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Situations / Situacije: (Formal) (Informal)

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Situations / Situacije

Introduction Upoznavanje Travelling by car Putovanje

Hello! I am … Dobar dan! Ja sam
... (formal) Excuse me, how to Izvinite kako da
Zdravo! Ja sam ... reach the highway? dođem do
(informal) autoputa?
I am from … Dolazim iz ... Excuse me, how can Izvinite, kako da
I reach the street…? dođem do ulice...?
What is your name? Kako se zovete?
(formal) Where is the nearest Gde je nabliža
Kako se zoveš? petrol station? benzinska pumpa?
Do I have to go Da li treba da idem
Where are you from? Odakle ste? (formal) straight (right, left)? pravo (desno, levo)?
Odakle si? (informal)
Do I have to turn left Da li treba da
Nice to meet you. Drago mi je što smo (right)? skrenem levo
se upoznali. (desno)?
Is this right way Da li je ovo pravi put
to…? za …?
On a street Na ulici
Excuse me, where is Izvinite, gde je Petrol station Benzinska stanica
the street….? ulica….?
Fill the tank with Napunite mi
Excuse me, where is Izvinite, gde je petrol/ diesel, please. rezervoar benzinom/
the bus/ train station? autobuska/ dizelom, molim.
železnička stanica?
Where can I pump Gde mogu da
Excuse me, where is Izvinite, gde je up the tires? napumpam gume?
the nearest taxi najbliže taksi
station? stajalište? Can you, please, Možete li da mi
clean the window operete vetrobran?
Excuse me, do you Izvinite, da li znate screen?
know where is the gde je hotel…?
hotel…? Do you sell a map of Prodajete li mapu
Serbia/ Belgrade? Srbije/ Beograda?
Excuse me, where is Izvinite, gde je
the hospital? bolnica?
Traffic accident Saobraćajna
Excuse me, which Izvinite, koji autobus nesreća
bus brings me to the vozi do Sajma?
I had an accident. Imao (Imala )
sam nezgodu.
Is it far away from Da li je daleko
Please, call the Molim Vas, zovite
here? odavde?
police/ ambulance. policiju/ hitnu
Is it near? Da Ii je blizu? pomoć.
Do you speak Da li govorite Could you tow my Možete li odvući moj
English? engleski? car to …? auto do …?
Do you speak Da li govorite
German? nemački?

Situations / Situacije

Vehicles Prevozna sredstva Rent-a-car Iznajmljivanje auta

airplane avion I would like to rent a Hteo (Htela )
car for three days. bih da iznajmim auto
bus autobus
na tri dana.
tram tramvaj
I would like a small/ Želeo (Želela )
trolley-bus trolejbus big car. bih mali/ veliki auto.
train voz How much costs the Koliko košta
renting per day? iznajmljivanje na
car automobil
taxi taksi
Does the price Da li je u cenu
include the unlimited uračunata
In public transport U gradskom mileage? kilometraža?
Is the full insurance Da li je u cenu
One ticket, please. Jednu kartu, molim. included in the price? uključeno puno
How much is the Koliko košta karta? osiguranje?
ticket? Can I return the car Mogu li da vratim
Does this bus stops Da li ovaj autobus on Sunday? auto u nedelju?
at …? staje kod …? Can I return the car Mogu li da vratim
Please, tell me Molim Vas, recite mi outside of working auto van radnog
when to get off the kad da siđem. hours? vremena?
bus. How much do I have Koliko se plaća
Which bus/ tram/ Koji autobus/ to pay in advance? unapred?
trolley-bus goes to tramvaj/ trolejbus Here is my driving Izvolite moju vozačku
the downtown? vozi u centar grada? licence. dozvolu.

