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Appendix A. Equipment Modification Design Study Summary AND Implementation of Equipment Modifications

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This appendix section summarizes 1) equipment modification design study and 2)

implementation of equipment modifications to the Cement-Lock demo plant sediment-modifier
feeding system and the slag discharging system for the Phase II work.


ECH worked with GTI staff and consultants and approached the equipment modification design
task with considerable experience in operating the Cement-Lock demonstration plant in both
slagging and non-slagging modes. Based on consultants’ recommendations, ECH sought the
participation of companies and individuals with specific capabilities and expertise for the
equipment modification design.

For the sediment and modifier feeding system, ECH utilized the services of CEntry Constructors
and Engineers (CEntry), RPMS Consulting Engineers (RPMS), and GTI. For the drop-out box
(slag discharge) system, ECH utilized the services of CEntry, Paul Queneau (P. B. Queneau and
Associates), FFE Minerals, and GTI.

Original Sediment and Modifier Feeding System

The Cement-Lock demo plant solids feeding system was originally designed to provide a
continuous and consistent feed mixture of sediment and modifier solids to the rotary kiln melter
(Ecomelt Generator). The design feed rate was 2,930 lb/hr of wet [60 weight percent (wt %)
water] sediment plus 470 lb/hr of Modifier 1 and 30 lb/hr of Modifier 2. The modifiers are dry,
granular solids that must be intimately blended with the sediment before being fed to the rotary
kiln melter.

The sediment, dredged from the Stratus Petroleum site in Upper Newark Bay, consisted of 97
percent silt and clay and 3 percent sand. It was originally dewatered to about 55 wt % water with
a belt press. During storage, the water content decreased to about 45 wt % by air drying.

Inconsistent feeding of sediment and modifier solids plagued demo plant operations since
startup. The sediment was too wet and sticky to be mixed by the screws in the sediment feed

hopper. The sediment also could not be readily conveyed out of the feed hopper via the four
metering screws. The sediment stuck in the inclined screw conveyor as well as the weigh screw
conveyor, and the pug mill. Sediment stuck to the surfaces of all rotating sediment handling
equipment, which had to be periodically cleared by hand.

Since the sediment stuck and accumulated in the weigh screw conveyor, the modifier feeders did
not supply the proper quantities of modifiers to the pug mill. It was concluded that a screw/auger
type of conveyor was not suitable for this particular blend of feed materials.

Options for Sediment and Modifier Feeding System

Consideration of the options for the sediment and modifier feeding systems included the
following assumptions regarding the initial processing of the sediment. About 5,000 yd3 of
Passaic River sediment containing about 60 wt % water were to be brought to Bayshore
Recycling facility (Keasbey, NJ) in scows. Bayshore was to off-load the sediment from the
scows by clamshell bucket and then screen the sediment to -¼-inch solids particle size.
Bayshore was to store the screened sediment in the hold of the sediment storage vessel
(Valgocen) until needed by either BioGenesis Enterprises for their soil washing project, or ECH
for Cement-Lock.

For the sediment feed system modification designs, three different methods for feeding and/or
preparing the sediment-modifiers mixture were considered so that it could be fed to the Cement-
Lock demo plant: 1) Slurry feeding (pumping) from the slurry preparation area, 2) mechanical
dewatering and belt conveying to the charging deck, and 3) thermal drying and screw or belt
conveying. Mechanical dewatering and conveying the sediment using a belt conveyor was
considered the most feasible approach.

ECH considered that in the overall scheme a mixer would be needed to blend the dewatered
sediment with modifiers. This would insure intimate mixing of the components in the proper
proportions. The sediment-modifiers mixture would then be conveyed via belt conveyor to the
charging deck. Next, a ram or piston-type positive displacement feeder would be installed to
consistently feed the material into the kiln. Brief discussion of each of these needed equipment
items follows:

Mixer/Blender: We considered a batch mixer suitable for blending a total of 10,000 lb/hr or 120
ft3/hr of sediment and modifiers, which is twice the estimated capacity of the rotary kiln for
“dewatered” sediment containing 45 wt % moisture.

The mixer would be equipped with a charging funnel with a large opening to receive sediment
and modifiers from a front-end loader. The mixer would be mounted on supporting legs such
that the discharged materials could be collected and removed by a front-end loader.

