Our Town May 23, 1930
Our Town May 23, 1930
Our Town May 23, 1930
Volume 16, No. 32 Narberth, PlI., Friday, May 23, 1930 Price. Three Cents
All Aboard For ~A Memorial Sunday Large Wet Vote Polled in Borough
, Night Over There' Church Service Though.Grundy and Pinchot Win Locally
~ \
The annual Memorial Day Snnday
,::'~ Plans Complete For Legion Af. Church Servict, will be held in the aud- L. M. Again Captures Stites Scores Thru Overwhelm.
fair' at Merion Tribute itorium of the Narberth Theatre this
P. I. A. A. District Meet ing Victory of Ludlow Over
House Wednesday. Sunday night at 7:45. Boyd and Evans
,The Harold D: Speakman Post, No. Easton seems to be a lucky placo
The election now is over and the 351i, American Legion, of Narberth, for Maroon teams. Coach Albert Although Grundy carried only one
welkin has heen rent, with the decks has extended invitations to the other Adam's track squad captured the P. I. district in the borough, No.2, at Tues-
A. A. district meet there last Saturday,
all cleared for the next and quite the Legion' Posts on the }'lain Line and day's primaries, his plurality was
. ,t,l'
" for Lower Merion's third conquest of
most important thing on the doeket, throughont the Eighth and Ninth Dis- the year in Lafayette College's home sufficient there to counteract the Boh-
no less, of course. than" A Night Over trict. town. The suburban champions won len votes in the other two Narberth
The people of this conl1nunity arc from a strong field by placing in the districts and enable him to carry the
There," the Legion's hig affair, a night
events a good all-round aggregation. borough. Davis, the winner in the U.
free iroll1 care. at the }.I erion Trihute to have an opportuuity of listening to They were especially strong in the S. senatorial contest in the state, was
.' I-louse this very next \Vednesday eve- a very forceful and eloquent speaker. ~e1d events with Dick Sig~l, PC;rk
Scott and Andy McLaughlin gomg
ning, May 2/!, 1930, and what a splen- \Ve have been very fortunate in obtain-I great in the weights. and George Han-
ing for the speaker of the eveuing the sell, l?a\'e Ridge, John I'ennypacke.r,
only a poor third in the borough.
The strength of the "wet" vote was
did till1e it is going to he! perhaps the outstanding surprise of the
'TI' jJ "R (;'11 R II \"1'1 Jack Carver and Dave ~Ieeks strong m election. Bohlen carried the first and
N cvertheless. if too much is said. if . ymg arson, eV.rl 0» I - the jumps.
third districts, while his teammate and
'to too much is rcall, it might appear that son, of Trentou, N. J., Past National Lower Merion came out 170 points
gubernatorial candidate, Phillips. like-
\\,e wcre heing unduly urged to go, :lI1d Chaplain of the Amcrican Legion. , ahead of !'o:orristown High, the run ncr
There will he special music fur- IIp. The Main Liners finished with a wise carried two districts, but lost out
that wonld not seem to he the kindly
keynote to strike when lofty levels are nished by the "Tnnn(wters," boys tota~ of ~50 I)()il~ts. . through the heavy Pinchot vote in the
ited occasion of excellent purpose shall
have to manage to get along without William Levis, chairman of Literature
us, nor any part of us. How Narberth Voted by Districts and Education; Mrs. \"1. N. Mills,
chairman of American Home; Mrs.
THE SPECTATOR. District District District
!If ary Livingston. chairman of Con-
No.1 No.2 No.3 Totals
servation; 1\1 rs. C. A. Farmer, chair-
Narberth and Merion Post u. S. Senator
lIIan of Juniors; Mrs. T. Somers N ew-
Grundv 132 215 95 442 lIIan, chairman of Civics; :Mrs. c. J.
Offices Have Positions Open Davis· RO 120 60 260 Goodyear, membership chairman; Mrs.
13oh1(>n 133 145 III 3R9 Charles Shaw, chairman of Welfare;
A Civil Service examination will he Governor
.' held for clerk-carrier positions at tlie 11 iss Florence Pray, Program chair-
Brown ............... 85 108 69 262 lIIan; Mrs. Franklin P. Dunlop, chair-
Merion station and Narberth Post of- Pinchot 129 224 94 447
fices on June 21, 1930, Receipt of ap- man of Art; Mrs. J. W. Darville,
Phillips ........................ 134 149 110 393 House chairman; Mrs. Parker Miller,
plications will close June 6. State Senator
sub-junior chairman; Mrs. N. C. An-
Applications for this examination Ludlow ............... 214 312 159 685 derson, chairman Press and Publicity:
mnst be made on the prescribed form, Boyd 74 65 44 183 vice presidents, Mrs. J, H. Hongler,
which with necessary instructions may Evans 47 79 63 189 Mrs. W. C. Newman; recording sec-
he obtained from the commission's State Jlssembly
retary, Miss Margaretta Runyon;
Page Two OUR TOWN May 23, 1930
.~- - ._------ ---------------------- ---------- ._-------_.--------- .
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Celebrates ing of a monthly parish paper, "The
Lutheran ~I essengel'," for the dissem~
Strawberry Festival
The Penn Wynne Library Assocl- . '.
Fifth Anniversary of Dedication on Sunday ination of information to the cong-re-
gation; the organization of the Council
ation will hold their annual Strawberry
Festival at the Library, corner of
• under three sub-Boards, Elders, Dea- Manoa and Henley Roads, on Tuesday,
On Sunday, May 25, at 11 :00 A. M., cons, and Trustees, are a few of the june 3, beginning at four o'clock.
the Fifth Anniversary of the Dedica- Lutheran Pastor Plans have been made for' several
tion of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, devclopILents the past five years show. novel booths and everybody is wel-
Narberth. will be celebrated. Profes- l t is also noted that of the 298 per- come. The association is working to
sor H. D. Hoover, of the Lutheran sons who have come into the fellow- build up a complete library. At the
Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, ship with Holy Trinity 220 remain ac- present time there are over 600 vol-
will deliver the sermon. It is also ex- umes which have been obtained in
pected that Rev. S. D. Daugherty, tive. The Bible School enrollnlt~nt is little more than a year. The associ-
D. D., Superintendent of Missions of ISO, Holy Trinity's pastors have bap- ation hopes in another year to double
the East Pennsylvania Synod and tised 42 babies, married 15 couples, and this number.
founder of Holy Trinity, will be pres- officiated at 15 burials. ~•••••••••••••••••
ent to bring greetings. That it will be
a time for rejoicing is indicated by the
Overbrook Hills·in·Merion CHAS. F. EBERT:
happy history since the organization of
the Chllrch in january, 1922. Mr. L. G. Andrews, of Rosedale I Jobbing Carpenter :
Immediately following the war Nar-
berth experienced a great increase in
Road, was on a business trip to
Chicago last week. From there he Phone; NARBERTH 4129 +
1+ 103 Dudley Avenue •
population resulting in a wonderful
building hoom. Among these ne\\ peo-
ple who were moving from the city to
the suburbs, and others locating here
flew to Detroit and returned home on
Thursday. ,t
! 'lil\ 1111\ 1111\ 111 (JIII0IIIOlilO1I10lilQI110l11QI110l11QlllQlI1QlllQlI1QlllQlIMlMlMI~
" '.
;lfter being transferred by the 1'. R. R.
from Altoona and Pittsburgh, a great
number of Lutherans were found which
warranted and eventually lcd, due to THE CHATTER BOX TEA ROOM
the interlst of several local Lutherans,
to the organization of what was to be
known as "Holy Trinity Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Narberth, l'enn-
sylvania." Their first and only place
of meetiltg until they built for them-
The Rev. Cletus A. Senft, pastor
selves their present edifice was the
old Y. M. C. A. auditorium. Here the of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
original 31 Charter lIiembers grew to Narberth, which will celebrate the Come enjoy a delicious Dinner in our spacious new
he 134 Ii! number at the time of the fifth anniversary of the dedication of Dining Room. Open to the Public at 4 P. M., WEDNES·
dedication of the Church; here the the Chur'ch this Sunday. Mr, Senft
Bible School was organized on 1I1arch became pastor of Holy Trinity in DAY, MAY 28.
5, 1922; here a Ladies' Aid, a ~I ission- June, 1927.
ary Society, a Senior Luther League
eame into existence.
Through the untiring efforts of the
Rev. Milton McLinn, who became the
organ. were concluded early in the fall,
and the contract let to Geo. Kilgen and
Sons, organ builders vf St. Loui" for
I (Stn'l't Floor)
pastor of Holy Trinity in january, an organ of suitable qualifications. This BRYN MAWR, PA.
1923, and his loyal associa t,es whe saw organ, subsequently dedicated on Dec.
the need for larger l(uarters, a move- .1. 1927. has filled a long felt need and Just 8 Doors From Our Original Home
ment for a new church home was begun has added much to the Church sen'-
in the fall of 1923, resulting in the ices. \Vith the installation of the organ
usual procedure of appointing a Com- the incentive to hetter music at the MISS VERA GRANNIS MISS ELIZABETH L. SMITH
mittee on 'Nays and Means to study services has resulted in great advances
the problem, financial and otherwise. ESTABLISHED IN 1923
along this line. " ,
This committee reported back several The formation of a Committee of
months later whereupon a lot was Call: Bryn Mawr 453
Parish \ Vorkcrs for the pnrpose of
haught, un architect procured, plans visitation among the members and
drawn up and approved, and work be-
~un. September 7, 1924, Rev. McLinn
friends of the con~regation: the start- "I mlt&IMili'l\ili'l\iIMili'l\iii&IMiIHfIi1\iji1\iIf&Ir&IMiIib'JlihilmiIMiIMiIMilmili'l\ili'l\iltRI •
laid the cornerstone, and on lIay 24,
1925, the church was dedicated with
services appropriate to such an occa-
The happy congregatIOn prospered in
their new home. The choir came into
its own; junior and Intermediate
Lnther Leagues were organized; all ~reamwHld Florist Co.
the older organizations seemed to take
on a new life. Things were going Greenhouses -
Stat" and ffiarM Ul.ltcl'sford 'Ro.1ds
"" CHnwy,
d tn
rd. .
along very smoothly until Dr. Mc-
Linn's health began to fail in the early
summer of 1926. \Vith the hope that
an extended ....acation would restore his
health and enable him to return to his
duties in the fall, the congregation
granted him a leave of absence for the
slimmer during which time the congre-
Your inspection of our new florist shop is invited. It is at 288 Montgomery Avenue,
Bala.Cynwyd-at the turn in the Pike, Old Lancaster and Levering Mill Roads.
~ation was supplied by Cletus A.
Senft, then a student in his senior year
at (ietty,;;burg Seminary. Even t!lOugh
Dr. McLinn did return to his duties
in the fall he had not fully recovered.
