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The Star Process by Uhde: Industrial Solutions

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Industrial Solutions

by Uhde
Fe rt il i zer

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Ae r os p a c e

Cem en t
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St ee l

The power of true efficiency

The Business Area Industrial Solutions of thyssenkrupp is a world We are at home in many different industries. Along with chemical,
leader for planning, construction and service in the field of industrial fertilizer, coking, refinery, cement and other industrial plants, our
plants and systems. Together with our customers we develop portfolio also includes equipment for open-cast mining, ore proces-
solutions at the highest level and deliver efficiency, reliability and sing and transshipment, as well as associated services. In the naval
sustainability throughout the entire life cycle. Our global network, sector, we are a leading global system supplier for submarines and
with around 19,000 employees at 70 locations, enables us to provi- surface vessels. As an important system partner to our customers
de turnkey solutions worldwide which set new benchmarks with their in the automotive, aerospace and battery industries, we optimize the
high productivity and particularly resource conserving technologies. value chain and improve performance.
04 Introduction
06 Steam reforming and olefin production plants
supplied by Uhde
07 - Steam reforming
- Olefins
08 Dehydrogenation – basic principles
- Conventional Dehydrogenation
- Oxydehydrogenation
09 STAR process® technology
- Reaction Section
- STAR catalyst®
- Process pressure
- Operating cycle
10 - Space-Time-Yield
- Heat recovery
- Gas separation
- Fractionation
13 - STAR process® reformer
14 - STAR process® oxyreactor (optional)
16 Comparison of dehydrogenation technologies
- General remarks
- Adiabatic reactors connected in series
17 - Parallel adiabatic reactors
- STAR process®
- STAR process® with oxydehydrogenation
18 Application of the STAR process®
- Dehydrogenation of propane to propylene
- Dehydrogenation of butanes
19 - Dehydrogenation for the production of alkylate
21 - Dehydrogenation for the production of dimers
23 Services for our customers


Medium and long-term forecasts expect to see a

growing demand for on-purpose technologies for olefin
production (e.g. propylene, butylenes) such as dehy-
drogenation of light paraffins.

Today most propylene is produced as co-product in

steam crackers (approx. 50%) and as by-product in FCC
units (approx. 30%). Approx. 20% is produced by on-
purpose technologies like propane dehydrogenation
(PDH) or metathesis.

The annual growth rates expected for propylene are

higher than those for ethylene. In addition, ethane
feedstocks are increasingly used in steam crackers
because of their more favorable economics compared
to naphtha or LPG feedstocks. Because ethane crack-
ing yields considerably less propylene than LPG or
naphtha cracking this will result in a supply gap for
supply of propylene. This gap can very economically
be filled by propane dehydrogenation applying the
STAR process®.

Rapid further growth is expected for on-purpose pro-

pylene and butylene production to yield the following

Derivatives of Propylene Derivatives of Isobutylene

Polypropylene* MTBE/ETBE
Propylene Oxide** Alkylate
Cumene Dimers
Acrylonitrile MMA
Acrylic Acid Alcohols/MEK
Oxo-Alcohols Butyl Rubber
*Authorized Contractor **Own technology with Evonik

The STAR process®, STAR being the acronym for STeam

Active Reforming, is a commercially established dehy-
drogenation technology that was initially developed by
Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, OK, USA.

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions acquired the tech-

nology including process know-how and all patents
related to process and catalyst from Phillips in Decem-
ber 1999.

Coastal Chemical Inc. in Cheyenne, WY, USA, 3D model of a 545,000 t/year plant
Capacity: 100,000 t/year isobutene for Formosa Plastics Corporation, USA.

