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Region 3

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Masinloc, Zambales
1st Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020
11:00am-2:00pm, FRIDAY, ROOM A103

Lesson No. 8: Region 3 (Central Luzon)

I. INTRODUCTION leading from Metro Manila; (b) San Fernando-

Angeles City-Mabalacat corridor area; (c) Subic -
Central Luzon is a combination of Dinalupihan area. The total urban population in
towering mountains, extinct and active volcanoes, these areas is over 2 million, over half of the total
lush, verdant farmlands, and natural sea harbors. urban population in Central Luzon. 
It is one of the leading growth regions in the
Philippines, strategically located at the heart of Human resources in the region are better
Asia. Central Luzon or known as Region 3, was prepared in terms of a higher participation rate at
created to organize the 7 provinces of the vast the primary and secondary levels of education.
central plain of the island of Luzon (the largest The participation rate of Central Luzon is 94.2%
island), for administrative convenience. The and 86.1%, respectively, as compared to the
region contains the largest in the country and national average of 85.7% and 66.1% in SY 1992-
produces most of the country’s rice supply, 93. There are comparatively more non-
earning itself the nickname “Rice Granary of the government organizations, cooperatives and
Philippines”. It is one of the most active and people’s organizations in the region.
energetic regions in the Philippines. It is situated
at the crossroads of Asia Pacific. It serves as the
gateway for European and American business Dry season in the Region is from
organizations desiring to penetrate Asia.  November to May. Rains normally occur during
the months of July to October.

