Message: Republic of The Philippines Puerto Princesa City Office of The Mayor
Message: Republic of The Philippines Puerto Princesa City Office of The Mayor
Message: Republic of The Philippines Puerto Princesa City Office of The Mayor
This publication aptly captures the true situation of our city and
other local government units as it provides a comprehensive picture of the
many faces of poverty. We sincerely hope that the information presented in
this publication will prove useful for more responsive programs and projects
intended for those who most need the assistance.
Thank you for your support in our poverty reduction endeavors. Let us continue our strong coalition of
partnerships in building strong, equitable, and viable communities for all people.
Puer to Princesa City rrecor
ecor ded a total population of 182,945 living in 42,067 households
Puerto Princesa City is a highly urbanized city in the province of Palawan. Based on the 2009 CBMS census, the city
has a total population of 182,945 living in 42,067 households. The average size is 4 persons per household. Of
the 66 barangays that comprise the city, Barangay San Miguel is the most populous with 16,896 individuals living
in 4,040 households. The least populated is Barangay Montible with 97 individuals living in 25 households.
Five in ever y 1,000 childr en under 5 years old died
Among the children who are under 5 years old, 0.5 percent died during the reference period. This corresponds to
103 death cases among children in this age range. The highest proportion (10%) of child death was recorded in
Barangay Montible with just one case. Barangay San Jose registered the most number of deaths with 10 cases
that corresponds to 0.9 percent. No case of child death was reported in 27 barangays in the city.
Six women died due to pregnancy-related causes during the reference period
Census results showed that 0.1 percent of the women population died due to pregnancy-related causes. One
death each was recorded in the barangays of Maoyon, Manalo, Pagkakaisa, Napsan, Inagawan Sub-Colony, and
Santa Monica. The rest of the 60 barangays have no reported deaths of women due to pregnancy–related causes.
Some 1.1 per cent of the households lived in makeshift housing and 13 in ever y 100 households
were classified as informal settlers
The 2009 CBMS census showed that 468 households (1.1%) of all households in the city were living in makeshift
housing. Barangay Liwanag exhibited the highest number with 25 households (11.6%) living in makeshift housing.
Santa Lourdes had the most number at 113 households (10.8%) living in makeshift housing. Of the 66 barangays,
16 had no household recorded to be living in makeshift housing.
On tenure status, the census revealed that 5,790 (13.8%) of the households were considered as informal settlers.
This means that at least 13 in every 100 households were informal settlers. The most number of informal settlers
was recorded in Barangay San Miguel with 876 households (21.7%). The highest proportion was reported in
Barangay Mabuhay where more than 90 percent of the households were classified as informal settlers.
“Waterless barangays” refer to villages with less than 50 percent (safe) water supply coverage.
One in ever y 9 households does not have suf ficient income to satisfy basic food needs
Census results showed that 4,657 (11.1%) of the households were food-poor. This means that at least 1 in every
9 households does not have enough income to satisfy its basic food needs. Barangay Tagabinet had the highest
subsistence poverty with more than half of the households (57%) living below the food threshold. Barangay Napsan,
with 239 households (44.5%), had the highest magnitude of households considered as food-poor.
Of the households, 2.8 per cent experienced hunger due to food shor tage
Census data revealed that 2.8 percent of the households in the city experienced hunger due to food shortage in the
last three months prior to the survey. This translates to a total of 1,195 households that experienced hunger.
Barangay Tanabag repor ted the highest proportion at 28.8 percent or 32 households while Barangay San Jose
reported 86 households (4.7%) and topped the list of the most number of households that experienced hunger. It
was noted that all households in 14 barangays did not experience hunger due to food shor tage.
Looking at the specific types of deprivations, data showed that 3.6 percent of the households were deprived in
income and in sanitar y toilet facility at the same time. The same proportion of households (3.6%) was also
reported to have experienced deprivations in income and water. Of the households, 656 were deprived in three
dimensions—income, water, and sanitation. A total of 159 households also experienced simultaneous deprivations
in income, education, water, and sanitation.
This refers to household basic needs as reflected in the 13 CBMS core indicators that cover the following: (1) children 0-4 years old who died; (2)
women who died due to pregnancy-related causes; (3) malnourished children 0-5 years old; (4) households living in makeshift housing; (5) households who
are informal settlers; (6) households without access to safe water supply; (7) households without access to sanitar y toilet facilities; (8) children 6–15 years
old not in school; (9) households with income below the pover ty threshold; (10) households with income below the food threshold; (11) households that
experienced hunger due to food shor tage; (12) unemployment; and (13) victims of crime. A higher index would mean more unmet needs and hence, worse
condition for the households.
A household is considered to experience multiple deprivations if it is poor in at least two of the following dimensions: health, nutrition, tenure,
housing, water, sanitation, education, income, job, and security.
