OJT Guidance Manual
OJT Guidance Manual
OJT Guidance Manual
Guidance Manual
A Supplement to WFC WIOA Policy #1006
WIOA OJT Policy and Procedures
I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
WorkForce Central (WFC) administers a comprehensive employment and training program that utilizes
various employment and training activities authorized under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
(WIOA) to systematically develop the employability of eligible youth, dislocated workers and adults and, when
appropriate, to place them into jobs. On-the-Job Training (OJT), when properly implemented, serves this
purpose very effectively because a Trainee is hired into a job, or their current job is upgraded, while being
trained in the new job’s requisite skills.
While the WIOA law contains a number of provisions that broadly define OJT and prohibit various practices,
many of the parameters of this activity have been left to local definition. This manual consolidates the policies
and procedures that are to be used by WFC staff and service providers and provides guidance in the
development, negotiation, implementation, and monitoring of OJT Contract packages.
The basic purpose of an OJT is to encourage public, private non-profit or private Employers to hire an
individual, or upgrade an eligible employed worker, who would not otherwise qualify for the job and to teach
the skills requisite to perform at the job. The OJT Service Provider provides the Employer with a partial wage
reimbursement for an agreed-upon training time period in exchange for the provision of training by the
Employer and a commitment to retain the individual when the training is successfully completed.
OJT is a hire-first program. The Trainee is a full-time, regular employee of the company that has agreed to
provide the training. WFC defines full-time, regular employee to equal no less than 35 hours per week.
OJT training payments to Employers are deemed to be compensation to the Employer for the extraordinary
costs associated with training participants and the costs associated with the lower productivity of the
participants during the training period. Employers are not required to document such extraordinary costs
[proposed rule at 20 CFR 680.720(c)]. Per WFC policy, Employers may be reimbursed up to 50 percent, 65
percent or 75 percent of the wage rate of an OJT participant for the costs of providing the training and
additional supervision related to the OJT. Subject to funding availability and the OJT Trainee’s needs,
WorkForce Central limits the cost of OJTs to $5,000 for jobs paying entry level wages and $6,000 for higher
wage jobs and the training duration to not less than four weeks and not more than 26 weeks. Training
duration must be in line with Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) estimates (Refer to section VI. C.
Determining Training Duration-Specific Vocational Preparation).
Subsidized employment programs such as Work Experiences, paid internships or other limited duration
placements for qualified participants are different from OJT primarily because they do not require the
participant to be an employee of the company participating in the activity. Nor do the activities require the
Employer to continue to employ the participant at the conclusion of the subsidized training activity.
During the course of the OJT, the Trainee must be treated as a regular employee and should receive wages
and benefits at the same level as similarly employed workers [proposed rule at 20 CFR 683.275(a)]
Not all jobs are appropriate for OJT. The emphasis on training automatically eliminates all jobs that require
no more than a brief initial orientation period. Similarly, because reimbursements are intended to
compensate the Employer for decreased productivity, jobs that pay by commission or piecework are generally
considered inappropriate. Additionally, seasonal, temporary and part-time jobs should likewise be avoided
because the desired outcome of OJT is long-term retention into full-time employment that leads to self-
The assessment process is used to substantiate that each Trainee has a need for the training that is to be
provided and has the capability to benefit from this training. The decision to assign a participant to OJT should
be based on consideration of the individual's employability skills, skill deficiencies, and interests.
Although the primary focus of OJT is training in job-specific skills, it is sometimes necessary to build in activities
that simultaneously address needed basic and/or work readiness skill deficiencies as part of the overall
Training Plan.
Trainees who already possess a substantial portion of the skills required to perform the job also should not
be placed into OJT positions. The responsibilities that accompany the use of public funds demand that
expenditures for training activities be confined to situations where there is a documented need for training;
mere subsidies for business or financial incentives to hire are avoided. Thus, the selection of Trainees for OJT
should be carefully governed by a well-thought out process. The skills already possessed by the participant
must be considered along with the skills required to do the job.
OJT Service Providers will counsel participants about the importance of training in a field in which they have
good potential for achieving full and adequate employment and self-sufficiency. OJT Service Providers will
help participants who choose an OJT that is not a “stop gap” employment solution. OJT should be developed
A. Eligible Trainees
Trainees who are eligible for OJT must meet program eligibility requirements for each funding source, i.e.
WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, state set-aside, National Emergency Grants (NEG), or Trade Act
Participants enrolled in WIOA Dislocated Worker, WIOA Adult, or WIOA Youth programs must meet eligibility
requirements and have received an assessment (see section IV. Trainee Assessment) resulting in the
development of an Individual Employment Plan (IEP for WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker participants) or
Individual Service Strategy (ISS for older WIOA Youth participants) that documents the participant’s
appropriateness for OJT.
Regardless of the funding source, consideration should be given to the skill requirements of the occupation,
the academic and occupational skill level of the participant, prior work experience, and the participant’s
In most cases, OJT is not an appropriate work experience activity for youth participants under age 18. Local
program operators may choose, however, to use this service strategy for eligible youth when it is appropriate
based on the needs identified by the Objective Assessment of an individual youth participant
B. Employer Referrals
An Employer may sometimes refer an applicant for a vacant position in order to determine whether the
applicant is eligible for WIOA and appropriate for training through an OJT Training Plan. This practice is
allowed under WIOA. OJT Service Providers should assess the circumstances to determine whether an OJT is
appropriate in the same way they would assess an individual participant.
Identification of an OJT as an appropriate service must be clearly documented on the participant’s Individual
Employment Plan/Individual Service Strategy. The IEP/ISS must also identify potential supportive services the
participant may need to successfully participate in the OJT. Contract managers must regularly review each
participant’s progress in meeting program and service strategy objectives, including the participant’s
acquisition of basic/occupational skills and the adequacy of supportive services provided as related to OJT.
If, however, there is adequate reason to enter into the agreement, e.g., a new job or upgraded job at a higher
rate of pay, then OJT can be justified for a proportionately reduced duration. Additionally, regular contract
management oversight must substantiate that training is occurring and that the Trainee is not spending
excessive time performing the duties of the previously held job.
Where the Employer proposes to upgrade the employee by training for a job that requires substantially
different or higher-level skills, the current employee must also, as a result of successfully completing the OJT:
• Expect a wage gain of $0.50 or more by the end of the training period; or
• Expect an upgrade to a new position.
• The Employer must agree to “backfill” with a new hire for the employee’s previous position through
the WIOA Service Provider or WorkSource partnership when training is complete.
An exception may be granted by the OJT Service Provider. Examples of exceptions might include (but are not
limited to) a worker who has a disability and requires retraining, medical benefits and regular employment
status are gained as a result of the training, or a layoff can be averted through retraining. Justification for the
exception must be clearly documented in the Employer’s OJT file.
E. Assessment Resources
The following resources are valuable tools for conducting assessments:
• JobFit@ www.jobfit.com/worksource
• Competency Model Clearinghouse @ www.careeronestop.org/CompetencyModel/
• O*NET OnLine @ www.onetonline.org/
Employers who qualify for OJT must not have a pattern of failing to provide OJT participants with continued
long-term employment with wages, benefits, and working conditions that are equal to those provided to
regular employees who have worked a similar length of time and are doing the same type of work [proposed
rule 20 CFR 680.700(b)].
