Hen Rearing Step by Step. PDF
Hen Rearing Step by Step. PDF
Hen Rearing Step by Step. PDF
Step-by-Step Guide
Learn How To Make Serious Cash From Hens Rearing
Written By : Timothy Angwenyi morebu (0714723004)
Agribusiness Writer
This guide is geared towards providing exact and reliable information in regards to the
topic and issue covered. In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this
document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly
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the writer. All rights reserved.
About The Writer
I consider my readers my friends. I am always so appreciative that they take their time
out to read my eBook guides and to learn about Agribusiness ideas from me. Once you have
finished reading this guide, I have no doubt that you will have learned a great deal about starting
and running a profitable Hens Rearing Agribusiness in Kenya.
I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who saw me through this book;
to all those who provided support, talked things over, read, wrote, offered comments, allowed me
to quote their remarks and assisted in the editing, proofreading and design.
Special thanks to Valerie Kwamboka and Alexandra Bastedo for their help in researching
and writing this ebook. I also wishes to acknowledge the additional technical advice given by
David Applegarth and David Spackman NDP BVSc MRCVS.
Thanks to my Agribusiness whatsapp group members - without you this ebook would
never find its way to the Web and to so many people who can not read the Hebrew printed book.
Last and not least: I beg forgiveness of all those who have been with me over the course
of writing this eBook and whose names I have failed to mention.
As you're reading this eBook today, I will be taking you by the hand and showing you
how to start and make money from poultry farming in Kenya and other African countries. No.
This is not going to be like other poultry business hypes and mere theories you have read before
on the internet.
I have received many calls and whatsapp messages in the past months from different
Agripreneurs. Some of these people (unfortunately) called me after they have already made some
serious mistakes and there were nothing or little I could do to help them anymore.
If you're reading this eBook about poultry farming in Kenya before you start (or before
you make any serious mistake), I congratulate you. Make sure you give all of your attention as I
will share with you many things about poultry business you may not find elsewhere.
(You can also give me a call or whatsapp me on 0714723004 and I will love to be of help
in any way I can)
Please forgive me as I will assume that you do not know anything about poultry farming
business before now, so I will start from the elementary.
Poultry farming has already proven to be a lucrative business, that you may be willing to
start a farm for your new source of income. In broad, poultry farming means raising various
types of domestic birds commercially for the purpose of meat, eggs and feather production. But
here we are describing poultry farming for beginners guide about chickens. Chicken’s products
are among the major source of animal protein, aside from beef, pork and fish. And chickens are
already an integral part of human life.
Small scale poultry production fulfill the animal nutrition demand for a family. But large
scale or commercial basis poultry farming offer an opportunity for the people to earn big amount
of money. That’s why there are many poultry farms out there. Poultry farming is a suitable
business for the people who are passionate about livestock farming, keeping birds and who are
comfortable with farm life.
Poultry farming is a highly profitable business if you can run it properly under acceptable
methods and conditions conducive for the birds. Actually each type of farming business follows
specific operational principles for making good profit. And when such principles are ignored by
the farm management system, it results in serious loses.
So before starting, it is wise to learn more about the business. Take some time and try to
understand why most of the poultry farmers make good profits and some of them fail. Some of
the farmers, especially beginners have been forced out of the business when they could not
operate it properly and thus lose money. Successful poultry farming business is involved with lot
of works and it’s easy at the same time. But it’s not a lazy man’s business. You have to do
everything timely and perfectly according to a plan. However, here in this eBook am trying to
discuss details about poultry farming from beginner’s perspective.
Table of Content
Starting a poultry farming business is easy and involved with lots of regular work at the
same time. In this chapter, I will be sharing with you most important things you want to know
about Hens rearing business in Kenya.
Poultry farming requires investment. You can arrange the money by your own or you can
apply for bank loan. Both govt. and non-govt. As a beginner, you should start with a minimum
number of birds which will cost you pretty less money. I will discuss more about getting funds to
start this business in this chapter.
First of all determine the production type of your poultry farm. You can raise broiler
chickens for meat production purpose, Kienyeji hens for both meat and eggs or choose layers if
you want to produce eggs commercially. Determine your production purpose, select proper
poultry breeds according to your desired production and go for the detailed planning. You will
learn more about this in chapter 3.
Broiler poultry farming is a lucrative business. They are highly meat productive breed.
But broiler chicken is a special species of poultry, which is a great secret. Broilers are made in a
scientific way for producing more meat in a short time. Many people are interested in broilers
farming in Kenya but they don`t know how to go about it. This chapter will enlighten you.
Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying poultry birds for the purpose of
commercial egg production. In this chapter i will enlighten you about layers hens breeds, how to
keep them and what to do to make them lay more eggs.
Improved Kienyeji hens is the hot business in Kenya at the moment. Since the
introduction of KARI Improved Indigenous chicken breed, Kenbro breed and Kuroiler; farmers
have been smiling to the bank. Read this chapter to learn the current trends in kienyeji hens
rearing in Kenya.
Selecting a good farm location for your business is very important. You should select
such a location which has all required facilities and favorable for your business. It can be slightly
far from the town, where land and labor is pretty cheap. But don’t setup the farm too far from the
town. Because most of the towns have high density population, and you have to target that
market. Also try to avoid setting up the farm in residential areas, because poultry farms produce
offensive odor. While selecting the farm location, consider transportation system and medication
facilities also. You will learn more about this in chapter 7.
You need to purchase some equipment for your poultry farm. You will need some
equipments such as Feeders, Waterers, Cages, Coops, Crates, Incubator, Egg tray, Lighting
instruments, Perches, Brooders or heaters, Ventilation system, Waste disposal system, nests and
much more equips for running a poultry farm successfully. In this chapter i will enlighten you
After setting everything up and having everything ready, purchase quality chicks from
trusted breeder in your area and start caring them. I will also teach you how to hatch your own
chicks in this chapter. You will learn how to set a brooder ready before arriving the chicks from
breeding house to your farm. You will learn more about this in chapter 9.
After selecting farm location, construct a good house for your birds. There are three types
of poultry housing system you can use. Extensive, semi intensive and intensive. For commercial
production, intensive system is most convenient. You can raise your birds in floor or in cage
system. On an average, broiler poultry needs about 2.5 square feet space and layer poultry needs
about 4 square feet space. You will learn more about this in chapter 10.
Feeding is the most important part of poultry farming business. After constructing house
and purchasing equipment and chicks, you have to spend a large amount of money for feeding
your birds. About 70% of your total project expenses will go towards the feeding. And the
success in the business also depends on quality and adequate feeding. I will also teach you how
to cut costs by preparing feeds by yourself.
You have to ensure proper medication system in your area. Poultry birds are prone to
various types of diseases and you have to be ready for controlling them. I will educate you on
some of the diseases hens are prone to and how to treat them. Also i will provide you with a
vaccination schedule for the hens.
Efficient and profitable poultry operations are guaranteed by good record keeping which
helps keep track of your expenses and progress of your flock. In this chapter i will teach you how
to prepare inventory, financial, and production records.
Good marketing strategies influence the profit from your business. If you can sell your
products in the market easily, then it will encourage you in getting more production. I always
recommend determining marketing facilities in your area before starting any farming business.
Because your business will not be much profitable if you can’t market your products properly.
You will learn more about this in chapter 14.
Based on the number of birds, you need more or less manpower/labor. As a beginner, if
you start with a minimum number of birds (200-500) then you can manage your farm by yourself
easily. If you plan for raising more birds then you will need additional manpower. You will learn
more about this in chapter 15.
Poultry farming is profitable alright, but a lot of people still fail and incur lots of losses in
this business all the same. Poultry farming has been in existence for ages and while some people
have smiled to the bank and expanded their businesses, a lot have blamed themselves for going
into the business. Why? Read this chapter to find out.
I hope this Chicken poultry farming for beginners eBook will help you to plan for your
new business. Before starting, try to learn more about this business and visit some farms if
possible. Consult with other farmers in your area and start with a minimum number of birds for
the first time. Gather experience and gradually expand your farm.
Chapter 1
In this chapter, I will be sharing with you most important things you want to know about
poultry farming in Kenya.
Poultry farming is majorly practiced in Kenya in small scale, mostly for domestic
consumption. However, this ebook will go beyond that. We will focus on how you can make
money by raising chicken. The most common poultry bird in Kenya is chicken.
Please forgive me as I will assume that you do not know anything about poultry business
before now, so I will start from the elementary.
Let`s start.
Wikipedia defines poultry farming as raising of domesticated birds such as chickens,
turkeys, ducks, and geese, for the purpose of farming meat or eggs for food. Poultry farms are
farms where birds (of different nature) are raised, either for personal consumption or for
commercial purposes.
First, you're likely to be reading this ebook with the intention to go into poultry farming
as a business.
Second, you're likely to have interest much more in chicken than other birds, since Mr.
and Miss chicken happen to be the most populous poultry birds.
Poultry products are in high demand – Poultry Business in Kenya is a big business that
gives enough meat and eggs for daily consumption of people. Eggs and chicken meat gives the
necessary protein that the body needs. There is a popular slogan from the poultry farmers
association that goes thus “Eat an egg a day it is good for your daily growth”.To be a poultry
farmer means you can be a boss of your own.
Do you know there are four common categories of birds you can start a poultry with
namely; Layers, Broilers, Cockerels and Turkey?
Are you looking for a business to invest in? Are you interested in poultry farming
business? Then I advise you should read on as I will be sharing with you strategic information on
how to start a poultry farming business from scratch and grow it successfully.
Poultry Business is a business you would enjoy doing; it is an interesting business, very
lucrative, though it is capital intensive. The poultry industry is a broad one. There are many sub-
sectors in the poultry business which you can tap into. Below are arms in the poultry business:
What aspect of poultry farming will you love to start?
Broilers breeding.
This is for meat production. You'll grow your broilers and sell them out to the consumers.
Broilers grow so fast. Within 42-45 days, most broiler are grown and ready to be sold
Layers breeding.
Here you are breeding your layer chickens with the major aim of having them laying
eggs, though you'll eventually sell them off after they are becoming weak and are no longer
laying eggs as expected (this is usually after 68-70 weeks, about 1 year and 4 months )
Kienyeji Hens
Kienyeji chickens can be reared both for eggs and meat. These chicken needed to be fed
for six or more months before they will start laying eggs, though they don't lay as much eggs as
layers. Some of them that are reared for meat as well take much longer time to mature than
People in this branch of poultry farming are producing poultry`s food and selling them to
the poultry farmers
Here you have people who hatch chicken and other birds. This aspect of poultry business
is very important (though not common) because the health of a bird is determined by the
effectiveness of the hatchery process.
You guess it. These guys manufacture various equipment needed on the poultry farm.
Poultry consultant.
You will need experience in aforementioned niches before you can succeed as a
Yes, a giant company may be doing all of the above together, but if you`re just starting
out, you definitely cannot, because of these two or three reasons;
❖ Taking all of the above together will require so much capital, but not just that.
❖ Starting all the above together will not work because, poultry, like any other business has
a learning curve. For example, when you see a company doing all the above together,
their story may look something like: Starting with layers for some months, going in to
broilers, expanding to poultry feed production, later hatchery and since they might have
spent many years by now, they can now venture into poultry consultancy. I`m sure you
got that. Start somewhere. Learn and grow.
❖ Crisis management. Did you hear someone said poultry business is very risky? That's
not true. Every business is risky, not just poultry. Starting all the above together (even if
you have enough capital) is not advisable because you are putting too many food in your
mouth at a time.
Poultry Farming in Kenya is probably one of the most lucrative farming business you can
do in Kenya especially when it is setup and managed properly. The farmers we currently have,
are not producing enough poultry and will not be enough even in the next ten years! This aspect
of livestock farming presents one of the finest opportunity for entrepreneurs to make good
money within the shortest period of time possible. This is made possible due to the quick
maturity of chickens.
With over 43 Million consumers in the country who buys poultry products on daily basis,
the market is always here waiting to be tapped. The demand for eggs is so high that people go
about everyday looking for where to buy eggs for supply.
So, how exactly can anyone who wish to start Hen farming in Kenya be able to go about
it and come out very profitable? This eBook will cover a lot of ground, and it is written based on
personal experience and continually updated to make sure the information here is as accurate as
possible at all time.
This chapter will take more critical look at the business and how entrepreneurs who are
interested in this business in Kenya could start easily without wasting much time and resources.
Anyone can engage in poultry business, it doesn’t matter your educational or financial
background, you can start at any level and grow as big as you want with time. The most
important thing is that you are interested in starting somewhere.
This ebook will focus on how to start small and grow big which I think will interest
anyone with limited financial capacity who wants to start small without involving much risks.
One of the factors that makes poultry business ideal business is because chickens grows
very fast. Unlike goats that takes 2 to 3 years to mature, a chicken can be ready for the market
within 28 weeks from birth. That is why it is considered ideal business for loan takers who may
actually invest the loan and within 30 to 40 weeks, they may start paying back through the
money realized from sells.
So, if you have 500 healthy layers of good breeds (such as California white) they are
capable of reproducing a whooping 12,000 chicks within 40 days!
Within 21 days, the egg is hatched and within 28 weeks, they are ready for the market.
That means a farmer may start making his money in just 34 weeks after successfully setting up
his farm and whatever returns he make could be doubled in a year based on this calculation.
A fully grown healthy chicken sells between Ksh.600 to 1,500. Therefore, if you produce
1,000 chickens in your farm, you will be making Ksh.600,000 to Ksh.1,500,000 by the time they
are completely sold.
Apart from the chicken, the egg is another money of it’s own. A tray of eggs sells for
Ksh.250 – Ksh.280 for smaller eggs and Ksh.280 – Ksh.320 for bigger ones. Each tray contains
30 eggs. Therefore, if you have 500 layers that produces 5 eggs in a week each at minimum
therefore in a month you will have collected 10,000 eggs and decides to sell all, you will be
making Ksh.100,000 monthly just from eggs sellings.
As you can see, the profit in poultry farming in Kenya is mouth watering and the turn
over time is fantastic as well, but the big question now is how to start.
What Your Poultry Business Plan Should Look Like
Draw out your effective business plan. Poultry business plan is like a road map leading
you to where you are going in you business. It will help you know where you are at any point in
time. Hence your business plan should include:
Here you choose Chickens (Layers, Kienyeji or Broilers). I choose chicken because that’s
what this ebook focuses on. There are other types of birds that are good for livestock business
too, such as Goose, Duck, Turkey, etc.
You can’t just be in all aspect of poultry farming in Kenya. You have to choose your area
of interest where you would like to concentrate your business. This will ensure high level of
focus and professionalism. If you can do two area, no problem. Below are some of the major
Niches in Poultry Farming in Kenya or elsewhere.
You may choose to Breed Layers and Broilers at a time or one of them. Hatchery is better
done independently just like feed production. So, you choose your area of focus
This has a direct effect to your startup cost. A location in a very remote rural area will
cost far less than the one close to the urban area. Remote rural area with good road is the ideal
location as you will be free from regulatory agencies and drive down the cost of labor too.
As a new person to Livestock business, you don’t want to invest all your capital into
buying lands in urban area which may turn out not being used because Government policy is
against setting up poultry farm near residential/urban areas for health implication.
4. Investment Capital
With location in mind, you now have clearer idea of the capital required of you. Write
down your detailed capital and investment requirements for your poultry farming in Kenya
venture and set out to source for it.
Like every other farming projects, the bigger you plan to start, the more investment
required. You need to decide on the level of capital investment you are willing to commit into
this business before starting.
(a) Small scale Chicken Rearing (of about 50 birds) kept in cages at the backyard of your
resident will take about Ksh.35,000 to start.
(b) A medium scale poultry farming that requires land and housing and other materials in
1 – 2 plots of Land takes about Ksh.250,000 to Ksh.2 Million to start.
(c) Large scale or Intensive poultry farming that requires high level of sophistication and
more careful planning and professionalism, using advance Livestock farming techniques takes
from Ksh.5 Million.
Develop Your Knowledge
The more business management tips and tricks you acquire, the more successful your
poultry business will be. Poor business planning, results in poor farming management, and is the
main factor that causes the failure of poultry farming, and small businesses in Kenya. Learning
about effective management of various areas, such as changing the food or water in the event of
fecal contamination can lower the risk of disease.
In case of spillage of water, you can clean the areas, which have greater risk of breeding
germs, and can result in your chickens becoming diseased, and potentially dying.
You should fully understand exactly what your chicken should eat. Feeding your
chickens a complete and nutritious diet is essential if they are to stay healthy and lay lots of
lovely profitable eggs! Chickens will eat almost anything, so, to prevent deficiencies and health
problems, a wide range of foods should be offered. A good quality poultry pellet should be the
mainstay of their diet. This can be supplemented with grains such as maize, soya cakes,
groundnut, worms, insects and any other meat produce you can afford.
Poultry farming in Kenya requires having the right knowledge to be able to the right
things to get the right result. It requires hard work and prompt attention to details. Poultry
Farming is little capital intensive but if you are starting on a micro scale (Home back yard)
where you have a small space at your back yard, it is not. Starting small is the best way to enter
and learn the business.
Before you venture into poultry farming business in Kenya, you need to seat back and do
proper planning; make sure you have an idea of all the costs involved.
Business plan is a very important part of every business venture and that is why you hear
about it very often. Unfortunately, most people who think about starting a business usually don't
consider writing a business plan.
I have read from different business experts about the fact that most start-up entrepreneurs
do not write business plan but what I have not read from anyone is why this is so.
Why is it that most people have fear (so to say) about writing a business plan?
You see, there are many myths and lies you probably have heard about the subject of
business plan. Some people present business plan as if it was a university thesis or an academic
report to be defended before certain professors. Other people think that a business plan has to be
50 pages long and that it must be written in a certain “approved” format.
Well, I am here to tell you that all those opinions are not valid. Because there are some
ugly lies around this important business step, most people are “afraid” of doing it
Journey with me as I will reveal the real truth about business plan and at the end, you will
discover that it is actually easy to write a business plan.
Why do you need a business plan?
There are three reasons why anyone may need a business plan.
First, if you`re about to start a business and you want to convince certain people to raise
capital for you. In this case, you want to use your business plan to “sell” your business idea to
the investors so they will be willing to finance your business.
Second, if you want to start a business and you`re willing to be successful. Though you
don`t need external investors, you obviously need to grow, to compete and to win the battle of
the market place. You need a business plan.
Third, you may need a new business plan because the economic or market situation has
make your last plans obsolete. Yes, business plan is not like an academic paper which may stand
for many years and still be relevant.
I wrote a business plan last year (I think April) and by December, it is already obsolete.
Why? You really don`t know tomorrow. Your projections, plans or tactics are dependent on
many factors that are beyond your power and when things change that affect your business
(positively or negatively), then your plans also must be re-written.
How long should a business plan be and how many years should it be?
I am sure you know that my answer will not be in agreement with what you have been
told before and the reason is because, you see, most people usually see the world we are as a
formal world where everything has to be done formally.
The world is not formal and every meaningful thing in the world is informal. Let me
explain with an analogy.
If you are chatting with me on facebook or whatsapp, you will be looking at my profile
picture and assume that you`re speaking with someone you`re seeing right in the profile picture.
But no, the man who you`re seeing wears a good suit while the real me is wearing boxers and a
Depending on your objective and who will read it. The last business plan I wrote was
written on a single sheet of A4 paper. I typed and printed it out.
If you intend to write a business plan for yourself and not to convince any investor, I
strongly recommend that you write your business plan in a single sheet of paper or two, worst,
You see, human nature loves complexity while simplicity is the only valuable thing.
Anything that is too complex will give you stress and then become a burden on you, then you'll
abandon it … making it useless.
If you are planning to write a business plan for your own usefulness, you will have to
review it often (or else you won't even follow it), so tell me, which document is easier to review,
a ten pages document or two?
What if you want to write a business plan to convince the investors?
Some people will advise you to write 50 pages and some other entrepreneurs might have
written 100 pages in the past, but let me tell you the truth, nobody has time to read your thesis
except the university professors.
The only people who have so much time are the poor people and I am sure if at all you
want to use your business plan to get an investor to finance your business, then you`re talking
about someone who is (probably) very busy.
Let me tell you this so you will understand what I am saying here.
Many CV have been submitted to me by the job seekers in the past and I am sure they
would have prepared those CVs thinking, “I will impress the employers”. Well, here comes the
sad news … I have never in my life read a CV, I scan through them.
Your business plan is like the CV for the job seekers. How long should it be?
Its again depends on who will read it. 10 pages may help you. 15 pages may help you, but
when you`re going beyond 20 pages, I am out!
If you forget everything, make sure you don`t forget this… the investors you will give
your business plan to really don`t have time.
How many years should it be?
Another area where people miss it. They are writing 5 or 10 years business plan. I laugh.
Think about planning for your agribusiness the way you think about goals for your life.
When I first learned about goal setting, I was impressed by that idea and I started by
writing 5 and 10 years goals. I was wrong.
It never worked. I later started writing one year goal and now I am writing goal for a third
of the year (4 months). The reason is simple… you`re a human being like all of us. What you
think/plan will happen will not happen the way you plan it.
Any agribusiness plan that is more than one year is actually questionable. That is my
opinion. Any other business expert may tell you something different.
So what and what should your plan contain? Before answering this question, permit me
to cross out a popular lie about business plan.
Most people believe that if your plan is well written, it will win you huge amount of
money from the investors. This is like telling a graduate, hey, if you can write your CV very
well, you will be employed in a big company.
That was then. I hate certificate and CV and every single time people have submitted
them to me, I have asked myself, what can this man/woman render as value for us (as
Do you think I am the only one with this mindset? Do you think your intending investors
will be bought by a super-written plan? Think again.
Most investors will rather judge your five sentences than your 50 pages plans. That
doesn’t mean that you shouldn't write your plan very well. It simply means that you have more to
do than just writing a plan.
You have to understand in and out, front and back, up and down of your intending
agribusiness. In fact, the written plan is nothing but the abstract of what is in your head, or
else, you`ll fail in your attempt to convince business partners or investors to help your
Some people believe that business plan is what anyone (an expert) can sit down
somewhere and just write for them. A man called me about two months ago and that was what he
wanted me to do for him.
If I write a “superb” plan for you, will I still be the one to defend it when your investors
ask you questions?
That is why the first task you have is to understand your agribusiness very well.
Okay, now let me tell you seven things that your business plan should contain. I will not
write any complex term or academic jargon here (because I believe the world is not complex)
2. Objective/summary.
They call this Executive Summary, but don't be deceived by this name. It simply means,
why you are writing this plan.
What do you want to achieve with your plan? If you're giving it to an investor, what do
you want from him?
Constructively state your objective here. If you're giving your plan to someone you want
to convince to partner with you, state your objective and if your intention is to get him to finance
your agribusiness venture, state that here.
3. Business description.
What and what is your agribusiness all about? What is your farming all about? What are
the future possibilities and threats in your farm? Describe your intending agribusiness here.
4. Market strategy.
An investor expects you to have been familiar with your product/service and market, as
close as you are to your wife.
He wants you to convince him of your intending marketing strategies and that is the
reason for this face. How do you intend to win a good market share for your produce?
This is very important, even if you`re not presenting your plan to any investor. In the
business terminology, they will advise you to conduct a market analysis.
What that simply means is that you should spend time to research and understand your
market, then position yourself with the tactics to win. That`s what an investor wants you to tell
him here.
5. Competitors` analysis.
Here, an investor will want you to convince him that you understand the strengths and
weaknesses of your competitors. Some people come up with a formula they call SWORT
It simply means that you should analyses the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity,
Reward and the Threats in the market place.
This will help you to know how to play your agribusiness game and if you`ll be
presenting your business plan to an investor, this will encourage him that you actually
understand your “enemies” and are able to kill them
6. Your people.
If I want to invest with you, won't I have interest in knowing who and who will be part of
your agribusiness team? That is what you will want to write here. Who will be doing what, who
will be handle what and who will be employed later to take care of what? These are the answers
you have to provide here.
Here you`ll want to write about the financial requirements of your agribusiness, amount
on ground now and what and what is needed.
Above you have it. A guide that can help you to write a good agribusiness plan. And you
see, all I have written here are by no means a “standard formula”.
Chapter 2
Poultry farming requires investment. You can arrange the money by your own or you can
apply for bank loan. Both govt. and non-govt. bank loans are available for starting poultry
farming business. You should contact your desired bank for the loan process. As a beginner, you
should start with a minimum number of birds which will cost you pretty less money. I will
discuss more about getting funds to start this business in this chapter.
In one hand, I would have loved to compare your intending poultry venture to giving
birth to many children. You will have to feed them, cloth them and house them, plus give them
proper medications… all these methodically.
And to be candid, if you`re not willing to take care of your chickens as you`ll your
children, maybe you should not start a chicken farm at all.
I remember then when I was managing my parent`s poultry alongside with them. Really,
they were our “children”.
If you`re a beginner on this business, you definitely have interest in this question.
However, as much as I will love to give you a straight answer here, there is no straight answer.
Do you know? What a farmer uses to acquire land alone may be what another person will
use to start and run a profitable poultry business. Land, which is one of the major expenses you
will incur is vary in price. This depends on location.
Every other instruments, feeds and medications you will need is vary too, depending on
where you are living, so don`t let me make any futile guess that may confuse you.
This is what I want you to do. Make a list of everything you`ll need (from land to the
littlest vaccine) and move out to investigate their prices in your vicinity.
I know you may not know what and what you will need (since I’ve assumed you don`t
know anything about poultry farming business), so below I will make a list of what and what you
will need.
1. Land/space. This depends on your intending scale (I mean size of your farm). What if
you have a large space at your backyard? It may be good to start with in a small scale.
2. A waste disposal system. Where will you be disposing the waste from your farm?
3. A clean source of water. I mean clean (I have told you that you`ll have to take care of
your birds like children)
4. Lighting and heat will be needed.
5. Storage space for keeping your birds` foods, vaccines and eggs.
6. Those things you see them putting chicken`s food on.
7. Where they drink from.
8. Nests
9. Perches
10. Egg trays or crates
11. Vaccines and food which could be your major expenses
12. Honestly, I might have missed a few things here but when you visit the retailers who deal
in these equipment you`ll be reminded. Also in Chapter 9: Purchase Required Equipment,
i will talk more on the equipments you need.
Before you start your poultry farming business, it is important that you have enough
details on the cost implication of the project. I have seen many people jump at such projects
without having enough details of what it would cost them and along the line; they end up
frustrated when they find out that the start-up cost is more than they bargained or prepared for.
In order to avoid this type of problem, it is important that you read this chapter
thoroughly and also carry out a personal research of your own; so that you can have full details
on the costs of setting up your poultry farm.
First, you have to decide if you want to set up a small scale poultry farm or a very large
one. This is the first factor that would determine your start-up cost. For instance, if you want to
set up a backyard poultry farm, you may not need to spend too much money.
You will probably just need to build a good cage for the birds, provide a good feeding
and water drinking system and then provide some warmth and security for the birds. But if you
want to go into large scale poultry farming, you would need a whole lot of materials, equipment
and tools. Some of the things you would need include-:
1. Land
First, you would need to purchase a good plot of land that would be suitable for farming.
Farm lands are usually cheaper than lands in residential areas, so you may be lucky to get a very
sizable plot at a very good price.
In Kenya for instance, you can get a very good plot of farm land with about Ksh.300,000.
I am certain that regardless of which county you decide to set up your poultry farm, you should
be able to get a good farmland within the price range of Ksh.250,000 and Ksh.500,000 or even
2. Construction Costs
The next stage after purchase of land is construction. You would have to build a cage to
keep the birds in. There are different types of cages and you can check one in Chapter 5 on how
to start a poultry farm for the different types of poultry housing.
When you have decided on the most suitable one for you, then you can call in experts to
give you a quote but using Kenya as a case study, then I will say a good poultry housing would
cost you nothing less than Ksh.150,000 but it still depends on the size of your poultry farm. You
may also need to construct some building like stores for keeping equipment and supplies and
maybe a security/farm house for farm laborers.
3. Chicks
The next thing you would have to spend on is getting chicks to start your farm with. As a
beginner, you wouldn’t have chicks of your own yet so you would have to buy from other
poultry farmers. The number of chicks you would need depends on the size of your farm and the
capacity of the poultry housing you have constructed.
The price would also depend on the size of the chicks. Day old chicks are usually very
cheap and one chick cost between Ksh.80 - 100. You may even get it for cheaper but you have to
be careful when handling day old chicks because they are usually at a high risk of dying.
4. Poultry Equipment
This is yet another thing that is dependent on the size of your poultry farm and the nature
of your business. If you want to hatch and sell chicks for instance, you would have to buy
hatchery equipment. If you want to process meat for sale, you would also need meat processing
equipment. The same thing goes for if you want to produce your own poultry feed yourself.
So as for cost of equipment, you would really have to sit down and decide on the nature
of poultry farming you want to do and find out the type of equipment you would need.
5. Vaccination
Your birds must be given the necessary medical attention so that they can grow properly
and produce efficiently. You have to include the costs of vaccination in your business plan. This
cost would also include costs of drugs and payment to the medical consultant that would be
called upon to give the birds the required medical attention. Again, you should have a budget of
at least Ksh.20,000 for about 200 birds.
6. Feeding
This is like the most important expense you would undertake in this business. Feeding is
very important because the growth and productivity of your birds would depend on how well you
feed them. There are different types of poultry feeds for different stages in the bird’s lives.
There is the starter for when they are little chicks, there is the grower for optimal growth
and strength and there is the finisher for when they are getting close to the selling stage. You can
budget about Ksh.70,000 for 200 chicks but if you want to cut costs of feeding, you can consider
producing your own poultry feed. Although this may cost you a lot of money for a start, it would
save you a lot of money in the long run. I will teach you how to make your own poultry feed in
chapter 9.
7. Cost of Labor
If you are setting up a commercial poultry farm, it is unlikely that you would be capable
of handling all the tasks yourself. You may have to employ people to assist you and you would
need to pay them. You can make a budget of at least Ksh.100,000 for that but the actual cost
would depend on labor rates in the county where you want to set up your poultry farm.
8. Other Expenses
You should also make out a budget for electricity, transportation, advertising, security,
insurance as well as selling and distribution expenses.
To get a detailed and accurate cost of setting up your poultry farm, it is advisable for you to carry
out your own feasibility study.
Over the years of running my Agribusiness and interacting with other business owners /
aspiring entrepreneurs, I have come to understand the fact that raising capital will remain the
most challenging task for an entrepreneur.
You may have the most brilliant idea in the world, or you have mapped out a formidable
expansion plan for your existing business; however, if you cannot raise the needed funds to
pursue these ideas or plans, nothing will ever get done.
There are three components to starting an agribusiness. One is the right plan; two is the
right team and three is the money. Rarely do these three components come together when
starting a business. It’s the duty of an entrepreneur to grab one piece and start the business, the
remaining two pieces will be found along the way. Finding the remaining two components may
take a year or more than a year; the point is, start with what you have.
Getting funds to start a new business (or expand an existing one) is one of the most
difficult challenges you can ever face as an entrepreneur. This is because most of the widely
known sources of funding (such as bank loans and venture capital) are highly competitive;
running after them is like racing with many other cars on an extremely crowded highway. That
is, many businesses, both small and big are fighting hard to get funds from these same sources.
Now, I am not saying you cannot get bank loans or venture capital. But the bitter truth is,
you will most likely have to fight through all the clutter for several weeks to months just to get
your voice heard. Moreover, your poultry business may not be ripe for these funds, as they are
usually reserved for companies that have already reached certain milestones. Yet, only with the
needed funds can your business reach those milestones.
So, what should you do rather than waste months to years trying to get funds from these
tight sources? The answer is to avoid the highly competitive options. Instead of racing with other
cars on the jammed highway, you can choose to take the side streets (provided you can easily
navigate your way through them).
