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GMW14400 May2007 PDF

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WORLDWIDE Material Specification


Low Carbon, Heat-Treatable Boron Steel,

Uncoated or Aluminized Pre-Coated

heated blank or pre-stamped part, and rapid

1 Scope cooling (quenching) the stamped part in the die.
The cooled part must be subsequently shot blasted
This specification covers the requirements for low
to remove oxide from the surface. The
carbon, heat-treatable boron steel used in the
microstructure of the finished parts may consist of
manufacture of structural parts requiring heat
martensite and/or bainite.
treatments to achieve high strength. Press-
hardened steel can be pre-formed and Pre-Coated Products. Part sections
subsequently hot-stamped and die quenched, but formed with this operation and supplied under this
post-forming should not be the scope for this type standard shall be made by austenitizing a pre cut
of steel. Typical applications include door impact blank, hot stamping the heated blank and rapid
beams, bumper impact beams, and reinforcements cooling (quenching) the stamped part in the die or
for impact structures. via water quenching. Parts shall not be pre-
stamped prior to the hot stamping operation, but
1.1 Material Description. The particular
slight roll-forming operations may be allowable if
application shall determine the pre- or post-
the coating is not damaged. Shot blasting the
forming operations to produce the finished product.
cooled part is not permitted for pre-coated parts
1.1.1 Resistance Welded Mechanical Tubing. due to damage to the coating. The microstructure
Tubes supplied to this specification are roll formed of the finished parts may consist of martensite
from steel strip to the desired shape and and/or bainite.
dimension, electrical resistance welded into a tube,
1.2 Material Identification. The GMW base metal
and then heat treated to achieve the final
specification number defines the material
mechanical property requirements.
designation, steel product type, grade, and finish
1.1.2 Induction Heat Treated Steel. Part sections type. The steel product type is “CR” for cold rolled
formed with this operation and supplied under this products, or “HR” for hot rolled products. The steel
standard shall be made by stamping a coil blank in grades will correspond to the chemical and
the as-rolled condition. The raw stamping can be mechanical requirements as shown in Tables 1
selectively coil induction hardened to achieve the through 4. The finish type, an alpha character, will
required strength requirements. Aluminized, pre- be designated with the finish U (unexposed). The
coated products are not to be used in these above descriptive items are used together to form
applications. the coding system. Examples of the coding system
1.1.3 Hot-Stamped/Die-Quenched Steel. for engineering part drawings, electronic math data Uncoated Products. Part sections formed files, and/or manufacturing engineering documents
with this operation and supplied under this are shown in paragraph 8.
standard shall be made by austenitizing a pre cut
blank or pre-stamped part, hot stamping the

1.2.1 Material Identification.


GMW14400M-ST-T HT1475T/1170Y MS GM4396M Type 1 (tubes)

GMW14400M-ST-S HT1475T/1170Y MS GMN7486

GMW14400M-ST-S HS1300T/950Y MS GM6429M, GMN10063

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May 2007 Originating Department: North American Engineering Standards Page 1 of 9


