Crochet Stitches Ebook
Crochet Stitches Ebook
Crochet Stitches Ebook
A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and Our Favorite Free
Crochet Patterns eBook
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Published by Prime Publishing LLC, 3400 Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL 60062 –
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
Hi Crocheters,
It’s that time that you’ve all been waiting for, our very first eBook from In this
eBook you can find many neat crochet stitches from Emilda Harrington that will help you with your
crochet projects. All these tutorials provide step by step instructions along with images for each step,
which allows you to easily follow the pattern. It’s a great guide-book.
This eBook is perfect to have on-hand so whenever you get stuck on a stitch you can refer back to this
guide. This eBook is free to download to your computer and also provides ten crochet patterns to make.
A special thanks to Emilda Harrington for providing all these wonderful crochet tutorials. You can read
about her on her crochet designer page.
Happy crocheting!
You can find more illustrated crochet stitches, patterns, tips, tutorials and videos for free at
Our eBooks, like all our crochet patterns, are absolutely FREE to members of our crochet community.
Please feel free to share with family and friends and ask them to sign up at our website for our
free e-mail newsletter.
Happy Crocheting,
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
1. Repeat the instructions for small 2. Slip stitch in the 6th stitch from the
picot stitch, but chain 5, instead of hook.
chain 3.
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
2. Chain 3.
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
1. To start to make a row of treble 12. At the end of the row of treble
crochet, first chain 3. crochet, chain 3.
2. Yarn over the hook 2 times. (3 loops 13. Turn the work to begin working on
on the hook.) the next row.
3. Insert the hook into the next stitch. NOTE: Always insert the hook into
the second stitch of the row, as the
4. Hook onto the yarn. chain 3 is equivalent to the first
treble crochet of the row. Photo 14.
5. Pull through the stitch. (4 loops on
the hook.)
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
When crocheting in the round, there are Pull through the first loop.
several ways to start.
You may chain 4, slip stitch to join and form
a ring.
You may chain 3, and make double crochet
stitches in the 3rd stitch from the hook
You may begin with the magic circle.
The first two methods will leave a hole in
the center of your work.
The ‘Magic Circle’ will allow you to pull the Pick up the yarn again, to make a chain
hole closed. stitch.
Make a loop.
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
Note: Join on 2 sides in similar manner
when necessary.
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
Blush Rose Afghan loop, yo and draw through 2 loops] twice all
in st indicated, yo and draw through all 3
By: Carol Alexander for Red Heart Yarn loops on hook.
Feel the love and warmth in this blush rose DCL (double cluster) = For Row 1 Only: [yo
afghan. This intermediate crochet pattern and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 2
makes a great gift and looks lovely in the loops] twice all in same ch as last cluster,
springtime. skip next 3 ch, [yo and draw up a loop, yo
and draw through 2 loops] twice all in next
ch, yo and draw through all 5 loops on
hook. For All Other Rows: [yo and draw up
a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops] twice
all in same st as last cluster, skip next petal,
[yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw
through 2 loops] twice all in top of next
cluster, yo and draw through all 5 loops on
Afghan measures 50" x 63".
Ch 127.
Row 1 (Wrong Side): Dc in 3rd ch from hook
(counts as beginning SCL), skip next 3 ch,
RED HEART® "Super Saver®": 5 skeins
SCL in next ch, * work petal, work DCL;
774 Light Raspberry. repeat from * across; work petal, SCL in
Crochet Hooks: 6.5mm [US K-10.5]. same ch as last leg of last DCL; turn.
Yarn needle.
Row 2 (Right Side): Ch 3, dc in 3rd ch from
GAUGES: 4 DCL = 5" across; 4 rows = 4" in hook (counts as beginning SCL), skip first
pattern. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size petal, SCL in top of next cluster, * work
hook to obtain the gauge. petal, work DCL; repeat from * across
working last leg of last DCL in top of last
Special Abbreviations SCL, work petal, SCL in same st as last leg of
SCL (single cluster) = [yo and draw up a last DCL; turn.
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Rows 3-58: Repeat Row 2 for pattern. ch 1, * (sc, ch 3, sc) all in ch-3 space, ch 1,
([sc, ch 3] 3 times, sc) all in ch-5 space, ch 1,
Row 59: Ch 3, 2 dc in first cluster, ch 1, slip (sc, ch 3, sc) all in ch-3 space, ch 1 **, slip st
st in ch-3 space of first petal, * ch 3, slip st in top of next 2 clusters, ch 1; repeat from *
in next petal; repeat from * to last cluster; across, end at **; slip st in top of last
ch 3, 2 dc in last cluster, ch 2, slip st in top cluster. Fasten off.
of ch-2. Fasten off.
