Review of Related Literature II.1 The Nature of Reading
Review of Related Literature II.1 The Nature of Reading
Review of Related Literature II.1 The Nature of Reading
Reading is both a sensory and mental process which involves using the
eyes and the mind. The eyes receive messages from the text and the brain
processes the messages for the students to get meaning. This means, the students
not only read the text but also understand the meaning within the text.Burnes and
This idea is also reinforced by Nuttal (2000:2), who states that reading is a
result of interaction between the writer’s and the reader’s mind. It is the way how
readers try to get the message or the intended meaning from the writer. Zintz
(1980:6) states that reading is decoding written words which enable the readers to
their lifetime. Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal
fulfillment and job success will be lost. Reading is the ability to draw meaning
from the print page and interpret this information appropriately. In this case,
(or search information needed for writing), tocriticizetexts, and to get general
surface representation encoded by a writer and ends with meaning which the
reader constructs (Goodman in Carrel, Devine and Eskey, 1988). The readers
must be able to translate the written words into meaningful language. In addition,
Gibbons (1991) states reading is the process of getting meaning from printed
promoting the students’ personal and cognitive development, but also for
improving their study and job prospects in this globalization society. Due to the
students with the tools they need to tackle texts with various context and to define
language skill that has a significant place in the teaching and learning a foreign
different locations and eras. Reading also gives students the opportunity to
place between the text and the reader’s processing strategies and background
knowledge. It means that reading is a process that can make the readers use some
that they read. Reading skill depends on the efficient interaction between
Indeed, most educators would agree that the major purpose of reading
what is read. Two of the most widely cited and agreed-upon definitions of reading
are the following: (1) Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written
addition, Wixson (1989) cite the new definition of reading for Michigan;
among: (1) the reader's existing knowledge; (2) the information suggested by the
text being read; and (3) the context of the reading situation.
three roles of reading in learning. Firstly, it supports students to learn the language
sentence structure, and discourse as they occur in real context. Secondly, students
get the content information and this can broaden their knowledge of the subject
they are reading. Lastly, the role of reading is related to cultural information: the
students are given the insight and worldviews of the native speakers or users of
reader applies many strategies to reconstruct the meaning that the author is
assumed to have intended. The reader does this by comparing information in the
text to his or her background knowledge and prior experience (Mikulecky, 2008).
schemata. Pang, Muaka, Bernhardt, and Kamil (2000) define reading is a complex
comprises two related processes, that is, word recognition and comprehension.
spoken language of someone while the latter means a process of making sense of
of spoken and written language, their knowledge of the topic of the text, and their
the most important skill to master in order to ensure success not only in learning
English but also in learning in any content class where reading in English is
writers. First, reading comprehension consists of two main words: reading and
construct meaning from text by cognition and motivation (Guthrie and Scafiddi,
Two of them are the interpretation of the information in the text by using prior
knowledge and the meaning construction of what the text is about (Brown, 1984
in Oakhill and Cain, 2007:48-49; Kendeou, van den Broek, White, and Lynch,
information available in the text is considered as the given information that the
their background knowledge into what they read (Hadley, 2001:144; Klingner,
easier for them to comprehend and get involve to the reading materials.
The background knowledge of the readers refers to what the readers bring
readers need to connect new information available with itto construct meaning of
reading material.
in making up comprehension ability, there are three higher level skills associated
with it in reading activity (Oakhil and Cain, 2007:49-50). The first level is
writer does not necessarily state every little detail information of the text. That
would result in text that was lengthy and possibly boring. Instead, the reader
needs to fill in details that are not explicitly stated in the text, either by integrating
detect inconsistencies in text. The last one is understanding the text structure.