Central Luzon is rich in timber and
mineral resources (both metallic and non-
Central Luzon has been used by Filipinos metallic). Aurora is known for its timber;
from Manila as an area for stress relief from their Zambales for its refractory chromite, copper and
busy lifestyles and work pressures. The region nickel deposits; Tarlac for Manganese; Bulacan for
borders Manila, giving great access. Central Luzon marble; Pampanga for sand and gravel; and
has been an area where Americans and Europeans Nueva Ecija for feldspar. 
have both started enterprises and used the Fertile rice lands, melon patches and
proximity to Manila and the international airports fishponds can also be found along rivers and
to full advantage. Central Luzon also has its share tributaries.  Region III accounts for the third
of colorful history. Malolos and Bulacan was the largest aquaculture production in the Philippines.
place where the first constitution of an Aurora’s 332-kilometer coastline and Zambales’
independent Philippines was promulgated on 272 kilometers are teeming with marine resources.
January 21, 1899. Tarlac town became the seat of
the Philippine government for one month in
March 1899, when Pres. Aguinaldo left Bulacan to CULTURE AND TRADITION
escape approaching US force.
Central Luzon has a very diverse cultural
heritage and colorful traditions, owing to the
influence of Spanish, American and Japanese
The population of Central Luzon Region colonizers, as well as the presence of different
on January 1st 2010 is approximately 9,793,184. ethnolinguistic groups – Aetas, Sambals,
(Extrapolated from a population of 8,204,742 on Capampangangs, Tagalogs, Ilocanos and
May 24th 2008 and a population of 9,720,982 on Pangasinenses.
February 28th 2010.) The region has the highest
urban population ratio (60.3%) to total population. More than half of the population in the
region speaks Tagalog, which is attributed to the
There are three areas of urban population large Tagalog-speaking provinces of Aurora,
concentration: (a) areas in Bulacan along highways Bataan, Bulacan and Nueva Ecija. Capampangan
is the next most widely spoken dialect in the Climate
region, used by people from Pampanga and
Tarlac. Ilocano, the third most dominant dialect in Rainfall
the region, is spoken in the provinces of Zambales, Aurora's climate is characterized by rainfall that is
northern Tarlac and northern Nueva Ecija which evenly distributed throughout the year, since
are close to the Ilocano-speaking provinces of Aurora faces the Pacific Ocean and has no barriers
Pangasinan and the Cordilleras. to shield it from typhoons coming from the east.
Tropical cyclones are also a seasonal occurrence.
Among the region’s festivities,
celebrations and religious sites, the most The average monthly rainfall is 273.9
prominent include the Carabao Festival and millimeters. Rainfall is heaviest during the months
Obando Fertlity Rites in Bulacan; the Giant of January, February, April, October, and
Lantern Festival and Lenten Rites in Pampanga; November, while August is the driest month.
and the Mango Festival in Zambales. Central
Lzuon is also noted for products such as furniture, Topography
Christmas lanterns, jewelry, marble products, The province of Aurora covers the eastern
meat products and sweets and delicacies.
portion of the Sierra Madre Mountains, hence it is
Centuries-old churches, ancestral houses, as well
generally mountainous. There are flat lands
as historical monuments serve as landmarks that
unevenly distributed throughout the province. Its
depict the rich cultural heritage of the region.
coastline spans 332 kilometers in length. The
municipality of Dingalan, in the south, has the
most irregular topography.
Natural Resources
AURORA Aurora is rich in mineral deposits.
Metallic ores such as copper, iron, chromate,
The Province of Aurora, with Baler as its manganese, gold and nickel are abundant
capital, was founded by President Ferdinand E. especially in the Sierra Madre area. The province
Marcos in August 13, 1979 by virtue of Batas also has many non-metallic minerals, including
Bambansa Blg. 7. This act was the fulfillment of guano, black sand, cement, marble, carbon and
the prayers of the people of the former silica. Largely untapped, these deposits can
Municipalities of Baler and Casiguran to be truly contribute significantly to the country's mining
independent from the Province of Quezon for the industry.
first time since the Spanish occupation.
The province is also endowed with vast natural
Land Area & Location resources that could support numerous cottage
Land Area industries. Aurora is rich in sabutan, coconut and
Aurora Province has a total land area of 323,954 its by-products, nipa, bamboo, gravel, sand, wood,
hectares, representing about one percent of the rattan, shell, buri and nito. But these resources
country's total land area. remain largely untapped due to lack of
investment. The cottage industries would benefit
Location from tourism and development.
Aurora Province is located on the East-Central
side of Luzon Island. It is the north-eastern most Culture and Traditions
province of Central Luzon (Region III). It is Festivals
bordered on the north by the provinces of Isabela
and Qurino, on the west by Nueva Ecija and  Aurora Foundation Day - The Aurora Day is
Nueva Viscaya, on the south by Bulacan and held every February 14-19.  The most awaited
Quezon, and on the east by the Pacific Ocean. The event during the celebration of the annual
province's main link to the rest of Luzon is Aurora Foundation Day is the so-called
through a narrow mountain gravel road that ‘Karansa.
twists through the Sierra Madre Mountain Range.  Sabutan Festival - The Sabutan Festival in the
The road is located between Baler and Bongabon, town of San Luis, province of Aurora
Nueva Ecija. highlights the importance of growing palm
trees locally called Sabutan on the with 177 km. coastline, Bataan also prides
community’s economic wellbeing. itself with pristine and sandy beaches and
 Suman Festival - Every February Baler preserved coral reefs, seaweeds and sea grass
celebrates a HAGISAN activity, which beds.
features the homemade suman. This Filipino
sticky rice cake delicacy hangs above the main Bataan as a peninsula is also rich in
street as its smokey pandan aroma perfumes marine resources. Coastal marine waters
the air. support a dynamic ecosystem and contain
valuable natural resources that are important
Tourist Spots and Landmarks to the coastal community.