Finally in january, 1927, he was com-
We offer a large assortment-at moderate prices-of Fresh Cut
Flowers-Wedding Bouquets-Funeral Designs-
pelled to lay down his much loved
work. With a proper recognition of Attractive Floral Tributes for the Girl Graduate
the serv'ces he had rendered and re-
~rets that his health would 110t permit
further service, his resignation was ac-
cepted. (Ask for ollr booklets-"Wedding Flowers," "Social Flowers," "Flowers in Memoriam."
The choice of the congregation, and
at the recommendation of the commit- They offer many helpfll! suggestions.)
tee to whom the task had been assigned
to procure a new pastor, fell upon the
Rev. Sel'ft, who had served them the ffGi'l'e Flowers-Send Ours"-We Deliver, of Course
pre....ious sUlllmer. Until the Rev.
Senft, who had accepted the call ex-
tended, would arrive on the field at
the close of his course in the Seminary,
Rev. Robert j. \Volf, Intermediate
~;ecretary of the Luther League of
America, served the congregation very
The Dreamwgld Florist Compong
Rev. Senft was duly graduated from
Seminary the latter part of May and
entered upon his duties as pastor of
Holy Trinity, June 1st. The Presi-
Greenhouses: State and Mary Watersford Roads, Cynwyd.
May 23, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Three
and as thc game progressed his pitch- ,\ddt·d. ~lIt'k..}, lUtl1lH.. tlllklllJ; t·.......d)·
ing improved. He struck out the last
man in the ninth inning with a team- Next MONDAY and TUESDAY: CBRADLEY
mate on second base.
Hcnry (iane, speedy red head from
Bryn Mawr, crashed out a double and
a home run to contribute heavily to Next WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY: 2106.08 MARKET ST.
the scoring. His throwing to the bases
• was deadly, and this fact kept thc bags HARRY RICHMAN in "PUTTIN' ON THE RITZ" Phone 65,200, free of toll charge,
somewhat clcar of enemy players. PrOllo1lIu·.. d 011(" of tile heNt I't,·tllrl·H of IUan on your Ardmore, Bryn Mawr,
Seaver Rose played a nice gamc at Nt'xt Jo'IlIIlA Y IIl1d lOA'l'FUIlA Y-.\ I,lIl1gh IUntl
thc initial hassock in the absence of "LET'S GO PLACES" Cynwyd, Merion or Narberth
. "
ley Farmer were hostesses to thc Dr'l
lknjamin Rush Chaptcr, N. S. D. A.
R. at its annual mceting on Monday,
pleasure because they can be placed just where you want them-visible only to the moon and stars
and your nearest friends. Don't forget that Rustic Cedar is a part of our regular stock, and that our
May 19. Mrs. C. M. Irwin, Regent, GARDEN at 25 Bala Avenue is open between 7 and 5:30, or any evening by appointment.
Mrs. H. M. Chalfant, chaplain, con- To gi'l'e our employees the benefit of a week·end holiday, the yard and office will be dosed ME.
ducted a brief mcmorial scrvice for MORIAL DAY, May 30th, and SATURDAY, May 31. Telephone your orders early so that they
Mrs. Sarah Langlois and Mrs. Lola D.
Achenbach, members lost by death in can be deli'l'ered before that time.
the past year. Following the busincss
meeting and annual reports, officers
die Hewitt; Registrar, Mrs, T. B. du-
Marais; Librarian, Mrs. Anna Farson; I 25 and 29 Bala Avenue Cynwyd 662
lain, Mrs. M~.~H~Milkr; C~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!I
S. MacAdams; Dircctors, b
Page Four OUR TOWN Mar 23, 1930
his staff of loyal teachers for their kind the edification of other imaginations.
support of our organization and the}r Life is commonplace, reality is vulgar,
unlimited willingness to take part IJ1 May 23, 1930 in juxtaposition to these works of art.
our programs when called upon. The That is whv our Relllhrandts and our
very enlightening demonstration of Rodins al e -not replaced.
class work given at our April meet- The movies were art. They provided
ing evidenced our school's line spirit The Republican Ticket pleasant exercise for our imagination.
of co"operation. The voicc of thc people has been heard. (It is always "the voice of Thev removed us from reality. llv the
:'A w~ml of special. thanks i~ due thc people" that decides elections, according to the winners, despite what add(tion of the factor of SOUI1(( the
MISS F~I~k~ fOl: h~r falthf~11 I~admg of other demcnts may havc entered into thc final result.) In the case of pictures <,pproach appallin~ly close to
reality. \Vhile smell has vet to he
our 1'. 1. A. smgmg, whIch IS a new I ' I " I' f ,I S"
feature in our work this year. She' t _IC lC<!C s o t le , tatc tIC ~t,
" ·k. D a\,.IS f or U '. S' . S cnat.or aneI 1"- I t f
,I.n~ 10 or practically achieved, the taikies leave
has taken this responsihility very will-I Governor. personal populanty provcd thc bIg factor 111 the declslOn of a scarcely anything 10 the individual
ingly and carried on in a most pleas- pluralitv of Yotcrs. Both are men with strong and plcasing personalities imaginaJlun. ;\ oise. (It-pt!!. color. are
ing III'lIln~r.. Also. much thanks IS due and wiil !Jr(J\'c a hard combination to beat by cither a Democratic or on the screen. I nskad of relaxation.
a refuge from the hustle and clamor
. ,. Pens, Inch for her work at the "wet ... tIcket. Grull<Iy's dc f eat'IS somew Imt regrette d'111 t Ilese quarters as of street and office. and a sanctuary
plano. I " II " f I~ I ' I I . I
"Our share in the Summer Reading le IS provJI1g an exce ent representative or ennsy val1la, )\\t liS pro)- from the roughness ane! noise of reality.
Cluh work was very grat!fying an~ we able successor, Jamcs J.Davis, is an able man of national prominence. the cinema of toda \. offers us on Iv the
were. plea?ed to ,work wl~h our, Com- Our representative in Congrcss. Henry VV. vVatson, who was unop- blare of hancls and the hlash of hlo"ndes.
mumtv Ilhrarv In awardmg pnzcs to I fl' ., I fl' fIll The magnates of the industry have
the ~hil;lren' who completed their posec or t le nOI11J11atlOn, IS assurcc 0 rc-c eetlOn or pro Ja) y as many made up their minds to drag stuffed
courses in the cluh. \Ve thank Mrs. terms as hc cares to serve. horses into their salons. and to replace
\Vood and Miss Church for their ilJ1- 1n the' county comfortable majoritics rcturned for the Johnson or- their Remhrandts with rotogravures.
tiring efforts in this work. .. I · d ' · d' I I ", . '1\ I I t t When I want sylllphonies, there are
"\\'e arc 'glad t~ report that seven' gal1lzatlon .cane I ~tes JI1. Icate t 1at t le cItizenry IS stl . oat 1e to en ru~ concert !Ialls. \\Then 1 want vaude- ' ..
T. A. and one attended the county the govcrnJl1g duties to 111depcndcnts regardless of theIr pcrsonal quah- ville, there is still a limited vaudeville
of our memhers attended the South- fications. A particularly scvcre rebuke was given to G. Paul Sheeder, stage. \Vhen 1 wa.lt plays. there is
eastern . distri.c~ convention of the 1"1 who was defcated 2 to 1 by thc county Republican Icadcr, Charles J ohn- the legitimate theatre. llUI, alas. when
conventIOn,. I here w~re a nlllnher .of son in the Statc Committce contcst. Confidence was also shown in First I wish to see a real moving puct'lre, I
other meetlllgs at whIch our assocla- " . " . .:>
tion was represented. And, we arc Dlstnet Asscmhl) n1<1n rcc
,. I., I C . Peters,
> 'I . "
W 10 was n01l1matce on a _-to-
I ? 1 can find 1I0ne. ~1 v s(,le comfort is the •
reflection that [ c;l11not recall a single
pleased to report, that we were ahle to basis. instance in which a dealer made a
do this witho?t .drawing upon the funds vVhile the results are, of coursc, not entirely pleasing to more than profit hy ripping his Remhrandt from
of our assocI alton. ahout half of the voters in this scction nevcrtheless it must be admitted its frame and trying to get more than
"Another feature of onr work of . ' .. . . f a Remhr,lIIdt price for a photographic
which we arc justly proud is our SUIll- that thc county IS assurcd of no change 111 ItS pohcles for another our imitation.
I •
Iller round-up campaign under the veal's. * * *
The diHerence betwcen a printer and
competent leadership of Mrs. Van' The 111 a 11\' fricnds of 1\1rs. Margaret G. Town in thc horough may
Auken. Here. let me report that the I ." . f .. f ,I . I f ' an editor is merelv that the f"rmer
Narhcrth 1'. T. A. is the outstandin~ I take conslderahle satls actIon .m the act t lat 111 1cr cOI.ltest or State must watch his enis while the laUI'r
association in the county. heing the Commiltccwol1lan, although bemg defeated, she polled a hIgher votc than must watch his p's <Ind q·s.
only association which has satisfac- any other indcpendcnt. * * *
Main Lines
torilv carried on this work in the
comity this year. Dr. Payne is a lealling local dentist.
"The starting of a new study group Celebrates Fifth Anniversary Mr. Trout sells, among other things
under the leadership of ~f iss Pray is at his A. and 1'. store, fish. Wonder
another enterprise of which we arc
quite proud. This interested group of
mothers held their, first meeting in I I
if Fred Treat's nickname is "Dutch."
The genial postmaster at Narberth
IOOkS out for his philatelic friends,
the home of M iss Pray on January 22,
at which time they decided to meet I And Bala-Cynwyd has sold a great
man\' of the new commemoratives;
every other week, hut, hecause of their ' ..• I ~ ..... eacl; purchase going out in a :;hiny
great interest, this group has been glassine envelope. J;our out of five
averaging one meeting a week. don't even hesitate at the Montgomery
"And, of course, a very noteworthy Avenue stop-signs. The fifth sees the
nlovelllent on the part of our associa- Icop. One of thesc tine clays the cell'
tion was the changing of our name will accidentally see the other fonr.
The Liulekisses have a new dog, a
from til others' Council to Parent-
Teacher Association, which meant that,
at last. a father might be regarded as
a parent and hecome a member of the
group which is vitally interested in the
police pup. Suggestions as to his
educatio.l will he appreciated, although
Harvard has heen tentatively selected.
