A High Image Quality Fully Integrated CMOS Image Sensor
A High Image Quality Fully Integrated CMOS Image Sensor
A High Image Quality Fully Integrated CMOS Image Sensor
Abstract ture applications. In this first offering, the primary design em-
phasis was on delivering the highest possible image quality
We describe the feature set and noise characteristics of a pro- while simultaneously providing a flexible feature set for ease
duction quality photodiode-based CMOS active pixel image of use. The first section describes the chip architecture with
sensor IC fabricated in Hewlett Packard’s standard 0.5 mi- particular emphasis on the analog signal path. The second
cron and 3.3V mixed-signal process. It features an integrated section describes the details of the pixel operation, design
timing controller, voltage reference generators, programmable and performance. The third section describes operating modes.
gain amplifiers and 10-bit analog-to-digital converters. It of- The fourth section describes parameters important to image
fers excellent blooming-resistant image quality and dissipates quality and provides corresponding measurement results. The
125mW (nominal) for a VGA(640X480) resolution image at fifth section describes the integrated feature set. Conclusions
15 frames/sec. Integrated features that simplify overall sys- are presented in the final section.
tem design include random access and windowing capabili-
ties, subsampling modes, still image capabilities and sepa- Chip Description
rate gain control for red, green and blue pixels. HP’s unique
CMOS process features a low dark current of 100pA/cm2.
We also describe the low fixed-pattern and temporal noise
characteristics of the image sensor.
Until recently, digital image capture has been dominated by
the charge-coupled device (CCD) which relies upon highly
specialized silicon processing that is optimized for the con-
version of incident photons into charge but is not suited for
further processing of the detected signal. Thus, while CCDs
have enabled both efficient and low noise image capture, they
require significant support electronics external to the sensor
along with the associated engineering effort and PC board
space for a complete imaging solution. The promise of CMOS
is to provide an integrated imaging solution that is small, in-
expensive, draws very low power, and is extremely easy to
apply. However, due to the utilization of mainstream, high
Figure 1. Imager block diagram
volume CMOS processes that have not been optimized spe-
cifically for imaging, and due to the fact that the practical
application of CMOS to image sensing is relatively new, typi- A block diagram of the CMOS sensor IC is shown in
cal CMOS imagers provide inferior image quality than can Figure 1. Approximately 50% of the die area is dedicated to
be obtained from the more mature CCD based technology. the image sensor with the remainder split between the analog
The development trend for CMOS imager chips is very steep and digital electronics and the pad ring. A dual analog signal
however. Each new generation of chip design offers higher path was employed to enable faster readout of the array. The
levels of functionality integrated onto a single chip such that analog path progresses from the pixel outputs to the column
the primary promise of CMOS technology is rapidly being amplifiers where an entire row of pixels is simultaneously
realized. In addition, the combination of improved analog sampled. The column amplifiers, when selected, provide a
processing techniques and silicon process refinements are differential signal to the programmable gain amplifiers (PGA)
resulting in steady improvements in captured image quality. which is equal to the difference between the corresponding
In this paper we present the design of HP’s first standard pixel integrated and reset levels. The PGAs offer an 8-bit pro-
product CMOS image sensor. The design, having a pixel count grammable gain range from 1 to 40 to match the pixel signal
of 664X504, is targeted for both video and still image cap- level to the analog to digital converter (ADC) input range and
IS&T’s 1999 PICS Conference
thus minimize the effect of quantization noise. A successive standard source-drain junction to minimize capacitance and
approximation architecture was chosen for the ADCs because enhance quantum efficiency. Junction optimization was ac-
it yields a low power converter with high resolution and does complished without the addition of masking steps beyond the
not require calibration. The ADCs achieve approximately 9.4 standard process. The resultant pixel has a capacitance of
effective bits of resolution at peak data rate. ~10fF with a 42% fill factor. A conversion gain of 16µV/e-
One major advantage of integrating the analog electron- and sensitivity of (1.1V/(Lux-sec)) at 555nm were achieved.
ics on the same chip as the sensor is that the sensitive analog Measured quantum efficiency as a function of wavelength is
signal does not leave the well controlled environment of the presented in Figure 3.
