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Ansi Awwa C516-14 PDF

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This document provides information on standards and maintenance for large diameter rubber-seated butterfly valves.

The document describes standards for large diameter rubber-seated butterfly valves including minimum requirements, testing procedures, and other specifications.

AWWA standards describe minimum requirements and do not contain all engineering information. They contain options that must be evaluated by the user and are not fully defined until all options are specified. Compliance is voluntary.


(Revi si on of AN SI /AW WA C51 6 -1 0)

AWWA Standard

Large-Diameter Rubber-
Seated Butterfly Valves,
Sizes 78 In. (2,000 mm)
and Larger

Efecti ve date: J ul y 1 , 201 5.

First edition approved by AWWA Board o f Directors Feb. 1 2, 2006.
This edition approved J une 8, 201 4.
Approved by American N ational Standards Institute M ar. 23, 201 5.


Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

AWWA Standard
This document is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. It is not a speci f cation. AWWA standards
describe minimum requirements and do not contain all o f the engineering and administrative in formation normally
contained in speci f cations. The AWWA standards usually contain options that must be evaluated by the user o f the
standard. Until each optional feature is speci f ed by the user, the product or service is not fully de f ned. AWWA pub -

lication o f a standard does not constitute endorsement o f any product or product type, nor does AWWA test, certi fy,
or approve any product. The use o f AWWA standards is entirely voluntary. This standard does not supersede or take
precedence over or displace any applicable law, regulation, or code o f any governmental authority. AWWA standards
are intended to represent a consensus o f the water supply industry that the product described will provide satis factory
service. When AWWA revises or withdraws this standard, an o f cial notice o f action will be placed in the O f cial Notice
section o f Journal - American Water Works Association . The action becomes efective on the f rst day o f the month fol -

lowing the month o f Journal - American Water Works Association publication o f the o f cial notice.

American National Standard

An American National Standard implies a consensus o f those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions.
An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manu facturer, the consumer, and the general public.
The existence o f an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether that person has ap -

proved the standard or not, from manu facturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures
not con forming to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review, and users are cautioned
to obtain the latest editions. Producers o f goods made in con formity with an American National Standard are encour -

aged to state on their own responsibility in advertising and promotional materials or on tags or labels that the goods
are produced in con formity with particular American National Standards.
C au tion n otiCe : The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approval date on the front cover o f this standard
indicates completion o f the ANSI approval process. This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at
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ISBN-1 3, print: 978-1 -62576-1 05-7 eISBN-1 3, electronic: 978-1 -61 300-342-8
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/1 0.1 2999/AWWA.C51 6.1 4

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Copyright © 201 5 by American Water Works Association

Printed in USA

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.
Committee Personnel
Te AWWA standards subcommittee for Large-Diameter Butterfy Valves that reviewed this stan-
dard had the following personnel at the time of approval:
John V. Ballun, Chair
General Interest Members
J.W. Green, Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, Oakbrook Terrace, Ill. (AWWA)
R.A. Ward, Dufresne & Associates PC, Windsor, Vt. (AWWA)
Producer Members
A. Abouelleil, Henry Pratt Company, Aurora, Ill. (AWWA)
J.V. Ballun, Val-Matic Valve and Manufacturing Corporation, Addison, Ill. (AWWA)
D.E. Douro, Olson Technologies Inc., Allentown, Pa. (AWWA)
J.R. Holstrom, Val-Matic Valve and Manufacturing Corporation, Elmhurst, Ill. (AWWA)
A.W. Libke, DeZURIK Inc., Sartell, Minn. (AWWA)
T. Martin, Adams Valves Inc., Houston, Texas (AWWA)
J.H. Wilber, American AVK, Littleton, Colo. (AWWA)
User Members
S. Carpenter, San Diego Water, Escondido, Calif. (AWWA)
V.Q. Le, Los Angeles Water and Power, Los Angeles, Calif. (AWWA)
P. Ries, Denver Water Department, Denver, Colo. (AWWA)
S.Y. Tung, City of Houston, Houston, Texas (AWWA)
Te AWWA Standards Committee on Butterfy Valves, which reviewed and approved this stan-
dard, had the following personnel at the time of approval:
Mark MacConnell, Chair
A. Ali, ADA Consulting, Surrey, B.C., Canada (AWWA)
M.D. Bennett, MWH, Cleveland, Ohio (AWWA)
B.E. Bosserman, Engineering Consultants, Mission Viejo, Calif. (AWWA)
J. Hebenstreit, UL LLC, Northbrook, Ill. (UL)
F. Hinker, Santa Rosa, N.M. (AWWA)
M.C. Johnson, Utah State University, Water Research Laboratory, Logan, Utah (AWWA)

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

T. Jordan, HDR, Denver, Colo. (AWWA)
T.J. McCandless,* Standards Engineer Liaison, AWWA, Denver, Colo. (AWWA)
W. Rahmeyer,† Utah State University, Logan, Utah (AWWA)
U. Sant, AECOM, Dallas, Texas (AWWA)
R. A. Ward, Dufresne & Associates PC, Windsor, Vt. (AWWA)

Producer Members

A. Abouelleil, Henry Pratt Company, Aurora, Ill. (AWWA)

S. Allen, Bray Valve, Jonesboro, Ark. (AWWA)
J.V. Ballun, Val-Matic Valve and Manufacturing Corporation, Elmhurst, Ill. (AWWA)
L.W. Fleury Jr.,† Mueller Group. Smith feld, R.I. (AWWA)
f †
K.R. Grae , Rodney Hunt Company, Orange, Mass. (AWWA)
T. A. Hartman, Hartman Valve Corporation, St. Louis, Mo. (AWWA)
H. Heribert, VAG, Mannheim, Germany (AWWA)
K. Johnson, M&H Valve Company, Anniston, Ala. (AWWA)
A.W. Libke, DeZURIK Inc., Sartell, Minn. (AWWA)
R. Tschida,† DeZURIK Inc., Sartell, Minn. (AWWA)

User Members

S. Carpenter, San Diego County Water Authority, Escondido, Calif. (AWWA)

D.W. Coppes, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Chelsea, Mass. (AWWA)
S. Hattan, Tarrant Regional Water District, Ft. Worth, Texas (AWWA)
V.Q. Le, Los Angeles Water and Power, Los Angeles, Calif. (AWWA)
M. MacConnell, Metro Vancouver, Burnaby, B.C., Canada (AWWA)
P.J. Ries, Denver Water Department, Denver, Colo. (AWWA)
S.Y. Tung, City of Houston, Houston, Texas (AWWA)

* Liaison, nonvoting
† Alternate


Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

All AWWA standards follow the general format indicated subsequently. Some variations from this
format may be found in a particular standard.


Foreword 2 References ........................................ 2

I Introduction .................................... vii Def nitions ....................................... 4
I.A Background..................................... vii 3

I.B History............................................ vii 4 Requirements

I.C Acceptance ...................................... vii 4.1 Data to Be Provided by the

II Special Issues. ................................... ix Manufacturer or Supplier ............ 6
II.A General ............................................ ix 4.2 Materials ........................................... 7
II.B Buried Valves ................................... ix 4.3 General Design ................................. 8
II.C Advisory Information on Product 4.4 Welding and Fabrication ................. 16
Applications ................................ x 4.5 Coatings.......................................... 18
II.D Advisory Information on Scheduling 5 Verifcation
Requirements ............................. xi 5.1 Shop Tests ....................................... 18
II.E Valve Discs and Piping Design ......... xi 5.2 Proof-of-Design Tests ...................... 19
II.F Efects of Manual or Power Actuator 5.3 Nonconformance ............................ 20
Stroke Time .............................. xii
III Use of Tis Standard ...................... xiii 6 Delivery

6.1 Marking .......................................... 21

III.A Purchaser Options and 6.2 Shipping.......................................... 21
Alternatives .............................. xiii
III.B Modifcation to Standard ............... xvi Appendix
IV Major Revisions.............................. xvi A Installation, Operation, and
V Comments ..................................... xvi Maintenance of Large-Diameter
Butterfy Valves ......................... 23
Standard A.1 General ........................................... 23
1 General A.2 Unloading ....................................... 23
1.1 Scope ................................................ 1 A.3 Storage ............................................ 23
1.2 Purpose ............................................. 2 A.4 Inspection Prior to
1.3 Application........................................ 2 Installation ................................ 24
Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

A.5 Installation ...................................... 24 Tables

A.6 Field Testing.................................... 26 1 Laying Length Ranges for

Flanged Valves............................. 9
A.7 Operation ........................................ 26

A.8 Maintenance ................................... 27

2 Valve Test Cycles Required .............. 20

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.
Tis foreword is for information only and is not a part ofANSI*/AWWA C516.

I. Introduction.
I.A. Background. Large-diameter butterfy valves are generally used for
pipelines carrying water and gases in power generation facilities, water treatment
plants, and major water supply and distribution lines. Butterfy valves are isolation
and fow-control devices that provide tight shutof; are relatively easy to operate, even
with moderate pressure drops across the valves; and require relatively little space for
I.B. History. Te need for standardization of butterfy valves was recognized
by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) with the adoption of AWWA
C504 for Rubber-Seated Butterfy Valves in 1954. Tis companion standard was
developed by the AWWA Standards Committee on Feb. 12, 2006, to meet the need
for large-diameter valves in the waterworks industry. Tis second edition of ANSI/
AWWA C516 was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on June 8, 2014.
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF
International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a
certifcation program for direct and indirect drinking water additives. Other members of
the original consortium included the Water Research Foundation (formerly AwwaRF)
and the Conference of State Health and Environmental Managers (COSHEM). Te
American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Association of State Drinking
Water Administrators (ASDWA) joined later.
In the United States, authority to regulate products for use in, or in contact with,
drinking water rests with individual states.† Local agencies may choose to impose
requirements more stringent than those required by the state. To evaluate the health
efects of products and drinking water additives from such products, state and local
agencies may use various references, including
1. An advisory program formerly administered by USEPA, Ofce of Drinking
Water, discontinued on Apr. 7, 1990.
2. Specifc policies of the state or local agency.

* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
† Persons outside the United States should contact the appropriate authority having jurisdiction.
vi i

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

3. Two standards developed under the direction of NSF *: NSF/ANSI 60,
Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals—Health Efects, and NSF/ANSI 61, Drinking
Water System Components—Health Efects.
4. Other references, including AWWA standards, Food Chemicals Codex,
Water Chemicals Codex,† and other standards considered appropriate by the state or
local agency.
Various certifcation organizations may be involved in certifying products in accor-
dance with NSF/ANSI 61. Individual states or local agencies have authority to accept
or accredit certifcation organizations within their jurisdictions. Accreditation of certi-
fcation organizations may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Annex A, “Toxicology Review and Evaluation Procedures,” to NSF/ANSI 61 does
not stipulate a maximum allowable level (MAL) of a contaminant for substances not
regulated by a USEPA fnal maximum contaminant level (MCL). Te MALs of an
unspecifed list of “unregulated contaminants” are based on toxicity testing guidelines
(noncarcinogens) and risk characterization methodology (carcinogens). Use of Annex A
procedures may not always be identical, depending on the certifer.
ANSI/AWWA C516 does not address additives requirements. Tus, users of this
standard should consult the appropriate state or local agency having jurisdiction in
order to
1. Determine additives requirements, including applicable standards.
2. Determine the status of certifcations by all parties ofering to certify prod-
ucts for contact with, or treatment of, drinking water.
3. Determine current information on product certifcation.
In an alternative approach to inadvertent drinking water additives, some juris-
dictions (including California, Maryland, Vermont, and Louisiana, at the time of
this writing) are calling for reduced lead limits for materials in contact with pota-
ble water. Various third-party certifers have been assessing products against these
lead content criteria, and a new ANSI-approved national standard, NSF/ANSI 372,
Drinking Water System Components—Lead Content, was published in 2010. On
Jan. 4, 2011, legislation was signed revising the defnition for “lead free” within the
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) as it pertains to “pipe, pipe fttings, plumbing ft-
tings, and fxtures.” Te changes went into efect on Jan. 4, 2014. In brief, the new

* NSF International, 789 North Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.

† Both publications available from National Academy of Sciences, 500 Fifth Street, NW, Washington,
DC 20001.
vi i i

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

provisions to the SDWA require that these products meet a weighted average lead
content of not more than 0.25 percent.
II. Special Issues.
II.A. General. Conditions under which a valve is to be operated must be
evaluated carefully by the purchaser. Te evaluations must include the determination
of the hydraulic characteristics of the system in which the valve will be installed and the
operation of the valve (open–close or throttling), including (1) the maximum transient
pressure and static diferential pressure across the valve disc and (2) fow through the
valve under the most adverse operating conditions.
Torque requirements for valve operation vary considerably with di ferential pres-
sure across the valve, fuid velocity, fuid temperature, and upstream piping conditions.
Torque coefcients should be determined by the manufacturer using the methodology
given in AWWA Manual M49, which recommends the use of scale models for predict-
ing dynamic torques for large valves.
Flow direction is important in the installation and use of a butterfy valve. Some
valves’ performance and sealing characteristics vary with direction of fow. Flow direc-
tion can afect the torque requirements and throttling characteristics of valves with
ofset discs or discs, which do not have identical surface confgurations on each side.
Many butterfy valves have diferent sealing characteristics on one side versus the other.
A manufacturer may have a recommended high-pressure sealing side for long-term
Hydraulic testing, fow capacities, and valve torques are based on the fow upstream
of a valve being uniform and undisturbed, like the fow produced by a long length of
constant-diameter straight pipe. Piping confgurations that produce a nonuniform or
turbulent fow pattern upstream of the valve can increase torque requirements, create
damaging vibrations, increase head loss, and increase stresses in valve components.
Some hydraulic systems can produce fuid velocities much higher than the maxi-
mum of 16 ft/sec (4.9 m/sec) described in this standard. Typically, high fuid veloci-
ties can result from line breaks or in surge relief applications. Te efects of high fuid
velocities and asymmetrical turbulent fow conditions can result in high loads and
torque requirements, which are unaccounted for in this standard. Tese design condi-
tions should be clearly specifed by the purchaser.
II.B. Buried Valves. Valves in this standard are provided with fanged ends.
In buried applications, the purchaser is advised to consider providing means to
accommodate issues such as diferential settlement, capability to remove the valve or
actuator for maintenance, access to the valve interior for inspection, support of the

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

valve, and controlling the shear loading from the adjacent pipe fanges. Many types of
buried pipes are designed to defect 2 to 5 percent of pipe diameter, which is harmful
to the valve integrity. Adjacent pipe must be supported or stifened to provide a round
mating connection for the valve in service.
II.C. Advisory Information on Product Applications. Tis standard does not
describe all possible applications or manufacturing technologies. Te purchaser should
identify special requirements and required deviations from this standard and include
appropriate language in purchase documents. Refer to Sec. III.A in this foreword.
Other advisory information is provided below.
1. Te maximum anticipated fuid velocity through the valve, maximum non-
shock shutof pressure, water temperature range, and valve classifcation are used by man-
ufacturers to calculate torque requirements, which then may determine valve operating-
component design and actuator sizing. Tis information should be provided according to
items 4, 5, 6, and 26 of Sec. III.A in this foreword.
Turbulence is also a factor that may afect torque requirements. Turbulence will be
considered only if information on piping conditions is provided according to item 24
of Sec. III.A in this foreword.
2. Tis standard does not require a minimum waterway area nor does it limit
head loss across the valve. If this is of concern, limitations should be provided. Refer to
item 14 of Sec. III.A of this foreword.
3. Tere is no standard for valve laying lengths for large butterfy valves, only a
range of laying lengths. Laying lengths should be provided by the supplier on outline
4. Tis standard does not require the valve manufacturer to mount the actua-
tor to the valve and perform tests when the actuator is not direct-mounted, such as
when an extended bonnet is provided. Special factory tests and actuator feld installa-
tion requirements should be provided to ensure the actuator is properly adjusted and
the valve leak tested before placing the valve and line in service.
5. Some actuators may produce sufcient torque to damage the valve if the
valve is prevented from closing because of an obstruction in the pipeline. Protective
measures such as torque-limiting devices or shear pins and keys are beyond the scope
of this standard.
6. Te selection of materials may be critical for water service and distribution
piping in locations where there is the likelihood that elastomers will be in contact
with specifc water treatment disinfection agents. Documented research has shown
that elastomers such as pipe gaskets, valve stem seals, and valve seats may degrade
Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.
when exposed to certain disinfection agents. Tis standard does not include elasto-
mer test requirements for chemical resistance to water treatment disinfection agents
such as, but not limited to, chlorine and chloramines. If resistance to such agents is
required, careful selection of and specifcations for elastomeric materials should be con-
sidered to provide long-term usefulness and minimal degradation (e.g., swelling, loss of
elasticity, softening, etc.) of each elastomeric valve component. Te AWWA Research
Foundation (now known as the Water Research Foundation) and USEPA sponsored
the 2007 publication Performance ofElastomeric Components in Contact With Potable
Water, which presents data on commonly used elastomeric materials and may serve as
a reference for reviewing alternative materials in specifc applications. System designers,
valve manufacturers, and material producers may also have knowledge and experience
with elastomeric materials in specifc applications that could provide the purchaser
with additional information.
II.D. Advisory Information on Scheduling Requirements. Valves made in
accordance with this standard are not “production run” products. Tey are custom
designed and manufactured for the specifc application. A consequence of this
circumstance is that valve manufacturers may require more time for large-diameter
butterfy valves than for “small” valves (i.e., ANSI/AWWA C504) to develop bid
prices, prepare valve designs, submit shop drawing data, manufacture the valve, and
shop test the valve. For example, manufacturers may typically require several weeks
to develop reasonable bid prices. Shop drawings or other submittal preparation may
require an additional two to four weeks. Valve manufacture may take over six months.
Te purchaser should discuss schedule requirements with manufacturers in advance of
placing orders or advertising for bids.
II.E. Valve Discs and Piping Design. Te discs of butterfy valves, when in the
fully open position, intrude into the adjacent upstream and downstream piping or
other adjacent devices. Tis can especially be an issue with adjacent pipe having interior
linings and with polyethylene transmission pipe. Te piping system designer should
check the valve manufacturer’s recommendations for minimum pipe internal diameter
for disc clearance and be sure the adjacent pipe internal diameters are sufcient to
accommodate the fully open discs.
Te installation of butterfy valves downstream of turbulence-inducing devices
or pieces of equipment, such as pumps and piping elbows, requires some consider-
ation to avoid various mechanical and hydraulic issues. Te turbulence can cause pre-
mature wearing of seats, unequal or uneven hydrodynamic loads on the discs with
associated increase in torque loadings on valve actuators, unanticipated higher load-