 Manuel Luis Quezon - Bronze statue in a park Culture and Tradition

depicting former president Manuel L. Quezon
sitting in a chair. Festivals
 Diguisit Beach - Diguisit Beach is one of the  Senakulo - The senakulo is a traditional
famous surf spots in Baler; it is situated on
Filipino dramatization of the life and
Baler Bay along the Cemento Beach
times of Jesus Christ. 
 Dingalan Lighthouse - Dingalan
 Banga Festival - The Banga Festival is a
Lighthouse is a hidden gem in the province of
Aurora, it is where you can witness the so- week long event celebrated in the city of
called “Batanes of the East” Balanga City, Bataan. It is said that the
name Balanga, which is the capital
 Balete Park - Small, rustic park centered on a
of Bataan, came from the word “banga,”
massive banyan tree believed to be about 500
years old. the tagalong term for pot used in cooking.
 Santacruzan de Mayo -
The Santacruzan First observed in the
BATAAN 1800s in Malolos, Bulacan, Santacruzan is
Bataan is a province in the Philippines a beauty pageant held to honor Helena of
situated in the Central Luzon region Constantinople and her son's, Constantine
occupying the central section of Luzon. Its the Great, finding of the True Cross.
capital is the City of Balanga.  Kuraldal Festival - The municipality
celebrates its town fiesta on the 24th day
Land Area and Location of June, In memory of the feast day of St.
Land Area John the Baptist, which is the patron saint
of Dinalupihan Bataan, biblically known
The province has a land area of
as the one who baptized Jesus Christ with
1,372.98 square kilometers or 530.11 square
miles. water on the river of Jordan.
 Palis Lasa Festival - Palis Lasa Festival is
Location an agro- religious festival held annually in
Bataan is bordered, clockwise from Mabatang, Abucay. It starts with a
the North, by Zambales, Pampanga, Manila thanksgiving mass and street dancing
Bay, and the South China Sea. where participants adorn themselves with
colorful costumes made of tiger lass or
Climate “lasa” used to make walis tambo.
Bataan's climate is classified as
tropical. The rainfall in Bataan is significant,
with precipitation even during the driest Tourist Spots and Landmarks
month. The average annual temperature
 Corregidor - Corregidor Island, is an island
in Bataan is 26.6 °C. The rainfall here averages
located at the entrance of Manila Bay in
3021 mm.
southwestern part of Luzon Island in the
Natural Resources Philippines. Due to this location, Corregidor
has historically been fortified with coastal
Another metallic mineral ready for artillery to defend the entrance of Manila Bay
exploration is the magnetite sand abundantly and Manila from attacks by enemy warships.
present in Morong and Bagac. A peninsula
 Mount Samat National Shrine - or Dambana average annual temperature in Bataan is 26.6
ng Kagitingan is a historical shrine located °C. The rainfall here averages 3021 mm.
near the summit of Mount Samat in the town
of Pilár, Province of Bataan, in the Republic of Natural Resources
the Philippines. Over half of the 100,000 hectares of
 The Camaya Coast - A residential mountains overlooking the province of
development in the municipality of Mariveles Bulacan are sitting on one of the biggest
in Bataan province, Philippines.The 450- deposits of tea rose marble in the world, worth
hectare community includes commercial and up to 15 trillion pesos.
residential developments, which includes six
subdivisions. The beach resort has a coastal The Department of Environmental
length of around 3.2 kilometres total, which and Natural Resources (DENR) has been in a
includes two coves. long up-hill battle involving the regions of
 Pawikan Conservation Center - Government- Bulacan in the past but now they have given
administered center for the protection of the green-light to auction off quarrying rights.
marine turtles, with educational programs.