Conveyor: The blended feed materials would be transferred from the sediment storage area to a
new charging hopper located next to the kiln by an enclosed belt conveyor. The horizontal
distance for the conveyor was about 140 feet, the vertical lift was about 20 feet, and therefore the
conveyor length needed was about 141 feet. To convey 5,000 lb/hr or 60 ft3/hr of feed materials
(the estimated capacity of the kiln for dewatered sediment case), a 12-inch wide belt would be
sufficient. The capacity of a 12-inch wide belt conveyor is about 900 ft3/hr at a typical speed of
250 ft/min. ECH decided to rent a conveyor system from Smalis, Inc. (New Stanton, PA) as was
done during the non-slagging campaign in March 2005.

Ram Feeder System: The ram feeder system would consist of a charging bin, an air lock
(depending upon the supplier), and the ram feeder itself. Blended feed materials would be fed to
the charging bin by belt conveyor. The charging bin would be designed to minimize “bridging”
of feed solids inside the bin. The feed materials would fall by gravity from the charging bin to a
plenum above the feeder. The feed materials would then be pushed by a ram feeder from the
horizontal feed pipe into the kiln. The feeder will be placed inside the existing water-cooler
feeder pipe to prevent overheating and caking of feed solids prior to entering the rotary kiln. The
dimensions and cycle frequency of the air lock (if needed) will be based on the flow rate of feed
materials and the volume of the feed pipe in order to provide a more steady feed into the kiln.

The V-Ram Solids (Albert Lea, MN) feeder has the capability to feed a wide variety of materials
as evidenced by videos on their website (www.vram.com). The V-Ram feeder is a positive

displacement feeder that does not require an air-lock or gate valve above or below to limit air
intrusion. The V-Ram Solids Company provided delivery and cost for both an 11 and 16-inch
feed system including hopper, feeder, motors, and control system. V-Ram also conducted a test
using the sediment-modifiers mixture in a full size V-Ram pump test loop to confirm operability.

Existing Drop-Out Box (Slag Discharging) System

The original configuration of the Ecomelt Generator discharge and drop-out box is shown in
Figure A-1. The purpose for the water-cooled ceramic tiles located just below the kiln’s
discharge was to divide the stream of molten slag discharged from the kiln into multiple rivulets
to facilitate rapid quenching and granulation with water sprays.

Inspection of the system after the initial start-up test showed that most of the slag buildup was
over the ceramic tiles and the vertical wall immediately above the tiles. Excessive air leakage
through the air seal assembly at the kiln discharge end was also noted. A heat transfer analysis
showed that the thermal input to the drop-out box was insufficient due to various radiation and
convective heat losses.

During each of the slagging tests, as the molten slag discharged from the kiln, it solidified,
accumulated, and plugged up the drop-out box before it could fall into the water in the
granulator, which caused all involuntary shutdowns of the slagging tests. Numerous changes and
modifications were implemented, but none were successful in remedying the slag accumulation

Summary of Selected Sediment/Modifier Feeding and Drop-Out Box Modifications

The preferred equipment modifications for the sediment and modifier feeding systems and the
slag discharging systems are summarized below.

Feeding System: The preferred feeding system for the sediment and modifiers includes a
sediment-modifier mixer/blender in the sediment storage area, a covered belt conveyor to convey
blended material to the charging deck, and a V-Ram feeder system with non-flowable charging

Slag Discharging System: The preferred configuration for the slag discharging (drop-out box)
system includes replacing the kiln nose ring refractory, moving the granulator to the east under
the rotary kiln discharge, angling the north and south walls of the drop-out box straight down,
and adding view ports and access ports.

Figure A-1. Original Configuration of the Ecomelt Generator Rotary Kiln Nose and Drop-Out Box

Operating Protocol for Modified Cement-Lock Demo Plant

The operating protocol for the Cement-Lock demo plant with preferred equipment modifications
is summarized below.

Screened sediment (-¼ inch) was mechanically dewatered at the facilities of Bayshore Recycling
Corporation by BioGenesis Enterprises. The final moisture content of the dewatered sediment
was 38.5 wt %. A total of 201.45 tons of dewatered Passaic River sediment was transported to
the Cement-Lock demo plant in Bayonne.

