J May Ocp 202006014
J May Ocp 202006014
J May Ocp 202006014
yperkalemia, defined as an elevated binders and their use in patients with hyperka-
Internal Medicine, Univer-
serum potassium (Kþ) concentra- lemia due to CKD or the adverse effects of sity of Texas South-
tion of greater than 5.0 or greater RAASis, a widely used drug class with signifi- western Medical Center,
than 5.5 mEq/L (mmol/L), is an electrolyte cant cardiorenal benefits.1 Thus, new manage- Dallas (B.F.P.); Depart-
ment of Medical Epidemi-
abnormality with potentially life-threatening ment guidelines are needed to incorporate ology and Biostatistics,
consequences.1 The risk for development of these Kþ binders into hyperkalemia treatment. Karolinska Institutet,
Stockholm, Sweden (J.J.C.);
hyperkalemia is increased in patients with This review summarizes the physiology of Drexel University College
chronic kidney disease (CKD), diabetes, and hyperkalemia and suggests evidence-based of Nursing and Health
Professions, Philadelphia,
heart failure (HF) and in individuals clinical considerations that may provide im-
PA (D.J.C.); Baylor Uni-
receiving renin-angiotensin-aldosterone sys- provements in care and outcomes in patients versity Medical Center,
tem inhibitors (RAASis).1-3 with an increased hyperkalemia risk. Dallas, TX (G.B.C., M.E.);
Department of Medicine,
Guidelines/consensus statements for hyper- Zucker School of Medi-
kalemia management have been devel- METHODS cine at Hofstra/Northwell,
oped.1,2,4-9 However, no universally accepted We conducted a literature search of the Great Neck, NY (S.F.);
consensus exists regarding best practices, PubMed database for articles published be- Affiliations continued at
particularly in consideration of newer Kþ tween January 1, 2000, and October 14, the end of this article.
RAASi therapy in more patients with hyperkalemia. have suggested that hyperkalemia is a less
threatening condition in CKD.15,18-22 A retro-
spective study found a stronger association be-
tween hyperkalemia (Kþ 5.5 mEq/L) and
2019. Search terms included chronic kidney 1-day mortality among inpatients and outpa-
disease, diabetes, heart failure, hyperkalaemia, tients with normal kidney function than in
hyperkalemia, patiromer, potassium, renin- those with CKD (estimated glomerular filtra-
angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitor, so- tion rate [eGFR] <60 mL/min per 1.73
dium polystyrene sulfonate, SPS, sodium zirco- m2).18 A U-shaped correlation was found
nium cyclosilicate, SZC, and ZS9. The results between serum Kþ and overall mortality
of this literature search were reviewed by re- risk in patients with nonedialysis-dependent
searchers, epidemiologists, clinicians, dieti- CKD,19 and in a study of consecutive hospital-
tians, and trialists in the field of hyperkalemia. izations for severe hyperkalemia, a graded
decrease in the risk of mortality was observed
POTASSIUM HOMEOSTASIS AND as CKD stage worsened.20 In a cohort study
HYPERKALEMIA of patients with stage 3 to 5 CKD, the risk of
Potassium homeostasis is largely maintained by preeend-stage renal disease (ESRD) mortality
the kidneys, although the gastrointestinal tract was lower when serum Kþ concentrations
and other systems are also involved to a lesser were 4.0 to 5.5 mEq/L compared with 4.0
extent (Figure 1).7,10 Hyperkalemia has depola- mEq/L or less and was not increased with
rizing effects on the heart,10 causing shortened serum Kþ levels of 5.5 mEq/L or greater.21
action potentials and increasing the risk of ar- Lastly, in a large cohort study evaluating the
rhythmias.11 Hyperkalemia causes neuromus- potential reduction in mortality risk from
cular symptoms,10,12 metabolic acidosis, and hyperkalemia with worsening CKD in more
suppression of ammoniagenesis.13 than 800,000 individuals, an evaluation of
The risk of mortality, cardiovascular 90-day mortality risk in relation to Kþ concen-
morbidity, progression of CKD, and hospitali- trations revealed that the observed optimal Kþ
