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Awakening To God's Call To Earthkeeping

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Awakening to

God’s call to

For creation waits

with eager longing
for the revealing
of the children of God.
Romans 8:19
Awakening to
God’s call to
For creation waits Contents
with eager longing Leader Guide
for the revealing
Introduction 3
of the children of God.
Romans 8:19 Session One: Rediscovering
Our Place in Creation 5
Participant 10

A four-session small group study Session Two: God’s

to encourage, empower, and Fills All Creation 12
equip Lutherans in their calling Participant 18
to care for creation. Leader Resource 21

Caring for creation is an essential component of Session Three: Biblical

religious faith and witness. Faithful “earthkeeping” Foundations for
can deepen our relationship both with God and with Earthkeeping 22
one another, as we work for the healing of the world. Participant 26
This resource is downloadable at no cost from Leader Resource 28
the ELCA website at ww.elca.org/stewardship/
teaching. For more specific information about Session Four: Creation Waits
earthkeeping and using this resource, you may with Eager Longing! 35
contact the author, and ELCA Diaconal Minister, Participant 40
Kim Winchell, at KWinchellDM@aol.com.

KB: set “living in...” Appendix of

by Kim Winchell
in Minion Italic
at about 12 point.
Resource Materials
Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard
Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian A Theology for Earthkeeping 43
Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ
in the USA and used by permission. All rights reserved. Sample Survey on Religious
Faith and the Environment 45
Copyright © 2006 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
This study may be downloaded and reproduced for one-time Historical Voices on Creation 46
Living in God’s amazing grace local usage. All reproductions must include this notice.
A Congregational Covenant for
**Though this study guide has been designed with ELCA
the Care of Creation 48
Lutherans in mind, members of other denominations can
easily modify it for their own use, by incorporating pertinent Helpful Resources for a Faithful
materials from their own faith traditions and national church Response as Earthkeepers! 49
Design: Brewer Communications, Inc. www.brewer-com.com
Cover photo ©iStockphoto.com/czardases

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Introductionw 2

Leader Guide

Earthkeeping is a term Possible Uses Desired Outcomes

being used by many people of faith to and Contexts It is hoped that participants will:
describe the nature of our responsi- ● Gain a deeper awareness and
This resource is intended for use
bility to care for creation. It springs understanding of our connection
in any faith-based small group setting,
from our wonder, awe, and gratitude to creation and discover new
such as: adult/older youth Sunday
for God’s wisdom, creativity, and ways to live into God’s hope and
school or Christian education classes,
blessings that fill the natural world. guidance for our lives and world.
Women’s circles, Men’s groups, or a
It also grows out of our dismay and
congregational “creation care” team. ● Awaken to the Spirit’s urgent call
concern for the degradations and
The material may be presented in our time, to better care for the
“groaning” of God’s good creation.
over four, approximately one-hour Earth, in ways that are just and
Faithful earthkeeping involves
sessions, but suggestions and options sustainable for all.
extending the justice, peace, reconcil-
are included for extending the study,
iation, hope, and love of Christ to all ● Embrace a hopeful vision for
where feasible or desired. It could
creation. In caring for the Earth, we how we, and the generations that
also be utilized over a weekend in a
also deepen our relationship with follow us, can live in a world
retreat setting. This curriculum is
God and with one another, making marked by a loving, healthy,
merely an introductory overview, and
our faith more alive and relevant, in life-giving relationship between
groups are encouraged to make use
and to a broken world. humankind and the rest of God’s
of the additional resources listed in
This study guide has been creation.
the Appendix, so that earthkeeping
developed to help group participants
might become more fully integrated ● Be empowered and equipped to
hear and respond to God’s call to
into the ongoing awareness, life, and find ways to bring that vision to
earthkeeping, as a way to grow in
practices of our family of faith. life, both in our personal lives
their faith and to work for the healing
Thank you, and blessings be upon and through a congregational
of the world, both individually and in
you, for your leading of this group witness to the wider society.
study about answering God’s call to
care for the Earth! This study booklet
is arranged for use by the group
leader, with separate, reproducible
participant pages for each

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Introductionw 3

Leader Tips and
Advance Preparation:
● Read through and familiarize
yourself with the whole study
booklet ahead of time, taking
note of placement of materials,
any advance prep needed for
each session, and potential
options for expanding the

● Order, or borrow, and preview

any videos (from the Resource
list) that may be used.

● Provide notice of this study

group opportunity in your
congregational newsletter or via
other means available to you for
promoting and advertising it.

● Post a sign-up sheet ahead of

time to aid in determining how
many participants to plan for and
how many copies of participant


pages to prepare. Please use
recycled content papers!

● Consider “decorating” the meet-

ing space to be used with a small
collection of natural objects, pho- or a state ELCA public policy ● [Important!] The leader, and par-
tos, or posters depicting natural office will also be a helpful ticipants, should collect (both
scenes (participants may also be resource, in terms of issues. prior to the class and throughout)
invited to add to this collection). any newspaper and magazine arti-
● You may also wish to review, and
cles about current environmental
● Make sure your meeting space perhaps obtain for group mem-
issues or problems, and post or
has sufficient, comfortable seat- bers, a copy of the ELCA’s social
display them in some manner in
ing and tables, if needed (though, statement Caring for Creation:
the meeting room (this will be
if possible, consider holding your Vision, Hope, and Justice—see
important in leading up to, and
discussions outside!). www.elca.org/socialstatements/
preparing for, Session Four).
● Access to a white board or paper
● Finally, have fun with this! Be
flip chart would be helpful. ● Each session has suggested
open to the leading of the Spirit.
prayers for the Opening and
● Be aware of nearby nature cen- This should be a journey of joy,
Closing/Sending, but feel free to
ters, planetariums, and any local discovery, and hope for all
create your own prayers, if
or state environmental groups involved. Encourage and allow
desired, and to have group
(as potential places to visit or for all to have a chance to be heard,
members share in the leading of
info on current local issues). and strive to have discussions
prayers and readings. Potential
that are courteous and respectful,
● The national ELCA office for discussion questions will be
accepting that sometimes we may
public policy, The Washington included for each session.
have to agree to disagree.
Office, (www.elca.org/advocacy)

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Introductionw 4

Awakening to
God’s call to
Session One

Rediscovering Our Place

in Creation

When I look at your

heavens, the work of
your fingers, the moon
and the stars that you
have established,
what are human
beings that you are
mindful of them,
mortals that you care
for them? [Yet] …you
have given them

dominion over the

works of your hands.
Psalm 8:3-4, 6a

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session One 5

Leader Tips and

Session One:

Rediscovering Our Place in Creation

Leader Guide

Advance Preparation
Make sufficient copies of the
Survey on Religious Faith & the
Note: This study guide utilizes the
common modern scientific
understanding that the universe is
approximately 13-14 billion years
old, and the Earth about 5 billion
Opening the Session
Leader welcomes group partici-
pants and invites brief introductions,
if needed (fuller introductions will
follow opening prayer and opening
Environment (Appendix, page 45) years old. See pertinent videos,
books, and the “Clergy Letter readings).
if you choose to use that compo-
nent in Session One and later Project” in the Resources section
return it for participant review for further information, if you A Call to Prayer
and reflection in Session Four. think this will be of concern to See page 10. This may be read
Alternately, the survey can be any of your participants. in unison; leader may follow with a
distributed and collected prior free-form prayer or invite participant
● You may wish to find some
to the first class, and reviewed petitions of hopes for the study
Hubble Telescope photos to have
confidentially ahead of time. group, or creation itself.
available or on display for this
Whichever way the survey is
session (or schedule a follow-up
used, the idea is to gain a sense
visit to a local planetarium).
Distribution of the Survey
of the starting point attitudes of (optional)
the group. Plan to have partici- ● Plan ahead for how you might
Ask participants to take just a
pants write their name or initials convey the concepts of the
couple of minutes to quietly fill it out,
on the backside of the survey, Ancient Hebrew worldview and
fold it in half, and put their name
after it is folded in half to turn in. the scope of time, introduced in
or initials on the backside before
Be sure to save these, as they will this session. Take a few moments
returning it to you.
be revisited in the last session. to examine the illustration, an
You may wish to share some
artist’s depiction of “Ancient
● If possible before the first ses- personal words about your hopes for
Hebrew Cosmology,” as gleaned
sion, provide participants with a this group study, and ask participants
from the opening chapters of
copy of the Theology for what their hopes are. Another option
Genesis. This will be introduced
Earthkeeping (Appendix, page would be to share the list of “Desired
in the section, “Ways of
43; please use a double-sided Outcomes” from the introductory
Rediscovering Our Place.”
copy) and request that they read material.
Explanatory text, provided below
it prior to your first gathering. You may then read the following
in the session outline, may be
Other options: it may be read questions—not to be answered, but to
read aloud.
aloud by either the leader or help set the theme and tone of this
participants at some point during ● The “Appreciating Our Place in first session.
the beginning of the session Time” analogy: You may wish to
(depending on the time avail- sketch out a picture of the ten Questions to think about:
able), or distributed at the end volumes, or plan to bring in ● What do we know about our
of the session, as a take-home an encyclopedia set, to help “place” and how might that
reading. participants visualize this. There inform our “role” as humans, as
is also explanatory text that you God’s people, on Earth?
will read for this illustration.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 6

● How might ancient views, cou- The ancient worldview and
pled with new understandings of
Ways of
Rediscovering how far we have come
our place in space and time, help
Leader may read the following
us to rediscover our place within Our Place or summarize in his/her own words.
the “matrix of grace” that is our
Leader facilitates this This is what the known world
earthly home?
discussion, by reading or seemed to be like, to ancient eyes: the
● How familiar are you with summarizing provided text. Earth held up by pillars, with waters
your bioregion and backyard’s below, welling up in rivers, lakes, and
ecological features? How do we name our place? oceans, with above the “firmament,”
Each person is asked to share like a dome, that the sun and stars
Introductory Reflection
where she or he was born, grew up, moved across, and with “floodgates”
See page 10; invite one or two to let in the rain and snow. How far
and where they live now. (An
persons to read it aloud. we have come in our understanding,
alternative “invitation” would be to
Allow a short time for discussion, of the nature of the universe, and
borrow a conversation starter that the
if desired, of this Introduction or the where the Earth fits into it!
Australian Aborigines purportedly use
Theology for Earthkeeping.
when they meet a stranger. They ask
You may address the provided
two questions: “What waters do you Finding our place
sample questions as a group, or have
participants take a few minutes to
come from?” and “Where is your bone in the universe
country?”) Leader slowly reads aloud the
privately write their thoughts in the
space provided on their handout for following “universe statistics.”
this session. Participants may wish to close their
eyes, to listen in a more reflective

The universe had been developing for

some 8-10 billion years prior to
Earth’s appearing.

The Earth was “born” nearly 5 billion

years ago.

It is part of a solar system, that is

itself part of the Milky Way
galaxy; and our solar system
is in what you might call the
“backwaters”—an outer arm—
of our spiral galaxy.

Our Milky Way galaxy contains

about 300-400 billion stars, many
similar to our Sun, with planetary
bodies of their own.

Our home galaxy moves in relation-

ship to a group of some 26 other
galaxies, known as a “cluster;”
ours is called the “Local Group.”

Illustration from Reading the Old Testament: An

Introduction by Lawrence Boadt, Paulist Press, NY,
1984, page 115. Used by permission.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 7