I like that fine old coach that moves
welfare of his child. regally along the Pike of a morning
"One of the most outstanding pro- , with prancing horses and tooting horns.
grams of the year was the one of And 1 like those ~reat open spaces
which the fathers took complete around \Vynnewood Station. 1£ only
charge. Our 'Fathers' Night' program a few of our local millionaires could
was a huge success and, in spite of a sec their way clear to purchase the
numher of counter attractions, was I property for a :Main Line Park! \Ve
very well attended, a wonderful spirit have any other suhurban district in
of good-will heing carried all through
the meeting. ?\lany thanks to the
fathers for their fine program, of which
:Mr. Davis was chairman.
the cowltrv licked a hundred ways for
natural heiwt,Y; but we must sec that
we preserve It.
Jess A. Littlekiss.
"Last, but hy no means least, our
committee chairmen must be com-
Illelld ed for their heart.v 'and willing Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Narberth, which will observe the fifth Luncheon Marks Holman
co-operation. as well as our splendid
corps of officers. \Vithout the even
anniversary of its dedication this Sunday morning at a special service. The
cornerstone was laid in September, 1924, and the building was dedicated in
i School 30th Anniversary
pulling together of this group such a M I The Misses Braley, Headmistresses
splendid year's work could have nev~r _ ay, 1925. lof the Holman School, arc entertaining
been accomplished. 1 should like t.o I the Alumnae of the Holman School
mention their names that due credIt and Mrs. Griswold, 'Child \Velfare
might he given them. Miss Bishop, Magazine.'
vice president; Mrs. Schock, secretary; .. Looking back at our accomplish-
Annual Horse Show
I at luncheon tomorow (Saturday) in
honor of the completion of the thirtieth
The annual horse show of the Hol- year of the school.
Mrs. Patton, treasurer; Mrs. Nord- ments, let us all put our shoulders. to man School will be held todav at the The school. established at 2204 \Val-
blom who carried on a membership- the wheel and resolve that the connng B . R' l' A I " t tile nut street in 1900, became a country
.' .
hospltahtv .
commIttee WIth
. the he Ip 0 f new l' . 'f . A . year mus't fi11\(I us. s-t'll I nggs
" I( JIIg ca( emy ' 0PPOSI e
a group of willing grade-mothers; Miss progressing and anxious to achieve Phlladelpilla Country Club. In case of school home "Broadsteps," Argyle
Pray, program; Mrs. Lops, puhlicity, greater success in our work than ever." rain the show will be held on Monday. Road and Linwood Avenue, Ardmore.
day school in 1925, and took for its
May 23, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Five
.' ---..-..-..-...-...-...-..-..-...-...-...-..1
Boy Week Ends With ing: First, August Wagner, Ardmore;
second, James Bright, Wayne; third,I,.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
HOWA:RD C. FRITSCH Awards of Prizes
Julian Keenan, Ardmore. II
Justwe 01 the Peace l Outdoor.
REAL ESTATE Bugle Contest. First, Robert Wolf, Ardmorc; sec-
~ Fire Insurance-Best Companies
1 Phone 4040-W
First prizc-Rcxcraft official Scout ond, Jamcs Bright, Waync; third, Confidence
. .
215 Haverford Ave. Buglc and case; second, Silver Cup;
.-..-..-...-...-..@.-...-...-...-...~~ .-..~ third, Silver Cup-First: John Tuttle,
Francis Monaghan, Bala-Cynwyd.
Kite Flying.
, *~. Bala; sccond, :Minor McGeorge; third, (Prizes: Silver Cup for best in each A playhouse that can sat·
r=====' " ,~ Lome HUtlUllCll, \Vaync. cvent)-Kite Flying Highest: Robert
return it to you
I , Airplane Contests. Frank Stingle, Ardmore; third, Henry and TlIesday comes ""The
I Indoor. Challcn. Wayne. Standing Broad
promptly. First prizc, Gold mcdal and a free Jump: First, James Fitzpatrick, Bala- Phantom of the Opera."
airplanc ridc through courtesy of Sky Cynwyd; second, Robcrt Buchanan. N ext Wednesday and
I Havcn Airport Co.; second, Silver Bryn Mawr; third, Robert Perry, Ard-
.... In addition to making re- I ~r cdal; third, Bronzc l\ledal. morc. Baseball Throw: First, Arthur Thursday, "Burning Up,"
pairs we handle a com- I Seninr Endurancc: First, Frank \Vhite, Bryn Mawr; second, Lew wit h beautiful Mary
Il\[.onaghan, Bala-Cynwyd; sccond. Young. Narberth; third, Jack Thomas,
plete line of bicycle ac- Hilly \IVhitc. Bala-Cynwyd. Junior Bala-Cynwyd. Brian; and for next Fri-
cessories - i n cl u ding I Endurance: First, Robcrt \IVolf; sec- Class C-Dascball Throw: First, day and Saturday one of
.' horns, new tires, handle
bars, valve insides, etc.
ond, Julian Kccnan; third, August
. \Vagncr, Ardmorc. Scale Model:
First, Alcx Loos, Narberth; second.
] ack Suclling. N arbcrth; third, Robert
John Kuhn, \\Tayne; second, Howard
Thompson, Bala; third \Valter 1\1an-
ilillg. Bryn Mawr. 50-Yard Dash;
First, Charles Shreiner. Glen Loch;
the most discussed films
of the year, "The Lost
And our prices are \Volf. Ardmore. Tie: Gcorge Orr and 'second. John Kuhn, Wayne: third, Zeppelin."
Peter Mitchell, Wayne. Balloon Burst- R~ymond Blydenburg, Narberth.
Attractions to be pre-
All makes of bicycles repaired sented in the near future
RIGHT-AII kinds of repairs inc Iud e "M 0 n tan a
Moon," with Joan Craw-
Page Six OUR TOWN Mar 23, 1930
May 23, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Seven
I Price Avenues on June 7 fr0111 6 to
.' II :00 A. 1\1.-Morning worship. Ser- Festival to Be June 7
111 on theme: "Keeping Faith " . 9 P. M. A cordial invitation is ex-
\Vith High Ideals," A 1\lel1lo- 1 he annual strawherry and ICC
rial Day Service. Special music. creall1 festival of the Narberth Metho- tended to all to attend.
II :00 A. M.-The Junior Chu.rch, di- dist Episcopal Church will be held on
rected hy Mrs. A. S. Dlghy. I
the lawn of the church at Essex and Try a classified advertisement
7 :00 1'. 1\1.-l\reetings of the three
Baptist Church of the E'JIangel En dea VOl' Sncieties. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!ial
Rohert E. Keighton, Minister, 7 :45 P. l\1.-Comlllunitv service in I -
Sunday, May 25: the Narherth Theatre'under the
9 :45 A. :M.-Church School.
10:00 A. M.-Men's Class taught by
the pastor.
direction of the American Le-
gion. ,Address hy Rev. Gill
Rohb \Vilson, pastor of the
Fourth Preshvterian Church of
II :()O A. 1\f.-Morning worship. Ser-
1I10n: "The 1\1 ission of Pcnte-
7:45 I'. M.-Collllllunity 1\[elllorial
Trenton, N. j.
drai Church."
evening, 1\!ay 28-
I'raver meeting. Thellle: "'I'll(' Cathe-
". Dav service in the Narherth
Theatre. Sec news item.
\Vednesday, May Zil: I{nowledge of proper fuels and their relation to our daily
First Church of Christ, Scientist comfort, ease and health is now common property and men
H:()O ] '. )'l.-Prayer service. In the
ahsence of the pastor, who is AthellS a \1(1 Linwood A \'CIIUCS, and women are proud of their ability to select the best in
attending the Northern Baptist Ardlllore. this line. For this reason Jeddo-Highland coal has become
0' Convention in Cleveland, this Sunday Services: the natural choice of householders who think well before
service will he in the charge of 11:00 :\. l\1. and 8 :00 P. 1\1. they buy and who are justly proud of their knowledge of
1\1 iss Clark and the \Volllen's II :00 A. l\I.-Sunday School. I' values.
As~ociation. S :00 1'. l\1.-\\' ednesdav evening tes- We, the authorized distributors of Jeddo-Highland coal
til1H1l1ial llIeetings: along the Main Line, are proud to olTer this premium
Reading ROOIll, 19 West Lancaster anthracite to you and to recommend it, unreservedly, as a
Methodist Episcopal Church Avenue. open daily, 10:30 A. l\l. to! most satisfactory and economical fuel.
Rev. Samuel 1\1 acAdams, 1\1 inister. 4:30 1'. l\f. \Vednesday cvcning. 9:151 MAY PRICES ARE LOWEST FOR 1930
Sunclay, 1\1 ay 25:
<) :45 A. l\1.-Sunday School.
to 9:45.
The suhject of the BillIe lesson ser-
II :()() A. 1\1.-1\lorning worship and mon for Sun<1ay, ~Iay 25, is "Soul and
sermon: ""'he Idealislll of a N a- nudy." I
Narberth Coal Company
tion." This church conforms to Daylight i
Ii :45 1'. )'I.-Epworth League. Savin/.( Ti 111 {'. . Mai,l Line Distributors
7:45 1'. M.-Collllllunitv scn'ice in Ralph S. Dunne
the Narherth Theatre. Holr Trinitr Lutheran Church
Tuesday, May 27: NARBERTH 2430-2431
H:()() 1'. 1\1.-1\1 cding of the Sunshine ]{e\,. Cletus :\. Senft. Pastor.
Bihll' C1as~ at the pars(lnage, Fifth AnniHrsar\' or the Oe<1ication of
314 Essex Avenue. the Church. 'Suo<1ay, l\lay 25:
\Veduesday, May 28: <) :45 A. 11 .-Bihle Schoo!.
S :00 I'. 1\L-Prayer meeting. II :()() :\. l\1.-:\nniversan s e r vic e,
Saturday, June 7-Annual straw- Prof. H. D. H nov~r, of the The-
berry festival nncler the auspicl's of ological Seminary at (icttyshur/.(.
the Ladies' Aid Society. I'lease re-
serve the date. .
w!ll hring the anniversary J1Ies-
A Remarkable Offer
0:45 1'. ~I.-Senior Luther League.
7:45 I'. l\1.-Col11nlllnitv J1IeJ1lorial To All Radio Owners
The Presbyterian Church service in the Narherth Theatre.
.. Rev. John Van Ness, 1\1. A., 1\linister.
Meetings for May 25:
Tuesday, 8 I'. l\1.-Thc Ladies' Aid
in regular monthly meeting. VIC1'Oll. 1t,\IHO U-3::
9:45 A. l\1.-Bihle Schonl. Friday. S 1'. 1\1.-Choir n~hearsa!. Victor
.' Your New Ford For
MEMORIAL DAY $36 trade-in
Richards-Fisher COMPANY
"For Electrical and Radio Satisfaction"
WALTER G. CASE, Proprietor
Phone: Narberth 4182
The Universal Credit Company Is Readr
Sea Garden Fancy Large SHRIMP, in Glass Jar, 29c
MARROW BEANS, Extra Selected .2 lbs., 25c
BRAIDED CLOTHES LINE 50-ft. hanks, 23c
Distributors of
FLY SWATTERS (Felt-Bound Edges) 2 for 15c
LEHIGH COAL S-O-S MAGIC SCOURING PADS 2 small pkgs., 25c; 2 large pkgs., 39c
Prices for May only: Knox SPARKLING GELATINE .. pkg., 19c '.