zation is increased in patients with hyperkale- range was broader toward higher Kþ concen-
mia, especially those with CKD, HF, and tration in patients with stage 4 to 5 CKD
n n
2 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2020;nn(n):1-19 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.06.014
(optimal range, 3.3 to 5.5 mEq/L) than in those United States,31 observed higher rates of hyper-
with stage 1 to 2 CKD (optimal range, 3.5 to kalemia (7%30 and 11% [>5.0 mEq/L] and 2%
5.0 mEq/L).15 [>5.5 mEq/L],31 respectively). The worldwide
The mechanisms underlying this possible incidence of hyperkalemia could be underesti-
increase in tolerance to hyperkalemia among mated because of the lack of routine Kþ moni-
patients with advanced CKD are not fully un- toring even in some high-risk patient
derstood. It has been suggested that patients populations. Therefore, further epidemiolog-
with CKD adapt to elevated Kþ concentra- ical research in real-world populations is
tions through modifications in gastrointes- needed to more accurately estimate hyperkale-
tinal Kþ secretions10,23 which may favor mia incidence, which may be higher than
intracellular Kþ storage,24 or by increasing observed in clinical trials because of the lack
insulin-mediated intracellular Kþ uptake in of consistent Kþ monitoring and the lack of a
splanchnic and peripheral muscle tissues.25 standardized hyperkalemia definition (eg,
However, it is unknown whether these adap- serum Kþ >5.0, >5.5, or >6.0 mEq/L).
tations to increased serum Kþ exist in other
cells (eg, cardiomyocytes). Potassium chan- Risk Factors
nels in the myocardium are known to be sen- Certain patient populations have an increased
sitive to shifts in endogenous factors and may risk of hyperkalemia-associated morbidity and
change in number or functioning in response mortality, including patients with advanced
to structural26,27 and environmental28 alter- stages of CKD, HF, resistant hypertension, dia-
ation. Therefore, future studies should inves- betes, myocardial infarction (MI), and/or com-
tigate whether these changes in myocardial binations of these conditions.14,32,33 Additional
Kþ channels may explain the observed reduc- risk factors include RAASi usage, advanced
tions in the relative risk of death from hyper- age,2 and drugs such as heparin, b-blockers,
kalemia in patients with advanced CKD. In nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, calci-
addition, given the relationship between neurin inhibitors, trimethoprim, pentamidine,
serum Kþ, acidosis, and calcium/magnesium and Kþ-sparing diuretics.10,34 The risk of
concentrations,29 it would be interesting to hyperkalemia progressively increases as eGFR
examine whether metabolic acidosis affects decreases.15 Because chronic loss of kidney
the association between serum Kþ and mor- function is associated with an adaptive
tality risk in patients with CKD. response in the remaining functional nephrons,
allowing for an increase in fractional Kþ excre-
tion and maintenance of serum Kþ levels of less
than 5.5 mEq/L, the risk of hyperkalemia is
Hyperkalemia Incidence generally increased once the eGFR is less than
Hyperkalemia is rare in the general popula- 15 mL/min per 1.73 m2.35 Furthermore, pa-
tion.7 However, because it is a transient condi- tients receiving RAASi therapy who have an
tion, no prospective studies monitoring eGFR of less than 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2
intraindividual serum Kþ concentrations have have an elevated hyperkalemia risk, which pro-
been conducted, and therefore, the exact inci- gressively increases as eGFR decreases.3,36 In
dence of hyperkalemia in the general popula- patients with CKD and/or chronic HF receiving
tion is unclear. Different Kþ thresholds also RAASi, risk factors for repeated hyperkalemia
affect the reported incidence of hyperkalemia. within 6 months of the first event include mod-
Among hospitalized patients, hyperkalemia erate to severe initial hyperkalemia (5.6