This so named Local Group cluster of Possible questions for
galaxies is, itself, part of a group
reflection and discussion Our Place in Time
of over 1000 clusters, making up
Select one or more of the follow-
what is called the Virgo Leader reads this analogy and
ing questions for discussion by the
Supercluster. the commentary following.
whole group or break into smaller
Here’s one way to try to grasp
Now try to imagine a single super- groups, if numbers warrant.
our place in time, in the history of the
cluster as a white dot—remember
universe and the Earth.4 Begin by
that it contains hundreds, if not ● When you consider our physical
imagining a ten-volume encyclopedia
thousands, of galaxies, them- location within the universe,
set. This will represent the 5 billion-
selves containing billions of stars do you find it humbling?
year history of Earth (which followed
…there are estimated to be Frightening? Exciting? Other
8-10 billion years of the universe’s
something on the order of feelings?
10 million such “dots,” such
● How does your consideration Each volume of Earth’s history
superclusters, spread across the
of the vastness, mystery, and holds 500 pages; each page represents
vast expanse of space.1
wonder of our universe influence 1 million years.
your sense of the immensity of In such an encyclopedia set,
[pause] God’s love for us? life—in the form of the first cellular
life—does not appear until volume 8,
● Knowing what we do of the
It’s about more than our human with much of that volume devoted to
universe, does it increase or
minds can conceive of, isn’t it? Does plants, though reptiles reach their
decrease the significance of
this sort of knowledge shake our peak about page 440. Humans come
humans? Does it, should it, affect
faith, or fill us with awe and wonder, along fairly late in this story …page
how we relate to one another and
or a sense of humility and gratitude? 499, of the last of the ten volumes! In
the natural world around us?
this model (configured to stop at the
How we relate to God?
Hear these words of year 2000), the time of organized
Brian Swimme, in his book, The human civilization (the past 6,000
Hidden Heart of the Cosmos, uses a years) is represented by the final two
For I am convinced that nei-
phrase to describe how he views the words on the very last page.
ther death, nor life, nor angels,
nor rulers,nor things present, nature of the universe. He calls it the
nor things to come, nor powers, “all-nourishing abyss.” 2 On the other Time analogy commentary
nor height, nor depth, nor any- hand, the late Lutheran theologian by Lutheran ethicist, theologian, and
thing else in all creation, will be Joseph Sittler, in his 1954 essay, “A author Larry Rasmussen:
able to separate us from the Theology for Earth,” describes cre- “The astonishing thing is the last
love of God in Christ Jesus our ation (as viewed through the lens of syllable of the last word of the last
Lord. Psalm 104) as “a matrix of grace in volume. Here humans turned the
Romans 8:38-39 which all things derive significance great tide against life itself. Here the
from their origin, and all things find process of slowly closing down major
I pray that you may have the fulfillment in praise.” 3 Which phrase life-systems began at human hands.
power to comprehend, with all feels most comfortable to you? Might …It is astonishing that an organic
the saints, what is the breadth “all-encompassing matrix of grace” world aeons in the making could be
and length and height and be a good compromise that fits both so easily jeopardized by the species
depth, and to know the love of
scientific and theological understand- that claims to master its secrets and
Christ that surpasses knowl-
ings? Can you come up with other care for it as a watchful steward.
edge, so that you may filled with
suitable ways of naming our context …Alongside our miniscule tenure
all the fullness of God.
in the universe, that arise from our the thing most astonishing is our
Ephesians 3:18-19 belief, through faith, that we are held gargantuan imprint. These are the ten
in and by God’s love, the grace of volumes of earth to date. We begin
Christ, and the power of the Spirit? volume 11 as the twentieth century
comes to an end.”5
Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 8
The group may wish to share After a pause for silent ● As a group, visit a local nature
their thoughts and feelings raised by reflection, Leader closes with prayer: center, natural area, or wildlife
the readings on “place” in space and refuge—get to know your bio-
Let us pray: Almighty and
time. Or, the Leader may invite here a region! Conduct a prayer walk
everlasting God, you made the
few moments of quiet reflection, for outdoors, and leave silent pauses
universe with all its marvelous order
all to consider what God’s Spirit may for creation to join in and for
and beauty, its atoms, worlds, and
be saying to us at this moment in our personal reflection and prayer.
galaxies, and the infinite complexity of
history and how we are called to be,
living creatures. Gracious Lord, you ● Create a “get to know your bio-
and act, in our connection to one
are the artist of creation and the bear- region quiz” about plant, animal
another and to God’s awesome
er of life; give us the wisdom and species, natural features, etc.
creation around us.
understanding to care for the Earth. and see who scores the highest.
Grant that as we see and experience (There is a sample one in Earth
Closing all the blessings and mysteries of your Ministry’s The Greening
A Commentary creation, we may come to know you Congregation Handbook.)
more truly, and more surely fulfill our
by ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S. ● If your group is agreeable to
Hanson (page 11) role in your eternal purpose. In your
singing, find a good hymn to go
holy name we pray, Amen.
Invite someone to read this aloud. along with the day’s theme.
Participants may then take a moment Possibilities include God Who
to quietly reflect upon and answer the Options for expanding Stretched the Spangled Heavens,
“Question to ponder” or use it as a Session One Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW)
take-home exercise. 463 or Evangelical Lutheran
● Visit a local planetarium or
invite an astronomy professor or Worship (ELW) 771).
A Scripture Reading someone from a local astronomy ● For an in-depth, secular resource
Leader reads a paraphrase of club to make a presentation to the on bioregionalism and “Discover-
Psalm 8:1, 3-6a. class or the congregation. ing A Sense of Place” (in an
O Lord, our Lord, how majes-
● Find some photos taken by the eight-session group discussion
tic is your name in all the Earth!
Hubble Telescope, share and course), contact the Northwest
When we look at your heav-
discuss; a good book of amazing Earth Institute, Portland, Oregon
ens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that you pictures from space, coupled with at (503) 227-2807 or
have established, we cannot reflections, is The Hand of God: www.nwei.org.
help but wonder: Thoughts and Images Reflecting
what are human beings that the Spirit of the Universe, Endnotes
you are even mindful of them, Templeton Foundation Press, 1999. 1 Universe statistics are drawn from
mortals that you so care for The Whole Shebang – A State of the
them? ● Discuss materials from The Clergy Universe(s) Report by Timothy
Yet you have made them a lit- Letter Project Web site: a February Ferris and The Hidden Heart of the
tle lower than God, and 2006 letter signed by over 10,000 Cosmos by Brian Swimme. See
crowned them with glory and clergy in the U.S.,
honor. You have placed us on in support of the teaching of 2 Brian Swimme, The Hidden Heart
this Earth and given us domin- of the Cosmos: Humanity and the
evolution, noting that religion and
New Story, (Orbis, 1996), 100.
ion over the work of your science do not have to be in an
hands. 3 Sittler’s essay is reprinted in
adversarial role (plus sermons and
Evocations of Grace (28); see
essays). www.uwosh.edu/ Resources.
“Earth Ball” colleges/cols/clergy_project.htm
4 This analogy was first conceived
by Olaf Skarsholt (page 11) by Robert Overman; it is referenced
● Show the videos, The Blue Planet,
Read aloud, slowly, by one by Larry Rasmussen, in his book,
or Keeping the Earth: Religious
person. Earth Community, Earth Ethics, 27.
and Scientific Perspectives on the
5 Rasmussen, Earth Community,
Environment (see Resources).
Earth Ethics, 28.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 9

Session One:

Rediscovering Our Place in Creation

Participant 1.1

Furthermore, the testimony of both

A Call to Prayer Introductory scientists and spiritual teachers is
(to be read in unison) Reflection that the natural world also sustains
We who have lost our sense and The question that needs to be us in psychological and spiritual
our senses—our touch, our smell, asked is whether we truly know that ways, as well.
our vision of who we are; we we live on, and as a part of, the Earth.
who frantically force and press Of course, theologically, we would Questions to ponder
all things, without rest for body say that we are “in the world” but not In what ways have you experienced a
or spirit, hurting our Earth and “of” the world. But, how aware are connection to nature?
injuring ourselves: we, typically, of our physical, biologi-
We call a halt. cal, and ecological connection to the _____________________________________
rest of the natural world? Scientists
We want to rest. We need to rest and tell us that our bodies are made of _____________________________________
allow the Earth to rest. We need the elements of stardust, generated
to reflect and to rediscover the in cosmic explosions eons ago. The _____________________________________
mystery that lives in us, that is Bible teaches us that we have been
the ground of every unique made out of the dust of the Earth and _____________________________________
expression of life, the source of that in Christ, all things hold together
the fascination that calls all –—you might call that the theological _____________________________________
things to communion. counterpart to the ecological reality
that all things are interconnected. Is there a particular place in the natu-
We declare a Sabbath, a space of
In modern times, however, and ral world that especially nourishes you
quiet: for simple being and letting or makes you feel closer to God?
especially in developed countries, it
be; for recovering the great,
seems that many people have become
forgotten truths; for learning how
disconnected from the natural world. _____________________________________
to live again.
It’s “the environment”—something
(“Let us pray…” or other separate from us, a mere backdrop _____________________________________
petitions may be added here, for human activities—a storehouse of
or simply conclude.) goods for our use. Thomas Berry, in _____________________________________
Amen. his book The Dream of the Earth,
speaks of this as a type of “autism,”1 _____________________________________
* Prayer taken from Only One Earth, that insulates us from feeling the
United Nations Environmental _____________________________________
Programme “Environmental reality of our inherent connection to
Sabbath” materials, 1990. the world around us. In such a state
of limited awareness, it becomes all Endnotes
1 Thomas Berry, The Dream of the
too easy to harm the natural world
Earth (San Francisco: Sierra Club
and its creatures, forgetting that we Books, 1990), 16.
are connected, and that we need a
healthy planet to sustain our lives.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 10

Session One:

Rediscovering Our Place in Creation

Participant 1.2

A Commentary The ancient

by ELCA Presiding Bishop
Mark S. Hanson
This is what the known
“We cannot escape the intercon- world seemed to be like
nectedness of the earth’s fabric of life. to ancient eyes: the Earth
Creation is the matrix of all our activ- held up by pillars, with
ities, both as human beings and as waters below, welling up
in rivers, lakes, and
Christ’s church. God gives us and all
oceans, with above the
creatures life through the water, air, “firmament,” like a
food, and all the other gifts that come dome, that the sun and
to us from the earth. Everything we stars moved across, and
do both depends on these gifts, and with “floodgates” to let
in the rain and snow. How
has some kind of impact upon them.
far we have come in our
If these gifts are treated with con- understanding, of the
tempt and abused, people, animals, nature of the universe,
and plants suffer together. If they are and where the Earth fits
Illustration from Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction by
graciously received and cherished, into it! Lawrence Boadt, Paulist Press, NY, 1984, page 115. Used by permission.
people will flourish with the rest of
creation. We cannot love God or our Closing
human neighbor without caring for “Earth Ball” by Olaf Skarsholt
creation. The question is not whether If the earth
the church will engage what our soci- were only a few feet in di-
ety calls the environment, but how.” ameter, floating a few feet above a
* Excerpt of a November 2003 Letter, com- field somewhere, people would come from
memorating the 10th Anniversary of the ELCA’s every where to marvel at it. People would walk
social statement: Caring for Creation: Vision,
around it marveling at its big pools of water, its little
Hope & Justice.
pools and the water flowing between the pools. People
would marvel at the bumps on it, and the holes in it, and they
Question to ponder
would marvel at the very thin layer of gas surrounding it and the
What is your hopeful vision, as a child
water suspended in the gas. The people would marvel at all the
of God, for how humans should live on
the Earth in connection with the rest of creatures walking around the surface of the ball, and in the water.
creation? The people would declare it precious because it was the only one,
And they would protect it, so that it would not be hurt. The ball
_____________________________________ would be the greatest wonder known, and people would come
to behold it, to be healed, to gain knowledge, and to know
_____________________________________ beauty and to wonder how it could be. People would love
it, and defend it with their lives, because they would
_____________________________________ somehow know that their lives, their own
roundness, could be nothing without it.
If the earth were only a few
feet in diameter.
Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Onew 11
Awakening to
God’s call to
Session Two

God’s Presence
Fills all Creation

The pastures of the

wilderness overflow,
the hills gird them-
selves with joy, the
meadows clothe
themselves with
flocks, the valleys
deck themselves with
grain, they shout and
sing together for joy.
Psalm 65:12-13

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 12

Leader Tips and

Session Two:

God’s Presence Fills All Creation

Leader Guide

Advance Preparation
It would be great if this session
could be conducted outdoors!
● For the Opening Reflection, you
will need to make a copy of the
Leader Resource page for Session
Two: Ancient Teachers and Voices
on Creation and God’s Presence
Opening the Session
Welcome group participants and
invite introductions, if there are any
new members. Allow a short time for
any questions or reflections anyone
If not, aim to foster the inclusion (found in the Participant pages
for this session, page 21). On would like to share from Session One.
of “nature” in whatever creative
this page, you will note that there The Introduction may then be
ways you can—for example,
are seven numbered quotes. Cut read aloud before the Opening Prayer
bring to your gathering area a
them apart so that you can give and Reflection, or participants may
small collection of natural objects
them to seven individual readers. simply read it silently, prior to
(even simple stones will do, if
If you have less than seven mem- beginning the session, for their
varied and interesting). You may
bers in your group, you can read own preparation and reflection.
wish to have one particular item
some of the quotes yourself, or Introduction and Opening Prayer are
as a focus point or centerpiece.
have readers do more than one. on the Participant page for Session
● There will be a “take-home spiri- Two (see page 18). Invite the
tual exercise,” based on quotes ● Arrange the seating for this participants to join with you in the
by ancient Christian saints and session, if possible, such that prayer: “Let us pray…”
teachers. Copy the two Historical participants can sit in a circle. Opening Reflection with “Ancient
Voices on Creation pages from the Teachers and Voices on Creation and
● Just prior to beginning the
Appendix (see pages 46-47) and God’s Presence:” Describe what the
session, ask for up to seven
cut out each individual quote, so quotes are (i.e., “Ancient Teachers”
volunteers, to read the “Ancient
that there will be one on each etc.) that you will be using for the
Voices” quotes during the
slip of paper; fold each in half Opening Reflection. Invite partici-
Opening Reflection. You should
and place in a basket. These will pants to listen in a contemplative
instruct them to read them in
be distributed at the end of the fashion and to quietly reflect, as the
order, beginning at your signal,
session. Make sure there will be series of quotes are read aloud by
and to allow at least 10 seconds
sufficient copies for the number your designated readers.
of silent pause between each
of participants (each person When all of the quotes have been
quote. As they read a quote, they
needs one; there may be some read, allow a short time of silent
may also name the person it
extras by using the seven quotes reflection before proceeding with the
is from, and the dates of that
from the Opening Reflection— discussion on spirituality.
person’s life (helps establish the
see below).
context and long history of such