Train/ Coach Voz/ Međugradski

autobus Taxi Taksi
One return ticket to Jednu povratnu To the ….. street, U ulicu…., molim.
Belgrade, please. kartu do Beograda, please.
How much should I Koliko treba da
From which Sa kog perona pay? platim?
platform leaves the polazi voz/ autobus?
train/bus? Here you are. Keep Izvolite. Zadržite
the change. kusur.
When does the bus U koliko sati ide
to Novi Sad leave? autobus za Novi Thank you. Hvala.
Sad? Can you, please, wait Možete li da me
When does leave Kad polazi sledeći for me? sačekate?
the next train/ bus voz/ autobus za …? Yes, but the waiting Može, čekanje košta
to …? costs … dinars per … dinara na sat.
Where should I Gde treba da hour.
change for…? presednem za ….? That’s OK. To je u redu.
What station is this? Koja je ovo stanica?
Situations / Situacije

Newsstand Trafika In a bakery U pekari

Extra charge on my Dopunu za mobilni One roll, please. Jednu kiflu, molim.
pre-paid mobile od
One pretzel** , Jednu perecu** ,
phone of … dinara, molim.
please. molim.
… dinars, please.
One bagel** , please. Jedan đevrek** ,
Do you have foreign Da li držite strane
newspapers? novine?
One ‘burek’** with Jedan burek** sa
One box of Jednu paklu cheese and yoghurt, sirom i jogurt,
cigarettes…, please. cigareta…, molim. please. molim.
One lighter, please. Jedan upaljač, One bread, please. Jedan hleb, molim.

In a confectionery U poslastičarnici Restaurant Restoran

One piece of this Jedno parče ove A table for two, Sto za dvoje, molim.
cake, please. torte/ ovog kolača, please.
Can I get a menu, Mogu li dobiti
Three scoops of ice Tri kugle sladoleda, please? jelovnik?
cream, please. molim.
Do you serve Imate li jela za
One chocolate, one Jednu kuglu od
vegetarian dishes? vegetarijance?
vanilla and one čokolade, jednu od
strawberry scoop. vanile i jednu od I would like a portion Želeo (Želela )
jagode. of pork/ beef/ lamb/ bih porciiju
fish/ chicken. svinjetine/ junetine/
A glass of water, Čašu vode, molim.
jagnjetine/ ribe/
A glass of orange Čašu soka od
May I have some Molim Vas so/ biber/
juice/ apple juice, pomorandže/
salt/ pepper/ oil/ ulje/ sirće.
please. jabuke, molim.
A cup of tea/ coffee, Šolju čaja/ kafe,
Can I get some more Mogu li dobiti još
please. molim.
bread? hleba?
Can I have the bill, Račun, molim.
I would like a glass Želim čašu (flašu)
(bottle) of white (red) belog (crnog) vina/
wine/ beer/ sparkling piva/ mineralne
Fast food Na kiosku hrane water. vode.

One hamburger, Jednu pljeskavicu, May I have the bill, Mogu li dobiti
please. molim. please? račun?

One ‘piroška’ **, Jednu pirošku**,

please. molim.
A piece of pizza, Jedno parče pice, ** Don’t miss it! ** Ne propustite!
please. molim. Taste it! Probajte!

Situations / Situacije

Complaints Reklamacije Soups Supe

The soup/ dish is Supa/ jelo je hladno. beef soup goveđa supa
chicken soup pileća supa
The meat is not well Meso nije potpuno
tomato soup čorba od paradajza
done. pečeno.
mushroom soup čorba od pečuraka
The meat is hardy/ Meso je žilavo/
too salty. preslano. fish soup** riblja čorba**
I didn’t order this. Nisam ovo naručio vegetable soup supa od povrća
(naručila ).
The glass is not Čaša nije čista. Meat dishes Jela od mesa
clean. beef** govedina**
The cutlery are not Escajg (pribor za beef-steak** goveđi odrezak
clean. jelo) nije čist. (biftek) **
There is a mistake in Ima jedna greška u veal** teletina**
the bill. računu.
roast veal** teleće pečenje**