Raising capital for your startup or funds for your small business expansion plans is no
doubt one of the most challenging aspects of starting or growing a business. This is why you
must be adequately prepared for the task.
Seriously, raising money for your poultry business is not a piece of cake; as you almost
have to practically beg and convince potential investors or lenders to trust you with their hard
earned money. There are more-than-countable stories of entrepreneurs and small business
owners becoming discouraged and frustrated by the harsh challenges they are faced with while
trying to raise funds for their businesses.
“Getting rich begins with the right mindset, the right words and the right plan.”
These challenges include the amount of time it takes to secure the required funds, the
crippling terms and conditions, the paper work involved, the rejections, and the lack of linearity
and progress checkpoints over the course of the fund raising process. Now, let us go into more
detail on some of the commonest challenges entrepreneurs face during the fund raising process.
Because they “have the gold” and “make the rules,” investors demand that you, being the
entrepreneur, provide a very specific timeline in regards to growth metrics and return on their
prospective investment. But they usually don’t reciprocate this by making quick and specific
investment decisions. Why should they be hasty about investing in your business, when there are
other promising business opportunities out there.
2. Lack of urgency
Another great challenge in raising funds for a new or existing business is the lack of
natural urgency. This is usually because the number of entrepreneurs seeking to market their
ideas by far exceeds that of ready investors. And so, investors have their tables filled with several
investment proposals and usually need enough time to go through them and scrutinize the
opportunities that each one presents.
“The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money.” – Warren Buffett
Also, most investors / lenders are busy individuals with many corporate and personal
issues to attend to; thus leaving them with less time to go through the numerous business plan
they receive daily. So get their attention, your business plan and email pitch must be exceptional
and attention grabbing.
With the above in mind, let’s now look at the qualities you must have in order to cope
with the various challenges involved in the fund raising process. These following qualities will
help you level the playing field, mitigate the balance of power, and accelerate the fundraising
What are the basic traits possessed by successful fund raisers. Every entrepreneur knows
that there’s more to raising funds than simply stretching out your hand to ask for money. To
successfully raise capital, there are certain traits, characteristics or qualities that you must
possess. Your ability to develop and use these traits tactically will go a long way to determine if
you will get the money you need or not.
In this write up, I will be highlighting the basic qualities or traits you need to succeed in
the game of small business financing and fund raising. I will also point out the exact way each
trait can benefit you in your quest to raise money.
1. Strong determination
“Without passion, you don’t have energy. Without energy, you have nothing.” – Warren
This is the most important quality that you need to succeed in your fund raising quest.
Without strong determination, you would quickly give up after facing one or two of the
harrowing challenges that accompany the process.
“Passion keeps you going, when the going gets tough.” – Warren Buffett
Determination is a product of passion and self belief. When you are passionate about
what you do and you strongly belief in the workability of your product, determination follows.
Determination toughens your skin towards rejection, it keeps your eyes fixed on your long-term
goals and blinded to the harsh challenges that you will encounter along the way. It helps you stay
on track and fuels you with optimism.
2. Patience
“Patience; this is the greatest business asset. Wait for the right time to make your moves.”
– J. Paul Getty
As far as raising funds for your business is concerned, you are at the mercy of these
investors or loan-issuers; even though you own the business idea or concept. This is more true
especially when you are a first time entrepreneur without much business experience or track
record. So, you must be ready to play along with them if you really want to succeed.
Some investors would eventually buy your idea after making you believe that your
business idea is not worth a dime; or doing all sorts of things that would make you think they are
not interested. You never can tell what an investor’s final decision would be. So, don’t blow your
chances by acting or reacting unprofessionally. Give potential investors or creditors all the time
they need to make a decision that satisfies them.
“If you are the anvil, be patient. If you are the hammer; strike.” – The Mafia Manager
Also, you should never try to force your idea down an investor’s throat, as this will send
wrong signals that may make them nurse doubts over your idea. If your idea is promising, you
will get the funds you need. If you get a negative response, then take it in good faith. It may not
necessarily mean that your idea isn’t good. It may be because the investor or creditor doesn’t just
have enough funds to pump into your idea, or your idea is in his / her industry of competence.
3. Business sense
“To succeed in business, to reach the top, an individual must know all that is possible to
know about that business.” – J. Paul Getty
The next trait investors look out for in entrepreneurs seeking funding is passion and core
competence. No investor / lender would want to put money in a fly-by-night idea; they want to
put money in a business that the entrepreneur is truly passionate about. Most importantly,
investors / lenders want to put money in a business where you, the entrepreneur is willing to
work for free; at least to some certain extent.
Also, you must be very knowledgeable about the business you are raising funds for. In
fact, you must know your business industry like the back of your hand; that even if you are
awakened from sleep and questioned about your business, you will deliver without stuttering.
“See thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand
before vain men.” – Proverbs 22: 29
“The ability to sell is the number one skill in business. If you cannot sell, don’t bother
thinking about becoming a business owner.” – Rich Dad
The last and most important key to your fund raising success is your ability to sell, and
this prevails over most other factors. Now why must you learn how to sell? Selling is a crucial
skill that you must have as an entrepreneur, and this is because when it comes to raising funds,
the commonest question on the lips or in the minds of investors and creditors is, “What are you
In addition to introducing your business idea and your plans for actualizing it, you must
be able to explain how the investor or creditor will gain from the deal. Investors want a healthy
return on their investment. And though they know you cannot be 100% accurate, they want an
estimate of how much profit they will get back from the business if they invest their money.
To up your chances of getting the funds you need, you must be able to brilliantly present
the business model as well as its profitability. This is why sales, persuasion and presentation
skills are very important to the fund raising process if you are raising funds from investors,
friends and relatives.
Its almost unanimous, the number one problem facing everyone before starting farming
or any other business is CAPITAL! I have highlighted below some of the ways you can get
money to start your agribusiness.
Bank Loans
The most common way people get capital to finance their enterprise is through bank
loans. You open an account with a bank of your choice, have it operational for a minimum of six
months and you are good to go! You will be given a loan depending on the amount of money
you have been banking monthly at your bank.
Unfortunately since most youths or graduates do not have an income to deposit regularly
in a bank i have a solution that can still help you get a loan from your bank. If you completely
don’t have any source of income or capital for farming you can look for atleast ten people (this is
the minimum number of people to form a youth group in Kenya) you know, who are aged
between 18-35 years and form a youth group (Youth group registration services are done at
Huduma centers all over Kenya). By doing this your youth group can easily get funding from
banks by raising only 30 % of the money being asked for.
The Kenyan Government has launched various funding programmes that have been
designed to specificaly target the youth. Examples of these programmes include the Uwezo fund
http://www.uwezo.go.ke/ and Youth fund http://www.youthfund.go.ke/. Individuals though have
to meet certain requirements for them to be eligible for funding. The relevant information for this
can be found here http://www.youthfund.go.ke/. These funding solutions can therefore go along
way in jumpstarting your farming business.
One good source of business financing that is often overlooked is money from relatives
and friends. A gift is one of the simplest ways of getting capital for a business. A friend or family
member might decide to offer you a gift of money to help out start a business or you might
initiate the process by asking. Though asking your friend or family member for a gift of money
may seem impolite, when its a startup business, it can make sense.
You can also ask for money from a friend or family member with a promise to pay it
back. Its usually in accordance with certain terms and can be done with interest or without
interest. After asking for the money you promise to pay it back, over a set time period, and in
accordance with certain terms. For the sake of friendship and family ties it is always best to
handle this kind of loan the same way a bank would. This means it has to include a signed
agreement which is called a promissory note and a time period you will pay back the loan.
Equity Investors
This is another way you can raise money to start a business. This methods gives you the
opportunity is to give away part of your business to an “equity investor.” An equity investor can
either be a friend or a family member. This will make you co-owners and thus share any net
profits or losses generated by your business.
The urban lifestyle in Kenya has convinced the youth that they don’t have money. Save
that 4,000 Shillings you spend every weekend to party. For youth seriously interested in farming,
saving this money for 3 weeks will be enough capital to set up some small-scale poultry business
or any other agribusiness. Students in colleges and universities receive allowances from their
parents, those who receive HELB loans are even better placed to invest this money and reap the
benefits when they graduate. Sadly many students prefer to buy the latest gadgets and indulge in
weekly (or daily) drinking escapades.
In conclusion, raising money to start your agribusiness isn`t hard. You only need to think
creatively on how to get funds and also i always advise that you start small then expand your
business slowly.
Chapter 3
First of all determine the production type of your poultry farm. You can raise broiler
chickens for meat production purpose and choose layers if you want to produce eggs
commercially. You can also start your poultry farm for selling poultry products and breeding
stocks directly to your local customers. Determine your production purpose, select proper poultry
breeds according to your desired production and go for the detailed planning.
In the chicken industry in Kenya, there are three main sectors: Layers, which are chickens
bred and raised to produce eggs, or broilers, chickens raised and bred to be slaughtered meat and
the indigenous breeds. Whatever sector you choose, you have to make the right decisions to
make your chicken business a profitable one.
I have come across the question of which is the best enterprise between broilers and
layers on several different occasions. I will not give a direct answer. However our team did a
simple calculation to help you make a decision. Please follow and ask questions if you don’t
1. The calculation below is based on feeds only since it contributes to up to 80% of cost of
production and does not cover costs of drugs, or building or labor and other overheads.
2. It is based on current market price which changes from time to time and should be used
as a guide.
❖ Broiler starter costs Ksh 50 per kg fed for the first 3 weeks
❖ Broiler finisher costs Ksh 45 per kg fed for the remaining next 4 weeks.
❖ Mature bird is sold at Ksh 400
❖ Maximum amount of broiler starter given to chicks per day = 100g
❖ Maximum amount of broiler finisher feed fed to mature birds per day = 180g.
❖ Cost of feeding broiler starter for 3 weeks = Ksh 52,500
❖ Cost of feeding broiler finisher for 4 weeks = Ksh 113,400
❖ Total cost of feeds = Ksh 52500 + Ksh 113400 = Ksh 165,900
❖ Revenue from Sale of 500 birds = Ksh 200,000
❖ Gross Margin = Ksh 34, 100.
Total crates =6446 × Ksh 320 (cost of one crate) Total revenue = Ksh 2,062,720 Gross
margin = Ksh 970,720 Profit per Month = 51,090
1. Therefore rearing layers is profitable in the long run, i.e in the two years.
2. You need to plan before investing in layers as your hens will stay for up to 18 weeks
before starting laying meaning no revenue.
3. Hen can lay continuously up 2 years with average percentage of 85%
4. Broilers reach market weight after 2 months.
Also I must say that all breeds (Kienyeji, layers and broilers). I have seen farmers make a
lot of money from each breed. How? There passion and skills of rearing each type of breed has
made them succeed.
Chapter 4
Broiler Hens
Broiler poultry farming is a lucrative business. Generally highly meat productive birds or
poultry breeds are called broiler poultry. But broiler chicken is a special species of poultry,
which is a great secret. Only four countries of the world knows about this secret and they supply
and maintain all the demand of broiler chickens. Broilers are like other common poultry birds.
But this broiler is made in a scientific way for producing more meat in a short time. Basically,
broilers are only for meat production.
Many people are interested in broilers farming in Kenya. Broilers are meat birds often
referred to as fryers in some places. They are bred to grow fast so that they are ready for the
dinner table between 4 and 10 weeks of age. Currently in Kenya there seems to be a huge
demand for broilers which may not be satisfied any time soon. But the catch is to know the
market, i.e. whom are you producing for?
Broilers are sold between 1.5 and 3kg live weight depending on consumers’ preferences
and market demands. Finding out the market outlets should be the first task before investing in
broiler production. You ought to make marketing arrangements with local hotels, restaurants,
cafeterias, groceries, and other regular users before rearing broilers for sale. This will ensure timely
and regular orders for the birds and that no birds are left unsold.
Sell graded or classified birds because proper grading or classification attracts different
types of consumers. This will also enable the consumers to make purchasing decision on bird size
at hand. Broilers are judged on cleanliness and the valuable meat areas i.e. large breasts and thighs.
They should also be appealing when dressed out, which means they should not have any skin
imperfections or broken wing feathers. After dressing place them in seal bags and only show the
broilers that look perfect.
Don’t forget to keep records of your expenses. It may cost more to raise broilers than to
buy them at the supermarket, but the recreation and satisfaction derived offset the higher cost. In
addition, manure and litter from broiler production can be used as organic manure.
There are many breeds of broiler. Before selecting broilers for business the farmer have to
maintain some process. Those important steps are described below.
❖ For the chicken of 0-6 weeks the food should contain 22.24% protein and 2900-3000
metabolic heat.
❖ Among the amino acid, lycine and methionine is very essential and important in broiler
poultry food. Because this acids helps to enhance chicken health, and help to convert food
to meat.
❖ In broiler food the ratio of fiber should not be more than 6 percent.
❖ Vitamin A, B2, D3, B12 and K is an extensive requirements to broiler food.
❖ Potassium, Iodine, Manganese sulphate and Zinc carbonate should mixed well separately
and feed the chicken.
❖ A little amount of disinfectant should mixed in broiler food and this will keep the chick
free from diseases.
The broiler house should be placed east-west direction. Ventilation system must be well
accompanied. The regular distance from one house to another house will be 11-12 meters (35-40
feet). The house should be cleaned well before bringing the chick to the farm. The insects like lice,
mosquito, etuli should run off with blow lamp. Heating system of the space of baby chicken should
observed well 48 hours before the chick reach the farm. The temperature of the house should 350°.
7 square inch of space per chick is required. Always keep a moderate number of chick, it will keep
the chicken healthy. You will learn more about housing in Chapter 5.
Feed and Water
Proper and high quality feed is the main thing to success in broiler poultry farming. Broiler
poultry consume feed and convert them to meat. So, to be success the farmer should be conscious
in feed management. Broiler poultry needs high ratio of protein in their feed to grow well. They
should also provide proper vitamin like A, B2, D3, B12 and K to meet their needs.
Provide some disinfectant to keep them free from poultry diseases. Broiler poultry eats
feed and water whole day and night. So, make sure the supply of feed and water all time. Along
with feed, fresh and clean water is very important. Broiler poultry takes a lot of water everyday.
Make the water available all time to their cage. In winter season farmer should supply warm water.
However, to be successful the farmer must have to be more careful in feed and water management.
We will discuss details about broiler poultry feed and water management later in chapter 9.
❖ For the first few days you can serve feed in egg carton.
❖ 2.5 cm space is required per chick until they reach 1 week.
❖ For the first time you can fill the feeder fully, but don’t do that when they grow enough. It
reduces the food waste.
❖ Provide the feed four time a day.
❖ Provide fresh and clean water all time.
❖ Water pot should keep as much as possible according to the number of chicken.
❖ You have to keep in mind that broiler takes more water than layer chicken. The broiler
chicken takes more water in summer season.
Temperature is very important in broiler poultry farming. You should check the
temperature of the broiler chicken house 48 hours before bringing the chick to the farm. For the
first week the temperature of the rood would be 350°c and it will reduce at the rate 2.80°c per
week, it mostly depend on the outside temperature. The litter of the chicken would between 5-6
inch depth. If possible keep some straw in the chicken bed. The chicken bed should clean twice a
week with spade. If the condition of the bed is very wet then you can use lime because it absorbs
the ammonia gas.
The process of rearing broilers can be a sensitive affair from the time you get them from
the distributors/hatchery when they are 1day old chicks until they reach maturity.
For any kind of animal husbandry the work always starts prior to the animal even reaching
the farm and for chicken it’s no different.
STEP 1: The Brooder
Before you go and get your chicks, you should first ensure that you have adequately
prepared the brooder. A brooder is a farm structure specifically constructed for chicks with
special attention to temperature control and proper hygiene.
Temperature control is important for day old chicks because they do not have the ‘mother
hen’ to shelter them from the cold and they do not have feathers and instead have a fur like
covering. Without a source of heat for the chicks the mortality rate goes up and one risks losing
the entire lot.
❖ Use of jiko – this involves using the traditional charcoal burning jiko as a source of heat
for the chicks
❖ Use of mercury bulbs – which are special bulbs designed to produce heat. Please note that
care should be taken when adjusting how low the mercury bulb should hang. If it’s too high
then the chicks will hurdle together and the ones in the bottom will suffocate and die. If
it’s too low some chicks may die of heat stroke. A good indicator of how low to hang the
bulb is through observing how the chicks react to the heat, if they hurdle together, lower
the bulb a bit lower but if some move away to far corners then raise the bulb because it’s
too low. See a mercury bulb on the image below:
Below are the chicks in the night with the light on:
Care should be taken when transporting day old chicks especially when using a car it is
important to make sure the vehicle is well ventilated and that the chicks are not stacked up to the
extent that some have no access to fresh air.
With day old chicks it is advisable to start them off immediately on anti-stress vitamins to
help them cope with the sudden change in environment. Common anti-stress vitamins in the market
include: Aliseryl, Egocin and Agrar [if un-available agrovets can always advise you on a good
You can also mix the vitamin water with some glucose and glycerine. The glucose gives
the chicks energy and keeps them active increasing the speed of their metabolism so that they can
eat more and develop faster. The glycerine [in small portions] helps ‘smoothen’ the chicks’
intestines aiding them in excretion of their waste.
Below is a sample of vitamin water mix; you can as well mix other meds or vaccines in
For broilers, you have the starter meal and the finisher meal. The starter meal is a mash
made up of finely ground maize, fish, millet and sorghum mixed together. This meal is specifically
for day old chicks because it is easy on their delicate digestive systems and it is advisable to keep
the chicks on this meal for at least the first 2wks.
After the first 2wks the chicks ought to have developed feathers and you can thus move
them from the brooder to the main chicken house and can change the meal to finishers mash or
pellets. The major difference between the finisher mash/pellets and the starter mash is that the
finisher mash is not as finely ground as the starters mash which is understandable because at this
time their digestive system is well developed and can handle the heavier feeds.
You can keep the broilers on the finishers meal [being fed 3times a day] for 4wks – 5wks
before they reach maturity and can be sold.
Below is a schedule of the vaccines needed to reduce mortality rate for broilers:
The above vaccines are administered via the chicken’s drinking water. In order to ensure
that they take the vaccine it is advisable to deny the chicken water for about 2hrs to make sure they
are thirsty before giving them the vaccinated water.
❖ Maintain a Monitoring & Evaluation worksheet – This will help comparing one lot to the
next and help identify areas that need improvement.
❖ Have a well-defined/regular feeding pattern – This will make sure the animals are not
‘stressed’ and weight progress is even
❖ Make sure the chicken house floor is always dry – This will reduce chances of bacterial or
viral infections.
❖ Disinfect the brooder 1-2 weeks before introducing the day old chicks. This is the same for
the main poultry house; disinfect it 1-2 weeks before bringing in the chicks from the
❖ Make sure the brooder/poultry house is well light during the day and night. This encourages
the chicks/chicken to keep feeding and hence attain the required weight in time.
❖ Ensure the structure is well aerated.
1. Feeding troughs. There are several options, choose the best for you.
2. Drinkers: either plastic or metalic drinkers. Plastics are easy to clean and can last long
3. Enough lighting during the night. You may prefer having electric power available.
4. A brooder for the day old chicks. A brooder can be within the main poultry house by simply
curving out a place for the chicks and removing the guides as the chicks attain 2wks. For a
professional brooder it would need to off the ground and separated from the main house.
5. A jiko or heat-generating electric bulbs within the brooder to maintain enough heat within the
brooder during the night or during cold day times.
Chapter 5
Layers Hens
Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying poultry birds for the purpose of
commercial egg production. Layer chickens are such a special species of hens, which need to be
raised from when they are one day old. They start laying eggs commercially from 18-19 weeks
of age.
They remain laying eggs continuously till their 72-78 weeks of age. They can produce
about one kg of eggs by consuming about 2.25 kg of food during their egg laying period. For the
purpose of producing hybrid eggs layer, consider the various characteristics of cock and hen
before breeding. There are various types of highly egg productive layer breeds available
throughout the world.
Layer Breeds
According to the nature and color of egg, layer hens are of two types. Short description of
these two types are listed below.
This type of hens are comparatively smaller in size. Relatively eat less food, and the color
of egg shell is white. Isa White, Lehman White, Nikchik, Bab Cock BV-300, Havard White, Hi
Sex White, Sever White, Hi line White, Bovanch White etc. are some popular white egg laying
Brown egg laying hens are relatively larger in size. They eat more foods, compared to
white egg layers. Lay bigger eggs than other laying breeds. Egg shell is brown colored. There are
many types of brown layer available. Among those Isa Brown, Hi Sex Brown, Sever 579,
Lehman Brown, Hi Line Brown, Bab Cock BV-380, Gold Line, Bablona Tetro, Bablona Harko,
Havard Brown etc. are very suitable for commercial layer poultry farming.
Layer Hen Selection
You have to keep in mind some essential information before selecting the layer hens for
your poultry farming business. You have to select those breeds which are suitable for your layer
poultry farming business and can produce well in your area. Read below for selecting proper
breeds for your business.
❖ For commercial eggs production, you have to choose highly productive laying hens
❖ All type of hens do not produce equal number of eggs.
❖ The chosen breeds must have to have good production capability.
❖ If your chosen breed contain the desired characteristic and have a reputation for egg
production, then that breed is suitable for your business.
❖ Always purchase healthy chicks from a famous and popular hatchery. You can see their
catalog before purchasing.
We will talk more about chick selection and highly laying breeds in chapter 8.
Keeping Chicks
During the first weeks after birth, many chicks do not want to drink water due to
transporting them from one place to another. So you have to make adequate water drinking
systems in their brooder house, and you have to train them for drinking water. Mix 5% glucose
with water, so that they can easily get energy.
Provide them any types of high quality multivitamin by mixing with water (suggested by
electrolyte Production Company’s instruction). Multivitamin and electrolyte are very effective
when you transport chick from a long distance. It reduces tiredness and lack of water, and help to
make the chick normal. I will explain more in chapter 9.
Vaccination program is a must for chicks for keeping them free from all types of
diseases. The main advantage of poultry vaccination are listed below.
There are many types of poultry vaccines are available for layer hens. Marex, Ranikheth,
Gamboro, Bruchaities, Bosonto, Salmonela etc. are used for layer chickens. I will explain more
about health management in chapter 9.
Before Vaccination
I will explain more about health management in chapter 9.
You have to maintain the suggestion listed below for keeping growing layer chickens.
❖ You have to provide the growing chicks special care until they reach 4-5 weeks of age.
❖ After brooding serve them good quality pellet feed. It will make good results in the
future. They will produce egg highly. High quality pellet will make the chickens healthy
and increase their body weight.
❖ So it is very important to provide them quality pellet feed during growing period.
Egg production from a commercial layer farm depends on the care and farm
management. If you take good care of your birds and manage them properly, then the production
and profit will be high.
❖ Within the first 20 weeks of age, about 5% of hens start laying eggs.
❖ About 10% birds start laying at their 21 weeks of age.
❖ When they reach 26 to 30 weeks of age, they produce highly. Although, it may be
different depending on their strain.
❖ After laying a maximum number of eggs, they usually stop laying for a few days.
❖ And after this period, their egg production might reduces slowly.
❖ Egg laying rate and size of eggs increases gradually.
❖ The hens grow till their 40 weeks of age.
❖ Weight and size of eggs increases till their 50 weeks of age.
Cutting the lip of laying hens is very important. The main benefits are listed below.
Don’t cut their lip two days after or before vaccination, after or before using some
medicines like sulfur. Don’t cut the lip if the hen in a strain, and during adverse weather
conditions and if the hen start laying eggs.
Serve the chicken water mixed with vitamin “K” three days before cutting lips. Wash the
lip cutting instrument with antiseptic. Test the edge and temperature of blade. You have to be
careful, and don’t damage their eyes and tongue. Choose cold weather for cutting their lips. Lip
cutting process should be observed by an experienced technician. After cutting lips, serve them
water in a deep pot. Provide them some extra energy enriched feed.
There are many companies available In Kenya, which are producing commercial feed for
layer chickens. You can buy feed from your local market or make the feed at your own house.
You have to be sure that the feed you bought are enriched with essential food value. Protein and
mineral are very important for laying hens.
Water Management
Chickens health depend on the supply of pure, clean and fresh drinking water. You have
to provide adequate water according to the demand of your laying hens. For purifying the water,
mix 0.3g bleaching per liter. Determine a suitable place to keep the water pot inside the poultry
house. Supply cold water during summer season and hot weather, and slightly hot water in cold
weather or winter season.
In accordance with the age and species of chickens, food providing can control the
weights of chicken. Use sufficient calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, amino acid and other mineral
substance in their food. For purifying water use bleaching powder or chlorine. If you follow the
methods mentioned above, then you can make better profit from your layer poultry farming
Reuben Chirchir: How cages help me rare 8,600 profitable chicken
The rows upon rows of red-to-tan birds furiously peck their marsh dishes, creating a
symphony which is only disrupted, now and again, by a cacophony of clucking.
The birds occasionally tilt a small metallic knob above the feeding trough using their
reddish-brown beaks and water trickles from the pipes into a small dish. Water only trickles
when the knob is touched and the birds have learnt so.
It is a hot afternoon and workers are seen collecting eggs with minimal disturbance to the
hens. The floor of the cages is slightly inclined, with narrow vertical opening at the front side
such that when the hens lay eggs on the floor of the cages, they roll out and only stop at a raised
Welcome to Reuben Chirchir’s poultry empire, which he has been building for the last
three and-a-half years.
He is now uprooting a section of tea bushes at his Chebang’ang, Bomet County home to
create way for a lorry that will be collecting eggs at his chicken farm gate.
“Egg production from my 8,600 chickens has doubled since I moved them from deep
litter to the caging system,” Chirchir, an accountant at a government institution, says.
The birds are kept in twos inside each cube of long running cages arranged in rows. Each
of the ladder-like cages holds a total of 120 chickens in lower, middle and upper storeys.
Eggs are collected after feeding in the morning and in the evening.
Chirchir and his three workers collect 128 trays that carry 30 eggs each daily, which
amounts to an average of 3,500 in total, which are supplied to hotels in various destinations using
a family pick-up.
Every Friday, about 800 trays are transported to Nairobi, 200 trays to Litein on
Wednesdays while 350 trays are sent to Narok on Mondays.
Though the operations at the farm may now seem perfect, Chirchir says it was not always
He began rearing chickens in August 2012. “As an entrepreneur, I dared to buy 2,000
chicks, despite having no experience in the industry,” Chirchir told us.
The high cost of feeds, getting committed and trained personnel are some of the
challenges he has braved.
“Many people lack expertise to manage large numbers of delicate chicks. I engaged an
expert from Parksons Agrovet in Kericho, who gave me the basics of caring for the chicks and
was very supportive in the subsequent journey,” he says.
Then his chicken fell victim to diarrhoea and loss of feathers, making them less
productive. He spent a lot of money on treatment.
After an extensive reading of books and research on the internet, the beleaguered farmer
learnt of the caging system which is preferred because it is hygienic, comfortable and safe to
birds. It is also efficient as it is cheaper and takes a high number of birds in a little space.
Armed with a bank loan and savings, he made an initial order of 42 cages from China last
October, which were delivered two months later.
“When I saw the prices, I knew it was not easy but I was passionate to adopt the system.
It cost me Sh40,000 to buy and ship each cage,” says the 41-year-old farmer.
Another problem arose when the cages arrived with manuals written in Chinese, making
it difficult to assemble the parts.
“We did a lot of trial and error with a local fundi but the design would not come together
well. I called in different people, all in vain,” he said.
It was only when they followed the pictorials that they managed to install them.
In March this year, another 84 cages were brought in, bringing the total to 126. He says
the management of cages was much easier than the deep litter system, which he says exposes
chicken to disease.
Instead of using water troughs that can be unhygienic, water is supplied by automatic
pumps that only allow water to trickle down when pecked by chickens.
“I can easily account for every chicken and know which one is laying eggs so that those
that have stopped laying are sold off,” he said.
High standards of hygiene are maintained at the farm. The gates are locked and visitors
have to disinfect their feet before entering the poultry grounds while the houses are disinfected
every month.
Chicken are vaccinated from when they are young and therefore are free from many
diseases According to David Rotich, an animal health technician and artificial insemination
expert for Parksons Agrovet in Kericho, the deep litter system is unsuitable because it exposes
birds to itchiness that de-feathers them and coccidiosis that causes diarhoea.
De-feathering, he explained, is as a result of small mites that hide in the dusty floors of
the deep litter systems and feed on chicken at night.
“The chicken will scratch and end up losing feathers. But the worst is coccidiosis, where
waste comes out with blood stains. It affects the feeding system of chicken and lowers the
production of eggs,” Rotich said.
He said cages also reduce cannibalism and increase productivity. Chirchir said he chose
to keep Rhode Island breed because they lay eggs longer and do not grow old early.
“I am targeting 21,000 chickens by the end of the year. That is why I am making way for
the lorry because after the increase, the eggs will no longer fit into the pick-up,” he said.
Currently, his chickens feed on 14 bags of 50kg marsh every day, with each going for
Sh.2,300. An attempt by Chirchir to use mixers to prepare his own feed and cut costs proved
disastrous when workers failed to produce the right ratio of feeds for the chickens which led to
reduced production of eggs by 30 per cent.
An attempt by Chirchir to use mixers to prepare his own feed and cut costs proved
disastrous when workers failed to produce the right ratio of feeds for the chickens which led to
reduced production of eggs by 30 per cent.
They were to strictly measure various amounts of a total of 14 ingredients, among them
lysine (6kgs) and lime cement (20.8 kgs) both for egg-shell hardening, bone meal (6kgs), cotton
cake (3.8 kgs) maize meal (78 kgs) and wheat pollard (28.6kgs).
“With the kind of set up in cages, we don’t need a lot of staff. However, two interns from
Egerton University will report to the farm next week for two months,” said Chirchir.
The cage system has helped Mr Chirchir take up more birds than would have been
possible under the deep litter system.
“With my half-acre, I would have kept a maximum of 2,000 chicken. Now I have four
times that in the same space.
“It is recommended that the deep litter system takes up four to six birds per metre square
whereas in caging, each cube takes up a maximum of four birds, providing floor area of 450 to
525 square centimetres per bird. This makes it ideal for urban areas where land is scarce. “ says
The Egerton University lecturers, however, advise that caging is more suitable for layers,
and not broilers or indigenous chicken which tend to grow too big for the cubicles in the cages.
Chapter 6
Kienyeji Hens
It also a source of eggs and ready, cheap source of protein meat for ‘change of diet in
settings of poverty. Finally it is a source of almost ready income in cases of emergencies like
purchase of drugs to address family illness, buy soap for cleaning among other small but equally
important household needs or requirements.
Smallholder poultry production is therefore a very powerful tool to easily generate
income because farmers are basically not re-inventing the wheel but basically working smart on
what they have been doing for generations. If we are focused on getting people to take the first
steps towards earning significant money from farming, communities that have a history of
Kienyeji chicken rearing have to be mobilized through small investments in indigenous chicken
production. Smallholder poultry keeping has the potential to a change a people’s way of life
because it offers the farmers a number of advantages:
Flexible Production:
This kind of production system at the village level can be adapted or done in different
agro-ecological areas thus not limiting in its scope of generating income and particularly the
remote and poorer neighborhoods that are resource constrained. The local population only needs
to increase their production with only very minimal inputs. This kind of flexibility ensures that
anybody almost anywhere in Kenya and indeed in East Africa can keep indigenous (Kienyeji)
Kienyeji chickens in the remote villages are given only what food leftovers are available
but largely left to roam and scavenge for their own food. Direct labour going into their rearing is
very minimal making it one of the easiest undertakings for low-income earners.
Inexpensive Housing and Low Input:
Kienyeji chicken can be kept in any housing that is made using locally available
resources and therefore does not require huge investments in housing construction. They are
hardy and can live in any condition provided they are not visited by extremes of temperature.