Two commercial units applying the STAR process® In 2006 thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions was awarded
technology have been commissioned for the in- a lump sum turnkey contract to build a 350,000 t/year
tegrated production of isobutane and MTBE: PDH/PP complex by Egyptian Propylene & Polypropylene
Company (EPP) in Port Said, Egypt.
• Coastal Chemical Inc., Cheyenne, WY, USA
was commissioned in 1992 and produces In 2009 and 2010 other clients have awarded
100,000 t/year of isobutene. thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions contracts for plants
with an overall capacity of 450,000 t/year.
• Polybutenos, Argentina, was designed for a
capacity of 40,000 t/year of isobutene and
Within the framework of the olefin expansion project
was commissioned in 1994.
of Formosa Plastics Corporation in Point Comfort, USA,
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions has been awarded a
contract for an even larger PDH plant with a capacity of
545,000 t/year.

Steam reforming and olefin production plants

supplied by thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions

SINCOR C.A. in Jose, Venezuela,

Capacity: 2 x 97,770 Nm3/h of hydrogen

Steam reforming
The references for steam reforming attached hereto
reflect our experience in the fields of reaction sections
and steam generation equipment applied in the STAR
process®. Today the total count is as follows:

• Steam reformer: more than 70 units

(basis for STAR process® reformer)

• Secondary reformer: more than 40 units

(basis for STAR process® oxyreactor)

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions has also designed
and successfully commissioned plants for a wide
range of applications for the production of olefins and
olefin derivatives using the technologies described in
Table 1. By combining them with the STAR process®
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions is in the position
to offer complete process routes:

• Production of polypropylene (PP) or propylene

oxide (PO) from propane.

• Production of MTBE or other high octane blend-

stocks (e.g. alkylate or dimers) from butane.

Another advantage of the STAR process® is that

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions combines the func-
tions of technology owner/licensor and EPC contractor
and is therefore able to provide process performance
guarantees as well as total plant completion and
mechanical guaranties within the framework of a
single-point responsibility (turnkey) contract.

Table 1: Product Process Licensor

Our technology portfolio
for the production of olefins Ethylene dichloride Vinnolit
and olefin derivatives Ethylene oxide Shell Chemicals
Ethylene glycol Shell Chemicals
Propylene oxide Evonik-thyssenkrupp
Industrial Solutions
High density polyethylene LyondellBasell
Low density polyethylene LyondellBasell
Polypropylene LyondellBasell
Alkylate Du Pont, ConocoPhillips, UOP
MTBE/ETBE thyssenkrupp Industrial
Dimers Axens, UOP
Olefins thyssenkrupp Industrial

Dehydrogenation – basic principles

Conventional Dehydrogenation
Dehydrogenation is an endothermic equilibrium reaction. Lower hydrocarbons (i.e. lower in carbon number than
The conversion rate of paraffins increases with decreasing the feedstock) are also formed. One of the side reac-
pressure and increasing temperature. In general the tions that occur is cracking, which is primarily thermal
process temperature will increase with decreasing car- and results in the formation of small amounts of coke.
bon number to maintain conversion at a given pressure.
As shown below for propane and butane, respectively, Oxydehydrogenation
the main reaction is the conversion of paraffin to olefin. Obviously the conversion rate is limited by the thermo-
dynamic equilibrium for a given pressure and temper-
Propane dehydrogenation (PDH): ature. As conversion approaches equilibrium, reaction
velocity decreases and catalyst activity is not fully uti-
C3H8 C3H6 + H2
lised. However, if oxygen is introduced into the system
it will form H20 with part of the hydrogen shifting the
Butane dehydrogenation (BDH):
equilibrium of the dehydrogenation reaction towards
C4H10 C4H8 + H2 increased conversion. Figure 1 shows the influence of
oxygen addition which shifts the equilibrium towards
increased conversion of propane to propylene. The for-
mation of H20 is an exothermic reaction which provides
the heat of reaction for further endothermic conversion
of paraffins to olefins.

