Kang, C.H. and Sandler, S.I., 1987. Phase behavior of aqueous two-polymer systems. Fluid
Phase Equilibria, 38: 245-272.
Molecular weights and intrinsic viscosities of polymers from Albertsson (1971)
a In water at 293 K.
b From Edmond and Ogston (1968).
lxTInyi= arli T,p,n,,,
ai = yixi w4
ApL,= RT In ai (44
where xi is the mole fraction of component i. Equation (4~) is widely used
for polymer solutions instead of the activities and activity coefficients
because the activities of polymers are so small.
Under the assumption that each solvent molecule or segment of a poly-
mer chain occupies only one lattice site, and that polymers are distributed
where #i, ai and x ij refer to the volume fraction, number of moles of i, and
the interaction parameters between i and j components, respectively, and
mj is the ratio of the molar volume to a reference volume, here taken to be
that of the solvent, component 3 (thus m3 = 1). Since the number of sites
occupied by a polymer molecule is generally assumed to be proportional to
its volume, the site fractions become volume fractions when the polymer
molecules are divided into segments equal in volume to a solvent molecule.
Since the combinatorial part of eqn. (5) is approximate, the xii terms, in
fact, account for both entropic and enthalpic contributions (Flory, 1971).
The chemical potential of each component is obtained by differentiation
of the excess Gibbs energy of mixing with respect to the number of moles of
that species, ni, as given by Tompa (1956)
AFL- +j
& =ln It/i + I- mjC *22 + miCXij+, - miC C Xjk+jJ/k (6)
J J _i j k>j
From this equation it is not possible to obtain analytical expression for the
binodal curve, though the spinodal can be obtained analytically (Scott,
Using the local composition concept, Abrams and Prausnitz (1975) de-
rived the UNIQUAC model for the excess Gibbs energy. Using weight
fractions rather than mole fractions (because the mole fractions of polymers
are very small) the UNIQUAC model is (Oishi and Prausnitz, 1978)
Here aj denotes the activity of j component, Y,’ and qJ’ are the volume
and surface area parameters of the j constituent per unit mass, $J and 0,l
are volume and surface area fractions and x, is the weight fraction of
species j. Also, li and r$ are given by
q’.k- hk
Ajk = R (7f)
where qj is the interaction energy between i and j molecules or segments
of polymer chains and z is the coordination number, which is usually set
equal to 10. Since the combinatorial contribution to the excess Gibbs energy
is applicable to mixtures containing very large molecules as well as mole-
cules of similar size, UNIQUAC may be used to represent the properties of
polymer solutions (Abrams and Prausnitz, 1975).
To use the two models discussed above to predict the phase behavior of
polymer solutions, we must determine the physical properties of the pure
components. In the F-H model, the specific volumes of components are
required to calculate the volume fractions, while volume and surface area
parameters, r’ and q’, are needed in the UNIQUAC model. For simplicity,
the polymers of interest are considered to be linear with the same repeat
units. For instance, dextran D37 (En = 8.3 X 104) is assumed to differ from
D48 (M, = 1.8 X 105) only in the number of the repeat units corresponding
to the difference of their molecular weights.
For determination of specific volumes of polymers, density data of
aqueous solutions of D48 and PEG6000 at 293 K were taken from Alberts-
son (1971). Using the Redlich-Kister expansion (Sandler, 1977) for the
correlation of the solution densities, specific volumes of 0.6428 and 0.80982
cm3 g-’ were obtained for dextran and PEG, respectively, when only the
first cross-product term was retained. For comparison, the group contribu-
tion tabulations of Schroeder and of Le Bas (Reid et al., 1977) yielded 0.663
r’ and q’ parameters for components estimated by various correlations for polymers
a and b are based on correlations of Brelvi (1982) and Abrams and Prausnitz (1975),
’ From Gmehling et al. (1982). The polymers are assumed linear as discussed in the text.
and 0.8095 cm3 g-l, respectively, for dextran, while 0.6 (Edmond and
Ogston, 1968) and 0.611 cm3 g-’ (Bamberger et al., 1985) were reported in
the literature. For PEG, the group contribution method (Reid et al., 1977)
gives 0.888 cm3 g-’ while a value of 0.837 cm3 g-’ has been reported in the
literature (Edmond and Ogston, 1968). In this study, we used 0.626 and
0.832 cm3 g-’ for the specific volumes of dextran and PEG, irrespective of
molecular weights, which were obtained by correlations’of experimental data
of D48-water and PEG6000-water systems (Albertsson, 1971) assuming
additive mixture densities.
