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Early Andhra Trade PDF

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 1

ISSN 2250-3153

Balance and Decline of Trade in Early Andhra: (With

special reference to Roman contacts)
Dr. G. Mannepalli
Faculty Member,Dept. of History & Archaeology, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

Abstract- The history of early Indian trade also shows a distinct A few words may be said here with regarded to the influence
preference for the study of long-distance trade-both over land of the ocean upon the life of the Andhra people close association
and overseas –the study of exports and imports, especially their with the sea made the inhabitants of the coastal regions fearless
possible identifications on a modern map. The other common and adventurous sailors. The idea conquering the sea always
feature in this historiography is to present urban centers almost haunted them and the result was the discovery of a number of
invariably as thriving commercial canters and to hold places hitherto unknown to them. Going there both as colonists
commercial exchanges as the principal causative factor towards and traders they also widened the geographical horizon of Indian
urbanization. Without belittling the importance of this civilization. Levi (pre -Aryan and pre- Dravidian) has pointed out
conventional narrative approach to the history of trade; it must be that the sea-routes to the East from the ports of South India had
emphasized that an understanding of trade and urban centers can come in to common use many centuries before the Christian era.
hardly be delinked from the agrarian sector. Significantly Trade relations with the West also opened well before said era.
enough, the expansion “agro-cities” has been used to characterize This maritime trade was regulated by the wind currents, better
early Indian urban centers. The trade between Andhra and known as monsoonal wind currents ,which are specially
Roman Empire, Andhra was the much beneficiary compare with important and are perhaps unique in their effects.(Vincent-
Rome. Because of this trade Buddhism, urban centers were commerce of ancient India)The monsoon whose regular action
flourished in that period. was known to Indian sailors from very early times, was
discovered for the west some time about the middle of the first
Index Terms- Exports, Imports, Port towns, Monsoons, Sea century A.D.and since then it dominated the navigation of the
winds, Balance of trade Arabian sea and the Bay of the Bengal till the invention of
steamship of the 19th century . The monsoonal wind current,
likewise, governed sailing over the Bay of Bengal. For a period
I. INTRODUCTION of well over five months, the direction and route of sailing were
determined by these winds and navigators of the Indian Ocean
A ndhradesa as one of the regional hubs of the vast net-work
of international commerce must have experienced a great
amount of material prosperity, herself having accomplished
who had closely studied the action of these phenomena were able
to make full use of them.
production of merchandise so as to actively participate in it. As
such, the Roman connection is increasingly seen as a powerful Objectives of the paper
factor in the urbanization of ports of Peninsular India in the early 1) To identify the trade evidences of Early Andhra.
historic period (S.J. Keay, 1996-97). In spite of the subject 2) To identify the sea winds of early times.
having been studied by so many eminent scholars and 3) To identify the ports and Marts of Early Andhra
distinguished archaeologists, whose works will be briefly 4) to identify the Exports and Imports of Early Andhra
reviewed in the following section as to have set the model for the 5) How Andhra was benefited with Roman contacts
present study, the subject promises opportunities for studies
afresh. Trade relations between India and Roman Empire
Andhra Pradesh is one such state in the Indian Union, with Political upheavals in the country did not affect the trade
its own individuality in matters of language, civilization and between India and other countries. It was carried on as before on
culture, worthy of historical study with useful purpose, and hence international routes and there was great improvement in the sea
the study has been taken up, keeping in mind the need for a trade and as we shall see later on, On account of his profitable
balanced study in accordance with the principles of trade India was the recipient of large amount of Roman gold.
historiography, explained above. However, the fact that no part When the political changes were taking place in Northern India,
of the country is so much individual as to flourish absolutely the Satavahana dynasty was increasing its strength in the deccan.
independent of others, and no region could remain aloof from In the poeriod of Simuka and his younger brother Krishna, the
others to the extent of without influencing, or getting influenced satavahana empire was extended up to Nasik,and in this way as
by others, is never to be ignored. Hence, the present study is not they profess in their later inscriptions, they had in reality become
strictly limited to the region of Andhra Pradesh as a water-tight the rulers of the Deccan. The Satavahana king
compartment and adequate importance has been accorded to VasishtaPutraPulumavi(circa137-155a.d) was the son-in law of
corresponding developments in the regions around, of the same Rudradaman.Even then by defeating his son-in-law Rudradaman
time. annxed some parts of his empire.Another great king of
Satavahana dynasty was SriYajnaSatakarni. Who according