1.3 Typical Applications. Typical applications are may be imposed by local Materials Engineering
uncoated or pre-coated sheet metal and thin gauge organizations depending on the application.
tubular structural parts requiring yield and tensile Table 1: Chemical Composition
strengths exceeding 950 MPa and 1250 MPa,
respectively. Carbon 0.19 to 0.27%
Manganese 1.00 to 1.50%
2 References
Aluminum 0.010% minimum
Note: Only the latest approved standards are
applicable unless otherwise specified. Silicon 0.50% max.
2.1 External Standards/Specifications. Phosphorous 0.030% max.
AS 1391 ISO 898-1 Sulfur 0.015% max.
ASTM A370 ISO 6892
Chromium 0.35% max.
ASTM A428 ISO 10275
ASTM A513 ISO/TS-16949 Nitrogen 0.010% max. (100 ppm)
ASTM A751 JFS A1001 Note 1
Boron 0.0005 to 0.003%
ASTM E45 JIS Z2201 Note 1: For die quenched steel, boron is permissible in the
ASTM E1077 SAE J419 range of 0.0005 to 0.005 wt. %.
EN 10327 Surface Treatment. Products coated with
2.2 GM Standards/Specifications. a designated lubricant (i.e., mill oil or prelube) shall
comply with GM-North America specification
9984001 GME 60410 9984001, GM-Latin America specification
B 040 1270 GMW3001 EMS 9310015, GM-Europe specifications B 040
B 440 1271 GMW3011 1270/B 440 1271 (oil) respective with the VDA
EMS 9310015 GMW3059 Specification 230-201 and GME 8689.
EMS.ME.1508 GMW3224 3.1.2 Mechanical Requirements. The steel
GM9769P GMW3335 products shall meet the mechanical property
requirements depending on the specific
GME 00007 L 000 0726
application. Tubular products, post-form induction
GME 8689 OPEL 105 heat treated products, and hot stamped products
2.3 Additional References shall adhere to the requirements in Table 2, Table
VDA Specification 230-201 on Prelubes 3, and Table 4, respectively. The 0.2% Offset Yield
Strength, Tensile Strength and Percent Total
Elongation shall be determined in the longitudinal
3 Requirements
direction per GMW3335 for cold-formed parts. The
The following section defines specific requirements test direction is not critical for finished, hot-formed
for material on delivery, processing, performance parts. Tests shall be performed using samples per
and other stages during life cycle. Deviations ISO 6892 Type I (50 mm gage length ASTM type
required for individual GM business units are listed sample), ISO 6892 Type II (80 mm gage length
in Deviations at the end of this document. DIN type sample), or JIS Z2201 (#5).
Parts supplied according to this specification must When specified, the strain hardening exponent n
undergo successful trials that fully meet end- value shall be determined per ISO 10275. The
product requirements. In the event of any changes specific strain level shall be reported with all test
to the heat treatment and/or manufacturing results. The strain hardening exponent n value
process to which the part was successfully shall be determined at 10 to 20% strain, or at 10%
validated, the appropriate engineering group must to end of uniform elongation when uniform
be notified and the part must be re-validated with elongation is less than 20% unless the specified
the new process. minimum (min.) n-value is less than 0.12. In these
3.1 Requirements on Delivery. cases, the strain-hardening exponent must be
3.1.1 Chemical Requirements. Base metal determined at 6% to end of uniform elongation.
composition based on product (ladle, coil, or The specific strain range shall be reported with all
sheet/blanks) analysis determined per ASTM A751 test results. The determination of strain hardening
shall conform to the requirements of Table 1 and/or exponent n value does not apply to heat treated
shall be agreed upon between supplier and parts or for parts that are hot-formed.
purchaser. Additional demands and restrictions
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3.1.3 Additional Pre-Coated Product stamping for each side is designated in g/m2. Only
Requirements for Hot-Stamping Applications. a minimum specified coating mass of 60 g/m2 Aluminized Sheet. The following (triple spot test) may be used unless the
requirements shall be met by the supplier for appropriate engineering group is consulted. The
aluminized pre-coated boron steel used in hot- letter U follows the coating and mass designation
stamping applications, in addition to chemical and to specify an unexposed surface finish. See the
mechanical requirements in Table 1 and Table 4. example in section 8.3.2. Al-Si Coating Bath Analysis. The Coating Surface Quality. The steel shall
continuous coating shall adhere to the composition be free from surface defects as negotiated
requirements in Table 5 and shall meet the between purchaser and supplier. For unexposed
requirements of GMW3059. The coating shall not (U) surfaces defects such as slight indentations,
contain trace elements that are detrimental to small marks, minor scratches, and slight coloring
adhesive bondability, phosphateability, or are permissible if they do not affect corrosion
paintability. resistance, formability, or the application of any
other surface coating. Regulations in detail will be Coating Mass. ASTM A428 or DIN
issued by the responsible formability analysis
EN 10327- Appendix B shall be used for
organization (e.g., NAO Manufacturing Engineering
determination of coating mass for aluminized
Metal Parts Specification (MPS) sheet, GMIO
coatings. The test sample size shall be 2000 mm2
responsibly manufacturing or metallurgical
minimum, with a preferred sample size of
engineering document).
3330 mm2 (57.7 ± 0.1 mm square or 65.1 ± 0.1 mm
in diameter). Coating mass shall be measured by 3.1.4 Physical Requirements.
triple spot test, and must conform to values in Material Thickness and Tolerances. The
Table 6. The mass shall be an average of three detailed engineering part drawing or electronic
measurements taken across the width of the strip math data file will specify the material thickness
at least 25 mm from the edge. In no case shall the and tolerance per GMW3224. For post formed
lowest value of the three samples fall below the induction heat treat applications, the product
minimum individual requirement in Table 6. Each thickness range is 1.9 to 6.0 mm nominal hot rolled
side should be measured separately (e.g., by and 1.0 to 1.8 mm nominal cold rolled. Tolerances
masking the coating from one side) to ensure the for electric resistance welded tubes not specified
requirements of Table 6 are met. on drawings shall follow ASTM A513. Coating Thickness. For conversion of Surface Requirements.
coating thickness to coating mass, a density factor Surface Texture.
of 3.0 g/cm3 shall be used for Al-Si alloy coatings. Phosphateability/Paintability. For
Coating measurements may be used for routine
painted applications of bare, finished parts the
quality control evaluations. Coating thickness shall
surface shall be capable of achieving a high quality
be measured using a suitable layer thickness
zinc phosphate conversion coating according to
gauge, on-line x-ray gauge, or from a specimen cut
GMW3011. Special requirements for aluminized
perpendicular to the panel surface. Suitable
pre-coated, finished parts may be agreed upon
instruments for evaluation of coating thickness on
between the part supplier and purchaser. All parts
the as-received pre-coated sheet (e.g., eddy
supplied to this specification must meet tape
current, ferromagnetic, or metallurgical
adhesion requirements as stated in
microscope) shall have a capability of ± 1.0 μm
GMW3011 (Table 1).
accuracy. Magnetic inductive measurements are
not recommended on the finished hot-stamped part For GMNA applications, steel must be compatible
without proper calibration due to the alloy reaction with phosphate and paint systems and must meet
which occurs during hot-stamping. When using a 9984001. For GME applications, the paintability
metallurgical microscope, standard mounting and adhesion must fulfill GME 00007 for organic
practices shall be used and thickness shall be coated parts and GME 60410, respectively. For
measured at 1000x magnification. The referee other locations the materials have to be agreed
method for determining coating thickness shall be between the local responsible and supplier.
coating mass, as specified by paragraph Adhesive Bondability. For bonded Coating Designation. The type of applications, the surface of the finished part
coating and coating mass is specified by a suffix furnished to this specification shall be capable of
added to the basic specification number. The first adhering to surfaces bonded with GM qualified and
two letters AL will designate a continuous approved adhesives.
aluminized coating. The coating mass prior to hot
© Copyright 2007 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved

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GMW14400 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS Microstructure. Note that standard weld test methods are intended Inclusions. Two (2) optional methods for for yield strength levels up to 420 MPa.
analysis are available. There should be an Modifications to these methods may be required
agreement with the local business unit which of the for higher strength levels. Due to unique properties
two following methods has to be performed: of ultra high strength steels, selection of the weld
process parameters should be determined in
Method A: ASTM E45 Method D, Plate III, by
consultation with the steel supplier.
analysis @ 100X inclusion content shall not
exceed a rating of 2.0 for thin and 2.0 for heavy. 3.2.2 Weld Seams in Coils. If the local business
unit allows weld seams in cold rolled material, the
Method B: Opel 105 (DIN 50602) technique M: by
following restrictions have to be considered:
analysis, inclusions shall not exceed size index 3;
in case of diameters smaller than 20 mm, they For cold reduced coils, pickling weld seams from
shall not exceed size index 2. the manufacturing process of hot rolled coils are
permissible without any restriction. Welding seams Surface Decarburization. Total
in cold reduced coils are allowed in combination
(complete) surface decarburization exceeding 0.05
with punch holes to detect the welds and remove
mm is prohibited as defined by ISO 898-1, ASTM
them before stamping; they have to be avoided in
E1077, or SAE J419 Type 1.
parts. For cold reduced coils with unexposed (U) Quality. Electrical resistance welded tubes surfaces, the welding seams are not permissible
shall be free of laps, cracks, seams, or other unless special exceptions are allowed by the local
defects which could be detrimental to the business unit. For hot rolled coils weld seams are
fabricated part. The weld shall be uniform, not permissible.
metallurgically sound, and free from defects such
3.2.3 Stretcher Strains. All steel used for exposed
as voids or foreign material which could be
(E) surfaces and secondary exposed surfaces
detrimental to the final product. All as-received
located in zones A, B, and C, as defined by GM
tubes and sheet products shall have a smooth
Product Quality Standards, shall be free from
finish and shall be coated with a designated
stretcher strains for six (6) months. The zones will
lubricant (ie. mill oil or prelube) and shall comply
be identified on the manufacturing requirements
with GM-NAO specification 9984001, GMB
document (GMNA MPS Sheet or other regional
specification EMS.9310015, or GME-ME
manufacturing requirement documents) of the GM
specification B 040 1270/B 440 1271 respective
Purchase Order or in the purchased stamping
with GME 8689. All sheet product surfaces must
Statement of Requirements (SOR).
be free of heavy oxides, scale, etc. which may
contaminate paint systems or affect subsequent 3.3 Performance Requirements. Not Applicable.
manufacturing operations. 3.4 Requirements on Other Stages During Life Marking. If required, marking shall be Cycle.
carried out on the unexposed surface of full finish 3.4.1 Chemical Requirements. Provisions must
coils for outer parts and on the outer side of the be made to prevent the addition of such elements
coils for inner parts. The marking must be agreed (see paragraph 5.2) from scrap or other materials
upon between the supplier and purchaser. The used in the manufacturing process which would
purchaser must release the marking ink. impair the recycleability of the finished Other requirements. Requirements such components.
as tolerances on product shape and dimensions, 3.4.2 Mechanical Requirements. Not applicable.
inspections units, number of tests, sampling, test 3.4.3 Physical Requirements. Not applicable.
conditions, retests, inspection documents, packing,
3.4.4 Additional Requirements. Not applicable.
and handling of disputes shall be agreed upon
between supplier and the local business unit.
4 Manufacturing Process
3.2 Processing Requirements.
Not applicable.
3.2.1 Welding. The steel substrates supplied to
this standard shall be approved for welding by the
GM Conveyors, Controls, Robotics and Welding 5 Rules and Regulations
(CCRW) Department of GM Manufacturing 5.1 All materials supplied to this specification must
Engineering. Contact the GM Weld Council for comply with the requirements of GMW3001, Rules
specific information regarding weldability at and Regulations for Material Specifications.
weld.council@gm.com. 5.2 All materials supplied to this specification must
comply with the requirements of GMW3059,

