Replace any shoe with
measurements that do not meet specifications.
5. Check the camshaft for cracks, wear and
Do not use hot solution tanks or water and corrosion. Check the cam head, bearing
alkaline solutions to clean ground or polished journals and splines. Replace damaged
parts. Damage to parts will result. camshafts.
Section 4
paree Par
Par ts ffor
arts or Assemb
7. Check dust shields for rust and distortion. 4. To turn the adjusting nut in the direction
Repair or replace damaged shields as shown in Figure 4.2, read the torque scale and
necessary. rotate the gear 360 degrees (22 turns of the
The torque value must remain less than
Figure 4.1
25 lb-in (2.83 N•m) during the complete
360-degree rotation of the gear. T
If the torque value remains less than 25 lb-in
(2.8 N•m): The slack adjuster is working
If the torque value exceeds 25 lb-in (2.8 N•m):
The slack adjuster is not working correctly.
Disassemble the slack adjuster.
l Check that the slack adjuster is assembled
l Check that parts are aligned correctly.
Figure 4.2
You must disengage a puff pawl or remove a
conventional pawl before rotating the manual NOTE: Do not seal the boot to the tapered part of
adjusting nut, or you will damage the pawl teeth. the actuator rod.
A damaged pawl will not allow the slack adjuster l If the rod has a groove: The top of the boot must
to automatically adjust brake clearance. Replace fit into the groove.
damaged pawls before putting the vehicle in
l If the rod does not have a groove: Use silicone
sealant to seal the top of the boot to the round
3. Use a torque wrench that measures lb-in. part of the rod.
5. Fasten the bottom of the boot to the housing
with a retaining clamp.
6. Conventional Pawl: Install the pawl assembly
into the housing. Tighten the capscrew to
15-20 lb-ft (20-27 N•m).
7. Pull Pawl: Remove the screwdriver or
equivalent tool. The pull pawl will re-engage
Section 4
paree Par ts ffor
Par or Assemb
Assemblly MERITOR TM
Brake Camshafts
NOTE: Meritor recommends that you install new
camshaft bushings whenever you install a new
1. Tighten all of the spider bolts to the correct
torque as shown in Figure 4.3.
Figure 4.5
Figure 4.3
7/16"-20 60-75 lb-ft 81-102 N•m CAMSHAFT
1/2"-20 85-115 lb-ft 115-156 N•m BRACKET
9/16"-18 130-165 lb-ft 176-224 N•m
5/8"-18 180-230 lb-ft 244-312 N•m
Section 5
Install the Camshaft Replacing a Hammerclaw Camshaft
Asbestos and Non-Asbestos
with a Standard Q PLUS
! Fibers Warning on Front Axles Only
Some brake linings contain asbestos fibers, a
cancer and lung disease hazard. Some brake
linings contain non-asbestos fibers, whose Do not use the straight-center bar shoe return
long-term effects to health are unknown. You spring with the Q Plus camshaft. The shoe
must use caution when you handle both asbestos spring can interfere with the camshaft and affect
and non-asbestos materials. braking performance. Serious personal injury
can result.
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe ! CAUTION
eye protection when you perform vehicle Only install a Q Plus camshaft in a Q Plus
maintenance or service. brake. A Q Series hammerclaw camshaft will not
1. Install the cam head thrust washer onto the provide enough clearance between the brake shoe
camshaft. Apply O-617-A or 0-617-B grease to and the brake drum. Brake drag and damage to
the camshaft bushings and journals. components can result.
2. Install the camshaft through the spider and To install a new brake drum so that it fits correctly
bracket so that the camshaft turns freely by over a Q Plus brake shoe, you must install a
hand. Figure 5.1. Q Plus camshaft. Damage to components can
Figure 5.1 A standard Q PLUS camshaft and a shoe return
spring with an offset center bar replaces the
hammerclaw Q Series camshaft and shoe return
spring with a straight center bar on 16.5 x 5-inch
and 6-inch Q Series can brake. Figure 5.2 and
Figure 5.3.
Figure 5.2
Section 5
Assembll y MERITOR TM
Figure 5.3
Shoe Return Spring Installation
Install the new offset shoe return spring with the
open end of the spring hooks toward the camshaft.
Figure 5.5.
Figure 5.3
(P/N 2258-R-642)
A Q PLUS camshaft has deeper roller pockets than
a Q Series camshaft and has “Q Plus” forged into Install the spring
one of the pockets. You may notice a larger gap with the open end of OFFSET RETURN
the hook TOWARD the SPRING
between the brake lining and the drum after you cam head. (P/N 2258-Y-1273)
assemble the brake shoe and shoe return spring
with an offset center bar. The excess gap will be
eliminated when you correctly adjust the brake. Automatic Slack Adjuster
Figure 5.4. Refer to “Adjust the Brake” in Section 6.
1. Follow Steps 1-2 to replace a Q Series NOTE: As of January 1993 some parts of Meritor’s
hammerclaw camshaft with a standard automatic slack adjuster are no longer serviceable
Q PLUS camshaft in a 16.5-inch Q Series and are not interchangeable with parts from earlier
brake. models. Refer to Section 6 for more information.
Pull Pawls
Pull pawls are spring loaded. Pry the pull pawl at
OFFSET least 1/32-inch to disengage the teeth. Figure 5.6B.
SPRING When you remove the pry bar, the pull pawl will
re-engage automatically.
Section 5
PULL PAWL When you work on a spring chamber, carefully
follow the service instructions of the chamber
manufacturer. Sudden release of a compressed
spring can cause serious personal injury.
Installing the Slack Adjuster
7. If the brake has a spring brake, compress and
Onto the Camshaft lock the spring to completely release the brake.
No air pressure must remain in the service half
of the air chamber
Block the wheels to prevent the vehicle from
moving. Support the vehicle with safety stands. ! CAUTION
Do not work under a vehicle supported only by Most Meritor automatic slack adjusters
jacks. Jacks can slip and fall over. Serious personal manufactured after January 1990 have lubrication
injury can result. holes in the gear splines. Do not operate the
1. Check the camshaft and bushings and seals actuator before you install the slack adjuster.
for wear and corrosion. Lubricant can pump through the holes and onto
the splines. Damage to components can result.
2. Turn the camshaft by hand to check for
smooth operation. 8. If the automatic slack adjuster gear has a
10-tooth spline, apply anti-seize compound to
3. Repair or replace parts as required. the slack adjuster and cam splines. Use Meritor
4. Apply the service brake and spring brake specified 0-637, Southwest SA 8249496 or
several times. Check that the chamber return equivalent lubricants.
spring retracts the push rod quickly and NOTE: Install the slack adjuster so that you can
completely. If necessary, replace the return remove a conventional pawl or disengage a pull
spring or the air chamber. pawl when you adjust the brake.
5. The new automatic slack adjuster must be the 9. Install the slack adjuster onto the camshaft.
same length as the one you are replacing. Position the slack adjuster so that you can
Table A shows the length of slack adjuster that remove the pawl when you adjust the brake.
is used with each brake chamber size.
10. If necessary, install spacing washers and
6. Place blocks in front of and behind the the snap ring at a maximum clearance of
vehicle’s wheels to prevent it from moving. 0.062-inch (1.57 mm).
11. Install the clevis onto the push rod. Do not
tighten the jam nut against the clevis.
Section 5
Assembll y MERITOR TM
Disengage a
pull pawl or
A Slack Adjuster with a Threaded Clevis
remove a 1. Install the large clevis pin through the large
holes in the template and the clevis.
2. Select the hole in the template that matches
the length of the slack adjuster. Hold that hole
on the center of the camshaft.
Install the Clevis
3. Look through the slot in the template. If
A Slack Adjuster with a Welded Clevis necessary, adjust the position of the clevis until
the small hole in the clevis is completely
visible through the template slot. Figure 5.9.
Always replace used clevis pin retainer clips with Figure 5.9
new ones when servicing the automatic slack
adjuster or chamber. Do not reuse clevis pin THREADED
retainer clips after removing them. Discard used CLEVIS
clips. When removed for maintenance or service,
clevis pin retainer clips can be bent or “gapped
apart- and can lose retention. Damage to
components can result. SLOT
1. Check the clevis position. Apply anti-seize
compound to the two clevis pins. Install the
clevis pins through the clevis and the slack CAMSHAFT END
Section 5
4. Check fot these specifications.
• Thread engagement between the clevis Brake Slack Adjuster Position
and the push rod must be at least 1/2-inch (BSAP) Method
(12.7 mm). Figure 5.10.
When installing the automatic slack adjuster, verify
that the BSAP dimension of the chamber matches
• The push rod must not extend through the
the table in Figure 5.11.
clevis more than 1/8-inch (3.18 mm). If
necessary, cut the push rod, or install a new
push rod with a new air chamber.
Figure 5.11
5. Tighten the jam nut against the clevis to torque 3.750" AND 3.812"
specifications in Table B. BRACKET OFFSET
BSAP 0.125"
Figure 5.10
MINIMUM 1/2" 5.50"
Correct position of automatic slack adjuster:
3.750-inch and 3.812-inch offsets only.
For other bracket offsets, refer to the vehicle
Table B: Jam Nut Torque Specifications manufacturer’s specifications.
Threads Torque
1/2-20 20-30 lb-ft (27-41 N• m)
5/8-18 35-50 lb-ft (48-68 N •m)
Section 5
Figure 5.12
Figure 5.15
2. Rotate the LOWER brake shoe FORWARD.
Install a new brake shoe return spring with the
OPEN end of the spring hooks TOWARD the
camshaft. Figure 5.13.
Figure 5.13
Section 5
2. Install a new brake shoe return spring with the 2. Install a new cam roller and cam roller
OPEN end of the spring hooks TOWARD the retainers.
camshaft. Install the shoes on the anchor pins.
Figure 5.16. 3. Install the LOWER brake shoe in position on
the spider.
Figure 5.16
RETAINER Use a brass or leather mallet for assembly and
SPRING disassembly procedures. Do not hit steel parts
RETURN with a steel hammer. Pieces of a part can break off
SPRING and cause serious personal injury.
Section 5
Section 5
Section 5
When you work on a spring chamber, carefully
follow the service instructions of the chamber
manufacturer. Sudden release of a compressed
Drum brake free stroke must be
1/2" - 5/8" (12.7-15.9 mm).
spring can cause serious personal injury.
Disc brake free stroke must be
3/4" - 7/8" (19.1-22.2 mm). 8. If the brake has spring chambers, carefully
release the spring.
4. Use a pry bar to move the slack adjuster so 9. Test the vehicle to ensure that the brake
that the linings are against the drum (applying system is operating correctly before you return
the brakes). Measure the same distance again the vehicle to service.
while the brakes are applied. Refer to “Y” in
Figure 6.3.
Section 6
MERITOR TM Adjust the Br ak
Brak es
4. With the brakes released, mark the push rod
Commercial Vehicle Safety where it exits the chamber. Figure 6.5. Measure
Alliance (CVSA) Guidelines to and record the distance.
Measure Push Rod Travel 5. Have another person apply and hold the brakes
(Adjusted Chamber Stroke) one full application. Figure 6.5.
Use the following procedures to check in-service 6. Measure push rod travel distance (adjusted
push rod travel (adjusted chamber stroke) on truck chamber stroke) from where the push rod exits
or tractor air brakes with automatic slack adjusters. the brake chamber to your mark on the push
rod. Measure and record the distance.
Hold the ruler parallel to the push rod and measure Figure 6.5.
as carefully as possible. An error in measurement
can affect CVSA re-adjustment limits, which state 7. To determine push rod travel (adjusted
that “any brake 1/4-inch or more past the chamber stroke): Subtract the measurement
re-adjustment limit, or any two brakes less than you obtained in Step 4 from the measurement
1/4-inch beyond the re-adjustment limit will be you obtained in Step 6. The difference is the
cause for rejection.” push rod travel (adjusted chamber stroke).
1. The engine must be OFF. If the brake has Alternate Method for Determining
spring chambers, carefully release the spring. Push Rod Travel (Adjusted
2. Check the gauges in the cab to ensure that air Chamber Stroke)
pressure in the tanks is 100 psi (689 kPa).
Use the above procedure, except in Step 4 and
3. Determine the size and type of brake chamber Step 6, measure the distance from the bottom of
you are inspecting. the air chamber to the center of the large clevis pin
on each of the brakes.
Figure 6.5
Section 6
Adjust the Br ak
Brak es
Section 7
MERITOR TM Reline the Br ak
Brak es
Single or Tandem Axle Combination Friction Linings
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear Only install combination friction linings in the
safe eye protection when you perform vehicle correct location on a brake shoe. You must install
maintenance or service. a primary lining on a primary shoe. Carefully
follow the instructions that are included with the
linings to avoid damage to components.
Use the Correct Lining Material Figure 7. 1.
NOTE: The drums and linings on the front axle do You can combine brake linings. This means that
not have to be the same as the drums and linings the lining set you install on the primary shoe will
on the rear axle. have a different friction rating than the lining set
you install on the secondary shoe. Follow the
Use the lining material that is specified by the instructions included with replacement
vehicle manufacturer to help ensure that the brake combination linings to correctly install the primary
will perform as originally designed and meet lining on the primary shoe.
Department of Transportation (DOT)
performance regulations. Primary Shoe Locations
Single Axle The first shoe past the cam in the direction of
wheel rotation is the primary shoe. Refer to
l Always reline both wheels of a single axle at the Figure 7.1 to determine primary and secondary
same time. shoe locations.
l Always install the same linings and drums on 1. The primary shoe can be either at the TOP or
both wheels of a single axle. the BOTTOM position, depending on the
location of the cam.
Tandem Axle
2. If the cam is BEHIND the axle: The TOP shoe is
l Always reline all four wheels of a tandem axle at the primary shoe.
the same time.
3. If the cam is in FRONT of the axle: The
l Always install the same linings and drums on all BOTTOM shoe is the primary shoe.
four wheels of a tandem axle.
Figure 7.1
Section 8
Lubrication and Maintenance MERITOR TM
l During the first four month period: Inspect for Factory-Installed Automatic Slack
hardened or contaminated grease and for the
absence of grease every two weeks to Adjusters on Q Plus LX500TM and
determine lubrication intervals. MX500 Cam Brake Packages
l Lubricate more often for severe-duty Q Plus LX500TM and MX500TM cam brake packages
applications. include factory-installed automatic slack adjusters
that do not have grease fittings, and lubrication
intervals differ from conventional slack adjusters.
Refer to Maintenance Manual No. MM-96173,
Q PlusTM LX500 and MX500 Cam Brakes, for
complete information. Order this publication
by calling Meritor’s Customer Service Center at
Section 8
Lubrication and Maintenance
Table E: Cam Brake Grease Specifications
Meritor Outside
Components Specification NLGI Grade Grease Type Temperature
Meritor Outside
Component Specification NLGI Grade Grease Type Temperature
l Clevis Pins Any of Above See Above See Above See Above
0-641 Anti-Seize
specifications for
the temperature
service limits.
*Do not mix Meritor grease specification 0-637 (part number 2297-U-4571), a calcium-base, rust-preventive grease,
with other greases. The grease is also available as “Corrosion Control” (part number SA 8249496) from Southwest
Petro-Chemical Division of Witco Chemical Corporation, 1400 S. Harrison, Olathe, KS 66061.
Section 9
Inspection MERITOR TM
Before You Return the Vehicle 7. The return springs must retract the shoes
to Service completely when the brakes are released.
Replace the return springs each time the
1. Check the complete air system for worn hoses brakes are relined. The spring brakes must
and connectors. With air pressure at 100 psi, retract completely when they are released.
brakes released and engine off, loss of tractor
air pressure must not exceed two psi a minute. 8. The air chamber area multiplied by the length
Total tractor and trailer loss must not exceed of the automatic slack adjuster is called the
three psi per minute. “AL” factor. This number must be equal for
both ends of a single axle and all four ends of
2. Check to see that the air compressor drive belt a tandem axle. Figure 9.2.
is tight. Air system pressure must rise to
approximately 100 psi in two minutes.
Figure 9.2
3. The governor must be checked and set to
the specifications supplied by the vehicle
Figure 9.1
Section 10
MERITOR TM Recommended P eriodic Ser vice
1. Correctly adjust the wheel bearings before you 5. Replace shoe return springs.
adjust the brakes.
6. Brake linings for grease on the lining, wear and
2. Clean, inspect and adjust the brakes every time loose rivets or bolts.
you remove a wheel hub.
7. Drums for cracks, deep scratches or
3. Adjust the brakes when the chamber stroke other damage.
exceeds the limits shown in the tables in
Section 6.
Lubricate the brake and automatic slack adjuster
according to the schedules on page 31.
1. To help ensure maximum lining life, Meritor
recommends that you replace springs, rollers,
cam bushings and anchor pins at each reline.
Refer to Section 9 of this manual.
Section 11
Torque Table MERITOR TM
(some models)
0.375"-16 thread
10 lb-ft (14 N•m)
Section 12
MERITOR TM After mar
markket Br ak
Brak e Con
Convver sion Kits
Section 13
Cam Br ak
Brake Tips
When you service cam brakes, replace all the
springs, anchor pins, bushings and rollers - not
just the shoe return springs - to help ensure
maximum braking performance.
Insist on the same brand of quality OEM friction
lining material to help ensure fewer relines and
greater compatibility with your present system.
A Heritage of Rockwell Technology
Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC Information contained in this publication was in effect at the time the publication was approved for printing and is
2135 West Maple Road subject to change without notice or liability. Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC, reserves the right to revise the
Troy, MI 48084 U.S.A. information presented or discontinue the production of parts described at any time.
www.meritorauto.com ©Copyright 1998
Meritor Automotive, Inc. Printed in the USA Maintenance Manual No. 4
All Rights Reserved Please Recycle Revised 10-98
The brakes that are built into the Gradall and Hopto undercarriages have been engi-
neered with the cooperation of Bendix-Westinghouse, one of the leaders in the industry.
The system which we use can be called the DD-3 System. It really stands for “DD”, or
“double diaphram”, and “-3” which numbers the system’s functions; (1) Emergency,
(2) Service, and (3) Parking.
Like most air brake systems, the air is used to move a piston in the air chambers at the
wheels. As the piston moves, its rod turns a slack adjuster at the wheels. The slack
adjuster turns a cam which spreads the brake shoes apart to engage with the wheel
The big difference comes with the circuit controls and valving, plus the brakes being
locked mechanically instead of with continuous air pressure.
In the following pages we are supplying a complete variety of literature which has been
supplied by Bendix-Westinghouse. While it covers all of the components used in our sys-
tem, it also covers many others. We have elected to leave them in for your reference.
The index covering the various component areas will show you which of them are used
on the W&S models.
Governors D-2
Friction is the resistance to relative motion between any
two bodies in contact, and it varies not only with different
materials but also with the condition of the materials. The
amount of friction developed by any two bodies in contact
is said to be their coefficient of friction, and this is
expressed by stating the amount of force required to move
the one body while it remains in contact with the other; the FIG. 1—Coefficient of Friction
amount of force being expressed in relation to the weight of
the moving body.
Thus, if the moving body weighs 100 pounds, and a force
of 60 pounds is required to keep it moving while it remains that the condition of these surfaces plays a great part in the
in contact with another body, the coefficient of friction actual friction they develop. This possible variation in the
between the two bodies is said to be 60% or .6. If 50 pounds coefficient of friction is always present when any factor
force is necessary to keep it moving, the coefficient of fric- contributing to the frictional value of any material is subject
tion is said to be 50% or .5. If only 35 pounds force is to change either permanent or temporary.
required, the coefficient of friction is 35% or .35. Heat is always present where friction is being devel-
The coefficient of friction between any two surfaces oped. When, for example, a babbitt bearing is not prop-
changes with any variation in the condition of one or erly lubricated, the lack of lubrication causes a rise in the
both surfaces. As an example, the introduction of oil coefficient of friction with a resultant rise in the heat
or grease between two dry, flat metal surfaces will developed sufficient to melt the babbitt, and cause the
greatly reduce the friction between them, which proves bearing to fail.
● ●
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Systems Group Maintenance Manual
● ● ● ●
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Systems Group Maintenance Manual
Another way of illustrating the effect of speed on stop-
ping ability is to compare the stopping distance if the speed
is increased without the stopping power also being
As shown in Figure 5, a vehicle which will just stop in
30 feet from 20 miles per hour will require 120 feet to stop
from 40 miles per hour and 270 feet to stop from 60 miles
per hour. Introducing both weight and speed into the com-
parison again, a 10,000 pound vehicle travelling 60 miles
per hour has 18 times as much energy of motion as a 5,000
pound vehicle travelling at 20 miles per hour. If a stopping
power is used on both vehicles which will only stop the
FIG. 5— Stopping Distances
5,000 pound vehicle from 20 miles per hour in 30 feet, the
10,000 pound vehicle from 60 miles per hour will require
18 times as much distance or 540 feet to stop.
● ● ● ●
LEVERAGE feet from the fulcrum will lift 300 pounds at a point one foot
from the fulcrum.
Having reviewed the great forces involved in braking a
vehicle, consideration must also be given to how these
forces are developed and directed to do the braking work. It
is difficult even to imagine a braking system which does
not, in some way, make use of one of the oldest mechanical
devices governing the transmission and modification of
force and motion, that is, the lever.
A lever is defined as an inflexible rod or beam capable of
motion about a fixed point called a fulcrum, and it is used to
transmit and modify force and motion.
Figure 6 illustrates three simple types of levers, the only
difference in them being the location of the fulcrum in rela-
tion to the applied force and the delivered force. All shapes
and sizes of levers used in a brake system are one of these
three types.
The simple law of levers is that the applied force multi-
FIG. 6 — Leverage
plied by the perpendicular distance between the line of
force and the fulcrum always equals the delivered force It will be noted that in both cases the delivered force
multiplied by the perpendicular distance between the ful- exceeds the applied force because the applied force is farther
crum and the line of force. Thus, with a leverage arrange- from the fulcrum than the delivered force. With a leverage
ment as shown in the upper view in Figure 6, an applied arrangement as shown in the lower view in Figure 6, the deliv-
force of 100 pounds two feet from the fulcrum will give a ered force is the farthest from the fulcrum; therefore, it is less
delivered force of 200 pounds at a point one foot from the than the applied force. If the applied force in this case is 300
fulcrum. With a leverage arrangement as shown in the mid- pounds at a point two feet from the fulcrum, the delivered
dle view in Figure 6, an applied force of 100 pounds three force at a point three feet from the fulcrum will be 200 pounds.
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Maintenance Manual
Therefore, the delivered force of any lever is determined brake cam, if the final shoe pressure is to be correct. It is
by multiplying the applied force by the distance it is from also important that the effective lever length of the cam
the fulcrum and then dividing this answer by the distance remains constant as the lining wears and the shoes have to
the delivered force is from the fulcrum. be spread further; otherwise, the brake performance will
In determining the distance at which any force is acting vary as the lining wears.
on a lever, the true length of the lever arm is the perpendi- Another form of lever found in all forms of braking
cular distance from the force to the fulcrum, regardless of systems is the brake shoe. This is one of the simpler
the shape of the lever. The lever arm is always measured at forms because it is easily recognized as a beam, ful-
right angles to the direction of the force. crumed at one end on the hinge pin, which forces the
The product of the force acting on a lever, multiplied by brake lining against the drum when the brake cam force is
the distance the force is from the fulcrum, is called the turn- applied to the other end.
ing moment, and when this relates to a shaft it is called Perhaps the least easily recognized lever in a brake sys-
torque. The turning moment or torque is usually expressed tem is the relation of the brake drum diameter to the tire
in inch pounds, foot pounds, foot tons, etc., depending upon diameter. In order to understand this fully it must be
whether the force is measured in pounds or tons and remembered that although the brakes stop the brake
whether the distance is measured in inches or feet. As an drums and wheels, it is always the tires and road surface
example—a force of 100 pounds acting on a lever arm five that stop the vehicle. This is clearly demonstrated when
inches long would result in a turning moment or torque of quick stops are attempted on wet or icy roads. Under
500 inch pounds. these conditions the brake equipment may still be as effi-
The most easily recognized lever used with our Air cient as ever in stopping the wheels, but its ability to stop
Brake Equipment is the slack adjuster. The length of the vehicle quickly disappears because there is not suffi-
the lever arm of a slack adjuster is always the perpendi- cient friction between the tire and road to develop the
cular distance between the center line of the brake necessary retarding force.
camshaft opening and the center line of the clevis pin
Returning to the principles of leverage involved in the
opening in the arm.
relation of the tire and brake drum size, the retarding
Another form of lever—not always recognized—is the force developed by the brake shoes acting against the
brake cam. All brake cams are levers and are used to trans- drum is working on an effective lever length of the brake
mit and modify the torque and turning motion of the brake drum radius, whereas counteracting this is the retarding
camshaft in such a way that the brake shoes are spread and force developed between the tire and the road, working
forced against the brake drum, not only in the proper on an effective lever length of the rolling radius of the
direction but also with the proper force. Spreading the tire. Since it is not practical to have brake drums as large
shoes in the proper direction, of course, depends on the as the tires, the principles of leverage therefore require
proper location of the cam in respect to the location of the development of a greater retarding force between the
brake shoes. The transmission of the proper force is par- brake shoes and the drums than between the tire and the
tially determined by the effective lever length of the cam. road. Also, since a rubber tire on a good road surface has
If the effective lever length of the cam is not considered a higher coefficient of friction than brake lining against a
and is too long or too short, the brake shoe force will be brake drum, it is necessary to develop additional retard-
correspondingly too little or too much. Full consideration ing force between the brake shoes and brake drum in
must therefore be given to the effective lever length of any order to overcome the difference in friction.
● ● ● ●
DECELERATION is losing speed and usually denotes the speed being lost
each second, in terms of miles per hour or feet per second.
In discussing brakes, the term deceleration is often As an example as shown in Figure 7—if a vehicle
used. This term expresses the actual rate at which a vehicle is moving at the rate of 20 miles per hour, and one
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Maintenance Manual
second later its speed is only 18 miles per hour, the vehicle
has lost a speed of two miles per hour during one second; in
other words, its speed has dropped two miles per hour in
one second, and its deceleration rate is said to be two miles
per hour per second.
In the same way, if a vehicle is moving at a rate of 30 feet
per second, and one second later its speed is only 20 feet per
second, then it is decelerating at the rate of ten feet per sec-
ond per second.
Therefore, the change in the rate of speed of a vehicle
during a slow-down or stop is expressed by first stating the
rate of speed being lost, such as miles per hour or feet per
second, and then by stating the time required for this rate of
speed to be lost. FIG. 7 —Deceleration
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Maintenance Manual
stopping distance is to be kept at a minimum, since the dis- of deceleration developed during a stop and which shows a
tance being travelled each second during the stop is always calculated stopping distance from a speed of 20 miles per
greater at the beginning of the stop. hour based on the maximum rate of deceleration developed
during a stop. Such intruments do not, however, make
Any time lost between the instant the brake pedal is
allowances for lost time before the braking system develops
depressed and the instant actual deceleration begins is seri-
full power and they are therefore not suitable for analyzing
ous, because the vehicle continues to travel at close to its
time lag factors in brake performance.
initial speed. In this typical case, the loss of only one sec-
ond between the instant the driver depresses the brake The true performance of any type of brake system in
pedal and the point where the brakes are really applied will terms of stopping time or stopping distance can only be
result in lengthening the actual stopping distance by 30 determined by actually measuring the time and distance the
feet. Thus, if four seconds instead of three elapse between vehicle travels from the instant the driver depresses the
the instant the driver depresses the brake pedal and the brake pedal to the point where the vehicle actually stops.
instant the vehicle stops, the actual stopping distance will Such tests can, of course, be made comparative only by
be increased from 45 feet to 75 feet. In other words, by using intruments to determine accurately the speed of the
reducing the stopping time under these conditions by only vehicle at the instant the brake pedal is depressed.
one second or 25%, the actual stopping distance is reduced
In so far as brakes are concerned, a driver is mainly inter-
by 30 feet or 40%.
ested in the amount of time and the distance required to
It is this part of brake fundamentals which is not often bring his vehicle safely to a stop under emergency condi-
enough considered in judging brake performance, particu- tions as measured from the instant that he depresses the
larly when different forms of brakes are involved. The most brake pedal. Any lag in the time between the instant he does
common method of testing brakes is by the use of a his part and the instant the brakes become effective
decelerometer—a device that determines the maximum rate increases the odds against the danger being averted.
● ● ● ●
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Systems Group Maintenance Manual
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Maintenance Manual
FIG. 1—Compressor FIG. 2 —Compressor and Reservoir FIG. 3—Compressor, Reservoir and Brake Valve
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Maintenance Manual
When the brake valve is operated by the driver, the com-
pressed air flows to the brake chambers where its energy is
transformed into the mechanical force and motion neces-
sary to apply the brakes.
This mechanical force and motion rotates the brake
camshaft and cam, presses the brake shoes against the brake
drum, and transforms the mechanical force into actual brak-
ing force. Inasmuch as the air pressure delivered to the
brake chambers is controlled by the brake valve, the driver,
by operating the brake valve and controlling the air pressure
delivered to the brake chambers, also controls the braking
force being developed. FIG. 4—Compressor, Reservoir, Brake Valve,
Brake Chambers and Brake Assemblies
This control of the braking force by controlling the air
pressure in the brake chambers is illustrated in Figure 5.
It shows the resulting forces in pounds of various air pres-
sures with a typical brake chamber having an effective
diaphragm area of 24 square inches. Of course, pressures
between those shown are also used to develop correspon-
ding braking forces.
Fundamentally, the important point is that the air pres-
sure in such a brake chamber can be controlled so the brake
chamber will develop any required force from zero up to
2,400 pounds. A force of 2,400 pounds would, of course, be
required only during emergency stops. FIG. 5 —Braking Forces—Effect of Air Pressure
Different sizes of vehicles and different axles of the same
vehicle may require different braking forces, depending on
the weight of the vehicle or the weight distribution between
axles of the same vehicle. These variations in the braking
force are design variations because the maximum and mini-
mum force required must be properly provided before good
performance can be obtained throughout the entire braking
range. In other words, good control of a brake system is
important, but it is also important that the brake system be
capable of developing any and all braking forces required.
Figure 6 illustrates the developed force in pounds
of each of several different sizes of brake chambers FIG. 6—Braking Forces —Effect of Brake Chamber Size
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Maintenance Manual
when supplied with air pressure at 60 pounds per pressure varies from 360 pounds to 2,160 pounds.
square inch. The effective area of the different brake This permits the choice of a brake chamber suitable for
chambers varies from six square inches to 36 square properly operating any size or type of brake assembly
inches and their developed force at 60 pounds air used today.
● ● ● ●
* DD–3
The Rockwell-Standard Brake Division does not
encourage the reboring of brake drums due to the
reduced strength of refaced drums. As an economy
measure, in order to salvage drums, some operators
do follow this practice.
While riveting or bonding is the general method
of attaching liners, bolting is also used for certain
applications. New liners should be attached in the
same manner as the original installation. All liners
on a vehicle should be replaced simultaneously to
obtain the most desirable results.