B. Appropriate Businesses
If the initial discussion indicates that the business may be appropriate for an OJT, it is necessary to gather and
record detailed information that insures that the business can comply with the required administrative
standards, in effect to "qualify" the business for OJT services.
The process entails an interview with the owner or manager, inspection of documents or forms, and
observation of the premises and work setting. Additionally, the requirements of the OJT Agreement, WIOA,
its implementing regulations, WorkForce Central Policies, and the Training Plan requirements should be
discussed with the Employer.
The information that is gathered is summarized and recorded on the WIOA OJT Employer Pre-Screening
Checklist and maintained in the Employer’s OJT file. The purpose of this process is to determine that the
business is legitimate, financially solvent and meets all Employer Eligibility requirements as established by
WIOA, its implementing regulations and WFC WIOA OJT Policy #1006.
The WIOA OJT Employer Pre-Screening Checklist must be placed in the Employer’s file.
In evaluating Employer performance for OJT re-contracting purposes, the following criteria should be
considered when possible:
Only businesses with a history of successful training and retention of OJT employees should be used as repeat
OJT sites. Employers that use OJT to subsidize short-term "revolving door" positions should be decertified as
OJT sites.
• One (1) Trainee for businesses with five (5) or fewer employees; and
• 50% of the work force for businesses with six (6) or more employees.
This guideline may be exceeded if sufficient benefit to the Trainee can be documented.
When OJT participants also qualify under the WOTC, all WOTC paperwork (including Form 8850) must be
completed before the Trainee’s hire date into the company – this is very important in order for the Employer
to access the tax credit. The Employer should let their tax accountant know that the OJT is in place and assure
that the tax credit is not applied against wages earned during the OJT Contract period.
F. Conflict of Interest
No grantee, contractor, sub-grantee, or sub-contractor will engage in any conflict of interest, real, implied or
apparent, in the selection, award or administration of a WIOA funded contract or grant. OJT Contracting must
be conducted by training professionals and Employers in a manner that is objective and independent of
personal interests. A business or organization represented on the Pierce County Workforce Development
Council (WDC) may employ OJT workers if the same standards for selecting OJT Employers who are not
members of the WDC are applied, and the WDC member does not participate in the process to select OJT
OJT Contract packages are comprised of two central documents: the Agreement and the individual
participant Training Plans.
The OJT Agreement (Contract) is an umbrella contractual arrangement between the OJT Service Provider and
the Employer in which the Employer agrees to abide by the rules governing OJTs for all positions that have
been discussed and identified as appropriate for OJT as the training vehicle and for which openings are
anticipated during the life of the Agreement.
The OJT Training Plan defines the training parameters and outlines the skills that will be developed through
the training.
WIOA Service Providers should be familiar with all of the Terms and Conditions. Each clause of the Terms and
Conditions should be carefully explained to the potential OJT Employer prior to the execution of the contract.
The OJT contract and forms are in the OJT Forms section of this manual.
A. Starting Wage
OJT Training Plans will have a minimum starting wage rate that is reflective of the prevailing wage for the
occupation in which the OJT is planned. In addition, for new hires the job must be anticipated to last at least
one year following the end of the OJT and provide for at least 35 hours of work per week.
Exceptions must be documented on the OJT Exception Request Form (sample is in the OJT Forms section of
this manual), and must be approved by the WFC CEO or an authorized representative of the WIOA OJT Service
Provider with documentation of the exception entered into both the Trainee and Employer files.
Written exceptions may be issued based on special circumstances such as the need for additional training for
special needs populations such as disabled persons and limited English communicators. Exceptions must be
documented on the OJT Exception Request Form (sample is in the OJT Forms section of this manual), must
be approved by the WFC CEO or an authorized representative of the WIOA OJT Service Provider with
documentation of the exception entered into both the Trainee and Employer files.
Training duration is negotiated with the Employer on the basis of the skills that need to be learned to
perform the job at a level comparable to an employee who would be hired without the need for OJT. An
upper limit for training duration is established using the Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) estimates for
occupations in the U.S. Department of Labor Dictionary of Occupational Titles at
Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) is defined as the amount of lapsed time required by a typical worker
to learn the techniques, acquire the information, and develop the skills needed for average performance
in a specific employment situation.
For the purpose of OJT, this training does not include the orientation time required of a fully qualified
worker to become accustomed to the special conditions of any new job.
Using the O*Net Online website (http://online.onetcenter.org), a Summary Report should be pulled for the
occupation being considered for the Trainee. In addition to tasks, knowledge, skills and abilities, the SVP code
for job training is provided. Match the code with the definition above to determine maximum training length.
To view occupations in a specific SVP code, visit http://www.onetonline.org/find/.
Again, the SVP codes represent upper limits of OJT training duration for an "average" Trainee. Sometimes
these limits can be exceeded where adequate documentation supports the need for longer training. Reasons
to exceed these "average" durations frequently include:
• Basic educational skill deficiencies that affect the rate of training (including English-as-a-second
Language (ESL), reading, writing, and oral communications, mathematics);
• Identified problems with required work attitudes and behavior that will be addressed as part of the
• Complexity of the job exceeds the DOT/O*NET description; and
• Other relevant factors concerning targeted populations (example: persons with disabilities).
Shorter training periods are often established on the basis of the agency's successful experience using shorter
time periods, an Employer's estimate of necessary time, job descriptions that vary from the DOT or O*NET
description, or a participant's prior experience that makes some of the training unnecessary. Occasionally,
adjustments for a Trainee's prior experience may be negotiated by varying the reimbursement rate instead
of the training duration.
Because the length of training is determined through a process of negotiation, it is good procurement practice
to provide written justification for the agreed-upon duration. Written documentation serves to satisfy
procurement regulations and also records the rationale employed in the negotiation. Written justification for
the agreed-upon training duration should be notated on the Training Plan.
• Job description. A comprehensive job description is a critical starting place in developing Training
Plans. Written job descriptions for the positions that may be covered under an OJT Agreement should
be collected at the time the OJT Employer Pre-Screening Checklist is completed and kept in the
Employer OJT file. Tasks and requisite skill requirements that employees must be able to perform
should come from the related job description.
• Identify component skills. When developing the Training Plan, list the skills needed to perform the
job to the standards specified by the Employer. Skills should be stated as specifically and briefly as
possible, identifying the skill to be learned.
The development of a Training Plan requires that a job analysis be performed. This is best accomplished with
as much input as possible from the prospective OJT Employer. Do not, however, rely exclusively upon or
require the Employer to do this task independently.
• Counseling that focuses on work-related attitude and behaviors that are needed to keep the job;
• Participation in off-site workshops conducted by the OJT Service Provider staff or professionals
that address work readiness skills;
• Participation in basic skills and General Equivalency Degree (GED) preparation;
• Provision of case management supportive services to assist the Trainee with successful
attainment of OJT training. Supportive Services provided to OJT participants must be in
accordance with Workforce Central’s Supportive Services Policy.
