Ppe 2 Marks
Ppe 2 Marks
Ppe 2 Marks
Providing an overview of Power Plants and detailing the role of Mechanical Engineers in their
operation and maintenance
1. P.K. Nag, Power Plant Engineering, Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd., Third
Edition, 2008.
1. M.M. El-Wakil, Power Plant Technology, Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
2. Godfrey Boyle, Renewable energy, Open University, Oxford University Press in
association with the Open University, 2004
3. Thomas C. Elliott, Kao Chen and Robert C. Swanekamp, Standard Handbook of Power Plant
Engineering, Second Edition, McGraw – Hill, 1998.
1. What do you understand by the term boiler draught? (AU Nov/Dec 2016)
Boiler draught may be defined as the small difference between the pressure of
outside air and that of gases within a furnace or chimney at the grate level, which
causes flow of air/hot flue gases to take place through boiler.
Steam rate: It is defined as the rate of steam flow (kg/hr) required for producing unit shaft
output (1 kW)
3. What are the different sources of energy available for power generation? How long
they can last? (AU May 2014)
1. Steam
2. Gas or air
3. Diesel and petrol
4. Nuclear
5. Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind ,geothermal, tidal, wave, MHD etc
4. Why thermal plants are not suitable for supplying fluctuating loads?
(AU (EEE) May 2014)
Thermal plants are not suitable for supplying fluctuating loads because any change in
load demand requires the corresponding change in the output energy. In thermal power
plants, the input energy is produced by burning the coal. So, there is always a large time
lapse between the change in energy output and input which is not desirable. Therefore,
such power stations are used only as base load stations and it supplies the constant power.
7. Define the overall efficiency of a steam power plant. (AU.(EEE) DEC’10)
Overall efficiency is defined as the combined efficiency of boiler, stream turbine,
condenser and pump.
11. Why are super heaters used in steam power plants? (AU.(EEE) DEC’12)
The steam produced in the boiler is in the state of saturated condition. The moisture in the
steam will affect turbine blades and cause corrosion. To avoid it, the super heater is used.
It is used to increase the temperature of steam and improve the efficiency.
13. Mention the two types of feed water heaters in a steam power plant.
(AU (EEE) DEC’10)
(i) Open feed water heater.
(ii)Closed feed water heater.
(v) Air pre heater
(vi) Super heater
(vii) Steam drier or separator
(viii) Steam trap.
17. List out the major advantages of high pressure boilers in modern thermal power
plants. (AU.(MECH)DEC ’12 & DEC’13)
The tendency of scale formation is eliminated due to high velocity of water through
Light weight tubes with better heating surface arrangement can be used. The space
required is less.The cost foundation, time of erection and total cost are minimised due
to less weight of tubes.
Due to use of forced circulation, there is more freedom in the arrangement of surface,
tubes and boiler components.
All parts are uniformly heated. So, the danger of overheating is reduced and thermal
stress problem is eliminated.
20. What is super-critical boiler? Give any two advantages. (AU.(EEE) June’13)
If boilers incorporate only economizer and super heater, they are called supercritical
boilers. The super critical boilers are above 300MW capacity units available.
24. What is the function of governors in steam turbine? (AU.(MECH)DEC’08)
The governors regulate the supply of steam to the turbine to maintain constant speed of
the turbine as far as possible under varying load conditions.
29. What is a pulverized and why it is used? (AU.(MECH)May ’14 &(EEE) DEC’14)
A pulverize or grinder is a Mechanical device for grinding many different types of
materials. Pulverize mill is used to pulverize the coal for combustion in the steam
generating furnaces of fossil fuel power plants.
iii. Packed type scrubber
iv. Spray type wet collector
v. Electrostatic precipitator(ESP)
1. Draw a general layout of steam power plant with neat diagram and explain the working of
different circuits. [AU Nov/Dec 2016]
2. Explain the following with neat diagram: (i) Benson boiler (ii) Anyone type of cogeneration
power plant. [AU Nov/Dec 2016]
3. Draw a general layout of thermal power plant and explain the working of different circuits.
[AU APR 2005/MAY 20111/2013]
4. Describe the working of a high pressure boiler with super heaters. [AU MAY 2011]
5. Draw a neat diagram of Lamont boiler and explain its working.
[AU DEC 2005/JULY 2013]
6. What do you understand by fluidized bed combustion? [AU MAY 2012]
7. Write short notes on the requirements of surface condensers .[AU MAY 2009]
8. Explain in detail the coal handling system with a suitable block diagram. [AU MAY 2011]
9. Describe the different types of over feed stokers and discuss its merits and demerits of each
over others. [AU APR 2008]
10. Why is coal pulverized? Explain any one type of pulverized systems used now-a-days.
[AU MAY 2012]
11. With the help of a neat sketch describe the working of any one type of ash handling system.
[AU MAY 2011/MAY 2012]
12. Differentiate between forced draught and induced draught cooling tower.
[AU MAY 2009/DEC 2012]
3. Constant pressure heat addition
4. Isentropic expansion and
5. Constant volume heat rejection.
10. How does the change in compression ratio affect air standard efficiency of an ideal
Otto cycle? (AU.Apr.’08)
The efficiency of otto cycle increases with increase in compression ratio and vice versa.