The sediment was unloaded from the trucks into the sediment storage area and covered with
tarps for rain protection. The sediment will be blended with modifiers using an ALLU-SML
screening bucket. The screening bucket will mix the sediment-modifier mixture and then deposit
the mixed material directly onto the covered conveyor belt. The quantities of sediment and
modifiers being mixed together will be determined using an electronic weigh scale. The
mixer/blender (described above) was not used during the Phase II work.

The rate of sediment-modifier mixture being fed to the belt conveyor via the ALLU screening
bucket will set the overall system feed rate.

Feed materials will be transferred from the belt conveyor and dumped to the pug mill installed
just above the charging bin for the V-Ram feeder. The V-Ram feeder will push the sediment-
modifier mixture into the kiln.

The sediment-modifier mixture will become a flowing homogeneous molten mass as it traverses
the Ecomelt Generator. Upon exiting the Ecomelt Generator, the slag will fall directly into the
water in the quench granulator without touching any other surfaces. There are no water sprays
and no supplemental burners in the drop-out box. The quenched and granulated material –
Ecomelt – exits the granulator via a dewatering drag conveyor.

Implementation of Equipment Modifications

Implementation of Task 1 – Equipment Modifications is described in this section.

Task 1. Equipment Modifications

In this section, the work to design, procure, fabricate and install the modified slag discharging
system, install the refractory work, V-Ram feeder, conveyor belt system, and other
miscellaneous activities are described.

Discharging System: During the Task 6 Equipment Modification Design Study, RPMS
prepared drop-out box design drawings based on CEntry Constructors and Engineers (CEntry,
Sandy, UT) recommendations. CEntry then critiqued the drawings and RPMS followed up with
further revisions. To circumvent this time-consuming and cumbersome procedure, for the
current work, ECH wanted CEntry to complete both the final design and detailed design work.

ECH prepared the scope of work for the drop-out box final design and sent it to CEntry for a cost
estimate in early June 2006. CEntry’s estimated was accepted by ECH and ECH issued a P/O to
CEntry for the work. CEntry’s work on the final design of the drop-out box modifications was
essentially completed by the end of June 2006. Further, CEntry had a designer available to do
the detailed design work, so ECH executed a change order to CEntry’s existing contract and
CEntry commenced the detailed design work.

We reviewed the drawings prepared by CEntry for the design of the drop-out box and the
detailed designs for the upper and lower discharge chutes. CEntry generated a total of four
drawings: two plan drawings and two detailed design drawings. In the review process, CEntry
concurred with the reduction in refractory thickness for the Phase II demo project as well as the
overall changes in the ceramic and wire refractory anchor specifications.

Refractory Work: For the refractory work in the drop-out box and the rotary kiln nose ring,
ECH contacted Duddy Contracting Inc. (DCI, Westfield, NJ) for a quotation. DCI had
performed considerable work for ECH during the initial start-up of the plant as well as during
continuing plant operations. DCI’s quotation was consistent with the estimate provided for the
Task 6 study. DCI works closely with the refractory manufacturer, Harbison-Walker

RPMS and Duddy Contracting: A project “kick-off” meeting was held on July 25, 2006 at
RPMS offices with Mr. Bob Perla and Mr. Steve Stetka (RPMS), Mr. Dan Chiaravallo and Mr.

Al Bond (Harbison-Walker Refractories), Mr. Kevin Duddy (DCI), and GTI. The objectives of
the meeting were to get the mechanical and refractory work assignments clarified and to discuss
the statement of work that had been prepared by GTI. We also discussed the design drawings
that CEntry had prepared and made changes to the placement (orientation) of the ceramic and
wire refractory anchors around the kiln nose ring.

During the discussion on refractory selection, it was suggested that instead of using 3-inch thick
castable insulating refractory, a 1-inch thick insulating board could be used. This would
facilitate installation and extend the clearance between the drop-out box walls and the rotating
kiln by 2 inches on both sides of the kiln.

Since the mechanical and refractory work scopes are fairly interdependent upon each other,
coherent work schedules needed to be established for RPMS and DCI tasks. For example, before
DCI could go into the rotary kiln and demolish the drop-out box and nose ring refractory, the
granulator (C-205) needed to be disconnected and removed. Before the granulator could be
removed, the melt burners, some structural steel, and the electrical connections, natural gas
piping, and air ductwork needed to be cleared and removed. Similarly, before FMW Piping
could remove the old drop-out box, DCI needed to demolish the drop-out box refractory. The
metal fabrication work also needed to be completed before the new refractory could be installed.