Income Generation:
Kienyeji chicken farming can earn any family enough income to help them respond to
their basic needs through personal selling by the locals in local markets, to neighbours,
institutions like schools and hospitals and in community social events like funerals and
Kienyeji chicken farming may also be the first rung on the livestock ladder that allows
smallholder farmers to progress through increase of economic activities to improve their
circumstances. A farmer may keep chicken, save and buy a goat or sheep which multiplies and
are sold to buy a cow that supplies milk for the family and earns income.
Kienyeji chicken farming can therefore be employed successfully among the smallholder
farmers in rural and peri-urban settings to generate income if farmers are adequately assisted
with basic capacity building in increasing production, strengthening financial access and linkages
and access to markets so farmers can make contract sales and plan with their lives.
We also need to employ effective gender-sensitive methodologies to ensure the organized
and profitable rearing of poultry is a source of improved livelihoods not pain in these struggling
households where sometimes the chicken belong to the wife during production but ownership
cedes to the man at point of sale and use of the money so realized.
Kienyeji hens such as Rainbrow Rooster, Kenbro or Kuroiler chickens can be reared both
for eggs and meat. These chicken needed to be fed for five to six months before they will start
laying eggs, though they don`t lay as much eggs as layers. Some of them that are reared for meat
as well take much longer time to mature than broilers.
For many years, poultry farmers in Kenya have been rearing exotic breeds for
commercial purposes.
The birds, which lay hundreds of eggs annually, have been the darling of many farmers.
But time seems to be up for the exotic breeds that include Leghorn as Kenyan farmers embrace
indigenous chicken that is hardy and offers better returns.
The Indigenous hens have taken the poultry industry by storm, with thousands of farmers
ditching the exotic breeds for the new one.
Many farmers rush to buy new indigenous chicken breeds coming into the market
without knowing their qualities only to end up with regrets and losses. Poultry keeping is now
one of the most popular agribusiness enterprises that many people in Kenya want to go into.
However, many farmers rush into it without the most basic information on how they can
do it the right way. The quail fiasco two years ago no doubt left many farmers with empty
pockets when they made huge investments in quail rearing leading to glut in the market and a fall
in prices.
Currently, there are a lot of rumours, and misguided exaggerations about new chicken
breeds that are said to do much better than local indigenous breeds in production, enticing
farmers to spend a lot of their money in search of the breeds which they only learnt about in
newspaper articles and adverts.
In this issue, i would like to shed light on the breeds available in the country and their
qualities so that farmers can make informed decisions on the best type of breed they can keep to
get good returns by making the best choice from the various breeds in the market.
The KARI Improved Indigenous chicken breed is one of the most popular breeds in the
country at the moment. The chickens can produce more eggs and meat compared to local
indigenous chickens. The breed can also do well in areas with harsh climatic conditions such as
the arid and semi-arid regions in Northern Kenya.
The chicken can be reared in free range conditions especially for farmers who want to
produce chickens organically. When properly managed, the KARI Improved hens can lay
between 220 to 280 eggs a year. A hen from this breed can attain 1.5kg in 5 months. A cock
weighs 2kg over the same period if they are well-fed. The breed has a quiet temperament,
excellent feathering and is able to adapt fast to the conditions under which it is kept compared to
other breeds.
At the moment there is a huge demand for KARI Improved chickens across the country
such that KARI is unable to supply farmers who need this breed. But efforts are being made to
train farmers who can breed the chickens and sell to other farmers.
Kenbro chicken
The Kenbro breed is a dual-purpose (meant for eggs and meat production) breed which
was specifically developed to serve the western Kenya market that has a high demand for
chickens. It was introduced into the country about a decade ago by Kenchic Ltd to meet the
demand for farmers who would prefer a breed that requires less intensive management than
hybrid chickens.
Kenbro is more resistant to diseases compared to hybrid birds. It can survive on free
range. The bird matures faster with proper feeding and starts laying eggs at 5 months. It can
attain up to 4kg with proper feeding. Kenchic produces more than 20,000 birds from this breed in
a week but some farmers breed the birds and sell to others.
The quality of birds produced by such farmers is low because it is only the company that
has the parent stock that can produce high quality birds. Kenbro is a heavy feeder and this is one
reason it is able to put more weight than other indigenous chickens.
Kuroiler chicken
The Kuroiler is a dual-purpose breed that was introduced in Uganda in the year 2009
from Keggs Farms, India. Like Kenbro, Kuroiler can survive on free range, but they need to feed
continuously, a reason why they put on weight faster than do indigenous chickens; at 4 months
Kuroiler chickens can weigh up to 3kg and 4kg in 6 months.
Farmers rearing this breed say it has tastier meat compared to indigenous chickens; their
meat is also soft and tender. Its eggs are larger than those of indigenous chickens. A Kuroiler hen
can lay between 140-150 eggs in a year. However, Kuroiler’s quality goes down when they are
crossed with indigenous chickens.
Farmers keeping them say Kuroiler birds are scavengers that can live on household food
leftovers and related agricultural waste. Like local indigenous chickens, Kuroiler chickens are
resistant to most diseases although farmers are advised to vaccinate them in the same way they
do other chickens.
However, one big disadvantage with Kuroiler chickens is that the hens cannot sit on their
eggs to hatch. Many farmers discover this fact too late. Kuroiler chickens are therefore suitable
only for farmers with incubators.
Small- scale farmers in the rural areas who rely on hens to hatch chicks can only order
fresh stock of chicks every time they want new stock for breeding. Indeed poultry farmers in
rural areas in Uganda are already raising questions on the sustainability of this breed among
resource poor communities who cannot manage to buy new stocks every time they want to rear
new batches of birds.
Farmers interested in Kuroiler day-old chicks can contact Joseph Makumi on 0723 687
400, Gilgil.
Like the Kuroiler breed, Rainbow Rooster is dual purpose breed meaning that farmers
can keep it for both meat and eggs, multi-coloured dual purpose, low input bird which can be put
on free range. However, it is a heavy feeder, which is able to put on weight fast attaining 3kg to
4kg in 6 months. However, like the Kuroiler breed, the Rainbow Rooster hen cannot sit on the
eggs to hatch; so farmers who want to keep this breed must have an incubator for hatching.
The breed is therefore not suitable for small-scale farmers in the rural areas who cannot
be able to buy incubators mainly for lack of electricity supply.
For interested commercial farmers, the Rainbow Rooster is distributed by Kukuchic Ltd
Tel 0727 991 303, 0733 840 288 Eldoret.
“I switched to Kienyeji chicken as soon as I heard about it in April. I had been keeping
exotic birds for about two years and they were not doing very well. I gradually sold them after I
bought the Kienyeji chicks at Sh.60 each,” George Kungu, a poultry farmer in Kitengela on the
outskirts of Nairobi said. The farmer has 250 Kienyeji birds. “About 200 of them are now laying
eggs that fetch higher prices in the market,” said Kungu.
While eggs of the exotic birds go for between Sh10 and Sh12 each, those of Kienyeji
chicken are sold from Sh15 to Sh20. A Kienyeji chicken lay an average of 250 eggs annually
while exotic birds 300. Farmers, however, noted the difference is recouped from the low
management costs offered by the former. For instance, one can keep the Kienyeji chicken under
free- range and let them forage for food from the soil as he supplements with commercial feeds
and vegetable leaves.
Exotic breeds entirely depend on commercial feeds and are prone to diseases. “I love the
indigenous chicken because it is not only the eggs that fetch higher prices, even the birds
themselves,” said farmer Cecilia Abwayo, who keeps the chicken in Umoja on the east of the
capital. Mature Kienyeji birds kept for meat go for between Sh.600 and Sh.800 depending on the
size. Exotic broilers, on the other hand, are sold at an average of Sh.450. “The indigenous birds
are the way to go for any farmer in search of better returns.
The fact that they are similar to the local breeds kept by millions of families make them
more appealing,” said Abwayo. Western-based agricultural extension officer Bernard Moina said
Kienyeji chickens are the best thing to have happened to Kenyan poultry farmers, who are faced
with high cost of feeds. A 50kg bag of chick, layers or broilers mash is being sold at an average
of Sh.3,000. “The birds are best-suited for local conditions, require no special feeds, are dual-
purpose and their meat is sweet because they exercise.
They are easy to establish for low-income farmers because they are kept under semi-
intensive system,” he said. He noted that with Kienyeji birds, farmers who have incubators can
hatch their own eggs. A tray of fertilised eggs is currently being sold at Sh.1,000, which gives
farmers more income. According to Kenya Poultry Farmers Association, there are 32 million
chickens in the East African nation, six million of which are commercial hybrids.
Dr Tony Kiragu runs Kuku Nature Farm in Naivasha town, that is well established
agribusiness with a solid market and making a significant impact in the farming community in
the area.
The ambitious vet specialises in hatching Kari Kienyeji chicken which he supplies to
local farmers and institutions in the larger Nakuru County and hopes to tap into a wider market.
A walk through the Sh. 20 million establishment tucked in the outskirts of Naivasha
town, one cannot help but appreciate the massive investment the vet has pumped into the project.
The hatchery which has capacity to hatch 50,000 eggs is a state-of-art machine that cost Sh.8
“Hatching eggs is a very delicate process and you need a good machine. That is why I
went for quality. There are investors whose bought substandard ones that lead to massive losses.
Anybody who wants to invest in a hatchery should go for quality. And if you have a hatchery, a
back-up generator is a must even if you have small incubators. Otherwise when there is a
blackout you will lose all the eggs,” he says.
However, in his journey to realizing his dream, he had to forfeit one the golden chances
in life that many would die for: a US Green Card and American dream job!
Crazy, right? That’s exactly what Dr Tony Kiragu was labeled by his friends and peers
when he decided to leave his accomplished veterinary practice in the US to come back to Kenya,
the sleepy Naivasha to be precise, to try his hand in poultry farming. To some, what he did is
akin to quitting a well-paying job to eke out a living through gambling. “Are you crazy man!”
That was the reaction from most of my friends when I told them I was relocating back to
Kenya to do kuku farming. Most of them thought I was nuts,” Dr Kiragu says at his eight-acre
Nature Kuku Farm that he started in 2015 after he relocated to Kenya.
Look, the vet was on the fast lane doing remarkably well in the US. Having relocated
there in 2008 on a Green Card, he had hustled his way to the point he was allowed to practice as
a Vet without additional training using a native’s licence. “I mean by year seven I had settled in
very well. I had two good vet related jobs and I was earning good money. But for some reason, I
was not fulfilled. My heart has always been in Kenya.
Actually, three months after settling in the US, I knew deep in my heart, I would not last
long here. Though the money was good, the life was fast, cold and unfulfilling,” says the 36-
year-old with a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Nairobi. Given that in the
US and other developed countries do not recognize specialized degrees like Veterinary Medicine
from most universities in Third World countries, being allowed to practice was a plus for him.
“I tried to get a job as a Vet but for a while nothing was coming through because my
degree was not really recognized. But I got a breakthrough when I landed a job as a technician in
an animal clinic,” he recalls.
“The owner of the clinic noticed that I was very good with animals and I had hands on
training and skills that were very useful in the clinic. Slowly, I rose through the ranks to the point
of practicing as a vet but under the proprietor’s licence,” the father of two narrates.
Having established good networks, numerous doors opened and life became good in year
three, four, five, six… at year seven, he made the radical decision and came back home.
Although his move was foolhardy back then, now the naysers agree that what best describes the
vet is a pure breed risk taker.
As a way of giving back to the community, the vet trains local farmers on best practice
for a subsidised fee.
“I noticed that hybrid farmers are keen on management issues, but kuku kienyeji farmers
are lax because of this mentality that these birds are hardcore and can survive without proper
care. But I am trying to change that mindset and showing farmers how to take good care of this
resilient breed for maximum yield,” he says.
Because the business is barely a year old and has not broken even, Dr Kiragu may not be
earning what he was getting from his vet practice in the US, but he is a testimony to young
people that agribusiness is worth the risk. Are there days he wakes up and wonders “should I
have stayed in the US a little longer?” “Naaah… no regrets for me…,” he says with firm
I started small, now I rear 2,000 profitable kienyeji chicken
Ruth Kemboi is among a few happy farmers enjoying the fruits of poultry farming. She
moved from the routine cereals production and started poultry keeping about a year ago as an
alternative source of income to supplement what they generate from maize farming.
Since then, she has never regretted in her new venture. She started off with the first batch
of 200 indigenous birds in August 2013, her initiative has since expanded to over 2,000 chicken
in the family’s Kabiyet farm in Moiben, Uasin Gishu County. “Maize, wheat and dairy
agricultural sub sectors require a lot of space and time.
What motivated me to start poultry keeping is the fact that it is easily manageable within
a limited space,” Kemboi tells says. She adds that keeping the indigenous birds does not require
many expenses on feeds because they mostly consume what is readily available. Kemboi
revolves the 2,000 birds to meet the market demands for eggs and meat products in the region.
She also hatches eggs and sells day-old chicks to residents. “The first batch of my poultry
comprised 110 hens and 90 cocks.
Within six months, the hens started laying and I increased the number of birds by taking
100 eggs to a hatchery every week,” she says adding that she was able to attain the high of 2,000
birds within just one year. Whenever mature chicken are sold on order, the newly hatched ones
are used to replenish the number thus maintaining the 2000 birds. Kemboi also sells the surplus
eggs locally and to other outlets in Eldoret town and earns a good Sh35 for each egg since they
are fertilized.
From the hatchery, Kemboi also produces surplus chicks after every 21 days, which she
sells at Sh125 when they are a day old.
“The demand for indigenous chicks is high and I sell them to local farmers and also to the
neighboring Marakwet County. I hire a hatching machine and pay Sh.35 per chick thus earning
me Sh.95 per day old chick hatched,” she adds.
Her farm has several birds at different stages of growth and kept in separate simple and
very neat housing units constructed with simple timber, iron sheets and mud walled structures
with wire mesh that meets hygienic standards and favorable environment for the birds.
“There is high demand for chicken and I work extra hard to meet the market demand.
During the peak season, I can sell up to 400 birds per month, each going for Sh.620,” she says.
She says after receiving the orders, she slaughters the birds at home and transport them to
supermarkets, hotels and other outlets where there is good demand for indigenous chicken. “This
sector is so demanding. There is a time I received an order for 1,000 indigenous birds for its meat
but I was overwhelmed and could not supply.
There is no time I lack market for my poultry products,” she says. Readily available She
also keeps about 200 exotic broilers, which she also sells to some supermarkets in Eldoret town.
Kemboi says she can generate between Sh.250,000 to Sh.275,000 per month from the poultry
keeping after expenses including electricity bills, charcoal, payment for workers and transport
costs among others have been deducted.
She also plans to invest by buying a hatchery to minimize costs of hiring the services.
Kemboi says the venture has assisted her meet financial needs as well as creating jobs in the
area. “Feeds for the indigenous birds are readily available. I feed them with maize germ, wheat
bran, cotton cake, omena, rice bran and kales. I also buy food supplements to complement the
feeds and ensure there is steady growth of the birds,” she says.
She points out that there is need for the government to consider offering subsidies for
poultry feeds saying she incurs higher expenses whenever she buys them to supplement the
available feeds. The farmer also ensures that there is close monitoring of the birds so that they
are in good health all round. She often administers vaccines to prevent any disease attacks.
Kemboi adds: “This business has assisted me because whenever there is need for money, I can
easily dispose the poultry products because there is high demand.”
Mr Mike Kemboi, her husband is supportive and says poultry farming has assisted to
offset some family expenses including school fees and other financial obligations. “Poultry
keeping generates daily income through eggs and other products. Since it was started a year ago,
it has helped expand our income and we even expect to grow more as the enterprise expands,”
says Mr Kemboi who is also a medium scale maize and wheat farmer.
She adds that the poultry project generates more than maize and wheat farming
considering time and space used.
For many years, poultry farmers in Kenya have been rearing exotic breeds for
commercial purposes.
The birds, which lay hundreds of eggs annually, have been the darling of many farmers.
But time seems to be up for the exotic breeds that include Leghorn as Kenyan farmers embrace
indigenous chicken that is hardy and offers better returns.
The bird known as Kari Kienyeji Chicken has taken the poultry industry by storm, with
thousands of farmers ditching the exotic breeds for the new one.
The Kienyeji chicken was released into the market in 2015 by scientists at Kenya
Agricultural Research Institute, now renamed as Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research
Organisation. According to the scientists, the bird that is a cross of several breeds is genetically
superior thus resistant to diseases, is easy to feed and manage as it can be kept under free-range.
These qualities have made it attractive to farmers, many who have been struggling with exotic
breeds that are prone to diseases.
“I switched to Kienyeji chicken as soon as I heard about it in April. I had been keeping
exotic birds for about two years and they were not doing very well. I gradually sold them after I
bought the Kienyeji chicks at Sh.60 each,” George Kungu, a poultry farmer in Kitengela on the
outskirts of Nairobi said. The farmer has 250 Kienyeji birds. “About 200 of them are now laying
eggs that fetch higher prices in the market,” said Kungu.
While eggs of the exotic birds go for between Sh.10 and Sh.12 each, those of Kienyeji
chicken are sold from Sh.15 to Sh.20. A Kienyeji chicken lay an average of 250 eggs annually
while exotic birds 300. Farmers, however, noted the difference is recouped from the low
management costs offered by the former. For instance, one can keep the Kienyeji chicken under
free- range and let them forage for food from the soil as he supplements with commercial feeds
and vegetable leaves.
Exotic breeds entirely depend on commercial feeds and are prone to diseases. “I love the
indigenous chicken because it is not only the eggs that fetch higher prices, even the birds
themselves,” said farmer Cecilia Abwayo, who keeps the chicken in Umoja on the east of the
capital. Mature Kienyeji birds kept for meat go for between Sh.600 and Sh.800 depending on the
size. Exotic broilers, on the other hand, are sold at an average of Sh.450. “The indigenous birds
are the way to go for any farmer in search of better returns.
The fact that they are similar to the local breeds kept by millions of families make them
more appealing,” said Abwayo. Western-based agricultural extension officer Bernard Moina said
Kienyeji chickens are the best thing to have happened to Kenyan poultry farmers, who are faced
with high cost of feeds. A 50kg bag of chick, layers or broilers mash is being sold at an average
of Sh.3,000. “The birds are best-suited for local conditions, require no special feeds, are dual-
purpose and their meat is sweet because they exercise.
They are easy to establish for low-income farmers because they are kept under semi-
intensive system,” he said. He noted that with Kienyeji birds, farmers who have incubators can
hatch their own eggs. A tray of fertilised eggs is currently being sold at Sh.1,000, which gives
farmers more income. According to Kenya Poultry Farmers Association, there are 32 million
chickens in the East African nation, six million of which are commercial hybrids.
Adelina Mwau’s farm in Kalongo village, Makueni County, holds 850 chicken – the
improved Kari Kienyeji breed – and has now become a training ground for upcoming farmers
who flock the farm every so often to get tips on sound farming practices.
Every day, customers flock her home to buy either eggs or day old chicks for rearing. A
day old chick is sold at Sh.100 while a month old goes for Sh.250. A four month old retails at
Sh.500 while a grown chicken is sold at Sh.1,000.
When she was starting off, Mwau says she had a flock of 100 chicken bought at
Sh.50,000 from Naivasha. Months later, she increased the birds to 200 as the business picked up.
Slowly the project picked up.
“It is a profitable and fulfilling farming,” she reveals while taking us around the farm,
stopping at different points to collect eggs. The Makueni deputy governor says she is not bogged
down by office work because as she puts it, women are good at multitasking.
“I inspect the farm very early in the morning and give instructions here and there to
ensure everything runs smoothly. Besides, I have a dedicated team of workers who are
passionate about what they do,” says Mwau, whose farm is managed by five farmhands.
Other than layers, she also keeps broilers which she sells for meat to hotels across the
county. “When I see people coming here to buy, it gives me a lot of encouragement to continue,”
she offers.
In a good month, Mwau says she can fetch Sh.100,000 but on a bad season it drops to
Sh.60,000. “Last December we made very good sales because it was a festive season,” she
In another part of the farm, she has installed three incubators to hatch eggs. The
incubators have capacity to hatch around 800 chicks at one go.
The downside, however, is the recurrent power outages which interfere with the process.
“Incubators use electricity to hatch but our county has constant power outages. As a farmer, if
you don’t have an alternative source of power, it is easy to be driven out of chicken business,”
laments Mwau, revealing that as a county government, they are planning to sue Kenya Power for
denying such farmers their rights.
“Sometimes we get a power outage lasting six hours, so farmers who rely on electricity
lose their products and customers as well. Why does it have to be Makueni?” she poses.
To curb this, Mwau is installing solar power whose design is already complete.
She says the demand for chicken and its products is so overwhelming that she is unable to
satisfy the market. She has a client who has placed an order for 5,000 chicken but she is not able
to meet that.
However, it has not been a rosy affair for the farmer who says the birds which are prone
to diseases, needs a lot of attention.
“Once in a while I have lost a few birds to diseases, the commonest being Newcastle
disease. But thanks to livestock extension officers in every ward, I have been able to contain the
diseases. The officers are just a phone call away,” she says.
Ms Mwau points out that her farm has made it convenient and cheaper for farmers who
want to buy eggs for hatching.
Unlike in Naivasha where a farmer would buy the eggs at Sh60 each, Mwau sells the
same for Sh.20 to encourage other farmers especially women to take up the venture.
Chapter 7
Selecting a good farm location for your poultry business is very important. You should
select such a location which has all required facilities and favorable for your business. It can be
slightly far from the town, where land and labor is pretty cheap. But don’t setup the farm too far
from the town. Because most of the towns have high density population, and you have to target
that market. Also try to avoid setting up the farm in residential areas, because poultry farms
produce offensive odor. While selecting the farm location, consider transportation system and
medication facilities also.
There are few factors that make location a very important issue to be considered when
thinking about poultry business and here they are;
1. Your market. Since what you want to sell is chicken and egg, a location near city and
towns is usually good. Why not city or town itself?
2. Odour and noise. Who can live near a big poultry farm? In fact, it's against the law in
many places to have your bird's farm near houses. Also consider:
3. Cost of land. As I have said earlier, the cost of land in some cities could be enough for
starting and running a poultry farm in some nearby towns
Consider the above points to decide where you`ll locate your farm.
In almost any country in the world that you visit, you would find a huge market for
poultry products because poultry products are regarded as healthy meals. Eggs for instance, are
recommended to be eaten everyday as a source of protein.
The profitability of poultry business is not a subject for debate because it is already
established that poultry farming is profitable. Whether you would make profits or not depends on
how you run the business.
One of the major determinants of profitability in poultry farming is site selection. You
have to select a very good location for your poultry farm in order to succeed. Below are
important factors to consider when selecting a site for your poultry farm-:
1. Neighborhood
Nobody likes noise and strong offensive odors close to their homes. One of the ways to
quickly run into problems with environmental protection agencies is to site your poultry farm
close to a living area.
Of course, you can start your little backyard poultry farm in your home and as long as
you keep it clean and make use of noise prevention techniques, you won’t have challenges but
once you decide to go commercial, it is better to look for a farm land to site your poultry. Farm
lands are usually out of town and the only neighbors you would have are other farmers who
wouldn’t be bothered with the noise or smell coming from your own farm.
2. Setbacks
One other important factor to consider is the setbacks to provide in order to prevent water
quality problems and nuisance. There are recommended guidelines for setbacks. For instance, it
is recommended that you provide a setback of at least 500 feet from other residences that are not
poultry farms; for public areas and places like schools or churches, the recommended setback is
1,500 feet, for public roadways 150 feet and for streams, 100 feet. A visit to the local town
planning office would further open your eyes to the rules and guidelines to follow for setback
You would need some public utilities like electricity and water to run your commercial
poultry farm. Therefore, you have to consider the availability of these facilities in the area where
you have chosen to site your poultry farm. If these facilities are not readily available, what would
be the cost of providing alternative source power?
If you are setting up your poultry farm in a place like Bomet, Nyamira e.t.c where
constant electricity supply is a fairytale, you have to look at the area and find out how regularly
they get electricity and how much it would cost you to buy a generator and fuel it monthly. This
is very important because unplanned electricity costs can cripple your business by seizing too
much of your profits.
4. Road Network
Next, you must consider the road network in the place where you plan to site your poultry
farm. You would need to have access to very good roads to ease the supply process. Customers
can get discouraged from buying from you if the road to your farm is too bad. Make sure you
choose a place that is accessible and has very good roads.
5. Expansion Plan
Your business is definitely going to grow. Just manage it efficiently and you will see.
Hence, you need to start planning for the growth of your business; you must ensure that the site
you choose has enough space for expansion. For instance, if you start with 1,500 birds, soon
enough your herd would grow to about 3,000 birds and you cannot rear 3,000 birds in the same
space you used for 1500 birds.
Therefore, it is very important to plan adequately for expansion in this business. You may
even want to delve into other aspects of poultry farming in the future and you need space to be
able to do that. The same thing also applies if you want to add poultry feed production to your
line of business. You don’t have to start looking for space each time you consider a new business
plan when you have already made plans for space before you started out.
6. Topography
The topography of the area is also important. You have to consider how leveled the site is
because if it is not properly leveled, you would need to spend a lot of money on grading to be
able to get a well leveled ground for construction and that would shoot up construction costs.
7. Drainage
Ensure that the site has proper drainage system. Absence of a good drainage system may
lead to erosion and cause great problems for your farm. You should also take the slope of the
area into consideration; ensure that water would flow out of the place and not into the buildings.
8. Wind direction
The prevailing wind direction of the area would give you an idea of how much distance
you need to provide between your poultry farm and other residences. Like I already mentioned,
odor is a great problem in poultry farming and if you don’t want your neighbors complaining and
reporting you to the authorities you must take steps to reduce the effect of odors on your
neighbor's residence and then use distance as a cushioning strategy.
9. Waste Management
Another factor to consider is waste management. Some of the waste from your chickens
can be used as manure but you need enough space to collect and process it.
You should also find out about the area and natural disasters. You must know what
natural disasters like landslides, floods or sand storms the area is prone to and what preventive
measures to take to reduce the effects if and when they happen.
Layers Poultry farming is a very lucrative but highly technical business, people who are
going into poultry farming as new comers need a lot of technical know-how to be able to start
and manage a poultry farming business. Buying a poultry farm from an already established
farmer who now wishes to sell his farm off gives you some leverage. You can save upon a lot of
costs when you buy a poultry farm instead of building one from the scratch.
However, you have to be careful when buying a poultry farm for sale. Some of the
important things you have to consider are-:
You have to consider management of the farm when you want to make your purchase.
Poultry farming is a business that needs lot of attention and monitoring, the birds have to be fed,
eggs have to be picked and the birds must have access to clean water for drinking. All this may
not be easy to do if the farm is too far away from your home. The farm must be close to where
you live if you want to manage it yourself or have living quarters for whoever would be
employed to manage it.
2. Proximity to market
You also need to consider the nearness to customers. You would most likely be selling
eggs which are best delivered fresh and that is just one of the reasons why you should choose a
farm that is close enough to your target market. You also need to consider the costs of
transporting your products from the farm to your customers. It’s not cost effective for your farm
to be too far from your customers because the costs of transportation would gulp down too much
of your profit.
A well-constructed chicken house increases productivity. The sizes and the specifications
are very important. A lot of poultry farmers engage the services of expert to advise and assist
them in construction of a standard chicken house. If you are buying a poultry farm, you may not
have control over the way it would be constructed but you must ensure that it is well constructed.
There are two major types of poultry houses; the deep litter system or the battery cage.
The deep litter system involves placing the birds on a floor which is already covered in saw dust.
The saw dust makes it easier for chicken waste to be managed. To clean the chicken house, all
you have to do is to cover the floor with another layer of sawdust or remove one layer and spread
another layer of sawdust. As for the battery cage system, the chickens are kept in a cage high off
the ground so that their waste can drop to the floor for disposal.
Each method has its own unique advantages and disadvantages so, before you buy a
poultry farm, it is advisable to seek the advice of experts on how suitable the method of
construction used for the chicken house in the poultry farm you are about to buy would be for
You must also ensure that the poultry farm you are about to buy has regular access to
clean water. The farm must at least have a well, a tap or a functioning borehole. This is because
regular access to clean drinking water is very important for the survival of poultry birds.
Dehydration is one of the fastest killers of chicken and if the farm doesn’t have a reliable source
of water supply, you may be forced to start buying water which would be stressful and expensive
for you at the end of the day.
5. Zoning laws
You must also check for the zoning laws and regulations of the area where the poultry
farm is located. For all you know the owner might just be selling because of zoning problems.
Therefore, you should conduct a proper investigation into the zoning requirements of that area to
be on the safe side.
6. Costs
As for the costs, there are factors to be considered. First, you must know the value of
lands in the area and compare with the amount the owner is asking for. You may engage the
services of estate valuation experts to carry out a valuation for you. You should also consider the
costs of repairs and remodeling. If the costs of reconstruction plus the cost of purchase would be
close to the cost of building your own farm from the scratch at the end of the day, then the latter
may be a smarter option.
7. Security
You have to consider the level of security of the farm. Most poultry farm site their farms
in rural areas very far from civilization because lands in these areas are cheaper but the problem
is that these places sometimes have lower level of security. If your poultry farm is located in a
bush far away from civilization, there are chances of robbery, thefts and even threats to life.
Pests and wild animals are also threats to the security of your poultry farm. So, you should
ensure the area is free from pets, wild animals and any other type of security threats.
8. Space
A poultry farm must be big enough to accommodate growth and expansion in the future.
Space also promotes ventilation which reduces disease outbreaks and increase production in
poultry birds. You would also need a lot of space for storage and sorting. Therefore, you have to
consider the space factor when buying a poultry farm as well.
9. Hatchery
A poultry farm that has its own hatchery is a plus for every poultry farmer. When you
have your own hatchery, you won’t have to take your eggs to another place where you would pay
for them to be hatched or have to buy day old chicks. This gives you access to chicks and helps
your business to grow faster.
10. Storage
Lastly, you should go for a poultry farm that has its own storage space. When you collect
your eggs, you would need a place keep them before you supply to your customers. This is why
you need a poultry farm with a storage space.
These factors would guide you in making a decision to make the right choice when
buying a poultry farm. However, if you are new into poultry farming, you should consider hiring
a consultant who is well into the business to guide you and help you make a selection. This can
save you a whole lot of money and stress at the end of the day.
What is the Best Poultry Fencing Option
Predators are one of the major challenges poultry owners’ faces and that is why it is
necessary to buy into considering an effective fencing option when designing your poultry farm.
If predators find their way into your poultry; they are likely going to keep coming until they eat –
up all the available birds in your poultry.
Consequently, if you are into poultry farming, much more than thinking of ways to
expand your market, you should also make provision for ways to protect your birds from
predators such as snakes, badgers, e.t.c. As a matter of fact, your interest should be on how to
install an effective poultry fencing system that can give you the guarantee that come rain or sun
shine, the birds in your poultry will be well protected.
The major poultry fencing option available are Chicken Wire which is also known as
rabbit wire in the marketplace and Chicken Netting. The choice you make on the best poultry
fencing option that you want to use in your poultry farm will be largely dependent are some
Some the factors to consider before choosing the right poultry fencing option are the kind
of predators your birds will be exposed to, climatic condition of the location you intend building
your poultry farm and also the geographical composition of your choice location.
Having stated some of the factors that can influence your choice of fencing option, now
let me examine the two major options available:
If you are conversant with poultry farms, you will realize that most of them make use of
chicken wire for fencing their poultry. Chicken wire happens to be stronger and a better option
when predators like snakes and badgers, etc, are what you are going to be contending with.
For ages, wild cats and badgers are the major predators that poultry farmers in Kenya are
contending with. This wire is always on top of their games when it comes to preventing this
predators from eating up their birds.
