Diaphragm Seals For Pressure Gauges: Measuring - Monitoring - Analysing
Diaphragm Seals For Pressure Gauges: Measuring - Monitoring - Analysing
Diaphragm Seals For Pressure Gauges: Measuring - Monitoring - Analysing
Diaphragm Seals monitoring
for Pressure Gauges •
OO Measuring ranges:
0 -1 bar ... 0-1600 bar
OO tmax: 350 °C
OO rotection of the
measuring device against
aggressive, highly
viscous, solidifying or
crystallising media
OO ransmission lines enable
high temperatures of the
media to be measured
OO rotection of the
measuring device against
vibrations by use of
capillary tube
OO avity free measuring
points for special hygienic
OO amping of pressure
changes and pressure
Diaphragm Seals for Pressure Gauges Model DRM
Diaphragm seals are partitions for pressure gauges that pressure. This volume covers what is needed for the pressure
prevent the material being measured penetrating the gauge, the compressibility and the thermal expansion.
measuring system. For measuring pressure in the food Membrane
industry the use of diaphragm seals is mostly indispensable. The membranes used are optimally coordinated with the
With the right choice of diaphragm seal systems it is possible corresponding diaphragm seals.
to solve measuring problems that can often not be overcome
Transmission line
with the pressure gauge alone.
Reduced volume transmission lines are used to keep the
influence on the measuring system as small as possible.
KOBOLD membrane diaphragm seals are used when the Transmission lines are however indispensable for high
pressure gauge cannot stand up to the requirements of the measured media temperatures, pressure or system pulsation
measuring position. Diaphragm seals transmit the pressure or for unfavourably positioned measuring points.
to be measured over that of the transmission liquid that is
Pressure Transmission Liquid
separated from the medium to be measured by means of
the membrane. The transmitted pressure affects the pressure The pressure transmission liquid transmits the pressure from
gauge, pressure switch or pressure sensor. The diaphragm diaphragm seal to pressure gauge. There are various liquids
seals can be connected to the pressure gauge either directly that can be used, depending on the operational conditions. All
or indirectly using a transmission line. Diaphragm seal and these liquids fulfil the requirement for minimum compressibility
pressure gauge are joined together at the works to create one and lowest thermal expansion. Glycerine (up to +80 °C) and
unit. Assembly and adjustment are carried out with extreme liquid paraffin (from -10 to +120 °C) are used as siliconefree
precision and years of experience. liquids. Silicone oils are available for temperature ranges
from -40 to +200 °C, -20 to +350 °C and -20 to +400 °C. For
Areas of Application:
special applications we can also fill the gauges with MF 7 (Hg,
OO Media enriched with solids -20 to +350 °C).
OO Crystallising measured medium In the choice of liquid not all factors can be taken into
OO Polymerising measured medium consideration because, depending on the application, other
OO HMh viscosity measured medium requirements have to be met, such as food safety specs
OO Corrosive measured medium
or that they must be absolutely siliconefree. Our process
technicians can choose the best pressure transmission liquid
OO Toxic and environmentally hazardous measured medium
for the requirements.
OO Very low measured medium temperature
Operating Conditions
OO Very high measured medium temperature
Since the proper pressure indication depends on the
OO Hygienic requirements for the food and pharmaceutical temperature of the filling liquid the pressure gauge with
sector diaphragm seals can be adjusted for the operating conditions.
OO Batch changing without product residues in the To keep these errors to a minimum, the measuring systems
measuring system are configured to suit the ambient and measured medium
Construction Type temperatures of the application. Without readings the gauges
We mainly manufacture diaphragm seals with every are as standard calibrated to a temperature of +20 °C (±2 °C).
conceivable connecting system. Tongue and Bourdon Gauges with a transmission line are set without a height
diaphragm seals fill the gaps to cover all the requirements of differential between gauge and diaphragm seal. Other height
the measuring point. KOBOLD diaphragm seals cover every differentials must be stated when ordering because this
type of assembly, whether with internal or external screw greatly influences the accuracy of measurement, especially
thread, or with coupling rings, clamp or flange mounting. Our within small measuring ranges.
tongued diaphragm seals are used when the measuring point Materials
only provides a very restricted space. All diaphragm seals are made of 1.4571 or 1.4404 stainless
Our Bourdon diaphragm seals measure the pressure within steel, as a matter of principle. Other materials can however
the pipe through which the measured medium flows. The type be used for the membranes or the whole diaphragm seal. It is
of construction means that the diaphragm seal can be kept also possible to coat the diaphragm or the whole diaphragm
very sterile. We are constantly developing new diaphragm seal – for example with PFA.
seals and improving our existing models.
Characteristics Accessories are listed as of page 14.