Supportive services may include the purchase of required work related tools, equipment and uniforms. The
following conditions will apply for the purchase of tools and equipment:
• Tools, equipment and uniforms must be necessary to complete the training objectives;
• The tools and equipment remain the property of the OJT Service Provider while the worker is in
• Upon successful completion of the OJT training and upon retaining the OJT job or other similar
employment, the tools and equipment become the participant’s property to assist them at their job;
• In the event the OJT is not completed according to Contract but the worker obtains training-related
employment prior to completion of the OJT, the tools and equipment may become the property of
the participant to assist them at their new job;
• Tools and equipment will not become the property of the participant unless training-related
employment is secured.
• An OJT Contract that requires the participant to obtain their own tools, equipment and/or uniform
must include the Tool and Equipment Agreement signed by the Trainee, Employer and OJT Service
Some Employers may not be able to provide all the needed job-specific skills training or may wish to augment
the on-site skills instruction. Supplemental training in job-specific skills can be arranged through:
• A class at a community college, technical college or other school outside of work hours or during work
hours if the Employer is willing to pay wages during class time;
Basic work readiness skills or any supplementary classroom Occupational Skills Training may be incorporated
into the Training Plan using the Supplemental Training Plan form (an example Supplemental Training Plan is
in the OJT Forms section of the manual).
Prior to initiating any of the above-listed supplemental training activities, the OJT Service Provider must
F. Collective Bargaining
Whenever OJT is proposed for a job that is covered under a collective bargaining agreement, it is necessary
to get written concurrence on the OJT Agreement from the appropriate union representative [proposed rule
at 20 CFR 683.270].
There is no standard approach to obtaining union concurrence. Depending upon the relationships that exist,
the Employer may wish to take the lead in contacting the union and securing the written concurrence. From
time to time it may be incumbent upon the OJT Service Provider to make the necessary contact. If that occurs,
contact the appropriate official, explain the purpose of the program, review the specifics of the proposed
training including the wage rate, and obtain written concurrence.
Exceptions to policy may be granted to best suit the respective and mutual needs of the Employer, the OJT
Service Provider, and the Trainee. Exceptions must be articulated on the On-the-Job Training Exception
Request form (sample of which is located in the OJT Forms section of this manual).
• Reducing or exceeding the minimum or maximum training hours to be less than 4 weeks or more than
26 weeks;
• Writing an OJT for less than full-time;
• Writing an OJT with a starting wage less than prevailing wage; or
• In the case of an incumbent employee, the employee may not receive a wage increase at the end of
• The Trainee is determined to be ineligible for WIOA upon verification of information presented at
intake or otherwise;
• The OJT Service Provider experiences a reduction in grant funds prior to the ending date of the
Training Plan;
• The hours worked by the Trainee consistently falls below 35 hours per week;
• The Employer fails to provide the training that was specified in the Training Plan;
• Reimbursement invoices are not turned in according to the payroll schedule on a consistent basis; or
• The Employer violates a material term of the Agreement such as displacement of a non-WIOA
employee, violation of regulations governing employment of a minor, significant safety violations,
fraudulent documentation has been submitted or failure to pay the Trainee at the agreed-upon wage
An OJT that is terminated as a result of Employer fraud will result in a referral to Federal authorities for
I. Nepotism
No person participating in the OJT program will be “hired by” and/or “supervised” by a relative of that person
[20 CFR 683.200(g)]. For the purpose of this rule, relative is defined to include: mother, father, son, daughter,
grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, cousin,
step-parent, step-child, foster parent, foster-child, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law and brother-in-
law. An individual who “hires and/or supervises” refers to an individual who exercises authority to hire for
the position, provides day-to-day training or direction, or keeps time and attendance records. In addition,
owners are included as supervisors/hiring managers since they have general authority to supervise, hire and
dismiss. Individual owners of organizations, cooperatives and corporations with more than 20 owners will not
be considered an owner in regard to this rule.
J. Employer Records
The Employer will maintain all financial, attendance, and miscellaneous records relating to the Contract, and
will preserve the same for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of the final Contract payment
(29 CFR 97.42 and 29 CFR 95.53).
The following is a list of records to be maintained by the Employer for each Trainee:
Such records may be required to be retained beyond said period if an audit by DOL, State of Washington or
WorkForce Central has begun but is not completed, or if the audit findings have not been resolved at the end
of the required retention period. In such cases, the records with be retained until resolution of the audit
A. Participant Files
All documentation relative to the development of the participant’s OJT Training Plan should be included in
the participant’s electronic and/or hard file, including:
• Assessment results and training justification including documentation that the job is a growth
• Individual Service Strategy or Individual Employment Plan;
• Case notes per WFC Case Note Policy;
• Job description and related DOL/O*NET reports to support training duration and skills to be learned;
• Training Plan, plus any Supplemental Training Plans and/or Training Plan Modifications;
• OJT Contract and Contract modifications, if applicable;
• OJT Exception Request, if applicable;
• OJT evaluations/Trainee progress reports; Employer monitoring reviews; and
• Copy of OJT Reimbursement Invoice and applicable supporting documentation.
To receive OJT reimbursement payments, Employers must provide the OJT Service Provider with a completed
W-9 form. The OJT Service Provider must ensure their Fiscal Department receives a copy of the W-9 to
facilitate payment
Employers may be reimbursed based on employer size at a rate of 50%, 65% or 75% of the wage rate of an
OJT participant for the extraordinary costs of providing the training and additional supervision related to the
OJT (Refer to WFC OJT Policy #1006). OJT Employer reimbursements may occur at mutually agreeable
timeframes between the OJT Service Provider and the Employer.
B. Invoicing
Invoices must clearly document the number of hours worked each day by the Trainee and the rate of pay for
the time period. Invoices must be signed by both the Trainee and the Employer or only by the Employer if
accompanying documentation (timesheets/time cards) is signed by the Trainee and reconciled to the invoice.
Payments to Employers must be based on scheduled raises and regular pay increases, if they occur.
The Employer should include a copy of the completed Training Plan showing evaluation of skill attainment,
copies of signed payroll documentation for the Trainee’s wages and fringe benefits, and copies of any
supplemental training that occurred.
The total OJT reimbursements for an individual Trainee should not exceed the amount obligated as shown on
the OJT Contract, or any subsequent modifications.
Any discrepancies identified in the invoicing process must be reconciled prior to payment.
An example copy of an invoice is included in the OJT Forms section of the manual.
For a Trainee who is paid on an hourly basis, proper reimbursement can be calculated by simply deducting
the holiday, vacation, and sick leave hours from the training schedule. For a Trainee who is paid a monthly
Prorating is done on the basis of the actual month in order to insure that reimbursement will never exceed
the percent (either 50%, 65% or 75%) of the wage paid for training. (Note that where monthly salary is paid
for a training position that begins or ends part way through a month, the reimbursement may be calculated
either by documenting the actual gross pay received by the Trainee or the same prorating method.)
