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April - June 2020
ሚያዝያ – ሰኔ ፳፻፲፪
A quaterly newsletter published by
Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency

Clean your hands President of the Oromia ATA and MoA ATA and Mercy Corps
thoroughly for at Region visits a seed apiculture teams visit sign a memorandum of
least 20-40 seconds facility run by a Seed Israel for training and understanding for the
with soap and water, Production and experience-sharing use of a digital platform
or an alcohol-based Marketing Union in to enable data-driven
hand rub to protect Chefe Buluk support to farmers
yourself from viruses READ MORE READ MORE READ MORE

Farmers’ Production Cluster in Arsi Zone

makes strides in mechanized land preparation
Fayisa Buta Farmers Production Cluster in Guchi Habe Kebele of
Hotesa Woreda in Arsi Zone conducted fully mechanized large-
scale farmland preparation on 26 May 2020. More than 13 tractors
were utilized in this two-phase land preparation for wheat
plantation covering 82 ha of land.
President of the Oromia Region visits a seed facility run by a Seed
Production and Marketing Union in Chefe Buluk
Oromia Regional President H.E. Ato Shimelis Abdisa visited the seed facility of Chefe Buluk Seed
Production and Marketing Union 2020 in Horo Guduru, Wollega Zone on 29 March 2020. He was
accompanied by the regional Vice President Dr Girma Amente and Head of Oromia Bureau of
Agriculture Ato Daba Debele. Regional staff of the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency
(ATA) were also in attendance.

The visit included a trip to the seed processing plant, mini seed laboratory and modern seed
storage site. Presentations regarding the facility, seed production and marketing activity as well as
similar initiatives underway in the region were made during the visit.

Speaking after the visit, the President H.E. Ato Shimelis commended the
said “I did not know we have this zone for establishing such a modern
kind of plant in Shambu. This is very
important to modernize our agricultural facility. “Such modernizing of agricultural
practices. Going forward, it is very practices is important, and this
important to scale fast the same innovation needs to be scaled to other
facilities in other parts of Oromia”
parts of the region,” he said.
H.E. Ato Shimelis commended the zone
for establishing such a modern facility. “Such modernizing of agricultural practices is important,
and this innovation needs to be scaled to other parts of the region,” he said.

The activities, challenges and opportunities of the union were discussed during the visit. The
union manager explained that the union has aggregated 9,846 quintals of certified seed and was
ready for the upcoming planting season. The officials appreciated the role played by the ATA in
introducing seed technologies and improving infrastructural capacity of seed unions to solve
bottlenecks in seed sector development and to enhance access and use of quality seed in the
ATA and MoA apiculture teams visit Israel for training and experience-
Seven apiculture experts from the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) and the
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) attended a 20-day training at the MASHAV International Agricultural
Training Center in Israel that aimed at developing the beekeeping subsector through training and
experience-sharing. The training, which lasted from 16 February to 6 March 2020, was organized
for high level beekeeping experts drawn from federal and intervention regional institutions within
the Integrated Apiculture Value Chain Development Project (IAVCDA). As the ATA IAVCDA project
is nearing conclusion at the end of the current year, the training intended to strengthen and
capacitate federal and regional beekeeping experts of BoA to ensure sustainability of the project
outcomes and visons.

The training was given by pioneer and high-level Israeli professionals and beekeepers both in
classroom and in the field. The team was able to learn how Israel has brought tangible changes
in agriculture, historical perspectives on beekeeping in Israel, policies for the development of
beekeeping sector, challenges, and solution. As part of the training, the team visited many
commercial and small apiary sites in fields, beekeeping equipment workshops, honey and wax
processing plants, nursery sites, universities, research center and some historical places.
On returning from the training and experience-sharing visit to Israel, Ato Assefa Amaldegn,
Senior Project Officer at ATA’s IAVCA, asserted that an apiculture-based extension system needs
to be developed together with a functional credit system that would help fund small start-
ups. “Coordination among
stakeholders is also key to
enabling Ethiopian apiculture
to attain similar success rates
as the apiculture development
we observed while in Israel,”
He added. “Research centers,
development workers and policy
makers need to work hand in

The team that traveled for the

training returned inspired and
challenged by the training,
experience sharing and
personal interactions with the
beekeepers. The trainees’
eyes have been opened to
new possibilities of ensuring
sustainability and maximizing
productivity of beekeeping in
ATA and Mercy Corps sign a memorandum of understanding for the use
of a digital platform to enable data-driven support to farmers
The Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) and Mercy Corps’ AgriFin program have
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 2 April 2020 to support ATA implement
develop a data hub through which ATA will be able to derive insights from, and provide data-driven
holistic solutions to farmers. The data hub will also enable ATA to implement a digital farm-
management tool enabling farmers to make data-driven decisions and improve existing processes
and performances within ATA’s Farmer Production Clusters (FPC) program. The agreement was
signed by ATA CEO Khalid Bomba and Mercy Corps/Agrifin Program Director, Leesa Shrader, in
Addis Ababa and Nairobi.