Lower Edge: Repeat Rows 1-4 on lower
Rnd 1: With right side facing, attach yarn at Long Sides
lower right corner of afghan; ch 1, [3 sc in Repeat Rows 1-4 on each long side using
corner, 199 sc across long side to next the SAME center corner sc as upper and
corner, 3 sc in corner, 119 sc across short lower borders to start and end Row 1.
side] twice; join with a slip st in first sc.
Rnd 2: Slip st in next (corner) sc, [3 sc in Corners: ** With wrong side facing, tack
corner sc, sc in each sc across to next together the center edges of the first 3 tr cl
corner] 4 times; join – 201 sc between on Row 2 of border on each side where
corner sc on each long edge and 121 sc they meet at corner.
between corner sc on each short edge.
Fasten off. With right side facing, attach yarn at right
edge of any corner opening in the beginning
ch-4 space of Row 3; ch 1, (sc, ch 3, sc, ch 5,
Border sc) all in same space, ch 15, slip st in first sc
Upper Edge of Row 4 of border. Fasten off.
With right side facing, attach yarn in center
corner sc at upper right corner. With right side facing, attach yarn at left
edge of same corner in the last sc of Row 4;
Row 1: Ch 1, sc in same sc, * ch 5, skip 3 sc ch 11, slip st in 4th ch of corresponding ch-
**, sc in next 7 sc; repeat from * to next 15 on opposite edge, ch 4, sc in the ending
corner sc; sc in corner sc; TURN. ch-4 space on Row 3 on same side, ch 2, slip
st in corresponding ch-5 space on opposite
Row 2: Ch 4, (2-tr-cl, ch 3, 3-tr-cl, ch 5, 3-tr- edge, ch 2, sc in same ch-4 space, ch 1, slip
cl, ch 3, 3-tr-cl) all in first ch-5 space, (3-tr- st in corresponding ch-3 space on opposite
cl, ch 3, 3-tr-cl, ch 5, 3-tr-cl, ch 3, 3-tr-cl) all edge, ch 1, sc in same ch-4 space. Fasten
in each ch-5 space across; turn. off.
Row 3: Ch 4, (3-tr-cl, ch 3, 3-tr-cl, ch 5, 3-tr- With right side facing, attach yarn in ch-11
cl, ch 3, 3-tr-cl) all in each ch-5 space across, loop; ch 1, * ([sc, ch 3] 6 times, sc) all in
ch 4, slip st in top of last cluster. Fasten off. same loop; repeat from * in next loop.
Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Row 4: With right side facing, attach yarn in
the first ch-3 space at beginning of Row 3; Repeat from ** for each corner.
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
Soft Bobble Afghan and draw up a loop in next ch. Yoh and
draw through 2 loops on hook. Miss next 3
By: Bernat ch. Yoh and draw up a loop in next ch. Yoh
and draw through 2 loops on hook. Yoh and
Free crochet patterns like this one make it draw through all 3 loops on hook – dec2tog
all worth your time. This afghan uses a made. Rep from * to last 16 ch. (Ch 1. Miss
bobble design with a soft boucle patterns. next ch. 1 dc in next ch) 3 times. Ch 1. Miss
It's a simple-to-make crochet afghan next ch. (1 dc. Ch 3. 1 dc) all in next ch. (Ch
pattern that you can keep for yourself or 1. Miss next ch. 1 dc in next ch) 4 times. Join
give as a gift. The tassels make for a great A. Ch 3. Turn.
finish. 2nd row: Miss first dc. (1 dc in next ch 1 sp.
1 dc in next dc) 4 times. *(2 dc. Ch 3. 2 dc)
all in next ch 3 sp. (1 dc in next dc. 1 dc in
next ch 1 sp) 3 times. Yoh and draw up a
loop in next dc. Yoh and draw through 2
loops on hook. Miss next dec2tog. Yoh and
draw up a loop in next dc. Yoh and draw
through 2 loops on hook. Yoh and draw
through all 3 loops on hook – dc2tog made.
(1 dc in next ch 1 sp. 1 dc in next dc) 3
times. Rep from * 7 times more. (2 dc. Ch 3.
