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There are different chemical qualitative tests conducted namely the Solubility test, Molisch’s test,
Fehling’s test, Benedict’s test, Tollen’s test, Seliwanoff test, Iodine test, Barfoed’s test, Bial’s Orcinol
test and Osazone test to identify different type of carbohydrates. According to the Solubility test
conducted to glucose, lactose, sucrose and starch in water. We found out that glucose, lactose and
sucrose are all soluble while starch resulted in a suspension. To test if a reagent is a non-carbohydrate
(no reaction) or a carbohydrate (purple product) we used the Molisch’s test and through the experiment
we found out that glucose, lactose, sucrose and starch are all carbohydrates. Fehling’s test was
conducted to test if the carbohydrates glucose, lactose, sucrose and starch are non-reducing (no
reaction) or reducing sugars (red product). Glucose and lactose turned red means they are reducing
sugars while sucrose and starch are non-reducing sugars. Seliwanoff’s test was conducted to test if the
carbohydrates glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, and starch are aldose/s or ketose/s. And the results
show that fructose and sucrose are ketoses while glucose, maltose and starch are aldoses. Aldoses may
also react but in a much slower rate. Benedict’s test was conducted to test if the carbohydrates glucose,
lactose, sucrose and starch are non-reducing (no reaction) or reducing sugars (red product). Glucose and
lactose are reducing sugars while sucrose and starch are non-reducing sugars. Iodine test was conducted
to test if the carbohydrates have the presence of starch. Among glucose, lactose, sucrose and starch,
only starch exhibited a reaction (dark –blue product). Barfoed’s test was conducted to test if the
carbohydrates glucose, sucrose, fructose, maltose, starch unknown carbohydrate A, unknown
carbohydrate B, unknown carbohydrate C, unknown carbohydrate D and unknown carbohydrate E are
reducing monosaccharide/s (reddish precipitate) or reducing disaccharide/s (no reaction). Glucose,
fructose and unknown carbohydrate C are monosaccharides. Sucrose, maltose, starch, unknown
carbohydrate A, unknown carbohydrate B, unknown carbohydrate D and unknown carbohydrate E are
disaccharides. Disaccharides may also react but in a much slower rate. Bial’s Orcinol test was conducted
to know if the carbohydrates arabinose, fructose and glucose are pentose/s (blue or green product) or
hexose/s (muddy brown-gray product). The results show that all reagents are pentoses. Lastly, Osazone
test was conducted to test the solution (in this lab, the crystalline structure) of a reducing sugar
(glucose) when heated with phenyl hydrazine to form yellow crystalline compounds called Osazone.
Glucose with phenylhydrazine gives glucosephenylhydrazone by eliminating water molecule from the
functional group.

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