Melamine/Formaldehyde Crosslinkers: Characteriza-Tion, Network Formation and Crosslink Degradation
Melamine/Formaldehyde Crosslinkers: Characteriza-Tion, Network Formation and Crosslink Degradation
Melamine/Formaldehyde Crosslinkers: Characteriza-Tion, Network Formation and Crosslink Degradation
Research Staff, Ford Motor Company, P.O. Box 2053, Dearborn, MI 48121 (U.S.A.)
1 Introduction
H’ ‘CH20CH3
?H20H $H,OH
Melamine/formaldehyde pair groups
1. -N’ 6. -N’ N-
‘H ‘CH20CH,’
2. -N’ 7. -N’
3. -N\ /N- 8. -N’
9. -N’
5. -N’ 10. -N’
‘H NMR chemical shift@
13C NMR chemical shiftsa
N//C*--NHz 167.4
N/C*-NH( CH,O-) 166.0 - 166.6
N//C*-N(CH20-)2 165.4 - 165.8
-NHCH20C*H20- 93.0
-N(CH20C*H3)2 55.4
-NHCH20C*H3 54.5
-NCH20C*H2CH2CH2CH3 66.9
-NCH20CH2*CH2CH2CH3 31.4
-NCH20CH2CH2C*H2CH3 18.9
-NCH20CH2CH2CH2C*H3 13.7
-NCH20CH2C*H(CH3)2 28.1
-NCH20CH2CH( C*H3)2 18.9
3 Crosslinking kinetics
Melamine/formaldehyde reactions
_ N/W$CH~
_ /H: _N/CHZgR
-t-ROH kj FAST
‘CH,OCH, +%y \CH20CH3
p-q R kq _y+@R +H*
-N\ -k_,
_ N/%0CH3 _ k3 _N/wCH3
‘CHzOH 7y \H
,CH,OCH, ,CH2-:CH3
kg, +
\H - \H
__&+ FAST
- N=CH,+ ROH -N
z ‘H
catalyze cure of groups which react via the mechanism depicted in Fig. 2.
The difference in acid strength required is determined by the difference in
mechanism and is also related to the difference in ease of protonation of
partially-alkylated melamines uersus fully-alkylated melamines [ 391.
4 Network formation
c, = -
where MO is the functionality equivalent weight, r the extent of reaction and
f the functionality. In this model, the efficiency of crosslinking is (rf - 2)/rf.
The model ignores the fact that in practical coatings there is no single func-
tionality. Rather, there is a .distribution of functionality. It is not obvious
which weighted average to use to obtain a value of f. This expression also
assumes a single crosslinking reaction.
The only detailed effort to model network structure in practical
melamine crosslinked coatings has been by Bauer et al. [7,29, 41,47, 481.
These workers have developed a model based on the probabalistic arguments
of Miller and Macosko [49]. The advantage of the Miller and Macosko
approach is that the data required as input can be obtained for practical
coatings. Although the mathematics is somewhat complex, expressions
which calculate the efficiency of crosslinking can be derived. To illustrate
the Miller-Macosko approach, a derivation will be given for a simple sys-
tem - an ‘n’ functional polyol crosslinked with hexamethoxymethyl-
melamine. Extension to more complex systems will be discussed.
There are two key concepts in the Miller-Macosko formalism. The first
involves directionality. Sitting on a functional group on the polyol one can
imagine looking two ways: back in towards the polymer chain or out from
the chain. If the functional group has reacted, one looks out from the group
on the polyol across the crosslink to the crosslinker molecule. The definition
of out and in for a group on the crosslinker is analogous. The other key
concept involves the difference between finite and infinite chains. Up to the
gel point there are no infinite chains. Above the gel point, there is an infinite
network. However, not all functional groups look either in or out to the
infinite network. The Miller-Macosko approach calculates the probability
that a given group is connected (either in or out) to a finite chain or infinite
network. These concepts are illustrated diagramatically in Fig. 4. For the
purpose of a simple example, it is assumed that the polyol only reacts with
methoxy groups on the melamine and that no other reaction occurs. The
melamine is assumed to be pure six-functional hexamethoxymethylmelamine.
All six groups are assumed to be equally reactive as are the groups on the
polyol. If the extent of reaction of hydroxy is r and the ratio of methoxy
groups to hydroxy groups is m, then the extent of reaction of methoxy is
r/m. The parameter that is calculated by the model is the probability that
looking out from a given group (hydroxy or methoxy) is a finite chain.