It is much more difficult to estimate the r’ and q’ parameters in the
UNIQUAC model. For PEG and water, those parameters are readily
available from the literature (Gmehling et al., 1982), while the parameters of
dextran had to be determined from the correlation of these parameters with
other physical properties information. A correlation of these parameters for
simple compounds has been proposed by Brelvi (1982) based on the critical
volume of the compound. The critical volume of dextran was estimated by
the group contribution method of Lydersen (Reid et al., 1977). Although the
correlation coefficients for the polymer are not given in his work, our
estimate was made using parameters for similar compounds. We have also
used the correlation method of Abrams and Prausnitz (1975) based on van
der Waals volumes and surface areas with values recommended by Bondi
(1968). The group parameters r’ and q’ so evaluated are normalized to the
-CH,- unit as proposed by Abrams and Prausnitz (1975). The parameters
thus determined are compiled in Table 2.
For ternary systems, the F-H model contains three adjustable parame-
ters, xi,, which characterize the mutual interactions between molecules. In
the UNIQUAC model for ternary systems, six interaction parameters be-
tween molecules or segments are adjustable. In all cases we consider the
F,(P)=ccc (94
k i j
X22k = %2k (9b)
The objective function with one fixed composition chosen equal to the
experimental data has been criticized because in true least-squares or maxi-
mum likelihood approximations the fixed composition must also be consid-
ered to contain error (Varhegyi and Eon, 1977). In fact, the choice of a
different fixed composition and/or a different phase leads to results of
different accuracy (Simonetty et al., 1982). In using the objective function of
eqn. (SC) tie lines were developed, and then an interpolation procedure was
used between the closest tie lines bracketing experimental data (Varhegyi
and Eon, 1977; Sorensen, 1980). However, if the calculated and predicted tie
lines are very different, the interpolation of the predicted tie lines may be
inaccurate and can cause problems in calculating the residue of the objective
function in terms of compositions.
To overcome the violation of the maximum likelihood principle and avoid
the difficulty in using eqn. (SC) mentioned above, we have developed a new
objective function by replacing eqn. (9b) with
dextran (wt%)
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram for tie line estimation method used with the new objective function
(eqn. (13b) with eqn. (9d) in text).
d). The predicted tie line (line b) with the experimental overall composition
is then obtained by linear interpolation between these two predicted tie
For the calculation above, we need to calculate the tie lines corresponding
to phase equilibrium. For two-phase, three-component systems, we have
Apt=Apf’ i=l,2,3 wd
i i
lines for the polymer solutions considered in this study are measured near
the plait point.
Since eqn. (lOa) is derived from the eqn. (2), the parameters satisfying this
condition may not yield a global minimum of the molar Gibbs energy, which
is the necessary and sufficient condition for LLE. The best way to attain the
global minimum is, although time consuming, by using a direct search
method over the whole parameter space.
Two problems can be encountered when eqns. (10) are used to predict
ternary LLE. First, the trivial solution of two identical phases may be found,
so that a homogeneous phase is predicted. Second, the necessary condition
of eqn. (10a) may result in compositions at maxima or saddle points.
Fortunately, the maxima and saddle points in the Gibbs energy can be
avoided by performing the stability test (Sorensen, 1980; van Dongen and
Doherty, 1983). As stated in the previous section, the exact calculation of
the tie lines is very time consuming and must be performed at every step
during the minimization procedure when an objective function in terms of
compositions is used. To facilitate this tedious calculation, Sorensen et al.