1. Clamp the lining to the brake shoe with “C” Liner installation should be checked with a .002"
clamps so the rivet holes in both pieces are in feeler gauge to assure liner and shoe contact.
A schedule for the periodic adjustment, cleaning, Prior to reassembling, the following parts should
inspection and lubrication of brake equipment should be LIGHTLY COATED with brake lubricant, Speci-
be established by the operator on the basis of past fication 0-615 or the equivalent:
experience and severity of operation. Linings and
drums are parts particularly subject to wear deprecia-
1. Adjustable anchor pin bearing surface.
tion. To compensate for this wear, brakes should be
adjusted as frequently as required to maintain satis- 2. Lever or shoe abutments.
factory operation and maximum safety. Adjustments
should provide uniform lining clearance, correct 3. Cam shaft needle bearings and nylon bushings.
travel of levers and proper equalization.
4. Cam roller follower shafts and journals and hard-
Brakes should be cleaned, inspected, lubricated ened wear pads.
and adjusted each time the hubs are removed.
During a major overhaul, the following parts Excessive lubricant should be avoided as grease
should be carefully checked and replaced with Gen- soaked lining cannot be salvaged or cleaned.
uine Replacement Parts as required:
The use of meter type fittings which have a maxi-
1. Backing plates for distortion, and backing plates
mum 40 lb. pressure relief or shut off is recom-
or spiders for looseness or sheared rivets.
mended for all fittings on camshafts.
2. Anchor pins for wear or misalignment.
Wheel cylinders should be checked for leaks and
3. Brake shoes for wear at anchor pin holes, wear damaged boots replaced.
pads or lever contact areas.
4. Cam shafts and cam shaft bearings or bushings It is recommended that all new lock rings be
for wear. installed where used.
Consequently, all Bendix products are backed by a team of highly-trained experts...people ready to provide technical
support, systems information or troubleshooting help. Our fully staffed technical hotlines are just a phone call away and
ongoing technical training is available as well - both on-site and off.
This manual presents only an overview of the air brake system and its components for more detailed information on
systems and components AlliedSignal Truck Brake Systems offers the following variety of training aids:
AlliedSignal offers several audio-visual programs on many Bendix air-brake devices and systems. These moderately
priced programs are available in 35 mm slide, V.H.S and European P.A.L. formats and describe the operation and
troubleshooting of air-brake components and systems. The programs are described in our Sales Promotion & Training
Materials Brochure, BW1699, available upon request at no charge. Please send requests to the address shown below.
This maintenance manual consists of instruction and service data sheets and provides complete information on most air-
brake system components. In addition to information on how each device operates, the sheets contain information on
installation, maintenance and disassembly/assembly instructions.
To order a complete manual, BW9600, contact your local distributor or write to:
AlliedSignal Automotive
Truck Brake Systems Company
Advertising & Communications Department
P.O. Box 4016
Elyria, Ohio 44036-2016
Manual Layout
The products presented in this manual are introduced in a building format. Each device is introduced as it is presented
in the system beginning with the compressor of the supply system, building to a complete straight vehicle and then
adding the components necessary to build a tractor. Mini systems are presented throughout the manual to assist in the
understanding of the application and function of the components.
The systems presented in this manual are intended for illustrative purposes only and are not intended for actual vehicle
We hope this booklet will provide useful information regarding the application and operation Bendix air-brake devices.
Each device shown includes a description of operation, a schematic showing the device in a typical system as well as
the DIN representation of the device. The manual is divided into four basic sections: Supply system, service brake
system, emergency and parking brake systems and trailer system.
The inlet regulating valve or IRV is intended for use on
multicylinder compressors which receive their induction air supply
form the pressure side of the engine turbocharger. The IRV may
not be used in conjunction with single cylinder compressors
including the BX-2150. The IRV which is generally mounted to the
compressor inlet is designed to regulate compressor inlet pres-
sure to 10 PSI or less. The outlet flange of the IRV will mount to
all Bendix Tu-Flo Compressors except the Tu-Flo 300. INLET REGULATING VALVE
The reservoir serves the air brake system as a storage tank for a
volume of compressed air. The reservoir is sized by the vehicle
manufacturer to provide an adequate volume of air for use by
the braking system and auxiliary control devices. Generally,
more than one reservoir is used in air brake systems. A second-
ary function of reservoirs is to provide a location where the air
heated by compression, may be cooled and the water vapor
Bendix reservoirs are built in accordance with SAE specifications
and are available in various sizes in both single and double RESERVOIR
compartment design configurations, and are certified per FMVSS
The safety valve protects the air brake system against exces-
sive air pressure . It must be installed in the same
reservoir that the compressor discharge line is connected to.
Safety valves are available in both adjustable (ST-1 ) and non-
adjustable (ST-3) styles, in various pressure settings, and with
either 1/4" or3/8" N.P.T.
ST-1 ST-3
The governor operates in conjunction with the compressor
unloading mechanism and maintains reservoir air pressure
between a predetermined maximum and minimum pressure.
The D-2 governor is an adjustable piston-type valve available in
various pressure settings. A non-adjustable pressure range
between specified cut-in and cut-out pressures is designed into
the D-2 governor. Provisions are made for direct mounting to
the compressor or for remote mounting if desired. The D-2 D-2A D-2
governor is available in weatherproof and high temperature
versions for special installations. The D-2A is a non-adjustable
version of the D-2 governor.
The DV-2 automatic reservoirs drain valve is a completely
automatic draining device. It is installed directly into the end or
bottom drain port of the reservoir and does not require any addi-
tional control lines. It operates automatically from ascending and
descending reservoir pressures. It is available in either the end
port or bottom port version, and with or without a 12v or 24v heater.
DV-1 DV-2
The DV-1 remote control drain valve consists of a drain valve DRAIN VALVE DRAIN VALVE
installed into the reservoir and a control valve such as the RD-2
which is installed within the cab of the vehicle or any convenient
servicing point.
The alcohol evaporator serves the air-brake system as an anti-
freezing device by inducing vaporized alcohol into the system
through the air compressor induction system.
Several installation kits are available to accommodate different
types of compressor induction systems.
The alcohol injector, like the alcohol evaporator, provides freeze
protection for the air system. Typically the injector is installed in
the compressor discharge line. Controlled by the governor it
delivers a preset quantity of alcohol into the air line which it is
installed to prevent freeze up conditions in the air supply system.
The air dryer is a desiccant type in-line filtration system that removes
both liquid and water vapor from the compressor discharge air before
it reaches the air brake reservoirs. This results in only clean, dry air
being supplied to the air brake system, aiding in the prevention of air
line freezeups.
The air dryer end cover is equipped with an automatic drain valve,
controlled by the air system governor and is equipped with an
integral heating element and is available for either 12 or 24 volt
The AD-2, AD-3, AD-4, AD-9 and AD-IP airdryers are equipped with
an integral storage of dry air for the purge cycle (purgevolume). The
AD-SP uses a small amount of air from the supply and front axle
(secondary) reservoirs to perform the purge function. Because of this
difference the AD-SP is considerably smaller and lighter than the
integral purge dryers.
The in-line single check valve allows air flow in one direction
only, preventing the flow of air in the reverse direction. Many
styles of single check valves are available with either integral or
replaceable seats, rubber and metal seats, and with ball or disc SC-1
valves. Several sizes and configurations are available to accom- SINGLE CHECK
modate various piping arrangements.
The E-7and E-14 dual brake valves are firewall mounted, suspended
pedal valve with two separate supply and delivery circuits. Threaded
supply and delivery ports for both circuits are provided at the back of
the valve. Forengine side firewall connections, an optional manifold is
E-14 E-15
Brake chambers and slack adjusters convert the energy of
compressed air into mechanical force and motion. This
actuates the brake camshaft which in turn operates the
foundation brake mechanism forcing the brakes shoes against
the brake drum.
Chamber stroke with brakes adjusted should be as short Maximum chamber stroke with brakes adjusted should
as possible without brakes dragging. be as short as possible without brakes dragging.
*Available in 6" stroke chambers.
The foundation brake is the actual braking mechanism located at each end of the axle. It generally consists of the air or
spring actuator, slack adjuster or wedge assembly, the mechanical brake mechanism including the shoes and attached
friction material and the brake drum.
In a cam type foundation brake the pneumatic system is linked to the foundation brakes by the slack adjuster. The arm
of the slack adjuster is fastened to the push rod of the chamber with a yoke. The spline of the of the slack adjuster is
installed on the brake cam shaft. The slack adjuster is a lever, converting linear force of the chamber push rod into a
torsional or twisting force needed to apply the brakes.
When torque is applied to the cam shaft, the “S” shaped cam spreads the brake shoes, forcing the brake lining into
contact with the brake drum stopping the vehicle.
Cam brakes are offered in various diameters to meet vehicle braking requirements, with the most commonly encountered
being 16 1/2". The cam brake is “leading-trailing” shoe design with fixed anchor points for each shoe, opposite the cam
end of the shoe.
Although the S-cam foundation brake is the most common foundation brake in use today, some vehicles are equipped
with the wedge type foundation brake. In this brake, the slack adjuster and cam shaft are replaced by a wedge/roller
mechanism that is used to spread the brake shoes and force them against the drum.
The air (spring) chamber is attached directly to the brake spider and the wedge and roller actuation mechanism is
enclosed within the actuator and chamber tube. A self adjusting mechanism is standard and is contained within the
wedge brake actuator. AlliedSignal, Bendix wedge brakes are offered in Twinplex, non-servo and heavy duty non-servo
versions. All are 15" diameter and feature a floating shoe design which imparts a higher degree braking efficiency when
compared to the cam brake. The Twinplex is a twin leading shoe (either direction) design. With the appropriate friction
material and air actuators the 15" wedge brake is capable of the same stopping power as a 16 1/2" cam brake but is
considerably lighter and has the advantage of a “built-in” self adjusting mechanism.
Although it takes a 450 hp engine approximately 90 seconds to accelerate a 40 ton vehicle to 55 miles per hour, it
should only take 5 seconds to come to a stop. Accomplishing this task takes the right combination of a braking
system, which supplies the power and the foundation brakes, which do the actual braking.
When brakes are applied the friction material contacts the brake drum producing heat energy. For optimal performance
the heat that is generated must dissipate rapidly to prevent damage to the friction material. Therefore the friction mate-
rial used in the brake must have the capability of withstanding the heat until dissipated through the drum. It takes the
right combination of ingredients to formulate the friction material that provides all the desirable characteristics, including
long life.
All friction material is identified by a stencil on its edge. This identification code consists of the name of the manufac-
turer, the formula identification and the friction class. The friction class is indicated by two letters. The first letter
represents the normal coefficient of friction, and the second represents the hot coefficient of friction. The numerical
range is shown below.
Friction material selection is dependent upon how the driver uses the brakes, the terrain, vehicle load, etc. The various
formulations of material are designed to meet the needs of these conditions. For example a vehicle performing heavy
duty operations on rugged terrain may benefit by using a “premium” material designed for high heat situations instead of
a “standard” material designed for lighter duty operations.
Brake lining and block differ in that it takes two brake block to line one shoe while a single brake lining segment is all
that is required to do the same job. Block is generally 3/4" thick and used on class 8 vehicles while lining is 1/2" thick
and generally used on smaller vehicles.
While it is recommended that a matching set of lining be used on each wheel, under some conditions a combination of
different lining material may be desirable. If a brake system is marginal, for example, a full step up to a higher grade
lining may give an excessively large capacity. In this event using a combination of blocks should be considered. There
are various methods of combining different block formulas, but the most practical method is to install the higher grade
block on the leading or forward brake.
The slack adjuster is the link between the brake chamber or actuator
and the foundation brake camshaft. It transforms and multiplies the
force developed by the chamber into a torque which applies the brakes MANUAL SLACK
via the brake camshaft. Slack adjusters are equipped with an ADJUSTER
adjusting mechanism, providing a means of adjusting for brake lining
wear. Slack adjuster models are designated by a number which
represents its maximum torque rating (i.e. a type 20 unit is rated for
a maximum of 20,000 inch pounds of torque). Slack adjusters are
available in various arm configurations, lengths and spline types.
The function of the quick release valve is to speed up the exhaust
of air from the air chambers. It is mounted close to the chambers
it serves. In its standard configuration, the valve is designed to
deliver within one psi of control pressure to the controlled device;
however, for special applications the valve is available with greater
differential pressure designed into the valve. QRV
Three styles of quick release valves are available and are function-
ally the same. The QRV valve is the oldest design and utilizes a die
cast metal body with an internal diaphragm, spring and spring seat.
The QR-1 also has a die cast body and diaphragm but does not
employ a spring or spring seat. The QR-N and QRN-2 are nonmetallic
versions of the QR-1 . The QRN-2 is the only non-serviceable version. QR-1
The LQ-4 ratio valve was designed to replace the LQ-2 limiting and
quick release valve in the front axle delivery line of vehicles meeting
FMVSS 121. During normal service brake applications, the LQ-4
automatically reduces application pressure to the front axle brakes,
however, as brake application pressure is increased the percentage
of reduction is decreased until at approximately 60 psi (depending
upon valve design) full pressure is delivered. The valve is available with
several different “ hold-off” pressures which prevent the front brakes
from operating until the “hold-off” pressure is exceeded.
The spring brake is composed of separate air and mechanical
actuators in a single housing. Mounted at the wheel of the rear
axles it functions as a service, parking and emergency brake.
Connected to the service brake valve, the air applied portion of
the actuator functions as the service brake. The mechanical
portion of the actuator contains a powerful spring which is
compressed or released using air pressure. The spring brake
therefore contains two actuators which use air pressure in
opposite ways. The service actuator requires set pressure to
apply the brakes, while the park or emergency actuator uses
air pressure to release the brakes.
The SB-1 spring brake actuator is a pull type, remote-mounted SPRING BRAKE
air cylinder that is used asa parking brake. Pressurized air in the
chamber compresses the springs when the brake is released.
When the air is exhausted, the spring force applies the brake.
The DD-3 safety actuator is a double diaphragm brake actuator
with three functions; service braking, emergency braking and
parking. The DD-3 features a mechanical roller locking mechanism
for parking and is used extensively on transit and intercity buses.
Because of its unique locking roller mechanism, the DD-3 requires
the use of special control valves such as the TR-2 Inversion Valve.
Various piping configurations have been designed to meet specific .
vehicle applications. The DD-3 is available in type 24 and type 30
Inversion valves are air operated control valves, and unlike most
control valves are normally open, ie; without control pressure the
supply is common to the delivery. The inversion valve is closed by
using air pressure from another source and is primarily used in
emergency or parking brake systems which operate with air from
an isolated reservoir. The valve is also used in interlocking and TR-2 TR-3
sequencing applications, where the operation of components must
take place in specific sequence.
The TR-2 was designed primarily for use in early DD-3 Safety
Actuator installations. It is equipped with a threaded body and nut
for mounting.
Brake compounding can occur in a spring
brake parking system due to the mechanical
and pneumatic nature of the chamber. It will
occur in unprotected systems when parking
service brake applications are mace at
the same time. An example of this situation
occurs when a vehicle is parked on a steep
incline; the driver holds the service brakes
applied (preventing the vehicle from rolling
backward), then actuates the park control
which “sets” or applies the spring brakes.
For a brief time, the air applied service brakes
and the mechanical spring brakes both exert
a braking force on the slack adjusters and
foundation brakes. The forces of the spring
and air applications are additive and can
cause damage to the foundation brake com-
ponents (cam shaft splines, shoes, drum,
etc.) and/or slack adjuster. An anti-com-
pounding system is especially important in
protecting the adjusting mechanism of auto-
matic slack adjusters from damage caused
by over torque that occurs during a compounded application of the brakes.
The anti-compounding system prevents the simultaneous application of both the air and spring brakes by directing
application air to the spring brakes when both are applied at once. In the simple anti-compounding schematic shown
here, the double check valve allows service application air to apply the service brakes AND move into the spring cavity if they
are also applied (no air pressure and springs are also applying brakes).
The anti-compounding function of the double check valve is built into several air brake devices such as the R-8, R-14 and QR-
1 C. When these devices are used in the system, a separate double check valve for anti-compounding is not needed.
It is recommended that the service connection to the anti-compounding device (double check valve) come from a point between
the service brake chamber and the first “upstream” service device (in this case a quick release valve). This will assure reliable
cold weather operation
Relay valves are primarily used on long wheel base vehicles to apply
and release rear axle(s) service or parking brakes. They are air
operated, graduating control valves of high capacity and fast re-
sponse. Upon signal pressure from the service brake valve, they
graduate, hold or release air pressure from the chambers to which
they are connected. They are generally mounted close to the
chambers they serve. Relay valves are available in both remote
and reservoir mount designs and feature inlet/exhaust valve car- R-12
tridge replacement without fine removal. RELAY VALVE
The R-8 and R-14 relay valves both incorporate an integral double
check valve with a balance port connection which provides both an
anti-compounding or quick exhaust feature depending upon vehicle
application. The anti-compound feature is used when these valves are
used to control spring actuated parking features.
R-6 R-8
The SR-1 spring brake valve is used in FMVSS 121 dual circuit
brake systems and serves two functions; during normal operation, it
limits hold-off pressure to the spring brakes to 90 or 95 psi. Should
a loss of pressure occur in the rear service brake service supply, it will
provide a modulated spring brake application proportional to ser-
vice braking pressure delivered to the front axle.
The PP-DC park control double check valve is a push-pull,
manually operable on/off valve with an integral double check. It is
dashboard mounted and provides in-cab control of truck or bus
parking brakes. Manually pushing or pulling the button will release
or apply the parking brakes. The integral double check valve
allows the PP-DC to receive supply air pressure from either, or
both, the front or rear axle service reservoirs.
The TW-2 and TH-3 are identical in appearance and similar to the
TW-1, TW-3 and TW-4 except that two control valves are housed
in a single body. A single cammed control lever controls both of
the internal valves, and depending upon the camming design, the
valve will be designated either TW-2 or TH-3. The TW-2 control
valve has two lever positions while the TH-3 has three lever posi-
TW-2 & TH-3
The TW-1, TW-3 and TW-6 series control valves are manually
operated, non-modulating control valves used in a wide variety of
control functions. The most popular configurations are TW-1
and TW-3 dash mounted, lever controlled valves, however the TW-6
provides basically the same function but is designed for cable
A momentary push type control valve, the TW-5 will deliver air
pressure when the plunger is pushed in and exhaust delivered air
when the plunger load is released. Typical application is Differen-
tial Lock-Out control.
TW-4 TW-5
The TR-3 is a specialized, pilot operated, non-automatic, ON-OFF
control valve,designed primarily for use in OFF HIGHWAY parking
and emergency brake systems. It is almost identical in appear-
ance to the SV-1 control valve. Unlike the SV-1, the TR-5 reacts
to control pressure from two different sources and does not have
and exhaust. TR-5
The PP-5 push pull control valve is a pressure sensitive, on-
off control valve. It is used in conjunction with vehicle torque
parking brake systems. In addition to automatic exhaust and
manual control, the PP-5 employs a pilot air release feature
(interlock) which will allow the valve to be exhausted by applying a
low pressure signal from another control valve to the PP-5 control
AS-2 AS-3
The Zeph-Air horn is an air operated, two trumpet, dual tone
warning device of low air consumption. The air horn is controlled
by a horn valve such as the HV-3.
The Fan Clutch is an air-operated, normally engaged, on-off clutch
that controls the engine cooling fan. The Fan Clutch is thermal-
pneumatically controlled by a valve which senses engine coolant
temperature and maintains engine temperature by engaging or
disengaging the cooling fan. Utilizing a Fan Clutch provides
several advantages; conserves fuel, better engine efficiency, faster
warm-ups, and a quieter vehicle.
The FD-L and FD-3 are designed to be fail safe. Both models FD-L
feature spring engagement and air disengagement.
Many different models which accommodate most later model
vehicle/engine combinations are available in kit form and contain
all the necessary parts for installation.
The RV-1 is available in a wide range of pressure settings and can RV-3
be manually adjusted. The RV-3 is available with factory preset
pressure settings only and cannot be manually adjusted. RV-1
The PP-3 control valve is primarily used to control the TP-3
Tractor Protection valve in Pre-121 tractor systems. It features a
tripper piston which prevents manual override of the emergency
application of trailer brakes.
The double check portion of the device typically directs either front
or rear axle service braking pressure, from the dual circuit foot
brake valve, to and through the Tractor Protection Valve. Since
both front and rear braking circuits are piped into the device,
pressure from either source will operate the stop lamp switch,
lighting the stop lamps.
The primary function of the TP-3 tractor protection valve is to
protect the tractor air brake system under trailer break-away
conditions and/or conditions where severe air leakage develops in
the tractor or trailer. In addition, in everyday use, the valve is used
to shut off the trailer service and supply lines before disconnecting
the tractor from the trailer. The valve is usually mounted at the
rear of the tractor cab and is controlled by a dash mounted valve.
The TP-3DC tractor protection valve integrates the functions of
the TP-3 and one double check valve. The double check valve
serves the same function as the shuttle portion of the DS-2.
stop light switch port is provided and is connected to the delivery TP-3DC
of the double check. It also has an integral single check valve that
prevents trapping of air in the trailer service line and thus prevents
brake compounding and minimizes roll away conditions.
The TP-4 and TP-5 were formerly known as the VM-1 and VM-2
control manifolds, respectively.
In addition the feature named, the TP-5 also incorporates a quick TP-5
release valve for the Trailer Service Line.
The MV-1 modutrol assembly is used exclusively on Ford “CL”
vehicles. It is an integrated air control module designed for
vehicle dash mounting. The assembly contains three push-pull
type valves and two optional lever-type valves. The optional lever-
type valves may be used to control any on/off type auxiliary
devices; such as a sliding fifth wheel, inter-axle lockout, etc.
The MV-2 and MV-3 control modules are an integrated control
assembly designed for control panel mounting in a truck -tractor.
These nonmetallic assemblies consist of two push-pull valves
and a dual circuit supply valve. They meet FMVSS 121 require-
ments for trailer air supply and parking brake control while
providing a feature that permits the tractor parking brakes to be
applied while air is supplied by the trailer. The MV-3 supersedes
the MV-2 valve.
Trailer control (TC) valves are hand operated, graduating control
valves. The most common use of the trailer control valve is for TC-7
independent control of trailer service brakes, however, the valve can
be used for any application where graduated application pressure is
The HC-1 and HC-2 Tru-Cupl hose couplings are quick
disconnect devices primarily used as tractor-trailer hose connec-
tions. The Tru-Cupl, HC-2 service and emergency couplings are HC-1 / HC-2
unilateral and will not mate with each, but will mate with all HC-1
The BP-R1 bobtail proportioning relay valve is a combination
of two valves in a single housing. The lower portion contains a
“standard” service brake relay valve, which functions as a relay
station to speed up brake application and release. The upper
portion houses a brake proportioning valve which reduces normal
service brake application pressure when the tractor is not towing a
trailer (bobtail operation). The control port on the
BP-R1 is connected to the Trailer Supply valve
delivery and signals bobtail operation.
The LQ-5 bobtail ratio valve is used on the front (steering) axle
of tractor air brake systems to reduce brake application pressure
during normal tractor-trailer operation. During bobtail mode, tractor
braking performance is improved because the LQ-5 delivers full
brake pressure to the steering axle.
The LQ-5 is designed for tractor systems only, and it replaces the
existing front axle limiting valve.
The ET-2 is installed on vehicles with electronically controlled, fuel
management system on newer diesel engines. The electronic
throttle replaces the mechanical accelerator pedal and linkage
found on conventional diesel engine, fuel management systems. It
provides graduated throttle control by communicating with the
Electronic Control Module (ECM) controlling the engine.
Bendix Antilock systems and components are designed to provide improved vehicle stability by reducing wheel lock
during aggressive braking. While all Bendix Antilock systems provide this basic benefit, there are several different
systems and components offered. Each is designed to meet the specific needs of the customer. System components
are available for tractors, trucks, buses and trailers. Each modulator controller assembly model represents a different
method of vehicle control and, in most cases, a different level of system performance.
All Bendix Antilock controllers feature digital electronics with self test and diagnostic circuitry that continuously monitors
operation of the entire antilock system including wiring continuity. The condition of specific antilock components is
provided to maintenance personnel by a series of labeled, Light Emitting Diodes (LED’s) displayed through a diagnostic
window in the controller housing. No special tools or equipment are needed to read or interpret the diagnostics window.
It should be noted that the diagnostics display is separate form the antilock condition lamp on the dash. Feature
conditions are stored in the controller’s “memory” and are not cleared by loss of power to the unit. Passing an ordinary
magnet over the RESET point in the diagnostic window is all that is necessary to clear the diagnostic display after
repairs have been made.
The MC-12 modulator controller antilock assembly is an axle or
tandem control antilock system for trailers. An EC-12 electronic
controller and an M-12 modulator comprise the MC-12 modulator
controller assembly. The MC-12 has a single, integral modulator
and receives input from two speed sensors. The assembly either
mounts to the vehicle frame or directly to a reservoir and replaces MC-12
the service relay valve.
Older trailers using the SR-4 can easily be upgraded to the SR-5
with a minimum of repiping.
The SR-5 is almost identical in appearance to the SR-2. The
distinguishing characteristic of the SR-5 is a hole drilled into the
fiat surface between the pressure protection valve and the body.
The SV-1 synchro valve is a remote mounted air operated, ON-
OFF control valve. It is used to control air from a remote supply,
has a set opening and closing pressure and can be used to delay
or sequence the action of other pneumatic devices. Use of the
SV-1 in dolly or towing trailer system prevents automatic applica-
tion of the towing (lead) trailer or dolly emergency brakes in the SV-1
event a breakaway occurs with the towed (rear) trailer. SYNCHRO VALVE
The PR-3 reservoir control valve is the combination of a PR-4
pressure protection valve and a single check valve. This valve may
be used in a variety of applications however the most common is
in the converter dolly brake system where it functions to delay
filling of the reservoir until pressure in the Supply air line exceeds
75psi and to prevent pressure loss due to a failure in the trailer PR-3
being towed.
All types of automotive brakes are mechanical devices ENERGY OF MOTION TO HEAT ENERGY
for retarding the motion of a vehicle by means of friction,
and perhaps the most important requisite in respect to Since friction is the resistant to relative motion between
the fundamentals of brakes is an understanding of the two bodies in contact and since friction results in heat, a
laws of friction. more complete definition of a brake would be that it is a
mechanical device for retarding the motion of a vehicle by
means of friction, thereby changing the energy of motion
into heat energy.
Friction is the resistance to relative motion between any
two bodies in contact, and it varies not only with different
materials but also with the condition of the materials. The
amount of friction developed by any two bodies in contact
is said to be their coefficient of friction, and this is ex- FIG. 2 - Forces involved in Braking
pressed by stating the amount of force required to move
the one body while it remains in contact with the other; the
amount of force being expressed in relation to the weight FORCES INVOLVED IN BRAKING
of the moving body.
It is difficult to appreciate the tremendous forces involved
Thus, if the moving body weighs 100 pounds, and a force in stopping a modern commercial vehicle, particularly
of 60 pounds is required to keep it moving while it remains from the higher speeds.
in contact with another body, the coefficient of friction
A simple method of explaining this is to make a compari-
between the two bodies is said to be 60% or .6. If 50
son between the horsepower required to accelerate a
pounds force is necessary to keep it moving, the coeffi-
vehicle and the horsepower required to stop it. A truck with
cient of friction is said to be 50% or .5. If only 35 pounds
an engine capable of developing 100 horsepower will
force is required, the coefficient of friction is 35% or .35.
require about one minute to accelerate to 60 miles per
The coefficient of friction between any two surface
hour. The same vehicle should be capable of easily
changes with any variation in the condition of one or both
stopping from 60 miles per hour in not more than six
surfaces. As an example, the introduction of oil or grease
seconds. Ignoring the unknown quantities, such as rolling
between two dry, flat metal surfaces will greatly reduce the
friction and wind resistance which play a part in all stops,
friction between them, which proves that the condition of
the brakes must develop the same energy in six seconds
these surfaces plays a great part in the actual friction they
as the engine develops in 60 seconds; in other words, the
develop. This possible variation in the coefficient of friction
brakes do the same amount of work as the engine in one-
is always present when any factor contributing to the
tenth the time and must develop approximately 1,000
frictional value of any material is subject to change either
horsepower during the stop.
permanent or temporary.
The effect of higher speeds on braking is much more
FIG. 5 - Leverage
serious. Not so many years ego the average speed of a
commercial vehicle was only 20 miles per hour. Today, LEVERAGE
even coservative estimates place the average speed of
commercial vehicles at 40 miles per hour. Comparing Having reviewed the forces involved in braking a vehicle,
stops from a speed of 20 miles per hour with stops from a consideration must also be given to how these forces are
speed of 40 miles per hour, engineering calculations show developed and directed to do the braking work. It is
there is actually four times as much energy of motion to difficult even to imagine a braking system which does
be changed to heat energy during a stop from 40 miles per not, in some way, make use of one of the oldest me-
hour as there is during a stop from 20 miles per hour. chanical devices governing the transmission and modifi-
Thus if the speed is doubled four times as much stopping cation of force and motion, the lever.
power must be developed, and the brakes must absorb or
dissipate four times as much heat. A lever is defined as an inflexible rod or beam capable of
motion about a fixed point called a fulcrum, and it is used
It naturally follows that if both the weight and speed of a to transmit and modify force and motion.
vehicle are doubled, the stopping power must be increased
eight times and the brakes must absorb or dissipate eight Figure 5 illustrates three simple types of levers; the only
times as much heat. difference in them being the location of the fulcrum in
relation to the applied force and the delivered force. All
shapes and sizes of levers used in a brake system are
one of these three types.
The simple law of levers is that the applied force multi-
plied by the perpendicular distance between the line of
force and the fulcrum always equals the delivered force
multiplied by the perpendicular distance between the
fulcrum and the line of force. Thus, with a leverage
arrangement as shown in view 5A, an applied force of
100 pounds two feet from the fulcrum will give a delivered
force of 200 pounds at a point one foot from the fulcrum.
With a leverage arrangement as shown in Figure 5B, an
Fig. 4 - Stopping Distance applied force of 100 pounds three feet from the fulcrum
will lift 300 pounds at a point one foot from the fulcrum.