2 dc) all in next ch 3 sp. (1 dc in next dc. 1 dc
in next ch 1 sp) 4 times. Miss next dc. 1 dc
in top of ch 3. Join MC. Ch 3. Turn.
3rd row: Miss first 3 dc. (1 dc in next dc. Ch
1. Miss next dc) 4 times. *(1 dc. Ch 3. 1 dc)
Materials: all in next ch 3 sp. (Ch 1. Miss next dc. 1 dc
in next dc) 3 times. Ch 1. Miss next dc.
Bernat Soft Bouclé (140 g / 5 oz) Dc2tog over next 3 sts. (Ch 1. Miss next dc.
Main Color (#06908 Sea Breeze) 4 balls 1 dc in next dc) 3 times. Ch 1. Miss next dc.
Contrast A (#06703 Natural) 2 balls
Rep from * 7 times more. (1 dc. Ch 3. 1 dc)
Size 6.5 mm (U.S. K or 10½) crochet
hook or size needed to obtain tension.
all in next ch 3 sp. (Ch 1. Miss next dc. 1 dc
in next dc) 4 times. Ch 1. Miss next 2 dc. 1
TENSION dc in top of ch 3. Ch 3. Turn.
11 dc and 6 rows = 4 ins [10 cm]. 4th row: Miss first dc, ch 1 sp and next dc.
(1 dc in next ch 1 sp. 1 dc in next dc) 4
INSTRUCTIONS times. *(2 dc. Ch 3. 2 dc) all in next ch 3 sp.
With MC, ch 180. (1 dc in next dc. 1 dc in next ch 1 sp) 3
1st row: (WS). 1 dc in 4th ch from hook. times. Dc2tog over next 5 sts. (1 dc in next
*(Ch 1. Miss next ch. 1 dc in next ch) 3 ch 1 sp. 1 dc in next dc) 3 times. Rep from *
times. Ch 1. Miss next ch. (1 dc. Ch 3. 1 dc) 7 times more. (2 dc. Ch 3. 2 dc) all in next ch
all in next ch. (Ch 1. Miss next ch. 1 dc in 3 sp. (1 dc in next dc. 1 dc in next ch 1 sp) 4
next ch) 3 times. Ch 1. Miss next ch. Yoh times. Miss next dc. 1 dc in top of ch 3. Ch
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
1. Throw is worked in separate pieces, (4
small sections, 2 large sections).
2. Edging is worked around each section in
joined rows, then sections are joined with a
row of sc.
3. Border is worked after pieces are
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
Assembly: Using D and working in sc, join
pieces as follows:
Three Section Strips (Make 2): Join 1 A and
1 B section together at sides; join 1 C
section to B section at sides.
Throw: Join Strips together, alternating
colors sections as shown (see photo).
Border: Using D, join yarn with a slip st in
any corner.
Row 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc), work 2 dc in
same space as joining (3 dc for corner),
work in dc evenly around, working 3 dc at
each corner,
join with a slip st in first st, turn.
Rows 2 – 4: Slip st to center st of corner;
repeat Row 1, working 3 dc in center st of
each corner.
Fasten off.
Weave in all ends.
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
By: Kim Guzman for Caron Yarn Shawl measures approximately 61"/155 cm
wide (at top edge, widest point) x 27"/68.5
Done in broomstick lace, this shawl crochet cm long;
pattern creates a truly elegant wrap for
night or day. This triangle crochet shawl Shawl Base (without motif strip) measures
pattern includes a floral motif border. approximately 53"/134.5 cm (at top edge,
Follow the diagram for easy assembly of widest point) x 20"/51 cm long
this intermediate crochet pattern.
Chain (ch)
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in Rows 10–69: Repeat 4–9 ten times—71 sc.
each remaining ch across, turn—3 sc.
Row 70: Ch 1, working in front loops only,
Row 2 (RS): Ch 1, working in front loops sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc2tog,
only, sc in each st to last st, 2 sc in last st, turn—70 sts.
turn—4 sc.
Row 71: Ch 1, working in front loops only,
Row 3: Ch 2, turn, sc in second ch from sc2tog, sc in each remaining st across,
hook; working in front loops only, sc in each turn—69 sts.
sc across, turn—5 sc.
Row 72: Hold knitting needle close to work.