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Restricted and Reportable Substances for 8 Coding System

The coding system for GMW sheet steel
5.3 Additions to GMW3001. specifications on engineering part drawings and
5.3.1 Quality Requirements. The supplier shall manufacturing engineering documents shall use a
have quality system procedures compliant with nomenclature consisting of the material
ISO/TS-16949 or as required by the GM GPSC designation, steel product type, minimum
Department demonstrating that the product will tensile/minimum yield strength, and surface quality
conform to all specification requirements. The data or coating designation. The material designation is
required to be submitted for this specification for defined by the applicable GMW base metal
each shipment will be determined by the GM material specification that follows the GMW
region which the material is used. specification number system. The minimum tensile
strength and minimum yield strength is specified in
6 Approved Sources megapascals (MPa) by a numerical designation.
The approval of suppliers to this specification will The Surface Quality is designated as U for
be executed by the authorized Materials unexposed applications. For aluminized pre-coated
Engineering departments. Approved suppliers applications, refer to section in this
names for GM North America are available on the specification. The GMW sheet steel specification
on-line MATSPC System and for the other regions shall be called out on engineering drawings and
by the responsible central formability analysis manufacturing engineering documents as follows:
organization or Purchasing Departments. 8.1 Example of coding for heat treated, low carbon
boron steel for tubular applications:
7 Notes 8.1.1 Example of engineering part drawing and
7.1 Glossary. Not applicable. manufacturing coding for uncoated high strength
7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols.
GM General Motors
GMNA General Motors North America
GME General Motors Europe
GMW14400M = Continuous Number
GMLAAM General Motors Latin America, Africa,
and Middle East ST = Materials Type (STeel)
GMAP General Motors Asia Pacific T = Materials Category (Tube
GMDAT General Motors Daewoo Auto & HT = Post Form Heat Treated
1475T = Minimum Tensile Strength
GMW General Motors Worldwide (MPa)
GPSC Global Purchasing and Supply Chain
1170Y = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
EN European Norm
MS = Steel Type (MS)
ASTM American Society for Testing and
Materials UNCOATED = Coating Designation
ISO International Standards Organization U = Surface Quality
Min. Minimum GMW14400M- = Base Metal Specification
MPa Mega Pascals ST-T
MPS Material Parts Specification
CR Cold Rolled
HR Hot Rolled
JIS Japanese Industrial Standards
U Unexposed
VDA German Association of the Automotive
Industry (Verband der