12. Which cycle is more efficient with respect to the same compression ratio?
For the same compression ratio, Otto cycle is more efficient than Diesel cycle.
13. Name the factors that affect air standard efficiency of Diesel cycle. (AU.Apr’97)
Compression ratio and Cut-off ratio.
14. What is the effect of cut-off ratio on the efficiency of Diesel cycle when the
compression ratio is kept constant? (AU.Apr’03)
When the cut-off ratio of Diesel cycle increases, the efficiency of cycle is decreased
when the compression ratio is kept constant and vice versa.
15. Define the terms actual thermal efficiency and relative efficiency. (AU.DEC’12)
Actual efficiency is defined as the ratio of work output by the cycle to the heat input to
the cycle.
Relative efficiency is defined as the ratio between actual efficiency and air standard
17. Mention a few characteristics of Diesel power plant. (AU.(MECH) DEC’12)
i. Diesel power plants are mainly used where high torque is required.
ii. Fuel and fluid characteristics mean that Diesel power plant could be operated with
variety of different fuels depending on configuration.
iii. Hybrid possibilities are to combine with other power producing devices.
18. Under what circumstance will you recommend Diesel power plants?
Diesel power plants are mainly recommended where the fuel prices or reliability of
supply favor oil over coal where the water supply is limited and relatively small loads.
19. What are the components present in the Diesel electric power plants?
i. Engine
ii. Air intake system
iii. Engine starting system
iv. Fuel system
v. Exhaust system
vi. Cooling system
vii. Lubricating system
20. Name the various types of Diesel engine used for Diesel power plant.
(AU.(MECH) May’13)
1. Small size Diesel engine.
2. Medium size Diesel engine
3. Large size Diesel engine.
21. What are the different types of engines used in power generation? State their
application domain. (Anna .Univ.(MECH)May’11)
1. Diesel engines
2. Dual engines
23. What are the different types of lubrication system in a Diesel power plant?
1. Wet sump lubrication
2. Dry sump lubrication
3. Mist lubrication system.
2. Air compressor
3. Air-conditioning and
4. Coolant circulation pump.
25. What are the methods used for starting a Diesel engine?(AU.(MECH)Nov’07)
1. Starting by an auxiliary engine
2. Use of electric motors or starters
3. Compressed air system
26. What is the basic difference between a Diesel engine and a steam turbine?
The basic difference is that Diesel engine is internal combustion (IC) engine whereas the
steam turbine is external combustion engine.
27. Why is the maximum cycle temperature of gas turbine plant much lower than that
of Diesel power plant? (AU(MECH)May’09)
Air alone is combusted in gas turbine plant instead of air-Diesel combustion in the Diesel
power plant.
28. State the fuels used in the gas turbine power plants. (AU.(EEE)May’11)
Residual liquid fuels, the residue left after the profitable light fractions have been
extracted from the crude have been used in gas turbines to some extent.
29. What are the main units in a gas turbine power plant?
(AU (MECH)DEC’13 & (EEE) DEC’11)
1. Compressor
2. Combustion chamber
3. Turbine
30. What are the methods by which thermal efficiency of a gas turbine power plant be
improved? (AU.(EEE)May’12 & DEC’12)
4.Combination of intercooling reheating and regenerator.
32. How does regeneration improve the thermal efficiency of gas turbine cycle? (AU.
Regeneration reduces the energy requirement from the fuel thereby increasing the
efficiency of the cycle.
1. Discuss the essential components of the diesel power plant with neat layout.
[AU Nov/Dec 2016]
2. (i) Derive an expression for the work ratio using Brayton cycle.
(ii)Discuss the working of any one type of combined cycle power
[AU Nov/Dec 2016]
3. Derive an expression for air the air standard efficiency of diesel cycle. Explain why
the efficiency of Otto cycle is more than diesel cycle for the same compression ratio.
