Sexual and Non-Sexual Risk Behaviors Article Teenage Pregnancy
Sexual and Non-Sexual Risk Behaviors Article Teenage Pregnancy
Sexual and Non-Sexual Risk Behaviors Article Teenage Pregnancy
Submitted by:
Angel S. Maderal BSMA 1B
Submitted to:
Ms. Ma. Elena S. Casaig
Risk Behaviors Sexual Activity Among Teens And Teen
Pregnancy Trends
Parents need resources to support their vital role in shaping the lives of
adolescents. Families, and parents in particular, need help in learning effective
ways of supporting their adolescent's psychosexual development. In the face of
declining teenage pregnancy rates, it is imperative that research focus on
targeted evaluations of promising practices that can influence positive
developmental outcomes.
The Summary of Risk Behaviors Sexual Activity Among
Teens And Teen Pregnancy Trends
According to both the National Survey of Family Growth and the Youth Risk
Behavior Survey, Adolescent sexuality was viewed as a negative impact in
teenagers because it switches on their sexual lust. On the other hand, psychosexual
development is a critical developmental process during adolescence. P. B. Koch has
identified the need for research identifying healthy psychosexual development in
adolescents. As children emerge into adolescence, their developing gender identity
shapes whom they interact and associate with, especially peers.
Much of the research on early sexual activity in adolescents does not address early
patterns of noncoital sexuality. Noncoital sexuality is defined as involvement in sexual
contact that does not include the exchange of body fluids. Research suggests that by
middle adolescence most youths have begun to engage in sexual experimentation,
including kissing, with 97 percent of adolescents experiencing their first kiss by
age fifteen. Understanding the onset of noncoital sexuality and factors influencing
its timing is vital to delineating patterns of early sexual activity in teenagers.
The association of early sexual activity with teenage pregnancy has been a
societal concern for decades. For females, teenage pregnancy can complicate
adolescent development and contribute to a troublesome transition to young adulthood,
which involves a potential future as a single parent with limited educational and economic
Girls with a history of sexual trauma are also at great risk for involvement in the
juvenile justice system, particularly if they do not have supportive home environments that
allow them the opportunity to heal from their traumas. Girls within the juvenile justice
system are likely to exhibit runaway behaviors in an effort to get out of abusive
home environments.
“You’re supposed to be
changing the world not changing
This is why teachers are so desperate to teach students to study first before
they become parents because there are so many young mothers out there that
they don’t know how they will provide milk for their children.
The article also said that the lesson should first start at home and parents
should be sensitive of what their children feels because this may cause
depression and they were easily influenced by their peers to try things that they
will regret for the rest of their life.