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 2
ISSN 2250-3153

Rapson issued the ship type coins found in the cholamandala markets, the Chinese records also give the profit as tenfold or a
between Madrasand Cuddalore. ( E.J.Rapson 1908) professor hundred-fold. May people have brought this traffic was
V.V..Mirashi (1941) on the strength of a complete coin of this economically harmful to the Roman Empire in the long run. The
type has ,however, proved that these coins were issued by Roman products failed to balance the Indian imports, and
SriYajnaSatakarni.On the reverse of this coin appears a double exportation of money, discouraged even from Italy in first
mated ship below which a fish and a conch shell symbolize the century B.C. was freely allowed to altogether foreign lands under
sea. The ship raked at both ends is equipped with mats, ropes and Augustus and his successors. We must consider the use of wealth
sails. There is no doubt that this ship symbolizes the Indian by the Romans and estimate whether the exportation of money,
overseas trade which was in full swing in the Satavahana period. silver and gold was detrimental of the Empire. It is a fact that as
But as professor Mirashi‟s coin was found in the Guntur district early as 62A.D. the ruinous system of depreciation had begun;
of AndhraPradesh it informs us that ship type coins were in silver alloy from 5% to 20% added before the death of Nero
currency in that region as well. The ship type and Roman coins increased to 30% under Trojan 50%; and more under Severus,
from the Cholamandala inform us that there was a very intimate until finally after 218 A.D. the denarious ceased to be a silver
commercial relation between India and Roman Empire. coin and there was a return to the system of payment in kind. The
One inscription, mention has been made of the Mahachaitya aureus too was depreciated but gold which played a different part
at Kantakasela.There is no doubt that this Kantakasela of in the international economics from silver did not become so
Ptolemy which he places just after the mouth of the Krishna of scare.
the same. Discovery of the inscriptions from a villaged named Before the Roman Empire begin, was rather than commerce
Ghantasala in the Krishna district on the Eastern coast datable to distributed wealth gained by slave -labour, and though war
circa 300 A.D. makes the identification of Kantakasela easy. The Republican Rome became rich by the plunder of the East with its
first inscription mentions the great sea caption Sivaka which hoarded wealth and possession of the mines of Spain and other
supports the view that in the early centuries of the Christian era. regions. Roman capitalist‟s speculators and Money-lenders came
Ghantasala was an important port. In the second inscription the to regard money as the only riches and valuable only in
ancient name of Ghantasala is given as Kantakasala(Ancient exchange; hence the new wealth was spent not upon productive
India 1949) these references leave no doubt that in the early enterprises. There was no economic reserve-that was fault we
centuries of Christian era Kantakasala was a big port situated on must not accuse the Romans of blindly meeting their economic
river bank of the Krishna River which carried on trade with the collapse as thought it were caused only or primarily because of
ports of Srilanka and other countries. The first two their Indian trade.
centuries after Christ; we have indicated that close relations Chowstow rightly points out that history has shown
reached between Roman subjects and Indian races. And have examples of preponderance of import over export without
watched the activities of Syrians and Egptian,Greeks backed disastrous consequences, though he appears to think that the
private capital. We have indicated the collapse of this direct trade serious part of Roman-Indian trade was flow of gold to the East;
a sign of the economic and political disintegration of the Western this certainly was continuous as finds of coins in India show, but
empire and reversion of control in to the hands of Persians, the drain of silver, though apparently checked in time, was more
Arabians. serious. The ultimate conclusion of Chowstow is that no
It may be noted that Roman influence on the India had harm appears noticeable as a direct result of this passive Trade of
generally made it‟s marks on South india, particularly the places Rome and that if the flow of coin to the East was undesirable; on
and areas that were accessible by sea. Therefore if the invaders the other hand, the trade with the East stimulated barter and
influenced it was in the North India and the peaceful influence tended to develop industries. The drain perhaps did no more than
took place largely in SouthIndia. From the very start the hasten a little financial collapse which would have come to Rome
Roman Empire was unable to counter-balance the inflow of sooner or later in any case. In our survey of the Indian commerce
Indian products, with the result that the Roman sent out coined of the Roman Empire during two centuries we have in reality
money which never returned to them not even in the form of watched that splendor of a great power as reflected in one branch
Indian money. Roman Emperors down to Nero (31BC-68AD) of its commerce; we have seen that Empire feeling its way
have left very large numbers of gold coins and silver coins which towards a direct commerce with the Far East we have seen the
have been found in the Tamil states and of these a phenomenally complete attainment of that aim during.
large number has stamps of Agustus(31BC) ,Tiberious(14-
37AD) those of Agustus occur in all three Tamil kingdoms some
time in large numbers and of those at least some must have come II. MONSOON AND SEA WINDS
in reign. The discovery of monsoon by Hippalus of Alexandia in the
Agustus (27BC-14AD) ,Tiberious (14-37AD),Tarjan (37- late Ptolemaic or early Augustan period brought a revolution in
41AD), Claudius (41-54AD), Nero (54-68AD), Trojan (98- the Indo-Roman trade relation. Both pliny and the author of the
117AD), Hadrian (117-138AD),AntiocusPius (138-161AD), periplus describe how, as a result of this discovery, the Graeco-
Halloogabalus (218-222AD),Constantine (223- 255AD),Aurelian Roman merchants were able to abandon Coastal voyage along
(270-275AD),Plian (361 363AD). the perilous and inhospitable Arabian Coast and could steer from
Important Roman Emperors including those who received the ports near the mouth of red sea a tolerably straight course
Indian embassies. The Indian trade, in spite of sums paid for across the approaches to the Persian Gulf, „quite away from the
obtaining and carrying the goods, brought a good profit, for Pliny land‟ to the Indus and Baryhara Merchants for Damirica,
says that Indian wares cost a hundred times more in Roman however, sailed directly a little south of east across the Arabian

