Alternative Fuels For Diesel Engines and Their Impact On Engine Emissions. A Literature Review
Alternative Fuels For Diesel Engines and Their Impact On Engine Emissions. A Literature Review
Alternative Fuels For Diesel Engines and Their Impact On Engine Emissions. A Literature Review
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All content following this page was uploaded by Zbarcea Oana on 12 April 2017.
of the same power, and this results in lower fuel consumption and
1. Introduction thus in lower carbon dioxide emissions [7], the problem associated
Compression ignition (CI) engines are the most popular prime- with the emissions of smoke, PM, sulfur oxide (SOx), PAHs, and
movers for transportation sector as well as for stationary odor from the exhaust of diesel engines has been widely been a
applications [1]. Global increasing demands for energy, declining concern in many countries [8].
fossil fuel reserves, environmental concerns, and rising prices have
Diesel engine exhaust is a complex mixture of carbon dioxide,
resulted in a growing interest in the development of alternative
oxygen, nitrogen, nitrogen compounds, carbon monoxide, water
renewable energy source [2].
vapor, sulfur compounds and numerous low and high molecular
Petroleum reserves are rapidly and continuously depleting at an weight hydrocarbons, and particulate matter [9].
alarming pace and there is an urgent need to find alternative energy
Exhaust gas emissions of IC engines have been considered a
resources to control both, the global warming and the air pollution,
very serious issue regarding air quality and the environment [10]
which is primarily attributed to combustion of fossil fuels [1].
and, therefore, developing and seeking alternative diesel fuels,
In order to meet the energy requirements, there has been without modifying engines, has become an important issue [8].
growing interest in alternative fuels like vegetable oils, biodiesels,
To this context, this paper presents a review of some alternative
biogas, LPG, CNG to provide a suitable diesel oil substitute for
fuel, like pure plant oil, biodiesel and compressed natural gas, and
internal combustion engine [3].
their impact on diesel engine emissions.
Biodiesel production is not something new, because the concept
of using vegetable oil as fuel dates back to 1895. Rudolf Diesel 2. Pure plant oil as fuel for diesel engine
developed the first diesel engine which has run with vegetable oil
in1900. The first engine has run using groundnut oil as fuel [4]. As an alternative fuel for compression ignition engines, plant
oils are in principle renewable and carbon neutral. However, their
The promotion of biofuels as energy for transportation in the use raises technical, economic and environmental issues. A
industrialized countries is mainly driven by the perspective of oil comprehensive and up-to-date technical review of using both edible
depletion, the concerns about energy security and global warming. and non-edible plant oils (either pure or as blends with fossil diesel)
However due to sustainability constraints, biofuels will replace only in CI engines, based on comparisons with standard diesel fuel, has
10 to 15% of fossil liquid fuels in the transport sector [5]. been carried out [4].
Fossil fuels are expected to continue supplying much of the Pure plant oil (PPO), also referred as PVO (Pure Vegetable Oil)
energy used worldwide. Although liquid fuels remain the largest or SVO (Straight Vegetable Oil), is the use of plant and vegetable
source of energy, their share of world marketed energy consumption oils without any modification to their chemical structure as a fuel to
is projected to fall from 35% in 2007 to 30% in 2035 (Fig. 1). The be combusted inside a diesel engine. This method should not be
decline is due to projected high world oil prices that lead energy confused with biodiesel, which is a fuel derived from pure plant oils
users to switch away from liquid fuels when possible [6]. through a transesterification process that splits fatty acids from
glycerin to reduce the viscosity of the pure plant oil similar to that
Altough diesel engines are more efficient than gasoline engines of mineral diesel [11].