incidence has been reported as 3.5% (>5.5 mEq/L), low eGFR (<45 mL/min per 1.73
mEq/L) in Canada16 and 4.9% (>5.0 mEq/L) m2), diabetes, and spironolactone use.37
in Ireland.17 However, the likelihood of detect- Hyperkalemia risk is slightly higher in
ing hyperkalemia depends on the frequency of men than in women after initiation of RAASi
Kþ monitoring. Two studies of inpatients and/ therapy3 and differs among racial groups, in
or outpatients undergoing Kþ testing over 3 whom ethnicity, diet, and socioeconomic fac-
years, one in Sweden30 and another in the tors may contribute.38 These factors currently
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2020;nn(n):1-19 n https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.06.014 3
FIGURE 1. Regulation of potassium (Kþ) homeostasis. Absorbed Kþ is largely redistributed from the blood to the intracellular space
by active transport (Naþ/Kþ-ATPase), which is stimulated by insulin and catecholamines. In individuals with normal kidney function, Kþ
is filtered through the glomerulus and reabsorbed in the proximal tubule and loop of Henle; less than 10% of filtered Kþ reaches the
distal nephron. Potassium excretion in the distal nephron and collecting duct is stimulated by aldosterone, increased urine flow, and
increased delivery of sodium to the distal nephron. Increased Kþ intake may also promote renal excretion via enteric sensing and
stimulation of aldosterone release from the adrenal gland. Excess extracellular Kþ is usually managed by increased renal excretion of
Kþ; however, impaired kidney function can cause dysregulation of Kþ homeostasis and increase the risk of hyperkalemia.
GI ¼ gastrointestinal; Naþ/Kþ-ATPase ¼ sodium-potassium pump.
Acute Chronic
Dietary K+ counseling
IV calcium
(avoid salt substitutes)
Monitor: (10 mL of 10%)
• K+ trajectory • Serum K+ ¾2 times/year
• ECG changes • Comorbidities
• Other symptoms Manage RAASi therapy
IV insulin/glucose (reinitiate and titrate to optimal dose after
• Medications (OTC NSAIDs
(10 U + 50 mL dextrose) serum K+ stabilizes) and herbal supplements)
• Exclude pseudohyperkalemia
• Health care professionals
Nebulized salbutamol Effective diuretic therapy • Patients
(20 mg in 4 mL) (loop diuretics with eGFR <30 mL/min)
Multidisciplinary care:
• Dietitian input
• Pharmacist input
IV sodium
Diureticsb Hemodialysisc Oral sodium bicarbonatea
Consider K+ binders
Consider K+ binders
(may facilitate RAASi dose optimization)
FIGURE 3. Treatment options for the management of acute and chronic hyperkalemia. In patients with acute hyperkalemia, intravenous
(IV) calcium reduces membrane excitation in cardiac tissue within 1 to 3 minutes, while insulin and b-agonists redistribute potassium (Kþ)
to the intracellular space (30 to 60 minutes) but do not reduce total body Kþ. b-Agonists have a short duration of effect (2 to 4 hours),
and glucose must be administered with insulin to prevent hypoglycemia. Sodium bicarbonate use, which promotes Kþ elimination
through increased urinary Kþ excretion, is limited to patients with metabolic acidosis, and effective diuretic therapy depends on residual
kidney function. Hemodialysis increases total Kþ elimination and may be used for resistant acute hyperkalemia. ECG ¼ electrocardi-
ography; eGFR ¼ estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD ¼ end-stage renal disease; NSAIDs ¼ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
OTC ¼ over-the-counter; RAASi ¼ renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibition.
n n
6 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2020;nn(n):1-19 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.06.014
need to be assessed prior to hyperkalemia the clinical relevance of elevated serum Kþ,
treatment. The timing of sample collection ECG findings can be highly variable and not
may influence Kþ results because of the circa- as sensitive as a laboratory test in predicting
dian rhythm of Kþ homeostasis.7 hyperkalemia or its associated complications.