[AU NOV 2010/MAY2014]
4. How do you select engine for a diesel power plant? Draw a diesel power plant and
explain its major components [AU MAY 2014]
5. Explain the construction and working of gas turbine power plant with a layout
[AU DEC 2013]
6. Discuss the working of combined cycle power plant [ AU MAY 2011/MAY 2013]
7. With neat diagram, explain the working principle of the combined MHD and steam
open cycle power plant. [AU NOV 2008]
8. Discuss the working of combined cycle: power plant. [AU MAY 2011/MAY 2013]
1. What is critical mass of nuclear fuel? [AU Nov/Dec 2016]
A critical mass is the smallest amount of fissile material needed for a sustained
nuclear chain reaction.
10. What is four factor formula? (AU.(EEE) DEC’10)
The four-factor formula is also known as Fermi’s four factor formula used in nuclear
engineering to determine the multiplication of a nuclear chain reaction in an infinite
13. Explain the function of the moderator.(AU(MECH) May’07 & May ’11
Moderator is a material which is used to slow down the neutrons from high velocities
without capturing them. The fast moving neutrons are far less effective in causing the
fission and for the escape from the reactor.
14. Name the three moderators commonly used in nuclear power reactor.
Heavy water (D2O), water (H2O), Beryllium (Be),Graphite (G) and Helium(He) gas are
commonly used moderators.
17. What is a gas cooled nuclear reactor? (AU.(MECH)DEC’14)
A Gas such as carbon dioxide is used to carry away the heat produced due tonuclear
fission in the reactor. For example, the gas cooled reactor is with CO 2gas as coolant and
graphite as moderator.
18. What is LMFBR? Why is a liquid metal the preferred coolant in a fast breeder
reactor? (AU.(EEE)June’13)
LMFBR standsfor Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor. The liquid metal is always
preferred as the coolant since it is an excellent heat transfer material. Ex:Sodium and
19. What are the components of pressurized water reactor nuclear power
Heat exchanger
Coolant pump
20. What are the criteria used for evaluation of nuclear plant safety?(AU.Nov’07)
There is no unreasonable risk.
It has adequate protection of public health and safety.
Risk is reasonably low.
Safety is as high as reasonably achievable.
It limits the risk by use of best technologies at acceptable economic costs.
22. How do you cater for safety of Nuclear power plant? (AU.(MECH)May’14)
Nuclear safety and security cover the actions taken to prevent nuclear and radiation
accidents or to limit their consequences. The main safety concern is the emission of
uncontrolled radiation into the environment which could cause harm to human both at the
reactor site and off-site.
The nuclear power industry has improved the safety and performance of reactors and it
has proposed new and safer reactor designs.
iv. High efficiency in the order of 40% can be obtained.
v. It has better fuelutilzation.
vi. Absorption of neutrons is low.
i. It has to be cooled with liquid sodium.
ii. It is even moree complicated and expensive than a normal reactor.
iii. It has potential for misuse of plutonium by terrorists.
26. What are the conditions to be satisfied to sustain nuclear fission process? OR Give
the requirements of chain reaction. (AU.(MECH)May’09,DEC’13 & (EEE) May’10)
i. The chain reaction will become self-sustaining or self propagating only.
ii. At least one fission neutron becomes available for causing fission of another
iii. The neutrons emitted in fission must have adequate energy to cause fission of
other nuclei.
iv. The number of neutrons produced must be able not only to sustain the fission
process but also to increase the rate of fission.
v. The fission process must liberate the energy.
vi. It must be possible to control the rate of energy liberation.
b) Enriched Uranium reactorin which Uranium used in this reactor contains 5 to 10%
(iii) According to the type of coolantused
a) water cooled reactors in which ordinary of heavy water is usedas coolants.
b) Gas cooled reactors in which CO2,He,N2,air etc. are used as coolants.
c) Liquid metal cooled reactors in which liquid metals such as sodium,bismuth
and lead are used as coolants.
iv) According to the type of moderators usd
a. Graphite moderator reactor.
b. Beryllium moderator reactor.
c. Water moderator reactor.
v) According to the construction of core
a. Cubical core reactor.
b. Cylindrical core reactor.
c. Spherical core reactor.
d. Annulus core reactor.
e. Slab core reactor.
29. State the major reasons for nuclear accidents that classified under moderate
The major reasons for nuclear accidents of moderate frequency are imbalance in head
rates, increase in thermal power and reduction in cooling effectiveness.
30. State the major reasons for nuclear accidents that classified under severe accidents.
The major reasons for nuclear accidents of severe category are large break of loss
coolant, loss of power in reactor station and failure of reactor protection system.
31. What are the major reasons for nuclear accidents that classified under lower
Cracks in coolant pipes and loss of flow are the major reasons for nuclear accidents of
lower probability.