This probability is given by P(FA Out) and P(Faout) where A denotes the
polyol and B denotes the melamine. The probability that looking out from
a group on A is finite is given by the sum of two terms, the probability that
the group has not reacted (1- r) and the probability that it has reacted and
that the group that is attached to A is finite. This is the same as r times the
probability that looking into group B is finite [P(FB”)]. Thus the probabil-
ity is:
of C,, is based on an analogy with rubber elasticity theory which states that
a crosslink must be at least three-functional to contribute to the elastic
modulus. Crosslinks are counted by looking out from both polymer func-
tional groups and crosslinker functional groups. For the polyol the func-
tional group must look out to the infinite network [probability = 1 -
P(FAoUt)]. In addition, there must be at least two other paths from polymer
functional groups which lead out to the infinite network. The same criteria
are used for the crosslinker groups. Since two groups yield one crosslink,
C,i is calculated by summing the polymer and crosslinker groups which are
elastically effective and dividing by two. The value of C,i for the network
described above is given by the following:
Fig. 5. Chemical crosslink density and Cd required to achieve acceptable solvent resis-
tance in acrylic melamine coatings as a function of the number average molecular weight
of the acrylic polymer. The symbols containing an X denote non-acrylic polymers. See
ref. 46 for details.
I.0 -
i 08 -
; 0.6 -
Fig. 6. Plots of C,l uersus the extent of reaction for a polymer of functionality n cross-
linked with hexamethoxymethylmelamine. The equivalent weight (EQ) was 625 and the
ratio of methoxy to hydroxy (m) was 2.0.
Fig. 9. Plots of C’,l versus bake temperature for different methoxy to hydroxy ratios.
The catalyst level was held constant and the polymer equivalent weight adjusted to
achieve Cd = 1.0 X lop3 mol g-l after 17 min at 130 “C. The calculation ignores methoxy
self-condensation (reaction 4 of Table 4). Reprinted with permission from ref. 41.
Fig. 8, the degree of hydroxy conversion was 85% at 130 “C and the ratio
of methoxy to hydroxy was 1.5. Increasing the hydroxy equivalent weight
and increasing the catalyst level (by 40%) so that cure is achieved at 90%
conversion would yield a coating with a 25% larger cure window. Of course,
increasing the acid level in the coating can lead to shelf stability problems.
Cure windows can also, in principle, be increased by increasing the ratio of
methoxy to hydroxy (see Fig. 9). In practice this advantage may be over-
stated since the model ignores methoxy self-condensation (reaction 4 of
Table 4). This reaction is more likely at high methoxy levels and high bake
temperatures leading to higher values of crosslink density at high ratio.
Finally, it was found that the cure windows of high-solids coatings are more
sensitive to composition variation. For example, a +20% variation in molec-
ular weight of the copolymer has almost no effect on the cure window of a
low-solids coating, but the same variation is found to reduce the cure win-
dow of a high-solids coating by as much as 25% [48]. In general, it is found
that cure response in high-solids coatings tends to be more sensitive to batch-
to-batch variations than it is in low-solids coatings. This implies that quality
control will be particularly important in high-solids coatings.
In the above discussion, there was no mention of how wide a cure
window is required for a given application. It was simply assumed that a
wider cure window was better. The crosslinking kinetic model and the net-
work structure model have been used by Bauer and Dickie to determine
the relationship between process variables (heat transfer rates and bake
schedules), coatings variables (cure window) and cure response [55]. Again
the application was specific to automotive painting, though the method-
‘ology is quite general. First, air and car body temperatures were used to
derive heat transfer rates for different parts of the car body. The heat trans-
fer rates were used to determine the response of the car body to arbitrary
oven bake schedules. The cure response of a variety of high- and low-solids
paints was determined both for experimentally measured car body temper-
ature profiles and for profiles generated from ‘optimized’ ovens where the
air temperature was adjusted to give optimum cure. The coatings were
characterized in terms of their cure window (in “C) for a 17 mm bake. The
high-solids paints were chosen to have cure windows less than that of the
conventional low-solids paint studied (50 “C). From the experimental car
body profiles, it was found that the low-solids paint generally achieved an
acceptable cure, i.e. there were very few over and underbakes and these were
not large in magnitude. However, as the cure window was narrowed the
number and magnitude of the under and overbakes increased. Thus, coatings
with narrow cure windows will require some change in process. From the
studies of the optimized ovens, it could be shown that the two process
changes which would accommodate paints with narrow cure windows are (1)
increasing the bake time and (2) increasing the minimum heat transfer rate.
Heat transfer rates are complex functions of air flow in the bake oven and
car body design. It may be difficult in practice to maintain a sufficiently
large enough heat transfer rate to compensate for the likely decrease in cure
window with the use of high-solids coatings. If this is in fact the case, in-
creasing the bake time may be the only viable option for achieving accept-
able cure response.
5 Crosslink degradation
5.1 Hydrolysis
The crosslinking reactions listed in Table 4 are, in general, reversible.