Culture and Tradition

BULACAN Festivals
The name "Bulakan" was derived from the  Guiguinto's Halamanan Festival -
Tagalog word "bulak" which is cotton in Halamanan is a festival which celebrates
English. When the Spaniards first came to the in their adoration for plants, of trees, and
country's shore, they found cotton, among of blossoms since these manifestations of
others, growing abundantly in many places in nature give them a decent method to bring
Luzon, particularly in Bulakan. Bulacan home the bacon. It praises the integrity
Capital is Malolos City. gave to them by Mother Nature.
Land Area & Location  San Ildefonso's Gulay Festival - Bulak
Festival is San Ildefonso's official town
Land Area festival. Primarily, the festival is
celebrated in honor of the town's patron,
The province has an area San Ildefonso but it also gives honor to the
of 1,372.98 square kilometres (530.11 sq mi), "kapok" plant, also known as "bulak"
and covers the entire Bataan Peninsula, a which played a very important part in the
rocky extension of the Zambales Mountains town's history. BULAK is actually San
jutting out into the South China Sea, enclosing Ildefonso's old name when it was still just
the Manila Bay. a barrio under the neighboring town of
Location San Rafael.
 Pandi's Baro't Saya Festival - Celebrated
About Bataan Province, every April 12-17, alongside for the
Philippines. Bataan peninsula commemoration of the separation of
is located southwards from the western shores Pandi from the town of Bigaa (now
of central Luzon, forming the enclosed and Balagtas). High quality barong tagalog
well-sheltered Manila Bay to the east that is and gowns are Pandi's primary products
nearly cut off from the open China Sea in the and are thus the center of the celebration.
west.  Singkaban Festival - Singkaban Festival
is an annual provincial event of Bulacan
where Bulakenyo culture and arts are
Climate Bataan Bataan's climate is featured in a week-long celebration. It
classified as tropical. The rainfall in Bataan is showcases the traditional arts of the
significant, with precipitation even during the literary form “Balagtasan,”folk dances,
driest month. According to Köppen and and traditional songs known as
Geiger, this climate is classified as Af. The “kundiman.”
Tourist spots and Landmarks The province is often referred to as the “Rice
Granary of the Philippines.” Other major
 Biak-na-Bato National Park - Biak- crops are onion, mango, calamansi
na-Bato National Park is a protected (calamondin orange), banana, garlic, and
area of the Philippines located almost vegetables. The town of Bongabon at the
entirely within Barangay Biak-na-Bato eastern part of the province at the foot of the
in San Miguel, Bulacan from where it Sierra Madre mountains and its neighbouring
derives its name. Laur and Rizal are the major producers of
 Barasoain Church - Barasoain onion and garlic. Bongabon is called the
Church is a Roman Catholic church "onion capital of the country".
built in 1888 in Malolos, Bulacan. It is
about 42 kilometers away from Culture and tradition
Manila. Festivals
 Mount Manalmon - Easy hiking
destination with a mythical name  Taong Putik Ritual/Festival - This
featuring a cave, river & scenic views. ritual is celebrated annually to depict
Guide required. the peoples devotion and faith to Saint
John the Baptist and to commemorate
NUEVA ECIJA the survivors of World War II during
the Japanese occupation.
is a province in the Philippines
 Sibuyas/Sibuyasan Festival - Sibuyas
situated in the Central Luzon region
Festival is celebrated as a form of
occupying the central section of Luzon. Its
thanksgiving and a way to show that
capital is the City of Palayan.
Bongabon is one of the largest
Land area and Location producers of onion in Asia.
 Santor Festival - Thousands of
Land area pilgrims visit the shrine/image every
year because it is believed to be
The province has a land area of
5,751.33 square kilometers or 2,220.60 square
 Pastores Festival - Virgen Divina
Pastora is the town’s patron saint. She
Location is believed to be miraculous. The
festival is celebrated annually to
Nueva Ecija is bordered, clockwise strengthen their faith and devotion to
Northeast,by NuevaVizcaya, Aurora, Bulacan,  their patron saint.
Pampanga, Tarlac, and Pangasinan.
Tourist Spots and Landmarks
 Minalungao National Park -
In Nueva Ecija there exist three Minalungao National Park is a
climate types. In the province’s southwest, a protected area of the Philippines
pronounced dry season occurs from located in the municipality of General
November to April while rains fall during the Tinio, Nueva Ecija in Central Luzon.
rest of the year. In the east, close to the Sierra
 Pantabangan Dam - Pantabangan
Madre Mountains, rain falls evenly
Dam is an earth-fill embankment dam
throughout the year while in the north and
on the Pampanga River located in
northeast; there is no pronounced seasonal
Pantabangan in Nueva Ecija province
variance although it is relatively dry between
of the Philippines. The multi-purpose
the months of April and November.
dam provides water for irrigation and
Natural resources hydroelectric power generation while
its reservoir, Pantabangan Lake,
Nueva Ecija is one of the top affords flood control.
producers of agricultural products in the  Dupinga River -  Dupinga formerly
country. Its principal crops is mainly rice but known as Sabani is a remote paradise
corn and onion are also produced in quantity.
in the midst of Sierra Madre  Pyestang Tugak. (Frog Festival) October
Mountains in Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija. — Pyestang Tugak (Frog Festival), City of
San Fernando
PAMPANGA  Sisig Festival. Sisig Festival (Sadsaran
Pampanga is a province in the Qng Angeles), Angeles City
Philippines situated in the Central  Sinukwan Festival. December 1–7 —
Luzon region occupying the central section Sinukwan Festival, City of San Fernando
of Luzon. Its capital is the City of San  Sampaguita Festival. May 5 - Sampaguita
Fernando. Festival of Lubao

