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Shift Handover
Summary: The Shift Handover Procedures outlines processes for the passing on of
information and the transfer of responsibility and accountability between support
workers and others. It contains instructions on how to complete the Individual Shift
report, the communication book and diary.
Shift Handover Procedures
Revision history
Version Amendment Amendment notes
1 Introduction..................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................... 4
2 Definitions ....................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Work Health and Safety (WHS) ............................................................... 5
3 Roles and responsibilities ............................................................................. 6
3.1 Managers and supervisors....................................................................... 6
3.2 Support workers ...................................................................................... 6
4 Communication............................................................................................... 7
4.1 Written communication ............................................................................ 7
4.2 Face-to-face communication.................................................................. 11
5 Household ..................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Diary ...................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Communication book ............................................................................. 12
6 Support and advice ...................................................................................... 14
Other Resources – S.H.A.R.E.D ............................................................................ 15
Other Resources – Checking health and well being status ................................ 17
Term Definition
The act of accepting, acknowledging and assuming the
responsibility for an action/decision, including the
obligation to report, explain and be answerable for
resulting consequences.
An incident where injury/harm is caused by disability
support practices, for example, a medication error or a
Adverse event failure to assist a person to obtain medical services
resulting in hospitalisation, rather than an existing
condition of the person receiving support.
The transfer of professional responsibility and
accountability for the care and support for a person, or
group of people, to another person or persons, including
between teams, families/carers, service providers (e.g.
day programs, holiday providers), and hospitals.
Shift handover refers to the transfer of professional
responsibility and accountability for the care and support
for a person, or group of people, at the change of shift
from the outgoing support worker/s to the incoming
support worker/s.
The development of informal and formal measures that
aim to manage the risk of harm to people with disability,
protect their right to be safe and empower them to have
more choice and control over their lives.
1 Auditable local procedures, for example petty cash records/registers/cash summary sheets, are required due to the withdrawal of the
Shift Changeover Checklist from use.
5 Household
5.1 Diary
The diary is an official document and may be used as evidence in legal
proceedings. It should only contain relevant information around each shift. The
diary is not for the purpose of personal staff appointments and should not
contain lengthy information.
Requirements for diaries:
A diary is a current year calendar bound book.
The diary must be labelled to identify the home or respite centre’s name, cost
centre 2 and address.
All entries will be in black or blue ink only.
The diary is to be stored in an easily accessible location known to all support
The communication book is not for the purpose of support workers airing
grievances, disagreements, personal issues or correcting an individual
support worker’s performance. For example, comments like “X, you did not
do this. Why not?” are not appropriate or acceptable.
If you are reviewing a printed version of this document, please refer to the ADHC
intranet to confirm that you are reviewing the most recent version Following any
subsequent reviews and approval this procedure will be uploaded to the internet
and / or intranet and all previous versions removed.
Discuss the situation at time of handover, including:
the whereabouts of all people living in the home or visiting the respite centre
(refer to ‘Where am I?’ row in each person’s shift report)
asking the people living in the home or visiting the respite centre how they are
feeling (refer to ‘How am I feeling today?’ row in each person’s shift report).
Discuss what has occurred during the shift, including:
a brief overview of people’s movements, e.g. outings, and activities throughout
the shift (refer to ‘Out and about’ row for each person and shift report notes)
changes in a person’s health status requiring attention or monitoring (refer to
shift report notes and other documentation, e.g. My Health and Wellbeing Log)
descriptions of attempts to manage an issue and whether they have worked,
e.g. positive behaviour support strategies or trying to fill a shift
Asking the people living in the home or visiting the respite centre what the
highlight of their day has been so far and recording this.
Discuss any appointments attended during the previous shift or to be attended
during the current shift including:
outcomes of any appointments, medical tests and results (received or pending)
(refer to shift report and diary and other documentation, e.g. Health Learning
Log in the My Health and Wellbeing Plan and Appointment Toolkits).
Discuss information needed to keep everyone safe, including:
Urgent Matter Alerts – such as changes to risk management and support plans
and medication changes
incidents involving people with disability
WHS incidents involving support workers or others
hazard reports lodged during the shift
Complete the medication check together (if possible).
Outline any additional expectations of the next shift, for example:
outstanding tasks not yet completed (refer to diary and communication book).
Document verbal handovers by completing the ‘Verbal handover’ section of
each shift report.
Ensure all relevant documentation is on-hand at the commencement of
Refer to relevant documentation as required throughout the handover.