Note that in both cases the delivered force exceeds the Perhaps the least easily recognized lever in a brake
applied force because the applied force is farther from system is the relation of the brake drum diameter to the
the fulcrum than the delivered force. With a leverage tire diameter. In order to understand this fully it must be
arrangement as shown in Figure 5C, the delivered force remembered that although the brakes stop the brake
is the farthest from the fulcrum; therefore, it is less than drums and wheels, it is always the tires and road surface
the applied force. If the applied force in this case is 300 that stop the vehicle. This is clearly demonstrated when
pounds at a point two feet from the fulcrum, the delivered quick stops are attempted on wet or icy roads. Under
force at a point three feet from the fulcrum will be 200 these conditions the brake equipment may still be as
pounds. efficient as ever in stopping the wheels, but its ability to
stop the vehicle quickly disappears because there is not
The delivered force of any lever is determined by multi-
plying the applied force by the distance it is from the sufficient friction between the tire and road to develop the
fulcrum and then dividing this answer by the distance the necessary retarding force.
delivered force is from the fulcrum. Returning to the principles of leverage involved in the
relation of the tire and brake drum size, the retarding
In determining the distance at which any force is acting force developed by the brake shoes acting against the
on a lever, the true length of the lever arm is the perpen- drum working on an effective lever length of the brake
dicular distance from the force to the fulcrum, regardless drum radius. Counteracting this is the retarding force
of the shape of the lever. The lever arm is always mea-
developer between the tire and the road, working on an
sured at right angles to the direction of the force.
effective lever length of the rolling radius of the tire. Since
The product of the force acting on a lever, multiplied by it is not practical to have brake drums as large as the
the distance the force is from the fulcrum, is called the tires, the principles of leverage require development of a
turning moment, and when this relates to a shaft it is greater retarding force between the brake shoes and the
called torque. The turning moment or torque is usually drums the between the tire and the road. Also, since a
expressed in inch pounds, foot pounds, foot tons, etc., rubber tire 4 a good road surface has a higher coefficient
depending upon whether the force is measured in of friction than brake lining against a brake drum, it is
pounds or tons and whether the distance is measured in necessary develop additional retarding force between the
inches or feet. As an example-a force of 100 pounds brake shoes and brake drum in order to overcome the
acting on a lever arm five inches long would result in a difference in friction.
turning moment or torque of 500 inch pounds.
The most easily recognized lever in an air system is the
slack adjuster. The length of the lever arm of a slack
adjuster is always the perpendicular distance between
the center line of the brake camshaft opening and the
center line of the clevis pin opening in the arm
Another form of lever-not always recognized-is the brake
cam. All brake cams are levers and are used to transmit
and modify the torque and turning motion of the brake
camshaft in such a way that the brake shoes are spread
and forced against the brake drum, not only in the proper FIG. 6 - Deceleration
direction but also with the proper force. Spreading the
shoes in the proper direction, of course, depends on the DECLERATION
proper location of the cam in respect to the location of
In discussing brakes, the term deceleration is often use
the brake shoes. The transmission of the proper force is
partially determined by the effective lever length of the This term expresses the actual rate at which a vehicle
cam. If the effective lever length of the cam is not consid- losing speed and usually denotes the speed being lost
ered, and is too long or too short, the brake shoe force each second, in terms of miles per hour or feet per
will be correspondingly too little or too much Full consid- second.
eration must therefore be given to the effective lever As an example as shown in Figure 6-if a vehicle is
length of any brake cam, if the final shoe pressure is to moving at the rate of 20 miles per hour, and one second
be correct. It is also important that the effective lever later speed is only 18 miles per hour, the vehicle has lost
length of the cam remains constant as the lining wears a speed, of two miles per hour during one second. Its
and the shoes have to be spread further; otherwise, the speed has dropped two miles per hour in one second,
brake performance will vary as the lining wears. therefore, its deceleration rate is two miles per hour per
Another form of lever found in all forms of braking second.
systems is the brake shoe. This is one of the simpler In the same way, if a vehicle is moving at a rate of 30 feet
forms because it is easily recognized as a beam, per second, and one second later its speed is only 20
fulcrumed at one end on the hinge pin, which forces the feet per second, then it is decelerating at the rate of ten
brake lining against the drum when the break cam force feet per second per second.
is applied to the other end.
Therefore, the change in the rate of speed of a vehicle This is illustrated in Figure 7 which also shows a vehicle
during a slow-down or stop is expressed by first stating decelerating at the rate of ten feet per second per second
the rate of speed being lost, such as miles per hour or from an initial speed of 30 feet per second, but the
feet per second, and then by stating the time required for positions of the vehicles are shown in relation to the
this rate of speed to be lost. distance traveled each second during the stop. This
shows that although the rate of deceleration remains
Thus, in examining the expression covering a decelera- constant throughout the stop, the vehicle actually travels
tion rate of say, “ten feet per second per second,” the first 25 feet during the first second after the brakes were
part-”ten feet per second”-is the rate of speed being lost, applied, 15 feet during the second second, and only five
and the second part-”per second”-is the time in which the feet during the third second.
loss of ten feet per second takes place.
The distance being traveled each second during the stop
If a vehicle is moving at a known rate, and is decelerating is always greater at the beginning of the stop. To keep
at a known rate, the stopping time will be the initial speed stopping distance as short as possible, it is important that
divided by the deceleration rate, provided both the rate of the brakes become fully effective when the pedal is
speed and the deceleration rate are expressed on the depressed by the driver.
same basis. As an example-if a vehicle is moving at the Any time lost between the instant the brake pedal is
rate of 30 feet per second and is decelerating at the rate of depressed and the instant actual deceleration begins is
ten feet per second, the stopping time will be the initial important because the vehicle continues to travel at close
speed 30 feet per second divided by the deceleration to its initial speed. In this case, the loss of only one
rate of ten feet per second per second, or a stopping time second between the instant the driver depresses the brake
of three seconds. pedal and the point where the brakes are really applied will
result in lengthening the actual stopping distance by 30
This perhaps can be more easily understood if explained in feet. Thus, if four seconds instead of three elapse between
the following manner; if a vehicle is moving at the rate of 30 the instant the driver depresses the brake pedal and the
feet per second and begins to decelerate at the rate of ten instant the vehicle stops, the actual stopping distance will
feet per second per second, at the end of the first second be increased from 45 feet to 75 feet. In other words, by
it will be traveling 20 feet per second; at the end of the reducing the stopping time under these conditions by only
second second, it will be traveling ten feet per second, and one second or 25%, the actual stopping distance is
at the end of the third second, it will be stopped. Thus, by reduced by 30 feet or 40%.
losing speed at the rate of ten feet per second per second,
it would lose its initial speed of 30 feet per second in three It is this part of brake fundamentals which is not often
seconds. considered in judging brake performance, particularly when
different forms of brakes are involved. A common method
Similarly, if the initial speed is 20 miles per hour and the of testing brakes is by the use of a decelerometer-a device
deceleration rate is two miles per hour per second, the that determines the maximum rate of deceleration level-
stopping time will be ten seconds. oped during a stop and which shows a calculated stopping
distance from a speed of 20 miles per hour based on the
One important thing to remember in respect to stopping maximum rate of deceleration developed during a stop.
vehicles is the fact that while the deceleration rate may be Such instruments do not, however, make allowances for
constant for each second during the stop, the distance the lost time before the braking system develops full power
vehicle travels each second during the stop varies greatly and therefore are not suitable for analyzing time lag factors
as the speed decreases. in brake performance.
The true performance of any type of brake system in terms
of stopping time or stopping distance can only be deter-
mined by actually measuring the time and distance the
vehicle travels from the instant the driver depresses the
brake pedal to the point where the vehicle actually stops.
Such tests can, of course, be mace comparative only by
using instruments to determine accurately the speed of
the vehicle at the instant the brake pedal is depressed.
In so far as brakes are concerned, a driver is mainly
interested in the amount of time and the distance required
to bring his vehicle safely to a stop under emergency
conditions as measured from the instant he depresses the
brake pedal. Any lag in the time between the instant he
FIG. 7 - Deceleration does his part and the instant the brakes become effective
affects stopping distance.
FIG. 12 - Compressor, Reservoir and Brake Valve FIG. 13 - Compressor, Reservoir and Brake Valve
and Chambers
COMPRESSOR, RESERVOIR AND BRAKE VALVE The compressed air is held in the reservoir until released
In an Air Brake system, the compressor furnishes the by the driver operating air control valves.
compressed air for brake operation by taking free air or
atmosphere and compressing it to 100-120 P.S.I. (Maxi- SERVICE BRAKE SYSTEM
mum pressure in an air brake system is generally 150
P.S.I.) When the brake valve is operated by the driver, air flows
to the chambers where its energy is transformed into the
The compressed air passes from the compressor into the mechanical force and motion necessary to apply the
reservoir where it (and its energy) are stored until brakes.
This control of the braking force by controlling the air
pressure in the chambers is illustrated in Figure 14. It Figure 16 illustrates how the principles of leverage apply
shows the resulting forces in pounds of various air when a brake chamber and slack adjuster combination is
pressures with a chamber having an effective diaphragm being selected to meet specific requirements.
area of 30 square inches.
The important point is that the air pressure in a brake
chamber can be controlled so the brake chamber will
develop the required force.
FIG 17- Braking Forces-Effect of Wedge Angle FIG. 18 - Wedge Brake Power Combinations
BRAKE SYSTEM of oil around unloader pistons. If no leakage is indi-
TROUBLESHOOTING cated, then leakage is through the compressor dis-
Test 1 charger valves.
GOVERNOR CUT-OUT / LOW PRESSURE 5. Check the compressor drive for slippage.
1. Drain all reservoir to 0 PSI Test 2
2. Start engine (run at fast idle) (Low pressure LEAKAGE (RESERVOIR AIR SUPPLY)
warning should be on. Note: on some OK
vehicles with anti-lock, warning light will also PARKING BRAKES APPLIED
come on momentarily when ignition is turned 1. Allow pressure to stabilized for at least 1
on.) minute.
3. Low pressure warning (Dash warning light 2. Observe the dash gauge pressures for 2
should go off at or above 60 PSI) minutes and note any pressure drop.
4. Build up time (Pressure should build from A. Pressure Drop: Single Vehicle (A 2 PSI
85-100 PSI within 40 seconds) drop within 2 minutes is allowable for
5. Governor cut-out Cuts out at correct either service reservoir)
pressure (Check manufacturers recommen- B. Pressure Drop: Tractor/Trailer (A 6 PSI
dations; usually between 100-130 PSI) drop within 2 minutes is allowable for
6. Governor cut-in Reduce service air pressure either service reservoir)
to governor cut-in. The difference between C. Pressure Drop: Tractor/2 Trailers (An
cut-in and cut-out pressure must not exceed PSI drop within 2 minutes is allowable
25 PSI. for either service reservoir)
Check List 1 Check List 2
If the low pressure warning light or buzzer doesn’t IF THERE IS EXCESSIVE LEAKAGE IN THE SUPPLY
3. Repair or replace the buzzer, bulb or low pressure NOTE: (A leak detector or soap solution will aid in
warning switch(es). locating
the faulty component)
If governor cut-out is higher or lower than specified 1. Supply lines and fitting (tighten)
by the vehicle manual: 2. Low pressure indicator(s)
1. Adjust the governor using a gauge of known accu- 3. Relay valves (antilock modulators)
racy. 4. Relay valve (an option for spring brakes)
2. Repair or replace governor as necessary after being 5. Dual brake valve
sure compressor unloader mechanism is operating 6. Trailer control valve
correctly. 7. Park control valve
If low pressure warning occurs below 60 PSI: 8. Tractor protection valve
1. Check dash gauge with test gauge known to be 9. Spring brake actuators
accurate. 10. Safety valve in supply reservoir
2. Repair or replace the faulty low pressure indicator. 11. Governor
12. Compressor discharge valves
If build up time exceeds 40 seconds or is consider- RETEST TO CHECK OUT ALL
ably greater than the permanent record figure: ITEMS REPAIRED OR REPLACED
1. Examine the compressor air strainer and clean or Test 3
2. Check for restricted inlet line if compressor does not FULL PRESSURE, ENGINE STOPPED OK OK
have strainer, repair or replace as necessary. PARKING BRAKES RELEASED
3. Check compressor discharge port and line for exces- 1. Make and hold 80-90 PSI brake application
sive carbon. Clean or replace as necessary. (A block of wood can be used to hold the
4. With system charged and governor compressor in foot valve down during these tests)
unloaded mode, listen at the compressor inlet for 2. Allow pressure to stabilize for 1 minute;
leakage. If leakage can be heard apply a small amount then begin timing for 2 minutes while
watching the dash gauges for a pressure OK Test 4
A. Pressure Drop: Single Vehicle (A 4 PSI FULL PRESSURE, ENGINE IDLING 600-900 NOT
drop within 2 minutes is allowable for RPM
either service reservoir)
B. Pressure Drop : Tractor/Trailer (A 6 PSI NOT FOR STRAIGHTTRUCKS, BUSES AND
drop within 2 minutes is allowable for BOBTAIL TRACTOR:
either service reservoir) 1. Manually operate the park control valve and
C. Pressure Drop: Tractor/2 Trailers (An 8 note that parking brakes apply and release
PSI drop within 2 minutes is allowable for promptly as control valve button is pulled out
either service reservoir) and pushed in.
3. Check brake chamber push rod travel (Refer
to chart for allowable tolerances) FOR TRACTOR/TRAILER COMBINATIONS:
Brake Maximum Stroke 1. Manually operate tractor protection control
Chamber Before valve (trailer supply valve usually red octago-
Size Readjustment nal button). Note that trailer brakes apply and
12 1 3/8" release promptly as control button is pulled
16 1 3/4" out and pushed in.
20 1 3/4" 2. Manually operate system park control
24 1 3/4" (usually yellow diamond button) and note all
30 2" parking brakes (tractor and trailer) apply
4. Check the angle formed between the brake promptly.
chamber push rod and slack adjuster arm.
(It should be at least 90° in the fully applied MAKE ALL NECESSARY REPAIRS BEFORE
If sluggish performance is noted in either test, check
Check List 3 for:
If there is excessive leakage in the service side of the 1. Dented or kinked lines
pneumatic system, one or more of the following 2. Improperly installed hose fitting
devices could be causing the problem. 3. A faulty relay emergency valve
NOTE: A leak detector or soap solution will aid in locat- 4. A faulty modulator(s)
ing If the trailer brakes do not actuate and the trailer
the faulty component supply line remains charged, check the:
1. Service lines and fittings (tighten) 1. Tractor protection control
2. Trailer control valve 2. Trailer spring brake valve
3. Stoplight switch RETEST TO CHECK OUT ALL
4. Brake chamber diaphragms ITEMS REPAIRED OR REPLACED NOT
5. Tractor protection valve OK
6. Relay valves (antilock modulators) Test 5
8. Front axle ratio valve (optional)
9. Inverting relay spring brake control valve (optional) FULL PRESSURE, ENGINE STOPPED
straight trucks and busses 1. Drain front axle reservoir to 0 PSI.
10. Double check valve. A. Rear axle reservoir should not lose
If the angle between the brake chamber push B. On combination vehicles, the trailer air
rod and slack adjuster arm is less than 90° then system should remain charged
adjust slack adjuster arm to obtain desired C. Tractor and trailer brakes should not
setting. apply automatically
If brake chamber push rod travel exceeds the 2. With no air pressure in the front axle
allowable tolerance, then adjust adjuster arm to reservoir make a brake application.
obtain desired setting. A. Rear axle brakes should apply and
REPAIRED OR REPLACED B. On combination vehicles the trailer
brakes should also apply and release
Check List 5
If the vehicle fails to pass the tests outlined, then check
the following components for leakage and proper operation:
Kinked hose tubing
Single check valve
Double check valve
Tractor protection valve
Tractor protection control valve
Parking control valve
Relay valves (antilock modulators)
Trailer spring brake control valve
Inverting relay spring brake control valve (optional)
straight trucks and buses.
DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION Tu Flo type compressors have automatic type inlet
GENERAL valves. Their unloading mechanisms are located in the
The function of the air compressor is to build up and cylinder block and they have no external moving parts.
maintain the air pressure required to operate air powered Both air and water cooled type compressors are available.
devices in air brake or air auxiliary systems. Various mounting and drive adaptations are used as
required by different vehicle engine designs (Fig. 4).
Tu Flo Type 400, 500, and 1000 Compressors are single
stage, reciprocating piston type compressors. Tu Flo 400
(Fig. 1) and 500 (Fig. 2.) compressors have two cylinders
while the Tu Flo 1000 (Fig. 3) is a V-type design having
four cylinders. The rated capacity of all Bendix-
Westinghouse compressors is their piston displacement in
cubic feet per minute when operating at 1250 RPM. The
rated capacity of the Tu Flo 400 compressor is 71/4 cubic
feet per minute. The Tu Flo 500 is rated at 12 cubic feet per
minute and the Tu Flo 1000 has a rating of 24 cubic feet
per minute.
All compressors run continuously while the engine is
running but actual compression of air is controlled by a
governor which stops or starts the compression of air by
loading or unloading the compressor in conjunction with
its unloading mechanism. This is done when the air pres-
FIGURE 5 – FIGURE 6 – sure in the system reaches the desired maximum or mini-
mum pressures.
The method of lubricating the moving parts of the com-
pressor is the same in either type. Oil is forced through the
oil passage in the crankshaft and out around each connect-
ing rod journal. The turning motion of the crankshaft
throws the oil that is forced out at the journals, against the
cylinder bores and crankcase walls, lubricating the bores
and crankshaft bearings.
The wrist pins and wrist pin bushings are lubricated in
two ways depending upon the type connecting rods used
(Fig. 7). If forged steel rods are used, the oil is forced from
the crankshaft through a drilled passage in the rod to the
wrist pins and bushings. The other type connecting rod
which is currently being used is the aluminum die cast
type. The die cast type rod is not drilled between the crank-
shaft journal and wrist pin connections, but is drilled at the
top of the rod. The wrist pins and bushings are lubricated
by oil dripping from a drip-boss on the piston into a “catch- FIGURE 9 –
funnel” at the top of the rod and through the drilled passage
to the bushings and pins. INTAKE AND COMPRESSION (Loaded)
During the down stroke of the piston, a slight vacuum
created above the piston causes the inlet valve to move off
its seat. Atmospheric air is drawn in through the compres-
sor intake, by the open inlet valve, and on top of the piston
(Fig. 9) As the piston starts its upward stroke, the air that
was drawn in on the down stroke is being compressed.
Now, air pressure on top of the inlet valve plus the force of
its spring, returns the inlet valve to its seat. The piston con-
tinues the upward stroke and compresses the air suffi-
FIGURE 7 – ciently to overcome the discharge valve spring and unseat
PISTONS & CONNECTING RODS the discharge valve. The compressed air then flows by the
open discharge valve, into the discharge line and on to the
A name plate is attached to the crankcase of all com-
reservoirs (Fig. 10).
pressors. It shows the piece number, type and serial num-
ber (Fig. 8). A name plate with a black background denotes
a new compressor, whereas a name plate with a red back-
ground designates that the compressor is a factory recondi-
tioned unit. All compressors are identified by the piece
number which is the number to use when reference is made
to a particular compressor. The type and serial number is
supplementary information.
As the piston reaches the top of its stroke and starts EVERY 100 OPERATING HOURS
down, the discharge valve spring returns the discharge OR AFTER EACH 5,000 MILES
valve to its seat. This prevents the compressed air in the Depending on operating conditions and experience,
discharge line from returning to the cylinder bore as the service compressor air strainer. Remove and wash all
intake and compression cycle is repeated. parts. Strainer element should be cleaned or replaced. If
NON-COMPRESSION (Unloaded) the element is cleaned, it should be washed in gasoline,
When the air pressure in the reservoir reaches the high methyl alcohol, carbon tetrachloride, or soap and water.
pressure setting of the governor, the governor opens, The element should be saturated in clean engine oil then
allowing air to pass from the reservoir through the gover- squeezed dry before replacing it in the strainer.
nor and into the cavity beneath the unloader pistons. This Check compressor drive alignment belt tension and note
lifts the unloader pistons and plungers. The plungers move that all mounting bolts are securely fastened.
up and hold the inlet valves off their seats (Fig. 11).
If compressor is self-lubricated type, the oil should be
drained and the compressor crankcase flushed and refilled
with clean engine oil.
Remove compressor discharge valve cap nuts and check
for presence of excessive carbon deposits. Also, check the
discharge line for carbon. If excessive carbon is found in
either check, the cylinder head or discharge line should be
cleaned or replaced.
If compressor is self-lubricated type, service crankcase
breather. Clean and wash breather in cleaning solvent.
Depending upon operating conditions and experience,
With the inlet valves held off their seats by the unloader
disassemble compressor, clean and inspect all parts thor-
pistons and plungers, air is merely pumped back and forth
oughly. Repair or replace all worn or damaged parts or
between the two cylinders. When air is used from the reser-
replace compressor with a factory reconditioned, repair-
voir and the pressure drops to low pressure setting of the
exchange unit.
governor, the governor closes and in doing so exhausts the
Important — Should it be necessary to drain the engine
air from beneath the unloader pistons, The unloader saddle
cooling system to prevent damage from freezing, water
spring forces the saddle, pistons and plungers down and
cooled compressors must be drained as both cylinder block
the inlet valves return to their seats. Compression is then
and cylinder head are water cooled. Use drain cock or
remove head and/or block pipe plugs.
If the compressor is a self-lubricated type, its oil level SERVICE CHECKS
should be checked at the same time the engine oil level is INSPECTION
checked. The oil level should be kept between the bottom It is of the utmost importance that the compressor is tak-
of the dip-stick threads and the bottom of the dipstick (Fig. ing in clean air. The air strainer must be properly installed
12.) The oil should be changed often enough to keep it and kept clean. If the compressor intake is connected to the
non-abrasive and non-corrosive. engine air cleaner, supercharger, etc., these connections
must be properly installed and maintained.
Check compressor mountings to be sure they are secure.
Check drive for proper alignment, belt tension, etc.
If compressor is engine-lubricated type, inspect oil sup-
ply and return lines. Be sure these lines are properly
installed and that the compressor is getting the proper sup-
ply of oil, and just as important, that the oil is returning to
the engine properly.
Check water lines to and from compressor if a water-
cooled type.
If the compressor is air-cooled, check to be sure the
FIGURE 12 – engine fan blast is flowing by the compressor unrestricted.
OIL LEVEL-SELF LUBRICATED COMPRESSOR Check unloader mechanism for operation.
Due to the many different types of air brake systems Fill compressor crankcase with clean engine oil before
found on the many different types of vehicles, it is impos- operating compressor. Refer to “Tabulated Data” Section
sible to set up any specific series of tests to determine the for proper amount.
serviceability of the compressor on a vehicle. Familiariza- ALL TYPES
tion with the vehicle and its air system is the best judge. If Inspect pulley or gear and associated parts for wear or
the compressor fails to maintain adequate air pressure in damage. They must be a neat fit on compressor crankshaft.
the air brake system of the vehicle, it usually denotes loss Replace pulley or gear if worn or damaged.
of efficiency because of wear, provided leakage in the air Install pulley or gear on compressor crankshaft making
system is not excessive. Oil passing is another sign of sure it properly contacts the shaft and does not ride the key.
excessive wear. Tighten crankshaft nut securely and install cotter pin.
AIR LEAKAGE TESTS Be sure the air cleaner is clean and properly installed. If
Leakage past the discharge valves can be detected by the compressor intake is connected to either the engine air
removing the discharge line, applying shop air back cleaner or supercharger, these connections must be tight
through the discharge port and listening for escaping air. with no leakage.
Also the discharge valves and the unloader pistons can be Clean or replace any damaged or dirty air or water lines
checked for leakage by building up the air system until the which may be corroded, before connecting them to the
governor cuts out, then stopping the engine. With the compressor. Use a new discharge fitting gasket.
engine stopped, carefully listen for escaping air at the Align compressor drive and adjust proper belt tension.
intake. To pin-point leakage if noted, squirt soapy water Tighten mounting bolts securely and evenly.
around the unloader pistons. If there is no noticeable leak- After installation run compressor and check for air, oil,
age at the unloader pistons, the discharge valves may be or water leaks at compressor connections. Also check for
leaking. noisy operation.
If the compressor does not function as described above, DISASSEMBLY
or leakage is excessive, it is recommended that it be Clean compressor exterior of road dirt and grease using
returned to the nearest Bendix-Westinghouse authorized a good cleaning solvent.
distributor for a factory rebuilt compressor under the Before compressor is completely disassembled the fol-
repair exchange plan. If this is not possible, the compres- lowing items should be marked to show their relationship
sor can be repaired with genuine Bendix-Westinghouse when the compressor is assembled:
parts in which case the following information should The cylinder block in relation to crankcase.
prove helpful. End covers’ relation to crankcase.
Position of crankshaft in relation to crankcase.
REMOVING AND INSTALLING The cylinder head’s relation to the block.
REMOVING If a self-lubricated type, the relation of oil filter fitting to
These instructions are general and in some cases addi- base plate.
tional precautions must be taken.
Drain air brake system.
If water cooled type compressor, drain engine cooling
system, compressor cylinder head and block.
Disconnect all air lines, water and oil lines to and from
Remove compressor mounting bolts and compressor
from engine.
Use a gear-puller to remove the gear or pulley from com-
pressor crankshaft.
Clean oil supply line. Before connecting this line to the
compressor run the engine briefly to be sure oil is flowing
freely through the supply line.
Clean the oil return line or return passages through the CYLINDER HEAD EXPLODED VIEW
brackets; these passages must be unrestricted so oil can
return to the engine. CYLINDER HEAD (Fig. 13)
Prelubricate compressor cylinder walls and bearings Remove cap screws and lift off cylinder head. It may
with clean engine oil before assembling compressor. have to be tapped with a rawhide hammer to break gasket
Always use a new mounting gasket and be sure oil hole joint.
in gasket and compressor is properly aligned with oil sup- Remove inlet valve springs from head and inlet valves
ply line. from their guides in the block.
Scrape off cylinder head gasket from cylinder head and ROD ASSEMBLIES (Fig. 15)
block. Straighten prongs of connecting rod bolt lock washers
Remove discharge valve cap nuts and lift out discharge and remove bolts, lock washers and bearing caps.
valve springs and valves. Push piston with connecting rods attached out the top of
The discharge valve seats can be removed, but it is not the cylinder block.
necessary unless they are badly worn or nicked. Replace bearing caps on their respective conn rods.
Remove piston rings from pistons.
If pistons are to be removed from connecting rods,
remove wrist pin lock wires and press wrist pins from pis-
tons and connecting rods.
Remove cap screws securing end cover at drive end of
CLEANING AND INSPECTION clearance at the gap when placed in the end bore of the
crankshaft. If the oil ring is worn thin or is damaged, it
OF PARTS should be replaced. Inspect oil ring groove in end cover; if
CLEANING groove is worn excessively replace end cover or machine
All parts should be cleaned thoroughly in a good clean-
groove for next oversize oil seal ring.
ing solvent before inspection.
CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY With cylinder block installed on crankcase, check fit of
Remove all carbon deposits from discharge cavities and ball bearings in bearing bores. They must be a tight press
all rust and scale from cooling cavities of cylinder head fit. The crankcase should be replaced if bores are worn
body. Scrape all foreign matter from body surfaces and use or damaged.
air pressure to blow dirt particles from all cavities. CYLINDER BLOCK
Discharge valves can be dressed by lapping them on a Check for cracks or broken lugs on cylinder block. Also
piece of fine crocus cloth on a flat surface, provided they check unloader bore bushings to be sure they are not worn,
are not excessively worn. rusted or damaged. If these bushings are to be replaced
CYLINDER BLOCK they can be removed by running a 1/8" pipe thread tap inside
Clean carbon and dirt from inlet and unloader passages. the bushing, then inserting a 1/8" pipe threaded rod and
Use air pressure to blow carbon and dirt deposits from pulling the bushing straight up and out. Do not use an easy-
unloader passages. out for removing these bushings.
Inlet valves, as in the case of discharge valves, not worn INLET VALVES AND SEATS
excessively can be cleaned by lapping them on a piece of If inlet valves are grooved or worn where they contact
fine crocus cloth on a flat surface. the seat, they should be replaced. If the inlet valve seats are
OIL PASSAGE worn or damaged so they cannot be reclaimed by facing,
Clean thoroughly all oil passages through crankshaft, they should be replaced.
connecting rods, crankcase, end covers and base plate. If CYLINDER BORES
necessary inspect passages with a wire and blow foreign Cylinder bores which are scored or out of round by more
matter out with air pressure. than 0.002" or tapered more than 0.003" should be rebored
or honed oversize. Oversize pistons are available in 0.010,
0.020, and 0.030 oversizes.
Thoroughly clean strainer element, then saturate it in
Cylinder bores must be smooth, straight, and round.
clean oil and squeeze out excess oil before replacing it in
Clearance between cast iron pistons and cylinder bores
air strainer.
should be between 0.002" minimum and 0.004" maximum
CRANKCASE - SELF-LUBRICATED TYPE (Fig. 17). Aluminum pistons are cam ground.
The breather should be thoroughly washed and cleaned.
The oil pump check valve in the base should be removed
and replaced. It is important when the oil pump check
valve is replaced that it be installed correctly with the ball
stop pin end pressed in first. When installed the ball and its
seat should be visible from the crankcase base.
Inspect cylinder head body for cracks or damage.
Use air pressure to test water jackets of cylinder head
and block for leakage. Replace unit if leakage is found.
If discharge valves are worn and grooved where they
contact the seats, they should be replaced. If the discharge
valve seats are worn excessively so that there is no longer
enough metal left to reclaim them by lapping, the seats FIGURE 17 –
should be replaced. MEASURING CYLINDER BORES
Replace all used discharge valve springs and cap nuts.
Check for cracks or broken lugs in crankcase and end Check pistons for scores, cracks or enlarged ring
covers. Also check their oil passages to make sure they are grooves; replace pistons if any of these conditions are
open and clean. found. Measure each piston with a micrometer in relation
If an oil seal ring is used in the end cover, check fit of to the cylinder bore diameter to be sure the clearance is
ring in ring groove. There should be 0.008" to 0.015" between 0.002" minimum and 0.004" maximum.
Check fit of wrist pins on pistons and connecting rod Check connecting rod bearings on crankshaft journals
bushings. Wrist pin should be a light press fit in pistons. for proper fit. Used bearing inserts should be replaced.
If wrist pin is loose fit, the pin, piston, or both should Connecting rod caps are not interchangeable. The locking
be replaced. Check fit of wrist pin in connecting rod slots of the connecting rod and cap should be positioned
bushing by rocking the piston. This clearance should not adjacent to each other.
exceed 0.0015". Replace wrist pin bushings if excessive Clearance between the connecting rod journal and the
clearance is found. Wrist pin bushings should be reamed connecting rod bearing must not be less than 0.0003" or
after being pressed into connecting rods. Replace used more than 0.0021" after rebuilding.
wrist pin lock wires. MAIN BEARINGS
Check for wear or flat spots; if found, bearings should be
replaced. If type with sleeve bearing, this bearing should
be checked for scores and wear and replaced if necssary.
Used unloader mechanism should be replaced by
unloader kits 265014 for Type Tu Flo 400 compressors and
265015 for Types Tu Flo 500 and 1000 compressors. The
Tu Flo 1000 compressor requires two kits per compressor.
The new unloader pistons should be a loose sliding fit in
the unloader piston bores of the cylinder block.
Check oil pump screen to be sure it is clean and not dam-
aged; replace if damaged.
Check fit of oil pump piston in base plate pump bushing.
It must be a medium sliding fit. If excessive clearance is
found the oil rod and/or bushing must be replaced.
If the oil pump relief valve is defective, it should be
The check valve should be replaced. It can be checked
by applying air pressure back through the pin stop end and
noting that ball check seals on its seat.