Figure 1: 60
Thermodynamic equilibrium data
(Partial pressure 1 bar, molar oxygen 55
to propane ratios)
Conversion of Propane [%]




without Oxygen
25 O2 / HC Ratio = 0.05
O2 / HC Ratio = 0.1
540 550 560 570 580 590 600
Temperature [°C]

STAR process® technology

Figure 2:
The overall block flow diagram
of the STAR process® for propane
HP steam dehydrogenation


Fuel gas
Feed PSA
reformer Fuel gas
Raw gas

Heat Gas product
Oxy recovery separation Fractionation

Hydrocarbon feed

Boiler feed water Hydrocarbon recycle

Process condensate

Process steam

Reaction Section
The reaction section comprises an externally heated re- pressure or even under vacuum. In the STAR process®,
actor (STAR process® reformer) including a highly effi- however, the reactor outlet pressure is significantly
cient heat recovery system for feed preheating and steam above atmospheric pressure. This results in a sufficient
generation. Optionally, the reaction section is equipped pressure drop allowing to efficiently utilise the heat
with an oxyreactor to increase conversion rates. available in the reactor effluent and to design the raw
gas compressor with a higher suction pressure than
STAR catalyst® competing technologies, thus saving investment and
The STAR catalyst® is based on a zinc and calcium alu- operating costs.
minate support that, impregnated with various metals,
demonstrates excellent dehydrogenation properties with Operating cycle
very high selectivities at near equilibrium conversion During normal operation a minor amount of coke is
rates. Due to its basic nature it is also extremely stable deposited on the catalyst which requires frequent re-
in the presence of steam and oxygen at high tempera- generation. Steam present in the system converts most
tures. This commercially proven noble metal promoted of the deposited coke to carbon dioxide. This leaves
catalyst in solid particulate form is used in the STAR very little coke to be burnt off during the oxidative
process®. regeneration, extending operating cycles and ensuring
quick and simple regeneration. Also no additional
Process pressure treatment is required for coke suppression or catalyst
The reaction takes place in the presence of steam, which reactivation (e.g. sulfiding or chlorinating). The cycle
reduces the partial pressure of the reactants. This is length is seven hours of normal operation followed by a
favourable, as the endothermic conversion of paraffin to regeneration period of one hour. Therefore only 14.7%
olefin increases with decreasing partial pressures of additional reactor capacity is needed to account for
hydrocarbons. Competing dehydrogenation technologies regeneration requirements, which is the lowest of all
operate at reactor pressures slightly above atmospheric commercial technologies.

Space-Time-Yield Gas separation

The STAR process® offers a higher space-time yield Product quality is ensured by a steady continuous feed
than competing technologies because of significantly of constant composition to the fractionation unit. The
higher reaction velocities in the reactors. This results gas separation unit is designed to meet these require-
in a very compact reactor design. If combined with ments.
an oxyreactor, the space-time yield is even higher.
The main features of this design are as follows:
• The higher yield reduces the dry gas flow to the
raw gas compressor and to the down-stream units • The cold box removes all light ends, including
for product treatment. hydrogen from the reactor product.

• These advantages result in lower investment • Only approx. 10% of the propane/propylene mixture
and utility consumption. enter the cold box so that in case of a cold box failure
a production rate of approx. 90% can still be achieved,
Heat recovery which is a unique feature of the STAR process®.n
Heat from the process gas is efficiently
recovered and utilised for: • Very low olefin losses as > 99% of the olefin
produced in the reactor are recovered.
• Feed vaporisation and superheating
• Direct heating of fractionation column reboilers The main features of the fractionation are:

• Generation of refrigerant • No gas phase is admitted to the fractionation. The

entire fractionation feed is liquid, which is collected
in an intermediate storage vessel, from where it is
continuously fed to the distillation columns. Hence
the operation of this section is not influenced by the
load variations (between the normal and regeneration
mode) at the front end.

• Light ends are removed as tail gas.


Figure 3:
STAR process® reformer connected
in series with an oxyreactor (optional)

Inlet manifold



Cold outlet
manifold system

Figure 4:
Furnace box of top-fired
Uhde STAR process® reformer

STAR process® reformer

The STAR process® reformer is an industrially well known Since 1966 thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions has installed
and commercially established top fired “steam reformer” of more than 70 reformer units of this type in various parts of
the tubular fixed bed type not susceptible to catalyst losses the world to generate synthesis gas for the production of am-
due to attrition. monia, methanol, oxo alcohols and hydrogen.