Clinical guidelines recommend Kþ mea- A deep learning model that may allow for
surement in at-risk patients prior to initia- noninvasive screening for hyperkalemia using
tion of drugs that influence hyperkalemia ECG is currently being developed73; however,
risk and periodically thereafter.4,46,70,71 For this tool is not yet available for use in routine
example, the 2012 KDIGO guidelines advo- clinical practice. Therefore, Kþ measurements
cate serum Kþ measurement within 1 week should be conducted on the basis of the pa-
of starting or dose escalation of RAASis in tient’s risk factors rather than clinical symp-
patients with CKD.46 Repetitive consecutive toms (Figure 3).
measurements facilitate determination of The goal of managing acute hyperkale-
whether hyperkalemia is a chronic or tran- mia is to prevent or minimize electrophysio-
sient event5; however, there is no consensus logic effects on the heart to reduce the
on the number of tests required to document immediate risk of arrhythmias.2,5,7 Treat-
chronic hyperkalemia risk.59 Potassium ment options for acute hyperkalemia include
monitoring frequency should vary depend- intravenous calcium gluconate, insulin/
ing on patient comorbidities (eg, diabetes, glucose, inhaled b-agonists (eg, salbutamol),
HF, CKD stage, and the need for dialysis) intravenous sodium bicarbonate, and hemo-
and medications (eg, RAASi therapy). dialysis (Figure 3). Intravenous calcium glu-
Individualized Kþ monitoring frequency conate administration rapidly reduces the
based on the presence of comorbidities and membrane excitatory effects of Kþ on car-
medications should be considered, with diac tissue within 1 to 3 minutes, thereby
more frequent monitoring in patients with minimizing the potential for cardiac
increased hyperkalemia risk (eg, those with arrhythmia, but only minimally reduces
CKD, diabetes, HF, or a history of hyperka- serum Kþ concentrations.2,74 If no effect is
lemia and those taking RAASis). In partic- observed within 5 to 10 minutes, another
ular, serum Kþ concentrations should be dose of calcium gluconate may be given.75
assessed 7 to 10 days after starting RAASi Intravenous insulin (plus glucose) and
therapy and increasing RAASi doses. inhaled b-agonists act within 30 minutes to
promote redistribution of serum Kþ into
Acute Hyperkalemia the intracellular space but do not change to-
Acute hyperkalemia is defined as a serum Kþ tal body Kþ levels.74 Short-term treatment
concentration exceeding the upper limit of with oral sodium bicarbonate may be used
normal that is not known to be chronic.40 Man- to promote Kþ elimination through
agement of acute hyperkalemia depends on the increased urinary Kþ excretion in patients
magnitude or severity of the increase in Kþ con- with concurrent metabolic acidosis,2 coun-
centration, especially when combined with tering the release of Kþ into the blood that
marked electrocardiographic (ECG) changes is caused by metabolic acidosis by decreasing
and severe muscle weakness.4,40 The most blood acidity and promoting Kþ excretion
commonly observed changes in ECG are through increased distal sodium delivery.76
peaked T waves and prolonged QRS com- Dialysis increases Kþ elimination from the
plexes.40 However, as noted in the observa- body and may be used as an adjunctive ther-
tional REVEAL-ED (Real World Evidence apy in acute hyperkalemia after instituting
for Treatment of Hyperkalemia in the other approaches.2
Emergency Department) study of emergency Several deficiencies associated with current