Breakfast Doručak veal stew** teleći paprikaš**

coffee with sugar/ kafa sa šećerom/ pork** svinjetina**

milk mlekom roast pork** svinjsko pečenje**
tea with sugar/ lemon čaj sa šećerom/ pork chop** svinjski kotlet**
suckling pig** prasetina**
cocoa kakao
lamb** jagnjetina**
bread hleb
roast lamb** jagnjeće pečenje**
toasted bread tost (dvopek)
lamb/ pork on a spit** jagnjetina/ prasetina
roll zemička sa ražnja**
butter/ margarine buter/ margarin baked or fried Karađorđeva
cheese sir breaded rolled veal šnicla**
or pork steak, stuffed
clotted cream** kajmak** with clotted cream **
sour cream pavlaka
Grill Roštilj
ham** šunka**
ground meat rolls** ćevapčići**
jam pekmez
ground meat patty pljeskavica**
honey med (hamburger)**
eggs jaja grilled strips of pork vešalica**
omelet omlet loin**
scrambled eggs kajgana shish kebab** ražnjići**

** Don’t miss it! ** Ne propustite!

Taste it! Probajte! 12
Situations / Situacije

Meat products Proizvodi od mesa Vegetables Povrće

pork crisp** čvarci** potato krompir
prosciutto** pršuta** rice pirinač
sausage ** kobasice** carrot šargarepa
bloody sausage** krvavice** pea grašak
spicy pork sausage** kulen** green beans boranija
ham** šunka** bean pasulj
cauliflower karfiol
Poultry & Venison Perad i diviljač
spinach spanać
goose** guska**
courgette tikvica
duck** patka**
aubergine plavi patlidžan
chicken** pile**
turkey** ćurka** Salads Salate
pheasant** fazan** mix salad with šopska salata**
cheese **
deer** jelen**
(cucumber, tomato,
doe** srna** onion, pepper, white
brine cheese)
boar** vepar**
mix salad** srpska salata**
hare** zec**
(cucumber, tomato,
rabbit** kunić** onion, hot pepper)

Fish Riba cheese and hot chili urnebes salata**

river fish** rečna riba**
tomato paradajz
carp** šaran**
cucumber krastavac
pike-perch** smuđ**
lettuce zelena salata
pike-fish** štuka**
radish rotkva
sheat-fish** som**
small radish rotkvica
sturgeon** kečiga**
paprika paprika
trout** pastrmka**
roasted paprika** pečena paprika**
sea fish morska riba
relish of pepper, ajvar**
hake oslić aubergine, garlic,
cuttle-fish sipa chili pepper **

mackerel skuša
** Don’t miss it! ** Ne propustite!
tuna tunj
Taste it! Probajte!
shrimp škamp
mussels dagnje 13
Situations / Situacije

Sweets Poslastice/ dezert Non-alcohol Bezalkoholna pića

apple-pie** pita od jabuka**
lemonade limunada
pumpkin-pie** pita od bundeve**
orange juice đus
sour cherry-pie** pita od višanja**
tomato juice sok od paradajza
fancy cake torta
apple juice sok od jabuke
pudding puding
fruit salad voćna salata Drinks Pića
ice cream sladoled water voda
crepes palačinke sparkling water mineralna voda
strudel with sour štrudla sa beer pivo
cherry** višnjama** draft beer točeno pivo
strudel with poppy štrudla sa makom** white wine** belo vino**
baklava baklava red wine** crno vino**
sweet made of žito (sa šlagom) ** sweet wine** slatko vino**
wheat, walnuts and
some raisins (with brandy** rakija**
whipped cream) ** plum-brandy** šljivovica**
Fruit Voće whisky viski
apple jabuka cognac konjak
apricot kajsija champagne šampanjac
banana banana liqueur liker
cherry trešnja gin džin
lemon limun rum rum
fig smokva Table-ware Stono posuđe
grapes grožđe spoon kašika
orange pomorandža fork viljuška
peach breskva knife nož
pear kruška plate tanjir
plum šljiva cup šolja
raspberry malina
bottle flaša
tangerine mandarina glass čaša
sour cherry višnja napkin salveta
strawberry jagoda table-cloth stolnjak
** Don’t miss it! ** Ne propustite! 14
Taste it! Probajte!
Situations / Situacije

