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When Playing Game Press (F12), Type Any of These Cheats Below and Confirm With (Enter)

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Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun Hints & Cheats

Victoria Passwords

Main Cheats

When playing game press [F12], type any of these cheats below and confirm with
Password Effect

TRANSPORTS Get transports

PRESTIGE Get prestige

MONEY Get loads of money

LEADERSHIP Get leaders


DIFRULES Play like a God

NOWAR No war

NOREVOLTS Defeat all

NOLIMIT No troops limits

NOFOG No fog

HANDSOFF Hands off all

SHOWID Get province IDs

FULLCONTROL Total control

The AI will now accept any of your peace


Resource Cheats

Press f12 to bring up the cheat prompt. Then type in code and press enter. Pressing up after hitting enter
re-enters the last code entered. All these cheats add to your national resource stockpile.
Password Effect

artillery 100 artillery

ammunition 100 amunition

cattle 100 cattle

cement 100 cement

coal 100 coal

cotton 100 cotton

dye 100 dye

coffee 100 coffee

explosives 100 explosives

fabric 100 fabric

fertilizer 100 fertilizer

fruit 100 fruit

fuel 100 fuel

furniture 100 furniture

glass 100 glass

grain 100 grain

iron 100 iron

liquor 100 liquor

lumber 100 lumber

oil 100 oil

Password Effect

opium 100 opium

steel 100 steel

sulfur 100 sulfur

tea 100 tea

timber 100 timber

tobacco 100 tobacco

wine 100 wine

wool 100 wool

small_arms Grants 100 small arms

canned_food Grants 100 canned food

luxury_furniture Grants 100 luxury furniture

tropical_wood Grants 100 tropical wood

event 100 Jominian: +20 morale to all land units

Clausewitzian: +5 organization to land

event 101

event 109 Allows gas attacks

event 110 Allows defense against gas attacks

event 112 +2 fire value for infantry

event 200 +10 morale to naval units

event 201 +10 organization to naval units

event 212 Allows Corvettes

Password Effect

Allows steamer transports (replace

event 213

event 214 Allows Commerce Raiders

event 215 Allows Ironclads

event 216 Allows Monitors

event 217 Allows Cruisers, disable Frigate

event 218 Allows Torpedo Boats

event 219 Allows Destroyers

event 220 Allows Dreadnoughts

event 221 Allows Heavy Cruisers

event 24008 Get 8 research points

Reduces your whole nation's militancy by

event 22013 (note: requires Bureucracy invention)

Upgrades the rail level of a random

event 24012
province you own by 1

Increases the output of a Precious Metal

event 24013
RGO by 10

Increases Prestige by 10, improves

event 24020 relations with three random nearby
nations by 25

Triggers a Communist revolution -

event 23100 Country becomes a Proletarian

Triggers a Liberal revolution - Country

event 23101
becomes a Democracy

Triggers a Reactionary revolution -

event 23102
Country becomes a Monarchy
Password Effect

Triggers a Conservative revolution -

event 23103 Country becomes a Presidential

event 23017 Free infantry division, -10 Manpower

event 23018 Free dragoon division, -12 Manpower

event 23019 Free cavalry division, -12 Manpower

Grants you a random technology you do

event 24037
not have yet

Destroys a random factory, where XYZ is

event 24025 XYZ
the tag of the owner of the factory
 Main Cheats
When playing game press [F12], type any of these cheats below and confirm with
Password Effect

NOREVOLTS Defeat all

LEADERSHIP Get leaders
MONEY Get loads of money
PRESTIGE Get prestige
SHOWID Get province IDs
TRANSPORTS Get transports
HANDSOFF Hands off all
NOFOG No fog
NOLIMIT No troops limits
NOWAR No war
DIFRULES Play like a God
neville The AI will now accept any of your peace proposals
FULLCONTROL Total control
Contributed By: irishpony and revolution9.