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

ings and stresses on shaft bearings with resulting decrease in bearing longevity, and
higher stresses on the valve shafts. Tese issues can be especially signifcant with but-
terfy valves installed directly on the discharge fanges of pumps. In some cases, valve
shaft orientation downstream of piping elbows can have a signifcant efect on the
above described valve mechanical and hydraulic issues. Piping system designers should
review with butterfy valve manufacturers the requirements or recommendations for
minimum upstream pipe runs to provide reasonably smooth fow patterns approaching
the valve discs and recommendations regarding shaft orientation. Such recommenda-
tions regarding minimum upstream pipe runs should be the results of hydraulic tests
or based on relevant experience. If no test data or results are available, or if no relevant
experience is available, refer to the section “Efects of Pipe Installations” in AWWA
Manual M49.
Te installation of butterfy valves upstream of certain items of equipment requires
some consideration to avoid various mechanical and hydraulic issues, especially if
the butterfy valve disc is partially open. For example, if butterfy valves are installed
directly on the upstream or downstream fanges of other valves (such as check valves),
the open butterfy valve disc will intrude into the body of the adjacent valve. A par-
tially open butterfy valve disc, or even a partially open butterfy valve installed a short
distance upstream, can result in issues such as increased wear on check valves’ hinges
and shaft supports and oscillation (“chattering”) of the check valve discs. Te turbu-
lence caused by a partially open butterfy valve disc can also afect the performance
and accuracy of other downstream devices such as pitot tubes. Sufcient pipe spacing
between the butterfy valve and the downstream piece of equipment should be pro-
vided to accommodate these issues. Note that the situation of a partially open disc can
occur with valves in throttling or modulating service.
II.F. Efects ofManual or Power Actuator Stroke Time. When specifying manual
and power actuators in Sec. III.A 6, 7, 8, and 9, consideration should be given to the
efects ofspeed ofvalve operation on the pipeline hydraulic transients (surges), especially
on long pipelines. Te power actuator stroke time default values in this standard are
based on broad system assumptions and reasonable induced transient pressures in an
attached piping system of lengths up to approximately 4,000 diameters of the valve’s
nominal size. Te user is cautioned to evaluate the need for other stroke times (longer
or shorter) based on operational requirements and/or when piping length approaches
or exceeds this assumption. Installed stroke times may vary based on actual operating
fuid conditions and the power source capacity (i.e., terminal voltage, current, and wire
size; pressure, fow, and pipe size).
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Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

III. Use of Tis Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA
standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use
in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. Te following information should be
provided by the purchaser.
1. Standard used—that is, ANSI/AWWA C516, Large-Diameter Rubber-
Seated Butterfy Valves, Sizes 78 In. (1,950 mm) and Larger, of latest revision.
2. Whether compliance with NSF/ANSI 61, Drinking Water System Components—
Health Efects, or NSF/ANSI 372, Drinking Water System Components—Lead Content,
or an alternative lead content criterion is required.
3. Size of valve and quantity required.
4. Maximum nonshock shutof pressure and maximum nonshock line pressure.
5. Actuator type and service conditions.
a. Type—manual, electric, cylinder, or other.
b. Service—open/close or modulating.
6. Manual actuator.
a. Type—handwheel, chainwheel, or wrench nut.
b. Direction to turn the handwheel, chainwheel, or wrench nut to open
valves. (Unless otherwise specifed, the valve will open by turning counterclockwise.)
c. Position indicator:
—If it is required.
—Confguration for vault, submerged, or in-plant service.
d. Special devices or features if required: extension shaft, foor stand, hand-
wheel diameter, limit switches, or position transmitter.
7. Electric actuator.
a. Type: multiturn actuator coupled to an intermediate mechanism or in-
tegral quarter-turn unit.
b. Characteristics: operating voltage, control scheme, and time ofoperation.
c. Position indicator: confguration.
d. Special considerations: type of service environment should be stated and
appurtenances required.
8. Cylinder actuator.
a. Operating medium: air, water, or oil.
b. Medium pressure: maximum and minimum.
c. Characteristics: control scheme, opening and closing speed ranges.

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Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

d. Position indicator:
—If it is required.
e. Special requirements:
—Specify any limitations on acceptability or any special construction
9. Other actuators: actuators other than those described in this standard or
ANSI/AWWA C541 and C542 shall be specifed by the purchaser in detail.
10. Valve and actuator arrangement and position.
11. Required fow rate through valve.
a. Under normal conditions.
b. Under maximum-fow conditions.
—When opening under maximum diferential pressure.
—When closing under maximum line break velocity.
12. Maximum transient pressure and characteristics, if known.
13. Water temperature range.
14. If a maximum head loss is required, this information shall be provided
for each size and class of valve. Manufacturers should use the test methods given in
AWWA Manual M49.
15. A drawing or description of the piping arrangement sufcient to describe
signifcant turbulent line fow conditions to which the valve disc may be subjected.
16. If purchaser requires shop inspection or test observations to be performed
by the purchaser or purchaser’s agent, the extent of such inspections and observations
shall be defned.
17. Tis standard requires fat-faced fanges. If other facings are required such as
raised face or O-ring grooves, they shall be specifed by the purchaser.
18. Minimum acceptable valve classifcation (Sec. 1.1 .1).
19. Data to be provided by the manufacturer or supplier. Sec. 4.1 describes
the minimum data to be provided by the supplier. Because these valves are custom
designed and manufactured, purchasers may require more detailed or comprehensive
data. Such data may include
a. Chemical analysis of materials for body, disc, and shaft.
b. Tensile strength, yield strength, hardness, and impact test data for body,
disc, and shaft materials.
c. Data on welding procedures and qualifcation.
d. Results on welding qualifcation such as bend tests.
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Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

e. Results of weld examinations such as liquid penetrant, hardness, and
magnetic particle.
f. Weld procedures and documentation.
g. Center of gravity.
h. Valve torque data.
i. Cavitation coefcients.
j. Valve position versus fow resistance curves.
k. Afdavit of compliance with applicable provisions of this standard, nota-
rized, and signed by the valve and actuators manufacturer’s person in responsible charge.
l. Flow resistance coefcient for a fully open valve calculated in accor-
dance with AWWA Manual M49.
m. Copies of the proof-of-design test performed in accordance with Sec. 5.2.
All such requirements shall be clearly defned in the purchase documents. Te
appropriate submittal requirements per AS TM and ASME material and design stan-
dards should be referenced.
20. Details of other federal, state, or provincial requirements, and local require-
ments (Sec. 4.2.1).
21. Records of materials tests (Sec. 4.2.3).
22. Type of shaft seal (Sec.
23. Description of connecting piping: material, including interior coatings and/
or lining, outside diameter (OD) and inside diameter (ID), and fanged end connec-
tion (Sec. 4.3.1 .6.2).
24. Type of installation: buried (Sec. 4.3.1 .6.4, specify depth and loadings),
vault, submerged (specify depth and duration), indoors, or outdoors.
25. Considerations relating to anticipated problems with components exposed
to water containing chlorine, chlorides, chloramines, or other chemicals. If these prob-
lems are anticipated, the purchaser should identify the maximum expected concentra-
tions of these chemicals and other factors, such as pH and temperature ranges, which
may afect the corrosivity of these chemicals. Te purchaser should consult with the
manufacturers and, if appropriate, specify special requirements for these components
26. Materials.
a. If the purchaser specifes a wetted component that was not tested and
certifed to NSF/ANSI 61 or NSF/ANSI 372 requirements, the certifcation may not
be valid.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.
b. If one or more of the materials included in this standard are unaccept-
able, specify the acceptable materials that are included in this standard.
c. Required mating surface. In cases where valves are to be opened fre-
quently (more than once a month), seating surfaces of stainless steel are recommended
27. Whether shaft seal shall be contained in a stufng box (Sec.
28. Required welding procedure (Sec. 4.4.1).
29. Protective coatings if other than specifed in Sec. 4.5 of this standard.
30. Te providing of test records that are specifed according to Sec. 5.1 .1 , 5.1 .2,
and 5.1 .3 of this standard. Test records required for manual actuators under ANSI/
AWWA C504, Rubber-Seated Butterfy Valves, and power actuators under ANSI/
AWWA C541, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Cylinder and Vane-Type Actuators for Valves
and Slide Gates, and ANSI/AWWA C542 Electric Motor Actuators for Valves and
Slide Gates, may also be requested. Te purchaser may require all records or may stipu-
late a breakdown of production test records or proof-of-design test records.
31. If a leakage test in both directions is required or if the valve shall be tested
with the disc in the vertical plane (Sec. 5.1 .2).
32. Special markings to be applied to a valve by manufacturer (Sec. 6.1).
III.B. Modifcation to Standard. Any modifcation of the provisions, defnitions,
or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser.
IV. Major Revisions. Major revisions made to the standard in this edition
include the following:
1. AWWA Pressure Class 250B was added.
2. Additional advisory information on installation was added to the foreword.
3. Body shell thickness requirements were revised.
4. Use with reclaimed water was added.
5. Alternate purchaser-specifed test requirements were added.
V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard,
please call AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711, FAX at
303.795.7603; write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO
80235-3098; or email at standards@awwa.org.

x vi

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

(Revi si on of AN SI /AW WA C51 6 -1 0)

® AWWA Standard

Large-Diameter Rubber-Seated
Butterfly Valves, Sizes 78 In.
(2,000 mm) and Larger


Sec. 1.1 Scope

Tis standard establishes minimum requirements for rubber-seated butterfy
valve assemblies that are 78 in. (2,000 mm) diameter and larger with fanged ends
suitable for fresh and reclaimed water having a pH range from 6–12 and a tem-
perature range from 33°–125°F (0.6°–52°C) and suitable for a maximum steady-state
fuid working pressure of 250 psig (1,724 kPa [gauge]), a maximum steady-state dif-
ferential pressure of 250 psi (1,724 kPa), and a maximum full-open fuid velocity of
16 ft/sec (4.9 m/sec) based on nominal valve size.
1.1 .1 Body classes. Valves described in this standard are provided in classes
25B, 50B, 75B, 150B, and 250B.
1.1.2 Defnition ofclassifcation. In each case the numeric designation rep-
resents the pressure rating, the maximum steady-state fuid working pressure, in
pounds per square inch gauge, and also the maximum steady-state diferential pres-
sure, in pounds per square inch for which the valve is designed. Te designation
“B” defnes the fow-rate capability of the valve in the fully open position. “B” valve
assemblies are rated for a maximum velocity of 16 ft/sec (4.9 m/sec) in the piping
section upstream of the valve.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