department patients who presented with Kþ management of acute hyperkalemia were high-
concentrations of 5.5 mEq/L or greater,72 the lighted by the REVEAL-ED study, including a
symptoms of hyperkalemia can be nonspecific, lack of standard, universally accepted treat-
and although recommended for determining ment protocols or algorithms for managing
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2020;nn(n):1-19 n https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.06.014 7
binders should be titrated for optimization of Although such data are limited, cost-
serum Kþ concentration, with individualized effectiveness analysis from the US payer
monitoring of serum or plasma Kþ. Long- perspective found that the benefits of adding
term Kþ-binder therapy may be considered patiromer to treatment in patients with HF
in patients with chronic hyperkalemia. The and hyperkalemia outweighed the incremental
use of one of the newer Kþ-binding agents total costs, with lower hospitalization costs,
(patiromer or SZC) may allow for the continu- improved survival, and increased quality of
ation and optimization of RAASi therapy in pa- life.97
tients with hyperkalemia. Consideration of the
costs of patiromer or SZC may influence their Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate. Sodium
use in clinical practice for some patients. polystyrene sulfonate is a polymeric cation-
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2020;nn(n):1-19 n https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.06.014 9
exchange resin that binds Kþ ions in for patients with serious gastrointestinal
exchange for sodium ions in the distal co- injury.103 However, although cohort studies
lon.12,78 It is nonselective for Kþ, with have reported a higher relative risk of gastro-
affinity for calcium and magnesium ions. intestinal AEs with SPS use, the incidence of
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate may be events with SPS was rare (16 or 23 events
administered either orally or rectally,78 per 1000 person-years).101,102 Because of its
although the oral suspension has poor potential to cause constipation, SPS was often
palatability.98 With only one small random- previously coadministered with the laxative
ized, double-blind, 7-day trial, clinical sorbitol.12 However, in 2009, the US Food
studies supporting its long-term use in pa- and Drug Administration added a warning la-
tients with hyperkalemia are lacking bel to SPS regarding the concomitant use of
(Table 3).82 Its short-term efficacy is also sorbitol and the associated risk of colonic ne-
inconsistent,2 and the onset of action is crosis and other serious gastrointestinal AEs
variable (hours to days).78 Its use varies (bleeding, ischemic colitis, and perfora-
widely among countries, ranging from 42% tion).104 Coadministration of SPS with sorbi-
of patients in France to less than 1% in the tol is currently not recommended,78 although
United Kingdom, Spain, and Japan.99 gastrointestinal injury has been reported in
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate has been patients receiving SPS without sorbitol.101-103
associated with adverse events (AEs), The nonselective binding properties of
including intestinal ischemia and colonic ne- SPS may also lead to hypocalcemia and hypo-
crosis,100,101 a doubling in the risk of hospi- magnesemia,12 and because orally adminis-
talization for serious gastrointestinal AEs,102 tered SPS potentially binds to other oral
and a reported overall mortality rate of 33% medications, their administration should be
n n