Stove 13.00 per unit Diamond Back RED RIPE TOMATOES 3 large cans, 50c
Nut 12.50 per unit OLD DUTCH CLEANSER ... 3 cans, 23c
Egg 12.50 per unit C-A-L-O DOG FOOD, His Master's Choice ...... can, 10c
Pea 9.00 per unit ALLGOLD
Buck 7.25 per unit
Fill your bins now, with
Lehigh CoaL Every pound
recleaned and at the season's
lowest prices.
May 23, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Nine
plants , ... , .. , .. ,., .. ,., ........ ,$1.10
Sweet 'WlIllams, al'. colors. 10 pls,nts. $1.10
Hardy Chrys.nthemums, allorto4, 6
plants .,., , , S1.IO
~:I~{o":i~aIWes~11~t"nl~ni'; .: : ::::::: JUg
Hardy Carnations, aU colors,
8 1>lants ...... , .. '" ..... ", ..... Sl.10
Oriental poppies. brllUant 'olors.
llowe1'1l 8 inche. aorOll, 10 plants. $1.10
Columbine. beautiful colors. 10
plants , , , .. ,
Fox Glo"e, a.sorte4 colors. 8 plants. $1.10
80 Novelty SUlpdruon plants. . .sort·
80"1:s~"""'Il''ta~~:,Plt"JiliiIHon .
±;,:P." ...
80 s'H':r:~d~~~c~I:~f~.iY oi.ng.· KinK: : :
80 Dahlla Flo\< erlnc Zinnia IlI.nts.
lUg 203 Haverford Avenue, Narberth .:. Phone: NARBERTH 2555 We Deliver
80aa~f~~: pl:~1:, ·t¥~~!&iti.ri,·· .'ioit:SI.I0
DURTOWN Mar 23, 1930
Page Ten
Miss Betty Cook, of Dudley Avenue, l\Ir. and Mrs. A. L. Leopold, of
was the hostess to the members of Stamford, Conn., spent the week-end
her bridge club at her home on Tues- with Mrs. Leopold's brother, Com-
day evenll1g. mander T. Van Auken, of Chestnut CONVENIENT Saturday
Miss Betty Otto. daughter of Mr. Avenue. 63rd and Market-West Philadelphia 9 A. M. to 9.30 P. M.
and 1Irs. E. G. Otto, of Grayling Ave- Mrs. R. S. Dunne and .:Mrs. Leroy FREE AUTO PARKS
nue, spent the week,end with her par- A. King, of Shirley Road, gave a Free Bus Service to 69th Street Terminal
ents. Miss Otto, who is a student at bridge luncheon on Wednesday at Mrs.
Penn Hall, Challlbersom g, left on King's home on Shirley Road in honor
III onday to join her classmates at the of Miss Miretta Bloom, daughter of
Flanders in Ocean City, N. J., where Mrs. Martha W. Bloom, of Shirley
they have been spending the past three Road, whose marriage to Mr. Frank
weeks. They returned to Chambers- De Loss Cannan, of \Vilkes-Barre,
hurg on \Vednesday. Pa., will take place on June 14. There
Prepare Now for that Camping Trip I
jV\rs. Thomas Ritner, of New York, were twenty-four guests.
is visiting her parents, J\Ir. and Mrs. :Miss Bloom was also the guest of
Robert Durbin, of Xorth Narberth honor at a luncheon and bridge given
Avenue. by :\\rs. A. P. Redifer, of Shirley.
1\Iiss Eleanor :\\ ichaelson and her Road.
classmate, Miss Pat Habel, of Pitts-
01: May 10. .
1\\1'. \\ alter B. Talt, of .Grove ~lace, I
hurgh, spent the w~ek-end with 1\Iiss who has oeen. on a buslIless tnp t.o I
:t\lichaelson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Muskegon, MIch., returned to Ius
F. 1Iichaelson, of Ha\'erfurd Avenue. home, on \Vednesday.
lI\iss 1Iichaelson has been elected Mrs. Fred C. Patten and her son and
prcsident of the sophomore class of d~ught~r, Fred and Evelyn Patten, of
Hood College for the coming year. \\ oodslde AVe!lUe, spent the week-
J\liss Anna 1'.1 ode, daughter of J\lr. end at Annapoh;;, Md., where they at-
and :\\ rs. Herbert J\Iode, of Over- t:ndcd the regnuental dance at .the
brook Hills-in-?llerioll, is now at the );a\'al Academy on Saturday evenn}g.
Vniversity Hospital, ha\'ing undergone They also attend~d the chapel service
an operation for apllelHlicitis on Sun, on J\[onday even1l1g. Mr. Rol~ert M.
day, She is reco\'cring nicely. l>,atten, sop of Mr. and 1\[rs. I-red C.
1'1 . f J\[' j\[' t 1 atten, WIll graduate from the Acad-I
,Ie marnage 0 ,'. ISS , n-e t~ emy on June 5.
l~loom, daught~r of 1\\I~, 1\\artha \\. 1\11'. and Mrs. Dunstan Smith, Jr.,
1~loom. of Siurler Road, and.:\l r. are now at \Vest Hampton Beach,
j'rank D~ Loss Cannan, of \Vllkcs· 1.. 1.
Barre. WIll take pla~e on Saturday. 1\[1'. and Mrs. Charles 1\f. Evans, of
June 14. at St. John 5 Church, Bala· Chestnut Avenue, have opened their
Cyn~\·yd." .. SUllIlJIcr cottage at A\'alon, N. J., and
1\lts5 \ Irglllia Dc Hart. daughte)r ,of ga\'e a house party O\'er the week-end.
1\1 r. and :\1:5, .1, 1.. l.?e Hart, of 1 nce There were sixteen guests.
2-Burner Gasoline
l\venU(\ wIll e~tlc..rtalll . .the. 1lI~1I1b~l:s :\Irs, Fred De.rby, of North l\arb~rth
O! her school set at a pdrt) thIS e\ e, An~nue, and Mrs. J. Taylor Darhng-
I Waterp~o~f "Umbrella"
mng. . .. ' ton. of Hampden Avenue, attended the
~I r. ~nd j\\ rs., \\. j ~! 1115. of J\lont, King's Daughter State Convention at I
Stove, $3~
clair, :\ . .1 ". ar:I~'ed ~n I hu!,sday for a Scranton. Pa., which held its meetings
1\\'0 wee~s VISit WIth theIr son, aIHI, for four days last week. namely, Tues-
dau. g htcr-III-law. :'11'. al.I(.l :\Irs. \\. T'[da y . Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-
l\lll1s. Jr.. of Anthwyn I~oad. day. Mrs. Derby is State President
1\11'.. and Mrs. H. \\. Hangen, of of the King's Daughters.
Readlllg: and 1\\1'. and :\Irs. \,yayne B' Fricnds of Mr. E. C. Griswold. of
Tents, $15 95 Genuine Prentiss Wabers
stove. Easily regulated
flame that is protected by
back and side wind-shields.
Folds up like suitcase.
Campers! Here's a popular "umbrella" type
Lrle, 01, Germantown. spent Sunday Chestnut Avenue, will be interested to
WIth ,theIr parents, 1\11'. and Mrs. A., know that he is recO\'ering satisfac-
\V. l\ eedham. of Chestnut Avenue.
Barnard Mellor, son of :\11'. and Mrs.
I torih' from a recent operation.
J\(rs. George H. Mcl\lullin. of Val-
Barry S. 11e1lor, of Chestnut Avenue, 11'\" View Road l\[erion gave a birth-
tent at an inexpensive price. Easily erected and
taken down. Khaki color waterproof tent fabric Cots, $4~ Tables,$2~
spent the. week-end at Camp Bonsall.. day luncheon il; honor o'f her daughter, with a waterproof floor cloth. Door screened Top With Springs! Fold Compactly
ncar Baltllllor.e, 1\\d., ~s the guest ofl :\llss . Amy :\lc:\Iullin, on Saturday.
l\I r.. Haydon 9· l\lerrd, of Bywood. The guests were the members of the with marquisette. Awning can be tied over doOl
.Mlss Jane N ash, of Anthwyn Road, school set. 28 sturdy springs support Hardwood camp tables.
'1'111 ~~end tl~e wec~-end as the guest! :\1 iss Killy Trudell Green, daughter opening. Has a 15x15 inch window and is 71;2
of .Mlss. :\[unel Co\.lI1gton, .of Cheste.r·1 oi :\11'. and j\[rs. \\'. Russell Green. I feet high at center pole and 7x7 feet at base. heavy canvas top. Steel Varnished. Top is 21 x35
MIss :\ ash and :'1 ISS CovlIlgton \YllI oi \ \'oodhine A \'enue. will be one of inches. Steel braced. Web
~ttend a p!ay ,at \' th~ Chester HIgh the guests at a house party this week- frame that folds compactly.
"chool on Satl1l da, lug-ht. end gi\'en 1n' :'\1'. and :'lrs, J\1. :'1. Dc Same Tent 9Y4X9Y4 feet at base $19.75 Opens to 26x76 inches.
straps for carrying. Easily
:'11', and 1\lrs. Isaac J\\ cHose. O'f Lon r in hOlior of their daughter. l\Iiss carried.
Dudler Avenue, ga\'c a hou~e party J\larfe Louise Dc Long at their coun- Jointed wood awning poles, per pro 89c
last week-end at 1111'S. l[cHose s moth-
J.! .
er's cottage, at \Vildwood Crest, N. CO~TI~UED 0;-'; PAGE 17
Youths' Play Hot or Cold Folding Camp Aluminum Cook
• ---~--~ T ~nts, · $6~· Jugs, $1~ · Chairs,· 63c·~ ~its,~~ · •
Ligh~n weight.but strong,! Heavy Weig~' 34-piecl:! •
• •
Kha~i water!'roof tenUl, Kee~ foods o/Iiquids hot Iy made! Heavy canvas aluminum cooking and serv-
ideal for hiking, river and or cold 10 to 12 hours. seat. Fold compactly. With ing outfit for party of four.