2  AWWA C51 6 -1 4

Sec. 1.2 Purpose

Te purpose of this standard is to provide the minimum requirements for
large-diameter fanged rubber-seated butterfy valve assemblies, suitable for fresh-
water and reclaimed water service.
Sec. 1.3 Application
Tis standard can be referenced in specifcations for large-diameter rubber-
seated butterfy valves, which are described by the scope as defned above.
Tis standard references the following documents. In their current editions,
they form a part of this standard to the extent specifed within the standard. In any
case of confict, the requirements of this standard shall prevail.
ANSI*/AWWA C207—Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service—Sizes 4 In.
Trough 144 In. (100 mm Trough 3,600 mm).
ANSI/AWWA C504—Rubber-Seated Butterfy Valves.
ANSI/AWWA C541—Hydraulic and Pneumatic Cylinder and Vane-Type
Actuators for Valves and Slide Gates.
ANSI/AWWA C542—Electric Motor Actuators for Valves and Slide Gates.
ANSI/AWWA C550—Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants.
ASME† B1.1 —Unifed Inch Screw Treads, UN and UNR Tread Form.
ASME B16.1 —Cast-Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes, Section VIII, Pressure Vessels, and
Section IX, Welding Operator Qualifcation.
AS TM‡ A36—Standard Specifcation for Carbon Structural Steel.
ASTM A48—Standard Specifcation for Gray Iron Castings.
ASTM A105—Standard Specifcation for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping
ASTM A108—Standard Specifcation for Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold-Finished,
Standard Quality.
ASTM A126—Standard Specifcation for Gray Iron Castings for Valves,
Flanges, and Pipe Fittings.
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
† ASME International, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016.
‡ AS TM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.


AS M A216 —Standard Speci fcation for Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable
for Fusion Welding, for High- emperature Service.
AS M A240 —Standard Speci fcation for Heat-Resisting Chromium and
Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels.
AS M A276 —Standard Speci fcation for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes.
AS TM A351 —Standard Speci fcation for Castings, Austenitic, Austenitic
(Duplex), for Pressure-Containing Parts.
AS M A395 —Standard Speci fcation for Ferritic Ductile Iron Pressure-
Retaining Castings for Use at Elevated Temperatures.
AS M A436 —Standard Speci fcation for Austenitic Gray Iron Castings.
AS TM A439 —Standard Speci fcation for Austenitic Ductile Iron Castings.
AS TM A516 —Standard Speci fcation for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon
Steel, for Moderate- and Lower-Temperature Service.
AS TM A536 —Standard Speci fcation for Ductile Iron Castings.
AS TM A564—Standard Speci fcation for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Finished
Age-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes.
AS M A582—Standard Speci fcation for Free-Machining Stainless Steel
AS M A743 —Standard Speci fcation for Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-
Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion-Resistant, for General Applications.
AS M B1 27—Standard Speci fcation for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS
N04400) Plate, Sheet, and Strip.
AS M B154—Standard Test Method for Mercurous Nitrate Test for Copper
and Copper Alloys.
AS M B164—Standard Speci fcation for Nickel-Copper Alloy Rod, Bar,
and Wire.
AS M B438 —Standard Speci fcation for Sintered Bronze Bearings (Oil
AS M C633 —Standard Test Method for Adhesion or Cohesive Strength of
Flame-Sprayed Coatings.
AS TM D471 —Standard Test f
Method for Rubber Property—E ect of
AS M D1141 —Standard Speci fcation for Substitute Ocean Water.
AS TM D1149 —Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration—Surface
Ozone Cracking in a Chamber.
AS M E165 —Standard Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

4  AWWA C51 6 -1 4

ASTM E709—Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination.

AWS* A5.1 —Specifcation for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal
Arc Welding.
AWS A5.4—Specifcation for Stainless Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal
Arc Welding.
AWS A5.5 —Specifcation for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal
Arc Welding.
AWS A5.11—Specifcation for Nickel and Nickel Alloy Welding Electrodes
for Shielded Metal Arc.
AWS D1.1 —Standard Structural Welding Code—Steel.
AWWA Manual M49—Butterfy Valves: Torque, Head Loss, and Cavitation
Fed. Spec. QQ-N-286—Nickel-Copper-Aluminum Alloy, Wrought (UNS
NSF†/ANSI 61 Drinking Water System Components—Health Efects.
NSF/ANSI 372, Drinking Water System Components—Lead Content.
SSPC-SP‡ 10/NACE§ No. 2—Near White Blast Cleaning.
Te following defnitions shall apply in this standard:
1. Actuator: A device or mechanism used to restrain or move a valve clo-
sure member.
2. Bearing: Te cylindrical journal located in the body hubs that is used
to support the valve shaft(s) and transmit disc forces to the valve body while mini-
mizing friction and wear.
3. Body: Te primary pressure-retaining structure of the valve that forms
a portion of the pipeline and that has ends adapted for connection to the piping.
4. Butterfy valve: A valve that uses a disc rotatable through an angle of
approximately 90° as a closure member. Te valve is closed when the edge of the

* American Welding Society, 550 Northwest LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.

† NSF International, 789 North Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
‡ Te Society for Protective Coatings, 40 24th Street, 6th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.
§ NACE International, 15835 Park Ten Place, Houston, TX 77084.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.


disc is perpendicular to the fow way, open when parallel to the fow way, or used
for throttling when positioned between open and closed.
5. Cylinder actuator: A fuid-powered actuator that uses hydraulic or
pneumatic pressure within a cylinder to restrain or move a valve closure member.
Air or fuid pressure acts on a piston to provide thrust in a linear motion. Te
thrust is mechanically converted to rotary motion for quarter-turn valves using a
link and lever, rack and pinion, or scotch yoke mechanism.
6. Direct-mounted: An actuator that is attached immediately to the but-
terfy valve shaft and the valve body or stufng box.
7. Disc: Te closure member that is positioned in the fow stream to permit
fow or to obstruct fow (depending on closure position) and that rotates through
an angle of 90° from full open to full shutof.
8. Electric motor actuator: An electric power-actuated device that uses
electrical energy acting through a motor with a gear train to produce a rotary or
linear output motion.
9. Fluid working pressure (also called cold working pressure [CWP]): Te
internal hydrostatic pressure for which the valve body is designed without regard
to disc position or actuator capacity.
10. Hub: Structural raised-area (boss) member on the valve body used to
support the valve-shaft bearing and valve shaft.
11. Manual actuator: An actuator that can be operated by a person without
the need for an external energy source, such as electrical power or fuid pressure.
12. Manufacturer: Te party that manufactures, fabricates, or produces
materials or products.
13. Mating surface: Te metal surface around the inside of the valve body
or the outside edge of the valve disc that seals with the rubber seat when the disc
is closed.
14. Maximum design torque: Te calculated shaft torque for operating the
valve at the worst-case conditions specifed in Sec. 1.1 .
15. Maximum operating torque: Te calculated shaft torque for operating
the valve at the purchaser-specifed operating conditions, Sec. III.A.
16. O-ring seal: A type of seal consisting of an elastomer in the shape of a
torus, i.e., a circular shape with a circular cross section.
17. Pull-down packing gland: An adjustable-type shaft seal in which the
deformable sealing material is composed of one or more ring-shaped seals that have
square or rectangular cross sections or are V-shaped (chevron).

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

6  AWWA C51 6 -1 4

18. Purchaser: Te person, company, or organization that purchases any

materials or work to be performed.
19. Rated diferential pressure: Pressure classes as defned in Sec. 1.1 .1 .
20. Reclaimed water: Wastewater that becomes suitable for benefcial use
as a result of treatment.
21. Rubber seat: A rubber ring around the outside edge of the valve disc
or the inside of the valve body to efect a seal against a metal seating surface when
the disc is closed.
22. Self-lubricating material: A material that has lubricity without the
need for external lubrication.
23. Shaft: A bar extending through the body hubs and into the disc to
support the disc and transmit operating torque to the disc closure member. Te
shaft may be one piece extending into both body hubs or may be two-piece stub
24. Shaft seal: A circular seal between the valve shaft and the inside cylin-
drical surface of the body hub that prevents the pressurized water from exiting
and outside contaminants from entering the valve body in the area where the shaft
protrudes through the body.
25. Shutofpressure: Actual diferential pressure against which the valve is
closed or opened.
26. Standard V-type packing: A packing shaft seal in which the deformable
sealing material is composed of one or more ring-shaped seals that have V-shaped
cross sections.
27. Supplier: Te party that supplies material or services. A supplier may
or may not be the manufacturer.
28. Trust bearing: A device that supports the axial forces of the shaft and
is used to center the disc in the valve body.

Sec. 4.1 Data to Be Provided by the Manufacturer or Supplier

Provide the following data to purchaser prior to shipment of the valve.
a. Clearance beyond the valve body required for the valve disc to open fully.
b. Principal dimensions, including laying length; clearances required for the
actuator; and clearances required to remove the actuator.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.


c. Valve component materials.

d. Actuator manufacturer and model, torque capability, and the number of
turns to open and close for manual actuators.
e. Sizing and maximum pressures for cylinder actuators.
f. Electrical ratings including voltage, phase, full-load amps for electric mo-
tor actuators.
g. Interior and exterior coating materials.
h. Assembled weight.
i. Valve port diameter.
j. Preferred fow or sealing direction, if applicable.

