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Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): A Review

Conference Paper · January 2019


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2 authors:

Avin Abdullah Azad Mohammed

University of Sulaimani University of Sulaimani


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ISSN 1454 - 8003
Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX
November 7-9, Băile Govora, Romania

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): A Review

Civil Engg. Dept., College of Engineering, University of Sulaimani, Iraq, azad.mohammed@univsul.edu.iq
Civil Engg. Dept., College of Engineering, University of Sulaimani, Iraq, avin.abdullah@univsul.edu.iq

Abstract: In the present study, definition of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was presented in terms of
the main component of the instrument and step-by-step the process of SEM system. Schematic drawings
with SEM components pictures were provided for understanding the procedure of work in easy and true way.
Also, types of SEM were presented and discussed. The capability of energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS)
was also presented; this included historical background of EDS and how it works in accordance with SEM.
The existence of EDS capability with SEM instrument is very essential for qualitative and quantitative
analysis for any specimen. In the absence of EDS only information on surface topography of the specimen
can be produced through SEM. The two most powerful features of SEM image are introduced and discussed
namely secondary electron imaging and backscattered electron imaging. Understanding principle of work of
both features is very important to have a complete knowledge on how SEM instrument works. SEM is
characterized by its easy operation. Having that knowledge one can manage to perform the analysis and
imaging very smoothly.

Keywords: Backscattered electron imaging, Energy-dispersive spectrometer, Scanning electron microscopy,

Secondary electron imaging.

1. Introduction

In general, two types of microscopy are available: optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM). The former is the oldest one, which has been used since the last two centuries
in the form of simple device with limited capabilities. It is also called light microscopy. OM differs
from SEM in the following properties and features: (a) the main principle of work in OM is the light
unlike SEM, which depend upon electron emission. (b) simple OM has only one lens while
compound OM has two lenses. The lenses depend on bending the light to magnify the images. (c)
magnification of modern OM reaches to the range between 400-1000 times the original sizes,
which is very low compared to SEM having magnification reaches to 300,000x. (d) both living cells
and solid materials can be examined by OM. (e) however, very few small organics can be visible
and small solid pieces can be observed. This is due to the capability of the OM to small and thin
samples only. (f) conversely, SEM provides a more detailed field with gray-scale images. (g)
therefore, it can be said that SEM is more expensive than OM and cannot easily be maintained. (h)
images produced from OM show the true colors of the examined object. Fig. 1 displays optical
microscopy with compound lenses. There are three commercial types of OM: the stereo zoom
optical microscope, the petrographic microscope and automated optical microscope [1].
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which is also recognized as SEM analysis or SEM
technique, has been used worldwide in many disciplines. It can be regarded as an effective
method in analysis of organic and inorganic materials on a nanometer to micrometer (µm) scale.
SEM works at a high magnification reaches to 300,000x and even 1000000 (in some modern
models) in producing images very precisely of wide range of materials. Energy Dispersive X-ray
Spectroscopy (EDS) works together with SEM to provide qualitative and semi-quantitative results.
Both techniques, together, have the potential to introduce fundamental information on material
composition of scanned specimens, which could not be provided by the common laboratory tests.
The analysis is done through SEM equipment, as shown in Fig. 2, which is a very developed SEM
Quanta device for materials science [2]. The device consists of variable pressure system with the
ability to hold any samples (even wet or samples with minimum preparation). The device allows to
analyze samples with diameter up to 200 mm and height of 80 mm. Magnification of the device

ISSN 1454 - 8003
Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX
November 7-9, Băile Govora, Romania

range from 5x to 300,000 x. Materials that can be used in SEM is organic and solid inorganic
materials including metals and polymers [3].
This paper presents an overview of SEM analysis in terms of background development of SEM,
definition, types and work process. Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) is introduced with
their historical development and its effectiveness in SEM system. Best SEM instrument properties
with available models for purchasing are very important to be included in this study.

Fig. 1. Optical microscopy with compound lenses [1] Fig . 2. SEM Quanta device [2]