The main features of the reformer are: As shown in table 2 the operating conditions for the above
mentioned applications are far more stringent than those
• Top firing for optimum uniformity of tube skin required for dehydrogenation.
temperature profile.
The top fired reformer design ensures a uniform temperature
• Internally insulated cold transfer line made from carbon
profile with a steady increase of temperature in the catalyst
steel and located externally under the reformer bottom.
bed, thus efficiently utilising the activity of the catalyst.
• Each tube row connected to a separate hot outlet manifold.
The reformers of thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions feature
• Each hot outlet manifold line is connected to a main cold a very high availability of five years of operation between
transfer line. maintenance shutdowns.

Application Pressure [bar a] Temperature [°C]

Ammonia 40 780 - 820
Methanol 20 - 25 850 - 880
Hydrogen 20 - 25 880
Oxogas 9 - 12 900
Olefins (STAR process ) ®
5-6 550 - 590

Table 2:
Industrial applications of steam reformers

STAR process® oxyreactor (optional)

The adiabatic oxyreactor is a refractory lined vessel.
The design of this item of equipment, as shown in fig-
ure 5, is virtually the same as that of the thyssenkrupp
Industrial Solutions secondary reformer, used in ammo-
nia plants. The only difference between them is how
the oxidant is distributed. Air diluted with steam is dis-
tributed so as to allow the oxygen to come into contact
with the process fluid at the top of the catalyst bed.

Compared to ammonia plants, the operating conditions

of the oxydehydrogenation unit are much milder (refer
to table 3).

Service Ammonia Olefins ®

(STAR process )
38 max. 6
pressure (bar abs.)
temperature (°C) 970 max. 700

Table 3:
Comparison of operating conditions of the secondary reformer for
the production of ammonia synthesis gas and of the STAR process®
oxyreactor for dehydrogenation

The following features highlight the safe and reliable

design provided by thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions:

Reactor effluent from the STAR process® reformer
enters the STAR process® oxyreactor at the bottom
and passes into one centrally arranged tube, which
conducts the gas to the top. This eliminates trouble-
some external hot piping to the head of the reactor.

• Process gas is discharged from the central tube into

the dome for reversal of the flow direction.

Oxygen is introduced into to the system and uni-
formly distributed directly onto the catalyst surface
via a proprietary oxygen distribution system so that
process gas and oxygen are rapidly mixed and
directly contacted with the catalyst bed to achieve
high selectivities for the conversion of hydrogen
with oxygen.
Figure 5:
STAR process® oxyreactor design

Comparison of dehydrogenation technologies

The reaction section of the STAR process® with an oxydehydrogenation

stage offers significant advantages over competing technologies, which
will be explained below.

General remarks Adiabatic reactors connected in series

Dehydrogenation is an endothermic equilibrium reac- The endothermic reaction will cause a temperature
tion. As more and more product is formed, the resi- drop across the catalyst bed so that the reactor feed
dence time required for producing a certain amount of needs to be preheated. Across the catalyst bed, the
product will continuously increase as the driving force temperature profile and conversion rate are opposed.
decreases. This means, that the yield per time and
catalyst volume (space-time-yield) will decrease as the Hence conversion is limited by the reactor outlet tem-
dehydrogenation reaction progresses. perature which is lower than the inlet temperature.

The following chapters describe the technologies This system, besides a charge heater, also requires
available on the market. preheating of partially reacted gases before entering
the next reactor (Figure 6), which results in cracking of
The two most expensive units within a dehydrogenation already formed olefin. So coke suppression measures
plant are the reaction section and the raw gas com- must be taken in the intermediate heaters to prevent an
pression section. Defining the reaction pressure will increase of coke deposits on the catalyst which will
also define the required compression ratio for the raw temporarily deactivate it and result in a comparatively
gas compressor, which directly influences compressor low space-time yield.
operating and investment costs.
One of the measures to suppress coke formation is to
recycle hydrogen. This is bound to decrease the driving
force of the reaction as hydrogen is also a dehydro-
genation product.