Households Population
M a g n i t u d e Propor tion M a g n i t u d e P r o p o r t i o n
Population 42,067 182,945
Average household size 4
Children under 1 year old 4,774
Children under 5 years old 22,468
Children 0-5 years old 26,876
Children 6-11 years old 25,696
Members 12-15 years old 16,068
Members 6-15 years old 41,764
Members 10 years old and above 138,652
Members of the labor force 65,936
Households living in makeshift housing 468 1.1
Households who are informal settlers 5,790 13.8
Children 6-11 years old not attending elementar y school 4,435 17.3
Children 12-15 years old not attending high school 6,621 41.2
Children 6-15 years old not attending school 3,877 9.3
Map 1. Proportion of Children under 5 Years Old who Died, by Barangay, 2009
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
B o tt om 6 B ar an ga ys
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
M ag n i tu d e Pro por t ion M ag n i tu d e Pro por t ion M ag n i tu d e Pro por t ion M ag n i tu d e Pro por t ion
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
Map 9. Proportion of Children 12-15 years old Not Attending High School,
by Barangay, 2009
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
Marufinas 37 84.1
Tanabag 38 69.1
Inagawan Sub-Colony 200 68.0
Tagabinet 89 67.9
Bagong Bayan 40 66.7
Buenavista 57 62.6
New Panggangan 41 60.3
Simpocan 54 60.0
Kamuning 86 59.3
San Isidro 16 59.3
Map 10. Proportion of Children 6-15 years old Not Attending School,
by Barangay, 2009
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
B a r an g a y Magnitude
Tanabag 30 24.8
Inagawan Sub-Colony 160 22.9
Concepcion 66 20.2
Maoyon 59 19.3
Tagabinet 63 18.6
Pagkakaisa (Pob.) 84 17.1
Marufinas 21 16.3
Simpocan 41 16.2
Maningning (Pob.) 21 15.7
Cabayugan 100 15.1
Map 11. Proportion of Households with Income Below the Poverty Threshold,
by Barangay, 2009
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
Map 12. Proportion of Households with Income Below the Food Threshold,
by Barangay, 2009
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
Tanabag 32 28.8
Marufinas 31 27.4
Pagkakaisa (Pob.) 70 19.6
Simpocan 43 19.5
Salvacion 37 15.6
Buenavista 29 13.2
Lucbuan 36 12.9
Langogan 48 11.8
Concepcion 30 11.1
Bacungan 79 10.9
Map 14. Unemployment Rate (15 years old and above), by Barangay, 2009
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
Map 15. Proportion of Persons who are Victims of Crime, by Barangay, 2009
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
B ot to m 10 B a ra ng ay s
B a r an g a y Av era ge
Tagabinet 3.2
Marufinas 3.1
Pagkakaisa (Pob.) 3.0
Simpocan 2.9
Langogan 2.6
Bagong Bayan 2.5
New Panggangan 2.3
Bahile 2.2
Mabuhay (Pob.) 2.2
Lucbuan 2.2
Tanabag 2.2
B aran ga y C BM S Co m po si te I n di ca to r
Babuyan 1.3
Bacungan 1.7
Bagong Bayan 2.5
Bagong Pag-Asa (Pob.) 0.8
Bagong Sikat (Pob.) 1.4
Bagong Silang (Pob.) 1.8
Bahile 2.2
Bancao-bancao 0.4
Barangay ng mga Mangingisda 1.0
Binduyan 2.0
Buenavista 2.0
Cabayugan 1.4
Concepcion 1.9
Inagawan 0.8
Inagawan Sub-Colony 2.1
Irawan 0.8
Iwahig (Pob.) 0.3
Kalipay (Pob.) 0.4
Kamuning 1.6
Langogan 2.6
Liwanag (Pob.) 1.9
Lucbuan 2.2
Luzviminda 1.4
Mabuhay (Pob.) 2.2
Macarascas 1.6
Magkakaibigan (Pob.) 0.3
Maligaya (Pob.) 0.2
Manalo 1.5
Mandaragat 0.9
Manggahan (Pob.) 0.6
Maningning (Pob.) 0.5
Maoyon 2.1
Marufinas 3.1
Maruyogon 1.7
Masigla (Pob.) 0.5
Masikap (Pob.) 0.5
Masipag (Pob.) 0.3
Matahimik (Pob.) 1.8
Matiyaga (Pob.) 1.0
Maunlad (Pob.) 0.4
Milagrosa (Pob.) 0.2
Model (Pob.) 0.3
Montible (Pob.) 0.2
Napsan 2.0
New Panggangan 2.3
Pagkakaisa (Pob.) 3.0
Princesa (Pob.) 0.3
Salvacion 1.6
San Isidro 1.1
San Jose 0.4
San Manuel 0.4
San Miguel 0.6
San Pedro 0.6
San Rafael 2.1
Santa Cruz 1.0
Santa Lourdes 1.3
Santa Lucia (Pob.) 1.0
Santa Monica 0.4
Sicsican 0.5
Simpocan 2.9
Tagabinet 3.2
Tagburos 1.1
Tagumpay (Pob.) 0.5
Tanabag 2.2
Tanglaw (Pob.) 0.4
Tiniguiban 0.3