A diaphragm seal barely influences the characteristics of a
pressure gauge. The following items do influence them:
Fill and work volumes
The diaphragm seals only contain the minimum amount of
pressure transmission liquid required for temperature and
1/04 - 2019
Measuring range: 0 - 6 bar ... 0 - 1600 bar (with pressure sensors also smaller)
SW Temperature range: -40 °C ... +200 °C
Material: stainless steel 1.4301, st. steel 1.4571, others on request
H Diaphragm: flush mounted, stainless steel 1.4571
l Max. length of capillary tube: up to 15 m, if required with armour
Filling liquid: following operating conditions
Model for Model for G2 G1 dm SW d2 I Hmax Pressure range
direct mounting capillary tube
d2 [bar]
min. max.
DRM-600 R15 DRM-601 R15 G ½ M G ½ 18 27 27 20 42 0-100 0-1000
DRM-600 R20 DRM-601 R20 G ¾ M G ½ 23.8 36 36 20 46 0-40 0-1000
DRM-600 R25 DRM-601 R25 G 1 M G ½ 29.5 41 40.5 20 46 0-10 0-600
DRM-600 R32 DRM-601 R32 G 1¼ M G ½ 38 50 49.5 20 46 0-6 0-600
DRM-600 R40 DRM-601 R40 G 1½ M G ½ 40 60 59.5 20 46 0-6 0-600
DRM-600 N15 DRM-601 N15 ½" NPT M G ½ 18 27 27 20 42 0-100 0-1000
DRM-600 N20 DRM-601 N20 ¾" NPT M G ½ 18 32 - 20 46 0-40 0-1000
DRM-600 N25 DRM-601 N25 1" NPT M G ½ 23.8 36 - 20 46 0-10 0-600
DRM-600 N32 DRM-601 N32 1¼" NPT M G ½ 34.5 41 - 20 46 0-6 0-600
DRM-600 M20 DRM-601 M20 M20x1,5 M G ½ 18 27 27 20 46 0-100 0-600
DRM-600 M48 DRM-601 M48 M48x3 M G ½ 40 60 59.5 20 46 0-6 0-600
D1 Diaphragm seal DRM-602 / 603 with union nut according to DIN 11851
G1 (sanitary connection)
Diapgragm seal DRM-604 / 605 with union nut acc. to IDF standard
Measuring range: 0 - 1 bar ... 0 - 100 bar (depending on nominal size)
Temperature range: -10 °C ... +200 °C (not with electr. transmitter)
H Material: stainless steel 1.4301, st. steel 1.4571, others on request
Diaphragm: front flush, stainless steel 1.4571
Max. length of capillary tube: up to 10 m, if required with protection hose
SW Filling liquid: compatible with foodstuffs
G2 Model for Model for G2 IDF D1, dm D3 G1 SW f h H
direct mounting capillary tube
m Model for SW G2 B d1 d2 l m L h H
l capillary tube
Capsule seal DRM-607 with fixed male thread
Measuring range: 0 - 100 bar ... 0 - 1600 bar
G1 m
H Temperature range: 0 °C ... +120 °C (not with electr. transmitter)
Material of housing: stainless steel 1.4571
5 Diaphragm: front flush, stainless steel 1.4571
dm SW Max. length of capillary tube: up to 10 m, if required with protection hose
D Filling liquid: MF 8 (foodstuff-compatible) recommended
dm SW
Model for Model for G2 G1 SW dm D d1 m H
direct mounting capillary tube
G2 H
Measuring range: 0 - 100 bar ... 0 - 600 bar
L Temperature range: 0 °C ... +350 °C (not with electr. transmitter)
m Material of housing: stainless steel 1.4571, others on request
Diaphragm: front flush, stainless steel 1.4571
dm Max. length of capillary tube: up to 10 m, if required with protection hose
d2 Filling liquid: MF 7 recommended
Model for G2 dm d2 SW l m L H
capillary tube
Model for G2 dm d2 SW l m L h H
l capillary tube
Model for dm b c d e f g H m n
capillary tube
Model for Model for D G1 G2 d1 b l h1 h2 H
direct moun- capillary tube
*(depending on PN and DN of flange)
K Temperature range: -40 °C ... +250 °C
D Material flange: stainless steel 1.4571, others on request
Material diaphragm: stainless steel 1.4571, others on request
Coating: PFA-coating on request
Max. length of capillary tube: up to 10 m, if required with protection hose
Filling liquid: depending on operating conditions
Connection device: G ½ female thread (G1)
Diaphragm seal DRM-632 from PVDF
Measuring range: 0 - 1.6 bar ... 0 - 16 bar
H Temperature range: 0 °C ... +50 °C