E. Overtime
An Employer is generally required to pay the Trainee at a rate of 1.5 times the normal hourly pay rate for
hours worked in excess of 40 per week (Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division). The OJT Training Plan
may not, however, calculate reimbursement to the Employer at 50%, 65% or 75% of the overtime hourly pay
rate but may reimburse at the approved rate or either 50%, 65% or 75%, of base pay for hours in excess of 40
per week.
It is presumed to be the Employer's choice to employ the Trainee for more than 40 hours per week.
Reimbursement at a higher pay rate would reduce the number of hours of reimbursable training for a given
Training Plan obligation. Thus, to insure that the Trainee receives the agreed-upon training, the
reimbursement rate is kept at the regular rate of pay.
F. Pay Raises
Occasionally, an Employer may wish to provide a pay increase to the Trainee that was not planned for in the
original OJT Training Plan. If the pay raise is being given because all (or other) employees are also to receive
a raise, it may be warranted to modify the OJT Training Plan to increase the total dollar amount obligated. If,
on the other hand, the pay raise is being given to the Trainee because the Trainee is learning more rapidly
than anticipated and is becoming more productive, then it may not be necessary to adjust the obligation, as
the Trainee will complete the Training Plan earlier than anticipated. The resultant decrease in the number of
training hours will thus be proportionate to the more rapid training progress.
To ensure validity and propriety of the reimbursement amounts claimed, and that the training for which the
Contract is written is actually delivered, the OJT Service Provider is required to conduct on-site monitoring of
OJT Employers. The on-site monitoring of the OJT must include documenting information received directly
from the Trainees, should capture the Trainee and Supervisor’s perspective about how the training is
progressing, and should include review of the Employer payroll records.
On-site monitoring visits should occur early in the OJT placement with additional visits scheduled at
appropriate intervals (determined by length of OJT Training Plan).
Effective monitoring also requires the desk review of all correspondence from the Employer, including OJT
Reimbursement Invoices and the requisite documentation.
Any deviations from the OJT Contract should be dealt with promptly, either with an appropriate corrective
action plan or by suspension or termination of the Agreement if serious violations have occurred.
Examples of monitoring tools are located in the OJT Forms section of this manual.
B. Evaluations
Evaluations will capture the Trainee’s progress towards skill attainment and identify any necessary training
modifications, supportive services, or other necessary support. The Training Plan is used to guide the Trainee’s
evaluation process. It should be referenced each time the OJT Service Provider makes an on-site visit or other
communications with the Employer or Trainee to insure that all key training elements are being addressed.
Timely intervention will avoid failure on the part of the Trainee, waste of program resources and
disenchantment on the part of the Employer.
B. CareerOneStop
CareerOneStop (www.careeronestop.org/) is the suite of web-based products funded and developed by the
U.S. Department of Labor.
E. Job Descriptions
• CareerOneStop Job Description Writer (www.careerinfonet.org/jobwriter/default.aspx)
CareerOneStop Job Description Writer helps build the basis of a job description that can be modified
to the specific skills, tasks, and tools necessary for the OJT Employer.
• O*NET Online (www.onetonline.org) provides occupational information which includes the
occupational code, SVP code, job title, job description, knowledge, skills, abilities, tools, work
activities and interests necessary for the occupation.
F. Occupation Tasks, Knowledge Skills and Abilities, Tools and Technology, Work Activities,
Wages and Employment Trends
• CareerOneStop.org lists the knowledge, skills, activities and the common educational level of the
• O*NET, as listed above.
J. Certification-CareerOneStop.org
• Certification Finder (www.acinet.org/certifications_new/default.aspx) allows you to search for
certification and how to acquire them.
• Short-Term Training Finder
(www.careeronestop.org/EducationTraining/Find/Short-TermTraining.aspx) is a tool that can be
used to find education and training programs where you can earn a certificate, diploma, or award in
less than 2 years.
K. References
WIOA Law WIOA proposed Rules and Regulations -20 CFR:
http://www.doleta.gov/WIOA/ Part 680 and 683 et al.
Sections: Sections:
3(23) 680.700,710, 720, 730
3(44) 680.850
134(c )(H) 683.260
188 (a)(2) and (3) 683.265
Supersedes: WorkForce Central On-the-Job (OJT) Policy #WIA-A/DW/Y-012, Revision 1, Effective February 5, 2015
To provide information and direction for the implementation of WIOA funded On-the-Job Training (OJT) opportunities
for eligible Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth program participants. Specific criteria are included to increase the
amount of employer reimbursement for an OJT participant wage rate to more than 50%.
On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a training option that provides Employers the opportunity to train new employees
(Trainees) on the specific knowledge or skills essential to the full and adequate performance of the job. OJT
opportunities are formed through a contractual agreement between the Employer and the OJT Service Provider. The
OJT Service Provider provides the Employer with a partial wage reimbursement, typically up to 50 percent of the wage
rate of the participant for the extraordinary costs of providing the training and supervision related to the training.
However, Section 134(c) of WIOA authorizes local boards to reimburse employers up to a maximum of 75 percent of
the wage rate of an OJT participant after considering factors listed in proposed rules at 20 CFR 680.730 and this policy.
OJT is a hire-first program. The Trainee begins their OJT as a full-time employee of the company that has agreed to
provide the on-site training and long-term employment upon completion of the OJT. The rate of pay, fringe benefits,
periodic pay increases, and working conditions offered to the Trainee are the same as similarly situated employees in
similar positions by the same Employer and are in accordance with Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of
1938 (29.U.S.C. 206(a)(a) or the applicable state or local minimum wage laws.
On-the-Job Training must be provided through a contract that provides a structured training opportunity for the OJT
Trainee to gain the knowledge and skills to be competent in the job for which they are hired. The contract must be
completed and signed by all parties before the OJT Trainee may begin the OJT training.
OJT may be sequenced with other WIOA program services such as work experience, classroom training or basic skills
Participant Eligibility
OJT Trainees must meet program eligibility requirements for each funding source, i.e. WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker
or Youth formula funded programs. Trainees must have received a documented assessment that results in the
development of an Individual Employment Plan (IEP) that documents the participant has the interest, aptitude and skills
to meet the specific Employer OJT requirements.
o The OJT relates to the introduction of new technologies, introduction to new production or service procedures,
upgrading to new jobs that require additional skills, or workplace literacy, (proposed rule at 20 CFR. 680.710)
OJT Employer:
o Must be registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and have an account with the Washington State
Employment Security Department for Unemployment Insurance and carry Workman’s Compensation
Insurance (proposed rule at 20 CFR 683.280)
o Must have operated in Pierce County for a minimum of 120 days and be current in unemployment insurance
and workers’ compensation taxes, penalties, and /or interest or related payment plan.
o Must be financially solvent to meet the OJT contract obligations through the end of the training and for the
participant’s 12 month follow up period; have adequate payroll record keeping systems that track hours worked,
gross pay, deductions and net pay.