Sec. 4.2 Materials

4.2.1 General. Materials shall comply with the requirements of the Safe
Drinking Water Act and other federal regulations for potable water systems as
applicable. Materials designated hereinafter, when used in valves produced under
this standard, shall conform to the requirements designated in Sec. 4.2.2.
4.2.2 Physical and chemical properties. Materials shall be in conformance
with the physical and chemical requirements of this subsection. Alloy gray iron. AS TM A436, Type 1 or 2, or alloy ductile iron
AS TM A439, Type D2. Brass or bronze. Components made of brass or bronze shall be to
AS TM or the Uni fed Numbering System (UNS) standards. Any bronze alloy used in the cold-worked condition shall be
capable of passing the mercurous nitrate test in accordance with AS TM B154 to
minimize susceptibility to stress corrosion. Bronze shall not contain more than 7 percent zinc. If aluminum
bronze is used, the alloy shall be inhibited against dealuminization by receiving a
temper anneal at 1,200°F ±50°F (650°C ±28°C) for 1 hr per inch of section thick-
ness, followed by cooling in moving air or by water quenching. Carbon steel. AS TM A108. Cast stainless steel. AS TM A743 (with Supplementary Require-
ment S1 2) or AS TM A351, Grades CF8 and CF8M. Cast steel. AS TM A216, Grade WCB. Corrosion-resistant metals. Corrosion-resistant metals used for
the metal portion of the valve seat, rubber seat clamping and retaining hardware,
shaft and disc connection hardware, glands or gland assemblies, thrust bearings,
and O-ring removable recesses that are wetted by line content shall be made of

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

8  AWWA C51 6 -1 4

stainless steel, nickel-copper alloy, or bronze, all conforming to the requirements

of Sec.,, and, respectively. Ductile iron. ASTM A536, Grades 65-45-12, 70-50-05, or
80-55-06, or AS TM A395, Grade 60-40-18. Fabricated and forged steel. AS TM A36; AS TM A516, Grade
70; or AS TM A105. Free-machining stainless steel. AS TM A582, UNS Designations
S30300, S42020, S43020, or S41600. Gray iron. ASTM A126, Class B; or ASTM A48, Class 40 or 50. Nickel-copper alloy. ASTM B127 or Fed. Spec. QQ-N-286,
Grade UNS N05500; or AS TM B164, Alloy N04400. 2 Rubber seats. See Sec. 3 Sintered metal. Sintered metal for valve bearings shall be made
in accordance with ASTM B438 and shall contain an organic or silicone lubricant. Stainless steel. AS TM A240, UNS Designations S30400,
S30403, S31600, S31603, or S21800 (Nitronic 60); ASTM A276, UNS Designa-
tions S30400, S31600, or S21800 (Nitronic 60); AS TM A743 (with Supplemen-
tary Requirement S12) or AS TM A351, Grade CF8 or CF8M; or AS TM A564,
UNS Designation S17400.
4.2.3 Tests. Whenever valve components are to be made in conformance
with AS TM or other standards that include test requirements or testing proce-
dures, the valve manufacturer shall meet these requirements or procedures.
Sec. 4.3 General Design
4.3.1 Valve bodies.
4.3.1 .1 General construction. Te body shall be cast or fabricated and
consist of a one-piece round shell with shaft-bearing hubs and fanges on both
ends. For cast construction, hubs and fanges shall be cast as part of the body.
4.3.1 .2 Laying length. Laying lengths for Class 25B, 50B, 75B, 150B,
and 250B fanged-end valves shall be within the ranges given in Table 1. Valves
larger than nominal pipe size (NPS) 144 in. (3,600 mm) will have custom laying
lengths as determined by the manufacturer.
4.3.1 .3 Body shell thickness. Te minimum shell thickness shall be cal-
culated using the following equation for hoop stress:
t = 1.5
2S – 1.2P

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.


Table 1 Laying length* ranges for fanged valves

Valve Size Minimum Laying Length Maximum Laying Length
in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm)

78 (2,000) 18 (457) 24 (610)

84 (2,1 00) 18 (457) 24 (610)
90 (2,300) 18 (457) 24 (610)
96 (2,400) 21 (533) 28 (711)
102 (2,600) 24 (610) 30 (762)
108 (2,700) 24 (610) 30 (762)
114 (2,900) 24 (610) 30 (762)
120 (3,000) 26 (660) 32 (813)
132 (3,300) 28 (711) 34 (864)
144 (3,600) 32 (813) 38 (965)
* Tolerance of a manufacturer’s stated laying length is ± ¼ in. (6.3 mm).
minimum thickness, in. (mm)
t =

design pressure rating, psi (kPa)

P =

D =inside diameter of valve, in. (mm)

allowable stress, psi (kPa)
S =

Te allowable stress shall be the lesser of 1 ⁄5 of the tensile strength or 1 ⁄3 of

the yield strength for alloy ductile iron, ductile iron, cast or fabricated steel, and
stainless-steel materials, and 1 ⁄ 0 of the tensile strength for gray iron and alloy gray

iron. A casting and service allowance of 0.1 25 in. (3.2 mm) shall be added to the
minimum thickness. At no point shall the thickness be more than 12.5 percent
below the calculated thickness. Additional thickness may be required adjacent to
the shaft-bearing hub and the fanges to meet the requirements of Sec. 4.3.1 .6.3.
4.3.1 .4 Shaft-bearing hub. Valve bodies shall have shaft-bearing hubs
structurally tied into the body shell. Te length of the hubs is determined by the
bearing and shaft seal designs (Sec. 4.3.5 and 4.3.6).
4.3.1 .5 Actuator fange. As a minimum, the connection between the
actuator fange and actuator shall be capable of transmitting the maximum operat-
ing torque and the actuator weight based on a coefcient of friction of 0.3 and a
maximum bolt stress of 75 percent of the bolt yield strength. Alternatively, actua-
tors to valve connections shall be secured by using dowels or keys into the valve
body or other equivalent means to prevent shift during operation of the valve.
Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.
1 0  AWWA C51 6 -1 4

4.3.1 .6 End fanges.

4.3.1 .6.1 Flanges shall be fat faced and shall have a 250–500 micro-in.
(6.35–12.7 micro M) fnish.
4.3.1 .6.2 Unless otherwise required in the purchase documents, the
dimensions for drilling of valve fanges shall conform to ASME B16.1 , Class 125
for sizes up to 96 in. (2,400 mm), and ANSI/AWWA C207, Class D, for larger
sizes except that bolt-holes shall be ¼ in. (6.35 mm) larger than the nominal bolt
diameter. Flanges shall have full-sized bolt-holes through the body fanges, except
that drilled and tapped holes are permitted in locations where the valve body will
not permit a through-hole. Flange bolt-holes that are threaded shall be tapped in
accordance with ANSI B1.1 , UNC standard coarse series Class 2B.
4.3.1 .6.3 Cast-iron fanges shall meet the minimum thickness require-
ments of ASME B16.1 , Class 125, and steel fanges shall meet the Class B (25B,
50B, and 75B), Class D (150B), and Class E (250B) minimum thickness require-
ments of ANSI/AWWA C207. Te thickness of fange sizes beyond the scope of
ASME B16.1 and ANSI/AWWA C207 shall be designed by analysis. Flange and
body shell stresses shall be calculated in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, appendix 2. For the purpose of the analysis,
the design method shall be based on an integral-type fange and ring-type gasket
exhibiting a gasket factor of 1.0 and a minimum design seating stress of 200 psi
(1,380 kPa). Te allowable stress shall be the lesser of 1 ⁄5 of the tensile strength or
1 ⁄3 of the yield strength of the materials used.
4.3.1 .6.4 Te body shall be of sufcient stifness to provide leak-tight integ-
rity of the valve when mounted in horizontal or vertical pipelines. When mounted
in a horizontal pipe, the following shall apply. Te stifness of the body section
including the fanges shall be sufcient to prevent a radial defection exceeding
0.060 in. (1.52 mm) without soil or bedding support when subject to static loading
from the weight of the actuator, the weight of the valve, the weight of the fuid in
the valve, and an external distributed vertical load of 5 psi (35 kPa) on the pro-
jected area of the body unless otherwise specifed.
4.3.1 .7 Materials. Bodies and fanges of valves up to and including Class
150B shall be of alloy gray iron, gray iron, alloy ductile iron, ductile iron, cast car-
bon or stainless steel, or fabricated carbon or stainless steel. Bodies and fanges of
Class 250B valves shall be of alloy ductile iron, ductile iron, cast carbon or stainless
steel, or fabricated carbon or stainless steel. Alloy gray iron and gray iron shall not
be used for class 250B valve bodies and fanges.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.