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 3
ISSN 2250-3153

Sea, throwing the ships head considerably off the wind and in It is now necessary to look for Indian Sources for the
favourable circumstances reached Muzuris in 40 days pliny knowledge on types of winds, particularly the monsoons.
(Natural History, 1951) Travellers sail back from India in the According to Jainliterature (Avasyaka churni). The successful
beginning of the Egyptian month Tybins-our December- or at all termination of a sea voyage depended much on favourable wind.
events before the 6th day Egyptian month Mechir, that 8 before Pilots were expected to have an expert knowledge of sea. The sea
the ideas of January. In this way they can go out return the same wind is divided into sixteen categories, namely:
year. They sail from India with a South-East wind, and on 1. Prachina vata (easterly wind)
entering the Red Sea Catch the South-West or South (Mc. 2. Udichina vata (northerly wind)
Crindre, 1961). 3. Dakshinatya vata (southerly wind)
Moreover, the technical difference between Sewn boats and 4. Uttarapaurastya (northerly wind moving against
nailed boats was not great. If the Arabs and Indians found their forward movement)
conventional boats unsuitable for heavy seas they could have 5. Sattvasuka (wind blowing in all directions)
changed their method of construction. The use of proper types of 6. Dakshina-purva-tungara (a stormy win roaring in
sails is also essential for smooth navigation. And it seems that south-eastward direction)
like their Mediterranean counter-parts the ancient vessels playing 7. Apara-Dakshina-bijapa (the wind blowing from
on the Arabian Sea had square sails which were used in this south-west)
region even up to the last century (G.L. Adhya, 1966-121p). 8. Apara-bijapa (westerly wind)
Boats with such sails could go before the wind though they could 9. Aparottara-garjabha (north-westerly storm)
not beat into the wind, and this made them quite suitable for 10. Uttara Sattvasuka
voyages with the south-west monsoon (JAOS, LXXX, p.139). 11. Dakshina Sattvasuka
When the Mediterraneans began sailing with the fast- 12. Purvatungara
blowing south-west wind to reach India quicker, they certainly 13. Dakshina bijapa
look some risk, but it was not an exceptional feat as has been 14. Paschima bijapa
suggested (op.cit, p. 136). The south-west monsoon which blows 15. Paschima garjabha
over the Arabian Sea for six months starting from May is really 16. Uttariya garjabha
dangerous along the coast, especially from June to August (Govt.
Pub. 1931). According to the Periplus (39, 49, 56) and Pliny In the categories of the sea winds described above
(VI.104) Mediterranean sailors for India left Egypt in mid-July sattvasuka, tungara and bijapa are nautical terms and it is
and it took them about a couple of months to arrive there (JAOS, difficult to describe them, but there is hardly any doubt that they
LXXX, p. 139). In September, when they reached the Indian are related to favourable and unfavourable sea-winds. This is
ports, the peak period of stormy weather is almost over along the supported further on. After describing the sixteen kinds of winds,
coast, therefore, we may hold that the sailors of Arabia and India the commentator observes that in the absence of cyclones in the
utilized the South-West monsoon without much risk before the sea and in the favourable garjabha wind, the ship which has no
Greeks and the Romans arrived on this region. leaks, piloted by a clever pilot reaches the desired ports safely.
In the western world the south-west monsoon came to be The cyclone which is called Kalikavata caused many ship wrecks
known as Hippalus after the name of the sea-pilot, who, (Moti Chandra, 1972).
according to the periplus (57) made the maiden voyage to India
right across the Arabian Sea “by observing the location of the
ports and condition of the seas”. Pliny (VI.100, 104) also called III. EXPORTS – IMPORTS OF EARLY ANDHRA
this monsoon Hippalus but he seen to suggest that the name was Exports
significant name of a headland in north-eastern Africa (VI, 172) Exports from early Andhra to Rome. Masalia Modern
and the geographer Ptolemy (IV. 7.12) gives the same name to a Machilipatnam famous for it‟s a great quantity of Muslins
sea. The use of the south-west trade wind by the Mediterranean (Periplus, p. 47). Other exports from this region are grain, salt,
sailors to reach India through the high seas did not occur all at spices, pepper, bangles, cooking vessels, coarse cloth (H.P.Ray,
once but by stages, as suggested by Pliny (VI, 96-107). The 1986, p.113). Ivory, wool, woolen products, hide, fur, silk, lac,
statement in the periplus that a sailor called Hippalus discovered pearl, onyx-shell, conch shell, tortoise shell, ghi and musti
how to use the south-west monsoon on the outward voyage to (Warmington, 1974, pp. 157.F).
India may or may not have any historical basis, (Tarn, W.W.
1951, p.369), but the significance point here is that by the time of IMPORTS:
the periplus and Pliny the Mediterranean Sailors had begun Wine, Italian preferred also Laodicean and Arabian, Copper,
utilizing the monsoon. We should try to determine the probable Tin and lead; Coral and topaz; thin clothing and inferior sorts of
time when the westerners started doing this, in other words, the all kinds, bright-coloured girdles a cubit wide, storax, sweet
date of the discovery of Hippalus, as it has some important clover, flint glass, realgar, antimony, gold and silver coin, on
bearing on the history of the Indian trade. which there is a profit when exchanged for the money of the
The return journey was no problems; departure in country; (Periplus, p.42).
December-January meant that it took place during the begin A question that needs to be answered is; what was the nature
north-east monsoon. And since this lasted from November to of the imports? Did these fall under the category of essential or
April. One could show off even earlier or later (Casson, 1980, Luxury items? For this evidence we would again have to rely on
p.33-34). the periplus. Above commodities wine, dates, glass, tin, lead,

