The Genus Vanda (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) in The Philippines: Two New Species and A Key To The Species in The Archipelago
The Genus Vanda (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) in The Philippines: Two New Species and A Key To The Species in The Archipelago
The Genus Vanda (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) in The Philippines: Two New Species and A Key To The Species in The Archipelago
Martin Motes
Reaseach Associate, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, 10900 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables,
Florida, U.S.A. •
Abstract. Two Philippine Vanda species long confused with the Javanese species V. limbata and V. helvola are
here described as V. mariae and V. cootesii. A key to the genus Vanda in the Philippines is provided.
Key words: Java, new species, Philippines, Vanda
Subsequent to the seminal work of Eduardo Taiwan, as far east as Ryukyu islands of Japan and
Quisumbing (Valmayor 1981), a good deal of the Mariana Islands and as far west as Borneo. The
confusion has ensued in the identification of Philippine species distinct keeled lip doubtless makes it readily
Vanda species. The recognition of V. ustii Golamco, pollinated by some insect or group of insect species.
Claustro & de Mesa (Golamco et al. 2000) and V. The plants of the various forms exhibit quite varied
barnesii W.E.Higgins & Motes, as distinct species plant architecture, ranging from the deeply V-shaped
(Higgins & Motes 2012) has contributed to clarify the leaves of var. boxallii (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. to the broad
taxonomy of the group. The recent description of V. flat leaves of var. remediosa Ames & Quisumb.
mindanaoensis Motes, L.M.Gardiner & D.L.Roberts Flowering seasons also vary. Most varieties are known
(Motes et al. 2015) has resolved the identity of this to bloom throughout the year, but some are completely
species, which has long been misidentified. Two indeterminate, while var. boxallii is predominately a
more Philippine species which have been ascribed short day plant and transmits this quality to its hybrid
to superficially similar Javanese species need to be progeny. The possibility exists that more precise DNA
described as species in their own right. Vanda cootesii research will separate several species from this wide
and V. mariae are described here, and a key to the ranging and various species.
Philippine species is provided. Vanda aurantiaca ssp. philippinesis, long mista-
Including the two species described hereafter, the kenly identified as Ascocentrum miniatum (Lindl.)
genus Vanda is represented in the Philippines by 12 Schltr. (an Indonesian species which ranges northward
species. These fall into four different sections. Section to Malaysia), is endemic to the Philippines, but V.
Ascocentrum (Schltr.) L.M.Gardiner has one Philippine aurantiaca ssp. aurantiaca occurs in Sulawesi.
species, V. aurantiaca (Schltr.) L.M.Gardiner ssp. Vanda limbata Blume has long been thought to
philippinesis (Christenson) L.M.Gardiner, as does occur in the Philippines. Jeffrey B. Comber, in his
Section Dactylolobata W.Suarez & Cootes, with V. Orchids of Java, described the range of V. limbata
mindanaoensis. Section Deltoglossa Christenson is as “also in the Philippines” (Comber 1990, Motes &
represented by 5 species (V. cootesii [described here], Roberts 2008). The present author’s first encounter
V. luzonica Loher ex Rolfe, V. mariae [also described with the “Philippine V. limbata” occurred in the
in this paper], V. merrillii Ames & Quisumb., and V. mid-eighties. The late Fred Fuchs had brought back
ustii). Section Lamellata is also represented by five plants labeled V. limbata from a cultivated source
species (V. barnesii, V. javierae D.Tiu, V. lamellata in Singapore. One of these plants was depicted as V.
Lindl., V. roebelingiana Rolfe, and V. sanderiana limbata “Singapore” in Vandas: Their Botany, History
Rchb.f.). As would be expected of an archipelago, all and Culture (Motes 1997). The numerous differences
but two of the species are endemic. in plant architecture, inflorescence, and flower color
Vanda lamellata is the most cosmopolitan of were obvious, but the uncertainty of the true origins of
any species in the genus, ranging as far north as the plants left open the possibility that the plants might
Received 5 May 2016; accepted for publication 18 November 2016. First published online: 23 November 2016.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivs 3.0 Costa Rica License.
