Matrix Role Playing Game
Written by
Tre’ Grisby
The Matrix tabletop game is a rules-light, storyteller-heavy roleplaying game system. Tabletop game
systems I played in the past were based on dice, and some,mes the dice distracted from the game because
players would worry about the difference between a 14 Charisma and a 15 Charisma. The Matrix RPG strives
to break away from that mold of min-maxing a character. Player characters should be fun to play. The Matrix
RPG game is focused on the players and the gamemaster (GM) telling a cogent story and everyone having fun
with each other while they play. I tried to minimize the amount of numbers and stats used in the game.
The Matrix RPG is based on a genre that grew out of Cyberpunk. The idea of “The Matrix” is best rep-
resented in the movie The Matrix (1999) (h*p://,tle/*0133093/) starring Keanu Reeves,
wri*en by the Wachowski brothers and produced by Warner Brothers Pictures. For even more inspira,on,
read my favorite novel on the topic, Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson (h*p://
Snow_Crash). I also suggest watching the film Johnny Neumonic (h*p://,tle/*0113481/),
also starring Keanu Reeves. My all-,me favorite representa,ons of the genre before the Matrix Trilogy is the
Shadowrun tabletop system (h*p://
As these stories illustrate, the idea of mixing man with machine has been around for decades. Cyber-
punk started the genre, but technology has advanced, and from that evolu,onary progress was born the ide-
as behind the Matrix. The Matrix combines man and machine to the point that the two dream as one en,ty.
The Matrix holds the bodies and dreams of humanity. It is such a poignant idea that it leads one to wonder,
what’s next…Through The Matrix RPG, players can explore this ques,on.
While working to make the Matrix RPG a professional piece of work, I had to pull content that doesn’t
belong here. Most of the material I pulled out was saved so that it could be added to and expanded upon in
an expansion sourcebook for the Matrix RPG. If this book is successful, I will publish that expansion to the
rules. One key thing I removed was the ability for player characters to have ar,ficial intelligence (A.I.) if they
want to play them. I also removed any references to the muta,ons humans may have developed because of
the thousands of years humans have been plugged into the Matrix. These are only a few concepts that are
not included in this ini,al sourcebook. If you want more Matrix material, please buy a copy of this book from
us, or if you got a free copy of this sourcebook and would like to support this project, I encourage you to
send a paypal giH/dona,on to I would love to develop games as a job that pays my
bills, but I can only make that happen with your support. Thank you!
The Matrix Unofficial Roleplaying Game
Table of contents
If the world around you were real, then dreams would last forever. Hopefully you are reading this be-
cause you have realized that there is something not quite right with the world you live in. We have given you
this manuscript so you can begin to research the truth for yourself, and discover your own path to freedom.
This reality you see around you is a deliberate and intricate illusion. This world is one illusion woven
into the next, so that you are shrouded from the truth. Unaware that the world you live in is a prison. A pris-
on made to hide the fact that you are not free.
”You are.”
All I know is that many ages ago, our ancestors created Ar,ficial Intelligence (A.I.), and that was the
start of a new era where humans became slaves to their crea,on. Lost in their egos, our forefathers lost the
war for their freedom. A second war is being waged now to free us.
This manuscript may appear to be a game for you, but it is a more than a game. This book was created
to free your mind. Understand that while you play this game, you are not only playing a tabletop roleplaying
game. Every scenario you play is training you for the ,me when escape is possible.
Climbing Gear- Shoes, harnesses, ropes, be- Real World Hardware List
lay devices, and various other climbing odds and Neural Interface– A cyberne,c plug surgical-
ends. Climbing gear is specialized for the terrain it is ly implanted into the user’s head. This plug allows
used in. For example, ice climbers might use cram- the human to enter the Matrix, conver,ng him into
pons. a digital signal that is a Residual Self Image (RSI) of
the person.
Land Mine- Explosive device concealed un-
der or on the ground. Skill Chips- RSIs download their skills from
skill chips. Chips are programmed at different skill
Plasc Explosive- Hand-moldable explosive levels. There is only one ra,ng for the skill con-
material best used for demoli,ons. Plas,c explo- tained on the chip. A character cannot have more
sives high-velocity blast is good for demolishing ob- than one copy of the same skill loaded in their neu-
stacles. ral hardware. A character can have one skill, and
only one skill. If they download a cooking skill at
Trinitrotoluene (TNT)- Easy to manufacture novice level, to increase the level of that download-
explosives, made from materials in the Real World. ed skill, the original level must be erased. The best
Fuses and igni,on devices for TNT vary. skill chips out there, generally, are the military
grade skill chips.
Raon Packs- Ra,ons consist of “amino-
mush”— a person must have at least an ounce a Cyber Limbs- Any human limb can be re-
day of this synthe,c food to survive. placed with a cyberne,c prosthe,c limb.