RPMS disconnected the electrical connections leading to the granulator (C-205) and cleared
other utilities as required. FMW Piping (mechanical contractor) removed the melt burners from
around the drop-out box including the Tempest and Hot Spots as well as the burners directed at
the kiln nose. They also removed the structural steel around the drop-out box. FMW removed
the granulator (C-205) from the system below the drop-out box so that DCI could begin
demolition of the drop-out box refractory. DCI then demolished some 220 ft3 of refractory from
the drop-out box.

Next, FMW completed cutting the lower part of the drop-out box away. The nose ring gussets
and nose ring shelf metal were also cut away. The kiln was rotated slowly to bring the parts to
be cut away into reach. Figure A-2 shows the kiln nose after the cracked refractory was
removed. Also the lower part of the drop-out box has been cut away in this view.

FMW also removed the front-end equipment in anticipation of receiving and installing the new
V-Ram feeder. The front-end equipment removed includes the water-cooled screw auger (C-
151), the pug mill mixer (M-131), and the weigh conveyor (C-112). Some interfering structural
steel was also removed at the front end. The back end of the water-cooled housing that connects
to the rotary kiln burner face plate was also cut back to accommodate the new V-Ram feeder.

Figure A-2. Lower Part of Drop-Out Box Cut Away. Old Refractory Anchors
Visible in the Nose Ring and Drop-Out Box Wall

Using the detailed design drawings that had been prepared by CEntry, Casale Industries
(Garwood, NJ) fabricated the main drop-out box section as well as the upper refractory-lined
discharge chute and the lower stainless steel discharge chute. Fabrication was completed on
October 13, 2006 and representatives from RPMS and GTI visited Casale to approve the
fabrication and confirm key measurements. Threaded studs had been installed on a diamond-
shaped pattern across the main drop-out box section as specified. All of the fabricated parts were
delivered to the plant site on October 16, 2006.

FMW installed the main drop-out box section and welded the existing upper and new lower
sections together (Figure A-3). The upper discharge chute (without refractory) and the stainless
steel lower discharge chute are also shown in Figures A-4 and A-5 awaiting installation.

The anchors needed to support the wire anchors as well as the ceramic anchors around the nose
of the kiln were also installed. The refractory anchors are positioned around the kiln nose ring
alternating 45° up and 45° down. A ceramic refractory anchor is shown in place in the nose ring
(Figure A-6).

Figure A-3. New Drop-Out Box Installed and Welded in Place

DCI installed the new refractory in the drop-out box and the kiln nose ring using a process called
“guniting.” In this process, a mixture of the refractory material and water is “gunited” onto the
target surface using a high-pressure hose. The castable refractory (Harbison-Walker Refractories
Versaflow 60) was also installed in the upper discharge chute.

Figure A-4. Upper Discharge Chute Figure A-5. Stainless Steel Lower
(without refractory) Discharge Chute

Figure A-6. Ceramic Refractory Anchor in Place on the Nose Ring.

Wire Anchors Shown Welded in Place

V-Ram Feeder: Based on the results of the Task 6 study, we contacted V-Ram Solids (Albert
Lea, MN) to supply an appropriate feeder for the sediment-modifier mixture. To determine the
proper size of the equipment, V-Ram requested that we send a bulk sample (three 55-gallon
drums of sediment) for testing in their equipment. To simulate the addition of modifiers to the
sediment, V-Ram suggested that the appropriate amount of sand be blended with the sediment.
To that end, three 55-gallon drums loaded with Passaic River sediment (from the sediment
storage area) were shipped to V-Ram Solids facilities.

GTI visited V-Ram Solids facilities on July 6, 2006 to witness the testing of the V-Ram solids
feeder with Passaic River sediment. The V-Ram test equipment consisted of an 11-inch ram
with flowable hopper (Figure A-7). At the outlet of the V-Ram feeder, lengths of 8-inch
diameter pipe were connected to provide a suitable pumping distance for the feeder. Pressure
transducers were located along the piping course to provide information on pressures generated
during the pumping cycle. Data acquisition was by personal computer.


of flow

Figure A-7. V-Ram 11-inch Pump with Flowable Hopper

Connected to 8-inch Diameter Pipe

The first test of the V-Ram pump was with as-shipped Passaic River sediment. The sediment
was shoveled into the flowable hopper and the pump was activated at a rate of about 18 strokes
per minute. The V-Ram readily pumped the material through the pipe (Figure A-8).

