Barrier-Free: Information For Travelers With Limited Mobility
Barrier-Free: Information For Travelers With Limited Mobility
Barrier-Free: Information For Travelers With Limited Mobility
Traveling to the airport.
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Parking and check-in. Services.
Parking close to the terminals. General information.
Underground and multistory parking garages are located im Pharmacies.
mediately across from Terminal 1. These garages have specially ¢¢in the MAC (level 03)
designated disabled parking spaces on level 03, next to the ¢¢in Terminal 2 (levels 04 and 05, passenger area)
If you are flying from Terminal 2, you may park in the garage Guide dogs and assistance dogs are permitted at Munich
P20 on the south access road. Reserved parking for people with Airport. If you need to take your dog onboard with you, please
disabilities is available in the north wing, on levels 03 and 05. contact your airline.
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Service facilities.
Terminal 1 and the MAC (map on pages 8 and 9). Tactile guidance system.
Tactile floor markings are in place to help blind and visually
Elevators impaired passengers find their way at the airport. The markings
Terminal 1, the MAC, and adjacent multistory and underground lead from the rail platform on level 02 to an elevator up to level 03,
parking garages are all equipped with wheelchair-friendly eleva- and then to the main information desk in the MAC.
tors for easy access between floors.
Information in Braille. Terminal 2 (map on pages 10 and 11).
The main information desk in the MAC (level 03) has an infor-
mation board in Braille with an overview of the airport layout to
All elevators in Terminal 2 have barrier-free controls and informa-
help blind and visually impaired passengers find their way.
tion in Braille. Elevators in parking garage P20 audibly announce
Check-in desks. floors.
Airlines’ check-in desks in Terminal 1 are located in departure
Information in Braille.
areas A through D, in Hall F, and in the MAC. Check-in staff will
Entryways at levels 03 and 04 have raised relief panels with infor-
arrange assistance for travelers through until departure.
mation in Braille describing the way to the special needs desk.
Medical center.
Air bridges.
The center is located in Terminal 1, arrival area E (level 03). Doc-
All air bridges have escalators and elevators to enable easy access
tors and nursing staff are on duty at the center 24 hours a day.
between levels.
Tel.: (089) 975-6 33 44.
Lufthansa special needs desk.
At the wheelchair-friendly special needs desk in the central
Wheelchairs can be loaned at information desks in the departure
check-in hall (level 04), staff are on hand to attend to your needs
areas and at the main information desk in the MAC.
and to organize any assistance you may require until departure.
Wheelchair-friendly washrooms.
¢¢in the MAC (levels 03 and 04) Wheelchairs.
¢¢in Terminal 1’s public area (level 03 only) Wheelchairs are available at the information desk and near the
¢¢in Terminal 1’s arrival and departure areas (levels 04 and 05) special needs desk on level 04.
Wheelchair-friendly washrooms.
¢¢in the public area
¢¢in the departure and arrival areas at levels 03, 04 and 05.
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Terminal 1 and München Airport Center (MAC).
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Terminal 2.
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Important phone numbers Imprint.
Medical emergency service. Car park control center.
Medical center Tel.: (0900) 1 72 75 37.
Tel.: (089) 975-6 33 44. (46 cents/min. from landlines in
Germany, charges to mobiles
may be higher)
Porters are available for a fee
throughout the airport’s passen Emergency, medical and
ger facilities.. ambulance services
Tel.: (089) 975-9 97 95. Tel.: 112.
Mobil: (0171) 3 72 71 79.
Fax: (089) 975-9 97 96.
IsarFunk taxi services.
Flight information. Tel.: (089) 45 05 40.
Tel.: (089) 975-2 13 13. IsarFunk taxi services dispatch
center at Terminal 2.
Flughafen München GmbH
Tel.: (089) 975-8 50 50.
Service center.
Tel.: (089) 975-00.
E-Mail: servicecenter@munich-
Airport chaplaincy/ Terminal 1.
social service. Tel.: (089) 975-2 13 75.
Tel.: (089) 975-9 09 26. Fax: (089) 975-2 13 76.
Terminal 2.
Lost and found.
Tel.: (089) 975-2 28 75.
Tel.: (089) 975-2 13 70.
Fax: (089) 975-2 28 76.
Lufthansa special services for
passengers with disabilities.
Tel.: (0800) 8 38 42 67.
Meet and assist service. Publisher:
Bavarian Television videotext
Fee-based services for arriving, Flughafen München GmbH
pages 710-723.
departing and transit passengers Corporate Communications
Tel.: (089) 975-2 13 66. Comments and criticism.
E-Mail: meetandassist@munich- E-Mail: mobility@munich-
Terminal and Passenger
Mobility service. Internal Communications,
Only available through airlines Print and Online Media
and travel agencies. P. O. Box 23 17 55
Tel.: (089) 975-6 33 33. 85326 Munich
acm Werbeagentur GmbH
Rev.: September 2012
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