Knowing text structure is useful aids for readers to relate relevant background
information (including skimming and scanning), reading to learn, reading for fun,
(Nation, 2009:6). Each reader has different purposes depend on what they want to
Dealing with the comprehension skills, there are three types of them which
are shared based on the stages of reading activity (Johnson, 2008:111-116). The
first is pre reading. In this type, comprehension skills are used primarily to
reader’s prior knowledge. The second one is during reading comprehension. This
type of skills are used to monitor comprehension, to evaluate ideas gleaned from
each paragraph, and to begin organizing ideas within the structure of the text. The
last one is post reading. This type of comprehension skills is used to reconstruct
important ideas, organize those ideas, and evaluate those ideas after reading a
different purposes which is based on the stage of reading activity: pre, during, or
post reading.
King and Stanley (2004:8) explain that there are five aspects of processing of
reading comprehension. They are; finding factual information, finding main idea,
The main idea is the core of a text. To understand a text, a reader must
can be found in the text such as; question type of reason, purpose, result,
d) Identifying references
Word references are known as pronouns, such as she, he, it, this, those.
By knowing the main subject of the text, the questions are easily can be
of pronouns.
e) Making an inference
Reader is expected to get the messages of the text. In other words, a good
information by scanning the specific details, identify the main idea of a text, find
some unfamiliar words, identifying the word reference, and able to make
inferences where the students are able take some messages in a text material.
identifying the paragraph elements such as; topic, main idea, details of paragraph
between and among the paragraph. From this opinion, it can be described that;
topic, it is the word or phrase as the subject of the paragraph and answer of the
question “what is the whole paragraph about”, and main idea, it is the sentence
that states the topic of the paragraph. It is the answer of the question “what does
the author say about the topic of paragraph”. In short, when the students have the
abilities in identifying the elements of the passage, it means the students find the
letters into meaning in order to communicate certain messages between the writer
and the reader. It involves the process, identifying the text elements such as;
reference, and making reference. Then, those become indicators for reading
According to Nunan (2003: 68), teaching reading has at least two aspects.
Firstly, it can refer to teaching learners who are learning to read for the very first
time. Secondly, the aspect of teaching reading refers to teaching learners who
already have reading skill in their first language. It means that the readers are
demanding to read a lot so that they can have a good skill because in reading, it
has two important aspects which should have the readers. It shows that it can
conclude that the readers must understand two important aspects to teach, in
Furthermore, Richards (2002: 273) says that reading receives a special focus
on teaching. There are three reasons for this: Firstly, many foreign language
students often have reading as one of their most important goals. Secondly,
which is highly valued by students and teachers alike. It means that the
reading is a skill that has good assessment for the students and teachers.
good thing for language students, it also provides good models for English writing
sequential in that the events are ordered, not merely random. Sequence always
straightforward movement from the first event to the last constitutes the simplest
events in another order: for example, a story may open with the final episode and
Table 2.1
Narrative descriptiom
Type text Purpose Generic structure
problem starts.
the story
4. Folktale
5. Short story
6. Real-life drama
7. Classic
8. Fantasy
9. Adventure
11. Myth
12. Mystery
the final episode and then flash back to all that preceded it.
variety sources which finally will be presented in front of the class. Spencer
dividing class into several groups. Each student in group is given number to make
present, and to get response from other groups. Besides, the structure of Number
Head Together technique is derived from the work of Spencer Kagan. The
usethe formation of small groups in order to make the learners work cooperatively
1996 in Barkley et al., 2012:7). Working in groups not only increases students’
with the teacher and the classmates tend to be more active in learning process, to
show personal growth and better academic achievement, and to feel more satisfy
with their education condition compared with the isolated students (Barkley,
answer the questions raised by the teacher, and study together with other group
works better in quality when they were able to see and hear other working, and
they tend to be more productive when they work in groups than that of work alone
(Gillies and Ashman, 2003). It indicates that when someone works together on
group tasks and wants to achieve the group goals together, they would often
Together, students are put based on the different levels of achievement. Theyget
equal roles in supporting the group to achieve the goals (Slavin, 1985:11; Johnson
significantly seen in the quiz (group competition) session. Therefore, the students
were required to engage in group discussion, knowing that their contribution later
from various sources which finally will be presented in front of the class.