The fact that badgers can scale fences that are as high as 5 ft makes it even more
necessary to build your fence to be as high as 6 ft and also ensure that you bury the fence up to 6
inches or more in the soil. This is necessary because badgers are known to dig the ground to
make way for easy passage. They pass underneath the ground to enter the poultry.
It is also very important to ensure that you make use of solid wood to run through the
base of your chicken wire fence so that it will make it strong enough when subjected to pressure.
2. Chicken Netting
Another option for poultry fencing is chicken netting. This option is highly suitable in
locations where the poultry farmers don’t get to contend with predators such as badgers. Chicken
netting is not as strong as chicken wire (rabbit wire) and most poultry farmers make use of it
when their major intention is to keep their birds from straying away from the parameter designed
for them.
As a matter of fact, Chicken Netting is basically what is needed when the birds you have
in your poultry are likely going to fly away if they have the opportunity. It is cheaper to construct
and install chicken netting as against chicken wire (rabbit wire) fencing.
Whatever decision you make, just make sure that you design poultry fences in such a way
that it may be easier for you to access your poultry. You would have to create an entrance (a
door) and ensure that the door is well secured enough to prevent predators from breaking into
your poultry.
In essence, the best poultry fencing option for you is solely dependent on the challenges
that you are likely going to face in the location you choose to build your own poultry. That is
why it is important to conduct your feasibility studies and also ask loads of questions from
poultry owners around you.
If you are looking towards starting your own poultry farm business, then you must ensure
that you consider some key factors when designing and building a fence for your poultry farm.
The truth is that if you do not get it right with your poultry fencing, you stand the chance of
running at a loss in your poultry business because you would likely lose your birds to predators
and flu.
Building a proper fencing for your poultry farm will help you maximize profits in your
poultry business because you will be able to take care of predators that are likely to eat up your
birds, you will be able to ensure proper ventilation and also to prevent excessive wind from
getting to your birds. Proper fencing system will prevent intruders from getting to your poultry, it
will help you restrict the movement of your birds to only the perimeters where you want them to
So if you are drawing your plan for your poultry farm business, you should ensure that
you also consider building proper fencing as well. Now let us quickly consider the factors to
consider when fencing your poultry farm;
a. The Climatic Condition of the Environment Where Your Poultry Is Located
The Climatic condition of the environment you intend building your poultry farm is one
of the factors that you need to consider when fencing your poultry farm. If the location you
choose to start your poultry farm is prone to hurricane, cyclone or tornadoes, then you must build
a very strong fence that can withstand such strong wind.
The kind of birds you intend raising in your poultry farm is a key factor that will
determine your fencing option. For example, if your intention of starting your poultry business is
to layers, broilers or kienyeji hens along side with birds like quails that can fly, then you should
consider fencing not just the perimeter of the poultry, but also you can cover the top with chicken
to prevent the birds from flying away.
The type of predators your birds / fowls are likely going to be exposed to should inform
your fencing choice. If your poultry will be exposed to predators such as badgers or snakes, then
you should choose a fence built with rabbit wire and planks. The rabbit wire should be buried in
the ground to prevent the predators from digging their way into your poultry.
d. Easy Accessibility
When making a choice for the design of your poultry farm fencing, you should consider
easy accessibility of workers and customers. If your poultry farm is designed in such a way that
customers can come in to purchase birds and eggs, then you should design your fencing in such a
way that people can easily access it; you would be required to construct more than one gate /
door to facilitate easy entry and exit especially if you have high human traffic in your poultry
When designing a fence for your poultry farm, you should consider effective security
system. If possible you can put alarms at strategic points around your poultry farm fence. This
alarm can be triggered whenever someone tries to break – into your poultry. CCTV can be
installed in strategic places around your poultry farm to help you effectively monitor your
poultry farm.
f. Easy Ventilation
Another important factor that you should consider when building your poultry farm fence
is easy ventilation for your birds. If there is no proper ventilation for your poultry because of
your choice of fencing materials, you are likely going to lose some of your birds to bird flu that
can easily spread when there is poor ventilation. So ensure that you put in place proper
ventilation when considering your fencing option for your poultry farm.
Construction cost and your budget is another factor you need to consider if you want to
build fence for your poultry farm. Of course you cannot afford to spend beyond your financial
capacity, that is why you should look at all the fencing options you have and then choice the one
that is economical and that can easily fit into your budget. The bottom line is that it should serve
the purpose for which it was built for.
h. Environmental Hazard
The environmental hazard your birds / fowls are likely going to be exposed to should
inform your poultry farm fencing option. You can make enquiries from the environmental safety
department in Kenya to ensure that you get the required information that will guide you when
designing a fence for your poultry farm.
When making plans to design and build fence for your poultry farm, safety for both birds
and human should top the list of the factors you must consider before going ahead to construct a
fence for your poultry farm. Just ensure that the type of material to be used for your poultry farm
fencing is strong enough to withstand pressure so that it will not collapse.
The size of your poultry farm is another factor to consider when designing the fence for
your poultry farm. If your poultry farm covers a large portion of land area, then you must build a
fencing system that will have security post at strategic points. You can as well install CCTV to
help you with effective monitoring of your poultry farm. But if your poultry farm is small, then
there would be no need to install security post all around the fence; it can easily be managed.
There you have it; the 10 factors to consider when fencing your poultry farm.
Chapter 8
One of the keys to a successful poultry business is getting the right equipment. Therefore,
before you start your hen poultry farm, you must do proper equipment planning. Some of the
crucial factors to consider when buying poultry equipment for your farm include-:
1. Age of Birds-:
Every age of your birds is unique in their needs. The type of equipment you would use to
rear chicks birds is different from those of chickens. Each life stage of your flock has its own
unique method of rearing it.
Chicks will need warmth during their young growing stage but once they are big enough
they will no longer need it. Therefore you will be budgeting for your flock's equipments as need
arises at each life stage.
2. Space-:
Another very important factor to consider when buying poultry equipment is the size of
your poultry farm. Some poultry tools and equipment are quite small and space is not really a
challenge, but other equipment are really big and can take up a whole lot of space. You must be
able to determine how much space you have for keeping equipment before you buy them. Look
at the product information for dimensions and specifications and then determine if you have
enough space for the equipment.
3. Price Comparison-:
Yet another important thing to take note of is the price. There are lots of things to be
bought and saving a couple of shillings on some items is not a bad idea. The best places to
compare prices in online e.g. olx.com.
You would find a lot of equipment from manufacturers online and once you have looked
into their product catalogue and made certain that they have what you want, call them up for
You don’t have to buy equipment at the prices stated on their website or page especially
if you are just buying in bulk. You can always negotiate and you would be surprised that most
suppliers would be willing to offer you further price reductions and discounts if you ask for it.
4. Custom-made or Ready-Made-:
What a lot of commercial poultry farmers do is to decide on their needs, draw up some
designs and specifications to fulfill their needs and then forward the designs to poultry
equipment manufacturers or jua kali metal workers to custom-make the designs to meet with
your specifications.
You can adopt this method too and use local welders and equipment manufacturers
around you but if you feel that it would be too much stress; then you should opt for ready-made
poultry equipment with pre-determined designs and specifications.
5. Technical Know-How-:
You must also consider who and how it would be operated. If you are buying incubation
and hatching equipment for instance; you must know how to use it or at least have someone who
can operate it for you. You should also consider buying equipment with manuals that would
carefully explain how it should be assembled and used.
Some poultry equipment is relatively easy to use while some require a learning curve
process. Ensure that the company you are buying from is ready to provide support during the
period which you are learning how to use the equipment in order to avoid serious mistakes that
can lead to losses.
6. Cleaning-:
This is especially important when constructing your poultry housing system. You must
consider how waste like poop and chicken droppings or waste feed would be cleaned. This may
seem like something that is very easy but practically, it is not. You have to keep the poultry clean
in order to keep the birds in good health and keep the farm free from diseases.
But chicken droppings come almost every minute and it’s really hard to keep a poultry
farm clean without mechanical assistance. It is therefore important for you to go with the
construction pattern with optimal waste management system especially if you don’t have many
laborers to help out.
7. Cash flow-:
Cash flow is yet another important factor to consider before buying poultry equipment. In
the process of managing your poultry farm; you would need constant flow of cash. The birds
cannot go hungry or it would affect their growth. They may even start to die.
Therefore, you must always ensure that there is enough money to carry on all operational
aspects of the business like electricity, heating and ventilation management, payment of workers,
feeding and healthcare. What I am saying in essence is that you shouldn’t buy equipment at the
expense of other aspects of farm operation management.
8. Technology-:
Technology is also very important when buying poultry equipment. As you already
know, technology is always evolving and you don’t want to be caught using archaic equipment
or buying equipment that other tech-savvy farmers are already moving from. Therefore, you
must conduct your research carefully to be sure that you are buying the latest poultry equipment.
9. Online or Offline-:
Lastly, you have to decide on whether you want to buy on the internet or from local
merchants. Each method has its pros and cons. One major disadvantage of buying online is that
you don’t get to test what you are buying and you may also have shipping costs added to the
costs of product which makes it more expensive to buy online In some cases. Ensure that weigh
all the pros and cons before you make your purchase.
The nice thing about raising chickens is that you need very little to get started. The
majority of the expense is in the coop and run. Most of the other things that chickens require,
might be something you already have at home that can be re-purposed.
There are so many products out on the market nowadays that it can be hard to figure out
what a newbie layers chicken keeper really needs. Here is a generous list of things you might
consider having on hand to make layers chicken keeping a little more convenient. By no means
do you need all of this, but for people who have never raised chickens, it is my hope that this list
can give you an idea of what the future might hold for you and your flock, and give you some
ideas for what your flock might require.
This list breaks down what chickens need at different age levels, and a few other ideas for
egg storage, clothing and protection for you. It also lists a few things to keep your coop clean.
There are good things and bad things about buying used equipment or sharing poultry
equipment. The good things are that you save money, practice recycling and can help out a friend
in need and vice versa. The problem is that when you share equipment you could also be sharing
potential diseases and parasites.
If you plan to use used equipment with your flock, be sure to sanitize it properly. Remove
all dirt by washing in hot soapy water and a good glug of bleach. Get in all crevasses. Use steel
wool or sandpaper on metal objects. Especially around rusted areas that might hold bacteria in
the pitted crevasses. Dry objects in the sun for additional sanitation.
If you plan to hatch out your first chicks, you’re in for a real treat! There are few things
more amazing to witness. But you’ll need some equipment to get you started.
There are several incubator designs on the market, and you can even make your own. My
experience has been that you get what you pay for. I’ve purchased the inexpensive Styrofoam
models and have had little success. Our Incubator of choice is the Brinsea Mini Advanced. It is
truly foolproof and is great for first time hatchings.
Neochicks Poultry Limited - 0707787884 sells highly advanced automatic eggs
incubators in kenya and in East Africa. They also give free training services to farmers regarding
various kinds of poultry keeping and at the same time provide a wide market for their customer’s
48 Eggs Solar Incubator
264 Eggs Incubator (Price=ksh.54,000)
❖ Clear glass at the door so one can see the hatching process without opening.
❖ Fully Automatic (humidity control, temperature control, turning, ventilation)
❖ 1 Year Warranty,
❖ Can hatch any type of eggs
❖ Power: 200 watts. (Can use solar)
❖ High hatch rate
❖ Automatic water refill system
352 Eggs Incubator
528 Eggs Incubator
1056 Eggs Incubator
❖ superior design
❖ Free generator for back up purposes in case of power blackout.
❖ Fully Automatic, (humidity control, temperature control, turning, ventilation)
❖ High Hatching efficiency
❖ 1 Year Warranty
❖ Automatic water refill system
❖ long life span of over 20 years
1232 Eggs Incubator
4928 Eggs Incubator
At Neochicks Poultry Limited, they do all they can to offer all solutions, services and
products regarding poultry farming business. To achieve this objective, they have the following
products that are crucial in the poultry farming field:
Location / Contacts
Corner House, 4th Floor. (Next to Hilton hotel, Nairobi – End of Kimathi Street)
Mobile: 0707787884 / 0724363665
Website: www.neochickspoultry.com
Email: info@neochickspoultry.com
They also have branches and outlets in other major towns in Kenya.
Candling your eggs allows you to see which eggs are progressing and which might be
dead or infertile. It is recommended that you remove any eggs that are not going to hatch from
your incubator. Dead eggs when kept in moist warm incubator temperatures can spoil and
sometimes explode spreading rotted material on your vital eggs.
Once your chicks hatch or once you buy day old chicks you will need a place to keep
them. A brooder is an area where chicks can be kept warm and safe. You will need:
A brooder can be anything from a cardboard box to a large Rubbermaid container. It must
be large enough to fit growing chicks. It should be water resistant to protect floors and draft free.
Chick waterer:
It’s important to use a waterer that is designed especially for chicks. This prevents
drowning and minimizes water spillage. Water should be changed daily and raised as the chicks
get taller to avoid soiling and walking in the water. If you have a lot of chicks buy a size
appropriate waterer and keep it out of the brooder heating element.
Food dish:
Any dish can be used to feed chicks so long as it’s low enough for them to reach. Chicks
should be provided with a 20% protein starter feed at all times. The feeders designed for chicks
prevent waste because the small access holes limit scratching and spreading the feed. The gravity
feed also provides a constant source of food without having to fill the dish several times a day.
Heat lamp:
You will need a heat source to keep your chicks warm. One of the cheapest ways is to
provide a heat light bulb and the hood attachment. Red bulbs help reduce picking because
chickens are attracted to the color red. If all the light is red, they can’t pick one red thing out
from another like a scab from a chick mate.
You can also provide a dome heating element like the Eco Glo Chick Brooder,
I am in love with pine pellets. They are super absorbent, and the pine oils eliminate
odors. They also reduce dust due to scratching. Pine flake bedding and shredded paper bedding
are other options. Cedar bedding is not recommended as is can cause lung and eye irritations.
Grit for chicks: Chicks need grit offered at all times to help them digest their food. Buy a
grit designed for chicks as the size of the granules will be smaller and prevent choking.
I consider chicks who have feathered out to be teenagers. That time after chick-dom but
before adulthood.
Separation Pen:
If you are adding spring chicks to an existing adult flock, chances are you might need a
separation pen.
This pen will house teenage birds that are too big to be in a brooder, but too young to join
the adult flock. Sometimes this transition can be difficult as the new birds establish pecking
order. It’s a good idea to have a backup space to keep birds separated.
Food dish:
They can start sharing the adult feeders at this point so long as they are positioned low
enough for pint sized chickens. You might also find it necessary to purchase a larger feeder if
this is your first flock, as adult chickens eat more than chicks.
Grit: Teenagers can also start transitioning to the adult size grit when they are about ¾
the size of an adult.
Roosts: If the chicks are feathered out, they should have no problem roosting on adult
Coop: Adult chickens need a draft free, ventilated, predator proof coop that protects them
from the elements. I will teach you more in Chapter 6: Housing Your Layers
Water dish:
There are about as many waterers in the market as there are chicken breeds. The reason
for this is because chickens scratch and defecate in their waterer. It is an ongoing battle to keep
chickens supplied with fresh, clean water.
3. Plastic waterers
My favorite type of waterer is a wide, shallow, rubber dish. It’s easy to fill, easy to dump
out and easy to clean with a sponge.
Another thing to consider is a heating element for your waterer if you live in a climate
that experiences cold temperatures. Make sure your waterer will work with a heating element so
you don’t have to purchase two.
Egg boxes:
Egg boxes can be purchased ready made, or can be constructed at home from new or
recycled equipment. Chickens need about 1 egg box for every 3 to 5 birds.
I prefer the use of layers rearing cage system which has waterers, feeders and egg laying
place all in one.
Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning spray:
There are many cleaning sprays out on the market but I find that a combination of white
vinegar and Peroxide clean most things well enough. I also use bleach occasionally, depending
on the situation.
Wide shovel:
A wide, flat shovel works wonderful for pine chip or pelleted bedding. It also works great
for scooping up the last bits of straw if you use that as bedding.
Broom: For cleaning the last bits of soiled bedding before laying down a fresh layer.
Keep a special broom for the coop and barn only.
Egg basket:
You don’t NEED a fancy egg basket, you can carry your eggs in any thing from a bucket
to your shirt tails. But with all the adorable baskets on the market, it’s fun to have one in your
Muck boots:
Boots not only keep your feet dry and clean, but designating a special pair of boots to be
worn in your coop alone helps with biosecurity and lessens the chance of spreading disease.
It’s always smart to wear a mask when cleaning your chicken coop. Dried feces can
become airborne when shoveling. This is especially important if you have a walk-in coop.
I’m not a glove person…they kinda drive me nuts but gloves are a good way to protect
your hands while cleaning and handling your chickens. Chickens can scratch your hands and
arms with their claws if you try to hold an untamed chicken. Keep gloves especially for chicken
use, in the same way you would muck boots.
Most farmers always recycle their egg carton and use them over and again. They wash
the Styrofoam and plastic ones. If you plan on selling your eggs, some areas require that you use
new cartons. These can be purchased at your local feed store.
There’s always much debate as to how to clean an egg, or if you should clean them at all.
Most farmers do wash their eggs and they have had good luck with the Manna Pro Egg wash, or
hot water and dawn dish soap with a scrubby sponge. White vinegar works well to remove
stubborn stains.
A wax pencil or Sharp-y works well for marking the date on egg shells. This ensures that
eggs are always fresh.
That's all the main equipments you need in your layers hens rearing business.
If you are planning to start a layers poultry farm, you would need the right equipment at
suitable prices. It is unlikely that when you are starting your poultry farm, you would have a
truck load of extra funds to throw around. Most likely, you would be on a tight budget because of
the long list of things you have to put in place. This is why you must do everything within your
means to cut on costs of buying poultry equipment.
The first step to take in cutting costs of poultry equipment is buying from the right
source. There are three options to consider when buying poultry equipment;
❖ New Equipment-: This involves buying new ready-made equipment from suppliers or in
the open market.
❖ Fairly Used Equipment-: You may find poultry farmers who are going out of business,
relocating or selling off their poultry equipment as a result of expansion.
❖ Custom made equipment-: Another option is to have your own equipment custom-made
specifically for you by manufacturers or local welders. The manufacturers would make
the equipment to suit your taste, design and needs.
Chapter 9
Purchasing/Hatching Chicks
After setting everything up and having everything ready, purchase quality chicks from
trusted breeder in your area or hatch chicks by yourself especially kienyeji chick and start caring
Let me talk about how to hatch chicks then later in this chapter i will talk about
purchasing chicks.
Guide to Incubation & Hatching
Incubating your own hatching eggs at home can be one of the most rewarding parts of
raising chickens. This guide contains helpful information for the novice and experienced hatcher
alike. I must warn you, however: it's addictive! Once you begin hatching your own baby chicks,
you may never be able to stop…
Mothering chicken eggs is not for everyone, but if you think it might be your calling,
here’s how to do it.
a. Hen Considerations
Once you have determined that you're flexible and determined enough to try hatching
eggs, you must decide whether you would like to hatch them in an incubator or instead hatch
them under a broody hen.
Why a Hen?
Reasons to have a broody hen hatch eggs for you include first of all that it's simply
wonderful to see a mama hen with her babies--it's fun to see them ride on her back and peek out
from beneath her wings. It's adorable the way she will teach them what is good to eat, and how to
scratch and forage for food. It is the most natural way for baby chicks to be raised.
Plus, it's practical: when a hen is incubating eggs, you needn't worry about the power
going out and ruining the eggs in your incubator. There are no concerns about the temperature
and humidity being right. You needn't worry about a heat lamp in the brooder, because the
momma will keep them warm. It is, all around, a fabulous remedy to many of the things hatchers
often worry about.
Your hen may not be broody when you need her to be, and there is no way to "make" her
go broody. Timing is everything. Broodiness is a hormonal condition. In fact, the hormone that
relates to ovulation in humans (as well as to breastmilk production) is the same one that causes a
hen to become broody: it is an increase in prolactin that causes incubation behavior.
We have our own theories about how to increase prolactin levels in a hen based on
studies of other animals--but no one has done any research on hens, yet. (Any takers?) That said,
studies of other animals have shown that high levels of calcium are associated with high
prolactin levels; one wonders if the reverse is true: whether an increased intake of calcium will
cause higher prolactin levels (and thus incubation behavior). My little Silkie hen, so inclined to
broodiness, goes broody nearly every time I refill the oyster shell in the coop!
You'll Need to Invest in Special Equipment
You will need a brooder. You will still need some special equipment, even for a broody
hen. It is not the best idea to let her hatch her babies right in the coop with the rest of the flock.
The reason is that often she chooses the "favorite" nest to go broody in.
This is probably not such a big deal, except that she may have other hens crowding in and
laying eggs on top of her. The crowding can cause your precious eggs to break, and having new
eggs added to the clutch later in incubation can mean that toward the end, she may be sitting on
too many eggs to effectively cover and incubate them, so some could die.
Sometimes eggs can get broken or knocked out of the nest by accident, even if there is no
competition for nest space with other hens. In the case of a broody hen, the success or failure of
incubation is out of your hands, and depends on your hen.
For all these reasons, i recommend providing your broody hen with a safe "broody coop"
where she can sit on her eggs in peace and hatch her babies without being accosted. Plus, if the
chicks hatch in the main coop with the rest of the flock, the other birds may well attack the
newcomers! While mother will try to protect them, the best scenario is simply to prevent this
from happening in the first place by giving them a safe place until they are larger and mother has
recovered a bit.
The last reason you may not want to have a broody hen hatch your eggs is that a hen can
only reliably hatch a few eggs at a time. Bantams can't easily hatch more than six or seven large
eggs at a time. (They will be able to cover more eggs if they are smaller.) Large fowl birds may
be able to hatch 10 or 12 at the very most, depending on the size of the bird and the size of the
When you choose to hatch under a hen, you are limited as to the number of eggs you can
set. If you are hatching in quantity you may want to try incubating two dozen or more at once.
When that is the case, a single broody hen will just not do.
If you are decided on a hen, however, you will want to know how to choose the best or
your hatching needs. Some breeds will never go broody, so if you are waiting for your favorite to
get in the mood for hatching, it may be a very long wait! My favorite broody breeds for hatching
eggs include:
1. Silkie
The Silkie (pictured above) is, hands down, the Broody Queen of the chicken world. As a
bantam breed, it’s rather petite but incredibly docile, considered by some to be the chicken
version of a lapdog. Its easygoing nature and soft, fur-like feathers makes it a perfect chicken
mama. These ornamental birds are not easy to find and also make a great pet chicken for kids.
Unlike other chicken breeds, these birds can double as pets and attract high prices. Mr
Martin Njogu, an exotic species farmer at Blue Farm, sells a mature female bantam chicken of
the silkie breed at Sh.6,000, while a chick costs Sh.1,000.
“I sell a fertilised bantam chicken egg at Sh.300. Their demand is high while the supply is
low, so they fetch a high price in the market,” he says. Ms Mary Mokua, a poultry farmer at
Ukulima Smart, an online agribusiness farmers’ interaction portal, says she sells her bantam
chicken mostly as ornamental birds. “I sell a mature cock (male bird) at Sh.9,500 while a female
bird ranges between Sh.6,000 and 3,000.”
I will also advise if you need this hen for brooding, contact Kenya Agricultural Research
Institutes (KARI) on 0722-206-986 or 0722-206-988 for better price.
2. Cochin
The Cochin hen runs a tight race with the Silkie for the Broody Crown and comes up just
short. A Chinese breed, just like the Silkie, the Cochin is known for being big, sweet, fluffy and
docile. It’s available in a variety of colors and feather patterns, including Frizzled. Although it
doesn’t lay as well as some of the dual-purpose breeds, it makes a fantastic mother and an all-
around great pet chicken.
3. Orpington
This English dual-purpose breed gets its name from the town of Orpington near London,
where it originated. It’s incredibly cold-hardy, thanks to its fluffy, loose feathers that make it
look heftier than it actually is. The Orpington is also a gentle bird with a sweet personality.
Unlike Silkies and Cochins, Orpingtons are first-rate layers of light brown eggs. The
breed is recognized in several color varieties, with Buff, a beautiful golden-yellow color, being
the most popular. It’s a favorite of family flocks and a perfect breed for children to care for, due
to its gentle nature.
4. Brahma
The Brahma is a gentle giant and another wonderfully sweet and broody breed. Quiet,
calm and even-tempered, it’s exceptionally cold hardy and the hens are great layers during cold
weathers. Because of its feathered legs and shanks, it’s best not to keep this breed in excessively
wet or muddy regions, as moisture can cling to the feathers, leading to frostbite on the toes.
5. Sussex
The Sussex is a reliable brooder. It’s friendly and very curious by nature. The Speckled
variety has a unique feather pattern that effectively camouflages the bird from most predators—a
boon when free-ranging.
There are plenty of other breeds that will go broody, but keep in mind that just because a
hen goes broody, it is no guarantee she will be a good mother. For instance, some hens will go
broody, but will not stay on the nest consistently, so few if any eggs will hatch.
Some hens are so startled when the eggs finally hatch, that mother hen may attack the
new chicks, not knowing what to do with these invaders, where before she had nice, round, warm
(quiet) eggs! It is not a good scenario.
Some hens will go out on their own, leaving the little chicks behind. Then, they may be
"done" raising the chicks quite early, when the babies still may benefit from a mother's
protection. If you have a choice, make sure to pick a good broody breed. If you find you have a
hen that is a good brooder AND mother, thank your lucky stars, and be sure to let her hatch your
eggs at every opportunity.
B. Incubator Considerations
If a hen will not work for you for whatever reason, you may want an incubator. Be sure to
have your chosen incubator on hand before ordering eggs. The last thing you want is to have
your eggs ready to set in three days, but have to wait ten more for your incubator to arrive! Good
planning is key.
Worse, many people just won't "get" why you may be so anxious! Three weeks certainly
doesn't seem like a long time to wait... not until you're the broody mom hatching your eggs. Once
you begin incubation, chances are good that you will be anxious for three full weeks!
When I'm incubating, I quake everytime i have a storm, because if the power goes out, it
can adversely affect how many eggs hatch! If it goes out for very long, it can even kill the babies
in the shell. I have a generator to supply power when KPLC power is off.
I have a few tips for making sure your eggs will make it through the entire incubation
❖ If KPLC keeps a list of people to be notified about scheduled outages in your area,
request to be on it.
❖ Make sure anyone who has the opportunity to interact with your incubator is informed
about how important it is not to lift the lid, much less turn off the power.
❖ If you have young children, make sure they understand what's at stake. If they're too
young to understand that, then be sure to put your incubator out of reach. Many young
children have been known to try cracking the eggs early so they can see the baby chicks
they have been told are hiding inside!
❖ If you have dogs, cats or other pets, make sure your incubator is in a place it won't be
bothered. It's no fun to discover that your puppy now knows just how delicious eggs are
at the expense of all your fertile eggs!
❖ In general, it's best to keep your incubator on a sturdy surface that won't be knocked or
stepped on, and in a place that has relatively stable temperatures, out of the way of drafts
and direct sunlight.
Depending on how many eggs they accommodate and how automated they are,
Incubators run from around Ksh.15,000 for the homesteader up to Ksh.250,000 and more for
commercial scale incubators.
With top-of-the-line incubators, you put in an egg, close the door and out pops the chick
three weeks later. You can also go the DIY route, which saves money, but is almost as much
work as sitting on the eggs yourself. No matter how fancy or jerry-rigged, all incubators must
accomplish a few basic things:
Temperature: The eggs need to be kept at 99.5 degrees at all times; just one degree
higher or lower for a few hours can terminate the embryo.
Ventilation: Egg shells are porous, allowing oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide to exit;
incubators need to have holes or vents that allow fresh air to circulate so the fetuses can breathe.
Homemade versions usually involve some sort of insulated box—a cheap Styrofoam
cooler will do. An adjustable heating pad or a light bulb on a dimmer switch will suffice for the
heat source and a pan of water with a sponge in it will make the air humid. Low-end commercial
incubators don’t amount to much more than this, but the more you pay, the more automated the
temperature and humidity controls will be.
A high-quality thermometer and hygrometer (a device to measure humidity) are the most
important tools of incubation; cheap models are usually not accurate enough. If you’re not
working with an incubator that has these instruments built in, opt for a combo
thermometer/hygrometer with an external display. These have a sensor that goes inside the
incubator with an LED screen on the outside that shows the temperature and humidity readings
without having to open the incubator and ruin your carefully calibrated environment.
One time-saving feature is a device to rotate the eggs automatically. Much of the fussing
that a hen does over her eggs comes from an evolutionary instinct to constantly move them
about. The finely tuned ecosystem inside a chicken egg is kept in balance by constantly changing
the position of the egg. High-end incubators have a built-in egg turning device, but there are also
standalone egg turners that can be placed inside a homemade incubator to do the job. Or, you can
rotate manually.
The incubator should be placed in a location with the least possible fluctuation in
temperature and humidity throughout the day—a basement is ideal, a sunny window is not.
Find Fertile Eggs
If you already have a flock of hens with a cock, the majority of the eggs they lay will be
fertile. Make sure that you have 1 cock for every 5 hens for high chances of fertilized eggs.
Collect them as soon as possible after laying and transfer to the incubator.
If you don’t already have chickens, find a friend or a nearby farmer who does and ask if
you can buy some fertile eggs. Also big chicken farms in kenya and KARI are a good place to
get a wide variety of fertilized eggs. Some feed stores sell fertile eggs and there are many
suppliers that sell fertelized eggs.
The closer to home, the better the egg source. The jostling about and fluctuations in
temperature and humidity that occur during transport are hard on the developing fetus. Hatching
rates on eggs straight from the coop are often in the 75 to 90 percent range; with far transported
eggs, there is no guarantee that any will hatch.
When picking eggs to incubate, use those that are clean, well-formed and full-size. Above
all, do not clean the eggs—there is a naturally occurring coating that is vital to the success of the
embryo. Wash your hands before handling and be as gentle as possible, as the embryos are
extremely susceptible to damage from sudden movements.
Ideally, the eggs are transferred directly to the incubator, but it’s possible to store them in
egg cartons if needed. Kept at temperatures between 50 and 60 degrees and 75 percent humidity,
the development of the eggs can be delayed for up to ten days without sacrificing the viability of
the embryos. However, they must be stored with the fat side of the egg pointed up to keep the
embryo alive.
It takes 21 days on average for an egg to hatch once incubation begins. Before placing the
eggs inside, turn on the heat source and measure the temperature and humidity over a 24-hour
period, making adjustments as necessary to create the optimal environment. If the humidity is too
high or low, use a sponge with more or less surface area to adjust it. Raise and lower the
temperature of the heat source in tiny increments until the thermometer reads 99.5.
Once the incubator is functioning properly, it’s just a matter of maintaining the
environment until the chicks hatch. Place the eggs on their side in the incubator, close the door
and check the levels religiously to make sure nothing goes askew. Water may have to be added
to the pan occasionally to keep the humidity up. At day 18, add more water to boost the humidity
If you’re going to turn the eggs yourself, there is a standard method to mimic the efforts
of a hen:
❖ Draw an ‘X’ on one side of the egg and an ‘O’ on the other to keep track of which eggs
have been turned.
❖ At least three times a day, gently turn the eggs over; more frequent turning is even better,
but the number of turns per day should be odd (3,5,7 etc.) so that the eggs are never
resting on the same side for two consecutive nights. Experts also recommend alternating
the direction of turning each time—the goal is to vary the position of the embryo as much
as possible.
❖ Continue turning until day 18, but then leave the eggs alone for the last few days.
In the final days before hatching. the eggs may be observed shifting about on their own as
the fetus becomes active. The chick will eventually peck a small hole in the large end of the egg
and take its first breath. It is normal at this point for the chick to rest for six to 12 hours while its
lungs adjust before continuing to hatch. Resist the urge to help with the hatching process—it’s
easy to cause injury!