Figure 1. Vanda mariae. Note the leaves narrower and more Figure 2. Vanda mariae. Flowers from the plant that served
deeply furrowed than those of V. limbata. Photograph as the holotype. Photograph by Martin Motes.
by Greg Allikas.
Figure 3. A. Vanda limbata from Java. The lavender lip, broad at the base and gently tapering, with a large callus,
distinguishes this species from V. mariae. B. Vanda mariae differs from V. limbata by its narrow, straight lip with two
small calli, as well as by its orange-red color. Photographs by Alan Hoffman.
be of hybrid derivation. During a trip to Luzon last year cm horizontally, 5.1–5.2 cm vertically. Dorsal sepal
I was able to observe several nearly identical plants in spathulate, clawed, yellow, tessellated with red brown
private collections. These corresponded with a number distally, spotted red brown basally, the margins clear
of pictures on the internet of the “Philippine V. limbata” yellow, 2.8 × 1.7 cm. Lateral sepals spathulate,
or the “orange V. limbata” (Pagdato 2016, Shaun 2016). clawed, yellow heavily overlaid with red brown
Although no one is certain of (or willing to reveal) the tessellations, the margins clear yellow, 2.9 × 2.0
location of origin, plants periodically appear for sale in cm. Petals clawed, spathulate, obtuse, entire, yellow
horticultural venues in the Philippines. The Philippine tessellated and spotted with red brown, the margins
plants are of much smaller stature than V. limbata from clear yellow, 2.9 × 1.7 cm. Labellum yellow suffused
Java, with harder and more deeply furrowed leaves (Fig. with red brown, three-lobed; midlobe deltoid, rolled
1). The flowers, while superficially similar to those of longitudinally along the margins appearing narrowly
V. limbata, are usually yellow, overlaid with reddish pandurate in natural position, yellow suffused with
brown, as opposed to the solid deep chestnut brown of red brown, with low longitudinal ridges and two
typical V. limbata (Figs. 2, 3A–B). Unlike the Javanese small calli at base, 1.7 × 0.6 cm; lateral lobes lobes
V. limbata, in which there is a barely discernible pattern trapezoidal, yellow, 0.4 × 0.3 cm; spur slightly
of underlying tessellation, the sepals and petals of the flattened, 0.5 × 0.2 cm. Column white, slightly
Philippine plants are distinctly tessellated (Fig. 4). In V. thickened at base, 0.9 × 0.2 cm. Anther cap white, 0.2
limbata the violet mid-lobe is narrow and straight (Fig. x 0.2 cm. Pollinia 2, spherical, stiped.
3A). In the Philippine plants the yellow overlaid with Distribution: Philippines. No specific locality recorded
red midlobe is deltoid but rolled at the margins (Fig. (Cootes 2011).
3B), making it somewhat resemble V. limbata’s lip.
Eponymy: Named for Mary Motes, noted for her long
Vanda limbata has a single prominent callus at the base
support of botanical and horticultural research.
of the mid-lobe and two small calli on the column foot
at the entrance to the spur. In the Philippine plants there Conservation Status: Data deficient.
are two small calli at the base of the mid-lobe and the
calli on the column foot are lacking. The mid-lobe of V. Plants from the Philippines identified as V. helvola
limbata is smooth while the mid-lobe of the Philippine Blume have long been reported (Chan et al. 1994: 307).
flowers is adorned with three low ridges. Based on Plants more recently discovered on Mindanao have
these ample differences, the Philippine plants are here initially been identified as V. helvola. James Cootes
described as: identifies the species’ locality as Cotabato where “It
grows as an epiphyte at elevations of between 400
and 1500 metres” (Cootes 2011) The author obtained
Vanda mariae Motes, sp. nov.
two plants of the species from Purification Orchids
TYPE: Philippines. Without locality, cult., May 2012, in the Philippines two years ago. These Philippine
M. Motes 2 (holotype, FTG). Figs. 1–2, 3B, 4–5. plants are of a much larger size than the Javanese V.
helvola, with longer and narrower leaves (Fig. 6). The
Similar to Vanda limbata Blume but distinguished
flowers, like the Javanese V. helvola (Fig. 7), are brown
by the yellow color with red brown tessellation of
but tinged with green at the apices of the tepals (Fig.
sepals and petals, and the yellow lip overlaid with red.
