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Course Syllabus Course Name Fundamentals of Mathematics Course Credits 3 Units Course Description

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Course Name Fundamentals of Mathematics

Course Credits 3 units
Course Description Fundamental operations involving whole numbers and fractions; decimals and percents; ratio and proportion;
interpretation of graphs; metric and nonmetric geometry; counting; combinations and permutations; introduction to

Contact Hours/week 54 Hours

Prerequisite None
a) the students will demonstrate factual knowledge including the mathematical notation and terminology used in
this course.
b) the students will describe the fundamental mathematical principles, generalizations, and properties arising from
the concepts covered in this course.
Couse Outcomes c) identify and describe educational theories that influence modern technology teaching methods
d) demonstrate competencies drawn from technology concepts, processes and designs.
e) apply the appropriate process in using technology while respecting the unique knowledge and experience of
diverse learners.
Course Teaching and Time
Desired Learning Assessment Task
Content/Subject Learning Activities Resource Materials Table
Outcome (Ats)
Matter (TLAs) (hour)
Student can be aware of Discuss the VMGO of Individual participation Rubric score cards of Student Handbook 1
and appreciative of the the University, in class discussion and class participation
University’s VMGO, classroom policies, group presentation accomplished by:
classroom policies, course scope of the course, using a rubric to assess  Professor
overview, requirements and course requirements quality of participation.  Peer
grading system. and grading system.  Self
2.1 Student can define term 2.1 Define the term Individual participation Rubric score cards of Basic Mathematics for 9
and other related term on and related terms in class discussion and class participation College Students by:
sets. group presentation accomplished by: Gloria D. Benigno, Ph.D
2.2. describe sets using a rubric to assess  Professor
2.2. Can identify methods using different quality of participation  Peer
used in writing set methods  Self

2.3. Can classify the set 2.3.Give relationships

based on its elements. between kinds of sets
Students can express the
subset 2.4. Do set operations.
of a given set.
2.5. Solve problems
2. Can do set operations. on sets using Venn
2.5 Can solve problems on
sets using Venn diagram.

3.1. Classif Individual participation Assess thru Basic Mathematics for 3

y numbers in class discussion and observation of College Students by:
according to group presentation student responses on Gloria D. Benigno, Ph.D
categories using rubric of board work
under the real participation. exercises.
3.2. Visuali
among sets of
- rational
- Irrational
- Integers and
4.1. Student can identify 4.1., Identify prime Student’s participation Basic Mathematics for 6
prime and composite and composite in question-and-answer Assess thru College Students by:
numbers. numbers activity facilitated by observation of Gloria D. Benigno, Ph.D
4.2.can tell if a given 4.2. tell if a number is teacher. student responses on
number is is divisible by divisible by Q &A on the board .
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
12. and 12.

4.3. Can find the greatest 4.3. Find the greatest

common factor and least common factor and
common multiple. least common
multiple of a set of
4.4. Can solve word numbers.
problem involving
divisibility GCF and LCM. 4.4. solve word
problems involving

Preliminary Examination
5.1 Student can show basic 5.1. Visualize basic Student’s seat work, Teacher rating of e-math Geometry 6
concept of fraction. fraction concepts. board work individual and group publishing 2007 Oronze,
5.2 Can rename the given 5.2. identify presentation of the active participation Mendoza
fraction or reduce fraction equivalent fraction given task.
to lowest term. 5.3. perform
5.3. Can add, subtract, operations on fraction Group discussion of
multiply and divide fraction 5.4. solve word the given word
5.4 Can solve word problems involving problem.
problem involving fraction fraction.
6.1. Student can identify 6.1. Recall basic Students participation Assess thru e-math Geometry 10
place value of decimal, read concepts on decimal in question and answer observation of publishing 2007 Oronze,
given decimal number and 6.2. convert decimal activity. student responses on Mendoza
write decimal number in to fraction Q and A.
expanded form. 6.3. perform Students active
6.2. Can convert decimal operations on decimal participation on the
numbers to fraction forms. 6.4. solve word board work
6.3.Can add, subtract, problems involving
multiply and divide decimals.
decimals without the use of
6.4.Can solve word
problems involving

7.1. Student can reduce the 7.1. Write ratios and Student show Graded presentation http://www.awesomelibrar 6
given ratio to the simplest reduce them to the appropriate with criteria for y.org
form. simplest form. presentation of solving word
proportion from the problem.
7.2. Can establish 7.2. Establish a given word problem to
proportion from the given proportion from the solve the missing
problem and solve for the information given in a value.
missing value. statement problem
and solve for the
7.3. Can identify the type of missing value.
7.3. Recognize
7.4. Can solve word examples of the three
problems involving ratio kind of proportion.
and proportion.
7.4. Solve word
problems involving
ratio and proportion.

Midterm Examination
8.1 . Student can give 8.1. Give Fundamentals of 3
representation of the basic representation of the Mathematics 1
terms of Geometry. basic terms of Student Teacher rating on
Geometry. presentation of individual on active
8.2. Can define polygon the drawing of participation
and classify according to 8.2. Define polygon the different
number of sides. and classify according kinds of
to number of sides. polygon.
8.3. Can identify convex
and concave polygon. 8.3. Identify convex
and concave polygon.

9.1 Student can classify 9.1 Classify angle Student individual Group and individual Fundamentals of 3
angle according to the according to the given output showing kinds rating of student’s Mathematics 1
given measure. measure. of angle according to illustration
measure and different
9.2. Can show the different 9.2. Show adjacent angle pairs.
angle pairs. angles,
angles, supplementary
angles, vertical angles
and linear angles.
10.1. Student can identify 10.1 Identify special Student board work Group and Basic Mathematics for 4
special right triangle right triangle presentation to support individual. College Students by:
the theorem to understanding of the Gloria D. Benigno, Ph.D
10.2. Apply the 45-45-90 10.2. Apply the 45- determine the unknown given task.
and 30-60-90 and 45-90 and 30-60-90 side of a right triangle.
Pythagorean theorem to and Pythagorean
determine the unknown theorem to determine
side of the right triangle. the unknown side of
the right triangle.
Student can find the area 11.1. Find the area Group work Teacher rating of Basic Mathematics for 3
and perimeter of rectangle, and perimeter of presentation about the group active College Students by:
parallelogram, squares, rectangle, given task: solving for participation Gloria D. Benigno, Ph.D
trapezoid, triangle and parallelogram, the area and perimeter.
circle. squares, trapezoid,
triangle and circle.

Final Examination

Suggested Readings Basic Mathematics for College Students by: Gloria D. Benigno, Ph.D
and References
e-math Geometry publishing 2007 Oronze, Mendoza


Fundamentals of Mathematics 1 by: Elvira L. Arellano, Ph. D., Belinda M. Go, Ed. D., Genesis G. Camarista,
MA.Ed.-Math, Julio J. Villalon, MA.Ed.-Math
Course Prelim
Requirements/Termina Midterm
l Assessment Final
Problem set
Grading System
Classroom Policies

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Approved By:

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