Carbohydrates: Learning Objectives
Carbohydrates: Learning Objectives
Carbohydrates: Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives
Chapter Summary
Carbohydrate is the body’s preferred energy source. Six simple sugars are important in nutrition: the
three monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, and galactose) and the three disaccharides (sucrose, lactose,
and maltose). The three disaccharides are pairs of monosaccharides; each contains glucose paired with
one of the three monosaccharides. The polysaccharides (chains of monosaccharides) are glycogen,
starches, and fibers. Both glycogen and starch are storage forms of glucose—glycogen in the body and
starch in plants—and both yield energy for human use. The dietary fibers also contain glucose (and other
monosaccharides), but human digestive enzymes cannot break their bonds, so they yield little, if any,
In moderate amounts, sugars pose no major health threat. Excessive sugar intake may increase the risk of
nutrient deficiencies and dental caries, however. A person deciding to limit daily sugar intake should
recognize that not all sugars need to be restricted, just concentrated sweets with added sugars, which are
high in kcalories and relatively lacking in other nutrients. Sugars that occur naturally in fruits, vegetables,
and milk are acceptable.
Two types of alternative sweeteners are sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners. Sugar alcohols are
carbohydrates, but they yield slightly less energy than sucrose. Sugar alcohols do not contribute to dental
caries. The artificial sweeteners are not carbohydrates and yield no energy. Like the sugar alcohols,
artificial sweeteners do not promote tooth decay.
A diet rich in starches and dietary fibers helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, GI disorders, and possibly
some types of cancer. It also supports efforts to manage body weight. For these reasons,
recommendations urge people to eat plenty of whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruits—enough to
provide 45 to 65 percent of the daily energy from carbohydrate.
Grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes contribute dietary fiber to people’s diets and, like milk, also
contribute energy-yielding starches and dilute sugars. Food labels list grams of total carbohydrate and
also provide separate listings of grams of fiber and sugar.
Lecture Outline
I. Carbohydrates: introduction
A. Carbohydrates are preferred energy source for many of body’s functions
B. Human brain depends exclusively on it as energy source
C. Carbohydrate-rich diet recommended for good health
D. Fats share fuel-providing responsibility with carbohydrates, but not normally used to fuel brain
& central nervous system
E. Other energy sources (proteins & alcohol) offer no advantage as fuel
c. Enzymes split disaccharides into the two monosaccharides during digestion
d. Important dietary disaccharides include sucrose, lactose & maltose
2. Sucrose (white or table sugar)
a. Composed of glucose & fructose
b. Refined from juice of sugar beets or sugarcane
c. Occurs naturally in many fruits & vegetables
3. Lactose
a. Composed of glucose & galactose
b. Principle carbohydrate in milk
c. Lactose intolerance
1. Inability to digest lactose
2. Occurs in some people after infancy
4. Maltose (malt sugar)
a. Consists of two glucose units
b. Produced during breakdown of starch
c. Plants break down stored starch for energy & start to sprout
d. Occurs in humans during carbohydrate digestion
D. Polysaccharides
1. Introduction
a. Composed almost entirely of glucose (in some cases, also other monosaccharides)
b. Major polysaccharides in nutrition: starch, glycogen & fiber
1. Glycogen: storage form of energy for humans & animals
2. Starch: storage form of glucose in plants
3. Fibers: provide structure in stems, trunks, roots, leaves & skins of plants
2. Starch
a. Giant chains of hundreds of glucose units
b. All starchy foods are plants
1. Grains—richest source of starch
2. Legumes
3. Root vegetables (tubers)
c. Grains, legumes & tubers also abundant dietary supply of fiber, protein & other nutrients
3. Glycogen
a. Composed of highly branched chains of glucose units
b. Storage form of glucose
c. Stored in liver & muscles
d. Found in limited amounts in meats; not found in plant sources
4. Fibers
a. Consists of polysaccharides, found in all plant-derived foods
b. Provide little or no energy for body (bonds cannot be broken by human digestive
c. Bacterial digestion does yield some energy with metabolism (1.5-2.5 kcalories per gram)
d. Soluble fibers
1. Dissolve in water
2. Form gels which are easily digested by bacteria in large intestine
3. Associated with lower risks of chronic diseases
e. Insoluble fibers
1. Do not dissolve in water
2. Retain structure & texture
3. Aid digestive system by easing elimination
b.Relationship of sugar to behavior problems in children may be due to replacement of
nutrient-dense foods with sugary foods
c. Lack of nutrients, not sugar itself, can contribute to undesirable behavior in children
C. Recommended Sugar Intakes
1. Moderation: enough for pleasure but not to displace more nutritious foods
2. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005
a. Choose & prepare foods & beverages with little added sugars
b. Used as part of discretionary kcalorie allowance in nutrient-dense diet
3. USDA Food Guide
a. 3 tsp for 1,600 kcal (a day)
b. 5 tsp for 1,800 kcal
c. 8 tsp for 2,000 kcal
d. 9 tsp for 2,200 kcal
e. 12 tsp for 2,400 kcal
4. Some sugar equivalents (1 tsp white sugar equivalency)
a. 1 tsp brown sugar, candy, jam, syrup
b. 1 Tbs ketchup
c. 1 ½ oz carbonated soft drink
5. Comparing sugar sources: orange vs. honey
a. Same sugars & about same energy as 1 Tbs sugar or honey
b. Orange also contains vitamins, minerals & fiber not found in honey
