Serum: Levels of Creatine Phosphokinase
Serum: Levels of Creatine Phosphokinase
Serum: Levels of Creatine Phosphokinase
(1964), 17, 56
SYNOPSIS Increasing interest in serum enzyme levels in various conditions has led to recognition of
the value of the estimation of creatine phosphokinase activity in muscular disorders. Inter-pretation
of the results obtained has been hampered by the lack of adequate information about the 'normal
range'. Data for the normal levels of creatine phosphokinase in cord blood, children, and adults are
Although the existence of creatine phosphokinase the creatine phosphokinase levels in the serum of
has been known for nearly 30 years (Lohmann, 1934), more than 200 subjects, who fall outside the groups
it is only in the last three or four years that any of diseases mentioned above, have been estimated.
attention has been paid to its potential value as a
diagnostic aid in clinical medicine. The enzyme is METHODS
present in high concentrations in skeletal and cardiac
muscle and to a lesser extent in brain tissue, but is Creatine phosphokinase reversibly catalyses the reaction
only found in relatively small concentrations in other creatine phosphate + adenosine diphosphate creatine
tissues (Colombo, Richterich, and Rossi, 1962). + adenosine triphosphate (Lehmann, 1935), and the
enzymic activity can be estimated by studying either the
Study of other enzymes, notably serum glutamic forward (Ennor and Rosenberg, 1954) or the reverse
oxaloacetic transaminase (LaDue, Wroblewski, and reaction (Kuby, Noda, and Lardy, 1954). In this study
Karmen, 1954; Thomson, Leyburn, and Walton the forward reaction was employed, a modification of the
1960; and many other authors), lactate dehydrogen- method of Ennor and Rosenberg (1954) being used. The
ase (White, 1956; Dreyfus, Schapira, and Schapira, creatine liberated was estimated colorimetrically after
1958), and aldolase (Sibley and Lehninger, 1949; carrying out a modified Barritt reaction (Ennor and
Volk, Lesner, Aronson, and Lew, 1956; Dreyfus, et Stocken, 1948). The major departure from the technique
al., 1958) frequently revealed high serum levels of Ennor and Rosenberg lay in the incorporation of
following myocardial infarction and in patients with cysteine hydrochloride into the incubation mixture. A
a muscular dystrophy. In the light of these findings, similar procedure has been described in detail by Hughes
it was not very surprising that increased levels of
creatine phosphokinase have also been found in these RESULTS
oonditions (Ebashi, Toyokura, and Momoi, 1959;
Dreyfus, Schapira, Resnais, and Scebat, 1960; The Table shows that the level of creatine phospho-
Forster and Escher, 1961). A less expected observa- kinase in cord blood is higher than that found in
tion was the high level that occurs in about 70% of serum during childhood and adult life. Even higher
hypothyroid patients (Graig and Ross, 1963;
Griffiths, 1963). Interpretaton of results, due allow- TABLE
ance having been made for variations in technique CREATINE PHOSPHOKINASE LEVELS IN SUBJECTS WITH
and reagents, ultimately depends on a knowledge of NO MUSCLE DISEASE
the levels present in an adequate number of normal Group Sex Number Range Mean
subjects. This becomes vital in diagnostically difficult
cases of myocardial infarction and in studies of Newborn (cord blood) Male 18 1-8 -8-2 50
Female 21 2-0- 6-8 4-4
muscular dystrophies, where detection of carriers or
of potentially dystrophic patients can be valuable, Children Male 24 0-5 - 3-3 1-95
Female 21 0-2 - 3-4 1-70
circumstances in which the elevation of the enzyme
level may be minimal. In the course of a larger study', Adults Male 94 0-2 - 3 9
0-2 - 3-7
Female 104
'Thesis for M.D. to be submitted to London University.
'Creatine phosphokinase activity expressed as tsM. creatine per ml. per
Received for publication 24 April 1963. hour at 37'C.
Serum levels of creatine phosphokinase 57
values occur but these are almost invariably associa- caution must be exercised when interpreting values
ted with known obstetric difficulties and/or birth which are close to the upper limit of the normal
trauma. The levels usually fall to those seen in adult range, particularly in the female relatives of Duchenne
life within a month of birth. The figures suggest that dystrophy patients, in whom increased levels have
there may be a lower mean value in females than in been reported (Dreyfus, Schapira, and Demos, 1960;
males, but statistical analysis does not confirm this Schapira, Dreyfus, Schapira, and Demos, 1960).
impression (P > 0-1 in each of the three groups). Apart from the conditions already mentioned,
departures from the normal range occasionally occur
DISCUSSION in polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and burns.