Land Area and Location Tourist spots and Landmarks

Land Area  Mount Arayat - Mount Arayat is an

inactive basaltic volcano on Luzon Island,
The province has a land area of Philippines, rising to a height of 1,026
2,002.20 square kilometers or 773.05 square metres. The volcano has a breached crater
miles. on its northwest side with a smaller
andesitic dome in the collapse
Located in the Central Luzon region.  Dinosaurs Island - Family learning
Its capital is the City of San Fernando, attraction with life-sized animatronic
Pampanga. Pampanga is bordered by the dinosaurs teaching about how they lived.
provinces of Bataan and Zambales to the west,  Sky Ranch Pampanga - Amusement park
Tarlac and Nueva Ecija to the north, and featuring a ferris wheel, a carousel, rides
Bulacan to the southeast. for small children, concessions & more.
 Nayong Pilipino Clark - The Nayong
Pilipino Clark is a cultural theme park
 The rainy season (approx. from May to featuring Filipino culture at the Clark
October) can by defined into the “Rainy Freeport Zone in Mabalacat, Pampanga.
season with a higher choice on Typhoon
activities” and the pure “rainy season”. TARLAC
 The dry season can by defined into the
Tarlac is a landlocked province
dry summer and dry midsummer season.
located in the Central Luzon region in the
The warmest and sun intensive
Philippies. It is bounded on the north by the
midsummer season is from March to
province of Pangasinan, Nueva Ecija on the
April. The most noted effect during this
east, Zambales on the west and Pampanga in
“heavy” sun shining days is the “beauty
the south. The province is subdivided into 17
issues” of the Filipino women use
municipalities and one city, Tarlac City which
umbrella as their “as white as possible”
is the provincial capital. It also comprises
skin protector.
three congressional districts.
Natural Resources
Land Area and Location
Pampanga province was observed to
Land Area
have metallic deposits of gold, silver and
copper and non-metallic deposits of clay, sand Tarlac covers a total land area of
and gravel. 3.1 Gold and silver were explored, 305,345 hectares. It is approximately 125
extracted and developed from the porphyritic kilometers northeast of Metro Manila.
quartz bearing andesite in Sitio La Kalyusan,
Pabanlag, Floridablanca. Location