(1979) used an approximate linear transformation method. We have also
used this method to generate tie lines, and compare it here with the exact
calculation of tie lines described above.
If a set of parameters predicts a phase envelope close enough to the
experimental one, a function dependent on the predicted compositions can
be expanded by Taylor’s series expansion as follows
value which can correlate the measured phase envelope. This may be
accomplished by the use of a penalty function. However, the penalty term
should not significantly affect the residues of the objective functions. For
this reason penalty terms of the form Q,ciP,’ and Q,C,pf as shown below
were added to eqns. (8) and (9a), respectively, where Q, and Q, were given
with small values so as not to alter the residues of the functions appreciably
F,(P) = ccc
k i j
Thus, the model parameters are determined by minimizing an objective
function which satisfies the equivalence condition of the chemical potentials
for the same component in both phases, and the maximum likelihood
principle. Since the two thermodynamic models we consider differ only in
the numbers of the adjustable parameters, essentially the same minimization
procedure was used. The objective functions based on the equivalence
condition and the maximum likelihood principle are indicated by F,(p) and
F,(p), respectively.
With initial guesses as discussed below, all parameters were estimated by
fitting all the experimental tie lines using minimization of the objective
function F,(p). Once parameters which result in a reasonable binodal curve
are obtained, the objective function was changed to E;,(p) to improve the
predictions. In order to calculate Fx(p), the calculated tie lines were com-
pared with experimental data as explained above. The Nelder-Mead proce-
dure (Nelder and Mead, 1964) was used for minimization of an objective
function with two stop criteria. The first was to compare the standard error
in the residues of the objective functions over a simplex in the form
J, n with a prefixed small value, where n is the number of the
points and yj and ji are a local and average residues over the simplex. Since
we are interested in parameters which result in values of the objective
function close to zero, another stop criterion was comparison of the residue
of the objective function with a small prefixed value.
The estimated Flory parameters for aqueous polymer systems of various dextrans and
PEG6000 using experimental data of Albertsson (1971). Q, and Q, were 1.0 x lo-‘* and
1.0 X lo-‘, respectively
2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5
- - . ._ - _ -
;4” 33d JO LN331I3d ,LH313M
NvxLx3a .LN313IU303
0 P t n
The estimated Flory parameters for aqueous polymer systems of various dextrans and
PEG6000 with xz3 fixed at 0.436 (Edmond and Ogston, 1968). Q, and Q, were as given in
Table 3
with x,; = 22. Except for the D48 system, the interaction parameters
computed with the fixed xz3 are close to those obtained when all three
parameters are estimated simultaneously.
In Table 5 are shown the interaction parameters of the F-H model
determined from other literature data along with xz3 obtained as described
above. The parameter xl3 was calculated from the second virial coefficient
The Flory parameters determined for aqueous polymer systems of various dextrans and
PEG6000 at 293 K
a Calculated from eqn. (15) using plait points data (Albertsson, 1971).
b Calculated from second virial coefficients (Edmond and Ogston, 1968) obtained from the
plait point data (Albertsson, 1971).
’ From Edmond and Ogston (1968).
d Calculated by eqn. (14) with eqn. (9d).
using osmotic pressure information (Edmond and Ogston, 1968) and the xi2
was calculated from plait point data using the equation below derived by
Scott (1949)
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Fig. 3. Comparison of distribution coefficients of dextran calculated with different interaction
parameters for D37-PEG6000-water system at 293 K. Results mentioned in the legends are
given in Table 6.
