Manual Control Emerson PDF
Manual Control Emerson PDF
Manual Control Emerson PDF
Description with Spanish Display
Heat Pump (No Aux. or Emergency Heat) Yes
Heat Pump (with Aux. or Emergency Heat) Yes
Systems with up to 2 Stages Heat, 2 Stages Cool Yes
Heat Only Systems (with optional fan switch) Yes
Millivolt Heat Only Systems – Floor or Wall Furnaces Yes
Cool Only Systems Yes
Gas or Oil Heat Yes
Electric Furnace Yes
Hydronic (Hot Water) Zone Heat – 2 Wires Yes
Hydronic (Hot Water) Zone Heat – 3 Wires Yes
Electrical Rating:
Battery Power .................................................... mV to 30 VAC, NEC Class II, 50/60 Hz or DC
Input-Hardwire ................................................... 20 to 30 VAC
Terminal Load ........................................................... 1.5 A per terminal, 2.5A maximum all terminals combined
Setpoint Range ......................................................... 45° to 90°F (7° to 32°C)
Differential (Single Stage) ......................................... Heat 0.6°F; Cool 1.2°F (adjustable)
Differential (Heat Pump) ........................................... Heat 1.2°F; Cool 1.2°F (adjustable)
Operating Ambient .................................................... 32° to +105°F (0° to +41°C)
Operating Humidity ................................................... 90% non-condensing max.
Shipping Temperature Range ................................... -40° to +150°F (-40° to +65°C)
Dimensions Thermostat ............................................ 3.4”H x 4.4”W x 1.3”D
2 “AA” alkaline batteries are included with the thermostat.
To install the batteries, pull the battery door as shown by the
arrow and lift open. Using the polarity indicated inside the bat-
tery door, insert the batteries. To close the battery door, swing
the door down while pulling in the direction of arrow. Once
fully down, snap the door back into position. To replace the
batteries, set system to OFF.
Refer to equipment manufacturers’ instructions for specific Refer to 37-6895 for 1F83-0422/1F85-0422 wiring diagram
system wiring information. After wiring, see CONFIGURATION specifications.
section for proper thermostat configuration.
Terminal Terminal
Designation Description Designation Description
L...............Heat pump malfunction indicator for systems W/E ............Heat Relay/Emergency Heat Relay (Stage 1)
with malfunction connection W2 .............2nd Stage Heat (3rd Stage Heat in HP 2)
O ..............Changeover valve for heat pump energized G ..............Fan Relay
constantly in cooling RH .............Power for Heating
B ..............Changeover valve for heat pump energized RC .............Power for Cooling
constantly in heating C ..............Common wire from secondary side of cooling system
Y ..............Compressor Relay transformer or heat only system transformer
Y2 .............2nd Stage Compressor 6...............3 Wire Zone Valve – Energized when no call for Heat
Home Screen Description
Figure 3 – Home Screen Display
Room Setting
Temperature Temperature
Button Indicator
2 4
3 10
5 6 7
Programming and Configuration Items
1 “Sistema On” indicates when heating or cooling stage 7 Displays “Arrancar Programa” (Run Schedule),
is energized. “Sistema On +2” indicates when a second “Programa” (Schedule), or “Menu”.
stage is energized. 8 Displays “Guardar” (Save) when Cool Savings is
REF. HP SS BUTTON (FACTORY DEFAULT) select from listed options COMMENTS
1 1 1 MENU (EM2) bC1, ES1 Selects Multi-Stage (EM2 No Heat Pump),
Heat Pump 1 (bC 1, 1 compressor),
or Single Stage (ES1)
2 2 2 MENU (GAS) for ES1 or EM2 ELE GAS setting: furnace controls the blower
(ELE) for bC ELE setting: thermostat controls the blower
3 3 3 MENU CE (0) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Selects Cool Savings
(Disabled) Value 1 (low) to 6 (high), Value 0 Disables Feature
4 4 4 MENU E (On) OFF Selects Energy Management Recovery (EMR)
On or OFF.
5 – 5 MENU CR Calor (ME) AL, bA Adjustable Anticipation:
Selects heating cycle rate for MS or SS
6 5 – MENU CR Bomba de Calor AL, bA Adjustable Anticipation (Heat Pump) (only
(ME) when heat pump selected in #1)
7 6 6 MENU CR Frio (ME) AL, bA Adjustable Anticipation:
or Selects the cycle rate for cooling
CR Aux (FA) AL (only when Em 2 or ES 1 is selected in item 1.)
or Selects the cycle rate for Emergency
mode and Auxiliary stage if Heat Pump
is selected in item 1.