PISTON RINGS If discharge valve seats merely show signs of slight
Check fit of piston rings in piston ring grooves. Check wear, they can be dressed by using a lapping stone, grind-
ring gap with rings installed in cylinder bores. Refer to Fig. ing compound and grinding tool. Install new discharge
18 for correct gap and groove clearance. valves, valve springs, and cap nuts. The discharge valve
CRANKSHAFT travel should be between .036 " - .058" for the Type Tu Flo
Check crankshaft screw threads, keyways, tapered ends 400, and .056" - .070" for the Tu Flo 500 and 1000.
and all machined and ground surfaces for wear, scores, or To test for leakage by the discharge valves apply about
damage. Crankshaft journals which are out of round more 100 pounds of air pressure through the cylinder head dis-
than 0.001" must be reground. Bearing inserts are available charge port and apply soap suds at the discharge valves
in 0.010", 0.020", and 0.030" undersizes for reground and seats. Leakage in the forming of soap bubbles is per-
crankshafts. Main bearing journals must be maintained so missible.
bearings are snug fit. The oil seal ring groove or grooves in If excessive leakage is found, leave the air pressure
crankshafts fitted with oil seal rings must not be worn. The applied, and with the use of a fibre or hardwood dowel and
ring groove walls must have a good finish and they must be hammer, tap the discharge valves off their seats several
square. Check to be sure the oil passages are open and times. This will help the valves to seat and should reduce
clean through the crankshaft. any leakage.
With the air pressure still applied at the discharge port of Install piston rings in correct location with ring pipmarks
the cylinder head, check for leakage at the discharge valve up (Fig. 18). Stagger the position of the ring gaps.
cap nuts. No leakage is permissible. Prelubricate piston, piston rings, wrist pin and connect-
INLET VALVES AND SEATS ing rod bearings with clean engine oil before installing
If inlet valve seats show sign of slight nicks or scratches, them in the compressor.
they can be redressed with a fine piece of emery cloth or by Remove connecting bolts and bearing cap from one con-
lapping with a lapping stone, grinding compound and necting rod. Turn crankshaft so one of its connecting rod
grinding tool. If the seats are excessively damaged to the journals is in the downward, center position. Insert the
extent that they cannot be reclaimed, they should be connecting rod with piston through the top of the cylinder
replaced. The dimension from the top of the cylinder block whose journal is down. Position and attach the bearing cap
to the inlet valve seat should not exceed 0.145" nor be less to the connecting rod making sure the bolt lock washers are
than 0.101". properly positioned on the cap. Tighten connecting rod
Slightly worn or scratched inlet valves can be reclaimed bolts evenly and bend the two new lock washer prongs up
by lapping them on a piece of fine crocus cloth on a flat against the hex head of the bolt. Install the other connect-
surface, but it is suggested that new inlet valves be ing rod and piston in the same manner.
Position cylinder block gasket and block on crankcase
according to markings made prior to disassembly. Using
cap screws with lockwashers, secure cylinder block to
If the crankshaft is fitted with oil seal rings, install rings.
Position ball bearings and crankshaft in crankcase making
sure the drive end of the crankshaft is positioned as marked FIGURE 19 –
before disassembly. UNLOADER MECHANISM
If one end of the crankcase is counterbored for holding a UNLOADER MECHANISM (Fig. 19)
bearing, be sure the crankshaft is installed through the cor- The unloader pistons and their bores must be lubricated
rect end of the crankcase. with special lubricant piece number 239379 (dimethyl
Carefully press crankshaft and bearings into crankcase polysiloxane) prior to installation. If new unloader kits are
using arbor press. being installed, the pistons in the kit are already lubricated.
Position a new rear end cover gasket over the rear end of Install the unloader pistons in their bores with caution
the crankcase making sure the oil hole in the gasket lines against cutting the grommets or distorting the back-up
up with the oil hole in the crankcase. Position end cover rings. Position unloader plungers in their guides and slip
with oil seal ring, if used, installed over crankcase and end them in and over the tops of the pistons.
cover gasket. The end cover should be positioned correctly Install the unloader spring seat in the cylinder block; a
in relation to the oil holes in the gasket and crankcase. small hole is drilled in the block for this purpose. Position
Secure end cover to crankcase with cap screws and lock the saddle between unloader piston guides so its forks are
washers. centered on the guides. Install the unloader spring making
If the opposite end cover requires an oil seal which was sure it seats over the spring seats both in the block and on
removed on disassembly, a new seal should be pressed into the saddle.
end cover. Position new end cover gasket and carefully Install inlet valve seats if they have been previously
install end cover over crankshaft and to crankcase avoiding removed. Position and install inlet valve guides, then drop
damage to the seal. Secure end cover with cap screw and inlet valves in their guides. There should be a loose sliding
lock washers. fit between guides and valves.
If new wrist pin bushings are to be used, they should be If previously removed the discharge valve seats should
pressed into the connecting rods so that the oil hole in the be installed. Drop discharge valves into their seats. Install
bushing lines up with the one in the rod. The new bushings discharge valve springs and cap nuts.
should then be reamed or honed to provide between Stick the inlet valve springs in the cylinder head. Use a
0.0001" and 0.0006" clearance on the wrist pin. Position small quantity of grease to hold them in place, just enough
connecting rod in piston and press in wrist pin so that grease to keep the springs from falling out. Place cylinder
lockwire hole in the pin aligns with that of the piston. head gasket on cylinder block. Carefully align cylinder
Install new lockwire through piston and wrist pin and lock head assembly on block and install cap screws with lock
same by snapping short end into lockwire hole at the bot- washers. Tighten securely and evenly cap screw that holds
tom of the piston (Fig. 7). cylinder head to block.
BASE PLATE- are not compulsory if the unit has been carefully rebuilt by
Install oil pump piston and rod on crankshaft. A compressor efficiency or build-up test can be run
Oil rod bearing fit must be the same as specified for con- which is not too difficult. Before the test the crankcase of a
necting rod bearings. Install oil rod cap nuts and cutter pins self-lubricated type compressor should be properly filled
to lock oil rod nuts. with lubricating oil. An engine lubricated compressor must
Install oil pump relief valve in base plate. The relief be connected to an oil supply line of at least 15 pounds
valve can be tested at this stage by applying air pressure to pressure during the test and an oil return line must be
the relief valve. The valve should open when the pressure installed to keep the crankcase drained. The compressor
is between 14 psi minimum and 24 psi maximum. When (when tested) should be tested without a strainer.
the relief valve is properly installed in the base plate, To the discharge port of the compressor connect a reser-
install set screw that locks it in place. voir or reservoirs whose volume plus the volume of the
Place oil pump screen in base and install retaining ring connecting line equals 1300 cubic inches. Run the com-
making sure it snaps in place and secures the screw. pressor between 1700 and 1750 RPM. Elapsed time that
Install oil filter fitting on base plate in its proper place. the compressor takes to build up from 0 to 100 psi depends
Install blanking cover on opposite oil filter fitting hole in on the type compressor as follows:
plate. Build-Up Time
Install a new oil seal gasket around oil pump-check Type Compressor 0 to 100 PSI
valve and position a new base plate gasket on the Tu Flo 400 47 Seconds Maximum
crankcase. Position base plate assembly on crankcase, Tu Flo 500 30 Seconds Maximum
making sure oil pump piston engages the oil pump bushing Tu Flo 1000 15 Seconds Maximum
in the base plate. Install and tighten base plate screws. During the above test the compressor should be checked
for oil leakage and noisy operation.
Dirty intake strainer.
Restriction in compressor cylinder head intake or dis-
charge cavities or in discharge line.
Leaking or broken discharge valves.
Excessive wear.
Drive belt slipping.
Inlet valves stuck open.
AIR STRAINER Excessive system leakage or usage.
If the compressor is type with air strainer, assemble NOISY OPERATION
strainer (Fig. 20). Install a new strainer gasket, then Loose drive pulley.
strainer on cylinder block. Restrictions in cylinder head or discharge line.
GOVERNOR Worn or burned out bearings.
If compressor is type with pad mounted governor, install Worn drive coupling.
Compressor not getting proper lubrication.
a new or factory rebuilt governor using a new governor
Excessive wear.
Excessive wear.
Check to be sure that covers, plugs or masking tape are
Dirty air strainer. (Improper air strainer maintenance.)
used to protect all ports if compressor is not to be installed
High inlet vacuum.
immediately. Small oil return line.
Fit the end of all crankshafts with keys, nuts and cotter Excessive oil pressure.
pins as required and then protect the ends against damage Oil supply or return lines to compressor flooded.
by wrapping with masking or friction tape. Defective or worn oil seal rings in end cover.
The open bottom of engine lubricated compressors Piston rings not properly installed.
should be protected against the entrance of dirt during Back pressure from engine crankcase.
handling or storage, by installing a temporary cover over COMPRESSOR NOT UNLOADING
base. Defective unloader pistons or bores.
TESTING REBUILT COMPRESSOR Intake cavity restrictions.
In order to properly test a compressor under operating Defective governor.
conditions, a test rack for correct mounting, cooling, lubri- Unloader line or cavity to governor restricted.
cating and driving the compressor is necessary. Such tests Unloader mechanism binding or stuck.
Tu Flo Tu Flo Tu Flo
400 500 1000
Number Cylinders 2 2 4
Bore Size 2-1/16" 21/2" 21/2"
Stroke 11/2" 1-11/16" 1-11/16"
Piston Displacement 71/4 12 24
at 1250 RPM cu. ft. cu. ft. cu. ft.
Piston Displacement Per 10 16.5 33
Revolution at 1250 RPM cu. in. cu. in. cu. in.
Maximum Recommended
Speed (RPM) 3000 3000 3000
Minimum Cooling Water
Flow for Water-
Cooled Compressors 2.5 2.5 2.5
at Maximum Speed gal./min. gal./min. gal./min.
Minimum Cooling Air
Flow for Air-Cooled
Compressors 250 500 1500
at Maximum Speed cfm cfm cfm
Horsepower Required
at 1250 RPM
Against 100 PSI 1.2 2.3 3.2
Minimum Oil Pressure
Required at Engine
Idling Speed 5 PSI 5 PSI 5 PSI
Minimum Oil Pressure
Required at Maximum
Engine Governed
Speed 15 PSI 15 PSI 15 PSI
Oil Capacity
(Self-Lubricated 53 qt. 53 qt. 95 qt.
Type) (500 cc) (500 cc) (900 cc)
Chapter IV
In design, the Type D Governor uses a diaphragm upon which air
pressure acts to overcome a pressure setting spring and in turn con-
trol an inlet and exhaust valve which either admits or exhausts air to
or from the compressor unloading mechanism.
Type D Governors are mounted either remote, away from the
compressor, or attached to the compressor. Governors are in service
which are designed strictly for remote mounting or for compressor
mounting. There is also a universal mount type in use that can be
adapted to either type mounting.
Three D governor ports are used. One is a reservoir connecting
port, another is connected to the compressor unloading mechanism,
and the third is the exhaust port.
D-2 GOVERNOR As reservoir air pressure is used and drops to the cut-in pressure of
The D-2 Governor differs in design from the Type D in that it has the governor, the pressure setting spring retracts the diaphragm and
a piston upon which air pressure acts to overcome the pressure set- stem assembly. The inlet valve spring closes the inlet valve and the
ting spring and control the inlet and exhaust valve to either admit or exhaust stem spring moves the exhaust stem away from the exhaust
exhaust air to or from the compressor unloading mechanism. valve. The air in the compressor unloading mechanism will escape
Type D-2 Governors can be attached to the compressor or through the exhaust port of the governor. The compression of air is
mounted remotely. They are adaptable to either mounting. resumed until the reservoir pressure again rises to the cut-out setting
Connections in the system are to the reservoir and the compressor of the governor.
unloading ports. They also have an exhaust port.
With engine still running make a series of slight valve applica-
tions to reduce the air pressure and operate at what pressure the
governor cuts in the compressor. Like in the case of the cut-out
pressure, the cut-in pressure should be in accordance with the gov-
ernor piece number. Common cut-in pressures vary between 80 and
110 psi.
Never condemn or adjust the governor pressure settings unless
they are checked with an accurate test gauge or dash gauge that is
registering accurately.
If the pressure settings are inaccurate, or it is necessary that they
be changed, the procedure in adjustments differs between the two
types of governors.
Pressure settings of the Type D may be adjusted by removing the
cap nut on the spring cage and turning the adjusting nut. To raise the
pressure settings the adjusting nut is turned clockwise, and counter-
clockwise to lower the setting.
To change the pressure settings of the Type D-2, first screw off
the cover at the top of the governor. Next, loosen the adjusting
screw locknut. Using a screw-driver, the adjusting screw is turned
counter-clockwise to raise the pressure settings and the screw is
turned clockwise to lower the settings. After adjustment is com-
pleted, the adjusting screw locknut should be tightened to lock the
Both types of governors are checked in the same way. With the
governor in the “cut-out” position check the exhaust port by applying
soap suds to determine leakage on the exhaust valve.
With the governor in the “cut-in” position check for leakage at the
inlet valve by applying soap suds at the exhaust port.
For a Type D Governor in either of the above checks the leakage
could also be by the diaphragm.
FIGURE 5 - For a Type D-2 Governor in the cut-out position leakage could be
CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEW OF D-2 GOVERNOR at the upper piston grommet. In the cut-in position the leakage could
be at the bottom piston grommet.
Coat the entire D type governor exterior with soap suds to detect
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE diaphragm, gasket, and cap screw leakage.
If the governor does not function as described, or leakage is exces-
EVERY 500 OPERATING HOURS sive, it is recommended that it be returned to the nearest Bendix-
OR AFTER 15,000 MILES Westinghouse authorized distributor for a factory rebuilt governor
under the repair-exchange plan. If this is not possible, the governor
Clean filters of both types of governors.
can be repaired with genuine Bendix-Westinghouse parts, in which
The filters in the D Type Governor should be removed and washed
case the following should be helpful:
thoroughly in a good cleaning solvent.
Filters in the D-2 Type should be cleaned without removing them
from the body. If these filters are removed they should be replaced. REMOVING AND INSTALLING
OR AFTER 100,000 MILES Block and hold vehicle by a means other than air brakes.
Disassemble both type governors and clean all parts. Drain air brake system.
If governor is compressor mounted type, disconnect the reservoir
air line; if remote mounted governor disconnect both the unloader
SERVICE CHECKS and reservoir air lines.
OPERATING TEST Remove governor mounting bolts, then governor.
Start the vehicle engine and build up air pressure in the air brake INSTALLING
system and check the pressure registered by the dash gauge at the
Whenever possible the governor should be mounted on its exhaust
time the governor cuts out and stops the compression of air by the
port points down. It should be mounted higher than the compressor
compressor. The cut-out pressure should be in accordance with the
when remotely mounted so its connecting lines drain away from the
piece number of the governor. The more common cut-out pressures
vary between 105 and 130 psi.
compressor mounted type governor clean mounting pads on both
the governor and compressor block.
Clean connecting line or lines; also be sure compressor unloader
port is clear and clean.
Install governor. If compressor mounted type use a new governor
mounting gasket.
Connect air line or lines to governor.
Test governor as outlined under “Service Checks.”
Clean governor exterior of road dirt and grease using a good clean-
ing solvent and brush.
Inspect body for cracks or other damage. Any damaged parts
found on this inspection must be replaced.
Remove strainer screw caps, screw cap sealing rings, rubber seat
washers and filters.
Unscrew valve body screw caps and its sealing ring.
Remove inlet valve spring, seat retaining spring, and inlet-exhaust
Carefully remove inlet valve seat with grommet, being sure not to
damage its seating surface. Remove shims found under valve seat.
Remove spring cage screw cap and sealing ring.
Remove adjusting nut from stem, then spring seat and pressure
setting spring.
Remove four cap screws and separate spring cage and valve body.
Remove diaphragm and item assembly from spring cage. Remove
stem nut and separate diaphragm followers and diaphragm from
stem. Remove stem grommet.
Remove exhaust stem and stem spring from body. With a small
hooked wire remove exhaust stem bore grommet.
Unscrew the top cover; with the use of a pair of retainer ring pliers
remove the spring assembly retaining ring.
Remove the adjusting screw and spring assembly.
Remove the lock nut and then the hex-shaped upper spring seat
from the adjusting screw.
Remove the pressure setting spring, spring seat, spring guide and
bottom spring seat from the adjusting screw.
Remove the exhaust stem and its spring from the top of the piston.
Tap body in inverted position. Piston assembly should fall out.
Remove the inlet and exhaust valve spring and valve from the
Remove the two piston grommets and with a hooked wire remove
the exhaust stem grommets.
Clean or remove the unloader and reservoir port strainers.
TYPE D-GOVERNOR Install inlet valve and inlet valve seat springs.
Inspect inlet and exhaust valves and their seats for grooves, nicks, Install body screw cap with seal grommet.
or other damage. Position pressure setting spring and spring seat on stem. Then
Check fit of exhaust stem in body bore. It should be a snug, slid- install adjusting nut.
ing fit. Install filters and rubber washer and hold in place by installing
Also check fit of diaphragm stem in body bore. It, too, should be a screw caps with seal grommets.
snug, sliding fit. Spring cage cap nut is installed when governor pressure settings
Inspect springs for cracks, distortion, or corrosion. are checked.
Inspect all parts for excessive wear or deterioration.
Replace or thoroughly wash filters.
Prior to assembly grease the diaphragm stem, stem grommets and
stem bores in body and spring cage with Bendix-Westinghouse rec-
ommended lubricant, piece number 240176.
Carefully install the exhaust stem grommet in groove of body
Place exhaust stem spring over exhaust stem and press stem into
its bore. It should be a sliding fit. FIG. 8 CHECKING VALVE TRAVEL
Two versions of stem and adjusting nuts have been used in the
diaphragm and stem assembly of D type governors. One is a castel-
lated nut used with a cotter-pin on a drilled stem. The more recent D-2 GOVERNOR
revision uses a self-locking Esna-type nut on the stem. The method Prior to assembly lubricate the lower body bore, the top of the pis-
of assembling this diaphragm varies depending on the type nut used. ton and piston grooves, piston grommets, pressure setting spring
In assembly of the diaphragm and stem, place the lower follower, guide and adjusting screw with recommended Bendix-Westinghouse
diaphragm and upper follower on stem in that order with beyeled lubricant, piece number 240176.
sides of the follower facing diaphragm. If stem is type with castel- Install the exhaust stem grommet in its groove in the stem bore of
lated nut, screw on nut and torque between 10 and 15 inch pounds. the piston.
Install cotter pin. If stem uses self-locking nut, the nut should be Drop the inlet and exhaust valve into place at the bottom of the
tightened down until the diaphragm starts to cup. piston.
Install stem grommet in stem groove. Install the inlet valve spring with its narrow end against the valve.
Install diaphragm and stem in spring cage. Stem should be a slid- Press the spring down until the large coil end snaps into the groove
ing fit in its bore. inside the piston.
Assemble spring cage to body with four cap screws. Tighten Position the exhaust stem spring over the exhaust stem. Then care-
screws evenly and securely. fully press the stem into the stem bore of the piston.
Measure total valve travel (Fig. 8) by pulling stem assembly out as Install the piston in the body.
far as possible and setting dial indicator at zero when contacting Install the bottom spring seat, spring guide, pressure setting spring
exhaust valve stem. Push stem completely in. Read total exhaust seat, pressure setting spring, and the hex-shaped upper spring seat on
stem travel. This should be .060" – .093". the adjusting screw. Tighten the upper spring seat down until the
Replace same number of shims that were removed from beneath dimension from the top of the seat to the bottom of the stem head is
inlet valve seat on disassembly. Then carefully install inlet valve seat approximately 1 7⁄8" (Figure 9). Install the lock nut.
with grommet. Install inlet valve and measure its travel in the same Before placing the adjusting screw and spring assembly in the gov-
way as the exhaust travel was checked, only the dial indicator should ernor body, check to be sure the exhaust stem and its spring are in place.
be at zero on the end of the inlet valve. Inlet valve travel should be Install the adjusting screw and spring assembly retaining ring.
.030" – .040". Add or take away shims from below the inlet valve Screw the cover on top over the adjusting screw.
seat to maintain this travel. Install new filters in the reservoir and unloader ports.
Perform Operating and Leakage Tests as outlined in Service
Automotive Air Instruction & Service Data
Brake Company
Air Gauges 2
The air gauge senses air pressure, giving a reading in pounds per square inch (P.S.I.) of air pressure.
To state it more simply; the gauge tells how tightly the air is packed within a certain area. It should be remembered,
however, that an air gauge senses air pressure, but does not indicate the volume or amount of air under pressure
The most familar gauge is the dash gauge shown in Fig. 1. The purpose of a dash gauge is to keep the driver
informed of the air pressure in the air brake system, and the gauge should be mounted where it can easily be seen by
the driver of the vehicle.
In a dual brake system where two, separate reservoirs supply two separate braking circuits, it is recommended two
gauges be used with each gauge sensing the circuit supply it is connected to.
While dash gauges are commercially accurate, they should not be used in place of test gauges for checking air brake
systems and system components.
Test gauges shown in Fig. 2 and 3 differ from dash gauges in that they are used solely for testing purposes, and are
of a higher quality and very accurate when properly adjusted and maintained.
Fig. 2 illustrates the single hand test gauge and the single lazy hand test gauge. The lazy hand remains at the highest
pressure recorded until it is reset to zero by turning the knurled nut in the center of the dial glass.
Fig. 3 illustrates the Duplex test gauge. This gauge has two separate inlets, each inlet pressure registered by one of
the hands. One hand is red, the other black, and is very useful when it is necessary to obtain readings from separate
sources at the same time.
Extreme care should be used when installing a gauge, both in respect to fastening it in place and attaching the air
lines to it. Strain, twist, or vibration may affect the accuracy of gauges. Wrench flats are provided in the gauges fit-
ting connection and should be employed so that the gauge case will not be subjected to strain when installing con-
necting lines.
Periodically it is advisable to check the accuracy of any air gauge. The simplest method is to compare it with another
gauge (test gauge) known to be accurate.
Dash gauges may become inaccurate after being in service and may require replacing. It is recommended that a dash
gauge be replaced if it shows an error of more than plus or minum 5 PSI.
Dash gauges have sealed cases, and therefore are considered as non-serviceable. However, test gauges can in most
cases be recalibrated to offset slight registering errors. The adjusting screws on the face of the gauge are used for
Every air brake shop should have available an accurate master test gauge for use in checking air brake system pres-
sures and also for checking the accuracy of dash gauges on vehicles.
REV. 9/16/70
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Service Data SD-04-1
(Formerly SD-5)
check valve may serve to meet the legal requirement for a
check valve to protect the service brake system in case of
failure in the compressor, discharge lines or first reservoir
TYPICAL SINGLE COMPARTMENT RESERVOIR All reservoirs should be drained daily. If an automatic drain
device is used, it should be checked periodically for pro-
DESCRIPTION per functioning. If an air dryer or aftercooler is used, the
The reservoir is a storage tank; its function is to provide a vol- reservoirs should be manually drained periodically to verify
ume of compressed air for braking which will be adequate in the proper function of the drying device. Reservoirs, which
relation to the volume used by the brake chambers and aux- have collected a considerable oily emulsion, should be
iliary devices and to provide a location in the system where drained by opening a drain cock and allow to drain until all
the air, heated by compression, may be cooled and the water drainage stops.
vapor condensed.
Bendix reservoirs are built in accordance with SAE Standard MAINTENANCE OF THE INTEGRAL CHECK VALVE
Air Brake Reservoir Test Code and Inspection Procedure SAE
Every six months, 1800 operating hours or 50,000 miles the
J-10-a. They are made from steel sheet, with stamped heads
check valve on the two compartment reservoir should be
and rolled shells. The seams are electrically welded, and each
tested for leakage, as outlined below, and parts inspected
reservoir is internally coated for corrosion resistance. Each
for damage or deterioration and replaced if considered
reservoir is tested at 300 PSI hydrostatic pressure.
Reservoirs are supplied in various pipe ferrule arrangements
and lengths and in diameters from 3-1/2" to 14" having vari-
ous volumes from approximately 100 cubic inches to 7600 OPERATING AND LEAKAGE TEST FOR TWO-
cubic inches for tractors and trailers. All ferrules are tapped COMPARTMENT RESERVOIR CHECK VALVE
to SAE dryseal pipe thread standards. 1. Determine the direction of the air flow.
Reservoirs are also supplied in double and triple compart- 2. Build up system air pressure to governor cut-out and turn
ment configuration and in some cases include an integral off engine.
check valve between compartments in a double compart- 3. Completely drain compartment# 1 (see Figure 1).
ment reservoir. Figure 1 illustrates a two compartment reser-
voir. Two styles of check valves are shown in Figures 2 and NOTE: It may be necessary to remove automatic drain
3. Figure 3 is the current design. device if so equipped.
4. To determine pressure retention in # 2 compartment, per-
OPERATION form one of the following tests:
The reservoirs in an air brake system primarily serve to store a. Check dash gauge (if connected to# 2 compartment).
energy in the form of compressed air. They also perform the b. Apply service brake (if supplied from # 2 compart-
less obvious function of providing a means of cooling the air
as delivered from the compressor and thereby condensing
water vapor into a liquid as well as collecting oil passed by c. Momentarily open drain device on# 2 compartment.
the compressor. This water and oil collects as an emulsion; DO NOT COMPLETELY DRAIN # 2 COMPARMENT.
the greatest amount in the reservoir nearest the compressor. 5. Apply a soap solution to the drain ferrule #1 compart-
It should be drained off either manually or by means of an ment. A slight bubble leakage is permitted.
automatic drain device.
If # 2 compartment fails to hold air pressure or if excessive
OPERATION OF INTEGRAL CHECK VALVE leakage is evident at the drain ferrule of # 1 compartment, the
The integral check valve provides a one-way passage of air check valve should be inspected for serviceability and its
from the upstream compartment to the downstream. This parts replaced if necessary.
Figure 3 Figure 2
1. The old ball style check with a removable seat and a seat Remove cap nut and cap nut O-ring.
spring (see Figure 2). Remove valve spring.
2. The new flat style that has a non-removable stainless Remove valve and valve guide.
steel seat (see Figure 3).
Both types of check valves are located in a housing (large CLEANING AND INSPECTION
ferrule) with a cap nut cover. They are generally located on
top of the reservoir shell. Wash all metal parts in a good cleaning solvent and dry them
thoroughly. All rubber parts should be wiped clean. Inspect
springs for distortion, corrosion, and cracks. inspect valves
DISASSEMBLY OF THE BALL STYLE CHECK and valve seats for nicks, cuts and burrs. Inspect all rubber
VALVE (Figure 2) parts for swelling and deterioration. Replace all parts, partic-
Block and hold vehicle by means other than air brakes. ularly rubber parts, not considered serviceable during these
Completely drain compartments# 1 and # 2.
Remove cap nut and cap nut O-ring.
Remove check valve and check valve spring. ASSEMBLY
ASSEMBLY OF THE BALL STYLE CHECK VALVE The pipe tapped openings in the reservoir should not under
any circumstances be reduced in size from original installa-
Replace seat O-ring and press seat into shell.
Replace seat spring.
A drain cock or draining device must be installed in the bot-
Install check valve and valve spring. tom connection of every reservoir and, in the case of the two-
Replace O-ring on cap nut and install and tighten cap nut. compartment reservoir, in each compartment.
The first reservoir or first compartment must be protected by
ASSEMBLY OF THE FLAT STYLE CHECK VALVE installing a safety valve.
Replace valve guide on valve and install valve. MINOR REPAIRS
Install valve spring. Minor repairs to the reservoir consist of examining the reser-
Replace O-ring on cap nut and install and tighten cap nut. voir mounting and the inspection of the outside for corrosion
or damage. The outside should be kept painted to prevent
TEST the possibility of corrosion causing a failure.
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Service Data Formerly SD-46
PR-4 PR-2
OPERATION PR-3. The gauge on the delivery side of the valve
should remain at the highest prssure previously
Air entering the supply port is initially prevented from flowing
out the delivery port by the inlet valve which is held closed by
the pressure regulating spring above the piston. When suffi-
cient air pressure builds beneath the piston to overcome the LEAKAGE CHECKS
setting of the regulating spring, the piston will move, causing 1. Build up the air system to full pressure and shut off the
the inlet valve to unseat (open), and allow air to flow out the engine.
delivery port. As long as air pressure at the supply port and
beneath the piston remains above the specified closing pres- 2. Apply a soap solution around the cap of the pressure
sure, the inlet valve will remain open. protection valve. A one-inch bubble in three seconds or
NOTE: The PR-2 and PR-4 closing pressure is noted on the longer is acceptable. PR-3 - No leakage permissable at
label affixed to the valve. Opening pressures of the valves bottom of valve.
are higher than closing pressures. The pressure ranges are 3. Drain the air pressure from the delivery side of the pres-
noted below: sure protection valve and disconnect the air line to it.
PR-2—Opening pressure 15–20 psi higher than closing
4. Apply a soap solution to the delivery port. A one-inch
bubble in five seconds or more is acceptable.
PR-3 & PR-4—Opening pressure approx. 10 psi higher
than closing pressure. GENERAL
PR-3—Check valve will retain maximum pressure in down-
If the pressure protection valve does not operate as
stream reservoir.
described or leakage is excessive, it is recommended that a
If for any reason system air pressure is decreased below the replacement be obtained at the nearest Authorized Bendix
specified closing pressure, the regulating spring will move Distributor.
the piston closing the inlet valve. The remaining air pressure
at either the supply or delivery side, (depending upon where REMOVING AND INSTALLING
the pressure drop has) occurred) will be retained.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1. Block or hold the vehicle by means other than air brakes.
Every three months, 900 operating hours or 25,000 miles, 2. Drain all system reservoirs individually, to O psi.
whichever if first, it is recommended that the operation and
leakage checks described in this manual be performed. 3. Disconnect and identify (supply and delivery) the air lines
leading to and from the pressure protection valve.
OPERATING AND LEAKAGE CHECKS 4. Remove the mounting bolts, if any, that secure the valve.
1. Provide a pressure gauge and drain valve at the supply
side and delivery side of the pressure protection valve 1. Re-install the mounting bolts and secure the replace-
being checked. ment valve to the vehicle.
2. Build up the air system to full pressure and shut off the 2. Reconnect the supply delivery air lines to the proper
engine. ports of the replacement valve.
3. While watching the gauges on the supply and delivery
sides of the valve, slowly begin to exhaust pressure from GENERAL
the delivery side. Note that both gauges will show pres-
After installing a replacement valve, it is recommended that
sure loss until the closing pressure of the pressure pro-
the operating and leakage checks be performed as out-
tection valve is reached.
lined in this manual. If the closing pressure does not con-
The pressure protection valve should close at approxi- form to that shown on the valve label or in the vehicle or a
mately (7 5 psi) the pressure indicated on the valve’s different setting is desired, the PR-2 may be adjusted by
label or in the vehicle handbook. The gauge on the deliv- loosening the locknut and tightening or loosening the
ery side of the valve should continue to show loss of adjusting cap as required; however, if the proper setting
pressure while the gauge on the supply side should stop cannot be attained by moderate adjustment of the cap, the
at the same pressure as the setting of the valve. valve may have the wrong spring and will have to be
4. (PR-3 only) Build pressure up again and shut off exchanged for the correct valve. The PR-3 and PR-4 are
engine. Slowly exhaust air from the supply side of the not adjustable.