 Resource Cheats
Press f12 to bring up the cheat prompt. Then type in code and press enter. Pressing up
after hitting enter re-enters the last code entered. All these cheats add to your national
resource stockpile.
Password Effect
event 200 +10 morale to naval units
event 201 +10 organization to naval units
event 112 +2 fire value for infantry
ammunition 100 amunition
artillery 100 artillery
cattle 100 cattle
cement 100 cement
coal 100 coal
coffee 100 coffee
cotton 100 cotton
dye 100 dye
explosives 100 explosives
fabric 100 fabric
Password Effect
fertilizer 100 fertilizer
fruit 100 fruit
fuel 100 fuel
furniture 100 furniture
glass 100 glass
grain 100 grain
iron 100 iron
liquor 100 liquor
lumber 100 lumber
oil 100 oil
opium 100 opium
steel 100 steel
sulfur 100 sulfur
tea 100 tea
timber 100 timber
tobacco 100 tobacco
wine 100 wine
wool 100 wool
event 214 Allows Commerce Raiders
event 212 Allows Corvettes
event 217 Allows Cruisers, disable Frigate
event 110 Allows defense against gas attacks
event 219 Allows Destroyers
event 220 Allows Dreadnoughts
event 109 Allows gas attacks
event 221 Allows Heavy Cruisers
event 215 Allows Ironclads
event 216 Allows Monitors
event 213 Allows steamer transports (replace clipper)
event 218 Allows Torpedo Boats
event 101 Clausewitzian: +5 organization to land units
event 24025 XYZ Destroys a random factory, where XYZ is the tag of
the owner of the factory
event 23019 Free cavalry division, -12 Manpower
event 23018 Free dragoon division, -12 Manpower
event 23017 Free infantry division, -10 Manpower
event 24008 Get 8 research points
Password Effect
canned_food Grants 100 canned food
luxury_furniture Grants 100 luxury furniture
small_arms Grants 100 small arms
tropical_wood Grants 100 tropical wood
event 24037 Grants you a random technology you do not have
event 24020 Increases Prestige by 10, improves relations with
three random nearby nations by 25
event 24013 Increases the output of a Precious Metal RGO by 10
event 100 Jominian: +20 morale to all land units
event 22013 (note: requires Reduces your whole nation's militancy by 2
Bureucracy invention)
event 23100 Triggers a Communist revolution - Country
becomes a Proletarian Dictatorship
event 23103 Triggers a Conservative revolution - Country
becomes a Presidential Dictatorship
event 23101 Triggers a Liberal revolution - Country becomes a
event 23102 Triggers a Reactionary revolution - Country
becomes a Monarchy
event 24012 Upgrades the rail level of a random province you
own by 1
Victoria An Empire Under The Sun

Submitted by: conner54

When playing game press F12 then type any of these cheats
below and press enter again.

Code Result
TRANSPORTS - Get Transports
PRESTIGE - Get Prestige
MONEY - Get loads of Money
LEADERSHIP - Get Leaders
DIFRULES - Play like a God
NOWAR - No War
NOREVOLTS - Defeat all
NOLIMIT - No Troops Limits
NOFOG - No Fog
HANDSOFF - Hands off all
SHOWID - Get Province IDs
FULLCONTROL - Total Control
event 100 - Land unit morale upgrades
event 101 - Land unit organization upgrades
event 102 - Infantry +1 defense, +2 max fortifications
event 24008 - 8 Research points
event 109 - Gas attacks unlocked
event 110 - Defense against gas attacks unlocked
event 112 - +2 fire value for infantry
event 200 - +10 morale to naval units
event 201 - +10 organization to naval units
event 212 - Corvettes unlocked
event 213 - Steamer transports replace Clippers
event 214 - Commerce Raiders unlocked
event 215 - Ironclads unlocked
event 216 - Monitors unlocked
event 217 - Cruisers replace Frigates
event 218 - Torpedo Boats unlocked
event 219 - Destroyers unlocked
event 220 - Dreadnoughts unlocked
event 221 - Heavy Cruisers unlocked

Cheat mode:
Press [F12] during game play, type one of the following codes,
then press [Enter] to activate the cheat function.
Note: Entering a code without any number after it results in 100
units, while adding a number afterwards will give you that many
units. For example, small_arms 10000 will result in 10,000 small