class, increase students motivation in accepting the material given by the teacher,
conflict among students, give the students deeper understanding about the
facilitator in which he/she gives a task and arranges the learning activities. In this
regard, the teacher asks a question and then calls on one of the students with a
Morevoer, there are four basic steps of the Number Head Together
2. Teacher provides the reading material. In this step, the students need
game leads the class through a series of steps and principles designed
could build students effort to excel themselves and to show that they
Based on the explanation above, the writer makes the steps with adding
some steps:
1. The teacher divides the students into some groups. Each group
2. The teacher gives “head number”: head 1, head 2, head 3, head 4, and
3. The teacher provides reading text for the students and gives them
4. The teacher calls the “heads” from each group which get opportunity
6. The teacher together with all students reveal the right answer and
and submission,
7. The teacher adds up the points for each group then give them grades,
8. The teacher will conduct individual test by giving students some other
9. The teacher gives the students will get two scores: from the group
Heads Together
pedagogical approach, or reading program they use, and how the students set
Togetherwould run effectively when the teachers dotheir job regarding the
curriculum, the teaching program, and any other preparation before they run the
process and tried to collaborate with the students to create a good classroom
learning environment.
equally as active members (Coffey: n.d.; Mohr, 1998 in Archer, 2004:14, 17;
students’ participation is the main focus. All the “heads” in each group have to
discussing it with other members, and answering the teacher’s questions in quiz
Third, it is effective when the process of teaching and learning process can
2011; Barkley, 2012:8). In short, the more effective teaching and learning
There are many experts who have given definitions about Pairs Check
team work in pair on a problem and check the answer with the other partner in a
Kagan (1992) says that Pairs Check technique assumes standard four-
member teams. The teacher gives several problems and teams are divided into A-
B pairs. A student in every pairs answers the question when the other gives
responsibilities to follow the rule so that they can be easy to conduct their work
because they can share with their pair. In this case, Pairs Check technique is one-
way of ensuring that students will help each other and that all students will stay on
teams.Theycan check with another pair in the team to make the correct answer. It
means that by using Pairs Check technique the students will be easy to solve
problem and get the correct answer because they can share with the other pair in a
interest as they remain focused on the task and students can cooperate with their
self-confidence with their work. They have the oppurtunity to work in pair and
check the anwers of other pair in a team. Wiesendanger (1992) also says that
that the use of Pairs Check technique in teaching reading gives many benefit to
the students.
Then, Kagan (1992) says that there are some advantages of Pairs Check
technique. First, it can add a sense of security to one’s ability to actually do the
which they know is going to be seen by the whole class. It can improve their
ability to cooperate.
The application of Pairs Check technique in the classroom can help the
teacher in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text and it can help the
students in learning activities. Teacher and students get the advantages of this
technique. Because of the advantages, the researcher uses this technique in this
Teaching reading in senior high school gives the apportunity to the students
to develop their language skills. The teacher should use the appropriate technique
that can help their students to be cooperative, active and self confidence in learning
reading. One of the techniques that can be applied by the teacher is Pairs Check
technique. Kagan (1992) says that this technique has the procedures. The
proceduresare as follow:
2) A partner of pair answers the question and the other partner gives
Besides, Ray (2001) says that pairs check technique followthree steps
1) Pair work, it means that the students work in pairs to answer the
2) Pair Check, the pair check the answer of the other pairs in a team.
3) Revises and Celebrate, it means that every pair revises their answer
Based on the explanation above, the writer combines these steps and fill in
some steps as follows:
1) Students read the reading material (narrative text) that give by the
2) Teacher asks the students to work in pairs to answers the questions in
reading comprehension. A partner of pair answers the question and the
other partner gives sugestion and opinion to find the appropriate
3) Every partner in every pairs (A and B) reverse (ask and answer) roles
for every questions.
4) Pairs compare, discuss and check answers of reading comprehension
5) Every pair revises their work Pair .