Once the chick is free from the egg, let it dry off in the warmth of the incubator before
moving it a brooder, where it will spend the first weeks of its life.
Since we have learnt about brooding, i think it is good to have a case study of someone
who has tried hatching his/her own chicks at home.
About a kilometre from Sabatia Eye Clinic along the Chavakali-Kapsabet Road in Vihiga
County, there sits the Paradise Farm. From the name, one conjures up images of an expansive
crop farm with several trees and beautiful sites akin to the Garden of Eden.
Owner Victor Obimbo, however, keeps poultry and runs a hatchery specialising in day-
old chicks. He rears over 700 Kari Improved Kienyeji chicken in a 60 by 45 feet coop.
"Right now I have 580 hens and the rest are cockerels. There were over 1,000 of them but
over Christmas, I sold 500 cockerels to three community based organisations in Siaya County for
breeding purposes at Sh1,200 each. This also helped me reduce their number."
Obimbo started the agribusiness in December 2014 after attending a series of trainings
offered by officers from Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (Kalro),
"One of the things I learned from Kalro was how to operate the incubator and set the
temperature. For the first 18 days, I set temperature and humidity at 37.8 degrees Celsius and 60-
65 respectively. From this day onwards, I set the former and the latter at 37.5 degrees Celsius
and 70-75 respectively," says Obimbo, adding that for one to run a hatchery, you must have a
licence from the Kenya Veterinary Board, which is renewed annually.
Thereafter, he bought 1,000 Kari Improved chicks from Naivasha at Sh100 each. "I used
over Sh.500,000 from my savings to build the housing unit, buy feeds, drinkers and other
In March last year, he added another 1,000 chicks to increase the parent stock and
achieve his dream of running a hatchery after he had acquired six incubators.
"My incubators have an egg capacity of 2,160 each. My hatching rate is 1,700 chicks out
of the 2,100 eggs I incubate each week," says 48-year-old, adding he collects about 400 eggs
every day.
The best hen to cockerel ratio in poultry breeding is 1:7, according to him.
"Most farmers overwork their cockerels and this lowers the quality of chicks," says
Obimbo, who also farms maize and wheat in large-scale in Kitale and Narok counties.
"I buy about 10kg bags of layers mash and five bags of growers mash in a month, with
each going for Sh.2,400 and for Sh.2,500 respectively. I am yet to learn how to make my own
feeds but that is the route I want to take to cut costs."
From day-old to about eight weeks, the farmer feeds them on chick mash, which is very
essential in growth of feathers. At eight to 19 weeks, the chicks are fed on growers mash and
finally the layers mash completes the meal.
"Before I sell the chicks, I give them Mareks vaccine and follow a vaccination
programme for diseases such as newcastle, gumboro and fowl pox."
I won't tell you how much he earns from his hatching business since i guess you have
already done the calculations and estimations. Maybe a hint, he sells the chicks at Ksh.80-100.
Purchasing Day Old Chicks
You have to keep in mind some essential information before selecting the layer, kienyeji
or broiler hens for your poultry farming business. You have to select those breeds which are
suitable for your poultry farming business and can produce well in your area. Read below for
selecting proper breeds for your business.
➢ For commercial eggs production, you have to chose highly productive laying hens
➢ All type of hens do not produce equal number of eggs.
➢ The chosen breeds must have good production capability e.g eggs, meat or dual purpose.
➢ If your chosen breed contain the desired characteristic and have a reputation for egg
production, then that breed is suitable for your business.
➢ Always purchase healthy chicks from a famous and popular hatchery. You can see their
catalog before purchasing.
Caring for Baby Chicks
Just like puppies, baby chicks are unbelievably adorable and loveable. And just like
puppies, they're a handful! I totally recommend it for anyone looking for a poultry flock. This
section covers all the basics of baby chick care.
Baby chicks require constant care and monitoring, so make sure your schedule is clear for
the first 4 weeks! Don't plan on vacations or even day trips unless you have a seasoned baby
chick worker on standby. Make sure you or a member of your family are available to check on
them at least 5 times a day.
You can keep young chicks almost anywhere: their small size makes them easy to
handle! They grow quickly, though, and by the time they're three or four weeks old they'll be
taking up a lot of space and making a big mess, so preparing a living space for them is actually
quite important.
The good news is that you can transfer them to their outside coop at 4-5 weeks of age, so
you won't have to deal with the mess for too long... I will talk more on that below.
Ideally you'll have a garage, workshop, basement or another predator-proof and draft-
proof environment that's not in your main living space. Why not the main living space? Baby
chicks, just like grown chickens, love to "scratch" their bedding materials, which creates a very
fine dust that gets everywhere. The older they get, the more dust they make. Baby chicks also
have a smell... It's not decidedly bad, nor do we find it overwhelming, but you may not want it in
your house.
If you don't have a garage, workshop or basement in which to keep them, pick the next
best option. Do you have a three season porch where it won't get too cold? A spare bedroom
whose surfaces you can cover? If none of the above, does your kitchen have an eat-in area not
too close to prep surfaces that you're willing to sacrifice for a few weeks? Choose the best
possible option keeping in mind that wherever you keep them, they must be safe from predators
and drafts.
I remember when i was a kid in the 1990s, my dad could raise day old chicks in one of
the vacant bedrooms in the house and lower the light bulb so that they could get warmth.
Poultry and poultry houses are known to harbour bacteria that cause zoonotic infections.
Such include salmonellosis and shigellosis. Such bacteria like salmonella can breach the shell
integrity into the egg-causing early infections.
2. Research
Due to these bacteria, extreme hygiene has to be practiced at the hatchery including
fumigation of eggs before hatching. This eliminates all pathogens to ensure hatched chicks are
healthy. The eggs are also cleaned to remove gross dirt before incubation.
If this is not done, one may buy day-old chicks from an unapproved source then few days
or weeks later, despite you doing everything right, the birds might come down with one infection
and this could be the source of your problems.
If a hatchery manages to posses these characteristics then it meets the bare minimum
required to produce good quality chicks. With this in place, then the hatchery must be inspected
by the veterinary authorities and licensed to be in the business of chick production.
Most farmers are duped by unscrupulous dealers who invoke names of trusted brands in
the market. A physical visit at the hatchery is therefore a must to also examine their health and
history record.
Before purchasing chicks, a farmer must confirm if they have been vaccinated against
common poultry viral diseases such as Marek’s disease. If the birds are not vaccinated in the
hatchery, then one must have a veterinary surgeon on standby who would give the vaccinations
to the chicks as soon as they get to you to prevent diseases or death.
4. Ecological region
The knowledge about temperature changes will also help a farmer prepare himself
adequately for energy needs like solar, electricity or cooling gadgets in case of extreme heat.
5. Time
Time is also an important factor when buying day-old chicks. This is because day old
chicks require a lot of care and attention especially in the first five weeks of purchase. Therefore,
you must clear out your schedule and ensure that you would have time to care for them when you
buy them.
6. Size
When you buy day-old chicks, they are usually so small that 1,000 of them can fit into a
tiny space. But you shouldn’t allow this initial size deceive you; as they grow older, they begin
to consume a lot of space and if you didn’t do proper space planning at the point of buying day-
old chicks, you would face a lot of space challenges.
7. Means of transport
Since they are very delicate, it is important to use special containers when transporting
day-old chicks from their current location to the destination you want to send them. Use
containers that are hard on the outside and soft on the inside.
When the inside of the container is soft it will act as shock absorber to protect the chicks
from bruising. Day old chicks are very delicate and find it difficult to sustain injuries when they
are bruised and they may die. The container should be put in a place that will prevent vigorous
shaking and movement because when that happen your chicks will crash into each other and
some will get their limbs and other parts of their body broken.
The type of transport you use to carry the chicks should be well ventilated to enable
proper breathing of the chicks which is extremely crucial during movement. The portions
allocated for the ventilation shouldn’t be too much as to expose the chicks to strong wind as it
can cause death through suffocation.
Once all the desired factors are in place, the farmer should be able to have all the
structures and equipment ready for the take off of the farm.
Creating a Suitable Living Environment
This is the one of the most important part of raising happy, healthy chicks. The baby
chick house (also known as the "brooder. Baby chicks need to be protected from drafts but still
have adequate ventilation. This can be in the form of a cardboard box with holes for ventilation,
a single-faced corrugated cardboard roll, 12" or higher, a large plastic storage bin, or even a
kiddie pool!
All of the above have been used with success. Whatever housing solution you go with,
make sure it provides 2 square feet per chick. It sounds like an awful lot, but as they get older
(and bigger) you'll realize why this is necessary.
A heat source
Baby chicks need to be kept pretty hot. The first week of their lives they require an air
temperature of 95 degrees, the second week 90 degrees, and so on - going down by 5 degrees per
week until they're ready to transition to "outside".
A 250-watt infrared heat lamp is the best way to achieve this, placed right in the middle
of their living area and suspended off the ground. The height of the light will depend on what it
takes to achieve your target temperature.
I recommend a red heat bulb for a few reasons: one, with a bright white light constantly
glaring it can be hard for them to sleep. The red light is darker and provides them some respite.
Two, red lights help prevent them from pecking one another.
Pay close attention to how your chicks behave. If they're all crowded together directly
under the heat source, they're cold. Lower the heat lamp or add another one. If they're around the
edges of the brooder avoiding the heat and each other like the plague, they're too hot! Raise the
heat lamp. A happy flock will happily be exploring all around the brooder.
And please do not listen to anyone that tells you a regular old 60 watt bulb will suffice! I
have seen chicks die from this bad advice. They really need a lamp intended to produce heat, and
as we've mentioned, i recommend the 250-watt variety.
Absorbent bedding
Baby chicks are big poopers, so make sure to line the floor of their housing unit with an
absorbent material. The best, i think, is to spread wood shavings/ saw dust about 1" thick.
Avoid the urge to use newspaper! It's not a good absorbent and the slippery surface can
lead to a permanent deformity called "splayed leg" which can ultimately result in the other
chickens picking on the affected bird to death.
Many people also swear by paper towels, changed often. (DON'T use cedar shavings, no
matter what friends or your local feed store tell you: the aromatic oils will irritate your chicks'
lungs, and make them more susceptible to respiratory problems later in life.)
A drinker / waterer
I recommend you don't try to use a dish, a rabbit drinker, or anything you have just
"laying around". Baby chicks have special needs when it comes to water. Dishes can make it
easy for chicks to drown, and they'll certainly do naughty things like walk in it, spill it, kick their
bedding materials into it, and poop in it -- meaning you'll have to change it constantly.
Rabbit drinkers aren't preferable, either, because not enough chicks can access it at once.
For the best results, i recommend you use a chick waterer i explained in chapter 8. They come in
a number of different sizes and shapes, all basically sufficient.
Keep in mind that even with the best drinker, they'll still kick bedding materials into it
and find ways to poop in it from time to time. Raising the waterer off the ground somewhat will
help (starting their second week of life), but no matter what they're going to get that water messy,
so plan on changing it a few times a day.
A feeder
Once again, i recommend you resist the temptation to use a dish or bowl for feeding your
chicks. They're messy, and they'll jump in and kick the feed all over the place, poop in it, and
worse case scenario: they'll tip it over and trap a baby underneath. (This has happened!) Spend
those few extra shillings and buy a "real" baby chick feeder, or borrow one from a friend. They
come in many shapes and sizes, just as i explained in chapter 8.
Chickens love to roost on poles or branches when they're resting. You don't HAVE to
provide your brood roosting poles, but they'll be even happier if you do. I like half inch diameter
wooden dowels. Try them about 5 inches off the ground. (They may like it so much, so that they
don't roost on top of your feeder and waterer!)
Fortunately this one doesn't require much thought! Suppliers have formulated special
feed complete with everything baby chicks need. It's called "starter feed" and comes in either
"crumbles" or "mash" (referring to how ground down it is). Either is fine.
The only thing to know is that if you've had your chicks vaccinated against Coccidiosis,
they'll need an un-medicated feed. If not, or if you've only had them vaccinated for Marek's
Disease, medicated feed is a great way to keep them healthy those first few months.
A question i commonly get is how long to feed baby chicks "starter feed" for before
switching to a feed called "grower" or "chick grower". The answer is: it all depends! Each
manufacturer formulates their feed differently, so read the label and follow their instructions.
Some only recommend the starter for 4 weeks before moving onto grower; some combine both
together in a "starter/grower" feed that can last up to 16 weeks, etc.
Farmers also ask me whether they can feed their chicks scraps, or worms and other bugs
from the garden... Small amounts of vegetable/dairy should be fine for the chicks (and they'll
love it!), and the same goes with bugs and worms. But consider those like dessert, not the main
course. Starter feeds contain everything chicks need to survive and thrive, and filling them up
with too much of the "other stuff" can throw off their nutritional balance.
Finally, people want to know how much food they should give their birds. The answer is:
as much as they want! Don't ration it. Give your birds 24/7 access to all the food they can eat.
They're not like dogs. They'll self-regulate.
Ever heard the saying "scarce as a hen's teeth"? That's right, chickens don't have them!
Instead they eat tiny pebbles and store them in their "crop". When the food enters their crop, the
pebbles grind it up to make digestion easier.
For baby chicks, sand, parakeet gravel or canary gravel, available at your local agrovet
shop, will suffice. You can either sprinkle this in their feed or provide it in a small cup or bowl.
Avoid giving your chicks house building and construction sand. Your chicks will get
infection from the contaminated or disinfected sand.
Although most grown chickens are pretty pathetic flyers, young chicks are much more
capable. If your brooder is only 12 inches high, don't be surprised if you find your week-old
chicks perching on top of it! To prevent this, i recommend you cut a section of deer
netting or chicken wire just big enough to drape over your brooder, or use a 2-foot-high brooder
box to increase the length of time before they're able to "fly the coop".
First things first: find out what day your chicks will be arriving. When you get them
home, be prepared: one or two may have died in transporting or may be on their "way out". This
isn't due to disease. Some chicks are born less hardy than others and can't withstand the stress
and cold temperatures involved in transporting them around the country.
Most hatcheries, in fact, prepare for that by including an extra bird or two for free.
(Beware, though, as some hatcheries will throw in broilers even if you didn't order them! Ensure
if they include extras, they only include a bird of the same breed and sex as one you've ordered.)
Care for the weak birds as best as you can, and bury the dead birds as you would any
other pet. Also, call the hatchery right away to let them know if a bird dies. They'll usually either
give you a partial refund or a discount on your next order so long as you notify them within 24 -
48 hours of arrival.
Since baby chicks do die from time to time in transporting, I recommend that if you've
got young children:
This way if there are any losses, you can deal with them without the kids ever being the
wiser. Losses are not common, but when they do happen they can be devastating to little ones.
Pasting Up
As you move your baby chicks from their shipping box into their brooder kit (which
you've set up and heated in advance, of course!), check them for "pasting up", a condition in
which their droppings cake up and block their vent opening, preventing them from passing
any more droppings.
This problem will be pretty obvious; you won't have to go poking around their insides to
see it. The dried poo will be stuck to their outside, totally or partially covering their vent.
This is a deadly condition and must be dealt with immediately. To clear the blockage, use
a warm, wet paper towel to soften the poo blocking the vent. It should then be relatively easy to
remove. To make sure your chick doesn't get chilled during this process, you may want to do this
near a heat source and make sure to keep the wet paper towel warm.
In bad cases where the water is just not penetrating the mass to soften it, you may have to
dunk the chick's rear in warm water before it will loosen up enough to remove it, and sometimes
you will CAREFULLY have to use tweezers. Your chick will complain, loudly, but stand fast in
your determination knowing that the chick will die if you don't!
Once you've succeeded, dry the chick off with a blow dryer and immediately return her to
the brooder kit with the others. Be sure to wash and sanitize your hands thoroughly when you're
done; you've just been handling poo, after all! And keep checking the birds that presented with
this problem, for it often returns throughout the first week.
Your new brood will need water right away. Watch them carefully once you've
transferred them to their new home. If they aren't finding the water, pick an especially spritely
one and gently put its beak into the water. This should be enough to teach them - once one
chick's drinking the others are sure to follow!
The same goes with the food: make sure they're finding it. If not, show them. Resist the
temptation to feed your chicks water with a syringe. This can cause death by drowning, even if
you're very careful about it. Just gently dip their beaks in water. If one is still not drinking,
chances are it is struggling to stay alive and may not make it. So dont force it to drink with a
Some baby chicks will arrive to you with an intact, attached umbilical cord. It looks like
a very thin black string, attached to their rear. For heaven's sake, don't pull it! It's not
"pasting up"! Just leave it alone. It will fall off within a day or two. Pulling it can really injure
Keep checking up on your chicks several times a day. They'll be doing naughty things
like kicking up their bedding into the feed and water, and you'll have to clean up after them.
(Don't forget, they need round-the-clock access to all the food and water they can get their beaks
Also pay close attention to their behavior. I said it before and I'll say it again because it's
key: If they're crowded together directly under the heat source, they're cold. Lower the heat lamp
or add another one. If they're around the edges of the brooder avoiding the heat and each
other like the plague, they're too hot! Raise the heat lamp. Not getting this right can be the death
of young chicks.
Changing Bedding
For sanitary purposes and to keep their area from stinking, change their bedding at least
once a week. We used to throw ours in the compost pile where it's happily turned into rich earth.
Don't forget that your baby chicks need less and less heat as time goes by. By their 2nd
week the heat can be reduced 5 degrees to 90, by the 3rd week by another 5 degrees to 85 and so
on. However, this is just a guideline. Continue tuning into their behavioral cues as described
above and you'll know how to tweak their heat.
Also, keep in mind that some of your chicks will develop faster than others, requiring less
heat, while the "runty" ones will want to be closer to the heat lamp. Make sure your heating set-
up gives each chick the choice of how much heat is comfortable to them (in other words, don't
create a uniform temperature by putting the heat lamp inside the box and then covering the box!)
If you've got kids or you're planning on bringing kids over to see the chicks, set the
boundaries up front. Chicks are irresistibly sweet and cheeky kids tend to harass them. Make
sure you watch the chicks; if they show signs of distress, be firm and return them to their
brooder. Also, if you have chicks that are or were recently pasted up, please instruct your kids to
let them be. Over-handling can prevent a chick that is "on the edge" from bouncing back (it can
be the death of them!).
Growing... and growing!
As your chicks get older you'll understand why i recommended a minimum of 2 square
feet of living space per bird. If you provided them less than that and your older chicks are
pecking at one another, do expand their living quarters.
Both you and the chicks will be much less stressed. And as mentioned above, if they start
flying on top of their brooder box, a simple length of deer netting or chicken wire laid on top of
their living quarters should prevent it!
"Outisde" time
After the chicks are 2-3 weeks old, if it's warm outside and sunny, feel free to let them
have a little "outdoor time"! Put them in a wire cage or erect some other temporary housing and
place it in the sun, making sure they have access to water and shade if they need it. They'll
absolutely love digging around in the grass.
But don't leave them unattended! At this age they're VERY good at flying and VERY
susceptible to predators. Plus, if it's windy they'll get cold (and they'll let you know they're
unhappy with their loud chirping).
By 4-5 weeks of age your chickens are ready to move outside full-time. And thank
goodness! As much as you love them, you'll be thrilled to get them out of your house. Read
the next chapters to learn about chicken coop/housing requirements, how to transition them to
their coop and how to care for them as they get older. Also, keep in mind that if you're
purchasing a chicken coop e.g cages it can take three or more weeks to arrive, so you may want
to have that squared away before you get the chicks!
A: As much as they want! We talked about this a little above, but in case you didn't catch
it, chickens aren't like dogs -- they won't eat themselves to death. They'll only eat as much as
they need. So go on, spoil them! Give them as much food as you can fit in your feeder. They
won't over-eat it.
A: You bet it is! "Pasting up" is described above: it's when droppings cake up and block
a baby chick's vent opening, preventing them from passing any more droppings, and it must be
dealt with immediately. Apply a warm, wet paper towel to their rears and then use a toothpick to
gently clear the blockage, or in severe cases dunk the chick's rear in warm water so it softens up
enough to remove it.
Dry her off and return her to the brooder kit with the other chicks, and keep an eye on her
in the coming days to make sure the problem doesn't return.
Caring for pet or kienyeji chickens is pretty easy compared to commercial chickens like
layers and broilers! They have the same needs as most any other animals. In this section I'll fill
you in on daily, monthly, semi-annual and annual chores, as well as other nuances of chicken
Keep in mind that you CAN leave your chickens alone (if they are few) for a few days
provided they have enough food, water and space for the duration of your trip. The eggs they'll
have laid in your absence should still be good to eat. Fresh eggs keep for several days without
Surprised? Consider this: hens lay an average of 10-12 eggs per "clutch" (the group of
eggs that a hen sits on to incubate). They lay one egg per day and at the end of a 10-12 day
laying period they roll all the eggs together to incubate them. That means the egg laid on day 1 is
still good enough on day 12 to become a living, breathing baby chick - so it should be good
enough for you to eat too!
Egg Tip: Your eggs may have some slight traces of dirt or chicken feces on them. Resist
the urge to scrub them clean! Outside the egg is a delicate membrane called the "bloom" that
wards off bacteria and other foreign matter. Scrubbing will damage this membrane. If you're one
of those Type A people that needs perfect-looking eggs, rub them with your fingers very gently
under warm water. Then, wash your hands thoroughly.
❖ Change the bedding or always clean the coop and the nest. This is necessary for sanitary
purposes. Excessive ammonia buildup is dangerous to poultry and can cause respiratory
❖ Remove the feces. We put ours in the compost bin or use it as fertilizer.
Twice a year you've got to really scrub your coop clean! Remove bedding, nest materials,
feed and water containers. For a cleaner, i recommend a concoction of 1 part bleach, 1 part dish
soap, 10 parts water. A strong citrus cleanser will also do the trick.
After cleaning, rinse well and let dry before replacing with fresh bedding. Do the same
with the feed and water containers: clean thoroughly and rinse well, and replace with a fresh
supply. You should be able to do this all in a couple hours!
One of the great benefits of having chickens is they take care of your unwanted leftovers!
There are a few foods they shouldn't eat, though (and thanks to my agribusiness friends for
helping me beef up this list over the years!):
❖ Citrus fruits and peels (they can cause a drop in egg production)
❖ Bones
❖ Any large serving of meat, or meat that has gone bad
❖ Garlic and onion (unless you want your eggs tasting like them)
❖ Avocado skins and pits
❖ Raw potato skins
❖ Long cut grass
❖ Chocolate
Also, we hear from chicken pros that Morning Glories and Daffodils are poisonous to
chickens, and even though chickens will generally know how to avoid them, you might just want
to keep an eye on them around these plants.
Handing chickens is an art, and practice makes perfect! The key is finding the balance
between being gentle and letting them know that no matter how much they wriggle or squirm,
they're not getting away.
First, put your dominant hand (the hand you write with) on the middle of their back. If
you're new to chickens, it's helpful to secure their wings as much as possible with your thumb
and forefinger. (Pros don't need to secure their wings at all!) Your other hand will need to take
their legs out of the equation. Secure one leg between your thumb and forefinger, and the other
between the forefinger and middle finger of the same hand.
Then lift them, supporting the lower portion of their body with the heel of your hand and
wrist. Your dominant hand should still be on their back. Once you've got them up, holding them
close to your body will prevent further wriggling. And again, as you get better at this you
won't need that hand on their backs!
Winter Precautions
During cold seasons, most farmers want to do the very best they can for their flock, and
we often get ask me whether they should heat their coop during winter. My feeling is this isn't a
good idea. Chickens adapt to the cold weather over time. Their body metabolism actually
changes along with the seasons.
When you heat your coop, the birds will never get used to the colder outside temperature
-- so if the heat were to accidentally cut out causing a sudden change in temperature, you could
literally lose your entire flock overnight. I've seen it happen.
That said, if you live in a really cold climate there are a few precautions you can take to
make everyone's lives easier (by which i mean you and your birds!):
❖ Protect combs and wattles from frostbite by rubbing on petroleum jelly or another heavy
moisturizer every few days.
❖ Make sure the water supply does not freeze! This is very important. Chickens cannot live
long without fresh water. If you don't have electricity in your coop and therefore cannot
provide a water heater, i recommend you bring the waterer into your house every night,
and return it outside every morning. Check the water once or twice a day to make sure it's
not frozen. (This may does not happen in Kenya but it happens in USA and other
european countries.)
Summer Precautions
Excessive heat is a real risk to birds. Make sure they have access to fresh, clean water at
all times. Provide them a source of shade outside and as much ventilation as possible inside.
Note: Your hens may lay fewer eggs during heat waves. This is a sign of stress, but
laying rates will return to normal once the heat has receded.
Fertilizers & "Turf Builders": Are They Safe?
Heck no! If your birds are free-ranging on your lawn, abstain from applying fertilizers or
"turf builders". These products very often contain pesticides, herbicides and other harsh, nasty
chemicals. Not only can these cause illness in your birds, but you don't want to be
eating eggs containing these materials.
Part of the benefit of keeping chickens is the comfort of knowing that those fabulous,
fresh, delicious eggs are safe for you, your family and customers. Fertilizers and turf builders
negate all that.
That said, we understand the pressures of suburban life: if you can't be the only chump in
the neighborhood with dandelions and various other weeds, i recommend you use organic
fertilizers in the front yard and limit your birds to the back.
Most chicken illnesses are curable if they're caught in time! If you suspect one of your
chickens may be under the weather, take the precautionary measure of isolating it from the rest
of the flock. This will help prevent illness from spreading. (And of course, make sure the isolated
chicken has access to food and water!)
Second, make an appointment with your veterinarian right away. You need to find one
that specializes in Avian medicine or farm animals, and we recommend that you find the nearest
one prior to getting chickens.
1. Mangy appearance
2. Visible mites
3. Abnormal stool, including blood, visible worms, diarrhea, droppings that are all white.
(Normal stool is brown with a white cap.)
4. Sneezing
5. Loss of energy or depression
6. Sudden, drastic reduction in position in pecking order
7. Loss of appetite
8. Stunted growth
For a more complete account of poultry illness, symptoms and cures, i recommend you
read chapter 8.
1) Your chickens' first eggs will be pretty pathetic! They'll be small, shells will be weak and
some won't even have shells at all. Don't worry! This is not a sign of sickness.
2) Your chickens will lose and regrow their feathers once a year. This is called "molting"
and is perfectly normal. They won't lay eggs during this time.
3) A tiny speck of blood in an egg. This is normal. Don't worry about it. But if it becomes
frequent, or if there is a significant amount of blood, that's another story.
Remember, the most important part of keeping your chickens healthy is disease
prevention! Follow the care instructions and coop specifications above and you'll have a happy,
healthy flock. However, as with any animal, there's still a chance of illness. Since
you'll be checking on your birds daily, you'll catch the illness early and increase the chance of a
positive outcome.
Losing a pet is always terrible, and chickens are no exceptions. If you've lost your bird
due to old age or a predator attack, bury it as you would any other pet: a full funeral, bagpipes,
the works. Dig a hole several feet underground to prevent anything from getting at
the corpse. If, on the other hand, your bird displayed signs of illness or died suddenly, for no
apparent reason, you'll need to investigate. Contact your veterinarian.
Chapter 10
The poultry business is one business that has empowered loads of entrepreneurs simply
because of how profitable it is. Besides being a profitable business, it is also easy to setup
especially if you are starting on a smaller scale and from a nice location. No doubt there are
some challenges when it comes to running poultry farms and one of the challenges is that of
proper housing system for your poultry.
There are a lot of factors that determine the effectiveness of a poultry housings system;
factors such as ventilation system, flooring system, building insulation and fencing etc. The truth
is that once a poultry farmer is able to get it right with the poultry housing system, then he can be
rest assured that he wouldn’t spend much when it comes to combating predators, disease causing
organism and even unfavorable climatic conditions. The essence of a good poultry housing
system is to minimize the cost of running your poultry farm and to maximize profits in the
Now the question is what is the best poultry housing system? As a matter of fact, the
environment you intend starting your poultry farm and also the climatic condition of the area is a
key factor that must be considered when designing your poultry housing system. You can also
consider the species of the poultry, the age of the poultry and also the purpose you want the
poultry farm to serve.
The basic poultry housing system for raising chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese are
brooder houses, batteries and accumulators; they serve different purpose. So the truth remains
that the best poultry housing system depends on your purpose for going into poultry farm
business. Now let us quickly consider some of the factors that will determine the best poultry
housing system for you;
A hen's coop is her castle! Proper housing is the key to happy, healthy birds, but building
a chicken coop to the proper specifications is not as simple as it might seem. An adequate
chicken coop design must:
1. Be predator-proof
Not just from the sides, but from above and below as well. Predators that would love
chicken wings for dinner include but are not limited to raccoons, wild cats, coyotes and hawks.
(Tip from a fellow chicken owner: be sure to select the right wire mesh. The holes in standard
"chicken wire" are actually quite large. Yes, it will keep the chickens in, but raccoons can reach
through those holes and do some nasty things... Not a pretty sight. I recommend one-half inch
square "hardware cloth".)
Yes, rats! that will be attracted to the feed and droppings. Rodents are
burrowing creatures, so you need to block them from slipping into the coop from below.
If you coop doesn't have a floor, you need to bury small-mesh fencing down into the ground
about 12" all around the coop.
4. Provide "roosting poles" for your girls to sleep on (2" wide; rounded edges; allot 5-10"
of space per bird side to side and 10" between poles if more than one is necessary; plus ladder-
like grading so the pole furthest away is several inches higher than the closest).
5. Encourage egg-laying with 1 nest box for every four or nine chickens.
Nest boxes should be raised off the ground at least a few inches, but lower than the
lowest roosting pole. They should also be dark and "out of the way" to cater to the hen's instinct
to lay her eggs in a safe, place.
6. Be roomy
At least 4 square feet per bird if birds are able to roam freely during the day, and at least
10 square feet per bird if they are permanently confined.
7. Accommodate a feeder and waterer, which should hang 6-8" off the ground.
8. Include a removable "droppings tray" under roosting poles for capture and easy
disposal of droppings. (Or should we say for easy access to your lawn fertilizer?)
9. Similar to the coop, the sides of the attached chicken run, if you have one, should be
buried 12" into the soil to keep predators and rodents from digging their way in. Once again, we
recommend chicken wire fencing or half-inch hardware cloth. It's also my strong
recommendation that you secure the top of the run with aviary netting or deer netting. This will
keep wild birds (which can carry communicable diseases) out and provide further defense
against sly predators.
Another factor that you should consider when designing housing system that will best
suit your poultry business, is the age of the birds in your poultry. As was stated earlier, if you are
dealing with younger chicks, then you should design your poultry housing system to suit them,
also if you are dealing with older chickens, then you should have done your research with respect
to some unique factors before making your choice on the kind of poultry housing system to
design and build.
For instance; if one of the purpose of going into poultry farm business is to engage in the
supply of eggs on a commercial level, then you can build poultry system that can facilitate safer
and easy collections of eggs. As a matter of fact, you can build a cage that has more than 4 layers
as long as you put other key factors such as light, ventilation and feeding into place before
designing and building the cage to house your birds.
11. The Climatic Condition of the Environment You Intend Starting Your Poultry
Another very important factor that should be consider before choosing a suitable poultry
housing system is the climatic condition of the environment you intend starting your own poultry
farm in. It is always advisable to go ahead and enquire from poultry owners in your area to know
some of the climatic challenges that they go through before designing and building your own
poultry housing system.