IC. The pixel outputs are immediately converted to a differ-
ential form in the column amplifiers by a proprietary sam-
pling technique that gives high rejection of substrate and sup-
ply noise while subtracting off the column amplifier offset.
The signals are processed in differential fashion by the PGAs
and ADCs as well and are thus immune to corruption from
common mode noise sources. Offset cancellation is also em-
ployed in the PGAs, and a proprietary shared digital-to-ana-
log converter (DAC) architecture is employed between the
two ADCs to minimize channel related fixed pattern noise.
Pixel Description
IS&T’s 1999 PICS Conference
perature sensitive than standard die based filters. This allows image captured and that subsequently is displayed or printed.
machine soldering of this component in contrast to the hand The major factors affecting image quality are discussed next.
solder requirement of many CCDs. Pixel response as a func-
tion of incident illumination angle (away from normal) is pre- Temporal Read Noise
sented in Figure 4. This plot demonstrates a very wide angle Temporal read noise refers to the random time-dependent
of acceptance resulting in relaxed telecentricity requirements fluctuations of signal level due to both fundamental and cir-
on the optics, possibly allowing for smaller or higher speed cuit-oriented noise sources. Photon shot noise is not included
optics.1 in this definition however. The read noise is most problematic
when detected signal amplitude is low.
Operating Modes Temporal read noise sources are present in the pixel, col-
umn amplifiers, PGAs and the ADCs. The overall temporal
Rolling Electronic Shutter read noise (N) can be modeled as
For video capture, the most common mode of operation
will utilize the rolling electronic shutter. In this mode indi-
vidual rows are progressively reset to start integration and
N= ( N1G)2 + N2 2 (1)
readout. Figure 5 shows an example setup with an array im- where N1 is the amplified pre-PGA noise component, N2 is
age window of six rows and an integration time set to 2 row the un-amplified post-PGA noise component and G is the PGA
processing times. A row processing period is a programmable gain. Pixel reset (kTC) noise is mostly suppressed due to the
value equal to the amount of time required to sample a row of subthreshold operation of the reset transistor.2,3 Measurements
pixels and then digitize the entire row. Each ‘Tn’ represents a indicate that PGA input-referred rms noise N1=20 electrons
row processing period and each rectangle a row of pixels. In and N2=56 electrons (PGA gain G=1.0), yielding an overall
the first period the first row is reset. During T2, the second read noise N=60 electrons. Note that N2 is almost entirely
row is reset while the first integrates. During T3, the third ADC quantization noise. The PGA input-referred noise can
row is reset while rows one and two integrate. In T4, the first be further reduced if the minimum PGA gain is set equal to
row integration is complete, so it is read while the integrate 2.0. This is the optimum setting for minimum PGA gain as
and reset progression steps down and the pattern repeats. In the linear range of pixel output voltage then matches the ADC
practice, integration times can be set to fractions of row peri- input voltage range. The PGA input-referred read noise N2 is
ods such that an exposure granularity of 0.5µsec can be reduced to 28 electrons, while the overall noise N is reduced
achieved with maximum exposure times extending to several to 34 electrons (a 4.8dB improvement over 60 read noise elec-
seconds. trons for G=1.0).
