Brigada Eskwela 2019: Number of Volunteers
Brigada Eskwela 2019: Number of Volunteers
Brigada Eskwela 2019: Number of Volunteers
Private Sector Community Government Agencies/ National & Local Total
School_IDSchool_Name Private Religious Congressional Provincial/ AFP (PA, of
NGO (PTA, City/ Other
Individual/ Organizatio Officials and Provincial Barangay City/ Firemen/ Marine, Barangay Volunteer Volunteer
SGC, Gawad Corporation Parents Alumni Community ns (Youth Officials Municipal Officials SK Officials Municipal PNP Airforce, Workers s
Kalinga, etc.) Staff Officials s
Member and Adult) Employees etc.)
108085 San Juan ES 2 1 12 4 35 10 5 1 3 7 2 15 15 12 30 56 210
Total 2 1 12 4 35 10 5 1 3 7 2 15 15 12 30 56 210
Other Donations Total Total No. Volunteer
Hardware Materials for Toilet Newly Hardware Materials for Wash Facilities No. of of Hours Man Hours Total Amount
School_ID School_Name Hardware Materials for Classroom Repairs
Construction/ Repair Newly Construction/ Repair Volunt Rendered (Amount in (in Peso)
eers (Labor) Peso)
Qty. Item Amount (in Qty. Item Amount Qty. Item Amount Qty. Item Amount (in
Peso) (in Peso) (in Peso) Peso)
108085 San Juan ES 400 hollowblocks 4,800 3 toilet bowls 3,000 10 faucets 1,000 1 fence 3,000 210 1,000 37,500 49,300.00
500 hollowblocks 6,000 300 hollowblocks 3,600 10 notebooks 140 9,740.00
10 G.I. Sheets 3,000 200 tiles 6,000 1 LCD Projector 40,000 49,000.00
TOTAL 4,800 12,000 10,600 43,140 210 1,000 37,500 108,040.00