o Must not have relocated within the last 120 days, where relocation resulted in the loss of employment at the
prior location. (proposed rule at 20 CFR 683.260)
o Shall not displace any currently employed worker or alter current workers’ promotional opportunities. Nor have
terminated any regular employee or otherwise reduced the workforce in order to hire OJT Trainees. (proposed
rule 20 CFR 683.270)
o Must not be involved in a labor dispute or have workers currently in a layoff status or laid off workers over the
past 120 days from the same or any substantially equivalent job. The period of 120 days may be waived if
there are mitigating circumstances reviewed and approved by a WIOA Program Manager.
o Must not impair existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreements. Must gain written
concurrence with the appropriate labor organization before the OJT can begin if the OJT agreement would be
inconsistent with a collective bargaining agreement. (WIOA Sec.181 (a)(2)(B). Additionally, the Employer must
attest that the OJT agreement would not assist, promote or deter union organizing (20 CFR 680.850).
o Must not allow OJT Trainees to work on the construction, maintenance or operation of any facility that is used
for sectarian activities or as a place of worship (WIOA Section 188 (a)(3)).
o Must not illegally discriminate in training or hiring practices because of race, color, sex, national origin, religion,
disability, political beliefs or affiliations, or age (WIOA Sec. 188(a)(3)).
OJTs must not be written with an employer who has previously exhibited a pattern of failing to provide OJT Trainees
with continued long-term employment. (proposed rule at 20 CFR 680.700(b))
The employer reimbursement rates of the regular wages earned for OJTs range from a minimum of 50 percent to a
maximum of 75 percent. The reimbursement rate is based on the size of the employer as follows:
Regardless of the reimbursement rate, the following factors must be considered prior to approving an OJT:
1. The characteristics of the participant(s) with an emphasis on barriers to employment as defined in WIOA
Section 3(24) and listed on Attachment A;
4. The wage and benefit level of the participant (both during and after completion of the OJT);
5. The OJT position is an in-demand occupation as defined by WIOA Section 3(23) and determined by
ESD labor market information;
Each of the above factors leading to the approval of an OJT must be documented and placed in the contract file.
OJT contracts may be written with registered apprenticeship programs or participating employers in registered
apprenticeship programs for the on-the-job training portion of the registered apprenticeship program.
Every OJT opportunity will include a contract (agreement) with the Employer and a Training Plan for the Trainee. The
contract must include the requirements of WIOA rules and regulations; the occupation, skills and competencies to be
learned; and the length of time the training will be provided. Contract modifications must be in writing, signed and dated
by all parties prior to the effective date of the modification. Verbal modifications are not valid.
Subject to funding availability and the OJT Trainee’s needs, WorkForce Central (WFC) limits the training costs to $5,000
for jobs paying entry level wages defined as $ 9.47 - $15.00 per hour and $6,000 for higher wage jobs, defined as
paying more than entry level wages. Training costs in excess of these limits may be approved by the WFC CEO or the
authorized WIOA Service Provider, under special circumstances. Regardless of the hourly wage, training duration is
limited to not less than four weeks and not more than 26 weeks. Training duration must be in line with Specific
Vocational Preparation (SVP) estimates.
WIOA participants who have utilized the maximum allowed under the WorkForce Central’s most current ITA Policy may
also qualify for an OJT with training cost and duration limits described above.
OJT payments may only be paid for regular wages paid by the employer. Payment may not be based on overtime, shift
differential, premium pay and other non-regular wages. This does not preclude a participant from working overtime;
however, the reimbursement to the employer must be based on the regular wage rate.
Training will be limited to the period of time required for a Trainee to become proficient in the position related to the
training plan. WFC limits the training duration to not less than four (4) weeks and not more than 26 weeks. Training
duration is negotiated with the Employer on the basis of the skills that need to be learned to perform the job at a level
comparable to an employee who would be hired without the need for OJT. An upper limit for training duration is
established using the Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) estimates for occupations in the U.S. Department of Labor
at http://www.occupationalinfo.org/appendxc 1.html#II.
All documentation relative to the selection of a candidate for an OJT opportunity and the development and maintenance
of the participant’s OJT Training Plan should be included in the participant hard or electronic case file. Participant files
must be available to federal, state and local monitors for compliance review.
Employer Files
OJT Service Providers are required to keep an individual file for each OJT Employer which includes the Employer Pre-
Screening Checklist verifying employer eligibility. Employer files must be available to federal, state and local monitors
for compliance review.
Monitoring at the local, state and federal level will include the OJT Service Provider’s oversight of the participant training
and corresponding employer payroll records.
On-site monitoring visits should be conducted by the contract manager shortly after the OJT Trainee begins work, with
additional visits scheduled at appropriate intervals (determined by length of OJT Training Plan).
Effective monitoring also includes desk review of correspondence from the employer, including OJT reimbursement
invoices and required documentation to support those invoices.
Contract managers must regularly review each Trainee’s progress in meeting program and service strategy objectives,
including the Trainee’s acquisition of basic/occupational skills and the adequacy of supportive services provided as
related to OJT.
Any deviations from the OJT Contract should be dealt with and documented promptly.
Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the WFC CEO or the authorized representative of the WIOA Service
Provider and documented in both the Trainee and Employer files. Exceptions may be allowed for: Employers new to
Pierce County; Employers with workers in lay-off status less than 120 days; Training plans exceeding the cost or time
limits or other policy statements not contained in the WIOA or WIOA regulations.
OJT Agreement/Contract: The OJT Agreement or Contract includes all of the basic requirements including applicable
laws, regulations and policies; outlines the appropriate steps for OJT implementation; and is specific to the individual
training plan. At a minimum, the Agreement must include an extensive set of general provisions (Terms and Conditions)
ensuring WIOA rules and regulatory compliance; the occupation, skills and competencies to be learned; and the length
The OJT Training Plan: The OJT Training Plan must be signed by the Employer, OJT Service Provider and Trainee
prior to the commencement of the OJT. The Training Plan is unique and customized for each OJT Trainee. The Training
Plan includes the skills to be learned, training hours and evaluation of skills gained.
Date 10/15/150-
Linda Nguyen, WFC CEO
Date: 10/15/15
Website Address:
Phone: Email:
Description of Business/Products/Services:
□ Yes □ No Did the business relocate from another area within the last 120 days?
If yes, were workers laid off from the previous site? □ Yes □ No
Was WIA or WIOA assistance sought in connection with past or impending job losses
due to the relocation? □ Yes □ No
Did the business operate under a different name at the previous location?
□ Yes □ No
If Yes, is the OJT position consistent with the Collective Bargaining Agreement?
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No Do the Employer’s hiring practices discriminate because of race, color, sex, national
origin, religion, physical or mental handicap, political beliefs or affiliations or age?
□ Yes □ No Has the business previously used OJT?
If yes, how many OJT placements received a wage increase or promotion after
successful completion of training?__________
If yes, how many OJT placements received a wage decrease after successful
completion of training?______________
If yes, how many OJT placements were dismissed during the training period or during
the retention period?___________
If no, explain:__________________________________________________
□ Yes □ No Can copies of paystubs showing wage and required deductions be provided for OJT
payment reimbursement?