10 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2020;nn(n):1-19 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.06.014
Phase 4, randomized, open- Emergency department Single dose of patiromer Adjusted mean serum Kþ at 6 h:
label, single-blind (10 h)83 patients with ESRD and 25.2 g þ SOC or SOC alone 5.81 mEq/L with patiromer þ SOC
serum Kþ 6.0 mEq/L; 6.32 mEq/L with SOC alone; P¼.155
N¼43 vs SOC alone
Adjusted mean serum Kþ at 2 h:
5.90 mEq/L with patiromer þ SOC
6.51 mEq/L with SOC alone; P¼.009
vs SOC alone
PEARL-HF; phase 2, Patients with chronic HF Patiromer 15 g or placebo BID LS mean change in serum Kþ:
randomized, double-blind, with (1) history of (þ spironolactone 25 mg/db) 0.22 mEq/L with patiromer
placebo-controlled (28 d)84 hyperkalemia leading to þ0.23 mEq/L with placebo
RAASi and/or b-blocker LS mean difference vs placebo:
withdrawal or (2) CKD; 0.45 mEq/L; P<.001
AMETHYST-DN; phase 2, Outpatients with DKD and Mild hyperkalemia: patiromer 4.2, Mild hyperkalemia:
randomized, open-label mild (Kþ 5.0-5.5 mEq/L) 8.4, or 12.6 g BIDc LS mean change in serum Kþ:
(28 d)85 or moderate (Kþ 5.5-6.0 0.35 mEq/L with patiromer 4.2 g
mEq/L) hyperkalemia; 0.51 mEq/L with patiromer 8.4 g
N¼306 0.55 mEq/L with patiromer 12.6 g
AMBER; phase 2, Patients with CKD, Kþ 4.3- Patiromer 8.4 g or placebo QD Patients remaining on spironolactone:
randomized, double-blind, 5.1 mEq/L, and resistant (þ open-label spironolactone 86% with patiromer
placebo-controlled hypertension; N¼295 25 mg/dd) 66% with placebo
(12 wk)86 Difference vs placebo:
19.5%; P<.0001
More patients in placebo vs patiromer
with serum
Kþ 5.5 mEq/L:
OPAL-HK; phase 3, 2 stages: Patients with CKD on Treatment stage: patiromer 4.2 g Treatment stage:
(1) treatment, single-group, RAASi therapy with mild (mild hyper-kalemia) or 8.4 g Mean change in serum Kþ at wk 4:
single-blind (4 wk) and (2) (Kþ 5.1-5.5 mEq/L) or (moderate to severe hyper- Overall: 1.01 mEq/L (P<.001 vs
with-drawal, randomized, moderate to severe (Kþ kalemia) BID baseline)
single-blind, placebo- 5.5-6.5 mEq/L) Mild hyperkalemia: 0.65 mEq/L
controlled (8 wk)87 hyperkalemia; N¼237 Moderate to severe hyperkalemia:
1.23 mEq/L
TABLE 3. Continued
Study name; design (duration) Patient population Study treatment Primary efficacy outcomes
Withdrawal stage: patiromer (at Withdrawal stage:
same dosage) or placebo Median change in Kþ to wk 4:
(Kþ 3.8-5.1 mEq/L) 0 mEq/L with patiromer
þ0.72 mEq/L with placebo
P<.001 vs placebo
ENERGIZE; phase 2, Emergency department SZC 10 g (3 doses in 10 h) or LS mean change in serum Kþ at 4 h:
randomized, double-blind, patients with serum Kþ placebo (þ insulin þ glucose) 0.41 mEq/L with SZC
placebo-controlled (24 h)88 5.8 mEq/L; N¼70 0.27 mEq/L with placebo
LS mean difference vs placebo:
0.13 mEq/L (95% CI 0.44 to
0.17 mEq/L)
Phase 3, 2-stage, randomized, Patients with hyperkalemia Correction phase: Correction phase:
double-blind, placebo- (Kþ 5.0-6.5 mEq/L); SZC 1.25, 2.5, 5, or 10 g or Exponential rate of change in mean
controlled (14 d)89 N¼754 placebo TID for 48 h serum Kþ at 48 h:
0.11% with SZC 1.25 g
0.16% with SZC 2.5 g
0.21% with SZC 5 g
0.30% with SZC 10 g
0.09% with placebo
P<.001 vs placebo for 3 highest doses
HARMONIZE; phase 3, 2- Outpatients with hyper- Initial phase (open-label): Initial phase (open-label):
stage, randomized, kalemia (Kþ 5.1 mEq/ SZC 10 g TID for 48 h Mean change in serum Kþ over 48 h:
double-blind, placebo- L); N¼258 1.1 mEq/L; P<.001 vs baseline
controlled (28 d)90
Maintenance phase (double-blind): Maintenance phase (double-blind):