Hotel / B&B Hotel / Privatni At the doctor Kod lekara

I have a Boli me stomak.
I booked a room on Rezervisao stomachache.
name…. (Rezervisala ) sam
I’m feeling sick. Muka mi je.
sobu na ime….
I have a headache. Boli me glava.
Can I see the room? Mogu li da vidim
I’ve got a sore throat. Boli me grlo.
My nose is running. Curi mi nos.
The room suits me. Odgovara mi soba.
The room doesn’t suit Ne odgovara mi I have a fever. Imam groznicu.
me. soba. I have a flu. Imam gripu.
What is the price of Kolika je cena za
I cough a lot. Mnogo kašljem.
the room per night? noć?
Is the breakfast Da li je u cenu I threw up. Povraćao sam.
included? uračunat i doručak? Povraćala sam.

When is the breakfast U koliko sati je I’ve hurt my leg/ arm. Povredio
served? doručak? (Povredila ) sam
nogu/ ruku.
Where do you serve Gde se služi
breakfast? doručak? Do I have to stay in Da li moram da
bed? ostanem u krevetu?
When do I have to Kad treba da
check out? napustim sobu? When the medicine Kad treba da
must be taken? uzmem lekove?
Could you, please, Možete li da me
wake me up at seven probudte u sedam
o’clock? sati? Pharmacy Apoteka

Could you, please, Možete li da mi I need something Treba mi nešto

call me a taxi? pozovete taksi? against pain. protiv bolova.

Can I get one more Mogu li da dobijem …burns. …opekotina

blanket/ pillow/ towel? još jedno ćebe …diarrhea. …proliva.
/jedan jastuk/ jedan
In a cinema U bioskopu
Two tickets for film…, Dve karte za film…,
At the dentist Kod zubara at 14 hours, please. u 14 sati, molim.
I have a toothache. Boli me zub. How much are the Koliko koštaju
I have lost a filling. Ispala mi je plomba. tickets? karte?

My gum hurts. Bole me desni. One pack of popcorn, Jednu kesu kokica,
please. molim.
Do you have to take Da li morate da mi
out this tooth? izvadite zub?
My tooth broke. Slomio mi se zub.

Situations / Situacije My notes Moje beleške

In a theater U pozorištu

Two tickets for Dve karte za

performance…, predstavu…, molim.
Is there a program for Da li je izašao
next month? repertoar za sledeći

Hairdresser Frizer
I would like to get a Možete li da me
haircut. ošišate?
Statues of some famous Symbol/
How much costs the Koliko košta people/ Statue nekih Simbol
haircut? šišanje? slavnih ličnosti
I would like you to cut Ošišajte me na Svetozar Miletić - an
my hair short, please. kratko. advocate, politician and
mayor of Novi Sad/ advokat,
Please, cut my hair Skratite mi kosu
političar, gradonačelink Novog
just a bit. samo malo.
Please, don’t cut too Nemojte mnogo da
Jovan Jovanović Zmaj - one
short my bangs. mi skratite šiške.
of the best-known Serbian 2
How much costs the Koliko košta poets/ jedan od najpoznatijih
dying? farbanje? srpskih pesnika
How much cost the Koliko košta Đura Jakšić - a Serbian poet,
highlights? izvlačenje painter, writer/ srpski pesnik, 3

pramenova? slikar i pisac

Do I have to make an Moram li da Mihajlo Pupin – a famous
appointment? zakažem? physicist/ čuveni fizičar 4

Don’t miss it! Enjoy it! Ne propustite! Uživajte!

Leisure time Slobodno vreme Address/ Symbol/

Adresa Simbol
Dunavski park Dunavski park A

Petrovaradin Fortress Petrovaradinska tvrđava Petrovaradin
Beach Štrand Sunčani kej 4

Quay Kej Along the

Danube/ Duž
SPENS (ice-skating & SPENS (klizanje i bazeni) Sutjeska 2
swimming pool) 5


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