Hughes (1962) has also noted two cases of apparently
The higher levels of creatine phosphokinase found in secondary muscular disorders with raised levels,
cord blood are due most probably to the pronounced although this is not usual in such cases.
muscular activity associated with birth. Some haemo- There is little doubt that estimation of creatine
lysis of the cord blood specimens is not uncommon, phosphokinase can be of considerable help both in
but as creatine phosphokinase activity is negligible the primary diseases of muscle and diagnosis of
in erythrocytes (Solvunuk, McRae, and Collier, 1956) cardiac infarction. It is apparent that the present
this factor can be disregarded. state of knowledge of creatine phosphokinase levels
The levels reported in normal sera depend in serum and their significance is inadequate and
largely on the technique adopted for the estimation further studies are urgently needed.
of the enzymic activity. For example, Tanzer and
Gilvarg (1959), who utilized auxiliary reactions This work was partially supported by a grant from the
involving measurement of consumption of added Endowment Fund of Guy's Hospital Medical School. I
dihydronicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide to esti- am indebted to Dr. H. Lehmann and Dr. W. H. H.
mate the rate of increase of adenosine diphosphate Merivale for help and encouragement.
concentration, found no creatine phosphokinase
activity in normal serum, whereas Forster and REFERENCES
Escher (1961) using a similar technique found levels
up to 1-5 (converted into international units). Colombo, J. P., Richterich, R., and Rossi, E. (1962). Klin. Wschr. 40,
Ebashi et al. (1959) studied the reverse reaction and Dreyfus, J. C., and Schapira, G. (1961). Rev. franf. ttud. clin. biol.,
they too found negligible activity in normal sera. 6, 700.
and Demos, J. (1960). Rev. franr. ttud. clin. biol., 5, 384.
Dreyfus and Schapira (1961), using their modification Resnais, J., and Scebat, L. (1960). Ibid., 5, 386.
of the technique of Ennor and Rosenberg (1954), -, , and Schapira, F. (1958). Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 75, 235.
Ebashi, S., Toyokura, Y., and Momoi, H., and Sugita, H. (1959). J.
reported normal values of 03 to 10 ,uM creatine Biochem. (Tokyo), 46, 103.
produced per ml. per hour at 37°C. The more Ennor, A. H., and Rosenberg, H. (1954). Biochem J., 57, 203.
sensitive modification of this method by Hughes , and Stocken, L. A. (1948). Ibid., 42, 557.
Forster, von G., and Escher, J. (1961). Helv. med. Acta, 28, 513.
(1962) found values in ,uM creatine per ml. per hour Graig, F. A., and Ross, G. (1963). Metabolism, 12, 57.
of up to 4-5 in males and 3 0 in females. Griffiths, P. D. (1963). Lancet, 1, 894.
, and Lehmann, H. (1964). Medicine, Science and Law, in press.
The observations of Hughes are of particular Hughes, B. P. (1962). Clin. chim. Acta, 7, 597.
interest as he noted a highly significant difference in Kuby, S. A., Noda, L., and Lardy, H. A. (1954). J. biol. Chem., 210,
the means for the two sexes. He suggested the 65.
LaDue, J. S., Wr6blewski, F., and Karmen, A. (1954). Science, 120,
explanation of this might lie in the larger average 497.
muscle mass present in men. An alternative explana- Lehmann, H. (1935). Biochemn. Z., 281, 271.
Lohmann, K. (1934). Ibid., 271, 264.
tion might be related to the fact that there is an Schapira, F., Dreyfus, J. C., Schapira, G., and Demos, J. (1960).
additional source of creatine phosphokinase in men, Rev.franV. Ittud. clin. biol., 5, 990.
Sibley, J. A., and Lehninger, A. L. (1949). J. nat. Cancer Inst., 9, 303.
namely seminal fluid which possesses high enzymic Solvunuk, P. F., McRae, S. C., and Collier, H. B. (1956). Canad. J.
activity (385-14,000 ,uM creatine per ml. per hour), Biochem., 34, 481.
a fact which could be used for medico-legal purposes Tanzer, M. L., and Gilvarg, C. (1959). J. biol. Chem., 234, 3201.
Thomson, W. H. S., Leyburn, P., and Walton, J. N. (1960). Brit. med.
(Griffiths and Lehmann, 1964). Hughes' figures were J., 2, 1276.
based on 73 subjects, and although the present Volk, B. W., Losner S., Aronson, S. M., and Lew, H. (1956). Amer. J.
med. Sci., 232, 38.
larger series does not lend support to his finding, White, L. P. (1956). New Engl. J. Med., 255, 984.