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 13

Spirituality/ Questions for reflection Considering God’s
Creation Spirituality and discussion Immanence and the Hymn
Have participants form pairs or of all Creation
Question the group members:
groups of three, and discuss the fol- Leader reads aloud:
How would you describe or define
lowing questions among themselves. When we read or hear of Luther
Allow approximately five to 10 saying something like “The power of
Just a short answer or phrase
minutes. Space is provided on the God is present at all places, even in
will do; there is no single, or right or
handout, if you feel the participants the tiniest tree leaf,” it may be helpful
wrong, answer here. This may be han-
would rather write down their to understand the definition of the
dled as a group discussion question,
thoughts and then share in a term “immanence” and to know the
but you may find it helpful to give
discussion with either their small difference between pantheism and
participants one or two minutes to
group or the group as a whole. panentheism.
jot something down in the space
provided on their handout page. Theologically, God is understood
● Have you ever felt God’s presence to be both “transcendent” and
After a short opportunity for
in creation or “nature”? When? “immanent”—transcendent, meaning
sharing of participants’ answers on
Where? How? above and beyond all that is, but also
how they define spirituality, you may
find it helpful to read the following ● Have you ever felt more immanent, meaning “indwelling” or
short descriptions: spiritually alive or “awakened” abiding within and pervading all of
(had an “epiphany”) by an creation. Some people may feel
You may say:
experience in nature? uneasy about thinking of God as
One way to define and describe being present in all creation.
spirituality is that it grows out of the However, such an awareness of God’s
depth of our awareness of God’s presence is not to be confused with
presence, both within our own being Martin Luther “pantheism”—the worship of natural
and within all that surrounds us— (1483-1546) items or entities as God, or gods.
other people, events, or creation Another term that some have used
itself. For many, a sense of spirituality and a sampling of his in recent years to help make that
might come most naturally in their comments about creation distinction, is “pan-en-theism,” an
awareness of God’s presence “in, understanding that God is in (“en”)
with, and under” the elements of Introduction suggestion: all that is, as well as above and
Holy Communion and through “Let’s take a moment to hear beyond all that is.
Holy Scripture, God’s written Word. some of the things that Martin Luther God’s indwelling love and grace
So: What makes “creation had to say about God and creation…” inspires and calls forth what we
spirituality” different? Invite individual group members might think of as the “hymn of all
It’s not so much that it’s different, to read the Luther quotes aloud, in creation.” Consider this text, just
but it does involve, for some, a new turn (see page 19). one of many that describe aspects of
way of seeing and a new way of learn- this holy, God-praising response by
ing to be receptive to God’s imma- Discussion creation itself:
nence, or presence, within the natural Allow a short time for general
world. St. Augustine called creation comments or use the questions below, The pastures of the
God’s other “great book.” Another as a group or in the small groups wilderness overflow, the hills
well-known Church father, Thomas from the previous discussion. gird themselves with joy, the
Aquinas, put it this way: meadows clothe themselves
Sacred writings are bound in two with flocks, the valleys deck
● Have you ever heard of any of
volumes, that of Creation and that themselves with grain, they
of Holy Scripture. these quotes by Luther before?
shout and sing together for joy.
So, creation spirituality might be ● Do you find them surprising?
Psalm 65:12-13
understood as growing closer to God,
● What feelings or thoughts do they
by learning to read also from the
stir up for you?
“book of creation.”
Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 14
And, how often have we declared An example of a phrase you
in our liturgy, our intention to be a
Fostering a deeper might try, would be either of these
part of that holy hymn, in our (creation) spirituality: two which we used in this session:
Eucharistic Hymn of Praise: How? Where do we
“All creation is a symphony
Sing with all the people of start? of praise to God.”
God, and join in the hymn of all
A shorter summary of this section Hildegard of Bingen
Blessing, honor, glory, and is provided on the handout for indi-
might be to God and the Lamb vidual reflection at home, but if you “The whole earth is a living
forever. Amen. have time, it could be helpful for you icon of the face of God.”
to read the following aloud, and to St. John Damascene
Lutheran Book of Worship, review the “spiritual exercises” prior
“Hymn of Praise,” Holy Communion,
to closing this session with prayer. With practice, we will find that
pages 61, 81 and 102
God’s Spirit can touch us through cer-
You may say: tain images in nature to help inform,
Discussion Probably the easiest place to start enrich, and enliven our prayers or
Choose one or more of the follow- is in simply paying attention and even mirror, in a metaphorical way,
ing questions for group sharing. making use of all of our senses, when something we are experiencing in our
● Have you ever thought about we are outdoors. We can try to be own life and help to bring clarity to
what is meant by “the hymn of more conscious of the fact that we, the situation.
all creation”? as humans, are a part of nature, not You will recall that our Lord
separate from it. We can pray for Jesus himself frequently went into the
● How and where do you hear the openness of heart, mind, and spirit wilderness to pray, and that he would
hymn of all creation? to God’s presence woven throughout often use natural images and
● Do you think it is manifested creation. metaphors to illustrate his parables.
only in the audible sounds in We can try to understand our Of course, in urban areas, finding
creation? Or might a field full of physical “place” in new and deeper “wilderness” can be nearly impossi-
wildflowers or dew-laced spider ways—we can learn the names of ble; and finding special “nature
webs “shout and sing” its own creatures, trees, and plants in our moments” to reflect on God’s good-
kind of praises to God? bioregion, for example. At sundown, ness can also seem challenging.
we might try to be intentionally However, we might be surprised at
● How might we learn new ways to conscious of the fact that the Sun is how often life—greenery, creatures—
hear the hymn of all creation? not really going “down,” but rather, will try so hard to occupy any niche it
● Do you think that we, as humans, that our part of the Earth is turning can find. While we may discover
add to the harmony of that hymn, away. When we look at the stars at unexpected beauty in such places,
or do we also (too often?) strike night, we should know that we’re not we should also open our eyes anew
discordant notes? just looking “up,” but also out and to the challenged, and often less
down, into vast reaches of space that, beautiful, urban corners of creation.
without the force of gravity, we would Something for us to think about:
tumble into! How might we help to bring healing,
A common spiritual practice for freshness, life, and greenness to
deepening one’s connection to God is even such places, as “ambassadors”
to use a simple, repeated phrase as a of Christ’s reconciliation—in the
prayer-like meditation. Using such a restoration of right relationship—of
phrase while walking outdoors can be all things?
a way to prepare ourselves to be
more open and receptive to what
God would have us see or learn from
creation, and so become a pathway
to a deeper spirituality.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 15

● Visit a natural area, or even your
In Summary own backyard, and try reading
Fostering a deeper sense of from the “book of creation,” by Read by Leader or a volunteer,
spirituality, through connecting with reflecting upon the images, using Leader’s guide.
God in creation, is about nurturing a objects, or creatures that draw
deeper awareness of our surround- your attention. Keep notes about A Scripture Reading
ings …breathing in the joys (as well your experiences in a prayer (Psalm 19:1-4a)
as the sorrows) evident in the natural journal. What is God revealing to The heavens are telling the
world and listening more carefully for you? What is God saying to your glory of God; and the firmament
“the hymn of all creation.” What is heart? proclaims his handiwork. Day
God trying to teach us, through this to day pours forth speech, and
“other book” of scripture? ● Write a “Letter to the Creator.” night to night declares knowl-
What would you say to God, in a edge. There is no speech, nor
letter, to express your apprecia- are there words; their voice is
“Spiritual Exercises” you
tion for (or even your questions not heard; yet their voice goes
can try at home about) the natural world? out through all the earth, and
Leader reviews and describes About your particular corner of their words to the end of the
the suggestions for the following creation? What, specifically, world.
reflection exercises. would you thank God for? What
Each participant should also would you express sorrow about? Let us pray:
select one slip of paper, with a quote What would you tell God that you How wonderful, O Lord, are the
from the “Ancient Voices” collection will do, to help heal creation? works of your hands! The heavens
(of saints, theologians, etc.) for
Leader Note – if members of your declare your glory; the arch of sky
exercise #1 that the Leader prepared
group are agreeable, you may displays your handiwork. In your
ahead of time.
wish to extend an invitation to love You have given us the power to
them to share their “Letters” with behold the beauty of your world
You may say:
the full group, at the beginning of robed in all its splendor. The sun and
● Take some time each day to read
Session Three or at another time the stars, the valleys and the hills,
the quote you received; read it
of gathering (if you are on retreat, the rivers and lakes, all disclose your
outside or reflect on it during
for example). presence. The roaring breakers of the
your prayer time, whether that’s
sea tell of your awesome might. The
inside or (preferably) outside.
beasts of the field and the birds of
What words or phrase most
the air bespeak your wondrous will.
catches your attention? How
In your goodness you have made us
does this particular quote have
able to hear the music of the world.
meaning to you? How might you
The voices of loved ones reveal to us
weave it into your prayers?
that You are in our midst. A divine
voice sings through all creation.
— a Jewish Prayer

Help us, O Lord, to hear your

voice more clearly!
And let the people say,

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 16

● Do further study on Hildegard ● Visit and walk an outdoor
Options for expand- of Bingen and learn about her labyrinth; be open to God’s
ing Session Two concept of viriditas, or “greening presence, seek to learn something
● Incorporate appropriate hymns, power.” Book suggestion: new about God’s love for you and
such as When Long Before Time Praying with Hildegard of how the Earth and others may
(With One Voice [WOV] #799 or Bingen, by Gloria Durka, in the need your talents and gifts.
ELW #861) or The Canticle of the “Companions for the Journey”
● Plan and plant a natural area,
Sun by Marty Haugen (Anthology series by Saint Mary’s Press,
garden, or meditative garden on
I:1980). Winona, MN, 1991.
your congregation’s grounds.
● Visit a natural area and conduct ● Read aloud (assigning parts) in
a prayer service to celebrate class or in worship, Old Turtle, a
creation and to pray for healing book by Douglas Wood, Pfeiffer-
and reconciliation between Hamilton Publishers, MN, 1992
humankind and the Earth and (see Resources).
its creatures.
● Show and discuss one or both
● Expand on themes and ideas of The Greening of Faith videos
raised in this session, as a group, (see Resources).
in a weekend retreat.


Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 17

Session Two:

God’s Presence Fills All Creation

Participant 2.1

Introduction Opening Prayer Spirituality /

In this session, we will consider Holy and gracious Lord, we Creation Spirituality
how we might open our hearts more give you thanks for the wonders, the
Discussion questions
fully to God’s presence and revelation mysteries, the blessings, and the
Have you ever felt God’s presence in
within the natural world. You may be beauty of creation.
creation or “nature”? When? Where?
surprised that this form of spiritual Open our hearts, and attune our How?
awareness comes from a long and spirits, to your voice and presence
ancient tradition of Christian writers, as it flows through, sustains, and fills
thinkers, and even Martin Luther all the Earth.
himself! What can these voices Grant that we may come to know
teach us today? How do we define you more deeply, and hear more
“spirituality” and “creation spirituali- clearly, the ways that you call us to
ty”? What’s the difference? Is there care for your good creation, and for
a difference? Could it help us to one another.
act differently? What “spiritual In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
disciplines” might help us to connect
more deeply with God through the Reflection
testimony of creation? Listen now with your ears, mind,
and heart to the words of several Have you ever felt more spiritually
ancient Christian teachers, who wrote alive or “awakened” (had an
“epiphany”) by an experience in
and spoke about God’s presence in

Discussion question
How would you define or describe
“spirituality”? What does it mean to
you, personally?



Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 18

Session Two:

God’s Presence Fills All Creation

Participant 2.2

Martin Luther Questions for discussion:

Have you ever heard of any of these
(1483-1546) quotes by Luther before?
…and a sampling of his comments about creation
[Note: “LW” = Luther’s Works, a scholarly God is wholly present in all
compilation of his writings.] creation, in every corner, behind
God wants to be praised for you and before you. Do you
nourishing and cherishing, for think that God is [just] sleeping
God cherishes all creatures. God on a pillow in heaven?
is not only the Creator, but is (LW 51:43)
also the Sustainer and
God is in all creatures, even _____________________________________
(LW 5:197)
in the smallest flowers!
(LW 54:327)
Do you find them surprising?
God’s entire divine nature is
wholly and entirely in all crea-
tures, more deeply, more The power of God is present _____________________________________
inwardly, more present than the at all places, even in the tiniest
creature is to itself. tree leaf. _____________________________________
(LW 37:60) (LW 37:57)

God is entirely and personally God writes the Gospel, not in _____________________________________
present in the wilderness, in the the Bible alone, but also on
garden, in the field. trees, and in the flowers and
(LW 37:61) clouds and stars.
(Attributed to Luther; exact
source in his writings
What feelings or thoughts do they stir
up for you?






Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 19

Session Two:

God’s Presence Fills All Creation

Participant 2.3

even mirror, in a metaphorical way, Spiritual Exercises

Fostering a deeper something you are experiencing in
(creation) spirituality you can try at home
your life and help to bring clarity to
● Take some time each day to read
(take-home reflection) the situation. Recall that our Lord
the quote you received; read it
Jesus frequently went into the
Fostering a deeper sense of outside or reflect on it during
wilderness to pray, and that he would
spirituality, through connecting with your prayer time. What words or
often use natural images and
God in creation, is about nurturing a phrase most catches your atten-
metaphors to illustrate his parables.
deeper awareness of your surround- tion? How does this particular
ings …breathing in the joys (as well quote have meaning to you?
What is God teaching you, through this
as the sorrows) evident in the natural “other book” of scripture? How might you weave it into
world and listening more carefully for your prayers?
“the hymn of all creation.” Probably
_____________________________________ ● Visit a natural area, or even your
the easiest place to start is in simply
paying attention and making use of own backyard, and try reading
_____________________________________ from the “book of creation” by
all of your senses, when you are
outdoors. Pray for openness of heart, reflecting upon the images,
_____________________________________ objects, or creatures that draw
mind, and spirit to God’s presence
woven throughout creation. With your attention. Keep notes about
_____________________________________ your experiences in a prayer
practice, you will find that God’s
Spirit will touch you through certain journal. What is God revealing to
_____________________________________ you?
images in nature to help inform,
enrich, and enliven your prayers or ● Write a “Letter to the Creator”.
What would you say to God, in a
letter, to express your apprecia-
tion for (or even your questions
about) the natural world? What,
specifically, would you thank God
for? What would you express
sorrow about? What would you
tell God that you will do, to help
heal creation?

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 20

Session Two:

God’s Presence Fills All Creation

Leader Resource

Ancient Teachers and Voices on Creation and God’s Presence

1 3 6
For what can be known For when one considers the Without the Word of God no
about God is plain to them, universe, can anyone be so sim- creature has being. God’s Word
because God has shown it to ple-minded as not to believe that is in all creation, visible and
them. the Divine is present in every- invisible. The Word is living,
Ever since the creation of the thing, pervading, embracing and being, spirit, all verdant green-
world his invisible nature, name- penetrating it? ing, all creativity. All creation is
ly, his eternal power and deity, For all things depend upon awakened, called, by the
has been clearly perceived in God who is, and nothing can resounding melody, God’s
the things that have been made. exist which does not have its invocation of the Word.
So they are without excuse. being in God who is. All creation is a symphony of
—Romans 1:19-20 — St. Gregory of Nyssa praise to God.
(335-395) — Hildegard of Bingen

2 4 7
For even creation reveals the Some people, in order to dis- The day of my spiritual awaken-
One who formed it, and the very cover God, read books. But ing was the day I saw—and knew—
work suggests the One who there is a great book: the very all things in God and God in all
made it, and the world mani- appearance of created things. things.
fests the One who made it. Look above you! Look below — Mechtild of Magdeberg
— St. Iraneus of Lyons you! Note it. Read it. God, (1210-1279)
(130-200ad) whom you want to discover,
never wrote that book with ink.
Instead he set before your eyes
the things that he had made.
Can you ask for a louder voice
than that?
— St. Augustine (354-430)

The whole earth is a living
icon of the face of God.
— St. John Damascene
pronounced “dama-see-en”

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Twow 21

Awakening to
God’s call to
Session Three

Biblical Foundations for


Wherever the river

goes, every living
creature that swarms
will live, and there
will be very many
fish, once these
waters reach there.
It will become fresh;
and everything
will live where
the river goes.
Ezekiel 47:9,11

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Three 22

Session Three:

Biblical Foundations for Earthkeeping

Leader Guide
Humans, in service to God,
have special roles on behalf of
the whole of creation.
Made in God’s image, we are
called to care for the Earth as
God cares for the Earth.
Plan the small group work
This session, in particular,
will require some extra prior
consideration and planning for how
best to utilize the material, which

Another alternative would be to
have the full group address one
main text collection at a time
(i.e., OT, NT, Prophets) and break
into four smaller groups—one for
each subsection—and reconvene
—ELCA social statement, will depend in part on (1) the size of
the full group three times, at
Caring for Creation: Vision, your group and (2) the time allotted
shorter intervals.
Hope, and Justice for this session.
● Suggest that each small group
● Ideally, your group’s size will
Leader Tips and allow for dividing participants
choose a facilitator, to help the
group move through the texts and
Advance Preparation into three smaller groups, each
discussion questions, and who
● You may wish to have Bibles of which would focus on one of
can later summarize one or two
available, even though the study the three main text collections.
key insights from their group,
texts will be printed in the If there are enough people to
when the full group reconvenes.
Participant pages. form a fourth small group, you
The small group facilitator may
could divide the Old Testament
● In the Participant pages for also find it helpful to read aloud
text pages.
Session Three, you will find both the short introduction for their
the usual double-sided handout, ● You should allow at least 30 text collection, before beginning
plus several pages of biblical minutes for the small group their work.
texts, divided into three work, with another 10 minutes
● The small group can decide
groupings: for discussion when the full
whether they will take turns in
group reconvenes, plus time for
reading the texts aloud or divide
Group I – Hebrew Scriptures the Closing.
up the texts for individual
(Old Testament)
● You will notice that each of the reading, before discussion of the
Group II – New Testament
main text collections is divided questions.
Group III – Prophetic Texts
You will need the basic handout into four sub-sections, each with
● Approximately five minutes
for each participant, but only one several texts and accompanying
before the full group reconvenes,
set per group of the biblical texts. discussion questions. If there is
ask the groups to bring their
insufficient time (or if the small
work to a close and to jot down
● Plan how to arrange your room group chooses), choosing only
some answers to the “summary
to facilitate smaller group one or two texts from within a
overview questions” on their
discussions (e.g., how many subsection may provide a
chairs in each of at least three “sampling” to help address the
groups). A paper flip chart or discussion question(s).
blackboard may be helpful, if you
wish to record comments from
the closing discussion.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 23

NOTE: Before closing with
Opening the Session Opening prayer/ prayer, ask participants to prepare
Leader welcomes group partici- responsive litany for Session Four by using the
pants; invite introductions, if needed. “Take-home reflection” on
(See page 26.)
Ask if anyone would like to share Participant page 3.2 (see page 27).
any comments on their experiences
or reflections since the last session Small group Closing Prayer
(or their “Letter to the Creator,” if
they wrote one and feel moved to
discussion of texts Gracious and Holy Lord,
Direct the participants to form We give you thanks for your living
share it). Allow up to 10 minutes
three small groups, if they have not Word of Holy Scripture. And we ask
for this; however, if more extensive
done so already, and explain the that you would continue to speak to
discussion is desired, you may wish
process for the biblical text study and us through it, that we may open our
to extend the biblical study into an
discussion. Remind them to refer to minds and our hearts anew, to know
additional session.
their Participant pages for overview what it means in our time to live in
You may say: questions and spaces for making covenant with you and in right rela-
notes. tionship with all of creation.
In today’s session, we will read
and discuss some of the biblical texts We pray this in the name of Jesus
that “eco-theologians” often draw Sharing with one another the Christ, in whom we live and move
upon, to build a scriptural foundation full group discussion and have our being, and in whom, all
for our call to earthkeeping. The things hold together.
Give participants a reminder to
verses used here should not be seen Amen.
finish up their work five minutes
as an exhaustive list. God’s Word is before you call for the full group to
full of guidance for how to live reconvene.
rightly on this Earth, as well as many From each group: Ask for a
doxological (God-praising) texts that spokesperson to share one or two key
include creation. insights that their group derived from
the texts studied.
Some general questions to have in
mind, as we explore these texts,
Questions to everyone:
might be:
● What impression did you come
● What should be the nature of away with, from these texts, for
our “dominion”? how we ought to relate to the
● In what ways do these texts rest of creation? For how we
reflect our modern ecological relate to God as Creator?
realities? ● Did you discover anything new?
● How do these texts give us ● Can we summarize? What does
guidance or speak to our hearts God’s Word call us to? Can you
today? describe it in one-word answers?
List them (for example, words
like: awe, humility, gratitude,
praise, service, etc.).

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 24

● Another document worthy of ● Show a video, such as Keeping
Options for expanding further study, is “God’s Earth is the Earth or Affluenza (see
Session Three Sacred: An Open Letter to Resources); what biblical texts
● Incorporate a hymn (Ex. “Touch Church and Society in the U.S.” are referenced? What would the
the Earth Lightly,” #254, in the (eight pages) drafted by a group prophets say today, about our
Renewing Worship Songbook or of theologians, including several materialism?
ELW #739) notable Lutherans, in spring
● Do a “survey” of the Psalms to
2005 (available on the National
● Study and discuss the ELCA’s 1993 “collect” the examples of verses
Council of Churches Eco-Justice
social statement, Caring for that include references to
Ministries Web site: www.ncceco-
Creation: Vision, Hope, and creation or note the various
justice.org). There is also a four-
Justice, available online at creatures that God proudly
part study guide now available,
www.elca.org/socialstatements/ describes in Job 39-40, and the
“Opening the Letter,” at this Web
environment. There is also a short aspects of the natural world in
study guide at www.elca.org/dcs/ Job 38. You could form prayer
epr/environment/pdf/ ● Learn more about the petitions on behalf of the mem-
cfc_discussionGuide.pdf Endangered Species Act; do you bers of creation mentioned in
find any echoes of the story of these verses or for endangered
Noah (Gen. 9) and God’s species; or you could create a
covenant with all the creatures responsive litany from such
of Earth in those advocating for verses, to use in worship.
the preservation of species? Are
● Take note of the nature
they modern day Noah’s? See
metaphors used by Jesus in his
www.elca.org/adovcacy for
teachings. (Examples: Matthew
updates on the ESA and other
6:26-30; Matthew 12:33-37;
environmental legislation.
Matthew 13:24-30, 31-32;Mark
4:26-29, 30-32; John 15:1-8)


Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 25

Session Three:

Biblical Foundations for Earthkeeping

Participant 3.1

God of mercy and hope, forgive Space for Notes during

Opening prayer / us our apathy and arrogance, short- small group work
responsive litany sightedness and greed. Guide us now
Ever-living God, you created the in the study of your Holy Word, that _____________________________________
Earth and all that is in it and found it we may understand what you call us
very good. to do. _____________________________________
Forgive us all that we have Give us the wisdom, compas-
done to harm the Earth and one sion, and courage to do all that _____________________________________
another. we can to restore, preserve, and
protect your creation. _____________________________________
God of life and love, you created All praise and glory are yours,
all that exists to sustain life on the now and forever. _____________________________________
Earth, human life and all forms of life, Amen.
and the landscapes and ecological _____________________________________
systems that underlie all life.
Forgive us for squandering Humans, in service to God, _____________________________________
the incredible natural riches of have special roles on behalf of
this Earth, using your creation as the whole of creation. Made in _____________________________________
God’s image, we are called to
if it were merely a collection of
care for the Earth as God cares
objects for our use alone. _____________________________________
for the Earth.
—ELCA social statement,
God of grace, you sent your Son, _____________________________________
Caring for Creation: Vision,
Jesus Christ, to reconcile all things,
Hope, and Justice
making peace by the blood of his _____________________________________
cross, and making us ambassadors of
his will for restored relationships.
General reflection _____________________________________
Forgive us for not truly under- questions to keep in mind:
standing what it means to “live ● What should be the nature of our _____________________________________
abundantly” in the richness of “dominion”?
relationships built on justice, _____________________________________
● In what ways do these texts
peace, compassion, and sustain-
reflect our modern ecological
able inter-relationship with all of _____________________________________
your creation.
● How do these texts give us
guidance or speak to our hearts

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 26

Session Three:

Biblical Foundations for Earthkeeping

Participant 3.2

What and how does God’s Word

Small group call us to be, in our response as
Closing Prayer
discussion of texts Earthkeepers? Can you describe Gracious and Holy Lord,
it in one-word answers? We give you thanks for your living
Summary overview Word of Holy Scripture.
questions _____________________________________ And we ask that you would con-
tinue to speak to us through it, that
What, if anything, did you find in the _____________________________________ we may open our minds and our
texts that can help guide you in your
hearts anew, to know what it means
caring for creation?
_____________________________________ in our time to live in covenant with
you and in right relationship with all
_____________________________________ of creation. We pray this in the name
of Jesus the Christ, in whom we live
_____________________________________ and move and have our being, and in
whom, all things hold together.
What are one or two key insights that
_____________________________________ your small group has discovered, in
studying your assigned texts? Take-home reflection
_____________________________________ Prior to your next gathering,
_____________________________________ think about what current environ-
mental issues are of most concern to
Do the texts give you any new _____________________________________ you. Pray about them, and be open to
perspectives on how to relate to the God’s guidance on what you as an
rest of creation? To God as Creator?
_____________________________________ individual, or your congregation as a
group, might be able to do to help
_____________________________________ bring healing and restoration in
regard to the issue(s). Listen with the
_____________________________________ ears of your heart—which is the seat
of compassion—for that is often
_____________________________________ where God’s Spirit speaks most
powerfully, in that still, small voice.
_____________________________________ You may wish to write down a list
of your environmental concerns for
_____________________________________ reference in the next session.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 27

Session Three:

Biblical Foundations for Earthkeeping

Group I: Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) Leader Resource

How do we rightly understand Revisiting dominion: Psalm 24:1

“dominion”? Do a verse or two in The earth is the LORD’s and
Whose world is it?
Genesis say all there is say on this all that is in it, the world, and
question? Some helpful language and
What is our role? those who live in it.
historical background to have in (Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 2:7-8,15;
mind: the Latin dominus (a root word Psalm 24:1; Psalm 8:3-6a; Psalm Psalm 8:3-6a
for dominion) means “lord,” pertinent 104:24-26) When I look at your heavens,
to humans described as being created the work of your fingers, the
Genesis 1:26-28 moon and the stars that you
in the imago Dei (image of God); the
Then God said, “Let us make have established; what are
Hebrew abad and shamar, which we
humankind in our image, human beings that you are
know as “till” and “keep” (Genesis
according to our likeness; and mindful of them, mortals that
2:15), are used in a number of other
let them have dominion over the you care for them? Yet you have
places in the Old Testament, to signify made them a little lower than
fish of the sea, and over the
“serve” and “protect/preserve.” birds of the air, and over the cat- God, and crowned them with
Historically speaking, the creation tle, and over all the wild animals glory and honor. You have given
story in Genesis 2 is considered the of the earth, and over every them dominion over the works
older, original (Yahwist) version, creeping thing that creeps upon of your hands.
handed down by oral tradition, the earth.” So God created
while the opening verses of Genesis 1 humankind in his image, in the Psalm 104:24-26
were added later, in what has been image of God he created them; O LORD, how manifold are
described as a “Priestly preface,” male and female he created your works! In wisdom you have
near the time of the end of exile in them. God blessed them, and made them all; the earth is full
Babylon. God said to them, “Be fruitful of your creatures. Yonder is the
and multiply, and fill the earth sea, great and wide, creeping
and subdue it; and have domin- things innumerable are there,
ion over the fish of the sea and living things both small and
over the birds of the air and great. There go the ships, and
over every living thing that Leviathan that you formed to
moves upon the earth.” sport in it.