History 2008 Projections Vegetable oils represent a ready, renewable and clean energy
Energy consumption by fuel (quadrillion Btu)
pure plant oil in the engine leads to poor fuel atomisation and CO NOx Smoke
incomplete combustion, which can rapidly damage the engine. Pure 40
vegetable oil thickness is the central problem for their use since it is
11–17 times thicker than conventional fuel [11]. 20
Rapeseed pure
Orange pure
Coconut pure
Sunflower blend
Sunflower blend
Sunflower blend
Sunflower pure
Sunflower pure
Sunflower pure
For the same experiment [20], it can be observed that the soot Rapeseed WCO
Production Collecting
emitted by all vegetable oil blends is lower than the ones for the
corresponding neat diesel fuel case, with this reduction being higher
the higher the percentage of the vegetable oil in the blend. This is Rapeseed Oil
attributed to the combustion being mixing controlled for these Extraction
vegetable oil blends, as it is also the case for the neat diesel fuel
case, which is however now assisted by the presence of the fuel
Rapeseed Biodiesel WCO Biodiesel
bound oxygen even in locally rich zones [20]. Production Production
6 60% 6 Biodiesel Production Biodiesel Production
Process Process
Petroleum Diesel
4 4
B100 B100
Rapeseed WCO
2 2
Blending Blending Diesel
0 0
10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20%
DIESEL B5 or B20 B5 or B20
Fig. 5 Emissions of smoke for neat diesel fuel, and the 10% and Diesel Engines
20% blends of the four vegetable oil with diesel fuel [20].
Fig. 7 Fuel systems for biodiesel from vegetable oil (rapeseed
3. Biodiesel oil) and waste cooking oil (WCO) (adapted from [26]).
Crude vegetable oils are inferior as fuel in terms of viscosity, A survey on 27 literatures [27], to study the effect of pure
heating value, freezing point, etc. [21]. In order to reduce viscosity, biodiesel on engine power, showed that 70.4% of them agreed that,
vegetable oils are converted into esters by transesterification with biodiesel (especially with pure biodiesel), engine power will
Table 3: Statistics of effects of pure biodiesel on engine performances (adapted from [27])
Total number of Increase % Similar % Decrease %
references Number Number Number
Power performance 27 2 7.4 6 22.2 19 70.4
Economy performance 62 54 87.1 2 3.2 6 9.7
drop due to the loss of heating value of biodiesel (Table 3). 4. CNG as fuel for diesel engine
However, the results reported show some fluctuation. Some authors
found that the power loss was lower than expected (the loss of International communities are seeking reliable and alternative
heating value of biodiesel compared to diesel) because of power fuel sources and technologies to reduce environmental stresses, air
recovery. pollution, increase fuel availability, decrease the use of and
dependence on foreign oil, and optimize the performance of existing
Due to the increasing interest in the use of biodiesel, the fuel supply infrastructures [31].
Environmental Protection Agency (USA) has conducted a
comprehensive analysis of the emission impacts of biodiesel using Natural gas (NG) is one of the most important energy carriers
publicly available data [28]. This investigation made use of today because it is available in large quantities and its reserves are
statistical regression analysis to correlate the concentration of of the same magnitude as the crude oil reserves [32]. The use of
biodiesel in conventional diesel fuel with changes in regulated and natural gas as a fuel has garnered considerable interest since the
unregulated pollutants. Since the majority of available data was beginning of the 1990s.
collected on heavy-duty highway engines, this data formed the basis Italy was the first country in which the use of natural gas as fuel
of the analysis. The average effects are shown in Figure 8. One may for the propulsion of road vehicles was successful [33]. In the last
observe that due to higher content of oxygen in biodiesel, CO, PM decade the number of NG vehicles has risen to over a million in
and HC emission are reduced, but the NOx emission is higher than several countries around the globe. One reason for this evolution is
that of diesel fossil fuel. economic: in many countries NG is considerably less expensive
than conventional fuels such as gasoline and diesel. The other
advantage is the fact that natural gas burns in a cleaner, less
10% NOx polluting way. Natural gas sources are spread throughout the world,
Percent change in emissions
HC emission, ppm
150 Diesel
Dual fuel 600
NO x , ppm
50 400 Diesel
Dual fuel
0 200
0.2 4
CO emission, %
Smoke, BSU
0.1 2
0 0
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2
Fig. 9 HC, CO, NOx and smoke emissions versus b.m.e.p. for dual and diesel fuelling of
a turbocharged engine at n=1600 r/min [32].
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