IS PERFECTLY auto trips. Fold into a back. All pieces fit in largest
Large opening for insertion
SEALED small bundle. 5x7 feet kettle.
with 2-fMt side walls. With of bulky foods. Unbreak- Folding Camp
AGAINST TAMPERING 46-Pc. Outfit, $7.98
ropes and poles. able. Gallon size. Stools, 44c
29x4.40 30x31/2
$ ,55 $
Save Dollars and Gain Miles With ALLSTATES
It takes a healthy body to forge ahead
in school, athletics or business. Every 30x6.20 ------- 14.10 ------- 2.18
Size Tires Tubes
27x4.4O ---_ ••• $ 5.53 __ • _••. $1.07 31x6.00
.... _.- 16.60 --.-.-- 2.18 Tires & Tubes
child, every grown -up, needs a quart 12.80 -_.-.-. 1.98
28x4.4O -----.- 5.54 ------- 1.10 31x6.20 .------ 14.50 Also Sold at the
29x4.4O ------- 5.55 -----_. 1.15 32x5.77 --_.--- 13.20 ----.-- 1.98
of milk every day.. Milk supplies
29x4.50 ------- 6.30 ------- 1.10 32x6.00 ... ---- 12.90 .---.--
29x4.75 _ .. _.--- 7.65 ._.-_ ... 1.33 32x6.20 ----_.- 14,65 ----.-- 2.45 Sears-Roebuck
essential vitamins at less cost than 1.98
29x4.95 -----.- 8.15 ------- 1.40 32x6.75 ... ---- ~7.45 .------ 2.45 Store at
any other food. Drink the milk that 29x5.00 ------- 7.98 ------- 1.35 33x5.77 ----_.- 13.85 --.-.- . 2.23
29x5.25 ---.--- 9.20 . -. ---- 1.57 33x6.00 ._-----
. __ ._-- 13.10 .-.---- 2.05
___ a_a •
won thirty-four gold medals for purity. 29x5.50 ----- . - 9.95 .- .. ---- 1.70 33x6.20 47 E. Lancaster
--_ .. -- 14.85
30x4,50 ----- .. - 6.35 . ------ 1.15 33x6.75 --_._.- ----.-. 2.65
30x4.75 _ .. -.--- 7.95 ------- 1.38
17.75 --.---- 2.65 Ave.
GOLD MEDAL 30x4.95 ------- 8.45 -------
30x5.25 ---.-.- 9.40 --.- ... 1.60
~Ox5.50 ------- 10.20 ------- 1.80
This Store
MILK 30x6.00 ---.-.- 12.60 ------- 1.95 30x3% 5.5. 0.5.. ___ 6.35 ••• _ 1.05
Other Sizes Priced Proportionately Low
Open Every Evening
the hig colkgcs-we don't kno\l' where
it is.
The h;lsehall fil'ld-with its resur-
faced diallllllHI, the new stand, the ncw
j('nCl'S alllllg the first al1l1 third-hase
buyini Used Cars
in '.
fllnl lines, and the rehuilt hackstop-
\\'ill he ready and in prillle shape for
t he opening oi the :'II ain Line League
~e;,,,'n hen' ne;.;t Friday-Decoration
])a.'·. It',; going to he a heautiful field
.lee your lheJJrolet Delller...
and it is to he hopcd that whoever has
charg(' lli it will make \l'hatever ar-
rangl'nlents arc Ill'cessary to keep it-,
particnlarly the dianl<l1HI-in the good
condition that it is entitled to. Fortu-
nately thae is alllple space, outside of
the n'glllal' playing lield. for t\l'O or I
lhree additional dialllolHIs for the hoys
oi the clllninunit~·. and it will he a fine
thing ij the rcgnlar field--especially
til<' dialllOlld-call he rl'served for the
It-aglle anrl twilight games. the usc of
the :\arherth Juniors, and any other Chevrolet dealers offer you an exceptional
regularly schedulerl schllol games., used car purchase service because they work
Snch an arrang"l'nlent will keep the under a uniform factory plan that makes used
main diallllllHI in good conditiun with- cars as important a part of their business as
llnt depriving any oi llur jutllre Lefty new cars.
(;roves and .\1 Silllllillns frolll playing
til their hearts' COil lent, as thl'y arc The famous "OK that Counts" tag assures
entitled to do. on the otlll'r diamolH!s. every buyer that each used car bearing it
The ne\\' lennis courts hack uf the has been thoroughly reconditioned by expert
Conllnunity Building \I·ill soon he mechanics to give' thousands of mlles of de-
pendable, economical service.
Farm and Garden ),
Go see this car! In-
spect its fine Duco fin-
ish-its spotless uphol-
stery - its excellent
II tires and complete
equipment! Compare
i t s unequalled low
price! Act quickly to-
day - before it's too
Sdaya ONly!! -.
late. Priced for three
late '28 model-First-c1ass SEDAN-Driven but 5000
Summer Flowering condition. Fully recondi- miles; guaranteed to be one
Choice Bedding Plants
I tioned. Sold with the 0 K
that counts .....•. $190
of the finest 6-cylinder Chev-
rolets made. Spe- $475 .
cially priced ...•.
i Well-grown plants of the best I 1929 MODEL
i varieties
I AReratum,
Aly&sum, Asteta,
Cannas. Coleus. Oupbia. Dra'l
I caenR. Gernniuml. Heliotrope, Lantana. Lo..
: belie.MariJ{old. Moonvines. PelarR'onium••
I Pett' .. ,", (llpdflin~), Petunl.. (Frin~ed)'1
Provides aml>le space
for Ii ve passcnA'ers.
Motor has been thor-
LET-Fully reconditioned;
Just as clean as a pin inside
I Phlox. SI"Rrlp.t RaJP;e. Snapdragon. Stock•• II e w tires, bumpers and and out, with good motor,
I Verbena. VinCA Vftriegata. Zinni... etc•. 1 I'IIA'hly rcconditioned.
numerous other extras. See b"and-new tires, and many
I reason"h;~:;;~D ROSES I Not a scratch on the
body. Sold "with an this before you buy.$315 extras. Will sacri- $250
o I( that counts." Spe- lice for .
Hardy Everblooming
15 popular varieties I cial sale price $ 350
$1.00 each; $11.00 dozen. And Man')' Others, from $50 on Up-An')' of these cars
Call and See Our Display can be bought for a small down pa,),ment and easy terms
i Our Mr, W. O. lIird's expert advtce on I ...
, any subject 01 rerttllzinlf. olanting, Garden,
I and Lawn treatment free for the alktnll.
~on'~ hnlitRh to call nhonp or write.
I. N. SIMON Be SON, Seedsmen i
436 R. Market St, Philadelphia II CYNWYD 81 208 BALA AVENUE, BALA-CYNWYD
Orde.. of S8 Dr More Delivered Free i
- Witbtn S5'XUe Ihdlua of PIlDa,-
I ------ -----,-.. •
OUR TOWN Page Thirteen
Mar 23, 1930
0' his bing-Ie to first, Trost counting,
. '
WEST & CO. 'TJegtIPlII1l(!!le rf
to the
1511 Walnut Street
63 Wall Street
New York Stock Exchange
.' CflEERFUL, color f u I
awnings lend a festive
aspect to the home, in addi-
tion to affording protection
Hardy Oriental Poppy
against the suo's glare.
your choice of many pleas- , B~;:'ini' SPECIAL SALE J::r R~:~~
APRICOT QUEEN-Anrlro!. (·olor.
109 pattern effects. BEAUTY OF LIVERMERE-\·,·r\' <llIrk vel",,! I'
Many satisfied customers /I I CERISE BEAUTY-l.I.hl ,·,'rls,'.
1 DELICATA-Ohl 1"'''' )Jlllk. sUk" Il'xlllre
on the Main Line testifv to ENFIELD BEAUTY -- llellllll!II'1 811h1lOIl' wllh
nutrooll luuw.
the Quality of our work. HI::NRI CAYi..AUX-OI,1 ros,'. 8111\(1111. Inlo willi'
." color.
er.'ct Rll'lIlH,
on full.
l'ulul' oil
"The Main Line Music Store"
MRS. PERRY - \"llr:\, fine ~nlmull ulnk WIlli 44B WEST LANCASTER AVE.
urnnJZI'-lIurit'ot tlm:I',
The MENELIX-Hp41, IIlt'tlitUIl Iwh:hl: lutp. ARDMORE, PA.
NEGRILLON-"i"ill l'u"mlnl'.
t.'1t'1I1' }Jirik with bllll'!:
bC'ulIllrlll wllh
Inc. .ELoom dur:nlf A"l'~1. Mav, June and Bb~~ttET- \".'r'· hrh:ht RI'Ul'let.
SAMUEL N. HALL, PTtsidtnt l(~st forever. Flown'. measure a TOREADOR-V.,• .\' lnrlll' d'lrk rl'tl wilb bhu';
inchel in ,U"meter. Plant now. The ('('ut('r,
~~~\:I ~~i~~~b:~~la::~~ ~::r.to bloom WELCOliIi--- Hf'1141lHh ('rlms~n
109 North Narberth Avenue We ship dur:nII June. ~~~~:lsBCROIA-O'1l' ur th" besl !nU-Kr,,\\'·
Phone: Narberth 3625 The Enti:"e Se:ection of 18 Roots,
N·::t Labeled. With Planting Dit'~dion8.
UPHOLSTERERS "fhe Fischer Nurseries Dept,36
E ••ton, P.,
• Add 26e fer P~cki",l' and Ir.curonce
Page Fourteen OUR TOWN May 23, 1930
May 23, 19jO OUkTOWN Page Fifteen
unnsuallv successful season last fall. Frr.ederick Dannenhauer, Proprie~or COOl{ I11l0'l'JlEIlS
70.) Montgomery Ave. Narh. 2.113 Plumbing-Heal!ng--Hooflng
Thev wcre un scored on in their sched-
ule ;)f eight gallles, and ran up allllost Banks 10·t Bssex Ave. Narberth 40,10
three hundred points to swamp their 1\IERION TITLE &: TRUST CO. Electricians DANIEL J. ~lcGAUIlY
Haverford and Narberth A\'es. W G. CASE. Prop'r.
AI,TI~R Oil Burning Bquipment
"pponents in all but one battle which Phone Narberth 3698 Narb. Electric Shop Old Gulph Road Narberth 267:1
l'IHled in a scoreless tic. Wiring and Appliances
NAIlBEIl'I'H NATIONAL BANli 241 Haverford Ave. Narberth 4182 IIAIUIY II. \viILI,
Member J"ederal Reserve System Plumbing & Heating
l~riday Evenings, Open 7 to 9
Building Permits PAUL C. LYNN
Electrical Work;
100 Forest Ave. Narberth 3652-111
Joseph J. Graham and son, builders, Barbers 344 Dudley Ave. Narberth 2623-W
Bryn Mawr, Pa., will make the altera-
tions and additions to the dwelling on JOSEPR AMATO
Feminine Apparel- Multigraphing
244 Haverford Ave.
the property on the east side of Glyn LIVINGS'I'ON PUIJI,I!"IJING CO.