This compares to read noise levels of about 10-15 elec-
Mechanical Shutter Mode trons for CCDs with analog output. The effective CCD sys-
In this mode each row is serially addressed and reset at a tem read noise can increase substantially if post-CCD noise
minimum timing equal to the reset pulse width plus two clock sources like the correlated double sampling (CDS) ampli-
cycles. After each row in the image window has been reset fier, PGA, ADC and circuit-oriented noises are factored
the shutterSync pin is asserted to open an external mechani- in. A CCD with comparable conversion gain and ADC LSB
cal shutter. The shutter remains open until the defined inte- size would yield a read noise level comparable to our
gration period has expired. The array is then readout with the CMOS image sensor.
shutter closed. The linear full-well capacity of the CMOS sensor is about
62,500 electrons and the corresponding optimized dynamic
range (PGA gain Gmin=2.0) is 65.3dB. High dynamic range
images can thus be captured accurately by this sensor. The
photon-shot noise limited SNR at linear full well capacity is
about 48dB. The large linear well capacity and correspond-
ing high photon shot noise limited SNR result in excellent
image and print quality.
We have not factored dark current shot noise in the dis-
cussion above. The dark current defined over the entire pixel
is 100pA/cm2. Dark current shot noise can be estimated from
the mean dark signal as follows:
Nd = (2)
Figure 5. Rolling electronic shutter reset and readout progression g
where Nd is the rms dark current shot noise(electrons), Sd is
Image Quality the dark signal (DN units) and g is the pixel conversion gain
(DN/electron). The estimated dark current shot noise for an
Temporal read noise, fixed pattern noise and the ISO speed exposure time of 30ms is about 4.3 electrons, and its impact
of the sensor have a significant impact on the quality of the on the overall read noise (N=34 electrons) is negligible.
IS&T’s 1999 PICS Conference
Fixed Pattern Noise The ISO speed is about 3500 for SNR=10 (acceptable
FPN refers to a non-temporal spatial noise and is due to print image quality5) and about 600 for SNR=40 (excellent
device mismatches in the pixels & color filters, variations in print image quality) when PGA gain G=1.0. The SNR is even-
column amplifiers, and mismatches between multiple PGAs tually limited by photon shot noise as the PGA gain increases
and ADCs. FPN can be both coherent or non-coherent. Row- due to the relative suppression of ADC quantization noise(Fig.
wise coherent FPN-like noise can also result from poor com- 6), and the corresponding photon shot noise limited ISO speeds
mon-mode rejection. This form of coherent noise varies from are 8000 and 1000 respectively.
frame to frame however. The high ISO speeds are primarily the result of the large
Non-coherent area-wise FPN has been measured to be pixel size used (9µmX9µm), and high quantum efficiency
less than 1%, while coherent column-wise FPN is about 0.5%.
Coherent row-wise FPN appears as an offset error, rather than Bloom Resistance
a gain error, and has been measured to be <0.2LSB and de- CMOS image sensors inherently have superior bloom re-
tectable only with very high PGA gain settings and a non- sistance due to the presence of the pixel reset device M1 (Fig.
saturated sensor digital output. 2). Anti-blooming protection occurs as follows. The gate volt-
The low FPN specifications of the sensor makes dark age of the reset device is held at zero volts (OFF state) during
frame subtraction unnecessary and simplifies the image cap- exposure. The photodiode voltage (PD) drops below the
ture process. threshold required to turn-on M1 for bright illumination and/
or long exposure times. Typically M1 turns-ON in the sub-
ISO Speed threshold mode and holds the photodiode node PD to about a
ISO speed of the CMOS sensor was estimated from the few hundred millivolts below ground. This prevents exces-
exposure level required to achieve a given SNR in the image. sive charge buildup at the photodiode node PD, and elimi-
The light source was assumed to be clear sunlight with a black nates blooming.
body radiation temperature of 5500K. Read noise, photon shot
noise and FPN are included in the SNR definition. Integrated Features / Ease of Use
ISO speed is defined by the exposure level (Em) as follows:
The individually addressable nature of the CMOS pixel array
ISO Speed = (3) offers two distinct advantages over CCD imagers. First, it
Em allows a sub-window of any size or location on the array to
where Em is measured in Lux-sec.4 The requisite exposure be read out without the overhead of clocking through pixels
time (τ) in seconds is given by outside of the desired window. Second it allows skipping of
pixel columns as well as rows (horizontal and vertical
1 subsampling) during readout. These capabilities can provide
τ= (4)
ISO Speed for higher frame rate view finding and potentially more rapid
acquisition of focus and exposure information.