700 70 650

profile t0
Conversion rate [%]

600 600
Temperature [°C]

Temperature [°C]

conversion t2
500 550
conversion t3
Intermediate Heaters
400 0 500
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Catalyst bed volume [%] Catalyst bed volume [%]
Figure 6: Figure 7:
Temperature and conversion profile Temperatures in the catalyst bed
for adiabatic reactors for different times (t0-t4)

Parallel adiabatic reactors STAR process® (conventional dehydrogenation)

Such systems require multiple parallel beds, particularly External heating in the reformer ensures a steady tem-
for large capacities. Ensuring efficient distribution of perature increase in the catalyst bed (Figure 8). This is
feed is bound to limit the diameter of the reactor. The in accordance with the thermodynamic requirements
allowable pressure drop will limit the bed height as well. for an increased conversion rate.
Conversion takes place in one bed which will also limit
the space velocity. The overall effect is a high space-time-yield at
increased conversion and selectivity. The higher operat-
Typically, feed preheated does not supply sufficient ing pressure reduces costs in the downstream com-
heat for high conversion rates. This means that during pression unit.
the regeneration phase heat has to be introduced into
the system which is utilised during the following reac- STAR process® with oxydehydrogenation stage
tion phase. Catalyst is used as a heat source for endo- This configuration with an externally heated tubular reac-
thermic reaction. During the reaction phase the catalyst tor (STAR process® reformer) followed by an air or oxy-
bed temperature decreases (Figure 7), which in turn gen operated adiabatic reactor (oxyreactor) combines
leads to a short cycle length of less than 20 minutes. the advantages of both reactor systems:
Hence several parallel beds at large capacities cannot
be avoided. The space-time-yield is even lower than in • STAR process® reformer, as known from the steam
adiabatic systems connected in series. reforming process for the production of synthesis
gas, monitors the temperature profile to efficiently
For world scale plants a large number of reactors utilise the activity of the catalyst.
connected in parallel is required. Only few of them are
used at the same time for dehydrogenation. Switching • F eeding oxygen to the oxyreactor shifts the thermo-
from one reactor to the next requires many valves for dynamic equilibrium and provides the heat of reac-
hot operating service which is very costly. tion required for further dehydrogenation (Figure 9).

The space-time yield obtained is even higher than in
the conventional STAR process®

Reformer Reformer Oxyreactor

700 70 700 70

Addition of Addition of
oxygen oxygen
Conversion rate [%]

Conversion rate [%]

600 600
Temperature [°C]

Temperature [°C]

Temperature Temperature
profile profile

500 500
Equilibrium Equilibrium
conversion Actual conversion Actual
conversion conversion
400 0 400 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 100
Catalyst bed volume [%] Catalyst bed volume [%]
Figure 8: Figure 9:
Temperature and conversion profile for an Followed by an adiabatic oxyreactor
externally heated tubular reactor (STAR process® with oxydehydrogenation stage)

Application of the STAR process®

Dehydrogenation of propane to propylene

Propylene is a base petrochemical used for the pro- The feed supplied to subsequent plants is free of con-
duction of polypropylene (PP), oxo-alcohols, acryloni- taminants (CO, CO2 and sulphur compounds) as they
trile, acrylic acid (AA), propylene oxide (PO), cumene are efficiently removed in the STAR process®. Thus, a
and others. Selective Hydrogenation Unit (SHU) or guard beds for
removal of trace components are in most cases not
About 60% of the propylene produced today is used as required. In addition, recycle streams from the PP plant
feedstock for the production of PP. can be purified using the existing equipment of the
PDH plant. Integration of utility and offsite units (steam,
With the STAR process® thyssenkrupp Industrial cooling water, refrigerant, oxygen/nitrogen, etc.) will
Solutions can offer to its clients single point responsi- further improve project economics.
bility for complete process routes to propylene deriva-
tives, e.g. PP or PO, based on on-purpose propylene The process configuration of a stand-alone propane
production from propane. Process economics are very dehydrogenation plant is shown in figure 2, page 9.
favourable for a production complex, e.g. of PP from
propane by PDH (STAR process®) and subsequent Dehydrogenation of butanes
polymerisation. Dehydrogenation of isobutane to isobutene for the
production of MTBE is a commercially well established
Hydrogen produced by dehydrogenation can be puri- process route. MTBE is phased out in the USA. How-
fied and used as feedstock for subsequent plants (e.g. ever, it is not clear, whether this will apply to other
for H2O2 production by means of the Evonik-Uhde regions as well.
HPPO process) minimising raw material costs.
Other options for octane boosting are alkylate and
dimers. Dehydrogenation of butanes to butenes can
also be used for the production of alkylate or dimers,
which are used as blending stock to enhance the quality
of unleaded gasoline to premium grade.
The world’s first commercial scale plant for the production
of propylene oxide based on the innovative HPPO process
has been in successful operation since 2008.