For example, soaking a crosslinked film in acidified methanol would even-
tually break all of the polymer-melamine crosslinks regenerating a methyl-
ated melamine and the hydroxy functional polymer. Melamine linkages are
also susceptable to attack by water. Berge et al. have studied the hydrolysis
of melamine linkages in solution and found that the reaction of alkoxy
groups on melamine with water proceeds by the same mechanism as reaction
with hydroxy groups [40]. Partially-alkylated melamines react via general
acid catalysis while fully-alkylated melamines react via specific acid catalysis.
Although these hydrolysis reactions have been known for many years, the
rate of hydrolysis in crosslinked films exposed to water has only recently
been measured. Bauer has measured the hydrolysis rates of coatings with
both fully- and partially-alkylated melamines exposed to condensing humid-
ity as a function of temperature, acid level and other coating variables [21].
The results were completely consistent with the solution measurements of
5.2 Photodegradation
Despite the significant hydrolysis chemistry that occurs in coatings
exposed to condensing humidity, there is usually little perceived change in
the physical appearance of the coating. Coatings that are well cured rarely
exhibit humidity problems such as blushing. This may be due to the fact
that scission of polymer-melamine crosslinks is compensated by the forma-
tion of melamine-melamine crosslinks. Normally the durability of melamine
crosslinked coatings is determined by their resistance to ultraviolet (UV)
light [ 57 - 601. The mechanism of UV light degradation is generally thought
to be by photoinduced free-radical attack on the polymer [61]. Specific
attack on the polymer-melamine crosslinks has only recently been con-
sidered. It should be noted, however, that humidity does play a role in the
degradation of melamine crosslinked coatings. Coatings are found to weather
more rapidly in the humid atmosphere of Florida than in the dry climate of
Arizona even though the intensity of UV light is higher in Arizona [ 591.
Gerlock et al. have reported that the hydrolysis reactions observed
during condensing humidity were found to proceed at an accelerated rate in
the presence of UV light [62]. This was subsequently studied in detail by
Bauer and Briggs [63] and by English and Spinelli [ 64,651, and later by
Bauer et al. [ 541 and Gerlock et a2. [ 661. English and Spinelli measured the
IR spectrum of a fully-alkylated melamine crosslinked coating exposed for
two years in Florida [64,65]. They found evidence for methoxy hydrolysis
but no evidence for polymer-melamine crosslink hydrolysis nor melamine-
melamine condensation. They proposed that the observed acceleration in
hydrolysis of methoxy groups was due to the formation of carboxylic acid
functionality as a result of the photo-oxidation of the coating. Bauer and
Briggs measured the IR spectra of both partially- and fully-alkylated
melamine crosslinked acrylics as a function of UV light intensity, time and
humidity of exposure [63]. They found that scission of both the methoxy
and polymer-melamine crosslinks occurred at an accelerated rate in the
presence of UV light. Some scission occurred in the absence of water and
was suggested to be due to free-radical attack on the crosslink. The rate of
scission increased with increasing humidity and the rate was larger than
could be explained by simple dark hydrolysis. Melamine-melamine crosslink
formation was only observed for the partially-alkylated melamine cross-
linked coating under humid conditions. This was later observed by Bauer
et al. for fully-alkylated melamine crosslinked coatings but only after exten-
sive exposure [ 541. The rate of methoxy loss of an aqueous solution of hexa-
methoxymethylmelamine was also found to be accelerated in the presence
of UV light, though not by as much as in the coatings. On the basis of these
results, Bauer and Briggs proposed that the acceleration was due to melamine
excited-state chemistry. Melamine has a weak absorbance at 300 nm and the
excited state is more easily protonated than the ground state [63], and thus
the excited state could be expected to hydrolyze faster than the ground
state. This explanation did not, however, explain the observation that the
rate of methoxy loss decreases by a factor of two when a hindered amine
light stabilizer is added, or the observation that the rate is largest in coatings
with high rates of photo-oxidation. Recently, Gerlock et aE. have measured
the emission rates of formaldehyde and methanol from coatings with and
without nitroxide free-radical scavengers [ 663. These data conclusively
demonstrate that the mechanism of ‘photoenhanced hydrolysis’ is free
radical in nature. They also showed that not all of the formaldehyde pro-
duced on self-condensation escapes from the coating. Rather, a substantial
amount is retained and is able to participate in the free-radical oxidation.
Formaldehyde is a peracid precursor. Formaldehyde and performic acid have
been suggested to play a key role in the photodegradation of melamine cross-
linked coatings, and may also affect the chemistry of stabilization by hin-
dered amines.
Although changes in crosslink structure may not have much effect on
the gloss of pigmented coatings, they may play a key role in the durability of
clear coats. Increased or excessive crosslinking has been implicated in crack-
ing of clear coats [67 1. The formation of rigid melamine-melamine cross-
links may result in premature failure of melamine crosslinked clear coats. It
is generally observed that clear coats based on fully-alkylated melamines are
more durable than ones based on partially-alkylated melamines. This may be
6 Summary