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 4
ISSN 2250-3153

copper or antimony, realgar coral, gold and silver coins. Further oriental goods, consisting mostly or luxuries gradually increased
proof of this comes from Archaeologicl excavations. to the point of extravagance. From the lamentations of some
Certain varieties of blue glass beads, e.g. .long cylinder, classical writers such as, Pliny in his natural history (xii.xli)
circular, collared and conveu barrel- shaped lenticular with states that “by the lowest reckoning India, China and the Arabian
colours have adopting value between AD 100 to 350 and have Peninsula take from our empire 100 million sesterces a year. This
been found at Satavahana site in A.P – Kondapur (Dikshit 1955, has been taken to indicate a gradual drainage of the empire is
p.90). gold resources which threw the Roman Monetary system in to a
Ivory at Kondapur (Desh Pande 1961, p.55) and Dharani crisis. The figure quoted by Pliny has been questioned on a
Kota (Mukharjee 1970, p.1418). The cult was that of the nude account of several factors. The use of imported spices was
goddess locally known as Lajja-Gowri and Indicated by the widespread in the Roman Empire; they found their way to
occurrence of terracotta or stone plaques depicting the often relatively minor places and were extensively used in drugs
headless goddess with a lotus in place of the hea. These plaques perfumes, cooking and religious services, as antidotes for poisons
have been found from the first century A.D. at sites in Kondapur, and as ingredients in ointments (Miller 1969:2). Even if Pliny‟s
Yeleswaram and Nagarjunakonda. The stone plaque from price list is accepted, it is unlikely that the original some paid to
Nagarjunakonda depicts the torso of the goddess in the shape of a the producer‟s was high. Prices in Rome may have been
“Ghata” and bears an inscription of the third century A.D. which exorbitant because of the high important duties, cost of
records that the plaque was offered by a queen whose husband transportation and the risks involved. The much better
and sons were alive (Desai, 1981). documented medieval spice trade suggests that tremendous price
Terracotta bullae have been reported from Kondapur fluctuation could occur because of destruction of a convoy,
and Dharanikota in A.P. (Deo and Gupte, 1974, p.76). The bullae warfare, piracy, failure of a convoy to arrive in time to catch the
seem to have been used as ornaments as metallic imitations of last ship of the season, etc and there is no reason to suppose that
Roman coins are also known from NagarjunakKonda (Wheeler prices remained is stable in antiquity and were not affected by
1955, p. 181-2). these variables (Rasche, 1978, p.670).
The pillar of a ruined place at Nagarjunakonda represents a The figures quoted by Pliny have been attributed
male figure nude down to the waist and holding a drinking horn considerable credibility on account of his position as “Financial
(rhyton) in his left hand. Standing on the ground near his left foot Advisor” to Vespasian and it is often assumed that they refer to
is a wine Jar covered with an inverted drinking cup. The figure the export of coins to China and India. Both these views are,
seems to be meant for a crude representation of Dionysius. The however, erroneous. A friend of Vespasian, Pliny died as
very active sea-borne trade between the Roman empire and commander of the fleet at Misenum- an important post but
Andhra in Early Christian era, may account for the presence of military rather than financial. Another serious objection is that
this figure which was obviously copied from some classical both Roman bureaucratic practice and the surviving from Egypt
examples (MASI, 1938, No. 54, p.11). The discovery, from the itself indicate that it would have been impossible for Pliny to
territory of the Andhras, of actual specimens of Roman coins and obtain any accurate figures for the annual quantity of the
their imitations, made locally as ornaments and mostly pierced or balance-of-payments deficit in Rome‟s trade with the East
looped for suspension is further evidence of such contact (Rasche, 1978, p.636).
(Wheeler, 1955). Lastly, we may refer to the Alluru inscription Though tax records were more carefully kept in Egypt than
which includes in a list of gifts made by a certain Mahatalavara, in other provinces and a good deal of evidence is available about
Vadalabhi Karo Karodiyo Ya (na) Kadivikayo, i.e., lamps of the transit tolls, accounting practices and customs regulations, yet
shape of the mouth of Vadala fish, manufactured by the Yavanas now here it is indicated that any one kept a record of the coinage
(D.C.Sircar 1939, p.330). Coins jewels, pottery were also (ibid).
analysed in this study in 3rd Chapter. Rome found a market for her manufactured goods, Roman
economy did not derive much benefit from trading with them
(Adhya.G.L. 1966).
IV. BALANCE OF TRADE Her oriental trade, as is revealed by its adverse balance
The Indo-Roman Trade has been discussed in detail by (Warmington 1928) was undoubtedly a great liability, but the
scholars mostly depending on the western sources. Many of the Roman emperors were keen on maintaining regular and smooth
important conclusions in these studies are based on the traffic with India and other Eastern countries. Some of them took
assumption that the western sailors learnt the use of the south- positive measures to keep the route to India unobstructed. Thus
west monsoon (Hippalus). Sometime in the middle of the first Tarjan‟s improvement of the canal connection between the Nile
century A.D. and from that time the commercial connection and the Red sea and his maintenance of a Roman fleet in the
between India and the Roman Empire became closer. latter area, and the peaceful polices followed by Hadrian even at
We have stated above the reasons why we believe that the the cost of surrendering certain political rights in Western Asia,
discovery of the Hippalus was much earlier. Unfortunately the are all connected with the purpose of maintaining an
Roman coins found in India are not always very helpful in uninterrupted trade with the East. As a result of these and similar
determining the respective dates of different phases of Indo- measures, Rome‟s Commerce with China and India was quite
Roman transactions. However, only after the establishment of intense from the time of Tarjan almost up to the Death of Marcus
peace and order in the Mediterranean region by Augustus did full Aurelius (Ibid, p. 96).
scale trade between India and the west become possible. With the But was there any larger motive behind these imperial
development of her economic condition Rome‟s demand for policies, or were they adopted merely to maintain an open