Effect Code
100 ammunition - ammunition
100 artillery - artillery
100 cattle - cattle
100 cement - cement
100 coal - coal
100 coffee - coffee
100 cotton - cotton
100 dye - dye
100 explosives - explosives
100 fabric - fabric
100 fertilizer - fertilizer
100 fruit - fruit
100 fuel - fuel
100 furniture - furniture
100 glass - glass
100 grain - grain
100 iron - iron
100 liquor - liquor
100 lumber - lumber
100 oil - oil
100 opium - opium
100 steel - steel
100 sulfur - sulfur
100 tea - tea
100 timber - timber
100 tobacco - tobacco
100 wine - wine
100 wool - wool
100 airplanes - aeroplanes
100 automobiles - automobiles
100 barrels - barrels
100 canned food - canned_food
100 paper - paper
100 rubber - rubber
100 silk - silk
100 small arms - small_arms
100 steel - steel
100 sulfur - sulfur
100 telephones - telephones
Victoria: An Empire Under The Sun
Cheat mode:
Press [F12] during game play, type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] to
activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Entering a code without any number
after it results in 100 units, while adding a number afterwards will give you that many
units. For example, small_arms 10000 will result in 10,000 small arms.

Effect Code
100 airplanes aeroplanes
100 ammunition ammunition
100 artillery artillery
100 automobiles automobiles
100 barrels barrels
100 canned food canned_food
100 cattle cattle
100 cement cement
100 clipper convoy clipper_convoy
100 coal coal
100 coffee coffee
100 cotton cotton
God type rules difrules
100 dye dye
100 electric gear electric_gear
Land unit morale upgrades event 100
Land unit organization upgrades event 101
Infantry +1 defense, +2 max fortifications event 102
Gas attacks unlocked event 109
Defense against gas attacks unlocked event 110
+2 fire value for infantry event 112
+10 morale to naval units event 200
+10 organization to naval units event 201
Corvettes unlocked event 212
Steamer transports replace Clippers event 213
Commerce Raiders unlocked event 214
Ironclads unlocked event 215
Monitors unlocked event 216
Cruisers replace Frigates event 217
Torpedo Boats unlocked event 218
Destroyers unlocked event 219
Dreadnoughts unlocked event 220
Heavy Cruisers unlocked event 221
Destroy random factory event 24025 <factory owner tag>
Free cavalry division, -12 Manpower event 23019
Free dragoon division, -12 Manpower event 23018
Free infantry division, -10 Manpower event 23017
Random technology you do not have yet event 24037
Increase Prestige by 10, improve relations with three
event 24020
random nearby nations by 25
Increases the output of Precious Metal RGO by 10 event 24013
Reduces your nation's militancy by 2, requires
event 22013
Bureucracy invention
Communist revolution, country becomes a Proletarian
event 23100
Conservative revolution,c ountry becomes a Presidential
event 23103
Liberal revolution, country becomes a Democracy event 23101
Reactionary revolution, country becomes a Monarchy event 23102
Upgrade rail level of random province you own by 1 event 24012
8 Research points event 24008
100 explosives explosives
100 fabric fabric
100 fertilizer fertilizer
100 fish fish
100 fruit fruit
100 fuel fuel
Total control fullcontrol
100 furniture furniture
100 glass glass
100 grain grain
Hands off all handsoff
100 iron iron
Additional leaders leadership
100 liquor liquor
100 lumber lumber
100 luxury clothes luxury_clothes
100 luxury furniture luxury_furniture
100 machine parts machine_parts
Additional men manpower
Additional money money
Disable fog nofog
Disable troop limits nolimit
Defeat all enemies norevolts
No war nowar
100 oil oil
100 opium opium
100 paper paper
100 precious metal precious_metal
Additional prestige prestige
100 regular clothes regular_clothes
100 rubber rubber
Display Province IDs showid
100 silk silk
100 small arms small_arms
100 steamer convoy steamer_convoy
100 steel steel
100 sulfur sulfur
100 tea tea
100 telephones telephones
100 timber timber
100 tobacco tobacco
Additional transports transports
100 tropical wood tropical_wood
100 wine wine
100 wool wool

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