of eqn. (13a) were used for the initial guess of the next adjustment by
minimization of the objective function of eqn. (13b) with the constraint of
eqn. (9b) or eqn. (9d). To calculate the equilibrium compositions with the
given model parameters, both the linear transformation method and the
minimization of eqn. (11) in compositions were tested. In Table 6 are listed
the interaction parameters determined by different objective functions and
calculation methods for the D17-PEG6000 system at 293 IS. Results A and
B were obtained by minimizing eqns. (13) with eqn. (9b), though the linear
transformation method was used to obtain result B. The results C and D
were obtained with the tie lines calculated by minimizing eqn. (1Oa) for
UNIQUAC parameters determined for the D17-PEG6000-water system at 293 K using
various objective functions and constraints. The initial guesses for A,, and A,, were 115.62
and - 95.701 with subscripts 1, 2 and 3 for dextran, PEG. and water. r’s and q’s of dextran
and PEG were 0.02717 and 0.0387, and 0.0196 and 0.025’7, respectively. Q, and Q, were set
equal to l.OX1O-8
-E -
- -
- Result
- Result C in Table 6
- Result 0 in Table 6
0 I I I I I I I I I I I
2.5 50 7.5 iO.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0
Tie-Line Length(TLL)
Fig. 4. Comparison of binodal curves (4.A) and distribution coefficient of dextran (4.B)
obtained by different parameter estimation methods for D17-PEG6000-water system at 293
K using the UNIQUAC model. Estimated parameters are listed in Table 6.
model can predict the phase behavior fairly well, there is no consistency of
the parameters from system to system, or at different temperatures for the
same system.
It is known that the two UNIQUAC parameters are strongly intercorre-
lated for binary systems (Anderson and Prausnitz, 1978). To investigate the
UNIQUAC parameters determined for different initial guesses of A,, and A,, of the
D17-PEG6000-water system at 273 K where subscripts 1, 2 and 3 denote dextran, PEG and
water. For the initial guess A, - 100.00 was used for A,, and A,,, while 100.0 and - 100.0
were used for A,, and AZ1 in the initial guess B. r’s and q’s of dextran and PEG were
0.02717 and 0.0387, and 0.0196 and 0.0257, respectively. Residues were calculated by eqn.
(14) with eqn. (9d). Q, and Q, were both 1.0X10-s
UNIQUAC parameters determined for various dextran-PEG-water systems using the new
objective functions. The r’ and q’ parameters are as in Table 7
a Specifications and the initial guess of Al2 and A,, are given by:
pj-, 80
zoo 250 300 350 4w 450 10
A(l,Z) in K
Fig. 5. Intercorrelation of the UNIQUAC parameters for D17-PEG6000-water system at
293 K.
. Experiments
- Guslafsson’sresults
- - The Flary-Huggins Model
- The UNIQUAC Model
I I 1
10 20 30
Tie-Line Length(TLL)
16 ,
+- D4B,'PEG6000,'water
-O- D37/PEC8000/rater
+I- D24,'PEC6000/rater
h D17/PEG6000/rater
2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0
Fig. 7. Effect of molecular weight of dextran on the predicted binodal curves. The shape
factors r’ and q’ are 0.024218 and 0.01816 for dextran, 0.0387 and 0.0257 for PEG,
respectively. The shape factors for water are given in Table 2. The estimated UNIQUAC
parameters are A,, - 111.6, A,, = - 155.62, A,, = 0.57682, A,, = - 229.29, A,, = - 75.246,
A,, = - 186.27.
UNIQUAC parameters determined for the D37-PEGCiOOO-water system at 293 K with
varying shape factors. The objective functions of eqns. (13) with eqn. (9b) were used to
estimate the parameters. The resulting residues were calculated using eqn. (14) with eqn. (9b).
Q, and Q, were 1.0~ lo-’
plait point data, the model may be more useful for predicting the phase
behavior of dextran-PEG-water systems.
This work was supported in part by a grant from the Korean Ministry of
Education to C.H.K., and by Grant No. DE-FG02-85ER 13436 from the
United States Department of Energy to the University of Delaware.
Greek letters
activity coefficient
2 surface area fraction
lli chemical potential
UNIQUAC parameter
+j volume fraction
Xij Flory-Huggins parameter
J/j volume fraction
1 dextran
3 water
e based on equivalence condition
i, j, k component, phase and sequential number of tie lines, respectively
X in terms of compositions
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