h H Material housing: PVDF (Polyvinylfluorid)
b Diaphragm: Hypalon® with PTFE-coating (others on request)
c b
Filling liquid: depending on operating conditions
G2 c
G2 Model for direct Model for D G1 G2 d1 d2 b c h H
G mounting capillary tube
Anschluss zum
D zum
DRM-632 R08 DRM-632/1 R08 90 G ¼ G ¼ 32 32 25 18 24 75
to liquid
Messstoff DRM-632 R15 DRM-632/1 R15 90 G ½ G ½ 32 32 25 18 24 75
Anschluss zum
Messstoff DRM-632 N15 DRM-632/1 N15 90 ½" NPT ½" NPT 32 32 25 18 24 75
Diaphragm seal with flange connection DRM-633, Ø 100 mm,
d2 G1
with open mounting flange DIN 2527 type C
H Measuring range: 0 - 1 bar ... 0 - 40 bar (0 - 6 bar with DN100)
b H Temperature range: -40 °C ... +250 °C
dm 3 b
Material: stainless steel 1.4301, st. steel 1.4571, others on request
K Diaphragm: front flush, stainless steel 1.4571
D Max. length of capillary tube: up to 15 m, if required with protection hose
Filling liquid: depending on operating conditions
Model for direct Model for Flange G1 dm d4 K D d2 b H
mounting capillary tube DN/PN
DRM-633 F50 DRM-633/1 F50 50/40 G ½ 64 102 125 165 18 20 54.5
DRM-633 F1H DRM-633/1 F1H 100/6 G ½ 64 148 210 210 18 16 50.5
Meas. range sensor: 0 - 4 psi ... 0 - 1500 psi (0 - 0,25 bar ... 0 - 100 bar)
depending on PN and DN of flange
Temperature range: -40 °C ... +250 °C
Material flange: stainless steel 1.4571, others on request
Material diaphragm: stainless steel 1.4571, others on request
Coating: PFA-coating on request
Max. length of capillary tube: 10 m, if required with protection hose
Filling liquid: depending on operating conditions
Connection device: G ½ female thread (G1)
Measuring range: 1,6 - 40 bar ... 2,5 - 40 bar (depending on the pipe diameter)
A Temperature range: up to 80 °C (> 30 min. to 140 °C)
Housing: stainless steel 1.4571
L Diaphragm tube: stainless steel 1.4571 (DN 15/20/25/40),
stainless steel 1.4404 resp. 1.4435 (DN 50)
Socket connection: stainless steel 1.4301 (DN 15/20),
stainless steel 1.4435 (DN 25/40/50)
Filling liquid: depending on operating conditions
Model for direct Model for DN for tube O-ring Weight Inner form
mounting capillary tube
DRM-500 D15 DRM-501 D15 15 26.9×2.0 18.5×3.0 0.6 square
DRM-500 D20 DRM-501 D20 20 33.7×2.0 25.0×3.0 0.8 square
DRM-500 D25 DRM-501 D25 25 48.3×2.0 30.0×3.0 0.9 hexagonal
DRM-500 D40 DRM-501 D40 40 60.3×2.0 45.0×3.0 1.3 hexagonal
DRM-500 D50 DRM-501 D50 50 88.9×2.0 55.0×3.0 1.6 hexagonal
DN 1⁄ 2"- 1" Inline diaphragm seal DRM-502 with clamp connection ISO 2852 for direct mounting
Measuring range: 1,6 - 40 bar ... 2,5 - 40 bar (depending on the pipe diameter)
Temperature range: up to 80 °C (> 30 min to 140 °C)
Housing: stainless steel 1.4435
Diaphragm tube: stainless steel 1.4435 (DN 15/20/25),
stainless steel 1.4404 (DN 40/50)
L Socket connection: stainless steel 1.4301 (DN 15/20/25),
stainless steel 1.4435 (DN 40/50)
Filling liquid: depending on operating conditions
DN 1 1⁄ 2"- 2"
G Model for direct DN A L h G SW Weight Inner form
h [kg]
A DRM-502 D15 ½" 25 140 24 G ½ 17 0.5 square
DRM-502 D20 ¾" 25 120 27 G ½ 27 0.5 square
L DRM-502 D25 1" 50.5 120 36 G ½ 27 1.6 square
DRM-502 D40 1½" 50.5 120 36 G ½ 27 1.2 hexagonal
DRM-502 D50 2" 64 100 45 G ½ 27 1.3 hexagonal
1/04 - 2019
SW 32 SW 30
SW 32 SW 30
Temperature drift (guide value for cooling effect) and range of use (rated pressure)
140 700
T Gauge °C°C
100 500
T Messgerät
80 400
60 300
40 200
20 100
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 500
T Measuring point
T Messstelle °C °C Operating temperature°C
Betriebstemperatur °C
MZB-711.7221 to MZB-711.7224 = multipart design
MZB-711.7225 and MZB-711.7226 = one-part design
Order Details