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 5
ISSN 2250-3153

passage for importing Indian precious stones and spices so that known as Dakshina Pathapatis Inscription of Balasri (Burges
the Roman citizens could continue their luxurious living? We J.N.SI. Nasik have No; 18, p. 108-09).
know from western authors that imperial Rome nurtured the wish Several attempts have been made by the scholars to locate
to occupy Arabia, Babylon, Bactria, India and China (Statius, and identify the 30 walled towns mentioned by pliny. But it must
Silvae, IV.1, p. 40-42). That a rich country like India which lured be noted that they were spread over the entire Deccan and not
foreign invaders from very early times would also rouse the confined to the limits of the present day Andhra Pradesh alone.
ambition of powerful Roman emperors is no wonder. We know Apart from their capital cities i.e., Amaravati in Guntur district,
of Tarjan‟s strong desire to repeat the achievement of Alexander Andhra Pradesh and Paithan in Aurangabad District,
in India and to do it with more lasting success (Dio‟s Roman Maharashtra, numerous other sites of the same period have come
History, LX VIII, p. 29). to light, as a result of extensive archaelogical explorations. To
But circumstances beyond their control never allowed the mention a few are Tagara in Kolhapur District, Junnar and other
entry into India of the 70,000 Roman troops with which, sites in the valley of river Ghod in Pune District, Nevasa on the
according to a classical estimate, a commander like Pompey or river pravara, Bahal on Girnar, also in Maharashtra.
Caesar could easily have occupied the land (Plu tarch, Pompey, Khandesh and Maheshwar in central India (Sankalia H.D.)
LXX, 1917). In Andhra Pradesh also a few sites of the same period have been
We have seen above that up till the reign of Marcus Aurelius discovered by the state department of Archaeology and museums
(AD 161-180) trade between Rome and oriental countries was at and some literary evidences. Notable among them; are
a high level. But from the last decade of the second century, Dhanyakataka or Dharanikota, Bhattiprolu, Vijayapuri,
Rome became involved in long drawn-out political trouble, in Ghantasala, Kodduru, Kalingapatnam, Dantapura.
which the army got the upper hand. This unstable situation lasted
throughout the third century and brought in its wake serious Dhanyakataka:
social and economic crisis (Rostov Zeff 1957). Naturally the As already noted Dhanyakataka was the place of
oriental traders last a considerable part of their lucrative market embarkment for merchants bound for foreigners. Dhanyakataka
in the west. The massacre of the Alexandrians by Caracalla had a very rich hinter-land producing large quantities of grain,
probably dealt a great blow to the direct sea trade between the cotton and forest products hence it developed in to a centre of
India and the empire (Warmington 1928, p.136). Possibly this Industry and trade. The word „Dhanyakataka means a heard of
trade passed into the hands of the Arabs, especially those of them grain. It was a converging point of different Indeed trade routes
who had settled in Axum (Hitti 1956, p. 56-57). But as Palmyra and it proved a convenient hoarding point on the river Krishna.