4.3.2 Valve shafts. Shafts. Valve shafts shall be one piece extending completely
through the valve disc or have a stub-shaft arrangement as described below. .1 A stub shaft comprises two separate shafts inserted into the valve
disc hubs. Each stub shaft shall be inserted into the valve-disc hubs a distance of
at least 1½ shaft diameters. .2 Valve shafts shall be sized for the maximum design torque at seat-
ing and at the valve position of highest combined dynamic and bearing torques.
Te torsional shear stress calculated from the following equation shall not exceed
0.6 times the lesser of ¼ of the tensile strength or 2⁄3 the yield strength of the mate-
rial used. Tensile strength shall be based on the minimum strength listed for the
material in the referenced AS TM specifcations.
1 = 16dT3

t 1 = torsional shear stress, psi (kPa)
d = shaft diameter, in. (mm)
T = maximum design torque at seated position or operating position,
in.-lb (N-M)
Te combined shear stress caused by torsion and bending at seating and oper-
ating positions calculated from the following equation shall not exceed 0.6 times
the lesser of ¼ of the tensile strength or 2⁄3 of the yield strength of the material
2 = 16dT3 + 32 (D/d)2 P1

t 2 = combined shear stress, psi (kPa)
D = disc diameter, in. (mm)
T = maximum design torque at seated or operating positions, in.-lb
P1 = design pressure rating or di ferential pressure at operating position,
psi (kPa)
Te combined tensile stress at seating due to torsion and bending calculated
from the following equation shall not exceed the lesser of ¼ of the tensile strength
or 2⁄3 of the yield strength of the material used.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

1 2  AWWA C51 6 -1 4

32M3 + 32M3 2+4 16T3S 2

   

1 = d √ d2 d
 p   p 
p    

s1 = combined tensile stress, psi (kPa)
M = bending moment of guided cantilever, in.-lb (N-M)
= π D2 P L/16
TS = maximum design torque at seated position, in.-lb (N-M)
P = design pressure rating, psi (kPa)
L = unsupported shaft length, in. (mm) Connection. Te connection between the shaft and the disc shall
be designed to transmit shaft torque equivalent to at least 70 percent of the tor-
sional strength of the minimum required shaft diameters. Rigid shaft restraint
shall be provided. Hardware used in connecting the shaft to the disc shall be stain-
less steel or free-machined stainless steel. Te disc shall be mechanically secured to
the shaft by a positive means such as bolting or cross-pinning, and shall not rely
solely on chemical bonding, adhesives, or welding. Te shaft shall be capable of
nondestructive disassembly from the disc. Size. Te portion of the shaft that extends through the valve bear-
ings shall be full size. If the valve-shaft diameter is reduced to ft connections to the
valve operating mechanism, the smaller portion shall have fllets with radii equal to
the ofset to minimize the stress concentration at the junction of the two diferent
shaft diameters. Te smallest diameter of the shaft shall be capable of transmitting
the maximum operating torque without the torsional shear stress exceeding 40 per-
cent of the yield strength of the shaft material based on the following equation:
= K 16dT3m

t = maximum torsional shear stress, psi (kPa)
d = shaft diameter, in. (mm)
K = stress intensity factor based on geometry, dimensionless
Tm = maximum operating torque, in.-lb (N-M) Actuator connection. Valve shafts or extensions of the valve shaft
shall be provided with a keyed or splined connection to actuators capable of trans-
mitting the full valve torque with less than 0.1 degree of backlash.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

LARGE-DI AM ETER RUBBER-SEATED BU TTERFLY VALVES  13 Valve-shaft material. Valve shafts shall be stainless steel or nickel-

copper alloy conforming to the standards listed in Sec. 4.2.2.
4.3.3 Valve discs. Disc material. Valve discs up to and including Class 150B shall
be made of alloy gray iron; gray iron; alloy ductile iron; ductile iron; cast carbon
or stainless steel; fabricated carbon or stainless steel; or bronze as referenced in
Sec. Valve discs for Class 250B shall be made of alloy ductile iron; duc-
tile iron; cast carbon or stainless steel; or fabricated carbon or stainless steel. Disc design. Te disc shall be designed to withstand the full oper-
ating torque and diferential pressure across the closed valve disc without exceeding
a stress of the lesser of 1 ⁄5 of the tensile strength or 1 ⁄3 of the yield strength for alloy
ductile iron, ductile iron, cast or fabricated steel, and stainless steel materials and 1 ⁄ 0

of the tensile strength for gray iron and alloy gray iron. Te design shall be based on
the combination of distributed pressure loads, seat friction loads, and shaft restraints. External ribs. Valve discs shall be of a cast or fabricated design
with no external ribs transverse to the fow.
4.3.4 Valve seats. Pressure classes. Valve seats shall be designed to be leak-tight in
both directions at all diferential pressures up to and including the rated pressure
of the valve. Rubber seats. Rubber seats shall be uninterrupted by the valve
shaft and of a design that permits adjustment, removal, and replacement at the site
of the installation without removal from the pipeline. Seat removal shall be pos-
sible without removal of the valve shaft. Rubber seats shall be applied to either the body or the disc and
shall be of new natural or synthetic rubber, and may be reinforced. Rubber seats shall be clamped or mechanically secured to the
body or disc. Circumferential joints of rubber seats shall be bonded together. Te
design of the seat shall provide tight shutof with fow in either direction according
to the tests required by Section 5. Rubber compounds shall contain no more than 8 ppm of copper
ion and shall include copper inhibitors to prevent copper degradation of the rubber
material. Rubber compounds shall be capable of withstanding an ozone
resistance test when tested in accordance with AS TM D1149 using 50 parts
per 100 million minimum ozone concentration. Te tests shall be conducted

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

1 4  AWWA C51 6 -1 4

on unstressed samples for 70 hr at 104°F (40°C) without cracking visible to the

naked eye in the surfaces of the test samples after tests. Rubber compounds shall be free of vegetable oils, vegetable-oil
derivatives, animal fats, and animal oils. Reclaimed rubber shall not be used. Rub-
ber compounds shall contain no more than 1.5 parts of wax per 100 parts of rubber
hydrocarbon. Rubber compounds shall have less than 2 percent volume increase
when tested in accordance with AS TM D471 after being immersed in distilled
water at 73.4°F ±2°F (23°C ±1°C) for 70 hr. Mating surface. Rubber seats shall mate with the following
acceptable seat surfaces: stainless steel; nickel-copper alloy; bronze; alloy gray iron;
nickel-chromium alloy (72 percent minimum nickel and 14 percent minimum
chromium); alloy ductile iron; or nickel alloy (85 percent minimum nickel). Te
width of the seat surface shall, at a minimum, encompass a one degree arc length
and cover the entire surface wiped by or in contact with the rubber seat. Te mating surface, except sprayed mating surfaces as permitted
in Sec., shall have a minimum thickness of 0.06 in. (1.5 mm). A welding
process may be used to attach the mating surface to the disc or body. Plated mating
surfaces are not acceptable. Sprayed mating surfaces are acceptable only when applied by the
plasma-nontransferred-arc sprayed-and-fused process or a high-velocity oxygen
fuel spray process in accordance with the following:
a. Te fnal surface shall have a minimum thickness of 7 mil (0.18 mm) and
meet the chemical requirements of Sec. 4.5.3.
b. Te corrosion resistance and bond integrity of the seating-surface mate-
rial and base metal combination shall be demonstrated as capable of withstanding
immersion in 150°F (65.6°C) AS TM D1141 substitute ocean water for 12 months.
c. Te application procedure shall be qualifed in accordance with the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. IX, QW-216. Te liquid-penetrant
examination of the test sample shall show no linear indications or porosity on or
adjacent to the seating surface.
d. For any overlay, the following performance items are required: difusion
of the overlay into the base metal to a minimum depth of 50 micrometers; a vi-
sually pore-free surface with no cracking in the adjacent base metal; absence of
bubbling of the molten base metal through the surface of the overlay; and bond
strength of 1,500 psi (10.4 MPa) minimum, as determined by AS TM C633.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.


e. The manufacturer shall establish and maintain a written quality-

assurance program to control the quality of fnished parts.
f. Leak-tightness shall be demonstrated by mating-seat performance during
a 10-min 150-psig (1,034 kPa) proof-of-design gas leakage test for Class 150B and
a 250-psig (1,724 kPa) proof-of-design gas leakage test for Class 250B butterfy
valves. Te production seat test shall be in accordance with Sec. 5.1 .2.1 . Te alter-
native hydrostatic leakage test per Sec. 5.1 .2.2 shall be performed to simulate feld
installation in a horizontal pipeline for Class 250B butterfy valves. Impregnation
of mating-seat surfaces is not permitted. Clamps and retaining rings. Clamps and retaining rings for
rubber seats shall be made of corrosion-resistant metallic material as referenced
in Sec. Nuts, screws, and hardware used with clamps and retaining
rings shall be of stainless steel or nickel-copper alloy and shall utilize a locking
4.3.5 Valve bearings. Sleeve bearings. Valves shall be ftted with sleeve-type bearings
contained in the hubs of the valve body. Te maximum distance from the inside
metal surface of the valve body to the inside end of the sleeve bearings shall not
exceed ½ in. (12.7 mm). Bearings shall be designed for a pressure to exceed neither
the published design load for the bearing material nor 1 ⁄5 the compressive strength
of the bearing or shaft material. Te length of each bearing shall not exceed twice
the shaft diameter. Trust bearings. Each valve shall be equipped with a two-way
thrust bearing assembly, which shall hold the valve disc securely in the center of
the valve seat. Self-lubricating materials. Sleeve and other bearings ftted into
the valve body shall be of sintered metal or self-lubricated materials that do not
have a harmful efect on water or rubber and that do not have a coefcient of fric-
tion in excess of 0.25 when run at the maximum bearing pressure.
4.3.6 Shaft seals. A shaft seal shall be provided where shafts project
through the valve bodies for actuator connection. Seal design. Shaft seals shall be designed for the use of standard
V-type packing; O-ring seals; O-ring loaded U-cup seals; or a pull-down packing. O-rings. If O-rings are used, they shall be contained in a remov-
able cartridge constructed of corrosion-resistant metallic materials referenced in
Sec. or suitable nonmetallic materials.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