If you live in a region prone to cold, then you must build poultry system that is well
insulated to provide the required heat for your birds. You should also consider proper ventilation
system as well or else you will run into trouble trying to manage sickly birds. As a matter of fact,
poor ventilation system is one major factor that contributes to the spread of various diseases in
The location you intend starting your poultry farm is yet another important factor that you
must consider before choosing a poultry housing design. For example, if the location you choose
to start your poultry farm can easily be accessed by predators, then you should consider fencing
your poultry. There are various predators that can come after the birds in your poultry, it could
be cats, it could be snakes, it could be dogs or even some wild animals that is why you must
ensure that build a good fence that will help protect you birds.
Whichever choice you make regarding the best poultry housing system that can
effectively fit into your plans of starting your poultry farm, just ensure that it is one that can give
you easy access to feed your birds, treat them when they are sick and monitor their growth.
If you have ever been to a good poultry farm, then you sure would realize that having a
good poultry housing system is one way to ensure that things run smoothly in the farm as well as
one factor that determines how healthy the animals might grow.
Therefore, if you have been in the business of poultry farming or have the penchant for
poultry farming, it would really be expedient that you know the tips that are really needed for a
good poultry housing system. When it comes to poultry farming, you have got to really take into
account the availability of air in the environment.
Highlighted below are tips that would help with having a good poultry housing system
and the steps that you would need to take to pull this off. If you are ready for the tips, then here
a. Conduct a Research
This is one of the first most needful things that you have got to do. There is a whole lot of
information that are available to you on the internet, especially those sites that are listed on the
search engine. The role which a thorough and exhaustive research plays just cannot be
emphasized. Some of the things that you would get to know about when you conduct research is
that you will be able to get all the available options for a good poultry housing system and then
you can make your choice.
b. A Good Poultry Housing System Should Have Easy Access
The hallmark of a good poultry housing system is that it should be designed in such a
way that workers can easily move around the poultry without restrictions of obstruction. This is
important especially when the birds are to be fed, given water and for effective cleaning of the
poultry farm.
The flooring / bedding of a good poultry housing system should be comfortable for the
birds and should be safe for eggs as well. The truth is that if you do not get the bedding of your
poultry right, eggs can easily get cracked and that won’t be good for your business.
A good poultry housing system must be convenient to clean. It should be built in a way
that every part of the poultry farm can be easily accessed by your cleaners. The truth is that
hygiene is an important factor in the poultry business, especially if you want to minimize the
death of your birds and spread of flu.
e. The Design of a Good Poultry Housing System Should Be Such That Eggs Don’t
Get Cracked and are Easily Collected
Eggs are easily collected in a good poultry housing system. So ensure that the design of
your own poultry farm is built in such a way that the eggs can easily be collected in good
condition. If you have ever worked or visited a poultry farm, you will realize that an appreciable
percent of the eggs normally get cracked. This is as a result of poor design. The safety of the
eggs should be considered when building a poultry housing system.
f. A Good Poultry Housing System Must Have Good Lighting and Heating System
Another important tip that you must consider when building your poultry farm is the
lighting and heating system. Birds like it when the environment is warm, it keep them healthy.
So ensure that you install a proper lighting and heating system that can provide the adequate
warmth needed by your birds.
Another key factor that must be considered when building your poultry farm is the
ventilation. The success of your poultry farm business to a large extent is dependent on the
ventilation of the poultry farm. The truth is that if you don’t have proper ventilation in your
poultry farm, you are likely going to welcome easy spread of bird flu. So ensure that you design
your poultry farm to allow for proper ventilation.
h. A Good Poultry Housing System Must Have Effective Waste Disposal Unit
In order to reduce or eliminate the outbreak of flu in your poultry, you must have an
effective waste disposal unit. The truth is that in a poultry farm, you cannot rule out the death of
some birds, but it is very important not to allow dead birds to liter all around your poultry farm.
Beside the foul smell it will generate, it will also result to flu for both humans and your birds. Of
course you know that waste from birds and bad eggs also generate offensive odor; so an effective
waste disposal unit must be put in place.
i. A Good Poultry Housing System Must Have Different Steps (Confinements) for
Different Ages and Species of Birds
It will be wrong to house birds of different ages and species in the same confinement.
Some older birds can kill your chicks by stepping or perking them. So if you are considering
raising different species of birds in your poultry farm, it is important that you build different
confinements for them.
A good poultry system must have a standard hatchery unit. It is economical to hatch your
own eggs in your poultry as against going out to buy day old chicks. The truth is that, you will
eliminate death of chicks in the process of transporting them when you have your own egg
incubator within your poultry farm. You can decide to buy your own egg incubator or design it to
meet your own specification.
You might want to ask if these tips will help, you sure bet it will if you are careful to
adhere to the tips listed above. There you have it; the 10 tips and requirement for a good poultry
housing system.
Modern domestic strains of hens come from Jungle Fowl and we know that in the wild,
hens would build a nest for their egg, forage for food and perch at night. While modern strains of
hen are different from their ancestors, they still retain many of the behavior patterns of their
ancestors and are strongly motivated to perform those behaviors.
The various types of housing systems used to raise egg-laying hens on-farm are listed
below. The method of housing strongly impacts a bird's ability to perform natural behaviors and
therefore impacts on their welfare. When we consider the various methods of housing, it can be
useful to evaluate them in the context of what we know to be the natural behaviors of egg-laying
Cage Systems
These systems house egg-laying hens in small barren cages. These housing systems
provide access to feed and water and droppings fall through the wire cage floor onto a belt or
into a pit for disposal. The space provided for each hen varies across farms but generally 3 or
more birds are housed in each cage and cages are stacked on top of each other.
Access to food and water is good and consistent in these systems with automated units
providing adequate food and water for the birds throughout the laying cycle.
Physical comfort: There is broad consensus that the physical comfort of birds in
conventional battery cages poor. For example, hens can experience chronic pain associated with
injuries to their feet caused by standing on the wire floor of the cages.
Another source of pain may come at the time of catching, and transport studies show that
hens in battery cages have weak bones, due to lack of movement and are therefore more
susceptible to bone fractures at catching and during transport.
Emotional well-being: Birds in battery cages are less likely to experience fear because
they are in a small stable group of hens and predation is not an issue. However, much research
suggests that hens in conventional cages experience severe frustration due to their confinement
in these barren environments and their inability to nest while laying an egg.
When we observe modern strains of hens around the time of egg-laying, we see behaviors
symptomatic of frustration, including pacing and increased aggression.
Ability to perform natural behaviors: These cages severely restrict freedom of movement
– the cages are barren and too small to allow the hens to perform important movements they are
strongly motivated to perform, including grooming, wing flapping, perching and nest building.
2. Enriched/Modified/Furnished Cages
Access to food and water: Is good and consistent in enriched cages. It is recommended
that feed be provided in ground form rather than pelleted form, in order to encourage food-
directed pecking behaviour and to decrease the likelihood of feather pecking.
Thermal comfort: Barn temperatures can be maintained so that birds are in an
environment that has appropriate temperatures throughout their laying cycle.
Physical comfort: The enriched cage will still restrict a hen's ability to roam freely, but
depending on the space provided per bird, they will be able to flap their wings and preen. If the
flooring is litter rather than wire, the birds will not suffer from the pain associated with foot
injuries. However, the litter must be properly maintained so that it doesn’t cause skin problems,
such as foot pad dermatitis.
Emotional well-being: Variable. If the enriched cage contains sufficient nest boxes and a
suitable nest building substrate the birds will be able to fulfill this behaviour and will not feel
frustrated at the time of egg-laying.
Birds are less likely to experience fear in these enriched cages because they are in a
smaller stable group of hens and will not be fearful of predation.
Ability to perform natural behaviours: Variable. If the enriched cage has a perch and dust
bathing area, the hens will be able to perform those behaviours provided also that there is
adequate space and adequate resources so that dominant birds do not guard the resources
preventing others in the group from accessing them.
Therefore, if you are looking to buy cages for your flock, i will advice you purchase an
Enriched/Modified/Furnished Cages
Affordable Chicken Layer Cages for Sale in Kenya
Find top quality and affordable layer cages for sale in Kenya.
Chicken layer cages are generally used in the layer houses since they offer very easy
management for many Kenyan poultry farmers who would like to upgrade the farming and make
a little more intensive. Many Kenyans are increasingly preferring the chicken layer cages in
Kenya due to their many numerous advantages such as ease of management of the hens along
with the ease of management of the eggs laid.
Above is a 128 capacity chicken cage for sale in Kenya which comes with full
accessories and fixtures along with 1 year warranty
For smaller chicken house or smaller number of chickens, you can simply use a two-tier
layer cage. Two tiers are stacked up to two levels. You should transfer the layers during the
second laying cycle. Layers are generally kept in two laying cycles. The first cycle is the rearing
cycle when you put them on chick and growers mash. This is generally the period from 0-20
Chicken Cages in Kenya offer you efficient management, less labor, less diseases and
more productivity
The second part refers to week 21 to week 60 when the hens begin laying eggs. This is
usually a period of 40 weeks or 10 months. This is the period when you should introduce the
hens into the layer cages. The price of the chicken cages in Kenya depends on your capacity and
the installation cost.
A 128-capacity chicken cage in Kenya currently goes for Ksh.35,000. You can call us
0717444786 for inquiries about these cages.
Prices of the chicken cages in Kenya can start from as low as Ksh.35,000 for a chicken
cage with a capacity of 128 chickens. The cages are made of the starter parts and the follower
parts. The starter parts have the medication tanks and they supply fresh and clean drinking water
to the rest of layer cages as well as the follower parts or sections of the cage.
Farmers can add as many follower sections as they wish based on their capacity or
number of layers that they wish to add to the cages simultaneously. What will limit the length of
the follower cages is really the length of the house.
Layer cages are built with a nipple drinking system which comes as part of the cage. The
nipple drinker is installed above the chicken and allows them to get water by pecking at the
nipple. There is a trough that runs along the length of the chicken cage in order to make it easy to
feed the chickens.
Cage-Free Systems
1. Free Run
Hens are raised free from battery cages and are kept entirely indoors on a barn floor. Free
run housing that provides deep-bedded sawdust (or other fibrous bedding material) is often
referred to as a deep-litter system. Free run housing does not necessarily provide more space per
hen than conventional battery cages, and is not required to provide resources such as nest boxes,
perches, or a substrate for dustbathing.
While free run hens have no access to the outdoors, the barns may be designed to allow
natural light to enter.
NOTE: The "free run" label that may be seen on some broiler (meat) chicken can
mislead consumers by suggesting that meat chickens are raised in cages. In fact, no meat
chickens are raised in cages; they are either free run or free range.
Access to food and water: Is good and consistent in these systems as long as a sufficient
access is provided in each cage. It is recommended that feed be provided in ground form rather
than pelleted form, in order to encourage food-directed pecking behaviour and to decrease the
likelihood of feather-pecking.
Physical comfort: Variable, depending on the space provided per bird. If the litter is well
maintained, painful foot injuries will not be a problem.
Emotional well-being: As the birds in a flock establish their hierarchy, some may be
aggressive which may cause fearfulness in some birds; therefore it is important to provide the
hens with escape areas.
Ability to perform natural behaviours: Well-managed free run facilities with appropriate
stocking densities allow the hens to roam freely in the barn and explore their surroundings. If
these systems provide nest boxes, perches and dust bathing areas in sufficient quantity, the hens
in the flock will be able to fulfill their full range of natural behaviours. Studies show that birds
who use perches regularly have stronger bones and are therefore less likely to suffer from painful
injuries common in their battery-caged counterparts.
2. Free Range
Hens are free from battery cages and are allowed access to the outside. As with free-run
housing, free-range systems do not necessarily provide more space than conventional battery
cages, and are not required to provide resources such as nest boxes, perches, or a substrate for
Access to food and water: Adequate feeders and drinkers must be available to the flock to
ensure that all birds have good access. It is recommended that feed be provided in ground form
rather than pelleted form, in order to encourage food-directed pecking behaviour and to decrease
the likelihood of feather pecking.
Thermal comfort: Will be variable in these systems; however, since hens can choose
whether to be indoors or outdoors, their thermal comfort will likely be good. Flocks with access
to the outdoors also require shade during the summer as well as shelter from rain.
Physical comfort: Variable depending on the space provided per bird, as per “free run”
Emotional well-being: As the birds in a flock establish their hierarchy, some may be
aggressive which may cause fearfulness in some birds and providing escape areas will help
alleviate that. Any flock with access to the outside must be protected from external threats such
as predators.
Ability to perform natural behaviours: As with “free run” above. Access to the outside
also gives the birds the opportunity to forage for food as they like.
Chapter 11
There is no magic to feeding chickens. Small flock producers can choose from many
brands of feed produced by several manufacturers. These manufactured feeds are computer
formulated by company nutritionists to provide optimal nutrition for the particular type and age
of chicken being fed.
The formulation of these feeds, which is similar to commercial feeds, is based on years of
research on commercial chickens. They are considered a complete diet, containing all of the
nutrients required by chickens. In most cases, supplemental vitamins are unnecessary if these
feeds are fed exclusively.
Feeds are formulated and manufactured for chickens to meet their nutritional needs at
specific ages and production characteristics. For example, starter feeds are fed to chicks from
hatch to a few weeks of age. Grower and developer feeds are fed to “adolescent” growing
chickens, while layer or breeder feeds are fed to chickens that are producing eggs.
The ingredients in these different types of feeds are similar; however, the proportions
vary to provide the proper level of nutrition for the particular birds being fed. Each sack is
labeled with its specific use.
It is important to feed egg producing chickens the appropriate feed from hatch through
their productive years to maximize their productivity. Feeding improperly at any stage can result
in poor egg production. Whether they are bantams or large fowl, white or brown egg layers, all
chickens’ requirements for protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are similar.
Your birds rely on you to provide them with proper feed. If you do, they will produce
many high quality eggs for the family and customers. Following a few simple feeding rules can
lead to a healthy and productive flock.
Commercially raised layers hens receive three diets during the growing phase: starter,
grower, and developer/layers mash. Most feed stores sell only one or two types of feeds for
raising replacement pullets.
* Feed if only a single feed is available, and use during the entire growing period.
Starter feeds
Feed newly hatched chicks a starter diet until they are about 6 weeks old. Starter diets are
formulated to give proper nutrition to fast growing baby chickens. These feeds usually contain
between 18 and 20 percent protein.
It is not necessary to feed “meat bird starter” to young layer chickens. Diets formulated
for starting meat chickens are higher in protein (22 percent) to maximize growth, which is not
necessary or desirable for egg laying chickens and is higher in cost.
Once the birds reach about 6 weeks of age, substitute a grower feed for the starter.
Grower feeds are about 15 or 16 percent protein and are formulated to sustain good growth to
After about 14 weeks of age, you can substitute the grower feed with developer feeds if
they are available. These feeds are lower in protein than grower feeds (14 to 15 percent) and are
formulated to prepare young chickens for egg production.
Note: These two feed types are virtually interchangeable; either one can be fed to
chickens between 6 weeks of age and the beginning of egg production.
Once your chickens begin laying eggs, you can choose between layer and breeder feeds.
Your choice of feed at this stage depends on how the eggs will be used.
Layer feeds are formulated for chickens that are laying table eggs (those used for food).
Layer feeds contain about 16 percent protein and extra calcium so that the chickens will lay eggs
with strong shells.
Start feeding layer feeds at about 20 weeks of age or when the first egg is laid, whichever
occurs first. Breeder feeds are formulated for chickens that are producing eggs for hatching.
These feeds basically are layer feeds containing slightly more protein and fortified with extra
vitamins for proper chick development and hatching.
However, use of breeder feeds is somewhat questionable for the small flock producer,
since the increased cost may not be justified by the potentially slight increase in hatchability.
You also may give both laying and breeding chickens access to ground oyster shell.
Some high-producing laying birds may require the extra calcium provided by oyster shell, even
though the prepared diet is a complete feed. The need to feed oyster shell can be determined by
shell quality.
If eggs are laid with thin shells that are easily cracked or shells that are rough with almost
a sandpaper feel, oyster shell may help to increase shell strength and quality. When feeding
oyster shell, provide a separate feeder allowing free choice feeding on oyster shell.
Medicated feeds
Most commercial starter diets are medicated to prevent common yet serious diseases in
chicken flocks. Medications are less common in grower or layer diets. Feeds that contain
medications are labeled as such.
Check the label for warnings concerning the medication used in feeds. Withdrawal dates
will be indicated on the label if there is a risk of the medication’s presence in the eggs. Feed
medications are highly researched and regulated, so you can be confident that the eggs are safe to
eat if you follow the label instructions.
If you wish to use non medicated feeds, they usually are available or can be ordered.
However, in some cases, mortality levels, especially in young chicks, may rise to unacceptable
levels if non medicated feeds are fed.
Water is the single most important nutrient that chickens consume. Therefore, it is
necessary to provide adequate amounts of clean, fresh water daily during growth and egg
Chickens will drink between two and three times as much water by weight as they eat in
feed. Their consumption of water increases in warm weather.
Scratch (grains)
Chickens love to scratch. They use their feet to disturb the litter or ground to find various
seeds, greens, grit, or insects to eat. Feeding scratch grains can promote this behavior, which
gives the birds exercise and keeps them busy.
However, feeding scratch to chickens is not necessary when they are receiving a
complete diet. Scratch feeds usually are cracked, rolled, or whole grains such as corn, barley,
oats, or wheat, which are relatively low in protein and high in energy or fiber depending on
which grains are used.
When fed in concert with prepared feeds, they dilute nutrient levels in the carefully
formulated diets. Therefore, you should provide scratch sparingly. A general rule of thumb is to
feed only as much scratch as the chickens can consume in about 20 minutes, or about 10 to 15
percent of their total daily food consumption.
When feeding scratch, also provide an insoluble grit so that the birds can grind and digest
the grains properly. If the birds have access to the ground they usually can find enough grit in the
form of small rocks or pebbles.
Otherwise, you can purchase grit. Oyster shell cannot be substituted for grit because it is
too soft to aid in grinding.
Chickens, like other family pets, enjoy many of the same foods their owners do.
However, excessive feeding of table scraps and greens may not be beneficial to the birds or to
their productivity.
Some supplementation is fine, in fact, greens help to keep egg yolks deep yellow in color
but, as with scratch, these foods should be limited. The same rule applies here: the total
supplementation of scratch and table scraps should be no more than can be cleaned up in about
20 minutes.
Feeding management
The mechanics of feeding are nearly as important as the feed itself. Supply enough feeder
space so that all the birds can eat at the same time. When space is limited, some birds don’t get
enough to eat.
Keep feed available for the birds constantly (ad libitum). Meal feeding (giving a limited
amount of feed several times each day) can reduce productivity if not managed carefully.
Place feeders and waterers so that the trough is at the level of the birds’ backs. This
practice reduces feed spillage, which encourages rodents, wastes feed, and costs money. If
bantams and large fowl are feeding and drinking from the same equipment, adjust it to the
Store feed for a maximum of 2 months, and keep it in a cool, dry place. Some molds that
grow in damp feeds are dangerous for chickens, and old feeds can lose some of their nutritional
The A-Z of making your own quality chicken feed at home to cut costs
In Summary
❖ Poor quality feeds lead to a slow growth in chickens, low egg production, diseases or
even death.
❖ Making poultry feeds on the farm is one of the best ways to maintain quality.
Except for a few feed manufacturers who keep to the standards in poultry feed
formulations, many feed companies in the country make very poor quality feeds, a situation
which has led huge losses.
Poor quality feeds lead to a slow growth in chickens, low egg production, diseases or
even death. Making poultry feeds on the farm is one of the best ways to maintain quality and cut
the cost of production.
The common ingredients are whole maize, maize germ, cotton seed cake, soya beans,
sunflower or fish meal (omena).
In addition, farmers need to add several feed additives (micronutrients, minerals and
vitamins) to make sure their chicken have a balanced feed that meets their daily nutrient
Material is available cheaply, especially after the harvesting season. Depending on the
cost of raw material, farmers who make their own feeds at home save between 30 to 50 per cent
for every 70kg bag of chicken feed, depending on the source of their raw materials.
Due to government regulation, major feed companies have reduced the standard quantity
of feed from 70kg to 50kg per bag, but the price of feed still remains almost the same.
This means that farmers who are able to make their own feeds make great savings on
feeds which take up to 80 per cent of the production costs.
To formulate feeds, farmers have to use the Pearson Square method. In this method, the
digestible crude protein (DCP) is the basic nutritional requirement for any feed preparation for
all animals and birds.
Now, assuming that a farmer wants to make feed for their chicken using this method,
they have to know the crude protein content of each of the ingredients they want to use to make
their feed.
The following are the DCP values for each of the common ingredients used in feed
Whole maize — 8.23%
Soya — 45%
Fishmeal (omena) — 55%
Maize bran — 7%
Sunflower — 35%
Each category of chicken has its nutritional requirement. For example, if we want to
make feed for layers, the feed should have at least 18 per cent crude protein.
If one was to formulate feed for layers, then they would have to calculate the percentage
of DCP in each of the ingredients they want to use to ensure that the total crude protein content is
at least 18 per cent.
Therefore, to make a 70kg bag of feed for layers, a farmer would require the following
To find out if all the above ingredients meet this standard of 18% crude protein, a farmer
can do a simple calculation as follows:
To get the total crude protein percentage of all these ingredients in a 70kg bag of feed, the
farmer should take this crude protein content of the combined ingredients, divide by 70kg and
multiply by 100, thus — 13.30 ÷70 ×100 = 19%; this shows that the crude protein content of the
above feed formulation is 19%, which is quite adequate for layers.
To ensure the chicken to get all they need in terms of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals
and amino acids, you need these additives in their standard quantities.
In order to make it even simpler for farmers who would wish to make their own feeds,
below are feed formulations for each category of chickens and stage of growth already worked
out such that all the farmer needs is to buy the ingredients and mix them:
Growing chicks require feed with Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) of between 18 to 20
per cent. The following formulation can be used to make a 70kg bag of layers chick mash:
Growers (pullets or young layers) should be provided with feed having a protein content
of between 16 and 18 per cent. Such feed makes the young layers to grow fast in preparation for
egg laying:
10kg of whole maize
17kg of maize germ
13kg of wheat pollard
10kg of wheat bran
6kg of cotton seed cake
5kg of sunflower cake
3.4kg of soya meal
2.07kg of lime
700g of bone meal
3kg of fishmeal
14g of salt
1g of coccidiostat
18g of Pre-mix
1g of zinc bacitracitrach
7g of mycotoxin binder
Layer feed should contain a Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) content of between 16-18
per cent.
The feed should contain calcium (lime) for the formation of eggshells (laying hens that
do not get enough calcium will use the calcium stored in their own born tissue to produce
If you would like also to learn about broilers feed formulation, below is the procedure:
Broilers have different feed requirements in terms of energy, proteins and minerals
during different stages of their growth. It is important that farmers adapt feed rations to these
requirements for maximum production.
Young broilers have a high protein requirement for the development of muscles, feathers,
etc. As the broilers grow, their energy requirements for the deposit of fat increase and their
protein requirements decrease.
They therefore require high protein content in their starter rations than in the grower and
finisher rations.
Broilers should have feed that has between 22 -24 per cent DCP. The following
guidelines can help the farmer to make the right feed at each stage of growth:
35g of lysine
35g of Threonine
NOTE: For farmers who have more than 500 chickens, it is advisable to make 1 ton of
feed at once (There are 14 bags of feed in one ton).
Therefore, to make 1 tonne of feed, all a farmer needs is to multiply each of the
ingredients by 14. Ensure that all the feed you make will last for one month and not longer —
this ensures the feed remains fresh and safe for chickens. Any feed that lasts more than one
month may deteriorate in quality and can affect your chickens.
Farmers should maintain the right feed quantities for chicken at each stage of growth as
shown below:
❖ Young chickens (or pullets) which are about to start laying eggs should be fed 60g for 2
and ½ months and then put on layer diet (140g per day). Supplement the feed with
vegetables, edible plant leaves and fruit peelings in addition to their feed rations.
❖ Broiler chicks require 67g per day. Broiler finishers require 67g of feed per day to the
day of slaughter.
❖ Chickens are very sensitive to aflatoxins- never use rotten maize (maozo) while making
Farmers who need raw materials for feed making including feed additives (pre-mixes and
amino acids) can order them from agro veterinary shops nearest to them.
There are also companies doing calibration services for farmers who wish to make feeds
in large scale farming enterprises and even for any farmer who requires these services.
Buy quality fishmeal from reputable companies. If omena is used, the farmers must be
sure of its quality; most of the omena in the open-air markets may be contaminated. Farmers are
advised to go for soya meal if they cannot get good quality omena.
Always mix the micronutrients (amino acids) first before mixing them with the rest of the
For mixing, farmers are advised to use a drum mixer (many jua kali artisans can make
one). Never use a shovel to mix feed because the ingredients will be unevenly distributed.
Important: To improve on the feed quality, farmers making their own feeds should
always have it tested to ensure the feed is well balanced.
The KARI Centre in Naivasha has modern feed testing equipment that can test all
nutrients and even the quality of the raw material used. It costs Ksh.1,000 to test one sample.
After preparing your feed, take a 1kg sample; send it by courier to KARI, Naivasha, Tel.
0726 264 032 or 0738 390 715. If you are on email, the centre can send the results to you within
24 hours.
Chapter 12
Health Management
The demand for vaccination of layers flock has increased with the popularity of keeping
No! Vaccine can be 100% effective, if the birds are vaccinated but exposed to large levels
of the wild disease then the immunity generated by the vaccine can be overcome. Also many
diseases, such as Infectious Bronchitis (IB), will have several strains so it may mean the strain
your bird has been vaccinated against may not be the same as the disease strains in your area.
Many of the vaccines come in large doses for commercial flocks and therefore there is a
lot of wastage for people with a small flock; however even with the waste it is still reasonably
cheap to vaccinate.
It is very important to remember that the success of the vaccination depends on good
vaccination technique. Vaccines are very vulnerable and are therefore easily destroyed.
There are a range of diseases which can be vaccinated against but below are some of the
most common ones:
❖ Mareks Disease
❖ Infectious Bronchitis (IB)
❖ Avian RhinoTracheitis (ART)
❖ Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG)
❖ Salmonella
Should I vaccinate?
The need to vaccinate, and which disease you should vaccinate against will depend on
your holding, the number of birds you are keeping and whether or not you buy in or sell out
The three respiratory diseases (IB/ MG/ ART) can all be vaccinated against. If you have
respiratory disease on your holding it is probably worth getting a blood test carried out to
ascertain which of these diseases are involved to ensure you are vaccinating against the correct
ones. In general, if you are buying or selling a lot of birds it is worth considering vaccinating
against all three. The vaccination consists of giving your birds two injections four weeks apart
followed by an annual booster.
Salmonella vaccination consists of giving your birds two injections four weeks apart
followed by an annual booster. However it is important to note that the vaccination only protects
your birds against S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium and as such your birds have the potential to
pick up other Salmonella species.
In conclusion, you can vaccinate against a number of diseases and which ones you should
vaccinate against will depend on your individual holding, how many birds you have, if you
buying/selling a lot of birds and which diseases have been found on your holding in the past.
Please remember vaccination is not without its problems and it is not 100% effective.
If you are considering and you are a beginner in raising layers poultry vaccination please
contact a Chicken Vet for advice on vaccinations.
Vaccination advice
❖ do not add vaccine to chlorinated water without using a protective dyee
❖ make sure the area where you make up the vaccine is clean
❖ do not contaminate the vaccine with disinfectants
❖ do not withdraw the water for too long
❖ make sure the birds all have vaccine added water at the same time
Vaccines by injection
The most common times to give a vaccine by injection is at day old for Mareks disease or
at point of lay to ensure a good level of protection during lay against Infectious Bronchitis,
Turkey Rhiontracheitis Virus, Newcastle Disease, Egg Drop Syndrome and possibly
Mycoplasma gallisepticum.
Ensure you learn how to vaccinate birds by injection as there are many problems and
possible welfare issues if the technique, which is not difficult, is not carried out correctly.
A variety of diseases affect poultry of all kinds, ages and sexes. But certain ailments
primarily strike laying hens. These diseases cause reproductive issues and can kill your bird.
Practicing good preventive measures can reduce the chances of your hens becoming ill. These
include quarantining new hens for at least three weeks before introducing them to your flock.
A disease can spread rapidly among chickens because they are usually kept together in a
cage or chicken house. They also share the same food and waterbowls, which can spread disease
and infections from sick to healthy chickens.
In an intensive system we place a great deal of pressure on the chickens to grow fast and
to lay many eggs. This situation can cause disease to spread resulting in a lot of damage because
of the stress the chickens experience
Factors that can contribute to disease include management, environment and the chickens
❖ Chickens of mixed ages reared together
❖ No security measures to prevent people and animals from entering the chicken house
❖ Young chickens
❖ Weak second-grade chickens
❖ Chickens affected with other diseases
❖ Poor condition as a result of underfeeding
❖ No vaccination
You must act quickly at the first signs of disease. The chickens must be treated, and
management that may have led to the problem must be corrected to prevent the disease from
occurring again
❖ Consult your animal health technician or veterinarian to help you find a correct solution
to your problem as soon as possible
❖ Call your animal health technician or veterinarian. They will kill some of the sick
chickens and cut them open. They will also cut open dead chickens and take samples.
They may take blood or egg samples, depending on the disease. The samples taken will
be sent to a laboratory.
❖ You and your animal health technician or veterinarian should then go through the entire
system to identify possible problems in the management and environment that can be
❖ There are not many forms of treatment or in certain cases no treatment for some diseases,
which is why prevention is so important
❖ The treatment will depend on the cause of the disease
❖ If it is at all possible, try to separate all sick chickens from the healthy ones daily. The
sick chickens should be handled and treated last to prevent the spread of the disease
❖ Correct management problems
❖ Apply correct methods for raising young chicks (temperature, food, water, bedding)
❖ Disinfect and clean the housing of the different groups of chicks
❖ Maintain the correct stocking density (avoid over-crowding)
❖ Use the best-quality food that is available and provide clean water daily
❖ Use bedding that is not dusty
❖ Prevent the buildup of gases by cleaning and ventilation
❖ Control rats and flies
❖ Ensure that no people from outside your farm visit the chicken house
❖ Have bird-proof houses to keep out wild birds that eat the food and bring diseases to your
❖ Ensure that the building or house you are going to use is large enough for the chickens
❖ Fix leaky water troughs
❖ Feed and water bowls should be cleaned daily and fresh food and water should be
❖ Dust causes irritation of the respiratory tract and the environment must therefore not be
❖ Use cages for laying hens that do not have sharp edges that can injure the hens.
❖ Make sure that there is sufficient space per hen
Types of disease
There are four main types of disease affecting poultry: metabolic and nutritional
diseases; infectious diseases; parasitic diseases; and behavioural diseases.
2. Infectious diseases
Infectious Coryza, Infectious Laryngotracheitis, Lymphoid Leukosis, Marek’s Disease,
Mycoplasmosis, Necrotic Enteritis, Newcastle Disease and Salmonellosis.
3. Parasitic diseases
Parasitic diseases are infections or infestations with parasitic organisms. They are often
contracted through contact with an intermediate vector, but may occur as the result of direct
exposure. A parasite is an organism that lives in or on, and takes its nourishment from, another
organism. A parasite cannot live independently. These include Coccidiosis, Cryptosporidiosis,
Histomoniasis, Lice and Mites, Parasitic Worms (or Helminths), Toxoplasmosis and
4. Behavioural diseases
Abnormal behavioural patterns can lead to injury or ill health of the abnormally behaving
bird and/or its companions. These include Cannibalism (or aggressive pecking).
Poultry can be affected by many types of disease, and a wide variety of pests (and
behavioural problems) including those in the list below.