□ Yes □ No Does the Employer pay Workman’s Compensation Insurance?
□ Yes □ No Is the employer current in workers compensation taxes, penalties and/or interest or
related payment plan?
□ Yes □ No Does the employer have an account with the Washington State ESD of Unemployment
□ Yes □ No
Is the employer current in UI taxes, penalties and/or interest or related payment plan?
□ Yes □ No Do the trainee(s) have barriers to employment as defined in WIOA Section 3(24) of in
Attachment A of the WFC OJT Policy #1006.
□ Yes □ No Does the position involve the construction, maintenance or operation of any part of any
facility that is used or to be used for sectarian instruction or as a place for religious
worship or political activities?
□ Yes □ No Is this job currently in demand in Pierce County or a High Demand Industry?
□ Yes □ No Does the OJT position displace any currently employed workers or infringe upon
the promotional opportunities of any current employees?
OJT Position wage: $
Benefits:□ Medical □ Dental □ Vision □ 401K □ Other:_________________
OJT Reimbursement Rate: □ 50% □ 65% □ 75%
Size of workforce: □ 100 + □ 20-99 □ 1-19 employees
□ Yes □ No Are the position wage, benefits, periodic pay increases and working conditions
offered to the OJT trainee the same as similarly situated employees in similar
□ Yes □ No Does the Employer anticipate sufficient work to provide long-term regular
employment for the position? (Minimum of one (1) year or longer)
□ Yes □ No Will the wage and benefit level of the participant increase after completion of the
Phone:________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________
Training Site:
□ Yes □ No Is there sufficient supervision and trainers to adequately support the OJT
WFC OJT Policy Manual Page 30 of 55
Revised June, 2016
□ Yes □ No Are there sufficient tools, equipment, workspace and supervisory personnel to
accommodate the trainee?
□ Yes □ No Does the business have any pre-existing employee training programs?
If yes, brief description of training programs and method of
□ Yes □ No Does the worksite appear reasonably safe and sanitary?
□ Yes □ No Was the participant charged a fee to be referred or placed into the OJT position?
I attest the answers to the above questions are true to the best of my knowledge.
This OJT contract is between the enter your WIOA organization name here, herein after called the WIOA
Program Operator and (enter name of employer here) hereinafter called OJT Employer. Both parties agree to the
contract terms as set forth below. The contract term commences on enter start date here and terminates on
( )
Best method and frequency for contact/monitoring of progress? ______ Phone _______ Email _____ In Person
The purpose of this contract is to establish the general terms and conditions under which the (Enter your WIOA
Organization Name Here) may refer individual WIOA participants (“the Trainee”) to the “Employer” to enable participants
to take part in an OJT as that term is defined under the WIOA.
In accordance with WIOA section 3(44), the term On-the- Job Training means training by an employer that is provided to
a paid participant while engaged in productive work in a job that:
a. Provides knowledge or skills essential to the full and adequate performance of the job;
b. Is made available through a program that provides reimbursement to the employer up to 75% of the wage rate
of the participant, except as provided in section 134(c )(3)(H), for the extraordinary costs of providing the training
and additional supervision related to the training; and
c. Is limited in duration as appropriate to the occupation for which the participant is being trained, taking into
account the content of the training, the prior work experience of the participant, and the service strategy of the
participant, as appropriate.
1. The OJT Contract must be completed and signed before the OJT Trainee starts the OJT Training.
2. The OJT Employer shall develop a training plan for the OJT Trainee that includes competencies needed to be
satisfactorily skilled in the OJT position. These competencies will be listed on the Training Plan/Evaluation
Form (Attachment A-2). The OJT Employer will fill in “Comments” and “Completion Date” to document
competencies gained on Attachment A-2.
3. The OJT Employer shall provide the training prescribed on Attachment A-2 and complete any evaluation
and/or training progress forms that may be provided by the WIOA Program Operator. The OJT Trainee shall
be the OJT Employer's Employee, shall be on the OJT Employer's payroll, shall be entitled to the same
consideration and shall be governed by the same policies as other employees. The OJT Employer shall extend
to the OJT Trainee all of the entitled benefits offered all employees of the OJT Employer.
4. The OJT Employer certifies that this is not a temporary job and agrees to hire the OJT Trainee at the inception
of this contract as a member of his/her regular workforce and to retain the Trainee, at the same level of
benefits as other employees in similar positions, at the conclusion of this agreement provided the Trainee
functions adequately at the entry level, based upon satisfactory skill attainment as documented on
Attachment A-2 – Training Plan/Evaluation Form.
5. The OJT Employer will provide an orientation to the OJT Trainee that covers, at a minimum, the OJT
Employer's rules, expectations, safety information, payment of wages and benefits.
6. A reasonable opportunity shall be provided for the OJT Trainee to attain skills and to demonstrate positive
work habits prior to termination. During the term of the OJT training, the OJT Employer shall contact the
WIOA Program Operator prior to terminating the OJT Trainee. (Except for serious infractions that require
the immediate removal of the OJT Trainee from the OJT Employer’s place of business (intoxication, violent
behavior, etc., or as per the OJT Employer’s Personnel Rules).
8. The WIOA Program Operator shall reimburse the OJT Employer on a (Enter a term: monthly or bi-monthly
or end of agreement) for documented wages paid to the OJT Trainee. No reimbursement shall be made for
work performed outside of the term of the contract, or during periods of work stoppages, fringe benefits
which include paid holidays, sick leave or vacation leave. Overtime hours in excess of 40 hours per week shall
be reimbursed at the regular rate of pay. The OJT Employer must pay the overtime rate in excess of the
regular rate in full.
9. The OJT Employer agrees to maintain adequate time and attendance, payroll, and other records to support
amounts reimbursed under the OJT contract. Wages must be paid by check or direct deposit. The OJT
reimbursement time sheets must be signed in ink, by both the OJT Employer and the OJT Trainee and must
be submitted according to the WIOA Program Operator’s instructions. Inaccurate or incomplete timesheets
or timesheets submitted more than thirty (30) days after the end of the training period may not be honored
at the sole discretion of the WIOA Program Operator. The OJT Employer must maintain copies of the
timesheet(s) along with a copy of the OJT contract at the training location or in the OJT Trainee’s personnel
10. The OJT Employer agrees that records which are directly related to the OJT contract are subject to review,
monitoring, and audit by the WIOA Program Operator, or its agent, the State of Washington and/or the
federal government, at any time and without prior notice to the OJT Employer. However, prior notice is
typically provided.
11. The OJT Employer shall provide adequate insurance coverage to protect against legal liability arising out of
OJT activity. The OJT Employer shall provide the WIOA Program Operator, upon request, copies of insurance
instruments or certifications from the bond/insurance's issuing agency. The copies of certifications shall
show the bonding or insurance coverage, who is covered and the amounts.
12. The OJT Employer shall preserve all OJT Trainee payroll records, fringe benefits and personnel records for
three (3) years after the end of the training period, or longer if any litigation or audit is begun or any claim is
instituted which involves these records. The OJT Employer shall retain the records beyond the three (3) year
period until the litigation, audit findings or claim has been resolved.