Genesis 2:7-8, 15 Questions for

…then the LORD God formed
man from the dust of the ground
and breathed into his nostrils ● How might we describe the
the breath of life; and the man nature of our “dominion”?
became a living being. And the
● How do you think we, as
LORD God planted a garden in
“images of God,” should relate
Eden, in the east; and there he
to the rest of creation?
put the man whom he had
formed. …The LORD God took ● How would you describe the
the man and put him in the gar- attitude of the psalmist in
den of Eden to till it and keep it. Psalms 8 and 104?

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 28

Group 1: Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) continued
A vibrant creation praises Sabbath rest and Leviticus 26:14,34-35
God: What prompts the fruitfulness for all creation: But if you will not obey me,
and do not observe all these
hymn of praise that arises Are only humans blessed commandments…
from creation? to be fruitful? Then the land shall enjoy its
(Psalm 65:12-13; Psalm 96:11-12; (Genesis 1:20-22; Exodus 23:10-11; sabbath years as long as it lies
Psalm 98:7-8; Psalm 148:3-5) Leviticus 25:2-4a; Leviticus 26:14, 34- desolate, while you are in the
35; Ezekiel 34:18) land of your enemies; then the
Psalm 65:12-13 land shall rest, and enjoy its
The pastures of the Genesis 1:20-22 sabbath years.
wilderness overflow, the hills And God said, “Let the waters As long as it lies desolate, it
gird themselves with joy, the bring forth swarms of living shall have the rest it did not
meadows clothes themselves creatures, and let birds fly have on your sabbaths when
with flocks, the valleys deck above the earth across the dome you were living on it.
themselves with grain, they of the sky.” So God created the
shout and sing together for joy. Ezekiel 34:18
great sea monsters and every
living creature that moves, of Is it not enough for you to
Psalm 96:11-12 every kind, with which the feed on the good pasture, but
Let the heavens be glad, and waters swarm, and every you must tread down with your
let the earth rejoice; let the sea winged bird of every kind. And feet the rest of your pasture?
roar, and all that fills it; let the God saw that it was good. God When you drink of clear water,
field exult, and everything in it. blessed them, saying, “Be fruit- must you foul the rest with your
Then shall all the trees of the ful and multiply and fill the feet?
forest sing for joy before the waters in the seas, and let birds
LORD… multiply on the earth.” Questions for
Psalm 98:7-8 Exodus 23:10-11
● Do you think that we, as a
Let the sea roar, and all that For six years you shall sow
society, aim to preserve the
fills it; the world and those who your land and gather in its yield;
fruitfulness of creation?
live in it. Let the floods clap but the seventh year you shall
their hands; let the hills sing let it rest and lie fallow, so that ● If not, why not, do you think?
together for joy at the presence the poor of your people may eat;
of the LORD… and what they leave the wild ● What might allowing creation its
animals may eat. own sabbath rest mean in our
Psalm 148:3-5 time or community?
Praise him, sun and moon; Leviticus 25:2-4a
praise him, all you shining stars! Speak to the people of Israel
Praise him, you highest heavens, and say to them: When you
and you waters above the heav- enter the land that I am giving
ens! Let them praise the name of you, the land shall observe a
the LORD, for he commanded sabbath for the LORD. Six years
and they were created. you shall sow your field, and six
years you shall prune your vine-
Question for yard, and gather in their yield;
but in the seventh year there
discussion/reflection shall be a sabbath of complete
● What does the phrase “the hymn rest for the land, a sabbath for
of all creation” mean for you? the LORD …

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 29

Group 1: Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) continued
Species and their habitats: Genesis 9:16 [from story of Noah and
the Flood, and God’s subsequent
Do creatures have their own promise]
worth before God? When the bow is in the
(Job 39:1, 5-8, 26-27; Ezekiel 47:9, 11; clouds, I will see it and
Genesis 9:16) remember the everlasting
covenant between God and
Job 39:1,5-8, 26-27 every living creature of all
[God asks] “Do you know flesh that is on the earth.
when the mountain goats give
birth? Do you observe the calv- Questions for
ing of the deer? …Who has let discussion/reflection
the wild ass go free? Who has
loosed the bonds of the swift ● Does creation itself have worth to
ass, to which I have given the God or is it only “for” us?
steppe for its home, the salt land ● How do these texts suggest that
for its dwelling place?
God views creation’s other-than-
“It scorns the tumult of the
human members?
city; it does not hear the shouts
of the driver. It ranges the ● Why are the swamps and marshes
mountains as its pasture, and it “left for salt”? Could it be to
searches after every green thing. preserve a special habitat?
…Is it by your wisdom that the
hawk soars, and spreads its
wings toward the south? Is it at
your command that the eagle
mounts up and makes its nest
on high?”

Ezekiel 47:9,11
Wherever the river goes,
every living creature that
swarms will live, and there will
be very many fish, once these
waters reach there. It will
become fresh; and everything
will live where the river goes.
…But its swamps and marshes
will not become fresh; they are
to be left for salt.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 30

Session Three:

Biblical Foundations for Earthkeeping

Group II: New Testament Leader Resource

You will discover that New The breadth of God’s love Questions for
Testament texts do not specifically discussion/ reflection
and the hope of the Gospel:
address how we are to tend to
environmental issues. For one thing,
for humans alone? ● What is the breadth of God’s
(John 3:16-17; Mark 16:15; love? Does it encompass only
in biblical times and language, there
Colossians. 1:21-23) humans?
was not the perception of “the
environment” as something separate ● Does it make any difference to
John 3:16-17
from humankind, nor were there the our understanding of this verse,
kinds of ecological issues with which For God so loved the world
to know that what we translate
that he gave his only Son, so
we are faced today. Here, we must as “world” here is cosmos in the
that everyone who believes in
“do theology” and bring to bear our original Greek? [John 3:16]
him may not perish but may
“context”—where we are and what
have eternal life. Indeed, God ● How might the hope of the gospel
issues we face—and, from that did not send the Son into the be “proclaimed to every creature
perspective, ask, “what does it mean world to condemn the world, under heaven”?
to be faithful?” Christ’s reconciliation but in order that the world
of “all things” calls us to fresh might be saved through him. ● Might we have a part to play in
thinking and perhaps a deeper that proclamation, as God’s ser-
meaning, when viewed through an Mark 16:15 vants?
ecological and eco-justice lens. Just And [Jesus] said to them,
as the early Christians grasped new “Go into all the world and
understandings of Old Testament proclaim the good news to the
texts, when viewed through their whole creation.”
experience of Jesus, we can trust that
Colossians 1:21-23
the Spirit and the Holy Scriptures—
And you who were once
God’s living Word—will teach and
estranged and hostile in mind,
guide us anew in our time and place,
doing evil deeds, he has now
as we bring our experiences and
reconciled in his fleshly body
questions to these texts. through death, so as to present
you holy and blameless and
irreproachable before him—
provided that you continue
securely established and stead-
fast in the faith, without shifting
from the hope promised by the
gospel that you heard, which
has been proclaimed to every
creature under heaven.
I, Paul, became a servant of
this gospel.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 31

Group II: New Testament continued
Inter-connectedness: Reconciliation: What might Creation groans,
Is it theological as well that mean today, in an creation waits…
as ecological? ecological/social sense?
(Colossians 1:19-20; Romans 8:19-22
(Colossians 1:15-17)
2 Corinthians 5:17-19) For the creation waits with
Colossians 1:15-17 eager longing for the revealing
Colossians 1:19-20 of the children of God; for
[Christ] is the image of the
For in [Christ] all the fullness the creation was subjected to
invisible God, the firstborn of all
of God was pleased to dwell, futility, not of its own will but
creation; for in him all things in
and through him God was by the will of the one who
heaven and on earth were creat-
pleased to reconcile to himself subjected it, in hope that the
ed, things visible and invisible,
all things, whether on earth or creation itself will be set free
whether thrones or dominions
in heaven, by making peace from its bondage to decay and
or rulers or powers—all things
through the blood of his cross. will obtain the freedom of the
have been created through him
glory of the children of God.
and for him.
2 Corinthians 5:17-19 We know that the whole
He himself is before all
creation has been groaning in
things, and in him all things hold So if anyone is in Christ,
labor pains until now.
together. there is a new creation:
everything old has passed away;
The late Lutheran theologian, see, everything has become Questions for
Joseph Sittler, once used a phrase in new! All this is from God, who discussion/reflection
writing about Psalm 104 that seems reconciled us to himself through ● In this text, creation waits
Christ, and has given us the
an echo of “in him all things hold “with eager longing” …for whom?
ministry of reconciliation; that
together” and is worthy of our For what?
is, in Christ God was reconciling
consideration here.
the world to himself, not ● How is creation “in bondage to
counting their trespasses against decay” in our time?
Sittler wrote:
them, and entrusting the
“Here is a holy naturalism, message of reconciliation to us.
a matrix of grace in which all
things derive significance from
their origin, and all things find
Questions for
fulfillment in praise.” [italics discussion/reflection
added] ● What does “reconciliation”
From Sittler’s 1954 essay mean to you?
“A Theology for Earth,” included
in Bouma-Prediger & Bakken, ● How can we (should we?) apply
Evocations of Grace, 28] it to the rest of creation?

Questions for
● Do you find a similarity between
the theological “matrix of grace”
and the ecological reality of the
interconnectedness of all life?

● Why or why not?

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 32

Session Three:

Biblical Foundations for Earthkeeping

Group III: Voices of the Prophets Leader Resource

The role of the prophet is to everlasting covenant. Therefore Jeremiah 12:4

call God’s people to “wake up!”— a curse devours the earth, and How long will the land
to repent and change their ways, and to its inhabitants suffer for their mourn, and the grass of every
return to the Lord their God. Prophets, guilt; therefore the inhabitants field wither? For the wickedness
in their critique and laments, decry the of the earth dwindled, and few of those who live in it, the
peoples’ broken relationship with God, people are left. The wine dries animals and the birds are swept
up, the vine languishes, all the away, and because people said,
as they forget the covenant, chase after
merry-hearted sigh. “He is blind to our ways.”
false idols, and neglect justice and
mercy. Such behaviors, the prophets
warn, will lead to suffering for both
Questions for Ezekiel 34:18

people and the land itself. The prophet- discussion/reflection Is it not enough for you to
feed on the good pasture, but
ic task is two-fold, however; it is not ● Do you hear the modern echoes
you must tread down with your
simply a criticism of the way things in these texts?
feet the rest of your pasture?
are. Prophets also announce to the When you drink of the clear
● In Isaiah 5:8, what about adding
people a more hopeful vision, of how water, must you foul the rest
“shopping mall to shopping mall”?
things could be. In terms of eco-justice with your feet?
What does that kind of land use
in our society today, think about who
do to biodiversity?
has the louder prophetic voice: Hosea 4:1-3
secular environmentalists, or the ● How does Isaiah 24:4-7 read, in Hear the word of the LORD,
people of God? Is there a prophetic light of global warming? O people of Israel; for the LORD
place for the church here? has an indictment against the
inhabitants of the land. There is
Prophetic exasperation and no faithfulness or loyalty, and no
Ancient words, modern
critique, as God’s people knowledge of God in the land.
ecological echoes?
turn away, and all creation Swearing, lying, and murder,
(Isaiah 5:8; Isaiah 24:4-7) and stealing and adultery break
suffers out; bloodshed follows blood-
Isaiah 5:8 (Jeremiah 8:7; Jeremiah 12:4; shed. Therefore the land
Ah, you who join house to Ezekiel 34:18; Hosea 4:1-3) mourns, and all who live in it
house, who add field to field, until languish; together with the wild
there is room for no one but you, Jeremiah 8:7 animals and the birds of the air,
and you are left to live alone in Even the stork in the even the fish of the sea are
the midst of the land! heavens knows its times; and perishing.
the turtledove, swallow, and
Isaiah 24:4-7 crane observe the time of their Questions for
The earth dries up and withers, coming; but my people do not
know the ordinance of the
the world languishes and withers;
the heavens languish together LORD. ● Have you seen or felt the land
with the earth. The earth lies mourning?
polluted under its inhabitants; ● If you care about the environ-
for they have transgressed laws,
ment, do you find yourself getting
violated the statutes, broken the

● How do you think God feels?