SUZANNE JORET GII,L 258 Haverford Ave. Narh. 2545
\Vynne Road, south of Booth Lane,
Haverford. The estimated cost is $15,- For the Whole Family-It's Clean 216 Dudley Ave. Narberth 2324 NAIlIlER'I'1I I'IUN'I'IXG CO.
' f:98• L. Kirscht, Prop.-41 N. Narberth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 109 ForestHarry
H. Hollar
Narberth 2618
Samuel A. Rogers, builder, of Over- Women's & Children's Apparel
hrook, will make the alterations and 125 N. Narberth Ave. Narberth 2898 Radio-Victrolas-Music
additions to the property on the east Batteries N AIlBER'1'1I 1~1,I~C'I'IUC SIIOI'
side of Gilpin Road, north of Bryn WUNDER BAT. &: ELEC. SERVICE Flowers-Nurseries- For Hadio and Blectrlc Satisfaction
:\Iawr Avenue, \Vynnewood. The ap- Exclusive Atwater Kent Dealer 241 Haverford A,'e Narberth 4182
proximate cost is $8000.
108 Forest Ave. Narberth 2866 Garden Ware :
George K. Reilly, Gladwynne. will Beauty Parlors ALBRECHT NURSEHIES Real Estate-Insurance
t'rect a storage building at the S. E. Montg, Ave. at Meeting House Lane UUJlIJlN &: 1I0\VAIU)
ESSEX BEAUTY PARLOR Phones: Narberth 4020 and 4021 31 Narberth Ave. Narberth 3843
corner of Black and \Villiamson Roads, 103 Essex Ave. A Complete Heal Estate Service
(;]adwynne, to cost about $2500. Phone: Narberth 3932 'l'HE BAIlCLA Y CO.
Foreign, Domestic Pottery
The Philadelphia Electric Company, 1268 Montgomery Ave, Nar. 3923 Restaurant
'viii erect an advertising sign on the Builders
:M erion Title and Trust Building,
S E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, at
Building Constructlon
E. \V. I1UIlNS
Garden WO,rk' Landscaping, Hauling
250 Iona Ave.
Good Pood at lIIoderate Prices
Narberth 2780 239 Haverford Ave. Narberth 3799
an approximate cost of $1400. Old Gulph Rd. Narberth 3984
""!i!it±!. ~ .. ,~ WAI.Ti,;Jl P. 1I11ESEN ~~sr:: :o~·~':::~le~:'?e~ Roofing
100 N. Narberth A ve. Day: Narb. 233 Haverford Ave. Narberth 2861 J. A. 1\lJLLI~1l
3973-M Nig'ht: Narh. 3828-R 'I'IIE GAIlDEN NUIlSEIUES Aboye Every thing-A Uood Roof
JOliN A. 1\IO\VIU~Jl, INC. Complete Line of Nursery St~ck tll I'orcst Ave. Narberth 2920
Building and Joblling Carpentry Montgomery Ave. Narberth :1796
714 Montgomery Ave. Cynwyd 687 Shoes
PlllUUXG RUO'I'IIERS Fruits-Groceries-Meats JOliN UIUZIN
Builders Edwards' Shoes for Children
." 533 Gordon Ave. Narberth 2831
209 Haverford Ave.
Narberth 2855
t27 N. Narb. Ave. Nal·b. 4053
~:'bi~· ~~~
Credit and SerVice Grocer
105 Forest Ave. Narb. 3980-4180 B. G. Constantine
WlIl. U. &: H. T. SlIIEULEY, INC. 252 Haverford Ave. No.rb. 4006-'V
"For Permanent Satisfaction" NAIlDEIl'I'1l "'RU!'I' &: PRODUCE - Our Shu-Glealll Proeess Hccolors
29 Narberth Ave. Narberth 3700 1\1.\.llliE'I' 228 Haverford Ave. Ladles' J,eather Shoes to lIIateil
100 FOREST AVENUE Narberth 3605-3677 D"esses-All Colors.
Contractlng Builder J. J. \VIII'I'ESIDE
. ~ -~
Phone: Narberth 3652·M
- .. I
109 Forest Ave. Narberth 2916 • 237 Haverford Ave.
Phones: Narberth 2446 or 3669
IiI Candy-Cigars-Cigarettes
I)A VIS'-Olde"t Store In Norberth
A'I'I.AS co., INC•
Shades and Unpainted l~urniture
FOR ItPlumbi!lg
CALL Candy, Cigars, General Mdse.
Phone Narberth 4035
Seeds, Implements, Paints, I~urns.
230 Haverford Ave. Narberth 41771
107 Nal'llerth Ave. Narberth 362~
OUR TOWN Ma, 23. 19JO
Page Sixteen
Population of Township
Increases 47 Per Cent
_ Ja
Kay :\11·gee. \Iary :'1 c:\lIi,;tei· alld
Edith D' .\lllllra. The grannllar school
('Iltri,''; who woll out were Clair Rich-
al"(lsoll and c\ndrew Burn,; from the I
)'Ierion scholll and \\'ill Trimhur from I (s
.\,;hlalld. The girls were Florence
Jle1l1"v. Hachel Fiano and Alice Kcvlor.
:\ gllld nle(lal will he given to' the
willner of each lir,;t place ill each group
bllth hoy,; and girls. Second placc will,
win a ,;ilver Illedal amI third place a I
~:;:j:~::~aPhY Departments!
mith, ,.
Opened by Hospitall
Self-Acting '.
Gas Water Heater
Elldeavoring to fill eHry need of the I
clllnnlllnit\· which it ,.;erve,; the Brvnl Thf!re III • • Ize to meet ererfl requlremellt
r..lallT Illl~"pital has 0pI·ne<1. <Inring t'he I
I'a,;t \1'l'Ck. a cOlllpletely eqnipped
I 'hy,;iot herapy I h'part Illent.
The new depart Illent is under the
slIpel"\·isilln of a cOIllIl('tellt physician I NEW LOW PRICES
alld an e~,pert techllician is on dnty at
all t illles. The depart mellt will he opell
frlllll nine to li\'e o'dock daih' and froll\
\lille to tWelI'l' o'clock on S;lttlnla\'s.
~l ore than $5000 worth of eqlli p illent
Uttle 88
'70 YoueBnhBve
one installed
has heen installtd to gi\'e complete
heat, light and electrical treatment,;,
inelwling nltra \'i"let ray, infra n'd
ra~', I·kctric cahinet hath~. internal heat
.. '
Ma1 23, 1930 OUR TOWN Pa2e Seventeen
- . - - ~
;"Ii~~ Sarah Boak and ;"fiss ;"Iary Imcd in roscbuds and plumcs, took thc
.' The Fireside Hoovcr, of Narbcrth Avcnuc, gavc a h,?no.r s: Frpm thc Junior group, Miss
. Vlrgll1la Burgstrcsscr was choscn.
tl'a and shu~\'cr ;"1 onda~ ~ftcrnoon In Hcr costumc was vcry lovcly; of gross-
forlll of tclcphonc scrvicc fmlll 1\1 aiu
Linc points to their officcs at 1511
\-\lalnut Strcct. This servIce is with-
CONTI :-;1; I·:P FROlll l'AO],; 10 honor of ~ltss. 1\1 a~. \:vtlkIC, dau~htcr graincd pink silk, it was Iluitc dccol-
try placc in Iluckingham Vallcy, I'a. or .'.11'.,\\, C. \\'III{lC, of Ncwport lcttc, with a long swccping train, and oul chargc til custolllcrs. By arrauge-
:\ mung Ihosc attending thc gradua- :\ c\\'s. \ a .. whosc cngagcmcnt to Mr. with it shc wore a rich black lacc scarf mCllt bctwccn thc hankers and the
'tion cxcrciscs at thc Atlantic City Hos- ChYlrlcs Richard :\icholls, of Philadcl- For the girl costumcd most truly t~ Bell Telcphone COlnpany anyunc liv-
pital last Friday cvcning wcrc thc pIlla, was vcry rcccntly al~nounccd. typc, Miss Marion ;"1 arsha11 was
;"Iisscs Ann Bailey, Elcanor Pcters, Among. thc gucs~s wcrc. ~!Iss Mar- selcctcd from the group as a wholc, ing withiu thc arca covercd hy thc
:\Iycc Tapp, :\nna'Middlcton, Hcelwig ga,rct (~assncr.. l\~I~S ;"Iar~orlc Church, anel her quaint basqucd modcl ccr- Anllllorc, !lryn Ma\\'r, Cynwyd. Mcr-
';"lann, Bessic Flakc anel l\lary Horscly. ;"}ISS '~thcl ,\VI11!a!ns, l\lls~ .Charlo~tc tainly suitcd hcr pctitc bruncttc stylc. ion, Narberth telcphonc cxchangcs can
;"1 i~s (;lad\'S Bailcv, !II iss :\nn Bailcy's ',:ckfcldt, 1\1 !SS buth. l\1 cAuhffc, ~ ~ ISS Topped by a pockct edition of a bon- call \V cst & Co.'s oRiel' hy simply giv-
sistcr, was onc or' thc graduatcs. I'l~)renc; BI~.h()p, MISS ~my }'.mon, nct ticd coquettishly undcr her chin,
ing thc uamc of thcir cxchangc and
;.., rs. Richard T. Odiorne and 1\,1 rs. ~11.ss h,at!lCnt~c Dale~ 1\llss. I· rauccs shc prcscntcd a real picture of a "Iittlc
Thonias \V. J al'kson arc entcrtaining ]. rlckc. l\1 !SS l'.m!IJa Cy11r, l\! ISS Flor- lady of thc times," as thc chairman of thc nUlllber e.8.S00 and will not bc
.. twcnty guests al a hridgc tomorrow in cn~c ;"lcKay, l\llss :\clhc I:.ratanton, 'I the judgcs tcrmcd Ii.
honor of Miss ;"lahcl Kirkpatrick, ;"llss Johnson, .;"I~s. :\lIan K,lrk, 1\lrs.
e1aughler of ;"11'. and l\lrs. \\'. J. Kirk- \V·\,
patrick, of Esscx Avcnuc, whosc llIar-
riagc to l\1r. \Valtcr Hunsickcr, of
.\Ilclltown. will takc placc on June 2R
Dragoslay I'el'lshlch, ?dr. (rcorgc H. I . . .
. I 1\1
1"1\1 ,lnl
Juniors Entertain
. 1'.. ,lIl
\V' 1,'11
ct Icn.
Vvc wish that spacc pcrmittcd a full
f . .
IcscnptlOn 0 the Intcrcstlng costUIl1CS
I worn. Thc few who did not "drcss
lup" rcgrcttcd it, for thc picturcsqul'
',sce~)e mad~ cvcryouc rath~,r cnvious
chargcd for the call. This is thc first
tilllc such a plan for rcvcrsal of telc-
phollc chargl's has bccn lJIadc by a
banking housc.