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May 2007 Page 5 of 9


8.2 Example of coding for low carbon, heat 8.3 Example of coding for low carbon, heat
treatable boron steel for post-form induction heat treatable boron steel for hot-stamped applications:
treat applications: 8.3.1 Example of engineering part drawing and
8.2.1 Example of engineering part drawing and manufacturing coding for uncoated high strength
manufacturing coding for uncoated high strength steel:
steel: GMW14400M-ST-S HS1300T/950Y MS UNCOATED U
GMW14400M-ST-S HT1475T/1170Y MS UNCOATED U Where:
GMW14400M = Continuous Number
GMW14400M = Continuous Number
ST = Materials Type (STeel)
ST = Materials Type (STeel)
S = Materials Category (Sheet)
S = Materials Category (Sheet)
HS = Hot-Stamped
HT = Post-Form Heat Treated
1300T = Minimum Tensile Strength
1475T = Minimum Tensile Strength (MPa)
950Y = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
1170Y = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
MS = Steel Type (MS)
MS = Steel Type (MS)
UNCOATED = Coating Designation
UNCOATED = Coating Designation
U = Surface Quality
U = Surface Quality
GMW14400M- = Base Metal Specification
GMW14400M- = Base Metal Specification ST-S

8.3.2 Example of engineering part drawing and

manufacturing coding for aluminized pre-coated
high strength steel:
GMW14400M-ST-S HS1300T/950Y MS AL60G60GU
GMW14400M = Continuous Number
ST = Materials Type (STeel)
S = Materials Category (Sheet)
HS = Hot-Stamped
1300T = Minimum Tensile Strength
950Y = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
MS = Steel Type (MS)
AL60G60G = Coating Designation
U = Surface Quality
GMW14400M- = Base Metal Specification

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Table 2: Welded and Heat Treated Tubular Product Mechanical PropertiesNote 1, Note 2

Strength at Total
Condition Designation Strength
0.2% offset Elongation

As-Received GMW14400M-ST-T HT1475T/1170Y MS min. 1170 min. 1475 min. 10 %

Note 1: Additional demands can be specified by the local business units.
Note 2: Mechanical properties are to be measured on the full the tubular product, per ASTM A370.
Table 3: Post-Form Induction Heat Treated Product Mechanical RequirementsNote 1

Yield Tensile Total Total

Strength Strength Elong. in Elong. in R-bar n-
at 0.2% (MPa) 50 mm 80 mm value
offset (min. %) (min. %)
Condition Designation min. min. ISO 1 JIS ISO II Typical min.
Note 2
As-Rolled 300 500 15 17 14 0.8-1.0 0.13
Finished Part GMW14400M-ST-S HT1475T/1170Y MS
Note 3,4
1170 1475 5 6 4.5 N/A N/A

Note 1: Additional demands can be specified by the local business units.

Note 2: Both CR and HR must meet the mechanical property requirements in Table 3. As-rolled mechanical properties only apply to
parts formed by the local manufacturing groups at GM.
Note 3: If a standard tensile specimen may not be obtained from a finished part, microhardness in the core (HV1, 10, or 30 kg = 425 min.)
and macrohardness on the surface (44 HRC min.) requirements must be met.
Note 4: Mechanical properties only valid for finished parts.
Table 4: Hot-Stamped Product Mechanical RequirementsNote 1, 2, 3,4

Tensile Total Elong. Total Elong.
Strength at
Strength in 50 mm in 80 mm
0.2% offset
(MPa) (min. %) (min. %)
Condition Designation min. max. min. max. ISO 1 JIS ISO II
Finished Part GMW14400M-ST-S HS1300T/950Y MS 950 1250 1300 1700 5 6 4.5
Note 1: Additional demands can be specified by the local business units.
Note 2: Mechanical properties valid on flat areas where, thinning < 10% (after hot-stamping).
Note 3: If a standard tensile specimen may not be obtained, microhardness in the core (HV1, 10, or 30 kg = 400-550) and macrohardness
on the surface (41-50 HRC) requirements must be met.
Note 4: Mechanical properties only valid for finished parts.