Dehydrogenation for the production of alkylate

Both HF and H2SO4 alkylation are mature and efficient The process steps are as follows:
technologies for the production of C7 and C8 alkylate
from propene and butenes. C8 alkylate has higher octane • STAR process® oxydehydrogenation
numbers than C7 alkylate.
• Butenex®
The Research Octane Number (RON) of the alkylate • Selective hydrogenation
produced will depend on the type of olefin as well as on
the process applied (refer to table 5). It is worthwhile • H2SO4 alkylation
to limit isobutene when the alkylation process is based
on H2SO4, whereas preferable feed components for HF Butenex®, a technology licensed by thyssenkrupp
alkylation are butene-2 and isobutene. The plant con- Industrial Solutions, is an extractive distillation process.
figuration will depend on the alkylation scheme selected. The C4 fraction from the STAR process is separated into
For alkylation based on H2SO4 the preferred feedstock butenes and butanes. A mixture of N-formylmorpholine
is mixed butanes. (NFM) and morpholine is used as solvent. NFM is a
commercially well established solvent known from its
application in our Morphylane® process for the extrac-
tive distillation of aromatics. To date two commercial
Butenex® units have been successfully designed and
commissioned by us.

Alkylate RON
Alkylate from HF alkylation H2SO4 alkylation
Table 4:
Butene-1 91 98 RON of alkylate depending on
Butene-2 97 98 alkylation technology and olefin used
Isobutene 95 91

Fuel gas



Figure 10:
Alkylate from
mixed butanes N-butane recycle

Depending on the content of isobutane in the mixed

butanes feed, the STAR process® unit could be con-
ceived to include a deisobutaniser column so as to
separate isobutane from n-butane in the mixed butanes
feed. N-butane is recycled from the Butenex® unit to
the STAR process® unit. Butadiene contained in the
unsaturated C4 stream (extract) from Butenex® is selec-
tively hydrogenated to butene-1. The selectively hydro-
genated stream is the olefin feed to alkylation.

Fuel gas

Isobutane alkylate
STAR process® alkylation Figure 11:
Alkylate from isobutane

It seems to be advantageous to process isobutane

(instead of mixed butanes), if the selected process is
HF alkylation.

The reasons are:

• The RON of C8 alkylate derived from isobutene

is high (95).

• For a given conversion rate the selectivity of

isobutene (from isobutane) is higher than that of
n-butenes (from n-butane), reducing the plant feed
by 6%.

• Selective hydrogenation of butadiene will not be


• The STAR process® unit can be designed to provide

an isobutane/isobutene mixture having the desired
stochiometric ratio for alkylation. Thus no unconvert-
ed paraffin needs to be recycled to the STAR pro-
cess unit and as a result no Butenex® unit is