Figure A-8. Passaic River Sediment Being Discharged through Straight
8-inch Diameter Pipe from V-Ram 11-inch Pump

The second test of the system was with Passaic River sediment blended with about 20 wt % dry
fine silica sand. For this test, two 90° bends were also included in the piping (Figure A-9). The
addition of sand was to simulate the addition of modifiers to the sediment. The sand and
sediment were loaded into a mixer for blending and then into the feed hopper for the test. The
V-Ram also readily pumped this mixture. The tests were recorded using a digital video camera.
The data collected during the tests was recorded and transmitted to ECH on a CD.

Based on the test results, V-Ram prepared several proposals for ECH with different options of
pump motor horsepower and materials of construction. For our application, V-Ram
recommended the 16-inch V-Ram feeder. It was also noted that the sediment tended to stick on
the sloped wall of the flowable hopper. Therefore, V-Ram Solids recommended a “non-
flowable” hopper, which has vertical sides.

ECH evaluated the proposals and selected the 16-inch carbon steel system with non-flowable
hopper. The purchase order was prepared and submitted to V-Ram in early August 2006. The
complete V-Ram feeder system including control panel and hydraulic unit were delivered to the
plant site on September 26, 2006 (Figure A-10). It was subsequently mechanically installed at
the charging deck by FMW. SM Electric made the electrical connections. An end view of the
V-Ram feeder installed is shown in Figure A-11. The high-pressure hydraulic lines are shown at
lower right.

Figure A-9. Test Configuration for V-Ram Test with Passaic River
Sediment Blended with Sand

Figure A-10. V-Ram Hydraulic Module Being Off-Loaded at the

Cement-Lock Demo Plant Site (September 26, 2006)

Figure A-11. End-View of V-Ram and Hydraulic Connections

Conveyor Belt system: The belt conveyor system would bring sediment-modifier mixture from
the sediment storage area to the feed hopper of the V-Ram feeder on the charging deck. For this
application, we contacted Smalis Inc. (New Stanton, PA). Smalis had provided the belt conveyor
for the March 2005 non-slagging campaign.

RPMS developed detailed specifications for the belt conveyor system to feed the V-Ram feeder
on the charging deck. The belt conveyor system included a 140-foot length of belt conveyor
running from the sediment storage area parallel to the rotary kiln but at a shallow incline.
Another 40-foot section of belt conveyor would run perpendicularly from the end of the 140-foot
conveyor and be inclined up to the charging deck above the pug mill.

The existing pug mill (M-131, Figure A-12) was relocated and positioned just below the
discharge of the inclined belt conveyor (Figure A-13).

Figure A-12. Pug Mill (M-131) to be Installed
Above the V-Ram Feeder

The conveyor system was originally scheduled for delivery in early November 2006. The
conveyor parts were shipped to the plant site on November 13 and 15, 2006, which was later
than scheduled thereby delaying plant start-up. FMW connected the parts of the conveyors and

Figure A-13. Pug Mill (M-131) Relocated to the Charging Deck

Above the V-Ram Feeder (V-Ram hopper shown at bottom)

lifted them up onto the stanchions. SM Electric Company connected power to the two conveyor
motors and ran conduit and wire so that the long conveyor could be started or stopped at the inlet
at the sediment storage area. The two-section belt conveyor system is shown in Figure A-14.

Figure A-14. Covered Belt Conveyors Running from the Sediment Storage Area to the Charging Deck
(left: looking west from the sediment storage area; right: looking east from the SCC platform)

Once the V-Ram feeder was installed, the pug mill (M-131) was relocated and positioned above
the V-Ram hopper (Figure A-15). The hydraulic connections between the V-Ram feeder and the
hydraulic unit (at ground level) were connected.


Figure A-15. V-Ram Feeder Pump Installed at the Charging Deck. The Water-Cooled
Screw Auger (C-151) Removed. Relocated Pug Mill (M-131) Above.