.• '* ...... ... _. ....., ........
at thc Narberth Preshytcrian Church. of othcr tunes, other days.
;"Irs. Horace r. M cConncl1, of 1\1 1.'1'-
iOIl Avenuc, was the hostess to hcr
at Garden Party . The.; rain obligingly sta;'cd away un-
tIl bndgc on thc lawn was ovcr, and For the Garden:
hridgc c1uh on \V edncsday cvening. though a few drops began to fall upon
1\1 r. and Mrs. Merritt Hcckel, of F thc lavishly spread tea table, it was VVe have a large
Sahine and Conway Avcnues, arc Charming Costumes eature De- no cnough to dim the pleasurcs of thc assortment of imple-
recci\'ing congratulations upon the lightful Party in Nash dclicious repast scrvcd. ~I rs. Rohert ments, including lawn
hirth of a son, Mcrritt Robcrt Hcckcl, Nash was presentcd with a pcwtcr
on l\1 ay 17. 11 rs. Heckel prior to her Garden. howl in apprcciation of hcr extending mowers, grass trim-
marriagc was Miss Annettc Krout, thc hospitality of hcr house and gar- mers, etc.; sheep ma-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Krout, dcn. Thc party was the thought of nure and other fertil-
of Esscx Avenue. THREE WIN PRIZES Mrs. Ellswortb Clarke, program chair- izers; and Old Gar-
III iss Helen Krout, daughtcr of Mr. man, who was ahly assistcd in carry-
· '
alld ;"Irs. 1'. B. Krout, will cntertain
the lI1emhcrs of thc graduating' class
ing out hcr incas hy hcr conllnittces
The J ulliur Scction of the \Nolllcn's and chairmcn, alllong whom wac
nj Friends' CClltral School, Ovcrhrook, Communitv Cluh of l'\arherth cllter- l\1isscs Marian Mar~;Jlall. Dorotl1\' 1\lar-
dener Ins e c tic ide,
oleate coated arsenate,
and arsenate of lead,
at luncheon aud hridge tomorrow taiucd the Exccutive Board of the shall, Margarct Burrell, .Julia Fittipnldi,
aftcrnoon. Miss Krout will graduatc Scuior Club at an old-fashioncd gar- Vir~inia Stcinford. Alherta Davis, 111 rs. for beetle warfare.
in J uuc. dell party and bridge last Saturday C. D. Goodwin and ~I rs. J amcs D.
1\1 iss Anl\' Ellion, of 22R Sahiue afternoon in thc gardcn of Mrs. Rob- M oorc. Also permit us to
:\velluc, gave a hridge and showcr last ert J. Nash. In this setting, a charm- Many snapshots wcrc taken of thc suggest that you can
I-',::da"y eyclling in honor of ,1\1iSS}\I~C illgly costull1ed group mct, most l.,f ffirls !n,:'brig!lt arr:,.IY" and c\,'cn .SOIlIC get your screens and
\\ tlklc. daughtl'r of 1\11'. \V. C. \\llklc. whom had donucd thc garbs of thclr mO\'les which wtl' hdp to plcturc
of Ncwport l\cw:", Va., whosc ell- grcat-great-grcats for thc occasion. for thosc who lIIissed it what a "rccl"
paints here.
gagemcllt tn IIII'. Charle:; I~ichanl It might he mcntioncd that one or two time was had.-T. (;. 1\1.
.' XicllOlIs. of Philadclphia.' was an- came in their own wcdding gowus,
nnunccel. ."mong thc gncsts werc thc which. of coursc, could not be callcd
;"1 isses Faith !II c:\uliffc. Dorothy \\'il- antcdiluvian, but wcre nevcrthelcss Banking House Provides
snll, :-'Iary Dighy. Charlnltc Eckfeldt, quaint cnough to fit in with thc spii'it
- - - . - - -_ _
!lctty Henry, l\lildrcd 1\loorc, of Lch- of the party. Special Telephone Service 230 Haverford Avenue
allon. who was thc gllcst of M iss A grand march hcgan thc festivities,
I':ninn: :\11'. and !III'S. James H. Jcwcll, and three awards were made for cos- An ill1lll\'at ion in hanking' anel
• Phone: NARBERTH 4177
:\11'. Charlcs Hcnrv, Mr. Iamcs Mc- tUIIICS. After much delihcration, a hrokcragc service to custolJlcrs has
Cutch('on, III r. .Ja·mcs \V'eaver, Mr. group of judges pronounced thc win- becn providcd h\ \Vcst & Co. in thc
Clarence" ays. ill I'. Evcl'clt Dc Ronde. ncrs. For presenting thc most plcas-
.... ............ - ...............
;"11'. Fl'ancis ]\IcEnancm, :\11'. 'Villard ing picturc in the Scnior Group, Mrs.
!lllwman alld 1\11'. Charles Richard Faith Farmer, in whitc satin gown, I
X ieholls. I, cmpirc style, with poke bonnct trim-
· '
Should be free from worry and care.
Let us shoulder the burden of the storage of
your silver, the petty details of your trip
.' abroad, the safe-keeping of your valuable
papers for the next few months.
We have all the facilities for these
necessary summer services, and we will be
Willing and glad to assist you at any time. A View of This Sunny, Airy Department
. '
Shirts and collars are the real test of laundry skill and equipmcnt.
This picture, which shows the modern machincry and wonderfully
ventilated room. will show why Your Laundry sends things back in
such fine shape.
Page Eighteen OUR TOWN Mar 2J, 19JO
Episcopal COIl'iuel't'd Ilal'crford School
Georgc Schroder beat out Harolel
10 to II, although outhit 'I to 8.
* * * Lippillcott and ~I rs. Carrie R. Doug-
phone your orders
ChcStllU.l lIil.1 mailltailll'd .tl.lcir !cad lass WOII over 1\liss Mary Simpson by
:JY t(lullcm g (,erlllantowlI I'rlellds 141a scant margill. The votc: Schroder,
to the stores!
o . * * * 1233 ; Lippincott, 170; Douglass, 206;
I iid' Si!lcI 1>1'0/,'" thc scholll rccord
II/st SI/tl/rdll.\' I/t thc I'. I . .'/' ,.J, dis-
Iriel Illccl hcld iI/ j:,~.\-IOII. j'ClIIIlI..
Sil11PSOlI, 198.
III the first district, Charles V. Noel
! and 1\1 rs. E. H. Cockrill polled 243 and
,,'!It'll h,' hl/rI,-d Ihc d,scl/s 127 [Nt
II: ill'-/"'S. n!I!1 .l/orris held Ih,.
fOI'/Il"" sc!lool record of I/pproxi-
., , .
_3~ votes respectively. \Vhlle a scat-
terIng of other nal11es were written on
1III1Ie/.I' 123 f,-t!. thc ballot, 1I0llC recei\'cd more than
,_ . * _~ ~: two votes,
I IllS hea I'C of Slgcl s was two fcet ....
hl'l1l'r thall the Lafayette College discus ,III the .thll-d dIstrIct" \VillIam H.
I'cc(lrd. \ \'hell you realize that ~I orris r· retz received a complImcntary vote
\1"(111 the Pellll Rl'lay el'ellt with a dis- oi 200 alld Mrs. Margaret Griswold
tallCl' of 13.J fcet some illches, the 192.
IlIelll. OIlC call apprcciate Dick's achiel'- ']"])
1C el110cra t'IC vote, II' IIll'
. ,I was
Finest Coal •
* * * practically a ncgligihlc factor, gavc
Still Low Priced!
.llId.1' .1rCI.IIIl.,"liill I/Ild I'al.- Scott :\lItoll Emil \\Tohlcrt, calldidatc ior the
,'I',' Ittl.. ill." cllrc of th,' .ill,'elill ,','1'111 State Assembly, a total of 66 votes.
f/lr ('/llIch .ldl/lI/ Ihis .1"'1/1' ill 'Iood I
ord,'r. ·rhl'.\' arc /Jr'lh IlIIrlill.,i th,' .oseph H. (;olden, Bala, Democratic During the month of May the price of Anthracite
sl ,','1-1 i!,!,cd shl/ft I>etter t{,1/1l ISO calldidate for Sta tc Scnator, polled
kct cOllsislcIIIII'. ollly 9 votes ill the borough.
Coal is lower than it will be again until next spring. You
• ;, >I< >I< will save money by ordering at once, the celebrated D. Be
Villallo\,a Collcge won from ~I (lunt H. Lackawanna and Lehigh Valle}' Anthracite .••• the
Horticultural Hobby
Saillt ~Iary's College Tuesdal' aftt'r-
110011, on the Collegt' field, hI' 'a 7-to-l
score_ H illclI pitcht'd a g;Jod gallic
ior thc ~Iain Lincrs.
Now Cynwyd Business
fuel that is guaranteed •..• convince yourself that this
is the finest, cleanest fuel you have seen.
* * *
II cllry Gallc's fill(, calchil/O for
\\That eight years ago was l11ereh'l
a hohby of a Cynwyd resident has he- OUR CASH PRICES PER 2000
coach eocHill sillcc Ilis rrtl/I'll '10 Ihc
lillcup has bcm l'('spallsiMc for Illc
comc a flourishing business. The I
I facts ha\'e transpircd as a result of the
Effective Jrlfle 1,
-;-- MAY ARE:
these prices will
Egg Coal . ~12.50 advance. Photle us
Stove Coal
Nut Coal ....
your order NOW
-Cynwyd 280.
Seashore Exoress Pea Coal 9.00
Buckwheat Coal 7.25
OUR TOWN Page Nineteen
.M ·
May 23, 19JO
erage ot five words to the l1ne. No blacktaced type used. Harry Hollar's Juniors defcatcd
Southwcstern in a onc-sided affair in. &. T'1I' r ...
o'clock tor OUR
(0" Inse,"tions- beCla.."lfied ad\'erU"ement" will
accr,pted up to W"dne"day 6
TOWN or all three papers; Thursday, 1 o'clock. Cor THE
which Burgess' pitching. R. Torchiana'sjl ~
hitting. and the all-around hrilliant
.I:d.~ ... ~ •
MAIN LINER; Thursday, 5 o'clock tor NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. fielding of the enlire Jnnior nine prol'ed I
helpful to the (i-O victory.
Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100 The J nniors hal'e been playing first I
class dnhs. hut fecl that thcy ha \'1.' not
heen receil'ing the loyal support of til(' I
Narherth fans and 1I'0nld he plcased to/'
see a larger turtl0Ut. The J IIniors
.. S ;tuat;ons Wanted
COMPANION, refinNI Protestant wom-
desires position. \Vl1ling to travel. whitt~
Lost and Found
\vith hl;u')i and
m a Ie,
play twilight gallles c\'ery Tuesday and
Thursday e\'enillgs at home. Saturday
games will he pla)'cd at hOll1e at .t 15 I
only when the Narherth Cluh is plaY-I
Very best referenl'e". \Vrite "M," care ing·". License No. 140:11.