8 7 7 MENU Cd (OFF) Cd On Compressor Lockout Time
9 8 8 MENU Frio Off Calor Frio Off, System Mode Configuration
Calor Off with Vent icon, with Automatic Changeover capability
Calor Auto Calor Off without Vent
icon Frio Off, Auto Off
10 9 9 MENU L (On) L OFF Selects Display Light On or OFF
11 10 10 MENU 0 1 AL, 2 AL, 3 AL, 4 AL, Adjustable Ambient Temperature Display
(current temperature) 1 bC, 2 bC, 3 bC, 4 bC
12 11 11 MENU °F °C Selects Fahrenheit/Celsius Temperature Display
13 12 12 MENU L Calor L 62 to L 89 Selects Limited Calor (HEAT) Range
14 13 13 MENU L Frio L 46 to L 82 Selects Limited Frio (COOL) Range
15 14 14 MENU P3 P0, P2 Defaults for 5-1-1 programming (P3) but non-
programmable (PO) or 5-2 programming (P2)
is available on most models.
16 15 15 MENU Calor AP (On) OFF Automatic Schedule for heat mode.
NA to Cool only system.
17 16 16 MENU Frio AP (On) OFF Automatic Schedule for cool mode.
NA to Heat only system.
18 17 – MENU Calor AL (On) OFF Fast Heat option may be disabled by
selecting OFF. NA to ES config.
NA to Cool only system.
19 18 – MENU Frio AL (On) OFF Fast Cool option may be disabled by ES or bC
selecting OFF. NA to ES config.
NA to Heat only system.
20 19 17 MENU Hv (On) OFF Selects Automatic daylight Savings Time
option On or OFF.
21 20 18 MENU Cambiar Filtro (OFF) On Selects Filter Change-out Indicator On or OFF.
MENU Cambiar Filtro (200 h) 25-1975 h Change Filter time in 25 hour increments. This
menu only appears if On is selected in above.
22 21 19 MENU Frio On (o) Calor On (b) Selects operation of the reversing valve terminal
(O/B) output as an O or B terminal.
22 20 Arrancar Returns to Normal Operation
1) This control can be configured for: require this feature. Your compressor manufacturer can
EM2 – Multi-Stage System (no heat pump) tell you if the lockout feature is already present in their
bC1 – Heat Pump with one stage of compressor system. When the thermostat compressor time delay oc-
ES1 – Single Stage System curs, it will flash the setpoint for up to five minutes.
2) GAS or Electric (ELE) fan operation. If the heating sys- 9) System Mode Configuration – This thermostat is con-
tem requires the thermostat to energize the fan, select figured for Calor (Heat) and Frio (Cool) (SISTEMA switch
ELE. Select GAS if the heating system energizes the fan with Frio Off Heat) default. It can also be configured
on a call for heat. for Calor (Heat) and Frio (Cool) with Auto changeover
3) Select Cool Savings™ value – Selects the amount (Calor, Auto, Frio, Off), Heat only with fan (Off Calor),
of adjustment for the Cool Savings™ feature in Cool Calor only without fan, Auto only (Auto Off), and Frio only
mode with 1 (1°) being the least amount of adjustment (Frio Off).
and 6 (6°) being the most amount of adjustment. Default 10) Select Backlight Display – The display backlight im-
value is 0 which disables this feature. Cool Savings is proves display contrast in low lighting conditions. When
an optional energy saving feature that can reduce your the “C” terminal is powered, selecting backlight dL ON
cooling costs. It is based on the principal that lower will keep the light on continuously. Select backlight OFF
indoor humidity makes a slightly higher temperature will turn the light on momentarily after any key is pressed.
feel more comfortable. Cool Savings operates during When the “C” terminal is not powered, the light will be on
periods of high demand which normally occur on the momentarily after any key is pressed no matter whether
hottest summer days when a cooling system may run the backlight is selected ON or OFF.
for hours to reach the thermostat setting. Long cooling 11) Select Temperature Display Adjustment 4 bA to 4 AL
run times also lower the indoor humidity. Cool Savings, (HI) – Allows you to adjust the room temperature display
very slowly, adjusts the setpoint temperature to make the up to 4° higher or lower. Your thermostat was accurately
setpoint closer to the displayed room temperature, to a calibrated at the factory, but you have the option to
maximum of the number of degrees you select. Adjust- change the display temperature to match your previous
ing the setpoint temperature over a long cooling run time thermostat. The current or adjusted room temperature
allows the system to reach your set temperature and turn will be displayed.
off. The room temperature will actually be higher than 12) Select F° or C° Readout – Changes the display readout
the thermostat displays but the reduction in humidity will to Celsius or Fahrenheit as required.
allow comfort at the slightly higher temperature. 13) Limited Calor (Heat) Range – This feature provides a
To turn this feature on in the Cool mode press Cool maximum setpoint temperature for heat. The default set-
Savings. The display will show “Guardar” (Save) next to ting is 90°F. It can be changed between 62°F and 89°F
the setpoint temperature. When Cool Savings is making by pressing the or key.
adjustments to the room temperature display “Guardar” 14) Limited Frio (Cool) Range – This feature provide a
(Save) will be flashing and the displayed room tempera- minimum setpoint temperature for cool. The default set-
ture may vary within the adjustment range you selected. ting is 45°F. It can be changed between 46°F and 82°F
If “Guardar” (Save) is not displayed and this feature is by pressing the or key.