13. The OJT Employer shall provide worker's compensation coverage for the OJT Employee and assures that the
training shall be provided in accordance with WIOA Sec. 181 (a)(1)(A) and proposed 20 CFR 683.275 for wage
and labor standards.
14. If the OJT is being provided to one of the OJT Employer's current employees, the OJT Employer verifies that
the OJT will relate to the introduction of new technologies, introduction to new production or service
procedures, or is an upgrade to a new job that requires additional skills, or addresses workplace literacy and
that the OJT position will provide the OJT Trainee with additional wages, hours or benefits.
15. The OJT Employer certifies that they are financially solvent on the date of this contract, and the OJT
Employer's best projection is that they will remain financially able to meet contract obligations through the
16. The OJT Employer agrees to comply with all applicable local, state and/or federal laws and ordinances.
17. The OJT Employer assures to comply fully as required at 29 CFR 37.20 (a) (1) with nondiscrimination and
equal opportunity provisions of WIOA Section 188, including complaint processing and compliance reviews.
The OJT Employer also assures that it shall not discriminate in its employment practices or delivery of
services or other activities on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, political
affiliation or belief, and against beneficiaries on the basis of either citizenship status as a lawfully admitted
immigrant authorized to work in the United States, or participation in any WIOA Title 1 – financially assisted
program or activity, sex, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory,
mental or physical disability. The nondiscrimination assurances at 29 CRF 37.20 (a)(1) apply to this contract.
18. The OJT Employer assures that they have not been debarred or suspended in regard to federal funding. (29
CFR Part 95 and 98)
19. The OJT Employer further assures that OJT funds will not be used to assist, promote or deter union
organizing. Nor will the OJT Employer allow the OJT Employee to engage in political activities during work
hours. (WIOA sec 181(b)(7) and proposed 20 CFR 680.850)
20. The OJT Employer certifies that no member of the OJT Trainee’s immediate family is engaged in an
administrative capacity for the OJT Employer, or will directly supervise the OJT Trainee. For the purpose of
this contract, immediate family is defined as husband and wife (including same‐sex marriages), children,
parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, sisters or person bearing the same relationship to the OJT
Employee's spouse. (2 CFR 200.318 and proposed 20 CFR 683.200(g))
21. The OJT Employer assures that wage and labor standards will be adhered to and to pay the OJT Trainee at
the same rates, including periodic increases, and benefits as trainees or employees who are similarly situated
in similar jobs. Such rates shall be in accordance with applicable law, but in no event less than the higher of
the rate specified in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 or the applicable state or local
minimum wage law. WIOA Sec. 181(a)(1)(A)
22. The OJT Employer assures that the OJT Trainee has not been hired into or will remain working in any position
when any other person is on layoff from the same or a substantially equivalent job within the same
organizational unit or has been bumped and has recall rights to that position, nor if the OJT is created in a
promotional line that infringes on opportunities of current employees. The layoff period shall be the
expiration of the period required by a recall list. If no recall list of re‐employment rights exists, the layoff
period shall be for one year from the last layoff or until the next operating year of the department or agency,
whichever occurs later. (proposed 20 CFR 683.270)
23. No fees shall be charged to any OJT Trainee or OJT Employer for referral or placement services relative to
this OJT contract.
24. Employer assures that the OJT Trainee(s) will not be employed to carry out the construction, operation or
maintenance of any part of a facility that is used or to be used for sectarian instruction or as a place for religious
worship. (proposed 20 CFR 683.235 and 683.255)
25. The OJT Employer shall be liable to repay the WIOA Program Operator for any disallowed costs identified in
26. The OJT Employer shall participate in and be bound by determinations resulting from the WorkForce
Central’s Complaint and Hearing Procedure if the OJT Trainee chooses to access that process. If the OJT
Employee chooses to access the State established grievance procedure, where the OJT Employer's procedure
applies, the OJT Employee shall have the right to request a review of the OJT Employer's grievance decision
by the WorkForce Central Program Operator.
27. WorkForce Central shall indemnify and hold harmless the OJT Employer from all claims, costs, damages, or
expenses arising out of the negligence of the OJT program. Likewise, the OJT Employer shall indemnify and
hold harmless the WIOA program for all claims, costs and damages, or expenses arising out of the actions of
the OJT Employer. In the case of negligence of both the OJT Employer and the WIOA program, any damages
allowed shall be levied in proportion to the percentage of negligence attributable to each party.
28. This contract has been and shall be construed as having been made and delivered within the State of
Washington and it is agreed by each party hereto that the laws of the State of Washington, both as to
interpretation and performance, shall govern this contract. Any action of law, suit in equity, or judicial
proceeding for the enforcement of this contract or any provision thereof shall be instituted and maintained
only in any of the courts of competent jurisdiction in Pierce County.
29. The parties understand and agree that if the courts hold any part, term or provision of this contract to be
illegal, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, and the parties' rights and obligations
shall be construed and enforced as if the contract had not contained the particular invalid provision. If it
should appear that any provision of this contract is in conflict with any statutory provision of the State of
Washington, the provision shall be deemed modified to conform to the statutory provision.
30. The parties agree that the forgiveness of the nonperformance of any provision of this contract does not
constitute a waiver of the provisions of this contract.
31. The parties agree that this contract is the complete expression of its terms. Any oral representations or
understanding not incorporated herein are excluded.
33. This contract may be amended by the mutual written agreement of the parties. All amendments shall be
signed by both parties prior to the start date of the amendment and must be attached to the contract.
34. The assurances and certification on the attachment(s) are made a part of this agreement by specific
reference and the applicable provision, requirements and guidelines contained within them shall be binding
on the parties of his agreement.
35. The individual signing this contract on behalf of the OJT Employer must be the OJT Employer's authorized
agent and certifies that all the information provided by the OJT Employer is correct.
I agree to all of the conditions contained in this On‐the‐Job Training Contract and certify that I am authorized to
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
Program Staff Signature Date Authorized Signature/Title Date
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
Print Name and Title Print Name and Title
________________________________ ________________________________
Phone Number Phone Number
_________________________________ ________________________________
Email Address Email Address
Does this company have a collective bargaining agreement with a labor organization?
Date: _____________________________-
Employer: _____________________________________________________________________________________
COMMENTS: __________________________________________________________________
As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarments and Suspension, and implemented at 34 CFR Part 85, for prospective
participants in primary covered transactions, as defined at 34 CFR Part 85, Sections 83.105 and 85.110.
a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from
covered transactions by a Federal Department or agency;
b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered
against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or
performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contracts under public transaction, violation of federal
or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of
records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
c) Are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (federal, state, or local)
with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph A (b) of this certificate;
d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (federal, state
or local) terminated for cause or default;
e) Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such
prospective participant shall attach an explanation of this proposal or plan.
Signature of this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 34 CFR Part 85, “Government-wide
Debarment and Suspension (Non-Procurement)”. The certificate shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon
which reliance will be placed when the Department of Labor determines to award the covered transaction grant, or
cooperative agreement.