SZC 5, 10, or 15 g or placebo QD Mean serum Kþ during days 8-29:
for 28 d (Kþ 3.5-5.0 mEq/L) 4.8 mEq/L with SZC 5 g QD
4.5 mEq/L with SZC 10 g QD
4.4 mEq/L with SZC 15 g QD
5.1 mEq/L with placebo
P<.001 vs placebo for each dose
HARMONIZE-OLE; phase Patients from SZC 10 g QD, titrated in 5-g 93% of patients achieved mean serum
3, open-label (11 mo)91 HARMONIZE with Kþ amounts to maintain Kþ Kþ 5.1 mEq/L across days 8-337
3.5-6.2 mEq/L; N¼123 3.5-5.0 mEq/L (min, 5 g QD;
max, 15 g QD)
HARMONIZE-Global; Correction phase (open-label): Correction phase (open-label):
phase 3, randomized, SZC 10 g TID for 48 h Mean change in serum Kþ over 48 h:
Continued on next page
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12 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2020;nn(n):1-19 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.06.014
TABLE 3. Continued
Study name; design (duration) Patient population Study treatment Primary efficacy outcomes
double-blind, placebo- Outpatients with 1.28 mEq/L; P<.001 vs baseline
controlled (28 d)92 hyperkalemia (Kþ 5.1
mEq/L); N¼267
Maintenance phase (double- Maintenance phase (double-blind):
blind): Mean serum Kþ during days 8-29:
SZC 5 or 10 g or placebo QD 4.8 mEq/L with SZC 5 g QD
for 28 d (Kþ 3.5-5.0 mEq/L) 4.4 mEq/L with SZC 10 g QD
5.3 mEq/L with placebo
P<.001 vs placebo for each dose
DIALIZE; phase 3b, Patients with ESRD on SZC 5, 10, or 15 g or placebo Maintenance of predialysis serum Kþ
randomized, double-blind, hemodialysis with QD on nondialysis days 4.0-5.0 mEq/L during 3 of 4 hemo-
placebo-controlled hyperkalemiaf; N¼196 for 4 wk dialysis sessions after long interdialytic
(4 wk)94 interval without requiring rescue
41% with SZC
1% with placebo
P<.001 vs placebo
AMBER ¼ Spironolactone With Patiromer in the Treatment of Resistant Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease; AMETHYST-DN ¼ Patiromer in the Treatment of
Hyperkalemia in Patients With Hypertension and Diabetic Nephropathy; BID ¼ twice daily; CKD ¼ chronic kidney disease; DIALIZE ¼ A Study to Test Whether ZS
(Sodium Zirconium Cyclosilicate) Can Reduce the Incidence of Increased Blood Potassium Levels Among Dialized Patients; DKD ¼ diabetic kidney disease; ENERGIZE ¼ A
Study to Evaluate a Potassium Normalization Treatment Regimen Including Sodium Zirconium Cyclosilicate (ZS) Among Patients With S-K 5.8; ESRD ¼ end-stage renal
disease; HARMONIZE ¼ Hyperkalemia Randomized Intervention Multidose ZS-9 Maintenance; HARMONIZE-OLE ¼ HARMONIZE open-label extension; HF ¼ heart
failure; Kþ ¼ potassium; LS ¼ least squares; max ¼ maximum; min ¼ minimum; OPAL-HK ¼ A Two-Part, Single-Blind, Phase 3 Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of
Patiromer for the Treatment of Hyperkalemia; PEARL-HF ¼ Evaluation of Patiromer in Heart Failure Patients; QD ¼ once daily; RAASi ¼ renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
system inhibitor; SOC ¼ standard of care; SPS ¼ sodium polystyrene sulfonate; SZC ¼ sodium zirconium cyclosilicate; TID ¼ three times daily.
Spironolactone dosage increased to 50 mg/d after 2 weeks in patients with serum Kþ >3.5 to 5.1 mEq/L.
Patiromer was titrated to achieve and maintain serum Kþ 5.0 mEq/L.
Spironolactone dosage increased to 50 mg/d after 3 weeks in patients with systolic blood pressure 120 mm Hg and serum Kþ 5.1 mEq/L.
SZC was titrated to maintain serum Kþ 3.5-5.0 mEq/L.
Defined as predialysis serum Kþ >5.4 mEq/L after the long interdialytic interval and predialysis serum Kþ >5.0 mEq/L after 1 short interdialytic interval.