❖ Avian Influenza
❖ Avian Encephalomyelitis
❖ Big Liver and Spleen Disease
❖ Chicken Anaemia Virus Infection (or CAV)
❖ Egg drop syndrome (or EDS)
❖ Fowl Pox
❖ Inclusion Body Hepatitis (or Fowl adenovirus type 8 )
❖ Infectious Bronchitis
❖ Infectious Bursal Disease (or Gumboro)
❖ Infectious Laryngotracheitis
❖ Leucosis
❖ Lymphoid Leukosis
❖ Lympoid Tumour Disease (Reticuloendotheliosis)
❖ Marek’s Disease Virus or MDV
❖ Newcastle Disease
❖ Runting/stunting and malabsorption syndromes
❖ Viral Arthritis (Tenosynovitis)
❖ Darkling Beetles
Avian encephalomyelitis
The disease is most common in chickens 1-6 weeks of age. Symptoms usually appear at
7-10 days of age, although they may be present at hatching or delayed for several weeks.
Affected chicks may first show a dull expression of the eyes, followed by unsteadiness, sitting on
hocks, tremors of the head and neck, paresis (weakness or partial paralysis), and finally total
paralysis. Feed and water consumption decreases and birds will lose weight. All stages of the
disease can usually be seen in affected flocks. Muscle tremors are best seen after exercising the
bird and head tremors are best seen by holding the bird inverted. In adult birds a slight transient
drop in egg production may be the only symptom. The disease in turkeys is often milder than in
There is no treatment for AE. Control of the disease is through prevention. To prevent
flocks becoming infected, hatcheries should only accept hatching eggs from immune breeder
flocks. Lifetime immunity is acquired through vaccination or recovery from the disease. Breeder
pullets should be vaccinated between 9-16 weeks of age. It is also recommended for replacement
egg layer pullets to be vaccinated at this age to prevent a temporary drop in egg production.
To minimise the impact of the disease in an infected flock, remove all affected birds and
provide good nursing, including fresh food and water, to the remaining birds. Affected birds
should be killed and incinerated.
Avian influenza
Avian influenza (AI) is a highly contagious viral infection which may cause up to 100%
mortality in chickens. The disease is caused by a virus that belongs to the family
Orthomyxoviridae. Influenza viruses have two surface proteins, haemagglutinin and
neuraminidase, that determine their subtype and the animal species they infect; there are 16
haemagglutinin and nine neuraminidase types.
When AI viruses of two haemagglutinin types, H5 and H7, infect poultry (chickens or
turkeys) they often mutate and virulent disease arises in these birds which is called highly
pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). The initial infection that does not cause or causes minimal
disease is called low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI). Wild water birds act as reservoir hosts
of influenza viruses, however these viruses generally do not cause disease in these birds.
Birds susceptible to AI
All commercial, domestic and wild bird species are susceptible to infection with AI
viruses but disease outbreaks occur more frequently in chickens and turkeys. LPAI viruses are
traditionally spread by migratory wild birds. Many species of waterfowl, especially geese, ducks
and swans, carry the virus but generally show no signs of disease.
Spread of infection
Direct or indirect contact (likely through drinking water) with migratory waterfowl is the
most likely source of infection for poultry. Once established in domestic poultry, infection can
also spread through contact with contaminated equipment or humans. Transmission through the
egg is uncommon, although contamination of the shell does occur. Avian influenza virus is
highly concentrated in the manure and in nasal and eye discharges.
Prevention of infection
Develop biosecurity plans to prevent avian influenza viruses gaining entry to commercial
poultry flocks. The plans are aimed at limiting possible contact between wild birds and domestic
poultry through contaminated water and food supplies and transfer of infection by the
mechanical movement of infection on fomites such as on the clothing and footwear of persons
and on equipment, containers, vehicles etc. Treatment of surface water by chlorination to
inactivate the virus is essential if it is to be supplied to poultry and aviary birds.
Avian Intestinal Spirochaetosis (AIS) is a disease that affects commercial laying and
meat breeding hens and results from the colonisation of the caeca and rectum by one or more
species of anaerobic spirochaetal bacteria. AIS was first described in the 1990s in commercial
chickens from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and the United States. Seven species of the
bacterium are capable of colonising poultry hosts, but only three are considered to be pathogenic.
Of these, Brachyspira intermedia is considered the most common and significant species.
AIS is characterised by chronic diarrhoea in diseased birds, and subsequently results in
faecal staining of eggs and wet litter. The resultant wet litter is an industrial problem and
necessitates the mechanical cleaning of cages. A delay and (or) reduction of egg laying capacity
is also observed, and hatched broiler chicks from eggs of infected parents show reduced
performance compared to those of healthy parents. The significance of AIS is often
unappreciated due to the variable clinical signs of the disease. In addition, the isolation of the
bacterium can only be achieved using specialised media and techniques.
Currently there are no antimicrobial compounds that are registered for treatment of, or
vaccines for prevention of , AIS. Compounds that are used to treat or prevent spirochaetosis in
pigs have also been used in laying chickens with limited success, and importantly have not
provided any long term control with recurrence of infection and reduction in performance
occurring within 3 weeks to 3 months.
Avian tuberculosis
Avian tuberculosis is chronic bacterial infection that spreads slowly through a flock. All
bird species appear to be susceptible, however pheasants seem highly susceptible. The disease is
more common in captive than wild birds, however it is uncommon in poultry flocks due to the
poultry husbandry practices and their short life span.
Symptoms do not usually develop until late in the infection and affected hens are usually
more than one year old. The disease in birds is characterised by gradual weight loss, sluggishness
and sometimes lameness. Combs and wattles shrink and become pale. The disease causes
multiple granulomas (a small mass of firm tissue formed as a result of inflammation) to form in a
number of organs, predominantly in the liver, spleen, intestine and bone marrow.
the soil or when protected by organic matter. It is also resistant to acid and alkali. Infected birds
with advanced granulomas excrete the bacteria in their faeces. Infected dead birds and offal may
infect penmates, rodents and predators if eaten. The bacterium can spread from bird to bird,
animal to bird and bird to animal. The incubation period is several weeks to months.
There is not treatment for avian tuberculosis. Control is achieved through depopulation
and good biosecurity practices including rodent control, screening against wild birds, isolation
from other birds and animals and good sanitation. Dirt-floored houses should have several inches
of the floor removed and replaced with dirt from a place where poultry have not been
A victim of cannibalism
Pecking is the natural means by which poultry investigate their surroundings and
establish a stable social order, however this behaviour can escalate to the stage where birds will
literally peck each other to death (cannibalism). All forms of commercial poultry can experience
cannibalism as it a behavioural problem that can develop into a habit that will persist and spread
within a flock as a learned behaviour, even after the initial causes of the behaviour have been
Cannibalism often starts as feather pulling or picking while the birds are only a few
weeks old, or as investigative pecking at any age. These behaviours can escalate to aggressive
pecking, particularly if injury occurs. Scientific study has shown that any stressor (or
combination of stressors) can trigger this behaviour and can lead to serious aggressive pecking
and cannibalism.
These stressors include crowding, bright light intensity, high room temperature, poor
ventilation, high humidity, low salt, trace nutrient deficiency, insufficient feeding or drinking
space, nervous and excitable birds (hereditary), external parasites, access to sick or injured birds,
stress from moving, boredom and idleness, housing birds of different appearance together and
birds prolapsing during egg-laying.
As cannibalism can become a learned behaviour it can be difficult to treat once it has
started in a flock. Therefore prevention should be the main aim and as such, good husbandry
practices should aim to minimise the stressors listed above as potential causes for cannibalism.
Some strains of birds have been shown to have a higher tendency towards developing aggressive
pecking behaviour and therefore strains that are more placid should be preferred.
The broad range of factors that can trigger cannibalism can make it very difficult for
management to control all of these factors for the entire life of the flock. Bright light is a known
factor that leads to cannibalism but control of lighting levels in some poultry housing systems
can be very difficult, if not impossible (such as in free range systems). Where outbreaks of
cannibalism have occurred in a flock, or where there is a reasonable concern that management
strategies can not be guaranteed to prevent an outbreak, then beak trimming of the birds may be
used as a control measure. Trimming of the sharp tip of the upper, and sometimes also lower,
beak reduces the damage that is caused by aggressive pecking.
The spread of the behaviour may be able to be controlled if the injured and aggressive
birds can be rapidly identified and removed from the flock. Provision of escape areas may also
help in floor-housed flocks. Other control methods that have been tested include the use of
spectacles to prevent forward vision, bits that prevent complete closure of the beak and coloured
contact lenses to prevent the identification of blood on another bird.
There is evidence that cannibalism may be alleviated through the use of high fibre diets.
It is believed that high fibre diets enhance gut development and gizzard function, which in turn
help reduce aggressive behaviour in hens.
Egg Drop Syndrome
The only signs of egg drop syndrome appear in the eggs. Laying hens who outwardly
appear healthy will begin producing eggs that either lack shells or have too-thin ones. Some hens
might experience diarrhea shortly before thin-shelled eggs start appearing. According to the
University of Florida extension website, researchers believe egg drop syndrome originally
resulted from chickens inoculated with contaminated vaccine. Egg drop syndrome can pass from
asymptomatic hens to their otherwise healthy chicks, the chicks spreading the virus in their stool.
While no treatment exists for egg drop syndrome, a hen will usually resume quality egg
production after she has gone through a molt.
Always feed your laying hen nutritious feed that is specially prepared for laying hens.
This is not only helpful for better egg production but also help to keep your hens healthy. Many
diseases affect the flock due to nutritional imbalances in homemade cheap feed. Especially
laying hens suffers much due to lack of proper amount of phosphorus and calcium ratio. If you
notice any hen which is alert but unable to move, then she might be suffering from caged layer
If not treated timely, she might die by dehydration. Move the affected birds to another
cage and supply her fresh water and quality feed. If you use cheap, low quality homemade feed,
replace it as soon as possible and serve quality feed. This will help you avoiding further
instances of diseases in your flock. Raising you flock in free range system can be helpful for
preventing the disease.
Your laying hens can be affected by rickets disease due to lack of vitamin D or proper
ratio of calcium and phosphorus in their regular feed. Soft and bowed bones, thin shelled eggs,
lameness, fractured limbs, low egg production etc. are symptoms of this disease. If you feed your
flock commercially prepared layer feed, then chances of getting affected by rickets disease is
less. Because most of these commercial layer feed contain proper ratio of all necessary nutrients,
vitamins and minerals.
Egg Peritonitis
If the peritoneum or abdominal lining get infected and inflamed, then Egg peritonitis
might occur in your laying hen. Usually this occurs because a yolk did not head out the oviduct
of your laying hen as it should and went into the abdominal cavity. Odd stance or swollen
abdomen is the symptoms of Egg Peritontis. You can try antibiotics. It will fight with the
infection and drain the abdomen. But in most cases, the laying hens die that is affected by egg
Coccidiosis is one of the most common and economically important diseases of chickens
worldwide. It is caused by a parasitic organism that damages the host’s intestinal system, causing
loss of production, morbidity and death. This disease has a major economic impact on the global
poultry industry.
Coccidia life-cycle
Several cycles of replication occur which lead to the formation of new oocysts which are
shed in the faeces. Depending on environmental conditions (including temperature and
humidity), the oocysts sporulate and become infective. The entire cycle takes 4 to 6 days. This
short, direct, life-cycle combined with the potential for massive replication during the
intracellular phase, makes this group of parasites a serious problem under intensive farming
Intestinal damage
The following photos show intestinal damage caused by various species of Eimeria in
chickens. Source: The Merck Veterinary Manual
E. acervulina E. brunetti E. necatrix E. tenella
It is the replicative phases of the parasite which lead to damage in the intestinal tissues.
Individual birds may show no clinical signs, or may suffer a mild loss of appetite, weight loss or
decreased weight gain, diarrhoea (which can be bloody), dehydration and death.
Resistance develops rapidly and infections can be self-limiting, but naïve birds which
consume large numbers of oocysts can be severely affected and die. Immunity is strictly species-
specific which means that birds exposed to one Eimeria remain susceptible to infection from all
other species.
The degree of injury caused by the seven species varies, with some developing deep in
the intestinal mucosa, causing wide-spread damage and distinct gross lesions (e.g., E. tenella).
Other species are less destructive but may still have a significant impact on production. All
species are potentially of importance economically.
The following diagrams show the intestinal sites parasitised by various species of
Eimeria in chickens. Source: The Merck Veterinary Manual
E. necatrix E. praecox E. tenella
Methods of Control
Eimeria are present world-wide, and are ubiquitous under intensive farming methods. Up
to six species have been shown to occur simultaneously on one farm. The omni-present nature of
Eimeria precludes eradication as a practical option for control. Since species-specific immunity
develops rapidly, the management of coccidiosis aims to achieve a balance between allowing
natural immunity to build up and preventing high oocyst exposure to naïve birds. Hygiene,
anticoccidial drugs and vaccines all play major roles.
Anticoccidial Drugs
Chemotherapy has been the main approach for controlling coccidiosis in chickens. Anti-
coccidial drugs are usually used preventatively and if a farmer were to wait for overt signs of
disease before treating the flock, morbidity and mortality would be high and the economic
damage already done. Almost all commercial, intensively farmed flocks are administered anti-
coccidial drugs prophylactically. When given at the correct low preventative doses, Eimeria
species are able to complete their life-cycles without large numbers of infective oocysts building
up in the environment. Such subclinical infections result in the development of strong, specific
natural immunity without overt disease.
Live, virulent vaccines have been utilized since the 1960s and live attenuated vaccines
have become available since the 1980s. The attenuated strains have been selected for rapid
passage through the host. Consequently, they have low reproductive potential and have lost their
virulence, but still have strong immunogenicity. Importantly, they cause no post-vaccinal
decrease in weight gain, and are therefore suitable for use in broiler flocks.
Fatty liver syndrome occurs through accumulating too much fat in the liver of a hen.
Hemorrhaging and death are the symptoms of this disease. Hens have pale combs which is
affected by fatty liver syndrome. Feeds containing too much carbohydrates can results much fat
in your laying hens. Decrease the amount of carbohydrates in their feed and slightly change their
feeding habit. The chickens that are raised in cage method system, affect much by this disease.
On the other hand, free range chickens suffers less by this disease.
Fowl pox
Fowl pox is a relatively slow-spreading viral infection that affects most bird species,
including all commercial forms of poultry. It occurs in both a wet and dry form. The wet form is
characterised by plaques in the mouth and upper respiratory tract. The dry form is characterised
by wart-like skin lesions that progress to thick scabs. The disease may occur in any age of bird,
at any time. Mortality is usually not significant unless the respiratory involvement is severe.
Fowl pox can cause depression, reduced appetite and poor growth or egg production. The course
of the disease in the individual bird takes three to five weeks.
Fowl pox is caused by an avian DNA pox virus. There are five or six closely related
viruses that primarily affect different species of birds but there is some cross-infection. Infection
occurs through skin abrasions or bites, through the respiratory route and possibly through
ingestion of infective scabs.
There is no treatment for fowl pox and prevention is through vaccination of replacement
birds. Where preventative vaccination is used, all replacement chickens are vaccinated when the
birds are six to ten weeks of age and one application of fowl pox vaccine results in permanent
Vaccination of broilers is not usually required unless the mosquito population is high or
infections have occurred previously. Chicks may be vaccinated as young as one day of age.
During outbreaks, unaffected flocks and individuals may be vaccinated to help limit the spread.
If there is evidence of secondary bacterial infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics may help reduce
morbidity and mortalities. As mosquitoes are known reservoirs, mosquito control procedures
may be of some benefit in limiting spread in poultry confined in houses.
Lice and mites are common external parasites of poultry. Lice are insects, while mites
belong to the same family as spiders. There are a large number of lice and mite species that can
infest poultry under the appropriate conditions. They are either blood-suckers or live on dry skin
scales, feathers or scabs on the skin.
Adults can survive for 4-5 days away from the host. Therefore, infestation can be spread
by direct contact between birds but also through contact with infested litter etc. They are more
common and difficult to control in floor-based housing systems than in cage systems. Symptoms
of infestation can include scratching, poor feather condition, unthriftiness, nervous behaviour and
anaemia can occur with severe blood-sucking infestations.
Flocks should be kept away from backyard or wild birds and individual birds examined
regularly for adult parasites and eggs. Infestations can be treated with appropriate chemical
pesticides, either as dry powders or liquid sprays. Effective biosecurity procedures such as an all-
in/all-out clean out between flocks will help manage these pests.
Newcastle disease
Newcastle disease is a highly contagious viral infection that affects many species of
domestic and wild birds to varying degrees. The disease can result in digestive, respiratory
and/or nervous clinical signs, which range from a mild, almost inapparent respiratory disease to
very severe depression, drop in egg production, increased respiration, profuse diarrhoea followed
by collapse, or long-term nervous signs (such as twisted necks), if the birds survive. Severe
forms of the disease are highly fatal.
Newcastle disease is caused by a paramyxovirus that can vary in pathogenicity from mild
to highly pathogenic. Spread is usually by direct physical contact with infected or diseased birds.
The virus is present in manure and is breathed out into the air. Other sources of infection are
contaminated equipment, carcasses, water, food and clothing. People can easily carry the virus
from one shed or farm to another. Newcastle disease virus does not affect humans in the same
way that it does birds but it can cause conjunctivitis in humans.
The following are some of the problems which farmers encounter. Many of them can be
avoided if the farmer is informed.
These problems could lead to serious economic losses if they are not addressed promptly.
This is when chicken peck and injure each other. It starts when one bird gets injured and
others peck it. The victim often bleeds to death.
You can prevent this by trimming the birds’ beaks. Immediately remove of the injured
bird to prevent serious injuries.
The vice of egg eating may develop if a hen lays soft shelled eggs. This happens when
there is a nutritional deficiency.
For this reason, layers’ mash must have a good balance of nutrients. If a hen watches
another one laying an egg, it is tempted to peck at the emerging egg and break it. Once the egg is
broken, hens will immediately eat it.
You need to construct proper nests to avoid this. Individual nests should be big enough to
allow only one hen at a time. If communal nests are used, they should be partially covered so as
to make them dark.
You can also opt to use hen cages to avoid this egg eating problem.
Broodiness is a natural tendency where hens try to incubate their eggs. Commercial
layers do not have this characteristic because it was bred out. However, once in a while, a few
hens in the flock may become broody.
A broody hen is unproductive and sits in the nest, inconveniencing others. Such a hen
should be isolated and kept on a rough floor until it loses broodiness.
Then, it can be returned to the laying house to resume laying eggs.
Due to either ill health or infertility or both, some hens may fail to lay eggs.
These should be removed from the flock (culling). By 25 weeks (six months), all hens
should be laying eggs.
Thereafter, unproductive birds should be identified promptly and culled to avoid losses
caused by feeding them.
Chickens Laying Soft Eggs Happens More In Warm Weather. Here’s an interesting egg
fact for you: Warm weather brings thin shells as chickens pant. That’s why you see more soft or
shell-less eggs in the summer. Panting helps water evaporate cooling the chicken and causing a
reduction in calcium being put into egg production.
When you’re raising chickens for eggs, it’s best to keep them as stress-free as possible. A
soft shell, or an egg with just a membrane, can happen when a hen rushes laying; maybe she’s
startled by a predator or loud noises. Remember, when raising backyard chickens, it’s important
to learn how to protect chickens from hawks, owls, raccoons, dogs and other predators.
Even if you have the best chickens for laying eggs, soft shells can be a sign of a sick
chicken. Symptoms like soft eggs can mean disease has infiltrated your flock. It’s good to
perform a comb-to-toe checkup on your hens to make sure the flock is healthy.
Age Can Affect Even the Best Chickens For Laying Eggs
Older hens need more calcium. A great supplement is to feed your chickens their own
shells. Save the used shells, clean and microwave them for a few seconds. When they’re crispy,
break them up and mix them with their feed.
You can also add more calcium into your flock’s diet by purchasing a commercial feed
with added calcium. Overall, the occasional soft egg shell isn’t a cause for concern, just
something to keep in mind.
Collecting eggs from the nest boxes is one of the great joys of chicken keeping and when
the yield from the nest boxes isn't what we expect, it can be disappointing, and at times, cause for
concern. A drop in egg production can be one of the first signs of a problem in our flocks and
just as we pay attention to our chickens’ droppings to monitor their health, so too should we pay
attention to the hens' daily egg count for signs of trouble. The following are the most common
causes of a drop in egg production in layers flocks with solutions where possible.
After taking all factors into consideration, the cause often becomes apparent. The
following are some of the causes attributable to a drop in egg production:
Light triggers a hen’s pituitary gland to produce eggs. Regular egg-laying requires 14 to
16 hours of light and decreased daylight hours in autumn and winter can cause egg production to
decline or stop completely. Supplemental light can be added to the coop to encourage egg-laying
with no detrimental effects to the hen despite commonly parroted myths to the contrary.
Molting is the natural process of feather shedding and re-growth. Hens divert protein and
energy away from egg production to concentrate on feather growth. Supplementing a hen’s diet
with extra protein during a molt can aid in feather growth and egg production.
Hens are extremely sensitive to stress and typically respond to it by putting the brakes on
egg-laying. They particularly dislike change, which is a major cause of stress and decline in egg-
laying. Any one of the following can adversely affect egg production: changes in feed, changes
in coop layout, moving to a different farm or coop, adding or losing flock members, annoyance
from a well-intentioned child, a fright from a predator, irritation from internal parasites (worms,
coccidia) or external parasites,(lice, mites, rodents) violent weather, barking dogs and high heat.
A broody hen in the coop can affect a flock’s egg production. Not only does she stop
laying eggs; the mere sight of her sitting on a nest can inspire a chain reaction of hens to brood,
resulting in fewer eggs overall. Broodies should be broken properly or permitted to hatch eggs in
a location away from the nest boxes to ensure a prompt return to egg-laying and to preserve their
Hens that are ill or have parasites such as worms, coccidia, mites or lice, do not perform
optimally. Taken in conjunction with flock history and any other symptoms, a drop in egg
production can indicate that hens are sick or suffering from a parasite infestation.
For example: if a drop in egg production follows the addition of new chickens to the
flock and no other physical symptoms are noted, a communicable disease or parasite should be
suspected and investigated further.
**Any time a sick chicken dies suspiciously, a necropsy (post mortem exam) of the
deceased bird(s) should be performed by an animal pathology lab. Always preserve the body for
a necropsy by keeping it cold, never frozen, until further instruction is received.**
Free-range or pasture-raised hens may fall into the unwelcome habit of laying eggs
outside the coop in secluded locations.
Everyone loves fresh eggs, and chickens are no exception. Hens often start eating eggs
when they discover a broken egg in a nest box. Once a chicken gets the taste of this high-protein,
nutritious snack, it becomes difficult to deter intentional egg breaking and eating.
After two years, a hen’s production naturally declines. An aging flock will naturally
produce fewer eggs after its first one and half years. Nothing can reverse this process.
Various predators can be responsible for egg theft including: raccoons, rats, snakes,
opossums and skunks. Coops should be secured with hardware cloth to ensure that nocturnal
predators cannot gain access to the birds at night when they are most vulnerable.
The wrong feed, too many snacks/treats, overcrowding, mixing commercial layer feed
with scratch/cracked corn/oats, etc. & being physically prevented from getting to the feeders by
another flock member can all lead to nutritional deficiencies, which can result in a drop in egg
Access to clean, fresh, cool water at all times is imperative to the formation of eggs. Egg
production will suffer if a hen's access is limited physically (frozen or too far away) restricted
(prevented from reaching it by another chicken) or unpalatable (dirty/medicated/warm). The
installation of a poultry nipple waterer can solve most water-related problems.
Disease or malfunctions of the oviduct such as egg-binding and internal laying can cause
a drop in egg production. Seek veterinary help for a hen that has a swollen, water-balloon-like
abdomen or signs of egg-looking junk are found.
❖ Allow for good air circulation in your poultry house for egg laying birds
❖ Layer needs on average 120 gm of food per day
❖ Distribute food troughs and water troughs evenly (one basin/50 birds)
❖ Provide grit at 20 weeks, you give your birds small, loose particles of stone or sand.
❖ Laying nests must be kept in dark places, collect eggs 3 times a day, allow a nest for
every 5 layer hens
❖ Provide soft clean litter
❖ Store eggs with the small end facing down
❖ Add greens to the diet of your layers and whenever possible vitamins to their water
❖ Debeak your layer chicken at onset of egg laying
❖ Cull your Layers when egg production drops below 40%. To cull, simply means you
start slaughtering your birds for meat.
Cutting the lip of laying hens is very important. The main benefits are listed below.
Don’t cut their lip two days after or before vaccination, after or before using some
medicines like sulfur. Don’t cut the lip if the hen in a strain, and during adverse weather
conditions and if the hen start laying eggs.
Serve the chicken water mixed with vitamin “K” three days before cutting lips. Wash the
lip cutting instrument with antiseptic. Test the edge and temperature of blade. You have to be
careful, and don’t damage their eyes and tongue. Choose cold weather for cutting their lips. Lip
cutting process should be observed by an experienced technician. After cutting lips, serve them
water in a deep pot. Provide them some extra energy enriched feed.
Common egg shell quality problems, their causes and prevention
These eggs are the result of two eggs entering and making contact with each other in the
shell gland pouch. When this happens, normal calcification (egg shell formation) is interrupted
and the first egg that entered the pouch will get an extra layer of calcium, seen as the white band
marking. Causes for this are:
This can be anywhere from a few spots to a smear to an alarming amount of blood.
Causes are:
❖ Small blood vessels ruptured in the hen’s vagina from excessive straining. This is
more common in young pullets coming into lay and overweight hens;
❖ Cannibalism, vent pecking;
❖ Sudden big increase in length of daylight (when supplementing light in winter
❖ A mite/lice infestation around the vent.
These eggs’ shells got cracked during the calcification process and had a layer of calcium
deposited over the crack before the egg was laid. Some body checks are covered by a thick layer
of calcium, forming an noticeable ridge or band around the egg. Body checks will increase if the
hens are exited or gets startled late in the afternoon/early evening, when the egg shell formation
process begins. Causes of body checks are:
These are similar to body check eggs. The egg shell got cracked during the calcification
process and mended just before being laid. Cause:
❖ Stress, frights or disturbance during the calcification process.
These eggs differ from the normal shape and/or size and can be either too large, too
small, round instead of oval or has major changes in the shape. Shapes can range from minor,
barely noticeable to grossly mis-shaped. Causes are:
6. Calcium deposits
These egg shells have white coloured, irregularly shaped spots deposited onto the
external surface of the shell. It can range from a few spots to a severe deposit, as shown in pic
#6. Causes are:
7. Lack of pigment or uneven pigmentation on egg shells
– Poor nutrition. A deficiency in any of the main nutrients, protein, minerals etc in the
hens’ diet can influence shell colour and formation. Zinc, copper and manganese are thought to
be especially important in transporting pigment onto the shell. It has been suggested that a
magnesium supplement can improve shell colour:
– Viral infections. Infectious bronchitis and it’s variants, Newcastle disease, egg drop
syndrome and avian influenza can cause damage to the oviduct, resulting in loss of shell colour
and other problems:
– Drugs. The coccidiostat drug, Nicarbazin, if present in feed, can interfere with egg shell
– The hen’s age. And older layer will often produce eggs with paler shells, as well as a
hen who had been laying intensively over a long period;
– Stress. Physical stresses, environmental stresses or nutritional stresses can all interfere
with shell pigmentation;
– Exposure to sunlight and high temperatures can produce a fading effect on the shell.
8. Calcium coated egg
These eggs have an extra, powdery layer of calcium, covering either the entire egg, or
just one end of the egg. Causes are:
9. Speckled eggs
Spots or speckles can be either brown or white. They are similar to calcium deposits,
except the speckles are smaller. Speckles may or may not be pigmented. Causes are:
A shell less consists of a yolk, albumen and membrane, but has no shell at all. The egg
contents are protected by the outer membrane only. These are often seen in pullets coming into
lay. Causes are:
When two eggs enter the shell gland pouch shortly after another, normal calcification is
interrupted. The second egg will not be as complete as the first and may be flattened at the side
where the eggs made contact, resulting in a flat or slab side. Causes are:
❖ Overcrowding in coop/run;
❖ Sudden large increase in daily light hours, for example when supplementing light
during winter months.
These eggs’ shells have thinly creased/wrinkled surfaces. The wrinkles can range in
severity from a single small wrinkle to quite a few large wrinkles, as shown in the egg pictured.
Causes are:
This happens when the egg membrane is thinner than it should be, often as a result of
double ovulation (two yolks) and having to stretch thinner to cover the extra egg contents. This
results in insufficient plumping of the egg, leaving a corrugated membrane onto which the shell
gets deposited, so the shell takes on a corrugated appearance as well. Causes are:
❖ Copper deficiency in the hen’s diet;
❖ Excess calcium consumption;
❖ A defective shell gland;
❖ It is often seen with hens recovering from infectious bronchitis;
❖ It can be hereditary.
14. Fart egg aka fairy egg, witch egg, rooster egg or oops eggs
These tiny eggs may or may not have a yolk. Yolk-less fart eggs are often called rooster
eggs. These little eggs are often much darker than normal, as they spend more time in the shell
gland pouch and gets an extra layer or two of pigment. These yolk-less eggs sometimes form
– The hen’s oviduct releases a small piece of reproductive tissue or another small foreign
mass enters the hen’s oviduct, triggering the regular formation of an egg. The foreign object will
be treated like a normal yolk and enveloped in albumen, membranes and a shell;
– Occasionally a hen will also lay a fart egg when something disturbs her reproductive
– Young pullets may lay a fart egg or two when coming into lay and is still getting their
reproductive systems in gear.
These eggs are laid with an incomplete shell, sometimes just a thin layer of calcium.
Causes are similar to shell less eggs:
In mottled egg shells parts of the egg shell are translucent, taking on a mottled or glassy
❖ High humidity in the coop (make sure the coop is well ventilated;
❖ Certain diseases, (such as infectious bursal disease) and mycotoxins;
❖ Manganese deficiency in the hen’s diet;
❖ Over-crowding in the coop.
Pinholes, or small holes in the egg shell, may be the result of faulty laying down of the
egg shell or from pimples being knocked off the shell. Possible causes are thought to be:
Chapter 13
Even if maintaining your small flock is a hobby, recordkeeping helps keep track of your
expenses. It can aid in monitoring the progress of your flock. Records are important to the
financial health of a business or operation. Efficient and profitable poultry operations are not
guaranteed by good record keeping, but success is unlikely without them.
Purposes of Records
The needs and size of your flock will determine the type of records you as an owner or
manager should keep. Financial statements are an intricate part of recordkeeping. As a general
rule of thumb, the larger the enterprise, the more detailed records and financial statements should
be kept. Regardless of flock size, records should always be kept up-to-date. Examples of
financial statements include:
Other records that should be kept along with financial records include:
There are several types of financial statements that can be used to help organize
information for your flock. Many records are interrelated and used to create other records. In
order to determine how an enterprise is doing, the balance sheet and income statement are
A larger enterprise may need to elaborate by preparing cash flow statements and a
statement of owner's equity. The types of financial statements used to maintain records are
determined by the flock needs. Detailed record sheets may be necessary for larger flocks
whereas, others may need only a basic format.
Methods of Recordkeeping
Traditionally, growers have kept records by hand. In many cases, a hand recording
system is still useful for many growers. Yet, the use of computers and computer software has
expanded on farms in recent years because of better record accuracy. The farm manager decides
on the system that best fits his/her situation. I have listed advantages to both hand records and
computer records.
Hand-Recording System
Recordkeeping can be as simple or as elaborate as you want. All farm records should
provide accurate and necessary information, fit into the farm organization, and be available in a
form that aids in decision-making.
Skills necessary for management include reducing costs of production, having knowledge
of the industry, and willingness to adapt to change. Examples of scarce resources are (but not
limited to) feed, water, fuel, building materials, and money. Possessing skills of a good manager
allow good records to be maintained, which allow you to accomplish a specific purpose - raising
and producing health birds!
Whenever you begin a record keeping system, you must learn about the information
requested on each form.