When working on or around air brake systems and com- 5. Use only genuine Bendix replacement parts and compo-
ponents, the following precautions should be observed: nents.
A. Only components, devices, mounting and attaching
1. Always block vehicle wheels. Stop engine when working hardware specifically designed for use in air brake
under a vehicle. Depleting vehicle air system pressure systems should be used.
may cause vehicle to roll. Keep hands away from cham-
B. Replacement hardware, tubing, hose, fittings, etc.
ber push rods and slack adjusters; they may automati-
should be of equivalent size, type length, and
cally apply as system pressure drops.
strength as the original equipment.
2. Never connect or disconnect a hose or line Containing
C. Make certain that when replacing tubing or hose, all
air pressure. It may whip as air escapes. Never remove
supports, clamps or suspending devices that were
a component or pipe plug unless you are certain all sys-
originally installed by the vehicle manufacturer are
tem pressure has been depleted.
3. Never exceed recommended air pressure and always
6. Devices with stripped threads or damaged parts should
wear safety glasses when working with air pressure.
be replaced. Repairs requiring machining should not be
Never look into air jets or direct them at anyone.
4. Never attempt to disassemble a component until you
have read and understand recommended procedures.
Some components contain powerful springs and injury
can result if not properly disassembled. Use only proper
tools and observe all precautions pertaining to use of
those tools.
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Service Data Formerly SD-6
Every 100,000 miles, 3600 operating hours, or yearly, the
Safety Valve should be removed, disassembled, cleaned
and checked for proper operation (See Operating and
Leakage Checks).
CLEANING AND INSPECTION setting is not known, determine governor cut-out pressure
setting and adjust Safety Valve so that the Safety Valve
Clean all parts in mineral spirits. Inspect all parts. All parts
closes at a pressure setting somewhat above governor cut-
not considered serviceable should be replaced with genuine
out pressure setting (See “Operation” section).
Bendix replacement parts.
To adjust, the Safety Valve must be connected to an air
ASSEMBLY: ST-1 ADJUSTABLE VALVE system with air pressure in excess of desired setting. It is
1. Place the ball valve in body. important that an accurate gauge be used to check pressure
2. Install spring and release pin in spring cage with adjusting settings while making adjustments.
3. Position the release pin over ball valve. Screw body with IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ
ball into the spring cage. Tighten securely.
4. Adjust for proper setting (see “Adjustment” section). When working on or around brake systems and components,
the following precautions, should be observed:
ASSEMBLY: ST-3 NON-ADJUSTABLE VALVE 1. Always block vehicle wheels. Stop engine when working
1. Install spring, release pin in spring cage. under a vehicle. Keep hands away from chamber push
2. Position ball valve in body and screw spring cage onto rods and slack adjusters; they may apply as system
body. pressure drops.
3. Hold spring cage in soft jawed vise and tighten body 2. Never connect or disconnect a hose or line containing
securely. pressure; it may whip. Never remove a component or pipe
plug unless you are certain all system pressure has been
1. Loosen lock nut. 3. Never exceed recommended pressure and always wear
2. Turn adjusting nut clockwise to obtain correct pressure safety glasses when working.
setting. 4. Never attempt to disassemble a component until you have
3. Tighten lock nut. read and understand recommended procedures. Some
TO LOWER PRESSURE SETTING components contain powerful springs and injury can result
if not properly disassembled. Use only proper tools and
1. Loosen lock nut. observe all precautions pertaining to use of those tools.
2. Turn adjusting nut counter clockwise to obtain correct 5. Use only genuine Bendix replacement parts and
pressure setting. components.
3. Tighten lock nut.
A. Only components, devices and mounting and
TESTING OF REBUILT SAFETY VALVES: attaching hardware specifically designed for use in
hydraulic brake systems should be used.
Perform operating and leakage checks.
B. Replacement hardware, tubing, hose, fittings, etc.
ADJUSTMENT OF SAFETY VALVE should be of equivalent size, type and strength as the
NOTE: The ST-3 Safety Valve is not adjustable. original equipment.
The pressure setting of the Safety Valve is stamped on the 6. Devices with stripped threads or damaged parts should
cover wrench flat (closest to the pipe thread). The vehicle be replaced. Repairs requiring machining should not be
manual may also provide the proper pressure setting. If attempted.
SD-03-68 1-79
Air Brake Division
Instruction & Service Data
DESCRIPTION The E-4 Dual Brake valve is a foot operated valve with two separate supply
and delivery circuits for service and emergency braking which provide the
driver with an easy and normal graduated control of applying and releasing the vehicle
brakes. It can be either treadle operated or fitted with linkage for connection to a con-
ventional brake pedal.
The E-4 Dual Brake Valve differs from other Bendix-Westinghouse Brake Valves
in that it is two valves in one; each portion (upper and lower) having separate inlet and
exhaust valves, controlling two separate circuits, receiving their air supply from sepa-
rate air reservoirs, and controlled by the movement of one treadle or pedal. The upper
portion is similar to the E-3 Brake Valve in operation and uses the insert type inlet and
exhaust valve assembly. Under normal operating conditions, the lower portion is similar in
operation to a relay valve. The lower portion inlet and exhaust valve is also of the
insert type and can be easily removed without disconnecting air lines.
Both upper and lower portions of the E-4 Dual Brake Valve have a 1/2" supply
and 1/2" delivery port.
Both upper and lower circuits use a common exhaust located at the bottom of the
valve which is protected from foreign matter entering the valve by an exhaust check valve.
NORMAL OPERATION: UPPER PORTION When the pedal or treadle is depressed, force is
exerted on top of the piston, and rubber graduating
spring. The top piston moves down, and its stem which is the exhaust seat, closes the
upper exhaust valve. As the upper exhaust valve closes, the upper inlet valve is moved
off its seat, and air pressure flows out the upper delivery port to the brake actuators
applying the brakes.
NORMAL OPERATION: LOWER PORTION When the upper inlet valve is moved off its seat,
air is permitted to pass through the bleed passage
and enters the cavity above the outer relay piston. The pressure moves the outer relay
piston and the inner relay piston down. As the inner and outer relay pistons move down,
the seat on the inner relay piston seals off the exhaust valve, and at the same time
moves the lower inlet valve off its seat, permitting air pressure to flow out the lower
delivery port to the brake actuators applying the brakes. Because of the small volume of
air required to move the outer relay piston, action in the lower portion of the valve is
almost simultaneous.
OPERATION – LOSS OF AIR IN LOWER CIRCUIT Should air be lost in the lower circuit, the
top portion will continue to function as
described above, under “Upper Portion.”
LOSS OF AIR IN UPPER CIRCUIT Should air be lost in the upper circuit the function will be
as follows: As the treadle or pedal is depressed, and no air
pressure is present in the upper supply and delivery ports, extended treadle travel and
continued mechanical force will move the inner relay piston down, sealing the exhaust
seat and moving the inlet valve off its seat allowing air pressure to flow out the
delivery port to the brake chambers applying the brakes.
UPPER PORTION When the air pressure in the cavity beneath the piston and the air pres-
sure being delivered to the brake actuators equals the mechanical force
on top the piston, the piston lifts and the inlet valve closes, stopping the further
flow of air from the supply line through the valve. The exhaust remains closed prevent-
ing any escape of air through the exhaust port.
LOWER PORTION When the air pressure beneath the outer relay piston approaches that
being delivered above the piston, the piston spring lifts the piston
slightly and the inlet valve spring returns the inlet valve to its seat. The exhaust
remains closed as the supply pressure balances the delivery pressure.
When applications in the graduating range are made, a balanced position is
reached as the air pressure beneath the piston equals the effort exerted by the drivers
foot on the treadle or pedal on the upper portion, and the air above the outer relay pis-
ton on the lower portion. When either the upper or lower piston is moved down all the way,
the inlet valves remain open and full reservoir pressure is delivered to the actuators.
UPPER PORTION If the treadle or pedal application is released, and mechanical force is
from the top of the piston, air pressure and spring load will lift the piston opening
the exhaust in the valve. The air below the piston and in the delivery line is then
exhausted through the
exhaust port.
LOWER PORTION If the treadle or pedal application is released, air above the relay
pistons is exhausted and the air pressure and spring load beneath the
pistons will lift the pistons opening the exhaust valve. The air below the piston and in
the delivery lines is then exhausted through the exhaust port.
Every 7,200 Operating Hours or After 200,000 Miles, or Every Two Years:
Disassemble brake valve, clean and inspect all parts. Install new parts where they
are found to be worn or damaged.
OPERATING Check the delivery pressure of both upper and lower circuits using a test
gauge known to be accurate. Depress the pedal or treadle to several positions
between the fully released and fully applied positions and check the delivered pressured
on the test gauges to see that it varies proportionately with the movement of the pedal
or treadle. When the treadle is fully applied the reading on the test gauge should fall
off to zero when the application is released. It should be noted that the upper circuit
delivery pressure will be about 2.5 psi greater than the lower circuit delivery pressure
with upper and lower circuit supply reservoirs at the same pressure. This is normal in
this valve.
Build up air pressure in the system to approximately 100 psi. Drain the reser-
voir supplying the upper circuit to the brake valve. Make several full brake applica-
tions, and note pedal or treadle force required to make application is approximately the
same as with both circuits operating. An increase in stopping distance, longer treadle
or pedal travel, or the low pressure warning system indicates a malfunction in one or
the other circuits.
LEAKAGE CHECK Make and hold a high pressure application. Coat the exhaust port and top
of the valve with soap suds. No leakage permitted.
If the brake valve does not function as described above or leakage is
excessive, it is recommended that it be returned to the nearest Bendix-Westinghouse
authorized distributor for a factory reconditioned valve under the exchange plan. If
this is not possible, the valve can be repaired with genuine Bendix-Westinghouse parts
in which case the following should prove helpful.
Depress piston assembly (40) and hold down while removing piston retainer (1).
Remove piston assembly (40) and return spring (8) from body (9).
Remove O-ring (7) from piston (6).
Remove cap screw (2) from top of piston assembly (40).
Remove washer (3), rubber spring seat (4), and rubber spring (5).
Using tru-arc pliers, remove retaining ring (39) in exhaust port.
Remove exhaust check (38).
Remove lower inlet and exhaust valve assembly (42).
Remove four (4) cap screws and lockwashers (28) from lower cover (27).
Remove lower cover (27).
Remove cover O-ring (26).
Remove relay piston return spring (25).
Remove inner relay piston (23), being careful not to damage exhaust seat.
Remove large inner relay piston O-ring (24).
Remove small inner relay piston O-ring (22).
Remove outer relay piston (20).
Remove outer relay piston O-ring (21).
Using tru-arc pliers, remove upper valve retaining ring (19).
Remove upper inlet exhaust assembly (41).
CLEANING AND INSPECTION Wash all metal parts in cleaning solvent and dry. Wipe all rub-
ber parts clean and clean out retaining ring grooves.
Inspect all parts for excessive wear or deterioration.
Inspect valve and valve seats for nicks and burrs.
Check springs for cracks, distortion and corrosion.
Inspect exhaust check diaphragm for flexibility, wear and dete-
Inspect all rubber parts and replace if swollen, deteriorated
or worn.
Replace all parts not considered serviceable during these
ASSEMBLY Refer to figure (4). Prior to assembly, lubricate lightly all mating surfaces,
upper piston, inner and outer relay piston, valve bores and O-rings with Ben-
dix-Westinghouse recommended lubricant, piece number 240176 (BW 204-M).
Install rubber inlet-exhaust valve (29) on inlet and exhaust valve body (30).
Install lower valve retainer (31).
Install lower valve spring (32).
Install lower valve O-ring (33) in lower valve guide (35).
Place spring (32), body (30) and retainer (31) over lower valve guide (35)
and depress spring
Using tru-arc pliers, snap retainer ring (36) in place, making sure it is
locked in groove of valve body (30).
Install upper rubber inlet and exhaust valve (10) on body (11).
Install upper valve retainer (12).
Install upper valve spring (13).
Place washer (14) on top of spring (13).
Install inner and outer O-rings (15, 16) on upper valve O-ring retainer (17).
Placing O-ring retainer (17) on top of washer, depress spring and using tru-
arc pliers, install retainer (18) making sure it is locked in groove of valve
body (11).
TESTING REBUILT E-4 DUAL BRAKE VALVE Perform “Operating and Leakage Tests” as outlined
in “Service Checks” section.
1. Disconnect electrical connections at the Stop Light Only genuine Bendix service parts should be used for
Switch. replacement.
(SL-3) (Figure 1)
INSTALLING 1. Insert terminal screws (2) in cover (1), making sure the
1. Install in a convenient location for servicing. terminal connector (7) is properly positioned.
2. Install with pipe tap pointing to the ground and keep it high 2. Secure terminal screws with washers and nuts, or termi-
for adequate drainage. nal clips, as the case may be.
3. Connect the Stop Light Switch in series in the stop light 3. Place diaphragm (6) in body.
4. Position contact plunger (4) on diaphragm.
4. Keep the Stop Light Switch terminals away from frame
members to avoid grounding. 5. Position spring (3) on plunger.
5. Connect the pipe tap to the brake chamber supply line so 6. Place washer (5) on diaphragm and screw cover (1) into
that the Stop Light Switch will operate whether the foot or body. Torque to 30 foot pounds. Make certain the vent
hand valve is applied. hole in the cover is open.
2. Using a large end wrench on cover flats, turn cover (1) in 2. Place O-Ring diaphragm (7) and piston (6) in body.
a counterclockwise direction and remove from body. O-Ring diaphragm should be installed with its flat side
adjacent to the piston.
3. Remove terminal nuts, terminals (2) and terminal connec-
tor (7) from cover. 3. Place gasket (8) in place on body and contact strip (5) on
piston (6).
4. Remove spring (3), plunger (4), washer (5) and
diaphragm (6) from body. 4. Position cover assembly on gasket and secure with
machine screws. Torque to 20 inch pounds.
1. Remove two machine screws (1) and remove cover (2). TEST OF REBUILT STOP LIGHT SWITCH
2. Remove terminal nuts and terminals (3) from cover. Both operating and leakage tests, as indicated under section
3. Remove the vent plug (9) from cover. headed “Testing for Serviceability”, must be made after
rebuilding or repairing the Stop Light Switch. The Switch
4. Remove spring (4), contact strip (5), piston (6) and O-Ring
must meet the following specifications;
diaphragm (7) from body.
1. No leakage is permissible at the Stop Light switch with the
Clean all metal parts in cleaning solvent. Wipe rubber parts 2. The Stop Light Switch contact should close with not more
dry with cloth. than 7 pounds of air pressure.
SD-06-6 3-79
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Service Data Formerly SD-11
As air under pressure enters either end of the Double
Check Valve (inlet port) the moving shuttle or disc responds
to the pressure and seals the opposite port, assuming it is PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE
at a lower pressure level than the other. The air flow
Every 3600 operating hours, 100,000 miles or yearly,
continues out the delivery port of the Double Check Valve.
disassemble, clean and inspect all parts. Install new parts if
The position of the shuttle or disc will reverse if the pressure
they show signs of wear or deterioration.
levels are reversed. Double Check Valves are designed so
that the shuttle or disc can never impede the backflow of air SERVICE CHECKS
in the exhaust mode.
A. When the Double Check Valve is used in conjunction with
a Trailer Control Valve, the following operating and
leakage test can be made:
1. Apply and release foot brake valve and note that the
brakes apply and release on both tractor and trailer.
2. Apply and release the Trailer Control Valve and note
that only the trailer brakes apply and release. With
trailer control valve applied check exhaust port of foot
brake valve for leakage with soap solution.
Permissable leakage is a one inch bubble in five
seconds (100 sccm).
3. Apply and hold a full foot brake valve application.
Check exhaust port of Trailer Control Valve for
leakage with soap solution. Permissable leakage is a
one inch bubble in five seconds (100 sccm). (NOTE:
On some vehicles, an exhaust line is connected to the
exhaust port and piped outside the cab in which case
Figure 3 illustrates a typical use of a Double Check Valve to it may be necessary to disconnect this line to make
control a given device, such as trailer brakes, from either of leakage check.)
two control sources. B. If Double Check Valve is to be bench tested or tested on
Figure 4 illustrates a typical use of a Double Check Valve to the vehicle, two separately controlled air supplies must be
supply air to a system or systems from either of two separate connected to the inlet ports.
sources, whichever is at the greater pressure level. In this 1. Install an accurate test gauge in the outlet port or in a
type of installation the pressure differential to which the valve line from outlet port.
is subjected may under certain conditions be minimal. It is
2. Apply and release air to one inlet port and note that
therefore suggested that performance of the Double
gauge registers application and release.
Check Valve will be optimized if it is mounted in the
horizontal position. 3. Repeat by applying and releasing air to other inlet port.
4. Leakage check should be performed at inlet ports of 2. Stop engine, drain the front brake reservoir and
valve in the following manner: disconnect tube fitting at port No. 1 in Fig. 1, identified as
Frt. Sup. - Blue. Excessive leakage would indicate a faulty
a. Disconnect line from one inlet port.
double check valve.
b. Apply air to other inlet port and coat opposite inlet
port with soap solution. Permissable leakage is a 3. Restore and recharge both systems. Drain the rear brake
one inch bubble in five seconds (100 sccm). reservoir and disconnect the fitting at port No. 3 in Fig. 1,
identified as Rear Sup. - Grn. Excessive leakage would
c. Repeat Step “b” applying air to other inlet port while
indicate a faulty double check valve.
checking opposite inlet port for leakage.
If Double Check Valve does not function as described or if 4. After closing the drain cock and restoring the plumbing for
leakage is excessive, it is recommended that the valve be the front reservoir remove the fitting at port No. 4 in Fig. 1.
replaced. Start the engine and observe front dash gauge. Stop the
engine when the gauge shows 40 psi. Excessive leakage
If this is not possible, the unit can be repaired with genuine
from port No. 4 would indicate a faulty PR-4 valve. Restart
Bendix parts in which case the following should prove
engine and observe front gauge. Air should start to blow
from port No. 4 at 60–75 psi, indicating PR-4 valve is
DISASSEMBLY operating correctly. With engine shut off, PR-4 valve
should close and retain at least 60 psi in front reservoir.
1. Remove end cap(s) from valve.
2. Remove grommets (if applicable). If the VM-3 Manifold does not function as described above or
leakage is excessive, it is recommended that it be returned to
3. Remove shuttle and/or shuttle guide, disc and/or disc
the nearest Bendix HVSG authorized distributor for an
guide (depending upon type of valve).
exchange or a replacement unit. If this is not possible, the
unit can be repaired with genuine Bendix HVSG parts in
which case the following should prove helpful. A Field
1. Clean all metal parts in a cleaning solvent. Maintenance Kit is available under pc. no. 289062.
2. Inspect all metal parts for signs of cracks, wear or
deterioration. Replace all parts not considered
serviceable. DISASSEMBLY
3. Replace all rubber parts. Block the wheels and drain the air brake system. Remove air
lines and remove manifold from vehicle.
Remove the large cap nut at port No. 1 and remove the
1. Install disc guide, disc and/or shuttle and shuttle guide.
double check shuttle.
2. Coat all static seals such as O-rings, grommets, etc. with
Remove the four machine screws from the PR-4 cover.
BW 650M Silicone lubricant (BW 291126). It is not
(Caution - the cover is spring loaded.) Remove the PR-4
necessary to lubricate shuttles or discs.
piston assembly. Do not attempt to remove the retaining ring
3. Install grommets. and stem from the piston.
4. Install end cap(s).
Perform operating and leakage tests as described in “Service Before assembly, lubricate all O-rings, bores and mating
Checks” section. surfaces with BW-650M lubricant pc. no. 291126 (Dow
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Corning 55M). Replace any worn or deteriorated O-rings and
shuttle, item 2 in Fig. 5, if necessary.
Every 3600 hours or 100,000 miles or 1 year, disassemble,
clean and inspect all parts. Install new parts if they show Install shuttle in guide in body and install cap nut.
signs of wear or deterioration. A maintenance kit is available
for this valve under pc. no. 289062. After cleaning and lubricating, assemble the PR–4 section,
replacing O-ring item 3 and inlet exhaust valve item 4 in Fig.
SERVICE CHECKS 6 as required.
Replace valve on vehicle and check per operating and
1. Start engine and charge both sides of dual system. leakage tests.
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Service Data SD-06-2
Formerly SD-14
LP-2 LP-3
or visible to the driver. The electrical contacts provided in both the LP-2 and LP-3
Two styles of Low Pressure Indicators are currently manu- indicators remain closed by spring force until the air brake
factured. system pressure below the diaphragm is above the setting
(force) of the Low Pressure Indicator spring. The setting of
The LP-2 Low Pressure Indicator, which is the older style and
the indicator and piece number is marked on a label on the
consists of a die cast body with a spring loaded diaphragm
valve body. If a label is not present, then the vehicle manual
clamped between the body and the Bakelite cover.
should be consulted for the proper setting. The nominal set-
The LP-3 Low Pressure Indicator is the newer style, con- ting of the indicator is 60 psi; however, pressure settings may
sisting of a die cast body, nylon cover and employs a spring vary depending upon the vehicle.
OPERATION 2. Connect to a reservoir pressure line at a high point in the
system for adequate drainage.
To describe the operation, we shall assume that the Low
Pressure Indicator is set for 60 psi. When air pressure at the 3. If installing an LP-2 Indicator, use a supply line of 1/4 O.D.
supply port and under the diaphragm is above 60 psi, the minimum.
electrical contacts remain open because the force exerted by 4. Connect the Indicator terminals in series with the ignition
air pressure underneath the diaphragm overcomes the force switch and the warning device.
exerted by the spring above the diaphragm.
When air pressure below the diaphragm drops below 60 psi,
the spring exerts a force which is greater than the force DISASSEMBLY
exerted by the air pressure below the diaphragm. This NOTE: It is generally recommended that the Low Pressure
causes the diaphragm (and the piston in the LP-3) to move Indicator, if faulty, be replaced with a new unit; however,
and allow the electrical contacts to close. This completes or service parts are available; and if repairs are necessary, the
closes the electrical circuit to the warning device, warning the following will apply:
driver of low air pressure in the system.
LP-2 Unscrew the cover retainer from the body. Remove
cover and remove spring and diaphragm assembly.
LP-3. Remove cover screws, lockwashers. Remove cover,
Every six months, 1800 operating hours or 50,000 miles, contact disc, spring, and shim (s). (Note: Shims may or may
check electrical connections. Low Pressure Indicator should not be present.) Remove contact plate, gasket, piston, and
be checked for proper operation by performing “Operating O-Ring diaphragm.
Test” as described elsewhere in this sheet.
5. Disconnect the air line and mounting bolts or unscrew the 3. Install piston in body. Flat side of piston should face
Indicator from the fitting and remove. O-Ring diaphragm.
5. Position contact plate over fingers of piston. Contact piston, and arm of contact plate is positioned so that it
plate should rest on face of gasket. will fit in groove of cover.
6. If shim (s) are used, place shim (s) in cover. 10. Tighten screws securely. (Torque to 20-30 inch
7. Place spring in cover. pounds).
8. Place contact point so that it rests on spring. TEST OF REBUILT LOW PRESSURE INDICATOR
9. Install cover on body, using machine screws, making After rebuilding, perform the leakage and operating tests as
certain that the contact plate is in position over fingers of outlined in section “Testing for Serviceability.”
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Service Data Formerly SD-29
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1. Position spring seat over the diaphragm and then install
into body.
Every 12 months, 100,000 miles or 3600 operating hours;
2. Install spring and cover O-Ring.
disassemble valve, wash metal parts in mineral spirits, wipe
rubber parts dry. It is recommended that all rubber parts be 3. Install cover; tighten securely. (Torque to 150-400 inch
replaced. Inspect all parts and replace any part showing pounds.)
signs of wear or deterioration.
OPERATING AND LEAKAGE TESTS 1. If valve is equipped within spring and spring seat:
While holding a foot brake valve application; a. Position spring in body.
b. Position diaphragm over spring seat.
1. Coat exhaust port with soap solution; leakage of a one (1)
c. Install O-Ring in cover groove; install cover and tighten
inch bubble in three (3) seconds is permitted.
screws evenly and securely. (Torque to 30-60 inch
2. Coat body and cover with soap solution. No leakage pounds.)
permitted between body and cover.
2. If valve is not equipped with spring and spring seat:
If the valve does not function as described, or if leakage is a. Install diaphragm.
excessive, it is recommended that it be replaced with a new b. Install O-Ring in cover groove; install cover and tighten
or remanufactured unit, or repaired with genuine Bendix screws evenly and securely. (Torque to 30-60 inch
parts pounds.)
REMOVING AND INSTALLING 3. Perform tests as outlined in “Operating and Leakage
Tests” section.
Block vehicle wheels and/or hold vehicle by means other IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ
than air brakes. When working on or around brake systems and components,
Drain all air brake system reservoirs. the following precautions, should be observed:
Disconnect air lines from valve. 1. block vehicle wheels. Stop engine when working under a
vehicle. Keep hands away from chamber push rods and
Remove mounting bolts, then valve.
slack adjusters; they may apply as system pressure drops.
INSTALLING 2. Never connect or disconnect a hose or line containing
Mount valve with exhaust port pointing down; securely pressure; it may whip. Never remove a component or pipe
tighten mounting bolts. plug unless you are certain all system pressure has been
Connect air lines to valve (brake valve application line to top
3. Never exceed recommended pressure and always wear
port; brake chamber line to side ports.)
safety glasses when working.
DISASSEMBLY 4. Never attempt to disassemble a component until you have
OR VALVE read and understand recommended procedures. Some
components contain powerful springs and injury can result
1. Using wrench on square portion of exhaust port, remove if not properly disassembled. Use only proper tools and
cover. observe all precautions pertaining to use of those tools.
2. Remove spring, spring seat and diaphragm. Remove 5. Use only genuine Bendix replacement parts and
cover O-Ring. components.
QR-1 VALVE A. Only components, devices and mounting and attaching
1. Remove four screws. hardware specifically designed for use in hydraulic
brake systems should be used.
2. Remove spring and spring seat (if so equipped).
3. Remove diaphragm. B. Replacement hardware, tubing, hose, fittings, etc.
shoud be of equivalent size, type and strength as the
4. Remove cover O-Ring.
original equipment.
6. Devices with stripped threads or damaged parts should
Clean all metal parts in mineral spirits. Wipe all rubber parts be replaced. Repairs requiring machining should not be
clean. attempted.
SD-03-69 4/81
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Service Data Formerly SD-41
DESCRIPTION in let portion of the inlet/exhaust valve moves off its seat,
permitting supply air to flow from the reservoir, past the
The Relay Valve in an air brake system functions as a relay open inlet valve and into the chambers.
station to speed up the application and release of the brakes.
The valve is normally mounted at the rear of the vehicle
in proximity to the chamber it serves. The valve operates BALANCED
as a remote controlled brake valve that delivers or releases
air to the chamber in response to the control air delivered The air pressure being delivered by the open inlet valve also
to it from the foot brake valve or other source. The R-6 is effective on the bottom area of the relay piston. When
Relay Valve is a piston operated valve For ease of servicing, air pressure beneath the piston equals the service air pres-
an “insert” or “cartridge” type inlet/exhaust valve is em- sure above, the piston lifts slightly and the inlet spring
ployed. This feature permits service of the inlet/exhaust returns the inlet valve to its seas. The exhaust remains
valve without line removal. The R-6 relay valve may be pressure. closed as the service line pressure balances the delivery
mounted directly to or remotely from the reservoir which pressure. (NOTE: Some valves are equipped with a piston
provides its supply pressure. Standard porting consists of return spring which will assist the lifting of the piston).
one (1) service port and four (4) delivery ports. There are As delivered air pressure is changed the valve reacts in-
two (2) supply ports in the reservoir mounted valve and one stantly to the change holding the brake application at
(1) supply port in the remote mount valve. that level.
APPLYING When air pressure is released from the service port and air
pressure in the cavity above the relay piston is exhausted,
Air pressure delivered to the service port enters the small air pressure beneath piston lifts the relay piston and the
cavity above the piston and moves the piston down. The exhaust seat moves away from the exhaust valve, opening
exhaust seat moves down with the piston and seats on the the exhaust passage. With the exhaust passage open, the
inner or exhaust portion of the inlet/exhaust valve, sealing air pressure in the chambers is then permitted to exhaust
off the exhaust passage. At the same time, the outer or through the exhaust port, releasing the brakes.
Every 12 months, 100,000 miles or 3600 operating hours, repaired with genuine Bendix parts available at Bendix
disassemble, clean all metal parts in mineral spirits and wipe H.V.S.G. outlets.
rubber parts clean. Replace all rubber parts and any part
worn or damaged. Check for proper operation before plac- REMOVING AND INSTALLING
ing vehicle in service.
Block and hold vehicle by means other than air brakes.
1. Fully charge air brake system and adjust brakes.
Drain air brake system reservoirs.
2. Make, several brake applications and check for prompt
application and release at all appropriate wheels. If entire valve is to be removed, identify air lines to facili-
tate installation.
3. With brake valve in released position, coat the exhaust
port with soap solution and check for inlet valve and Disconnect air lines from valve*.
valve guide 0-ring leakage; 1" bubble in 5 seconds
leakage permitted. *It is generally not necessary to remove entire valve to ser-
vice the inlet/exhaust valve. The inlet/exhaust valve in-
4. Make and hold a brake valve application; coat the ex- sert can be removed by removing the two exhaust cover
haust port with soap solution and check for leakage; cap screws and cover. Insert then may be pulled out.
1 “ bubble in 3 seconds leakage permitted. CAUTION: DRAIN RESERVOIRS BEFORE REMOV-
ING INSERT. Use care so as not to damage inlet/exhaust
If leakage is detected, replacing the inlet/exhaust valve valve or guide O-ring.
may correct the problem. If leakage still occurs, leakage
may be caused by relay piston 0-ring or exhaust valve INSTALLING
Clean air lines connecting to valve.
5. Make and hold a brake valve application; coat outside
of valve body in area where cover joins the body Inspect all lines and/or hoses for damage and replace as
for cover 0-ring leakage. No leakage permitted. If the necessary.
valve does not function as described above, or if leak-
age is excessive, it is recommended that the valve Install valve and tighten mounting bolts.
be replaced with a new or remanufactured unit, or
Connect air lines to valve (Plugh any unused ports).
Test valve as outlined in “Operating and Leakage Tests.” 3. Position valve retainer (11) over inlet valve body (10)
and valve.
DISASSEMBLY 4. Install inlet valve spring (12) over inlet body (10) and
install O-ring (15) in the inner groove in the valve
NOTE: guide (14).
Prior to disassembly, mark location of cover to body to
facilitate assembly. 5. Depress and hold guide down against inlet spring and
install retainer ring (16) (A 9/16" twelve point socket
1. Remove cover cap screws (1). Remove cover (2) with can be used to push the retainer ring down until it
relay piston (4) and spring (6) (if so equipped). snaps in the groove in the inlet valve body).
