Reading Explorer: Video Summary Worksheet Video: Epigenetics and The Influence of Our Genes - Courtney Griffins - Tedxou
Reading Explorer: Video Summary Worksheet Video: Epigenetics and The Influence of Our Genes - Courtney Griffins - Tedxou
Reading Explorer: Video Summary Worksheet Video: Epigenetics and The Influence of Our Genes - Courtney Griffins - Tedxou
A. Note the people, locations, and events that you see in the video.
Right off the bat you can tell that the video is another one of the many famous Ted Talks held in
different conference rooms by various speakers all across the globe, in places like the US,
Canada, Asia Africa, etc. These conferences are based on various cultural, scientific, social, etc.
subjects. The speaker in this case is a woman named Courtney Griffin, she is speaking to an
audience of individuals that share interest in the same subject; epigenetics, these people are
who the speakers share their ideas with, people who will spread those ideas out into society.
Courtney Griffin, Member of the Cardiovascular Biology Research Program in Oklahoma talks
about epigenetics and its relevance in science and society. It’s a very interesting topic to learn
about, the term epigenetics is defined as the study of heritable changes in gene expression, in
other words, the capability to redefine and change our genetic code.
- Where was it filmed? Give the name of the location(s) and continent(s);
This conference was filmed in Oklahoma (OU), USA. Ted Talks in Oklahoma are usually held in
the Tower Theatre, it is considered Oklahoma’s most iconic venue.
- Who are the people in the video (if any)? What are their jobs?
Courtney Griffin
- What was the main purpose of the video? For example, to give information, to
entertain, or to persuade you to change your mind about something.
Usually, the main objective of Ted talks is to inform people about a subject matter that is most
likely looked down upon and not really talked about, to get society thinking about different
situations that could help us evolve as a whole human race, for better. In this case, we are
being informed about a scientific subject that is epigenetics.
D. Were there words or phrases in the video that were new to you? Note them here,
with a definition or sample sentence.
I understood everything the woman was saying in the video, although I had never heard about
epigenetics, I think it is a very interesting topic and something that I would like to learn more
about. I find it so crazy that we have the capability to modify our DNA structure and help future
generations in regards to health conditions/ diseases, both physical and mental.
E. What are two or three things that you learned from the video?
First of all, I learned that we have the capability to change our future, we shouldn’t assume that
just because our ancestors suffered from various diseases we will too, we have the power to
change our destiny, changing different bad habits, such as eating too much junk food,
consuming drugs, lack of exercise, etc. Second of all, I learned that the epigenetic information
gets laid down on our chromatin during our embryonic development, the epigenetic marks
begin to accumulate after the cells begin to separate. The environment deeply affects these
epigenetic marks, not necessarily the internal environment, as in the formation at cellular scale
of a living bean, but also the external environment, what the mother consumes for example.
I think it would be interesting to hear the questions that some people in the audience may have
had, maybe have a round of questions towards the end of the video, I know I had questions
throughout the video. Other than that, I really enjoyed the conference, I really like watching
Ted Talks, I sometimes watch some during my free time, its very important to keep yourself
educated about different topics.