2. Background Development of SEM

The idea of SEM is back to the thirteenth of the last century at which a first electron microscopy
was constructed based on the works that were conducted by two physics scientists Ruska and
Knoll in 1933. The instrument is called transmitted-electron microscope (TEM) shown in Fig. 3 with
electrons pass only through thin specimens, and magnification beyond that of the well known
optical microscope [4]. Subsequently, in 1938, Von Ardenne added scan coil to (TEM) constructing
scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) using voltage of (23 kV) at magnification of
(8000x) and resolution of (50-100 nm). The laboratory instrument by Ardenne included many
features, which become a standard since then to invent any SEM system [5]. However no
commercial instrument was invented based on Ardenne SEM principle results due to explosion in
his Lab [6]. Zworykin, Hillier and Snyder in 1942 presented a new description of SEM for thick
specimens examination. The role of secondary electron emission for topographic contrast was
identified [7]. Oatley in 1952 with the corporation of his student McMullan developed the
electrostatic lens SEM with using voltage of (40 kV) for the electron gun. McMullan followed by
Smith, who added other principles to McMullan work in his research. Smith recognized that the
micrographs could be improved by signal processing and nonlinear signal amplification was
introduced. Also, he produced double deflection scanning in order to upgrade the scanning system
[5]. Both students’ research laid the foundation for other in instrumentation. A new stereoscopic
pairs were designed by O. Wells in 1953 for examining the third dimension in the micrographs [6].
Another two research students (Everhart, T. and Thornley, R.) developed the operation of
scintillator detector (secondary detector) in electron conversion to light, which was transmitted to
more efficient photomultiplier. This led to increase the collected signals and improving the signal to
noise ratio [8]. In 1963, Pease built SEM V system with three magnetic lenses. This became the
first instrument commercially under the name of “ Stereoscan” Cambridge Scientific Instruments
Mark 1, which was available in markets since 1965 [6]. After that many advances have been
recorded such as sophisticating of electron sources for emission of more electrons and improving

ISSN 1454 - 8003
Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX
November 7-9, Băile Govora, Romania

resolution. The invention of energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) was of great benefit. The
system used successfully with SEM since 1968 to measure the x-rays by solid-state detector [5].
Development of SEM continued with producing more modern commercial equipment. During 1991-
1993, Danilatos conducted a study on the effects of environment on the examined specimens. As a
result a new instrument was developed which examine the surface of any specimen wet or dry.
The most recent evolution of SEM is the process of generating the images digitally. Followed by
displaying the images on computer screen. The majority of available commercial SEMs are
equipped with (EDS) system and modern software to analyse the received data [5]. The EDS
added the advantages of evaluating the composition of various elements in the sample with the aid
of computer program. The latter facilitate the whole operation process; it converts the intensity of x-
ray ratio to chemical compositions in a few seconds besides increasing quantitative analysis
performance [3].
3. Components and Working System of SEM
3.1 Main Components of SEM
The SEM machine consists of the following components:
a- A source to generate electrons of high energy, it is called electron gun, as in Fig 4.
b- Column down for travelling the electrons through two or more electromagnetic lenses, as in
Fig 5.
c- Deflection system consists of scan coils.
d- Electron detector for backscattered and secondary electron, as in Fig 6.
e- A chamber for the sample, as in Fig. 7.
f- Computer system consists of viewing screen to display the scanned images and keyboard
to control the electron beam, as in Fig. 7.

Fig. 3. First Electron microscope [4] Fig. 4. Electron gun [9]

Fig. 5. Electromagnetic lenses [9] Fig. 6. Electron detectors in the SEM system [9]

ISSN 1454 - 8003
Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX
November 7-9, Băile Govora, Romania

Fig. 7. All SEM components [9] Fig. 8. Schematic of scanning electron microscope (SEM) [9]

3.2 SEM Analysis Process

SEM is a tool at which invisible worlds of microspace and nanospace can be seen. Details and
complexity that is inaccessible by light microscopy can be revealed by SEM. This is all can be
achieved through the following process, which is well descripted by Goldstein et al. [5] and both
Fig. 7 and 8 can be used for more clarification:
a- The analysis will be done through applying a beam of electrons (having high-energy) in the
range between (100-30,000 electron volts). Usually a thermal source is used for electron
b- The spot size produced from the gun is too large to generate a sharp image therefore the
SEM equipped with the lenses to compress the spot and direct the focused electron on the
specimen. The spot size of most SEMs is less than (10 nm) with electrons collected from
the final lens interact with the specimen and penetrate to a depth of (1µm) to generate the
signals used to produce an image.
c- The image of the specimen is formed point by point depending on the movement of the
scan coils, which cause the electron beam to move to discrete locations in a form of straight
lines until a rectangular raster is produced on the surface of the specimen. All the process
depends on magnification required. In case when the operator requests a higher magnified
image, the scan coils make the beam to deflect a cross a smaller area. It is worth
mentioning that the working distance, which is the distance from the last lens to the surface
of the specimen, has an effect on the magnification, in which in the modern SEM this is
solved by automatic adjustment.
d- Electron detector is to detect the emitted electrons (signals) from the scanned sample. In
the absence of the detectors each signal generated due to the interaction between the
electron beam and the surface of the sample can generate an image alone, which is un-
understandable. Both secondary electrons (SE) and backscattered electrons (BSE) are
used in SEM image production. When a positive voltage is directed to the collector screen,
both SE and BSE will be collected. However, only BSE will be collected in case of negative
voltage applied on the collector screen. Fig 9 shows Scintillator detector, which can be
used for both secondary and backscattered electrons [10].
e- The signals then are displayed on the viewing screen and the operator will control the
brightness and the intensity until a reasonable clear image is obtained. In case where small
details are required within the specimen, magnification beyond (10,000x) should be applied.
f- The electron voltage mode (emitted from the gun) has influence on the provided details.
The scanned image will be rich in surface information if low accelerating voltages used less

