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What It Means To Be Born Again

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You are not the same person you were before you got born again. The
bible makes it clear in Corinthians 5:17;

“Therefore if any man (be) in Christ, (he is) a new creature: old things
are passed away; behold all things are become new.”

Notice something striking in that portion of scripture! He didn’t say if

any man be in Christ, he is a new man (human being). He said, ‘…if any
man be in Christ, he is a new creature…’ The Lord God created the
earth and all that was in it (including a human being) in six days, and
the bible says on the seventh day he ended his creations and rested
from all his work which he had made (Genesis 2:2). Everything you
could ever see in the earth was created by the Lord in these six days;
the animals, the plants, the hills, everything that nature holds. After all
those magnificent creation and his anticipation to rest from all his
work, the Bible informs us of a “new creation”! Something that brought
God back from his retirement! A creation that wasn’t part of His six day
work made in the foundations of the earth. The bible tells us in 2
Corinthians 5:17, that this creation is absolutely new! Catch that again!
It’s a NEW creation. This isn’t a new human being or a repented
person! It’s a new creation, a new diverse kind of specie that never
existed before. Something to serious mess up a scientists head. This is
what you become when you get born again.

1 john 5:4, “for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and
this is the victory that overcometh the world, (even) our faith.”
This is striking, I tell you! He said ‘whatsoever is born of God’, not
‘whosoever’. This tells you, the moment you become born again you
cease to be a human being; you become something way much higher
than that! Now this book is mainly designed to help you understand
your new image, identify and nature in Christ Jesus the moment you
get born again.

It’s one thing to take an Israelite out of Egypt, but it’s another thing to
take Egypt out of an Israelite. It’s one thing to take a man from the
ghetto and bring him into a low density residential area, but its another
thing to take ghetto out of a man. It’s the same with us when we get
born again. When one is being born again, he is coming from the world
where his life is programmed to live the world kind of life that’s limited
to the supernatural life of a believer. You have to be well informed to
begin to live the life of a believer. You have to be well informed to
begin to live the life you are given of the Lord. Brothers and sisters,
there is a life beyond the curtains of the s called “reality”. That life is
more real than all the things you have ever seen. It’s like telling
someone, there are other colors that exist that have never been seen
on this earth. That’s something for the mind right? Well it’s true there
are other colors! That’s a subject for another day. In this amazing book,
we are taking time to reveal to you your new identity in Christ Jesus,
because it is only and after you have known who you are, that you’ll
live most extraordinary life ever. I’m talking about something a little
more than the superman… I see I’ve really got your attention now!

John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto
thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Brothers and sisters, Heaven and hell is real (Genesis 1:1, Matthew
25:41), and there are people that are going there.

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