8), whereas in V. helvola the color is uniform without
A climbing monopodial, epiphytic herb. 30– the green apices and underlying stripes found in the
45 cm or more tall, 35–40 cm wide between leaf Philippine plants. The lip of the Philippine plants is
apices. Leaves glabrous, waxy, sessile, distichous, also superficially similar, with prominent appendages
linear, 20–21 × 2.0–2.5 cm, the margins entire, the at the base of the mid-lobe but unlike the distinctly
apex praemorse. Inflorescence axillary, an erect, deltoid lip of V. helvola, the Mindanao plants have a
cylindrical raceme, loosely 6-11 flowered, 15-20 cm narrowly pandurate mid-lobe darkest at the apex where
long. Flowers pale yellow strongly overlaid with red V. helvola is light green (Roberts & Motes 2009). The
brown, with stronger red brown tessellation. 5.1–5.2 Mindanao plants are here described as:
LANKESTERIANA 16(3). 2016. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2016.
Figure 4. Vanda mariae occurs in various tones of red and orange. Photographs by Nelson Geraldino (A, B) and Rommel
Arriola (C).
Figure 5. Vanda mariae Motes. A. Habit. B–D. Flower in frontal view, from below, and three quarters view. Drawing by
Wes Jurgen based on the holotype.
Figure 6. Vanda cootesii is a taller plant with narrower leaves Figure 7. Vanda helvola. The lip of V. helvola is the most
than V. helvola. The flowers appear non-resupinate here distinctly triangular in the genus. Photograph by Alan
because the plant flowered after a recent importation. Hoffman.
Photograph by Greg Allikas.
Figure 8. Vanda cootesii varies slightly in the proportion of yellow green to brown in the flowers. Photographs by Miguel
de Leon (A) and Jim Cootes (B).
Vanda cootesii Motes, sp. nov. green margins, 2.0 × 1.2 cm. Lateral sepals narrowly
clawed, spathulate, yellow green with ochre brown
TYPE: Philippines. Mindanao: Cotabata, cult. May stripes coalescing to solid brown in blade, the margins
2014, M. Motes 13 (holotype, FTG). Figs. 6, 8-9. green, wavy, 2.0 × 1.4 cm. Petals clawed, spathulate,
yellow green with ochre brown stripes coalescing to
Similar to Vanda helvola Blume to which it
solid brown in blade, with wavy green margins, 1.9
bares superficial resemblance in color and lip shape.
× 0.9 cm. Labellum yellow green overlaid with ochre
Distinguished by the green margins of sepals and
brown, 1.0 × 1.5 cm, three-lobed; midlobe pandurate,
petals and the narrow pandurate lip with flared base
narrower in the middle and broader at apex, the base
and the apex of the midlobe dark brown.
narrowly flared, marked with very fine stripes of red
brown; lateral lobes cream, oblong, curved inward at
A climbing monopodial, epiphytic herb. 45–100
apex, 0.4 × 0.6 cm; spur oblong, flattened, 0.7 cm long.
cm or more tall, 40–50 cm wide between leaf apices.
Column white, thickened at base, 0.3 × 0.6 cm. Anther
Leaves glabrous, waxy, sessile, distichous, linear,
cap white, 2 × 2 mm. Pollinia 2, spherical, stiped.
21–23 × 3.3–3.5 cm, the margins entire, the apex
praemorse. Inflorescence axillary, a laxly 7-9 flowered Distribution: Philippines. Cotabata on Mindanao,
raceme, 14-15 cm long. Flower yellow green with 400-1500 m (Cootes 2011).
longitudinal ochre brown stripes, 3.5 cm horizontally,
Eponymy: Named for James Cootes, noted expert on
4.0 cm vertically. Dorsal sepal spathulate, narrowly
Philippine orchid species.
clawed, yellow green with ochre brown stripes
coalescing to solid brown in the blade, with wavy Conservation Status: Data deficient.
Figure 9. Vanda cootesii Motes. A. Habit. B–C. Flowers. D. Dorsal sepal, abaxial view. E. Base of the lip. Drawing by Wes
Literature cited
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