1 6  AWWA C51 6 -1 4 Seal replacement. Shaft seals shall be of a design allowing replace-

ment of seals without removing the valve shaft. Stufng box and pull-down packing gland. Te valve and stuf-
ing box assembly shall permit adjustment or complete replacement of packing
without disturbing any part of the valve or actuator assembly except the packing-
gland follower. Stufng-box depth shall be sufcient to accept at least four rings
of packing. Gland or gland assemblies shall be of corrosion-resistant metallic
materials referenced in Sec. or engineered plastic materials recommended
by their manufacturers for this service and proven successful by experience in this
or similar applications. Packing shall be made of resilient, nonmetallic material suitable
for the service. Packing shall not contain asbestos.
4.3.7 Valve actuators. Te actuator is an integral part of a butterfy
valve. Actuators, extensions, and intermediate mechanisms used between actuat-
ing devices and the valve shaft to produce the quarter-turn motion of a butterfy
valve shall meet the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C504 for manual actuators and
ANSI/AWWA C541 and ANSI/AWWA C542 for power actuators.
4.3.8 Workmanship. Valve parts shall be designed and manufacturing
tolerances set to provide interchangeability of parts between units of the same
size and type produced by any one manufacturer. When assembled, valves manu-
factured in accordance with this standard shall be well ftted and shall operate
smoothly. Te body and shaft seal shall be watertight.
Sec. 4.4 Welding and Fabrication
4.4.1 General requirements. Welding procedures, weld repair procedures,
and welding operators shall be qualifed under Section IX, Part A, of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or under AWS D1.1 or other similar procedure.
4.4.2 Weld preparation. Weld areas shall be free of oxide, oil, grease, and
other contaminants prior to welding. Te weld root shall be protected from oxida-
tion by using inert-gas backing purge or other suitable means.
4.4.3 Weld materials. Electrodes for carbon steel. Welding electrodes for carbon steel
shall conform to AWS A5.1 or A5.5. Use electrodes in the E70XX series.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

LARGE-DI AM ETER RUBBER-SEATED BU TTERFLY VALVES  17 Electrodes for nickel-copper alloy. Welding electrodes for nickel-

copper alloy shall conform to AWS A5.11. Electrodes for stainless steel. Welding electrodes for stainless steel
shall conform to AWS A5.4.
4.4.4 Weld production. Fabricated fanges shall be made from seam-
less forgings, cut from plate as a single piece, welded bar rings, or segmented and
welded plates. Longitudinal welds of the body shell and radial welds of the fanges
shall be full penetration. Attachment welds of the body and disc members shall be
of reasonably uniform width and height for the entire length of the weld.
4.4.5 Stress relieving. Body and disc fabrications shall be postweld heat
treated per AWS D1.1 prior to machining.
4.4.6 Weld examination. Te body longitudinal welds, the welds con-
necting the fanges to the body shell, and the welds attaching the shaft hubs to
the shell shall be examined by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods;
except when required in the purchase documents, welds to the valve body may
be examined by radiography testing (RT) or ultrasonic testing (UT) practices. In
the absence of such purchaser specifcations, the nondestructive testing (NDT)
method shall be chosen by the manufacturer. Radiography examination. Radiographic examination shall be
conducted in accordance with AS TM E94 and AS TM E1032. Ultrasonic examination. Ultrasonic examination shall be con-
ducted in accordance with ASTM E164. Magnetic particle examination. Magnetic particle examination
shall be conducted in accordance with AS TM E709. Te following indications are
a. Any cracks or linear indications.
b. Rounded indications with dimensions greater than 3⁄16 in. (4.7 mm).
c. Five or more rounded indications in any 3-in. (76-mm) length of weld. Liquid penetrant examination. Liquid penetrant examination
shall be conducted in accordance with AS TM E165. Te following indications are
a. Any cracks or linear indications.
b. Rounded indications with dimensions greater than 3⁄16 in. (4.7 mm).
c. Five or more rounded indications in any 3-in. (76-mm) length of weld.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

1 8  AWWA C51 6 -1 4

Sec. 4.5 Coatings

4.5.1 Interior and exterior surfaces. Interior surfaces of valves and exterior
surfaces of buried valves, except stainless-steel, machined, or bearing surfaces, shall
be shop-coated with an epoxy coating conforming to the requirements of ANSI/
AWWA C550 to a minimum dry flm thickness of 8 mil and, when required in the
purchase documents, shall be NSF/ANSI 61 approved.
4.5.2 Exterior surfaces, aboveground application. Exterior surfaces on non-
buried valves shall be coated with a metal primer to a minimum dry flm thick-
ness of 3 mil or an epoxy conforming to the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C550
to a minimum dry flm thickness of 8 mil. Te primer shall be compatible with
the anticipated feld coating when the feld coatings are identifed in the purchase
4.5.3 Exterior surfaces, submerged application. Exterior surfaces of sub-
merged valves shall be shop-coated with an epoxy coating conforming to the
requirements of ANSI/AWWA C550 to a minimum dry flm thickness of 8 mil,
and, when required in the purchase documents, shall be NSF/ANSI 61 approved.
4.5.4 Flange faces. Flange faces shall not be coated except for protection
from atmospheric corrosion.
4.5.5 Holiday testing. When required in the purchase documents, the
interior surfaces of the valve shall be holiday tested and shall be holiday free in
accordance with ANSI/AWWA C550.
4.5.6 Surface preparation. Surface preparation shall be in accordance
with the requirements of SSPC-SP 10/NACE No. 2.

Sec. 5.1 Shop Tests

5.1 .1 Performance tests. Valves having direct-mounted actuators shall be
shop operated three full cycles (close-open-close) under no-fow, nonpressurized
conditions with the specifed actuator to ensure the actuator is operating without
issue and to confrm disc position repeatability.
5.1 .2 Leakage tests. Shop test. Valves shall be shop tested for leaks with the actuator
stops adjusted and the actuator in the closed position. Te test shall be conducted
with the disc in the horizontal plane. With the disc in the closed position, air pressure

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.


equal to the valve class shall be supplied to the lower face of the disc for the full test
duration. Te upper surface of the valve disc shall be visible and shall be covered
with a pool of water at 0 psig (0 kPa) pressure. Te duration of the test shall be at
least 5 min. Tere shall be no indication of leakage past the valve disc (visible in
the form of bubbles in the water pool on top of the disc) during the test period.
5.1 .2.2 Alternative test procedure. As an alternative to the test procedure
and disc orientation listed in Sec. 5.1 .2.1 , valves may be given a hydrostatic test at
the pressures stated in Sec. 5.1 .2.1 . During the test, the valves shall be drop-tight.
Te minimum duration of the test shall be at least 10 min. When required in the
purchase documents, the valve shall be tested with the disc in the vertical plane.
5.1 .2.3 Test direction. Unless testing in both directions is required by
the purchase documents, the valves are required to be tested only in the direction
most likely to leak.
5.1 .3 Hydrostatic test. With the disc partially open, valve bodies shall be
subjected to an internal hydrostatic pressure equivalent to twice the rated pressure.
During the hydrostatic test, there shall be no leakage through the metal, the end
joints, or shaft seal, nor shall any part have permanent visible deformation. Te
duration of the hydrostatic test shall be sufcient to allow visual examination for
leakage. Test duration shall be at least 10 min.
Sec. 5.2 Proof-of-Design Tests
5.2.1 Performance testing. One valve of each size and class shall be oper-
ated and leak tested in the vertical orientation with the shaft horizontal to simulate
feld installation in a horizontal pipeline. Te valve shall be operated three times
from the fully closed to an unseated position of at least 90° open and the reverse
under no-fow, nonpressurized conditions. Following the operations, the valve shall
be closed and hydrostatically leak tested at the rated pressure for 15 min in both
directions, during which time the valve shall be drop-tight.
5.2.2 Hydrostatic testing. One valve of each size and class shall be hydro-
statically tested in the vertical or horizontal orientation with twice the rated pres-
sure applied to one side of the disc and zero pressure on the other side. Te test is
to be performed in each direction across the disc while the valve body is bolted to
a fanged test head. Under the hydrostatic test, the manufacturer may make special
provisions to prevent leakage past the seats, and no part of the valve or disc shall
have permanent visible deformation resulting from this test. Test duration shall be
at least 60 min.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

20  AWWA C51 6 -1 4

Table 2 Valve test cycles required

Size Group
in. (mm) Number of Cycles
78–96 (2,000–2,400) 500
102 and larger (2,600 and larger) 200

5.2.3 Cycle testing. It is the purpose of this section to demonstrate the

adequacy of each basic type of valve ofered by a manufacturer to perform, under
design pressures, within the applicable rating of the valve for a sufcient number of
operations to simulate a full service life. Te adequacy is to be demonstrated by test-
ing valves selected to represent each basic type of seat design in each applicable size
group in Table 2 and in a pressure class or classes equal to or greater than the valve
being purchased. Every cycle shall consist of applying the rated diferential pressure
to the disc in the closed position, then unseating the valve to at least 3° open (which
will relieve the pressure), and then closing the disc. On completion of the cycle test,
the valve shall be leak tested in both directions under the rated diferential pressure
without seat adjustment. Te valve shall be drop-tight in both directions for classes
up to 150B and less than 1 f oz/h/in. (1.2 mL/h/mm) of nominal size in both direc-
tions for class 250B valves.
5.2.4 Rebuilding. Te tested valve can be rebuilt and used for produc-
tion provided that it is fully disassembled and there are no worn areas (body, disc,
shaft, pins) that may afect the performance of the valve. Additionally, the seat,
seat hardware, bearings, body gaskets, and shaft seals shall be replaced. Following
reassembly, the rebuilt valve shall be retested in accordance with Sec. 5.1 .1 , 5.1 .2,
and 5.1 .3.
5.2.5 Proof-of-design afdavit of compliance. When required in the pur-
chase documents, the manufacturer shall provide an afdavit of compliance stating
that the proof-of-design tests were carried out as described in this standard and
that the requirements were successfully met.
Sec. 5.3 Nonconformance
Any butterfy valve or part that does not conform to the requirements of this
standard shall be made satisfactory or replaced.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.