remained flourishing almost until end of the third century it Early Inscriptions of the place mention Nigama which means a
seems that the oriental trade with the west through the Persian merchant guild (C. Sivarama Murthy p.43). Most of Donations
Gulf and by the land route survived to some extent (Warmington for the construction and maintenance of the stupa and Vihara
1928, p.137). were made by artisans, merchants and their women folk. A huge
hoard of punch-marked coins has been discovered in the stupa
site. (P.L. Gupta p.43, 1963).
V. PORTS AND MARTS OF EARLY ANDHRA Though it is away from the sea, big ships could travel up to
The inscriptions of Amaravati, Nagarjunakonda and the Dhanyakataka and even beyond recently. A navigable canal
nearby Buddhist Centres mention several centres of Industry dated 4th Cen.B.C. connecting the town with the river has been
Trade carried on by nigamas. Some of them are Vaddamanu unearthed (H. Sarcar p.11, 1971), All these, reflect the
(T.V.G. Sastri B.I.A) which was originally a Jaina Ksetra, importance of Dhanyakataka as a trade centre and A.K.
Kavurura, Narasala, and (James Burgers Ganjikula (T.N. Rama Coomaraswamy (A.K. Coormaraswamy, 1971, p.156) and
Chandra Jou. Andha His. Soc) very little is known about nigamas Reginald le may (reginald Le may p.122) were of the view that
of these places. The following are the most important centres of traders and Buddhist missionaries sailed off from Dhanyakataka.
Industry and trade including maritime trade.
Antiquity: Bhattprolu was another great centre of trade and industry in
The earliest mention of forts or fortified towns in Andhra this region. This is generally identified with Prithunda Nagara of
occurs in the accounts of Megasthenes followed by Pliny. The the Hathigumpha inscription (170 BC) (DC. Sircar, p. 206 of
later stated that they. The Andrae (Andhras) had possessed thirty Kharavela and Pytindra of Ptolemy (130 AD) (Mc. Crindle p. 67)
walled towns, numerous villages and an army of 100,000 Prithunda Nagara appears to be a very Ancient town. The
infantry 2,000 cavalary, and 1,000 elephants (Mc. Crindle, above inscription describes it as (Purva Raja Nirmita) that is built
Megasthenes, Arrian p.140). From this we learn that the Andhras by Ancient kings. Ptolemy mentions it as a centre of textile
i.e., Satavahanas, the earliest rulers of the Andhra country, were Industry a great mart in the region of maisalia. Even to-day
already a political and military force to reckon with. Originally, Bhattiprolu is known for its textiles. The relic coskets (E.I. vol II
being the local chieftains in mid Godavari valley, they slowly p 329) discovered in the stupa of Bhattiprolu clearly reveals that
expanded their power and authority and rose to imperial position it was built on the genuine relic of the Buddha by Raja Kuberaka
in the Deccan when Kanha or Krishna the second member of the with the help of local nigama. The town is just four kms west of
Puranic genealogy, declared independence. Their empire at its the right banks of the Krishna and about 15 kms from the coast.
zenith comprised the whole of the Deccan and hence they were Even very big ships could sail up to the point. At Bhattiprolu we
thus find the three institutions.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 6
ISSN 2250-3153