c. More nutrient density in orange
6. Sugar-sweetened soft drink
a. Contains many tablespoons of sugar
b. Few, if any, other nutrients
5. Aspartame & PKU
a. Aspartame contains the amino acid phenylalanine
b. PKU (phenylketonuria): metabolic disorder in which phenylalanine cannot be disposed
of efficiently
6. Artificial sweeteners & weight control
a. Used widely to control weight
b. Some evidence that consuming artificial sweeteners has been linked with increased
feelings of hunger
c. Most studies find to the contrary
d. Using sweeteners does not automatically lower energy intake; to control energy intake,
needs to be combined with informed diet & activity decisions
e. Recommended sources of fiber in weight-loss plans
1. Fresh fruits
2. Vegetables
3. Legumes
4. Whole-grain foods
6. Harmful Effects of Excessive Fiber Intake
a. May bind with minerals, resulting in losses with excretion
b. Individuals with marginal food intake overall but high-fiber diets may not meet energy
or nutrient needs
c. Malnourished, elderly, young children on all-plant diets especially vulnerable
d. Dehydration also a risk
e. Excessive fiber intake, as well as limited fluids, can obstruct GI tract
7. Carbohydrate Recommendations
a. Carbohydrates: about half (45-65%) of daily energy requirement
b. Fiber: encourage whole grains, vegetables, fruits & legumes
1. 11.5 grams/1000 kcal/day intake
2. Approximately 20-35 grams/day
c. Achieving higher fiber intakes
1. Substitute plant sources of proteins (legumes) for some animal sources
2. Consume recommended amounts of fruits & vegetables
3. Seek out variety of fiber sources
4. Drink extra fluids to ensure fiber effectiveness
C. Carbohydrate Food Sources
1. Grains
a. Most foods from group provide about 15 grams carbohydrate, mostly starch
b. Choices should be low in fat & sugar
c. Included in group:
1. 1 slice whole-wheat bread
2. ½ English muffin or bagel
3. 6-inch tortilla
4. ½ cup rice, pasta or cooked cereal
2. Vegetables
a. Some are major sources of starch; provide 15 grams carbohydrate
1. Small white or sweet potato
2. ½ cup cooked dry beans, corn, peas, plantain, winter squash
b. Non-starchy vegetables; about 5 grams carbohydrate – ½ cup carrots, okra, onions,
tomatoes, cooked greens, salad greens
3. Fruits
a. Typical serving provides about 15 grams carbohydrate
1. ½ cup juice or most canned or fresh fruits
2. Small apple, banana, orange
3. ¼ cup dried fruits
b. No more than 1/3 of day’s fruit should be from juice
4. Milk, cheese & yogurt
a. 1 cup milk or yogurt provides 12 grams carbohydrate
b. 1 cup buttermilk
c. a cup dried milk powder
d. ½ cup evaporated milk
e. Cottage cheese provides 6 grams per cup
f. Other cheeses provide little, if any, carbohydrate
5. Meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs & nuts
a. Almost no carbohydrates provided from these foods
b. Exceptions: nuts & dried beans
1. ½ cup dried beans provides 15 grams
2. ½ cup other legumes provides approximately 8 grams
D. Food Labels & Health Claims
1. Labels list
a. Amount (in grams) total carbohydrate, including starch, fiber & sugars, per serving
b. Percent of Daily Values expressed for individual consuming 2000-kcal diet
2. Authorized health claims
a. Reduced risk of cancer associated with fiber-containing grain products, fruits &
b. Reduced risk of coronary heart disease associated with fruits, vegetables & grain
products containing fiber
c. Reduced risk of coronary heart disease associated with soluble fiber from whole oats &
psyllium seed husk
d. Reduced risk of heart disease & certain cancers associated with whole grains
Worksheet 2-3: Food Examples of Nutrients and Other Food Components – Answers will vary.
1. Replace refined bread and cereals with products that list “whole grain” as first item on ingredient list.
Add 2 cups of cooked and raw vegetables to the diet each day. Limit juice to ½ cup a day. Replace
hard candy “snacks” with 2 pieces of fresh fruit each day. Suggest fruit with yogurt for snacks. Eat
smaller servings of meat and replace with higher-fiber plant foods such as beans, brown rice,
vegetables and whole-grain breads.
Suggested Activities
Worksheet 2-1 –True/False Practice Quiz
Circle the correct answer. If the statement is false, rewrite the statement in a correct
T F 6. The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for carbohydrate is 100 grams per day.
T F 10. Sugars pose no major health threat except for an increased risk of dental
Worksheet 2-2
a. b.
a. c.
a. c.
a. c.
a. b.
7. Factors that influence the development of dental caries (by influencing the length of time a cariogenic
food is in the mouth) include:
a. c.
b. d.
8. Names on ingredient lists of food products which you recognize as sugar include:
a. d.
b. e.
9. Sugar alcohols are nutritive sweeteners with _____ kcalories per gram.
10. Sugars and starches yield _____ kcalories per gram.
a. d.
b. e.
a. b.
a. c.
15. It is recommended that _____% to _____% of total kcalories should come from carbohydrate
(according to the AMDR) and that no more than 10% of total kcalories from concentrated sugars
(according to the WHO).
16. Food labels must list the amount in grams of the following carbohydrate components:
a. c.
a. b.
Worksheet 2-3 –
Food Examples of Nutrients and Other Food Components
Please complete the chart below by listing one good food source for each nutrient, compound or food
element term. Name a food or beverage, not a nutrient or chemical compound. This exercise will test
whether you can apply the material on nutritional biochemistry in a practical way. You may use the same
food as an example as many times as you wish.
Food term, nutrient, compound or food element One good example of a significant food or
beverage source
complex carbohydrate
insoluble fiber
soluble fiber
sugar alcohol
nonnutritive sweetener
cariogenic food