10. What is a draft turbine? (AU.(EEE)DEC’10)
After passing through the runner, the water is discharged to the tailrace through a
gradually expanding tube called draft tube.
The pressure at the exit of the runner of a reaction turbine of generally less than
atmospheric pressure. By passing through reduced size draft tube, the outer velocity of
water is reduced and gain in useful pressure head is achieved to increase the output of
18. Write the function of draft tube in turbine outlet. (AU.(MECH) Apr’05)
1. It allows the turbine to be set above tail-water level without loss of headfor doing
the inspection and maintenance.
2. It regains the major portion of the kinetic energy delivered from the runner by the
diffusion action.
19. What are the factors to be considered in selecting turbines?
(AU.(MECH)May’14 &(EEE) May’12)
1. Rotational speed of the turbine
2. Specific speed
3. Maximum efficiency
4. Part load efficiency
5. Head
6. Types of water
7. Runaway speed
8. Cavitation
9. Number of turbine units
10. Overall cost.
20. On what basis hydraulic turbines are selected? (AU.(MECH).DEC’12)
1. Water availability
2. Water storage
3. Water head
4. Various geological investigations
5. Environmental aspects
6. Consideration of water pollution effects.
21. What do you understand by zero energy houses? (AU(EEE)June’13)
A zero energy building is also known as a zero net energy (ZNE) or net-zero energy
building (NZEB). It refers a building with zero net energy consumption and zero carbon
emissions annually.
22. List any four advantages of wind turbine. (AU.(EEE)DEC’10)
i. Wind industry developers and manufacturers make lots of money by investing
them due to government subsidies and cash incentives.
ii. They make the environmentalists happy may be because man is finally punished
against the earth.
23. What are the advantages of pumped storage plant? (AU.(EEE)DEC’10)
a. It is free from effects of environment pollution.
b. Such plants are readily adoptable to automation as well as remote control.
24. What is the purpose of flywheel which is used in an IC engine?(AU.Apr’08)
A flywheel is a heavy rotating mass which is placed between power source and driven
member to act as a reservoir of energy. The primary function of flywheel is to act as an
“energy accumulator:. It will absorb the energy when the demand is less than the supply
of energy and will release it when the demand is more than the energy being supplied.
26. What are the components of tidal power plants? (AU.(MECH)May’09)
1. The dam or dyke
2. Sluice ways
3. The power house.
27. What are the different methods of producing electricity with tides?
1. Single basin arrangement
a) Single ebb-cycle system
b) Single tide-cycle system
c) Double cycle system
2. Double basic arrangement
31. What is bio gas? Give the advantages. [AU Nov/Dec 2016]
Biogas is a type of gas that is formed by the biological breakdown of organic matter in an
oxygen deficient environment. It is counted as an ecofriendly biofuel. Biogas contains
60% methane and carbon dioxide. It can be employed for generating electricity and also
as automotive fuel. Biogas can be used as a substitute for compressed natural gas (CNG).
o Leads to employment generation in the rural areas.
o Household wastes and bio-wastes can be disposed of usefully and in a healthy
32. List the difference between Francis and Kaplan turbine. [AU Nov/Dec 2016]
1. What are the essential elements of hydro power plant? Explain with a neat sketch.
[AU NOV 2008/MAY 2011/DEC 2012]
2. Explain the working of Pelton turbine with a neat diagram. What is the function of a
draft tube? [AU NOV 2012/MAY 2012]
3. Describe the working of a low head hydro plant with a neat diagram. [AU DEC 2014]
[AU Nov/Dec 2016]
4. Compare and contrast Kaplan turbine and Francis turbine. [AU APR 2004]
5. Discuss various components of wind energy system. [AU DEC 2014]
6. Explain with a neat sketch a pumped storage power plant
[AU NOV 2007/MAY 2010, DEC 2012]
7. Explain the spring tides and neap tides. Discuss the different tidal power schemes and
configurations with neat sketches. [AU NOV 2008]
8. Draw a schematic diagram of a solar power plant and explain the operation of it. Also
mention its merits and demerits. [AU NOV 2009]
9. Explain the construction and working of geo thermal power plant and tidal power
plants. [AU MAY 2011]
10. Define the terms anaerobic digestion, Fermentation and What are the advantages and
disadvantages of floating drum plant Give the list of the materials used for biogas
generation. [AU DEC 2014]
11. Describe the principle of a fuel cell and discuss the choice of fuels required.
[AU DEC 2013]
12. (i) Explain the construction and working of fuel cell also mention its merits and
(ii)List the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy system.
