Chapter - 6 Work and Economic Life PDF
Chapter - 6 Work and Economic Life PDF
Chapter - 6 Work and Economic Life PDF
- Social organization of work in different types of society- slave society, feudal society, industrial-
capitalist society.
Sleepy Classes
Social organization of work in different types of society
1) Slave society 2) Feudal society 3) Industrial /capitalist society:
In socio, work interpreted not only in terms of money but obligation also.
Thus conception not only limited to economic life but also permeates to social domain.
e.g. domestic division of labour : obligations not necessarily monetary.
Sociological study involves understanding at 2 levels-macro and micro.
1. At macro level: how is work organized among different sections of population and how is
it influenced by social factors—broad distinction made between traditional and modern
Sleepy Classes
1. Major form of activity :
1. SLAVE: hunting and food gathering.
2. FEUDAL: agriculture
3. INDUSTRIAL: Factory system
4. POST-INDUSTRIAL: service/information society
2. Source of power :
1. SLAVE: tool ownership
2. FEUDAL: land ownership
3. INDUSTRIAL: capital ownership
4. POST-INDUSTRIAL: dispersion of power(information ownership)
3. System of stratification : organization also influenced by patterning of social
1. Traditional(slave+feudal): ascribed, derived by heredity,caste
driven[interdependent dimensions of caste, status,power i.e. if higher in caste will
be higher in both status and power]
2. Modern: achievement oriented, innovation rewarded, rationalized society. 3
independent dimension- class, status,power.
4. Nature of roles:
1. traditional ->social expectations – few + simple. E.g. DURKHIEM à LOW
2. Modern->social expectations high + complex
5. Social mobility:
1. traditional – less mobility
2. modern- open and numerous avenues
6. Degree of alienation:
1. Traditional - less
2. Modern- high
3. E.g. KARL MARX à Evolution of societies associated with INCREASING
7. Organization of production :
1. traditional: simple d.o.l.
3. Modern: complex d.o.l + organic solidarity
Sleepy Classes
Formal and informal organization of work.
1. Formal organisation
Formal organizations represent those organizations which are characterized by a
specific function, division of labour, a hierarchy of authority, rationality and a proper
arrangement of statuses and role. They are carefully planned and systematically
worked out.
2. Informal organisation
Informal organization refers to a small group the members of which are tied to one
another as persons. The group is characterized by informal and face to face relations,
mutual aid, cooperation and companionship. The members of informal organizations
work together not in their official capacities but as persons
Sleepy Classes
7. Difficult work requirements.
8. Unpleasant conditions of work.
Informal work
1. Much of the work done in the informal economy, for example, is not recorded in any direct
way in the official employment statistics .
2. The term informal economy refers to transactions outside the sphere of regular
employment, sometimes involving the exchange of cash for services provided, but also
often involving the direct exchange of goods or services
The informal economy includes not only 'hidden' cash transactions, but also many forms of self-
provisioning, which people carry on inside and outside the home. Do-it-yourself activities,
domestic machinery and household tools, for instance, provide goods and services which would
otherwise have to be purchased
Voluntary work, for charities or other organizations, is another form of work, which
has an important social role, often filling the gaps ignored by official and commercial
goods and services providers and enhancing people's quality of life. Many types of work
just do not conform to orthodox categories of paid employment.
Sleepy Classes
Labour and society.
Sleepy Classes
Labour & Society
ED countered by Utilitarians:
open markets give individual complete freedom.
Emphasis is on individual happiness & well being than collective well being.
Sleepy Classes
Work given a sorrowful feeling.
Adam & Eve expelled from garden of Eden to work for their survival.
Protestant Thought:
Man must work to justify his selection.
Work given a hopeful feeling to work.
5) Labour in Socialism
Marx & Lenin: Labour compatible, harmonic & non – exploitative
Labour free to determine where to work
Milovan Djilas contradicts saying “Labour is exploited (even in Socialistic states) in the name
of social well being”.
In every society inequalities exist, sociology of economic life looks into interlinkages into
society & labour
Attempting to understand this inequality in terms of exploitation of labour or participation
of labour in decision making process of enterprises.
Sleepy Classes
A little Extra
Social Organization
Social organization of work can also be understood at macro level as how work is organized
among different sections of population and how it is influenced by social factors.
For example –
- simple,
- based on ascription,
- collective orientation,
- affectivity,
- informal relations etc
- complex,
- formal,
- achievement orientated,
- self-orientation and
- affective neutral.
In Marxian terms, the organization of work in both traditional and modern society –
At micro level, work can also be organized at micro level in terms of various social dimensions of
patterns of activities in terms of –
- allocation
- performances
- consequences etc.
Sleepy Classes