2. Remove relay piston (4) from cover. 6. Install valve insert seat O-ring (13).
3. Remove piston O-ring (3) from piston (4) and cover seal COMPLETE VALVE ASSEMBLY
O-ring from body. 7. Install insert (8) in valve body (7), install exhaust cover
(17) and secure with 10-24 screws (19) torque to
4. Remove exhaust cover cap screws (19) exhaust cover approximately 20-30 inch pounds.
and remove inlet/exhaust valve insert (8) from body (7).
8. Install exhaust check diaphragm (18) into exhaust
5. Remove exhaust seat (5) from relay piston (4) and cover (17).
exhaust check valve (18). (Remove only if new parts are
to be installed). 9. Install cover seal O-ring.
10. Install relay piston O-ring (3) on relay piston (4), then
position relay piston in cover.
11. If valve utilizes relay piston spring (6) position spring
NOTE: over guide in body.
If complete inlet/exhaust valve is replaced, disregard
12. Position cover/relay piston assembly in correct
steps 6 to 9.
relative position with body; if equipped with piston
return spring, make sure exhaust seat is centered
6. Depress and hold valve guide down against valve
inside spring.
spring tension and remove retainer (16).
13. Install cover cap screws. Torque to approximately
7. Remove valve insert seal O-ring (13), valve guide (14), 80-120 inch pounds.
spring (12), and valve retainer (11).
14. Test valve as outlined in “Operating and leakage
8. Remove the inlet/exhaust valve (9) from its body (10). Tests” section.
F I G. 1 - B OL T E D F L A NGE T Y P E
F I G. 2 - C L AM P R I N G T Y P E
The Brake Chamber is an actuator which converts the energy of air pressure into mechanical force. Two styles
of Brake Chambers are currently used. The older and now obsolete bolted flange style chamber and the current
production clamp ring style chamber differ in design, but fundamentally operate the same way. The diaphragm of
the bolted flange style is held between the pressure plate and non-pressure plate by numbers of bolts and nuts. The
diaphragm of the clamp type is held between the pressure plate and non-pressure plate by either a one piece clamp
ring or a two piece clamp ring. (Depending on their size, clamp ring chambers are equipped with either one or two
piece clamp rings.)
With reference to Fig. 3, size of the bolted flange style chambers are identified by letters, whereas numbers (which indi-
cate the effective area of the diaphragm) identify the clamp ring style chambers.
The standard chamber non-pressure plate is vented to atmosphere through holes in the non-pressure plate, however, on
those installations where the chamber must be weather proof, venting is accomplished through a drilled passage in the
mounting bolts and the rod opening in the non-pressure plate is sealed by either a boot or an O-Ring seal.
The standard diaphragm material is natural rubber compound. Neoprene diaphragms are optionally available.
All standard current production clamp ring style chambers, except the type 3 and type 6, employ two 1/4" NPTF inlet
ports. The type 3 and type 6 use one 1/4" NPTF inlet port.
Controlled air pressure enters the Brake Chamber through the inlet port and acts upon the diaphragm moving the push
plate and rod assembly forward.
When the Brake Chamber is used to actuate cam type brake foundation assemblies, the yoke (which is threaded on the
push rod) is connected to a slack adjuster, which in turn is connected to the brake cam shaft. This forward motion of the
push rod rotates the slack adjuster, cam shaft and cam applying the vehicle brakes.
The greater air pressure admitted to the Brake Chamber, the greater the force applied by the push rod and conversely, the
less pressure applied to the Brake Chamber the less force applied by the push rod. Push rod force is determined by multi-
plying the delivered air pressure by the effective diaphragm area. For example, if 60 psi is admitted to a type 30 Brake
Chamber, the lineal force on the end of the push rod is approximately 1800 lbs.
When air pressure is released from the brake chamber, the push rod return spring in combination with the brake shoe
return spring returns the diaphragm, push plate and rod assembly, slack adjuster and brake cam to their released positions
releasing the brakes.
B. Every year or after each 100,000 miles or 3600 operating hours, depending on type of operation.
1. Disassemble and clean all parts.
2. Install new diaphragm or any other parts if they are worn or deteriorated. When the diaphragm, spring, or both
are replaced, they should be replaced in the corresponding chamber on the same axle.
1. Apply brakes and observe the push rods move out promptly and without binding.
2. Release brakes and observe that the push rods return to the released position promptly and without binding.
3. Check push rod travel. Push rod travel should be as short as possible without brakes dragging. Adjust travel
of push rod at slack adjuster if necessary.
Clean exterior of brake chamber and mark parts in relation to position to each other so that it may be assembled in the
same way.
NOTE: If brake chamber is to be dismantled without removing non-pressure plate from vehicle, slack adjuster
should be backed-off.
1. Pull out (or push out with air pressure) push rod and clamp it at non-pressure plate. If If using vise grip pliers,
push rod should be protected so that it will not be damaged.
2. Remove nuts and bolts from flange.
3. Remove pressure plate and diaphragm.
4. Remove lock nut and yoke from push rod and release grip on push rod.
5. Remove push rod assembly and spring.
6. Remove boot (if applicable).
1. Clean all metal parts in cleaning solvent, removing all rust and scale. All diaphragm sealing surfaces should be
smooth and clean.
2. Carefully inspect all metal parts for cracks, distortion or damage.
3. Replace all rubber parts and all other parts not considered serviceable.
4. Position diaphragm in pressure plate. Check alignment marks (made before disassembly) and align the
diaphragm and pressure plate with the non-pressure plate.
5. Install bolts and nuts around flange, tightening evenly but not excessively.
2. The service diaphragm was redesigned to provide longer life by incorporating a sep-
arator, which is retained by a bead on the service diaphragm preventing contact
between the auxiliary and service diaphragms.
Although the operation of the DD3 Actuator remains the same, these design changes
incorporate additional new parts, which in some cases obsolete and supersedé parts
used in the old design actuator. If past service history indicates that a particular
DD3 installation has had a problem of moisture accumulation in the lock area and non-
pressure cavity area, it is recommended that the complete non-pressure plate be
replaced when service becomes necessary on any one major part. If moisture accumula-
tion has not been a problem, then replacement of individual, superseding parts can be
made as time or wear indicates.
OPERATION Through the operation of a control valve, air enters the actuator locking
port and exerts pressure on the locking piston grommet. The resultant force
moves the locking piston forward against the rollers and roller spring. The beveled or
ramp end of the piston will pick up and hold the rollers away from the shaft.
NORMAL RUNNING As long as air pressure remains against the locking piston and the
rollers are not in contact with the shaft, normal service brake
applications will permit the shaft to move freely, back and forth, past the locking
mechanism. When a normal service brake application is made, air enters the actuator
service port and pushes against the service diaphragm. The diaphragm moves the push
plate and shaft out, applying the brakes. Upon release of the service application, the
brakes are released.
PARKING To park, air is exhausted from the locking port and air is applied against
the auxiliary diaphragm through the auxiliary diaphragm port. When air is
exhausted from the lock piston, the roller spring forces the rollers against the col-
lar and shaft. Air entering the parking port exerts force on the auxiliary diaphragm.
The diaphragm moves the push plate and shaft out, applying the brakes. With no air on
the lock piston, if the shaft partially retracts it becomes mechanically locked in the
applied position when the rollers wedge between the shaft and collar.
NOTE: While in a parked position, when there is a loss of air pressure on the
auxiliary diaphragm, the output force on the shaft is reduced. However,
the shaft will not retract since its output force is transferred to the
mechanical lock mechanism.
Disassemble DD3 Actuator, clean all parts and lubricate locking mechanism.
Install new diaphragms and other rubber parts/or parts if they are worn or
When diaphragms or return spring or both are replaced, like parts in the corre-
sponding actuator on the same axle should also be replaced.
OPERATION With the actuator in the released position, make several service brake appli-
cations and note that actuators apply and release properly.
Operate parking control valve and observe that actuators apply. While actua-
tors are in a parking position, drain air supply to auxiliary diaphragm and note that
actuators remain applied.
Replenish air supply to auxiliary diaphragm. Operate control valve to release
parking application, then make a full service application to complete release of actua-
tors. The magnitude of the service brake application to release the brakes may vary on
different vehicles due to compressor governor settings. Normally a service application
of approximately 70 psi should release the brakes.
LEAKAGE With system pressure up and DD3 actuators in the released position, check drain
slot and around the push rod boot with a soapy solution to detect possible
leakage by the locking piston grommet.
Make and hold a service brake application and again check the actuator drain
slot or exhaust check valve if so equipped for service diaphragm leakage. Continue to
hold the service application and coat around the service and auxiliary diaphragm clamp-
ing rings with the soapy solution to detect seal leakage.
Operate the actuator control valve to a parking position and check the exhaust
port of a service brake application to detect auxiliary diaphragm leakage. This auxil-
iary diaphragm leakage detection point could be the exhaust port of the foot brake
valve, quick release valve or relay valve depending on system. While still in a parklng
position, the auxiliary diaphragm clamping ring should be coated with the soap solution
to detect seal leakage.
Should leakage be detected at the clamping rings in either of the above tests,
the clamping ring nuts should be tightened evenly but only enough to stop leakage.
If the DD3 Safety Actuator does not function as described or leakage is exces-
sive, it is recommended that it be returned to the nearest Bendix-Westinghouse author-
ized distributor for a factory reconditioned actuator under the repair exchange plan. If
this is not possible, the actuator can be repaired with genuine Bendix-Westinghouse
parts in which case the following should prove helpful.
REMOVING AND INSTALLING Block and hold vehicle by some means other than air brakes.
With the actuators in the released position, disconnect or
completely remove air lines from parking and service ports of the actuator. (Note of
caution: Air will be exhausted out the line that is connected to the parking port when
the control valve is operated. If this line is not removed, it should be disconnected in
such a way that it will not whip and cause damage as the air exhausts) After disconnect-
ing only the parking and service port lines, operate the parking control valve. This
action will exhaust the isolated air supply and air from the locking port.
As a safety precaution, the service system should also be drained, if it is
Disconnect air line at actuator lock port.
Remove yoke pin cotter pin and knock out yoke pin.
Remove mounting nuts, then actuator.
INSTALLING Important - DD3 Safety Actuators must be installed with the exhaust check
valve down (if so equipped) and the drain slot pointing down.
Mount Actuator to mounting bracket and tighten securely.
Fasten actuator push rod yoke to slack adjuster with yoke pin. Lock yoke pin
with cotter pin. The angle formed by the push rod and slack adjuster arm should be
greater than 90°.
Connect air lines to actuator. Take care that the correct line is installed
in the correct port.
Adjust brakes.
DISASSEMBLY NOTE: This procedure covers both the old and new design actuators; for
further information, refer to “Description” section.
1. Clean actuator exterior of all road grime and mark in such a way so it can be assem-
bled in the
same manner.
2. Remove yoke and yoke lock nuts.
3. Remove splash guard, boot, felt breather, and (gasket - new design only).
4. Remove auxiliary and service clamping ring nuts and bolts.
5. Spread clamping rings slightly, just enough to slip rings off plates. It may be nec-
essary to use a soft mallet to break the clamping rings loose. If clamping rings are
to be reused, caution should be taken so they are not distorted.
6. Remove auxiliary pressure plate, auxiliary diaphragm, service pressure plate, serv-
ice diaphragm (with separator, if present).
7. Place non-pressure plate assembly on a smooth surface with the push plate down.
8. Connect an air supply (shop air) line to the locking port. Apply pressure down on
the actuator
non-pressure plate; and at the same time, apply air to the locking port. As the
shaft is unlocked (released), ease the non-pressure plate back and remove the push
plate and shaft assembly with push rod and return spring.
9. While holding cap assembly down against roller spring tension, completely remove
four (4) machine screws, release cap assembly, and remove.
10. (New Design Only) Remove retainer from cap by turning in clockwise direction until
tabs of retainer line up with slots in cap. Remove retainer spring and seal. Remove
inner and outer cap “O” Rings.
11. Remove roIler spring, spring seat washer, and eight (8) rollers.
12. Remove collar, piston, and piston “O” ring. NOTE: If necessary, apply air cautiously
at the lock port to assist in removal of the above parts.
13. (New Design Only) Remove rear retaining spring by dislodging from groove of plate
and remove
rear seal.
14. Inspect bearing in shaft bore of non-pressure plate, and remove only if it shows
signs of wear and is to be replaced. The push rod should not be removed from the
shaft unless it is damaged and requires replacement. To remove rod, place a heavy
washer over the rod against the shaft; position a spacer (short length of pipe) and
a second washer over the rod (and on top of the spacer). Install yoke lock nut(s)
and turn down with a longhandled wrench, pulling the push rod from the shaft.
15. (New Design Only) Remove exhaust check valve from non-pressure plate.
NOTE: The T-Bolts used in the older design and the studs used in the newer design
can be removed if necessary.
1. Wash all metal parts in a good cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly. It is generally
recommended that all rubber parts be replaced; however, any rubber parts that are to
be reused should be wiped dry.
2. Discard felt breather.
3. Inspect all parts for excessive wear or deterioration. Particular attention should
be given to the piston and collar bores in the non-pressure plate. The air passage
from the lock port to piston bore should be checked for restriction and cleaned; if
necessary, remove the inspection plug to thoroughly clean this passage.
4. Rollers should be carefully checked, and all rollers replaced if one or more need
5. Check springs for cracks, distortion, or corrosion.
6. Replace all parts not considered serviceable during these inspections.
If servicing older design actuators; it may be necessary to replace existing parts with
parts of the newer
design which obsolete and supersede parts of the older design actuator. For further
information, refer to
section titled “Description”.
ASSEMBLY NOTE: This procedure covers both the old and new design actuators; for fur-
ther information, refer to “Description” section.
17. Install service diaphragm and separator, service pressure plate, and clamping ring.
18. Install auxiliary diaphragm, auxiliary pressure plate, and clamping ring.
19. Tighten bolts on both clamping rings evenly and securely.
20. (New Design Only) Install exhaust check valve.
21. If push rod was removed, replace with new rod and new locking ring. Pack shaft cav-
ity with BW 204-M barium lubricant (Piece No. 240176 or Piece No. 246671). Install
lock ring in groove on rod and press rod in shaft cavity, making certain rod is
locked in place in cavity of shaft.
22. (New Design Only) Install new gasket on non-pressure plate.
23. Install boot over cap assembly. Install splash plate over boot.
DESCRIPTION The TR-2 Inversion Valve is used in combination with the DD3 Safety Actu-
ators and their Control Valve in a parking and/or emergency system. When
the Control Valve is operated, the Inversion Valve operates permitting air in the iso-
lated reservoir to apply the brakes. The Inversion Valve also operates automatically
when air pressure drops to a predetermined pressure.
The TR2 Inversion Valve employs a 1-1/4" diameter hole mounting. The
valve serves as a manifold having a total of seven (7) 1/4" pipe ports; three (3) con-
trol ports, Two (2) delivery ports and one (1) supply port. Initially, these ports
were not identified, however, on later production valves, the control ports are marked
“C”, supply “S” and the delivery ports are marked “D”. The exhaust port is protected
by a diaphragm.
OPERATION With no system air pressure, the inversion valve inlet valve is open and
its exhaust is closed. On initial build-up, as air enters the isolated
reservoir to which the inversion valve supply port is connected, it will pass by the
open inlet and out the delivery ports. When system pressure reaches between 50 and 60
PSI, the control valve is operated, air will pass into the inversion valve from the
control valve. This air flows in one control port and exerts a force on the inversion
valve piston. At a pressure between 60 and 70 PSI, the piston moves against the
resistance of the two (2) piston springs. The piston exhaust seat moves away from the
inlet and exhaust valve, opening the exhaust passage. The inlet valve spring and sup-
ply air at the inlet valve will cause it to seat. Air at the inversion valve delivery
will now exhaust from the valves exhaust port.
PARKING OR EMERGENCY The air at the inversion valve control ports is exhausted through
the control valve exhaust when it is operated. The piston springs
will then cause the piston to move and seat on the inlet and exhaust valve closing the
exhaust passage. The inlet valve is moved off its seat by the piston exhaust seat so supply
air from the isolated reservoir will pass by the open inlet and out the delivery ports.
When the application is released by actuating the control valve, air passes
into the inversion valve control port. The piston moves away from the inlet and exhaust
valve, opening the exhaust passage through the piston. The inlet valve closes and air in
the delivery ports will exhaust through the center of piston stem and out the inversion
valve exhaust port.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Every year or after 50,000 miles. The TR-2 inversion valve
should be disassembled, cleaned and lubricated. Rubber parts
should be replaced and any other parts which show signs of wear or damage should also be
CLEANING AND INSPECTION Wash all metal parts in a good cleaning solvent. Rubber parts
should be wiped clean.
Inspect all parts for excessive wear or deterioration.
Check springs for cracks, corrosion, or distortion.
Inspect piston and its exhaust seat, body bores and inlet valve seat for nicks
or burrs.
Replace all parts not considered serviceable during these inspections.
ASSEMBLY Before assembling the valve, lubricate the piston, grommets and body bores
with Bendix-Westinghouse recommended lubricant, piece number 240176.
Install piston grommets on piston.
Install piston with grommets in valve body.
Position piston springs, cover plate and retainer ring in the piston in that
order. Press the cover and retainer down and with a pair of Truarc #1 pliers,
snap the ring into the body groove.
Install the diaphragm and diaphragm washer and secure with cap screw.
Turn inversion valve over and position inlet and exhaust valve in its bore.
Place spring down over inlet valve.
Install sealing ring on cap nut, install cap nut with sealing ring and
tighten securely.
Mounting nut and lockwasher are installed when valve is mounted on vehicle.
TESTING REBUILT TR-2 INVERSION VALVE Perform “Operating and Leakage Checks” as outlined
in this section.
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Service Data Formerly SD-37
The TC-2 Brake Valve is not intended for use as a parking control
valve and should not be used for that purpose.
The exhaust seat, which is in the center of the piston, contacts the
exhaust valve and closes the exhaust passage in the piston. The
continued downward movement of the piston moves the inlet valve
Printed in U.S.A.
off its seat. Reservoir air pressure flows by the open inlet valve and
out the delivery port.
The air pressure that flows by the open inlet valve also becomes
effective on the bottom area of the piston. As the force of the air
pressure beneath the piston balances the force of the depressed
graduating spring above, the piston lifts slightly and the inlet valve
returns to its seat. The exhaust valve remains seated so the flow
of air through the valve is stopped and air pressure in the service
line is held.
When the handle or operating lever is moved in a counter-clockwise 1. Check and clean air lines to valve.
direction the force above the piston is decreased. The air pressure 2. Operating mechanism for remote type should be checked func-
beneath will then lift the piston, moving it away from the exhaust tionally and for proper adjustment.
valve. With the exhaust passage open, air pressure in the service
line will exhaust out the exhaust port of the valve. 3. Mount valve with clamp and mounting bolts.
If the valve does not function as described or leakage is exces- 15. Remove stem with inlet valve from inlet seat and remove inlet
sive, it is recommended that it be replaced with a new or reman- valve from stem.
ufactured unit, or repaired with genuine parts available at Bendix
1. Clean all metal parts in mineral spirits.
Corning 55-M pneumatic grease (Bendix piece number 291126). 13. Install set screw in head of remote-operated type valves.
1. Press inlet valve on stem. A little water in the boot valve or At this stage, before installing handle and spirol pin of handle-oper-
some soap on the stem will make it easier to press on the ated type valve, if facilities are available the rebuilt valve should be
inlet valve. tested and adjusted. If facilities are not available, the valve can be
tested on the vehicle.
2. Place stem with inlet valve installed in inlet seat. Insert some
object such as a cap screw to hold the inlet valve up against
3. Position spring and exhaust valve guide. Perform “Operating and Leakage Tests” as outlined in “Service
Checks” section.
4. Depress guide and spring, then press exhaust valve on stem.
5. Place seal O-Ring over insert seat and with cap screws and ADJUSTMENT
lock washers install inlet and exhaust insert in body. Recom-
mended torque on insert cap screws is 60 to 80 inch pounds. Generally, the TC-2 Brake Valve should deliver full reservoir pres-
sure; however, there are a few exceptions in special applications.
6. Install piston return spring.
1. If the delivered pressure is below specified final delivery pres-
7. Install piston O-Ring on piston and install piston in body. sure, it can be adjusted by removing the head and adjusting ring
lock washer and rotating the adjusting ring clockwise to raise the
8. Install adjusting ring in cover and screw it down until it is flush delivery pressure.
with top of cover.
2. If the delivery pressure is above specified final delivery pres-
9. Place cam follower and cam in cover.
sure, it can be lowered by rotating the adjusting ring counter-
10. Position graduating spring and gasket in body. clockwise.
11. Connect body to cover; tighten cap screws evenly and torque to A spanner wrench can be used to rotate the adjusting ring, but if
75–95 inch pounds. such a wrench is not available, the adjusting ring can be turned with
a small screwdriver inserted in one of the inner notches of the ring.
12. Install adjusting ring lock washer, head seal O-Ring, Turning the adjusting ring one notch will raise the delivered pres-
and head. sure approximately 5 psi.
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Service Data Formerly SD-55
Completely drain all reservoirs. Check spring for cracks, corrosion or distortion.
Disconnect air lines at single check valve and remove. Inspect body and cap nut for cracks or damage.
SD-03-66 1/81
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group Service Data SD-05-1
(Formerly SD-2)
DESCRIPTION shoe return springs return the brake cam, cam shaft, slack
adjuster and chamber push rod to the released position.
In an S-cam type foundation brake, the final link between the
pneumatic system and the foundation brake is the slack
adjuster. The arm of the slack adjuster is fastened to the ADJUSTING MECHANISM
push rod of the chamber with a yoke, and the slack adjuster
The adjusting mechanism of a Slack Adjuster consists of an
spline is installed on the brake cam shaft.
adjusting screw (worm shaft), worm and slack adjuster worm
Primarily, the slack adjuster is a lever, converting the linear gear. Turning the adjusting screw nut on the end of the worm
force of the air chamber push rod into a torque which turns shaft rotates the worm shaft and worm. The worm meshes
the brake cam shaft and applies the brakes. with and rotates the slack adjuster worm gear which is con-
Standard slack adjusters contain four basic components; the nected to the brake cam by a splined cam shaft. The turning
body, worm, gear and adjusting screw. The adjusting screw of the slack adjuster worm gear rotates the cam shaft and
is provided to adjust the slack caused by the wear of the brake cam, spreading the brake shoes, compensating for
brake lining. brake lining wear.
All Slack Adjusters utilize the worm and gear principle and, There are two types of adjusting mechanisms used on
fundamentally, differ only in torque limit specifications; A type Bendix Slack Adjusters currently manufactured. The light to
20 slack adjuster has a limit of 20,000 inch pounds torque, a medium torque rated slack adjuster (Fig. 1) use a positive
type 30 slack adjuster has a limit of 20,000 inch pounds lock mechanism consisting of a spring loaded lock sleeve,
torque, etc. which when positioned properly, engages the adjusting
Slack Adjusters are manufactured with various arm lengths screw nut, preventing the adjusting screw (worm shaft) from
and in various configurations; straight, offset, etc. to satisfy rotating.
covers are considered non-serviceable and are replaced as TYPE 35, 40, 55 (WITH RIVITED COVER AND BALL
1. Remove rivets holding the covers.
1. Remove rivets holding covers. 3. Before removing ball indent lock mechanism, measure
and note distance from top of lock screw head to slack
2. Remove welch plug.
adjuster body.
3. Before removing worm shaft, measure height from top of
4. Remove ball indent lock mechanism screw.
adjusting screw to the slack adjuster body. This meas-
urement is important, as it serves as a reference when 5. Remove spring and ball.
the worm shaft is reassembled. 6. Before removing worm shaft, measure height from top of
4. Press out worm shaft from worm by pressing in on the adjusting screw to the slack adjuster body. This meas-
end of the worm shaft opposite the adjusting screw nut. urement is important, as it serves as a reference when
the worm shaft is reassembled.
5. Remove worm shaft, worm shaft lock and worm lock
spring. 7. Press out worm shaft from worm by pressing on end of
worm shaft opposite the adjusting nut.
6. Remove worm and slack adjuster worm gear from slack
adjuster body. 8. Remove worm and slack adjuster worm gear.
1. Remove cam lock pin, cam lock, thrust washer, plunger 1. Press worm shaft into worm. Care should be exercised
spring and plunger. to be sure the worm shaft is pressed into the proper
2. Bend up tab of lock washer and remove worm nut.
2. Install the worm shaft, worm and gear in the Slack
3. Remove retaining ring and cover. Adjuster body.
4. Before removing worm shaft, measure height from the 3. Make certain that when pressing the worm shaft into the
top of adjusting screw to the slack adjuster body. This body that the height measurement between the top of
measurement is important, as it serves as a reference the adjusting screw and slack adjuster body is the same
when the worm shaft is reassembled. before and after removal.
5. Remove worm and shaft and slack adjuster gear. 4. Install worm lock guide pin in worm nut.
6. Remove plunger and plunger spring from body. 5. Screw the worm nut into Slack Adjuster body.
7. If worm gear is to be pressed from shaft, note dimension 6. Install worm lock and worm lock spring over worm shaft
from end of shaft to gear before proceeding. and adjusting screw nut.
7. Depress worm lock and install lock nut pin in adjusting TYPE 35, 40, 55 (WITH RIVETED COVER AND BALL
8. Install set screw in worm nut. ASSEMBLY
9. Assemble cover and cover nut to the body by installing 1. Place worm and worm gear in slack adjuster body.
the retaining ring.
2. Press the worm shaft into the worm. The indents in the
10. Lubricate Slack Adjuster as outlined in “Preventive worm shaft must be lined up with the ball lock hole.
Maintenance” section. Make certain that when pressing the worm shaft into the
body that the height measurement between the top of
the adjusting screw and slack adjuster body is the same
before and after removal.
1. Install plunger spring and plunger in body. 3. Install covers and rivet securely.
2. Install Slack Adjuster gear in body.
4. Install ball, spring and ball indent lock mechanism. Turn
3. If worm was removed from shaft, new worm should be
adjusting screw, allowing ball to fully engage indent in
pressed on shaft noting dimension as instructed in No. 4
shaft. Check for full engagement by tightening lock
of disassembly procedure.
mechanism screw to same dimension as noted in step
4. Install worm and shaft. Worm and shaft must be run in #3 of “Disassembly” instructions.
so that the worm fully engages slack adjuster worm
gear. Make certain that when pressing the worm shaft 5. Before installing welch plug, grease bottom of shaft.
into the body that the height measurement between the Install new welch plug.
top of the adjusting screw and slack adjuster body is the
same before and after removal. 6. Lubricate Slack Adjuster as outlined in “Preventive
5. Install cover and retaining ring in groove of body. Maintenance” section.
SD-05-1 4 -79
“System Guard” makes
daily draining of reservoirs
a thing of the past.
Removing water, oil and other
contaminants before they reach the first
reservoir is the function of “SYSTEM
GUARD,” an Air Dryer that removes
moisture from the air and provides
“super dry” air for any air brake system.
• Improves vehicle reliability, particularly
the new more complex “121” systems,
by maintaining design performance of
system components.
• Maintains recommended air brake
reservoir volume by helping to eliminate
water and oil accumulation in reservoirs.
• Eliminating water in the systems helps
maintain vital lubricants thereby
extending the life of air brake and
auxiliary components.
• Road calls and downtime, resulting
from water and oil in the air brake
system, are reduced.
• Air brake system maintenance costs
are greatly reduced.
• Eliminates the need for daily reservoir
• Helps prevent air brake system
Design Features
• Assures cold weather operation of
the air brake system by incorporating
an integral heater and thermostat unit
with water-proof electrical connections
to prevent freezing of condensate in
sump. Available for 12 volt or 24 volt
• Built-in single check valve in outlet
port assures correct dryer discharge line
• Convenient inlet and outlet ports —
dryer can be rotated to any position to
accommodate connecting lines. • Automatic purge and drain cycle. • Refillable desiccant cartridge.
• High capacity purge valve and internal • Only two moving parts - ball • Built-in safety valve.
fluting in sump increase volume area for check valve and purge valve • Compact — easily installed.
removal of contaminants. plunger. • Adjustable mounting brackets.
purge volume (H) (storage area) of the The air entering the reservoir is
Charge Cycle dryer and through the outlet check valve so dry that its temperature can drop
During the compression cycle of the (J) leading to the discharge line and the an additional 30°F, or more, before
compressor, discharge air enters port first reservoir. (Note: The air dryer check additional condensation occurs.
(A) of the Air Dryer. It passes through valve does not answer the BMCS
the space between the desiccant requirement for reservoir protection. A
container (B) and outer shell (C), cooling single check valve is required ahead of
in the process. The water and oil the first or second reservoir in the event
droplets that condense, drop to the of a discharge line failure.)
bottom sump (D) of the container. Air
then passes through oil filter (E) which
stops dirt particles and oil and water
droplets that have remained in
suspension. Air continues upward
through desiccant bed (F) where it is
exposed to the immense surface area of
the desiccant bed. The micro-crystalline
structure of this particular desiccant has
a tremendous affinity for the water
molecule. Because of this great affinity,
water vapor is removed from the air
without necessity of condensation.
As air continues to pass through the
drying bed, it encounters drier desiccant
and the moisture content of the air is
progressively reduced.
At the top of the column, the air flows
through a ball check valve (G), into the
(desorbing) water on its reverse flow first reservoir if there is no discharge line
Purge Cycle through the desiccant bed. check valve ahead of the first reservoir.)
In the purge or regeneration cycle, flow If the unload cycle continues beyond When air compression resumes,
through the desiccant bed is reversed. the time required to completely drain the unloader line (K) is exhausted, purge
When the compressor reaches the purge volume to atmosphere, no further valve plunger reseats and the charge
governor cutout pressure, air pressure action takes place. (The air dryer check and dry process is resumed.
from the unloader line (K) enters purge valve (J) prevents bleeding down the
valve (L) and moves the plunger off its
seat at point (M). The sudden opening
of the valve permits the pressure
existing in the dryer to exhaust the
accumulated condensate to atmosphere
and the sudden decompression of the
drying bed removes moisture from the
pores of the desiccant. After the rapid
decompression, air flows from the purge
volume (H) through the purge orifice (N)
and then expands and passes through
the drying bed in the reverse direction,
and through the purge valve exhaust (P)
to atmosphere.
The air contained in purge volume (H)
originally dried in passage through the
desiccant bed becomes “super dry” after
expanding to atmospheric pressure
through the purge orifice (N) and is,
therefore, very efficient in removing
Typical Installation
Heavy Vehicle
Systems Group
In the event the desiccant cartridge or desiccant
requires replacement, a few simple hand tools and
minimum time are all that are required.
F O R M N O. B W-1 1 9 8 R 2/79 PR I N TE D I N U . S . A .