6) The teacher and all pairs discuss the answers of question and give the
appreciation to Pairs.
and the second cycle, there are improvement averages of score. The
observation check list in the first cycle the process got 60.5 %, in the
second cycle got 85.87% , then the questionnaire in the first cycle got
75.55% and the second cycle got 84.1 %. It could be said that the
data in the first cycle and the second cycle, there are improvement
averages of score. The observation check list in the first cycle the
process got 65.7 %, in the second cycle got 88.83% , then the
questionnaire in the first cycle got 79.55% and the second cycle got
questionnaire data in the first cycle and the second cycle, there are
cycle the process got 60.5 %, in the second cycle got 92.87% , then
the questionnaire in the first cycle got 75.55% and the second cycle
research in terms of the the study focus and the indicators used to see
using Pair Check Method. There are improvement result of test. Based
and the second cycle, there are improvement averages of score. The
observation check list in the first cycle the process got 62.5 %, in the
second cycle got 95.83% , then the questionnaire in the first cycle got
77.55% and the second cycle got 82.1 %. It could be said that the
The technique for data analysis was quantitative data, the mean
students score for the test I in cycle I was 35,14, the mean score of the
test II in cycle II was 68,21, the mean of the test III in cycle II was
73,18. The conclusion is that Pairs Check Technique can improve the
effects of using jigsaw and number head together strategies toward the
research. Besides, the sample of t-test and paired sample t-test were
used to analyzed the data. The result of the research indicated that
Kota”. The purpose of this study is to find the effect of pair check
technique through the student writing ability and to find out the effect
SMPN 1 bangkinang Kota. The data collected by pretest and post test
and questionnaire. The test conducted by essay test. The result showed
that the mean score of post test was higher than pretest. 72.11 for
pretest and 82.22 for posttest. And also the student motivation in
writing recount text. That is 72,40 for pretest and 78,25 for posttest.
the pre-test and post-test. The technique of collecting data used test.
The technique of data analysis used was paired sample t-test. The
the value of sig. (2-tailed) was 0,000. It was smaller than 0,05. It mean
after conducting the treatment by using NHT was 87%. It means using
classes of the second grade students at one senior high school in Riau.
They were categorized into control and experimental groups. The data
The study was conducted on the 3rd grade students attending a public
pretest and post test and control group research design. The
research with Ukron is the researcher also will use pairs check
checks. The result showed that Pairs check technique can improve creativity, as
technique can improve students’ activity, creativity and achievement so that this
research has relationship with researcher’s research because both use pairs check
research are in terms of the study focus, the criteria used in reading
Year”. The research findings showed that the use of the NHTwas
comparative study will be used as a research design in this research with two
independent variables (Number Head Together and Pairs Check) and one
toward the research. There are three variables used in this research, they are
comprehension before and after being taught by using Number Head Together
Independent Dependent
a) (X)
Variable Variable (Y)
Treatment of
c) Comprehension (Y)
NHT (X1)
PCT (X2)
1. The teacher divides the students into some groups. Each groups consists of
2. The teacher gives “head number”: head 1, head 2, head 3, head 4, and etc.
3. The teacher provides reading text for the students and gives them
group.They are allowed to consult to the teacher about the obstacles they
4. The teacher calls the “heads” from each group which get opportunity to
possiblebecause the teacher will determine the winner from the correctness
6. The teacher together with all students reveal the right answer and check
7. The teacher adds up the points for each group then gives them grades.
1. Teacher asks the students to read the reading material (narrative text) that
other partner gives sugestion and opinion to find the appropriate answer,
3. Teacher asks the students to work in pair (A and B) reverse (ask and
4. Teacher asks every pairs to compare, discuss and check answers of reading
comprehension material,
6. The teacher and all pairs discuss the answers of question and give the
appreciation to Pairs.
In the research, there are many technique that can be used by the teacher in
teaching learning process. It was assumed that using Number Head Together
(NHT) technique and Pairs Check technique were suitable technique to teach
II.9.2 Hypotheses
Kampar Utara.
Kampar Utara.