OFF, no change will occur when the cooling system is 15) Program Options: Configured for 5/1/1 day or 5/2 day
continuously running during periods of high demand. programming or non-programming mode. The default
4) Energy Management Recovery: (this step is skipped if setting is P3, indicating 5/1/1 day programming. The pro-
configured to be non-programmable). Energy Manage- grams per week can be toggled to P2 or P0 by pressing
ment Recovery (E) On enables the thermostat to start the or keys. A selection of 0 Days for non-pro-
heating or cooling early to make the building temperature grammable will eliminate the need for EMR, and that step
reach the program setpoint at the time you specify. Heat- in the menu will be skipped.
ing will start 5 minutes early for every 1° of temperature 16 & 17) Select Automatic Schedule – With just one touch
required to reach setpoint. of the Auto Prog key this feature allows you to program
Example: E On is selected and your heating is pro- a desired comfort temperature into all the program
grammed to 65° at night and 70° at 7 AM. If the build- periods along with a 6° set back for night periods of both
ing temperature is 65°, the difference between 65° and Heat and Cool programs. Factory default is “On” for both.
70° is 5°. Allowing 5 minutes per degree, the thermostat When Heat AP On and Cool AP On are activated while
setpoint will change to 70° at 6:35 AM. Cooling allows in Heat or Cool mode, select desired setpoint tempera-
more time per degree, because it takes longer to reach ture and press Auto Prog. This value will be copied into
set temperature. all the morning, day and evening program periods. The
5, 6 & 7) Cycle Rate Selection – The factory default setting night program periods will have a 6°F set back.
for Heat and Cool modes, ES1, EM2, is medium cycle 18 & 19) Select Fast Second Stage ON or OFF – Heat
(ME). For Heat Pump and bC1, the default setting is pump or Multi-stage only, in the run mode, with the fast
medium (ME). For Emer (Aux) the default setting is fast Heat feature enabled (AL Calor On), if the Heat setpoint
cycle (bA). To change cycle rate, press the or temperature is manually raised by 3°F (2°C) or more
key. above the actual temperature using the second
Cycle rate differentials for different settings are: stage will energize immediately. With AL OFF, second
Fast Medium Slow stage will not energize until the setpoint temperature is
MODE bA ME AL 1°F or more above actual temperature for more than ten
Calor (ES1, EM2) 0.4°F 0.6°F 1.7°F minutes. The Fast Cool feature (AL Frio) provides the
Frio (ES1, EM2) 0.9°F 1.2°F 1.7°F same controls when the setpoint temperature is lowered.
Bomba de Calor (bC1) 0.9°F 1.2°F 1.7°F 20) Select Daylight Saving Time Calculation – This feature
Aux (bC1) 0.6°F - 1.7°F will allow the thermostat to calculate the DST automati-
8) Select Compressor Lockout Cd OFF or ON – Select- cally and apply it to the Real Time Clock display. Default
ing Cd ON will cause the thermostat to wait 5 minutes On. Use or touch keys to select the feature
between cooling cycles. This is intended to help protect OFF.
the compressor from short cycling. Some newer com-
pressors already have a time delay built in and do not
21) Select Filter Replacement Reminder and Set Run 22) Select Reversing Valve Output – The O/B option is
Time – Select the “Cambiar Filtro” (Change Filter) factory set at “O” position. This will accommodate the
reminder On or OFF. If selected On, press MENU to majority of heat pump applications, which require the
select the time period from 25 to 1975 hours in 25 hours changeover relay to be energized in COOL. If the
increments. In a typical system, 200 hours (default) of thermostat you are replacing or the heat pump being
run time is approximately 30 days. After the selected time installed with this thermostat requires a “B” terminal, to
of blower operation, the thermostat will display “Cambiar energize the changeover relay in HEAT, the O/B option
Filtro” (Change Filter) as a reminder to change or clean should be set at “B” position.
your air filter. When “Cambiar Filtro” (Change Filter) is
displayed, press MENU or ARRANCAR button to clear
the display and restart the time to the next filter change.
Reset Operation
Note: When thermostat is reset, installer configuration menu function correctly contact your heating/cooling service person
settings and programming will reset to factory settings. or place of purchase.
If a voltage spike or static discharge blanks out the display Note: Be sure to review the installer configuration menu
or causes erratic thermostat operation, you can reset the settings.
thermostat by removing the wires from terminals R and C To reset the programming, clock and configuration settings,
(do not short them together) and removing batteries for 2 press and and the VENT button simultaneously.
minutes. After resetting the thermostat, replace the wires and The thermostat should go blank and then all segments will be
batteries. If the thermostat has been reset and still does not displayed momentarily.
White-Rodgers is a division
of Emerson Electric Co.