On November 6, 2006 the V-Ram service technician visited the plant to conduct shakedown
testing and operator training. During initial shakedown testing, the V-Ram service technician
determined that one of the valves on the hydraulic system was closed even though its actuator
indicated it was open. This installation error was readily fixed. Also, the temperature sensor for
the hydraulic oil reservoir was determined to be inoperative. V-Ram sent a replacement by
overnight express, which was also installed.

Refractory Dryout: According to Harbison-Walker Refractories (HWR), the newly installed

refractory needed to be carefully dried out to prevent cracking during subsequent operation.
HWR specified a dryout schedule in which the refractory would be heated to specific
temperatures and “soaked” at these temperatures for specific times. The refractory dryout was
estimated to take about 67 hours and reach a maximum temperature of 1100°F.

Team Industrial Services (TEAM, Aston, PA) was selected to perform the refractory dryout.
They had been highly recommended by DCI based on cost and experience. TEAM arrived at the
demo plant site on November 3, 2006 (Friday) for IMTT Safety Orientation. On November 6,
2006 (Monday) they set up the equipment required for refractory drying. The equipment
included a 10-million Btu/hour natural gas burner, blower, insulation, thermocouples for sensing
temperature, and data acquisition equipment. The lower part of the drop-out box was closed off
from the ambient using an insulating refractory blanket as shown below in Figure A-16.

The burner was inserted into the access hatchway on the north side of the drop-out box and
insulated as shown in Figure A-17.

To limit the volume of air inside the rotary kiln and drop-out box that must be heated, bulkheads
were installed by FMW in the kiln and the duct leading to the secondary combustion chamber
(SCC). FMW also constructed a steel box-like structure to protect the data acquisition
equipment from weather. The structure was covered with a tarp for rain protection.

TEAM began the prescribed heating schedule late Monday and completed the dryout on
Thursday at which time they began dismantling and demobilizing their equipment. Overall, the
decision to use a professional dryout company to cure the refractory was a good one even though
it had not been included in the original work scope. The alternative was to have RPMS and GTI
personnel attempt to maintain the prescribed dryout schedule using the primary (30-million

Btu/hour) kiln burner at low-fire initially, which would have required heating the entire kiln

Drop-Out Box

Discharge Chute


Figure A-16. New Drop-Out Box and Upper Discharge Chute

in Place with Refractory Blanket Shown at Bottom

Drop-Out Box

Discharge Chute

Figure A-17. TEAM’s 10-Million Btu/hour Burner Installed and

Insulated in North Drop-Out Box Access Hatchway

Stack Cap: The stack cap was removed from its position on top of the emergency stack and
placed on the ground (Figure A-18) in an inverted position. During previous tests, the
overheated steel had warped the stack cap such that the cap did not close completely. Steel that
had been damaged due to overheating was removed. The burned metal was removed from the
stack cap. According to DCI, the refractory appeared to be sound. The stack cap was reinstalled
and tested for proper function.

Figure A-18. Stack Cap (Removed From Emergency Stack) Showing Overheated Metal

Haz-Op Session: RPMS and GTI project personnel convened a Haz-Op session to discuss
“hazards and operability” issues that could arise because of the new equipment installed in the
demo plant. The discussion focused on the new two-section conveyor system and the V-Ram
feeder. As a result of these discussions, new emergency stop switches were located near both the
long conveyor inlet and the V-Ram feeder. The modified drop-out box was discussed, but did
not elicit any Haz-Op suggestions.

Scaffolding: Safety Scaffolds (Branchville, NJ) visited the plant to assess the scaffolding needs
at four locations: 1) the west end kiln view ports, 2) the north side drop-out box view port, 3) the

activated carbon bed inlet, and 4) the main stack. Safety Scaffolds has provided scaffolding for
the Cement-Lock demo plant in previous campaigns.

The scaffolding for the west end kiln view ports and the north side drop-out box view port are
needed for proper operation of the plant. The scaffolding for the stack and activated carbon bed
are required for the EPA SITE stack and environmental sampling teams.

Natural Gas Service: Natural gas service to the plant was resumed by the local utility (PSE&G)
on November 1, 2006. Two gas meters are located about 450 feet to the east of the plant.

Miscellaneous Repairs: FMW corrected a leaking gasket in the main flue gas duct leading from
the flue gas quencher to the bag house. The leak was detected during the refractory dryout
operation when water was observed dripping from the duct connection. It turns out that the flue
gas quencher water spray valve was inadvertently left on, which enabled the leaking gasket to be


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