AD-1 AND AD-2 AIR DRYERS *Formerly SD-08-2
AD-1 AD-2
The air dryer collects and removes moisture and The Air Dryer can be used on most highway vehicles where
contaminants before the air reaches the first reservoir. It is normal compressor loaded time is 90 seconds or less and
distinctly different than a reservoir drain valve or aftercooler unloaded time is 30 seconds or more. If the compressor
in that it provides "dry air" for the air brake system. The daily remains loaded for long periods of time, such as on a transit
draining of the system's reservoirs is no longer necessary, bus, certain changes in the purge volume of the dryer must
thus reducing maintenance considerably when compared be made. For more information regarding increase of the
to an air brake system without an Air Dryer. purge volume, contact our Engineering Department, in Elyria,
In a system without an Air Dryer, the life of air brake
components is substantially reduced because of contact The Air Dryer is installed in the discharge line between the
with water and oil in the system and since the Air Dryer compressor and the first reservoir. The unit must be mounted
removes water and oil in vapor form, life of the component vertically and mounting brackets are provided and can be
devices is substantially increased when the Air Dryer is used. adjusted to meet installation requirements.
The housing assembly consists of two cylindrical steel The desiccant cartridge and aluminum oil separator filter
stampings welded together. For piping convenience, two inlet are removable and comprise a complete serviceable unit.
ports, one reservoir port and one purge volume port are
provided in the AD-2 Air Dryer. The side outlet port of the The desiccant beads, which are referred to as the "drying
AD-2 incorporates an integral single check valve with the bed", are a drying substance that has the unique property of
top port used for the addition of purge volume. (Refer to exposing a tremendous surface area in proportion to its bulk.
Figure 1) One pound of the desiccant beads has about two million
square feet of adsorbtive area made up of a large number of
A Safety Valve mounted in the housing assembly protects submicroscopic cavities in each bead. Each desiccant bead
against excessive pressure build-up within the housing. adsorbs or collects moisture.
AD-1 AD-2
The desiccant beads are held in place by steel perforated NOTE: The AD-1 Air Dryer does not incorporate an integral
plates and filter cloths. The top plate is held in place by a outlet check valve. The single check valve in an AD-1
spring, and the bottom plate rests on a shoulder installation would be located in the line between the
approximately 1/8" from the bottom of cartridge housing. AD-1 outlet port and the first reservoir.
The end cover assembly is retained by a lock ring, cap Purge Cycle: (Figure 4) When desired system pressure is
screws and retainers and houses the purge valve and heater reached, the governor cuts out, pressurizing the unloader
assembly if so equipped. cavity of the compressor which unloads the compressor (non-
compressing cycle). The line connecting the governor
The heater and thermostat assembly prevent freeze-up in unloader port to the end cover purge valve port (bottom of
the purge drain valve when the dryer is used in severe winter the Air Dryer) is also pressurized, opening the exhaust of
conditions. The heater and thermostat assembly is standard the purge valve to atmosphere. With the exhaust of the purge
in the AD-2 and was optional equipment for the AD-1. The valve open, contaminants in the discharge line and dryer
12 volt, 60 watt and 24 volt, 60 or 120 watt DC heater and sump are purged, or forced past the open exhaust out to
thermostat assembly has an operating range between 45°F atmosphere.
and 85°F.
The reverse air flows across the desiccant and starts the
NOTE: The heater and thermostat assembly provided with removal process of moisture from the desiccant surface.
the AD-2 has a 3/16" diameter threaded electrical Dry airflowing from the purge volume through the purge orifice
terminal protected by a boot. The AD-1 assembly and across the drying bed further dries the desiccant.
incorporates a #16 gauge lead wire. Both types are
serviceable. The heater and thermostat assembly The combination of these reverse flows strips the water vapor
should be connected to the "on" position of the engine from the desiccant (drying bed). This normally takes between
control or ignition switch and protected with the proper 15-30 seconds.
size fuse. For details on installation, please refer to
the "Installation" section. The desiccant becomes activated from this cycle and is
now ready for another charge cycle, which occurs when the
OPERATION compressor returns to the compressing cycle. It is for this
reason the air dryer must be purged for 30 seconds, after
The operation of the Air Dryer can best be described by receiving moisture saturated airfora maximum of 90 seconds
separating the operation into two cycles; the charge cycle from a 12 CFM compressor.
and the purge cycle.
Charge Cycle (Figure 3) Compressor in Compressing Cycle SERVICEABILITY
- With the compressor in its "loaded" or compressing cycle,
air from the compressor enters the Air Dryer through the Important: Review the warranty policy before performing
discharge line. When the air, along with the water and any intrusive maintenance procedures. An extended warranty
contaminants, enter the Air Dryer, the velocity or speed of may be voided if intrusive maintenance is performed during
the air reduces substantially and much of the entrained liquid this period.
drops to the bottom or sump of the Air Dryer. The initial air
flow is toward the bottom of the dryer, but air flow direction Every 900 operating hours or 25,000 miles or every three (3)
changes 180ø at the bottom of the Air Dryer, dropping some months:
water and oil.
1 .Check for moisture in the air brake system by opening
The air now passes through the oil separator filter which reservoirs, drain cocks, or valves and checking for
removes oil and foreign material but does not remove water presence of water. If moisture is present, the desiccant
vapor. At this point, the air remains saturated with water. may require replacement; however, the following
conditions can also cause water accumulation and
The filtered air and vapors penetrate the desiccant drying should be considered before replacing the desiccant:
bed and the adsorption process begins. Water vapor is
removed from the air by the desiccant. A. An outside air source has been used to charge the
system. This air did not pass through the drying
The unsaturated "dry" air passes through the ball check valve bed.
and purge orifice into the purge volume. From the purge
volume air flows through an outlet check valve, and into the B. Air usage is exceptionally high and not normal for
first reservoir. a highway vehicle. This may be due to accessory
,air demands or some unusual air requirement that
does not allow the compressor to load and unload
(compressing and non-compressing cycle) in a
normal fashion. Check for high air system leakage.
C. The air dryer has been installed in a system that 6. Check all lines and fittings leading to and from the air
has been previously used without an air dryer. dryer for leakage and integrity.
This type system will be saturated with moisture 7. Check the operation of the end cover heater and thermostat
and several weeks of operation may be required to assembly during cold weather operation as follows:
dry it out.
A. Electric Power to the Dryer
D. Location of the air dryer is too close to the air
compressor. Refer to "Installation" section. With the ignition or engine control "on", check for
power at the dryer's electrical terminal (see Figure
E. In areas where more than a 30° range of 16) with a voltmeter or test light. If there is no voltage,
temperature occurs in one day, small amounts of look for a blown fuse, broken wires, or corrosion in
water can accumulate in the air brake system due the vehicle wiring harness.
to condensation. Under these conditions, the
presence of small amounts of moisture is normal B. Thermostat and Heater
and should not be considered as an indication that 1. Turn off the ignition switch and cool the end cover
the dryer is not performing properly. assembly to below 40°F. With an ohmmeter check
Note also that a small amount of oil in the system the resistance between the electrical terminal and
may be normal and should not, in itself, be considered the aluminum of the end cover (see Figure 16).
a reason to replace the desiccant; oil stained desiccant This resistance should be 2.0 - 4.0 ohms for a 12
can often function adequately. volt end cover, 8.1 -13 ohms for a 24 volt, 60 watt
end cover, and 4.0 - 7.0 ohms for a 24 volt, 120
2. Check mounting bo Its for tightness. watt end cover.
3. Check the operation of the integral single check valve in 2. Warm the end cover assembly to over 90øF. and
the AD-2 or the "in line" check valve used with the AD-1. check the resistance as above. This resistance
Build the air system to governor cut-out and observe the should exceed 1,000 ohms.
test air gauge installed in the #1 reservoir. A rapid loss of
pressure could indicate a failed check valve. This can If these resistances are within the limits, the
be confirmed by checking at the purge valve exhaust. thermostat and heater are operating properly.
(Note: Purge valve will be open when governor cut-out If these resistances are outside the limits, proceed
pressure is reached. Allow two minutes for purge cycle to Step C to determine the cause.
before testing the check valve.)
C. Heater Element
4. Check for excessive leakage atthe purge valve by coating
the exhaust with a soap solution while the compressor With the ignition or engine control switch "off',
is loaded. (compressing air) remove the thermostat cover (see Figure 17). With
an ohmmeter check the resistance between the
5. Check the operation of the safety valve by pulling the aluminum of the end cover and the heater post (see
exposed stem while the compressor is loaded. Figure 17). For a 12 volt end cover, the resistance
should be 2.0 - 2.8 ohms. For a 24 volt, 60 watt end
cover, 8.1 - 11.1 ohms, and for a 24 volt, 120 watt
end cover, 4.0 - 4.6 ohms. If the heater resistance
is outside these ranges, a new or remanufactured
end cover should be installed, since the heater
element cannot be serviced.
If the heater resistance is within the limits the
thermostat should be replaced (Kit Number 102637)
or a new or remanufactured end cover installed.
D. Reassembly
Reinstall the thermostat cover according to Figure
17. Take special care to assure the rubber spacer
and the gasket are correctly installed, to assure
proper operation.
FIGURE 5 8. Every 7200 hours; 200,000 miles or every 24 months,
change the desiccant cartridge.
(compressing air) There must be an exhaust of air while NOTE: The desiccant change interval may vary from vehicle
the stem is held and the valve should reseat when the to vehicle. Although typical desiccant cartridge life is
stem is released. two years, many will perform adequately for three to
four years. In order to take maximum advantage of REPLACING OR REBUILDING THE AD-1 AND
desiccant life and assure that replacement occurs AD-2 AIR DRYER
only when necessary, it is important that Serviceability
Checks 1 - 7 be performed. GENERAL
If, after completing the routine serviceability tests, it has
been determined that one or more components of the air
When working on or around a vehicle, the following general dryer requires replacement or maintenance, refer to page
precautions should be observed: 13 to ascertain the appropriate kit(s) needed. When rebuilding
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface, apply the parking or replacing components of the air dryer use only genuine
brakes, and always block the wheels. Bendix replacement parts or kits.
2. Locate the notch in the air dryer shell. While pushing the desiccant cartridge: a Tru Arc retaining ring, two special
end cover up into the dryer, insert the blade of a thin nuts, and the latest method, a single hex lock nut.
screwdriver in the notch and slowly pry out the retaining Removing the securing device will permit the desiccant
ring. If the cartridge bolt has loosened the cartridge plate to be separated from the desiccant cartridge. After
spring may exert a force on the end cover retaining ring removing the desiccant cartridge:
making removal of the retaining ring and end cover 1. Remove the two O-rings from the desiccant plate and
difficult. This spring force will prohibit the end cover discard them.
moving up into the dryer shell when pushed up. Warning:
This same force can also cause the end cover to come 2. Remove the ball check valve retaining clip and remove
out of the air dryer shell unexpectedly during the removal and discard the rubber ball valve.
process. Exercise extreme caution to prevent bodily 3. Clean the desiccant plate thoroughly using a quality
injury. commercial solvent, making sure the purge orifice and
3. Do not stand or lay directly under the end cover while check valve seat are clean.
servicing. Assure adequate clearance between the
end cover and other surfaces to prevent hand injury if 4. Install a new ball check valve and replace the retaining
the end cover dislodges rapidly during removal. NOTE: clip and screw (Figure 5).
BE CERTAIN THE DESICCANT SEALING PLATE 5. Thoroughly lubricate the two new O-rings and install them
ASSEMBLY COMES OUT WITH THE CARTRIDGE. in their respective grooves in the purge plate (Figure 6).
6. Set the desiccant sealing plate aside for reinstallation
CAUTION: Before attempting to remove the desiccant sealing on the desiccant cartridge.
plate, measure the cartridge bolt from the top of the
desiccant plate lock nut to the end of the bolt threads.
If that measurement is approximately 3-3/16 inches,
proceed with the disassembly.
If the bolt measures approximately 1-9/16 inches,
disassemble using CAUTION. Approximately 75
pounds of spring force will remain against the
desiccant plate when the lock nut reaches the end of
the bolt thread and is removed.
Before the desiccant cartridge can be replaced or rebuilt
the desiccant sealing plate must be removed. It is
recommended that all non-metallic parts be replaced when
the plate is removed. In the past, three methods have been
employed, to secure the desiccant sealing plate to the
REINSTALLING THE DESICCANT CARTRIDGE removed from the air dryer, it should be replaced with
AD-1 AND AD-2 a complete current revision desiccant cartridge.
IMPORTANT: Only the current revision desiccant cartridges 2. Remove the desiccant sealing plate and rebuild it as
(See Figure 7) can be rebuilt. Current revision desiccant outlined under the Removing and Rebuilding the
cartridges are identified positively by the Bendix trademark Desiccant Sealing Plate section of this manual.
BW stamped in the hex head of the cartridge bolt, and by
the letters and number AD-2 displayed on the bottom face
of the oil filter. If an old revision desiccant cartridge is
3. Remove and retain the spring, spring seat, bolt, and
cartridge shell. Discard the oil separator filter, the two
perforated plates and desiccant material.
12.Using the lock nut draw the assembly together to
FIGURE 11 approximately half of the spring's free height. While
slowly turning the cartridge, tap the side of the shell
4. Insert one of the perforated plates into the cartridge, with a plastic mallet (See Figure 14). This allows the
cloth side up, and tap it firmly to the bottom. (Cloth desiccant material to settle properly into place. Continue
always faces desiccant material.) (See Figure 8) to tighten the nut, making sure all items are properly
aligned. Tighten nut firmly using an 11/16" socket or
5. Slide oil separator filter over the cartridge bolt with the box wrench. (See Figures 15-1, 15-2)
gasket surface next to the shell. (See Figure 9)
6. Install the bolt with the oil separator into the bottom of
the shell and through center hole of the perforated plate
in the bottom of the shell. (See Figure 10)
7. Pour the entire package of desiccant material into the
shell, making sure none is lost. Handle carefully so
that the bolt does not fall out. (See Figure 11)
8. Level the desiccant material and install second
perforated plate cloth side down. (Make sure the
shoulder of the bolt is centered, and extends slightly
above the top of the perforated plate.) (See Figure 12)
NOTE: If the shoulder of the bolt does-not extend above
the perforated plate tap the side of the desiccant
9. Set the conical spring on top of the perforated plate
(large diameter down - small diameter up.)
10.Place the spring retainer on top of the spring (See
Figure 13)
11.Install the previously rebuilt desiccant sealing plate on
the cartridge bolt so that the ball check retaining clip is
in view.
To remove the end cover assembly from the air dryer follow
steps 1-6 under the section of this manual entitled Removal
of Desiccant Cartridge AD-1 and AD-2. Before rebuilding the
end cover, clean the exterior thoroughly using a quality
commercial solvent.
1. Remove and discard the large O-ring around the end
2. Remove the exhaust elbow and clamp.
3. Remove the cap nut and discard the cap nut O-ring.
4. Place the handle of a large screwdriver in a vise and
secure it.
5. Place the slot in the plunger (cap nut end) over the blade
of the screwdriver, hold it securely and remove the nut
from the plunger using a 1/2" socket wrench.
6. Remove the plunger, spring and valve. Discard the valve. FIGURE 15-1
7. Clean and inspect the plunger bore and the valve seat.
ASSEMBLY 8. Wash all remaining parts in a commercial solvent,
making sure all surfaces, bores, ports, and passages
13.Install the heater element, securing it in the end cover are clean and dry before assembly.
with the retainer clip and screw. NOTE: If during the serviceability checks it was determined
14. Install the square cut seal ring in the thermostat bore. that the thermostat was defective, use the following
procedure. It is not necessary to replace this unit
15.Install the thermostat metal side down in the end cover
each time the end cover is rebuilt. Use thermostat
bore and secure it in place using the retaining clip or
kit. (See Figure 17)
shield and the two screws.
9. Remove nut(2), then lockwasher(3), plain washer(4)
16.Lubricate and install the O-rings on the plunger and cap
and O-ring(5). Discard O-ring and retain other parts.
10.Remove and retain four Phillips head screws(7) and
17.Lubricate the plunger bore and install the spring and
plunger (through the cap nut end).
11.Remove and discard gasket(10).
18.Install the valve on the plunger, making certain the
chamfered end of the valve is in contact with the metal 12.Remove and retain spacer(11).
seat of the body. 13.Cut uninsulated thermostat wire at Point B. (Figure 17),
19.Using the screwdriver held in the vise, as described in remove and discard thermostat and terminal assembly(1).
Steps 4 & 5, compress the plunger into the bore while 14.Clean remaining wire attached to heater terminal.
installing and tightening the nut.
15.Clean thermostat "pocket" in end cover(9).
20.Install the cap nut and tighten it.
21.Lubricate and install the large diameter O-ring around
the end cover assembly. 16.Cut uninsulated lead of new thermostat(1) at Point A
(Figure 17).
REBUILDING THE AD-2 END COVER 17.Install thermostat in end cover "pocket" and position
ASSEMBLY uninsulated leads next to each other.
18.Using a soldering heat sink, clamp uninsula-leads at
To remove the end cover assembly from the air dryer follow Point B and solder leads with straight rosin core solder.
steps 1-6 under the section of this manual entitled Removal DO NOT USE ACID CORE SOLDER. Clean excess
of Desiccant Cartridge AD-1 and AD-2. Before rebuilding the solder off end cover.
end cover, clean the exterior thoroughly using a quality
commercial solvent. 19.Install thermostat terminal(1) in cover(6).
20.Install O-ring(5), washer(4), lockwasher(3) and nut(2).
DISASSEMBLY Torque nut to 20-30 inch pounds.
1. Remove and discard the large O-ring around the end 21.Install spacer(11) over thermostat(1).
cover assembly.
22.Install gasket(7) and cover(6) and secure cover to end
2. Remove the single #6-32 screw securing the exhaust cover(9) using screws(7) and lockwashers(8).
diaphragm and separate the diaphragm, washer and
screw. Discard the diaphragm. 23.Torque to 30-40 inch pounds.
3. Remove the three #6-32 screws securing the exhaust 24.Test thermostat as follows:
cover and remove the exhaust cover. A. At a temperature above 85°F. check resistance
4. Remove the purge valve assembly, the large hex cap between thermostat terminal(1) and end cover(9).
nut, from the end cover and discard both O-rings around Resistance should be 200,000 ohms or greater; if
the cap nut. not, check for solder "path" short.
5. Using a 7/16" socket wrench and a large screwdriver, B. Chill entire end cover assembly to 35°F. or below
remove the 1/4"-20 hex head cap screw which holds the and check resistance again. Resistance should be
assembly together. 2-15 ohms.
6. Separate cap screw, purge valve, purge valve piston and 25.Lubricate the piston O-ring and install it on the piston.
the piston return spring.
26.Lubricate the piston bore.
7. Discard the piston O-ring, the purge valve, and the piston
return spring. 27.Install the purge piston return spring and piston.
28.Install the purge valve in the large cap nut so that the
rubber portion rests on the metal seat of the cap nut.
29.Secure the valve to the piston using the 1/4"-20 2. Locate and remove the line connected to the outlet port
cap screw and lockwasher and torque to 50 inch of the AD-2.
pounds. 3. Remove the check valve from the outlet port. (See Figure
30.Lubricate and install the two cap nut O-rings. 2)
31.Lubricate the cap nut threads and the cap nut bore of 4. Remove the rubber sealing ring from the external threaded
the end cover and install the cap nut, torquing it to 180-250 portion of the body and discard it.
inch pounds. 5. Disassemble the check valve by unscrewing the body
32.Secure the exhaust diaphragm to the exhaust cover halves and note the order of the removal of the parts.
using the #6-32 Phillips head screw and diaphragm 6. Discard and replace the check valve, valve spring and
washer. metal seal washer.
33.Secure the exhaust cover to the purge valve hex head 7. Wash all parts in a quality commercial solvent, making
cap nut using the #6-32 Phillips head screws. sure all surfaces are clean and dry prior to reassembly.
34.Lubricate and install the large diameter O-ring around 8. Coat all parts with a film of barium base lubricant such
the end cover assembly. as Bendix piece number 246671 which is supplied with
VALVE 9. Reassemble the check valve and torque the body halves
1. Make certain the vehicle is safely parked. Block the to between 200 and 225 inch pounds.
wheels if necessary. 10.Reinstall the check valve in the AD-2 outlet port and
reconnect the line leading to the first reservoir.
1. Wipe the inside of the dryer clean. If a solvent is used,
be certain that no residue is left in the shell.
2. Check to be certain a film of barium base grease is
present on the O-rings and install the cartridge and purge
plate assembly into the body. Engage the bolt and 5. For the dryers with a 3/4-14 or 1 - 11-1/2 dryseal outlet
tighten to 375 inch pounds or 32 foot pounds torque. port, a check valve must be placed between the purge
3. Check the end cover O-ring to be certain it is clean volume and the first downstream reservoir. (Dryers with
and lubricate the O-ring with a barium base lubricant 1/2-14 dryseal outlet ports have a built-in check valve.)
such as Bendix 246671. Install the O-ring on the end 6. Connect a fused #16 gauge wire from the "on" position of
cover and install the end cover in the dryer body. the engine control or ignition switch to the heater terminal.
4. Position the end cover as marked during removal and This connection must be waterproof. Use an 8 to 10
install the retainer ring so that the gap in the ring is amp. fuse with 12 volt end covers and with 24 volt end
within an inch of the notch in the body. covers identified with the marking "24V 120W." Use a 4
to 5 amp. fuse with 24 volt end covers identified with the
5. Grease the threads on the three cap screws and reinstall
marking "24V."
them with their retainers in the end cover.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A new 24 volt heater was
6. Reconnect the air control line to the purge valve port in
introduced in 1983. The new heater version draws
the end cover.
120 watts of power and requires an 8 to 10 amp fuse.
7. Reconnect the thermostat and heater wire. End covers with the new heater are identified with
8. Test the air dryer as outlined under the Preventive the marking "24V 120W" cast on the identification
Maintenance and Checking Serviceability Section of this boss of the end cover. The previous identification
manual. was "24V".
1. Dryer is constantly A. Excessive system leakage A. Test for excessive leakage and repair.
"cycling" or purging Allowable leakage:
Pre-121 vehicles, single vehicle - 2 psi/minute
Tractor trailer - 3 psi/minute.
121 vehicles, single vehicle - 1 psi/minute per
service reservoir.
Tractor trailor - 3 psi/minute per service
B. Excessive leakage in fittings, hoses
B. Using soap solution, test for leakage at fittings,
and tubing connected to compressor,
drain valve (if any) and safety valve in first
air dryer and first reservoir
reservoir. Repair or replace as necessary.
C. Defective check valve between air
C. Test check valve. Leakage should not exceed
dryer and first reservoir (In standard
1" soap bubble in five seconds. It may be
AD-2, check valve to outlet port.)
necessary to remove check valve to test.
Repair or replace as necessary.
D. Defective governor.
D. Test governor for proper cut-in or cut-out
pressures and excessive leakage in both
E. Leaking purge valve in air dryer end
E. Remove end cover. Apply 120 psi at control
cover (control side).
port. Soap both sides around purge valve to test
for control piston leakage.
(Permissible leakage - 1" bubble in five
F. Compressor unloader mechanism
F. Remove air strainer or fitting from compressor
leaking excessively.
inlet cavity. With compressor unloaded, check
for unloader piston leakage.
Slight leakage permissible.
4. Constant exhaust of air A. Air dryer purge valve leaking A. With compressor loaded, apply soap solution
at air dryer purge valve excessively. on purge valve exhaust, to test for excessive
exhaust or unable to leakage Repair purge valve as necessary
build system pressure B. Defective governor. B. Check governor for proper "cut-in", "cut-out"
pressure and excessive leakage in both
positions. Repair or replace as necessary
C. Purge control line connected to C. Purge control line must be connected to
reservoir or exhaust port of governor. unloader port of governor
D. Purge valve frozen open - faulty D. Test heater and thermostat as described in
heater and thermostat, wiring, blown Step 7 of Preventive Maintenance Section.
E. Inlet and outlet air connections E. Compressor discharge to inlet port. Reconnect
reversed. lines properly.
F. Check valve between air dryer and first F. Test check valve for proper operation (see
reservoir defective Symptom #3, Remedy B).
G. Kinked or blocked (plugged) G. Check to determine if air passes through
discharge line discharge line. Check for kinks, bends,
excessive carbon deposits.
H. Excessive bends in discharge line H. Discharge line should be constantly sloping
(water collects and freezes) from compressor to air dryer with as few bends
as possible.
I. Excessive system leakage. I. See Symptom #1's Causes and Remedies.
5. Air dryer does not purge A. Broken, kinked, frozen, plugged or A. Test to determine air flows through purge
or exhaust air. disconnected purge control line control line when compressor unloaded Check
for undrilled fittings (See Symptom #4,
Remedy C.)
B. Faulty air dryer purge valve B. After determining air reaches purge valve
(Remedy A above), repair purge valve.
C. See Causes B,E,F,G,H, for Symptom C. Refer to Remedies B, E, F, G, H, for Symptom
#4 #4
6. Desiccant material being A. This symptom is almost always See Causes and Remedies for Symptoms 1,2,3,4
expelled from air dryer accompanied by one or more of and 5
purge valve exhaust Symptoms 1,2,3,4 and 5. See related
(may look like whitish causes for these Symptoms above
liquid or paste or small
beads). B. Air dryer not securely mounted. B. Vibration should be held to minimum. Add
(Excessive vibration). bracket supports or change air dryer mounting
location if necessary.
Unsatisfactory dessicant C. Defective cloth covered perforated C. Replace or rebuild desiccant cartridge. NOTE.
life. plate in air dryer dessicant cartridge If rebuilding cartridge, carefully follow
or improperly rebuilt desiccant instructions packed with cartridge rebuild kit
D. Compressor passing excessive oil. D. Check for proper compressor installation; if
symptoms persist, replace compressor.
E. Faulty heater and thermostat, wiring, E. Refer to Remedy D under Symptom #4.
fuse not allowing purge (Cold weather
operation only.)
7. Unable to remove end A. Result of reversing the inlet and outlet A. Refer to Symptom #4, Cause E.
cover, or unable to install connections. (See Symptom #4,
new desiccant cartridge. Cause E)
8. Air dryer end cover A. Excessive system pressure build up A. Because it is difficult to determine extent of
separates from air dryer within air dryer; caused by either internal damage to air dryer, it is recommended
housing during operation. plugged desiccant, check valve failure, that the air dryer be replaced.
frozen or obstructed discharge line
(between air dryer and first reservoir) or NOTE: This type of failure can be prevented by
governor failure in conjunction with checking the dryer for proper operation every
safety valve failure. three (3) months.
The T11 and T12 transmissions have constant mesh gear A hydraulic torque converter drive between the engine and
trains. Two single disc hydraulic clutches are applied or transmission permits full stalling of the vehicle without stalling
released to control forward and reverse operation. Optional the engine and varies torque input to match existing load con-
1.19:1 or 94:1 speed ratios are available for both forward or ditions. The transmission oil pump is driven at engine speed by
reverse in T12 assemblies. Only one of the two ratios are converter tangs. Input to the transmission is through the input
available for forward and one for reverse in any one assembly. shaft driven by the converter turbine. The converter is a single-
The ratios in forward and reverse may be either identical or phase, three element type, comprising an impeller connected
one of each is optional. to the crankshaft, a turbine connected to the input shaft of the
gearbox and a stator mounted on a sprag type one way clutch
A 2.41:1 low range is available for both low and reverse oper- supported on a fixed hub on the stator support.
ation in T11 transmissions and optional 1.19:1 or 94:1 ratios
are available for high range operation in both forward and The inching valve permits the operator to control clutch slip-
reverse. Only one of the optional ratios is available in any one page in order to move the vehicle slowIy (inch) while maintain-
transmission. ing high engine speed for auxiliary pump operation and
permits inching the vehicle in close quarters.
The clutches are contained in one large balanced, oil cooled
drum with the front clutch plate driving the inner concentric Provision has been made for the addition of a seat operated
shaft and the rear clutch plate driving the hollow concentric safety valve, which automatically causes the hydraulic
shaft. clutches to be released when the driver’s seat is unoccupied.
STARTING THE ENGINE AS A BRAKE by shifting the transmission at high engine
Start the engine with the selector in neutral and with the foot
brake applied. A neutral switch which permits starter operation Damage to the transmission can result from excessive heat
only when the selector is in neutral position is installed on created by abusive operation such as shifting at high engine
some installations as a safety feature. The operator should speeds or shifting without an interval between shifts which
insist that the neutral switch be adjusted to permit starting in would permit cooling.
neutral position only.
The torque converter coupling between the engine and trans- INCHING VALVE
mission makes it possible to powershift the unit from forward to
reverse. The inching valve permits slipping the clutches when inching
the vehicle in close quarters and also permits maintaining high
Powershifts are permissible at engine speeds below 1000 engine speeds to accommodate working the implement pump
RPM; however, except in an emergency, it SHOULD NOT for high flow rates while the vehicle moves slowly in either
The T11 transmissions have two forward and two reverse The transmission operating temperature should be maintained
ratios available. The range control lever shifts a sliding collar to between 180° and 225°F (83° and 107°C). Extended periods
obtain either high (H), low (L) or neutral (N) from the gear set. of operation at temperatures above 250°F (121°C) should be
A cam on the range control lever causes the clutch supply avoided. The transmission may be cooled by shifting to neutral
valve to move to exhaust either clutch if applied and thus pre- and operating the engine at approximately 1200 RPM.
vent gear clashing without requiring the selector lever to be
moved to neutral.
SELECTOR LEVER The operator of any equipment is responsible for any damage
or injuries caused while he is handling such equipment. Faulty
The selector lever is used to select forward (F), neutral (N) or equipment should not be in operation and the operator is the
reverse (R) as required. The selector lever positions the selec- one person who is at the scene and for that reason he should
tor valve which should be positioned exactly. Proper linkage have the knowledge to determine when the equipment should
adjustment is necessary to prevent positioning the selector not be operated. Consult a mechanic when in doubt as to vehi-
valve between poppet positions. cle safety.
The applied front clutch, drives the front clutch drive shaft and
drive gear. The front clutch drive gear drives the idler gear, The applied front clutch drives the front clutch drive shaft and
which drives the countershaft gear and output shaft in the gear. The front clutch drive gear drives the front idler gear,
same direction of rotation as the input shaft. which is splined to the low speed or rear idler gear. The low
speed idler gear drives the low speed gear and low speed
clutch hub. The speed selector collar is shifted to the rear to
T12 TRANSMISSION WITH REAR CLUTCH APPLIED engage the low speed clutch hub causing the output shaft to
be driven in the same direction as the input shaft at the low
The applied rear clutch, drives the rear clutch shaft and drive speed ratio.
gear. The rear clutch drive gear drives the countershaft gear
and output shaft in the opposite direction to input shaft
T11 TRANSMISSION WITH HIGH RANGE SELECTED AND selector collar is shifted to the rear to engage the low speed
FRONT CLUTCH APPLIED clutch hub to drive the output shaft in a direction opposite to
input shaft rotation and at the low speed ratio.