Rows 4 and 5: Work Rows 2 and 3—7 sc. Extend loop on hook slightly and place on
knitting needle. *Working in front loops
Row 6 (opening loops): Hold knitting only, insert hook in next sc, yarn over and
needle close to work. Extend loop on hook draw up a loop, extending the loop slightly
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
Row 1: Hold piece to work along inner v- Round 1: Ch 1, work sc evenly spaced
edge of motif strip; ch 1, working along around entire shawl, working 3 sc in each
inner edge of motif strip, work 268 sc corner and point of shawl; join with slip st in
evenly spaced across inner edge to opposite first st.
corner of motif strip, turn.
Round 2: Ch 1, sc in each sc around,
Row 2 (opening loops): Hold knitting working 3 sc in each corner and point of
needle close to work. Extend loop on hook shawl; join with slip st in first st. Fasten off.
slightly and place on knitting needle.
*Working in front loops only, insert hook in Using yarn needle, weave in ends.
next sc, yarn over and draw up a loop,
extending the loop slightly place loop on
the knitting needle; repeat from * across,
turn—268 loops on needle.
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
Ch 238 loosely.
Foundation row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from
hook. Miss next 3 ch. [(1 dc. Ch 1) 3 times. 1
dc] in next ch – Shell made. *Miss next 5 ch.
Shell in next sc. Rep from * to last 4 ch. Miss
next 3 ch. 1 sc in last ch. Turn. 39 Shells.
1st row: Ch 5 (counts as dtr). 1 sc in center
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
SC = Single Crochet
HDC = Half Double Crochet
Ch = Chain
Rnd(s) = Round(s)
Beg = Beginning
SL ST = Slip Stitch
Sts = Stitches
2tog = Crochet 2 stitches together
* = Repeat stitches from * to
end of *
2nd = Second
Approx = Approximately
Ch 2
Rnd 1: Work 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook = 5
Size US-C/2.5mm Crochet Hook
Lion Brand Baby Soft – White Rnd 2: Work 2 sc in each sc = 10 sc
Lion Brand Baby Soft - Pink Rnd 3: *Sc in first sc, 2 sc in 2nd sc*, repeat
6mm Safety Eyes from * around = 15 sc
Black Embroidery Floss (For Whiskers) Rnd 4: *Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc*,
Yellow Embroidery Floss (For Nose) repeat from * around = 20 sc
Sewing Needle
Sewing Thread Rnd 5: *Sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc*,
Blunt Needle repeat from * around = 25 sc
Polyester Fiberfill
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
Pastel Pink
Pastel Yellow
Bubble Gum
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
With this crochet frog and crochet princess, GAUGE: 16 sc = 4”; 20 rnds = 4” in sc.
kids can act out the classic fairytale by CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to
Brothers Grimm, "The Frog Prince," recently obtain the gauge.
adapted by Disney into an animated film.
This crochet toy pair makes for fun make- SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS:
believe during play-time. inc (increase) = 2 sc in next sc.
dec (decrease) = draw up a loop in each of
next 2 sc, yarn over and draw through all 3
loops on hook.
HEAD AND BODY: Begin at top of head with
B, ch 2.
Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook.
Rnd 2: 2 Sc in each sc around – 12 sc.
Rnd 3: [Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] 6 times
– 18 sc.
Rnd 4: [Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] 6
times – 24 sc.
Materials: Rnd 5: [Sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc]
6times – 30 sc.
Yarn: RED HEART® “Super Saver®”- Rnds 6-12: Sc in each sc around.
Princess: 1 Skein each 381 Light Blue A, Rnd 13: [Dec] 15 times – 15 sc.
313 Aran B, 321 Gold C, 324 Bright Neck-Rnd 14: [Sc in next 3 sc, dec] 3 times –
Yellow D; Frog: 1 skein 368 Paddy Green 12 sc.
A, 12” of 256 Carrot B. Body-Rnd 15: [Inc] 12 times – 24 sc. Cut B.
Crochet Hook: 3.75mm [US F-5]. Stuff head.
Split-lock stitch marker
Rnds 16-24: With A, sc in each sc around.
yarn needle
Stuff body.
Princess: 2 small blue buttons for eyes Rnd 25: [Dec] 12 times – 12 sc.
small amount red and black pearl Rnd 26: [Dec] 6 times – 6 sc. Fasten off.
cotton Finish stuffing.
red crayon for cheeks Weave yarn tail through remaining 6 sc,
Frog: two 12mm wiggle eyes. draw up firmly to gather; fasten securely.
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A Guide to Free Crochet Patterns: 13 Crochet Stitches and Our Favorite Free Crochet Patterns
Popcorn Stitch
Shell Stitch
Crochet Amigurumi
Many More!
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