Education. There Are Several Ways To Do It: Universities, Colleges, Community Colleges
Education. There Are Several Ways To Do It: Universities, Colleges, Community Colleges
Education. There Are Several Ways To Do It: Universities, Colleges, Community Colleges
After the first two years every student majors in one subject and minors in another. A student can
major in history and minor in sociality. In addition to these major and minor courses he can select
other subjects according to his professional interest.
After completing four years of study the students receive a Bachelor's Degree (either BA or B.Sc.).
With an additional year of study one may get a Master's Degree and after two or three years of
graduate work and writing of the dissertation it is possible to obtain a doctoral degree.
For four years at the end of each year students have a final written examination. They take oral
exams and write a dissertation only for advanced degrees.
The National Government gives no direct financial aid to the institutions of higher education.
Students must pay a tuition fee. This creates a financial hardship for some people. Many students
have to work to pay their expenses. The Americans place a high value on education. That’s why
Kennedy said, “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education”.
Many Americans are not satisfied with the condition of higher education in their country. Perhaps
the most widespread complaint has to do with the college curriculum as a whole and with the wide
range of electives in particular.