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 33
Group III: Voices of the Prophets continued
The promised and hopeful Revelation 22:1-2 At the end of time, who
vision for God’s faithful Then the angel showed me leads the praises, and who
the river of the water of life,
people: when they keep the bright as crystal, flowing from
is destroyed?
covenant with God, and the throne of God and of the (Revelation 5:13-14; Revelation 11:18.
when relationships are Lamb through the middle of the Revelation is, of course, not usually
restored and reconciled… street of the city. On either side included with traditional prophetic
of the river is the tree of life texts, but these verses reflect cre-
(Leviticus 26:3-5; Ezekiel 47:9,11-12;
with its twelve kinds of fruit, ation’s inclusion—and recompense—
Revelation 22:1-2; Isaiah 11:6-9) producing its fruit each month; at the fulfillment of the reign of God.)
and the leaves of the tree are for
Leviticus 26:3-5
the healing of the nations. [Note Revelation 5:13-14
If you follow my statutes and the expansion from the vision of Then I heard every creature
keep my commandments and Ezekiel, “for the healing of the in heaven and on earth and
observe them faithfully, I will nations.”] under the earth and in the sea,
give you your rains in their
and all that is in them, singing,
season, and the land shall yield Isaiah 11:6-9
“To the one seated on the throne
its produce, and the trees of the The wolf shall live with the and to the Lamb be blessing
field shall yield their fruit. Your lamb, the leopard shall lie down and honor and glory and might
threshing shall overtake the with the kid, the calf and the forever and ever!” And the four
vintage, and the vintage shall lion and the fatling together, and living creatures said, “Amen!”
overtake the sowing; you shall a little child shall lead them. The And the elders fell down and
eat your bread to the full, and cow and the bear shall graze, worshiped.
live securely in your land. their young shall lie down
together; and the lion shall eat Revelation 11:18
Ezekiel 47:9,11-12 (on the river
straw like the ox. The nursing The nations raged, but your
streaming from the Temple of God)
child shall play over the hole of wrath has come, and the
Wherever the river goes, the asp, and the weaned child
every living creature that time for judging the dead, for
shall put its hand on the adder’s rewarding your servants, the
swarms will live, and there will den. They will not hurt or
be very many fish, once these prophets and saints and all who
destroy on all my holy moun- fear your name, both small and
waters reach there. It will tain; for the earth will be full of
become fresh; and everything great, and for destroying those
the knowledge of the Lord as who destroy the earth.
will live where the river goes. the waters cover the sea.
…But its swamps and marshes
will not become fresh; they are Questions for
Questions for
to be left for salt. On the banks, discussion/reflection
on both sides of the river, there discussion/reflection
● Who leads that holy hymn
will grow all kinds of trees for ● Again and again, the prophets
of praise?
food. Their leaves will not told the people what they needed
wither nor their fruit fail, but to do. Do people know today ● What is our part in it? Are we to
they will bear fresh fruit every what to do, to be faithful in be part of the “chorus” even now,
month, because the water for or only in some future “end
caring for the Earth?
them flows from the sanctuary. time”?
Their fruit will be for food, and ● How helpful is it, to have a
their leaves for healing. hopeful vision of what could be? ● How does it make you feel to
read “the time has come for
● What would a hopeful vision for
destroying those who destroy
our time be?
the earth”?

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Threew 34

Awakening to
God’s call to
Session Four

Creation Waits
with Eager Longing!

There is no
faithfulness or loyalty,
and no knowledge
of God in the land
…Therefore the land
mourns, and
all who live in it
together with
the wild animals and
the birds of the air,
and even the
fish of the sea

are perishing.
Hosea 4:1b, 3

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping

Leader Tips and
Session Four:

Creation Waits with Eager Longing!

Leader Guide

Advance Preparation
● The main goals of this session are
● If you or the participants have
been collecting news clippings
and magazine articles on current
environmental issues (as suggest-
Opening the Session
Welcome the group members and
invite them to take a few minutes to
quietly read the “For Personal
both to “wrap things up” and to ed in Session One), these should
be assembled and prominently Reflection” excerpt from “A Theology
facilitate an earnest conversation
visible for this gathering. for Earthkeeping” and to think about
about “what’s next?” for the
what ideas or concerns they would
individuals in the group, and the
● Alternatively, you can compile a like to contribute for the Opening
congregation as a whole, in
list of ecological concerns and Prayer petitions. There is space to
answer to God’s call to earth-
problems from a source such as do so on the Participant page for this
keeping. Be sure to take note
www.greenfacts.org/ecosystems/ session.
ahead of time of the various
index.htm (a summary of the After everyone has had time to
Leader instructions within the
United Nations Millennium read the excerpt, ask for suggestions
flow of this session.
Ecosystem Assessment). The and make a list of ecological and
● If you used the Survey on idea is to incorporate such eco-justice concerns to fill in the
Religious Faith and the ecological concerns—or others, places indicated in the Opening
Environment (see Appendix, page as appropriate to current events Prayer. Or, you can invite participants
45) in or before the first session, or your region—into the to offer those concerns aloud, during
plan to return those in this Opening Prayer for this session. the prayer.
session (or have participants (Participants will also have an
re-take the survey). It may be opportunity at the beginning of The following summary may
useful or of interest to the group this session, to contribute ideas then be read aloud, to begin your
for you to compile a summary of for the prayer petitions.) time together:
the pre-assessment survey In this final session, we come to
● Another use for the articles may
answers, by determining the a doorway, of sorts. The sign on the
be in reading their headlines
average numerical value of door asks, “What’s Next?” and all of
aloud during the “sharing of joys
responses for each question (or God’s creation waits on the other
and sorrows,” later in the session.
by some other means, to illustrate side. It’s time to consider what we’ve
the range of responses and to ● It would be helpful to have a learned and felt, to reflect upon what
measure changes, as the survey white board or flip chart, for joys and blessings we have found in
is re-taken). recording the ideas generated God’s creation, and also what sorrows
during the discussion on possible and concerns we may hold for the
next steps for the group or many ways in which creation is
congregation. “groaning.” It’s time to search our
hearts for what God’s Spirit is calling
us to do, for creation waits, with the
most eager longing, for our response.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Fourw 36

Gracious Lord, guide us in our Joys and Sorrows, and the power of
Opening Prayer discussions and stir up our hearts, so each, to motivate our earthkeeping
Opening our hearts to God’s Spirit, that we may hear and follow your Leader facilitates this group
who enlightens and empowers us for will, in awakening to our call to care discussion; asks for brief responses.
service, let us pray for the church, the for your Earth. Take a few minutes for group
world, and all those in need. Lord, in your mercy, members to share aloud both their
We pray for this congregation Hear our prayer. greatest “joy” in creation (such as a
and for the wider church, that as favorite place or moment) and also
God’s people, we will come to more Into your hands, O Lord, we com- their greatest “sorrow” or concern
faithfully tend God’s good and mend all for whom we pray, trusting (the collected “headlines” may be
precious creation. in your grace, mercy, and guidance. helpful here). You may wish to record
Lord, in your mercy, We pray all this in the name of Jesus the concerns and issues raised, per-
Hear our prayer. the Christ, who came to reconcile all haps making separate lists for local,
things, and who calls us to continue state, national, and global issues.
We pray for those places in that reconciliation, in the restoration
the world, where creatures and of mutually sustainable relationships Seeing with the eyes of the
landscapes are suffering: between humankind and all creation.
List concerns here; or group
heart: A time of reflection
members may voice them aloud. Invite the group members to take
Lord, in your mercy, approximately 10 minutes to quietly
Hear our prayer.
Assessing our read the provided reflection on
journey in “Apathy /Compassion and Romans
8:19” on their Participant page and
Lord, we ask for wisdom, to “Awakening to God’s to think about (or answer) the
address these problems; courage,
to make the changes that may be Call to Earthkeeping” accompanying questions. Ask that
needed; prophetic persistence, to Revisiting the survey on the group remain silent until all are
finished. If weather permits, you
speak truth to power and to keep Religious Faith and the
striving toward healing for all of might encourage members to go
Environment outside to complete this exercise.
your creation.
Distribute the pre-assessment When you feel that sufficient
Lord, in your mercy,
surveys. Take a few minutes for group time has passed, reconvene your
Hear our prayer.
members to privately review what group for the following discussion
they had answered, when the survey that addresses the very core purpose
We pray for all those human
was first completed (prior to or dur- of why you all have undertaken this
populations who may be suffering
ing Session One). This is a time for time of study together, over the four
due to ecological degradations: those
individual reflection on what, if any- (or more) sessions.
who lack clean water; those in the
thing, new was learned or whether This is the point where everyone’s
path of extreme weather, losing their
any attitudes have shifted as a result creative input is needed, as the group
lives, homes, or livelihoods; those
of the sessions and group discussions. develops a list of earthkeeping ideas
suffering from increased pollution,
An alternate option would be to that could be adopted. You may wish
disease, or famine; and any others
re-take the surveys. Allow partici- to compile two lists: one for personal,
we name at this time:
pants five to 10 minutes to review and one for congregational, actions.
Second list here, or group
their survey and to reflect on and If needed, there are also a number of
members offer petitions aloud.
answer the provided questions. If suggestions in the Options, Ideas,
Lord, in your mercy,
there is time, you may wish to have Resources for “what’s next?” material
Hear our prayer.
a brief time of group sharing of at the end of this session.
participants’ reflections on what they
have learned.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Fourw 37

● Share earthkeeping information
Group Discussion Options, Ideas, and reflections in your congrega-
and Brainstorming: Resources for tion’s newsletter, worship bulletin
Ideas for response “what’s next?” inserts, or on a bulletin board in a
congregational meeting space.
and action ● Form a congregational “Green
Use scripture texts from Session
Team,” “Earthkeeping Team,”
Possible questions for inspiration Three in this guide or quotes from
or committee that can help to
(or use those on the Participant the ELCA’s social statement or
develop ongoing earthkeeping
page): other pertinent documents.
awareness and action in your
● What will you do, in response to Encourage “alternative giving”
congregation. See the Green
God’s call? What does your heart options at Christmas time (such
Congregation Program materials
say? as from The Heifer Project or
on the Web of Creation, or the
● What is creation itself saying to similar organizations).
“Greening Congregations
you? There are so many possible Handbook” by Earth Ministry, ● Offer additional study groups.
things that can be done to help Seattle in “Resources.” Refer to Examples include studies on: the
heal the world—only begin! (If the “Congregational Covenant for ELCA’s Caring for Creation:
you have a whiteboard, you might the Care of Creation” [Appendix, Vision, Hope, and Justice social
write these questions out as a page 48] as one example of a statement, or “Opening the
theme for the session or this framework to help guide your Letter,” a study guide on the
closing discussion.) congregation in being more inten- God’s Earth is Sacred theological
tional about earthkeeping. The statement (2005, NCC Eco-Justice
Wrapping up: Allow some time
Green Congregation Program also Ministries—see Resources), or
before this session ends, to determine
has an excellent covenant model. the discussion guide on the movie
if there is any interest in taking the
step of forming a “Green Team” or “An Inconvenient Truth” (2006
● Perhaps a weekend retreat could
“Earthkeeping Committee” to help movie about Al Gore’s efforts
be planned for those in your
shepherd some of these ideas along to raise awareness on global
congregation who would like to
and weave them more fully into the warming) from Eco-Justice
pursue forming an Earthkeeping
life of your congregation. Those Ministries or The Regeneration
Team, so that they can reflect,
interested may set a date for a Project (see Web sites in
pray, and further discern where
follow-up planning discussion. Resources). There are also
God is leading.
in-depth study guides on subjects
● Join with others: check with like Voluntary Simplicity and
Closing your synod, region, or national Choices for Sustainable Living,
Leader should thank everyone denominational office, for a available from either Earth
for being a part of this group study; support network and staff to Ministry (206) 632-2426
perhaps take a moment for a “passing assist you. Check the Web of [www.earthministry. org] or
of the peace” as a way to celebrate Creation for updates on the for- the Northwest Earth Institute
your last session. The Leader and mation of LENS—the Lutheran (503) 227-2807 www.nwei.org.
participants conclude with the Earthkeeping Network of the
responsive Closing Litany of Synods.
“Ecological Affirmations of Faith.”
(See Participant page 42.)

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Fourw 38

Options, continued
● Work with your pastor and
worship committee, to encourage
special worship services or an
ongoing inclusion of creation
awareness within your liturgical
Examples include:

● a Blessing of the Animals

service near St. Francis’ Day
(Oct. 4)

● an “Earth Day Sunday” (near

April 22). See the wonderful
resources on the National Council
of Churches Eco-Justice
Ministries Web site.