[AU Nov/Dec 2016]
13. Explain with a neat sketch working of a distributed (Parabolic) trough Solar Power
Plant. [AU DEC 2012]
1. What is main objective of tariff? [AU Nov/Dec 2016]
Recovery of cost of producing electrical energy at the power station.
Recovery of cost on the capital investment in transmission and distribution
Recovery of cost of operation and maintenance of supply of electrical energy e.g.,
metering equipment, billing etc.
A suitable profit on the capital investment.
4. What are the various operating costs of fired steam power plant?(AU.Apr’05)
a) Cost of fuel
b) Lubricating oil, grease water cost
c) Cost of maintenance and repairs
d) Cost of operating labour
e) Cost of supervision
f) Taste.
8. What are the major factors that decide the economics of power plants?
i. Connected load
ii. Demand
iii. Maximum demand
iv. Demand factor
v. Load factor
vi. Capacity factor or plant capacity factor
vii. Utilization factor
viii. Reserve factor
ix. Diversity factor
x. Plant use factor
13. How does the fuel cost related to the load and the cost of power generation?
(AU.(MECH)Nov’08 & Apr’11)
The cost of power generation is directly proportional to the fuel cost because the
operating cost is directly linked with the fuel cost.
16. List the types of tariffs to calculate energy rate. (AU (MECH)DEC’12)
a. Flat demand rate
b. Straight line meter rate
c. Block meter rate
d. Hopkinson demand rate of two-par tariff
e. Doherty rate or tree part tariff.
17. How the tariff for electrical energy is arrived? (AU (MECH)May’11)
Tariff is calculated by the following equation.
E= Ax+By+C
E=Total amount of bill for the period considered
A=Rate per kW of maximum demand
X= Maximum demand in kW
B=Energy rate per kWh
Y= energy consumed in kWh during the period considered
C=Constant amount charged to the consumer during each bill period. This charge is
independent of demand or total energy.
20. What is the reason for the operating cost of hydel power plant being high?
No fuel cost is required for running the power plant.
22. What are the factors that contribute for energy cost?
Cost of fuel.
Cost of operating labour.
Cost of maintenance labour and rnaterials.
Cost of supplies
23. A. List out four important factors to be considered for the selection of site for power
Cost of land as well as taxes on land.
It should be near load centers.
It should be accessible by road, rail etc.,
Sufficient quantity of cooling water should be available.
The selected site should be away from the populated area
Enough space should be available for future expansion of plants.
The selected site should satisfy geological factors.
25. What are the methods used for reduction of SO2 pollutant?
Adding lime stone (CaCO) to the coal
Using wet scrubbers
Using electro static precipitator.
26. What are the methods used for controlling the NOx?
Reduction of temperature in combustion zone.
Reduction of residence time in combustion zone.
Increase in equivalence ratio in the combustion zone.
30. What are the various methods followed to transport solid waste?
(i) Wet slurry method: This method uses water slurry to transport the material to the
disposal area.
(ii) Pneumatic method: This method uses the air to transport solid wastes to the disposal.
(iii) Trucking.
(iv) Rail transport.
(v) Conveyor usually fixed or movable belt conveyor systems is used, and
(vi) Barge uses waterways to transport waste materials.
32. What are the costs involved in fired steam power plant?(AU.Apr’05)
Maintenance and repairs cost
Operating labour cost
Supervision cost
1. Explain the methods to control pollution in thermal and nuclear power plants.
[AU Nov/Dec 2016]
2. Write an explanatory note on the economics of power generation. [AU DEC 2014]
3. What is meant by load factor and diversity factor? [AU APR 2005]
4. Elucidate the objectives and requirements to tariff and general form of tariff.
[AU MAY 2013]
5. What are the elements which contribute to the cost of, the electricity'? And how can the
cost power generation be reduced? [AU APR 2008]
6. Explain briefly the various methods used to, calculate the depreciation cost.
[AU MAY 2013]
7. What are the fixed and operating costs of steam power plant? How are they accounted for
fixing cost of electricity? [AU MAY 2011/2014]
8. Explain the analysis of pollution from thermal power plants. What is methods used for
control the pollutants?
9. Write short notes on nuclear waste disposal. [AU APR 2008/NOV 2008]
10. (i) Explain the site selection criterion of hydro power plant.
(ii)A peak load on the thermal power plant is 75 MW. The loads having maximum
demands of 35 kW, 20 MW, 15 MW and 18 MW are connected to the power plant. The
capacity of the plant is 90 MW and annual load factor is 0.53. Calculate the average load
on power plant, energy supplied per year, demand factor and diversity factor.
[AU Nov/Dec 2016]