PoliticalRaja, Commercial Nigama and religious Gosti. The It is likely that merchants and Buddhist monks who went to
existence of these institutions certainly indicates that the sputa- maley peninsula sailed from Kalingapattanam.
site was close to a township having in its population several
trading communities conducting their business. Dantapura :
Dantapura in Kalinga figures prominently in Buddhist
VIJAYAPURI: literature (S. Paranavitana 1959, p. 18-27). The tradition is that it
Vijayapuri at the foot of Sriparvata, the most extensive came to be known as Dantapura (Danta-tooth) of the ship which
Buddhist site in Andhra was also a great centre of trade and carried the tooth relic of Buddha to Ceylon halted at the port.
Industry. The inscriptions of the place mention several craft Sylvain Levi identified it with Palura (pallu=teeth in Telugu)
guilds (DC. Sircar Vol. 35, p.5). The later excavations in the (Sylvain Levi part 1. p. 66-69 Indo-Chine). Ptolemy refers to the
Nagarjunakonda valley brought to light an excellent wharf (B.V. opheterian immediately to the south of Palura where the vessels
Krishna Rao, p.323). This only Indicates that ships moved up and found for the Malay Peninsula or Dantapura was due to its
down the Krishna upto Vijayapuri. importance as the point of departure for the Far East.
Yavanas in the early Andhra Country nothing was heard it is
GHANTASALA: however certain that Graeco-Roman influences played a great
Ghantasala is identified with Kantakossyla of Ptolemy part in the fashioning of the Amaravati tope, and as will be
(J.W.M.C. crindle p.66-68) shown below the inscription from Alluru. (IA.Vol. XL) is
Or Kantakassyla (James Burgers 1887, p.85-93) of the another piece of evidence for Greek influence. Of the Sakas
Inscriptions. It might have been named after Kantaka the something was heard. An Amaravati inscription of the second
favourite horse of prince Siddhartha, the future Buddha. century A.D. mentions a Saka-guri not as akagiri as read by
Ghantasala also had very rich hinter land producing rice and Chanda, or pi (si?) giri as read by F.W. Thomas) (E.I. Vol. XV)
Textiles which helped it to develop in to an international mart. another mentions a …. Ratika Nekhavama‟ and Nekhavana
Though it is six miles away from the coast it is connected with curiously reminds us of the person‟s name Nahapana (Ibid)
the sea by a big dain called upputeru. The tidal waves helped the More Sakas would seem to have entered early Andhra in the
ships to move into and out of the port. An inscription of about wake of the marriage of Virupurushadata with the daughter of a
270 A.D. Mentions a mahanavika (EP. Andhrica Vol.II p.12) Western Ksatrapa. A Nagarjunakonda epigraph (E.I. Vol.XX)
leader of a fleet. The discovery of a large number of Roman gold mentioned a saka „Joy‟ and his Buddhist sister Budhi. Among the
coins (H. Sarcar Op Cit. p. 14-16) is a proof of the Profitable Sculptures excavated by Mr. Longhurst at Nagarjunakonda there
trade which the port carries on. There is a temple of Jaladhisvara are two showing a warrior in Scythian dress.
in Ghantasala. (S.I. Vol. V. p.52-53). Jaladhisvara means Lord of
the sea. It is probable that the sailory worshipped the god before Scholars Opinions:
embarking upon distant voyages. Stein argues that forma social point of view „Yavanas‟
whoever they might have been were absorbed by Indian society
Kodduru: and it is unlikely that Greek colonies existed around the
Ptolemy mentions kodduru as a prominent port (Mc. Crindle beginning of the Christian era (Stein 1934). Kosambi has,
op. cit. 668) it is mentioned even in an inscription from however, opposed this view and suggested that Deogadh on the
Amaravati. (James Bugess op. cit p.93). There are many kodus opposite curve of hills from Karle be identified as Dhenukataka
around modern Machilipatnam. However koduru in divi Taluq and that a Greek settlement may have been situated at the site
divisima kodurus agrees with the description of Ptolemy. It is (Kosambi-1955). He has also read one donar‟s name as Milinda
considered as the chief port of embarkation in Andhradesa for the the Physician instead of Mitidasa and suggests that he may also
land of gold. have been a Yavana (ibid) Sircar (Sircar 1942) has pointed out
The importance of the place continued upto about the 17 th that Dhenukataka should not be confused with Dhanyakataka, the
C.A.D. as indicated by the name of a neighbouring village ancient name of Amaravati.
Vallandapalem (C.P. Brown 1952, p.172) Vallandu is the Telugu The view, repeatedly expressed by many scholars, that trade
name for Hollender or the Dutch. The Dutch or hollenders who ceased in the third century AD and was slightly revived during or
came to India during the 17th C.A.D. had many settlements on the soon after the reign of Constantine 1 (fourth century AD), (K.V.
east coast and vallandu pattana is one of them. Koduru and its Raman. 1992) is erroneous. It may be noted that coins of almost
neighbourhood thus served as an important centre of foreign all Roman rulers right from Augustus to Justinus 1 (AD 518-27)
trade from Ancient to modern times. has been unearthed in India in varying numbers and there is no
reason to believe that trade activities ceased in the third century
Kalingapattanam : AD. Instead, the process of Delcine beginning in the late 1 st
Out side the Maisolia region several ports flourished on the century AD, continued slowly but steadily till the sixth-eight
Andhra coast, especially in the North. One of such is centuries AD.
Kalingapattanam (Cummingham, 1924, p.592). It is in the When contacts finally ceased. It is difficult to determine the
Srikakulam district, twenty four kms away from the district precise date of the end of trade activities.
headquarters of the same name. Some scholars identify it with
the capital of Ancient Kalinga. Recently a huge Buddhist stupa
has been exposed at this place. The famous Buddhist centre of
salihundam is about eight miles to the west of Kalingapattanam.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 7
ISSN 2250-3153