Phon .. Narberth :l!lti6.
ing away. This Saturday thc Juniors
For every oldVictor Record
of ']'he Main Liner, Ard. (omIl5-2:n
CHILD'H nurse wishes to go to shore LOS1'-Po\lce puppy, five Illonths old. Illal'• Pierce A. C. at hOllle. COllie out,I you bring to us we will allow
for summ"r. Phone Narll('rth 3!176-.J.
Phone Bryn l\ltl\vr 6J!I-.J at noon or and help the young boys of the town I
you a credit of 77~ cents
el·enings. (0111115-2:1) for after all thel' are the futllrc :\ar-
i.IAN and WlJo'Jo:, eolored, wish position hrrth team. . . and give you in exchange.
l"OlTND-A place to get ~'our lawn
in Ilrivute famil~'; 1'001<, butler and 1110\\"fll' and Ha \\. Hharpencd and re- 1\ A R I~ I~HTH against this credit
.. hallffeur. \Vill g'O away. Best ref- paired, l\rel']Hulicall~' :It'curat.t.l. 'Vorl{ all h r 0 a e
erences. Write "H," eare of The Main l'alled for and dt~l i verpd. Hervil't' Conl- Strauss, 2h .. 3 I I 3 I I ABSOLUTELY FREE
Liner, Arc1nlorp. (ornh5-23)
IUln)', fi l~ala Ave., BaJa. Phone Cyn- IIcckel. 3rd .. 3 I 0 0 I 0
CI-JAUJ~']4"JiJUR, eolorf>d. Experieuc'ed
on high-clas" cars. Soher and reli-
wyd S77. (ob6-27) Burgess. p .... 3 I 0 I 0 0 the new Victor Records you
Powcll, ss .~ 0 U 2 ~ 0
ahle. Willing to travel. Phone Ard-
Por Sale Rose, rf 311()()() choose.
more 30S0-.J after 8 1'. M. (omb5-23)
lU':)"] Ngn (Jerman girl deHire:-;; IHlHition Gallegher. c ... 2 () 1 ~ 1 0 How come ? You mtlst hear
Fon RA J,I~--Tomato plants, 40c per Alhert, I h ... 2 I 1 7 I ()
3.:-: phild's Jln)':..;p uftpr .June 2. Will- doz .• a doz. fnr' $1.00. ~llJlliaxt axtt"'r:-;,
.. 3 1 () I 0 ()
the amazing new Ortho-
ing to goo away. Rp:--l ref(~retH·eS. xnap<!r·agnw..; and other plant!". :lan J~. Torchiana. d
''''rite ",I':," ('a 1'." of Thp ~Iain 14in(>r, J)udle~' A\'enue, Narherth. (0r.-27) Young. If 2 I I () () () phonic Victor
AI·llmor... (olllb5-2:n () () 0 0 () ():
---.----.-.----- HI.I(lHTLY used t>or('h awnings, wilh Casl·\·. rf Records .•••
Ru ... is, c .0 () 0 0 () 0I
Help Wanted tItt ings, si7.(, 10-2x48-45; reas.
Narberth 2917.
(omh5-23) J. Torchiana. I h I I 1 :; () 0' that's the an-
<Jdiorne. If I () () 0 () () swer!
\V.Ol\lA.N. TA~LOn~n; to .rel:a~l· and I \Vll.L sell refrigerator cheap because
.lnX\\er telephone (.ood se\\eJ. Ar- have electric refrigoeratur; 75-1h. ca- Totals 27 8 fi 21 8 I
cade Tailor Shop, 719 Montgomer~' pacify; perfect condition. Onl~' $15. SOlJT1J\\'ESTER~
Ave., Narberth. (omb5-23) Bargain. Ph. Narberth 2324. ah h r o a e
\VANTgD-I~xperienced laundress; one, , Buck, Ih .. :; I 0 5 o ()
da~' a weele Phone Ardmore 3931. I, on SALE or exchange. I,'i\'e-family Rordrick. 2h :; I () 1 1 ()
(omb5-2:Jj apartment. Excellent condit ion. 3 I ()
illiller, c 8 () ()
WANTED M: t h ' h I I 't What ha\'e ~'ou to offer': Box n6 Nur-
0;; ~'h~~: Ard~l~~~' 39:;';.11 e; 1_.e_r_t_h..:.,_P--:a:-,. Rlock, ss . 3 0 () () 2 1
• sleep
Fenn. cf
Sloss. 3nl
... 3
0 0
() ()
() 0
I ()
\\·A:-;1'/.;1l--Experielll'ed white woman Seashore & Resprt.~ Josephs. p 3 I 0 () 2 1
to help '\\'Ith eare of infant, ~. to G, ... 3 0 () ) () ()
]'hon .. Narherth :1782. (omb5-23) CAl\lP ANACONDA-l~or boy" 7 to 17, Maguire, rf
in the heart of the Pocon08. Cata- H uJl1phrirs. If .. I 0 () () 1 ()
11I'lp hut If yOU ha\,en·t it and would fortallie cottage, double garage, 300
lil,e to learn, ~·ou will ha\'e extraor- ft. from beach. 65x30 ft. porches. Open
<linary co-operation here, as you will I'iew. W(,11 cI!uipped. .Iune to Sept.
lie gil'en thorough training and unlim- or part tillle. A. W. Whitne~', Long-
ited a~"i"lan('e to help you If ~'ou are port, N. J. (ombH-H)
willing to help ~·ourself. Call at Kir"ch BllNt:ALOWS, cottages and apart-
I 'he\'rolet Co., 208 Bala Ave., Cynw~'d. ments for the season of 19:10. Cor-
(omh5-30) win P. \'ansanf, 16th and New ,Iet'se\'
Al'e., North Wildwood, N..1. (omhH.27·) I
i 'liJe ndpl/IJ~!e
At Your Ser...ice
Fr.ORA GEROLD-Speciallzlng In slip I
covers, draperies, wicker furniture I'
repainted and upholstered. All work
Ci...ic Leader Dies if
guaranteed and estimates given. 344 [
Trevor Lane, Cynwyd. Phone Cynwyd
l595-W. (omb-tt)
I tlJif offer NOW
DRESSMAKING and alterations or
mending in your home or mine. Mrs. Save Now! I
M. Redllch. Ph. Narb. 2366-'W. (6-27) I
PLASTERING, jobbing; cement and
stucco repairs; waterproofing.. E. S.
For That Home
.. Haws, 109 Dudley Ave. Narb. 3721.
PlANO tuning and repairing In your
This message is especially directed I
own town costs much less. Send
postal. Q. Ubertl, 311 Hampdcn Ave- to young married folks. You, I
nue. (tt)
who are looking forward to the
MAIl.ING and addressmg service avail-
able to bus. firms, assocIations, etc.
day when you can begin house-
keeping in your own home, can
Call Nar. 2646 or Cyn. 811 (obtt)
bring that day much nearer by
Apartments for Rent starting a special savings account I
205 FORES'!' AVE.-First tloor apart., for that purpose. We welcome I
· '
3 rooms and bath.
Ph. Narberth
(5-23) such accounts-we are savings NARBERTH
I Electric Shop
counsellors to many "young mar-
Real Estate for Rent rieds" who are building for a
home. Our oflioeers will be glad
lI:l~W THnEl~ bedroom fu·rn. house for WALTER G. CASE, Prop.
"ummel'. May be had after June 16. to talk it over with you at any 241 Haverford Ave., Narbl'rth
2-car garage; verJ" rens. Write uF."
Box 7273, Ardmore, Pa. (ombtf)
FOH nl';NT foJ' summer - In cool Alpheus G. Varney, Pembroke
Warn .., DUtl'll Colonial "t~'le house, Road, Cynwyd, who died of acute "All Ihe m U S i C @ '
I ~H \
e]uxe to LanL'RHter Pili:e, not fill' frotn indigestion last Sunday at Lexington, you walll whell ,.
... Hlltt inn; spacious, \"llit lun'n and gur-
ag~; :; hedroonuoi, :1 hath~. Write or ~ee
./ohn Young, 11 Farm Road, .Wayne.
Ky. He was an organizer and sec-
retary and president of the Bala-
Cynwyd Neighborhood Club, secre-
Narberth YOII walll it."
.. COMFORTABLE five-room apartment, wyd's Presbyterian Church, and choose the records you want.
$25. Gar. spaN', $8. JO!l Dudley Ave. assistant scoutmaster of Bala-Cyn-
lI:nl·l.el'th 3721. (omb5-30) wyd's Bucktail Boy Scout troop,
Page Twenty OUR TOWN May 23, 1930
support for' a candidate as Mr. Bohlen Pizzicato Polka, 11 arch amI Procession
did against ~I r. Grnndy, piled up a of Bacchus, Delibl's. ,
lead of 924 over Francis Shunk Brown.
The vote was: Phillips, 2%1; Brown,
2037; 1'inchot, 1628.
Other feature developments wert·:
Asst'mhlyman Fred C. Peters It'd
his ticket in the township, receiving
4350 volt's to Manrice \V. Sloan's 1645.
Mrs. },! argaret C;. Town, Narherth
independent "dry," was 346 vott's
ahead of .M rs. Mary Ackerman, organ-
ization candidate, for the post of state
committeewoman, and had nearly
twice as many votcs as her "wet" run-
ning mate, Paul Sheeder, who was
swamped for the committeeman place
hy county lealler Charles Johnson by
a 2-to-1 vote. Thc vote: Town, 2516;
Ackerman, 2170; .I ohnson, 3258; Sht'l'-
del', 1583.
J n the state St'nate fight, the three
candidatt's, .I ames S. Boyd, Benjamin
H. Ludlow and Burd 1'. Evans, ran in
the same order that they did in 11)26.
with Evans the only one to make even
a slight gain in the final tabulation.
Jn 11)2() the vote in Lower 111 erion
and Narberth was: Lndlow, 4050;
Boyd, 3362; Evans, 833.
Last Tnesday's results were: Lud-
• 'f
Festival June 4
The evening branch of thc \Vomen's
Newton (;oal
Iladio Fornm .,.
Auxiliary of St. Mar:/s Chnrch, AI'{I- '\'edlleNdays-
morc, will have a Strawberry Festival 8 to 10 P. ~I.
on June 4, at 7 P. M. Tickets may Station WIP
be obtained at the door. I'n connection
with the Festival there will hc cakt',
candy and fancy work for sale.
©O. B.N. C. Co.