“This partnership is an exciting and bold initiative for the two institutions. Since the initiation of
the partnership last year, Mercy Corps’ AgriFin program has been supporting the ATA and its FPC
program to design and test high-impact digital solutions for smallholder farmers. These solutions
will ultimately be scaled, benefiting the 2.5
million smallholder farmers under the FPCs,” “This partnership is an exciting and
ATA CEO Mr. Khalid Bomba said. bold initiative for the two institutions.
Since the initiation of the partnership
Through the ATA-Mercy Corps AgriFin
partnership, ATA is piloting Cropin’s last year, Mercy Corps’ AgriFin
SmartFarm platform, which will enable program has been supporting the
the organization to obtain real-time
ATA and its FPC program to design
insights on the FPCs across various
geographies, enabling it to provide timely and test high-impact digital solutions
recommendations and guidance to individual for smallholder farmers. These
smallholder farmers as well as clusters
solutions will ultimately be scaled,
based on these insights.
benefiting the 2.5 million smallholder
“ATA has always been at the forefront of farmers under the FPCs,” ATA CEO
technology innovation for the agricultural
Mr. Khalid Bomba said.
sector in Ethiopia, indeed across Africa,”
said AgriFin Program Director, Ms. Leesa
Shrader. She added, “Mercy Corps is honored to work with the ATA team to help them take their
work to the next level, combining data and building responsive digital systems which can inform
government, private sector and smallholder farmers’ critical work in agriculture, building a solid
foundation for Ethiopia’s food security and economic growth.”

The ATA will develop and scale a solution to meet the financial and productive needs of
smallholder farmers in Ethiopia while working with the Mercy Corps’ AgriFin program as a
strategic partner to assist in the potential roll-out of the project. Mercy Corps’ AgriFin aims at
leveraging the power, convenience, and prevalence of mobile phones to help smallholder farmers
access digital services and boost their harvest, production, and ultimately their incomes.

CropIn delivers future-ready farming solutions to the entire agriculture sector, including decision
making tools that bring consistency, dependability, and sustainability to agri-businesses. The ATA
will use the platform to provide decision makers with complete visibility to the activities taking
place at each of the FPCs and utilize the data to support in decision making. The platform will also
equip Development Agents (DAs) with updated information that they can use to deliver timely
information and advisories to farmers. The tools will enable the ATA and its stakeholders to analyze
and interpret data to make actionable recommendations.
Farmers’ Production Cluster in Arsi Zone makes strides in mechanized
land preparation
Fayisa Buta Farmers Production Cluster in Guchi Habe Kebele of Hotesa Woreda in Arsi Zone
conducted fully mechanized large-scale farmland preparation on 26 May 2020. More than 13
tractors were utilized in this two-phase land preparation for wheat plantation covering 82 ha of

The land preparation activity was visited by Oromia regional government bodies led by Dr. Girma
Amente, Vice President of the Regional state & Head of Oromia Rural Development Cluster, and
Federal Prosperity Party (PP) officials led by Ato Binalf Andualem, Secretary General , Federal PP
office. Zonal and woreda levels government officials and farmers’ representatives were also in

Such coordinated mobilization for land preparation, planting, weeding and harvest not only
increase efficiency in terms of time spent per plot, but also facilitate optimum preparation,
application of inputs and efficient harvest, ensuring increase in yield/harvest and better market
competitiveness for members of the FPC.

Fayisa Buta FPC has been registered with the 8028 Farmers’ Hotline with the identification
number (ID): WH-OR-1272, GPS coordinates (X-37P0532655, Y-0901481). The cluster has also
fulfilled the requirements and transitioned from pre-basic to basic status.
The visiting officials left highly impressed by the FPC’s organizational and coordination efficiency,
including the employment of tractors for land preparation. They recommended that this successful
practice should be scaled up to other parts of the Oromia Region.
Innovations to help our country grow


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