Sec. 6.1 Marking

Markings shall be cast on the body with raised letters or provided on a stainless-
steel, brass, or aluminum plate fastened to the valve body. Te markings shall show
the valve size, manufacturer, letters “C516,” class, “SEAT END” for ofset disc design,
and year of manufacture. Te minimum size of cast letters shall be ½ in. (12.7 mm).
Corrosion-resistant plates shall have minimum 1 ⁄8-in. (3.18-mm) etched or engraved
letters. Special markings in addition to these can be supplied when specifed by the
purchaser’s requirements on agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
Sec. 6.2 Shipping
Te manufacturer shall carefully prepare valves for shipment. Cavities shall
be drained of water. Valves shall be bolted or otherwise fastened to skids during
shipping. Unpainted steel and iron-machined surfaces shall be coated with a corro-
sion inhibitor. Full-face fange protectors of waterproof plywood or weather-resistant
pressboard, of at least the outside diameter of the fange, shall be fastened to each
fange to protect both the fange and the valve interior. Components shipped unat-
tached shall be adequately protected and identifed for correct feld assembly.

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Tis page intentionally blank.

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Installation, Operation, and Maintenance
of Large-Diameter Butter fy Valves

Tis appendix is for information only and is not a part ofANSI/AWWA C516.


Butter fy valves are a signi fcant component of any water distribution system
or treatment plant operation. Valve failure caused by faulty installation, improper
operation, or improper maintenance in these systems could result in damage,
downtime, and costly repairs. In buried or underground installations, problems
or malfunctions can result in extensive, costly excavation to correct or eliminate a
problem. Many problems with butter fy valves can be traced to improper installa-
tion, operation, or maintenance procedures.


Inspect valves on receipt for damage in shipment and conformance with quan-
tity and description on the shipping notice and order. Unload all valves carefully to
the ground without dropping. Use forklifts or slings under skids. Do not lift valves
with slings or chain around operating shaft, actuator, or through waterway. Lift valves
with eyebolts or rods through fange holes or chain hooks at ends of valve parts.


If it is not practical to store a valve indoors, protect the valve and actuators
from weather and the accumulation of dirt, rocks, and debris. When valves ftted
with power actuators and controls are stored, energize electric actuators or other-
wise protect electrical-control equipment to prevent corrosion of electrical contacts
caused by condensation resulting from temperature variation. Do not expose rub-
ber seats to sunlight or ozone for more than 30 days. Also, see the manufacturer’s
speci fc storage instructions.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.
24  AWWA C51 6 -1 4


Make sure fange faces, joint sealing surfaces, body seats, and disc seats are
clean. Check the bolting attaching the actuator to the valve for loosening in transit
and handling. If loose, tighten frmly. Open and close the valve to make sure it
operates properly and that stops or limit switches are correctly set so that the valve
seats fully. Close valve before installing.
It is strongly recommended that all instruction manuals supplied by the valve
manufacturer should be reviewed in detail before installing butterfy valves. Be
sure that inspection, as described in Sec. A.4, is carried out at the jobsite prior to
A.5.1 Handle valves carefully when positioning, avoiding contact or impact
with other equipment, vault walls, or trench walls.
A.5.2 To maintain the integrity of the valve, it is important to avoid sub-
jecting the valve to pipe loads that could drive the valve out of round. Piping to
and from the valve should be adequately supported and controlled. Valve inlet and
outlet piping should be supported as near to the valve as practical. Tis support
removes most of the static load and allows identifcation of piping ft problems
during installation and easier removal of the valve for maintenance. Piping design
requirements should include allowable fange loadings, thermal expansion and
contraction, and diferential settlement.
A.5.3 Where valves have adjustable seating, install the seat-adjustment side
of the valve for access and adjustment in service.
A.5.4 Foreign material in a butterfy valve can damage the rubber seat when
valves are operated. Be sure valve interiors and adjacent piping are cleaned of for-
eign material prior to making up valve to pipe joint connection.
A.5.5 Where practical, valves in buried installations should be located in
vaults. Some buried pipes are designed to defect 2 to 5 percent of pipe diameter,
which is harmful to valve integrity. Adjacent pipe should be supported or stifened
to provide a round mating connection for the valve in service.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.


A.5.6 Prepare pipe ends and install valves in accordance with the pipe man-
ufacturer’s instructions for the joint used. Do not defect pipe–valve joint. Do not
use a valve as a jack to pull pipe into alignment. Te installation procedure should
minimize the bending of the valve–pipe connection with pipe loading.
A.5.7. Te discs of butterfy valves, when in the fully open position, intrude
into the adjacent upstream and downstream piping or other adjacent devices. Tis
can especially be an issue with adjacent pipe having interior linings and with poly-
ethylene transmission pipe. Te piping system designer should check the valve
manufacturer’s recommendations for minimum pipe internal diameter for disc
clearance and be sure that the adjacent pipe internal diameters are sufcient to
accommodate the fully open discs.
A.5.8 Buried valves installed with valve boxes should be installed so that
the valve box does not transmit shock or stress to the valve actuator as a result of
shifting soil or trafc load.
A.5.9 When valves are installed in vaults, the vault design should provide
space for removal of the valve-actuator assembly for purposes of repair and for
access to adjust the thrust bearing assembly. Te possibility of groundwater or
surface water entering the vault and the disposal of the water should be considered.
Te valve-operating nut should be accessible from the top opening of the vault with
a tee wrench.
A.5.10 Butterfy valves are self-contained devices that may not function
properly or remain tight if subjected to external forces. If a valve is rigidly installed
in a pipeline using fanged joints, the whole assembly of pipe and valves can be
stressed by temperature changes, settlement, and exceptional surface loads. To pre-
vent a valve from being strained, there must be at least one fexible joint installed
on each side of the valve between the valve fange and the frst pipe support, as close
as deemed practical to the valve fange. Tis connection prevents piping moments
from being transmitted through the valve body, which minimizes the potential for
overstressing the valve fanges and defecting the body shell.
A.5.11 When buried, the valve should be bolted to fanges of the adjacent
piping with no other rigid support provided under or around the valve body. In no
case should the valve body be supported directly by a saddle or other structure. In
this condition, the valve becomes an anchor or a support for the piping system and
must transmit piping loads.

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

26  AW WA C51 6 -1 4


When rubber-seated butter fy valves are used to isolate sections of a line for
testing, it is important to realize that these valves are designed or factory adjusted
to hold rated pressure only. Test pressures above valve rated pressure may cause
leakage past the rubber seat and damage to the valve.
A.6.1 In order to prevent time lost searching for leaks, where feasible, it is
recommended that excavations for buried valves not be backf lled until after pres-
sure tests have been made.
A.6.2 Seat leakage can occur from foreign material in the line. If this
occurs, open the valve 5° to 10° to obtain high-velocity fushing action and then
close. Repeat several times to clear the seats for tight shuto . f
A.6.3 Seat leakage can result from a rotational shift in position of the disc
with relation to the body seat. Readjust the closed end stop in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.


A.7.1 Do not permit the use or operation of any valve at pressures above the
rated pressure of the valve.
A.7.2 Do not exceed 300-ft-lb (406-N•m) input torque on actuators with
wrench nuts and do not exceed 200-lb (890-N) rim pull for handwheels or chain-
wheels. If portable auxiliary actuators are used, size the actuator or use a torque-
limiting device to prevent application of torque exceeding 300 ft-lb (406 N•m). If
an oversize actuator with no means of limiting torque is used, stop the actuator
before the valve is fully opened or closed against stops and complete the operation
manually. Be sure to check the actuator directional switch against the direction
indicated on wrench nut, handwheel, or records before applying opening or closing
A.7.3 If a valve is stuck in some intermediate position between open and
closed, check f rst for jamming in the actuator. If nothing is found, the interference
is inside the valve. In this case, do not attempt to force the disc open or closed,
because excessive torque in this position can severely damage internal parts.
A.7.4 Rapid operation of the valve may cause pressure surges and damage to
the valve and the pipeline, especially on long pipelines. Do not bypass power actua-

Copyright © 201 5 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.


tor speed-control devices. When using a power tool to operate a manual actuator,
maintain an input shaft speed typical of manual operation.


Maintenance of rubber-seated butterfy valves by the owner is generally limited
to actuators and shaft seals. In some instances, valve design permits feld adjustment
or replacement of rubber seats when leakage occurs past the disc. Unless the owner
has skilled personnel and proper equipment, any major internal problem will proba-
bly require on-site repair by the manufacturer’s quali fed service personnel or removal
of the valve from the line and return to the manufacturer for repair.
A.8.1 Normal maintenance is in the area of shaft seals and actuators. Seal
leakage, broken parts, hard operation, and, in some cases, seat leakage should be
corrected by a repair crew as soon as possible after a defect is reported.
A.8.2 If repairs are to be made in the feld, repair crews should take a full
complement of spare parts to the jobsite. Be sure to review the valve manufacturer’s
maintenance instructions before any repair work.
A.8.3 Provision should be made to stop line fow and isolate the valve from
line pressure before performing any corrective maintenance.
A.8.4 After completing repairs, cycle the valve through one complete oper-
ating cycle and, after line pressure has been restored, inspect for leakage.
A.8.5 If major repairs require the removal of the valve for repair, be sure to
notify all interested parties in the water department and f re department that the
valve and line are out of service. On completion of repair and reinstallation, notify
the same personnel of the return of the valve and line to service.

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