Culture and Tradition Tarlac is located in the Central

Luzon region of the Philippines. It is bounded
Festival on the north by the province
of Pangasinan, Nueva Ecija on the
east, Zambales on the west and Pampanga in O'Donnell at the end of the Bataan Death
the south. March during the Second World War.
 Kart City Tarlac - Lighted, outdoor go
kart track with an adjacent indoor area
Tarlac's climate is classified as offering eateries, bars & pool tables.
tropical. In winter, there is much less rainfall
than in summer. The Köppen-Geiger climate
classification is Aw. The average annual Zambales is a province in the
temperature is 27.2 °C in Tarlac. Precipitation Philippines located in the Central Luzon
here averages 2013 mm. region in the island of Luzon. Its capital is Iba.
Natural Resources Land Area and Location
The economy of Tarlac is dominantly Land Area
agricultural. The principal crops are rice and
sugarcane. Other major crops are corn and Zambales land area is 3,830.83 km2,
coconut; vegetables such as eggplant, garlic, Zambales is the second largest among the
and onion; and fruit trees like mango, banana, seven provinces of Central Luzon.
and calamansi. It is among the biggest
producers of rice and sugarcane, notably
grown in Hacienda Luisita in Barangay San Zambales borders Pangasinan to the
Miguel, Tarlac City, which is owned by the north, Tarlac and Pampanga to the east,
Cojuangco Family. Bataan to the south and the Soutgh China Sea
to the west.
Culture and Tradition
This region has a tropical climate.
 The Malatarlak Festival - The Malatarlak
During most months of the year, there is
Festival takes its name from the a variety
significant rainfall in Zambales. There is only
of grass that is native to the Luzon area.
a short dry season. This climate is considered
The plant is celebrated with sumptuous
to be Am according to the Köppen-Geiger
pageantry that’s characterized by
climate classification.
schoolchildren dressed in grass-inspired
costumes, who dance to the beat of Natural Resources
traditional music.
 Rice Cake Festival - falls on the same day. It has 36,000 hectares of productive
Tarlac City’s annual Malatarlak Festival farmlands which planted by rice, corn,
takes over the city during this fun and vegetables, and other root
lively celebration that has a packed crops. Zambales also have a healthy mountain
program of events and activities for with different minerals. Mountains
visitors of all ages. in Zambales are rich in nickel, gold, copper,
chromite and manganese which are mostly
Tourist Sports and Landmarks found in Sta. Cruz and Masinloc, Zambales.

 Monasterio de Tarlac - Monasterio de Culture and Tradition

Tarlac is a popular tourist destination in
the province of Tarlac in the Philippines. It
is a monastery on top of Mount  Paynauen Festival - The Paynauen Duyan
Resurrection, part of the Zambales Festival, a thanksgiving to nature’s
Mountain Range in San Jose, one of the blessings, will unfold on the occasion of
municipalities in Tarlac. the 403rd Foundation Day of Iba, the
 Capas National Shrine - The Capas capital of the province of Zambales.
National Shrine in Barangay Aranguren,  Dinamulag Festival - The
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines was built by the Dinamulag Festival also known as
Philippine government as a memorial to the Zambales Mango Festival is an
Allied soldiers who died at Camp
annual festival held in the province location has been central enough for the area
of Zambales in the Philippines to celebrate to be the choice of FedEx's Asia One Hub and
or encourage bountiful harvest of the the United Parcel Services (UPS). The region
province's mangoes. also contains the largest plain of the
Philippines and produces most of the
Tourist Spots and Landmarks country's rice supply.
 Mt. Tapulao - Mount Pinatubo is an
active stratovolcano in the Zambales
Mountains, located on the tripoint REF.
boundary of the Philippine provinces of
Zambales, Tarlac and Pampanga, all in https://www.vigattintourism.com/tourism/articles/
Central Luzon on the northern island of Central-Luzon-Region-III-Profile
 Magalawa Island - Magalawa is a 56- www.dti.gov.ph
hectare island on the west coast of Luzon. www.philstar.com
It is located in Zambales, which is also en.climate-data.org
home to surf spots and hidden coves. lga.gov.ph
 Potipot Island - Crystal-clear waters and a philippinescities.com
creamy white sand beach greets the visitor www.vigattintourism.com
at Potipot Island. Potipot island in Uacon, www.yellow-pages.ph
Candelaria, Zambales had been around www.islandsproperties.com
our travel radar for years but we had chasejaseph.com
never seriously considered going there www.thepoortraveler.net
until recently. www.tripadvisor.com.ph
 Anawangin Beach - Crescent-shaped
beach featuring fine volcanic sand &
backed by pine trees, with tent camping.

IV. Conclusion

Central Luzon is one of the leading

growth regions in the Philippines. It is
strategically located at the heart of Asia, and
no other place with sea and air travel and
cargo facilities can equal Central Luzon in
terms of almost equal travel time in Asia. Its

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