● a “Commitment Sunday”
with an “offering” of individual
earthkeeping commitments

written on small slips of

(recycled content!) paper

● an in-depth “Season of
Creation” over four Sundays of
Pentecost (see www.seasonof ● Obtain an energy audit of your ● Encourage members of your
creation.com for full liturgical church facility and take steps to congregation to sign up for
settings) save energy and money for other “e-advocacy” alerts or to attend a
● simply be more intentional ministries. See if your state has state or national “advocacy day”
about frequently using more an “Interfaith Power and Light” to speak to legislators about
creation-related hymns and organization. (Contact The environmental issues of concern
prayer petitions. Regeneration Project—see (contact your state ELCA
Resources Web site list—if public policy office or
you’re not sure.) www.elca.org/advocacy) and
learn more about issues through
those offices. Issue information
is also available through secular
organizations such as
www.greenfacts.org or

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Fourw 39

Session Four:

Creation Waits with Eager Longing!

Participant 4.1

Helping to construct the Filling in the following statements

For Personal may help to guide your reflection:
Reflection prayer:
“We pray for those places in I was surprised to discover that
Enlightened by the Spirit, we
can hear, and respond to, cre- the world, where creatures and
ation’s cries, as it waits “with landscapes are suffering…” _____________________________________
eager longing, for the revealing
of the children of God” (Romans List your ideas or concerns below:
8:19). There is healing work,
that each of us can do. _____________________________________ _____________________________________
Empowered by the Spirit, we
can bear witness to God’s hope _____________________________________
and unconditional love for the
I see creation as
whole world (John 3:16) and, _____________________________________
as “ambassadors” of Christ’s
compassion, justice, and recon- _____________________________________
ciliation, we can participate
“We pray for all those human _____________________________________
in the restoration of right rela-
tionships —for ALL creation. populations who may be suffering
due to ecological degradations…”
Excerpt from “A Theology for _____________________________________
List your ideas or concerns below:

Opening Prayer _____________________________________

I feel that God relates to creation by

As Leader ends each petition with

“Lord, in your mercy,” your response _____________________________________
will be “Hear our prayer.”

Revisiting the Survey

I feel that our place in creation, as
on Religious Faith God’s people, is
and the Environment
Whether you are reviewing the _____________________________________
same survey sheet which you filled in
for Session One, or taking the survey _____________________________________
today, take a few moments to quietly
reflect on how your understanding, _____________________________________
opinions, or attitudes may have
changed or deepened during this
group study process.
Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Fourw 40
Session Four:

Creation Waits with Eager Longing!

Participant 4.2

I’m only one person!” It’s easier to Through Christ, we can keep
Seeing with the eyes stop caring, stop hurting …to turn trying, in bold hope and trust, and as
of the heart inward and let the world worry about bearers of God’s will for shalom.
A time of personal itself. Creation waits, with eager
This is where we need to under- longing. What is creation looking for,
stand, and open our hearts, to the from you?
grace of Christ and the power of com-
Reflection: passion. One of the best definitions of Questions for reflection:
Apathy/Compassion and “compassion” (the direct linguistic
Romans 8:19 opposite of apathy) is “to suffer with.” What do you feel God calling you
Recall, for a moment, how you When we can allow ourselves to to do?
felt when asked to share your great- “suffer with,” to be open to that kind
est joy in creation, or when you heard of sorrow, the very pain of creation or _____________________________________
the comments of others. Certainly, others, it’s as if it opens within us a
some of our interest in caring for the channel through which God’s grace _____________________________________
natural world around us is rooted in can flow to help bring healing to the
those joys and feelings of gratitude world in some manner. _____________________________________
and awe, for all of the beauty and There is likely something right
blessings we perceive within creation. before you that you can do, especially _____________________________________
How do the various concerns and if you join with others.
environmental problems make you You certainly cannot solve a _____________________________________
feel? It’s all too easy, sometimes, to problem like global warming (for
want to avoid that sorrow or the example) single-handedly, but you What ideas do you have for your
feelings of despair or grief, at what can change the type of lightbulbs in congregation to do, to practice more
your house; you can look for ways to faithful earthkeeping and to weave it
has been damaged, lost, or destroyed.
more fully into the life and witness of
Sometimes, it can make us feel angry make your church building more
your congregation?
or helpless. As people of faith, we energy efficient; you can arrange a
should know that there is another carpool for church members; and you
way, and that Christ aches with us, can “speak truth to power” to leaders
in all of those places and in the and legislators, with advocacy actions
groaning of creation itself. to call for real steps to address even
Sometimes, the apparent apathy the large environmental problems.
or indifference that people feel We each have certain gifts and
towards environmental problems skills; we each have certain “spheres
is not solely because they lack of influence,” within the context of
knowledge of the issue. There is also our homes, communities, jobs, or
a self-protective sort of apathy, when churches. There is something that
we simply feel too overwhelmed by YOU are uniquely positioned to do,
the number, or scope, of the prob- that God is calling you to do, that will
lems. “What difference can I make? help to bring healing to the world in
some way.
Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Fourw 41
Session Four:

Creation Waits with Eager Longing!

Participant 4.3

We believe that, in boundless love We believe that the created world

Closing Litany that hungers for justice, God in Christ is sacred—a revelation of God’s
We stand with awe and gratitude Jesus acts to restore and redeem all power and gracious presence filling
as members of God’s bountiful and creation, including human beings. all things. We cling to God’s trust-wor-
good creation. We rejoice in the In the cross and resurrection we thy promise to restore, renew, and ful-
splendor and mystery of countless know that God is drawn into life’s fill all that God creates.
species, our common creaturehood, most brutal and broken places and We long for and work toward
and the interdependence of all that there brings forth healing and the day when churches, as
God makes. liberating power. That saving action embodiments of Christ on Earth,
We lament that the human restores right relationships among all will respond to the “groaning of
species is shattering the splendid members of “the whole creation.” creation” and to God’s passionate
gifts of this web of life, ignoring (Mark 16:15) desire to “renew the face of the
our responsibility for the well We confess that instead of Earth.” (Romans 8:22 and Psalm 104:30)
being of all life, while destroying living and proclaiming this
species and their habitats at a salvation through our very lives All: We look forward to the day
rate never before known in and worship, we have abused and when the lamentations and groans
human history. exploited the Earth and people of creation will be over, justice
on the margins of power and with peace will reign, humankind
We believe that the Holy Spirit, privilege, altering climates, will nurture not betray the Earth,
who animates all of creation, extinguishing species, and and all of creation will sing for
breathes in us and can empower us jeopardizing Earth’s capacity joy.
to participate in working toward to sustain life as we know and
the flourishing of Earth’s community love it. Go in peace! Take the love of
of life. Christ to all creation!
We believe that the people of God Thanks be to God!
are called to forge ways of being
human that enable socially just and
ecologically sustainable communities
to flourish for generations to come.
We lament that we have
rejected this vocation, and have
distorted our God-given abilities
and knowledge in order to
ransack and often destroy
ecosystems and human
communities rather than to This Litany has been drawn from text
protect, strengthen, and excerpts from the “Ecological
Affirmations of Faith” section of the God’s
nourish them.
Earth is Sacred theological statement,
National Council of Churches Eco-Justice
Ministries, 2005.
Used by permission.
Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Session Fourw 42
When we humans, through our
A Theology for ignorance, apathy, arrogance, and Appendix of
Earthkeeping greed, degrade creation and diminish Resource Materials
its fruitfulness, we diminish and harm
ourselves; we disregard divine A Theology for
How is “theology” helpful here? mandates to tend the Earth; and we Earthkeeping 43
Consider its most basic definition: mute creation’s ability to join with us
“faith seeking understanding.” We all, in praising God. Furthermore, we Survey on Religious
through our Baptism, are called to disregard the historic prophetic call Faith and the
“do theology” …to seek to know what to God’s people to do justice, love
God calls us to, in our ministry in
Environment 45
mercy, and walk humbly with our
daily life. We all are called to prayer- God, when the profligate, unsustain-
fully reflect upon “What does it mean
Historical Voices on
able consumerism of industrialized
to be faithful, in our time and place?” Creation 46
countries uses the largest share of the
and, more to the point, world’s resources, and creates the
“What actions then flow from faith?” A Congregational
highest proportion of wastes. This too
Both ecologically and often causes harm to the old,
Covenant for the
theologically, we are called to be the young, the dis-possessed, those Care of Creation 48
mindful of how we live on this Earth, without voice or whose voice is not
and those two ways of understanding heard, and will cause harm and injus- Helpful Resources
our “place” can each inform our role. tice to the generations yet to come. for a Faithful Response
The health and wholeness of the We do need to live more simply, so as Earthkeepers! 49
human community is intertwined that others may simply live.
with the health and wholeness of the Again and again, the prophets
ecological community that sustains it. decry how even the land itself suffers,
What actions ought to flow from our when people turn away from God,
faith, when creation is “groaning” in chasing after false idols and There is no faithfulness or
under widespread ecological neglecting justice and mercy. loyalty, and no knowledge of God
degradations, and when the flood of
in the land …Therefore the land
human “environmental refugees” The earth dries up and with- mourns, and all who live in it
grows, poverty and hunger increase, ers, the world languishes and languish; together with the wild
species go extinct, and climate withers; the heavens languish animals and the birds of the air,
change causes all kinds of together with the earth. The and even the fish of the sea are
disruptions to landscapes, creatures, earth lies polluted under its perishing. (Hosea 4:1b, 3)
and livelihoods? inhabitants; for they have
What can we look to for hope— transgressed laws, violated the
now—and not just in some future, statues, broken the everlasting
better world to come? covenant. (Isaiah 24:4-5)

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Appendixw 43

A Theology for Earthkeeping continued
Faith seeking understanding, Sing with all the people of So if anyone is in Christ,
in our day and time, means first God, and join in the hymn of all there is a new creation: every-
reclaiming a proper understanding of creation: Blessing, honor, glory, thing old has passed away; see,
“dominion” as a sacred trust and and might be to God and the everything has become new!
humbling responsibility, a most Lamb forever. Amen. (Lutheran All this is from God, who
Book of Worship, “Hymn of reconciled us to himself through
careful loving and keeping, as
Praise,” Holy Communion, Christ, and has given us the
opposed to a reckless, abusive,
pages 61, 81 and 102) ministry of reconciliation; that
domination. From the opening pages
is, in Christ God was reconciling
of Genesis, we are called to “keep”
In our human sinfulness of pride the world to himself …and
the Earth: entrusting the message of
and arrogance, we have too often
fallen short in our care for the Earth reconciliation to us.
The Lord God took the man (2 Corinthians 5:17-19)
and put him in the garden of and one another. We must seek
Eden to till it and keep it. forgiveness for things done, and left
And what is “reconciliation” here,
(Genesis 2:15) undone, for neighbors (both human
if not a restoration of right relation-
and other than human) left unloved.
ship between God and humankind,
In Genesis 2:15, the call to Adam We lean on the power of the crucified
yes …between peoples, yes …but
(and by extension, to all of us) is to and risen Christ, and believe that
also, in our time and place, a vital
serve and protect (from the Hebrew, through his love and grace, we have
repair and restoration of ecological
abad and shamar) the garden, the been made right with God.
relationship, so that we and our
descendants might live.
We believe, after all, that we are [Christ] is the image of the
invisible God, the firstborn of all (Deuteronomy 30:19)
made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27)—
God, the gracious Creator, who loves, creation; for in him all things in
heaven and on earth were creat- Enlightened by the Spirit, we can
cares for, and “keeps” us. As an
ed, things visible and invisible hear, and respond to, creation’s cries,
“image of God,” we are to reflect
…all things were created as it waits “with eager longing for the
God’s ways in caring for the world
through him and for him. He revealing of the children of God”
around us, and to remember that God himself is before all things, and (Romans 8:19). There is healing work,
called all creation good—not just in him all things hold together. that each of us can do. Empowered
humans—and blessed it (Genesis …For in him all the fullness of by the Spirit, we can bear witness to
1:31). God was pleased to dwell, and God’s hope and unconditional love for
Creation, itself, reveals God’s through him God was pleased to
the whole world (John 3:16) and, as
presence and sings God’s praises; reconcile to himself all things,
“ambassadors” of Christ’s compas-
we are called to join the Earth and whether on earth or in heaven,
sion, justice, and reconciliation, we
all of its creatures, in that hymn of by making peace through the
blood of his cross. (Colossians can participate in the restoration of
all creation.
1:15ff) right relationships – for all creation.