VI. CONCLUSION [19] Mukherjee 1970. An ivory seal matrix of the Satavahana period, Journal of
Asiatic society, XII, p. 141.
Andhradesa entered the System of money economy during [20] Desai 1981, b. “Mother Goddess” in Ghosh, A.ed. “Encyclopaedia of Indian
the Pre-Mauryan period that is 4th century B.C. This is attested Archaeology” ICHR, Project.
by the large quantities of silver punch-marked coins that were [21] S.B.Deo and R.S.Gupte. 1974, Excavation at Bhokardan, Nagpur,
discovered at a number of places. Archaeological sources clearly Aurangabad.
revealed that the Amaravati Mahachaitya has an established trade [22] Wheeler 1955, Rome beyond the imperial frontiers, London.
communication from the north through Vidarbha in the pre- [23] Memoris of Archaeological survey of India, 1938, No. 54, p.11.
Mauryan period. The existence of punch marked coins at [24] Wheeler 1955, O.P.Cit.
Amaravati, Singavaram, Gudivada and some places in [25] D.C. Sircar 1939, successors of the Satavahanas in the lower Deccan,
Calcutta, 1939, p.330
Telangana, which are proved to be pre-Mauryan witnessed some
[26] Pliny- Natural History Tr.H. Rockhem and others, London Cambridge
trade activities. Early inscriptions and some of the names of the Mass, 1942-61 (leob)
villages also attest the existence of industrial activities for [27] James Innes Miller, spice trade of Roman Empire: 1969 Oxford Press, New
commercial purpose. These factors clearly indicate that Delhi.
Andhradesa had trade contacts with the North even before the [28] M.G...Rasche, 1978 “New studies in Roman commerce with East, Aufstie
early historical period. The rise of Satavahanas coinciding with a and Niedergang der Romischer welt, Berlin.
proliferation of settlements in Modern Andhra Pradesh can in [29] G.L.Adhya.. 1966. Early Indian Economics, Asia Pub. House, Bombay, p.
part be attributed to an expansion of internal, long distance trade 137.
as well as increased overseas demand supported by the [30] Warmington 1928. The commerce between the Roman Empire and India
Cambridge, p. 272
development of an agricultural base. The reasons for this
[31] Statius – Silvae, Tr. J.H. Mozley, London, Newyork, 1928 (Loeb).
expansion may be ascribed to both geographical and historical
[32] Dio‟s Roman History, Tr.E.Cary London, New York, 1904-27 (Loeb).
[33] Plutarch- Lives (Vol.v) Tr.B. Perrin, London, Newyork, 1917, (Loeb).
That the Indo-Roman contacts were not confined to mere
[34] M. Rostov zeff,.1 1957, Social and Economic History of Roman Empire (2
commercial ties. They extended to the exchange of diplomatic vols). Revised Ed. Oxford 1957, p.
embassies and cultural interaction. The focus here, however, has [35] Warmington, 1928, op.cit, p. 136.
been on an intensive study of Roman contacts with Andhra [36] P.K. Hitti. History of the Arabs, London-1956, pp. 56-57.
Pradesh and their significance in trade, especially maritime trade. [37] Warmington, op.cit, p. 137.
[38] IA, Vol. XL.
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[61] M.C. Crindle, Ancient India as Described by Megastenese and Arrian p. [70] Mc. Crindle Op. Cit, p.67.
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[71] E.I. Vol. II, p.329.
[62] J.A.S. Burgess, Nasik cave Inscription of Goutami Balasri, Budhist cave
[72] K.V. Raman;”Roman coins from Tamilnadu” SSIC, vol. 11, 1992, pp.19-34
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[63] H.D. Sankalia. Aspects of Indian Archaeology Article : Archaeology and
Tradition pp. 274-275.
[64] C. Siva Rama Murthy, Amaravati Sculptures in the Madras Govt. Museums AUTHORS
[65] P.L. Gupta, Coins, p.43, N.B.T., New Delhi 1963.
First Author – Dr. G. Mannepalli, Mobile no:9490005981,
[66] H. Sarcar p.11 corpus of the Inscriptions of Java (upto 928 AD) K.L.M.
Email.Id: mannepalli.g@gmail.com, Faculty Member,Dept. of
Calcutta 1971. History & Archaeology, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur,
Andhra Pradesh


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