Working Moms VS Stay at Home Moms Essay
Working Moms VS Stay at Home Moms Essay
Working Moms VS Stay at Home Moms Essay
whether or not a mother’s place is home with her children. Very often
working mothers have been criticized for choosing their jobs over their
throughout the day. Both stay-at-home and working moms are hardworking
and have their pros and cons. However, in the early childhood development
as a stay-at-home mom.
The stay-at-home moms’ get to watch their baby grow, take good care and
rush to work in the mornings. Most of the times you find that many children
buy fast food for lunch because their parents are both working and is very
busy. Conversely, SAHM moms are able to plan and organize how they are
going to make their children all set for school by cooking healthy foods,
preparing nutritious snacks since they have time on their side. SAHM are
more involved in their children’s lives, they attend every Parents Teachers
race or doing something else, is the best feeling a child can receive
most working moms are unable to attend any of their children’s school
activities. They have little or no time at all to take their children to school, or
just to sit and converse with them because when they reach home in most
cases the children are already asleep. According to Highland Spring, a study
minutes a day with their children because of the stresses of work. Likewise,
a SAHM is aware of who are her children’s friends at school, and if they had
a good or bad day, thus these moms are more involved in their children’s
Generally, all moms would not like to miss their child’s major milestones.
When their baby takes those first steps, say their first word or the first time
the baby sits up. Gladly, SAHM is always there to capture those wonderful
unfortunately, in most cases, miss out on those major milestones after their
maternity leave (3 months) they are back at work. As a result, these moms
often times carry their child to daycare which is very costly. According to
the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies, the
average cost of a U.S. daycare center is $11,666 per year or $972 per month
for infant and toddler care. Prices range from $3,582 to $18,773 per year, or
$300 to $1,564 per month, and vary by geographic region. Those in close
proximity to larger cities typically pay the highest fees. They also have to
find transportation or gas money to take the child to the daycare, buy new
casual & working clothing for themselves because they are likely to gain
weight after giving birth. On the other hand, SAHM would not have to incur
all these expenses since they will be at home taking care and nurturing their
Furthermore, SAHM will be their child’s first teacher since they have been
caring and nurturing them from birth. Teaching their kid/kids general norms
such as saying please, thank you, good morning, excuse me, sorry and
saying their prayers also potty training and how to use the toilet. As the kid/
kids begin nursery or primary school they are given homework and projects
to complete. Additionally, SAHM will have the time to help their kid/kids
with their homework and projects also to reinforce what they have learned at
result, consistently working with the kid/kids will increase their school
performance. Likewise, working moms are very busy with meeting deadline
projects and other job-related stuff in most cases and have little or no time to
help their children with their school work thus their kids tend to perform
lower than the SAHM kids. A recent study found that the benefits of having
a parent at home extend beyond the early years of a child's life. In the study,
The biggest educational impact in their research was found on kids ages 6-7.
SAHM who financially depends on their other partner who might feel
financially burdened. Yet I know of SAHM whose partners have stable jobs
to take care of her and the children. According to Forbes, most women tend
continues that SAHM is lonely because they are surrounded by their kid/kids
and yearns for human contact. I know of SAHM who keep in contact with
each other over the phone, talking about their kids, what meals they are
going to cook tonight, etc. While working moms tend to feels sad because
they spend very little time with their kids. Highland Spring, a study of
10,000 families revealed parents are only spending 34 uninterrupted minutes
While there may be multiple arguments for and against working moms and
moms are more involved in their child/ children’s lives. They tend to reduce
expenses in the family such as daycare costs, transportation cost and their