The heavens are telling the

We claim Jesus Christ as the one Faithful earthkeeping will thus
glory of God; and the firmament
through whom all things are made, become an integral part of our
proclaims [God’s] handiwork.
Day to day pours forth held together, and reconciled through religious understanding, witness, and
speech, and night to night the blood of the Cross. In Christ, we stewardship of all life …in service to
declares knowledge. There is no have been made new and called forth God and with love for one another,
speech, nor are there words; as disciples. for the healing of the world.
their voice is not heard; yet their
voice goes out through all the —Kim Winchell, Diaconal Minister for
earth, and their words to the Earthkeeping Education and Advocacy,
North/West Lower Michigan Synod,
end of the world. Evangelical Lutheran Church in
(Psalm 19:1-4a) America
Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Appendixw 44
A Survey on Religious
Faith and the Environment
Circle the number that best matches your
1 = strongly disagree
5 = strongly agree
7 Creation is a sacred community
of life, with intrinsic value apart
from its use by humans.
1 I have a high awareness of 1 2 3 4 5
environmental issues.
1 2 3 4 5
8 Caring for people is totally
separate from caring for the
2 The Bible can give us natural world.
guidance on how to deal with 1 2 3 4 5
modern environmental issues.
1 2 3 4 5
9 God’s presence fills all
3 People of faith have an 1 2 3 4 5
important role to play in
addressing environmental issues.
1 2 3 4 5 10 It is important for congrega-
tions to undertake Earth-healing
actions as a witness to their faith
4 As humans, we are a part and understanding of God.
of the natural world, not 1 2 3 4 5
separate from it.
1 2 3 4 5
11 I know where to find
up-to-date information and
5 Creation is primarily a resources about earthkeeping for
God-given storehouse of goods my home and in our congregation.
for our use. 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5

12 I would like to see “creation

6 Creation is a blessing from themed” aspects incorporated into
God and we are entrusted our worship service more than one
with its care. Sunday a year.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Appendixw 45

Historical Voices on Creation
The heavens are telling the Some people, in order to dis- The day of my spiritual
glory of God; and the firmament cover God, read books. But awakening was the day I saw,
proclaims his handiwork. there is a great book: the very and knew, all things in God and
Day to day pours forth appearance of created things. God in all things.
speech, and night to night Look above you! Look below Mechtild of Magdeberg
declares knowledge. There is no you! Note it. Read it. God, (1210-1279)
speech, nor are there words; whom you want to discover,
their voice is not heard; yet their never wrote that book with ink.
voice goes out through all the Instead he set before your eyes
earth, and their words to the the things that he had made.
end of the world. Can you ask for a louder voice
Psalm 19:1-4 than that?
St. Augustine (354-430)

For even creation reveals the The whole earth is a living Throughout the entire cre-
One who formed it, and the very icon of the face of God. ation, the wisdom of God shines
work suggests the One who St. John Damascene (675-749) forth from Him and in Him, as in
made it, and the world mani- a mirror containing the beauty
fests the One who made it. of all forms and lights and as in
St. Iraneus of Lyons a book in which all things are
(130-200 ad) written according to the
deep secrets of God.
…Truly, whoever reads this
The Logos extends his power Christ wears ‘two shoes’ in book will find life and will draw
everywhere, illuminating all the world: scripture and nature. salvation from the Lord.
things visible and invisible, Both are necessary to under- St. Bonaventure
containing and enclosing them stand the Lord, and at no stage (1221-1274)
in himself, giving life and can creation be seen as a sepa-
everything, everywhere, to each ration of things from God.
individually and to all together, John Scotus Eriugena
creating an exquisite single (810-877)
euphonious harmony.
St. Athanasius (296-373 ad)

For when one considers the Without the Word of God no Every creature is by its
universe, can anyone be so sim- creature has being. God’s Word nature a kind of effigy and
ple-minded as not to believe that is in all creation, visible and likeness of the eternal Wisdom.
the Divine is present in every- invisible. The Word is living, Therefore, open your eyes, alert
thing, pervading, embracing and being, spirit, all verdant green- the ears of your spirit, open
penetrating it? For all things ing, all creativity. your lips and apply your heart
depend upon God who is, and All creation is awakened, so that in all creatures you
nothing can exist which does called, by the resounding may see, hear, praise, love and
not have its being in God who is. melody, God’s invocation of the worship, glorify and honour
St. Gregory of Nyssa Word. your God.
(335-395 AD) All of creation is a symphony St. Bonaventure
of praise to God. (1221-1274)
Hildegard of Bingen

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Appendixw 46

Historical Voices on Creation continued
Because the Divine could not The power of God is present
express itself in any single at all places, even in the tiniest
being, the Divine created the tree leaf. Do you think God is
great multiplicity of beings so sleeping on a pillow in heaven?
that the perfection lacking to …God is wholly present in all
one would be supplied by the creation, in every corner, behind
others. Thus the whole universe you and before you.
together participates in and Martin Luther (1483-1546)
manifests the divine more than
any single being whatever.
St. Thomas Aquinas

Apprehend God in all things, Love all creation, the whole

for God is in all things. Every of it and every grain of sand.
single creature is full of God and Love every leaf, every ray of
is a book about God. If I spent God’s life! Love the animals.
enough time with the tiniest Love the plants; love everything.
creature—even a caterpillar—I If you love everything, you
would never have to prepare a will soon perceive the divine
sermon. So full of God is every mystery in things. Once you
creature. perceive it, you will begin to
Meister Eckhart (1260-1329) comprehend it better every day.
And you will come at last to
love thewhole world with an
God writes the Gospel, not in all-embracing love.
the Bible alone, but also on Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881)
trees, and in the flowers and (Russian writer, in The Brothers
clouds and stars. Karamazov)
Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Appendixw 47

This simple covenant can be used
as a framework to guide a congrega- COVENANT FOR THE CARE OF CREATION
tion in being more intentional in its
earthkeeping. Another covenant
model is the congregational The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world and those who live in it.
Affirmation statement, as used in (Psalm 24:1)
the Green Congregation Program
(see www.webofcreation.org).
The church’s concern for God’s creation is shaped by the creative word of
This model was developed in the God, the love of God hanging on a cross, and the Spirit of God daily renewing
ELCA’s N/W Lower Michigan the face of the earth. Caring, serving, keeping, loving, living by wisdom and
Synod in 1999.
compassion—these translate into striving for justice in social, economic, politi-
cal, and environmental matters.

Therefore, the governing body of our congregation affirms the importance

of healing and defending creation to our mission as God’s people.

As a covenant congregation,

Congregation name


STUDY AND LEARN about God’s marvelous creation and our responsibility
to God and our place in creation;

PRAY, PREACH, AND WORSHIP so that our environmental activities grow

out of biblical faith, reverence, and love for God’s creation;


better model our concern and care for creation; and

GET INVOLVED in our communities, our state, our nation, and the world, to
promote policies that foster justice and the wholeness of God’s creation.

Through this covenant,

Congregation name

claims the promise of “a new heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21:1).
We dedicate our congregation’s life to the care and redemption of all that God
has made, for the sake of Jesus Christ who lived, died, and was raised for us to
reconcile us and all creatures of God. (Colossians 1:20)

Signed by the Pastor: Signed by an officer of the congregation:

__________________________________ ____________________________________
Pastor Date Officer Date

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Appendixw 48

Helpful Resources for a Faithful Response as Earthkeepers!
Videos/ DVD’s Affluenza www.seasonofcreation.com
(1997; 57min) KCTS Television, Seattle; Creation-themed liturgies for four
Highly recommended, a Sundays during Pentecost.
Keeping the Earth: Religious and
Scientific Perspectives on the humorous yet hard-hitting critique
Environment of consumerism. www.eco-justice.org
(1996; 27min) May be available from KCTS (800) 937-5387;
or go to www.simpleliving.net/resources, Eco-Justice Ministries; a variety of
VHS/DVD (includes a study guide)
which has it in VHS and DVD formats, materials.
Recommended; beautiful images, reli- $29.95.
gious leaders and scientists speak
about common interest of caring for God’s Creation and Global Warming
(2000; 15min) VHS
Energy efficiency; Interfaith Power &
creation and protecting the biosphere.
Interfaith Climate and Energy Light organizations
Union of Concerned Scientists, 617-547-5552
$17.95 / members $9.50 Campaign, on the religious, ethical,
and moral implications of global
Lighten Up! warming and the call to people of The Earth Charter; worthy of
(2005; 25min) VHS
faith to respond in word and deed. consideration
Includes information on energy www.protectingcreation.org or
efficiency and a biblical call to creation call (202) 481-6928, $10. www.uwosh.edu/colleges/cols/
care. Narrated by the Rev. Sally clergy_project.htm
An Inconvenient Truth The Clergy Letter Project; clergy in
Bingham, who started the “Interfaith
(90 min) DVD
Power & Light” concept. Paramount Studios, November 2006
support of evolution
The Regeneration Project, 415-561-4894 The highly acclaimed and power-
E-mail: info@theregenerationproject.org
ful documentary about the reality of
global warming, and of Al Gore’s work Environmental information
The Greening of Faith – Why the to bring understanding and attention & issues; advocacy
Environment is a Christian Concern to this urgent issue.
(1993; 30min each) VHS Available at video stores and online. www.elca.org/advocacy
Part I: “Theology and Spirituality”; ELCA Washington Office (formerly
There is a five-page, faith-based
Part II: “Ethics”; by Earth Ministry, LOGA)
discussion guide for use after viewing
Seattle, with Cathedral Films & Video.
this movie.
Lovely images and commentary. www.millenniumassessment.org
Available free from Eco-Justice Ministries at
Available from the Episcopal Media Center: www.eco-justice.org UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
www.episcopalmediacenter.org (online
store) or (800) 229-3788 $29.95 ea.
The Blue Planet Web sites World Watch Institute (annual State
(1990; 42min) VHS format of an IMAX production; of the World reports)
Images from space and diversity of www.webofcreation.org
Earth’s ecosystems. www.ucsusa.org
Highly recommended! See especially,
Available from amazon.com at a variety of Union of Concerned Scientists
Green Congregation Program.
reasonable prices (used).
Natural Resources Defense Council
Greening Congregations Handbook;
Caring for All Creation modules.

www.nccecojustice.org Ecological issues and background

The 2005 “God’s Earth is Sacred” state-

ment; Earth Day Sunday.

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Appendixw 49

Books The Body of God: An Ecological The Universe Story
Theology Brian Swimme & Thomas Berry, 1992, Harper
Sallie McFague, 1993, Augsburg Fortress. Collins.
Greening Congregations Handbook A history of the development of
This is another classic systematic
Edited by Tanya Marcovna-Barnett, 2002,
Earth Ministry, Seattle (see above in Web sites). theological perspective on religious the universe, written as a new “sacred
Highly recommended; like a and spiritual foundations for story” that all humankind can share,
tool-kit of information for how to earthkeeping. to inspire awe and to motivate us all
start and grow a congregational to care for the Earth and for one
earthkeeping emphasis. Nature Reborn: The Ecological and another.
Cosmic Promise of Christian Theology
Paul Santmire, 2000, Augsburg Fortress. Earth-Wise: A Biblical Response to
Old Turtle
Douglas Wood, 1992, Pfeifer-Hamilton
Also recommended for those Environmental Issues
Publishers. interested in further theological Calvin B. DeWitt, 1994, CRC Publications (six-
session study guide in book form, 81 pages).
This is a beautifully illustrated exploration of why Christians ought
This is a very biblically based
and lyrical children’s book, but with a to care for the Earth.
exploration of “creation care,” with
message for all, about who and what
The Whole Shebang: A State of the ideas on how to develop a plan for
and where God is, and the role of
Universe(s) Report practical actions; somewhat dated,
humankind. Great theology; could be
Timothy Ferris, 1997, Simon & Schuster. but good, basic information.
used as a sermon!
Astronomy science and history,
written for anyone to read. Earth Prayers from Around the World
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our
Edited by Elizabeth Roberts & Elias Amidon,
Children from Nature Deficit Disorder 1991, Harper Collins.
Richard Louv, 2005, Algonquin Books.
The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos:
Humanity and the New Story An interesting and helpful collec-
A timely book about the growing
Brian Swimme, 1996, Orbis Books. tion of prayers and blessings, useful
separation between people, especially
A short, but thought-provoking for retreats, special worship services,
children, and the natural world, and
book, on our place in the universe. or individual prayer and reflection.
the benefits (mental, physical) to be
found in re-connecting with “nature.” The Dream of the Earth The Book of Creation: An Introduction
Thomas Berry, 1990, Sierra Club Books. to Celtic Spirituality
Evocations of Grace: Berry, a self-described J. Philip Newell, 1999, Paulist Press.
Joseph Sittler’s Writings on A rich treatise on Celtic spirituality,
“geo-logian” plumbs spiritual and
Ecology, Theology, and Ethics
historical depths to explore questions with suggestions for personal
Edited by Steven Bouma-Prediger & Peter
Bakken, 2000, Eerdmans. of why and how humans have come reflection; each chapter is built
The late Lutheran ethicist and to live upon such a degraded planet, around one of the “days” of creation.
theologian’s key writings on the and what “dream” brings hope for the
connection between faith and the future. A classic to many environ-
Earth; his first essay “A Theology for mentalists, referenced in many
Earth” came in 1954—important work writings, including by theologians.
to rediscover.
The Hand of God: Thoughts and
Earth Community, Earth Ethics Images Reflecting the Spirit of the NOTE: You may wish to check with your
Larry Rasmussen, 1996, Orbis Books. Universe synod office or a synodical contact for
Edited by Michael Reagen, 1999, Lionheart LENS, the Lutheran Earthkeeping
This is a modern classic, for Network of the Synods (see LENS page
Books, LTD.
anyone who wishes to explore more on the Web of Creation, www.webofcre-
A beautiful book with awesome
fully a comprehensive ethical and ation.org), to see if you may be able to
photos from the Hubble Telescope, borrow any of these resources.
theological treatment of the need
accompanied by thought-provoking
for “sustainable community” and In Region 6, you may contact Kim
and inspiring commentary by Winchell, Diaconal Minister for
scientists, poets, and theologians. Earthkeeping Education, in the
North/West Lower Michigan Synod,
ELCA: www.mittensynod.org or

Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping Appendixw 50

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