As the duly authorized representative of the Employer, I hereby certify that the Employer will comply with the above
Name of Business
1. EMPLOYER NAME:___________________________________________________
EMPLOYER ADDRES: __________________________________________________
7. O*NET CODE:__________________ 9.
8. HOURS/WEEK:_________________
12. Supplemental training will be provided (e.g.: offsite workshops conducted by OJT Provider, GED classes, class at a
community college, etc.) Yes No
If Yes, see attached Supplemental Training Plan.
Execution of this modification will constitute ratification of the earlier agreement between parties, hereto, the terms and
conditions of which are contained herein. The beginning date of performance under the modification will be ________
regardless of the date of execution and performance will be reimbursed in accordance will the terms and conditions herein
contained between that date and the date of execution.
CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS: (Specify each change to the Contract and attach copies of the changes, if applicable)
All other elements of the Contract will remain unchanged and in full force.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this modification to be executed and initiated on the date effective.
Employer Representative
Company Name
Service Provider Representative
1. EMPLOYER NAME:_____________________________________________________
EMPLOYER ADDRESS:__________________________________________________
6. HOURS/WEEK:_________________ 7. TRAINING
8. DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENTAL TRAINING (e.g.: offsite workshops conducted by OJT Provider, GED
classes, class at a community college, etc.): ____________________________________________________-
11. Tools, equipment and/or uniforms must be provided by the Trainee for the Supplemental Training:
Yes No If “Yes”, see attached Tools and Equipment Agreement
Trainee Printed Name Trainee Signature Date
Employer Printed Name Employer Signature Date
OJT Service Provider Printed Name OJT Service Provider Signature Date
TRAINING PLAN EXCEPTIONS: Exceptions to policy may occur and may be granted if the exceptions meet
the mutual needs of the Employer, the WIOA Service Provider and the Trainee. Verbal exceptions to OJT
policy are not valid.
Payment Exceptions
The Trainee is not expected to be fully skilled at the end of the training period, but
substantial training has occurred and the Trainee is expected to be retained and trained
further by the Employer.
The Employer fulfilled its obligations to the OJT Contract but did not qualify for all or part
of the OJT reimbursement because the Trainee quit or was fired for cause.
Other-please describe:
Describe Payment Exception Justification:
Signature Date
EMPLOYER NAME:____________________________________________________
EMPLOYER ADDRES:__________________________________________________
$___________ REIMBURSEMENT: $_________
X = X =
WAGES $2,480
I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the above claim and the items, amounts and statements are
true and correct and the amount due is just. I further certify that the training the Trainee received, as
identified in the Training Plan, was completed satisfactorily and that the Trainee is anticipated to remain
employed at a minimum of 32 hours/week.
PO #:
Tools and equipment that are required by the OJT Employer as condition of employment may be purchased by
the OJT Service Provider for the OJT Trainee when no other resources are available.
• Tools and equipment provided to OJT Trainee must be necessary to complete the training objectives;
• The company does not purchase the same tools for other employees;
• Tools and equipment required of the OJT Trainee must be of the same standard required of employees
in the same position within the company;
• The tools and equipment remain the property of the OJT Service Provider while the Trainee is in
• The tools and equipment at no time become the property of the Employer;
• The Trainee is not to give the tools and equipment away, sell them or use them in an irresponsible
• Tools and equipment are secured at all time. If tools and/or equipment are lost or stolen, the OJT
Service Provider is not responsible for replacing them;
• The tools and equipment will be returned to the OJT Service Provider if the Trainee quits the OJT and
is not employed at another Employer in the same occupation related to the OJT or if the Trainee is fired
for egregious behavior; and
• The tools and equipment become the property of the Trainee when:
o The Trainee completes the Training Plan and is retained by the Employer
o The Trainee accepts employment elsewhere but the employment is related to the OJT.
The following tools and/or equipment are required for the OJT:
(The Employer completes this list. “Anticipated Cost” is an estimate; the Employer may identify potential
“Retailer(s)” to assist the OJT Service Provider and/or Trainee with knowing where to purchase the items; and
“Purchaser” is either the Employer, OJT Service Provider or Trainee).
All documentation relative to the development of the participant’s OJT Training Plan must be documented in the participant’s
file, including:
□ Objective Assessment; all other applicable assessments. An individual’s need for OJT is established by documenting their
deficiency in occupational skills during the assessment process. The decision to place a participant into an OJT must be based
upon an assessment of the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. An individual may be placed in OJT only when assessment,
testing, and/or individual counseling indicate a need for and ability to benefit from the training specified in the OJT agreement.
□ Individual Service Strategy (ISS)/Individual Employment Plan (IEP) The case file must contain determination of need for
training services under 20 CFR680.220(b) as identified in the IEP/ISS (20 CFR 680.180). The IEP/ISS documentation of a
participant’s appropriateness for OJT is required prior to referral to an Employer for OJT placement. The IEP/ISS must also identify
potential supportive services the participant may need to successfully participate in the OJT. This is no different than the
processes used to determine any participant’s ability to benefit from training services – an OJT is simply another training vehicle.
• Participant name;
• Date plan was initiated;
• Current/prior educational status;
• Current/prior work history and experience;
• Assessment of participant’s skills and interests;
• Assessment results for basic math and reading skill levels and aptitudes;
• Short-term and long-term educational and occupational goals;
• Identification of barriers to employment that hinder the participant’s ability to find and maintain unsubsidized
• A plan of action to overcome barriers to employment to include specific services that the participant will receive from
the WIA Service Provider or another provider;
• Determination of the participant’s supportive service needs;
• Participant and WIOA Service Provider signature and date.
□ Case notes, in compliance with WFC Case Note Policy, to include justification for the OJT position in the industry/occupation
the Trainee is placed (must be in demand or a growing industry and Trainee’s progress during the OJT training and retention
□ Job description and related DOL/O*NET reports to support training duration (SVP)
□ Training Plan, plus any Supplemental Training Plans and/or Training Plan Modifications. Copies in the file must be signed
by all parties-the Employer, the Trainee and the OJT Service Provider
□ On-the-Job Employer Checklist and documentation related to any issues that required resolution prior to
approving the Employer;
□ Training Plan(s), plus any Supplemental Training Plans and/or Training Plan Modifications. Copies in the file
must be signed by all parties to include the Employer, the Trainee and the OJT Service Provider;
The purpose of this review is to assess the effectiveness of OJT activities and general compliance with the
terms of the OJT Contract while the Trainee is actively engaged in the OJT. This interview guide is intended to
be used primarily with the person supervising the OJT Trainee. The primary concern is whether training, pay,
and benefits are being provided in keeping with WorkForce Central’s agreement will the Employer.
The purpose of the interview is to obtain the Trainee’s perception of his/her OJT experience while the Trainee is
actively engaged in the OJT. The Trainee should be interviewed privately.
This form is used independent of the normal invoicing. Its purpose is to conduct an independent verification of
the Employer’s record keeping while the Trainee is actively engaged in the OJT.
Participant Name: