By and By: WORDS: Eben E. Rexford, Pub.1871. MUSIC: Philip P. Bliss, Pub.1871. Public Domain
By and By: WORDS: Eben E. Rexford, Pub.1871. MUSIC: Philip P. Bliss, Pub.1871. Public Domain
By and By: WORDS: Eben E. Rexford, Pub.1871. MUSIC: Philip P. Bliss, Pub.1871. Public Domain
He shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
...on either side of the river, was there the tree of life... and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Rev. 22:1-2
1. By and by we shall know Je - sus, By and by, oh, by and by;
2. By and by we shall be stand - ing, By and by, oh, by and by,
3. By and by! We say it gent - ly, Look - ing on our peace - ful dead,
D.C.— by and by, oh, sing it soft - ly, Think - ing not of earth - ly care,
E - ven now He looks and sees us, Jour - n’ying toward His home on high.
At fair Heav - en’s shin - ing land - ing, While the riv - er mur - murs by,
And we do not think of earth life, But of Heav’n’s sweet life in - stead.
But the by and by of Heav - en Wait - ing for us o - ver there.
And He smiles up - on us, say - ing, “By and by, oh, by and by,
And our friends will round us gath - er, By and by, oh, by and by,
By and by we all shall gath - er, By and by, oh, by and by,
D.C. Refrain
Cares and tri - als you’ll be lay - ing With your earth - ly gar - ments by.”
Say - ing, “Wel - come, for the Fa - ther Loves to have His chil - dren nigh.” Oh,
In the life of God our Fa - ther That shall know no by and by.
WORDS: Eben E. Rexford, pub.1871. MUSIC: Philip P. Bliss, pub.1871. Public Domain.