separated by 3 or more hours.78 Of note, the patients with hyperkalemia, including those
release of sodium from SPS during Kþ with CKD and HF, and/or receiving RAASis
exchange may potentially increase sodium (Table 3). In a pilot study of emergency
and volume load. Sodium polystyrene sulfo- department patients with ESRD and serum Kþ
nate should be used with caution in patients levels of 6.0 mEq/L or higher, single-dose
with congestive HF, severe hypertension, administration of patiromer, 25.2 g, in addi-
edema, or decreased kidney function who tion to standard of care effectively reduced
may not tolerate increased sodium loads.12,78 serum Kþ concentrations over 6 hours.83 In
patients with chronic hyperkalemia, patiromer,
Patiromer Sorbitex Calcium. The efficacy of 4.2 to 16.8 g twice daily, provided significant
patiromer was established in randomized, dose-dependent reductions in serum Kþ levels
placebo-controlled, phase 2 and 3 trials of by 0.2 to 1.0 mEq/L over 4 weeks84,85,87 and
effectively maintained normokalemia (Kþ efficacy and safety established in phase 2 and
levels of 3.8 to 5.1 mEq/L) for a further 4 3 clinical trials of patients with hyperkalemia
weeks.87 In patients with advanced CKD and including those with CKD, HF, and/or diabetes
resistant hypertension, significantly more pa- or those receiving RAASis (Table 3).88-94 In a
tients continued spironolactone, 25 to 50 mg study of emergency department patients with
once daily, while receiving patiromer, 8.4 g serum Kþ concentrations of 5.8 mEq/L or
once daily, vs placebo for 12 weeks.86 Among higher, SZC therapy (up to three 10-g doses
patients with diabetes and CKD, including within 10 hours) added to insulin plus glucose
those with HF receiving RAASis, normokale- provided reductions in mean serum Kþ levels
mia was maintained with patiromer therapy for of 0.72 mEq/L within 2 hours.88 In studies of
up to 12 months.105 In a real-world study of patients with chronic hyperkalemia, 3-times-
patients undergoing long-term hemodialysis, daily SZC significantly reduced serum Kþ
serum Kþ concentrations were significantly concentrations within 48 hours, and a once-
reduced following initiation of patiromer over daily 5- or 10-g SZC dose effectively main-
three 30-day periods, and the proportion of tained normokalemia over 14 to 28
patients with serum Kþ levels of 6.0 mEq/L or days.89,90,92 Significant reductions in serum
higher decreased from approximately 50% Kþ levels were observed within 1 hour of a
before patiromer initiation to 22% at 90 days single SZC 10-g dose in the overall patient
after patiromer initiaton.106 populations89,90,92 and in those with severe
Oral patiromer contains a calcium- hyperkalemia (6.0 mEq/L).111 The efficacy
sorbitol counterion that exchanges calcium and safety of SZC over 12 months have also
for Kþ as it passes through the colon.77 been documented.91,93 In the DIALIZE (A
Similar to SPS, patiromer is a polymer that Study to Test Whether ZS [Sodium Zirconium
is nonselective for Kþ and may also bind Cyclosilicate] Can Reduce the Incidence of
magnesium and small amounts of so- Increased Blood Potassium Levels Among
dium.77,107 The time to onset of action Dialized Patients) study of patients with ESRD
with patiromer is approximately 7 hours.108 and persistent hyperkalemia, once-daily SZC
Patiromer administration should also be on nondialysis days effectively maintained
separated from other oral medications by 3 normal predialysis serum Kþ levels over 8
or more hours because of the potential for weeks.94 Sustained increases in serum bicar-
binding with patiromer.77 bonate have been observed with SZC,112 which
No serious AEs have been associated may provide an added benefit for patients with
with patiromer therapy in randomized trials. metabolic acidosis.
The most common AEs include gastrointes- Unlike SPS and patiromer, SZC is nonpoly-
tinal events (constipation, diarrhea, nausea/ meric with high selectivity for Kþ and ammo-
vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and flatu- nium ions (1.25-fold higher affinity for Kþ
lence) and electrolyte disturbances (hypoka- than ammonium) in exchange for hydrogen
lemia and hypomagnesemia).12,77,81 Because and sodium throughout the gastrointestinal
patiromer exchanges calcium for Kþ in the tract.79 Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate binds
colon, theoretically it may also increase the monovalent cations (Kþ) as opposed to diva-
risk of hypercalcemia.12 Although rare, cases lent cations (eg, calcium and magnesium).113
of patiromer-induced hypercalcemia have Because SZC may affect absorption of other
been reported,109,110 suggesting that it may oral medications with pH-dependent solubility
be an underreported AE that clinicians due to a transient increase in gastric pH, SZC
should be aware of when initiating patiromer administration should be separated from these
therapy. Currently, there are no real-world medications by 2 or more hours.79
safety data for patiromer. Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate has not
been associated with any serious AEs in ran-
Sodium Zirconium Cyclosilicate. Sodium domized trials. The most common AEs were
zirconium cyclosilicate (SZC) is the most hypokalemia and a dose-dependent increase
recently approved Kþ-binding agent, with its in edema.89,90,93 Because SZC was only
n n
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