The applied front clutch drives the front clutch drive shaft and
gear. The front clutch drive gear drives the high speed idler
gear, which drives the countershaft gear and countershaft. T11 TRANSMISSION WITH HIGH RANGE SELECTED AND
The speed selector collar is shifted forward into engagement REAR CLUTCH APPLIED
with the high speed clutch hub locking the output shaft to the
countershaft. The output shaft is driven in the same direction The applied rear clutch drives the rear clutch drive shaft and
as the input shaft and at the high speed ratio. gear. The rear clutch drive gear drives the countershaft gear
and countershaft. The speed selector collar is shifted forward
into engagement with high speed clutch hub teeth driving the
T11 TRANSMISSION WITH LOW RANGE SELECTED AND output shaft at the high speed ratio in a direction opposite to
REAR CLUTCH APPLIED input shaft rotation.
The applied rear clutch drives the rear clutch drive shaft and
gear. The rear clutch drive gear drives the countershaft gear
which drives the front idler gear. The front idler gear drives the
rear idler gear which drives the low speed gear. The speed
All T11 and T12 hydraulic circuits are similar with minor excep- CLUTCH SUPPLY VALVE
tions. A seat actuated safety valve may or may not be used
with any of the various models. A valve operated by the high The clutch supply valve, when held against spring force, per-
and low gear cam is used only in the T11 transmissions. Two mits oil to feed from the inching valve to the manual valve. The
springs are used in certain instances to replace a single spring high and low gear cam operated valve in T11 transmission or
or springs of different weights may be used to vary pressure in the seat actuated safety valve when open can exhaust the oil
the various transmission assemblies. from the end of the clutch supply valve faster than it can be
replaced through the feed orifice; therefore, the spring force
Hydraulic oil enters the pump through the intake screen and returns the valve to the blocking position. In the blocking posi-
case passages. Oil leaving the pump is directed through case tion neither clutch can be fed and both clutches are exhausted
and adapter passages to all open valve body passages and at the clutch supply valve, thus causing a neutral condition to
through an orifice to the converter. The orifice acts to drop the exist in the transmission.
pressure of the oil entering the converter. Oil leaving the con-
verter is fed to the cooler and cooler bypass (pop) valve. The
pop valve remains closed unless the pressure exceeds the SELECTOR VALVE
valve opening limit. Oil returning from the cooler is directed to
the clutch cooling and lube circuits. Forward (F) position permits oil to flow to the forward clutch
and exhaust reverse clutch. Neutral (N) position permits the
selector valve to block oil at the valve and exhaust both
PRESSURE REGULATOR VALVE clutches. Reverse (R) position permits oil to flow to the reverse
clutch and exhaust forward clutch.
Oil from the pump, after filling all open circuits, begins increas-
ing in pressure and continues to increase until the force from
the oil on the end of the pressure regulator valve overcomes CLUTCH ORIFICE AND FLYBALL
the spring force and moves the regulator valve to a position
where main line oil is fed into the cooler and lube circuits. Clutch cylinders are provided with either bleed holes or bleed
Feeding main line oil into the lube circuit lowers the pressure holes and ball dump valves. These are provided to exhaust oil
and permits the spring force to balance the force from the oil from the clutch cylinder and assure clutch release. Centrifugal
on the end of the regulator valve, thus regulating line pressure. force could cause pressure build up within the clutch cylinder if
bleeds were not provided. The flyball bleed provides fast
release and permits higher apply pressure.
Right and left side views of both T11 and T12 transmissions
The inching valve, when the inching valve plunger is in but not showing pressure check points and cooler line connecting
quite tight against its stop, will regulate the clutch maximum points should be checked prior to making an installation or
pressure, determined by the spring or springs used in this checking pressure to be certain that the correct outlet is used,
location. Depressing the inching valve pedal permits the see Page 7.
plunger to move away from the spring, decreasing the spring’s
effect on the inching valve to lower clutch pressure. Clutch
pressure can be varied from zero to the maximum regulated
pressure obtainable from the spring combination in the valve
body assembly. Clutch pressure regulated by the inching valve
is less than the pressure regulated by the regulator valve. The
maximum regulated clutch pressure is from 70-87 PSI (4.92-
6.12 kg/cm2) in some assemblies and clutch pressure is from
80-100 PSI (5.62-7.03 kg/cm2) in other assemblies. Pressure
recommendations for your partticular model should be
obtained from the original equipment manufacturer.
TRANSMISSION INSTALLATION One of two methods may be used for assembling the converter
to the engine and transmission. The converter may first be
Screw two dowels into the mounting bolt holes on opposite assembled to the transmission and then the transmission and
sides of mounting face. Use dowels as guides for guiding the converter assembled to the engine. Tighten the transmission
transmission into correct alignment with the converter. Turn housing bolts to the engine before the converter drive plate
the converter or pump gears to align these parts so that the bolts are tightened. This method permits the pump bushing
tangs will mate with openings in the gear. Force should not be and the crankshaft pilot bushing to hold the converter in align-
used as damage to the pump bushing and converter tangs ment before the drive plate bolts are tightened.
may occur unless extreme care is used.
The converter is assembled to the engine without the trans-
It is especially important to properly make all required adjust- mission in the second method of transmission installation. A
ments after installation is completed. Oil cooler, cooler lines gage is required to align the converter to the flywheel and
and fittings should be filled and tested. Recheck the oil level housing before the drive plate bolts are tightened. The gage
after the transmission test is completed. Operating the vehicle inside diameter, 2.1260 (54.0mm), fits over the converter hub
during the test will fill the cooler and cooler lines and purge the and the outside diameter fits into the housing bore. The No. 3
air from the system. The final oil level check should be made at SAE housing gage outside diameter should be 16.1245
operating temperature and after a test the temperature should (409.6mm) and the No. 4 SAE housing gage outside diameter
be right for checking. should be 14.2495 (361.9mm).
A good transmission improperly installed and adjusted may be Assemble the converter with the bolts loose until the gage is
damaged to the extent that it must be rebuilt. Correction of all installed over the converter hub and in the housing bore, then
problems before delivery to the customer will insure trouble tighten the converter drive plate bolts to the specified torque of
free operation and reduce future repair costs to a minimum. 13–15 lbs. ft. (1.79–2.07 kg. m.).
It is almost impossible to completely flush all dirt from a con- Two problems can develop because of improper converter
verter, which has been used in an installation where the trans- tang engagement with pump drive gear. When tangs enter
mission had failed and continued use permitted circulation of gear too far, the gear is forced into contact with the stator sup-
the contaminated oil through the converter. Good judgment, port and pump face wear occurs. Shallow engagement will
should be exercised as to the need for replacing a contami- cause tangs to wear. The recommended .199 ± .077
nated converter. It should be realized that any dirt which is cir- (5.05±1.85mm) tang engagement should be checked when
culated from a contaminated converter into the valve body pump or tang failures occur and when new installations are
could cause valves to stick with a resulting transmission failure being made.
very likely.
GEAR RATIOS Rated input torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 lb. ft. (48.39 kg. m.)
Rated input speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500 rpm
2.41:1 low, 1.19:1 high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Gearing . . . . . . . . . . . Constant-mesh, countershaft, straight spur
Clutches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-in. (254 mm) single disc
2.41:1 low, 0.94:1 high. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Integral oil capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 U.S. Qts. (9.46 Liters)
Oil pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Integral
Ratios are the same in either forward or reverse. Regulating valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Integral
Transmission oil pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-140 psi
(7.03-9.84 kg/m2)
Converter oil pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-100 psi
(4.22-7.03 kg/cm2)
Lube oil pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40 psi
NOTE: All specifications and descriptive data shown are nominal and subject to
(.35-2.81 kg/cm2)
change without notice. Specific applications should be referred to Warner Gear Weight (dry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 lb. (117.93 kg.)
for engineering assistance. Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See form no. 1095
GEAR RATIOS Rated input torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 lb. ft. (48.39 kg. m.)
Rated input speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500 rpm
Gearing . . . . . . . . . . . Constant-mesh, countershaft, straight spur
1.19:1 Forward & Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard
Clutches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-in. (254 mm) single disc
0.94:1 Forward & Reverse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Integral oil capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 U.S. Qts. (9.46 Liters)
1.19:1 Forward—0.94:1 Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Oil pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Integral
0.94:1 Forward—1.19:1 Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Regulating valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Integral
Transmission oil pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-140 psi
Ratios may be the same in either forward or reverse. (7.03-9.85 kg/cm2)
Converter oil pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-100 psi
(4.22-7.03 kg/cm2)
Lube oil pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40 psi
NOTE: All specifications and descriptive data shown are nominal and subject to
(.35-2.81 kg/cm2)
change without notice. Specific applications should be referred to Warner Gear Weight (dry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 lb. (102.06 kg.)
for engineering assistance. Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See form no. 1095
TRANSMISSION REMOVAL Tighten all bolts, screws and pipe plugs evenly to the recom-
mended torque, which is given in the torque chart in this
Disconnect linkage from transmission and tie in a position manual.
where it will not be damaged or bent as the transmission is
removed from the engine. Oil lines should be carefully John Crane Packing Company Plastic Lead Sealer Number 2
removed to prevent dirt from entering the open lines and case or a suitable substitute should be applied to threads of all bolts
passages. Do not bend oil lines as this could cause restricted that assemble into threaded holes, which open into cavities
oil flow and possible overheating of transmission. containing oil.
TRANSMISSION OVERHAUL Remove six 7/16 bolts and converter housing from transmis-
sion. The converter housing is not illustrated in either exploded
Proper transmission operation is insured by cleanliness during view.
an overhaul. Plugs should be removed from all case passages
to permit thorough cleaning of these passages. Use com- Remove snap ring (120) and spacer (119) from input shaft.
pressed air to dry parts before they are assembled. Do not The snap ring is below flush with front face of adapter.
wipe parts with rags to clean or dry them as lint from cloth may
cause erratic valve action. Remove eight 3/8 bolts (144) and pull adapter (122) forward
from transmission.
Gaskets, oil seals and rubber sealing rings should be
replaced, except in relatively new units. Inspect and remove PART II For transmissions having a case front half as shown
these parts only when they are to be replaced with new parts. in the T11 & 10-01 exploded view.
Oil seals and bearings are best installed by using an arbor Remove eight 5/16 machine screws (166), then pull pump and
press, suitable fixtures and tools to properly align parts being stator support (145) forward from transmission.
assembled. Hammering seals and bearings into position can
severely damage these parts. Remove one sealing ring (142) from input shaft groove.
Approved lubricants should be used to lubricate parts as they Remove two snap rings (141) from input shaft groove.
are assembled. Petroleum jelly may be used on gaskets or
other parts that must be held in position during assembly. Remove bolts (160) and pull case front half (139) from trans-
Lubricated parts will assemble more freely than dry parts. mission.
Remove annular bearing from case front half only if bearing is Remove snap ring (55) from shaft (59) groove.
to be replaced.
Remove five 5/16 machine screws (108) and bearing retainer
Pull drive shaft (59) and bearing (57) assembly forward from
Pull clutch assembly straight out of transmission. Be prepared transmission as rear clutch drive gear (56) is slid from the end
to support the full weight of the assembly as it is pulled from of shaft.
supporting shafts.
T12 UNITS: Remove four bolts (1) and idler shaft retainer (4).
Remove idler gear (7) as retainer and idler shaft (9) are pulled
from transmission.
Parts are illustrated in T12 exploded view.
Remove four 5/16 bolts (64) and bearing retainer (66) from OUTPUT SHAFT AND COUNTERSHAFT GEAR
T12 units only.
T11 UNITS: Lift countershaft gear (96) from transmission as
Remove snap ring (53) from shaft (54) groove and slide shaft countershaft (95) and bearing (93) are removed.
rearward through gear (52) catching snap ring and gear when
they are freed as shaft is removed. The snap ring (67) may be T12 UNITS: Remove four bolts (1). Remove idler gear (7) and
removed and bearing (70) may be pulled prior to removing thrust washer (42) as retainer (4), idler shaft (9) and the other
shaft from case or bearing may be pressed from shaft after thrust washer are pulled from transmission. NOTE: Early mod-
removal from case. els did not use these thrust washers. The new retainer and
thrust washer may be used to replace an earlier retainer.
It is wise to mark all gears as they are removed. Marking gears
insures that they will be replaced in the correct location and
also permits gears which have been running together to be COMPLETE TRANSMISSION DISASSEMBLY
Oil screen and all case plugs should be removed to permit
thorough cleaning of case and case passages. Parts should
REAR CLUTCH DRIVE SHAFT be dried with compressed air.
T11 EXTENSION HOUSING Assemble groove pin (72) with shift lever positioned so that
groove around shaft aligns with groove pin hole in housing.
Assemble idler shaft (13) into retainer (4), aligning the large
Pull output shaft (90) from remaining parts. Move shift fork (81) step of the step drilled hole in shaft with cast “V” recess of
forward and remove sliding collar (89), shift fork, low speed retainer and assemble pin (3) into retainer and shaft.
gear (87), and the two thrust washers (75 & 88).
Assemble idler shaft and retainer with gasket to extension
Remove four cap screws (1), idler shaft retainer (4) and idler housing with cast recess of retainer located up in transmission.
shaft (13) from housing. Replace four 5/16–18 x 1 hex head bolts (1) and lockwashers.
Current models do not use lockwashers on retainer bolts.
Drive the groove pin (72) from housing and remove shift lever.
Remove detent plunger (71) and spring (70). Remove the Center over the output shaft bearing, one low speed gear
1/4 inch pipe plug (66), spring (67) and 3/8 inch steel ball (68). thrust washer (75), the low speed gear (87), a second thrust
The 3/8 ball rests on the clutch release valve seat. Do not washer (88), and the sliding collar (89). Assemble shift fork,
damage this valve seat by forcing punches or other tools into engaging shift lever and sliding collar which should then be
this location. centered over low speed gear.
Remove and discard the two oil seals from housing. Remove Assemble output shaft (90) through these parts and into
annular bearing if replacement is planned. bearing.
Inspect gears, shafts and journals for pits, nicks, burrs and any
other damage. Check gears for broken teeth. Check shift fork
for wear and distortion. Inspect oil seals for cracks, hardness
Parts are illustrated in T12 exploded view.
or cuts. Gasket surfaces should be flat, clean and free from
deep scratches.
Remove six bolts which retain valve body cover (15) and gas-
ket. Remove cover and gasket.
Remove two bolts which retain separator plate (11) to valve
Press a new output shaft oil seal (6) approximately 1/8 inch body. Lift separator plate and gasket carefully so that poppet
(approx. 3mm) below flush with rear extension housing (7) spring (34) and ball will not be lost. Observe the position of
face. valve keepers and then remove these parts.
Press output shaft bearing (77) into housing bore until it Pull loose valves and springs carefully from valve body, keep-
bottoms. ing springs with valves. The two oil seals will make valve
removal difficult. Use a screw driver to pry seals from body
Press shift lever oil seal (73) 3/32 inch (2.4mm) below exten- after valves have been removed.
sion housing face.
Remove the two retainer plugs (22 & 45) and pull the two
Assemble an “O” ring (78) into shift lever shaft (80) groove. remaining valves from body.
Assemble the 3/8 inch steel ball (68), spring (67) and one
quarter inch pipe plug (66) from outside and detent spring (70) INSPECTION
and plunger (71) from inside of extension housing.
Check valves for burrs and scratches. With parts washed and
Place a seal protector or use electrical tape over shaft (80) ser- air dried, valves should slide freely in their respective bores.
rations and assemble shift lever into housing as detent spring Small burrs may be removed by using a small, fine stone or
and plunger are held in to permit assembly. crocus cloth; however, never remove more material than
necessary and do not round valve lands. All surfaces of valve ADAPTER
body should be flat with no scratches. It is permissible, when
proper equipment is available, to hand lap valve body and DISASSEMBLY
plate surfaces.
Remove six cap screws (138) from front bearing retainer and
collector ring. Remove bearing retainer and inspect bearing in
position. The parts are illustrated in T12 exploded view.
Place valve body (2) on a clean bench with flat surface up and
Press bearing (118) from the adapter if replacement is
bore openings to your right. Parts are illustrated in valve body
exploded view and also in T12 exploded view.
Assemble regulator valve (20), spring (21), gasket (22) and Remove the converter pop valve spring seat (126), flat
valve retaining screw (23) into nearest bore. The regulator washer, converter pop valve spring (125) and the 3/8 steel ball
valve and clutch supply valve (10) are similar; however, the (124).
regulator valve has a chamfer ground across one land.
Assemble clutch supply valve (10), spring (11), gasket (12) INSPECTION
and valve retainer plug (13) into third bore.
Mating surfaces should be smooth and flat. The sealing rings
Press both seals in position, then carefully assemble selector should be free in their grooves, should retain most of their orig-
valve (8) into furthest bore. Assemble valve keeper (4). inal tension and should not be worn or be out of shape. The
two small plugs, which are pressed into the retainer hub
Assemble the inching valve locator spring (14), inching valve should be oil tight.
(15), inching valve spring (16) and plunger (18) into the
remaining bore, then assemble the two keepers (1 & 3) to
retain these parts. ASSEMBLY
Assemble the poppet ball (6) and spring (5) into tube (7). Press the bearing (118) into the adapter until seated. Assem-
ble bearing retainer (117) and six 5/16-18 X 1 hex head bolts
Assemble a new gasket (10) to valve body face, align holes in
with lockwashers.
separator plate (11) with valve body holes and press plate
down until the two 5/8–18 X 7/8 hex head bolts can be installed
Assemble two cast iron sealing rings (116) in bearing retainer
finger tight.
hub grooves.
Assemble valve body cover gasket (14), cover (15) and six
5/16-18 X 1-1/4 hex head bolts. All bolts and plugs should be Replace converter pop valve (124), spring, flat washer and
torqued at this time. pop valve seat.
The seal bottoms in the seal bore of two of these pumps. The
seal is pressed in flush with seal bore on the other pump. Note
seal position before removing the original seal and replace the
new seal accordingly.
Remove the screw or screws from the pump and separate the necessary to tap the parts with a plastic hammer to free them,
pump body and gears from stator support. Mark gears with a should they become cocked or stuck.
felt marking pen so that gear faces may be replaced as they
were originally. Remove piston (124) from from clutch cylinder. Do not remove
clutch sealing rings unless replacement is planned. Do not dis-
assemble input shaft from clutch cylinder unless replacement
of one of these parts is necessary.
Place clutch assembly under an arbor press, with input shaft ASSEMBLY
centered under the press. Use the T11 exploded view for ref-
erences in this section. Place the pressure plate assembly (118) on bench with the two
balance marks facing up.
Remove the snap ring retaining screw (134) and retainer
(133). With a light force from press held against input shaft Assemble rear clutch plate (117) with long portion of hub fac-
(123), remove snap ring (135) and slowly release the force to ing toward bench.
permit front clutch cylinder and input shaft to be pushed from
pressure plate (118) by the clutch retractor springs. It may be
Press a new needle bearing (107), if required, into rear clutch The input shaft (123) should have a needle bearing (121)
cylinder (112) to a depth 9/64 inch (3.6mm) below cylinder rear pressed into bore with rear face of needle bearing even with
face. top face of bore. Assemble input shaft to front clutch cylinder
(132). Eight 5/16-18 X 3/4 hex head place bolts (122) are used
Assemble a new sealing ring (113) in cylinder hub groove. to retain these parts.
Assemble a new sealing ring (114) in clutch piston (115)
groove. Assemble a cast iron sealing ring (131) in front clutch cylinder
hub groove.
Align dowel holes of clutch piston and cylinder as piston is
assembled into cylinder. Lubricate all clutch parts as they are Assemble a cast iron sealing ring (130) in front clutch piston
assembled. groove.
Place rear clutch and piston assembly squarely over clutch Lubricate and assemble piston into clutch cylinder, aligning
pressure plate, aligning balance marks and dowel pins, and dowel holes as these parts are assembled.
gently tap or push parts together. Replace snap ring (109) with
ends positioned to permit retainer (111) and screw (110) Align balance mark on clutch cylinder with balance mark on
installation at this time. clutch pressure plate and carefully lower clutch cylinder and
piston into pressure plate and over drive pins. Use an arbor
Assemble two new sealing rings (108) in rear clutch cylinder press to assemble parts against spring force and install the
grooves. snap ring so that retainer screw hole is exposed.
Invert clutch parts, which have been assembled and install the Replace snap ring retainer (134) and screw (133).
24 clutch retractor springs in holes through pressure plate
web. Assemble front clutch plate (120) with long portion of hub
facing up.
Place transmission case (101) on front face under an arbor Assemble an “O” ring in bearing retainer groove. The 5/16 inch
press. Center bearing bore with center of press. Press front (7.9mm) wide by 31/64 inch (12.3mm) deep slot in rear face of
countershaft bearing (97) into and bottom in case bore. this type retainer should be located up in transmission. Two
5/16-18 X 1/2 hex head bolts with flat washers are used to hold
Center the countershaft gear (96) over front bearing and slide this retainer during assembly and handling; however, these
countershaft (95) splines through gear splines. Align counter- two bolts will be removed before attaching another transmis-
shaft with bearing bore and use the press to seat shaft in bear- sion to the T12 assembly. A dowel located in from face of the
ing. Support bearing inner race when pressing countershaft attached transmission is aligned with the retainer slot to pre-
into the bearing. vent rotation of retainer.
Press rear output shaft bearing (75) into bearing retainer (72). Press one needle bearing (6 & 8) into each end of idler gear
The bearing should bottom in this bore. Press a new seal (74) (7). Bearings should be 1/32 inch (.8mm) below face of gear.
into and 7/64 inch (2.9mm) below chamfer leading into seal
bore. One bearing retainer (72) uses a gasket to seal against Assemble idler shaft (9) into idler shaft retainer (4), aligning
case face and another type retainer (62) uses a rubber “O” ring large end of step drilled hole in shaft with pin hole and cast “V”
which seals in the case bore. of retainer. Assemble retainer pin (3) to retain shaft in retainer.
or too much end play of idler gear indicates that the wrong Move the snap ring (53), which was installed behind rear
parts are being used together. clutch drive gear snap ring, into the front clutch drive shaft
groove to retain gear.
Transmission assemblies having a .94:1 fast forward ratio use
a two member gear having the smaller or thirty-one tooth On T12 transmissions only, assemble the gasket, bearing
member located to rear of transmission and the thirty-five tooth retainer (66) and four 5/16-18 X 7/8 hex head bolts and lock-
member located to front of transmission. washers.
Press a needle bearing (61) into rear clutch drive shaft (59) Assemble the clutch hub (92) over the countershaft (95) and
until flush with bottom of first step in gear. Use T12 exploded against the rear of case, with gear teeth to rear of transmis-
view for reference for this section. sion.
Assemble a snap ring (60) in front drive shaft groove. Press Assemble a thrust washer (91) on countershaft behind the
the annular bearing (57) onto drive shaft and into contact with clutch hub. Assemble a thrust washer (79) over idler shaft.
snap ring. The snap ring (58) should be in bearing groove and
should be located to front of transmission next to snap ring in Align idler gear shaft with rear idler shaft gear bore as the
shaft. extension housing is moved into position against rear trans-
mission face. The output shaft and shift collar will hold the
Hold drive gear (56) with long portion of gear hub facing to rear parts which were assembled into extension housing if the
of the transmission as the bearing and drive shaft are entered assembly is handled carefully. The idler gear and thrust
into front bore of case and into gear splines. Seat bearing snap washer will have to be aligned and correctly positioned as
ring against case face. Identical thirty-one tooth gears, identi- assembly progresses. Replace the ten 5/16-18 X 7/8 hex head
cal thirty-five tooth gears or one of each may be used for front bolts to retain extension housing to case.
& rear clutch drive gear. Replace each gear in the same loca-
tion that they were originally.
Assemble the bearing retainer (88) without a gasket, using five
5/16-18 X 1-1/4 machine screws and lockwashers to retain this The clutch assembly can be assembled into transmission sit-
part. ting upright; however, an easier method is to place the trans-
mission on its rear face and carefully lower the clutch
Assemble a snap ring (55) in shaft groove behind gear. assembly into transmission and onto the protruding shafts. It
will be necessary to rotate clutch assembly to cause clutch
splines to align with mating shaft splines. The clutch assembly
FRONT CLUTCH DRIVE SHAFT & GEAR when properly assembled will be approximately 1/2 inch
(12.7mm) below case front face.
Assemble a second snap ring (53) over rear clutch drive shaft
just behind the snap ring in the groove behind gear. This snap
ring will be moved later. Use T12 exploded view for reference TRANSMISSION FRONT HALF
for this section.
The T11 exploded view is used for illustrating this section.
Assemble a snap ring (51) in the rear large snap ring groove of Press and bottom the annular bearing (140) in case front half
front clutch drive shaft. (139) bearing bore.
Press the annular bearing (70) onto the front clutch drive shaft. Use petrolatum (Vaseline) to hold gasket in position on case
The snap ring in bearing groove should be assembled to the front half (139). Lower case front half over input shaft and onto
rear end of shaft. Assemble a snap ring (67) behind the bear- rear half of case, aligning gasket and case bolt holes. Replace
ing and in the groove of drive shaft. all bolts in their proper locations.
Hold gear (52) with long end of hub facing to front of transmis- Assemble two snap rings (141) in one groove of input shaft in
sion and slide drive shaft (54) and bearing assembly through front of annular bearing.
rear case opening, through gear and rear clutch drive shaft. It
will be necessary to press or gently tap bearing into position to Assemble a cast iron sealing ring (142) in front groove of input
seat snap ring against case face. shaft.
Assemble a pump gasket (143) to case front half. Assemble Assemble the spacer (119) over input shaft and position it
the pump and stator support assembly over the input shaft, against the bearing. Assemble a snap ring (120) in input shaft
aligning gasket and pump pockets and holes to case pockets groove ahead of spacer.
and holes.
Assemble a pump gasket (127) and the pump, aligning bolt
Replace eight 5/16-18 X 1-1/8 machine screws and lock- holes to adapter holes. Replace four 5/16-18 X 2 hex head
washer assemblies (166) to retain pump to case front half. bolts to retain pump to adapter.
The T12 exploded view is used for illustrating this section. Place a valve body gasket on case face and carefully lower
Assemble a gasket (121) over adapter (122) snap fit. Align valve body into position, aligning bolt holes and passages of
gasket and adapter openings and bolt holes to case as gasket and valve body as these parts are assembled. Four
adapter is assembled over input shaft and into position on 5/16-18 X 2-1/4 and eight 5/16-18 X 1-1/4 hex head bolts
case face. Assemble six 3/8-16 X 1-1/8 and two 3/8-16 X 1-3/4 retain valve body to case.
hex head bolts to retain adapters to case.
Complete transmission assembly by replacing all case plugs,
Assemble converter housing to case and adapter assembly the dipstick and the oil screen with spring placed inside of the
using six 7/16-14 X 1-5/8 hex head bolts. screen to retain screen and also to retain screen shape.
A) Selector Valve
The selector valve linkage should be examined periodi-
Adjust selector valve linkage and check periodically to deter-
cally to determine if the linkage is properly locating the
mine if linkage is properly locating selector valve in the detent
selector valve in relation to its detent positions.
B) Inching Valve
a) Periodically, a pressure gage should be installed on
1) OIL the clutch pressure taps to determine if the inching
Use only Automatic Transmission Fluid Type “A,” Suffix “A” valve is allowing full clutch engagement. With the
or Dexron. clutch pedal released the clutch should receive full
pressure at all speeds.
b) The clutch pedal should be checked to make sure the
Check daily when warm with engine running at 600 RPM in pedal stop limits the upward movement of the pedal
neutral. before the inching valve bottoms. The inching valve
should have .010 inch (.3mm) movement the clutch
3) OIL CHANGE PERIODS pedal is in the upward position.
A) Change oil every 1000 hours of operation.
A trouble shooting chart is included in this manual and should Correct interpretation of the stall checks requires that the con-
be used to help solve problems. dition of the engine be known. With the selector in neutral the
engine should operate at full governed speed. When the stall
A complete knowledge and understanding of the transmission, speed is equal to the specified stall speed, the engine is devel-
its functions, its gear train, its hydraulic system and its adjust- oping full power and the converter and transmission are hold-
ments should be acquired prior to any attempt to diagnose ing properly. A drop below the recommended stall speed of
transmission problems. Once this knowledge is obtained, trou- 200-300 ERPM usually indicates a need for engine tune-up.
ble shooting becomes a simple procedure of checking and cor-
recting until the problem is solved. A stall speed 600-700 RPM below normal indicates that the
converter one-way clutch is not holding and the converter
Poor acceleration combined with a substantially reduced max- should be replaced. A stall speed higher than normal could
imum speed, indicates that the stator one-way clutch has indicate a slipping clutch or when a tinny sound is heard com-
locked in the engaged condition. The stator will not rotate with ing from the converter, the converter blading is probably defec-
the turbine and impeller, therefore, the fluid flywheel phase of tive.
the converter performance cannot occur. This condition will
also be indicated by excessive overheating of the transmis-
sion, although the stall speed will remain normal, the converter TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS
will have to be replaced.
When a transmission malfunction is encountered, the following
Engine rock will occasionally permit the inching valve linkage procedure may aid in isolating the failure;
to move the inching valve and cause partial clutch release.
Extended periods of operation with slipping clutches is certain 1) Be certain the transmission is at proper operating tem-
to damage or destroy the clutch facings. Proper adjustment perature 180°–225°F (82°–107°C).
will usually correct this condition. 2) Check the oil level, if low, bring level to the full mark.
3) Check external linkage connections to the selector valve
Gages are of no value unless they are accurate and should be and inching control valve.
checked periodically against a master gage or a dead weight 4) Install a tachometer on the engine.
tester and should either be adjusted or discarded when found 5) Mount pressure gages on the transmission at appropriate
inaccurate. locations and check pressures.
6) Stall Check
Oil level, pressure checks and all operational checks should A) Shift transmission to neutral and fully depress throttle
be made with the transmission at operating temperature. to determine if the engine will run at the specified
Checks should be made and compared to figures given for the governed speed.
model being tested. Low pressure can be caused by leaks, B) Apply brakes.
stuck valves, low oil level, a faulty pump, restrictions and other C) Shift transmission to forward or reverse.
conditions. High pressure is usually caused by a stuck regula- D) Open throttle fully.
tor valve; however, restriction of the regulator exhaust could E) Read tachometer and check with manufacturer’s rec-
also cause high pressure. Lack of any pressure could be ommendations.
caused by low oil level or no oil, a defective pump, broken F) Do not exceed 250°F (121°C) oil temperature during
pump drive tangs or a large leak. the stall check.
Moving the T11 HI-LO range control into neutral position The cooler by-pass should open any time the cooler pressure
should cause the clutch pressure to drop to zero. reaches 60 to 85 PSI (4.22 to 5.98 kg/cm2).
Backing the inching valve out .030 in (.76mm) from fully in Transmissions which have clutch flyballs should have an
position when the engine is operating at 2000 RPM, should not abrupt rise in clutch pressure after clutch pressure reaches
change clutch pressures. 40–60 PSI (2.81–4.22 kg/cm2) as the inching valve is moved
slowly into valve body.
Clutch pressure should drop to zero when the inching valve is
moved to the extreme outward position against the stop.