Rest Between Exercise
Rest Between Exercise
Rest Between Exercise
gram. Part of what makes resistance number repetitions per set (3,4). A rest recovery; energy systems;
exercise so popular and effective is period between sets is typically ac- resistance exercise; exercise
the seemingly endless selection and knowledged, but might be undertaken prescription; repetitions
44 VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2008 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
the fast component of PCr resynthesis,
an athlete could perform blocks of 1 to
3 repetitions with 20 second pauses
between blocks; this strategy may
provide a more effective stimulus for
power development (15).
Lawton et al. (15) compared the power
output per repetition for the bench
press performed continuously with 6-
RM load (to failure) versus three other
conditions in which the set was split
into blocks of singles, doubles, or
triples. The singles condition involved
20 seconds of rest between each
repetition, the doubles condition in-
volved 50 seconds rest following rep-
etitions 2 and 4, and the triples
Figure 1. Factors affecting the length of the rest interval. Note. Adapted from
condition involved 100 seconds of rest
Willardson (23). A brief review: Factors affecting the length of the rest
interval between resistance exercise sets. J Strength Cond Res 20: 978–984, following the third repetition. Greater
2006. Reprinted by permission of the National Strength and Conditioning percentage increases in power output
Association, Colorado Springs, CO. per repetition were demonstrated for
all conditions relative to the continu-
ous condition. However, the total
The central factor that determines the lifts that involve higher velocities and power output was greatest for the
baseline prescription of the rest interval rates of force production. triples condition. Similarly, Abdes-
might be the training goal (3, 4; see The selection of appropriate rest semed et al. (1) examined mean power
Figure 1). However, other factors intervals becomes crucial to maintain output during 10 sets of 6 maximal
related to the workout or individual high velocity, rate of force production, effort bench press repetitions, per-
characteristics may shorten or length- and power throughout a set. Set and formed at 70% of a 1-RM, and with
en the rest interval (23). Therefore, the repetition schemes that are structured 1, 3, or 5 minutes rest between sets.
purpose of this article will be to discuss to produce high levels of fatigue may There was less of a decline in the mean
some of these factors in the context of be detrimental for power development power output per set when resting 3 or
different training goals that include: due to lower velocities and lower rates 5 minutes between sets versus 1 minute
power, strength, hypertrophy, and of force production at the end of a set. between sets.
muscular endurance. The goal of this To prevent high levels of fatigue, When considered collectively, these
article will be to take several research a typical set can be split up into blocks studies indicate that when performing
examples and determine how the that range from singles (one repetition) resistance exercises for the purpose of
findings can be applied in a practical to triples (three repetitions), with intra- power development the greatest bene-
manner. set rest intervals between blocks. The fits might be gained by splitting sets
MUSCULAR POWER goal would be to avoid performing into blocks of three repetitions (i.e.,
Muscular power represents a combina- a full repetition maximum (RM) set to triples), with approximately 2 minutes
tion of strength and the speed of failure. rest between blocks, and 3 minutes rest
muscle action (3,4). Increases in either Intra-set rest intervals allow for re- between sets (1,15). This approach
of these components may increase plenishment of phosphocreatine (PCr) might be most effective during peaking
power output. However, continual stores that may result in higher veloc- phases or in-season training phases.
increases in strength over time may ities and rates of force production. Use of this approach may prevent
not lead to increases in power. This is According to Fleck and Kraemer (7), excessive fatigue and leave greater
because sports skills are performed so 90% of the ATP and PCr stores can be energy reserves for sports skill practice.
rapidly (i.e. # 250 ms) that the rate of resynthesized in 1 minute by oxidative
force production may eventually be- metabolism. Harris et al. (10) demon- Complex training and rest inter-
come more important than absolute strated that the time course of PCr vals. The previous studies evaluated
force production (7). For advanced resynthesis was biphasic, exhibiting power production in the context of
lifters that possess high levels of fast (21–22 seconds) and slow (more a traditionally structured training pro-
strength, the most effective strategy than 170 seconds) recovery compo- gram, in which resistance exercises
to increase power might be to focus on nents. Therefore, to take advantage of were conducted on separate days from
plyometric exercises. However, coaches the greatest mean increase occurred at MUSCULAR STRENGTH
may utilize complex training, in which the 2 minute mark. The rest interval guidelines when
high intensity resistance exercises are When considered collectively, these training for absolute strength are similar
combined with plyometric exercises in studies indicate that the greatest jump to those used when training for mus-
the same training session. This ap- height is generally achieved at 2 cular power. However, in contrast to
proach is more time efficient and has minutes and at 4 minutes following power training, greater increases in
been hypothesized to provide a superior the high intensity resistance exercise. absolute strength might be achieved
stimulus for power development (6,11). Rest intervals of 30 seconds or less may by occasionally performing full repeti-
The rest interval between the high not allow sufficient replenishment of tion maximum sets to failure (3,4).