ISSN 1454 - 8003
Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX
November 7-9, Băile Govora, Romania

than (5 kV). In contrast, the high accelerate voltages, which range between (15-30 kV),
which penetrate underneath the surface, will make the reflected signal from the surface
carry details about the interior of the sample. Fig. 10 is presented to show different
penetration level of electrons through the sample and the reflected signals [11].
g- The partly three-dimensional image obtained from SEM depends on visualization of the
topography of the sample in terms of (shape, size and surface texture). And this depends
on number of BSE and SE. Surprisingly, angle of inclination of the sample surface has a
direct effect on increasing both aforementioned numbers and as a result on topographic
contrast. An inclination (or it is called tilt angle as well) more than 50o up to 70 raises
number of BSE and SE signal to the peak.

Fig. 9. Scintillator detector for both secondary Fig. 10. Different penetration level of electron through the sample [11]
and backscattered electrons [10]

4. Types of SEM

There are three types of SEM, conventional SEM (CSEM), environmental SEM (ESEM) and low
vacuum SEM (LVSEM) [12].
a- In a conventional SEM (CSEM), the interaction of electron beam with specimen occurs in a
high vacuum (10-6 torr), at which torr is a unit measure of pressure (1 torr = 133.32 Pascal).
Thus low energy secondary electrons will be emitted from the sample with minimum
collisions with gas molecules in the chamber. However, dehydration and cracking of
concrete will occur due to this high vacuum, which will obstacle the ability to make direct
observations on crack propagation. But it can be smoothly applied in other cases such as
identifying Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR) or aggregate constituents in concrete, which are
unaltered by the vacuum.
b- The second type is environmental SEM (ESEM). In this type the interaction between
electron beam and specimen occurs at elevated pressures (0.2 to 20 torr), this has positive
and negative effects.
Positive effects:
i- Lessen or eliminates dehydration (generally, the minimum pressure to sustain liquid water is 4.6
ii- The elevated gas pressure has another benefit; discharging of any surface charge will occur by
ionization of the gas molecules. This reduces the need for conductive coatings and an improved
concrete imaging will be obtained.
iii- The ionization of gas molecules is the result of collisions between beam electrons and the
emitted electrons from the sample. This ionization will increase the strength of electron signal and
this is appositive effect.

ISSN 1454 - 8003
Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX
November 7-9, Băile Govora, Romania

Negative effect:
i- Such collisions lead to scattering and defocussing of the electron beam, which in turns lead to
uncertainty of the position of electron beam on specimen.
ii- This is not a problem for imaging but it is a serious problem in x-ray microanalysis because the
considered element in the analyzed spectrum may truly not be present at the assumed analysis
In conclusion, it can be said that ESEM can be successfully used for concrete imaging but of
limited ability for performing x-ray microanalysis.
iii- The third type of scanning electron microscope is the low vacuum SEM (LVSEM), which is
similar to a CSEM but also adapted to operate at elevated pressures (0.2 to 2 torr). In such
environment, any liquid water cannot be sustained and will dissipate very slowly in the vacuum.
Effect of this type of SEM on cracking will be very slow and not seen during a typical analysis.
Similar to CSEM, LVSEM eliminates surface charging and the need for coating.

5. Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS)

X-ray generates when the electron beam, which is emitted from the gun, penetrate and interact
with volume beneath the surface of the sample. The principle is defined very well in physics, when
electrons inter the coulomb field of a specimen it will decelerate and the loss of electron energy
emits as a photon. So, the same principle works in SEM analysis and x-ray photons will be emitted.
Those photons have energies particular to specimen elements; these will provide the SEM the
capabilities and called characteristic x-rays [5], as shown in Fig. 10.
Measuring the intensity of x-ray gives the quantification scheme; Heinrich illustrated this in his
publication (Quantitative Electron Probe Microanalysis) in 1968 [13]. It became a standard for the
developing x-ray field. What was missing at that time was the identification of several things: 1.
Determination of correction factors when electron penetration and scattering is measured was
essential. 2. X-ray absorption. 3. Conversion of x-ray intensity to relative concentration. The
development of energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) solved many problems associated with
Electron Probe field. Heinrich participated in the process of introducing EDS to x-ray field. Many
studies and works were implemented in this field to develop the x-ray field or electron probe field.
Most efficiently are development of computer software and a reference to microanalysis standard
materials [14].
A schematic picture is presented in Fig. 11 for showing the x-ray detecting system (solid state
detector). The EDS detector takes the responsibility of separating the x-ray characteristic of
various elements within the sample into energy spectrum. Then the spectrum will be analyzed by
EDS system software to determine the amplitude of specific element (photon energy will be
converted into electrical signals). Finally, the chemical composition maps of the elements can be
determined both qualitatively and quantitatively [5]. The complete scanning instrument SEM
equipped with EDS capability is presented in Fig 12. The procedure of quantitative analysis of the
scanned sample using SEM instrument equipped with EDS involves the following steps:
a- Determining the problem; in other words what exactly the purpose of the analysis
(composition gradient measurement or just chemical composition of the sample).
b- A qualitative analysis on the sample to determine different elements within the sample.
c- Preparation of the sample: the sample must be flat and polished with thickness less than
(0.1 µm), this will not appear under the microscope.
d- The polished sample should be kept before the analysis in a dry environment to lessen any
built up contamination on its surface.
e- Conduct the quantitative analysis by measuring x-ray intensities of each element in the
f- Performing quantitative corrections to produce numerical concentration through the