Table 5: Al-Si Coating Bath Analysis (wt. %)

Aluminum 85 to 95%
Silicon 5 to 11%

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Table 6: Al-Si Coating RequirementsNote 1

Condition Coating Mass (g/m2) Coating Thickness (μm) Note 2
Prior to hot-stamping 60 to 100 20 to 33
Following hot-stamping Not applicable >35
Note 1: Additional demands can be specified by the local business units.
Note 2: Prior to hot-stamping, suitable evaluation instruments to measure coating thickness on the as-received sheet include eddy current,
ferromagnetic, or microscopy. Magnetic inductive measurements are not recommended following the hot-stamping operation without
proper calibration.

9.2 Revisions.
9 Release and Revisions
Rev Approval Description (Organization)
9.1 Release. This standard originated in Date
September 2005. It was first approved by the
Global Steel Team in November 2005. It was first B MAR 2007, 2.2, 2.3, Table 1 – Cr,
published in November 2005. 0.35% max.,,,,,
3.2.3, 7.2 (added), Table 3
and Table 4 (added note 4).
C MAY 2007 Callout Modification, 8.3.2
(Global Steel Team)

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in accordance to specification L 000 0726,

Deviations paragraph 3.9.1 and 3.9.4 the tensile shear
strength shall be ≥ 9 MPa. A cohesive failure in the
Deviations on requirements for local adhesive with coating separation ≤ 50% is
business units. permissible. For adhesives with special properties
(shear strength and tenacity) an agreement
3.1 Requirements on Delivery. between design, steel, and adhesive experts must
3.1.1 Chemical Requirements. be reached before using the material relevant for
GMNA and GM-Europe: Only coil or sheet/blank structures with higher demands.
analysis is permitted. Microstructure. Base Metal. Inclusions.
GM-Latin America: Refer to EMS.ME.1508. GM-Asia Pacific (Isuzu) - Inclusions refer to sub-
GM-Asia Pacific and GM-Europe: Steel products clause 14.2 of JFS A 1001.
shall have chemical composition that is agreed Quality.
between purchaser and supplier that is capable of GM Europe – The semi-exposed (Z) surface is not
achieving the desired mechanical properties to be specified. Exposed (E) and unexposed (U)
specified in GMW14400. cold rolled and coated products are to be temper
3.1.2 Mechanical Requirements. rolled.
GMNA: 4 to 6% n-value testing not required. All GM-Latin America: Refer to EMS.ME.1508.
specified values must be met in the longitudinal (L) GM-Asia Pacific: All products shall be free from
direction. stretcher strains for six (6) months unless
GM-Europe and GM-Latin America: Designation of otherwise agreed upon between purchaser and
carry over parts to be used on global platform supplier. Surface finish and quality should be
vehicles must be changed into the new GMW negotiated between the steel mills and parts
Material Description System. manufacturer to be appropriate to the final use of
GM-Asia Pacific: Australian and Japanese Steel the part. In all cases the supplied steel and the
Suppliers for Holden shall perform tensile testing to parts made from that steel shall be clean and free
Australian Standard AS 1391, and to Japanese of scale, stains, corrosion, debris or any other
Industrial Standard JIS Z 2201 (No. 5 test piece), defects which would be objectionable on the
respectively. finished part.
GM-Europe: All specified values must be met in 3.2 Processing Requirements.
the longitudinal (L) direction. GM-Latin America: Cold Bending for Part Design
Axle tubes may be specified with the following final Purpose. Ultra high strength steels are frequently
part requirements: fabricated for cold bending. Many interrelated
factors affect the ability of given piece of steel to
GMW14400M-ST-T HT1200T/950Y MS
form over any given radius in shop practice. These
YS: 950 – 1050 MPa
factors include thickness, strength level, degree of
TS: 1200 MPa min
restraint in bending, relationship to rolling direction,
A5: 6%min chemical composition, and microstructure.
3.1.4 Physical Requirements. 5.4 Inspection and Rejection. Surface Requirements. GMNA – Further information can be found in the Adhesive Bondability. GMNA sheet steel qualification standard
GM Europe – For measurement of the combined (GM9769P) or from GPSC (Global Purchasing and
tension and shear resistance with beading Supply Chain).
adhesive (e.g., Opel L 000 0726 (09274295)), and

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