Mortality (death) of birds – every day a record should be taken of any birds that
did not survive.
Feed used – daily records need to be taken on the quantity of feed fed to
Cost – Financial records must be kept of any items bought or sold, e.g. feed, veterinary
costs, equipment, supplies, birds, etc.
Vaccinations – Specific vaccinations may be needed, depending on the bird and location
of production facility. An accurate record must be kept to insure sufficient withdrawal times.
Hens removed – Periodically hens must be removed from the flock when their
productivity is too low or when they are ready for sell. Be sure to keep record of which bird,
when she was removed, and the reason for removal.
Eggs produced – Eggs must be collected and recorded daily. Be sure to include any
inconsistency noticed.
Application: Application can involve one or more of the following activities using:
❖ Brooding Record
❖ Pullet Growing Record
❖ Monthly Laying Flock Record
Date chicks started: ________ No. chicks started: ________ Breed or cross: _______
1st x x x x xx
2nd x x x xx
3rd x x x x xx
4th x x xx
5th x x x xx
6th x x x xx
7th x x
8th x x x x xx
9th x x
10th x x xx
Total: _________
Feed Used
(Starts at 10th week and ends at the completion of week first eggs were laid)
TOTAL __________
Vaccination Record
Date Fowl Pox Bronchitis Newcastle Cost
10th week x x xx
11th week x x xx
12th week x x xx
13th week x x xx
14th week x x xx
15th week x x xx
16th week x x xx
17th week x x xx
18th week x x xx
19th week x x xx
20th week x x xx
21st week x x xx
22nd week x x xx
23rd week x x xx
24th week x x xx
25th week x x xx
Date hens started to lay __________ Number hens at start of laying __________
Eggs Produced
Monthly Egg Sales
4th month xxx xxx
(Include in your records the value of all eggs used at home. Calculate value based on
retail market price at time of use.)
How to store your eggs well
Keep your eggs away from cooking heat, do not store eggs in a kitchen where it is hot.
Heat might partially incubate your eggs and kill the embryos in them
Do not store them on top of a cupboard where heat from the roof can reach your eggs and
incubate them. Keep your eggs in a cool secure dry place.
If the eggs have a little poop on them, you can wipe with a damp cloth. A really dirty egg
can be submerged and scrubbed with a soft brush or cloth. Always use warm water; cold water
will make the egg shrink inside the shell and will draw in bacteria. Let eggs dry thoroughly
before putting them away.
The easiest way to tell if your eggs are fresh is by the Best Before Date on your egg
carton, so it’s best to always keep your eggs stored in their original carton. Here are a few more
simple ways to determine the freshness of your eggs:
❖ Grade A eggs have a firm white, a small air cell at the wide end and a centered yolk.
❖ A fresh egg will sink in water while an older egg will float. As an egg ages, the size of
the air cell inside increases, causing it to float.
❖ In a fresh egg, the yolk sits up high, and the white is thick and closely surrounds the yolk.
An older egg has a flat yolk that breaks easily and a thin, watery white.
❖ To differentiate between hard-cooked eggs and raw eggs, simply spin it. A hard-cooked
egg will spin longer than a raw egg. The liquid centre in a raw egg prevents it from
building up enough momentum to keep turning.
❖ A cloudy egg white is a sign of freshness, not age: the cloudiness is the result of the high
carbon dioxide content when the egg is laid.
Chapter 14
The ultimate goal of every poultry farmer is to make great sales at each harvest and
unfortunately, a lot of poultry farmers get stuck at this point. They spend months raising and
feeding birds; and when it’s time to sell, they don’t achieve much results. Not because there is a
shortage of demand for their eggs or meat; but because they have not really paid attention to the
sales and marketing aspects of their business.
As a poultry farmer, you should not be too caught up with the operational aspects of your
business so much that you now neglect the sales aspect. If you ask me, I would say that the sales
and marketing aspect is even more important after all, you are not rearing chickens for family
consumption. If you are into poultry farming to earn profits, then you must pay attention to the
marketing aspects of this business.
Today, I want us to discuss some of the methods that you can use as a poultry farmer to
increase sales and expand your income from your poultry business. Some smart ideas include-:
1. Bypassing the middlemen
Most poultry farmers rely on middlemen to help sell their products. They sell in bulk to
other people who in turn sell to the consumers. If you want to sell faster, then you should sell
both in wholesale quantities and resale quantities. You can sell in retail quantities if you have
your own sales outlet. Look for a good location to rent a store and then use it to stock eggs and
chicken meat from your farm so that in addition to selling to wholesalers, you can also sell to
Everybody hangs around the internet these days. A large percentage of people make use
of the internet around the world daily and if you want your business to thrive, you cannot close
your eyes to the internet. Your social media account is a very good place to promote your
business and increase awareness for your products.
I have a lady that I am following on Instagram who regularly posts pictures of attractively
packaged, fresh products from her poultry farm on her page. She has a lot of followers and
people keep asking her where they can get her products.
If you want to sell your products faster, you should have a strong internet presence so that
people can order for products online and even those that do not order online would be able to
recognize and buy your products when they see it in supermarkets or grocery stores.
Sites like Olx, facebook groups, whatsapp groups e.t.c can be of great help in your eggs
and chicken meat marketing.
You can help them to have access to a regular supply of fresh eggs and chicken without
stress. Note that a lot of hotels and restaurants already have people supplying them, so you
should think of how to outsmart these people by offering mouth-watering incentives.
4. Employ Marketers
Marketers? For a poultry farm? Yes, marketers for your poultry farm can increase your
sales by more than 30%. Just employ some commission-based marketers who would earn a
certain percentage from the sales they make.
Yes, this is a marketing idea too. When you feed your birds well, they produce big and
good quality eggs and meat which are what the consumers want. If you want your products to be
top choice for consumers, then you have to pay attention to the quality of products you generate
and in poultry farming; that means paying attention to the type of foods you feed your birds with
because good food equals good eggs and quality meat.
Don’t just stop at selling to other companies to package; nothing stops you from having
your own abattoir too where you can package and brand your own products for sales and supply.
You should also engage in advertising and promotions. You don’t buy what you don’t
know or from people you haven't heard of. Do you? People mostly buy products they know or
have heard about and when you advertise your products, it helps to increase awareness and
subsequently, demand for your eggs and meat.
Another way by which you can increase sales of your eggs and chicken meat is by
carrying out marketing research regularly. When you do so, you would be able to have a clear
idea of what your customers want, areas where there is insufficient supply of eggs and things you
can do to improve the quality of eggs you offer your customers.
Home delivery services work too. This is because a lot of people are often too busy to
make trips to the grocery store and then a lot of people love their eggs and meat fresh. You can
take advantage of this to offer home delivery services to people who prefer to buy fresh eggs or
people who find it easier to order for stuffs from the comfort of their home. You could also serve
senior citizens, the physically challenged or sick people who cannot make trips to grocery stores
to buy eggs and meat.
When designing packaging materials for your poultry products, you must ensure that it is
attractive and stands out from every other product in the market. Good packaging can attract
more buyers. Another thing you must know is that people look now out for nutritional
information when they buy food items. So, you should consider adding some information about
your products like calorie contents, protein, vitamins and all other information that health
conscious people would want to know about.
Are you one of the people who are like “But its poultry farming, why do I have to conduct
a market research”? Well, I will advice that you to drop that belief while I show you why it is
very important to conduct market research for your poultry business. I would also show you how
to conduct market research for your poultry farm cheaply, so that you can save some money for
yourself in the process.
If you have no driving skills or experience and you are fortunate to buy a car, would you
just hop into it and start driving without learning all there is to learn about the car? If you get into
the car and start driving without learning and thoroughly understanding the functionality of the
vehicle; what would happen? Well I will tell you what would happen-in some hours; you would
endanger your life and wreck the car. That’s not even the worse that could happen.
I just gave the illustration above for you to know how important it is to learn the ropes of
any business one wants to go into and not just poultry farming alone. If you fail to do so, you
would end up losing your money, your customer credibility and maybe even endangering the
lives of those who patronize you.
So what does market research mean in poultry farming? This is simple- It means
understanding ‘your market’. It involves thoroughly understanding the people you would sell to
and how to reach them. It involves gathering of valuable information that would help to boost
sales. People buy eggs everyday but the market is already very competitive. Therefore, you must
learn the techniques to win customers over to your side especially if you are new in the business.
1. It helps you to understand consumer behavior. You would be able to understand what
your wants, who your customers are, how they make their buying decisions and how they
react to changes.
2. It would give you ideas on how to expand your poultry business. You would be able to
learn ways to increase your income.
3. Proper market research also properly positions you to beat your competitors. It helps you
to “spy” on your competitors so that you can develop a better strategy.
4. Market research also helps you with pricing your products. You may not be able to
penetrate the market if your products are not priced properly. Highly priced products can
be a turn off for consumers while products that are too low in prices would also raise
suspicions of quality and become a turn off to customers too. There is the need to find a
balance and you need adequate research to do this.
5. You would also be able to discover trends and best practices in the industry to adopt so as
to make your business prosper.
How to Conduct Market Research for a Poultry Farming Business
Conducting a standard market research is expensive. You would need to engage the
services of experts who may charge you thousands to get the job done but there are cheap ways
to conduct a market research for your poultry farming business by yourself without hiring
experts. Some very cheap ways to do it includes-:
a. Research reports
You should look out for already written research reports by other people. There are a lot
of websites that have such reports if you are willing to search. But if you are using a market
research report written by other people, here are some important points to note-:
❖ The reports must suit your own market. For instance, you can’t use a Chinese report for a
Kenyan Market because the culture, taste and preferences of the Chinese people are
different from those of Kenya.
❖ You must check the dates to ensure that it is a recent report. A market research done is
2008 would most likely be useless in 2014 because a lot of things would have changed.
❖ Ensure that it is from a reputable site; preferably a government-owned institution’s
website so that you can be sure of authentic and genuine information.
Another way to conduct market research for your poultry farm is to learn from others
who are already in the industry. You can learn a lot from the experiences of other people. Join
trade unions, read industry publications, network and ask questions from other people while you
use their opinions as a basis to form your own opinions.
c. Personal Research
Another cheap method is to conduct personal research. Buy some very good boots, fuel
your vehicle and be prepared to move around. A camera, a voice recorder and a notebook to
record your findings is also a necessity. What you would do is to visit stores where poultry
products are sold and observe how buyers make their choices, what products attract the highest
❖ What is unique about that product and why are people choosing it?
❖ How is the product priced?
❖ How does the packaging look?
❖ What is written on its label?
When you do these for some days, you would be able to draw your conclusions and have
an idea of how to package and price your products to attract buyers.
d. Personal Interviews
You can also learn a lot from potential and existing consumers by talking to them. Visit
people’s homes and offices and talk to them about existing poultry products what they would
rather have differently?
These questions when answered would help you understand consumer behavior better.
e. The internet is also a good place to conduct a market research for your poultry
products. You can find a whole lot of information on the internet that would guide you in making
informed decisions.
f. Product testing
This is a practical way to conduct market research. It involves producing small quantities
of your products to observe how it would do in the market. If you want to produce eggs for
example, you can start with few birds so that you can produce small quantities and release it to
the market for sale. The way the product is received would give you an idea of how to improve
the products and whether you should go commercial or halt the process.
g. Employ Consultants
Although this costs money, it is totally worth trying. It involves engaging the services of
experts to carry out a market research specifically for your business.
You can also use surveys and put out questionnaires to further understand consumer
behavior. There are websites where you can put out surveys and get results for free.
i. Social Media
A lot of people flock around social media and a lot of companies have been getting
impressive results from conducting market research through social media. Websites like
LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are very good for conducting market research.
Chapter 15
A lot of Entrepreneurs are usually faced with fear when hiring their first employee. In
fact, one of the business processes entrepreneurs dread most is the process of recruiting
employees. A survey carried out recently revealed that finding good employees was one of the
major business challenges entrepreneurs face when starting a business from scratch.
No matter how brilliant or promising your business enterprise might be, you cannot grow
it all alone. Although you may try at first, you will soon realize that it’s impossible. Every
successful and famous entrepreneur built successful and flourishing companies with the aid of
great employees.
It is possible for you to invent and even commercialize a business idea or concept all
alone. But with time, the tasks involved in getting the business going will become much more
than what you can handle single-handedly. At that point, your best bet will be to find and hire the
right employees to help you achieve your business goals and entrepreneurial dream.
So, get it clear: even if you have started your business as a one man show, you will
certainly reach a point when you need extra hands to help; unless you have no plans to grow your
business. Finding the right employees is critical to your company’s success. You need hard-
working individuals with the skills, attitude, and integrity needed to boost production and sales.
Hiring the wrong person interferes with far more than just the position for which they
were hired. Teams must be able to work together productively and amicably. However, it is a
well established fact that job recruiting can be a time-consuming, frustrating, and expensive
process when not done correctly. These tips will help make the most of your recruitment process,
thereby ensuring that your business hires the best person for the job.
The above statements drive home the point that hiring the best people is now more
critical than ever. If you make bad or biased hiring choices, you will lose a lot of time, money,
and good results. In fact, the cost of a single bad hire was put at anywhere between $25 to
$50,000, according to a Forbes article.
Since the success of your business hinges largely on the quality of employees you hire,
you must be very careful during the selection process, so you can hire employees that will turn
out to be assets to your business.
What is the Best Way to Hire Employees?
When it comes to hiring employees, there are three ways to go about it. They are:
❖ The traditional hiring method-: This involves the age-long process of running
recruitment ads, screening applicants face to face, conducting exams and interviews,
training chosen prospects, etc. This method is the most expensive and cumbersome of the
❖ The online recruitment method-: In this case, all the processes listed in the method
above will be conducted; but they will be done online. Thus saving cost, time and
resources. This method usually favors small and medium scale enterprises, online
businesses or stores, work from home jobs, etc.
❖ The outsourcing approach-: In this case, the entire recruitment process is outsourced to
a third party company, thus allowing the parent company concentrate on their core.
Each of these approaches has its pros and cons; and none can be said to be the best over
the other. So it is best to choose which hiring method suits your business based on your
objectives, goals, needs, capital at hand, and size of the business.
Now, what is the best way to find the right employees with the best skills, experiences,
and ability to contribute to the success of your business? There may not be a one-size-fits-all
answer to the question, but I recommend a strategy that I call “the 7 C’s formula”. Here are the
components of the formula:
a. Competence
This is the first factor to consider in a potential employee. Does she have the necessary
skills, experience, and education to effectively play the roles expected of her? Remember, an
employee can only play her roles well when she has passed through a background that has
prepared her for what the role entails.
b. Capability
Having the background required to man a job position is one thing, but having being
capable of completing the tasks is another. Your ideal employee must be able to effectively
handle and complete not only tasks, but also tasks that require more effort and creativity. For me,
capability means the employee has the potential for growth and the willingness and ability to
take on additional responsibility to take your poultry business far.
c. Commitment
A candidate can only contribute to the success of your business if she’s committed to her
job. And her willingness to work with you for the long term can help you determine this. If you
ask what her plans for the next five years are, and she tells you that she hopes to be with a bigger
company by then or she hopes to have started her own small business, then she won’t be
committed to your business and she won’t be a good employee. You can get a clear insight into
her likelihood to stay with your business for the long term by simply checking her past
employment history. If she’s been hopping from one job to the next, she will most likely leave
you for the next available offer.
d. Character
You won’t get on well with an employee whose values and character doesn’t align with
yours. During the hiring process, test candidates for honesty, patience, selflessness, integrity,
submissiveness, and ability to play on well with a team.
e. Compatibility
Another important factor to consider when hiring new employees is their compatibility
with their work environment and people that matter to the business. Can this person get along
with colleagues? Can she get along with existing and potential clients and partners? Can this
person interact well with customers? Another critical factor to consider is the person’s
willingness to work with you, her boss. If she can’t work with you, there will be problems—even
if she gets on well with other employees.
f. Compensation
During the hiring process, ensure that your chosen candidate agrees to a fair
compensation package that is in line with market rates. If not, she will feel unappreciated and
dissatisfied with the job, and this can lead to serious consequences, as she will not put in the best
you expect from her.
g. Culture
Business has a culture or a way that its employees and management interact and behave
with each other. This culture is based on the business’s policies, procedures, and values that
influence the behavior of a leader and employees. If a candidate shows signs that she cannot
reflect your company’s culture, then she would turn out difficult and disruptive.
Hiring the Best Workers for your poultry Farm –
Lessons from the Mafia Manager
At this stage, i will be share with you 16 lessons to recruiting or finding good employees;
which I learned from the book “The Mafia Manager.” There are many business lessons in the
Mafia Manager but I will specifically be extracting the lessons on hiring good workers. If you
have not read the book “The Mafia Manager”; then you are definitely missing some uncommon
business lessons.
The Mafia Manager is a book containing the distilled wisdom of men who have managed
one of the largest, most profitable and long lived cartels in the history of capitalism. The Mafia
Manager gathers for the first time in one book the knowledge and precepts of the ruthless bosses
whose genius at organization and management contributed far more to profitability and growth
than the brute strength or conventional wisdom of the legitimate CEO. If you are ready to learn,
then please read on.
1. It is not necessary to have a large family with many soldiers and button men. In fact,
the fewer employees you have, the fewer betrayals or disappointments you will experience.
Many employees, many betrayals, many disappointments and also higher overhead.
2. Your staff must be of the highest possible quality in critical positions. One good man
is, of course, better than a hundred fools.
3. For a truly responsible job involving others in its performance; don’t hire someone just
out of school or out of college, no matter how impressive his record. Hire the person who already
has demonstrated an ability to work with others.
4. For jobs less critical to the success of your organization, you will want to hire a good
attitude before experience. Attitude reveals itself in a number of ways. For example, if an
applicant asks about salary early on in his first interview; his is a bad attitude and moreover, he is
5. For a truly vital job, don’t hire a high powered expert; no matter how impressive his
credentials. Experts care only about their credentials and their fees; and their caring never stops.
6. Don’t hire more than two members of a household (except possibly your own) and
never hire lovers or husband and wife; no matter how necessary their individual skills may be to
your business.
7. Before you hire, you will interview. Knowing what skills and performance you want
from the person you will hire, give applicants time to think about your questions on those
9. As for the interview strategy itself, seat applicants beside you if possible; rather than
across the desk from you, in order for you to better gauge his reactions. Pick up his/her resume,
frowning every now and then as if pondering on something. When this bit of play acting is
finished; and the applicant suitably is unsettled by it, begin by asking the applicant why he wants
the vacant job and why he feels qualified to do it. Let him sell himself as much as he wants to;
interrupting only with specific questions. Finally, if the applicant is presently working, ask him
why he wants to change jobs.
10. If the applicant should frown, squirm or stroke his cheek with apparent concern while
you are outlining the job difficulties; you should begin kissing him off. In polite language, let
your feelings be known to the applicant. Unless the applicant tries to sell himself back into
contention, do kiss him off. Tell him you have others to interview and you will let him know,
one way or the other in a day or two.
11. Also kiss off any applicant who is full of questions about his career’s future with you.
12. In any case, close interviews when you have found out all you need to know; whether
this takes five minutes or fifty.
13. When an applicant seems worth another look, check out his business references and
employment history. Forget about personal references; he’s not going to list someone who will
bum rap him. If you happen to know one or more of his personal refs, a call or two may get you
some useful inside info.
14. Bring in the most likely candidate for a second interview, preferably at lunch and at
this meeting; zap him with whatever you may have turned up bogus in his business references or
employment history. If those doubts; real or imagined are resolved to your satisfaction, sell the
job to the applicant.
16. Following your selling of the job, pose a few hypothetical problems the applicant may
encounter on the job and ask him how he might go about meeting them. If the applicant passes
muster; make an offer and hire him. If not, back to the office to schedule a second interview with
the next most likely candidate.
And lastly, never you hire someone of the opposite sex in hopes of future erotic reward. It
might be the beginning of the end for your business.
Chapter 16
Poultry farming is profitable alright, but a lot of people still fail and incur lots of losses in
this business all the same. Poultry farming has been in existence for ages and while some people
have smiled to the bank and expanded their businesses, a lot of investors have blamed
themselves for going into the business. I always remind people that no business is easy. There is
always the risk of failure in any business. Even if it is just selling candies; if you do not do it
right, you cannot succeed at it.
Also, I always remind people that every business has its ‘trade secrets’ and a lot of
people fail in business because they do not know the trade secrets of their business. Poultry, just
like any other business out there has its trade secrets which you have to know to increase your
chances at success. Some of the trade secrets to expand your poultry business include the
Start small
Don’t start large scale poultry farming if you are inexperienced in the business. I have
seen a lot of people make this mistake and it is wrong. They read about how people are making
millions from poultry farming and then they go ahead to invest their live savings into the
business. Some even go and obtain loans to start a business that they are inexperienced at.
For a business like poultry farming, you have to start small and then expand gradually as
your business grows and demands for your products increase. You should also do a proper
feasibility study before you go into the business. If there are too many competitors or if the
supply for poultry products exceeds the demand in your area, then look for somewhere else to
start your business or look for another business to start. There are several other lucrative
businesses in the livestock farming industry that you can consider.
Another way to expand your poultry business is to have your own sales outlet and not
rely only on supplying to retailers. You don’t have to have too many sales outlets; you can start
with just one. You can sell your own branded and fresh eggs to consumers.
Twenty-four hours in a day is just not enough for most of us because of the kind of busy
lives we lead. Now, imagine having to cook, shop for groceries, tend to the kids and do all sort of
other house chores and still maintain a 9-5 job. It’s really not easy for a lot of working parents
and this is why mobile sales and delivery services always works. A lot of people see such
services as a live saving one; a service that brings you necessities without dealing with stress and
traffic. With a van or two, you are ready to start offering such services within your area and that
is also an expansion of your income.
Don’t think that your business is too small to employ sales reps or that poultry business is
not serious enough to have sales representatives. Right here in my office, I have someone who
brings me fresh eggs weekly and frozen chicken when I feel like having chicken.
She’s a sales rep and earns commission for each item she sells. I have also been able to
introduce her to my colleague and friends who also buy from her regularly. Now, her employer is
a very smart poultry farmer because even when I buy from the grocery store, I only buy their
products. Having a sales representative is a good way to increase awareness for your products
and increase sales too.
Instead of purchasing day old chicks, it’s more cost effective to have your own hatchery
for hatching new chicks. You would be able to reduce the costs of hatching and also increase
output compared to outsourcing the service to other people.
Another tip for growing your poultry business is to have your own feed mill for
producing chicken feed. Chicken feed production is not so hard; if you can learn how to raise
chickens, then you can learn how to produce chicken feed and if you are able to reduce the costs
of producing feed, you would be able to increase on the overall profitability of your business.
Another way to grow your poultry business is to employ people who are experienced to
handle the operational aspects of the business. If you have a really large poultry farm, you can
employ business consultants to suggest ways through which you can expand your poultry
You should also keep an eye on the output from your farm. You should have a store
where eggs are stored and have some people who would be in charge of stock keeping and
counting the chickens regularly. This would help to prevent thefts.
Be sure to give your chickens the proper feed for best results. Young chickens should
receive chick starter until they are around 6 to 8 weeks old, and then grower rations until close to
laying age. Switch them over to a good quality layer feed to give them the vitamins, minerals,
protein, and calories they need to lay those beautiful eggs for you.
Free ranging or pastured hens with plenty of room to roam will scratch out a lot of their
nutritional requirements, but they will still need layer feed to keep them in top production. They
should have access to greens e.g grass and will appreciate scraps from your table and garden.
Note: Do not feed your laying hens very many treats or they will have too much fatty
tissue in their abdomen. This will cut down significantly on the number of eggs they are able to
produce, plus it isn’t healthy for them. Corn and sunflower seeds are fine for providing extra
calories during cold weather, but don’t feed these during the hot weather.
Daylight Hours
Chickens naturally lay more eggs during the spring and summer when the days are long.
Their internal clocks tell them that this is the best time to raise their young. You can trick them
into laying eggs year round by setting up a light on a timer in their cages.
Starting in the late summer, have the light turn on to mimic daylight for around 14 to 15
hours each day.
Just as we are less productive when we’re under stress, so are laying hens. If there are
dogs and kids chasing them around the barnyard or predator attacks, things of this nature, your
chickens will be living in a state of fear and won’t feel the conditions are right for laying eggs.
It’s also important to note that if you purchase laying hens or point of lay pullets, they
will lay a few eggs after bringing them home (the ones ‘in the works’ before they left their
previous coop) and then they will stop laying for about three weeks. So expect a dry spell with
new hens. In general, keep them happy and stress free for the best egg production.
Egg laying percentage is always the best measure of egg-producing capacity and has the
advantage in calculating the value of the hens. Relying only on the actual number of eggs
produced may not be very valuable as it does not reflect the efficiency of the birds in producing
the eggs.
Calculate the egg laying percentage by dividing the number of eggs laid by the number of
layers and multiplying by 100. Obtained this figure on a daily basis and compute the average for
the week or month. This will help in assessing the performance and setting targets for
improvement. Averages below 70% means the feeds are going to waste. Always strive to achieve
percentages above 80%.
Select Layers
Laying hens are nearly always noisy. They work and hunt for food all day, and are the
first off the roost and the last to go to roost. They are nervous and very active, keeping
themselves up to the greatest possible pitch.
An indication that the hen is laying is when the pelvic bones are soft and pliable, and
spread sufficiently to allow three fingers to be placed between them. Experience has shown the
hen is not laying at the time of examination if the pelvic bones are hard, bony and close together.
Select hens that are healthy; comb, wattles and face red; eyes bright and lustrous; neck
not short, but medium to long; breast broad and long, sloping upward; back, long and broad;
abdomen, wide and deeper than breast; shanks, well spread and rather long; well-spread tail.
Only mature pullets should be selected for laying. All birds that are stunted, undersized,
lazy, weak or otherwise undesirable should be weeded out and sold, especially those that are
inferior to other stock hatched at the same time.
Only hens that have proved their worth in the previous year should be kept over for a
second or third year. They usually make good breeders and the breeding flock should be selected
from them rather than from pullets. Too often the reverse practice is followed whereby hens that
are in best condition are sold and inferior ones used for egg production. This is suicidal to profit
and should be reversed.
Hens should be brought into laying as early as possible. Pullets that delay in coming to
lay are naturally poor layers and soon burn out. Such fowls should not be used for breeding and
the sooner they are taken out of the flock the better. In the long run such control helps in
improving the flock and it is better to have some system of selection than to have none at all.
Put everything in readiness for egg production. Pullets and hens should be placed in their
separate quarters early enough and special care taken to prevent overcrowding. This way the
flocks get accustomed to their quarters and there is less danger of upsetting them when they
begin to lay.
It is just as important to feed well for eggs as it is to breed well. Fowls do best when
given plenty of space to forage in. At all times there should be abundant clean water available to
the hens.
During cold weather increase the energy content of the feed by adding carbohydrates to
the normal ration. As the weather grows colder larger quantities of energy are used to maintain
the body heat. Egg production can continue without interruption even during extremely cold
weather if the hens are fed well.
Plenty of shade should be provided during hot weather and the houses kept as open as
possible so as to be cool and comfortable for roosting. Reduce the energy content of the feed by
reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the ration.
Hens that are molting should be fed well but should not get a ration too rich in protein
because they are not laying. They do better when given a ration richer than usual in energy
content. By proper management, many good laying hens can lay an occasional egg even while
going through the molting.
Hens that have stopped laying should be culled out and managed differently from the rest
of the flock. A layers ration and reduced exercise can start them laying again. Those that do not
go back to laying within a reasonable time or lay for only a few weeks and then stop should be
Manage pullets
Pullets can be fed more highly than hens during the early months of growth. At this time,
they need abundant protein, because they are not only growing in flesh but are filling out their
bones and either preparing for, or actually laying.
A pullet is by no means fully mature when she starts to lay. It needs ample food to
complete its development. Pullets should neither be forced to begin laying early nor to delay
Hens should be protected against sudden changes. Excitement due to rough handling and
fear from any cause are detrimental to the birds. Often the entrance of foreign objects, animals or
visitors in the pens will cause disturbance, so these should be kept out as much as possible.
When it is necessary to carry some unfamiliar object among the flock, this should be
done gradually. Even the wearing of unusual attire, especially if this is of some flashy color, will
disturb the fowls until they are accustomed to it.
Although birds on free range are not so likely to be disturbed, making sudden motions,
calling loudly, or otherwise startling the fowls should be avoided. Enter the pens as quietly as
possible and if necessary signify entrance by making some noise such as low whistling, so the
hens are alerted of your approach.
Hens, especially laying hens, become attached to their quarters. They therefore should
not be unnecessarily moved as this also affects the laying. Changes should be done with the least
possible disturbance where it is absolutely necessary. When hens must be handled or carried, this
should always be done at night and the fowls should be held gently with the hand beneath the
Manage Broodiness
Broodiness is a characteristic of hens. Persistent brooders should be culled out and never
used as breeders. But in otherwise normal hens, broodiness can be broken when necessary. One
of the quickest ways is to confine the hens with a reserve male in a pen where there are no nests
and feeding them well on a layers ration. Often the hens will begin to lay within a week or ten
days. Under no condition should the hens be starved because it is not only cruel but also causes
injuries to the hen.
Agriculture is something that the government is always interested in. And that is why it is
not taxed and there are a lot of support programs for investors in the agricultural sector. Such
support programs come in the form of government backed loans and grants. You should look out
for such grants and apply for them.
My last word:
Take action now. Get out and find out. You cannot possibly find out everything you need
to know about poultry farming through the internet. The reason is because, places, time and
situations are different.
If anyone gives you every cost, expectations and details about this business online, most
of those information will be incorrect because of the time and location differences.
Do you know? Even people in the same city are buying the same things at different
You have a work to do. Get out in a weekend and meet with different kind of people.
Start where it is easy…the poultry equipment and feeds sellers near to you.
Ask them as much questions as you can about their feeds, equipment and just any other
things. They may even tell you about any poultry organization, association or regulation (which I
can`t possibly know about in your environment).
One more step. Get their mobile numbers and let them know you may call them
whenever you have any other questions.
What I am about to tell you is very important…. Get a mentor, someone who has started
a poultry farm for at least two years. If you cannot get in your immediate environment because
they see you as a competitor, try and travel to the next town.
There are so many good people out there who will lovingly accept to guide you, but if
you cannot find any, don`t mind if you have to pay someone.
This is very important because someone who has done something before is having a lot
of experience and whenever you encounter any problem you give him a call.
That is how I operate. I have mentors in every important area of my life and business. I
have their mobile line with me and get connected with them on the social media. Whenever I
have a question or get a problem or incase i want to write an ebook, I simply reach out to anyone
I think is having experience in that line.
Another advice I have for you is, don`t see your poultry farm as just a farm. Instead, see
it as a business. It is not a farm. It is a business and everything a business man does to make his
business succeed is what you have to do.
Be serious, diligent and hardworking (I know you might not love to hear this, yet I must
tell you). Take proper account of your inflows and outflows, what goes out and what comes in,
either money, chicks, equipments e.t.c.
And finally, be a student of business. I need to hammer this very well because I know the
kind of people I am writing for… the Africans, a continent of people who love entertainment but
hate knowledge.
Believe me or you don`t, your success as a business man/woman (in any business),
depends on what you know. I know what I am saying. I have been in this game called business
for some good years. People fall out and get broke simply because they don`t` understand
Every business man is a business student.
Business is a profession, just like law or medicine. There are so many things you need to
know about marketing, human relationship, leadership, cash flow management, negotiation,
business positioning and tactics.
If you don`t know more than your competitors, you cannot make good money.
Thanks for taking your time to read this guide. Am still writing more and more
Agribusiness guides that will nourish you in your profitable farming endeavors. Always keep in
touch with me on whatsapp 0714723004 to get more of my Agribusiness guides and
Agribusiness advice.