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Honoring God Through Our Family

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KEY VERSE: EPHESIANS 5:21-29; 6:1-4

Since we already established our family devotion/bible study, it is very important to know how
we can honor God through our family.

God is a God of order. Every responsibility in the household is ordained by Him. It is not “kuro-
kuro”, out of culture nor tradition, this order is biblical. God manifests His glory and command
His blessings only in the place where divine order is embraced and respected.

If we will try to look at our society right now, it is surrounded with a large number of broken,
dysfunctional if not, families. This is mainly because God’s order and pattern was disregarded
and disrespected. And once it was set aside, God’s purpose in the family may be hindered and

How can we honor and serve God through our family?

Verse 21 clearly states, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

SUBMISSION is the key.

Ephesians 5:22-24
The scripture clearly compares husband and wife to Christ and church. It was stated that “the
husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the
Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husband in

Everything. Meaning, not only at some areas, but all. Not only in times that are convenient but
also in all circumstances. Wives must learn to submit in all areas of their lives – to the
leadership and authority of their husband. However, the world distorted this kind of idea. Sadly,
many wives today took over the position and authority of their husbands maybe because of
selfishness and pride, or due to the failure, inefficiency and irresponsibility of their husbands.
And so, it is very necessary for the husbands to understand their God-given responsibilities as
the head of the family so they can lead them well towards Christ.

Ephesians 5: 25-29
It is a command from the Lord that every husband must seek the highest good for his wife and
surround her with a caring and unselfish love. If Christ demonstrated His love for His church
(people He called as his own) by dying on the cross to cleanse and make them holy, to bring out
the goodness in them, in the same way, husbands must love their wives as their own body.
After all, no one ever hated their own body, they feed and care for their body, just as Christ
does the church (verse 29).
However, men nowadays are not honoring this command which result them of being abusive in
different forms. Some are physically and verbally violent to their spouses. This is one of the
major reasons why there is a broken family. They don’t have Jesus. They don’t have anyone to
imitate, someone who will show them how to love. Having that said, it is important for a man
to surrender to God first and be a reflection of Christ character.

Ephesians 6:1-4
Children are commanded to obey their parents in the Lord. Meaning to say, they are to accept
their guidance and discipline as God’s representatives because that is pleasing in the sight of
God. It is not an accident why we are under the supervision of our parents right now. God
entrusted us to them.

However, there are kids who wished they are not in the family they currently belong to, who
wish of a different parent. That is mainly because they were not nourished with the love and
care that they are supposed to receive. This is the reason why there are kids who rebel against
their parents. They are stubborn because they were not taught how to be obey. They were
mean and impulsive because they were not taught to be gentle.

***Testimony about family – Obedience teaches wisdom and self-discipline

Hence, it is a parent’s responsibilities to bring them up with loving discipline and counsel of the
Lord (verse 4).

“Mga magulang, huwag kayong gumawa ng mga bagay na ikagagalit ng inyong mga anak. Sa
halip, palakihin ninyo sila ng ayon sa disiplina at katuruan ng Panginoon.”


The success of the family in honoring God together lies in the extent of their submission to God.
We can honor God in our family if we learn to submit to God first individually. By that, we will
learn to unforcefully submit to one another. Our submission to one another becomes out of
reverence and love for the Lord.

Let us desire to have a family that keeps honoring God together until He comes. Even if it is very
challenging, let us goal to please the Lord through serving and loving our own families.

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human

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