intensity resistance exercise and the phosphocreatine stores, and rest inter- Research has demonstrated that when
plyometric exercise is crucial. On the vals 6 minutes or more may prevent performing multiple sets to failure, there
one hand, the rest interval must be the ability to take advantage of the were differences in the repetitions
long enough to allow for replenish- heightened neural excitation (15). completed per set, based on the rest
ment of phosphocreatine stores and Complex training might be more interval between sets (25).
consistency in movement mechanics, beneficial for individuals near the peak Willardson and Burkett (25) compared
but also short enough to take advan- of their strength development when bench press repetitions over 5 sets with
tage of the heightened neural activa- increasing rate of force development absolute loads of 50% versus 80% of
tion that may allow for greater power becomes the primary focus (11). a 1-RM, and 1, 2, or 3 minutes rest
production (9). Selecting the appropri- Complex training might provide between sets (see Figure 2). A continual
ate rest interval can be a challenging a greater training advantage for men decline in repetitions occurred for all rest
task for a coach that is working with due to higher levels of absolute conditions between the second through
several athletes. Nevertheless, studies strength. However, women might be fifth sets; however, the 3 minute rest
have demonstrated some general able to recover quicker following the condition resulted in less of a decline
trends that can provide for a baseline high intensity resistance exercise, and versus resting 1 or 2 minutes between
prescription. so this approach represents a highly sets. Since the total volume of training is
efficient training option for this pop- an important stimulus for strength
Jensen and Ebben (11) divided colle-
ulation (6). Through careful observa- increases, the additional repetitions
giate athletes from anaerobic sports
tion and record keeping, a coach can accomplished when resting 3 minutes
(i.e., volleyball; wrestling; high and
eventually determine the optimal rest between sets might be worth the extra
long jumps; and shot, discus, and
interval and pair athletes accordingly. recovery time.
hammer throws) into a higher strength
group and a lower strength group
according to their 1-RM back squat.
Countermovement jump height was
assessed prior to and at 10 seconds, 1
minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, and 4
minutes following 1 set of back squats
with a 5-RM load. The higher strength
group was able to exceed the pre-squat
jump height, with the greatest mean
increase of 7.4 cm occurring after 4
minutes of rest. However, the lower
strength group did not respond as well
with only a mean increase of 1.8 cm
occurring after 4 minutes of rest.
In a similarly designed study, Comyns
et al. (6) demonstrated varying re-
sponses for men versus women. Coun-
termovement jumps were performed Figure 2. Mean comparison repetitions with different loads and rest intervals. Note. 5
prior to and at 30 seconds, 2 minutes, sets of bench press were performed to failure with absolute loads of 50%
versus 80% of a 1-RM, and 1, 2, or 3 minutes rest between sets; columns
4 minutes, and 6 minutes following
depict the mean decline in repetitions over consecutive sets. Adapted from
1 set of back squats with a 5-RM load. Willardson and Burkett (25). The effect of rest interval length on bench
The greatest mean increase in flight press performance with heavy versus light loads. J Strength Cond Res 20:
time for the men occurred at the 400–403, 2006. Reprinted by permission of the National Strength and
4 minute mark, while for the women Conditioning Association, Colorado Springs, CO.