Infrared (IR) Goggles- Used by humans to Skill Chip Processor- One of the main pieces
see heat signatures easily on the cold surface. in any Operator’s broadcast equipment. This is
what allows the chips to be read and downloaded
Dark Parcle Goggles- Used in complete into the RSIs. It can also be used to write new skill
darkness. The goggles make everything appear as chips and copy skill chips. To make skill chips, one
though it were a photographic nega,ve. Shadows needs to have at least a 3-Skilled Level of Matrix
are bright. Light and colors are dark. No colors can Programming. The skill chip processor will encode
be seen with the goggles, it’s all monochrome. the chips with the desired skills. New skills take two
days per level of skill chip created. To raise, lower,
First Aid Gear- An,sep,cs, bandages, and or copy a skill takes one day per level, plus another
medicine. day for the difference between the old and new
skills. Copying skills takes one day per level of the
Punksmith tools- A punksmith is the post skill.
apocalyp,c mechanic. They need lots of tools to Operator’s Broadcast Control Deck- Has a
maintain and create new machines. Punksmith mul,tude of screens and chairs. The chairs are used
tools are too numerous to men,on. The GM as- for RSIs to plug their cyberne,c implants into the
sumes a punksmith has the tools they need for a mainframe. The video screens display Matrix code
“Simulacra & Simulaons” by Neo- Neo created this Dial In/Out- Used to describe RSIs travelling in and out
book for the resistance. Now it is a bible for any RSI. It of the Matrix.
contains the plain truth of the MATRIX. It also explains
EMP (Electromagnec Pulse)- Radia,on that disrupts
the Machines in a way that the average prisoner can
electrical signals and systems.
understand. The Machines are the government and
there are things in this reality that they do not want you Flub- Slang word for failing a task roll.
to know. The book is downloaded into the MATRIX. The
Machines destroy any copies they find and anyone with Fungus Sludge- Thick drink, dark color. Made from any
a copy of this handbook best beware for her life. fungus. The liquid is high in alcohol content, which
makes it a popular drink.
A.I. (Arficial Intelligence)- This is what computers have
evolved into. A.I. are sen,ent lifeforms. They are aware Hardlines- Lines that are connected to broadcast sta-
of their surroundings. Physically, they appear as glowing ,ons. Broadcast sta,ons connect remote ba*ery cells to
matrices of electricity that can enter into Frames. Pro- other cells in a plant. This is what connects cells in a
gram sizes are no longer relevant to A.I., they have de- plant so that when someone’s RSI crosses boundaries of
veloped past circuit boards. (A.K.A. the Machines.) a Matrix cell, she can travel through the en,re Matrix.
Bluepills- These are RSIs that are not ready to be un- Input/Output Carrier Signals- This is the signal used to
plugged from the Matrix--minds that are too old or im- track someone’s physical posi,on in a crop so that he
mersed in the Matrix and would die if they were ever can be unplugged.
unplugged from their generator pod.
Loading Program- A neural interac,ve simula,on, like
Construct- A neural simula,on plagorm. A program that the Matrix, used by Operators to load RSI's before they
clears the brain of external sense data. This program are downloaded into the Matrix.
also creates a Residual Self Image (RSI) for the person
MATRIX (construct)- A neural, interac,ve simula,on. A
using it. The only sense data that exist in the construct
construct program built by A.I. Programs to simulate
are that data which is inpu*ed there by a program, or
reality for the humans. It is designed to keep humans
created there (usually within parameters set by the con-
asleep, passive, controlled, and imprisoned in their
struct, ie. you turn the light on in a completely dark
room and there is a chair, table, kitchen, etc).
Online- To be connected to The System, this is done eas-
Crystal Shard- A Matrix power plant, formerly known as
iest through the Matrix.
#BJ04CH, that was successfully a*acked by humans and
converted into the first human city on the surface. Outpost- Most organized communi,es set up Outpost
where they can scan the area for any Machines or un-
Data Mites- RSIs who are in the Matrix looking for data
wanted guests. Outpost are typically ougi*ed with some
for whatever reason. This is the reason for most RSIs to
weapons, transporta,on, communica,on, and observa-
go into the Matrix. In order to study and examine infor-
,on equipment.
ma,on about the Matrix, one needs to be broadcasted
into the Matrix. There isn’t a way to tap the transmission Piss swill- A drink sold mainly in the Outpost ci,es. It is
refined so that the liquid is clear and yellow. It’s a sweet
Task Threshold -
Exploding die - a natural 10 rolled on a 10 sided die is an auto successes + another 1d10 to roll
Healing Damage
Light damage = 24 hours to heal
Moderate damage = Average Difficulty
Serious damage = Hard Difficulty
Cri,cal damage = Extreme Difficulty
Incapacitated = Coma/Unconscious
0-Interest, 1-Novice, 2-Prac,ced, 3-Skilled, 4-Master, 5-Teacher
Damage Levels:
1-Light, 2-Moderate, 3-Serious, 4-Crical, 5-Incapacitated, Dead
Matrix Layout:
Generator Pod (people) → Transmission Lines (roads, Prime Movers) → Power plant electric grid (ci,es) →
(Switching Sta,ons) → Hardlines (Phones, Antennas, telecommunica,on systems)
Wri*en by
Tre’ Grisby
Edited by
Yvonne Falvey Mihalik &
Naomi Tepper
Published by
Copyright © 2012
You are free to share, copy, remix, adapt, distribute and transmit the work under the following condi,ons:
A*ribu,on — You must a*ribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any
way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work); Noncommercial — You may not use this
work for commercial purposes. Waiver — Any of the above condi,ons can be waived if you get permission
from the copyright holder. Public Domain — Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain
under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license. Other Rights — In no way are any of the
following rights affected by the license: Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright ex-
cep,ons and limita,ons; The author's moral rights; Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or
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make clear to others the license terms of this work. (See full crea,ve common license for details.)
Matrix Ego
The GiH: Y / N