Fig. 6 shows the relationship between ISO speed and SNR Because the imager includes a custom integrated timing
for the monochrome CMOS sensor as a function of PGA gain controller, the chip operation is easily altered by program-
settings of G=1,2,5,10. ming the register set via the serial interface. The program-
mable features include the following: window size and loca-
tion, exposure time, PGA gain settings, data and frame rate,
pad speed, interface timing, low power modes, and shutter
modes. For the case of a Bayer color filter pattern, different
PGA gains can be applied to each color pixel to aid in color
balance. The peak achievable frame rate when reading out
the full VGA window is approximately 15 frames per sec-
ond, however, either or both horizontal and vertical
subsampling can be enabled to increase the frame rate by
approximately a factor of two or four respectively. Once the
imager is configured as desired, single or continuous frame
capture is initiated by asserting the control register run bit.
The chip operates off of a single 3.3V supply and nominally
dissipates 125mW of power in video operation.
A flexible feature set combined with robust integration of-
fered by the CMOS imager described enable rapid develop-
ment of imaging systems with the addition of optics, image
Figure 6. CMOS image sensor ISO speed vs. SNR
processing, system control, and display.
IS&T’s 1999 PICS Conference
Table 1. Imager Summary The first five of these factors are optimized through cir-
cuit design, the latter two are properties of the process which
Array Size 504 × 664 can also be optimized.
Pixel Size 9µm High quality digital image capture is no longer the sole
Fill Factor 42% domain of CCDs. The combination of a low leakage base
Dark Current (@22C ambient) 100pA/cm2 CMOS process and careful attention to analog design will
Peak Quantum Efficiency yield low temporal and fixed pattern noise.
Monochrome: 28%
Color: 21% Acknowledgments
Linear Well Capacity 62,500e-
Conversion Gain 16µV/e- The authors would like to acknowledge the entire CMOS im-
System Noise Floor (G=2) 34e- ager team in Corvallis, Oregon for their work on this chip, as
Dynamic Range (G=2) 65.3dB well as team members at HP Labs in Palo Alto, California
ADC Effective Bits 9.4 and Bristol, England. Also, thank you to Rick Baer for both
Sensitivity (@555nm with color filter) 1.1V/Lux-sec characterization measurements and useful discussions.
ISO Speed (monochrome, G=1)
SNR=10 3500 References
SNR=40 600
PGA Gain Range (255 steps) 1 to 40 1. Rick Baer, Hewlett-Packard Internal Report, 1998.
Exposure Setting Range 0.5µsec to >10sec 2. Guang Yang, Orly Yadid-Pecht, Chris Wrigley & Bedabrata
Peak Frame Rate (VGA window) 15 frame/sec Pain, “Snap-Shot CMOS Active Pixel Imager for Low Noise,
Power Supply 3.3V High Speed Imaging”, pp.2.7.1-2.7.4, IEDM Digest, Dec 1998.
Nominal Power Dissipation 125mW 3. Kalwant Singh, “Noise Analysis of a Fully Integrated CMOS
Image Sensor”, Proc. SPIE, Jan 1999.
4. Rick Baer & Jack Holm, “A Model for Calculating the Poten-
Image quality in CMOS sensors is achieved through op- tial ISO Speeds of Digital Still Cameras based upon CCD Char-
timization of the following factors: acteristics”, Proc. PICS Conf, April 1999.
1. suppression of pixel sampling noise 5. Larry Hanlon, Hewlett-Packard Internal Report, 1998.
2. minimal addition of circuit noise to the pixel noise floor
3. rejection of common mode supply and substrate noise
4. offset cancellation in the analog path
5. low quantization noise
6. low dark current
7. high quantum efficiency