ISSN 1454 - 8003
Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX
November 7-9, Băile Govora, Romania

Fig. 11. Schematic picture of energy-dispersive spectrometer [5] Fig. 12. A high SEM performance instrument,
equipped with EDS system and a chamber room to
analyze and navigate large specimens [2]

6. Purchasing SEM Instrument

First, there are differences among different instruments and the three mentioned SEM types could
be used for analyzing concrete material. The best microanalysis data and highest possible
resolution can be obtained when using CSEM instrument. However, cracking and dehydration exist
and coating of the specimen with conductive media is important to eliminate surface charging.
ESEM has the ability to function as LVSEM and CSEM but design restrictions should be applied
which lead to optimum performance. LVSEM functions very well as CSEM with little to no hydration
cracking. Thus, each instrument has their capabilities; so for purchasing SEM several points
should be kept in mind [1]:
a- The instrument has the capability of largest possible specimen size and stage travel.
b- Most of SEM chamber area allow for specimens with diameter over (200 mm).
c- Choosing an instrument with a high detector take-off angle between (35- 40o ). This is the
inclination angle between the surface of sample and the x-ray detector.
d- Evaluation of the seller is very important by calling the customers who bought the
instruments to have information on field service cost and performance.
e- The sellers should also provide information on maintenance cost. Usually, it varies between
(1%-5%) of instrument total price per year. For instance if the cost of the SEM instrument
with EDS system is ($300,000), the maintenance cost will be between (£ 3000-$15,000).
Fig. 13 is a modern SEM device called Q250 Analytical SEM for Materials Science. It has a flexible
sample characterisation enabling of high vacuum, low vacuum, and ESEM for any sample. This is
available online from Thermo Scientific site. The instrument equipped with UltraDry EDS detector,
which enable surface and compositional analysis with images therefor it is very suitable for labs.
Fig. 14 is Hitachi High Technologies SEM called The SU3500 Scanning Electron Microscope. This
type is designed for a wide range of applications, (biological and advanced specimens are also
included). The SU3500 SEM has the following features: 1. It has a high image quality. 2. Wide
screen and fast auto image optimization process (need only 7 seconds). 3. Equipped with ultra
variable pressure detector. 4. It has a Stereoscopic image function with "3D" image observation.
The product can be purchased from Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc. (“HTA”) company

7. Conclusions

Basic concepts about scanning electron microscopy technique have been presented in this paper.
The following concluding remarks can be drawn.
1. It can be concluded that both CSEM and LVSEM might be the best choice for analyzing
concrete material as they both work at lower pressure than ESEM. This concept prevents
too much scattering of the electrons, eliminates defocusing of the electron beam and thus,
high resolution images will be produced.

ISSN 1454 - 8003
Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX
November 7-9, Băile Govora, Romania

2. The existence of EDS capability with SEM instrument is very essential for qualitative and
quantitative analysis for any specimen. In the absence of EDS only information on surface
topography of the specimen can be produced through SEM.
3. Two industrial companies was selected, who produce SEM with various models and
capabilities, Thermo fisher Scientific and Hitachi Company. They have very large selling
and through reviewing the costumers’ comments on their purchased product, very
satisfactory comments were provided online. The contact with both companies revealed
that they have good deals with discounts on most of their SEM products.
Understanding principle of work of both secondary electron imaging and backscattered electron
imaging features is very important to have a complete knowledge on how SEM instrument work.
SEM is characterized by its easy operation. Having that knowledge one (engineer) can manage to
perform the analysis and imaging very smoothly.

Fig. 13. Q250 Analytical SEM for Materials Science [2] Fig. 14. SU3500 Scanning Electron Microscope [15]

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ISSN 1454 - 8003
Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX
November 7-9, Băile Govora, Romania

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