off-season for some sport positions Another key point is that repetitions been shown to have a greater effect on
(e.g., football lineman). Selection of should be performed to the point of absolute muscular endurance versus
the appropriate rest interval between reaching muscular failure. Linnamo et al. relative muscular endurance. Improve-
sets is highly important to get the (16) demonstrated greater acute in- ments in relative muscular endurance
maximum hypertrophic response. creases in growth hormone and testos- require higher repetitions per set
terone for a protocol in which subjects (i.e. .12) combined with shorter rest
Studies have compared hormonal re-
trained to failure with a 10-RM load intervals between sets (i.e. # 30
sponses following protocols that in-
versus a protocol in which subjects did seconds). Because of the shorter rest
volved varying repetitions per set and
not train to failure with 70% of the 10- intervals, maintaining higher repeti-
rest intervals between sets. Kraemer
RM load. Each protocol involved 5 sets tions per set is not possible without
et al. (12) demonstrated that a hyper-
of the sit-up, bench press, and leg press lowering the load over consecutive
trophy type protocol that involved
with 2 minute rest intervals between sets. If the load is not lowered, then
three sets of eight exercises, performed
sets. However, a word of caution is a workout may not provide the optimal
with a 10-RM load, and 1 minute rest
warranted here, in that training to failure stimulus because the repetitions tend
between sets produced greater acute
should not be practiced repeatedly over to drop into repetition zones more
increases in growth hormone (GH) long periods of time due to the poten-
versus a strength type protocol that conducive to muscular strength and
tial for overtraining and psychological hypertrophy (5).
involved five sets of five exercises, burnout.
performed with a 5-RM load, and 3 This was reflected in a study by Will-
minutes rest between sets. A coach should allow an athlete time ardson and Burkett (24) that compared
to adapt gradually to the demands of bench press repetitions versus squat
Likewise, Goto et al. (8) demonstrated performing workouts with shorter rest
that acute increases in growth hor- repetitions over 5 sets with an absolute
intervals between sets. These adapta- 15-RM load, and 30 seconds, 1 minute,
mone were highest following a hyper- tions may involve both psychological
trophy type protocol versus a strength or 2 minutes rest between sets (see
(i.e., perceptions of fatigue) and phys-
type protocol. The hypertrophy type Figure 4). For all rest conditions, subjects
iological (i.e., increases in capillary and
protocol involved 3 sets each of the leg were able to perform more repetitions
mitochondrial density and buffering
extension and leg press, with 30 for the squat versus the bench press.
capacity) adjustments. Kraemer et al.
seconds rest between sets; the resis- However, none of the subjects were able
(13) found that long-term bodybuild-
tance was progressively lowered so to complete 15 repetitions on all sets.
ing style training created greater re-
that 10 to 15 repetitions could be For example, when resting 30 seconds
sistance to fatigue, which allowed
completed on each set. Conversely, the between sets, by the fifth set, the mean
subjects to maintain significantly high-
strength type protocol involved 5 sets repetitions had declined to approxi-
er mean intensities during performance
each of the leg extension and leg press, mately 6 for the squat and 2 for the
of bench press and leg press exercises
with 3 minutes rest between sets, and with 10 seconds rest between sets. bench press. Therefore, productive mus-
3 to 5 repetitions per set. During hypertrophy phases coaches cular endurance training should place
may begin by allowing athletes 2 primary emphasis on maintaining repe-
When considered collectively, these titions within the zone conducive to this
studies indicate that exercise prescription minutes rest between sets and then
gradually lowering to 1 minute or less training goal.
for muscular hypertrophy should involve
a combination of moderately intense between sets. Studies that have examined increases
loads (i.e. 10 to 15-RM) combined with MUSCULAR ENDURANCE in muscular endurance following re-
relatively short rest intervals between sets Training for muscular endurance is sistance training have found conflicting
(i.e. 30 seconds to 1 minute) (5,8,12). similar to training for hypertrophy in results. Robinson et al. (18) demon-
A key point is that subsequent sets that the emphasis is on achieving high strated greater increases in high
should be commenced prior to when levels of fatigue through shorter rest intensity cycle endurance conse-
full recovery has taken place. Therefore, intervals between sets. Because mus- quent to 5 weeks of resistance training
the emphasis is on stressing the glycolytic cular endurance is defined as the ability that involved 30 seconds versus
energy system, as evidenced by the build- to maintain submaximal muscle ac- 90 seconds or 3 minutes between sets
up of lactate in the muscles to buffer tions, the principle of specificity would (see Figure 5). Conversely, Kulling
metabolic acids. Due to the relatively dictate that training should involve et al. (14) found greater increases in
short rest intervals between sets, there short rest intervals between sets (3,4). bench press muscular endurance fol-
might be difficulty in maintaining the Muscular endurance can be measured lowing 12 weeks of resistance train-
absolute intensity level over subsequent in both absolute (repetitions performed ing that involved 90 seconds versus
sets. In such cases, the resistance should with a given mass) and relative (repe- 30 seconds rest between sets.
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