Dehydrogenation for the production of dimers

The quantity and quality (RON) of gasoline produced However, the liquid product yield is low. Whereas iso-
will depend on whether isobutene is selectively dimeri- butene is virtually completely dimerised the conversi-
sed or whether all butenes present in the feed are on of n-butenes will be only in the order of 50%.
dimerised. When processing mixed butenes, the con- Isobutene will be completely converted to high octane
centration of isobutene in mixed butenes will also influ- gasoline (RON 99).
ence the quality of gasoline.
The process configuration (Figure 14) includes the
Dimerisation of mixed butenes will result in a liquid following process steps:
product of which max. 80% is gasoline and 20% is jet
fuel. The liquid product yield will be around 95 - 98% • STAR process®
of the butenes present in feed. The octane rating will
• Selective hydrogenation of butadiene
increase with the concentration of isobutene in the
feed. An isobutene concentration of about 50% (in total • Dimerisation unit (incl. product hydrogenation)
butenes) will be required to obtain unleaded premium
gasoline (RON 95). The selective hydrogenation of butadiene is only
required if the plant feed consists of mixed butanes.
Selective dimerisation of isobutene (in the mixed butenes
feed) will result in a liquid product which will primarily Hydrogen required for selective hydrogenation of feed
consist of high octane gasoline (RON 99) and a small for dimerisation and for product hydrogenation will be
amount (4% of liquid product) of jet fuel. supplied from the STAR process® unit. The utility sys-
tem of the dimerisation and hydrogenation units is inte-
grated into the STAR process® unit to enhance process
economy. Unconverted butanes are recycled from the
dimerisation unit to the STAR process® unit.

Fuel gas
Fresh feed
(mixed butanes or
STAR process® Dimerisation
hydrogenation Jet fuel

Figure 12:
Dimers from butanes
Butanes recycle

Inside view of the furnace box

of an Uhde steam reformer

Services for our customers

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions is dedicated to provi- The policy of thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions and
ding its customers with a wide range of services and to its subsidiaries is to ensure utmost quality in the imple-
supporting them in their efforts to succeed in their line mentation of our projects. Our head office and sub-
of business. sidiaries worldwide work according to the same quality
standard, certified according to DIN/ISO 9001/EN29001.
With our worldwide network of subsidiaries, asso-
ciated companies and experienced local representa- We remain in contact with our customers even after
tives, as well as first-class backing from our head project completion. Partnering is our byword.
office, thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions has the
ideal qualifications to achieve this goal. By organising and supporting technical symposia, we
promote active communication between customers,
We place particular importance on interacting with our licensors, partners, operators and our specialists. This
customers at an early stage to combine their ambition enables our customers to benefit from the development
and expertise with our experience. of new technologies and the exchange of experience as
well as troubleshooting information.
Whenever we can, we give potential customers the
opportunity to visit operating plants and to personally We like to cultivate our business relationships and
evaluate such matters as process operability, main- learn more about the future goals of our customers.
tenance and on-stream time. We aim to build our future Our after-sales services include regular consultancy
business on the trust our customers place in us. visits which keep the owner informed about the latest
developments or revamping options.
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions provides the entire
spectrum of services of an EPC contractor, from the ini- thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions stands for tailor-
tial feasibility study, through financing concepts and made concepts and international competence. For more
project management right up to the commissioning of information contact one of the thyssenkrupp Industrial
units and grass-roots plants. Solutions offices near you or visit our website:

Our impressive portfolio of services includes: www.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions.com

• Feasibility studies/technology selection Further information on this subject can be found

in the following brochures:
• Project management

• Arrangement of financing schemes • Ammonia

• Financial guidance based on an intimate • Organic chemicals and polymers

knowledge of local laws, regulations and
• Propylene oxide
tax procedures

• Environmental impact studies

• Licensing incl. basic/detail engineering

• Utilities/offsites/infrastructure

• Procurement/inspection/transportation services
• Civil works and erection

• Commissioning

• Training of operating personnel using an operator

training simulator

• Plant operation support /plant maintenance

• Remote Performance Management (Teleservice)
Industrial Solutions
Electrolysis and Polymers Technologies

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG

Friedrich-Uhde-Straße 15
44141 Dortmund
P: +49 231 547 0
F: +49 231 547 10

PT 006/1/e/300/201706/SZ/Printed in Germany

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